diff --git a/include/interfaces/abstract/STARSProgram.h b/include/interfaces/abstract/STARSProgram.h
index eeb935ab77feaacb7f3b15344585c0c1077e70e7..dde17704cef08b90b724c09ad87b1d274d060dc3 100644
--- a/include/interfaces/abstract/STARSProgram.h
+++ b/include/interfaces/abstract/STARSProgram.h
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ class STARS_Program_t
 		bool ShouldSTARSPerformConstantPropagation(void) const { return STARS_PerformConstantPropagation; };
 		bool ShouldSTARSTranslateToSPARKAda(void) const { return STARS_TranslateToSPARKAda; };
 		bool IsIDAProDriverMode(void) const { return IDAProDriver; };
+		bool IsSharedObject(void) const { return SharedObjectFlag; };
 		bool IsLocationWhitelisted(ZST_SysCallType CallType, std::string LocationName) const;
 		bool IsLocationBlacklisted(ZST_SysCallType CallType, std::string LocationName) const;
 		// Given a called function name, does it produce only benign numeric errors when
@@ -184,6 +185,7 @@ class STARS_Program_t
 		void SetTotalCodeSize(unsigned long long TotalSize) { STARS_TotalCodeSize = TotalSize; };
 		void IncrementCurrentFileNum(void) { ++CurrentFileNumber; };
+		void SetSharedObjectFlag(const bool flag) { SharedObjectFlag = flag; };
 		// Analysis methods
 		void MDInitializeCallerSavedRegs(void);
@@ -204,6 +206,7 @@ class STARS_Program_t
 		STARS_ProcessorType_t processor_type;
 		char STARS_ISA_dtyp;
 		bool IDAProDriver;  // program is compiled in IDA Pro mode
+		bool SharedObjectFlag;
 		// Unique data referent number to use in data annotations.
diff --git a/src/drivers/idapro/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp b/src/drivers/idapro/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
index 5d6fc8bde573cc5f771b7cdb35a5fbd8ebce851e..e19a70fd03df38a13afe9054d30c74eaebdb44af 100644
--- a/src/drivers/idapro/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
+++ b/src/drivers/idapro/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
@@ -477,7 +477,9 @@ bool IDAP_run(size_t arg) {
 	time_t EndTime, Time1, Time2;
 	CurrProg->AnalyzeData(); // Analyze static data in the executable
 	Time1 = time(nullptr);
-	global_STARS_program->FindCodeAddressesTaken(CurrProg); // find code addresses in read-only data segments
+	if (!global_STARS_program->IsSharedObject()) {
+		global_STARS_program->FindCodeAddressesTaken(CurrProg); // find code addresses in read-only data segments
+	}
 	Time2 = time(nullptr);
 	// Note: ProfilerInformation must come after the call above to AnalyzeData().
diff --git a/src/interfaces/idapro/STARSIDAProgram.cpp b/src/interfaces/idapro/STARSIDAProgram.cpp
index 808241669c135485198889c5b7ab41dcf789e46a..7a65485d62f5c4f73e23ca9ee04339f94b31cda0 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/idapro/STARSIDAProgram.cpp
+++ b/src/interfaces/idapro/STARSIDAProgram.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
 #include <sys/utsname.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
 #include "interfaces/idapro/all.h"
 #include "interfaces/STARSTypes.h"
 #include "interfaces/STARSIDATypes.h"
@@ -152,6 +156,61 @@ void STARS_IDA_Program_t::DetermineRootFileName(void) {
 	string TempRootString(TempRootName);
+	// Try to find ".so" or ".dll" or ".a" in file name, indicating shared object.
+	// This code below only works for non-renamed file, e.g. STARS/IDA Pro operation,
+	//  and not files renamed with new extensions, e.g. a.ncexe. Replace with info from
+	//  file header soon.
+	bool sharedObjectFlag = false;
+	char token[210];
+	std::size_t tokencount = 0;
+	istringstream FileNameStr(TempRootString);
+	this->SetSharedObjectFlag(false);
+	char delim = '.';
+	FileNameStr.getline(token, 200, delim);
+	while (FileNameStr.rdstate() == std::istringstream::goodbit) {
+		++tokencount;
+		if (1 < tokencount) { // Not looking for file extension before first "."
+			sharedObjectFlag = ((0 == strcmp(token, "so")) || (0 == strcmp(token, "dll"))
+				|| (0 == strcmp(token, "a")));
+			if (sharedObjectFlag) {
+				this->SetSharedObjectFlag(sharedObjectFlag);
+				SMP_msg("INFO: Determined shared object from file extension %s\n", token);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		FileNameStr.getline(token, 200, delim);
+	}
+#if 1
+	// See if shared object extension is at the very end, with no more "." delimiter after.
+	// Find file name extension.
+	if (!sharedObjectFlag) {
+		string delimiter(".");
+		std::size_t found = TempRootString.rfind(delimiter, TempRootString.length());
+		if (found != std::string::npos) { // found last instance of delimiter
+			string extension = TempRootString.substr(found, std::string::npos);
+			if (!extension.empty()) {
+				// This code below only works for non-renamed files, e.g. STARS/IDA Pro operation,
+				//  and not files renamed with new extensions, e.g. a.ncexe. Replace with info from
+				//  file header soon.
+				SMP_msg("INFO: Found extension %s\n", extension.c_str());
+				sharedObjectFlag = ((0 == extension.compare(".so")) || (0 == extension.compare(".dll"))
+					|| (0 == extension.compare(".a")));
+				this->SetSharedObjectFlag(sharedObjectFlag);
+				if (sharedObjectFlag)
+					SMP_msg("INFO: Determined shared object from file extension %s\n", extension.c_str());
+			}
+			else {
+				SMP_msg("ERROR: Empty file name extension.\n");
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			SMP_msg("ERROR: Could not reverse-find the dot delimiter in file name.\n");
+		}
+	}
 // Does the instruction at InstAddr access the global data offset in GlobalAddr