diff --git a/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp b/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
index 2c499e65d21477833494da3a7c57b2ba2bb9b622..13313ce869017bd31072030887b115af58076c53 100644
--- a/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
+++ b/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 int FuncsProcessed = 0;
 #define SMP_FIXUP_IDB 1  // Try to fix the IDA database?
-#define SMP_DEBUG_FIXUP_IDB 0  // debugging output for FixupIDB chain
+#define SMP_DEBUG_FIXUP_IDB 1  // debugging output for FixupIDB chain
 // Define optimization categories for instructions.
 int OptCategory[NN_last+1];
@@ -97,7 +97,31 @@ vector<SMP_bounds_t> FuncBounds;
 // List of functions that need to be reanalyzed after all the code fixup
 //  and code discovery is complete. Kept as a list of addresses; any address
 //  within the function is good enough to designate it.
-list<ea_t> ReanalyzeList;
+list<ea_t> FuncReanalyzeList;
+// A code region that has been converted from data but has code addresses that
+//  need to be reanalyzed. This is usually because a former data address is
+//  now a jump to a code target that is still a data address. We have to wait
+//  until the target has become code before IDA will accept the jump as valid.
+class FixupRegion {
+	FixupRegion(SMP_bounds_t);
+	inline ea_t GetStart(void) const { return CodeRegion.startEA; };
+	inline ea_t GetEnd(void) const { return CodeRegion.endEA; };
+	inline void SetStart(ea_t addr) { CodeRegion.startEA = addr; };
+	list<ea_t> FixupInstrs; // easier to expose than to encapsulate
+	SMP_bounds_t CodeRegion;
+FixupRegion::FixupRegion(SMP_bounds_t Range) {
+	this->CodeRegion = Range;
+	return;
+// List of code regions that were not completely analysed because of jump to
+//  data considerations.
+list<FixupRegion> CodeReanalyzeList;
 void IDAP_run(int);
@@ -107,6 +131,7 @@ void FindDataInCode(void);
 void AuditTailChunkOwnership(void);
 void FindOrphanedCode(segment_t *, FILE *);
 void FixCodeIdentification(void);
+int FixupNewCodeChunks(void);
 void AuditCodeTargets(void);
 ea_t FindNewFuncLimit(ea_t);
 void SpecialDebugOutput(void);
@@ -541,6 +566,7 @@ void FixupIDB(void) {
+	int fixes = FixupNewCodeChunks();
@@ -1048,6 +1074,11 @@ void FixCodeIdentification(void) {
 				msg("Found data to convert: %x to %x\n", AreaStart, AreaEnd);
 				do_unknown_range(AreaStart, AreaSize, DOUNK_SIMPLE);
+				SMP_bounds_t ConvertRegion;
+				ConvertRegion.startEA = AreaStart;
+				ConvertRegion.endEA = AreaEnd;
+				FixupRegion CurrRegion(ConvertRegion);
+				CodeReanalyzeList.push_back(CurrRegion);
 				bool AllConverted = true;
 				do {
 					flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(CurrDisasmAddr);
@@ -1071,6 +1102,7 @@ void FixCodeIdentification(void) {
 								msg(" Patched bytes at %x\n", CurrDisasmAddr);
 							else {
+								CurrRegion.FixupInstrs.push_back(CurrDisasmAddr);
 								AllConverted = false;
 								msg("FixCodeID failure at %x\n", CurrDisasmAddr);
@@ -1085,54 +1117,6 @@ void FixCodeIdentification(void) {
 						++DisasmIndex; // skip cleanup loop
 				} while (CurrDisasmAddr < CurrAddr);
-				if (AllConverted) {
-					if (IsFunctionPrologue(AreaStart, AreaEnd)) {
-						// Create a new function entry chunk here.
-						//  **!!** TODO
-						;
-					}
-					else {
-						// Extend the previous chunk to include the
-						//  converted code.
-						ea_t PrevIDAAddr = IDAProLocs[IDAProIndex - 2];
-						func_t *PrevChunk = get_fchunk(PrevIDAAddr);
-						msg(" addr in chunk to extend: %x\n", PrevIDAAddr);
-						msg(" func_t pointer for chunk: %x\n", PrevChunk);
-#if 0  // temporary for debugging
-						if (is_func_entry(PrevChunk)) {
-							// Extend the func entry to contain the new code.
-							if (func_setend(PrevIDAAddr, AreaEnd)) {
-								msg("Func extended to include code from %x to %x\n",
-									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
-								ReanalyzeList.push_back(PrevIDAAddr);
-							}
-							else {
-								msg("Failed to extend func from %x to %x\n",
-									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
-							}
-						}
-						else { // tail
-							// See if this works for function tails, also.
-							// Extend the func entry to contain the new code.
-							if (func_setend(PrevIDAAddr, AreaEnd)) {
-								msg("Tail extended to include code from %x to %x\n",
-									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
-								func_t *TailOwner = get_func(PrevChunk->owner);
-								ReanalyzeList.push_back(PrevIDAAddr);
-							}
-							else {
-								msg("Failed to extend tail from %x to %x\n",
-									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
-							}
-						} // end if (is_func_entry()) ... else ...
-					} // end if (IsFunctionPrologue()) ... else ...
-				} // end if (AllConverted)
-				else {
-					msg("not AllConverted; cannot include new code in previous chunk.\n");
-				}
 			} // end if (SkipArea) ... else ...
 		} // end if (addr < CurrDisasmAddr) .. else if ... else ...
 	} // end while (DisasmIndex <= DisasmLocs.size()
@@ -1182,6 +1166,118 @@ void FixCodeIdentification(void) {
 } // end of FixCodeIdentification()
+// Analyze instructions that could not be analyzed earlier and were placed on the CodeReanalyzeList.
+//  Earlier failures are usually because the instruction branches to an address that has not
+//  yet been converted from data to code, so ua_code() failed. Now that all data to code
+//  conversions have completed, ua_code() should succeed.
+// Return the number of instructions successfully analyzed.
+int FixupNewCodeChunks(void) {
+	list<FixupRegion>::iterator CurrRegion;
+	int changes = 0;
+	for (CurrRegion = CodeReanalyzeList.begin(); CurrRegion != CodeReanalyzeList.end(); ++CurrRegion) {
+		bool AllConverted = true;
+		list<ea_t>::iterator CurrInstr;
+		for (CurrInstr = CurrRegion->FixupInstrs.begin(); CurrInstr != CurrRegion->FixupInstrs.end(); ++CurrInstr)  {
+			int InstrLen = ua_code(*CurrInstr);
+			if (InstrLen > 0) { // Successfully converted to code
+				SMPInstr NewInstr(*CurrInstr);
+				NewInstr.Analyze();
+				msg("FixupNewCodeChunks success at %x: len: %d\n", *CurrInstr, InstrLen);
+				*CurrInstr = BADADDR; // mark for removal
+			}
+			else {
+				AllConverted = false;
+				msg("FixupNewCodeChunks failure at %x\n", *CurrInstr);
+			}
+		} // end for all instrs in CurrRegion
+		if (AllConverted) {
+			msg("FixupNewCodeChunks success for region from %x to %x\n",
+				CurrRegion->GetStart(), CurrRegion->GetEnd());
+			CurrRegion->SetStart(BADADDR); // mark for removal
+		}
+		else {
+			// Remove only the instructions that were fixed up.
+			CurrInstr = CurrRegion->FixupInstrs.begin(); 
+			while (CurrInstr != CurrRegion->FixupInstrs.end()) {
+				if (BADADDR == *CurrInstr) {
+					CurrInstr = CurrRegion->FixupInstrs.erase(CurrInstr);
+				}
+				else {
+					++CurrInstr;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} // end for all regions in the CodeReanalyzeList
+	// Remove completed regions from the CodeReanalyzeList
+	CurrRegion = CodeReanalyzeList.begin();
+	while (CurrRegion != CodeReanalyzeList.end()) {
+		if (BADADDR == CurrRegion->GetStart())
+			CurrRegion = CodeReanalyzeList.erase(CurrRegion);
+		else
+			++CurrRegion;
+	}
+#if 0
+	if (AllConverted) {
+					if (IsFunctionPrologue(AreaStart, AreaEnd)) {
+						// Create a new function entry chunk here.
+						//  **!!** TODO
+						;
+					}
+					else {
+						// Extend the previous chunk to include the
+						//  converted code.
+						ea_t PrevIDAAddr = IDAProLocs[IDAProIndex - 2];
+						func_t *PrevChunk = get_fchunk(PrevIDAAddr);
+						msg(" addr in chunk to extend: %x\n", PrevIDAAddr);
+						msg(" func_t pointer for chunk: %x\n", PrevChunk);
+#if 0  // temporary for debugging
+						if (is_func_entry(PrevChunk)) {
+							// Extend the func entry to contain the new code.
+							if (func_setend(PrevIDAAddr, AreaEnd)) {
+								msg("Func extended to include code from %x to %x\n",
+									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
+								FuncReanalyzeList.push_back(PrevIDAAddr);
+							}
+							else {
+								msg("Failed to extend func from %x to %x\n",
+									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
+							}
+						}
+						else { // tail
+							// See if this works for function tails, also.
+							// Extend the func entry to contain the new code.
+							if (func_setend(PrevIDAAddr, AreaEnd)) {
+								msg("Tail extended to include code from %x to %x\n",
+									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
+								func_t *TailOwner = get_func(PrevChunk->owner);
+								FuncReanalyzeList.push_back(PrevIDAAddr);
+							}
+							else {
+								msg("Failed to extend tail from %x to %x\n",
+									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
+							}
+						} // end if (is_func_entry()) ... else ...
+					} // end if (IsFunctionPrologue()) ... else ...
+				} // end if (AllConverted)
+				else {
+					msg("not AllConverted; cannot include new code in previous chunk.\n");
+				}
+	return changes;
+} // end of FixupNewCodeChunnks()
 // Audit the IDA code database by looking at all instructions in the
 //  code segment and printing all those that are not contained in a
 //  function. Emit the context-free annotations that we are able to