From 2acc7d161c8061d203e00d00ea81706ef2f7149c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: clc5q <>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 14:55:40 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Emit SPARK Ada loops.

 SMPFunction.cpp |  12 ++---
 SMPInstr.cpp    | 135 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 SMPInstr.h      |   1 +
 3 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/SMPFunction.cpp b/SMPFunction.cpp
index 3e532639..305faa12 100644
--- a/SMPFunction.cpp
+++ b/SMPFunction.cpp
@@ -3519,8 +3519,8 @@ bool SMPFunction::WritesAboveLocalFrame(op_t DestOp, bool OpNormalized, ea_t Ins
 		|| (EBPrelative && (SignedOffset > 0));
 	if (InArgWrite && OpNormalized && (0 == SignedOffset)) {
-		SMP_msg("DANGER: Write to saved return address detected at %lx in function that begins at %lx\n",
-			InstAddr, (unsigned long) this->FirstEA);
+		SMP_msg("DANGER: Write to saved return address detected at %llx in function that begins at %llx\n",
+			(unsigned long long) InstAddr, (unsigned long long) this->FirstEA);
 		this->SetUnsafeForFastReturns(true, RETURN_ADDRESS_WRITE);
@@ -3560,13 +3560,13 @@ bool SMPFunction::AccessAboveLocalFrame(op_t StackOp, bool OpNormalized, ea_t In
 	if (InArgAccess && OpNormalized && (0 == SignedOffset)) {
 		if (WriteAccess) {
-			SMP_msg("DANGER: Write to saved return address detected at %lx in function that begins at %lx\n",
-				InstAddr, (unsigned long) this->FirstEA);
+			SMP_msg("DANGER: Write to saved return address detected at %llx in function that begins at %llx\n",
+				(unsigned long long) InstAddr, (unsigned long long) this->FirstEA);
 			this->SetUnsafeForFastReturns(true, RETURN_ADDRESS_WRITE);
 		else {
-			SMP_msg("INFO: Read of saved return address detected at %lx in function that begins at %lx\n",
-				InstAddr, (unsigned long) this->FirstEA);
+			SMP_msg("INFO: Read of saved return address detected at %llx in function that begins at %llx\n",
+				(unsigned long long) InstAddr, (unsigned long long) this->FirstEA);
 			this->SetUnsafeForFastReturns(true, RETURN_ADDRESS_READ);
diff --git a/SMPInstr.cpp b/SMPInstr.cpp
index 16785c0d..011a4b5f 100644
--- a/SMPInstr.cpp
+++ b/SMPInstr.cpp
@@ -1942,6 +1942,111 @@ void SMPInstr::PrintDeadRegs(FILE *OutputFile) {
 } // end of SMPInstr::PrintDeadRegs()
+// Invert the condition of the current conditional branch and emit SPARK Ada equivalent.
+void SMPInstr::MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition(FILE *OutFile) {
+	ushort opcode = this->SMPcmd.itype;
+	switch (opcode) {
+		NN_ja:                  // Jump if Above (CF=0 & ZF=0)
+		NN_jnbe:                // Jump if Not Below or Equal (CF=0 & ZF=0)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(CarryFlag or ZeroFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jae:                 // Jump if Above or Equal (CF=0)
+		NN_jnb:                 // Jump if Not Below (CF=0)
+		NN_jnc:                 // Jump if Not Carry (CF=0)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(CarryFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jb:                  // Jump if Below (CF=1)
+		NN_jc:                  // Jump if Carry (CF=1)
+		NN_jnae:                // Jump if Not Above or Equal (CF=1)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(not CarryFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jbe:                 // Jump if Below or Equal (CF=1 | ZF=1)
+		NN_jna:                 // Jump if Not Above (CF=1 | ZF=1)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(not (CarryFlag or ZeroFlag))");
+			break;
+		NN_jcxz:                // Jump if CX is 0
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(CX /= 0)");
+			break;
+		NN_jecxz:               // Jump if ECX is 0
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(ECX /= 0)");
+			break;
+		NN_jrcxz:               // Jump if RCX is 0
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(RCX /= 0)");
+			break;
+		NN_je:                  // Jump if Equal (ZF=1)
+		NN_jz:                  // Jump if Zero (ZF=1)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(not ZeroFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jg:                  // Jump if Greater (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
+		NN_jnle:                // Jump if Not Less or Equal (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(ZeroFlag or (SignFlag \\= OverflowFlag))");
+			break;
+		NN_jge:                 // Jump if Greater or Equal (SF=OF)
+		NN_jnl:                 // Jump if Not Less (SF=OF)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(SignFlag \\= OverflowFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jl:                  // Jump if Less (SF!=OF)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(SignFlag = OverflowFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jle:                 // Jump if Less or Equal (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
+		NN_jng:                 // Jump if Not Greater (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "((not Zeroflag) and (SignFlag = OverflowFlag))");
+			break;
+		NN_jne:                 // Jump if Not Equal (ZF=0)
+		NN_jnz:                 // Jump if Not Zero (ZF=0)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(ZeroFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jnge:                // Jump if Not Greater or Equal (ZF=1)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(not ZeroFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jno:                 // Jump if Not Overflow (OF=0)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(OverflowFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jnp:                 // Jump if Not Parity (PF=0)
+		NN_jpo:                 // Jump if Parity Odd  (PF=0)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(ParityFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jns:                 // Jump if Not Sign (SF=0)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(SignFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jo:                  // Jump if Overflow (OF=1)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(not OverflowFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_jp:                  // Jump if Parity (PF=1)
+		NN_jpe:                 // Jump if Parity Even (PF=1)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(not ParityFlag)");
+			break;
+		NN_js:                  // Jump if Sign (SF=1)
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "(not SignFlag)");
+			break;
+		default:
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "ERROR: Unknown conditional branch opcode at %llx  %s\n", (unsigned long long) this->GetAddr(), this->GetDisasm());
+			break;
+	}
+	return;
+} // end of SMPInstr::MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition()
 // Emit SPARK-Ada translation of instruction
 void SMPInstr::EmitSPARKAda(FILE *OutFile) {
 	if (this->IsNop()) {
@@ -1950,13 +2055,21 @@ void SMPInstr::EmitSPARKAda(FILE *OutFile) {
 	// Print the disassembly as a comment before the SPARK translation.
-	SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " -- %s\n", this->GetDisasm());
+	SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " -- %lx  %s\n", (unsigned long) this->GetAddr(), this->GetDisasm());
 	bool PrintOperands = false;
 	SMPitype CurrDataFlowType = this->GetDataFlowType();
 	std::string FuncTarget;
 	ea_t NextAddr;
+	// Detect start of a loop.
+	if (this->IsFirstInBlock() && this->GetBlock()->IsLoopHeaderBlock()) {
+		// We want to print "loop" and increase indentation.
+		PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+		SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "loop \n");
+		++STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+	}
 	switch (CurrDataFlowType) {
 		case DEFAULT:
 		case LABEL:
@@ -1966,6 +2079,26 @@ void SMPInstr::EmitSPARKAda(FILE *OutFile) {
 		case JUMP:
 		case COND_BRANCH:
+			// Detect loop-related control flow first, then simple if-else control flow otherwise.
+			if (this->GetBlock()->IsLoopTailBlock()) {
+				// We must be looping back to the loop header.
+				if (JUMP == CurrDataFlowType) { // simple case
+					--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+					PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "end loop;\n\n");
+				}
+				else { // conditionally loops back, might fall out of loop if condition is false.
+					// We want to invert the condition and exit on the inverted condition, then fall through
+					//  to an unconditional loop back (i.e. "end loop;") statement.
+					PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "exit when ");
+					this->MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition(OutFile);
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, ";\n");
+					--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+					PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "end loop;\n\n");
+				}
+			}
 		case INDIR_JUMP:
diff --git a/SMPInstr.h b/SMPInstr.h
index 89cb8381..022660e6 100644
--- a/SMPInstr.h
+++ b/SMPInstr.h
@@ -572,6 +572,7 @@ public:
 	char *DestString(int OptType);
 	void PrintDeadRegs(FILE *OutputFile); // print the registers that are dead right before this instruction.
 	void Dump(void); // Complete debug print, with DEF/USE list, SSA #s, RTL
+	void MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition(FILE *OutFile); // Invert the condition of the current conditional branch and emit SPARK Ada equivalent.
 	void EmitSPARKAda(FILE *OutFile); // Emit SPARK-Ada translation of instruction
 	// Analysis methods