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  • opensrc/SMPStaticAnalyzer
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Commits on Source (11)
with 704 additions and 303 deletions
......@@ -712,6 +712,7 @@ extern DisAsmString DisAsmText;
#pragma pack(1)
class DefOrUse {
// Constructors
......@@ -764,6 +765,7 @@ private:
bool GloballyLoopInvariant; // DEF is not variant in any loop
}; // end of class DefOrUse
#pragma pack() // back to normal packing
// Comparison operator class to permit use of DefOrUse type in sets.
class LessDefUse {
......@@ -886,6 +886,7 @@ private:
STARSBufferCallArgMap BufferCallConstBufferArgsMap; // list of (bufptrargpos, bufsize) indexed by CallAddr
// Methods
void DestroyLoopExprs(void); // release loop-based symbolic memory access expressions
void EraseInstRange(STARS_ea_t FirstAddr, STARS_ea_t LastAddr);
void SetLinks(void); // Link basic blocks and map instructions to blocks
bool FindDistantCodeFragment(STARS_ea_t TargetAddr); // Is TargetAddr the start of a code fragment that belongs to this func, not a separate func?
......@@ -464,6 +464,7 @@ public:
void ListInArgRegsUsed(std::bitset<1 + MD_LAST_REG_NO> &RegNums); // list incoming argument register numbers encountered (SSA #0 in an InArg reg)
bool IsStackPtrOffset(const STARS_sval_t CurrentStackPtrOffset, STARS_sval_t &FinalStackPtrOffset) const; // If expr is SP+offset, add offset to Current to get Final
void SubstituteSSANum(SMPInstr *CallInst, const int NewSSANum, const STARSOpndTypePtr &InArgOp); // Find all uses of InArgOp, SSANum == 0, and give it NewSSANum; replace all ParentInsts with CallInst
bool SubstituteGlobalRangeValues(const bool InitCase); // Use MinVal if InitCase, MaxVal otherwise for global vars in expression
STARSOpndTypePtr FindLeftPreLoopDefOp(void) const; // For loop exprs, find the DefOp at LeftPreLoopDefAddr
bool AreAllRegsLoopInvariant(void) const; // Detect loop-invariant exprs, which can occur inside loops.
void SplitMemoryRangeExpr(bool PositiveIncrement, STARSExpression *&InitExpr, STARSExpression *&LimitExpr); // If this is a relational range expr, produce the lower and limit exprs
......@@ -101,6 +101,12 @@ struct GlobalVar {
std::set<std::pair<std::size_t, bool>, LessOff> FieldOffsets; // bool = accessed through index register by any instruction?
// For tracking the minimum and maximum values seen that were written to a global var.
struct STARSValueRange {
STARS_uval_t MinVal;
STARS_uval_t MaxVal;
class LtStr {
bool operator() (const char* c1, const char* c2) const {
......@@ -124,6 +130,9 @@ public:
inline std::map<std::string, STARS_ea_t>::iterator GetLastGlobalName(void) {
return GlobalNameMap.end();
// Methods for recovering min or max value seen directly written to a global var.
bool FindGlobalMinValue(const STARS_ea_t GlobalAddr, STARS_uval_t &MinValue) const;
bool FindGlobalMaxValue(const STARS_ea_t GlobalAddr, STARS_uval_t &MaxValue) const;
inline ProfilerInformation *GetProfInfo(void) { return ProfInfo; };
SMPFunction* FindFunction(STARS_ea_t FirstAddr) const; // get function from first addr in function
SMPFunction* FindFunctionAndBlockFromInstID(const STARS_ea_t AnyInstID, int &BlockNum) const; // get function and block # for any instruction ID, not just first ID
......@@ -140,7 +149,8 @@ public:
void SetProgramThrowsExceptions(void); // Record detection of __cxa_throw in the binary
void AddBlockToRemovalList(SMPBasicBlock *UnreachableBlock); // Add block, e.g. with "call 0" instruction, to later removal list.
std::pair<std::map<std::string, STARS_ea_t>::iterator, bool> InsertGlobalNameAddrMapEntry(std::pair<std::string, STARS_ea_t> TempPair) { return GlobalNameMap.insert(TempPair); };
void InsertGlobalVarTableEntry(std::pair<STARS_ea_t, struct GlobalVar> VarItem) { GlobalVarTable.insert(VarItem); };
inline void InsertGlobalVarTableEntry(std::pair<STARS_ea_t, struct GlobalVar> VarItem) { GlobalVarTable.insert(VarItem); };
void InsertGlobalVarMinMaxValue(const STARS_ea_t GlobalAddr, const STARS_uval_t ValueSeen); // Update min or max value seen if needed
inline std::pair<std::set<std::string>::iterator, bool> InsertLibraryFuncName(std::string FuncName) { return LibraryCallTargetNames.insert(FuncName); };
// Query methods
......@@ -175,6 +185,7 @@ private:
std::list<SMPFunction *> PrioritizedFuncList; // Functions in bottom-up call-graph analysis order
std::map<STARS_ea_t, struct GlobalVar> GlobalVarTable; // all global static variables
std::map<std::string, STARS_ea_t> GlobalNameMap; // map global name to address
std::map<STARS_ea_t, struct STARSValueRange> GlobalValueRangeMap; // map global addr to min/max values directly written to it
std::list<std::pair<STARS_ea_t, SMPFunction *> > FuncList; // FuncMap entries prioritized in desired order for analysis
std::set<STARS_ea_t> UnsharedFragments; // Code fragments incorporated into their callers; remove from FuncMaps
std::set<STARS_ea_t> DataToCodeXrefTargets; // Code targets of data xrefs; probably will be called indirectly
......@@ -189,7 +200,6 @@ private:
// Methods
void InitStaticDataTable(void); // Gather info about global static data locations
void ComputeGlobalFieldOffsets(struct GlobalVar &CurrGlobal);
FuncType RecurseAndMarkRetAdd(SMPFunction *);
void ProcessExceptionHandlingFileSections(void); // If exception throwing code is detected, mark exception-handling functions as unsafe for fast returns.
void ResetFuncsProcessed(void); // set all funcs to not processed before a whole program analysis
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include "interfaces/STARSTypes.h"
#include "interfaces/SMPDBInterface.h"
......@@ -20,9 +21,15 @@ class STARS_Instruction_t
// Constructors and destructors
STARS_Instruction_t(const STARS_InstructionID_t& p_id) : m_id(p_id)
{ p_id.AddIDToInsnMapping(this);}
virtual ~STARS_Instruction_t(){}
virtual ~STARS_Instruction_t()
// Data initialization methods
virtual bool STARS_GetCmd(void) = 0;
......@@ -83,9 +90,21 @@ class STARS_Instruction_t
virtual void Dump() { } ;
static void DumpCreationStats(std::ostream & out)
out<<"#ATTRIBUTE STARS_Instruction_t_created: "<<std::dec<<objects_created<<std::endl;
out<<"#ATTRIBUTE STARS_Instruction_t_destroyed: "<<std::dec<<objects_destroyed<<std::endl;
out<<"#ATTRIBUTE STARS_Instruction_t_current : "<<std::dec<<objects_created-objects_destroyed<<std::endl;
STARS_InstructionID_t m_id;
static uint64_t objects_created;
static uint64_t objects_destroyed;
......@@ -12,8 +12,14 @@ class STARS_op_t
// Constructors
STARS_op_t() = default;
virtual ~STARS_op_t() = default;
virtual ~STARS_op_t()
// Clone method (deep copy).
virtual STARSOpndTypePtr clone(void) const = 0;
......@@ -78,6 +84,18 @@ class STARS_op_t
// Printing methods.
virtual void Dump() { }
static void DumpCreationStats(std::ostream & out)
out<<"#ATTRIBUTE STARS_op_t_created: "<<std::dec<<objects_created<<std::endl;
out<<"#ATTRIBUTE STARS_op_t_destroyed: "<<std::dec<<objects_destroyed<<std::endl;
out<<"#ATTRIBUTE STARS_op_t_current : "<<std::dec<<objects_created-objects_destroyed<<std::endl;
static uint64_t objects_created;
static uint64_t objects_destroyed;
......@@ -18,6 +18,58 @@ extern STARS_Interface_t* global_stars_interface;
class STARS_IRDB_Instruction_t : public STARS_Instruction_t
class DecodedInstructionMicro_t
DecodedInstructionMicro_t(const libIRDB::virtual_offset_t addr, const void* bits, const uint32_t length)
const auto disasm=libIRDB::DecodedInstruction_t(addr, bits,length);
DecodedInstructionMicro_t(const libIRDB::Instruction_t* irdb_insn)
const auto disasm=libIRDB::DecodedInstruction_t(irdb_insn);
bool hasRelevantRepnePrefix() const { return m_hasRelevantRepnePrefix;}
bool hasRelevantRepPrefix() const { return m_hasRelevantRepPrefix;}
bool hasRelevantOperandSizePrefix() const { return m_hasRelevantOperandSizePrefix;}
bool hasRexWPrefix() const { return m_hasRexWPrefix;}
bool hasImplicitlyModifiedRegs() const { return m_hasImplicitlyModifiedRegs;}
bool isUnconditionalBranch() const { return m_isUnconditionalBranch;}
bool isCall() const { return m_isCall;}
uint32_t length() const { return m_length;}
libIRDB::virtual_offset_t getAddress() const { return m_getAddress; }
const std::string& getMnemonic() const { return m_getMnemonic; }
bool m_hasRelevantRepnePrefix:1;
bool m_hasRelevantRepPrefix:1;
bool m_hasRelevantOperandSizePrefix:1;
bool m_hasRexWPrefix:1;
bool m_hasImplicitlyModifiedRegs:1;
bool m_isUnconditionalBranch:1;
bool m_isCall:1;
uint32_t m_length:6;
libIRDB::virtual_offset_t m_getAddress;
std::string m_getMnemonic;
void init(const libIRDB::DecodedInstruction_t& disasm)
// create SSA marker
......@@ -42,8 +94,10 @@ class STARS_IRDB_Instruction_t : public STARS_Instruction_t
IDAOpcodeCached = false;
#if 0 // Redundant; called from SMPInstr::Analyze()
bool res=STARS_GetCmd();
virtual ~STARS_IRDB_Instruction_t() {}
......@@ -71,7 +125,7 @@ class STARS_IRDB_Instruction_t : public STARS_Instruction_t
// add rax, rdx (intel) means rax=rax+rdx;
virtual uint32_t GetInstFeatures(void) const { return features; }
virtual uint32_t GetInitialInstFeatures(bool ShiftOperands = false) const;
virtual uint32_t GetInitialInstFeatures(bool ShiftOperands, const libIRDB::DecodedInstruction_t& p_disasm) const;
// jdh: consider returning by reference?
virtual STARSOpndTypePtr GetOpnd(std::size_t OpndNum) const
......@@ -213,9 +267,12 @@ class STARS_IRDB_Instruction_t : public STARS_Instruction_t
// useful for other IRDB classes.
virtual const libIRDB::Instruction_t* GetIRDBInstruction() const { return irdb_insn;}
static STARSOpndTypePtr VoidOpndsPtr; // common pointer to a void operand for all operands not used, to save memory
const libIRDB::Instruction_t* irdb_insn;
libIRDB::DecodedInstruction_t disasm;
DecodedInstructionMicro_t disasm;
std::vector<STARSOpndTypePtr> Operands;
uint32_t features;
uint16_t IDAOpcode; // cached result from GetIDAOpcode()
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class STARS_IRDB_op_t;
// to help easy porting if this ever changes.
typedef std::shared_ptr<STARS_IRDB_op_t> STARSIRDBOpndTypePtr;
#pragma pack(1)
class STARS_IRDB_op_t : public STARS_op_t
......@@ -98,6 +99,14 @@ class STARS_IRDB_op_t : public STARS_op_t
case op_Reg:
case op_CrReg:
case op_DrReg:
case op_Eflags:
case op_MMXReg:
case op_XMMReg:
case op_YMMReg:
case op_FPReg:
case op_Mxcsr:
return operand.reg.RegNum;
case op_Mem:
return operand.mem.base;
......@@ -182,14 +191,10 @@ class STARS_IRDB_op_t : public STARS_op_t
virtual bool IsMemNoDisplacementOp(void) const { return OpType==op_Mem && operand.mem.disp==0; }
virtual bool IsMemOp(void) const { return OpType==op_Mem; }
virtual bool HasSIBByte(void) const { assert(OpType==op_Mem); return operand.mem.hasSIB; }
virtual bool IsFloatingPointRegOp(void) const
{ if(OpType!=op_Reg) return false; return STARS_x86_R_st0<= operand.reg.RegNum && operand.reg.RegNum<=STARS_x86_R_st7; }
virtual bool IsMMXRegOp(void) const
{ if(OpType!=op_Reg) return false; return STARS_x86_R_mm0<= operand.reg.RegNum && operand.reg.RegNum<=STARS_x86_R_mm7; }
virtual bool IsXMMRegOp(void) const
{ if(OpType!=op_Reg) return false; return STARS_x86_R_xmm0<= operand.reg.RegNum && operand.reg.RegNum<=STARS_x86_R_xmm15; }
virtual bool IsYMMRegOp(void) const
{ if(OpType!=op_Reg) return false; return STARS_x86_R_ymm0<= operand.reg.RegNum && operand.reg.RegNum<=STARS_x86_R_ymm15; }
virtual bool IsFloatingPointRegOp(void) const { return (OpType == op_FPReg); }
virtual bool IsMMXRegOp(void) const { return (OpType == op_MMXReg); }
virtual bool IsXMMRegOp(void) const { return (OpType == op_XMMReg); }
virtual bool IsYMMRegOp(void) const { return (OpType == op_YMMReg); }
virtual bool IsTestRegOp(void) const { return false; }
virtual bool IsDebugRegOp(void) const { return false; }
virtual bool IsControlRegOp(void) const { return false; }
......@@ -242,11 +247,6 @@ class STARS_IRDB_op_t : public STARS_op_t
// what's the global_index for Get/SetOpGlobalIndex
std::size_t global_index;
STARS_RegNo SegReg;
int byteWidth;
enum OperandType_t { op_Void, op_Reg, op_Mem, op_Imm, op_CrReg, op_DrReg, op_Eflags, op_MMXReg, op_XMMReg, op_YMMReg, op_FPReg, op_Mxcsr, op_SegReg, op_Addr } OpType;
......@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ class STARS_IRDB_op_t : public STARS_op_t
STARS_RegNo base;
STARS_RegNo index;
unsigned int scale:4; // can take values 0, 1, 2, 4, 8.
libIRDB::virtual_offset_t disp; // may be 64-bit imm in some x86-64 instructions.
unsigned int scale:4; // can take values 0, 1, 2, 4, 8.
bool hasSIB:1;
} mem;
......@@ -273,24 +273,17 @@ class STARS_IRDB_op_t : public STARS_op_t
} operand;
bool visible;
void Init()
// init the operand to 0, because the it should have no semantically valid meaning in any sense anyhow if OpType==Void.
enum OperandType_t { op_Void, op_Reg, op_Mem, op_Imm, op_CrReg, op_DrReg, op_Eflags, op_MMXReg, op_XMMReg, op_YMMReg, op_FPReg, op_Mxcsr, op_SegReg, op_Addr } OpType;
STARS_RegNo SegReg;
uint32_t byteWidth:6;
bool visible:1;
void Init(void);
virtual void Dump();
#pragma pack()
......@@ -778,15 +778,48 @@ list<SMPBasicBlock *>::const_iterator SMPBasicBlock::GetFallThroughSucc(void) co
if ((JUMP != LastDataFlow) && (INDIR_JUMP != LastDataFlow) && (RETURN != LastDataFlow) && (HALT != LastDataFlow) && (!LastInst->IsFixedCallJump())) {
// Block has fall-through.
STARS_InstructionID_t NextInstID = LastInst->GetInstID().GetInstruction()->GetNextInstructionID();
STARS_ea_t FallThroughSuccAddr = NextInstID.GetIDWithinFile();
for (list<SMPBasicBlock *>::const_iterator SuccIter = this->GetFirstConstSucc(); SuccIter != this->GetLastConstSucc(); ++SuccIter) {
STARS_ea_t FirstSuccAddr = (*SuccIter)->GetFirstAddr();
if (FirstSuccAddr == FallThroughSuccAddr) { // found fall-through
FallThroughSuccIter = SuccIter;
STARS_ea_t FallThroughSuccAddr = STARS_BADADDR;
#if 0
bool ValidLastInst = ((nullptr != LastInst) && (nullptr != LastInst->GetInstID().GetInstruction()));
if (ValidLastInst) {
STARS_InstructionID_t NextInstID = LastInst->GetInstID().GetInstruction()->GetNextInstructionID();
FallThroughSuccAddr = NextInstID.GetIDWithinFile();
for (list<SMPBasicBlock *>::const_iterator SuccIter = this->GetFirstConstSucc(); SuccIter != this->GetLastConstSucc(); ++SuccIter) {
STARS_ea_t FirstSuccAddr = (*SuccIter)->GetFirstAddr();
if (FirstSuccAddr == FallThroughSuccAddr) { // found fall-through
FallThroughSuccIter = SuccIter;
if (COND_BRANCH == LastDataFlow) {
STARS_ea_t NonFallThroughAddr = LastInst->GetJumpTarget();
assert(STARS_BADADDR != NonFallThroughAddr);
for (list<SMPBasicBlock *>::const_iterator SuccIter = this->GetFirstConstSucc(); SuccIter != this->GetLastConstSucc(); ++SuccIter) {
SMPBasicBlock *SuccBlock = (*SuccIter);
if (SuccBlock->GetFirstAddr() != NonFallThroughAddr) {
FallThroughSuccIter = SuccIter;
else {
assert((DEFAULT == LastDataFlow) || (CALL == LastDataFlow) || (INDIR_CALL == LastDataFlow));
if (1 >= this->GetNumSuccessors())
FallThroughSuccIter = this->GetFirstConstSucc();
else { // computed call or indir_call targets
STARS_ea_t FallThroughAddr = LastInst->GetFallThroughAddr();
for (list<SMPBasicBlock *>::const_iterator SuccIter = this->GetFirstConstSucc(); SuccIter != this->GetLastConstSucc(); ++SuccIter) {
SMPBasicBlock *SuccBlock = (*SuccIter);
if (SuccBlock->GetFirstAddr() == FallThroughAddr) {
FallThroughSuccIter = SuccIter;
return FallThroughSuccIter;
......@@ -798,12 +831,13 @@ list<SMPBasicBlock *>::const_iterator SMPBasicBlock::GetCondNonFallThroughSucc(v
vector<SMPInstr *>::const_reverse_iterator LastInstIter = this->GetRevInstCBegin();
SMPInstr *LastInst = (*LastInstIter);
SMPitype LastDataFlow = LastInst->GetDataFlowType();
if (COND_BRANCH == LastDataFlow) {
STARS_InstructionID_t NextInstID = LastInst->GetInstID().GetInstruction()->GetNextInstructionID();
STARS_ea_t FallThroughSuccAddr = NextInstID.GetIDWithinFile();
STARS_ea_t NonFallThroughAddr = LastInst->GetJumpTarget();
assert(STARS_BADADDR != NonFallThroughAddr);
for (list<SMPBasicBlock *>::const_iterator SuccIter = this->GetFirstConstSucc(); SuccIter != this->GetLastConstSucc(); ++SuccIter) {
STARS_ea_t FirstSuccAddr = (*SuccIter)->GetFirstAddr();
if (FirstSuccAddr != FallThroughSuccAddr) { // found non-fall-through
SMPBasicBlock *SuccBlock = (*SuccIter);
if (SuccBlock->GetFirstAddr() == NonFallThroughAddr) {
BranchTakenSuccIter = SuccIter;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2219,10 +2219,25 @@ STARSExpression::STARSExpression(const STARSDefUseIter Ref, SMPInstr *CurrInst)
// Destructor
STARSExpression::~STARSExpression() {
if (this->HasRightSubTree() && (nullptr != this->RightExpr))
#if 1
if (this->HasRightSubTree() && (nullptr != this->RightExpr)) {
delete this->RightExpr;
if (this->HasLeftSubTree() && (nullptr != this->LeftExpr))
this->RightExpr = nullptr;
if (this->HasLeftSubTree() && (nullptr != this->LeftExpr)) {
delete this->LeftExpr;
this->LeftExpr = nullptr;
if (nullptr != this->RightExpr) {
delete this->RightExpr;
this->RightExpr = nullptr;
if (nullptr != this->LeftExpr) {
delete this->LeftExpr;
this->LeftExpr = nullptr;
......@@ -3398,8 +3413,19 @@ bool STARSExpression::SimplifyExpr(STARSExpression *ParentExpr) {
if (ConstLeftOperand) {
STARS_uval_t LeftValue = this->GetConstLeftOperand()->GetImmedValue();
SMPoperator CurrOperator = this->GetOperator();
// Simplify increment or decrement of a constant.
if ((SMP_INCREMENT == CurrOperator) || (SMP_DECREMENT == CurrOperator)) {
// Hardware wraps around, so we don't have to prevent underflow or overflow here.
if (SMP_INCREMENT == CurrOperator)
STARSOpndTypePtr NewLeftOp = this->GetParentInst()->MakeImmediateOpnd(LeftValue);
return true; // Nothing more can be done at this level of the expr.
// Simplify multiplication by 0 or 1, division by 1, addition or subtraction of 0.
if (1 == LeftValue) {
else if (1 == LeftValue) {
if ((SMP_U_MULTIPLY == CurrOperator) || (SMP_S_MULTIPLY == CurrOperator)) {
// Multiply by 1, produces right tree as result.
// We can simplify the current expr by making it just be the RightTree or RightOperand.
......@@ -4474,6 +4500,47 @@ void STARSExpression::SubstituteSSANum(SMPInstr *CallInst, const int NewSSANum,
} // end of STARSExpression::SubstituteSSANum()
// Use MinVal if InitCase, MaxVal otherwise for global vars in expression
bool STARSExpression::SubstituteGlobalRangeValues(const bool InitCase) {
bool changed = false;
if (this->HasLeftSubTree()) {
changed = this->GetLeftTree()->SubstituteGlobalRangeValues(InitCase);
else if (this->GetConstLeftOperand()->IsStaticMemOp()) {
STARS_ea_t GlobalAddr = this->GetConstLeftOperand()->GetAddr();
STARS_uval_t ImmedVal;
bool found = false;
if (InitCase)
found = this->GetParentFunc()->GetProg()->FindGlobalMinValue(GlobalAddr, ImmedVal);
found = this->GetParentFunc()->GetProg()->FindGlobalMaxValue(GlobalAddr, ImmedVal);
if (found) {
STARSOpndTypePtr ImmedOp = this->GetParentInst()->MakeImmediateOpnd(ImmedVal);
changed = true;
if (this->HasRightSubTree()) {
changed = (this->GetRightTree()->SubstituteGlobalRangeValues(InitCase) || changed);
else if ((nullptr != this->GetConstRightOperand()) && this->GetConstRightOperand()->IsStaticMemOp()) {
STARS_ea_t GlobalAddr = this->GetConstRightOperand()->GetAddr();
STARS_uval_t ImmedVal;
bool found = false;
if (InitCase)
found = this->GetParentFunc()->GetProg()->FindGlobalMinValue(GlobalAddr, ImmedVal);
found = this->GetParentFunc()->GetProg()->FindGlobalMaxValue(GlobalAddr, ImmedVal);
if (found) {
STARSOpndTypePtr ImmedOp = this->GetParentInst()->MakeImmediateOpnd(ImmedVal);
changed = true;
return changed;
} // end of STARSExpression::SubstituteGlobalRangeValues()
// For loop exprs, find the DefOp at LeftPreLoopDefAddr
STARSOpndTypePtr STARSExpression::FindLeftPreLoopDefOp(void) const {
STARS_ea_t DefAddr = this->GetLeftPreLoopDefAddr();
......@@ -4814,6 +4881,12 @@ SMPInstr::~SMPInstr() {
#if 0 // fix crashes before enabling this
if (nullptr != this->STARSInstPtr) {
delete this->STARSInstPtr;
this->STARSInstPtr = nullptr;
......@@ -5155,17 +5228,18 @@ bool SMPInstr::HasNegatedPtrUSE(void) {
// Detect indirect memory DEFs or USEs
void SMPInstr::AnalyzeIndirectRefs(bool UseFP) {
STARS_ea_t InstAddr = this->GetAddr();
bool HasBlock = (nullptr != this->GetBlock());
if (this->HasDestMemoryOperand()) {
// Found a memory DEF. Is it indirect?
STARSOpndTypePtr DefMemOp = this->MDGetMemDefOp();
if (MDIsIndirectMemoryOpnd(DefMemOp, UseFP)) {
if (NULL != this->GetBlock()) {
if (HasBlock) {
if (DefMemOp->IsStaticMemOp()) {
if (NULL != this->GetBlock()) {
if (HasBlock) {
......@@ -5176,7 +5250,7 @@ void SMPInstr::AnalyzeIndirectRefs(bool UseFP) {
STARSOpndTypePtr UseMemOp = this->MDGetMemUseOp();
if (MDIsIndirectMemoryOpnd(UseMemOp, UseFP)) {
if (NULL != this->GetBlock()) {
if (HasBlock) {
......@@ -5186,12 +5260,36 @@ void SMPInstr::AnalyzeIndirectRefs(bool UseFP) {
SMP_msg("INFO: Doubtful identification of %llx as StaticMem at %llx\n",
(uint64_t) AddrOffset, (uint64_t) InstAddr);
if (NULL != this->GetBlock()) {
if (HasBlock) {
if (HasBlock && this->HasDestMemoryOperand() && this->GetMemDef()->IsStaticMemOp() && (!MDIsIndirectMemoryOpnd(this->GetMemDef(), false))) {
// Direct write to static mem op. Is this a simple assignment RTL?
STARSOpndTypePtr rhs = nullptr;
STARS_ea_t GlobalAddr = this->GetMemDef()->GetAddr();
SMPRegTransfer *CurrRT = this->RTL.GetRT(0);
if ((NULL != CurrRT) && (this->RTL.GetCount() == 1)) {
bool Simple = ((!CurrRT->HasRightSubTree()) || this->IsRegUpperBitsClearIdiom());
if (Simple && (SMP_ASSIGN == CurrRT->GetOperator())) {
bool SimpleCopyRTL = (DEFAULT == this->GetDataFlowType());
if (SimpleCopyRTL) {
rhs = this->GetFirstRightOperandNoNorm();
if ((nullptr != rhs) && rhs->IsImmedOp()) {
STARS_uval_t ImmedVal = rhs->GetImmedValue();
this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetProg()->InsertGlobalVarMinMaxValue(GlobalAddr, ImmedVal);
if (global_stars_interface->VerboseLoopsMode()) {
SMP_msg("INFO: GLOBALS: Found const value %llx written to global addr %llx at %llx\n",
(uint64_t)ImmedVal, (uint64_t)GlobalAddr, (uint64_t)InstAddr);
} // end of SMPInstr::AnalyzeIndirectRefs()
......@@ -8671,8 +8769,9 @@ bool SMPInstr::FillCmd(void) {
// Analyze the instruction and its operands.
void SMPInstr::Analyze(void) {
bool DebugFlag = false;
STARS_ea_t InstAddr = this->GetAddr();
if (0x8049b00 == this->GetAddr()) {
if (0x8049b00 == InstAddr) {
// Setting up breakpoint line.
DebugFlag = true;
......@@ -8747,8 +8846,8 @@ void SMPInstr::Analyze(void) {
else {
SMP_msg("ERROR: RTL not built at %llx %s\n", (unsigned long long) this->GetAddr(),
SMP_msg("ERROR: RTL not built at %llx %s\n", (uint64_t) InstAddr,
......@@ -8788,20 +8887,21 @@ void SMPInstr::Analyze(void) {
if (STARS_BADADDR == this->CallTarget) {
SMP_msg("ERROR: Target not found for direct call at %llx\n", (unsigned long long) this->GetAddr());
SMP_msg("ERROR: Target not found for direct call at %llx\n", (uint64_t) InstAddr);
if (this->MDIsPushInstr()) {
if (this->STARSInstPtr->IsPushFromFixedCall()) {
SMP_msg("INFO: Found internal code address push from fixed call at %llx\n", (unsigned long long) this->GetAddr());
SMP_msg("INFO: Found internal code address push from fixed call at %llx\n", (uint64_t) InstAddr);
if (DebugFlag) {
SMP_msg("Analyzed debug instruction at %llx\n", (unsigned long long) this->GetAddr());
SMP_msg("Analyzed debug instruction at %llx\n", (uint64_t) InstAddr);
} // end of SMPInstr::Analyze()
......@@ -165,6 +165,25 @@ SMPProgram::~SMPProgram(void) {
// Methods for recovering min or max value seen directly written to a global var.
bool SMPProgram::FindGlobalMinValue(const STARS_ea_t GlobalAddr, STARS_uval_t &MinValue) const {
map<STARS_ea_t, struct STARSValueRange>::const_iterator MapIter = this->GlobalValueRangeMap.find(GlobalAddr);
bool found = (MapIter != this->GlobalValueRangeMap.cend());
if (found)
MinValue = MapIter->second.MinVal;
return found;
} // end of SMPProgram::FindGlobalMinValue()
bool SMPProgram::FindGlobalMaxValue(const STARS_ea_t GlobalAddr, STARS_uval_t &MaxValue) const {
map<STARS_ea_t, struct STARSValueRange>::const_iterator MapIter = this->GlobalValueRangeMap.find(GlobalAddr);
bool found = (MapIter != this->GlobalValueRangeMap.cend());
if (found)
MaxValue = MapIter->second.MaxVal;
return found;
} // end of SMPProgram::FindGlobalMaxValue()
// Return SMPFunction pointer from FuncMap for FirstAddr if it exists
// in the FuncMap, else return NULL.
SMPFunction *SMPProgram::FindFunction(STARS_ea_t FirstAddr) const {
......@@ -267,6 +286,26 @@ void SMPProgram::AddBlockToRemovalList(SMPBasicBlock *UnreachableBlock) {
} // end of SMPProgram::AddBlockToRemovalList()
// Update, as needed, the min or max value seen so far for GlobalAddr.
void SMPProgram::InsertGlobalVarMinMaxValue(const STARS_ea_t GlobalAddr, const STARS_uval_t ValueSeen) {
map<STARS_ea_t, struct STARSValueRange>::iterator MapIter = this->GlobalValueRangeMap.find(GlobalAddr);
bool found = (MapIter != this->GlobalValueRangeMap.end());
if (found) {
if (ValueSeen < MapIter->second.MinVal)
MapIter->second.MinVal = ValueSeen;
else if (ValueSeen > MapIter->second.MaxVal)
MapIter->second.MaxVal = ValueSeen;
else {
struct STARSValueRange TempRange;
TempRange.MinVal = ValueSeen;
TempRange.MaxVal = ValueSeen;
this->GlobalValueRangeMap[GlobalAddr] = TempRange;
// Is InstAddr in the set of unshared code fragments?
bool SMPProgram::IsUnsharedFragment(STARS_ea_t InstAddr) {
bool Found = (this->UnsharedFragments.find(InstAddr) != this->UnsharedFragments.end());
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <ctime>
......@@ -530,6 +531,8 @@ bool IDAP_run(size_t arg) {
delete CurrProg;
delete global_STARS_program;
delete global_stars_interface;
#if (IDA_SDK_VERSION < 700)
......@@ -627,6 +630,10 @@ bool IDAP_run(size_t arg) {
delete prof_info;
SMP_msg("INFO: Deleted prof_info.\n");
delete CurrProg;
stringstream sout;
SMP_msg("Interface stats: \n %s", sout.str().c_str());
SMP_msg("INFO: Deleted CurrProg. Returning to IDA Pro.\n");
delete global_STARS_program;
delete global_stars_interface;
......@@ -148,8 +148,9 @@ void OutputStatistics()
// mark that we've completed analysis.
SMP_fprintf(global_STARS_program->GetInfoAnnotFile(), " 8000000 2 SUCCESS ANALYSISCOMPLETED\n");
SMP_fprintf(global_STARS_program->GetInfoAnnotFile(), " 8000000 2 SUCCESS ANALYSISCOMPLETED\n");
int STARS::IRDB_Interface_t::do_STARS(FileIR_t* firp)
......@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
// declare global static data for STARS_InstructionID_t class
std::map<STARS_ea_t, const STARS_Instruction_t*> STARS_InstructionID_t::id_to_insn_map;
uint64_t STARS_Instruction_t::objects_created=0;
uint64_t STARS_Instruction_t::objects_destroyed=0;
bool STARS_Instruction_t::OpcodeDefaultsTo64BitOperands(void)
......@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
#include <interfaces/SMPDBInterface.h>
#include <interfaces/STARSTypes.h>
uint64_t STARS_op_t::objects_created=0;
uint64_t STARS_op_t::objects_destroyed=0;
void STARS_op_t::MDExtractAddressFields(int &BaseReg, int &IndexReg, uint16_t &Scale, STARS_ea_t &Offset) const {
......@@ -225,7 +225,10 @@ void STARS_IDA_Program_t::InitStaticDataTable(SMPProgram *CurrProg) {
SMP_msg(" SegName: %s", SegName);
SMP_msg(" from %lx to %lx\n", (unsigned long)seg->get_startEA(), (unsigned long)seg->get_endEA());
if ((seg->IsDataSegment()) || (seg->IsBSSSegment()) || (seg->IsCommonSegment())) {
bool DataSegFlag = seg->IsDataSegment();
bool BSSSegFlag = seg->IsBSSSegment();
bool CommonSegFlag = seg->IsCommonSegment();
if (DataSegFlag || BSSSegFlag || CommonSegFlag) {
// Loop through each of the segments we are interested in,
// examining all data objects (effective addresses).
ReadOnlyFlag = ((seg->IsReadableSegment()) && (!(seg->IsWriteableSegment())));
......@@ -304,49 +307,51 @@ void STARS_IDA_Program_t::InitStaticDataTable(SMPProgram *CurrProg) {
pair<STARS_ea_t, struct GlobalVar> TempItem(ea, VarTemp);
// Check for code xrefs from the data.
// Can have a table of pointers, so iterate through large data objects.
STARS_ea_t TempAddr = ea;
while ((NextEA - TempAddr) >= MD_DEFAULT_RETURN_ADDRESS_SIZE) {
SMP_xref_t xrefs;
for (bool ok = xrefs.SMP_first_from(TempAddr, XREF_DATA); ok; ok = xrefs.SMP_next_from()) {
STARS_ea_t TargetAddr = xrefs.GetTo();
if ((TargetAddr != 0) && (!xrefs.GetIscode())) {
// Found a target, with its address in
// Is the target code?
STARS_Segment_t *SegInfo = SMP_getseg(TargetAddr);
if ((NULL != SegInfo) && (SegInfo->IsCodeSegment())) {
if (!ReadOnlyFlag) {
SMP_msg("INFO: Code Xref from writeable data at %llx\n", (uint64_t) ea);
if (!BSSSegFlag) {
// Check for code xrefs from the data.
// Can have a table of pointers, so iterate through large data objects.
STARS_ea_t TempAddr = ea;
while ((NextEA - TempAddr) >= MD_DEFAULT_RETURN_ADDRESS_SIZE) {
SMP_xref_t xrefs;
for (bool ok = xrefs.SMP_first_from(TempAddr, XREF_DATA); ok; ok = xrefs.SMP_next_from()) {
STARS_ea_t TargetAddr = xrefs.GetTo();
if ((TargetAddr != 0) && (!xrefs.GetIscode())) {
// Found a target, with its address in
// Is the target code?
STARS_Segment_t *SegInfo = SMP_getseg(TargetAddr);
if ((NULL != SegInfo) && (SegInfo->IsCodeSegment())) {
if (!ReadOnlyFlag) {
SMP_msg("INFO: Code Xref from writeable data at %llx\n", (uint64_t)ea);
bool NewTarget = CurrProg->InsertDataToCodeXref(TargetAddr);
if (NewTarget)
global_STARS_program->PrintDataToCodeXref(TempAddr, TargetAddr, 0);
bool NewTarget = CurrProg->InsertDataToCodeXref(TargetAddr);
if (NewTarget)
global_STARS_program->PrintDataToCodeXref(TempAddr, TargetAddr, 0);
STARS_ea_t DataValue;
if (4 < global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth())
DataValue = (STARS_ea_t) ::get_qword(TempAddr);
STARS_ea_t DataValue;
if (4 < global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth())
DataValue = (STARS_ea_t) ::get_qword(TempAddr);
#if (IDA_SDK_VERSION < 700)
DataValue = (STARS_ea_t) ::get_long(TempAddr);
DataValue = (STARS_ea_t) ::get_long(TempAddr);
DataValue = (STARS_ea_t) ::get_dword(TempAddr);
DataValue = (STARS_ea_t) ::get_dword(TempAddr);
if (DataValue != 0) {
// Is this a code address?
STARS_ea_t PossibleCodeAddr = (STARS_ea_t) DataValue;
STARS_Segment_t *SegInfo = SMP_getseg(PossibleCodeAddr);
if ((NULL != SegInfo) && (SegInfo->IsCodeSegment())) {
bool NewTarget = CurrProg->InsertDataToCodeXref(PossibleCodeAddr);
if (NewTarget)
global_STARS_program->PrintDataToCodeXref(TempAddr, PossibleCodeAddr, 0);
if (DataValue != 0) {
// Is this a code address?
STARS_ea_t PossibleCodeAddr = (STARS_ea_t)DataValue;
STARS_Segment_t *SegInfo = SMP_getseg(PossibleCodeAddr);
if ((NULL != SegInfo) && (SegInfo->IsCodeSegment())) {
bool NewTarget = CurrProg->InsertDataToCodeXref(PossibleCodeAddr);
if (NewTarget)
global_STARS_program->PrintDataToCodeXref(TempAddr, PossibleCodeAddr, 0);
} // end while ((NextEA - TempAddr) >= MD_DEFAULT_RETURN_ADDRESS_SIZE)
} // end if (!BSSSegFlag)
// Move on to next data object
ea = NextEA;
......@@ -359,7 +364,7 @@ void STARS_IDA_Program_t::InitStaticDataTable(SMPProgram *CurrProg) {
} // end while (ea < seg->endEA)
} // end if (seg->type == SEG_DATA ...)
} // end if (DataSegFlag || BSSSegFlag || CommonSegFlag)
else if (seg->IsCodeSegment()) {
if (seg->get_startEA() < TempLowestCodeAddress)
TempLowestCodeAddress = seg->get_startEA();
......@@ -544,7 +549,7 @@ void STARS_IDA_Program_t::FindCodeAddressesTaken(SMPProgram *CurrProg) {
STARS_ea_t ea = seg->get_startEA();
RecentAddr = ea;
bool ReadOnlyFlag = ((seg->IsReadableSegment()) && (!(seg->IsWriteableSegment())));
bool DataSegment = ((seg->IsDataSegment()) || (seg->IsBSSSegment()) || (seg->IsCommonSegment()));
bool DataSegment = ((seg->IsDataSegment()) || (seg->IsCommonSegment()));
#if 0
if (ReadOnlyFlag && DataSegment) {
......@@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ bool STARS_IRDB_Function_t::IsInstIDInFunc(STARS_ea_t InstID)
return false;
const STARS_Instruction_t *stars_insn=id.GetInstruction();
if (nullptr == stars_insn)
return false;
const STARS_IRDB_Instruction_t* interface_insn=dynamic_cast<const STARS_IRDB_Instruction_t*>(stars_insn);
libIRDB::Instruction_t* irdb_insn=(libIRDB::Instruction_t*)interface_insn->GetIRDBInstruction();
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
STARS_Instruction_t * STARS_IRDB_Interface_t::CreateInst(STARS_InstructionID_t InstID)
// check for psuedo-instructions
// check for pseudo-instructions
return new STARS_IRDB_Instruction_t(InstID);
// already created, just return what we need.
......@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ bool STARS_IRDB_Interface_t::STARS_generate_disasm_line(STARS_ea_t addr, char *b
STARS_InstructionID_t id(addr);
const STARS_Instruction_t* insn=id.GetInstruction();
if (nullptr == insn)
return false;
const STARS_IRDB_Instruction_t* irdb_insn=dynamic_cast<const STARS_IRDB_Instruction_t*>(insn);
strncpy(buf,irdb_insn->GetIRDBInstruction()->getDisassembly().c_str(), bufsize);
return true;