From 2dcef65c00cda20234a3755d40f92b76d589d9e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: clc5q <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2016 19:04:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Emit DEADREGS in SMPInstr::EmitTypeAnnotations() for all

Former-commit-id: c1b3fca1058c5be8271ee93b3f1a931a0200fa14
 src/base/SMPInstr.cpp                         |   4 +
 ...ed-save-busybox.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 .../trimmed-sorted-save-bzip2.psexe.annot     | 715 +++++++++++++ |   2 +-
 .../trimmed-sorted-save-destripe.psexe.annot  | 129 +++
 ...ted-save-ffmpeg.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...ave-firefox-bin.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...rted-save-gedit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...orted-save-gimp.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...nome-calculator.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...orted-save-gnome-character-map.psexe.annot | 401 ++++++++
 ...rted-save-gnome-control-center.psexe.annot | 334 ++++++
 ...d-sorted-save-gnome-dictionary.psexe.annot | 687 +++++++++++++ |  73 ++
 ...-sorted-save-gnome-font-viewer.psexe.annot | 140 +++
 ...trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-help.psexe.annot | 270 +++++
 ...ed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring-3.psexe.annot | 124 +++
 ...-keyring-daemon.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...mmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring.psexe.annot | 124 +++
 ...e-gnome-nettool.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-open.psexe.annot |  37 +
 ...ed-save-gnome-power-statistics.psexe.annot | 659 ++++++++++++ | 108 ++
 ...ome-screensaver.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...d-sorted-save-gnome-screenshot.psexe.annot | 563 +++++++++++
 ...ome-search-tool.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...-save-gnome-session-properties.psexe.annot | 772 ++++++++++++++
 ...sorted-save-gnome-session-quit.psexe.annot |  56 +
 ...e-gnome-session.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...ted-save-gnome-settings-daemon.psexe.annot | 301 ++++++
 ...sorted-save-gnome-sound-applet.psexe.annot | 957 ++++++++++++++++++
 ...rted-save-gnome-sound-recorder.psexe.annot | 600 +++++++++++
 ...d-sorted-save-gnome-system-log.psexe.annot | 861 ++++++++++++++++
 ...-system-monitor.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...-gnome-terminal.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...ome-text-editor.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...rted-save-gnome-thumbnail-font.psexe.annot | 231 +++++
 ...orted-save-grep.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...rted-save-httpd.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...orted-save-less.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...d-save-ls-64bit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...ted-save-lt-svn.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 .../trimmed-sorted-save-malloc.psexe.annot    |  46 +
 ...rted-save-nginx.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...ed-save-openssl.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 ...d-save-synaptic.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 .../commit/trimmed-sorted-save-toy.exe.annot  |  36 +
 .../trimmed-sorted-save-xcalc.psexe.annot     | 677 +++++++++++++
 ...rted-save-xedit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id |   2 +-
 .../trimmed-sorted-save-xeyes.psexe.annot     | 335 ++++++
 .../trimmed-sorted-save-bzip2.psexe.annot     | 715 +++++++++++++
 .../trimmed-sorted-save-malloc.psexe.annot    |  46 +
 52 files changed, 10025 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp b/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
index 55b7f106..a5bdcf20 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
@@ -11934,6 +11934,10 @@ void SMPInstr::EmitTypeAnnotations(bool UseFP, bool AllocSeen, bool NeedsFrame,
 		// In case we have a COMPLETE return target set, emit DEADREGS annotation for return inst.
 		this->EmitDeadRegsAnnotation(AnnotFile, IndirJumpAnalyzed, disasm);
+	else {
+		// Experiment with emitting DEADREGS for every inst, even direct jumps.
+		this->EmitDeadRegsAnnotation(AnnotFile, IndirJumpAnalyzed, disasm);
+	}
 } // end of SMPInstr::EmitTypeAnnotations()
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-busybox.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-busybox.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 0517cd6f..9dbd1fd3 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-busybox.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-busybox.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-bzip2.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-bzip2.psexe.annot
index 319a788d..c98153d7 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-bzip2.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-bzip2.psexe.annot
@@ -284,6 +284,7 @@
             40107e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4045E0 
             401083     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401083      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401070 
+            401083      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401087      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401070 
             401087      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             401087      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -685,25 +686,32 @@
             401488      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rsi 
             40148b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             40148b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40148b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             40148d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4014A3 
             40148d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40148d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4014A3 
             40148f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4014C1 
             40148f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40148f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4014C1 
             401498     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdx+1] 
             401498      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401498      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdx+1] 
             40149c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             40149c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40149c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             40149e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4014BA 
             40149e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40149e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4014BA 
             4014a0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014a0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rcx 
             4014a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Fh 
             4014a3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014a3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ cmp     al, 2Fh 
             4014a5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014a5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDI ZZ lea     rcx, [rdx+1] 
             4014a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401498 
             4014a9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014a9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401498 
             4014ab     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdx+1] 
             4014ab      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014ab      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdx+1] 
@@ -713,8 +721,10 @@
             4014b3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ mov     rcx, rsi 
             4014b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4014b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             4014b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4014A0 
             4014b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4014A0 
             4014ba      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014ba      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:s, rsi 
             4014c1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -740,14 +750,17 @@
             4014e3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031B0 
             4014e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 1 
             4014e8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014e8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ cmp     ebp, 1 
             4014eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_401AA2 
             4014eb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014eb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ jle     loc_401AA2 
             4014f1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+ptr] 
             4014f1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014f1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+ptr] 
             4014f1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+ptr]
             4014f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebp, 2 
             4014f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ sub     ebp, 2 
             4014f9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     r13, ds:8[rbp*8] 
             4014f9      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014f9      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ lea     r13, ds:8[rbp*8] 
@@ -761,11 +774,13 @@
             40150d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             401510     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 8 
             401510      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401510      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbp, 8 
             401514     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403110 
             401514      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401514      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403110 
             401519     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbp, r13 
             401519      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401519      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ cmp     rbp, r13 
             40151c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40151c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40151f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -773,16 +788,19 @@
             40151f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+38h+ptr], rax
             401524     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401508 
             401524      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401524      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401508 
             401526      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401526      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             401529     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401529      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401529      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40152c     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40152c     10 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B04, 7 
             401536     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401536     10 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B00, 0 
             401540     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40175A 
             401540      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401540      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ jz      loc_40175A 
             401546     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r12d, r12d 
             401546      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401546      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R12 R13 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
@@ -791,12 +809,15 @@
             401549      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13d, 1 
             40154f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401570 
             40154f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40154f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401570 
             401558     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401558      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401558      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             40155c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40157A 
             40155c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40155e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             40155e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40155e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401562     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40157A 
             401562      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401564     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
@@ -806,8 +827,10 @@
             401567      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             40156b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40156b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40156b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40156e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4015B0 
             40156e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40156e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4015B0 
             401570      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401570      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx]      ; s 
             401573     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
@@ -815,18 +838,22 @@
             401573      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
             401576     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401576      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401576      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401578     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401558 
             401578      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40157a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13b, r13b 
             40157a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40157a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r13b, r13b 
             40157d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401587 
             40157d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40157f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             40157f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40157f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401581     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4016A0 
             401581      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401587     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             401587      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401587      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             40158b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40158b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B00, r12d 
             401592     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _strlen 
@@ -834,22 +861,29 @@
             401592      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strlen 
             401597     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B04, eax 
             401597      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401597      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B04, eax 
             40159d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     short loc_401567 
             40159d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40159d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jge     short loc_401567 
             40159f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40159f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             4015a3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4015a3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B04, eax 
             4015a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4015a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015a9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4015ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401570 
             4015ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015ac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401570 
             4015ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             4015ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             4015b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             4015b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             4015b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40175A 
             4015b3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015b3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40175A 
             4015b9     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4015b9     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             4015c3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -865,8 +899,10 @@
             4015dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             4015e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4015e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015e1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4015e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A12 
             4015e4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015e4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_401A12 
             4015ea     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4015ea     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 2 
             4015f4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -878,20 +914,24 @@
             4015fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             401601     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401601      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401601      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401604     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A2D 
             401604      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40160a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 1 
             40160a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40160a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ cmp     r12d, 1 
             40160e     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40160e     10 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 2 
             401618      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401618      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ sbb     eax, eax 
             40161a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 2 
             40161a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40161a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ add     eax, 2 
             40161d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40161d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B08, eax 
             401623     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             401623      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401623      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             401626      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401626      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     rdx, rbp 
             401629     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4018F1 
@@ -900,14 +940,17 @@
             40162f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rdx] 
             401632     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r8], 2Dh 
             401632      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401632      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r8], 2Dh 
             401636     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4016C8 
             401636      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40163c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r8+1], 2Dh 
             40163c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40163c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r8+1], 2Dh 
             401641     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40164E 
             401641      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401643     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r8+2], 0 
             401643      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401643      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r8+2], 0 
             401648     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4016D5 
             401648      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40164e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, byte ptr [r8+1] 
@@ -915,10 +958,12 @@
             40164e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [r8+1] 
             401653     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401653      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401653      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401655     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4016C8 
             401655      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401657     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             401657      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401657      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             401659     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4016C8 
             401659      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40165b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ecx, 2 
@@ -926,8 +971,10 @@
             40165b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, 2 
             401660     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     eax, 31h 
             401660      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401660      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     eax, 31h 
             401663     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 49h         ; switch 74 cases  
             401663      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401663      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 49h         ; switch 74 cases  
             401665     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_401750 
             401665      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40166b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -962,6 +1009,7 @@
             4016a0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13d, 1 
             4016a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401567 
             4016a6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016a6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_401567 
             4016ab     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016ab     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 1; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 73 
             4016b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -970,8 +1018,10 @@
             4016b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [r8+rcx] 
             4016bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rcx, 1 
             4016bd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016bd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rcx, 1 
             4016c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4016c1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016c1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             4016c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401660 
             4016c3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016c5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -979,10 +1029,12 @@
             4016c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rdx, [rdx+8] 
             4016cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4016cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4016cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40162F 
             4016cf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4016d5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016d5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4016d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4018F1 
             4016d8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016de     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r12d, 9 
@@ -990,26 +1042,31 @@
             4016de      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ mov     r12d, 9 
             4016e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401707 
             4016e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_401707 
             4016f0     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016f0     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B08, 2 
             4016fa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016fa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rbp+8] 
             4016fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4016fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             401701     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4018F1 
             401701      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401707      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401707      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, [rbp+0] 
             40170b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 2Dh 
             40170b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40170b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 2Dh 
             40170e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401720 
             40170e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401710     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx+1], 2Dh 
             401710      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401710      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx+1], 2Dh 
             401714     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401720 
             401714      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401716     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx+2], 0 
             401716      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401716      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx+2], 0 
             40171a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4018F1 
             40171a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401720     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aStdout; "--stdout" 
@@ -1040,6 +1097,7 @@
             401744     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 2 
             40174e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4016FA 
             40174e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40174e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4016FA 
             401750     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, al 
             401750      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401750      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movzx   eax, al 
@@ -1053,32 +1111,38 @@
             401764      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
             401767     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4015C3 
             401767      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401767      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4015C3 
             40176c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40176c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     cs:dword_6076CC, 1; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 69 
             401773     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401773      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401773      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401778     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401778     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 3; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 67 
             401782     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401782      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401782      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401787      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401787      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     cs:byte_607AF4, 1; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 66 
             40178e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40178e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rdx] 
             401791     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401791      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401791      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401796      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401796      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     cs:byte_607B18, 0; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 64 
             40179d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40179d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rdx] 
             4017a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4017a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017a5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017a5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     cs:byte_607B0C, 1; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 58 
             4017ac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017ac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rdx] 
             4017af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017af      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4017af      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017b4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017b4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:s       ; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 55 
             4017bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4022E0 
@@ -1096,14 +1160,17 @@
             4017ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rdx] 
             4017d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017d1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4017d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017d6     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017d6     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 2; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 51 
             4017e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017e0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4017e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017e5     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017e5     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B08, 2; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 50 
             4017ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017ef      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4017ef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4022B0      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 cases 27,37 
             4017f4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4022B0      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 cases 27,37 
@@ -1117,38 +1184,47 @@
             401800     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 9; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 8 
             40180a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40180a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40180a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40180f     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40180f     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 8; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 7 
             401819     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401819      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401819      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40181e     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40181e     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 7; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 6 
             401828     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401828      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401828      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40182d     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40182d     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 6; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 5 
             401837     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401837      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401837      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40183c     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40183c     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 5; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 4 
             401846     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401846      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401846      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40184b     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40184b     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 4; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 3 
             401855     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401855      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401855      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40185a     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40185a     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 3; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 2 
             401864     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401864      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401864      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401869     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401869     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 2; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 1 
             401873     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401873      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401873      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401878     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401878     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 1; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 0 
             401882     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401882      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401882      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401890     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aCompress; "--compress" 
             401890      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401890      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aCompress; "--compress" 
@@ -1165,6 +1241,7 @@
             4018a1     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             4018ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018ab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset s2  ; "--force" 
             4018b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1174,12 +1251,14 @@
             4018b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             4018bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4018bd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018bd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4018bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4018CD 
             4018bf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018c1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018c1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834B, 1 
             4018c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018c8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aTest; "--test" 
             4018d2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1189,16 +1268,20 @@
             4018d5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             4018da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4018da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4018dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401A74 
             4018dc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018e2     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018e2     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 3 
             4018ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018ec      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 4 
             4018f1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018f1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 4 
             4018f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_401904 
             4018f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018f8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jle     short loc_401904 
             4018fa     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018fa     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_6076CC, 4 
             401904     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_608350 
@@ -1206,36 +1289,44 @@
             401904      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_608350 
             40190a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             40190a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40190a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             40190d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401B89 
             40190d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401913     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             401913      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401913      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             401916     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401B53 
             401916      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40191c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 2 
             40191c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40191c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 2 
             401923     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401AE5 
             401923      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401929     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             401929      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401929      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             401930     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40193C 
             401930      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401932     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401932     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 0 
             40193c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             40193c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40193c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             401943     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401C68 
             401943      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401949     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             401949      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401949      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             40194c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401B01 
             40194c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401952     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             401952      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401952      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             401955     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401BDB 
             401955      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40195b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             40195b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40195b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401962      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401969     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4019B9 
             401969      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1244,19 +1335,24 @@
             40196b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+ptr]
             401970     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401970      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401970      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401973     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A01 
             401973      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401973      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      loc_401A01 
             401979     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebp, 1 
             401979      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401979      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             40197e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401997 
             40197e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40197e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401997 
             401980     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401980      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401980      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401984     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019A1 
             401984      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401986     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401986      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401986      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             40198a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019A1 
             40198a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40198c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1266,6 +1362,7 @@
             40198e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             401992     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401992      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401992      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401995     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4019C0 
             401995      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401997      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1275,14 +1372,17 @@
             40199a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
             40199d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             40199d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40199d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             40199f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401980 
             40199f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bpl, bpl 
             4019a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    bpl, bpl 
             4019a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A91 
             4019a4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             4019aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019aa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             4019ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401A91 
             4019ac      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019b2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebp, 1 
@@ -1290,6 +1390,7 @@
             4019b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             4019b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40198E 
             4019b7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019b7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40198E 
             4019b9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019b9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; src 
             4019b9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; src 
@@ -1298,6 +1399,7 @@
             4019bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403C00 
             4019c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607F2A, 0 
             4019c0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019c0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607F2A, 0 
             4019c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401DC5 
             4019c7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1305,10 +1407,12 @@
             4019cd      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+ptr]
             4019d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4019d2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019d2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4019d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019E3 
             4019d5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401A01 
             4019d7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019d7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     short loc_401A01 
             4019e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rbp 
             4019e3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1317,6 +1421,7 @@
             4019e6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx+8] 
             4019ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4019ea      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019ea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4019ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4019F4 
             4019ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _free 
@@ -1329,13 +1434,16 @@
             4019f7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _free 
             4019fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4019fc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019fc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4019ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019E0 
             4019ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_4019E0 
             401a01     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:status 
             401a01      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a01      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     eax, cs:status 
             401a07     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             401a07      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a07      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             401a0b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a0b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
             401a0b     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -1356,10 +1464,13 @@
             401a1a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             401a1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401a1f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a1f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401a22     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4015EA 
             401a22      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a22      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4015EA 
             401a28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4015F4 
             401a28      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a28      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4015F4 
             401a2d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aZ2cat_0; "Z2CAT" 
             401a32      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1369,6 +1480,7 @@
             401a35      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             401a3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401a3a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a3a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401a3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40160A 
             401a3d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a43      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1380,6 +1492,7 @@
             401a4b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             401a50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401a50      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a50      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401a53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40160A 
             401a53      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a59      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1391,10 +1504,13 @@
             401a61      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             401a66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401a66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401a69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40160A 
             401a69      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a69      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jnz     loc_40160A 
             401a6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401623 
             401a6f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a6f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ jmp     loc_401623 
             401a74      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a74      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aKeep; "--keep" 
             401a79      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1404,12 +1520,14 @@
             401a7c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401a81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401a81      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a81      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401a83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401AAF 
             401a83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a85      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a85      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:byte_607B0C, 1 
             401a8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401a8c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a8c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401a91      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a91      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     cs:dword_607AF0, 1 
             401a98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403C00 
@@ -1417,6 +1535,7 @@
             401a98      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403C00 
             401a9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40198E 
             401a9d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a9d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40198E 
             401aa2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbp, [rsp+38h+ptr] 
             401aa2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401aa2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 ZZ mov     rbp, [rsp+38h+ptr] 
@@ -1426,6 +1545,7 @@
             401aa7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 ZZ mov     rbx, rbp 
             401aaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401529 
             401aaa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401aaa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ jmp     loc_401529 
             401aaf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401aaf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aSmall; "--small" 
             401ab4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1435,6 +1555,7 @@
             401ab7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401abc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401abc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401abc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401abe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401BB2 
             401abe      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ac4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1446,22 +1567,27 @@
             401acc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401ad1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401ad1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401ad1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401ad3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401CA0 
             401ad3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ad9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ad9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             401ae0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401ae0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401ae0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401ae5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B00, 0 
             401ae5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401ae5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B00, 0 
             401aec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401929 
             401aec      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401af2     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401af2     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401afc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401929 
             401afc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401afc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401929 
             401b01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401b01      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b01      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401b08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401BBE 
             401b08      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b0e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1472,12 +1598,15 @@
             401b13      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             401b18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401B2C 
             401b18      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b18      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401B2C 
             401b1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401b1a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b1a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401b1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401B3F 
             401b1e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401b20      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b20      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401b24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401B3F 
             401b24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b26      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1487,6 +1616,7 @@
             401b28      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             401b2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401b2c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b2c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401b2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4019CD 
             401b2f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b35      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1496,14 +1626,17 @@
             401b38      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
             401b3b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401b3b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b3b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401b3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401B1A 
             401b3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bpl, bpl 
             401b3f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b3f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    bpl, bpl 
             401b42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401BCA 
             401b42      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401b48      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b48      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401b4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401BCA 
             401b4a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b4c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebp, 1 
@@ -1511,8 +1644,10 @@
             401b4c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             401b51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401B28 
             401b51      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b51      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401B28 
             401b53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 2 
             401b53      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b53      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 2 
             401b5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401932 
             401b5a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b60      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1539,20 +1674,24 @@
             401b84      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _exit 
             401b89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607AF4, 0 
             401b89      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b89      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607AF4, 0 
             401b90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40191C 
             401b90      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B10, 2 
             401b96      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b96      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B10, 2 
             401b9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40191C 
             401b9d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ba3     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ba3     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 2 
             401bad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40191C 
             401bad      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40191C 
             401bb2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401bb2      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:byte_607AF4, 1 
             401bb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401bb9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bb9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401bbe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401bbe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; src 
             401bbe     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; src 
@@ -1561,6 +1700,7 @@
             401bc0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403EF0 
             401bc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4019CD 
             401bc5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bc5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4019CD 
             401bca      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401bca      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     cs:dword_607AF0, 1 
             401bd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403EF0 
@@ -1568,8 +1708,10 @@
             401bd1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403EF0 
             401bd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401B28 
             401bd6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bd6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401B28 
             401bdb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401bdb      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bdb      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401be2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401be9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401C36 
             401be9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1581,12 +1723,15 @@
             401bf0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             401bf5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401C09 
             401bf5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bf5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401C09 
             401bf7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401bf7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bf7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401bfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401C18 
             401bfb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401bfd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401bfd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bfd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401c01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401C18 
             401c01      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c03      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1596,6 +1741,7 @@
             401c05      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             401c09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401c09      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c09      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401c0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401C3D 
             401c0c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c0e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1605,14 +1751,17 @@
             401c11      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
             401c14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401c14      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c14      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401c16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401BF7 
             401c16      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bpl, bpl 
             401c18      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c18      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    bpl, bpl 
             401c1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401C28 
             401c1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401c1d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c1d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401c1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401C28 
             401c1f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c21     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebp, 1 
@@ -1620,6 +1769,7 @@
             401c21      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             401c26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401C05 
             401c26      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c26      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401C05 
             401c28      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c28      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     cs:dword_607AF0, 1 
             401c2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403480 
@@ -1627,6 +1777,7 @@
             401c2f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403480 
             401c34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401C05 
             401c34      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c34      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401C05 
             401c36      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c36      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; src 
             401c36     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; src 
@@ -1635,12 +1786,15 @@
             401c38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403480 
             401c3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834A, 0 
             401c3d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c3d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834A, 0 
             401c44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4019CD 
             401c44      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:status, 1 
             401c4a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c4a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:status, 1 
             401c51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_401C5D 
             401c51      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c51      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jg      short loc_401C5D 
             401c53     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c53     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:status, 2 
             401c5d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:status  ; status 
@@ -1681,6 +1835,7 @@
             401c95      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_608350 
             401c9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401949 
             401c9b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401949 
             401ca0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ca0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aVersion; "--version" 
             401ca5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1690,6 +1845,7 @@
             401ca8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401cad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401cad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401cad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401caf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4017F4      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 cases 27,37 
             401caf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cb5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1701,6 +1857,7 @@
             401cbd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401cc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401cc2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401cc2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401cc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4017F4      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 cases 27,37 
             401cc4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cca      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1712,12 +1869,14 @@
             401cd2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401cd7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401cd7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401cd7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401cd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401CEA 
             401cd9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cdb     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cdb     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607AEC, 1 
             401ce5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401ce5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401ce5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401cea      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aRepetitiveBest; "--repetitive-best" 
             401cef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1727,8 +1886,10 @@
             401cf2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401cf7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401cf7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401cf7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401cf9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401D2C 
             401cf9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401cf9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401D2C 
             401cfb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cfb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aRepetitiveFast; "--repetitive-fast" 
             401d00      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1738,8 +1899,10 @@
             401d03      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401d08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d08      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401D2C 
             401d0a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d0a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401D2C 
             401d0c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d0c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aFast; "--fast" 
             401d11      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1749,12 +1912,14 @@
             401d14      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401d19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d19      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d19      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401D39 
             401d1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d1d     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d1d     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 1 
             401d27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d27      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d27      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d2c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d2c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             401d2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402060 
@@ -1762,6 +1927,7 @@
             401d2f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402060 
             401d34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d34      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d39      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d39      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aBest; "--best" 
             401d3e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1771,12 +1937,14 @@
             401d41      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401d46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d46      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d46      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401D59 
             401d48      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d4a     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d4a     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 9 
             401d54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d54      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d54      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d59      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d59      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aVerbose; "--verbose" 
             401d5e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1786,12 +1954,14 @@
             401d61      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401d66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d66      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401D76 
             401d68      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d6a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d6a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             401d71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d71      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d71      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d76      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d76      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aHelp; "--help" 
             401d7b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1801,8 +1971,10 @@
             401d7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401d83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d83      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4017B4      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 55 
             401d85      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d85      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4017B4      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 55 
             401d8b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 2          ; n 
             401d8b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d8b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 2          ; n 
@@ -1815,6 +1987,7 @@
             401d98      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strncmp 
             401d9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d9d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d9d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4016FA 
             401d9f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401da5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1831,10 +2004,13 @@
             401db9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stderr 
             401dc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401685 
             401dc0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401dc0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401685 
             401dc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             401dc5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401dc5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             401dcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401C4A 
             401dcc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401dcc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401C4A 
             401dd2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401dd2      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; s 
             401dd9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 70h        ; n 
@@ -1850,6 +2026,7 @@
             401de8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             401ded     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401C4A 
             401ded      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401ded      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_401C4A 
             401df4      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 -8 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             401df4      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             401df4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401df4 
@@ -1899,12 +2076,15 @@
             401e24      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             401e2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401e2b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401e20 
+            401e2b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401e2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401E32 
             401e2e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e20 
             401e30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401e30      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e20 
+            401e30      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401e32     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401e32      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e20 
+            401e32      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401e36      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401e20 
             401e36      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401e36     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -1927,8 +2107,10 @@
             401e45      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             401e49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_6071F8, 0 
             401e49      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e49      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_6071F8, 0 
             401e50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401E9D 
             401e50      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e50      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_401E9D 
             401e52     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_606E30 
             401e52      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e52      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_606E30 
@@ -1944,25 +2126,30 @@
             401e69      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             401e6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             401e6d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e6d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401e70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_401E96 
             401e70      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e72      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e78     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             401e78      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             401e7c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e7c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_607200, rax 
             401e83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_606E28[rax*8] 
             401e83      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e83      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_606E28[rax*8] 
             401e8a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e8a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_607200 
             401e91     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             401e91      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e91      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401e94     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_401E78 
             401e94      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e96      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e96      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_6071F8, 1 
             401e9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401e9d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e9d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401ea1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401ea1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401ea1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2059,6 +2246,7 @@
             401f32      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ lea     edx, [rdx+rdx*4] 
             401f35     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rcx, 1 
             401f35      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f35      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ sub     rcx, 1 
             401f39     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant add     edx, edx 
             401f39      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f39      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     edx, edx 
@@ -2067,10 +2255,13 @@
             401f3b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ sub     esi, edx 
             401f3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, r9 
             401f3d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f3d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ cmp     rcx, r9 
             401f40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401F20 
             401f40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f40      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_401F20 
             401f42     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esi, 30h 
             401f42      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f42      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ add     esi, 30h 
             401f45      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f45      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ lea     ecx, [r11+1] 
             401f49     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused lea     rax, [rsp+38h+var_18] 
@@ -2082,15 +2273,19 @@
             401f52      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             401f58      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f58      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             401f5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401FA0 
             401f5b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f5b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_401FA0 
             401f5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     rax, 1 
             401f5d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f5d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             401f61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, r10 
             401f61      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f61      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ cmp     rax, r10 
             401f64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401F58 
             401f64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f64      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_401F58 
             401f66     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rax, ecx 
             401f66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ movsxd  rax, ecx 
@@ -2106,6 +2301,7 @@
             401f72      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ movsxd  rsi, edx 
             401f75     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     edx, 1 
             401f75      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f75      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     edx, 1 
             401f78     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   esi, [rsp+rsi+38h+var_38] 
             401f78      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movzx   esi, [rsp+rsi+38h+var_38] 
@@ -2114,8 +2310,10 @@
             401f7c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rdi+rax], sil 
             401f80     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             401f80      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f80      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             401f84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, eax 
             401f84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f84      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ecx, eax 
             401f86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_401F72 
             401f86      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f88     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_10] 
@@ -2129,13 +2327,16 @@
             401f96      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f98     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             401f98      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f98      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             401f9c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f9c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ retn 
             401f9c     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
             401fa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r11, 1 
             401fa0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401fa0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI ZZ add     r11, 1 
             401fa4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401F10 
             401fa4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401fa4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI ZZ jmp     loc_401F10 
             401fa9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___stack_chk_fail 
             401fa9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401fa9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___stack_chk_fail 
@@ -2178,6 +2379,7 @@
             401fdb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             401fdd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, edx 
             401fdd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fdd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r12d, edx 
             401fe0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_401FFC 
             401fe0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fe2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rdx, edx 
@@ -2198,6 +2400,7 @@
             401ff2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401ff7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401ff7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401ff7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401ff9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             401ff9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401ff9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ setz    al 
@@ -2212,6 +2415,7 @@
             402005      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40200a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40200a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            40200a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40200e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             40200e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40200e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -2230,6 +2434,7 @@
             402016      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fopen64 
             40201b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40201b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
+            40201b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40201e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnz   bl 
             40201e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
             402021     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40202B 
@@ -2266,6 +2471,7 @@
             40203b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             402040     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402040      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402030 
+            402040      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402043     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40204F 
             402043      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402030 
             402045      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402030 
@@ -2324,8 +2530,10 @@
             4020aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             4020af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:status, 2 
             4020af      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402090 
+            4020af      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:status, 2 
             4020b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_4020C2 
             4020b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402090 
+            4020b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jg      short loc_4020C2 
             4020b8     10 INSTR BELONGTO 402090 
             4020b8     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:status, 3 
             4020c2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:status  ; status 
@@ -2351,29 +2559,39 @@
             4020d3      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 168 ReturnAddress 
             4020da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             4020da      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020da      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             4020e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402120 
             4020e1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020e1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402120 
             4020e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4020e3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020e3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4020ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402107 
             4020ea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020ea      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402107 
             4020ec      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             4020ec      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R9 ZZ mov     r9d, cs:dword_607B00 
             4020f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             4020f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             4020f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402107 
             4020f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402107 
             4020f8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607AF0 
             4020f8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             4020f8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607AF0 
             4020fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r9d, eax 
             4020fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r9d, eax 
             402101     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_4021A2 
             402101      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402101      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jg      loc_4021A2 
             402107     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, cs:status 
             402107      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402107      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     ebx, cs:status 
             40210d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402115 
             40210d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            40210d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402115 
             40210f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             40210f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:status, ebx 
             402115     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:status  ; status 
@@ -2384,12 +2602,16 @@
             40211b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _exit 
             402120     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_608350, 3 
             402120      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402120      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_608350, 3 
             402127     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4020E3 
             402127      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402127      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4020E3 
             402129     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             402129      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402129      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             402130     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4020E3 
             402130      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402130      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4020E3 
             402132      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             402132      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+0A8h+stat_buf]; stat_buf 
             402132      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+0A8h+stat_buf]; stat_buf
@@ -2404,16 +2626,21 @@
             402141      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___xstat64 
             402146     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402146      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402146      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402148     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4021D1 
             402148      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402148      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4021D1 
             40214e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             40214e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            40214e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402155     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402258 
             402155      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402155      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402258 
             40215b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             40215b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stream  ; stream 
             402162     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             402162      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402162      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             402165     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40216C 
             402165      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             402167     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _fclose 
@@ -2426,8 +2653,10 @@
             402171      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _remove 
             402176     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402176      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402176      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402178     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4020E3 
             402178      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402178      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4020E3 
             40217e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             40217e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             402185      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
@@ -2446,6 +2675,7 @@
             402198      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             40219d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4020E3 
             40219d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            40219d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4020E3 
             4021a2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             4021a2      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             4021a9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, r9d 
@@ -2475,6 +2705,7 @@
             4021c7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             4021cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402107 
             4021cc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4021cc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_402107 
             4021d1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             4021d1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             4021d8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
@@ -2543,6 +2774,7 @@
             40224e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             402253     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4020E3 
             402253      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402253      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4020E3 
             402258      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             402258      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             40225f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
@@ -2560,6 +2792,7 @@
             402276      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             40227b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40215B 
             40227b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            40227b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40215B 
             402280      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             402280      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402280     45 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402280 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP NORET             4022ac 
@@ -2614,6 +2847,7 @@
             4022cd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4022cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4022cf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022b0 
+            4022cf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4022d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     ___fprintf_chk 
             4022d3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4022b0 
             4022d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     ___fprintf_chk 
@@ -2655,6 +2889,7 @@
             402310     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402310     43 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402310 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40233a 
             402310      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402310 
+            402310      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402310      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             402317     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402320 
             402317      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402310 
@@ -2679,6 +2914,7 @@
             402340     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402340     51 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402340 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             402372 
             402340      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402340 
+            402340      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402340      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             402347     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402350 
             402347      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402340 
@@ -2779,10 +3015,12 @@
             402400      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 8 ReturnAddress 
             402404     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             402404      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
+            402404      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             40240b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
             40240b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             402412     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402449 
             402412      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
+            402412      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402449 
             402414      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
             402414      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stderr 
             40241b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aSCaughtASigseg; "\n%s: Caught a SIGSEGV or SIGBUS whilst"... 
@@ -2802,6 +3040,7 @@
             40242c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402340 
             402431     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             402431      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
+            402431      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             402438     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402463 
             402438      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
             40243a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402310 
@@ -2829,6 +3068,7 @@
             40245c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             402461     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40242C 
             402461      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
+            402461      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40242C 
             402463     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 3 
             402463      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
             402463      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 3 
@@ -2890,6 +3130,7 @@
             4024b9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fchmod 
             4024be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4024be      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
+            4024be      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4024c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4024D6 
             4024c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
             4024c2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
@@ -2955,6 +3196,7 @@
             40250c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402511     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402511      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402511      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402513     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402628 
             402513      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402519      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -2965,6 +3207,7 @@
             40251e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402523     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402523      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402523      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402525     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402628 
             402525      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40252b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -2992,12 +3235,16 @@
             402551      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             402554     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             402554      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402554      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    esi, esi 
             402556     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4025CE 
             402556      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402556      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4025CE 
             402558     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             402558      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402558      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             40255f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402578 
             40255f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40255f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402578 
             402561      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402561      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, cs:stderr  ; stream 
             402568     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 0Ah        ; c 
@@ -3014,8 +3261,10 @@
             40257b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402030 
             402580     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             402580      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402580      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             402582     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402638 
             402582      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402582      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402638 
             402588      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402588      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+1498h+ptr]; ptr 
             402588      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 112 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+1498h+ptr]; ptr
@@ -3039,12 +3288,15 @@
             4025a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             4025aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4025aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4025aa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4025ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402628 
             4025ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4025ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             4025ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4025ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             4025b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4025C6 
             4025b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4025b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI ZZ jle     short loc_4025C6 
             4025b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4025b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+1498h+ptr] 
             4025b2      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 112 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+1498h+ptr]
@@ -3065,8 +3317,10 @@
             4025c6      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ mov     ecx, [rsp+1498h+var_1430]
             4025ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             4025ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4025ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4025cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402578 
             4025cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4025cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402578 
             4025ce      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4025ce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 R9 R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ lea     r12, [rsp+1498h+var_1438] 
             4025ce      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 96 displ lea     r12, [rsp+1498h+var_1438]
@@ -3105,16 +3359,22 @@
             402601      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ mov     eax, [rsp+1498h+var_1430]
             402605     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFAh 
             402605      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402605      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFAh 
             402608     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402628 
             402608      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402608      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jz      short loc_402628 
             40260a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
             40260a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40260a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
             40260d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402620 
             40260d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40260d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jz      short loc_402620 
             40260f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFF7h 
             40260f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40260f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFF7h 
             402612     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402630 
             402612      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402612      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jz      short loc_402630 
             402614     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aCompressUnexpe; "compress:unexpected error" 
             402614      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402614      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mov     edi, offset aCompressUnexpe; "compress:unexpected error" 
@@ -3168,8 +3428,10 @@
             402668      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ mov     edx, [rsp+1498h+var_1430]
             40266c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40266c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40266c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40266e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4025E2 
             40266e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40266e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4025E2 
             402674      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402674      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+1498h+stream]; stream 
             402674      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 72 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+1498h+stream]; stream
@@ -3178,6 +3440,7 @@
             402679      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             40267e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40267e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40267e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402680     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402628 
             402680      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402682      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -3188,6 +3451,7 @@
             402687      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fflush 
             40268c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40268c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40268c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40268f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402628 
             40268f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402691      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -3195,8 +3459,10 @@
             402691      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 72 displ mov     rax, [rsp+1498h+stream]
             402696     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, cs:stdout 
             402696      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402696      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rax, cs:stdout 
             40269d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4026D4 
             40269d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40269d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4026D4 
             40269f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40269f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax        ; stream 
             4026a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _fileno 
@@ -3204,6 +3470,7 @@
             4026a2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fileno 
             4026a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4026a7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4026a7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4026a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      loc_402628 
             4026a9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4026af      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -3220,6 +3487,7 @@
             4026bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             4026c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4026c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4026c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4026c3     11 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4026ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402628 
             4026ce      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -3232,6 +3500,7 @@
             4026e2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             4026e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4026e7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4026e7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4026e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402628 
             4026e9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4026ef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -3241,6 +3510,7 @@
             4026f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             4026f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4026f7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4026f7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4026fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402628 
             4026fa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402700     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
@@ -3248,8 +3518,10 @@
             402700      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
             402706     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402706      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402706      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402708     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_402933 
             402708      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402708      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jle     loc_402933 
             40270e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+1498h+var_1440] 
             40270e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40270e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+1498h+var_1440] 
@@ -3259,12 +3531,16 @@
             402712      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+1498h+var_143C] 
             402716     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402716      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402716      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402718     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402722 
             402718      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402718      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402722 
             40271a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40271a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40271a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40271c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402958 
             40271c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40271c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_402958 
             402722     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     ecx, edx 
             402722      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402722      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, edx 
@@ -3427,6 +3703,7 @@
             40280f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ lea     rax, [rsp+1498h+var_57] 
             402817     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402827 
             402817      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402817      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402827 
             402820     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movzx   ecx, byte ptr [rax] 
             402820      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402820      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ movzx   ecx, byte ptr [rax] 
@@ -3438,16 +3715,21 @@
             402827      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movzx   ecx, cl 
             40282a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rsi 
             40282a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40282a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rsi 
             40282d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, ecx 
             40282d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402831     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             402831      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402831      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             402835     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             402835      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402835      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             402839     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm3, xmm0 
             402839      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402839      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ addsd   xmm3, xmm0 
             40283d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402820 
             40283d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40283d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ jnz     short loc_402820 
             40283f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+1498h+var_1480], rdi 
             40283f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40283f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI ZZ mov     [rsp+1498h+var_1480], rdi 
@@ -3468,26 +3750,34 @@
             40285f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+1498h+var_1480] 
             402865     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402877 
             402865      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402865      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_402877 
             402870     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   edx, byte ptr [rax] 
             402870      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402870      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ movzx   edx, byte ptr [rax] 
             402873     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             402873      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402873      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             402877     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   edx, dl 
             402877      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402877      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movzx   edx, dl 
             40287a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rcx 
             40287a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40287a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rax, rcx 
             40287d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
             40287d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40287d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
             402881     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             402881      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402881      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             402885     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             402885      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402885      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             402889     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm4, xmm0 
             402889      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402889      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ addsd   xmm4, xmm0 
             40288d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402870 
             40288d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40288d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402870 
             40288f      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40288f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+1498h+var_58] 
             40288f      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 5184 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+1498h+var_58]
@@ -3537,6 +3827,7 @@
             4028f1      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 5120 displ lea     rcx, [rsp+1498h+var_98]
             4028f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm3 
             4028f9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4028f9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm3 
             4028fd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset a6_3f16_3fBitsB; "%6.3f:1, %6.3f bits/byte, %5.2f%% saved"... 
             4028fd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4028fd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ mov     edx, offset a6_3f16_3fBitsB; "%6.3f:1, %6.3f bits/byte, %5.2f%% saved"... 
@@ -3551,17 +3842,22 @@
             40290c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+1498h+var_1480] 
             402912     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm4 
             402912      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402912      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm4 
             402916     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             402916      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402916      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             40291a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm3 
             40291a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40291a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm3 
             40291e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             40291e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40291e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             402922     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm4 
             402922      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402922      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm4 
             402926     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, cs:qword_4062E0 
             402926      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402926      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mulsd   xmm2, cs:qword_4062E0 
             40292e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___fprintf_chk 
             40292e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40292e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
@@ -3574,16 +3870,20 @@
             40293b      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ xor     rax, fs:28h 
             402944     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402975 
             402944      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402944      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jnz     short loc_402975 
             402946     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 1468h 
             402946      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402946      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ add     rsp, 1468h 
             40294d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40294d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40294d   5224 DEALLOC STACK esp - 5224 pop     rbx
             40294e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40294e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     rbp 
             40294f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40294f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     r12 
             40294f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             402951      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402951      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     r13 
             402951     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r13 
             402953      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402953      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     r14 
@@ -3606,6 +3906,7 @@
             40296e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    _fwrite 
             402973     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402933 
             402973      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402973      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jmp     short loc_402933 
             402975     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___stack_chk_fail 
             402975      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402975      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    ___stack_chk_fail 
@@ -3644,6 +3945,7 @@
             4029a9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             4029ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4029ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4029b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402B21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 3 
             4029b0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             4029b6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
@@ -3672,25 +3974,33 @@
             4029da      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _BZ2_bzReadOpen 
             4029df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4029df      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029df      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4029e2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             4029e2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             4029e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402A24 
             4029e5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029e5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402A24 
             4029e7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             4029e7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R10 ZZ mov     r10d, [rsp+2758h+var_2744] 
             4029e7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     r10d, [rsp+2758h+var_2744]
             4029ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             4029ec      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029ec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             4029ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402A24 
             4029ef      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029ef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402A24 
             4029f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1 
             4029f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     ebp, 1 
             4029f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402A04 
             4029f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_402A04 
             402a00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402a00      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a00      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402a02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402A60 
             402a02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a02      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402A60 
             402a04      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a04      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+2758h+var_2738] 
             402a04      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+2758h+var_2738]
@@ -3711,8 +4021,10 @@
             402a1b      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2758h+var_2744]
             402a1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             402a1f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a1f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             402a22     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402A00 
             402a22      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a22      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402A00 
             402a24      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a24      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2758h+var_2740] 
             402a24      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2758h+var_2740]
@@ -3726,8 +4038,10 @@
             402a31      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_6076CC 
             402a37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             402a37      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a37      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    edi, edi 
             402a39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402AF7 
             402a39      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a39      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      loc_402AF7 
             402a3f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2758h+var_2744] 
             402a3f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a3f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+2758h+var_2744] 
@@ -3737,6 +4051,7 @@
             402a43      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 9 
             402a46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 6          ; switch 7 cases  
             402a46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 6          ; switch 7 cases  
             402a49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_402A58 
             402a49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a4b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aTestUnexpected; jumptable 0000000000402A58 default case 
@@ -3750,8 +4065,10 @@
             402a58      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     ds:off_406018[rax*8]; switch jump 
             402a60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4 
             402a60      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a60      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 4 
             402a63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402A24 
             402a63      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a63      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402A24 
             402a65      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a65      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rcx, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402a65      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ lea     rcx, [rsp+2758h+var_273C]
@@ -3771,8 +4088,10 @@
             402a7c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_2744]
             402a81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             402a81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             402a84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402C4F 
             402a84      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a84      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402C4F 
             402a8a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402a8a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a8a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
@@ -3782,8 +4101,10 @@
             402a8e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+2758h+var_2750]
             402a93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402a93      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a93      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402a95     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402AB4 
             402a95      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a95      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402AB4 
             402a97     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused sub     eax, 1 
             402a97      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a97      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ sub     eax, 1 
@@ -3801,10 +4122,13 @@
             402aa4      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 5040 displ mov     [rsp+rax+2758h+var_13A8], dl
             402aab     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             402aab      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402aab      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             402aaf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rsi 
             402aaf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402aaf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rax, rsi 
             402ab2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402AA0 
             402ab2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ab2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402AA0 
             402ab4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402ab4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2758h+var_2744] 
             402ab4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2758h+var_2744]
@@ -3818,16 +4142,20 @@
             402ac1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     r8d, [rsp+2758h+var_2744]
             402ac6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             402ac6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ac6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             402ac9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402C4F 
             402ac9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ac9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402C4F 
             402acf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402acf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402acf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402acf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C]
             402ad4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             402ad4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ad4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             402ad7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4029BD 
             402ad7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ad7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4029BD 
             402add      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402add      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx        ; stream 
             402ae0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402030 
@@ -3835,14 +4163,17 @@
             402ae0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402030 
             402ae5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             402ae5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ae5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             402ae7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402BF7 
             402ae7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ae7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402BF7 
             402aed     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402aed      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402aed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402aed      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C]
             402af2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4029BD 
             402af2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402af2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jmp     loc_4029BD 
             402af7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402af7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             402afe      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
@@ -3863,6 +4194,7 @@
             402b17      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             402b1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402A3F 
             402b1c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b1c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_402A3F 
             402b21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402470      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 3 
             402b21      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b21      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402470      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 3 
@@ -3899,6 +4231,7 @@
             402b5b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b61     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 2740h 
             402b61      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b61      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 2740h 
             402b68  10048 DEALLOC STACK esp - 10048 pop     rbx
             402b68      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b68      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -3910,6 +4243,7 @@
             402b6c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402b6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, cs:stdin   ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 4 
             402b6d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b6d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, cs:stdin   ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 4 
             402b74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402B7E 
             402b74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b76      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
@@ -3919,15 +4253,19 @@
             402b79      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             402b7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 1 
             402b7e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ cmp     ebp, 1 
             402b81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402BD5 
             402b81      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b81      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RBX ZZ jz      short loc_402BD5 
             402b83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402b83      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b83      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402b8a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             402b8a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b8a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             402b8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402B48 
             402b8f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b8f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_402B48 
             402b91      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b91      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; s 
             402b98     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 23h        ; n 
@@ -3943,6 +4281,7 @@
             402ba7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             402bac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402B48 
             402bac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402bac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     short loc_402B48 
             402bae      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402bae      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 5 
             402bb5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 23h        ; n 
@@ -3961,6 +4300,7 @@
             402bc6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             402bcb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402B48 
             402bcb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402bcb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     loc_402B48 
             402bd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402380      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 6 
             402bd0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402bd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402380      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 6 
@@ -3982,6 +4322,7 @@
             402bed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             402bf2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402B48 
             402bf2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402bf2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     loc_402B48 
             402bf7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402bf7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx        ; stream 
             402bfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _ferror 
@@ -3989,6 +4330,7 @@
             402bfa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402bff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402bff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402bff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402c01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402B21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 3 
             402c01      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402c07      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
@@ -3998,15 +4340,18 @@
             402c0a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             402c0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402c0f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402c0f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402c12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402B21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 3 
             402c12      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402c18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             402c18      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402c18      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             402c1f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             402c1f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402c1f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             402c24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_402B48 
             402c24      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402c24      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jle     loc_402B48 
             402c2a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402c2a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; s 
             402c31     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; n 
@@ -4022,6 +4367,7 @@
             402c40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             402c45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402B48 
             402c45      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402c45      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     loc_402B48 
             402c4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___stack_chk_fail 
             402c4a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402c4a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___stack_chk_fail 
@@ -4073,6 +4419,7 @@
             402c91      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402c96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402c96      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402c96      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402c98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402c98      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402c9e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4082,6 +4429,7 @@
             402ca1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402ca6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402ca6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ca6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402ca8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ca8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402cae     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
@@ -4110,20 +4458,25 @@
             402cd3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _BZ2_bzReadOpen 
             402cd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             402cd8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402cd8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             402cdb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402cdb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             402cde     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402E00 
             402cde      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402cde      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_402E00 
             402ce4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754] 
             402ce4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ce4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754] 
             402ce4      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
             402ce8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402ce8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ce8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402cea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402E00 
             402cea      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402cea      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402E00 
             402cf0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             402cf0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402cf0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             402cf4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402cf8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402cf8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+2768h+ptr] 
@@ -4145,20 +4498,28 @@
             402d0f      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     ecx, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
             402d13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             402d13      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d13      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     ecx, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             402d16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402DF7 
             402d16      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d16      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_402DF7 
             402d1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 4 
             402d1c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d1c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     ecx, 4 
             402d1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402D25 
             402d1f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d1f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402D25 
             402d21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             402d21      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d21      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             402d23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402D3E 
             402d23      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d23      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402D3E 
             402d25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d25      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402D3E 
             402d27      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d27      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402D3E 
             402d29      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402d29      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr 
             402d29      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr
@@ -4180,6 +4541,7 @@
             402d41      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402d46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d46      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d46      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402d48      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402d4e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754] 
@@ -4188,12 +4550,16 @@
             402d4e      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
             402d52     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d52      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d52      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402CF8 
             402d54      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d54      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402CF8 
             402d56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4 
             402d56      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d56      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 4 
             402d59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402E00 
             402d59      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d59      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402E00 
             402d5f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402d5f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rcx, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402d5f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ lea     rcx, [rsp+2768h+var_274C]
@@ -4214,8 +4580,10 @@
             402d76      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
             402d7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d7a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d7a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403067 
             402d7c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d7c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403067 
             402d82     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402d82      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402d82      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
@@ -4225,8 +4593,10 @@
             402d86      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+2768h+var_2760]
             402d8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d8b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d8b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402DB4 
             402d8d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d8d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402DB4 
             402d8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused sub     eax, 1 
             402d8f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402d8f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ sub     eax, 1 
@@ -4245,10 +4615,13 @@
             402da4      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 5040 displ mov     [rsp+rax+2768h+var_13B8], dl
             402dab     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             402dab      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dab      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             402daf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rsi 
             402daf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402daf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rax, rsi 
             402db2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402DA0 
             402db2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402db2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402DA0 
             402db4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402db4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+var_2754] 
             402db4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
@@ -4262,16 +4635,20 @@
             402dc1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     r11d, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
             402dc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             402dc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             402dc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403067 
             402dc9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dc9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403067 
             402dcf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402dcf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402dcf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402dcf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C]
             402dd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             402dd4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dd4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             402dd7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402CB6 
             402dd7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dd7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402CB6 
             402ddd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ddd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp        ; stream 
             402de0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402030 
@@ -4279,18 +4656,23 @@
             402de0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402030 
             402de5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             402de5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402de5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             402de7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402E98 
             402de7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402de7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402E98 
             402ded     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402ded      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ded      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402ded      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C]
             402df2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402CB6 
             402df2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402df2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jmp     loc_402CB6 
             402df7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             402df7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402df7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             402dfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402E2A 
             402dfe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dfe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402E2A 
             402e00      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+var_2750] 
             402e00      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+var_2750]
@@ -4308,6 +4690,7 @@
             402e11      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 9 
             402e14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 6          ; switch 7 cases  
             402e14      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e14      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 6          ; switch 7 cases  
             402e17     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_402E23 
             402e17      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e19     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset word_4046B2; jumptable 0000000000402E23 default case 
@@ -4326,6 +4709,7 @@
             402e2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _rewind 
             402e32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402E8C 
             402e32      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e32      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_402E8C 
             402e38      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr 
             402e38      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr
@@ -4349,12 +4733,15 @@
             402e55      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402e5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402e5a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e5a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402e5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402e5c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e62     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             402e62      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e62      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             402e65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402E7C 
             402e65      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e65      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402E7C 
             402e67      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e67      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr 
             402e67      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr
@@ -4376,6 +4763,7 @@
             402e7f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402e84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402e84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e84      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402e86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402e86      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e8c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4385,8 +4773,10 @@
             402e8f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402030 
             402e94     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             402e94      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e94      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             402e96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402E38 
             402e96      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e96      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402E38 
             402e98      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e98      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp        ; stream 
             402e9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _ferror 
@@ -4394,12 +4784,15 @@
             402e9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402ea0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402ea0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ea0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402ea2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ea2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ea8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402ea8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ea8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402eaf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402EC8 
             402eaf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402eaf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402EC8 
             402eb1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402eb1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx        ; stream 
             402eb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _fileno 
@@ -4407,6 +4800,7 @@
             402eb4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fileno 
             402eb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402eb9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402eb9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402ebb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ebb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ec1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4422,6 +4816,7 @@
             402ecb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             402ed0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402ed0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ed0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402ed3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ed3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ed9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4431,6 +4826,7 @@
             402edc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402ee1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402ee1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ee1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402ee3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ee3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ee9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4440,10 +4836,12 @@
             402eec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fflush 
             402ef1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402ef1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ef1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402ef3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402F71; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ef3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ef5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402ef5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ef5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402efc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402F16 
             402efc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402efe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4453,11 +4851,13 @@
             402f01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             402f06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402f06      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402f06      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402f09     11 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402F71; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402f14      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             402f16      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402f16      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             402f1d     11 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f1d     11 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RBX ZZ mov     cs:stream, 0 
             402f28     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
@@ -4465,6 +4865,7 @@
             402f28      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             402f2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402F4A 
             402f2d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402f2d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jle     short loc_402F4A 
             402f2f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f2f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; s 
             402f36     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; n 
@@ -4492,6 +4893,7 @@
             402f5d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f63     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 2748h 
             402f63      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402f63      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 2748h 
             402f6a  10056 DEALLOC STACK esp - 10056 pop     rbx
             402f6a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f6a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -4539,6 +4941,7 @@
             402fa9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4020D0 
             402fae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbp, cs:stdin   ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 4 
             402fae      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fae      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbp, cs:stdin   ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 4 
             402fb5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402FBF 
             402fb5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402fb7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4548,6 +4951,7 @@
             402fba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             402fbf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402fbf      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fbf      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402fc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402FD0 
             402fc6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402fc8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4560,15 +4964,19 @@
             402fd0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             402fd2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 1 
             402fd2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fd2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ cmp     r12d, 1 
             402fd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402F4A 
             402fd6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fd6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jz      loc_402F4A 
             402fdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402fdc      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fdc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402fe3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             402fe3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402fe3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             402fe8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402F4A 
             402fe8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fe8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jz      loc_402F4A 
             402fee      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402fee      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             402ff5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4589,10 +4997,13 @@
             40300e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             403013     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402F4A 
             403013      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            403013      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     loc_402F4A 
             403018     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 2 
             403018      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            403018      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 2 
             40301f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403030 
             40301f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            40301f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_403030 
             403021     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 2 
             403021      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             403021      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 2 
@@ -4631,6 +5042,7 @@
             403060      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402310 
             403065     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403021 
             403065      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            403065      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_403021 
             403067     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aDecompressBzre; "decompress:bzReadGetUnused" 
             403067      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             403067      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aDecompressBzre; "decompress:bzReadGetUnused" 
@@ -4664,8 +5076,10 @@
             403097      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strlen 
             40309c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 400h 
             40309c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            40309c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rax, 400h 
             4030a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4030CA 
             4030a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            4030a2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ ja      short loc_4030CA 
             4030a4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
             4030a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbx        ; src 
             4030a7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
@@ -4687,6 +5101,7 @@
             4030c0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             4030c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4030c5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            4030c5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4030c9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
             4030c9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             4030c9     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -4711,8 +5126,10 @@
             4030e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             4030eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:status, 0 
             4030eb      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            4030eb      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:status, 0 
             4030f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4030FF 
             4030f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            4030f2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_4030FF 
             4030f4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:status  ; status 
             4030f4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
             4030f4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, cs:status  ; status 
@@ -4723,6 +5140,7 @@
             4030ff     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:status, 1 
             403109     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4030F4 
             403109      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            403109      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4030F4 
             403110      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 96 4 0 8 5 -8 96 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 1 14 0 1 15 0 0 ZZ
             403110      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403110    153 FUNC GLOBAL sub_403110 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4031a8 
@@ -4743,18 +5161,23 @@
             403118      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             40311c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40311c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40311c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40311f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40312B 
             40311f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40311f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40312B 
             403121     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403149 
             403121      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            403121      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_403149 
             403128      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             403128      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40312b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             40312b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+8] 
             40312f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40312f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40312f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             403132     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403128 
             403132      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            403132      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_403128 
             403134      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             403134      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi 
             403134     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -4765,6 +5188,7 @@
             40313b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+8], rax 
             40313f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40313f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40313f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403143     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rax, rbp
             403143      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             403143      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, rbp 
@@ -4785,6 +5209,7 @@
             403153      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _malloc 
             403158     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             403158      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            403158      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40315b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             40315b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40315e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
@@ -4815,6 +5240,7 @@
             403187      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _malloc 
             40318c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40318c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40318c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40318f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             40318f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+28h+s]; src 
             40318f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+28h+s]; src
@@ -4829,6 +5255,7 @@
             40319d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcpy 
             4031a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40313F 
             4031a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            4031a2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40313F 
             4031a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402380 
             4031a4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             4031a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402380 
@@ -4866,20 +5293,24 @@
             4031c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _getenv 
             4031cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4031cb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031cb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R14 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4031ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             4031ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R14 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4031d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403291 
             4031d1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031d1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R14 ZZ jz      loc_403291 
             4031d7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rbp, ebp 
             4031d7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             4031d7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ movsxd  rbp, ebp 
             4031da     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     rbx, rbp 
             4031da      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031da      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ add     rbx, rbp 
             4031dd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R14 ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   r14d, byte ptr [rbx] 
             4031dd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             4031dd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ movzx   r14d, byte ptr [rbx] 
             4031e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14b, r14b 
             4031e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031e1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r14b, r14b 
             4031e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403291 
             4031e4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             4031ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___ctype_b_loc 
@@ -4889,8 +5320,10 @@
             4031ef      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     rcx, [rax] 
             4031f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403200 
             4031f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031f2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_403200 
             4031f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             4031f8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031f8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R14 ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             4031fc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R14 ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   r14d, byte ptr [rbx] 
             4031fc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             4031fc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R14 ZZ movzx   r14d, byte ptr [rbx] 
@@ -4899,6 +5332,7 @@
             403200      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movsx   rax, r14b 
             403204     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rcx+rax*2+1], 20h 
             403204      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403204      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    byte ptr [rcx+rax*2+1], 20h 
             403209     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4031F8 
             403209      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             40320b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
@@ -4906,6 +5340,7 @@
             40320b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             40320d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14b, r14b 
             40320d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            40320d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r14b, r14b 
             403210     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4031D7 
             403210      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403212     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, rbx 
@@ -4913,6 +5348,7 @@
             403212      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
             403215     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40322F 
             403215      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403215      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40322F 
             403220     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsx   rdx, dl 
             403220      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403220      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsx   rdx, dl 
@@ -4921,19 +5357,25 @@
             403224      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             403228     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rcx+rdx*2+1], 20h 
             403228      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403228      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    byte ptr [rcx+rdx*2+1], 20h 
             40322d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40323A 
             40322d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            40322d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40323A 
             40322f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movzx   edx, byte ptr [rax+1] 
             40322f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             40322f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ movzx   edx, byte ptr [rax+1] 
             403233     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1 
             403233      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403233      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     ebp, 1 
             403236     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dl, dl 
             403236      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403236      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    dl, dl 
             403238     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403220 
             403238      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403238      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_403220 
             40323a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 400h 
             40323a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            40323a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     ebp, 400h 
             403240     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, r13d 
             403240      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403240      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, r13d 
@@ -4951,10 +5393,13 @@
             403254      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     ds:byte_6076E0[rax], dl 
             40325a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             40325a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            40325a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             40325e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, eax 
             40325e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            40325e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     ecx, eax 
             403260     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_403250 
             403260      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403260      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jg      short loc_403250 
             403262     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rcx, ecx 
             403262      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403262      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsxd  rcx, ecx 
@@ -4970,6 +5415,7 @@
             403274      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r12] 
             403278     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     rbx, rbp 
             403278      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403278      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, rbp 
             40327b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403110 
             40327b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             40327b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403110 
@@ -4980,11 +5426,13 @@
             403284      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ movzx   r14d, byte ptr [rbx] 
             403288     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14b, r14b 
             403288      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403288      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r14b, r14b 
             40328b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4031EA 
             40328b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403291      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403291      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             403292      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403292      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbp 
             403292     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
             403293      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403293      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     r12 
@@ -5027,6 +5475,7 @@
             4032c1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _open64 
             4032c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4032c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
+            4032c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4032c9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
             4032c9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     ebx, eax 
             4032c9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, eax 
@@ -5043,6 +5492,7 @@
             4032d4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fdopen 
             4032d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4032d9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
+            4032d9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4032dc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
             4032df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4032F8 
             4032df      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
@@ -5057,6 +5507,7 @@
             4032e9      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             4032ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4032ee      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
+            4032ee      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4032f2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
             4032f2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             4032f2     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -5068,6 +5519,7 @@
             4032fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _close 
             4032ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4032E1 
             4032ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
+            4032ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_4032E1 
             403310      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 1 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 1 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             403310      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403310    152 DATAREF STACK 291 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
@@ -5089,11 +5541,13 @@
             403324      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___lxstat64 
             403329     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403329      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
+            403329      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40332b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
             40332b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
             40332b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ mov     edx, 1 
             403330     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403343 
             403330      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
+            403330      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_403343 
             403332     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, [rsp+98h+var_80] 
             403332      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
             403332      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+98h+var_80] 
@@ -5102,6 +5556,7 @@
             403336      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ and     eax, 0F000h 
             40333b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 8000h 
             40333b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
+            40333b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 8000h 
             403340     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnz   dl 
             403340      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
             403340      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ setnz   dl 
@@ -5110,6 +5565,7 @@
             403343     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, edx 
             403345     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 98h 
             403345      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
+            403345      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 98h 
             40334c    152 DEALLOC STACK esp - 152 retn
             40334c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
             40334c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -5134,10 +5590,12 @@
             403363      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___xstat64 
             403368     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403368      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403350 
+            403368      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40336a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403371 
             40336a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403350 
             40336c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40336c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403350 
+            40336c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403370      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403350 
             403370      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ retn 
             403370      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -5173,10 +5631,12 @@
             4033a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _utime 
             4033a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4033a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403380 
+            4033a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4033aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4033B1 
             4033aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403380 
             4033ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4033ac      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403380 
+            4033ac      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4033b0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403380 
             4033b0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4033b0     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -5198,6 +5658,7 @@
             4033c6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rdx] 
             4033c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 4 
             4033c8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            4033c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RSI ZZ add     rdx, 4 
             4033cc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [rcx-1010101h] 
             4033cc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             4033cc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RSI ZZ lea     eax, [rcx-1010101h] 
@@ -5212,6 +5673,7 @@
             4033d6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RBX RSI ZZ and     eax, 80808080h 
             4033db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4033C6 
             4033db      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            4033db      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RBX RSI ZZ jz      short loc_4033C6 
             4033dd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             4033dd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RBX RSI ZZ mov     ecx, eax 
             4033dd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, eax 
@@ -5226,6 +5688,7 @@
             4033ea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ shr     ecx, 10h 
             4033ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, 8080h 
             4033ed      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            4033ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, 8080h 
             4033f2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             4033f5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             4033f5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ lea     rcx, [rdx+2] 
@@ -5239,12 +5702,15 @@
             403403      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rdx, offset dest 
             40340a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, edx 
             40340a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            40340a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, edx 
             40340c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_403472 
             40340c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             40340e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            40340e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     esi, edx 
             40340e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs sub     esi, edx 
             403410     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, esi 
             403410      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            403410      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, esi 
             403412     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_403472 
             403412      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403414      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
@@ -5254,6 +5720,7 @@
             40341b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 20h        ; c 
             403420     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1 
             403420      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            403420      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 1 
             403423     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _fputc 
             403423      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403423      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fputc 
@@ -5268,6 +5735,7 @@
             403433     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rdx] 
             403435     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 4 
             403435      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            403435      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rdx, 4 
             403439     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [rcx-1010101h] 
             403439      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403439      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ lea     eax, [rcx-1010101h] 
@@ -5282,6 +5750,7 @@
             403443      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ and     eax, 80808080h 
             403448     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403433 
             403448      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            403448      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ jz      short loc_403433 
             40344a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             40344a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, eax 
             40344a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, eax 
@@ -5290,6 +5759,7 @@
             40344c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ shr     ecx, 10h 
             40344f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, 8080h 
             40344f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            40344f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, 8080h 
             403454      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403457      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403457      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ lea     rcx, [rdx+2] 
@@ -5302,9 +5772,11 @@
             403465      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403465      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rdx, offset dest 
             40346c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            40346c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     esi, edx 
             40346c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs sub     esi, edx 
             40346e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, esi 
             40346e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            40346e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, esi 
             403470     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_403414 
             403470      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403472      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
@@ -5333,6 +5805,7 @@
             403487      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 328 ReturnAddress 
             40348e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40348e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40348e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             403491      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403498     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4035D0 
             403498      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5341,10 +5814,12 @@
             40349e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             4034a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             4034a4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             4034a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4035A0 
             4034a7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4034ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             4034ad      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034ad      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             4034b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403530 
             4034b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4034b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5352,12 +5827,16 @@
             4034b2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             4034b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             4034b4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034b4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             4034b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4035DD 
             4034b7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034b7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4035DD 
             4034bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             4034bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034bd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             4034c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4034E6 
             4034c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4034E6 
             4034c2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset dest 
             4034c2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4034c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset dest 
@@ -5366,6 +5845,7 @@
             4034c7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             4034cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4034cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             4034ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403850 
             4034ce      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4034d4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
@@ -5376,35 +5856,49 @@
             4034da      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ sub     eax, 2 
             4034dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             4034dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034dd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             4034e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_403940 
             4034e0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034e0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jbe     loc_403940 
             4034e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bl, bl 
             4034e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034e6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ test    bl, bl 
             4034e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4034F7 
             4034e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034e8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4034F7 
             4034ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4034ea      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034ea      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4034f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4038A8 
             4034f1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034f1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4038A8 
             4034f7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             4034f7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4034f7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             4034fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             4034fd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034fd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403500     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4038E8 
             403500      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403500      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4038E8 
             403506     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             403506      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403506      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             403509     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403808 
             403509      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403509      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403808 
             40350f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             40350f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40350f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403512     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403798 
             403512      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403512      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403798 
             403518     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403518      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403518      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             40351b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403660 
             40351b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40351b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403660 
             403521     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aUncompressBadS; "uncompress: bad srcMode" 
             403521      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403521      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aUncompressBadS; "uncompress: bad srcMode" 
@@ -5444,14 +5938,19 @@
             403562      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401FB0 
             403567     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403567      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403567      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             403569     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4035E8 
             403569      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403569      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4035E8 
             40356b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 8 
             40356b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40356b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rbp, 8 
             40356f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbp, 20h 
             40356f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40356f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rbp, 20h 
             403573     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40354C 
             403573      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403573      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40354C 
             403575     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 40Ah 
             403575      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403575      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 40Ah 
@@ -5472,6 +5971,7 @@
             40358e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403594     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4034BD 
             403594      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403594      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4034BD 
             4035a0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4035a0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rdi        ; src 
             4035a3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset dest; dest 
@@ -5497,15 +5997,19 @@
             4035be      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             4035c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4034BD 
             4035c4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4035c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4034BD 
             4035d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             4035d0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4035d0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             4035d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403B04 
             4035d7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4035d7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403B04 
             4035dd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
             4035dd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4035dd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
             4035e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4035A3 
             4035e2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4035e2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4035A3 
             4035e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebp, offset file 
             4035e8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4035e8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ mov     ebp, offset file 
@@ -5514,6 +6018,7 @@
             4035ed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, [rbp+0] 
             4035f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 4 
             4035f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4035f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ add     rbp, 4 
             4035f4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [rdx-1010101h] 
             4035f4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4035f4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ lea     eax, [rdx-1010101h] 
@@ -5528,6 +6033,7 @@
             4035fe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ and     eax, 80808080h 
             403603     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4035ED 
             403603      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403603      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4035ED 
             403605      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403605      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, eax 
             403605     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, eax 
@@ -5538,6 +6044,7 @@
             40360a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ shr     edx, 10h 
             40360d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, 8080h 
             40360d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40360d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, 8080h 
             403612      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403615      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403615      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ lea     rdx, [rbp+2] 
@@ -5556,6 +6063,7 @@
             40362f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbx 
             403632     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sub     rbp, rax 
             403632      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403632      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RDI ZZ sub     rbp, rax 
             403635     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 40Ah 
             403635      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403635      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RDI ZZ mov     edx, 40Ah 
@@ -5575,6 +6083,7 @@
             40364d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403653     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4034BD 
             403653      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403653      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4034BD 
             403660      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403660      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbp, cs:stdin 
             403667      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5592,15 +6101,19 @@
             403678      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _isatty 
             40367d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40367d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40367d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40367f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403A80 
             40367f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40367f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403A80 
             403685     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
             403685      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403685      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
             40368b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40368b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40368b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40368d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4036BD 
             40368d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40368d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_4036BD 
             40368f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40368f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stderr 
             403696     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset dest 
@@ -5639,11 +6152,13 @@
             4036d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402C60 
             4036d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4036d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4036d6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             4036d8     11 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4036e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403730 
             4036e3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4036e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             4036e5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4036e5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             4036ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403B30 
             4036ec      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4036f2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
@@ -5653,6 +6168,7 @@
             4036f8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             4036ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4036ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4036ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403701     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40371E 
             403701      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403703      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5670,35 +6186,43 @@
             403719      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             40371e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 130h 
             40371e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40371e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 130h 
             403725      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403725      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             403726      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403726      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     rbp 
             403727      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403727      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     r12 
             403727     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             403729      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403729      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403730     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             403730      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403730      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             403737      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403737      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834A, 1 
             40373e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40373e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             403745     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403B10 
             403745      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403745      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403B10 
             40374b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:status, 1 
             40374b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40374b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     cs:status, 1 
             403752      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403752      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             403759     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_403A68 
             403759      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403759      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jle     loc_403A68 
             40375f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
             40375f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40375f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
             403765     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403765      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403765      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403767     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_4039B0 
             403767      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403767      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jle     loc_4039B0 
             40376d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40376d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; s 
             403774     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 12h        ; n 
@@ -5714,12 +6238,14 @@
             403783      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             403788     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 130h 
             403788      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403788      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 130h 
             40378f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40378f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40378f    304 DEALLOC STACK esp - 304 pop     rbx
             403790      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403790      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     rbp 
             403791      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403791      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     r12 
             403791     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             403793      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403793      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -5739,12 +6265,14 @@
             4037aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032A0 
             4037af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4037af      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4037af      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4037b2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4037b2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4037b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403B80 
             4037b5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4037bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4037bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4037bb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4037be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403685 
             4037be      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4037c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
@@ -5783,6 +6311,7 @@
             4037fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             403800     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40399C 
             403800      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403800      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40399C 
             403808     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
             403808      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403808      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
@@ -5794,6 +6323,7 @@
             403812      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fopen64 
             403817     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             403817      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403817      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40381a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40381a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40381d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5820,6 +6350,7 @@
             403846      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSCanTOpenInp_0; "%s: Can't open input file %s:%s.\n" 
             40384b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403871 
             40384b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40384b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_403871 
             403850     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
             403850      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403850      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___errno_location 
@@ -5854,12 +6385,15 @@
             403884      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX R12 ZZ mov     edx, cs:status 
             40388a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40388a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40388a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40388c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40371E 
             40388c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40388c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ jg      loc_40371E 
             403892     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403892     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ mov     cs:status, 1 
             40389c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40371E 
             40389c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40389c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40371E 
             4038a8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4038a8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             4038af      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5885,8 +6419,10 @@
             4038d3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             4038d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             4038d9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4038d9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             4038dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403506 
             4038dc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4038dc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403506 
             4038e2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4038e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset file 
             4038e8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5896,12 +6432,15 @@
             4038ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             4038f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4038f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4038f2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             4038f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40390D 
             4038f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4038f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             4038f6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4038f6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             4038fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403AF0 
             4038fd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4038fd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403AF0 
             403903      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403903      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset file; filename 
             403908     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _remove 
@@ -5912,10 +6451,12 @@
             40390d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403913     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403913      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403913      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403916     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403506 
             403916      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40391c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             40391c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40391c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             403923     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4039E0 
             403923      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403929     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403350 
@@ -5926,6 +6467,7 @@
             40392e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403934     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403506 
             403934      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403934      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403506 
             403940      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403940      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+stat_buf]; stat_buf 
             403940      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+stat_buf]; stat_buf
@@ -5947,14 +6489,17 @@
             403958      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ and     eax, 0F000h 
             40395d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4000h 
             40395d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40395d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 4000h 
             403962     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403B60 
             403962      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403968     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             403968      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403968      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             40396f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4034E6 
             40396f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403975     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             403975      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403975      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             40397c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4034E6 
             40397c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403982     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403310 
@@ -5962,21 +6507,28 @@
             403982      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403310 
             403987     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403987      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403987      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403989     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4034E6 
             403989      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403989      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      loc_4034E6 
             40398f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             40398f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40398f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             403996     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403BCA 
             403996      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403996      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     loc_403BCA 
             40399c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:status 
             40399c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40399c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, cs:status 
             4039a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4039a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039a2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4039a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40371E 
             4039a4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039a4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ jg      loc_40371E 
             4039aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403892 
             4039aa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_403892 
             4039b0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4039b0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             4039b7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5997,6 +6549,7 @@
             4039d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             4039d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40371E 
             4039d5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039d5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40371E 
             4039e0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4039e0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+var_A8]; stat_buf 
             4039e0      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 160 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+var_A8]; stat_buf
@@ -6011,19 +6564,25 @@
             4039f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___lxstat64 
             4039f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4039f7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039f7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4039f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403AD4 
             4039f9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039f9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     loc_403AD4 
             4039ff      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4039ff      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R9 ZZ mov     r9, [rsp+148h+var_A8.st_nlink] 
             4039ff      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 176 displ mov     r9, [rsp+148h+var_A8.st_nlink]
             403a07     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     r9d, 1 
             403a07      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a07      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ sub     r9d, 1 
             403a0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             403a0b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a0b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             403a0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_403AD4 
             403a0e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a0e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jle     loc_403AD4 
             403a14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r9d, 1 
             403a14      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a14      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ cmp     r9d, 1 
             403a18     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, 4047D2h 
             403a18      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403a18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     edx, 4047D2h 
@@ -6059,14 +6618,18 @@
             403a4f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI R12 ZZ mov     esi, cs:status 
             403a55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             403a55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ test    esi, esi 
             403a57     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40371E 
             403a57      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a57      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ jg      loc_40371E 
             403a5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403892 
             403a5d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a5d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_403892 
             403a68     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403a68     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:status, 2 
             403a72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40375F 
             403a72      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a72      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40375F 
             403a80      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403a80      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             403a87      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6106,19 +6669,24 @@
             403ac1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RBX R12 ZZ mov     ecx, cs:status 
             403ac7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             403ac7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403ac7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             403ac9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40371E 
             403ac9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403ac9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ jg      loc_40371E 
             403acf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403892 
             403acf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403acf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_403892 
             403ad4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403ad4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403ad4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403ada     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403ada      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403ada      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403add     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403929 
             403add      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403ae3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403506 
             403ae3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403ae3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403506 
             403af0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403af0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset file 
             403af6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6128,6 +6696,7 @@
             403afd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSOutputFileSAl; "%s: Output file %s already exists.\n" 
             403b02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403AAE 
             403b02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b02      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_403AAE 
             403b04     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aUncompressBadM; "uncompress: bad modes\n" 
             403b04      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b04      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aUncompressBadM; "uncompress: bad modes\n" 
@@ -6141,6 +6710,7 @@
             403b15      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _remove 
             403b1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403b1a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b1a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403b1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40374B 
             403b1c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b22     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402470 
@@ -6151,6 +6721,7 @@
             403b30      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403380 
             403b35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B0C, 0 
             403b35      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b35      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B0C, 0 
             403b3c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4036F2 
             403b43      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6161,10 +6732,12 @@
             403b4e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _remove 
             403b53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403b53      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b53      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403b55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4036F2 
             403b55      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403B22 
             403b5b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b5b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_403B22 
             403b60      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b60      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset dest 
             403b66      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6174,6 +6747,7 @@
             403b6d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSInputFileSIsA; "%s: Input file %s is a directory.\n" 
             403b72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403AAE 
             403b72      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b72      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403AAE 
             403b80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
             403b80      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b80      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___errno_location 
@@ -6205,6 +6779,7 @@
             403baf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             403bb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             403bb4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403bb4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             403bb7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40399C 
             403bb7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403bbd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6214,6 +6789,7 @@
             403bc0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             403bc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40399C 
             403bc5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403bc5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40399C 
             403bca      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403bca      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             403bd1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6234,6 +6810,7 @@
             403bea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             403bef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40399C 
             403bef      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403bef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40399C 
             403c00      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 96 6 0 0 7 0 1 8 0 16 9 0 16 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 1 13 0 1 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             403c00      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403c00      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
@@ -6249,10 +6826,12 @@
             403c04      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 152 ReturnAddress 
             403c0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             403c0b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c0b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             403c0e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c0e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             403c15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403E20 
             403c15      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c15      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403E20 
             403c1b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset src ; "(none)" 
             403c1b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c1b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset src ; "(none)" 
@@ -6267,16 +6846,22 @@
             403c2a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403c30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             403c30      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c30      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             403c33     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403D50 
             403c33      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c33      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403D50 
             403c39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403c39      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c39      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403c3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403D50 
             403c3c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c3c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403D50 
             403c42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403c42      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c42      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403c45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403DF0 
             403c45      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c45      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403DF0 
             403c4b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset dest 
             403c4b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c4b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset dest 
@@ -6285,12 +6870,15 @@
             403c50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             403c55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403c55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403c57     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403E50 
             403c57      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             403c5d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c5d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             403c64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403D6C 
             403c64      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c64      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403D6C 
             403c6a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c6a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rsp        ; stat_buf 
             403c6a      3 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdx, rsp        ; stat_buf
@@ -6311,21 +6899,28 @@
             403c80      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ and     eax, 0F000h 
             403c85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4000h 
             403c85      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c85      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 4000h 
             403c8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403EA0 
             403c8a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c8a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      loc_403EA0 
             403c90     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403c90      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c90      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403c96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403c96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403c99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403D6C 
             403c99      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c99      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403D6C 
             403c9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      loc_403E10 
             403c9f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c9f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jl      loc_403E10 
             403ca5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403ca5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403ca5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403ca8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_403E10 
             403ca8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403ca8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jg      loc_403E10 
             403cae     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
             403cae      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403cae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
@@ -6337,6 +6932,7 @@
             403cb8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fopen64 
             403cbd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             403cbd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403cbd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             403cc0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403cc0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             403cc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403EC0 
@@ -6345,8 +6941,10 @@
             403cc9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, cs:dword_6076CC 
             403cd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             403cd0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403cd0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             403cd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_403D03 
             403cd3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403cd3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_403D03 
             403cd5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403cd5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stderr 
             403cdc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset dest 
@@ -6381,6 +6979,7 @@
             403d11      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402980 
             403d16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403d16      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d16      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403d18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403E40 
             403d18      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d1e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:dword_6076CC 
@@ -6388,6 +6987,7 @@
             403d1e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_6076CC 
             403d24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             403d24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d24      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             403d26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_403D43 
             403d26      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d28      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
@@ -6405,6 +7005,7 @@
             403d3e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             403d43     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 90h 
             403d43      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d43      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 90h 
             403d4a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d4a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403d4b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
@@ -6422,8 +7023,10 @@
             403d5d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403d63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403d63      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d63      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403d66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403C4B 
             403d66      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d66      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403C4B 
             403d6c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d6c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stdin   ; stream 
             403d73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _fileno 
@@ -6437,10 +7040,12 @@
             403d7a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _isatty 
             403d7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403d7f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d7f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403d81      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d81      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, cs:stdin 
             403d88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403CC9 
             403d88      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d88      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403CC9 
             403d8e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d8e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             403d95      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
@@ -6479,12 +7084,15 @@
             403dcf      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R10 ZZ mov     r10d, cs:status 
             403dd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             403dd6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403dd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             403dd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_403D43 
             403dd9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403dd9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jg      loc_403D43 
             403ddf     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403ddf     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:status, 1 
             403de9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403D43 
             403de9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403de9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_403D43 
             403df0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
             403df0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403df0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
@@ -6499,6 +7107,7 @@
             403dff      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403e05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403D63 
             403e05      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e05      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403D63 
             403e10     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aTestfBadSrcmod; "testf: bad srcMode" 
             403e10      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403e10      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aTestfBadSrcmod; "testf: bad srcMode" 
@@ -6507,8 +7116,10 @@
             403e15      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4023C0 
             403e20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             403e20      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e20      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             403e27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403C1B 
             403e27      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e27      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403C1B 
             403e2d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aTestfBadModes; "testf: bad modes\n" 
             403e2d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403e2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aTestfBadModes; "testf: bad modes\n" 
@@ -6519,6 +7130,7 @@
             403e40      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_607F2A, 1 
             403e47     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 90h 
             403e47      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e47      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 90h 
             403e4e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403e4e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403e4f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
@@ -6556,10 +7168,13 @@
             403e84      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R9 ZZ mov     r9d, cs:status 
             403e8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             403e8b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e8b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             403e8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_403DDF 
             403e8e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e8e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jle     loc_403DDF 
             403e94     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 90h 
             403e94      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e94      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 90h 
             403e9b    144 DEALLOC STACK esp - 144 pop     rbx
             403e9b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403e9b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -6574,6 +7189,7 @@
             403ead      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSInputFileSIsA; "%s: Input file %s is a directory.\n" 
             403eb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403DBC 
             403eb2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403eb2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403DBC 
             403ec0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
             403ec0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403ec0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___errno_location 
@@ -6594,6 +7210,7 @@
             403edc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSCanTOpenInp_0; "%s: Can't open input file %s:%s.\n" 
             403ee1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403E71 
             403ee1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403ee1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_403E71 
             403ef0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 -16 4 4 0 8 5 -8 96 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 4 9 0 16 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 1 13 0 1 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             403ef0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403ef0   1607 FUNC GLOBAL sub_403EF0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             404536 
@@ -6613,6 +7230,7 @@
             403ef5      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 328 ReturnAddress 
             403efc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             403efc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403efc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             403eff      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404040 
             403f06      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6621,16 +7239,20 @@
             403f0c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403f12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             403f12      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f12      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             403f15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404080 
             403f15      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403f1b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f1b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403f1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403FA0 
             403f1e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403f24      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f24      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403f27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40404D 
             403f27      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f27      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40404D 
             403f2d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset dest 
             403f2d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset dest 
@@ -6639,6 +7261,7 @@
             403f32      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             403f37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403f37      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f37      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403f39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403FEF 
             403f39      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f3f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6656,14 +7279,18 @@
             403f50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401FB0 
             403f55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403f55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403f57     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4041E0 
             403f57      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 8 
             403f5d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f5d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rbx, 8 
             403f61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, 20h 
             403f61      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f61      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rbx, 20h 
             403f65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403F41 
             403f65      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f65      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_403F41 
             403f67     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403f67      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f67      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
@@ -6672,22 +7299,31 @@
             403f6d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ lea     edx, [rax-2] 
             403f70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 1 
             403f70      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f70      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     edx, 1 
             403f73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_404210 
             403f73      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f73      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jbe     loc_404210 
             403f79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             403f79      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f79      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             403f7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4041A0 
             403f7c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f7c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4041A0 
             403f82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403f82      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f82      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403f85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404130 
             403f85      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f85      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_404130 
             403f8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403f8b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f8b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403f8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             403f8e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f8e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             403f90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404088 
             403f90      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f90      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_404088 
             403f96     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, 404700h 
             403f96      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f96      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 404700h 
@@ -6727,8 +7363,10 @@
             403fce      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403fd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403fd4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403fd4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403fd7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403F3F 
             403fd7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403fd7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403F3F 
             403fdd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset dest 
             403fdd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403fdd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset dest 
@@ -6737,6 +7375,7 @@
             403fe2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             403fe7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403fe7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403fe7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403fe9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403F3F 
             403fe9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403fef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
@@ -6773,10 +7412,13 @@
             404023      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebp, cs:status 
             404029     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             404029      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404029      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40402b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_4041FB 
             40402b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40402b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jle     loc_4041FB 
             404031     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 138h 
             404031      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404031      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 138h 
             404038      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404038      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             404039      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6785,8 +7427,10 @@
             40403a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404040     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             404040      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404040      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             404047     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40452D 
             404047      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404047      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40452D 
             40404d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
             40404d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40404d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
@@ -6810,10 +7454,12 @@
             40406b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404071     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403FD4 
             404071      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404071      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403FD4 
             404080      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404080      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rdi 
             404083     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404052 
             404083      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404083      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_404052 
             404088      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404088      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, cs:stdout 
             40408f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6831,14 +7477,18 @@
             4040a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _isatty 
             4040a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4040a5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4040a5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4040a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4043E0 
             4040a7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4040a7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4043E0 
             4040ad      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4040ad      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R11 ZZ mov     r11d, cs:dword_6076CC 
             4040b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             4040b4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4040b4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             4040b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4040E7 
             4040b7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4040b7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_4040E7 
             4040b9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4040b9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stderr 
             4040c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset dest 
@@ -6877,6 +7527,7 @@
             4040fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4024E0 
             404100     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             404100      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404100      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             404107     11 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404112     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4043A8 
             404112      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6884,6 +7535,7 @@
             404118      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             40411f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 138h 
             40411f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40411f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 138h 
             404126      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404126      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             404127      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6906,12 +7558,14 @@
             404142      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032A0 
             404147     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             404147      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404147      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40414a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40414a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40414d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4044EB 
             40414d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404153     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             404153      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404153      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             404156     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4040AD 
             404156      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40415c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
@@ -6950,6 +7604,7 @@
             404193      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             404198     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4041ED 
             404198      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404198      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_4041ED 
             4041a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
             4041a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4041a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
@@ -6976,16 +7631,20 @@
             4041c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _isatty 
             4041c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4041c8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041c8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4041ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404438 
             4041ca      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4041d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4041d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4041d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4040AD 
             4041d3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4041d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403FEF 
             4041d9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_403FEF 
             4041e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4041e0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041e0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4041e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404490 
             4041e7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4041ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     ebx, cs:status 
@@ -6993,12 +7652,15 @@
             4041ed      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, cs:status 
             4041f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             4041f3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041f3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             4041f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_404031 
             4041f5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041f5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jg      loc_404031 
             4041fb     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4041fb     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:status, 1 
             404205     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 138h 
             404205      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404205      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 138h 
             40420c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40420c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40420c    312 DEALLOC STACK esp - 312 pop     rbx
@@ -7026,17 +7688,21 @@
             404228      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ and     eax, 0F000h 
             40422d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4000h 
             40422d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40422d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 4000h 
             404232     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4044D4 
             404232      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404232      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      loc_4044D4 
             404238     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404238      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404238      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             40423e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             40423e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40423e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             404241     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403F79 
             404241      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404247     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             404247      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404247      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             40424e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404290 
             40424e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404250     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset file 
@@ -7047,6 +7713,7 @@
             404255      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             40425a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             40425a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40425a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             40425c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404360 
             40425c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404262     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
@@ -7054,10 +7721,12 @@
             404262      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404268     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             404268      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404268      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             40426b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403F79 
             40426b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404271     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             404271      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404271      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             404278     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4042D8 
             404278      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40427a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403350 
@@ -7068,15 +7737,18 @@
             40427f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404285     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403F79 
             404285      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404285      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403F79 
             404290     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403310 
             404290      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404290      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403310 
             404295     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             404295      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404295      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             404297     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40437C 
             404297      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40429d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             40429d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40429d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4042a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4041ED 
             4042a4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4042aa      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7099,6 +7771,7 @@
             4042ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             4042cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041ED 
             4042cf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4042cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041ED 
             4042d8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4042d8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+var_A8]; stat_buf 
             4042d8      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 160 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+var_A8]; stat_buf
@@ -7113,19 +7786,25 @@
             4042ea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___lxstat64 
             4042ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4042ef      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4042ef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4042f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404390 
             4042f1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4042f1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     loc_404390 
             4042f7      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4042f7      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R9 ZZ mov     r9, [rsp+148h+var_A8.st_nlink] 
             4042f7      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 176 displ mov     r9, [rsp+148h+var_A8.st_nlink]
             4042ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     r9d, 1 
             4042ff      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4042ff      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ sub     r9d, 1 
             404303     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             404303      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404303      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             404306     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_404390 
             404306      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404306      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jle     loc_404390 
             40430c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r9d, 1 
             40430c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40430c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ cmp     r9d, 1 
             404310     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, 4047D2h 
             404310      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404310      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     edx, 4047D2h 
@@ -7161,14 +7840,19 @@
             404347      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, cs:status 
             40434d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40434d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40434d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40434f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_404031 
             40434f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40434f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jg      loc_404031 
             404355     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041FB 
             404355      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404355      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041FB 
             404360     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             404360      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404360      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             404367     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4044BD 
             404367      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404367      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4044BD 
             40436d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40436d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset file; filename 
             404372     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _remove 
@@ -7176,30 +7860,37 @@
             404372      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _remove 
             404377     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404262 
             404377      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404377      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_404262 
             40437c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             40437c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40437c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404382     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             404382      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404382      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             404385     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403F79 
             404385      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404385      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403F79 
             40438b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404250 
             40438b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40438b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_404250 
             404390     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404390      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404390      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404396     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             404396      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404396      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             404399     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40427A 
             404399      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40439f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4043a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403F79 
             4043a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4043a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403F79 
             4043a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403380 
             4043a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4043a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403380 
             4043ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B0C, 0 
             4043ad      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4043ad      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B0C, 0 
             4043b4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4043bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404118 
             4043bb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7210,6 +7901,7 @@
             4043c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _remove 
             4043cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4043cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4043cb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4043cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404118 
             4043cd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4043d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402470 
@@ -7254,10 +7946,13 @@
             404421      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, cs:status 
             404427     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404427      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404427      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404429     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_404031 
             404429      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404429      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jg      loc_404031 
             40442f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041FB 
             40442f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40442f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041FB 
             404438      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404438      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             40443f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7294,6 +7989,7 @@
             404474      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             404479     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             404479      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404479      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40447c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4041ED 
             40447c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404482      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7303,6 +7999,7 @@
             404485      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             40448a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041ED 
             40448a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40448a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041ED 
             404490      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404490      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             404497      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7325,6 +8022,7 @@
             4044b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             4044b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041ED 
             4044b8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4044b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041ED 
             4044bd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4044bd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset file 
             4044c3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7334,6 +8032,7 @@
             4044ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSOutputFileSAl; "%s: Output file %s already exists.\n" 
             4044cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40440E 
             4044cf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4044cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40440E 
             4044d4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4044d4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset dest 
             4044da      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7343,6 +8042,7 @@
             4044e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSInputFileSIsA; "%s: Input file %s is a directory.\n" 
             4044e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40440E 
             4044e6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4044e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40440E 
             4044eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
             4044eb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4044eb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___errno_location 
@@ -7374,10 +8074,12 @@
             40451a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             40451f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40451f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40451f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             404522     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404482 
             404522      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404528     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041ED 
             404528      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404528      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041ED 
             40452d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, 4046D3h 
             40452d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40452d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 4046D3h 
@@ -7429,8 +8131,10 @@
             404580      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             404585     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             404585      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            404585      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             404588     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4045A6 
             404588      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            404588      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_4045A6 
             40458a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
             40458a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40458a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -7444,10 +8148,13 @@
             404596      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             404599     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             404599      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            404599      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40459d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             40459d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            40459d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             4045a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4045a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            4045a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4045a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404590 
             4045a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
             4045a6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
@@ -7470,6 +8177,7 @@
             4045bf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             4045c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4045c4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            4045c4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4045c8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
             4045c8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4045c8     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -7501,25 +8209,31 @@
             4045e9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_606E18 
             4045f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4045f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            4045f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4045f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40460F 
             4045f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            4045f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40460F 
             4045f6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_606E18 
             4045f6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
             4045f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_606E18 
             4045fb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
             404600     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             404600      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            404600      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             404604     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_606E18 
             404604      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            404604      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_606E18 
             404606     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             404606      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
             404606      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             404609     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             404609      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            404609      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40460d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404600 
             40460d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
             40460f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40460f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            40460f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404613      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
             404613      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             404613      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -7539,6 +8253,7 @@
             40461c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401E40 
             404621     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404621      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404618 
+            404621      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404625      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404618 
             404625      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404625      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-dansguardian.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-dansguardian.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index d201847b..1378ec81 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-dansguardian.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-dansguardian.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-destripe.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-destripe.psexe.annot
index e975de95..4f783db7 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-destripe.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-destripe.psexe.annot
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
             401796      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __do_global_ctors_aux 
             40179b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40179b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401788 
+            40179b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40179f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401788 
             40179f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             40179f      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -577,12 +578,15 @@
             401bf0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             401bf7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401bf7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401bec 
+            401bf7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401bfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401BFE 
             401bfa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401bec 
             401bfc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401bfc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401bec 
+            401bfc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401bfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401bfe      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401bec 
+            401bfe      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401c02      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401bec 
             401c02      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401c02     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -605,8 +609,10 @@
             401c15      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             401c19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:completed_6531, 0 
             401c19      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
+            401c19      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:completed_6531, 0 
             401c20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401C6D 
             401c20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
+            401c20      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_401C6D 
             401c22     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset __DTOR_END__ 
             401c22      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
             401c22      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset __DTOR_END__ 
@@ -622,25 +628,30 @@
             401c39      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             401c3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             401c3d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
+            401c3d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401c40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_401C66 
             401c40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
             401c42      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
             401c48     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             401c48      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
+            401c48      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             401c4c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
             401c4c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dtor_idx_6533, rax 
             401c53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:__DTOR_LIST__[rax*8] 
             401c53      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
+            401c53      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:__DTOR_LIST__[rax*8] 
             401c5a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
             401c5a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:dtor_idx_6533 
             401c61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             401c61      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
+            401c61      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401c64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_401C48 
             401c64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
             401c66      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
             401c66      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:completed_6531, 1 
             401c6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401c6d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
+            401c6d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401c71      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401c10 
             401c71      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401c71      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -890,18 +901,25 @@
             401dd7      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -24 displ mov     eax, [rbp+var_18]
             401dda     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             401dda      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401dda      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             401ddd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401E0F 
             401ddd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401ddd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401E0F 
             401ddf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             401ddf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401ddf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             401de2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_401DEB 
             401de2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401de2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jb      short loc_401DEB 
             401de4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             401de4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401de4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             401de7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401E31 
             401de7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401de7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401E31 
             401de9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401E42 
             401de9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401de9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401E42 
             401deb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset vals 
             401deb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401deb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset vals 
@@ -921,20 +939,25 @@
             401e01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    destripe_dialog 
             401e06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401e06      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e06      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401e08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401E4B 
             401e08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401e0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401EF9 
             401e0a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e0a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_401EF9 
             401e0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_2C], 4 
             401e0f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e0f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_2C], 4 
             401e0f      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -44 displ cmp     [rbp+var_2C], 4
             401e13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401E1E 
             401e13      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e13      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401E1E 
             401e15      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401e15      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     [rbp+var_14], 1 
             401e15      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -20 displ mov     [rbp+var_14], 1
             401e1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401E4C 
             401e1c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e1c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401E4C 
             401e1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbp+var_38] 
             401e1e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401e1e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_38] 
@@ -948,6 +971,7 @@
             401e29      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_60421C, eax 
             401e2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401E4C 
             401e2f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e2f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401E4C 
             401e31     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset vals 
             401e31      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401e31      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset vals 
@@ -959,17 +983,21 @@
             401e3b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gimp_procedural_db_get_data 
             401e40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401E4C 
             401e40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e40      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401E4C 
             401e42      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401e42      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     [rbp+var_14], 1 
             401e42      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -20 displ mov     [rbp+var_14], 1
             401e49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401E4C 
             401e49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e49      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401E4C 
             401e4b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401e4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_14], 3 
             401e4c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e4c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_14], 3 
             401e4c      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -20 displ cmp     [rbp+var_14], 3
             401e50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401EE4 
             401e50      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e50      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jnz     loc_401EE4 
             401e56     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbp+var_20] 
             401e56      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401e56      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_20] 
@@ -984,8 +1012,10 @@
             401e5e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gimp_drawable_is_rgb 
             401e63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401e63      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e63      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401e65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401E78 
             401e65      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e65      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_401E78 
             401e67     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbp+var_20] 
             401e67      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401e67      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_20] 
@@ -1000,8 +1030,10 @@
             401e6f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gimp_drawable_is_gray 
             401e74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401e74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e74      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401e76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401EDD 
             401e76      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e76      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_401EDD 
             401e78      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401e78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_20] 
             401e78      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -32 displ mov     rax, [rbp+var_20]
@@ -1013,6 +1045,7 @@
             401e7f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gimp_tile_width 
             401e84     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     eax, ebx 
             401e84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401e84      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, ebx 
             401e86      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401e86      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ lea     ebx, [rax-1] 
             401e89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gimp_tile_width 
@@ -1052,6 +1085,7 @@
             401eb1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    destripe 
             401eb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_18], 1 
             401eb6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401eb6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_18], 1 
             401eb6      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -24 displ cmp     [rbp+var_18], 1
             401eba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401EC1 
             401eba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
@@ -1060,9 +1094,11 @@
             401ebc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gimp_displays_flush 
             401ec1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_18], 0 
             401ec1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401ec1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_18], 0 
             401ec1      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -24 displ cmp     [rbp+var_18], 0
             401ec5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401EE4 
             401ec5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401ec5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401EE4 
             401ec7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 0Ch 
             401ec7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401ec7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 0Ch 
@@ -1077,6 +1113,7 @@
             401ed6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gimp_procedural_db_set_data 
             401edb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401EE4 
             401edb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401edb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401EE4 
             401edd      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401edd      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     [rbp+var_14], 0 
             401edd      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -20 displ mov     [rbp+var_14], 0
@@ -1096,6 +1133,7 @@
             401ef4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gimp_drawable_detach 
             401ef9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             401ef9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
+            401ef9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             401efd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401d41 
             401efd      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401efd     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 pop     rbx
@@ -1158,9 +1196,11 @@
             401f43      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -112 displ mov     [rbp+var_70], eax
             401f46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             401f46      8 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401f46      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             401f46      8 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -304 displ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0
             401f4e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401F92 
             401f4e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401f4e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401F92 
             401f50      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401f50      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 ZZ lea     rdx, [rbp+var_118] 
             401f50      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -280 displ lea     rdx, [rbp+var_118]
@@ -1199,6 +1239,7 @@
             401f8b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _gimp_preview_get_size 
             401f90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402008 
             401f90      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401f90      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_402008 
             401f92     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset msgid; "Destriping" 
             401f92      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401f92      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset msgid; "Destriping" 
@@ -1238,6 +1279,7 @@
             401fce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gimp_drawable_mask_intersect 
             401fd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401fd3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401fd3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401fd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40270D 
             401fd5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401fdb     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, 0 
@@ -1248,19 +1290,23 @@
             401fe0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     [rbp+var_8], rax 
             401fe4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rbp+var_6C] 
             401fe4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401fe4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rbp+var_6C] 
             401fe4      5 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -108 displ cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rbp+var_6C]
             401fe9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_402F40 
             401fe9      8 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401fe9      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_402F40 
             401ff1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             401ff1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401ff1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             401ff5     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, [rbp+var_11C] 
             401ff5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401ff5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_11C] 
             401ffb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, eax 
             401ffb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401ffb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, eax 
             401fff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             401fff      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401fff      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             402003     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rbp+var_10], xmm0 
             402003      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402003      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ movsd   [rbp+var_10], xmm0 
@@ -1316,6 +1362,7 @@
             402058      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _gimp_pixel_rgn_init 
             40205d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             40205d      8 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40205d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             40205d      8 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -304 displ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0
             402065     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             402065      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1456,6 +1503,7 @@
             402132      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -32 displ mov     [rbp+var_20], eax
             402135     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402234 
             402135      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402135      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_402234 
             40213a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             40213a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_90] 
             40213a      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -144 displ mov     rax, [rbp+var_90]
@@ -1487,9 +1535,11 @@
             402154      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_24] 
             402157     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rbp+var_6C] 
             402157      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402157      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_6C] 
             402157      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -108 displ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_6C]
             40215a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402162 
             40215a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40215a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jle     short loc_402162 
             40215c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rbp+var_6C] 
             40215c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             40215c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_6C] 
@@ -1533,6 +1583,7 @@
             40218e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ mov     [rbp+var_1C], 0 
             402195     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402200 
             402195      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402195      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_402200 
             402197     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rbp+var_114] 
             402197      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402197      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_114] 
@@ -1582,6 +1633,7 @@
             4021c5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ mov     [rbp+var_98], rax 
             4021cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4021EF 
             4021cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4021cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_4021EF 
             4021ce      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4021ce      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_38] 
             4021ce      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -56 displ mov     rax, [rbp+var_38]
@@ -1611,9 +1663,11 @@
             4021ef      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_30] 
             4021f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, [rbp+var_98] 
             4021f3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4021f3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     rax, [rbp+var_98] 
             4021f3      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -152 displ cmp     rax, [rbp+var_98]
             4021fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_4021CE 
             4021fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4021fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX XMM1 ZZ jb      short loc_4021CE 
             4021fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     [rbp+var_1C], 1 
             4021fc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4021fc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ add     [rbp+var_1C], 1 
@@ -1623,19 +1677,24 @@
             402200      6 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -288 displ mov     eax, [rbp+var_120]
             402206     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_1C], eax 
             402206      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402206      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_1C], eax 
             402206      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -28 displ cmp     [rbp+var_1C], eax
             402209     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_402197 
             402209      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402209      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jl      short loc_402197 
             40220b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             40220b      8 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40220b      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             40220b      8 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -304 displ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0
             402213     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40222E 
             402213      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402213      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jnz     short loc_40222E 
             402215     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_8] 
             402215      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402215      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_8] 
             40221a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_10] 
             40221a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40221a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ addsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_10] 
             40221a      5 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -16 displ addsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_10]
             40221f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rbp+var_8], xmm0 
             40221f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1658,9 +1717,11 @@
             402234      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_20] 
             402237     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rbp+var_74] 
             402237      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402237      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM1 ZZ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_74] 
             402237      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -116 displ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_74]
             40223a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      loc_40213A 
             40223a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40223a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RDI XMM1 ZZ jl      loc_40213A 
             402240     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_60421C 
             402240      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402240      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_60421C 
@@ -1687,6 +1748,7 @@
             402259      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -20 displ mov     [rbp+var_14], 0
             402260     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4023E8 
             402260      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402260      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4023E8 
             402265     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, [rbp+var_14] 
             402265      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402265      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_14] 
@@ -1766,6 +1828,7 @@
             4022c5      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -24 displ mov     [rbp+var_18], eax
             4022c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4023D1 
             4022c8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4022c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4023D1 
             4022cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, [rbp+var_9C] 
             4022cd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4022cd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_9C] 
@@ -1783,8 +1846,10 @@
             4022de      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI XMM1 ZZ imul    eax, [rbp+var_70] 
             4022e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, eax 
             4022e2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4022e2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI XMM1 ZZ cmp     edx, eax 
             4022e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     short loc_402301 
             4022e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4022e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RDI XMM1 ZZ jge     short loc_402301 
             4022e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, [rbp+var_9C] 
             4022e6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4022e6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_9C] 
@@ -1824,8 +1889,10 @@
             40230e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, ecx 
             402310     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402310      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402310      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402312     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_402331 
             402312      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402312      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ js      short loc_402331 
             402314     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, [rbp+var_9C] 
             402314      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402314      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_9C] 
@@ -1851,9 +1918,11 @@
             40232d      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -84 displ sub     [rbp+var_54], 1
             402331     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_18], 0 
             402331      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402331      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_18], 0 
             402331      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -24 displ cmp     [rbp+var_18], 0
             402335     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_4023B1 
             402335      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402335      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ js      short loc_4023B1 
             402337     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbp+var_40] 
             402337      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402337      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_40] 
@@ -1862,8 +1931,10 @@
             40233b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rax] 
             40233e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40233e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40233e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             402341     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4023A6 
             402341      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402341      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ jz      short loc_4023A6 
             402343     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rbp+var_54] 
             402343      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402343      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_54] 
@@ -1939,6 +2010,7 @@
             4023a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     [rax], rdx 
             4023a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4023B1 
             4023a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4023a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_4023B1 
             4023a6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4023a6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_48] 
             4023a6      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -72 displ mov     rax, [rbp+var_48]
@@ -1983,9 +2055,11 @@
             4023d7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ imul    eax, [rbp+var_70] 
             4023db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rbp+var_18] 
             4023db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4023db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_18] 
             4023db      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -24 displ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_18]
             4023de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_4022CD 
             4023de      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4023de      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ jg      loc_4022CD 
             4023e4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4023e4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ add     [rbp+var_14], 1 
             4023e4      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -20 displ add     [rbp+var_14], 1
@@ -1994,15 +2068,18 @@
             4023e8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, 3 
             4023ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_70], 3 
             4023ed      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4023ed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_70], 3 
             4023ed      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -112 displ cmp     [rbp+var_70], 3
             4023f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused cmovle  eax, [rbp+var_70] 
             4023f1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4023f1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM1 ZZ cmovle  eax, [rbp+var_70] 
             4023f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rbp+var_14] 
             4023f5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4023f5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_14] 
             4023f5      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -20 displ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_14]
             4023f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_402265 
             4023f8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4023f8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ jg      loc_402265 
             4023fe     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rbp+var_114] 
             4023fe      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4023fe      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_114] 
@@ -2012,6 +2089,7 @@
             402404      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -32 displ mov     [rbp+var_20], eax
             402407     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402641 
             402407      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402407      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_402641 
             40240c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             40240c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_90] 
             40240c      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -144 displ mov     rax, [rbp+var_90]
@@ -2043,9 +2121,11 @@
             402426      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_24] 
             402429     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rbp+var_6C] 
             402429      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402429      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_6C] 
             402429      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -108 displ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_6C]
             40242c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402434 
             40242c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40242c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jle     short loc_402434 
             40242e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rbp+var_6C] 
             40242e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             40242e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_6C] 
@@ -2086,14 +2166,17 @@
             40245b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _gimp_pixel_rgn_get_rect 
             402460     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             402460      8 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402460      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             402460      8 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -304 displ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0
             402468     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402483 
             402468      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402468      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jnz     short loc_402483 
             40246a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_8] 
             40246a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             40246a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_8] 
             40246f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_10] 
             40246f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40246f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ addsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_10] 
             40246f      5 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -16 displ addsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_10]
             402474     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rbp+var_8], xmm0 
             402474      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -2109,6 +2192,7 @@
             402483      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     [rbp+var_1C], 0 
             40248a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4025DA 
             40248a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40248a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4025DA 
             40248f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, [rbp+var_114] 
             40248f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             40248f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_114] 
@@ -2159,10 +2243,13 @@
             4024c7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, cs:vals 
             4024cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4024cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4024cd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4024cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4025C5 
             4024cf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4024cf      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_4025C5 
             4024d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40253C 
             4024d5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4024d5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_40253C 
             4024d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbp+var_60] 
             4024d7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4024d7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_60] 
@@ -2189,8 +2276,10 @@
             4024f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ sub     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF80h 
             4024f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFh 
             4024f4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4024f4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFh 
             4024fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_402527 
             4024fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4024fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jg      short loc_402527 
             4024fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbp+var_60] 
             4024fc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4024fc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_60] 
@@ -2220,11 +2309,13 @@
             402519      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     edx, 0 
             40251e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40251e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40251e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             402521     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cmovs   rax, rdx 
             402521      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402521      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ cmovs   rax, rdx 
             402525     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40252C 
             402525      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402525      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_40252C 
             402527     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402527      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402527      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
@@ -2244,11 +2335,14 @@
             40253c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_60] 
             402540     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, [rbp+var_A8] 
             402540      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402540      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ cmp     rax, [rbp+var_A8] 
             402540      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -168 displ cmp     rax, [rbp+var_A8]
             402547     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_4024D7 
             402547      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402547      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jb      short loc_4024D7 
             402549     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4025D6 
             402549      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402549      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4025D6 
             40254e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbp+var_60] 
             40254e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             40254e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_60] 
@@ -2284,8 +2378,10 @@
             402571      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ add     rax, rdx 
             402574     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFh 
             402574      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402574      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFh 
             40257a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_4025B0 
             40257a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40257a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jg      short loc_4025B0 
             40257c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbp+var_60] 
             40257c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             40257c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_60] 
@@ -2324,11 +2420,13 @@
             4025a2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     edx, 0 
             4025a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4025a7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4025a7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4025aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cmovs   rax, rdx 
             4025aa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4025aa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ cmovs   rax, rdx 
             4025ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4025B5 
             4025ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4025ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_4025B5 
             4025b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4025b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4025b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
@@ -2348,9 +2446,11 @@
             4025c5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_60] 
             4025c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, [rbp+var_A8] 
             4025c9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4025c9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ cmp     rax, [rbp+var_A8] 
             4025c9      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -168 displ cmp     rax, [rbp+var_A8]
             4025d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      loc_40254E 
             4025d0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4025d0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jb      loc_40254E 
             4025d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     [rbp+var_1C], 1 
             4025d6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4025d6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ add     [rbp+var_1C], 1 
@@ -2359,9 +2459,11 @@
             4025da      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_120] 
             4025e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_1C], eax 
             4025e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4025e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_1C], eax 
             4025e0      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -28 displ cmp     [rbp+var_1C], eax
             4025e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      loc_40248F 
             4025e3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            4025e3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ jl      loc_40248F 
             4025e9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             4025e9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM1 ZZ mov     r8d, [rbp+var_120] 
             4025e9      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -288 displ mov     r8d, [rbp+var_120]
@@ -2395,14 +2497,17 @@
             402613      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect 
             402618     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             402618      8 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402618      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             402618      8 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -304 displ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0
             402620     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40263B 
             402620      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402620      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jnz     short loc_40263B 
             402622     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_8] 
             402622      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402622      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_8] 
             402627     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_10] 
             402627      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402627      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ addsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_10] 
             402627      5 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -16 displ addsd   xmm0, [rbp+var_10]
             40262c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rbp+var_8], xmm0 
             40262c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -2425,9 +2530,11 @@
             402641      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+var_20] 
             402644     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rbp+var_74] 
             402644      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402644      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_74] 
             402644      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -116 displ cmp     eax, [rbp+var_74]
             402647     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      loc_40240C 
             402647      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402647      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ jl      loc_40240C 
             40264d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             40264d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+var_90] 
             40264d      7 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -144 displ mov     rax, [rbp+var_90]
@@ -2438,9 +2545,11 @@
             402657      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _g_free 
             40265c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             40265c      8 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40265c      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0 
             40265c      8 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -304 displ cmp     [rbp+var_130], 0
             402664     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402694 
             402664      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402664      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jz      short loc_402694 
             402666     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gimp_drawable_preview_get_type 
             402666      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402666      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gimp_drawable_preview_get_type 
@@ -2470,6 +2579,7 @@
             40268d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gimp_drawable_preview_draw_region 
             402692     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4026F0 
             402692      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            402692      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_4026F0 
             402694     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_402F48 
             402694      8 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             402694      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_402F48 
@@ -2546,6 +2656,7 @@
             402706      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _g_free 
             40270b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short locret_40270E 
             40270b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            40270b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short locret_40270E 
             40270d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             40270e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             40270e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ leave 
@@ -2931,6 +3042,7 @@
             402967      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM4 ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_60421C 
             40296d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40296d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402710 
+            40296d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM4 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             402971     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rbp+var_60], xmm0 
             402971      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402710 
             402971      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM4 ZZ movsd   [rbp+var_60], xmm0 
@@ -2980,8 +3092,10 @@
             4029cc      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     dword ptr [rsp+90h+var_90], 0
             4029d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm6, xmm6 
             4029d3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402710 
+            4029d3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM4 ZZ xorpd   xmm6, xmm6 
             4029d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm5, xmm5 
             4029d7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402710 
+            4029d7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM4 XMM6 ZZ xorpd   xmm5, xmm5 
             4029db     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm4, xmm2 
             4029db      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402710 
             4029db      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ movapd  xmm4, xmm2 
@@ -3221,6 +3335,7 @@
             402b55      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ call    _gimp_dialog_run 
             402b5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             402b5a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402710 
+            402b5a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             402b5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             402b5d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402710 
             402b5d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ setz    al 
@@ -3244,6 +3359,7 @@
             402b72      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -68 displ mov     eax, [rbp+var_44]
             402b75     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 88h 
             402b75      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402710 
+            402b75      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ add     rsp, 88h 
             402b7c    136 DEALLOC STACK esp - 136 pop     rbx
             402b7c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402710 
             402b7c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -3296,8 +3412,10 @@
             402bc0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             402bc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             402bc5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402b80 
+            402bc5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             402bc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402BE6 
             402bc8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402b80 
+            402bc8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_402BE6 
             402bca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402b80 
             402bca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             402bca     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -3311,10 +3429,13 @@
             402bd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             402bd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             402bd9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402b80 
+            402bd9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             402bdd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             402bdd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402b80 
+            402bdd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             402be1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             402be1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402b80 
+            402be1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             402be4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402BD0 
             402be4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402b80 
             402be6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402b80 
@@ -3337,6 +3458,7 @@
             402bff      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             402c04     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             402c04      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402b80 
+            402c04      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             402c08      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402b80 
             402c08      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402c08     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -3368,25 +3490,31 @@
             402c29      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__CTOR_LIST__ 
             402c30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             402c30      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c20 
+            402c30      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             402c34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402C4F 
             402c34      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c20 
+            402c34      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_402C4F 
             402c36     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset __CTOR_LIST__ 
             402c36      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c20 
             402c36      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset __CTOR_LIST__ 
             402c3b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c20 
             402c40     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             402c40      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c20 
+            402c40      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             402c44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __CTOR_LIST__ 
             402c44      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c20 
+            402c44      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __CTOR_LIST__ 
             402c46     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             402c46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c20 
             402c46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             402c49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             402c49      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c20 
+            402c49      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             402c4d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402C40 
             402c4d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c20 
             402c4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402c4f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c20 
+            402c4f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402c53      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402c20 
             402c53      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             402c53      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -3406,6 +3534,7 @@
             402c5c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __do_global_dtors_aux 
             402c61     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402c61      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c58 
+            402c61      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402c65      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402c58 
             402c65      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402c65      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-ffmpeg.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-ffmpeg.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index bfcbe370..cb062d27 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-ffmpeg.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-ffmpeg.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-firefox-bin.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-firefox-bin.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 3723fa3f..4d252c0a 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-firefox-bin.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-firefox-bin.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gedit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gedit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 2da1702e..9831b816 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gedit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gedit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gimp.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gimp.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index a3e8a992..edbccc40 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gimp.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gimp.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-calculator.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-calculator.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 186a2348..834d550d 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-calculator.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-calculator.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-character-map.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-character-map.psexe.annot
index ca91ff02..491dbb39 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-character-map.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-character-map.psexe.annot
@@ -691,6 +691,7 @@
             405a76      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40BC60 
             405a7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             405a7b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405a68 
+            405a7b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             405a7f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405a68 
             405a7f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             405a7f      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2528,8 +2529,10 @@
             406dc0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_init_with_args 
             406dc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406dc5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406ce0 
+            406dc5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406dc7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406EFC 
             406dc7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406ce0 
+            406dc7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_406EFC 
             406dcd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             406dcd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406ce0 
             406dcd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -2642,6 +2645,7 @@
             406e6d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ lea     eax, [r13+0Fh] 
             406e71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
             406e71      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406ce0 
+            406e71      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
             406e74     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cmovs   r13d, eax 
             406e74      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406ce0 
             406e78     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant lea     eax, [r12+0Fh] 
@@ -2652,6 +2656,7 @@
             406e7d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sar     r13d, 4 
             406e81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             406e81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406ce0 
+            406e81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             406e84     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cmovs   r12d, eax 
             406e84      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406ce0 
             406e88     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant sar     r12d, 4 
@@ -2676,6 +2681,7 @@
             406e9f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rsp+0E8h+var_30] 
             406ea7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             406ea7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406ce0 
+            406ea7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             406eaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406ED4 
             406eaa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406ce0 
             406eac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40B0E0 
@@ -2720,6 +2726,7 @@
             406ee7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_main 
             406eec     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0C8h 
             406eec      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406ce0 
+            406eec      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 0C8h 
             406ef3    200 DEALLOC STACK esp - 200 xor     eax, eax
             406ef3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406ce0 
             406ef3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
@@ -2809,12 +2816,15 @@
             406f5c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             406f63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406f63      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406f58 
+            406f63      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406f66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406F6A 
             406f66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406f58 
             406f68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             406f68      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406f58 
+            406f68      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             406f6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406f6a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406f58 
+            406f6a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406f6e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406f58 
             406f6e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             406f6e     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -2837,8 +2847,10 @@
             406f75      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             406f79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60F940, 0 
             406f79      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
+            406f79      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60F940, 0 
             406f80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_406FCD 
             406f80      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
+            406f80      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_406FCD 
             406f82     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED80 
             406f82      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
             406f82      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED80 
@@ -2854,25 +2866,30 @@
             406f99      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             406f9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             406f9d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
+            406f9d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             406fa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_406FC6 
             406fa0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
             406fa2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
             406fa8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             406fa8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
+            406fa8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             406fac      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
             406fac      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F948, rax 
             406fb3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_60ED78[rax*8] 
             406fb3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
+            406fb3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_60ED78[rax*8] 
             406fba      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
             406fba      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F948 
             406fc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             406fc1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
+            406fc1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             406fc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_406FA8 
             406fc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
             406fc6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
             406fc6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_60F940, 1 
             406fcd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406fcd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
+            406fcd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406fd1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406f70 
             406fd1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             406fd1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2928,10 +2945,12 @@
             40701f      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             407023     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, 5 
             407023      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
+            407023      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, 5 
             407026      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
             40702a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
             40702d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 190h 
             40702d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
+            40702d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ cmp     eax, 190h 
             407032      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
             407032      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ cmovle  ebx, eax 
             407035      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
@@ -2955,6 +2974,7 @@
             40704b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             407050     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, ebx 
             407050      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
+            407050      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, ebx 
             407054      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
             407054      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             407057     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
@@ -2970,6 +2990,7 @@
             407064      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             407069     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             407069      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
+            407069      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40706d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     esi, offset aFontDesc; "font-desc" 
             40706d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
             40706d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aFontDesc; "font-desc" 
@@ -3234,10 +3255,12 @@
             40759b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter 
             4075a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4075a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407590 
+            4075a0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4075a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4075B0 
             4075a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407590 
             4075a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             4075a4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407590 
+            4075a4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             4075a8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407590 
             4075a8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4075a9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407590 
@@ -3277,6 +3300,7 @@
             4075db      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+38h+var_10]
             4075e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             4075e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407590 
+            4075e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             4075e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4075A4 
             4075e3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407590 
             4075e5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407590 
@@ -3308,6 +3332,7 @@
             40760d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_notify 
             407612     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             407612      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407590 
+            407612      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             407616      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407590 
             407616      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             407616     48 DEALLOC STACK esp - 48 pop     rbx
@@ -3344,10 +3369,12 @@
             407684      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_toggle_button_get_active 
             407689     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407689      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407680 
+            407689      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40768b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407680 
             40768b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+60h] 
             40768f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4076B8 
             40768f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407680 
+            40768f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_4076B8 
             407691      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407680 
             407691      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             407691     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -3380,6 +3407,7 @@
             4076bd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_font_description_set_style 
             4076c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407698 
             4076c2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407680 
+            4076c2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_407698 
             4076d0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4076d0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4076d0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4076d0 
@@ -3394,10 +3422,12 @@
             4076d4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_toggle_button_get_active 
             4076d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4076d9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4076d0 
+            4076d9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4076db      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4076d0 
             4076db      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+60h] 
             4076df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407710 
             4076df      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4076d0 
+            4076df      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_407710 
             4076e1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 190h 
             4076e1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4076d0 
             4076e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, 190h 
@@ -3430,6 +3460,7 @@
             407715      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_font_description_set_weight 
             40771a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4076EB 
             40771a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4076d0 
+            40771a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4076EB 
             407720      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             407720      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             407720    127 FUNC GLOBAL sub_407720 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40779e 
@@ -3444,16 +3475,19 @@
             407721      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             407725     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             407725      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
+            407725      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             407728      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
             407728      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F950 
             40772f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40772f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
+            40772f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407732     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407748 
             407732      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
             407734      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
             407734      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F950 
             40773b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40773b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
+            40773b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40773f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40773f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
             40773f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -3467,6 +3501,7 @@
             40774d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             407752     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407752      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
+            407752      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407754     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407734 
             407754      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
             407756     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGucharmapminif; "GucharmapMiniFontSelection" 
@@ -3512,6 +3547,7 @@
             407798      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40779d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407734 
             40779d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
+            40779d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_407734 
             4077a0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4077a0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             4077a0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4077a0 
@@ -3613,18 +3649,24 @@
             40782f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_407720 
             407834     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             407834      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407834      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             407837     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407855 
             407837      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407837      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407855 
             407839      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407839      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40783c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40783c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            40783c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40783f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407846 
             40783f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            40783f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407846 
             407841     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             407841      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407841      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             407844     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407878 
             407844      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407844      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407878 
             407846      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407846      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             407849      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
@@ -3634,8 +3676,10 @@
             40784c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             407851     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407851      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407851      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407853     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407878 
             407853      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407853      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407878 
             407855     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGucharmap_is_m; "GUCHARMAP_IS_MINI_FONT_SELECTION (fonts"... 
             407855      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407855      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, offset aGucharmap_is_m; "GUCHARMAP_IS_MINI_FONT_SELECTION (fonts"... 
@@ -3650,6 +3694,7 @@
             407861      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             407866     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             407866      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407866      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             40786a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             40786a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40786b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
@@ -3664,8 +3709,10 @@
             407872      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ retn 
             407878     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             407878      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407878      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40787b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407AB0 
             40787b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            40787b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_407AB0 
             407881      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407881      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             407884     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_freeze_notify 
@@ -3685,16 +3732,20 @@
             407897      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_font_description_get_family 
             40789c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40789c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            40789c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40789f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             40789f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             4078a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407AD0 
             4078a2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            4078a2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_407AD0 
             4078a8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             4078a8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx+60h] 
             4078ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4078ac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            4078ac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4078af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4078CC 
             4078af      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            4078af      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4078CC 
             4078b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             4078b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             4078b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pango_font_description_get_family 
@@ -3709,8 +3760,10 @@
             4078bf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             4078c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4078c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            4078c4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4078c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407A10 
             4078c6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            4078c6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_407A10 
             4078cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             4078cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             4078cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pango_font_description_get_size 
@@ -3718,6 +3771,7 @@
             4078cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_font_description_get_size 
             4078d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4078d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            4078d4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4078d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4078DE 
             4078d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             4078d8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM sar     eax, 0Ah 
@@ -3727,6 +3781,7 @@
             4078db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+68h], eax 
             4078de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4078de      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            4078de      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4078e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_407A10 
             4078e1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             4078e7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
@@ -3750,11 +3805,13 @@
             407903      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_font_description_get_family 
             407908     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407908      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407908      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40790b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             40790e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407919 
             40790e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407910     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             407910      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407910      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             407913     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_407A20 
             407913      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407919     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_combo_box_get_type 
@@ -3785,6 +3842,7 @@
             407941      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_font_description_get_style 
             407946     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             407946      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407946      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             407949     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407955 
             407949      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             40794b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r12d, r12d 
@@ -3792,6 +3850,7 @@
             40794b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
             40794e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             40794e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            40794e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             407951     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    r12b 
             407951      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407955     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_toggle_button_get_type 
@@ -3833,6 +3892,7 @@
             40798c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
             40798e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 190h 
             40798e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            40798e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r12d, 190h 
             407995      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407995      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             407998     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnbe  sil 
@@ -3863,6 +3923,7 @@
             4079bd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ lea     edx, [rbp+3FFh] 
             4079c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             4079c3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            4079c3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             4079c5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             4079c5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             4079c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cmovs   ebp, edx 
@@ -3872,6 +3933,7 @@
             4079cb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sar     ebp, 0Ah 
             4079ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, ebp 
             4079ce      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            4079ce      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, ebp 
             4079d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
             4079d2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             4079d2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
@@ -3898,6 +3960,7 @@
             4079f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_object_thaw_notify 
             4079f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             4079f9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            4079f9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             4079fd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             4079fd      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4079fd     48 DEALLOC STACK esp - 48 pop     rbx
@@ -3918,6 +3981,7 @@
             407a13      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_font_description_free 
             407a18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4078E7 
             407a18      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407a18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4078E7 
             407a20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407a20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rsp 
             407a20      3 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rsi, rsp
@@ -3928,8 +3992,10 @@
             407a26      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first 
             407a2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407a2b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407a2b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407a2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407937 
             407a2d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407a2d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_407937 
             407a33      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407a33      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ lea     rcx, [rsp+58h+s1] 
             407a33      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ lea     rcx, [rsp+58h+s1]
@@ -3955,8 +4021,10 @@
             407a4d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     r14, [rsp+58h+s1]
             407a52     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
             407a52      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407a52      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r14, r14 
             407a55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407A90 
             407a55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407a55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407A90 
             407a57      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407a57      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp        ; s2 
             407a5a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
@@ -3966,8 +4034,10 @@
             407a5d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             407a62     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407a62      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407a62      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407a64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407A90 
             407a64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407a64      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407A90 
             407a66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407a66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             407a69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -3993,6 +4063,7 @@
             407a85      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter 
             407a8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407937 
             407a8a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407a8a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ jmp     loc_407937 
             407a90      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407a90      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             407a93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -4008,10 +4079,12 @@
             407a9e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_iter_next 
             407aa3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407aa3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407aa3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407aa5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407A33 
             407aa5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407aa7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407919 
             407aa7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407aa7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_407919 
             407ab0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aFont_descNull; "font_desc != NULL" 
             407ab0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407ab0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, offset aFont_descNull; "font_desc != NULL" 
@@ -4026,6 +4099,7 @@
             407abc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             407ac1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407866 
             407ac1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407ac1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_407866 
             407ad0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aSans; "Sans" 
             407ad0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
             407ad0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aSans; "Sans" 
@@ -4043,6 +4117,7 @@
             407ae5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             407ae8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4078A8 
             407ae8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407810 
+            407ae8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4078A8 
             407af0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -40 displ mov     [rsp-28h], rbx
             407af5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], rbp
             407afd      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], r12
@@ -4091,16 +4166,20 @@
             407bd4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_407720 
             407bd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             407bd9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407bd0 
+            407bd9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             407bdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407BFA 
             407bdc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407bd0 
+            407bdc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_407BFA 
             407bde      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407bd0 
             407bde      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             407be1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             407be1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407bd0 
+            407be1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             407be4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407BEB 
             407be4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407bd0 
             407be6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             407be6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407bd0 
+            407be6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             407be9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407C10 
             407be9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407bd0 
             407beb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407bd0 
@@ -4112,6 +4191,7 @@
             407bf1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             407bf6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407bf6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407bd0 
+            407bf6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407bf8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407C10 
             407bf8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407bd0 
             407bfa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGucharmap_is_m; "GUCHARMAP_IS_MINI_FONT_SELECTION (fonts"... 
@@ -4248,6 +4328,7 @@
             407d94      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rdi 
             407d97     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             407d97      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa00 
+            407d97      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
             407d99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_407DD3 
             407d99      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa00 
             407d9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -4272,12 +4353,16 @@
             407dba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_font_description_get_size 
             407dbf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, eax 
             407dbf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa00 
+            407dbf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, eax 
             407dc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addss   xmm0, xmm0 
             407dc3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa00 
+            407dc3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ addss   xmm0, xmm0 
             407dc7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm0, cs:dword_40BED8 
             407dc7      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa00 
+            407dc7      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mulss   xmm0, cs:dword_40BED8 
             407dcf     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si esi, xmm0 
             407dcf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa00 
+            407dcf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cvttss2si esi, xmm0 
             407dd3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa00 
             407dd3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             407dd6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa00 
@@ -4446,6 +4531,7 @@
             407f17      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_class_install_property 
             407f1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             407f1c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407e40 
+            407f1c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             407f20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407e40 
             407f20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             407f20      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbx
@@ -4473,16 +4559,19 @@
             407f31      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             407f35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             407f35      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407f30 
+            407f35      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             407f38      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407f30 
             407f38      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F960 
             407f3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407f3f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407f30 
+            407f3f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407f42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407F58 
             407f42      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407f30 
             407f44      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407f30 
             407f44      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F960 
             407f4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             407f4b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407f30 
+            407f4b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             407f4f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             407f4f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407f30 
             407f4f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -4496,6 +4585,7 @@
             407f5d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             407f62     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407f62      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407f30 
+            407f62      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407f64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407F44 
             407f64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407f30 
             407f66     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGucharmapprint; "GucharmapPrintOperation" 
@@ -4541,6 +4631,7 @@
             407fa8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             407fad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407F44 
             407fad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407f30 
+            407fad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_407F44 
             407fb0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             407fb0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             407fb0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407fb0 
@@ -4831,10 +4922,12 @@
             40859f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, cs:g_utf8_skip 
             4085a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bpl, bpl 
             4085a6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
+            4085a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    bpl, bpl 
             4085a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4085C3 
             4085a9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
             4085ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4085E8 
             4085ab      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
+            4085ab      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_4085E8 
             4085b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movzx   eax, byte ptr [rbx] 
             4085b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
             4085b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rbx] 
@@ -4843,11 +4936,13 @@
             4085b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsx   rax, byte ptr [r12+rax] 
             4085b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     rbx, rax 
             4085b8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
+            4085b8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, rax 
             4085bb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   ebp, byte ptr [rbx] 
             4085bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
             4085bb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movzx   ebp, byte ptr [rbx] 
             4085be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bpl, bpl 
             4085be      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
+            4085be      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    bpl, bpl 
             4085c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4085E8 
             4085c1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
             4085c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
@@ -4863,8 +4958,10 @@
             4085cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_unichar_isspace 
             4085d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4085d2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
+            4085d2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4085d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4085B0 
             4085d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
+            4085d4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_4085B0 
             4085d6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
             4085d6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4085d7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
@@ -4872,7 +4969,9 @@
             4085d7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4085d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bpl, bpl 
             4085d9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
+            4085d9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    bpl, bpl 
             4085dc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
+            4085dc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ pop     rbp 
             4085dc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
             4085dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             4085dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
@@ -4884,6 +4983,7 @@
             4085e8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
             4085e8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4085e9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
+            4085e9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 ZZ pop     rbp 
             4085e9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
             4085ea     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
             4085ea      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408590 
@@ -4998,9 +5098,11 @@
             408678      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ add     rax, rbx 
             40867b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+68h+var_50], rax 
             40867b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            40867b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ cmp     [rsp+68h+var_50], rax 
             40867b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ cmp     [rsp+68h+var_50], rax
             408680     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      loc_4087AA 
             408680      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            408680      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX R14 ZZ jb      loc_4087AA 
             408686      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             408686      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX R14 ZZ mov     r14, cs:g_utf8_skip 
             40868d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
@@ -5011,11 +5113,14 @@
             408691      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     [rsp+68h+var_40], r14
             408696     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4086EA 
             408696      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            408696      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     short loc_4086EA 
             4086a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+68h+var_68], rbx 
             4086a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4086a0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     [rsp+68h+var_68], rbx 
             4086a0      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ cmp     [rsp+68h+var_68], rbx
             4086a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4086F2 
             4086a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4086a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_4086F2 
             4086a6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             4086a6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
             4086a6      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_68]
@@ -5027,8 +5132,10 @@
             4086ae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_unichar_isspace 
             4086b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4086b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4086b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4086b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4086F2 
             4086b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4086b5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_4086F2 
             4086b7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             4086b7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             4086b7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_40]
@@ -5058,28 +5165,36 @@
             4086da      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, [rsp+68h+var_48] 
             4086df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+68h+var_50], rax 
             4086df      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4086df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+68h+var_50], rax 
             4086df      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ cmp     [rsp+68h+var_50], rax
             4086e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      loc_4087A2 
             4086e4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4086e4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jb      loc_4087A2 
             4086ea     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rsp+68h+var_54] 
             4086ea      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             4086ea      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+68h+var_54] 
             4086ea      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     edx, [rsp+68h+var_54]
             4086ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             4086ee      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4086ee      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    edx, edx 
             4086f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4086A0 
             4086f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4086f0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_4086A0 
             4086f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             4086f2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4086f2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             4086f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4087BD 
             4086f6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4086f6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX R12 ZZ jz      loc_4087BD 
             4086fc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             4086fc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
             4086fc      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_68]
             408700     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             408700      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            408700      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             408703     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4087BD 
             408703      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            408703      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ jz      loc_4087BD 
             408709      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             408709      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 ZZ mov     [rsp+68h+var_60], r14 
             408709      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+68h+var_60], r14
@@ -5089,8 +5204,10 @@
             408711      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rbp 
             408714     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408727 
             408714      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            408714      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_408727 
             408720     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r12], 0 
             408720      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            408720      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r12], 0 
             408725     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408772 
             408725      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             408727      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
@@ -5119,8 +5236,10 @@
             408743      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_unichar_tolower 
             408748     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r15d, eax 
             408748      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            408748      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r15d, eax 
             40874b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4086C1 
             40874b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            40874b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     loc_4086C1 
             408751     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movzx   eax, byte ptr [r13+0] 
             408751      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             408751      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [r13+0] 
@@ -5129,6 +5248,7 @@
             408756      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsx   rax, byte ptr [r14+rax] 
             40875b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     r13, rax 
             40875b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            40875b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r13, rax 
             40875e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movzx   eax, byte ptr [r12] 
             40875e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             40875e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [r12] 
@@ -5137,8 +5257,10 @@
             408763      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsx   rax, byte ptr [r14+rax] 
             408768     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     r12, rax 
             408768      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            408768      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r12, rax 
             40876b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r13+0], 0 
             40876b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            40876b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r13+0], 0 
             408770     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408720 
             408770      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             408772     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+68h+var_54] 
@@ -5147,6 +5269,7 @@
             408772      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     eax, [rsp+68h+var_54]
             408776     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408776      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            408776      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408778     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4087AA 
             408778      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             40877a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   edi, byte ptr [r12] 
@@ -5154,6 +5277,7 @@
             40877a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ movzx   edi, byte ptr [r12] 
             40877f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dil, dil 
             40877f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            40877f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    dil, dil 
             408782     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4087AA 
             408782      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             408784     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs movsx   edi, dil 
@@ -5164,8 +5288,10 @@
             408788      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_unichar_isspace 
             40878d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40878d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            40878d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40878f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4087AA 
             40878f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            40878f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_4087AA 
             408791      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             408791      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rdx, cs:g_utf8_skip 
             408798      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
@@ -5173,6 +5299,7 @@
             408798      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+68h+var_60], rdx
             40879d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4086C1 
             40879d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            40879d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     loc_4086C1 
             4087a2      8 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             4087a2      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     [rsp+68h+var_68], 0 
             4087a2      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+68h+var_68], 0
@@ -5181,6 +5308,7 @@
             4087aa      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_68]
             4087ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4087ae      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4087ae      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4087b2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
             4087b2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4087b2     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
@@ -5201,6 +5329,7 @@
             4087bd      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     r12, [rsp+68h+var_68]
             4087c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408772 
             4087c1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408630 
+            4087c1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_408772 
             4087d0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4087d0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4087d0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087d0 
@@ -5253,6 +5382,7 @@
             408814      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, 1 
             408819     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             408819      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087d0 
+            408819      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40881d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_button_set_use_underline 
             40881d     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _gtk_button_set_use_underline
             40881d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087d0 
@@ -5271,16 +5401,19 @@
             408831      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             408835     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             408835      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408830 
+            408835      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             408838      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408830 
             408838      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F970 
             40883f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40883f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408830 
+            40883f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             408842     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408858 
             408842      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408830 
             408844      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408830 
             408844      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F970 
             40884b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40884b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408830 
+            40884b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40884f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40884f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408830 
             40884f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -5294,6 +5427,7 @@
             40885d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             408862     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408862      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408830 
+            408862      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408864     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408844 
             408864      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408830 
             408866     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGucharmapsearc; "GucharmapSearchDialog" 
@@ -5339,6 +5473,7 @@
             4088a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             4088ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408844 
             4088ad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408830 
+            4088ad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_408844 
             4088b0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 1 2 0 0 3 -48 0 4 0 8 5 -40 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -32 4 13 -24 4 14 -16 4 15 -8 0 ZZ
             4088b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4088b0   1664 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4088B0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             408f2f 
@@ -5385,6 +5520,7 @@
             4088d7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rax, [rax+20h] 
             4088db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4088db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            4088db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4088de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4088EB 
             4088de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             4088e0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rax+6Ch] 
@@ -5392,6 +5528,7 @@
             4088e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, [rax+6Ch] 
             4088e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             4088e3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            4088e3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4088e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408CC9 
             4088e5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             4088eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -5454,18 +5591,22 @@
             408944      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_charmap_get_book_codepoint_list 
             408949     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             408949      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408949      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40894c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             40894c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40894f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408CC9 
             40894f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            40894f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ jz      loc_408CC9 
             408955      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408955      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [r13+20h] 
             408959     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             408959      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408959      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40895c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408970 
             40895c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             40895e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [r12], rax 
             40895e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            40895e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [r12], rax 
             408962     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408E35 
             408962      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408968      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -5549,15 +5690,19 @@
             4089e3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_entry_get_text 
             4089e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14d, 1 
             4089e8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            4089e8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r14d, 1 
             4089ec      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             4089ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+68h+var_60], rax 
             4089ec      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+68h+var_60], rax
             4089f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4089FD 
             4089f1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            4089f1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4089FD 
             4089f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14d, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4089f3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            4089f3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r14d, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4089f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408CE0 
             4089f7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            4089f7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_408CE0 
             4089fd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 78h 
             4089fd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             4089fd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 78h 
@@ -5583,6 +5728,7 @@
             408a1e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_60]
             408a23     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
             408a23      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408a23      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 1 
             408a26      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408a26      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [r12+68h], eax 
             408a2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -5612,6 +5758,7 @@
             408a50      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ mov     eax, [rsp+68h+var_4C]
             408a54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdx], 0 
             408a54      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408a54      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdx], 0 
             408a57      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408a57      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [r12+44h], r14d 
             408a5c      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -5633,6 +5780,7 @@
             408a8a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [r12+4Ch], eax 
             408a8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408E80 
             408a8f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408a8f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_408E80 
             408a95      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408a95      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     [rsp+68h+var_58], rdx 
             408a95      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     [rsp+68h+var_58], rdx
@@ -5643,6 +5791,7 @@
             408a9f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rdx 
             408aa2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408AB0 
             408aa2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408aa2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_408AB0 
             408aa8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408aa8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+68h+var_60], r14 
             408aa8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+68h+var_60], r14
@@ -5664,6 +5813,7 @@
             408abe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_unichar_isspace 
             408ac3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408ac3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408ac3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI R15 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408ac5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408ac5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15d, eax 
             408ac8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -5671,6 +5821,7 @@
             408ac8      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_68]
             408acc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408AF3 
             408acc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408acc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_408AF3 
             408ace      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408ace      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_60] 
             408ace      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_60]
@@ -5688,6 +5839,7 @@
             408adf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+68h+var_58]
             408ae4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408ae4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408ae4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408ae6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408ae6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
             408ae6      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_68]
@@ -5708,29 +5860,37 @@
             408b03      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rax, r14 
             408b06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             408b06      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b06      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             408b09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408AA8 
             408b09      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b09      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_408AA8 
             408b0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             408b0b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b0b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             408b0e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408b0e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ cmovnz  rax, [rsp+68h+var_58] 
             408b0e      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ cmovnz  rax, [rsp+68h+var_58]
             408b14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rdx, rax 
             408b14      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b14      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rdx, rax 
             408b17      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408b17      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             408b1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408DD8 
             408b1a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b1a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_408DD8 
             408b20      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408b20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     [r12+18h], rdx 
             408b25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdx], 0 
             408b25      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b25      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdx], 0 
             408b28      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408b28      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, cs:g_utf8_skip 
             408b2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408B4D 
             408b2f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b2f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_408B4D 
             408b31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408B68 
             408b31      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b31      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_408B68 
             408b38     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdx] 
             408b38      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408b38      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdx] 
@@ -5739,12 +5899,15 @@
             408b3b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ movsx   rax, byte ptr [r14+rax] 
             408b40     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     rdx, rax 
             408b40      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b40      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rdx, rax 
             408b43      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408b43      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [r12+18h], rdx 
             408b48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdx], 0 
             408b48      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b48      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdx], 0 
             408b4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408B68 
             408b4b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b4b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_408B68 
             408b4d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408b4d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rdx 
             408b50      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -5761,11 +5924,13 @@
             408b5b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_unichar_isspace 
             408b60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408b60      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b60      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408b62      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408b62      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
             408b62      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_68]
             408b66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408B38 
             408b66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b66      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_408B38 
             408b68      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408b68      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rdx 
             408b6b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rsi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
@@ -5779,6 +5944,7 @@
             408b76      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_utf8_strlen 
             408b7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             408b7b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b7b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             408b7e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408b7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ mov     [r12+20h], eax 
             408b83      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -5786,6 +5952,7 @@
             408b83      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_68]
             408b87     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408DF8 
             408b87      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408b87      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_408DF8 
             408b8d      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408b8d      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     dword ptr [r12+24h], 0FFFFFFFFh 
             408b96      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -5813,10 +5980,12 @@
             408bbe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_utf8_strlen 
             408bc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             408bc3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408bc3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             408bc6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408bc6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [r12+30h], eax 
             408bcb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408E18 
             408bcb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408bcb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_408E18 
             408bd1      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408bd1      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R14 ZZ mov     dword ptr [r12+34h], 0FFFFFFFFh 
             408bda      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -5839,17 +6008,21 @@
             408bf5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ascii_strncasecmp 
             408bfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408bfa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408bfa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408bfc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408bfc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ lea     rcx, [r14+2] 
             408c00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408D64 
             408c00      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408c00      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ jz      loc_408D64 
             408c06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r14], 23h 
             408c06      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408c06      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r14], 23h 
             408c0a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408c0a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ lea     r15, [rsp+68h+endptr] 
             408c0a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ lea     r15, [rsp+68h+endptr]
             408c0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408D60 
             408c0f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408c0f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408D60 
             408c15     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 3 
             408c15      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408c15      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 3 
@@ -5863,14 +6036,18 @@
             408c22      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ascii_strncasecmp 
             408c27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408c27      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408c27      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408c29      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408c29      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rcx, [r14+3] 
             408c2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408DB0 
             408c2d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408c2d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_408DB0 
             408c33     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14, rcx 
             408c33      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408c33      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     r14, rcx 
             408c36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408D20 
             408c36      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408c36      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408D20 
             408c3c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408c3c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rcx        ; nptr 
             408c3f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 10h        ; base 
@@ -5889,9 +6066,11 @@
             408c50      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+68h+var_68]
             408c54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, [rsp+68h+endptr] 
             408c54      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408c54      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rcx, [rsp+68h+endptr] 
             408c54      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ cmp     rcx, [rsp+68h+endptr]
             408c59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408D20 
             408c59      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408c59      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408D20 
             408c5f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408c5f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_60] 
             408c5f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_60]
@@ -5903,8 +6082,10 @@
             408c66      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_codepoint_list_get_index 
             408c6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             408c6b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408c6b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             408c6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408D20 
             408c6e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408c6e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408D20 
             408c74      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408c74      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     [r12+38h], eax 
             408c79      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -5950,6 +6131,7 @@
             408cc4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             408cc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             408cc9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408cc9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             408ccd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408ccd      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             408ccd     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
@@ -5995,8 +6177,10 @@
             408d09      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ascii_strncasecmp 
             408d0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408d0e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408d0e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408d10     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408DCA 
             408d10      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408d10      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408DCA 
             408d16     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408d20     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 10h        ; base 
             408d20      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -6019,10 +6203,13 @@
             408d38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             408d3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rdx, 3 
             408d3d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408d3d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ sub     rdx, 3 
             408d41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14, rdx 
             408d41      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408d41      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r14, rdx 
             408d44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_408C74 
             408d44      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408d44      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ ja      loc_408C74 
             408d4a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408d4a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_60] 
             408d4a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_60]
@@ -6031,15 +6218,18 @@
             408d4f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_codepoint_list_get_index 
             408d54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408C74 
             408d54      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408d54      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408C74 
             408d60      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408d60      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ lea     rcx, [r14+1] 
             408d64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14, rcx 
             408d64      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408d64      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ cmp     r14, rcx 
             408d67      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408d67      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ lea     r15, [rsp+68h+endptr] 
             408d67      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ lea     r15, [rsp+68h+endptr]
             408d6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408C15 
             408d6c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408d6c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408C15 
             408d72      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408d72      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rcx        ; nptr 
             408d75     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 0Ah        ; base 
@@ -6058,9 +6248,11 @@
             408d86      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+68h+var_68]
             408d8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, [rsp+68h+endptr] 
             408d8a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408d8a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rcx, [rsp+68h+endptr] 
             408d8a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ cmp     rcx, [rsp+68h+endptr]
             408d8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408C15 
             408d8f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408d8f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408C15 
             408d95      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408d95      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_60] 
             408d95      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_60]
@@ -6072,10 +6264,13 @@
             408d9c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_codepoint_list_get_index 
             408da1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             408da1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408da1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             408da4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408C74 
             408da4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408da4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_408C74 
             408daa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408C15 
             408daa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408daa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408C15 
             408db0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 2 
             408db0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408db0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 2 
@@ -6089,12 +6284,15 @@
             408dbd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ascii_strncasecmp 
             408dc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408dc2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408dc2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408dc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408CFC 
             408dc4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408dc4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_408CFC 
             408dca      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408dca      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rcx, [r14+2] 
             408dce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408C33 
             408dce      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408dce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408C33 
             408dd8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aRSearch_stateS; "r != search_state->search_string_nfd_te"... 
             408dd8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408dd8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aRSearch_stateS; "r != search_state->search_string_nfd_te"... 
@@ -6112,6 +6310,7 @@
             408de9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
             408dec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408C82 
             408dec      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408dec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408C82 
             408df8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408df8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rdx 
             408dfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_utf8_get_char 
@@ -6129,6 +6328,7 @@
             408e0b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     [r12+24h], eax 
             408e10     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408B96 
             408e10      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408e10      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408B96 
             408e18      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408e18      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             408e1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_utf8_get_char 
@@ -6146,6 +6346,7 @@
             408e2b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R14 ZZ mov     [r12+34h], eax 
             408e30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408BDA 
             408e30      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408e30      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R14 ZZ jmp     loc_408BDA 
             408e35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_entry_get_type 
             408e35      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408e35      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_entry_get_type 
@@ -6175,6 +6376,7 @@
             408e5f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             408e64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408e64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408e64      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408e66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408EA7 
             408e66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408e68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_toggle_button_get_type 
@@ -6185,10 +6387,13 @@
             408e6d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+68h+var_60], rax
             408e72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             408e72      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408e72      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             408e75     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408984 
             408e75      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408e75      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_408984 
             408e7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408968 
             408e7b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408e7b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408968 
             408e80      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408e80      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rdx 
             408e83      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -6215,6 +6420,7 @@
             408e9f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, rdx 
             408ea2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408B0B 
             408ea2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408ea2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408B0B 
             408ea7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_toggle_button_get_type 
             408ea7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408ea7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_toggle_button_get_type 
@@ -6237,12 +6443,15 @@
             408ec5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_toggle_button_get_active 
             408eca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, eax 
             408eca      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408eca      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r12d, eax 
             408ecd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408ED5 
             408ecd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408ecd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ jz      short loc_408ED5 
             408ecf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408ecf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, [r13+20h] 
             408ed3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408E72 
             408ed3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408ed3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_408E72 
             408ed5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408ed5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     rax, [r13+20h] 
             408ed9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -6262,8 +6471,10 @@
             408eee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_toggle_button_get_active 
             408ef3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, eax 
             408ef3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408ef3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r12d, eax 
             408ef6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408ECF 
             408ef6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408ef6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_408ECF 
             408ef8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
             408ef8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [r13+0] 
             408efc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
@@ -6294,6 +6505,7 @@
             408f26      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     [r12+40h], eax 
             408f2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408C86 
             408f2b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4088b0 
+            408f2b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408C86 
             408f30      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             408f30      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             408f30    539 FUNC GLOBAL sub_408F30 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40914a 
@@ -6342,6 +6554,7 @@
             408f6f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             408f72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             408f72      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408f30 
+            408f72      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
             408f74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_408FF0 
             408f74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408f30 
             408f76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gucharmap_codepoint_list_get_char 
@@ -6372,6 +6585,7 @@
             408f99      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_emit 
             408f9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             408f9e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408f30 
+            408f9e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r12d, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             408fa2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40900E 
             408fa2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408f30 
             408fa4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -6416,6 +6630,7 @@
             408fdd      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             408fe2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             408fe2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408f30 
+            408fe2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             408fe6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gdk_window_set_cursor 
             408fe6     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _gdk_window_set_cursor
             408fe6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408f30 
@@ -6481,6 +6696,7 @@
             409049      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_visible 
             40904e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40904e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408f30 
+            40904e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409050     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_409130 
             409050      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408f30 
             409056     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_window_get_type 
@@ -6623,6 +6839,7 @@
             40911e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_set_sensitive 
             409123     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408FAC 
             409123      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408f30 
+            409123      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408FAC 
             409130     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_window_get_type 
             409130      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408f30 
             409130      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_get_type 
@@ -6639,6 +6856,7 @@
             409143      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             409146     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40906C 
             409146      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408f30 
+            409146      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI R8 R9 ZZ jmp     loc_40906C 
             409150      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 96 2 0 4 3 -48 0 4 0 8 5 -40 0 6 0 1 7 0 96 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -32 4 13 -24 4 14 -16 4 15 -8 0 ZZ
             409150      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409150   1321 FUNC GLOBAL sub_409150 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             409678 
@@ -6690,12 +6908,14 @@
             40917e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rdx+54h] 
             409182     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             409182      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409182      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             409185     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4092D8 
             409185      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40918b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40918b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 ZZ mov     r8d, [rdx+58h] 
             40918f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             40918f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40918f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             409192     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4091E0 
             409192      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409194      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -6704,14 +6924,17 @@
             409198      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rdx+58h], 1 
             40919f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rcx, rcx 
             40919f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40919f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rcx, rcx 
             4091a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4094FD 
             4091a2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4091a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rdx+28h], 0 
             4091a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4091a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rdx+28h], 0 
             4091ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4094E7 
             4091ad      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4091b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rcx], 0 
             4091b3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4091b3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rcx], 0 
             4091b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409440 
             4091b6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4091bc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rdx+48h] 
@@ -6719,14 +6942,17 @@
             4091bc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rdx+48h] 
             4091bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             4091bf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4091bf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             4091c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4091E0 
             4091c1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4091c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rdx+20h], 1 
             4091c3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4091c3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rdx+20h], 1 
             4091c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40942D 
             4091c7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4091cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rdx+30h], 1 
             4091cd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4091cd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rdx+30h], 1 
             4091d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409513 
             4091d1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4091d7      9 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -6743,6 +6969,7 @@
             4091ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rcx+40h] 
             4091f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409208 
             4091f1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4091f1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_409208 
             4091f8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4091f8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rbp+20h] 
             4091fc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rcx+40h] 
@@ -6750,10 +6977,13 @@
             4091fc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rcx+40h] 
             4091ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rcx+3Ch] 
             4091ff      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4091ff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, [rcx+3Ch] 
             409202     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409360 
             409202      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409202      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_409360 
             409208     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     eax, [rcx+44h] 
             409208      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409208      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     eax, [rcx+44h] 
             40920b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rcx+68h] 
             40920b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40920b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rcx+68h] 
@@ -6790,8 +7020,10 @@
             409228      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_unichar_validate 
             40922d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40922d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40922d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40922f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4091F8 
             40922f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40922f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4091F8 
             409231      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409231      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, ebx 
             409231     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, ebx 
@@ -6800,8 +7032,10 @@
             409233      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_unichar_isdefined 
             409238     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409238      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409238      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40923a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4091F8 
             40923a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40923a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_4091F8 
             40923c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40923c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+20h] 
             409240     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rax+38h] 
@@ -6809,10 +7043,12 @@
             409240      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, [rax+38h] 
             409243     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409243      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409243      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edx, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409246     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409251 
             409246      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409248     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, [rax+40h] 
             409248      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409248      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edx, [rax+40h] 
             40924b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40934A 
             40924b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409251      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -6843,8 +7079,10 @@
             409273      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_get_unicode_data_name 
             409278     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409278      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409278      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40927b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40929E 
             40927b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40927b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40929E 
             40927d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40927d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     rdx, [r12+20h] 
             409282      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -6864,17 +7102,22 @@
             409292      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408630 
             409297     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409297      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409297      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40929a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnz   r15b 
             40929a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40929a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ setnz   r15b 
             40929e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14d, r14d 
             40929e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40929e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r14d, r14d 
             4092a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4092F0 
             4092a1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4092a1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4092F0 
             4092a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             4092a3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4092a3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             4092a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_409343 
             4092a6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4092a6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_409343 
             4092ac      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4092ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48] 
             4092ac      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48]
@@ -6886,8 +7129,10 @@
             4092b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_timer_elapsed 
             4092b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, cs:qword_40C220 
             4092b8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4092b8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ ucomisd xmm0, cs:qword_40C220 
             4092c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_4091F8 
             4092c0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4092c0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jbe     loc_4091F8 
             4092c6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4092c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48] 
             4092c6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48]
@@ -6900,6 +7145,7 @@
             4092d5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4092d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             4092d8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4092d8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             4092dc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4092dc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4092dd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -6922,8 +7168,10 @@
             4092f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_get_unicode_kDefinition 
             4092f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4092f7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4092f7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4092fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40933E 
             4092fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4092fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40933E 
             4092fc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4092fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     rdx, [r12+20h] 
             409301     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rsi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
@@ -6960,6 +7208,7 @@
             40932f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             409332     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409332      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409332      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409335     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnz   r15b 
             409335      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409339     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -6967,8 +7216,10 @@
             409339      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40933e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             40933e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40933e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             409341     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4093A0 
             409341      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409341      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4093A0 
             409343      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409343      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+20h] 
             409347     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rax+40h] 
@@ -6987,6 +7238,7 @@
             409357     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             409359     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4092D8 
             409359      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409359      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4092D8 
             409360      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409360      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48] 
             409360      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48]
@@ -7000,8 +7252,10 @@
             40936e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, [rbx+48h] 
             409371     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             409371      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409371      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 ZZ test    esi, esi 
             409373     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409387 
             409373      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409373      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_409387 
             409375      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409375      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+18h] 
             409379     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
@@ -7012,12 +7266,15 @@
             40937c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ sub     eax, 20h 
             40937f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 5Eh 
             40937f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40937f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     al, 5Eh 
             409381     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_409533 
             409381      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409381      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ ja      loc_409533 
             409387      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409387      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rbx+54h], 1 
             40938e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40938e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40938e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             409392      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409392      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             409392     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -7043,27 +7300,33 @@
             4093a2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_get_nameslist_equals 
             4093a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4093a7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4093a7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4093aa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4093aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+58h+var_40], rax 
             4093aa      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     [rsp+58h+var_40], rax
             4093af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409460 
             4093af      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4093af      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_409460 
             4093b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4093b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             4093b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4093b8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4093b8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4093bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409456 
             4093bb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4093c1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4093c1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             4093c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4093DC 
             4093c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4093c4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_4093DC 
             4093d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r15, 8 
             4093d0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4093d0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r15, 8 
             4093d4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4093d4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r15] 
             4093d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4093d7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4093d7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4093da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409456 
             4093da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4093dc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -7106,8 +7369,10 @@
             409415      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rax, [rsp+58h+var_58]
             409419     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409419      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409419      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40941c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4093D0 
             40941c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40941c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4093D0 
             40941e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40941e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40] 
             40941e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40]
@@ -7116,11 +7381,13 @@
             409423      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_free 
             409428     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409343 
             409428      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409428      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_409343 
             40942d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rdx+24h] 
             40942d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40942d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, [rdx+24h] 
             409430     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409430      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409430      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409433     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4091CD 
             409433      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409439      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -7132,6 +7399,7 @@
             409440      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rdx+54h], 1 
             409447     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             409447      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409447      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40944b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40944b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40944b     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 pop     rbx
@@ -7161,27 +7429,33 @@
             409462      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_get_nameslist_stars 
             409467     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409467      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409467      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40946a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40946a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+58h+var_40], rax 
             40946a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     [rsp+58h+var_40], rax
             40946f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409566 
             40946f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40946f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_409566 
             409475      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409475      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             409478     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             409478      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409478      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40947b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40955C 
             40947b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409481      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409481      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             409484     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4094A0 
             409484      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409484      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_4094A0 
             409490     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r15, 8 
             409490      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409490      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r15, 8 
             409494      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409494      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r15] 
             409497     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             409497      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409497      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40949a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40955C 
             40949a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4094a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -7224,10 +7498,13 @@
             4094d9      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rax, [rsp+58h+var_58]
             4094dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4094dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4094dd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4094e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409490 
             4094e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4094e0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409490 
             4094e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40941E 
             4094e2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4094e2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40941E 
             4094e7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aSearch_stateSe; "search_state->search_string_nfc != NULL" 
             4094e7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4094e7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSearch_stateSe; "search_state->search_string_nfc != NULL" 
@@ -7242,6 +7519,7 @@
             4094f3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             4094f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4091E0 
             4094f8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4094f8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4091E0 
             4094fd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aSearch_state_0; "search_state->search_string_nfd != NULL" 
             4094fd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4094fd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSearch_state_0; "search_state->search_string_nfd != NULL" 
@@ -7256,11 +7534,13 @@
             409509      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40950e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4091E0 
             40950e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40950e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4091E0 
             409513     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rdx+34h] 
             409513      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409513      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rdx+34h] 
             409516     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409516      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409516      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409519     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4091E0 
             409519      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40951f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -7274,6 +7554,7 @@
             409527      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rdx+54h], 1 
             40952e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4092D8 
             40952e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40952e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4092D8 
             409533     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_utf8_get_char 
             409533      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409533      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_utf8_get_char 
@@ -7287,8 +7568,10 @@
             40953d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _gucharmap_codepoint_list_get_index 
             409542     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409542      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409542      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409545     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409663 
             409545      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409545      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_409663 
             40954b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40954b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ mov     [rbx+50h], eax 
             40954e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -7298,6 +7581,7 @@
             409555     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             409557     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4092D8 
             409557      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409557      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4092D8 
             40955c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40955c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40] 
             40955c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40]
@@ -7312,27 +7596,33 @@
             409568      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_get_nameslist_colons 
             40956d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40956d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40956d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409570      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409570      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+58h+var_40], rax 
             409570      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     [rsp+58h+var_40], rax
             409575     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4095E5 
             409575      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409575      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4095E5 
             409577      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409577      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             40957a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40957a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40957a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40957d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4095DB 
             40957d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40957f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40957f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             409582     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409594 
             409582      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409582      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_409594 
             409588     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r15, 8 
             409588      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409588      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r15, 8 
             40958c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40958c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r15] 
             40958f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40958f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40958f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             409592     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4095DB 
             409592      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409594      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -7375,10 +7665,13 @@
             4095cd      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rax, [rsp+58h+var_58]
             4095d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4095d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4095d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4095d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409588 
             4095d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4095d4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409588 
             4095d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40941E 
             4095d6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4095d6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40941E 
             4095db      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4095db      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40] 
             4095db      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40]
@@ -7393,26 +7686,32 @@
             4095e7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_get_nameslist_pounds 
             4095ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4095ec      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4095ec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4095ef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4095ef      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             4095f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4092AC 
             4095f2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4095f2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4092AC 
             4095f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             4095f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             4095fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4095fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            4095fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4095fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40966C 
             4095fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409600      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409600      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             409603     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409614 
             409603      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409603      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_409614 
             409608     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 8 
             409608      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409608      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rbx, 8 
             40960c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40960c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40960f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40960f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40960f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             409612     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40966C 
             409612      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409614      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -7455,8 +7754,10 @@
             40964d      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rax, [rsp+58h+var_58]
             409651     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409651      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409651      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409654     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409608 
             409654      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409654      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409608 
             409656      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409656      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             409659     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -7464,10 +7765,12 @@
             409659      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_free 
             40965e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409343 
             40965e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            40965e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_409343 
             409663      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             409663      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ mov     rbx, [rbp+20h] 
             409667     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409387 
             409667      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409667      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_409387 
             40966c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
             40966c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             40966f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -7475,6 +7778,7 @@
             40966f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             409674     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4092AC 
             409674      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409674      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4092AC 
             409680      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             409680      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409680      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
@@ -7609,6 +7913,7 @@
             40976b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:dword_60F984, eax 
             409771     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             409771      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
+            409771      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             409775      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
             409775      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             409775     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 pop     rbx
@@ -7913,6 +8218,7 @@
             409da7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+28h] 
             409dab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409dab      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409d70 
+            409dab      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409dad     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    bpl 
             409dad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409d70 
             409dad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ setz    bpl 
@@ -7926,6 +8232,7 @@
             409db8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+30h] 
             409dbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409dbc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409d70 
+            409dbc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409dc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     esi, ebp 
             409dc0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409d70 
             409dc0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     esi, ebp 
@@ -8081,6 +8388,7 @@
             409ed9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_set_transient_for 
             409ede     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             409ede      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e70 
+            409ede      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             409ee1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409F0F 
             409ee1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409e70 
             409ee3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e70 
@@ -8132,6 +8440,7 @@
             409f2b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             409f2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             409f2e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e70 
+            409f2e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             409f32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             409f32     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
             409f32      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e70 
@@ -8268,6 +8577,7 @@
             40a024      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     edi, [rdi+8] 
             40a027     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40a027      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a020 
+            40a027      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40a029     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A038 
             40a029      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a020 
             40a02b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_source_remove 
@@ -8321,15 +8631,18 @@
             40a0e0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 8 ReturnAddress 
             40a0e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rdx+14h], 3 
             40a0e1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a0e1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ test    byte ptr [rdx+14h], 3 
             40a0e5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
             40a0e5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rdx 
             40a0e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A102 
             40a0e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a0e8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_40A102 
             40a0ea     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsi+1Ch] 
             40a0ea      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
             40a0ea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rsi+1Ch] 
             40a0ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx+0Ch], eax 
             40a0ed      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a0ed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx+0Ch], eax 
             40a0f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A130 
             40a0f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
             40a0f2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
@@ -8344,6 +8657,7 @@
             40a0fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rbx+8] 
             40a0fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a0fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a0fe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a100     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A110 
             40a100      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
             40a102      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
@@ -8378,6 +8692,7 @@
             40a130      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, [rsi+20h] 
             40a133     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbx+10h], edx 
             40a133      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a133      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rbx+10h], edx 
             40a136     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A102 
             40a136      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
             40a138      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
@@ -8392,10 +8707,12 @@
             40a141      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rbx+8] 
             40a144     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a144      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a144      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a146     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A102 
             40a146      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
             40a148     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A110 
             40a148      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a148      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40A110 
             40a150      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             40a150      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40a150    485 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40A150 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40a334 
@@ -8428,6 +8745,7 @@
             40a175      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_get_type 
             40a17a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40a17a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a17a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40a17d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a17d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40a180     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A19E 
@@ -8436,10 +8754,12 @@
             40a182      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40a185     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a185      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a185      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a188     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A18F 
             40a188      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a18a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax], r12 
             40a18a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a18a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rax], r12 
             40a18d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A1D8 
             40a18d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a18f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
@@ -8451,6 +8771,7 @@
             40a195      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40a19a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a19a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a19a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a19c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A1D8 
             40a19c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a19e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGtk_is_windowW; "GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
@@ -8485,6 +8806,7 @@
             40a1c8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             40a1cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40a1cd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a1cd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40a1d1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a1d1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ retn 
             40a1d1     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -8505,8 +8827,10 @@
             40a1eb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_realized 
             40a1f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a1f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a1f0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a1f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40A300 
             40a1f2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a1f2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40A300 
             40a1f8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 18h 
             40a1f8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a1f8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 18h 
@@ -8628,6 +8952,7 @@
             40a2ac      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     ebp, [rsp+48h+var_40]
             40a2b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             40a2b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a2b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40a2b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40A2D6 
             40a2b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a2b4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
@@ -8635,6 +8960,7 @@
             40a2b4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     r15d, [rsp+48h+var_3C]
             40a2b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             40a2b9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a2b9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             40a2bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40A2D6 
             40a2bc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a2be      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
@@ -8657,10 +8983,12 @@
             40a2d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_set_default_size 
             40a2d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
             40a2d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a2d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
             40a2d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A320 
             40a2d9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a2db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14d, r14d 
             40a2db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a2db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r14d, r14d 
             40a2de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A1AF 
             40a2de      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a2e4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
@@ -8677,6 +9005,7 @@
             40a2f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_fullscreen 
             40a2f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A1AF 
             40a2f7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a2f7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_40A1AF 
             40a300     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGtk_widget_get; "!gtk_widget_get_realized (GTK_WIDGET (w"... 
             40a300      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a300      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGtk_widget_get; "!gtk_widget_get_realized (GTK_WIDGET (w"... 
@@ -8691,6 +9020,7 @@
             40a30c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40a311     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A1AF 
             40a311      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a311      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_40A1AF 
             40a320      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
             40a320      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40a323      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
@@ -8705,6 +9035,7 @@
             40a32e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_maximize 
             40a333     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A2DB 
             40a333      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a150 
+            40a333      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40A2DB 
             40a340      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40a340      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40a340      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a340 
@@ -8827,6 +9158,7 @@
             40a3f1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40a3f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a3f3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a370 
+            40a3f3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a3f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_set 
             40a3f7     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_object_set
             40a3f7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a370 
@@ -9099,6 +9431,7 @@
             40a61a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40a61f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0E0h 
             40a61f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a400 
+            40a61f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 0E0h 
             40a626      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a400 
             40a626      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40a626    224 DEALLOC STACK esp - 224 pop     rbx
@@ -9158,6 +9491,7 @@
             40a659      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40a65c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40a65c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a65c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40a65f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A6D0 
             40a65f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a661      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
@@ -9165,8 +9499,10 @@
             40a661     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             40a663     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A676 
             40a663      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a663      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40A676 
             40a668     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1 
             40a668      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a668      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     ebp, 1 
             40a66b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a66b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
             40a66b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -9174,6 +9510,7 @@
             40a66d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, [r12+rax*8] 
             40a671     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40a671      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a671      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40a674     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A6D0 
             40a674      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a676     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 2Eh        ; c 
@@ -9186,6 +9523,7 @@
             40a67e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strchr 
             40a683     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a683      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a683      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a686     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A668 
             40a686      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a688     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -9217,12 +9555,14 @@
             40a6ad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             40a6b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a6b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a6b2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a6b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A6DF 
             40a6b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a6b6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a6b6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40a6b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1 
             40a6b9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a6b9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebp, 1 
             40a6bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
             40a6bc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a6bc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
@@ -9233,11 +9573,13 @@
             40a6c3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, [r12+rax*8] 
             40a6c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40a6c7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a6c7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40a6ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A676 
             40a6ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a6cc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a6d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a6d0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a6d0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a6d4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a6d4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40a6d5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
@@ -9254,6 +9596,7 @@
             40a6de      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40a6df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40a6df      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a6df      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40a6e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A6D0 
             40a6e2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a6e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
@@ -9291,6 +9634,7 @@
             40a70e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40a713     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a713      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a713      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a716      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a719      9 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a719      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_40], 0
@@ -9326,8 +9670,10 @@
             40a74e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_show_uri 
             40a753     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a753      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a753      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a755     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A7B9 
             40a755      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a755      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40A7B9 
             40a757     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_40] 
             40a757      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a757      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_40] 
@@ -9405,6 +9751,7 @@
             40a7c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40a7c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a7c9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a7c9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a7cd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
             40a7cd      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40a7cd     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -9427,6 +9774,7 @@
             40a7dd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40a7e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A743 
             40a7e0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a640 
+            40a7e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI ZZ jmp     loc_40A743 
             40a7f0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 4 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40a7f0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40a7f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7f0 
@@ -9486,8 +9834,10 @@
             40a842      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ setb    dl 
             40a845     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cl, dl 
             40a845      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a810 
+            40a845      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cl, dl 
             40a847     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A86E 
             40a847      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a810 
+            40a847      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A86E 
             40a849      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a810 
             40a849      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40a84c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aPreviouscharac; "PreviousCharacter" 
@@ -9512,8 +9862,10 @@
             40a860      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ movsx   eax, al 
             40a863     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             40a863      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a810 
+            40a863      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             40a866     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sbb     ebx, ebx 
             40a866      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a810 
+            40a866      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ sbb     ebx, ebx 
             40a868     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant and     ebx, 0FF51h 
             40a868      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a810 
             40a868      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ and     ebx, 0FF51h 
@@ -9560,6 +9912,7 @@
             40a8a8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             40a8aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a8aa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a810 
+            40a8aa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a8ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_binding_set_activate 
             40a8ae     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _gtk_binding_set_activate
             40a8ae      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a810 
@@ -9699,6 +10052,7 @@
             40aa92      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40aa96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             40aa96      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa80 
+            40aa96      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
             40aa98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AB00 
             40aa98      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa80 
             40aa9a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gucharmap_script_chapters_model_new 
@@ -9755,12 +10109,14 @@
             40aae9      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40aaee     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40aaee      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa80 
+            40aaee      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40aaf2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_unref 
             40aaf2     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_object_unref
             40aaf2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa80 
             40aaf2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_object_unref 
             40ab00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, 1 
             40ab00      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa80 
+            40ab00      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, 1 
             40ab03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AB20 
             40ab03      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa80 
             40ab05     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -9783,6 +10139,7 @@
             40ab19      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_assertion_message 
             40ab1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             40ab1e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa80 
+            40ab1e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             40ab20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gucharmap_block_chapters_model_new 
             40ab20      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa80 
             40ab20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_block_chapters_model_new 
@@ -9804,6 +10161,7 @@
             40ab3c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40ab3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40AAB9 
             40ab3f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa80 
+            40ab3f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40AAB9 
             40ab50      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], rbx
             40ab55      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -8 displ mov     [rsp-8], rbp
             40ab64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_toggle_action_get_type 
@@ -9885,6 +10243,7 @@
             40ac09      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40abb0 
             40ac0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             40ac0b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40abb0 
+            40ac0b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             40ac0f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40abb0 
             40ac0f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40ac0f     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 pop     rbx
@@ -9967,6 +10326,7 @@
             40ad34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_set_size_request 
             40ad39     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40ad39      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad10 
+            40ad39      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40ad3d     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40ad3d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad10 
             40ad3d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -10066,8 +10426,10 @@
             40aeb4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_editable_get_selection_bounds 
             40aeb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40aeb9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae90 
+            40aeb9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40aebb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AED8 
             40aebb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae90 
+            40aebb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40AED8 
             40aebd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae90 
             40aebd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+58h] 
             40aec1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae90 
@@ -10095,6 +10457,7 @@
             40aedf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40aee4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40aee4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae90 
+            40aee4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40aee8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae90 
             40aee8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40aee8      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rax
@@ -10189,16 +10552,19 @@
             40b0e1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40b0e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             40b0e5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b0e0 
+            40b0e5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             40b0e8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b0e0 
             40b0e8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F988 
             40b0ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b0ef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b0e0 
+            40b0ef      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b0f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B108 
             40b0f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b0e0 
             40b0f4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b0e0 
             40b0f4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F988 
             40b0fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40b0fb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b0e0 
+            40b0fb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40b0ff     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40b0ff      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b0e0 
             40b0ff      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -10211,6 +10577,7 @@
             40b10d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40b112     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b112      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b0e0 
+            40b112      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b114     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B0F4 
             40b114      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b0e0 
             40b116     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGucharmapwindo; "GucharmapWindow" 
@@ -10256,6 +10623,7 @@
             40b158      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40b15d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40B0F4 
             40b15d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b0e0 
+            40b15d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40B0F4 
             40b160      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40b160      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             40b160    111 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40B160 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40b1ce 
@@ -10326,16 +10694,20 @@
             40b1d4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B0E0 
             40b1d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b1d9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
+            40b1d9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b1dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B1FA 
             40b1dc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
+            40b1dc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40B1FA 
             40b1de      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
             40b1de      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40b1e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b1e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
+            40b1e1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b1e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B1EB 
             40b1e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
             40b1e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b1e6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
+            40b1e6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b1e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B220 
             40b1e9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
             40b1eb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
@@ -10347,6 +10719,7 @@
             40b1f1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b1f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b1f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
+            40b1f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b1f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B220 
             40b1f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
             40b1fa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
@@ -10369,6 +10742,7 @@
             40b216     10 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
             40b220     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx+70h], 0 
             40b220      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
+            40b220      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx+70h], 0 
             40b225     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B248 
             40b225      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
             40b227     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_408830 
@@ -10435,6 +10809,7 @@
             40b286      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_connect_data 
             40b28b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40B227 
             40b28b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1d0 
+            40b28b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40B227 
             40b290      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 96 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             40b290      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40b290      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
@@ -10444,6 +10819,7 @@
             40b290      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 8 ReturnAddress 
             40b291     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rsi+70h], 0 
             40b291      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
+            40b291      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rsi+70h], 0 
             40b296      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
             40b296      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rsi 
             40b299     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B2C0 
@@ -10558,16 +10934,20 @@
             40b34c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B0E0 
             40b351     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b351      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
+            40b351      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b354     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B372 
             40b354      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
+            40b354      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40B372 
             40b356      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
             40b356      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40b359     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b359      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
+            40b359      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b35c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B363 
             40b35c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
             40b35e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b35e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
+            40b35e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b361     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B390 
             40b361      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
             40b363      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
@@ -10579,10 +10959,12 @@
             40b369      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b36e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b36e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
+            40b36e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b370     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B390 
             40b370      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
             40b372     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b372      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
+            40b372      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b376     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGucharmap_is_w; "GUCHARMAP_IS_WINDOW (guw)" 
             40b376      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
             40b376      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGucharmap_is_w; "GUCHARMAP_IS_WINDOW (guw)" 
@@ -10616,10 +10998,12 @@
             40b3a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_realized 
             40b3a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b3a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
+            40b3a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b3aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B3E0 
             40b3aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
             40b3ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40b3ac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
+            40b3ac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40b3af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B3FC 
             40b3af      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
             40b3b1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, rbp 
@@ -10639,6 +11023,7 @@
             40b3c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gucharmap_charmap_set_font_desc 
             40b3c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b3c8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
+            40b3c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b3cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b340 
             40b3cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40b3cc      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -11619,8 +12004,10 @@
             40ba74      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 1096 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+488h+var_40]
             40ba7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40ba7c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b400 
+            40ba7c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40ba7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BA96 
             40ba7f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b400 
+            40ba7f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40BA96 
             40ba81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b400 
             40ba81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40ba84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40B340 
@@ -11779,6 +12166,7 @@
             40bb6c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_connect_data 
             40bb71     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 458h 
             40bb71      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b400 
+            40bb71      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 458h 
             40bb78   1112 DEALLOC STACK esp - 1112 pop     rbx
             40bb78      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b400 
             40bb78      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -11878,8 +12266,10 @@
             40bc00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             40bc05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40bc05      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbc0 
+            40bc05      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40bc08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BC26 
             40bc08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbc0 
+            40bc08      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40BC26 
             40bc0a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbc0 
             40bc0a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40bc0a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -11893,10 +12283,13 @@
             40bc16      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             40bc19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40bc19      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbc0 
+            40bc19      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40bc1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             40bc1d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbc0 
+            40bc1d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             40bc21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             40bc21      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbc0 
+            40bc21      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             40bc24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40BC10 
             40bc24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbc0 
             40bc26      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbc0 
@@ -11919,6 +12312,7 @@
             40bc3f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40bc44     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40bc44      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbc0 
+            40bc44      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40bc48      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbc0 
             40bc48      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40bc48     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -11950,25 +12344,31 @@
             40bc69      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60ED68 
             40bc70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40bc70      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc60 
+            40bc70      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40bc74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BC8F 
             40bc74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc60 
+            40bc74      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40BC8F 
             40bc76     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED68 
             40bc76      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc60 
             40bc76      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED68 
             40bc7b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc60 
             40bc80     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             40bc80      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc60 
+            40bc80      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             40bc84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_60ED68 
             40bc84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc60 
+            40bc84      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_60ED68 
             40bc86     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40bc86      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc60 
             40bc86      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40bc89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40bc89      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc60 
+            40bc89      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40bc8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40BC80 
             40bc8d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc60 
             40bc8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40bc8f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc60 
+            40bc8f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40bc93      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc60 
             40bc93      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40bc93      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -11988,6 +12388,7 @@
             40bc9c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_406F70 
             40bca1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40bca1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc98 
+            40bca1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40bca5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc98 
             40bca5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40bca5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-control-center.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-control-center.psexe.annot
index d94695c8..6a467ca8 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-control-center.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-control-center.psexe.annot
@@ -599,6 +599,7 @@
               644e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_D470 
               6453     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               6453      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6440 
+              6453      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               6457      1 INSTR BELONGTO 6440 
               6457      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
               6457      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2487,6 +2488,7 @@
               77af      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
               77b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               77b4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 76b0 
+              77b4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               77b8     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     eax, ebp
               77b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 76b0 
               77b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -2545,12 +2547,15 @@
               77f0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
               77f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               77f7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 77ec 
+              77f7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               77fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_77FE 
               77fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 77ec 
               77fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
               77fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 77ec 
+              77fc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
               77fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               77fe      4 INSTR BELONGTO 77ec 
+              77fe      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               7802      1 INSTR BELONGTO 77ec 
               7802      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               7802     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -2563,6 +2568,7 @@
               7810     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbp 
               7811     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_211018, 0 
               7811      7 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
+              7811      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_211018, 0 
               7818      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
               781b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
               781b     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r12 
@@ -2573,6 +2579,7 @@
               781e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
               7820     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__cxa_finalize_ptr_0, 0 
               7820      8 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
+              7820      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:__cxa_finalize_ptr_0, 0 
               7828     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7836 
               7828      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
               782a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
@@ -2596,19 +2603,23 @@
               7852      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
               7856     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
               7856      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
+              7856      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
               7859     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_787B 
               7859      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
               785b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
               7860     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
               7860      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
+              7860      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
               7864      7 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
               7864      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_211020, rax 
               786b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rax*8] 
               786b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
+              786b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rax*8] 
               786f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
               786f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_211020 
               7876     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
               7876      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
+              7876      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
               7879     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_7860 
               7879      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
               787b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 7810 
@@ -2817,6 +2828,7 @@
               7c50      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               7c50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
               7c50      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7c50 
+              7c50      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
               7c50     47 FUNC GLOBAL cc_shell_log_set_debug FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               7c7e 
               7c50      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
               7c52     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_7C60 
@@ -2917,11 +2929,13 @@
               7d88     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
               7d8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
               7d8a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7d50 
+              7d8a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
               7d8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
               7d8c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7d50 
               7d8c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ setz    al 
               7d8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               7d8f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7d50 
+              7d8f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               7d93     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
               7d93      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7d50 
               7d93      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -2975,24 +2989,29 @@
               7dcd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_io_extension_point_get_extensions 
               7dd2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
               7dd2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7dd2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r13, r13 
               7dd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_80D3 
               7dd5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7ddb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               7ddb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7ddb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               7dde     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_80D3 
               7dde      6 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7de4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               7de4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7de4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               7de7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_80E8 
               7de7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7ded      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7ded      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rax 
               7df0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_7E05 
               7df0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7df0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_7E05 
               7df8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7df8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rdx, [rdx+8] 
               7dfc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               7dfc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7dfc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               7dff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_80E8 
               7dff      6 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7e05      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
@@ -3017,6 +3036,7 @@
               7e20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
               7e25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               7e25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7e25      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
               7e27      5 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7e27      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_60] 
               7e27      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_60]
@@ -3030,6 +3050,7 @@
               7e33      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_io_extension_get_type 
               7e38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               7e38      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7e38      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               7e3b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_80E8 
               7e3b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7e41      5 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
@@ -3092,6 +3113,7 @@
               7e9d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 ZZ call    _gtk_lock_button_set_permission 
               7ea2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
               7ea2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7ea2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 ZZ xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
               7ea5     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm3, cs:dword_DAA0 
               7ea5      8 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7ea5      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 ZZ movss   xmm3, cs:dword_DAA0 
@@ -3228,20 +3250,26 @@
               7f77     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
               7f79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
               7f79      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7f79      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ test    r14, r14 
               7f7c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7f7c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
               7f7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7FF5 
               7f7f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7f7f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_7FF5 
               7f81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7f81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rax, [r14] 
               7f84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               7f84      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7f84      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    rax, rax 
               7f87     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7F8E 
               7f87      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7f87      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_7F8E 
               7f89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12, [rax] 
               7f89      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7f89      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ cmp     r12, [rax] 
               7f8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7F9F 
               7f8c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7f8c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_7F9F 
               7f8e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7f8e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
               7f91      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
@@ -3254,8 +3282,10 @@
               7f99     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
               7f9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               7f9b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7f9b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    eax, eax 
               7f9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7FF5 
               7f9d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7f9d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_7FF5 
               7f9f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7f9f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
               7fa2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
@@ -3282,22 +3312,28 @@
               7fc0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
               7fc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
               7fc3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7fc3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
               7fc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7FF5 
               7fc6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7fc6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_7FF5 
               7fc8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7fc8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ lea     r12, [r13+8] 
               7fcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_7FE5 
               7fcc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7fcc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     short loc_7FE5 
               7fd0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7fd0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI R13 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     r13, r12 
               7fd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12, 8 
               7fd3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7fd3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ add     r12, 8 
               7fd7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7fd7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rsi, [r12-8] 
               7fdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
               7fdc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7fdc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
               7fdf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_8160 
               7fdf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7fdf      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      loc_8160 
               7fe5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7fe5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
               7fe8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_icon_theme_has_icon 
@@ -3305,8 +3341,10 @@
               7fe8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _gtk_icon_theme_has_icon 
               7fed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               7fed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7fed      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    eax, eax 
               7fef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7FD0 
               7fef      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              7fef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_7FD0 
               7ff1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               7ff1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rdx, [r13+0] 
               7ff5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
@@ -3450,6 +3488,7 @@
               80ce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _gtk_window_resize 
               80d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
               80d3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              80d3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
               80d7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               80d7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ pop     rbx 
               80d8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
@@ -3484,8 +3523,10 @@
               80fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _g_key_file_load_from_file 
               80ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               80ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              80ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8101     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8120 
               8101      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              8101      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jnz     short loc_8120 
               8103      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               8103      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
               8106     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_key_file_free 
@@ -3493,6 +3534,7 @@
               8106      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _g_key_file_free 
               810b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
               810b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              810b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
               810f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               810f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ pop     rbx 
               810f     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
@@ -3522,14 +3564,18 @@
               8133      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_string 
               8138     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               8138      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              8138      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    rax, rax 
               813b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               813b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
               813e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8103 
               813e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              813e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_8103 
               8140     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
               8140      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              8140      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
               8143     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8103 
               8143      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              8143      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_8103 
               8145      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               8145      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ xor     esi, esi 
               8145     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -3545,11 +3591,13 @@
               8152      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _g_free 
               8157     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8103 
               8157      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              8157      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     short loc_8103 
               8160      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
               8160      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM1 XMM3 ZZ xor     edx, edx 
               8160     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
               8162     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_7FF5 
               8162      5 INSTR BELONGTO 7da0 
+              8162      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_7FF5 
               8170      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -48 0 4 0 8 5 -40 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -32 0 13 -24 4 14 -16 4 15 -8 0 ZZ
               8170      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               8170      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
@@ -3601,6 +3649,7 @@
               819f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_container_get_children 
               81a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               81a4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               81a7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               81a7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+78h+var_70], rax
               81ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_838C 
@@ -3618,6 +3667,7 @@
               81bc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     r13, [rsp+78h+var_70]
               81c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_81E0 
               81c1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81c1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ jmp     short loc_81E0 
               81c8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               81c8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r15 
               81cb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
@@ -3627,30 +3677,40 @@
               81ce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               81d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               81d3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81d3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               81d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_81F6 
               81d5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81d5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_81F6 
               81d7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               81d7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     r13, [r13+8] 
               81db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
               81db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r13, r13 
               81de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8220 
               81de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8220 
               81e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               81e0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, [r13+0] 
               81e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
               81e4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81e4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r14, r14 
               81e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_81D7 
               81e7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81e7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_81D7 
               81e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               81e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [r14] 
               81ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               81ec      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81ec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               81ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_81C8 
               81ef      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81ef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_81C8 
               81f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax], r15 
               81f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rax], r15 
               81f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_81C8 
               81f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              81f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_81C8 
               81f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               81f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r15 
               81f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
@@ -3676,8 +3736,10 @@
               8218      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
               821b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
               821b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              821b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r13, r13 
               821e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_81E0 
               821e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              821e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_81E0 
               8220      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               8220      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_70] 
               8220      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_70]
@@ -3686,26 +3748,35 @@
               8225      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_list_free 
               822a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               822a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              822a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               822d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_824E 
               822d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              822d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ jz      short loc_824E 
               822f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbx], rbp 
               822f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              822f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R13 ZZ cmp     [rbx], rbp 
               8232      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               8232      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI R13 ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
               8235     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8245 
               8235      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8235      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ jnz     short loc_8245 
               8237     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8270 
               8237      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8237      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ jmp     short loc_8270 
               8240     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax], rbp 
               8240      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8240      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ cmp     [rax], rbp 
               8243     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8270 
               8243      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8243      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ jz      short loc_8270 
               8245      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               8245      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     rax, [rax+8] 
               8249     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               8249      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8249      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
               824c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8240 
               824c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              824c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ jnz     short loc_8240 
               824e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
               824e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               824e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
@@ -3716,6 +3787,7 @@
               8254      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_list_free 
               8259     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
               8259      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8259      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
               825d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, r13d 
               825d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               825d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ mov     eax, r13d 
@@ -3736,8 +3808,10 @@
               826a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               8270     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 3 
               8270      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8270      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ cmp     r12d, 3 
               8274     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_839A 
               8274      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8274      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ jnz     loc_839A 
               827a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               827a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     rax, [rax+8] 
               827e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
@@ -3745,8 +3819,10 @@
               827e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
               8281     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               8281      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8281      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               8284     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8251 
               8284      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8284      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8251 
               8286      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               8286      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+78h+var_40] 
               8286      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+78h+var_40]
@@ -3762,6 +3838,7 @@
               8293      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_icon_view_get_cursor 
               8298     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8298      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8298      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               829a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_82BC 
               829a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               829c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -3784,6 +3861,7 @@
               82b5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_grab_focus 
               82ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8251 
               82ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              82ba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_8251 
               82bc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               82bc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 R15 ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+78h+var_40] 
               82bc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+78h+var_40]
@@ -3826,10 +3904,13 @@
               82f5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first 
               82fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_832A 
               82fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              82fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_832A 
               8300     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               8300      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8300      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               8303     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8313 
               8303      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8303      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8313 
               8305      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               8305      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
               8308      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
@@ -3857,8 +3938,10 @@
               8321      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_iter_next 
               8326     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8326      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8326      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8328     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8370 
               8328      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8328      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8370 
               832a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               832a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r13 
               832d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
@@ -3893,8 +3976,10 @@
               8350      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ sub     eax, edx 
               8352     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r15d, eax 
               8352      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8352      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r15d, eax 
               8355     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_8300 
               8355      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8355      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jg      short loc_8300 
               8357      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               8357      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_40] 
               8357      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_40]
@@ -3910,8 +3995,10 @@
               8367      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_iter_next 
               836c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               836c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              836c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               836e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_832A 
               836e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              836e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_832A 
               8370      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               8370      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
               8373      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
@@ -3932,6 +4019,7 @@
               8382      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_path_free 
               8387     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_829C 
               8387      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8387      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_829C 
               838c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               838c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi 
               838c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -3943,19 +4031,24 @@
               8390      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_list_free 
               8395     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_824E 
               8395      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8395      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ jmp     loc_824E 
               839a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
               839a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               839a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
               839d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 2 
               839d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              839d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r12d, 2 
               83a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_8251 
               83a1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              83a1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_8251 
               83a7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               83a7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rax+10h] 
               83ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               83ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              83ab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               83ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_8251 
               83ae      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              83ae      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_8251 
               83b4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               83b4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+78h+var_40] 
               83b4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+78h+var_40]
@@ -3971,6 +4064,7 @@
               83c1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_icon_view_get_cursor 
               83c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               83c6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              83c6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               83c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_829C 
               83c8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               83ce      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
@@ -4015,10 +4109,13 @@
               8407      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first 
               840c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_843E 
               840c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              840c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_843E 
               8410     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               8410      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8410      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               8413     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8423 
               8413      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8413      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8423 
               8415      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               8415      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
               8418      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
@@ -4046,8 +4143,10 @@
               8431      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_iter_next 
               8436     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8436      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8436      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8438     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_8370 
               8438      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8438      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_8370 
               843e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               843e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r13 
               8441      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
@@ -4082,8 +4181,10 @@
               8464      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ sub     eax, edx 
               8466     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r15d, eax 
               8466      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8466      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r15d, eax 
               8469     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     short loc_8410 
               8469      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8469      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jge     short loc_8410 
               846b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
               846b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_40] 
               846b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_40]
@@ -4092,6 +4193,7 @@
               8470      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_path_free 
               8475     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_842B 
               8475      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8170 
+              8475      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_842B 
               8480      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               8480      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               8480      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8480 
@@ -4166,8 +4268,10 @@
               84d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_icon_view_get_cursor 
               84d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               84d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 84a0 
+              84d8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               84da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_850A 
               84da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 84a0 
+              84da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_850A 
               84dc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 0FFFFFFFFh 
               84dc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 84a0 
               84dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 0FFFFFFFFh 
@@ -4239,6 +4343,7 @@
               853b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r12, [rsp+28h+var_8]
               8540     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               8540      4 INSTR BELONGTO 84a0 
+              8540      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               8544      1 INSTR BELONGTO 84a0 
               8544      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               8544     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -4288,6 +4393,7 @@
               8582      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _cc_shell_set_active_panel_from_id 
               8587     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8587      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8550 
+              8587      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8589     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_85BB 
               8589      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8550 
               858b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
@@ -4296,6 +4402,7 @@
               858b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_20]
               8590     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               8590      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8550 
+              8590      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               8593     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_85BB 
               8593      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8550 
               8595      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8550 
@@ -4324,6 +4431,7 @@
               85b6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
               85bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               85bb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8550 
+              85bb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               85bf      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8550 
               85bf      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               85bf     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -4505,6 +4613,7 @@
               88ba      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+8] 
               88bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               88bd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8870 
+              88bd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               88bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_88FC 
               88bf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8870 
               88c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_container_get_type 
@@ -4527,6 +4636,7 @@
               88d9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
               88dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1 
               88dc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8870 
+              88dc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 1 
               88df      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8870 
               88df      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rax+rdx*8] 
               88e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
@@ -4543,8 +4653,10 @@
               88f3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbp, [r12] 
               88f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, [rbp+8] 
               88f7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8870 
+              88f7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     ebx, [rbp+8] 
               88fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_88D0 
               88fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8870 
+              88fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jb      short loc_88D0 
               88fc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8870 
               88fc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
               88fd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8870 
@@ -4802,8 +4914,10 @@
               8a77      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gmenu_tree_load_sync 
               8a7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8a7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8a7c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8a7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_8B90 
               8a7e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8a7e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      loc_8B90 
               8a84      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8a84      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+20h] 
               8a88      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
@@ -4820,10 +4934,13 @@
               8a99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
               8a9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8AA5 
               8a9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8a9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_8AA5 
               8aa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
               8aa0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8aa0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
               8aa3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8AD0 
               8aa3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8aa3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8AD0 
               8aa5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8aa5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
               8aa8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gmenu_tree_iter_next 
@@ -4831,8 +4948,10 @@
               8aa8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gmenu_tree_iter_next 
               8aad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8aad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8aad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8aaf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8AA0 
               8aaf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8aaf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_8AA0 
               8ab1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8ab1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
               8ab4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gmenu_tree_iter_unref 
@@ -4840,6 +4959,7 @@
               8ab4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gmenu_tree_iter_unref 
               8ab9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               8ab9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8ab9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               8abd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8abd      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
               8abe      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
@@ -4886,8 +5006,10 @@
               8afc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_lookup 
               8b01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               8b01      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8b01      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               8b04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_8BC7 
               8b04      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8b04      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_8BC7 
               8b0a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8b0a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
               8b0d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gmenu_tree_directory_iter 
@@ -4897,10 +5019,13 @@
               8b12      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
               8b15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8B25 
               8b15      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8b15      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_8B25 
               8b20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
               8b20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8b20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
               8b23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8B50 
               8b23      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8b23      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8B50 
               8b25      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8b25      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
               8b28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gmenu_tree_iter_next 
@@ -4908,8 +5033,10 @@
               8b28      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gmenu_tree_iter_next 
               8b2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8b2d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8b2d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8b2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8B20 
               8b2f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8b2f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_8B20 
               8b31      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8b31      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
               8b34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gmenu_tree_iter_unref 
@@ -4922,6 +5049,7 @@
               8b3c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gmenu_tree_item_unref 
               8b41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_8AA5 
               8b41      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8b41      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_8AA5 
               8b50      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8b50      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
               8b53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gmenu_tree_iter_get_entry 
@@ -4957,6 +5085,7 @@
               8b81      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gmenu_tree_item_unref 
               8b86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8B25 
               8b86      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8b86      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_8B25 
               8b90     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+58h+var_40] 
               8b90      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8b90      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+58h+var_40] 
@@ -4984,6 +5113,7 @@
               8bb3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_clear_error 
               8bb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               8bb8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8bb8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               8bbc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8bbc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
               8bbc     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 pop     rbx
@@ -5008,6 +5138,7 @@
               8bcf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_size 
               8bd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8bd4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8bd4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8bd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_8D6E 
               8bd6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8bdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_box_get_type 
@@ -5255,6 +5386,7 @@
               8d64      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_insert 
               8d69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_8B0A 
               8d69      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8d69      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_8B0A 
               8d6e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
               8d6e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi 
               8d6e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -5318,6 +5450,7 @@
               8dc3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_show 
               8dc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_8BE6 
               8dc8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8a50 
+              8dc8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_8BE6 
               8dd0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               8dd0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               8dd0     26 FUNC GLOBAL sub_8DD0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               8de9 
@@ -5357,6 +5490,7 @@
               8df5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, [rsi+1Ch] 
               8df8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 0FF0Dh 
               8df8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8df0 
+              8df8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ecx, 0FF0Dh 
               8dfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8E30 
               8dfe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8df0 
               8e00      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8df0 
@@ -5364,10 +5498,12 @@
               8e00     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
               8e02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 0FF1Bh 
               8e02      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8df0 
+              8e02      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ecx, 0FF1Bh 
               8e08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8E10 
               8e08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8df0 
               8e0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               8e0a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8df0 
+              8e0a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               8e0e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8df0 
               8e0e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               8e0f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8df0 
@@ -5379,6 +5515,7 @@
               8e17      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_entry_set_text 
               8e1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               8e1c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8df0 
+              8e1c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               8e20     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     eax, 1
               8e20     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
               8e20      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8df0 
@@ -5439,6 +5576,7 @@
               8e7b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
               8e80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8E0A 
               8e80      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8df0 
+              8e80      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_8E0A 
               8e90      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
               8e90      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               8e90    435 FUNC GLOBAL sub_8E90 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               9042 
@@ -5472,6 +5610,7 @@
               8eb5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
               8eba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8eba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
+              8eba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8ebc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8ED8 
               8ebc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
               8ebe      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
@@ -5485,6 +5624,7 @@
               8ec8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r12, [rsp+28h+var_8]
               8ecd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               8ecd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
+              8ecd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               8ed1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
               8ed1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               8ed8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
@@ -5518,8 +5658,10 @@
               8f02      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
               8f07     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8f07      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
+              8f07      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8f09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_9028 
               8f09      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
+              8f09      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_9028 
               8f0f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
               8f0f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+78h] 
               8f13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -5551,6 +5693,7 @@
               8f3e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
               8f43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8f43      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
+              8f43      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8f45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_8FD0 
               8f45      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
               8f4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_tree_model_filter_get_type 
@@ -5621,6 +5764,7 @@
               8fc6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_set 
               8fcb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_8EBE 
               8fcb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
+              8fcb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_8EBE 
               8fd0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
               8fd0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
               8fd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_8910 
@@ -5661,6 +5805,7 @@
               9019      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_set 
               901e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_8EBE 
               901e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
+              901e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_8EBE 
               9028      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
               9028      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
               902b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
@@ -5674,6 +5819,7 @@
               9035      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r12, [rsp+28h+var_8]
               903a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               903a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
+              903a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               903e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
               903e     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_free
               903e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8e90 
@@ -5696,6 +5842,7 @@
               9055      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               9059     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 1 
               9059      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9050 
+              9059      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edx, 1 
               905c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_90B0 
               905c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9050 
               905e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -5734,6 +5881,7 @@
               9094      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               9099     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               9099      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9050 
+              9099      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               909d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 12Ch 
               909d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 9050 
               909d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 12Ch 
@@ -5791,6 +5939,7 @@
               90f7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_hide 
               90fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rbx+0A0h], 1 
               90fc      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9050 
+              90fc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rbx+0A0h], 1 
               9103      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9050 
               9105     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_scrolled_window_get_type 
               9105      5 INSTR BELONGTO 9050 
@@ -5803,11 +5952,13 @@
               9111      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ and     ebp, 88h 
               9117     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1C2h 
               9117      6 INSTR BELONGTO 9050 
+              9117      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebp, 1C2h 
               911d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               911d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 9050 
               911d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               9122     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               9122      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9050 
+              9122      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               9126      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9050 
               9126      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, ebp 
               9126     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, ebp 
@@ -5840,12 +5991,15 @@
               9147      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rsi+18h] 
               914a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               914a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              914a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               914c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_91A8 
               914c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               914e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, 4 
               914e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              914e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, 4 
               9150     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_91A8 
               9150      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              9150      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_91A8 
               9152     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rsi+1Ch] 
               9152      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               9152      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ mov     ecx, [rsi+1Ch] 
@@ -5854,8 +6008,10 @@
               9155      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ sub     ecx, 46h 
               9158     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 31h 
               9158      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              9158      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     ecx, 31h 
               915b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_91B0 
               915b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              915b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ ja      short loc_91B0 
               915d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
               915d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               915d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -5867,6 +6023,7 @@
               9165     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rcx, 200100002001h 
               916f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rcx 
               916f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              916f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rcx 
               9172     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_9200 
               9172      6 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               9178     10 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
@@ -5874,15 +6031,19 @@
               9178     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rcx, 2000000020000h 
               9182     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rcx 
               9182      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              9182      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rcx 
               9185     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_91B8 
               9185      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              9185      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_91B8 
               9187     10 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               9187     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RBX ZZ mov     rcx, 80000000800h 
               9187     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rcx, 80000000800h 
               9191     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rcx 
               9191      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              9191      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rcx 
               9194     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_91B0 
               9194      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              9194      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_91B0 
               9196      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               9196      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rdx 
               9199     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
@@ -5894,6 +6055,7 @@
               91a3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               91a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               91a8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              91a8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               91ac     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     eax, ebx
               91ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               91ac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -5907,6 +6069,7 @@
               91b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
               91b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_91A8 
               91b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              91b2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_91A8 
               91b8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               91b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     [rsp+18h+var_10], rdx 
               91b8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+18h+var_10], rdx
@@ -5935,6 +6098,7 @@
               91df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_notebook_get_current_page 
               91e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               91e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              91e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
               91e6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               91e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+18h+var_10] 
               91e6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+18h+var_10]
@@ -5947,6 +6111,7 @@
               91f1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_8910 
               91f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_91A8 
               91f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              91f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_91A8 
               9200      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               9200      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rdx+20h] 
               9204      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
@@ -5959,11 +6124,13 @@
               920d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_visible 
               9212     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9212      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              9212      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9214      5 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               9214      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+18h+var_10] 
               9214      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+18h+var_10]
               9219     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_91A8 
               9219      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              9219      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_91A8 
               921b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
               921b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rdx+20h] 
               921f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
@@ -5976,6 +6143,7 @@
               9228      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_grab_focus 
               922d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_91A8 
               922d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 9140 
+              922d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_91A8 
               9240      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               9240      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               9240    136 FUNC GLOBAL gnome_control_center_get_type FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               92c7 
@@ -5990,16 +6158,19 @@
               9241      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               9245     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               9245      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9240 
+              9245      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               9248      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9240 
               9248      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_211048 
               924f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               924f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9240 
+              924f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               9252     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9268 
               9252      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9240 
               9254      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9240 
               9254      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_211048 
               925b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               925b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9240 
+              925b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               925f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
               925f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 9240 
               925f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -6012,6 +6183,7 @@
               926f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               9274     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9274      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9240 
+              9274      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9276     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9254 
               9276      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9240 
               9278      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9240 
@@ -6055,6 +6227,7 @@
               92c1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               92c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_9254 
               92c6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9240 
+              92c6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_9254 
               92d0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               92d0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               92d0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 92d0 
@@ -6659,6 +6832,7 @@
               a01b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               a01e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               a01e      4 INSTR BELONGTO a010 
+              a01e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               a022      2 INSTR BELONGTO a010 
               a022      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               a022     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -6691,6 +6865,7 @@
               a04a      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, [r12+0A0h] 
               a052     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
               a052      2 INSTR BELONGTO a030 
+              a052      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
               a054     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_A088 
               a054      2 INSTR BELONGTO a030 
               a056     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_window_get_type 
@@ -6718,6 +6893,7 @@
               a077      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               a07c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               a07c      4 INSTR BELONGTO a030 
+              a07c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               a080     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_window_present 
               a080     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _gtk_window_present
               a080      5 INSTR BELONGTO a030 
@@ -6743,6 +6919,7 @@
               a0a5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+20h] 
               a0a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_A05E 
               a0a9      2 INSTR BELONGTO a030 
+              a0a9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_A05E 
               a0b0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               a0b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               a0b0      1 INSTR BELONGTO a0b0 
@@ -6799,6 +6976,7 @@
               a0f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_bin_get_child 
               a0f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               a0f9      4 INSTR BELONGTO a0b0 
+              a0f9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               a0fd      3 INSTR BELONGTO a0b0 
               a0fd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               a0fd      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rax
@@ -6863,8 +7041,10 @@
               a2a2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, [rdi+28h] 
               a2a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx+18h], 0 
               a2a6      5 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a2a6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx+18h], 0 
               a2ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_A430 
               a2ab      6 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a2ab      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_A430 
               a2b1      4 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a2b1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R14 ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+10h] 
               a2b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
@@ -6874,8 +7054,10 @@
               a2b7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI R14 ZZ mov     r14, [rbx+8] 
               a2bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               a2bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a2bb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               a2be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A2CF 
               a2be      2 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a2be      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_A2CF 
               a2c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rsi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
               a2c0      7 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a2c0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
@@ -6889,8 +7071,10 @@
               a2cf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
               a2d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
               a2d2      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a2d2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r14, r14 
               a2d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A2E9 
               a2d5      2 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a2d5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A2E9 
               a2d7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rsi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
               a2d7      7 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a2d7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
@@ -6911,18 +7095,24 @@
               a2ef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_layout_set_attributes 
               a2f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx+10h], 0 
               a2f4      5 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a2f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx+10h], 0 
               a2f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_A410 
               a2f9      6 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a2f9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R13 ZZ jz      loc_A410 
               a2ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx+8], 0 
               a2ff      5 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a2ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx+8], 0 
               a304      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a304      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, [rbx] 
               a307     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_A418 
               a307      6 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a307      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_A418 
               a30d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
               a30d      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a30d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r13, r13 
               a310     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_A418 
               a310      6 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a310      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_A418 
               a316      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a316      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp        ; needle 
               a319      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
@@ -6932,10 +7122,12 @@
               a31c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
               a321     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               a321      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a321      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ test    rax, rax 
               a324      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a324      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
               a327     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_A418 
               a327      6 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a327      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_A418 
               a32d      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a32d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ sub     r15, r12 
               a330      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
@@ -6960,12 +7152,14 @@
               a354      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
               a357     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14, rdx 
               a357      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a357      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r14, rdx 
               a35a      4 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a35e      4 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a35e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rsp+48h+var_48], r9 
               a35e      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_48], r9
               a362     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rdx, r14 
               a362      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a362      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rdx, r14 
               a365      5 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a365      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_40], rdx
               a36a      4 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
@@ -7061,6 +7255,7 @@
               a3fa      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
               a3ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
               a3ff      4 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a3ff      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
               a403     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
               a403      5 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a403      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_free 
@@ -7080,6 +7275,7 @@
               a427      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
               a42a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_A3BD 
               a42a      2 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a42a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_A3BD 
               a430      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a430      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rsi 
               a433     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_pango_context 
@@ -7102,6 +7298,7 @@
               a44c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_layout_set_ellipsize 
               a451     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_A2B1 
               a451      5 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a451      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R14 ZZ jmp     loc_A2B1 
               a460      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbx
               a467      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], rbp
               a46f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -8 displ mov     [rsp-8], r12
@@ -7136,16 +7333,19 @@
               a4f1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               a4f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               a4f5      3 INSTR BELONGTO a4f0 
+              a4f5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               a4f8      7 INSTR BELONGTO a4f0 
               a4f8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_211058 
               a4ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               a4ff      3 INSTR BELONGTO a4f0 
+              a4ff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               a502     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A518 
               a502      2 INSTR BELONGTO a4f0 
               a504      7 INSTR BELONGTO a4f0 
               a504      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_211058 
               a50b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               a50b      4 INSTR BELONGTO a4f0 
+              a50b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               a50f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
               a50f      1 INSTR BELONGTO a4f0 
               a50f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -7158,6 +7358,7 @@
               a51f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               a524     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               a524      2 INSTR BELONGTO a4f0 
+              a524      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               a526     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A504 
               a526      2 INSTR BELONGTO a4f0 
               a528      7 INSTR BELONGTO a4f0 
@@ -7201,6 +7402,7 @@
               a571      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               a576     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_A504 
               a576      2 INSTR BELONGTO a4f0 
+              a576      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_A504 
               a580      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -48 displ mov     [rsp-30h], rbx
               a585      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -40 displ mov     [rsp-28h], rbp
               a58d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], r12
@@ -7319,8 +7521,10 @@
               a6e2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_layout_get_pixel_extents 
               a6e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               a6e7      3 INSTR BELONGTO a670 
+              a6e7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               a6ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A6F3 
               a6ea      2 INSTR BELONGTO a670 
+              a6ea      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ jz      short loc_A6F3 
               a6ec     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+48h+var_40] 
               a6ec      4 INSTR BELONGTO a670 
               a6ec      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+48h+var_40] 
@@ -7329,8 +7533,10 @@
               a6f0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ mov     [rbp+0], eax 
               a6f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
               a6f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO a670 
+              a6f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ test    r13, r13 
               a6f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A700 
               a6f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO a670 
+              a6f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ jz      short loc_A700 
               a6f8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+48h+var_3C] 
               a6f8      4 INSTR BELONGTO a670 
               a6f8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+48h+var_3C] 
@@ -7357,6 +7563,7 @@
               a719      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
               a71e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
               a71e      4 INSTR BELONGTO a670 
+              a71e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
               a722      1 INSTR BELONGTO a670 
               a722      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               a722     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -7587,6 +7794,7 @@
               aa7b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               aa7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               aa7e      4 INSTR BELONGTO aa70 
+              aa7e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               aa82      2 INSTR BELONGTO aa70 
               aa82      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               aa82     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -7727,6 +7935,7 @@
               ab83      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_param_spec_object 
               ab88     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               ab88      4 INSTR BELONGTO aa90 
+              ab88      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               ab8c      3 INSTR BELONGTO aa90 
               ab8c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
               ab8c      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbx
@@ -7756,16 +7965,19 @@
               aba1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               aba5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               aba5      3 INSTR BELONGTO aba0 
+              aba5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               aba8      7 INSTR BELONGTO aba0 
               aba8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_211068 
               abaf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               abaf      3 INSTR BELONGTO aba0 
+              abaf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               abb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_ABC8 
               abb2      2 INSTR BELONGTO aba0 
               abb4      7 INSTR BELONGTO aba0 
               abb4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_211068 
               abbb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               abbb      4 INSTR BELONGTO aba0 
+              abbb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               abbf     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
               abbf      1 INSTR BELONGTO aba0 
               abbf      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -7778,6 +7990,7 @@
               abcf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               abd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               abd4      2 INSTR BELONGTO aba0 
+              abd4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               abd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_ABB4 
               abd6      2 INSTR BELONGTO aba0 
               abd8      7 INSTR BELONGTO aba0 
@@ -7821,6 +8034,7 @@
               ac21      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               ac26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_ABB4 
               ac26      2 INSTR BELONGTO aba0 
+              ac26      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_ABB4 
               ac30     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r15 
               ac32     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
               ac34     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r13 
@@ -8198,6 +8412,7 @@
               b27d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r12, [rsp+28h+var_8]
               b282     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               b282      4 INSTR BELONGTO b220 
+              b282      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               b286      1 INSTR BELONGTO b220 
               b286      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R14 ZZ retn 
               b286     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -8365,16 +8580,19 @@
               b581      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               b585     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               b585      3 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
+              b585      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               b588      7 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
               b588      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_211078 
               b58f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               b58f      3 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
+              b58f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               b592     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B5A8 
               b592      2 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
               b594      7 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
               b594      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_211078 
               b59b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               b59b      4 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
+              b59b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               b59f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
               b59f      1 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
               b59f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -8387,6 +8605,7 @@
               b5af      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               b5b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b5b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
+              b5b4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b5b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B594 
               b5b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
               b5b8      7 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
@@ -8430,6 +8649,7 @@
               b601      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               b606     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_B594 
               b606      2 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
+              b606      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_B594 
               b610      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               b610      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               b610    197 FUNC GLOBAL sub_B610 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               b6d4 
@@ -8539,6 +8759,7 @@
               b6c8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:dword_211088, eax 
               b6ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
               b6ce      4 INSTR BELONGTO b610 
+              b6ce      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
               b6d2      1 INSTR BELONGTO b610 
               b6d2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               b6d2     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
@@ -8671,6 +8892,7 @@
               b78a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_cell_layout_get_cells 
               b78f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               b78f      3 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
+              b78f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
               b792      3 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
               b792      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
               b795     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B800 
@@ -8682,6 +8904,7 @@
               b79c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
               b79f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_B7C0 
               b79f      2 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
+              b79f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_B7C0 
               b7a8      3 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
               b7a8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
               b7ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
@@ -8691,30 +8914,37 @@
               b7ae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               b7b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b7b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
+              b7b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b7b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B7D6 
               b7b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
               b7b7      4 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
               b7b7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
               b7bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               b7bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
+              b7bb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               b7be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B800 
               b7be      2 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
               b7c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
               b7c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx] 
               b7c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               b7c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
+              b7c3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               b7c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B7B7 
               b7c6      2 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
               b7c8      4 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
               b7c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+0] 
               b7cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               b7cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
+              b7cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               b7cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B7A8 
               b7cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
+              b7cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B7A8 
               b7d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax], r12 
               b7d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
+              b7d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rax], r12 
               b7d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B7A8 
               b7d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
+              b7d4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_B7A8 
               b7d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO b770 
               b7d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
               b7d9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 50h 
@@ -8770,6 +9000,7 @@
               b81b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               b81e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               b81e      4 INSTR BELONGTO b810 
+              b81e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               b822      2 INSTR BELONGTO b810 
               b822      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               b822     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -8798,6 +9029,7 @@
               b841      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
               b845     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               b845      3 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
+              b845      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               b848      3 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
               b848      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rdi 
               b84b      9 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
@@ -8822,10 +9054,12 @@
               b86b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_icon_theme_lookup_by_gicon 
               b870     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               b870      3 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
+              b870      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               b873      3 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
               b873      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
               b876     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B8E8 
               b876      2 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
+              b876      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B8E8 
               b878      5 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
               b878      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
               b878      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+28h+var_20]
@@ -8842,8 +9076,10 @@
               b888      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_20]
               b88d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               b88d      3 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
+              b88d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               b890     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B8C3 
               b890      2 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
+              b890      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B8C3 
               b892      4 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
               b892      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rax+8] 
               b896      3 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
@@ -8893,6 +9129,7 @@
               b8d8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r12, [rsp+28h+var_8]
               b8dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               b8dd      4 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
+              b8dd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               b8e1      1 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
               b8e1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               b8e1     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -8912,6 +9149,7 @@
               b8f8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
               b8fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_B8CB 
               b8fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO b830 
+              b8fd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_B8CB 
               b900      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               b900      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               b900     21 FUNC GLOBAL sub_B900 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               b914 
@@ -8926,6 +9164,7 @@
               b909      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_211098, rax 
               b910     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               b910      4 INSTR BELONGTO b900 
+              b910      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               b914      1 INSTR BELONGTO b900 
               b914      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               b914      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -9049,6 +9288,7 @@
               b9da      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_connect_data 
               b9df     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 40h 
               b9df      4 INSTR BELONGTO b920 
+              b9df      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 40h 
               b9e3      1 INSTR BELONGTO b920 
               b9e3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               b9e3     64 DEALLOC STACK esp - 64 pop     rbx
@@ -9100,16 +9340,19 @@
               baa1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               baa5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               baa5      3 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              baa5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               baa8      7 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
               baa8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_211090 
               baaf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               baaf      3 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              baaf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bab2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BAC8 
               bab2      2 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
               bab4      7 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
               bab4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_211090 
               babb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               babb      4 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              babb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               babf     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
               babf      1 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
               babf      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -9122,6 +9365,7 @@
               bacf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               bad4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               bad4      2 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              bad4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               bad6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BAB4 
               bad6      2 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
               bad8      7 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
@@ -9165,6 +9409,7 @@
               bb21      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               bb26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_BAB4 
               bb26      2 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              bb26      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_BAB4 
               bb30      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 4 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               bb30      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               bb30     25 FUNC GLOBAL cc_shell_model_new FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               bb48 
@@ -9182,6 +9427,7 @@
               bb3b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               bb3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               bb3e      4 INSTR BELONGTO bb30 
+              bb3e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               bb42      2 INSTR BELONGTO bb30 
               bb42      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               bb42     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -9303,10 +9549,12 @@
               bbfb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_string 
               bc00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               bc00      3 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bc00      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bc03      3 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
               bc03      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
               bc06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_BD20 
               bc06      6 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bc06      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jz      loc_BD20 
               bc0c      7 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
               bc0c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ lea     rdx, aKeywords  ; "Keywords" 
               bc13      7 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
@@ -9448,6 +9696,7 @@
               bd07      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 208 displ mov     r15, [rsp+0D8h+var_8]
               bd0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0D8h 
               bd0f      7 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bd0f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 0D8h 
               bd16      1 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
               bd16      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
               bd16    216 DEALLOC STACK esp - 216 retn
@@ -9468,27 +9717,33 @@
               bd3c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_string_list 
               bd41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               bd41      3 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bd41      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bd44      8 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
               bd44      8 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+0D8h+var_50], rax 
               bd44      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 136 displ mov     [rsp+0D8h+var_50], rax
               bd4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BDBD 
               bd4c      2 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bd4c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_BDBD 
               bd4e      3 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
               bd4e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
               bd51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               bd51      3 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bd51      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               bd54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BDB0 
               bd54      2 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
               bd56      3 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
               bd56      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
               bd59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_BD6D 
               bd59      2 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bd59      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_BD6D 
               bd60     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 8 
               bd60      4 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bd60      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rbp, 8 
               bd64      4 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
               bd64      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+0] 
               bd68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               bd68      3 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bd68      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               bd6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BDB0 
               bd6b      2 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
               bd6d      7 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
@@ -9498,8 +9753,10 @@
               bd74      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
               bd79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               bd79      2 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bd79      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               bd7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BD60 
               bd7b      2 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bd7b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_BD60 
               bd7d      8 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
               bd7d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0D8h+var_50] 
               bd7d      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 136 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0D8h+var_50]
@@ -9529,6 +9786,7 @@
               bda5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_free 
               bdaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_BCDF 
               bdaa      5 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bdaa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_BCDF 
               bdb0      8 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
               bdb0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0D8h+var_50] 
               bdb0      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 136 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0D8h+var_50]
@@ -9549,6 +9807,7 @@
               bdcd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
               bdd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_BC0C 
               bdd0      5 INSTR BELONGTO bb50 
+              bdd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jmp     loc_BC0C 
               bde0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               bde0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
               bde0      1 INSTR BELONGTO bde0 
@@ -9636,16 +9895,19 @@
               bf41      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               bf45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               bf45      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf40 
+              bf45      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               bf48      7 INSTR BELONGTO bf40 
               bf48      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_2110A0 
               bf4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               bf4f      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf40 
+              bf4f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bf52     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BF68 
               bf52      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf40 
               bf54      7 INSTR BELONGTO bf40 
               bf54      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_2110A0 
               bf5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               bf5b      4 INSTR BELONGTO bf40 
+              bf5b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               bf5f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
               bf5f      1 INSTR BELONGTO bf40 
               bf5f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -9658,6 +9920,7 @@
               bf6f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               bf74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               bf74      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf40 
+              bf74      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               bf76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BF54 
               bf76      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf40 
               bf78      7 INSTR BELONGTO bf40 
@@ -9701,6 +9964,7 @@
               bfc1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               bfc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_BF54 
               bfc6      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf40 
+              bfc6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_BF54 
               bfd0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
               bfd0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               bfd0    170 FUNC GLOBAL sub_BFD0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               c079 
@@ -9801,6 +10065,7 @@
               c06d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:dword_2110B0, eax 
               c073     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               c073      4 INSTR BELONGTO bfd0 
+              c073      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               c077      1 INSTR BELONGTO bfd0 
               c077      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               c077     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 pop     rbx
@@ -9858,6 +10123,7 @@
               c19b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               c19e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               c19e      4 INSTR BELONGTO c190 
+              c19e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               c1a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO c190 
               c1a2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               c1a2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -9913,6 +10179,7 @@
               c1f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               c1f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               c1f6      4 INSTR BELONGTO c1b0 
+              c1f6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               c1fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_button_set_label 
               c1fa     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _gtk_button_set_label
               c1fa      5 INSTR BELONGTO c1b0 
@@ -9954,6 +10221,7 @@
               c22b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     rdx, aFraction_0; "Fraction" 
               c232     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
               c232      4 INSTR BELONGTO c210 
+              c232      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
               c236      7 INSTR BELONGTO c210 
               c236      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     rdi, aFraction  ; "fraction" 
               c23d      4 INSTR BELONGTO c210 
@@ -10025,6 +10293,7 @@
               c2ba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _g_object_class_install_property 
               c2bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               c2bf      4 INSTR BELONGTO c210 
+              c2bf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               c2c3     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     rdi, rbx
               c2c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO c210 
               c2c3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -10047,6 +10316,7 @@
               c2e4     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
               c2e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
               c2e5      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c2e5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM7 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
               c2e9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
               c2e9      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c2e9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM7 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -10062,6 +10332,7 @@
               c2f5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ movapd  xmm7, xmm1 
               c2f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm2, xmm0 
               c2f9      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c2f9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ ucomisd xmm2, xmm0 
               c2fd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setp    dl 
               c2fd      3 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c2fd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ setp    dl 
@@ -10070,10 +10341,13 @@
               c300      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ cmovnz  edx, eax 
               c303     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dl, dl 
               c303      2 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c303      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ test    dl, dl 
               c305     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_C4F0 
               c305      6 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c305      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ jz      loc_C4F0 
               c30b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm3, xmm0 
               c30b      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c30b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ ucomisd xmm3, xmm0 
               c30f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setp    dl 
               c30f      3 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c30f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ setp    dl 
@@ -10081,8 +10355,10 @@
               c312      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ cmovz   eax, edx 
               c315     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
               c315      2 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c315      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ test    al, al 
               c317     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_C4F0 
               c317      6 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c317      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ jz      loc_C4F0 
               c31d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm4, cs:qword_DE78 
               c31d      8 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c31d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ movsd   xmm4, cs:qword_DE78 
@@ -10097,25 +10373,34 @@
               c333      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm10, xmm1 
               c338     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm12, xmm2 
               c338      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c338      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM9 ZZ addsd   xmm12, xmm2 
               c33d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, xmm4 
               c33d      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c33d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM9 ZZ mulsd   xmm2, xmm4 
               c341     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm10, xmm3 
               c341      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c341      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM9 ZZ addsd   xmm10, xmm3 
               c346     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm3, xmm4 
               c346      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c346      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM9 ZZ mulsd   xmm3, xmm4 
               c34a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm8, xmm2 
               c34a      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c34a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM9 ZZ ucomisd xmm8, xmm2 
               c34f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_C500 
               c34f      6 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c34f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM2 XMM9 ZZ ja      loc_C500 
               c355     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm8, xmm3 
               c355      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c355      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM9 ZZ ucomisd xmm8, xmm3 
               c35a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm9, xmm1 
               c35a      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c35a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM9 ZZ movapd  xmm9, xmm1 
               c35f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_C628 
               c35f      6 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c35f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ jbe     loc_C628 
               c365     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm9, xmm10 
               c365      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c365      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM11 ZZ addsd   xmm9, xmm10 
               c36a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm6 
               c36a      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c36a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM11 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm6 
@@ -10130,6 +10415,7 @@
               c37c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM11 ZZ movsd   [rsp+88h+var_88], xmm6 
               c381     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm9, xmm4 
               c381      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c381      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM11 ZZ mulsd   xmm9, xmm4 
               c386     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+88h+var_58], xmm7 
               c386      6 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c386      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM11 ZZ movsd   [rsp+88h+var_58], xmm7 
@@ -10164,6 +10450,7 @@
               c3be      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm6 
               c3c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm11, xmm8 
               c3c2      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c3c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ addsd   xmm11, xmm8 
               c3c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm6 
               c3c7      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c3c7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm6 
@@ -10201,6 +10488,7 @@
               c3fe      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movsd   xmm7, [rsp+88h+var_58] 
               c404     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, xmm8 
               c404      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c404      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ subsd   xmm0, xmm8 
               c409     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm1, xmm7 
               c409      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c409      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm7 
@@ -10325,6 +10613,7 @@
               c4dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ call    _cairo_curve_to 
               c4e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rsp, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF80h 
               c4e1      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c4e1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ sub     rsp, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF80h 
               c4e5      3 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c4e5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
               c4e8      1 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
@@ -10334,14 +10623,17 @@
               c4e9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ jmp     _cairo_close_path 
               c4f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rsp, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF80h 
               c4f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c4f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ sub     rsp, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFF80h 
               c4f4      1 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c4f4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ pop     rbx 
               c4f5      1 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c4f5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM12 ZZ retn 
               c500     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm8, xmm3 
               c500      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c500      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM9 ZZ ucomisd xmm8, xmm3 
               c505     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_C800 
               c505      6 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c505      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM9 ZZ jbe     loc_C800 
               c50b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm8, xmm1 
               c50b      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c50b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM8 XMM9 ZZ movapd  xmm8, xmm1 
@@ -10356,6 +10648,7 @@
               c51b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM9 ZZ movsd   [rsp+88h+var_18], xmm4 
               c521     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm8, xmm10 
               c521      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c521      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM9 ZZ addsd   xmm8, xmm10 
               c526     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+88h+var_88], xmm6 
               c526      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c526      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM9 ZZ movsd   [rsp+88h+var_88], xmm6 
@@ -10367,6 +10660,7 @@
               c531      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM9 ZZ movsd   [rsp+88h+var_68], xmm12 
               c538     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm8, xmm4 
               c538      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c538      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM9 ZZ mulsd   xmm8, xmm4 
               c53d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm1, xmm8 
               c53d      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c53d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM9 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm8 
@@ -10395,6 +10689,7 @@
               c568      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 ZZ movsd   xmm7, [rsp+88h+var_58] 
               c56e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm9, xmm12 
               c56e      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c56e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 ZZ addsd   xmm9, xmm12 
               c573     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm2, xmm6 
               c573      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c573      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm6 
@@ -10412,6 +10707,7 @@
               c583      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm7 
               c587     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm9, xmm4 
               c587      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c587      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 ZZ mulsd   xmm9, xmm4 
               c58c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm4, xmm9 
               c58c      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c58c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movapd  xmm4, xmm9 
@@ -10493,8 +10789,10 @@
               c617      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM9 XMM12 ZZ movapd  xmm5, xmm8 
               c61c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_C4B7 
               c61c      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c61c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM12 ZZ jmp     loc_C4B7 
               c628     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm9, xmm8 
               c628      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c628      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM11 XMM13 ZZ addsd   xmm9, xmm8 
               c62d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm6 
               c62d      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c62d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM11 XMM13 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm6 
@@ -10541,6 +10839,7 @@
               c67c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM13 ZZ movsd   xmm9, [rsp+88h+var_28] 
               c683     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm11, xmm8 
               c683      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c683      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM13 ZZ addsd   xmm11, xmm8 
               c688     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm2, xmm6 
               c688      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c688      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM13 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm6 
@@ -10581,6 +10880,7 @@
               c6c4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movsd   xmm7, [rsp+88h+var_58] 
               c6ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm13, xmm8 
               c6ca      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c6ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ subsd   xmm13, xmm8 
               c6cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm1, xmm7 
               c6cf      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c6cf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm7 
@@ -10644,6 +10944,7 @@
               c739      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM9 ZZ movsd   xmm12, [rsp+88h+var_68] 
               c740     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm7, xmm8 
               c740      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c740      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM9 ZZ subsd   xmm7, xmm8 
               c745     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm12 
               c745      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c745      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM8 XMM9 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm12 
@@ -10745,6 +11046,7 @@
               c7f0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM11 XMM12 XMM13 ZZ call    _cairo_curve_to 
               c7f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_C4E1 
               c7f5      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c7f5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM11 XMM12 XMM13 ZZ jmp     loc_C4E1 
               c800     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm9, xmm1 
               c800      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c800      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM9 XMM11 ZZ movapd  xmm9, xmm1 
@@ -10759,6 +11061,7 @@
               c810      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM11 ZZ movsd   [rsp+88h+var_78], xmm10 
               c817     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm9, xmm8 
               c817      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c817      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM11 ZZ addsd   xmm9, xmm8 
               c81c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+88h+var_18], xmm4 
               c81c      6 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c81c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 XMM11 ZZ movsd   [rsp+88h+var_18], xmm4 
@@ -10799,6 +11102,7 @@
               c85f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 ZZ movsd   xmm7, [rsp+88h+var_58] 
               c865     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm11, xmm12 
               c865      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c865      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 ZZ addsd   xmm11, xmm12 
               c86a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm2, xmm6 
               c86a      4 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c86a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm6 
@@ -10816,6 +11120,7 @@
               c87a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm7 
               c87e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm11, xmm4 
               c87e      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c87e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 ZZ mulsd   xmm11, xmm4 
               c883     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm4, xmm11 
               c883      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c883      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movapd  xmm4, xmm11 
@@ -10873,6 +11178,7 @@
               c8e2      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM9 ZZ movsd   xmm12, [rsp+88h+var_68] 
               c8e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm7, xmm8 
               c8e9      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c8e9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM9 ZZ subsd   xmm7, xmm8 
               c8ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm12 
               c8ee      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
               c8ee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM8 XMM9 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm12 
@@ -10925,6 +11231,7 @@
               c943      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM8 XMM9 XMM11 XMM12 ZZ movapd  xmm5, xmm7 
               c947     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_C4B7 
               c947      5 INSTR BELONGTO c2e0 
+              c947      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM11 XMM12 ZZ jmp     loc_C4B7 
               c950      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               c950      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               c950    136 FUNC GLOBAL cc_strength_bar_get_type FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               c9d7 
@@ -10939,16 +11246,19 @@
               c951      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               c955     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               c955      3 INSTR BELONGTO c950 
+              c955      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               c958      7 INSTR BELONGTO c950 
               c958      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_2110B8 
               c95f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               c95f      3 INSTR BELONGTO c950 
+              c95f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               c962     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C978 
               c962      2 INSTR BELONGTO c950 
               c964      7 INSTR BELONGTO c950 
               c964      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_2110B8 
               c96b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               c96b      4 INSTR BELONGTO c950 
+              c96b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               c96f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
               c96f      1 INSTR BELONGTO c950 
               c96f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -10961,6 +11271,7 @@
               c97f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               c984     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               c984      2 INSTR BELONGTO c950 
+              c984      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               c986     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C964 
               c986      2 INSTR BELONGTO c950 
               c988      7 INSTR BELONGTO c950 
@@ -11004,6 +11315,7 @@
               c9d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               c9d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_C964 
               c9d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO c950 
+              c9d6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_C964 
               c9e0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r15 
               c9e2     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
               c9e4     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r13 
@@ -11297,6 +11609,7 @@
               cf9e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+8], 0FFFFFFFFh 
               cfa5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               cfa5      4 INSTR BELONGTO cf40 
+              cfa5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               cfa9      1 INSTR BELONGTO cf40 
               cfa9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               cfa9      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -11360,6 +11673,7 @@
               d0cb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               d0ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d0ce      4 INSTR BELONGTO d0c0 
+              d0ce      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d0d2      2 INSTR BELONGTO d0c0 
               d0d2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               d0d2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -11419,10 +11733,13 @@
               d120      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_is_drawable 
               d125     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               d125      2 INSTR BELONGTO d0e0 
+              d125      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    eax, eax 
               d127     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_D130 
               d127      2 INSTR BELONGTO d0e0 
+              d127      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_D130 
               d129     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d129      4 INSTR BELONGTO d0e0 
+              d129      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d12d      1 INSTR BELONGTO d0e0 
               d12d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
               d12e      1 INSTR BELONGTO d0e0 
@@ -11438,6 +11755,7 @@
               d136      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               d13b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d13b      4 INSTR BELONGTO d0e0 
+              d13b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d13f      3 INSTR BELONGTO d0e0 
               d13f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               d13f      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rax
@@ -11525,10 +11843,12 @@
               d1af      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_is_drawable 
               d1b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               d1b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO d170 
+              d1b4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               d1b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_D1C0 
               d1b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO d170 
               d1b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d1b8      4 INSTR BELONGTO d170 
+              d1b8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d1bc      1 INSTR BELONGTO d170 
               d1bc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               d1bd      1 INSTR BELONGTO d170 
@@ -11544,6 +11864,7 @@
               d1c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               d1cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d1cb      4 INSTR BELONGTO d170 
+              d1cb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d1cf      3 INSTR BELONGTO d170 
               d1cf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               d1cf      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rax
@@ -11724,8 +12045,10 @@
               d410      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
               d415     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               d415      3 INSTR BELONGTO d3d0 
+              d415      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               d418     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_D436 
               d418      2 INSTR BELONGTO d3d0 
+              d418      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_D436 
               d41a      2 INSTR BELONGTO d3d0 
               d41a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
               d41a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -11739,10 +12062,13 @@
               d426      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
               d429     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
               d429      4 INSTR BELONGTO d3d0 
+              d429      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
               d42d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
               d42d      4 INSTR BELONGTO d3d0 
+              d42d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
               d431     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
               d431      3 INSTR BELONGTO d3d0 
+              d431      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
               d434     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_D420 
               d434      2 INSTR BELONGTO d3d0 
               d436      5 INSTR BELONGTO d3d0 
@@ -11765,6 +12091,7 @@
               d44f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
               d454     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
               d454      4 INSTR BELONGTO d3d0 
+              d454      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
               d458      1 INSTR BELONGTO d3d0 
               d458      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               d458     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -11796,24 +12123,30 @@
               d479      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_210220 
               d480     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
               d480      4 INSTR BELONGTO d470 
+              d480      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
               d484     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_D49F 
               d484      2 INSTR BELONGTO d470 
+              d484      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_D49F 
               d486      7 INSTR BELONGTO d470 
               d486      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ lea     rbx, qword_210220 
               d48d      3 INSTR BELONGTO d470 
               d490     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
               d490      4 INSTR BELONGTO d470 
+              d490      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
               d494     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_210220 
               d494      2 INSTR BELONGTO d470 
+              d494      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_210220 
               d496     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
               d496      3 INSTR BELONGTO d470 
               d496      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
               d499     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
               d499      4 INSTR BELONGTO d470 
+              d499      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
               d49d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_D490 
               d49d      2 INSTR BELONGTO d470 
               d49f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d49f      4 INSTR BELONGTO d470 
+              d49f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d4a3      1 INSTR BELONGTO d470 
               d4a3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               d4a3      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -11833,6 +12166,7 @@
               d4ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_7810 
               d4b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d4b1      4 INSTR BELONGTO d4a8 
+              d4b1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d4b5      1 INSTR BELONGTO d4a8 
               d4b5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               d4b5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-dictionary.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-dictionary.psexe.annot
index 308fb28a..1b33606f 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-dictionary.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-dictionary.psexe.annot
@@ -1194,6 +1194,7 @@
             4076e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4126B0 
             4076eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4076eb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4076d8 
+            4076eb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4076ef      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4076d8 
             4076ef      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             4076ef      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3585,6 +3586,7 @@
             409026     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             409028     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409028      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408fe0 
+            409028      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40902c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408fe0 
             40902c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40902c     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -3637,12 +3639,15 @@
             409060      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             409067     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409067      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40905c 
+            409067      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40906a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40906E 
             40906a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40905c 
             40906c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             40906c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40905c 
+            40906c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             40906e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40906e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40905c 
+            40906e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409072      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40905c 
             409072      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             409072     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -3665,8 +3670,10 @@
             409085      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             409089     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_617E00, 0 
             409089      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
+            409089      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_617E00, 0 
             409090     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4090DD 
             409090      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
+            409090      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_4090DD 
             409092     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_616D90 
             409092      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
             409092      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_616D90 
@@ -3682,25 +3689,30 @@
             4090a9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             4090ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4090ad      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
+            4090ad      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4090b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_4090D6 
             4090b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
             4090b2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
             4090b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             4090b8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
+            4090b8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             4090bc      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
             4090bc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_617E08, rax 
             4090c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_616D88[rax*8] 
             4090c3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
+            4090c3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_616D88[rax*8] 
             4090ca      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
             4090ca      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617E08 
             4090d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4090d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
+            4090d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4090d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_4090B8 
             4090d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
             4090d6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
             4090d6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_617E00, 1 
             4090dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4090dd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
+            4090dd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4090e1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409080 
             4090e1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4090e1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -3817,16 +3829,19 @@
             4091e8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
             4091ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4091ed      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            4091ed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4091f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40920F 
             4091f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             4091f2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             4091f2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             4091f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4091f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            4091f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4091f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409200 
             4091f9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             4091fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4091fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            4091fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4091fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409260 
             4091fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             409200      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
@@ -3838,6 +3853,7 @@
             409206      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40920b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40920b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            40920b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40920d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409260 
             40920d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             40920f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGtk_is_widgetP; "GTK_IS_WIDGET (parent)" 
@@ -3872,6 +3888,7 @@
             409248      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 256 displ mov     r15, [rsp+108h+var_8]
             409250     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 108h 
             409250      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            409250      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 108h 
             409257      0 DEALLOC STACK esp - 0 retn
             409257      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             409257      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -3905,10 +3922,12 @@
             409287      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+0] 
             40928b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40928b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            40928b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40928e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409299 
             40928e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             409290     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax], r15 
             409290      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            409290      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rax], r15 
             409293     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409368 
             409293      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             409299      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
@@ -3923,6 +3942,7 @@
             4092a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 ZZ xor     r10d, r10d 
             4092a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4092a7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            4092a7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4092a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_409368 
             4092a9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             4092af      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
@@ -4001,6 +4021,7 @@
             409357      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_show_about_dialog 
             40935c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409220 
             40935c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            40935c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_409220 
             409368      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             409368      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r15 
             40936b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
@@ -4012,6 +4033,7 @@
             409373      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 ZZ mov     r10, rax 
             409376     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4092AF 
             409376      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            409376      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4092AF 
             409380      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             409380      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409380      2 FUNC GLOBAL nullsub_2 FUNC_SAFE NOFP RET FUNC_LEAF             409381 
@@ -4136,16 +4158,19 @@
             409660      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             409664     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             409664      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409660 
+            409664      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             409667      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409660 
             409667      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617E10 
             40966e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40966e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409660 
+            40966e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409671     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409680 
             409671      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409660 
             409673      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409660 
             409673      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617E10 
             40967a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40967a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409660 
+            40967a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40967e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409660 
             40967e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
             409680     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset qword_617E10 
@@ -4156,6 +4181,7 @@
             409685      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40968a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40968a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409660 
+            40968a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40968c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409673 
             40968c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409660 
             40968e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGdictapp; "GdictApp" 
@@ -4197,6 +4223,7 @@
             4096ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             4096cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409673 
             4096cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409660 
+            4096cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_409673 
             4096e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4096e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             4096e0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4096e0 
@@ -4255,6 +4282,7 @@
             409734      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4099B0 
             409739     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409739      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409720 
+            409739      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40973b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409835 
             40973b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409720 
             409741     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_409A70 
@@ -4262,10 +4290,12 @@
             409741      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409A70 
             409746     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409746      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409720 
+            409746      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409748     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409835 
             409748      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409720 
             40974e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             40974e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409720 
+            40974e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             409750     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_type_init 
             409750      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409720 
             409750      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_init 
@@ -4426,8 +4456,10 @@
             409844      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617E20 
             40984b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40984b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409840 
+            40984b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40984e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409870 
             40984e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409840 
+            40984e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409870 
             409850      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409840 
             409850      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+18h] 
             409854     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -4437,6 +4469,7 @@
             409859      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_617E20 
             409860     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409860      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409840 
+            409860      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409864     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_unref 
             409864      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409840 
             409864      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_object_unref 
@@ -4451,6 +4484,7 @@
             40987a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             40987c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40987c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409840 
+            40987c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409880     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_log 
             409880      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409840 
             409880      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_log 
@@ -4511,6 +4545,7 @@
             4098c8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4098ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4098ca      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4098b0 
+            4098ca      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4098ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_build_filename 
             4098ce      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4098b0 
             4098ce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_build_filename 
@@ -4587,8 +4622,10 @@
             409931      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             409936     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409936      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409900 
+            409936      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409938     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409960 
             409938      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409900 
+            409938      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409960 
             40993a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, rbp 
             40993a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409900 
             40993a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
@@ -4617,6 +4654,7 @@
             409956      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40995b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40995b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409900 
+            40995b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40995f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409900 
             40995f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ retn 
             40995f     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -4644,6 +4682,7 @@
             409979      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _rename 
             40997e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40997e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409900 
+            40997e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409981     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40993A 
             409981      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409900 
             409983     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
@@ -4683,6 +4722,7 @@
             4099a9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             4099ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40993A 
             4099ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409900 
+            4099ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40993A 
             4099b0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4099b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4099b0    177 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4099B0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             409a60 
@@ -4719,8 +4759,10 @@
             4099d8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             4099dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4099dd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4099b0 
+            4099dd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4099df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409A00 
             4099df      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4099b0 
+            4099df      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409A00 
             4099e1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, rbx 
             4099e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4099b0 
             4099e1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -4738,6 +4780,7 @@
             4099f0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             4099f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4099f5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4099b0 
+            4099f5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4099f9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4099b0 
             4099f9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4099f9     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -4752,8 +4795,10 @@
             409a08      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             409a0d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409a0d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4099b0 
+            409a0d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409a0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4099E1 
             409a0f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4099b0 
+            409a0f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4099E1 
             409a11      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4099b0 
             409a11      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi 
             409a11     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -4780,6 +4825,7 @@
             409a2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _mkdir 
             409a32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409a32      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4099b0 
+            409a32      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409a35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4099E1 
             409a35      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4099b0 
             409a37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
@@ -4816,6 +4862,7 @@
             409a5a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             409a5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4099E1 
             409a5f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4099b0 
+            409a5f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4099E1 
             409a70      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             409a70      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409a70    295 FUNC GLOBAL sub_409A70 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             409b96 
@@ -4849,6 +4896,7 @@
             409a93      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _mkdir 
             409a98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409a98      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409a98      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409a9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409B10 
             409a9b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
             409a9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
@@ -4861,6 +4909,7 @@
             409aa4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             409aa7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 11h 
             409aa7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409aa7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 11h 
             409aaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409AF0 
             409aaa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
             409aac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strerror 
@@ -4906,6 +4955,7 @@
             409add      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             409ae2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409ae2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409ae2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409ae6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
             409ae6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             409ae6     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -4920,13 +4970,16 @@
             409af8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             409afd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409afd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409afd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409aff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409B20 
             409aff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409aff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409B20 
             409b01     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [r12] 
             409b01      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
             409b01      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [r12] 
             409b05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 11h 
             409b05      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409b05      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 11h 
             409b08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409AAC 
             409b08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
             409b0a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
@@ -4941,6 +4994,7 @@
             409b18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             409b1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409AD4 
             409b1d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409b1d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_409AD4 
             409b20     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rsi, rbx 
             409b20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
             409b20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbx 
@@ -4964,8 +5018,10 @@
             409b38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _rename 
             409b3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409b3d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409b3d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409b40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409B65 
             409b40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409b40      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409B65 
             409b42      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
             409b42      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             409b45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -4982,13 +5038,16 @@
             409b52      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _mkdir 
             409b57     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409b57      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409b57      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409b5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409B10 
             409b5a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409b5a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409B10 
             409b5c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [r12] 
             409b5c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
             409b5c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [r12] 
             409b60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409AAC 
             409b60      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409b60      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_409AAC 
             409b65     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [r12] 
             409b65      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
             409b65      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [r12] 
@@ -5024,6 +5083,7 @@
             409b8d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             409b92     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409ACA 
             409b92      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409b92      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_409ACA 
             409ba0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 -32 4 4 0 0 5 -24 4 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -16 4 13 -8 1 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             409ba0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409ba0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
@@ -5052,6 +5112,7 @@
             409baf      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             409bb3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             409bb3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bb3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             409bb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409BF8 
             409bb6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409bb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_window_get_type 
@@ -5061,12 +5122,16 @@
             409bbd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             409bc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             409bc0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bc0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             409bc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409BCA 
             409bc3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bc3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409BCA 
             409bc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409bc5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bc5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409bc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409BF8 
             409bc8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bc8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409BF8 
             409bca      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409bca      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             409bcd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
@@ -5076,13 +5141,16 @@
             409bd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             409bd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409bd5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bd5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409bd7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aParentNullGtk_; "(parent == NULL) || (GTK_IS_WINDOW (par"... 
             409bd7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409bd7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aParentNullGtk_; "(parent == NULL) || (GTK_IS_WINDOW (par"... 
             409bdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409BF8 
             409bdc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bdc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409BF8 
             409bde     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409bde      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bde      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409be2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aGdict_show_err; "gdict_show_error_dialog" 
             409be2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409be2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ mov     esi, offset aGdict_show_err; "gdict_show_error_dialog" 
@@ -5096,14 +5164,17 @@
             409beb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409beb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 ZZ pop     r12 
             409bed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bed      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ pop     r13 
             409bed     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r13 
             409bef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             409bef      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409bef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             409bf8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             409bf8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bf8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             409bfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409CD0 
             409bfb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bfb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_409CD0 
             409c01      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409c01      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     r9, r12 
             409c04      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
@@ -5149,6 +5220,7 @@
             409c41      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_set_title 
             409c46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             409c46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409c46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             409c49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409C6D 
             409c49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409c4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_message_dialog_get_type 
@@ -5176,6 +5248,7 @@
             409c68      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text 
             409c6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             409c6d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409c6d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             409c70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409CA0 
             409c70      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409c72      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
@@ -5185,6 +5258,7 @@
             409c75      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_get_group 
             409c7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409c7a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409c7a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409c7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409CA0 
             409c7d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409c7f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
@@ -5225,6 +5299,7 @@
             409cb3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_dialog_run 
             409cb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409cb8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409cb8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R13 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409cbc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409cbc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R13 ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             409cbc      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, r12
@@ -5235,6 +5310,7 @@
             409cc1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409cc1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 ZZ pop     r12 
             409cc3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409cc3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ pop     r13 
             409cc3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r13 
             409cc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_widget_destroy 
             409cc5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
@@ -5244,6 +5320,7 @@
             409cd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ mov     edx, offset aMessageNull; "message != NULL" 
             409cd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409BDE 
             409cd5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409cd5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ jmp     loc_409BDE 
             409ce0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 4 6 0 1 7 0 96 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 1 13 0 0 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             409ce0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409ce0    183 FUNC GLOBAL sub_409CE0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             409d96 
@@ -5264,6 +5341,7 @@
             409cf2      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             409cf6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             409cf6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409cf6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             409cf9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
             409cf9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     r12, rsi 
             409cfc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
@@ -5276,12 +5354,16 @@
             409d06      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             409d09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             409d09      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d09      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             409d0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409D13 
             409d0c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d0c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409D13 
             409d0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409d0e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d0e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409d11     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409D48 
             409d11      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d11      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409D48 
             409d13      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
             409d13      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             409d16      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
@@ -5291,11 +5373,13 @@
             409d19      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             409d1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409d1e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d1e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409d20     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aParentNullGtk_; "(parent == NULL) || (GTK_IS_WINDOW (par"... 
             409d20      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
             409d20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aParentNullGtk_; "(parent == NULL) || (GTK_IS_WINDOW (par"... 
             409d25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409D48 
             409d25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d25      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409D48 
             409d27      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
             409d27      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             409d27      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_18]
@@ -5314,17 +5398,22 @@
             409d3a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             409d3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409d3c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d3c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409d40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             409d40      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
             409d40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             409d48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             409d48      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d48      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             409d4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409D80 
             409d4b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d4b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409D80 
             409d4d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             409d4d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d4d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             409d50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409D90 
             409d50      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d50      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409D90 
             409d52      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
             409d52      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+8] 
             409d56      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
@@ -5348,6 +5437,7 @@
             409d6d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             409d72     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409d72      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d72      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409d76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_error_free 
             409d76     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_error_free
             409d76      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
@@ -5357,11 +5447,13 @@
             409d80      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     edx, offset aMessageNull; "message != NULL" 
             409d85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409D27 
             409d85      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d85      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_409D27 
             409d90     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aErrorNull; "error != NULL" 
             409d90      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
             409d90      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     edx, offset aErrorNull; "error != NULL" 
             409d95     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409D27 
             409d95      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ce0 
+            409d95      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_409D27 
             409da0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             409da0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409da0    107 FUNC GLOBAL sub_409DA0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             409e0a 
@@ -5490,6 +5582,7 @@
             409e55      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_source_loader_get_sources 
             409e5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409e5a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409e5a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409e5d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409e60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409F01 
             409e60      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
@@ -5500,6 +5593,7 @@
             409e6b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             409e6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             409e6e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409e6e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             409e70      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409e70      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+0] 
             409e74      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
@@ -5525,6 +5619,7 @@
             409e92      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R14 ZZ mov     rsi, [rbx+50h]  ; s2 
             409e96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409e96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409e96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409e99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409e99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             409e9c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
@@ -5568,6 +5663,7 @@
             409eda      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     [rsp+88h+var_80], r14 
             409edf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409edf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409edf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409ee1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409ee1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ mov     [rsp+88h+var_88], 2 
             409ee1      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+88h+var_88], 2
@@ -5587,6 +5683,7 @@
             409ef4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rbp+8] 
             409ef8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             409ef8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409ef8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             409efb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_409E70 
             409efb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409f01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_tree_model_get_type 
@@ -5636,6 +5733,7 @@
             409f46      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_foreach 
             409f4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             409f4b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409f4b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             409f4f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409f4f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             409f4f     88 DEALLOC STACK esp - 88 pop     rbx
@@ -6159,16 +6257,19 @@
             40acf1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40acf5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             40acf5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40acf0 
+            40acf5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             40acf8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40acf0 
             40acf8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617E50 
             40acff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40acff      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40acf0 
+            40acff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ad02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AD18 
             40ad02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acf0 
             40ad04      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40acf0 
             40ad04      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617E50 
             40ad0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40ad0b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40acf0 
+            40ad0b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40ad0f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40ad0f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40acf0 
             40ad0f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -6182,6 +6283,7 @@
             40ad1d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40ad22     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ad22      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acf0 
+            40ad22      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ad24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AD04 
             40ad24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acf0 
             40ad26     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGdictprefdialo; "GdictPrefDialog" 
@@ -6227,6 +6329,7 @@
             40ad68      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40ad6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40AD04 
             40ad6d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acf0 
+            40ad6d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40AD04 
             40ad70      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40ad70      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             40ad70    116 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40AD70 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40ade3 
@@ -6387,16 +6490,20 @@
             40afc1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
             40afc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40afc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40afc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40afc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AFE7 
             40afc9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40afc9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40AFE7 
             40afcb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40afcb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40afce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40afce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40afce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40afd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AFD8 
             40afd1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40afd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40afd3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40afd3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40afd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B010 
             40afd6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40afd8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
@@ -6408,6 +6515,7 @@
             40afde      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40afe3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40afe3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40afe3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40afe5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B010 
             40afe5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40afe7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGtk_is_widgetP; "GTK_IS_WIDGET (parent)" 
@@ -6433,6 +6541,7 @@
             40b005     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             40b007     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40b007      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b007      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40b00b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40b00b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40b00b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
@@ -6441,20 +6550,26 @@
             40b010      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_source_loader_get_type 
             40b015     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40b015      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b015      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40b018      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40b018      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40b01b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B037 
             40b01b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b01b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B037 
             40b01d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40b01d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r12] 
             40b021     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b021      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b021      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b024     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B02B 
             40b024      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b024      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B02B 
             40b026     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b026      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b026      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b029     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B040 
             40b029      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b029      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B040 
             40b02b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40b02b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40b02e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
@@ -6462,13 +6577,16 @@
             40b02e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b033     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b033      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b033      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b035     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B040 
             40b035      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b035      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40B040 
             40b037     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_sourc; "GDICT_IS_SOURCE_LOADER (loader)" 
             40b037      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40b037      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_sourc; "GDICT_IS_SOURCE_LOADER (loader)" 
             40b03c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40AFEC 
             40b03c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b03c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ jmp     short loc_40AFEC 
             40b040     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 50h 
             40b040      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40b040      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 50h 
@@ -6487,6 +6605,7 @@
             40b055      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_get_data 
             40b05a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b05a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b05a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b05d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40b060     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B0C0 
             40b060      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
@@ -6539,6 +6658,7 @@
             40b0a8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40b0ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40b0ad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b0ad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40b0b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_window_present 
             40b0b1     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _gtk_window_present
             40b0b1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
@@ -6603,12 +6723,16 @@
             40b10f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40b112     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b112      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b112      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b115     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B11C 
             40b115      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b115      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B11C 
             40b117     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax], r12 
             40b117      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b117      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rax], r12 
             40b11a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B140 
             40b11a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b11a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B140 
             40b11c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40b11c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
             40b11f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
@@ -6618,12 +6742,15 @@
             40b122      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b127     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b127      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b127      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b129     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B140 
             40b129      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b129      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40B140 
             40b12b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40b12b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:qword_617E60, rbp 
             40b132     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B06A 
             40b132      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b132      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40B06A 
             40b140      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
             40b140      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
             40b143      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
@@ -6685,6 +6812,7 @@
             40b199      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_set_data_full 
             40b19e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B06A 
             40b19e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40afa0 
+            40b19e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40B06A 
             40b1b0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 4 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40b1b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40b1b0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1b0 
@@ -6696,6 +6824,7 @@
             40b1b4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_617E68 
             40b1bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b1bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1b0 
+            40b1bb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b1be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B1D0 
             40b1be      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1b0 
             40b1c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aPrintFont_0; "print-font" 
@@ -6703,6 +6832,7 @@
             40b1c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, offset aPrintFont_0; "print-font" 
             40b1c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b1c5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1b0 
+            40b1c5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b1c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_settings_get_string 
             40b1c9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1b0 
             40b1c9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_settings_get_string 
@@ -6721,6 +6851,7 @@
             40b1e6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40b1e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b1e9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1b0 
+            40b1e9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b1ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_settings_get_string 
             40b1ed      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b1b0 
             40b1ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_settings_get_string 
@@ -6803,10 +6934,12 @@
             40b254      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM4 ZZ call    _gtk_print_context_get_width 
             40b259     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40b259      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b259      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM4 ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40b25d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b25d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM4 ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40b260     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm4, xmm0 
             40b260      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b260      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM4 ZZ movapd  xmm4, xmm0 
             40b264     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm3, cs:qword_4130F8 
             40b264      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b264      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm3, cs:qword_4130F8 
@@ -6815,6 +6948,7 @@
             40b26c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm0 
             40b270     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm0, xmm1 
             40b270      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b270      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm1 
             40b274      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b274      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_68], xmm4 
             40b274      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_68], xmm4
@@ -6828,6 +6962,7 @@
             40b286      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40b289     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm2, xmm0 
             40b289      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b289      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm0 
             40b28d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm1, xmm0 
             40b28d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b28d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm0 
@@ -6841,6 +6976,7 @@
             40b299      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _cairo_fill_preserve 
             40b29e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
             40b29e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b29e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
             40b2a2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b2a2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40b2a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
@@ -6915,32 +7051,41 @@
             40b314      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ call    _pango_layout_get_pixel_size 
             40b319     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             40b319      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b319      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             40b319      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_40]
             40b31f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movsd   xmm4, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
             40b31f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b31f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ movsd   xmm4, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
             40b324     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm4 
             40b324      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b324      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm4 
             40b328     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_40B4F0 
             40b328      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b328      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM3 ZZ ja      loc_40B4F0 
             40b32e     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm3, xmm4 
             40b32e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b32e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ movapd  xmm3, xmm4 
             40b332     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, [rsp+68h+var_3C] 
             40b332      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b332      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, [rsp+68h+var_3C] 
             40b332      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 44 displ cvtsi2sd xmm1, [rsp+68h+var_3C]
             40b338      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b338      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40b33b     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_4130F8 
             40b33b      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b33b      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_4130F8 
             40b343     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm3, xmm0 
             40b343      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b343      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subsd   xmm3, xmm0 
             40b347      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b347      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_68], xmm4 
             40b347      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_68], xmm4
             40b34c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm2, xmm1 
             40b34c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b34c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ subsd   xmm2, xmm1 
             40b350     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm0, xmm3 
             40b350      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b350      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm3 
             40b354     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm1, xmm2 
             40b354      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b354      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm2 
@@ -6949,11 +7094,13 @@
             40b358      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_413110 
             40b360     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             40b360      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b360      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             40b364     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+68h+var_58], xmm2 
             40b364      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b364      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_58], xmm2 
             40b36a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             40b36a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b36a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             40b36e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _cairo_move_to 
             40b36e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b36e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ call    _cairo_move_to 
@@ -7017,6 +7164,7 @@
             40b3c7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ call    _pango_layout_get_pixel_size 
             40b3cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_3C] 
             40b3cc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b3cc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_3C] 
             40b3cc      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 44 displ cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_3C]
             40b3d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_4130F8 
             40b3d2      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
@@ -7025,24 +7173,30 @@
             40b3da      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40b3dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm4, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
             40b3dd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b3dd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ movsd   xmm4, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
             40b3dd      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movsd   xmm4, [rsp+68h+var_68]
             40b3e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             40b3e2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b3e2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ subsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             40b3e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             40b3e6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b3e6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             40b3e6      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_40]
             40b3ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm2, [rsp+68h+var_58] 
             40b3ec      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b3ec      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+68h+var_58] 
             40b3f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm4, xmm0 
             40b3f2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b3f2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ subsd   xmm4, xmm0 
             40b3f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             40b3f6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b3f6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM3 ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             40b3fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movapd  xmm0, xmm4 
             40b3fa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b3fa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm4 
             40b3fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, cs:qword_413118 
             40b3fe      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b3fe      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ subsd   xmm0, cs:qword_413118 
             40b406     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _cairo_move_to 
             40b406      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b406      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    _cairo_move_to 
@@ -7072,8 +7226,10 @@
             40b433      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             40b436     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, qword ptr [r12+18h] 
             40b436      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b436      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, qword ptr [r12+18h] 
             40b43d     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si esi, xmm0 
             40b43d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b43d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ cvttsd2si esi, xmm0 
             40b441     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pango_font_description_set_size 
             40b441      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b441      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    _pango_font_description_set_size 
@@ -7086,6 +7242,7 @@
             40b44e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    _pango_layout_set_font_description 
             40b453     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b453      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b453      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b457      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b457      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40b45a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_413128 
@@ -7099,15 +7256,19 @@
             40b467      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mov     eax, [r12+2Ch] 
             40b46c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b46c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b46c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b46e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40B4D4 
             40b46e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b46e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jle     short loc_40B4D4 
             40b470     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM imul    ebp, eax 
             40b470      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b470      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ imul    ebp, eax 
             40b473     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, [r12+28h] 
             40b473      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b473      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ cmp     ebp, [r12+28h] 
             40b478     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     short loc_40B4D4 
             40b478      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b478      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jge     short loc_40B4D4 
             40b47a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R14 ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  r14, ebp 
             40b47a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b47a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX RSI RDI R14 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movsxd  r14, ebp 
@@ -7119,14 +7280,18 @@
             40b47f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ shl     r14, 3 
             40b483     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40B496 
             40b483      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b483      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jmp     short loc_40B496 
             40b488     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r14, 8 
             40b488      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b488      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ add     r14, 8 
             40b48c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b48c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ lea     eax, [rbx+rbp] 
             40b48f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [r12+28h], eax 
             40b48f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b48f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ cmp     [r12+28h], eax 
             40b494     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40B4D4 
             40b494      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b494      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jle     short loc_40B4D4 
             40b496      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b496      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mov     rax, [r12+20h] 
             40b49b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 0FFFFFFFFh 
@@ -7136,6 +7301,7 @@
             40b4a0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             40b4a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1 
             40b4a3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b4a3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ add     ebx, 1 
             40b4a6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b4a6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mov     rsi, [rax+r14] 
             40b4aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pango_layout_set_text 
@@ -7150,6 +7316,7 @@
             40b4b5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    _pango_cairo_show_layout 
             40b4ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b4ba      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b4ba      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b4be      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b4be      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40b4c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, qword ptr [r12+18h] 
@@ -7160,8 +7327,10 @@
             40b4c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    _cairo_rel_move_to 
             40b4cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [r12+2Ch], ebx 
             40b4cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b4cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ cmp     [r12+2Ch], ebx 
             40b4d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_40B488 
             40b4d2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b4d2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jg      short loc_40B488 
             40b4d4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b4d4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             40b4d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -7169,6 +7338,7 @@
             40b4d7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40b4dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40b4dc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b4dc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40b4e0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b4e0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b4e0     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
@@ -7186,6 +7356,7 @@
             40b4ea      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ retn 
             40b4f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si esi, xmm4 
             40b4f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b4f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ cvttsd2si esi, xmm4 
             40b4f4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b4f4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             40b4f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pango_layout_set_width 
@@ -7212,12 +7383,15 @@
             40b516      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ call    _pango_layout_get_pixel_size 
             40b51b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             40b51b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b51b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             40b51b      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ cvtsi2sd xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_40]
             40b521     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm4, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
             40b521      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b521      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ movsd   xmm4, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
             40b521      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movsd   xmm4, [rsp+68h+var_68]
             40b526     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B32E 
             40b526      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b526      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_40B32E 
             40b530      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40b530      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40b530    184 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40B530 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40b5e7 
@@ -7279,6 +7453,7 @@
             40b57e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strv_length 
             40b583     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, [rsp+38h+var_38] 
             40b583      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b530 
+            40b583      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+38h+var_38] 
             40b583      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+38h+var_38]
             40b588      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b530 
             40b588      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ mov     [rbx+28h], eax 
@@ -7286,15 +7461,19 @@
             40b58b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ mov     r13d, eax 
             40b58e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4130F8 
             40b58e      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b530 
+            40b58e      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4130F8 
             40b596     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, cs:qword_413130 
             40b596      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b530 
+            40b596      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subsd   xmm0, cs:qword_413130 
             40b59e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rbx+18h]; x 
             40b59e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b530 
+            40b59e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rbx+18h]; x 
             40b5a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _floor 
             40b5a3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b530 
             40b5a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _floor 
             40b5a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si ecx, xmm0 
             40b5a8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b530 
+            40b5a8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cvttsd2si ecx, xmm0 
             40b5ac     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [r13-1] 
             40b5ac      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b530 
             40b5ac      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     eax, [r13-1] 
@@ -7335,6 +7514,7 @@
             40b5da      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40b5df     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40b5df      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b530 
+            40b5df      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40b5e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40b5e3     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _g_free
             40b5e3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b530 
@@ -7365,6 +7545,7 @@
             40b5fc      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 56 ReturnAddress 
             40b600     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b600      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b600      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b603     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B648 
             40b603      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b605     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_window_get_type 
@@ -7374,10 +7555,12 @@
             40b60a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             40b60e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b60e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b60e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b611     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B618 
             40b611      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b613     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b613      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b613      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b616     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B648 
             40b616      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b618      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
@@ -7389,6 +7572,7 @@
             40b61e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b623     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b623      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b623      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b625     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B648 
             40b625      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b627     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aParentNullGt_1; "parent == NULL || GTK_IS_WINDOW (parent"... 
@@ -7405,6 +7589,7 @@
             40b633      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40b638     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40b638      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b638      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40b63c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b63c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b63d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
@@ -7420,20 +7605,26 @@
             40b648      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_defbox_get_type 
             40b64d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40b64d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b64d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40b650      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b650      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40b653     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B66F 
             40b653      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b653      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B66F 
             40b655      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b655      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r12] 
             40b659     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b659      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b659      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b65c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B663 
             40b65c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b65c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B663 
             40b65e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b65e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b65e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b661     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B690 
             40b661      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b661      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B690 
             40b663      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b663      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40b666     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
@@ -7441,8 +7632,10 @@
             40b666      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b66b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b66b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b66b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b66d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B690 
             40b66d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b66d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40B690 
             40b66f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_defbo; "GDICT_IS_DEFBOX (defbox)" 
             40b66f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b66f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_defbo; "GDICT_IS_DEFBOX (defbox)" 
@@ -7457,6 +7650,7 @@
             40b67b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40b680     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40b680      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b680      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40b684      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b684      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b685      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
@@ -7486,9 +7680,11 @@
             40b69f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_get 
             40b6a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+38h+var_38], 0 
             40b6a4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b6a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+38h+var_38], 0 
             40b6a4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ cmp     [rsp+38h+var_38], 0
             40b6a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B800 
             40b6a9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b6a9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40B800 
             40b6af     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 38h 
             40b6af      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b6af      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 38h 
@@ -7530,6 +7726,7 @@
             40b6eb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ lea     edx, [rax+3FFh] 
             40b6f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b6f1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b6f1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b6f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b6f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40b6f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
@@ -7538,6 +7735,7 @@
             40b6f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sar     eax, 0Ah 
             40b6fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40b6fc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b6fc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40b700      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b700      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rbx+18h], xmm0 
             40b705     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -7627,8 +7825,10 @@
             40b781      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_30]
             40b786     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b786      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b786      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b789     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B638 
             40b789      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b789      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_40B638 
             40b78f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b78f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rbx, [rax+8] 
             40b793     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -7700,6 +7900,7 @@
             40b7ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_show 
             40b7f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40b7f2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b7f2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40b7f6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
             40b7f6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b7f6     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -7728,6 +7929,7 @@
             40b80e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_log 
             40b813     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B638 
             40b813      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5f0 
+            40b813      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40B638 
             40b820      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -32 0 4 0 8 5 -24 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -16 0 13 -8 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40b820      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40b820      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
@@ -7754,6 +7956,7 @@
             40b82c      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 56 ReturnAddress 
             40b830     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b830      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b830      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b833     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B878 
             40b833      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b835     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_window_get_type 
@@ -7763,10 +7966,12 @@
             40b83a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             40b83e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b83e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b83e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b841     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B848 
             40b841      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b843     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b843      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b843      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b846     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B878 
             40b846      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b848      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
@@ -7778,6 +7983,7 @@
             40b84e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b853     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b853      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b853      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b855     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B878 
             40b855      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b857     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aParentNullGt_1; "parent == NULL || GTK_IS_WINDOW (parent"... 
@@ -7794,6 +8000,7 @@
             40b863      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40b868     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40b868      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b868      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40b86c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b86c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b86d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
@@ -7809,20 +8016,26 @@
             40b878      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_defbox_get_type 
             40b87d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40b87d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b87d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40b880      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b880      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40b883     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B89F 
             40b883      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b883      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B89F 
             40b885      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b885      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r12] 
             40b889     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b889      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b889      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b88c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B893 
             40b88c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b88c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B893 
             40b88e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b88e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b88e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b891     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B8C0 
             40b891      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b891      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B8C0 
             40b893      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b893      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40b896     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
@@ -7830,8 +8043,10 @@
             40b896      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b89b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b89b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b89b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b89d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B8C0 
             40b89d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b89d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40B8C0 
             40b89f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_defbo; "GDICT_IS_DEFBOX (defbox)" 
             40b89f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b89f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_defbo; "GDICT_IS_DEFBOX (defbox)" 
@@ -7846,6 +8061,7 @@
             40b8ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40b8b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40b8b0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b8b0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40b8b4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b8b4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b8b5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
@@ -7875,9 +8091,11 @@
             40b8cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_get 
             40b8d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+38h+var_38], 0 
             40b8d4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b8d4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+38h+var_38], 0 
             40b8d4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ cmp     [rsp+38h+var_38], 0
             40b8d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BA30 
             40b8d9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b8d9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40BA30 
             40b8df     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 38h 
             40b8df      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b8df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 38h 
@@ -7919,6 +8137,7 @@
             40b91b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ lea     edx, [rax+3FFh] 
             40b921     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b921      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b921      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b923      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b923      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40b926      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
@@ -7927,6 +8146,7 @@
             40b929      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sar     eax, 0Ah 
             40b92c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40b92c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b92c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40b930      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b930      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rbx+18h], xmm0 
             40b935     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -8016,8 +8236,10 @@
             40b9ae      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_30]
             40b9b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b9b3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b9b3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b9b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B868 
             40b9b6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40b9b6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_40B868 
             40b9bc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40b9bc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rbx, [rax+8] 
             40b9c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -8089,6 +8311,7 @@
             40ba1a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_show 
             40ba1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40ba1f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40ba1f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40ba23      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
             40ba23      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40ba23     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -8117,10 +8340,12 @@
             40ba3e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_log 
             40ba43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B868 
             40ba43      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b820 
+            40ba43      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40B868 
             40ba50      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 4 7 0 96 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40ba50      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40ba50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40ba50      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40ba50      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40ba50     50 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40BA50 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40ba81 
             40ba53      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40ba53      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 CalleeSavedRegs 
@@ -8272,6 +8497,7 @@
             40bb57      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:dword_617E88, eax 
             40bb5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             40bb5d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba90 
+            40bb5d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             40bb61      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba90 
             40bb61      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40bb61     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 pop     rbx
@@ -8309,16 +8535,20 @@
             40bb94      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_button_get_type 
             40bb99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
             40bb99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
+            40bb99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    r13, r13 
             40bb9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BBBB 
             40bb9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
+            40bb9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40BBBB 
             40bb9e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
             40bb9e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [r13+0] 
             40bba2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40bba2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
+            40bba2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40bba5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BBAC 
             40bba5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
             40bba7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40bba7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
+            40bba7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40bbaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BBE0 
             40bbaa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
             40bbac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
@@ -8330,6 +8560,7 @@
             40bbb2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40bbb7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bbb7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
+            40bbb7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bbb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40BBE0 
             40bbb9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
             40bbbb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
@@ -8414,6 +8645,7 @@
             40bc3b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40bc40     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40bc40      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
+            40bc40      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40bc44      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bb70 
             40bc44      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40bc44     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -8431,16 +8663,19 @@
             40bc51      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40bc55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             40bc55      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc50 
+            40bc55      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             40bc58      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc50 
             40bc58      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617E70 
             40bc5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40bc5f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc50 
+            40bc5f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40bc62     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BC78 
             40bc62      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc50 
             40bc64      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc50 
             40bc64      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617E70 
             40bc6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40bc6b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc50 
+            40bc6b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40bc6f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40bc6f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc50 
             40bc6f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -8454,6 +8689,7 @@
             40bc7d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40bc82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bc82      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc50 
+            40bc82      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bc84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BC64 
             40bc84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc50 
             40bc86     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGdictsidebar; "GdictSidebar" 
@@ -8499,6 +8735,7 @@
             40bcc8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40bccd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40BC64 
             40bccd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc50 
+            40bccd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40BC64 
             40bcd0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40bcd0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             40bcd0    518 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40BCD0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40bed5 
@@ -9126,6 +9363,7 @@
             40c5d0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40c5d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40c5d5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c560 
+            40c5d5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40c5d9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c560 
             40c5d9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ retn 
             40c5d9     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -9146,6 +9384,7 @@
             40c5eb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40c5ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40c5ee      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c5e0 
+            40c5ee      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40c5f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c5e0 
             40c5f2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40c5f2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -9191,16 +9430,20 @@
             40c62e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40BC50 
             40c633     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40c633      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c633      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40c636     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C654 
             40c636      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c636      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40C654 
             40c638      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c638      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40c63b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40c63b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c63b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40c63e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C645 
             40c63e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c640     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40c640      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c640      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40c643     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C690 
             40c643      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c645      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
@@ -9212,6 +9455,7 @@
             40c64b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40c650     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c650      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c650      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c652     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C690 
             40c652      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c654     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_sideb; "GDICT_IS_SIDEBAR (sidebar)" 
@@ -9243,15 +9487,18 @@
             40c679      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             40c67e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40c67e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c67e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40c682     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40c682      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c682      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40c690     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
             40c690      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c690      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r14, r14 
             40c693     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C878 
             40c693      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c699     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40c699      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c699      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40c69c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C888 
             40c69c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c6a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -9259,18 +9506,24 @@
             40c6a2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
             40c6a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15, r15 
             40c6a7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c6a7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r15, r15 
             40c6aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C6C8 
             40c6aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c6aa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C6C8 
             40c6ac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c6ac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r15] 
             40c6af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40c6af      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c6af      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40c6b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C6B9 
             40c6b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c6b2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C6B9 
             40c6b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40c6b4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c6b4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40c6b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C6D0 
             40c6b7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c6b7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C6D0 
             40c6b9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c6b9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40c6bc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
@@ -9280,13 +9533,16 @@
             40c6bf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40c6c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c6c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c6c4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c6c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C6D0 
             40c6c6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c6c6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40C6D0 
             40c6c8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGtk_is_widge_0; "GTK_IS_WIDGET (page_widget)" 
             40c6c8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c6c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     edx, offset aGtk_is_widge_0; "GTK_IS_WIDGET (page_widget)" 
             40c6cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40C659 
             40c6cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c6cd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_40C659 
             40c6d0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c6d0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx+30h] 
             40c6d4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
@@ -9298,8 +9554,10 @@
             40c6db      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_lookup 
             40c6e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c6e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c6e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c6e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C720 
             40c6e3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c6e3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C720 
             40c6e5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c6e5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R15 ZZ mov     rcx, r14 
             40c6e8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
@@ -9334,6 +9592,7 @@
             40c712     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40c714     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40c714      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c714      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40c718     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_log 
             40c718      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c718      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_log 
@@ -9546,6 +9805,7 @@
             40c863      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             40c868     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40c868      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c868      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40c86c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_notebook_set_current_page 
             40c86c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c86c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_notebook_set_current_page 
@@ -9555,11 +9815,13 @@
             40c878      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     edx, offset aPage_idNull; "page_id != NULL" 
             40c87d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C659 
             40c87d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c87d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_40C659 
             40c888     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aPage_nameNull; "page_name != NULL" 
             40c888      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
             40c888      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     edx, offset aPage_nameNull; "page_name != NULL" 
             40c88d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C659 
             40c88d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c600 
+            40c88d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_40C659 
             40c8a0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r15 
             40c8a2     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
             40c8a4     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r13 
@@ -9661,18 +9923,24 @@
             40caca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40BC50 
             40cacf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40cacf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cacf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40cad2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CAF0 
             40cad2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cad2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40CAF0 
             40cad4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cad4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40cad7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40cad7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cad7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40cada     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CAE1 
             40cada      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cada      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40CAE1 
             40cadc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40cadc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cadc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40cadf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CB08 
             40cadf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cadf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40CB08 
             40cae1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cae1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40cae4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
@@ -9682,13 +9950,16 @@
             40cae7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40caec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40caec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40caec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40caee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40CB08 
             40caee      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40caee      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40CB08 
             40caf0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40caf0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40caf1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40caf1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ pop     rbp 
             40caf2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40caf2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ pop     r12 
             40caf2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             40caf4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_sideb; "GDICT_IS_SIDEBAR (sidebar)" 
             40caf4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
@@ -9704,8 +9975,10 @@
             40cb00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40cb08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40cb08      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb08      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40cb0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40CB90 
             40cb0b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb0b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40CB90 
             40cb11      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cb11      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+30h] 
             40cb15     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rsi, rbp 
@@ -9718,10 +9991,12 @@
             40cb1b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_lookup 
             40cb20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40cb20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40cb23      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cb23      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40cb26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CBA5 
             40cb26      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb26      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ jz      short loc_40CBA5 
             40cb28      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cb28      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12d, [rax] 
             40cb2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_notebook_get_type 
@@ -9782,6 +10057,7 @@
             40cb83      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cb83      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     rbp 
             40cb84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb84      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     r12 
             40cb84     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             40cb86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_menu_shell_select_item 
             40cb86      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
@@ -9791,6 +10067,7 @@
             40cb91      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cb91      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ pop     rbp 
             40cb92      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb92      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ pop     r12 
             40cb92     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             40cb94     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aPage_idNull; "page_id != NULL" 
             40cb94      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
@@ -9809,6 +10086,7 @@
             40cba6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cba6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     rbp 
             40cba7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cba7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     r12 
             40cba7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             40cba9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cba9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -9826,16 +10104,20 @@
             40cbb4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40BC50 
             40cbb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40cbb9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
+            40cbb9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40cbbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CBDA 
             40cbbc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
+            40cbbc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40CBDA 
             40cbbe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
             40cbbe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40cbc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40cbc1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
+            40cbc1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40cbc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CBCB 
             40cbc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
             40cbc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40cbc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
+            40cbc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40cbc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CBF0 
             40cbc9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
             40cbcb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
@@ -9847,6 +10129,7 @@
             40cbd1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40cbd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40cbd6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
+            40cbd6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40cbd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40CBF0 
             40cbd8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
             40cbda     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_sideb; "GDICT_IS_SIDEBAR (sidebar)" 
@@ -9895,8 +10178,10 @@
             40cc13      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_slist_nth_data 
             40cc18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40cc18      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
+            40cc18      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40cc1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CC23 
             40cc1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
+            40cc1b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40CC23 
             40cc1d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
             40cc1d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rax, [rax+8] 
             40cc21      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cbb0 
@@ -10065,6 +10350,7 @@
             40cdc6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_param_spec_int 
             40cdcb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40cdcb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cd00 
+            40cdcb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40cdcf     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     rdi, rbx
             40cdcf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cd00 
             40cdcf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -10124,6 +10410,7 @@
             40ce1b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40ce20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40ce20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cde0 
+            40ce20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ce23      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cde0 
             40ce23      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40ce26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CE60 
@@ -10156,6 +10443,7 @@
             40ce4f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40ce52     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40ce52      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cde0 
+            40ce52      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40ce56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_entry_set_text 
             40ce56      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cde0 
             40ce56      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_entry_set_text 
@@ -10173,6 +10461,7 @@
             40ce6f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40ce74     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40ce74      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cde0 
+            40ce74      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40ce78      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cde0 
             40ce78      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40ce78     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -10289,6 +10578,7 @@
             40cf23      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40cf28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40cf28      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cef0 
+            40cf28      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40cf2b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cef0 
             40cf2b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40cf2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CF68 
@@ -10322,6 +10612,7 @@
             40cf55      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40cf58     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40cf58      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cef0 
+            40cf58      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40cf5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_editable_get_chars 
             40cf5c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cef0 
             40cf5c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_editable_get_chars 
@@ -10339,6 +10630,7 @@
             40cf73      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40cf78     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40cf78      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cef0 
+            40cf78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40cf7c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cef0 
             40cf7c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40cf7c     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -10356,16 +10648,19 @@
             40cf81      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40cf85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             40cf85      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf80 
+            40cf85      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             40cf88      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf80 
             40cf88      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617E90 
             40cf8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40cf8f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf80 
+            40cf8f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40cf92     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CFA8 
             40cf92      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf80 
             40cf94      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf80 
             40cf94      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617E90 
             40cf9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40cf9b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf80 
+            40cf9b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40cf9f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40cf9f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf80 
             40cf9f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -10379,6 +10674,7 @@
             40cfad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40cfb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40cfb2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf80 
+            40cfb2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40cfb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CF94 
             40cfb4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf80 
             40cfb6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGdictsourcedia; "GdictSourceDialog" 
@@ -10424,6 +10720,7 @@
             40cff8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40cffd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40CF94 
             40cffd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf80 
+            40cffd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40CF94 
             40d000      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40d000      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             40d000    130 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40D000 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40d081 
@@ -10817,10 +11114,12 @@
             40d902      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_get_active 
             40d907     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rbx+74h] 
             40d907      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
+            40d907      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, [rbx+74h] 
             40d90a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40D9AE 
             40d90a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
             40d910     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40d910      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
+            40d910      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40d912     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40D9B8 
             40d912      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
             40d918     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -10910,10 +11209,12 @@
             40d99f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_show 
             40d9a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rbx+70h], 1 
             40d9a4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
+            40d9a4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rbx+70h], 1 
             40d9a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40DA68 
             40d9a8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
             40d9ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40d9ae      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
+            40d9ae      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40d9b2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
             40d9b2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40d9b2      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -11008,6 +11309,7 @@
             40da3f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_hide 
             40da44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rbx+70h], 1 
             40da44      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
+            40da44      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rbx+70h], 1 
             40da48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40D9AE 
             40da48      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
             40da4e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
@@ -11022,6 +11324,7 @@
             40da59      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rbx+74h], 1 
             40da60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40D9AE 
             40da60      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
+            40da60      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_40D9AE 
             40da68      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
             40da68      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+78h] 
             40da6c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 1 
@@ -11034,6 +11337,7 @@
             40da76      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rbx+74h], 0 
             40da7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40D9AE 
             40da7d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d8d0 
+            40da7d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_40D9AE 
             40da90      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -48 displ mov     [rsp-30h], rbx
             40da95      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -40 displ mov     [rsp-28h], rbp
             40da9d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], r12
@@ -11205,6 +11509,7 @@
             40de8f      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 72 ReturnAddress 
             40de93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40de93      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40de93      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R14 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40de96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40de96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 R14 ZZ mov     r13d, edx 
             40de99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
@@ -11220,10 +11525,12 @@
             40dea6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40dea9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40dea9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40dea9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40deac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40DEB3 
             40deac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40deae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40deae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40deae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40deb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40DF00 
             40deb1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40deb3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
@@ -11235,6 +11542,7 @@
             40deb9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40debe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40debe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40debe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40dec0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40DF00 
             40dec0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40dec2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aParentNullGt_0; "(parent == NULL || GTK_IS_WINDOW (paren"... 
@@ -11271,6 +11579,7 @@
             40deec      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r14, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             40def1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40def1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40def1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40def5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40def5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40def5     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -11279,18 +11588,22 @@
             40df00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_source_loader_get_type 
             40df05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40df05      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40df05      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40df08      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40df08      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40df0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40DF27 
             40df0b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40df0b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40DF27 
             40df0d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40df0d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             40df11     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40df11      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40df11      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40df14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40DF1B 
             40df14      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40df16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40df16      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40df16      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40df19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40DF40 
             40df19      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40df1b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
@@ -11300,6 +11613,7 @@
             40df1e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40df23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40df23      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40df23      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40df25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40DF40 
             40df25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40df27     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_sourc; "GDICT_IS_SOURCE_LOADER (loader)" 
@@ -11319,6 +11633,7 @@
             40df38     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             40df3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40DED5 
             40df3a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40df3a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ jmp     short loc_40DED5 
             40df40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40CF80 
             40df40      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40df40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40CF80 
@@ -11356,6 +11671,7 @@
             40df7b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_new 
             40df80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40df80      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40df80      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40df83      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
             40df86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40DED5 
             40df86      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
@@ -11426,6 +11742,7 @@
             40dfee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_set_screen 
             40dff3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40DED5 
             40dff3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40de70 
+            40dff3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ jmp     loc_40DED5 
             40e000      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -32 4 4 0 8 5 -24 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -16 0 13 -8 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40e000      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40e000      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
@@ -11480,6 +11797,7 @@
             40e030      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_mkdir 
             40e035     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40e035      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
+            40e035      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40e038     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40E1A8 
             40e038      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
             40e03e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
@@ -11622,6 +11940,7 @@
             40e114      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSpeller; "speller" 
             40e119     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40e119      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
+            40e119      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40e11c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aWindowstate; "WindowState" 
             40e11c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
             40e11c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aWindowstate; "WindowState" 
@@ -11661,8 +11980,10 @@
             40e151      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_30]
             40e156     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40e156      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
+            40e156      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40e159     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40E1F0 
             40e159      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
+            40e159      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40E1F0 
             40e15f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
             40e15f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             40e163      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
@@ -11703,6 +12024,7 @@
             40e193      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40e198     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40e198      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
+            40e198      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40e19c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
             40e19c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40e19d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
@@ -11721,6 +12043,7 @@
             40e1ad     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rax] 
             40e1af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 11h 
             40e1af      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
+            40e1af      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 11h 
             40e1b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40E03E 
             40e1b2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
             40e1b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strerror 
@@ -11750,6 +12073,7 @@
             40e1d6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40e1db     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40e1db      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
+            40e1db      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40e1df      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
             40e1df      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40e1df     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -11780,8 +12104,10 @@
             40e204      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_30]
             40e209     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40e209      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
+            40e209      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40e20c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40E22F 
             40e20c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
+            40e20c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40E22F 
             40e20e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
             40e20e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             40e212      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
@@ -11812,6 +12138,7 @@
             40e232      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40e237     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40E180 
             40e237      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e000 
+            40e237      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40E180 
             40e240      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40e240      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40e240    124 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40E240 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40e2bb 
@@ -11837,12 +12164,16 @@
             40e253      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40e258     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40e258      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e240 
+            40e258      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40e25b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40E263 
             40e25b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e240 
+            40e25b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40E263 
             40e25d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40e25d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e240 
+            40e25d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40e261     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40E2A8 
             40e261      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e240 
+            40e261      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40E2A8 
             40e263      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40e240 
             40e263      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+130h] 
             40e26a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aDocumentFontNa; "document-font-name" 
@@ -11867,6 +12198,7 @@
             40e28d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40e292     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40e292      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e240 
+            40e292      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40e296      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e240 
             40e296      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp 
             40e296      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rsi, rbp
@@ -11890,6 +12222,7 @@
             40e2b3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+120h], rax 
             40e2ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40E27E 
             40e2ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e240 
+            40e2ba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40E27E 
             40e2c0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r12 
             40e2c2     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbp 
             40e2c3     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
@@ -12100,11 +12433,13 @@
             40e67d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40e682     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40e682      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e682      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40e685     11 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
             40e690     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40E698 
             40e690      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
             40e692     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40e692      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e692      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40e696     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40E6B8 
             40e696      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
             40e698      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
@@ -12125,6 +12460,7 @@
             40e6ab      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r14, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40e6b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40e6b0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e6b0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40e6b4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
             40e6b4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40e6b8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
@@ -12134,23 +12470,29 @@
             40e6bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strdup 
             40e6c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40e6c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e6c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R13 ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40e6c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
             40e6c3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40e6c6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
             40e6c6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+0C8h], rax 
             40e6cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40E790 
             40e6cd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e6cd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40E790 
             40e6d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r12], 0 
             40e6d3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e6d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r12], 0 
             40e6d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40E790 
             40e6d8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e6d8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40E790 
             40e6de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
             40e6de      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e6de      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r13, r13 
             40e6e1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40e6e1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
             40e6e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40e6e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40E7A0 
             40e6e6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e6e6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40E7A0 
             40e6ec     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aS  ; "%s - " 
             40e6ec      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
             40e6ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aS  ; "%s - " 
@@ -12198,6 +12540,7 @@
             40e72b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ mov     r14, [rbx+80h] 
             40e732     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
             40e732      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e732      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r14, r14 
             40e735     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40E698 
             40e735      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
             40e73b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdict_defbox_get_type 
@@ -12248,6 +12591,7 @@
             40e781      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r14, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40e786     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40e786      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e786      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40e78a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gdict_defbox_lookup 
             40e78a     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _gdict_defbox_lookup
             40e78a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
@@ -12256,6 +12600,7 @@
             40e790      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+108h] 
             40e797     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40E6DE 
             40e797      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e797      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40E6DE 
             40e7a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset msgid; "Dictionary" 
             40e7a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
             40e7a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset msgid; "Dictionary" 
@@ -12274,6 +12619,7 @@
             40e7b4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40e7b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40E708 
             40e7b7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e650 
+            40e7b7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40E708 
             40e7c0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 4 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40e7c0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40e7c0    204 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40E7C0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40e88b 
@@ -12324,10 +12670,12 @@
             40e801      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40E650 
             40e806     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbp+90h], 0 
             40e806      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40e7c0 
+            40e806      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbp+90h], 0 
             40e80e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40E819 
             40e80e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e7c0 
             40e810     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rbp+160h], 4 
             40e810      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40e7c0 
+            40e810      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    byte ptr [rbp+160h], 4 
             40e817     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40E830 
             40e817      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e7c0 
             40e819      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e7c0 
@@ -12341,6 +12689,7 @@
             40e822      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40e827     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40e827      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e7c0 
+            40e827      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40e82b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40e7c0 
             40e82b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40e830     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -12400,6 +12749,7 @@
             40e87e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40e883     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40e883      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e7c0 
+            40e883      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40e887     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40e887     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_free
             40e887      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e7c0 
@@ -12431,6 +12781,7 @@
             40e8b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             40e8b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40e8b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
+            40e8b5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40e8b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40E8D0 
             40e8b7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
             40e8b9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
@@ -12444,6 +12795,7 @@
             40e8c2      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40e8c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40e8c7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
+            40e8c7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40e8cb      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
             40e8cb      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40e8d0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
@@ -12453,12 +12805,16 @@
             40e8d7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40e8dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40e8dc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
+            40e8dc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40e8df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40E8EB 
             40e8df      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
+            40e8df      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40E8EB 
             40e8e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40e8e1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
+            40e8e1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40e8e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40E990 
             40e8e5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
+            40e8e5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40E990 
             40e8eb      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
             40e8eb      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+128h] 
             40e8f2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aDatabase; "database" 
@@ -12473,6 +12829,7 @@
             40e903      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+80h] 
             40e90a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40e90a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
+            40e90a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40e90d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40E931 
             40e90d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
             40e90f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
@@ -12498,6 +12855,7 @@
             40e931      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+58h] 
             40e935     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40e935      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
+            40e935      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40e938     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40E95C 
             40e938      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
             40e93a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
@@ -12544,6 +12902,7 @@
             40e97f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             40e984     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40e984      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
+            40e984      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40e988     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_notify_by_pspec 
             40e988     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_object_notify_by_pspec
             40e988      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
@@ -12557,6 +12916,7 @@
             40e998      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     [rbx+108h], rax 
             40e99f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40E903 
             40e99f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e890 
+            40e99f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40E903 
             40e9b0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             40e9b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40e9b0    250 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40E9B0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40eaa9 
@@ -12638,10 +12998,12 @@
             40ea13      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched 
             40ea18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx+90h], 0 
             40ea18      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40e9b0 
+            40ea18      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx+90h], 0 
             40ea20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40EA2B 
             40ea20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e9b0 
             40ea22     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rbx+160h], 4 
             40ea22      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40e9b0 
+            40ea22      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    byte ptr [rbx+160h], 4 
             40ea29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40EA48 
             40ea29      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e9b0 
             40ea2b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e9b0 
@@ -12658,6 +13020,7 @@
             40ea3a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40ea3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40ea3f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e9b0 
+            40ea3f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40ea43      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40e9b0 
             40ea43      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40ea48     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -12720,6 +13083,7 @@
             40ea9c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40eaa1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40eaa1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e9b0 
+            40eaa1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40eaa5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40eaa5     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _g_free
             40eaa5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e9b0 
@@ -12751,6 +13115,7 @@
             40ead0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             40ead5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ead5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
+            40ead5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ead7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40EAF0 
             40ead7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
             40ead9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
@@ -12764,6 +13129,7 @@
             40eae2      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40eae7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40eae7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
+            40eae7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40eaeb      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
             40eaeb      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40eaf0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
@@ -12773,12 +13139,16 @@
             40eaf7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40eafc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40eafc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
+            40eafc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40eaff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40EB0B 
             40eaff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
+            40eaff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40EB0B 
             40eb01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40eb01      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
+            40eb01      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40eb05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40EBB0 
             40eb05      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
+            40eb05      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40EBB0 
             40eb0b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
             40eb0b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+128h] 
             40eb12     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aStrategy; "strategy" 
@@ -12793,6 +13163,7 @@
             40eb23      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+50h] 
             40eb27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40eb27      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
+            40eb27      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40eb2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40EB4E 
             40eb2a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
             40eb2c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
@@ -12818,6 +13189,7 @@
             40eb4e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+60h] 
             40eb52     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40eb52      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
+            40eb52      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40eb55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40EB79 
             40eb55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
             40eb57      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
@@ -12864,6 +13236,7 @@
             40eb9c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             40eba1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40eba1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
+            40eba1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40eba5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_notify_by_pspec 
             40eba5     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_object_notify_by_pspec
             40eba5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
@@ -12877,6 +13250,7 @@
             40ebb8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     [rbx+110h], rax 
             40ebbf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40EB23 
             40ebbf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40eab0 
+            40ebbf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40EB23 
             40ebd0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -40 4 4 0 8 5 -32 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -24 4 13 -16 0 14 -8 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             40ebd0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40ebd0   1088 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40EBD0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40f00f 
@@ -12885,6 +13259,7 @@
             40ebd0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
             40ebd2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40ebd2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ebd2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40ebd5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ebd5     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r13 
             40ebd7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnz   r13b 
@@ -12906,10 +13281,13 @@
             40ebe5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rdi+0E0h] 
             40ebec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40EE90 
             40ebec      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ebec      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40EE90 
             40ebf2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40ebf2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ebf2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40ebf5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40EE90 
             40ebf5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ebf5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40EE90 
             40ebfb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ebfb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12        ; s1 
             40ebfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _strcmp 
@@ -12917,6 +13295,7 @@
             40ebfe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             40ec03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ec03      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ec03      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ec05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40EE80 
             40ec05      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ec0b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
@@ -12926,8 +13305,10 @@
             40ec0e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40ec13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40ec13      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ec13      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40ec17     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40EEAB 
             40ec17      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ec17      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40EEAB 
             40ec1d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ec1d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+128h] 
             40ec24     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aSourceName; "source-name" 
@@ -12940,8 +13321,10 @@
             40ec2e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+0E0h], rax 
             40ec35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40ec35      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ec35      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ec38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40EF40 
             40ec38      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ec38      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40EF40 
             40ec3e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ec3e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+0E8h] 
             40ec45      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
@@ -12951,10 +13334,12 @@
             40ec48      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_source_loader_get_source 
             40ec4d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40ec4d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ec4d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ec50      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ec50      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40ec53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40EEC0 
             40ec53      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ec53      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40EEC0 
             40ec59      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ec59      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40ec5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdict_source_get_database 
@@ -12986,6 +13371,7 @@
             40ec82      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_source_get_context 
             40ec87     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40ec87      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ec87      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ec8a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ec8a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40ec8d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
@@ -12999,6 +13385,7 @@
             40ec9b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+0F0h] 
             40eca2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40eca2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40eca2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40eca5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40ED2B 
             40eca5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ecab     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rbx+0F8h] 
@@ -13050,6 +13437,7 @@
             40ed2b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+80h] 
             40ed32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40ed32      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ed32      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40ed35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40ED52 
             40ed35      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ed37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdict_defbox_get_type 
@@ -13073,6 +13461,7 @@
             40ed52      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+58h] 
             40ed56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40ed56      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ed56      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40ed59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40ED76 
             40ed59      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ed5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdict_database_chooser_get_type 
@@ -13096,6 +13485,7 @@
             40ed76      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+60h] 
             40ed7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40ed7a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ed7a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40ed7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40ED9A 
             40ed7d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ed7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdict_strategy_chooser_get_type 
@@ -13117,6 +13507,7 @@
             40ed95      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_strategy_chooser_set_context 
             40ed9a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40ed9a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ed9a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40ed9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40EE2E 
             40ed9d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40eda3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -13209,6 +13600,7 @@
             40ee2e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+68h] 
             40ee32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40ee32      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ee32      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40ee35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40EE59 
             40ee35      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ee37      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
@@ -13276,12 +13668,16 @@
             40ee93      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40ee98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13b, r13b 
             40ee98      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ee98      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r13b, r13b 
             40ee9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40EC1D 
             40ee9b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ee9b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40EC1D 
             40eea1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40eea1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40eea1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40eea5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40EC1D 
             40eea5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40eea5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40EC1D 
             40eeab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40eeab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40eeae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -13291,6 +13687,7 @@
             40eeb3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+0E0h], rax 
             40eeba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40EC35 
             40eeba      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40eeba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40EC35 
             40eec0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40eec0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx+0E0h] 
             40eec7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aDefault; "Default" 
@@ -13305,6 +13702,7 @@
             40eed4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40eed6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40EF60 
             40eed6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40eed6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40EF60 
             40eedc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40eedc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40eedc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -13372,6 +13770,7 @@
             40ef34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40ef39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40EC9B 
             40ef39      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ef39      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40EC9B 
             40ef40     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aDefault; "Default" 
             40ef40      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ef40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aDefault; "Default" 
@@ -13382,6 +13781,7 @@
             40ef4a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+0E0h], rax 
             40ef51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40EC3E 
             40ef51      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ef51      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40EC3E 
             40ef60      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ef60      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40ef63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -13404,14 +13804,17 @@
             40ef83      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_source_loader_get_source 
             40ef88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40ef88      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ef88      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ef8b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ef8b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40ef8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40EC59 
             40ef8e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ef8e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40EC59 
             40ef94      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40ef94      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx+0E0h] 
             40ef9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40EEDC 
             40ef9b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40ef9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40EEDC 
             40efa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdict_source_get_description 
             40efa0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
             40efa0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_source_get_description 
@@ -13486,6 +13889,7 @@
             40f006      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40f00b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40EC9B 
             40f00b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ebd0 
+            40f00b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40EC9B 
             40f010      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             40f010      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40f010    250 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40F010 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40f109 
@@ -13567,10 +13971,12 @@
             40f073      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched 
             40f078     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx+90h], 0 
             40f078      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40f010 
+            40f078      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx+90h], 0 
             40f080     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F08B 
             40f080      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f010 
             40f082     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rbx+160h], 4 
             40f082      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40f010 
+            40f082      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    byte ptr [rbx+160h], 4 
             40f089     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F0A8 
             40f089      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f010 
             40f08b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40f010 
@@ -13587,6 +13993,7 @@
             40f09a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40f09f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40f09f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f010 
+            40f09f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40f0a3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f010 
             40f0a3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40f0a8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -13649,6 +14056,7 @@
             40f0fc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40f101     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40f101      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f010 
+            40f101      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40f105     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40f105     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _g_free
             40f105      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40f010 
@@ -13734,10 +14142,12 @@
             40f173      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched 
             40f178     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx+90h], 0 
             40f178      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40f110 
+            40f178      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx+90h], 0 
             40f180     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F18B 
             40f180      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f110 
             40f182     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rbx+160h], 4 
             40f182      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40f110 
+            40f182      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    byte ptr [rbx+160h], 4 
             40f189     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F1A8 
             40f189      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f110 
             40f18b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40f110 
@@ -13754,6 +14164,7 @@
             40f19a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40f19f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40f19f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f110 
+            40f19f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40f1a3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f110 
             40f1a3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40f1a8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f110 
@@ -13823,6 +14234,7 @@
             40f207      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40f20c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40f20c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f110 
+            40f20c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40f210     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40f210     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _g_free
             40f210      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40f110 
@@ -13841,16 +14253,19 @@
             40f221      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40f225     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             40f225      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f220 
+            40f225      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             40f228      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40f220 
             40f228      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617EA0 
             40f22f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40f22f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f220 
+            40f22f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40f232     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F248 
             40f232      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f220 
             40f234      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40f220 
             40f234      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617EA0 
             40f23b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40f23b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f220 
+            40f23b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40f23f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40f23f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f220 
             40f23f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -13864,6 +14279,7 @@
             40f24d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40f252     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f252      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f220 
+            40f252      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f254     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F234 
             40f254      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f220 
             40f256     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGdictwindow; "GdictWindow" 
@@ -13909,6 +14325,7 @@
             40f298      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40f29d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40F234 
             40f29d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f220 
+            40f29d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40F234 
             40f2a0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 -16 4 4 0 8 5 -8 4 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 1 13 0 4 14 0 1 15 0 4 ZZ
             40f2a0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40f2a0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
@@ -13933,18 +14350,24 @@
             40f2ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f2b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f2b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f2b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f2b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F2D1 
             40f2b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f2b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F2D1 
             40f2b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
             40f2b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f2b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f2b8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f2b8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f2bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F2C2 
             40f2bb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f2bb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F2C2 
             40f2bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f2bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f2bd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f2c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F2F0 
             40f2c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f2c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F2F0 
             40f2c2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
             40f2c2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40f2c5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
@@ -13954,8 +14377,10 @@
             40f2c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f2cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f2cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f2cd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f2cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F2F0 
             40f2cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f2cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40F2F0 
             40f2d1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
             40f2d1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aGdict_is_windo; "GDICT_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40f2d7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGdict_window_s; "gdict_window_set_sidebar_visible" 
@@ -13979,6 +14404,7 @@
             40f2f0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rbx+160h] 
             40f2f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             40f2f7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f2f7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40f2f9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnz   dl 
             40f2f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
             40f2f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ setnz   dl 
@@ -13999,10 +14425,12 @@
             40f305      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ and     esi, 1 
             40f308     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, edi 
             40f308      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f308      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, edi 
             40f30a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F380 
             40f30a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
             40f30c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     edx, edx 
             40f30c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f30c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     edx, edx 
             40f30e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs and     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
             40f30e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
             40f30e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ and     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
@@ -14013,6 +14441,7 @@
             40f315      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ or      eax, edx 
             40f317     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, 2 
             40f317      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f317      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, 2 
             40f319      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
             40f31f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F370 
             40f31f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
@@ -14047,6 +14476,7 @@
             40f351      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ shr     bl, 1 
             40f353     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40f353      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f353      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40f357      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
             40f357      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40f35a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant and     ebx, 1 
@@ -14067,8 +14497,10 @@
             40f370      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_hide 
             40f375     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40F326 
             40f375      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f375      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40F326 
             40f380     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40f380      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
+            40f380      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40f384      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f2a0 
             40f384      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40f384      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -14135,18 +14567,24 @@
             40f45c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f461     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f461      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f461      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f464     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F482 
             40f464      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f464      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F482 
             40f466      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
             40f466      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f469     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f469      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f469      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f46c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F473 
             40f46c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f46c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F473 
             40f46e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f46e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f46e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f471     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F4A0 
             40f471      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f471      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F4A0 
             40f473      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
             40f473      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40f476      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
@@ -14156,8 +14594,10 @@
             40f479      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f47e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f47e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f47e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f480     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F4A0 
             40f480      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f480      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40F4A0 
             40f482      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
             40f482      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aGdict_is_windo; "GDICT_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40f488     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGdict_window_c; "gdict_window_cmd_view_statusbar" 
@@ -14177,6 +14617,7 @@
             40f499      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_assertion_message_expr 
             40f49e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             40f49e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f49e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             40f4a0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
             40f4a0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40f4a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_toggle_action_get_active 
@@ -14206,8 +14647,10 @@
             40f4c7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ and     edx, 4 
             40f4ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F4E0 
             40f4ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f4ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_40F4E0 
             40f4cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40f4cc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f4cc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40f4d0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
             40f4d0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40f4d1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
@@ -14217,6 +14660,7 @@
             40f4d2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_widget_hide 
             40f4e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40f4e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
+            40f4e0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40f4e4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f450 
             40f4e4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40f4e4      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -14248,18 +14692,24 @@
             40f4fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f501     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f501      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f501      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f504     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F522 
             40f504      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f504      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F522 
             40f506      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
             40f506      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f509     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f509      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f509      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f50c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F513 
             40f50c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f50c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F513 
             40f50e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f50e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f50e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f511     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F540 
             40f511      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f511      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F540 
             40f513      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
             40f513      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40f516      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
@@ -14269,8 +14719,10 @@
             40f519      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f51e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f51e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f51e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f520     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F540 
             40f520      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f520      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40F540 
             40f522      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
             40f522      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aGdict_is_windo; "GDICT_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40f528     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGdict_window_0; "gdict_window_cmd_view_sidebar" 
@@ -14290,6 +14742,7 @@
             40f539      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_assertion_message_expr 
             40f53e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             40f53e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f53e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             40f540      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
             40f540      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40f543     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_toggle_action_get_active 
@@ -14315,8 +14768,10 @@
             40f563      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ and     edx, 2 
             40f566     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F578 
             40f566      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f566      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_40F578 
             40f568     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40f568      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f568      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40f56c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
             40f56c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40f56d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
@@ -14326,6 +14781,7 @@
             40f56e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_widget_hide 
             40f578     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40f578      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
+            40f578      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40f57c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4f0 
             40f57c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40f57c      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -14348,16 +14804,20 @@
             40f594      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f599     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f599      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f590 
+            40f599      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f59c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F5BA 
             40f59c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f590 
+            40f59c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40F5BA 
             40f59e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f590 
             40f59e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f5a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f5a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f590 
+            40f5a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f5a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F5AB 
             40f5a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f590 
             40f5a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f5a6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f590 
+            40f5a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f5a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F5E0 
             40f5a9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f590 
             40f5ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f590 
@@ -14369,6 +14829,7 @@
             40f5b1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f5b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f5b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f590 
+            40f5b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f5b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F5E0 
             40f5b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f590 
             40f5ba      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f590 
@@ -14423,18 +14884,24 @@
             40f604      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f609     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f609      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
+            40f609      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f60c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F62A 
             40f60c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
+            40f60c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F62A 
             40f60e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
             40f60e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f611     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f611      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
+            40f611      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f614     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F61B 
             40f614      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
+            40f614      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F61B 
             40f616     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f616      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
+            40f616      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f619     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F650 
             40f619      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
+            40f619      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F650 
             40f61b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
             40f61b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40f61e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
@@ -14444,8 +14911,10 @@
             40f621      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f626     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f626      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
+            40f626      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f628     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F650 
             40f628      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
+            40f628      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40F650 
             40f62a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f600 
             40f62a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aGdict_is_windo; "GDICT_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40f630     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGdict_window_2; "gdict_window_cmd_lookup" 
@@ -14485,16 +14954,20 @@
             40f664      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f669     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f669      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            40f669      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f66c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F68A 
             40f66c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            40f66c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40F68A 
             40f66e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             40f66e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f671     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f671      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            40f671      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f674     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F67B 
             40f674      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             40f676     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f676      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            40f676      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f679     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F6B0 
             40f679      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             40f67b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
@@ -14506,6 +14979,7 @@
             40f681      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f686     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f686      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            40f686      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f688     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F6B0 
             40f688      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
             40f68a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
@@ -14569,16 +15043,20 @@
             40f6ef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f6f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f6f4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
+            40f6f4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f6f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F715 
             40f6f7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
+            40f6f7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40F715 
             40f6f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
             40f6f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f6fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f6fc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
+            40f6fc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f6ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F706 
             40f6ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
             40f701     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f701      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
+            40f701      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f704     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F740 
             40f704      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
             40f706      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
@@ -14590,6 +15068,7 @@
             40f70c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f711     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f711      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
+            40f711      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f713     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F740 
             40f713      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
             40f715     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_windo; "GDICT_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
@@ -14615,6 +15094,7 @@
             40f730      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r12, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40f735     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40f735      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
+            40f735      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40f739      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
             40f739      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40f739     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -14659,6 +15139,7 @@
             40f773      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     r12, [rsp+28h+var_20]
             40f778     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40f778      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
+            40f778      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40f77b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F726 
             40f77b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
             40f77d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -14704,6 +15185,7 @@
             40f7b4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             40f7b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40F726 
             40f7b9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6d0 
+            40f7b9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40F726 
             40f7c0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 96 2 0 1 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 4 6 0 1 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40f7c0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40f7c0    124 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40F7C0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40f83b 
@@ -14718,16 +15200,20 @@
             40f7c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f7c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f7c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f7c0 
+            40f7c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f7cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F7EA 
             40f7cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f7c0 
+            40f7cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40F7EA 
             40f7ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f7c0 
             40f7ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f7d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f7d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f7c0 
+            40f7d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f7d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F7DB 
             40f7d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f7c0 
             40f7d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f7d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f7c0 
+            40f7d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f7d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F810 
             40f7d9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f7c0 
             40f7db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f7c0 
@@ -14739,6 +15225,7 @@
             40f7e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f7e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f7e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f7c0 
+            40f7e6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f7e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F810 
             40f7e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f7c0 
             40f7ea      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f7c0 
@@ -14801,16 +15288,20 @@
             40f844      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f849     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f849      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
+            40f849      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f84c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F86A 
             40f84c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
+            40f84c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40F86A 
             40f84e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
             40f84e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f851     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f851      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
+            40f851      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f854     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F85B 
             40f854      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
             40f856     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f856      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
+            40f856      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f859     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F890 
             40f859      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
             40f85b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
@@ -14822,6 +15313,7 @@
             40f861      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f866     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f866      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
+            40f866      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f868     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F890 
             40f868      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
             40f86a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
@@ -14884,16 +15376,20 @@
             40f8c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f8c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f8c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f8c0 
+            40f8c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f8cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F8EA 
             40f8cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f8c0 
+            40f8cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40F8EA 
             40f8ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f8c0 
             40f8ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f8d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f8d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f8c0 
+            40f8d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f8d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F8DB 
             40f8d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f8c0 
             40f8d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f8d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f8c0 
+            40f8d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f8d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F910 
             40f8d9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f8c0 
             40f8db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f8c0 
@@ -14905,6 +15401,7 @@
             40f8e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f8e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f8e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f8c0 
+            40f8e6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f8e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F910 
             40f8e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f8c0 
             40f8ea      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f8c0 
@@ -14967,16 +15464,20 @@
             40f944      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f949     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f949      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f940 
+            40f949      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f94c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F96A 
             40f94c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f940 
+            40f94c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40F96A 
             40f94e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f940 
             40f94e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f951     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f951      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f940 
+            40f951      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f954     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F95B 
             40f954      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f940 
             40f956     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f956      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f940 
+            40f956      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f959     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F990 
             40f959      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f940 
             40f95b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f940 
@@ -14988,6 +15489,7 @@
             40f961      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f966     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f966      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f940 
+            40f966      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f968     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F990 
             40f968      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f940 
             40f96a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f940 
@@ -15059,16 +15561,20 @@
             40f9d6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40f9db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40f9db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
+            40f9db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40f9de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F9FC 
             40f9de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
+            40f9de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40F9FC 
             40f9e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
             40f9e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40f9e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f9e3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
+            40f9e3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f9e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F9ED 
             40f9e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
             40f9e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f9e8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
+            40f9e8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f9eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FA20 
             40f9eb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
             40f9ed      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
@@ -15080,6 +15586,7 @@
             40f9f3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f9f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f9f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
+            40f9f8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f9fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FA20 
             40f9fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
             40f9fc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
@@ -15105,6 +15612,7 @@
             40fa20      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, [rbx+0D0h] 
             40fa26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40fa26      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
+            40fa26      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebp, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40fa29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FA68 
             40fa29      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
             40fa2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdict_defbox_get_type 
@@ -15137,6 +15645,7 @@
             40fa58      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40fa5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40fa5b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
+            40fa5b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40fa5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gdict_defbox_jump_to_definition 
             40fa5f     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _gdict_defbox_jump_to_definition
             40fa5f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
@@ -15163,6 +15672,7 @@
             40fa87      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     ebp, [rbx+0D0h] 
             40fa8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40FA33 
             40fa8d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f9c0 
+            40fa8d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40FA33 
             40fa90      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40fa90      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40fa90    121 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40FA90 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40fb08 
@@ -15177,16 +15687,20 @@
             40fa94      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40fa99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40fa99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fa90 
+            40fa99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40fa9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FABA 
             40fa9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fa90 
+            40fa9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40FABA 
             40fa9e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fa90 
             40fa9e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40faa1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40faa1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fa90 
+            40faa1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40faa4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FAAB 
             40faa4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fa90 
             40faa6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40faa6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fa90 
+            40faa6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40faa9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FAE0 
             40faa9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fa90 
             40faab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fa90 
@@ -15198,6 +15712,7 @@
             40fab1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40fab6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40fab6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fa90 
+            40fab6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40fab8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FAE0 
             40fab8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fa90 
             40faba      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40fa90 
@@ -15261,16 +15776,20 @@
             40fb19      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40fb1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40fb1e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
+            40fb1e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40fb21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FB3F 
             40fb21      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
+            40fb21      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40FB3F 
             40fb23      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
             40fb23      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40fb26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40fb26      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
+            40fb26      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40fb29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FB30 
             40fb29      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
             40fb2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fb2b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
+            40fb2b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fb2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FB60 
             40fb2e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
             40fb30      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
@@ -15282,6 +15801,7 @@
             40fb36      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40fb3b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40fb3b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
+            40fb3b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40fb3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FB60 
             40fb3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
             40fb3f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
@@ -15307,6 +15827,7 @@
             40fb60      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rbx+0D0h] 
             40fb66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40fb66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
+            40fb66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40fb69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FB90 
             40fb69      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
             40fb6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdict_defbox_get_type 
@@ -15326,6 +15847,7 @@
             40fb82      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_defbox_count_definitions 
             40fb87     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     eax, 1 
             40fb87      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
+            40fb87      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     eax, 1 
             40fb8a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
             40fb8a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+0D0h], eax 
             40fb90     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebp, [rbx+0D4h] 
@@ -15333,10 +15855,12 @@
             40fb90      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, [rbx+0D4h] 
             40fb96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, ebp 
             40fb96      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
+            40fb96      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, ebp 
             40fb98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FBD0 
             40fb98      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
             40fb9a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1 
             40fb9a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
+            40fb9a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebp, 1 
             40fb9d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
             40fb9d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+0D4h], ebp 
             40fba3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdict_defbox_get_type 
@@ -15351,6 +15875,7 @@
             40fbb2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40fbb7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40fbb7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
+            40fbb7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40fbbb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
             40fbbb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, ebp 
             40fbbb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, ebp 
@@ -15365,6 +15890,7 @@
             40fbc2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gdict_defbox_jump_to_definition 
             40fbd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40fbd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
+            40fbd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40fbd4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40fb10 
             40fbd4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40fbd4      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -15393,16 +15919,20 @@
             40fbe9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40fbee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40fbee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
+            40fbee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40fbf1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FC0F 
             40fbf1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
+            40fbf1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40FC0F 
             40fbf3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
             40fbf3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40fbf6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40fbf6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
+            40fbf6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40fbf9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FC00 
             40fbf9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
             40fbfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fbfb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
+            40fbfb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fbfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FC30 
             40fbfe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
             40fc00      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
@@ -15414,6 +15944,7 @@
             40fc06      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40fc0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40fc0b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
+            40fc0b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40fc0d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FC30 
             40fc0d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
             40fc0f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
@@ -15439,10 +15970,12 @@
             40fc30      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, [rbx+0D4h] 
             40fc36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             40fc36      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
+            40fc36      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40fc38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FC48 
             40fc38      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
             40fc3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40fc3a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
+            40fc3a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40fc3e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
             40fc3e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40fc3f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
@@ -15451,6 +15984,7 @@
             40fc40      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40fc48     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebp, 1 
             40fc48      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
+            40fc48      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     ebp, 1 
             40fc4b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
             40fc4b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+0D4h], ebp 
             40fc51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdict_defbox_get_type 
@@ -15465,6 +15999,7 @@
             40fc60      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40fc65     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40fc65      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
+            40fc65      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40fc69      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fbe0 
             40fc69      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, ebp 
             40fc69     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, ebp 
@@ -15501,18 +16036,24 @@
             40fc96      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40fc9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40fc9b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
+            40fc9b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40fc9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FCBC 
             40fc9e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
+            40fc9e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40FCBC 
             40fca0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
             40fca0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40fca3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40fca3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
+            40fca3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40fca6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FCAD 
             40fca6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
+            40fca6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40FCAD 
             40fca8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fca8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
+            40fca8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fcab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FCE0 
             40fcab      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
+            40fcab      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40FCE0 
             40fcad      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
             40fcad      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40fcb0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
@@ -15522,8 +16063,10 @@
             40fcb3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40fcb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40fcb8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
+            40fcb8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40fcba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FCE0 
             40fcba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
+            40fcba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40FCE0 
             40fcbc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
             40fcbc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aGdict_is_windo; "GDICT_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40fcc2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGdict_windo_13; "gdict_window_cmd_edit_preferences" 
@@ -15585,6 +16128,7 @@
             40fd1f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40fd22     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40fd22      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
+            40fd22      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40fd26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_40AFA0 
             40fd26     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     sub_40AFA0
             40fd26      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40fc80 
@@ -15603,16 +16147,20 @@
             40fd34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40fd39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40fd39      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fd30 
+            40fd39      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40fd3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FD5A 
             40fd3c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fd30 
+            40fd3c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40FD5A 
             40fd3e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fd30 
             40fd3e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40fd41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40fd41      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fd30 
+            40fd41      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40fd44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FD4B 
             40fd44      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fd30 
             40fd46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fd46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fd30 
+            40fd46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fd49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FD80 
             40fd49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fd30 
             40fd4b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fd30 
@@ -15624,6 +16172,7 @@
             40fd51      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40fd56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40fd56      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fd30 
+            40fd56      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40fd58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FD80 
             40fd58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fd30 
             40fd5a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40fd30 
@@ -15675,16 +16224,20 @@
             40fda4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40fda9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40fda9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fda0 
+            40fda9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40fdac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FDCA 
             40fdac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fda0 
+            40fdac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40FDCA 
             40fdae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fda0 
             40fdae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40fdb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40fdb1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fda0 
+            40fdb1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40fdb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FDBB 
             40fdb4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fda0 
             40fdb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fdb6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fda0 
+            40fdb6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fdb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FDF0 
             40fdb9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fda0 
             40fdbb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fda0 
@@ -15696,6 +16249,7 @@
             40fdc1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40fdc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40fdc6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fda0 
+            40fdc6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40fdc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FDF0 
             40fdc8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fda0 
             40fdca      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40fda0 
@@ -15747,16 +16301,20 @@
             40fe14      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40fe19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40fe19      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe10 
+            40fe19      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40fe1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FE3A 
             40fe1c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe10 
+            40fe1c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40FE3A 
             40fe1e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe10 
             40fe1e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40fe21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40fe21      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe10 
+            40fe21      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40fe24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FE2B 
             40fe24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe10 
             40fe26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fe26      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe10 
+            40fe26      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fe29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FE60 
             40fe29      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe10 
             40fe2b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe10 
@@ -15768,6 +16326,7 @@
             40fe31      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40fe36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40fe36      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe10 
+            40fe36      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40fe38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FE60 
             40fe38      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe10 
             40fe3a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe10 
@@ -15822,16 +16381,20 @@
             40fe94      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40fe99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40fe99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe90 
+            40fe99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40fe9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FEBA 
             40fe9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe90 
+            40fe9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40FEBA 
             40fe9e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe90 
             40fe9e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40fea1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40fea1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe90 
+            40fea1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40fea4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FEAB 
             40fea4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe90 
             40fea6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fea6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe90 
+            40fea6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40fea9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FEE0 
             40fea9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe90 
             40feab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe90 
@@ -15843,6 +16406,7 @@
             40feb1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40feb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40feb6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe90 
+            40feb6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40feb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FEE0 
             40feb8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe90 
             40feba      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40fe90 
@@ -15900,18 +16464,24 @@
             40ff11      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40ff16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40ff16      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
+            40ff16      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40ff19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FF37 
             40ff19      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
+            40ff19      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40FF37 
             40ff1b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
             40ff1b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40ff1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40ff1e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
+            40ff1e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40ff21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FF28 
             40ff21      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
+            40ff21      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40FF28 
             40ff23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40ff23      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
+            40ff23      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40ff26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FF58 
             40ff26      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
+            40ff26      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40FF58 
             40ff28      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
             40ff28      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40ff2b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
@@ -15921,8 +16491,10 @@
             40ff2e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40ff33     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ff33      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
+            40ff33      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ff35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FF58 
             40ff35      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
+            40ff35      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40FF58 
             40ff37      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
             40ff37      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aGdict_is_windo; "GDICT_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40ff3d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGdict_windo_18; "gdict_window_cmd_edit_copy" 
@@ -15971,6 +16543,7 @@
             40ff86      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40ff89     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40ff89      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
+            40ff89      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40ff8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gdict_defbox_copy_to_clipboard 
             40ff8d     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _gdict_defbox_copy_to_clipboard
             40ff8d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ff00 
@@ -15999,18 +16572,24 @@
             40ffac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             40ffb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40ffb1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            40ffb1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40ffb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FFD2 
             40ffb4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            40ffb4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40FFD2 
             40ffb6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
             40ffb6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40ffb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40ffb9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            40ffb9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40ffbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FFC3 
             40ffbc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            40ffbc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40FFC3 
             40ffbe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40ffbe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            40ffbe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40ffc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40FFF0 
             40ffc1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            40ffc1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40FFF0 
             40ffc3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
             40ffc3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40ffc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
@@ -16020,8 +16599,10 @@
             40ffc9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40ffce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ffce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            40ffce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ffd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40FFF0 
             40ffd0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            40ffd0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40FFF0 
             40ffd2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
             40ffd2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aGdict_is_windo; "GDICT_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40ffd8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGdict_windo_19; "gdict_window_cmd_file_close_window" 
@@ -16041,6 +16622,7 @@
             40ffe9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_assertion_message_expr 
             40ffee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             40ffee      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            40ffee      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             40fff0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
             40fff0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40fff3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40E000 
@@ -16048,6 +16630,7 @@
             40fff3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40E000 
             40fff8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40fff8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            40fff8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40fffb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410020 
             40fffb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
             40fffd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -16062,6 +16645,7 @@
             410008      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             41000d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             41000d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            41000d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             410011      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
             410011      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             410014      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
@@ -16073,6 +16657,7 @@
             410016      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_widget_destroy 
             410020     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             410020      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
+            410020      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             410024      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ffa0 
             410024      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             410024      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -16101,16 +16686,20 @@
             410039      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             41003e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             41003e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
+            41003e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             410041     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41005F 
             410041      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
+            410041      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_41005F 
             410043      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
             410043      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             410046     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             410046      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
+            410046      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             410049     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410050 
             410049      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
             41004b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41004b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
+            41004b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41004e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410080 
             41004e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
             410050      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
@@ -16122,6 +16711,7 @@
             410056      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             41005b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             41005b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
+            41005b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             41005d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_410080 
             41005d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
             41005f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
@@ -16166,6 +16756,7 @@
             4100a2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             4100a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4100a7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
+            4100a7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4100ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410030 
             4100ab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp 
             4100ab      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rsi, rbp
@@ -16199,16 +16790,20 @@
             4100c9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             4100ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4100ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
+            4100ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4100d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4100EF 
             4100d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
+            4100d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4100EF 
             4100d3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
             4100d3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4100d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4100d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
+            4100d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4100d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4100E0 
             4100d9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
             4100db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4100db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
+            4100db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4100de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410110 
             4100de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
             4100e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
@@ -16220,6 +16815,7 @@
             4100e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4100eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4100eb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
+            4100eb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4100ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_410110 
             4100ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
             4100ef      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
@@ -16264,6 +16860,7 @@
             410132      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             410137     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             410137      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
+            410137      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             41013b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4100c0 
             41013b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp 
             41013b      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rsi, rbp
@@ -16309,16 +16906,20 @@
             410175      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             41017a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             41017a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
+            41017a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41017d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41019B 
             41017d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
+            41017d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_41019B 
             41017f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
             41017f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             410182     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             410182      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
+            410182      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             410185     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41018C 
             410185      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
             410187     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410187      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
+            410187      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41018a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4101C0 
             41018a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
             41018c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
@@ -16330,6 +16931,7 @@
             410192      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             410197     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             410197      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
+            410197      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             410199     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4101C0 
             410199      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
             41019b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
@@ -16489,8 +17091,10 @@
             410298      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_dialog_run 
             41029d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
             41029d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
+            41029d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
             4102a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4102D0 
             4102a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
+            4102a0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4102D0 
             4102a2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
             4102a2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             4102a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_destroy 
@@ -16516,6 +17120,7 @@
             4102c3      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 96 displ mov     r15, [rsp+68h+var_8]
             4102c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 68h 
             4102c8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
+            4102c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 68h 
             4102cc    104 DEALLOC STACK esp - 104 retn
             4102cc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
             4102cc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -16571,9 +17176,11 @@
             410323      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_set_contents 
             410328     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+68h+var_40], 0 
             410328      6 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
+            410328      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+68h+var_40], 0 
             410328      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ cmp     [rsp+68h+var_40], 0
             41032e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41037E 
             41032e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
+            41032e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_41037E 
             410330     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             410330      5 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
             410330      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -16640,6 +17247,7 @@
             410389      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             41038e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4102A2 
             41038e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 410150 
+            41038e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4102A2 
             4103a0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 96 2 0 4 3 -24 4 4 0 8 5 -16 0 6 0 4 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -8 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             4103a0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4103a0    165 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4103A0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             410444 
@@ -16660,18 +17268,24 @@
             4103a7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             4103ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4103ac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            4103ac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4103af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4103CE 
             4103af      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            4103af      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4103CE 
             4103b1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
             4103b1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             4103b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4103b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            4103b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4103b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4103BF 
             4103b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            4103b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4103BF 
             4103ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4103ba      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            4103ba      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4103bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4103F0 
             4103bd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            4103bd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4103F0 
             4103bf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
             4103bf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             4103c2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
@@ -16681,8 +17295,10 @@
             4103c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4103ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4103ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            4103ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4103cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4103F0 
             4103cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            4103cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4103F0 
             4103ce      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
             4103ce      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aGdict_is_windo; "GDICT_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             4103d4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGdict_window_e; "gdict_window_ensure_menu_state" 
@@ -16705,13 +17321,16 @@
             4103f0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+0A0h] 
             4103f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4103f7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            4103f7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4103fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410440 
             4103fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            4103fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ jz      short loc_410440 
             4103fc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r12d, r12d 
             4103fc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
             4103fc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
             4103ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbp+0C8h], 0 
             4103ff      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            4103ff      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbp+0C8h], 0 
             410407     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnz   r12b 
             410407      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
             410407      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI ZZ setnz   r12b 
@@ -16725,6 +17344,7 @@
             410414      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_ui_manager_get_widget 
             410419     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             410419      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            410419      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             41041c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410429 
             41041c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
             41041e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, r12d 
@@ -16737,14 +17357,17 @@
             410424      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_set_sensitive 
             410429     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 8 
             410429      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            410429      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 8 
             41042d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, 20h 
             41042d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            41042d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, 20h 
             410431     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410440 
             410431      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
             410433      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
             410433      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+0A0h] 
             41043a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_41040D 
             41043a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
+            41043a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_41040D 
             410440      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
             410440      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             410441      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4103a0 
@@ -17416,6 +18039,7 @@
             41166a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     [rbp+150h], eax 
             411670     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             411670      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411610 
+            411670      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             411674      1 INSTR BELONGTO 411610 
             411674      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             411674     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -17492,18 +18116,24 @@
             41171c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             411721     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             411721      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            411721      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             411724     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411743 
             411724      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            411724      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411743 
             411726      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
             411726      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             41172a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             41172a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            41172a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             41172d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411734 
             41172d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            41172d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411734 
             41172f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41172f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            41172f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411732     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411760 
             411732      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            411732      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411760 
             411734      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
             411734      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             411737      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
@@ -17513,8 +18143,10 @@
             41173a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             41173f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             41173f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            41173f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411741     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411760 
             411741      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            411741      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_411760 
             411743      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
             411743      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aGdict_is_windo; "GDICT_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             411749     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGdict_window_d; "gdict_window_definition_cb" 
@@ -17543,24 +18175,30 @@
             411768      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, [rbp+0D8h] 
             41176e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, eax 
             41176e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            41176e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, eax 
             411772     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant add     ebx, 1 
             411772      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
             411772      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 1 
             411775     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, ebx 
             411775      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            411775      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, ebx 
             411779     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             411779      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            411779      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             41177d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_413108 
             41177d      8 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
             41177d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_413108 
             411785     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             411785      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            411785      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             411789     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4117E0 
             411789      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
             41178b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             41178b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            41178b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             41178f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate maxsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             41178f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            41178f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ maxsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             411793     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm1 
             411793      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
             411793      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm1 
@@ -17587,6 +18225,7 @@
             4117b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction 
             4117bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4117C5 
             4117bd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            4117bd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_4117C5 
             4117c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_main_iteration 
             4117c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
             4117c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_main_iteration 
@@ -17595,12 +18234,15 @@
             4117c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_events_pending 
             4117ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4117ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            4117ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4117cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4117C0 
             4117cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            4117cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jnz     short loc_4117C0 
             4117ce      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
             4117ce      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     [rbp+0D8h], ebx 
             4117d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4117d4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            4117d4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4117d8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
             4117d8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4117d8     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -17613,6 +18255,7 @@
             4117e0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm1 
             4117e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_411797 
             4117e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411710 
+            4117e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_411797 
             4117f0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], rbx
             4117f5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbp
             4117fd      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], r12
@@ -17666,16 +18309,20 @@
             4118b9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40F220 
             4118be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4118be      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
+            4118be      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4118c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4118DF 
             4118c1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
+            4118c1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4118DF 
             4118c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
             4118c3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4118c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4118c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
+            4118c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4118c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4118D0 
             4118c9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
             4118cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4118cb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
+            4118cb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4118ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411900 
             4118ce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
             4118d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
@@ -17687,6 +18334,7 @@
             4118d6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4118db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4118db      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
+            4118db      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4118dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411900 
             4118dd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
             4118df      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
@@ -17709,6 +18357,7 @@
             4118fb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
             411900     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx+0F0h], 0 
             411900      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
+            411900      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx+0F0h], 0 
             411908     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41192D 
             411908      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
             41190a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_entry_get_type 
@@ -17728,14 +18377,17 @@
             41191e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_entry_get_text 
             411923     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             411923      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
+            411923      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             411926     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41192D 
             411926      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
             411928     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             411928      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
+            411928      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             41192b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411938 
             41192b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
             41192d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             41192d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
+            41192d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             411931      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
             411931      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             411932      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
@@ -17771,6 +18423,7 @@
             41195b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40E650 
             411960     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             411960      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
+            411960      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             411964      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4118b0 
             411964      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             411964      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -18155,16 +18808,20 @@
             412046      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_source_loader_get_type 
             41204b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             41204b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            41204b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41204e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41206C 
             41204e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            41204e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_41206C 
             412050      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             412050      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             412053     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             412053      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            412053      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             412056     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41205D 
             412056      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             412058     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412058      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            412058      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41205b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4120A8 
             41205b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             41205d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
@@ -18176,6 +18833,7 @@
             412063      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             412068     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             412068      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            412068      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             41206a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4120A8 
             41206a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             41206c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGdict_is_sourc; "GDICT_IS_SOURCE_LOADER (loader)" 
@@ -18215,6 +18873,7 @@
             41209b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 112 displ mov     r15, [rsp+78h+var_8]
             4120a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 78h 
             4120a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            4120a0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 78h 
             4120a4    120 DEALLOC STACK esp - 120 retn
             4120a4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             4120a4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -18277,22 +18936,26 @@
             412107      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             41210c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             41210c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            41210c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             41210f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             41210f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             412112     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_41207F 
             412112      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             412118     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             412118      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            412118      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             41211c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_41207F 
             41211c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             412122     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 1 
             412122      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            412122      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r12d, 1 
             412126     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412180 
             412126      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             412128     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_412150 
             412128      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             41212a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 2 
             41212a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            41212a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r12d, 2 
             41212e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             41212e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             412130     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_412258 
@@ -18345,6 +19008,7 @@
             412174      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40E650 
             412179     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_41207F 
             412179      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            412179      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_41207F 
             412180     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_entry_get_type 
             412180      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             412180      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_entry_get_type 
@@ -18465,6 +19129,7 @@
             412247      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_speller_match 
             41224c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_41207F 
             41224c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            41224c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_41207F 
             412258     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdict_defbox_get_type 
             412258      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
             412258      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_defbox_get_type 
@@ -18482,6 +19147,7 @@
             41226f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_defbox_clear 
             412274     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_41207F 
             412274      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412010 
+            412274      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_41207F 
             412280      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 4 6 0 1 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             412280      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             412280    177 FUNC GLOBAL sub_412280 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             412330 
@@ -18522,12 +19188,14 @@
             4122b5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdict_defbox_get_selected_word 
             4122ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4122ba      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            4122ba      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4122bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
             4122bd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             4122c0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
             4122c0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rsi, [rbx+0E8h] 
             4122c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412318 
             4122c7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            4122c7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RDI R8 R9 ZZ jz      short loc_412318 
             4122c9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
             4122c9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI R8 R9 ZZ xor     edi, edi 
             4122c9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -18581,6 +19249,7 @@
             412309     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             41230b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             41230b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            41230b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             41230f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_signal_emit 
             41230f     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_signal_emit
             41230f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
@@ -18607,6 +19276,7 @@
             41232c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             41232f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4122E5 
             41232f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            41232f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4122E5 
             412340      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 1 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             412340      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             412340      1 INSTR BELONGTO 412340 
@@ -18663,6 +19333,7 @@
             41237a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, cs:dword_617F10 
             412380     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             412380      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412340 
+            412380      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             412384      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412340 
             412384      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             412384      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbx
@@ -18692,6 +19363,7 @@
             4123a4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_617F18 
             4123ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4123ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4123a0 
+            4123ab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4123ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4123C6 
             4123ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4123a0 
             4123b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset qword_415120 
@@ -18707,6 +19379,7 @@
             4123bf      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_617F18, rax 
             4123c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4123c6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4123a0 
+            4123c6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4123ca      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4123a0 
             4123ca      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ retn 
             4123ca      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -19012,6 +19685,7 @@
             4125f0     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     qword ptr [rbp+0D8h], offset loc_40F3A0 
             4125fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             4125fb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4123d0 
+            4125fb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             4125ff      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4123d0 
             4125ff      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4125ff     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 pop     rbx
@@ -19064,8 +19738,10 @@
             412650      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             412655     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             412655      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412610 
+            412655      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             412658     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412676 
             412658      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412610 
+            412658      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_412676 
             41265a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412610 
             41265a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             41265a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -19079,10 +19755,13 @@
             412666      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             412669     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             412669      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412610 
+            412669      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             41266d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             41266d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412610 
+            41266d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             412671     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             412671      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412610 
+            412671      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             412674     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_412660 
             412674      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412610 
             412676      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412610 
@@ -19105,6 +19784,7 @@
             41268f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             412694     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             412694      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412610 
+            412694      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             412698      1 INSTR BELONGTO 412610 
             412698      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             412698     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -19136,25 +19816,31 @@
             4126b9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_616D78 
             4126c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4126c0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4126b0 
+            4126c0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4126c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4126DF 
             4126c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4126b0 
+            4126c4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_4126DF 
             4126c6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_616D78 
             4126c6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4126b0 
             4126c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_616D78 
             4126cb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4126b0 
             4126d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             4126d0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4126b0 
+            4126d0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             4126d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_616D78 
             4126d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4126b0 
+            4126d4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_616D78 
             4126d6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             4126d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4126b0 
             4126d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             4126d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4126d9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4126b0 
+            4126d9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4126dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4126D0 
             4126dd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4126b0 
             4126df     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4126df      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4126b0 
+            4126df      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4126e3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4126b0 
             4126e3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4126e3      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -19174,6 +19860,7 @@
             4126ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409080 
             4126f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4126f1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4126e8 
+            4126f1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4126f5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4126e8 
             4126f5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4126f5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-file-share-properties.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-file-share-properties.psexe.annot
index e25e81f1..e65f6303 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-file-share-properties.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-file-share-properties.psexe.annot
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@
             401a7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4036A0 
             401a83     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401a83      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401a70 
+            401a83      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401a87      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401a70 
             401a87      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             401a87      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -860,12 +861,15 @@
             40204c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             402053     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             402053      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402048 
+            402053      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             402056     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40205A 
             402056      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402048 
             402058     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             402058      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402048 
+            402058      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             40205a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40205a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402048 
+            40205a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40205e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402048 
             40205e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40205e     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -888,8 +892,10 @@
             402065      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             402069     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_605288, 0 
             402069      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            402069      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_605288, 0 
             402070     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4020BD 
             402070      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            402070      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_4020BD 
             402072     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_604DE0 
             402072      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             402072      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_604DE0 
@@ -905,25 +911,30 @@
             402089      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             40208d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             40208d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            40208d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             402090     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_4020B6 
             402090      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             402092      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             402098     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             402098      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            402098      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             40209c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             40209c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_605290, rax 
             4020a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_604DD8[rax*8] 
             4020a3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            4020a3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_604DD8[rax*8] 
             4020aa      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             4020aa      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_605290 
             4020b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4020b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            4020b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4020b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_402098 
             4020b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             4020b6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             4020b6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_605288, 1 
             4020bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4020bd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            4020bd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4020c1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             4020c1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4020c1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -977,8 +988,10 @@
             40210b      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             40210f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40210f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402100 
+            40210f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             402112     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4021E0 
             402112      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402100 
+            402112      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4021E0 
             402118      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402100 
             402118      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, (offset aSSS+6); "%s" 
             40211e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ecx, 1 
@@ -1096,6 +1109,7 @@
             4021c9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_set_modal 
             4021ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4021ce      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402100 
+            4021ce      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4021d2     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rax, rbp
             4021d2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402100 
             4021d2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, rbp 
@@ -1127,6 +1141,7 @@
             4021fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4021fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402118 
             4021fe      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402100 
+            4021fe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jmp     loc_402118 
             402210      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -48 0 4 0 0 5 -40 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -32 0 13 -24 0 14 -16 0 15 -8 0 ZZ
             402210      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402210   1133 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402210 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40267c 
@@ -1299,6 +1314,7 @@
             4022e7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403590 
             4022ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4022ec      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
+            4022ec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4022ef     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, rax 
             4022ef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
             4022ef      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
@@ -1578,8 +1594,10 @@
             4024d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_set_sensitive 
             4024d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             4024d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
+            4024d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             4024d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402620 
             4024d9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
+            4024d9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_402620 
             4024df      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
             4024df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_78] 
             4024df      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_78]
@@ -1594,6 +1612,7 @@
             4024eb      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_A0]
             4024f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             4024f0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
+            4024f0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             4024f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnz   sil 
             4024f3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
             4024f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant and     esi, r12d 
@@ -1608,15 +1627,19 @@
             4024ff      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     eax, [rsp+0B8h+var_A4]
             402503     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402503      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
+            402503      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402505     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40250F 
             402505      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
+            402505      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40250F 
             402507     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             402507      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
+            402507      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             40250a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, r12d 
             40250a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
             40250a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, r12d 
             40250d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402511 
             40250d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
+            40250d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402511 
             40250f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
             40250f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             40250f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -1786,6 +1809,7 @@
             4025ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_set_active 
             402604     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 88h 
             402604      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
+            402604      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 88h 
             40260b    136 DEALLOC STACK esp - 136 mov     rdi, rbx
             40260b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
             40260b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -1863,6 +1887,7 @@
             402673      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             402678     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4024E9 
             402678      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402210 
+            402678      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4024E9 
             402680      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             402680      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402680     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_402210 
@@ -2363,6 +2388,7 @@
             403308      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_spawn_async 
             40330d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40330d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032d0 
+            40330d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40330f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403322 
             40330f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032d0 
             403311     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aUnableToStartG; "Unable to start gnome-user-share progra"... 
@@ -2379,6 +2405,7 @@
             40331d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             403322     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             403322      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032d0 
+            403322      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             403326      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4032d0 
             403326      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403326     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -2442,10 +2469,13 @@
             40336f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             403374     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             403374      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403330 
+            403374      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             403376     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403380 
             403376      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403330 
+            403376      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_403380 
             403378     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403378      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403330 
+            403378      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40337c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403330 
             40337c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40337d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403330 
@@ -2454,6 +2484,7 @@
             40337e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403380     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403380      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403330 
+            403380      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403384      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403330 
             403384      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403384      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2522,10 +2553,13 @@
             4033cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             4033d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             4033d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403390 
+            4033d4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             4033d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4033E0 
             4033d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403390 
+            4033d6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_4033E0 
             4033d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4033d8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403390 
+            4033d8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4033dc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403390 
             4033dc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4033dd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403390 
@@ -2534,6 +2568,7 @@
             4033de      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4033e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4033e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403390 
+            4033e0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4033e4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403390 
             4033e4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4033e4      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2602,10 +2637,13 @@
             40342f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             403434     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             403434      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033f0 
+            403434      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             403436     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403440 
             403436      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033f0 
+            403436      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_403440 
             403438     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403438      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4033f0 
+            403438      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40343c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4033f0 
             40343c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40343d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4033f0 
@@ -2614,6 +2652,7 @@
             40343e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403440     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403440      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4033f0 
+            403440      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403444      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4033f0 
             403444      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403444      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2627,6 +2666,7 @@
             403450     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 2 
             403450     27 FUNC GLOBAL sub_403450 FUNC_SAFE NOFP RET FUNC_LEAF             40346a 
             403450      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403450 
+            403450      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     edi, 2 
             403450      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             403453     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, offset aAlways; "always" 
             403453      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403450 
@@ -2649,6 +2689,7 @@
             403470    115 FUNC GLOBAL sub_403470 FUNC_SAFE NOFP RET FUNC_LEAF             4034e2 
             403470     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             403470      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403470 
+            403470      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             403470      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             403473      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403470 
             403473      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ mov     rdx, rdi 
@@ -2676,6 +2717,7 @@
             403493     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     al, al 
             403495     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     sil, cl 
             403495      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403470 
+            403495      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     sil, cl 
             403498     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_4034B7 
             403498      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403470 
             40349a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ecx, 7 
@@ -2696,6 +2738,7 @@
             4034af      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403470 
             4034b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     sil, cl 
             4034b2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403470 
+            4034b2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     sil, cl 
             4034b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4034C0 
             4034b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403470 
             4034b7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403470 
@@ -2723,6 +2766,7 @@
             4034d7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsx   eax, al 
             4034da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             4034da      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403470 
+            4034da      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             4034dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant sbb     eax, eax 
             4034dd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403470 
             4034df     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant add     eax, 2 
@@ -2736,6 +2780,7 @@
             4034f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 2 
             4034f0     27 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4034F0 FUNC_SAFE NOFP RET FUNC_LEAF             40350a 
             4034f0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4034f0 
+            4034f0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     edi, 2 
             4034f0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             4034f3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, offset aBonded; "bonded" 
             4034f3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4034f0 
@@ -2758,6 +2803,7 @@
             403510    122 FUNC GLOBAL sub_403510 FUNC_SAFE NOFP RET FUNC_LEAF             403589 
             403510     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             403510      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
+            403510      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             403510      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             403513      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
             403513      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ mov     rdx, rdi 
@@ -2785,6 +2831,7 @@
             403533     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     al, al 
             403535     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     sil, cl 
             403535      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
+            403535      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     sil, cl 
             403538     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_403588 
             403538      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
             40353a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ecx, 7 
@@ -2805,6 +2852,7 @@
             40354f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
             403552     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     sil, cl 
             403552      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
+            403552      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     sil, cl 
             403555     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_403588 
             403555      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
             403557     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aBonded_and_tru; "bonded_and_trusted" 
@@ -2821,18 +2869,22 @@
             403566      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
             403568     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdx], 61h 
             403568      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
+            403568      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdx], 61h 
             40356b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short locret_403588 
             40356b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
             40356d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdx+1], 73h 
             40356d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
+            40356d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdx+1], 73h 
             403571     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short locret_403588 
             403571      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
             403573     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdx+2], 6Bh 
             403573      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
+            403573      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdx+2], 6Bh 
             403577     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short locret_403588 
             403577      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
             403579     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdx+3], 1 
             403579      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
+            403579      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdx+3], 1 
             40357d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sbb     eax, eax 
             40357d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403510 
             40357f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant not     eax 
@@ -2867,16 +2919,20 @@
             40359c      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4035a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4035B5 
             4035a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
+            4035a0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4035B5 
             4035a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 8 
             4035a8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
+            4035a8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rbp, 8 
             4035ac      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
             4035ac      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, [rbp-8] 
             4035b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4035b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
+            4035b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4035b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4035F0 
             4035b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
             4035b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             4035b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
+            4035b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             4035b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4035A8 
             4035b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
             4035ba     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 8 
@@ -2889,6 +2945,7 @@
             4035c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             4035c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4035c7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
+            4035c7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4035c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4035A8 
             4035c9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
             4035cb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 4 
@@ -2901,10 +2958,12 @@
             4035d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             4035d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4035d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
+            4035d8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4035da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4035A8 
             4035da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
             4035dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4035dc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
+            4035dc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4035e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
             4035e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             4035e3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
@@ -2916,6 +2975,7 @@
             4035e5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_strdup 
             4035f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4035f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
+            4035f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4035f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403590 
             4035f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             4035f4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -2971,8 +3031,10 @@
             403640      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             403645     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             403645      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403600 
+            403645      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             403648     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403666 
             403648      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403600 
+            403648      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_403666 
             40364a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403600 
             40364a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40364a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -2986,10 +3048,13 @@
             403656      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             403659     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             403659      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403600 
+            403659      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40365d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             40365d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403600 
+            40365d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             403661     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             403661      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403600 
+            403661      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             403664     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403650 
             403664      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403600 
             403666      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403600 
@@ -3012,6 +3077,7 @@
             40367f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             403684     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             403684      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403600 
+            403684      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             403688      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403600 
             403688      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403688     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -3043,25 +3109,31 @@
             4036a9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_604DC8 
             4036b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4036b0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4036a0 
+            4036b0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4036b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4036CF 
             4036b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036a0 
+            4036b4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_4036CF 
             4036b6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_604DC8 
             4036b6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4036a0 
             4036b6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_604DC8 
             4036bb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4036a0 
             4036c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             4036c0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4036a0 
+            4036c0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             4036c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_604DC8 
             4036c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036a0 
+            4036c4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_604DC8 
             4036c6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             4036c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4036a0 
             4036c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             4036c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4036c9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4036a0 
+            4036c9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4036cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4036C0 
             4036cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036a0 
             4036cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4036cf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4036a0 
+            4036cf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4036d3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4036a0 
             4036d3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4036d3      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -3081,6 +3153,7 @@
             4036dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402060 
             4036e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4036e1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4036d8 
+            4036e1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4036e5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4036d8 
             4036e5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4036e5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-font-viewer.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-font-viewer.psexe.annot
index 9c901ba2..b850b521 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-font-viewer.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-font-viewer.psexe.annot
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@
             4025c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_404570 
             4025cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4025cb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4025b8 
+            4025cb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4025cf      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4025b8 
             4025cf      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             4025cf      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -995,9 +996,11 @@
             402dc5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_init 
             402dca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+108h+var_BC], 2 
             402dca      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402dca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+108h+var_BC], 2 
             402dca      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 76 displ cmp     [rsp+108h+var_BC], 2
             402dcf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402E0E 
             402dcf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402dcf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402E0E 
             402dd1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402dd1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+108h+var_C8] 
             402dd1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     rax, [rsp+108h+var_C8]
@@ -1030,6 +1033,7 @@
             402df7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             402dfc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0D8h 
             402dfc      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402dfc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 0D8h 
             402e03      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402e03      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ pop     rbx 
             402e03    216 DEALLOC STACK esp - 216 pop     rbx
@@ -1053,8 +1057,10 @@
             402e16      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Init_FreeType 
             402e1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402e1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402e1b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402e1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40334B 
             402e1d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402e1d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40334B 
             402e23      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402e23      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+108h+var_C8] 
             402e23      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     rax, [rsp+108h+var_C8]
@@ -1079,8 +1085,10 @@
             402e42      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             402e47     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
             402e47      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402e47      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r13, r13 
             402e4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403628 
             402e4a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402e4a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403628 
             402e50      8 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402e50      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_48] 
             402e50      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 192 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_48]
@@ -1097,8 +1105,10 @@
             402e65      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403890 
             402e6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402e6a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402e6a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402e6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403332 
             402e6c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402e6c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403332 
             402e72      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402e72      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi 
             402e72     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -1123,6 +1133,7 @@
             402e94      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+28h] 
             402e98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             402e98      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402e98      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             402e9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cmovz   rsi, rcx 
             402e9b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402e9b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ cmovz   rsi, rcx 
@@ -1226,8 +1237,10 @@
             402f2a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rax, [rsp+108h+var_F8]
             402f2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             402f2f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402f2f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             402f32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402F8E 
             402f32      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402f32      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402F8E 
             402f34      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402f34      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             402f37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_info_get_content_type 
@@ -1246,11 +1259,13 @@
             402f49      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_themed_icon_get_type 
             402f4e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+108h+var_F0], 0 
             402f4e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402f4e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ cmp     [rsp+108h+var_F0], 0 
             402f4e      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ cmp     [rsp+108h+var_F0], 0
             402f54      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402f54      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             402f57     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402F84 
             402f57      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402f57      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402F84 
             402f59      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402f59      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+108h+var_F0] 
             402f59      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+108h+var_F0]
@@ -1258,12 +1273,16 @@
             402f5e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rdx] 
             402f61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             402f61      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402f61      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             402f64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402F6F 
             402f64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402f64      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402F6F 
             402f66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12, [rax] 
             402f66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402f66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     r12, [rax] 
             402f69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4035C0 
             402f69      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402f69      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4035C0 
             402f6f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402f6f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_F0] 
             402f6f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_F0]
@@ -1274,8 +1293,10 @@
             402f77      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             402f7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402f7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402f7c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402f7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4035C0 
             402f7e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402f7e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4035C0 
             402f84      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402f84      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_F0] 
             402f84      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_F0]
@@ -1596,8 +1617,10 @@
             403166      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [r12+30h] 
             40316b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40316b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            40316b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40316e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403194 
             40316e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            40316e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_403194 
             403170     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             403170      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             403170      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -1658,8 +1681,10 @@
             4031b9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             4031be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4031be      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4031be      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4031c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40324D 
             4031c1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4031c1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40324D 
             4031c7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4031c7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             4031ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_info_get_content_type 
@@ -1755,8 +1780,10 @@
             403248      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40324d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [r12+10h], 8 
             40324d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            40324d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    byte ptr [r12+10h], 8 
             403253     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403361 
             403253      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403253      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403361 
             403259      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             403259      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40325c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count 
@@ -1764,6 +1791,7 @@
             40325c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count 
             403261     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403261      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403261      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403263      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             403263      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R14 ZZ mov     r14d, eax 
             403266     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_4033D4 
@@ -1785,10 +1813,13 @@
             403289     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r15, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             403293     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4032A1 
             403293      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403293      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4032A1 
             403295     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1 
             403295      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403295      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 1 
             403298     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14d, ebx 
             403298      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403298      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r14d, ebx 
             40329b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4034C3 
             40329b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4032a1      8 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
@@ -1804,6 +1835,7 @@
             4032ae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Get_Sfnt_Name 
             4032b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4032b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4032b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4032b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403295 
             4032b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4032b7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, r15 
@@ -1817,6 +1849,7 @@
             4032c2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rdx, 40900010003h 
             4032cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rdx 
             4032cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4032cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rdx 
             4032cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403295 
             4032cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4032d1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, word ptr [rsp+108h+var_78+6] 
@@ -1825,14 +1858,17 @@
             4032d1      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 150 displ movzx   eax, word ptr [rsp+108h+var_78+6]
             4032d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ax, 5 
             4032d9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4032d9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ax, 5 
             4032dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40363E 
             4032dd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4032e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ax, 0Ah 
             4032e3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4032e3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ax, 0Ah 
             4032e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403580 
             4032e7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4032ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ax, ax 
             4032ed      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4032ed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ax, ax 
             4032f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403295 
             4032f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4032f2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
@@ -1871,6 +1907,7 @@
             403328      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     [rsp+108h+var_D0], rax
             40332d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403295 
             40332d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            40332d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_403295 
             403332      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             403332      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             403332     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -1887,6 +1924,7 @@
             403341      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             403346     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402DFC 
             403346      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403346      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_402DFC 
             40334b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             40334b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40334b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -1901,6 +1939,7 @@
             403357      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             40335c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402DFC 
             40335c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            40335c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_402DFC 
             403361      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             403361      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+108h+var_B8] 
             403361      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+108h+var_B8]
@@ -1911,6 +1950,7 @@
             403369      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Get_PS_Font_Info 
             40336e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40336e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            40336e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403370     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4033D4 
             403370      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             403372      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
@@ -1918,6 +1958,7 @@
             403372      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_B8]
             403377     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             403377      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403377      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40337a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40338F 
             40337a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             40337c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
@@ -1930,13 +1971,16 @@
             403382      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_utf8_validate 
             403387     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403387      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403387      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403389     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40367E 
             403389      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403389      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40367E 
             40338f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             40338f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_B0] 
             40338f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 88 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_B0]
             403394     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             403394      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403394      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             403397     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4033D4 
             403397      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             403399      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
@@ -1949,6 +1993,7 @@
             40339f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_utf8_validate 
             4033a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4033a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4033a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4033a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4033D4 
             4033a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4033a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
@@ -1983,6 +2028,7 @@
             4033cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403A20 
             4033d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm3, xmm3 
             4033d4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4033d4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ xorps   xmm3, xmm3 
             4033d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm1, cs:dword_4047F8 
             4033d7      8 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4033d7      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movss   xmm1, cs:dword_4047F8 
@@ -2134,8 +2180,10 @@
             4034bc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4034be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402DFC 
             4034be      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4034be      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_402DFC 
             4034c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+108h+var_D8], 0 
             4034c3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4034c3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+108h+var_D8], 0 
             4034c3      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ cmp     [rsp+108h+var_D8], 0
             4034c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4034FB 
             4034c9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
@@ -2175,6 +2223,7 @@
             4034f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             4034fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+108h+var_D0], 0 
             4034fb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4034fb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+108h+var_D0], 0 
             4034fb      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ cmp     [rsp+108h+var_D0], 0
             403501     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403539 
             403501      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
@@ -2214,6 +2263,7 @@
             403534      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             403539     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+108h+var_E0], 0 
             403539      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403539      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+108h+var_E0], 0 
             403539      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ cmp     [rsp+108h+var_E0], 0
             40353f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4033D4 
             40353f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
@@ -2253,6 +2303,7 @@
             403576      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40357b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4033D4 
             40357b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            40357b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4033D4 
             403580      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             403580      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_E0] 
             403580      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_E0]
@@ -2289,6 +2340,7 @@
             4035b6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     [rsp+108h+var_E0], rax
             4035bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403295 
             4035bb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4035bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_403295 
             4035c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4035c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_F0] 
             4035c0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_F0]
@@ -2304,8 +2356,10 @@
             4035d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_themed_icon_get_names 
             4035d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4035d5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4035d5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4035d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402F84 
             4035d8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4035d8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_402F84 
             4035de      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4035de      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     [rsp+108h+var_E0], r15 
             4035de      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     [rsp+108h+var_E0], r15
@@ -2319,19 +2373,24 @@
             4035ed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, r12 
             4035f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             4035f0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4035f0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             4035f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402F84 
             4035f3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4035f3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_402F84 
             4035f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             4035f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             4035fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12, 8 
             4035fc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4035fc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r12, 8 
             403600     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_icon_theme_has_icon 
             403600      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             403600      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_icon_theme_has_icon 
             403605     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403605      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403605      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403607     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4035E9 
             403607      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403607      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4035E9 
             403609      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             403609      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     rsi, [rbp+0] 
             40360d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
@@ -2339,8 +2398,10 @@
             40360d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     r15, [rsp+108h+var_E0]
             403612     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             403612      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403612      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             403615     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402F84 
             403615      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403615      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_402F84 
             40361b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             40361b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             40361e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_window_set_icon_name 
@@ -2348,6 +2409,7 @@
             40361e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_set_icon_name 
             403623     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402F84 
             403623      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403623      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_402F84 
             403628      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             403628      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             403628     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -2362,6 +2424,7 @@
             403634      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             403639     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402DFC 
             403639      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403639      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_402DFC 
             40363e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             40363e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_D8] 
             40363e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+108h+var_D8]
@@ -2398,6 +2461,7 @@
             403674      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     [rsp+108h+var_D8], rax
             403679     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403295 
             403679      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            403679      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_403295 
             40367e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             40367e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+108h+var_B8] 
             40367e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+108h+var_B8]
@@ -2430,6 +2494,7 @@
             4036a2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403A20 
             4036a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40338F 
             4036a7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            4036a7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40338F 
             4036ac      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 -8 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4036ac      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4036ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036ac 
@@ -2479,12 +2544,15 @@
             4036dc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             4036e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4036e3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4036d8 
+            4036e3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4036e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4036EA 
             4036e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036d8 
             4036e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             4036e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036d8 
+            4036e8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             4036ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4036ea      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4036d8 
+            4036ea      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4036ee      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4036d8 
             4036ee      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4036ee     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -2507,8 +2575,10 @@
             4036f5      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4036f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_6053D0, 0 
             4036f9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
+            4036f9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_6053D0, 0 
             403700     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40374D 
             403700      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
+            403700      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_40374D 
             403702     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_604DB0 
             403702      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
             403702      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_604DB0 
@@ -2524,25 +2594,30 @@
             403719      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             40371d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             40371d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
+            40371d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             403720     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_403746 
             403720      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
             403722      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
             403728     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             403728      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
+            403728      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             40372c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
             40372c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_6053D8, rax 
             403733     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_604DA8[rax*8] 
             403733      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
+            403733      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_604DA8[rax*8] 
             40373a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
             40373a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6053D8 
             403741     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             403741      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
+            403741      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             403744     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_403728 
             403744      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
             403746      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
             403746      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_6053D0, 1 
             40374d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40374d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
+            40374d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403751      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4036f0 
             403751      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403751      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2587,6 +2662,7 @@
             403794      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rdi, [rdi+18h] 
             403798     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             403798      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403790 
+            403798      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40379b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4037B9 
             40379b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403790 
             40379d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -2691,6 +2767,7 @@
             4038d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 40h 
             4038d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4038d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            4038d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4038db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4039B8 
             4038db      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
             4038e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
@@ -2713,10 +2790,12 @@
             4038f3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_read 
             4038f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4038f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            4038f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4038fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
             4038fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             4038fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403A00 
             4038fe      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            4038fe      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403A00 
             403904     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
             403904      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
             403904      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -2744,9 +2823,11 @@
             403920      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             403925     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+88h+var_80], 0 
             403925      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            403925      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+88h+var_80], 0 
             403925      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ cmp     [rsp+88h+var_80], 0
             40392b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403A08 
             40392b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            40392b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403A08 
             403931      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
             403931      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_80] 
             403931      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_80]
@@ -2792,15 +2873,19 @@
             403988      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Open_Face 
             40398d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40398d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            40398d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40398f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4039E8 
             40398f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            40398f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4039E8 
             403991     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdx, [rbx+30h] 
             403991      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
             403991      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+30h] 
             403995     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             403995      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            403995      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             403998     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4039A5 
             403998      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            403998      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4039A5 
             40399a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
             40399a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+88h+var_88], eax 
             40399a      3 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+88h+var_88], eax
@@ -2808,6 +2893,7 @@
             40399d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             4039a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rdx 
             4039a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            4039a0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rdx 
             4039a2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+88h+var_88] 
             4039a2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
             4039a2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+88h+var_88] 
@@ -2845,6 +2931,7 @@
             4039d1      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ mov     r15, [rsp+88h+var_8]
             4039d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 88h 
             4039d9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            4039d9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 88h 
             4039e0    136 DEALLOC STACK esp - 136 retn
             4039e0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
             4039e0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
@@ -2854,6 +2941,7 @@
             4039ec      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ and     qword ptr [rdx+10h], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFBFFh 
             4039f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4039B8 
             4039f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            4039f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_4039B8 
             403a00      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
             403a00      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             403a03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -2869,6 +2957,7 @@
             403a10      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             403a15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4039B8 
             403a15      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403890 
+            403a15      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_4039B8 
             403a20      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 3 -48 0 4 0 0 5 -40 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 1 9 0 1 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -32 4 13 -24 0 14 -16 0 15 -8 1 ZZ
             403a20      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403a20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
@@ -2948,6 +3037,7 @@
             403a73      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             403a78     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
             403a78      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
+            403a78      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
             403a7b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
             403a7b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             403a7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  xmm0, xmm1 
@@ -2998,6 +3088,7 @@
             403ac0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_container_add 
             403ac5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
             403ac5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
+            403ac5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
             403ac8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
             403ac8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             403acb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403C1D 
@@ -3058,6 +3149,7 @@
             403b21      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             403b26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
             403b26      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
+            403b26      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
             403b29      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
             403b29      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             403b2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  xmm0, xmm1 
@@ -3155,9 +3247,11 @@
             403bb1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_container_add 
             403bb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+48h+var_3C], 0 
             403bb6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
+            403bb6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rsp+48h+var_3C], 0 
             403bb6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ cmp     [rsp+48h+var_3C], 0
             403bbb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403C99 
             403bbb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
+            403bbb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jnz     loc_403C99 
             403bc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
             403bc1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
             403bc1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -3205,6 +3299,7 @@
             403bff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             403c04     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             403c04      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
+            403c04      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403c08      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
             403c08      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     rsi, rbx 
             403c0b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
@@ -3220,6 +3315,7 @@
             403c14      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
             403c14      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     r14 
             403c16      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
+            403c16      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     r15 
             403c16     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r15 
             403c18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_container_add 
             403c18      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
@@ -3238,6 +3334,7 @@
             403c2b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             403c30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             403c30      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
+            403c30      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             403c33      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
             403c33      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             403c36     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm1, cs:dword_4047F8 
@@ -3274,6 +3371,7 @@
             403c67      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             403c6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             403c6c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
+            403c6c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403c70     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rdx, rbx
             403c70      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
             403c70      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     rdx, rbx 
@@ -3290,6 +3388,7 @@
             403c7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
             403c7c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI R8 R9 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     r14 
             403c7e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
+            403c7e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI R8 R9 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     r15 
             403c7e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r15 
             403c80     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r9d, 1 
             403c80      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
@@ -3342,6 +3441,7 @@
             403ccc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_set_vexpand 
             403cd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403BC1 
             403cd1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403a20 
+            403cd1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_403BC1 
             403ce0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], rbx
             403ce5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbp
             403ced      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -8 displ mov     [rsp-8], r13
@@ -3489,12 +3589,15 @@
             403f7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _cairo_text_extents 
             403f83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, dword ptr [rbp+0] 
             403f83      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
+            403f83      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, dword ptr [rbp+0] 
             403f88     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_404800 
             403f88      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
+            403f88      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_404800 
             403f90      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
             403f90      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             403f93     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
             403f93      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
+            403f93      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
             403f97      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
             403f97      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_68], xmm2 
             403f97      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_68], xmm2
@@ -3510,6 +3613,7 @@
             403fa7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _cairo_show_text 
             403fac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, dword ptr [rbp+0] 
             403fac      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
+            403fac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, dword ptr [rbp+0] 
             403fb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             403fb1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
             403fb1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
@@ -3524,13 +3628,17 @@
             403fc1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 96 displ mov     r12, [rsp+68h+var_8]
             403fc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
             403fc6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
+            403fc6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
             403fc6      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ addsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30]
             403fcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             403fcc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
+            403fcc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             403fd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             403fd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
+            403fd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             403fd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             403fd4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
+            403fd4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             403fd8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
             403fd8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     [rbp+0], eax 
             403fdb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
@@ -3538,6 +3646,7 @@
             403fdb      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 88 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+68h+var_10]
             403fe0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 68h 
             403fe0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
+            403fe0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 68h 
             403fe4    104 DEALLOC STACK esp - 104 retn
             403fe4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403f30 
             403fe4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ retn 
@@ -3571,20 +3680,25 @@
             403fff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_language_get_sample_string 
             404004     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             404004      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            404004      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             404007      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
             404007      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40400a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404068 
             40400a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            40400a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ jz      short loc_404068 
             40400c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             40400c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            40400c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             40400f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404068 
             40400f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            40400f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ jz      short loc_404068 
             404011      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
             404011      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             404014      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
             404014      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, cs:g_utf8_skip 
             40401b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404030 
             40401b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            40401b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_404030 
             404020     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movzx   eax, byte ptr [rbx] 
             404020      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
             404020      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rbx] 
@@ -3593,8 +3707,10 @@
             404023      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsx   rax, byte ptr [r12+rax] 
             404028     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     rbx, rax 
             404028      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            404028      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, rax 
             40402b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             40402b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            40402b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             40402e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404068 
             40402e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
             404030      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
@@ -3612,6 +3728,7 @@
             40403d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Get_Char_Index 
             404042     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404042      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            404042      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404044     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404020 
             404044      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
             404046     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aEn_us; "en_US" 
@@ -3622,6 +3739,7 @@
             40404b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_language_from_string 
             404050     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404050      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            404050      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404054      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
             404054      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 R13 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             404057      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
@@ -3637,6 +3755,7 @@
             40405d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _pango_language_get_sample_string 
             404068     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404068      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            404068      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40406c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
             40406c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     rax, r13 
             40406c      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rax, r13
@@ -3670,6 +3789,7 @@
             404088      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40408c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rdi+10h], 1 
             40408c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
+            40408c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    byte ptr [rdi+10h], 1 
             404090     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4040F0 
             404090      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
             404092      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
@@ -3700,6 +3820,7 @@
             4040d9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     dword ptr [rbp+0], 18h 
             4040e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4040e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
+            4040e0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4040e4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
             4040e4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4040e5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
@@ -3724,6 +3845,7 @@
             404107      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, [rbx+38h] 
             40410a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40410a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
+            40410a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40410c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4040E0 
             40410c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
             40410e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
@@ -3743,6 +3865,7 @@
             404125      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ movsx   ecx, di 
             404128     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     di, 18h 
             404128      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
+            404128      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     di, 18h 
             40412c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
             40412f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_404134 
             40412f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
@@ -3753,14 +3876,18 @@
             404134      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbp+0], ecx 
             404137     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esi, 1 
             404137      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
+            404137      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     esi, 1 
             40413a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 4 
             40413a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
+            40413a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rdx, 4 
             40413e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, [rbx+38h] 
             40413e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
+            40413e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, [rbx+38h] 
             404141     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_404120 
             404141      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
             404143     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404143      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
+            404143      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404147      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404080 
             404147      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             404147      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -3973,8 +4100,10 @@
             404510      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             404515     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             404515      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
+            404515      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             404518     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404536 
             404518      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
+            404518      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_404536 
             40451a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
             40451a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40451a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -3988,10 +4117,13 @@
             404526      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             404529     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             404529      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
+            404529      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40452d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             40452d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
+            40452d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             404531     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             404531      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
+            404531      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             404534     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404520 
             404534      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
             404536      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
@@ -4014,6 +4146,7 @@
             40454f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             404554     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             404554      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
+            404554      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             404558      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
             404558      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404558     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -4045,25 +4178,31 @@
             404579      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_604D98 
             404580     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             404580      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
+            404580      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             404584     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40459F 
             404584      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
+            404584      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40459F 
             404586     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_604D98 
             404586      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
             404586      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_604D98 
             40458b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
             404590     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             404590      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
+            404590      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             404594     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_604D98 
             404594      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
+            404594      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_604D98 
             404596     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             404596      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
             404596      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             404599     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             404599      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
+            404599      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40459d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404590 
             40459d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
             40459f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40459f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
+            40459f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4045a3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
             4045a3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4045a3      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -4083,6 +4222,7 @@
             4045ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4036F0 
             4045b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4045b1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4045a8 
+            4045b1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4045b5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4045a8 
             4045b5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4045b5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-help.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-help.psexe.annot
index 9abb1cc8..b5e93791 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-help.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-help.psexe.annot
@@ -508,6 +508,7 @@
             4041ee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4093F0 
             4041f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4041f3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4041e0 
+            4041f3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4041f7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4041e0 
             4041f7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             4041f7      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -1915,12 +1916,15 @@
             405030      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             405037     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405037      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40502c 
+            405037      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40503a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40503E 
             40503a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40502c 
             40503c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             40503c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40502c 
+            40503c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             40503e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40503e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40502c 
+            40503e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             405042      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40502c 
             405042      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             405042     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -1943,8 +1947,10 @@
             405055      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             405059     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60C6D8, 0 
             405059      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
+            405059      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60C6D8, 0 
             405060     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4050AD 
             405060      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
+            405060      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_4050AD 
             405062     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60BDB0 
             405062      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
             405062      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60BDB0 
@@ -1960,25 +1966,30 @@
             405079      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             40507d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             40507d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
+            40507d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             405080     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_4050A6 
             405080      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
             405082      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
             405088     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             405088      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
+            405088      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             40508c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
             40508c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_60C6E0, rax 
             405093     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_60BDA8[rax*8] 
             405093      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
+            405093      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_60BDA8[rax*8] 
             40509a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
             40509a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60C6E0 
             4050a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4050a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
+            4050a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4050a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_405088 
             4050a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
             4050a6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
             4050a6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_60C6D8, 1 
             4050ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4050ad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
+            4050ad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4050b1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405050 
             4050b1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4050b1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2027,6 +2038,7 @@
             405119      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_get_data 
             40511e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40511e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405110 
+            40511e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405121     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405140 
             405121      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405110 
             405123      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405110 
@@ -2068,6 +2080,7 @@
             405159      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_get_data 
             40515e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40515e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405150 
+            40515e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405161     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405180 
             405161      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405150 
             405163      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405150 
@@ -2182,6 +2195,7 @@
             405215      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40521a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40521a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405190 
+            40521a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40521e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _yelp_uri_resolve 
             40521e     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _yelp_uri_resolve
             40521e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405190 
@@ -2277,6 +2291,7 @@
             4052d4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_60C6F8, eax 
             4052da     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             4052da      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405230 
+            4052da      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             4052de      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405230 
             4052de      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             4052de     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 mov     rdi, rbx
@@ -2372,17 +2387,21 @@
             405491      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 56 ReturnAddress 
             405495     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             405495      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405490 
+            405495      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             405498      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405490 
             405498      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60C6E8 
             40549f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40549f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405490 
+            40549f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4054a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4054B8 
             4054a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405490 
             4054a4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405490 
             4054a4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60C6E8 
             4054ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             4054ab      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405490 
+            4054ab      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             4054af      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405490 
+            4054af      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4054af     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbx 
             4054af     48 DEALLOC STACK esp - 48 pop     rbx
             4054b0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405490 
@@ -2395,6 +2414,7 @@
             4054bd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             4054c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4054c2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405490 
+            4054c2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4054c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4054A4 
             4054c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405490 
             4054c6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aYelpapplicatio; "YelpApplication" 
@@ -2464,6 +2484,7 @@
             40553b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             405540     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4054A4 
             405540      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405490 
+            405540      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4054A4 
             405550      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             405550      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             405550      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
@@ -2521,6 +2542,7 @@
             405593      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_get_data 
             405598     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405598      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
+            405598      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40559b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4055A9 
             40559b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
             40559d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
@@ -2532,6 +2554,7 @@
             4055a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_remove 
             4055a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4055a9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
+            4055a9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4055ad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
             4055ad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             4055ad     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -2734,13 +2757,16 @@
             405872      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             405877     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405877      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405810 
+            405877      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40587a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4058E0 
             40587a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405810 
+            40587a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R13 ZZ jz      short loc_4058E0 
             40587c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
             40587c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405810 
             40587c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
             40587f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+4Ch], r12d 
             40587f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405810 
+            40587f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rbp+4Ch], r12d 
             405883      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405810 
             405883      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+10h] 
             405887     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aLargertext; "LargerText" 
@@ -2761,6 +2787,7 @@
             40589b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_action_set_sensitive 
             4058a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+48h], r12d 
             4058a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405810 
+            4058a0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rbp+48h], r12d 
             4058a4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405810 
             4058a4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+10h] 
             4058a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     esi, offset aSmallertext; "SmallerText" 
@@ -2793,6 +2820,7 @@
             4058d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             4058d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             4058d3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405810 
+            4058d3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             4058d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_action_set_sensitive 
             4058d7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405810 
             4058d7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_action_set_sensitive 
@@ -2819,6 +2847,7 @@
             4058fe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 4095B3h 
             405903     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             405903      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405810 
+            405903      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             405907     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_log 
             405907     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_log
             405907      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405810 
@@ -2932,6 +2961,7 @@
             405b12      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
             405b17     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             405b17      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405b17      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             405b1a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
             405b1a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+20h] 
             405b1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     esi, offset aFontAdjustment; "font-adjustment" 
@@ -2961,6 +2991,7 @@
             405b42      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             405b47     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             405b47      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405b47      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             405b4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_405810 
             405b4b     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     sub_405810
             405b4b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
@@ -3073,6 +3104,7 @@
             405be9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_new 
             405bee     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405bee      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405bb0 
+            405bee      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405bf2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405bb0 
             405bf2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ retn 
             405bf2     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -3134,10 +3166,13 @@
             405c3e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX ZZ mov     ecx, 6 
             405c43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate repe cmpsb 
             405c43      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c20 
+            405c43      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ repe cmpsb 
             405c45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405C70 
             405c45      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c20 
+            405c45      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_405C70 
             405c47     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405c47      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c20 
+            405c47      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             405c4a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, offset aHelpUbuntuHelp; "help:ubuntu-help" 
             405c4a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c20 
             405c4a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, offset aHelpUbuntuHelp; "help:ubuntu-help" 
@@ -3150,6 +3185,7 @@
             405c56      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _yelp_uri_new 
             405c5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             405c5b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405c20 
+            405c5b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             405c5f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c20 
             405c5f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             405c5f      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -3164,6 +3200,7 @@
             405c67      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     sub_405C00 
             405c70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405c70      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c20 
+            405c70      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             405c73     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, offset aHelpGnomeHelp; "help:gnome-help" 
             405c73      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c20 
             405c73      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, offset aHelpGnomeHelp; "help:gnome-help" 
@@ -3176,6 +3213,7 @@
             405c7f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _yelp_uri_new 
             405c84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_405C5B 
             405c84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c20 
+            405c84      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_405C5B 
             405c90      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 96 4 0 8 5 0 96 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 1 14 0 1 15 0 1 ZZ
             405c90      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             405c90    325 FUNC GLOBAL sub_405C90 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             405dd4 
@@ -3223,6 +3261,7 @@
             405ccd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_lookup 
             405cd2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405cd2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c90 
+            405cd2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405cd5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c90 
             405cd5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             405cd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405D00 
@@ -3248,6 +3287,7 @@
             405cf0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r14, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             405cf5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             405cf5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405c90 
+            405cf5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             405cf9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405c90 
             405cf9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             405cf9     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -3292,8 +3332,10 @@
             405d33      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [r13+18h] 
             405d37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             405d37      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c90 
+            405d37      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             405d3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405DC0 
             405d3a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c90 
+            405d3a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_405DC0 
             405d40      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c90 
             405d40      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, r12 
             405d43     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aOrg_gnome_ye_0; "org.gnome.yelp.documents" 
@@ -3375,6 +3417,7 @@
             405db3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             405db8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405CDA 
             405db8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c90 
+            405db8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 ZZ jmp     loc_405CDA 
             405dc0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c90 
             405dc0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
             405dc3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aOrg_gnome_ye_0; "org.gnome.yelp.documents" 
@@ -3387,6 +3430,7 @@
             405dcd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             405dd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405D50 
             405dd0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c90 
+            405dd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405D50 
             405de0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -32 4 4 0 8 5 -24 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -16 0 13 -8 4 14 0 1 15 0 1 ZZ
             405de0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             405de0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
@@ -3429,12 +3473,16 @@
             405e07      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             405e0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405e0c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405e0c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             405e0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405EC0 
             405e0f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405e0f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_405EC0 
             405e15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             405e15      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405e15      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             405e18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405EE8 
             405e18      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405e18      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_405EE8 
             405e1e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
             405e1e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     rsi, rbp 
             405e21      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
@@ -3447,6 +3495,7 @@
             405e27      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405C90 
             405e2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405e2c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405e2c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405e2f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
             405e2f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             405e32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405EA6 
@@ -3502,8 +3551,10 @@
             405e75      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_iter_loop 
             405e7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405e7a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405e7a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405e7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405EB8 
             405e7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405e7c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_405EB8 
             405e7e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rsi, [rsp+38h+var_30] 
             405e7e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
             405e7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+38h+var_30] 
@@ -3516,8 +3567,10 @@
             405e86      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
             405e8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405e8b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405e8b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405e8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405E60 
             405e8d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405e8d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_405E60 
             405e8f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r13d, 1 
             405e8f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
             405e8f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13d, 1 
@@ -3534,6 +3587,7 @@
             405ea1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_unref 
             405ea6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405ea6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405ea6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405eaa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, r13d 
             405eaa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
             405eaa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, r13d 
@@ -3552,6 +3606,7 @@
             405eb8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
             405ebb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_405E95 
             405ebb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405ebb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_405E95 
             405ec0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aPage_id; "page_id" 
             405ec0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
             405ec0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aPage_id; "page_id" 
@@ -3566,6 +3621,7 @@
             405ecf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             405ed4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405ed4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405ed4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405ed8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
             405ed8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
             405ed8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
@@ -3596,6 +3652,7 @@
             405ef7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             405efc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405efc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
+            405efc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405f00     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 xor     r13d, r13d
             405f00     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
             405f00      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405de0 
@@ -3648,12 +3705,16 @@
             405f2f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             405f34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405f34      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405f34      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             405f37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406032 
             405f37      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405f37      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_406032 
             405f3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             405f3d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405f3d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             405f40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406052 
             405f40      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405f40      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_406052 
             405f46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
             405f46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp 
             405f49      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
@@ -3663,6 +3724,7 @@
             405f4c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405C90 
             405f51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405f51      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405f51      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405f54      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
             405f57     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405FF9 
             405f57      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
@@ -3699,6 +3761,7 @@
             405f89      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_builder_init 
             405f8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_405FA4 
             405f8e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405f8e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jmp     short loc_405FA4 
             405f90      8 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
             405f90      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+0B8h+var_30] 
             405f90      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 136 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+0B8h+var_30]
@@ -3709,8 +3772,10 @@
             405f9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
             405fa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405fa0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405fa0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405fa2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406008 
             405fa2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405fa2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jz      short loc_406008 
             405fa4      8 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
             405fa4      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_38] 
             405fa4      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_38]
@@ -3734,8 +3799,10 @@
             405fcb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_iter_loop 
             405fd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405fd0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405fd0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405fd2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405F90 
             405fd2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405fd2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_405F90 
             405fd4      8 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
             405fd4      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_38] 
             405fd4      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_38]
@@ -3760,6 +3827,7 @@
             405ff4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_settings_set_value 
             405ff9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             405ff9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405ff9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             406000      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
             406000      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             406001      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
@@ -3788,6 +3856,7 @@
             406028      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_builder_add 
             40602d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405FA4 
             40602d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            40602d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jmp     loc_405FA4 
             406032     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aPage_id; "page_id" 
             406032      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
             406032      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aPage_id; "page_id" 
@@ -3802,6 +3871,7 @@
             406041      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             406046     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             406046      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            406046      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             40604d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
             40604d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40604e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
@@ -3824,6 +3894,7 @@
             406061      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             406066     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             406066      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            406066      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             40606d    160 DEALLOC STACK esp - 160 pop     rbx
             40606d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
             40606d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -3878,12 +3949,16 @@
             4060a9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             4060ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4060ae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            4060ae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4060b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4061F0 
             4060b1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            4060b1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4061F0 
             4060b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4060b7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            4060b7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4060ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406218 
             4060ba      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            4060ba      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_406218 
             4060c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
             4060c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp 
             4060c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
@@ -3893,6 +3968,7 @@
             4060c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405C90 
             4060cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4060cb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            4060cb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4060ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
             4060d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4061BA 
             4060d1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
@@ -3929,6 +4005,7 @@
             406103      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_builder_init 
             406108     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40614D 
             406108      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            406108      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jmp     short loc_40614D 
             406110      8 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
             406110      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+0C8h+var_40] 
             406110      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 136 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+0C8h+var_40]
@@ -3939,8 +4016,10 @@
             40611b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
             406120     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406120      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            406120      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406122     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4061D0 
             406122      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            406122      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4061D0 
             406128      8 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
             406128      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rsp+0C8h+var_30] 
             406128      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ mov     r8, [rsp+0C8h+var_30]
@@ -3982,8 +4061,10 @@
             406174      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_iter_loop 
             406179     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406179      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            406179      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40617b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_406110 
             40617b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            40617b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_406110 
             40617d      8 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
             40617d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0C8h+var_48] 
             40617d      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0C8h+var_48]
@@ -4026,6 +4107,7 @@
             4061b5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_settings_set_value 
             4061ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             4061ba      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            4061ba      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             4061c1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
             4061c1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4061c2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
@@ -4046,6 +4128,7 @@
             4061d8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_iter_free 
             4061dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             4061dd      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            4061dd      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             4061e4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
             4061e4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4061e5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
@@ -4072,6 +4155,7 @@
             4061ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             406204     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             406204      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            406204      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             40620b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
             40620b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40620c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
@@ -4098,6 +4182,7 @@
             406227      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40622c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             40622c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
+            40622c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             406233    160 DEALLOC STACK esp - 160 pop     rbx
             406233      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406080 
             406233      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -4235,10 +4320,12 @@
             4064d1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 200 ReturnAddress 
             4064d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4064d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4064d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4064db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4066A0 
             4064db      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             4064e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             4064e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4064e1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             4064e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406678 
             4064e4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             4064ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_405C90 
@@ -4246,10 +4333,12 @@
             4064ea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405C90 
             4064ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4064ef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4064ef      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R14 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4064f2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             4064f2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             4064f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40663A 
             4064f5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4064f5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ jz      loc_40663A 
             4064fb      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             4064fb      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ lea     rcx, [rsp+0C8h+var_48] 
             4064fb      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ lea     rcx, [rsp+0C8h+var_48]
@@ -4286,6 +4375,7 @@
             40652a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_builder_init 
             40652f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_406568 
             40652f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            40652f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jmp     short loc_406568 
             406538      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             406538      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R12 ZZ mov     [rsp+0C8h+var_30], rbx 
             406538      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ mov     [rsp+0C8h+var_30], rbx
@@ -4335,8 +4425,10 @@
             40658f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_iter_loop 
             406594     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406594      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            406594      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406596     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406610 
             406596      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            406596      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406610 
             406598      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             406598      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+0C8h+var_40] 
             406598      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 136 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+0C8h+var_40]
@@ -4347,15 +4439,19 @@
             4065a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
             4065a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4065a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R8 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4065aa      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             4065aa      8 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rsp+0C8h+var_30] 
             4065aa      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ mov     r8, [rsp+0C8h+var_30]
             4065b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406549 
             4065b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065b2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406549 
             4065b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4065b4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065b4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4065b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4065DB 
             4065b7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065b7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4065DB 
             4065b9      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             4065b9      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+0C8h+var_38] 
             4065b9      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 144 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+0C8h+var_38]
@@ -4366,8 +4462,10 @@
             4065c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
             4065c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4065c9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065c9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4065cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4065DB 
             4065cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065cb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4065DB 
             4065cd      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             4065cd      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     [rsp+0C8h+var_38], rbp 
             4065cd      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 144 displ mov     [rsp+0C8h+var_38], rbp
@@ -4376,8 +4474,10 @@
             4065d5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12d, 1 
             4065db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4065db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4065de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4065F8 
             4065de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4065F8 
             4065e0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             4065e0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+0C8h+var_30] 
             4065e0      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+0C8h+var_30]
@@ -4388,12 +4488,16 @@
             4065eb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
             4065f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4065f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065f0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4065f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406538 
             4065f2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065f2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406538 
             4065f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             4065f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             4065fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406650 
             4065fb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4065fb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406650 
             4065fd      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             4065fd      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R12 ZZ mov     r8, [rsp+0C8h+var_30] 
             4065fd      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ mov     r8, [rsp+0C8h+var_30]
@@ -4402,6 +4506,7 @@
             406605      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12d, 1 
             40660b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406549 
             40660b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            40660b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406549 
             406610      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             406610      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0C8h+var_48] 
             406610      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0C8h+var_48]
@@ -4410,8 +4515,10 @@
             406618      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_iter_free 
             40661d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             40661d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            40661d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             406620     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40665D 
             406620      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            406620      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40665D 
             406622      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             406622      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rsp 
             406622      3 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdi, rsp
@@ -4430,6 +4537,7 @@
             406635      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_settings_set_value 
             40663a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             40663a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            40663a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             406641      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             406641      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             406642      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
@@ -4456,6 +4564,7 @@
             406660      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_builder_clear 
             406665     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             406665      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            406665      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             40666c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             40666c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40666d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
@@ -4482,6 +4591,7 @@
             406687      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40668c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             40668c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            40668c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             406693      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             406693      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             406694      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
@@ -4508,6 +4618,7 @@
             4066af      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             4066b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             4066b4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
+            4066b4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             4066bb    160 DEALLOC STACK esp - 160 pop     rbx
             4066bb      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4064c0 
             4066bb      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -4538,6 +4649,7 @@
             4066de      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             4066e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4066e1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4066d0 
+            4066e1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4066e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_settings_get_value 
             4066e5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4066d0 
             4066e5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_settings_get_value 
@@ -4568,6 +4680,7 @@
             406701      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405C90 
             406706     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406706      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
+            406706      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406709      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
             40670c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4067DF 
             40670c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
@@ -4604,6 +4717,7 @@
             40673e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_builder_init 
             406743     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40677D 
             406743      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
+            406743      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40677D 
             406748      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
             406748      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+0B8h+var_28] 
             406748      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 144 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+0B8h+var_28]
@@ -4614,8 +4728,10 @@
             406753      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
             406758     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406758      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
+            406758      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40675a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4067F0 
             40675a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
+            40675a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4067F0 
             406760      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
             406760      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rsp+0B8h+var_20] 
             406760      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+0B8h+var_20]
@@ -4651,8 +4767,10 @@
             40679c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_iter_loop 
             4067a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4067a1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
+            4067a1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4067a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_406748 
             4067a3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
+            4067a3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_406748 
             4067a5      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
             4067a5      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_30] 
             4067a5      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 136 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_30]
@@ -4693,6 +4811,7 @@
             4067da      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_settings_set_value 
             4067df     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             4067df      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
+            4067df      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             4067e6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
             4067e6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4067e7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
@@ -4709,6 +4828,7 @@
             4067f8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_iter_free 
             4067fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             4067fd      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
+            4067fd      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             406804    160 DEALLOC STACK esp - 160 pop     rbx
             406804      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4066f0 
             406804      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -4739,6 +4859,7 @@
             40681c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405C90 
             406821     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406821      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
+            406821      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406824      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
             406827     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4068C1 
             406827      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
@@ -4775,6 +4896,7 @@
             406859      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_builder_init 
             40685e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_406874 
             40685e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
+            40685e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_406874 
             406860      8 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
             406860      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_28] 
             406860      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 144 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_28]
@@ -4785,8 +4907,10 @@
             40686b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
             406870     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406870      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
+            406870      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406872     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4068D0 
             406872      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
+            406872      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4068D0 
             406874      8 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
             406874      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_30] 
             406874      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 136 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_30]
@@ -4807,8 +4931,10 @@
             406893      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_iter_loop 
             406898     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406898      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
+            406898      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40689a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_406860 
             40689a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
+            40689a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_406860 
             40689c      8 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
             40689c      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_30] 
             40689c      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 136 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0B8h+var_30]
@@ -4833,6 +4959,7 @@
             4068bc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_settings_set_value 
             4068c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A8h 
             4068c1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
+            4068c1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 0A8h 
             4068c8    168 DEALLOC STACK esp - 168 pop     rbx
             4068c8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
             4068c8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -4857,6 +4984,7 @@
             4068e8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_builder_add 
             4068ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_406874 
             4068ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406810 
+            4068ed      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_406874 
             4068f0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 1 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             4068f0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4068f0     26 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4068F0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             406909 
@@ -4874,6 +5002,7 @@
             4068fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             406901     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406901      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4068f0 
+            406901      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406905     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_settings_get_value 
             406905      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4068f0 
             406905      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_settings_get_value 
@@ -5009,6 +5138,7 @@
             406a91      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_destroy 
             406a96     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             406a96      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406a60 
+            406a96      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             406a9a     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             406a9a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406a60 
             406a9a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -5051,6 +5181,7 @@
             406acc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+28h+var_20]
             406ad1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             406ad1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406ab0 
+            406ad1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             406ad4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406B08 
             406ad4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406ab0 
             406ad6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_window_get_type 
@@ -5078,6 +5209,7 @@
             406af6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             406afb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             406afb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406ab0 
+            406afb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             406aff      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406ab0 
             406aff      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             406b00      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406ab0 
@@ -5117,6 +5249,7 @@
             406b32      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_set_title 
             406b37     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             406b37      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406ab0 
+            406b37      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             406b3b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406ab0 
             406b3b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             406b3b     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -5150,20 +5283,25 @@
             406b5c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _yelp_settings_cmp_icons 
             406b61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406b61      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
+            406b61      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406b63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_406B98 
             406b63      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
             406b65      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
             406b65      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+10h] 
             406b69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             406b69      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
+            406b69      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             406b6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406BB0 
             406b6c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
+            406b6c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_406BB0 
             406b6e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
             406b6e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     rsi, [rbp+10h] 
             406b72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             406b72      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
+            406b72      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             406b75     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406B90 
             406b75      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
+            406b75      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_406B90 
             406b77      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
             406b77      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_10] 
             406b77      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_10]
@@ -5172,6 +5310,7 @@
             406b7c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             406b81     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             406b81      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
+            406b81      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             406b85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_utf8_collate 
             406b85      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
             406b85      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_utf8_collate 
@@ -5187,17 +5326,20 @@
             406b9d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             406ba2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             406ba2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
+            406ba2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             406ba6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
             406ba6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             406ba6     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
             406bb0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbp+10h], 1 
             406bb0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
+            406bb0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbp+10h], 1 
             406bb5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
             406bb5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ sbb     eax, eax 
             406bb7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
             406bb7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ or      eax, 1 
             406bba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_406B98 
             406bba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406b40 
+            406bba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_406B98 
             406bc0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 1 ZZ
             406bc0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             406bc0    127 FUNC GLOBAL sub_406BC0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             406c3e 
@@ -5212,16 +5354,19 @@
             406bc1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             406bc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             406bc5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406bc0 
+            406bc5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             406bc8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406bc0 
             406bc8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60C700 
             406bcf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406bcf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406bc0 
+            406bcf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406bd2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406BE8 
             406bd2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406bc0 
             406bd4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406bc0 
             406bd4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60C700 
             406bdb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             406bdb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406bc0 
+            406bdb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             406bdf     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             406bdf      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406bc0 
             406bdf      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -5235,6 +5380,7 @@
             406bed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             406bf2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406bf2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406bc0 
+            406bf2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406bf4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406BD4 
             406bf4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406bc0 
             406bf6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aYelpwindow; "YelpWindow" 
@@ -5280,6 +5426,7 @@
             406c38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             406c3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_406BD4 
             406c3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406bc0 
+            406c3d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_406BD4 
             406c40      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -24 0 4 0 8 5 -16 4 6 0 0 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -8 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             406c40      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             406c40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
@@ -5414,8 +5561,10 @@
             406d0b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_color_parse 
             406d10     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406d10      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
+            406d10      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406d12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406DC0 
             406d12      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
+            406d12      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406DC0 
             406d18      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
             406d18      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             406d1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -5444,6 +5593,7 @@
             406d37      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_20]
             406d3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             406d3c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
+            406d3c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             406d3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406DB0 
             406d3f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
             406d41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _yelp_uri_get_canonical_uri 
@@ -5460,6 +5610,7 @@
             406d4e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             406d53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             406d53      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
+            406d53      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             406d56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406DB0 
             406d56      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
             406d58      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
@@ -5486,6 +5637,7 @@
             406d77      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strchr 
             406d7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406d7c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
+            406d7c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406d7f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
             406d82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406DD8 
             406d82      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
@@ -5518,6 +5670,7 @@
             406dab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             406db0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             406db0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
+            406db0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             406db4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
             406db4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             406db4     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 pop     rbx
@@ -5540,6 +5693,7 @@
             406dc9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_modify_base 
             406dce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406D18 
             406dce      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
+            406dce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406D18 
             406dd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_editable_get_type 
             406dd8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
             406dd8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_editable_get_type 
@@ -5563,6 +5717,7 @@
             406df6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_editable_select_region 
             406dfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_406DA8 
             406dfb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
+            406dfb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_406DA8 
             406e00      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             406e00      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             406e00      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406e00 
@@ -5624,12 +5779,15 @@
             406e40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_parent 
             406e45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406e45      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406e20 
+            406e45      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406e48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406E60 
             406e48      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406e20 
+            406e48      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406E60 
             406e4a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406e20 
             406e4a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+60h] 
             406e4e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406e4e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406e20 
+            406e4e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406e52      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406e20 
             406e52      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             406e53      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406e20 
@@ -5709,6 +5867,7 @@
             406eb8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+60h] 
             406ebc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406ebc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406e20 
+            406ebc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406ec0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406e20 
             406ec0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             406ec0      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -5828,6 +5987,7 @@
             406f6e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r12, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             406f73     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             406f73      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406ed0 
+            406f73      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             406f77      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406ed0 
             406f77      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             406f77     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -5994,6 +6154,7 @@
             407082      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 96 displ mov     r14, [rsp+68h+var_8]
             407087     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 68h 
             407087      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406f80 
+            407087      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 68h 
             40708b    104 DEALLOC STACK esp - 104 retn
             40708b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406f80 
             40708b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -6099,6 +6260,7 @@
             407119      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40711e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40711e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4070c0 
+            40711e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407122      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4070c0 
             407122      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             407122     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -6193,15 +6355,18 @@
             4071b1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_get 
             4071b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+38h+var_30], 0 
             4071b6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
+            4071b6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+38h+var_30], 0 
             4071b6      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ cmp     [rsp+38h+var_30], 0
             4071bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407258 
             4071bc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
+            4071bc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_407258 
             4071c2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_38] 
             4071c2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
             4071c2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_38] 
             4071c2      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_38]
             4071c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4071c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
+            4071c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4071c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407258 
             4071c9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
             4071cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _yelp_uri_get_document_uri 
@@ -6238,6 +6403,7 @@
             4071fb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
             4071fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4071fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
+            4071fd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4071ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
             4071ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     ebx, eax 
             4071ff     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, eax 
@@ -6275,6 +6441,7 @@
             407229      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_38]
             40722d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40722d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
+            40722d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             407230     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407237 
             407230      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
             407232     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -6297,6 +6464,7 @@
             40724b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r14, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             407250     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             407250      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
+            407250      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             407254      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
             407254      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             407254     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -6321,6 +6489,7 @@
             40726a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_action_set_sensitive 
             40726f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407217 
             40726f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407130 
+            40726f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_407217 
             407280     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r15 
             407282     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
             407284     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r13 
@@ -6753,6 +6922,7 @@
             407c97      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_get 
             407c9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407CDF 
             407c9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407c9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jmp     short loc_407CDF 
             407ca0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 18h 
             407ca0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407ca0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 18h 
@@ -6814,12 +6984,16 @@
             407cfa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_iter_loop 
             407cff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407cff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407cff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407d01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407CA0 
             407d01      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407d01      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407CA0 
             407d03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15, r15 
             407d03      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407d03      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15, r15 
             407d06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407E32 
             407d06      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407d06      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_407E32 
             407d0c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407d10      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407d10      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [r15] 
@@ -6849,10 +7023,12 @@
             407d33      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_action_group_get_action 
             407d38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407d38      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407d38      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407d3b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407d3b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             407d3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407E58 
             407d3e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407d3e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_407E58 
             407d44      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407d44      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+10h] 
             407d48      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
@@ -6908,6 +7084,7 @@
             407d98      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_action_get_proxies 
             407d9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407d9d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407d9d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407da0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407da0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             407da3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407E00 
@@ -6919,6 +7096,7 @@
             407daa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             407dad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407DC9 
             407dad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ jmp     short loc_407DC9 
             407db0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407db0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r14 
             407db3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
@@ -6928,30 +7106,40 @@
             407db6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             407dbb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407dbb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dbb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407dbd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407DE0 
             407dbd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dbd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407DE0 
             407dbf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407dbf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     r12, [r12+8] 
             407dc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             407dc4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dc4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             407dc7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407E00 
             407dc7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dc7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407E00 
             407dc9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407dc9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, [r12] 
             407dcd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
             407dcd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dcd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r13, r13 
             407dd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407DBF 
             407dd0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dd0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407DBF 
             407dd2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407dd2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [r13+0] 
             407dd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407dd6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407dd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407DB0 
             407dd9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dd9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407DB0 
             407ddb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax], r14 
             407ddb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407ddb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rax], r14 
             407dde     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407DB0 
             407dde      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dde      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407DB0 
             407de0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407de0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ecx, ecx 
             407de0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
@@ -6973,8 +7161,10 @@
             407df6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     r12, [r12+8] 
             407dfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             407dfb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dfb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             407dfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407DC9 
             407dfe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407dfe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407DC9 
             407e00      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407e00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_70] 
             407e00      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_70]
@@ -7002,8 +7192,10 @@
             407e26      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             407e29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15, r15 
             407e29      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407e29      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15, r15 
             407e2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_407D10 
             407e2c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407e2c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_407D10 
             407e32      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407e32      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_58] 
             407e32      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_58]
@@ -7018,6 +7210,7 @@
             407e41      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_unref 
             407e46     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             407e46      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407e46      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             407e4a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
             407e4a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             407e4a     88 DEALLOC STACK esp - 88 pop     rbx
@@ -7085,6 +7278,7 @@
             407ea0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_action_group_add_action 
             407ea5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407D63 
             407ea5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407c30 
+            407ea5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jmp     loc_407D63 
             407eb0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r12 
             407eb5     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbp 
             407eb6     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
@@ -7229,6 +7423,7 @@
             4080f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_parent 
             4080f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4080f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4080a0 
+            4080f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4080fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40811E 
             4080fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4080a0 
             4080fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_container_get_type 
@@ -7252,6 +7447,7 @@
             408119      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_container_remove 
             40811e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40811e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4080a0 
+            40811e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             408122      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4080a0 
             408122      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             408122     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -7416,6 +7612,7 @@
             408473      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_parent 
             408478     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             408478      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408450 
+            408478      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40847b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4084E0 
             40847b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408450 
             40847d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_container_get_type 
@@ -7451,6 +7648,7 @@
             4084b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             4084b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4084b8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408450 
+            4084b8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4084bc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408450 
             4084bc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rsi, rbx 
             4084bf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -7473,6 +7671,7 @@
             4084d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_box_pack_start 
             4084e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4084e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408450 
+            4084e0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4084e4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408450 
             4084e4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4084e4      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -7619,37 +7818,50 @@
             408606      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40860b     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm1, dword ptr [rbx+0BCh] 
             40860b      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            40860b      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movss   xmm1, dword ptr [rbx+0BCh] 
             408613     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, [rsp+38h+var_34] 
             408613      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
             408613      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, [rsp+38h+var_34] 
             408613      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 4 displ movzx   eax, [rsp+38h+var_34]
             408618     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             408618      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408618      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             40861b     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40A348 
             40861b      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            40861b      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40A348 
             408623     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm2, xmm1 
             408623      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408623      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtps2pd xmm2, xmm1 
             408626     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             408626      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408626      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             40862a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm2, eax 
             40862a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            40862a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm2, eax 
             40862e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movzx   eax, [rsp+38h+var_24] 
             40862e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
             40862e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, [rsp+38h+var_24] 
             408633     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm3, eax 
             408633      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408633      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm3, eax 
             408637     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm2, xmm1 
             408637      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408637      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulss   xmm2, xmm1 
             40863b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
             40863b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            40863b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
             40863e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm3, xmm0 
             40863e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            40863e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm3, xmm0 
             408642     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm2, xmm2 
             408642      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408642      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtps2pd xmm2, xmm2 
             408645     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm2, xmm3 
             408645      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408645      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm2, xmm3 
             408649     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm2 
             408649      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408649      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm2 
             40864d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+38h+var_34], ax 
             40864d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
             40864d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rsp+38h+var_34], ax 
@@ -7658,23 +7870,31 @@
             408652      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, [rsp+38h+var_32] 
             408657     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm2, eax 
             408657      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408657      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm2, eax 
             40865b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movzx   eax, [rsp+38h+var_22] 
             40865b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
             40865b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, [rsp+38h+var_22] 
             408660     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm3, eax 
             408660      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408660      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm3, eax 
             408664     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm2, xmm1 
             408664      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408664      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulss   xmm2, xmm1 
             408668     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
             408668      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408668      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
             40866b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm3, xmm0 
             40866b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            40866b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm3, xmm0 
             40866f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm2, xmm2 
             40866f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            40866f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtps2pd xmm2, xmm2 
             408672     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm2, xmm3 
             408672      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408672      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm2, xmm3 
             408676     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm2 
             408676      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408676      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm2 
             40867a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+38h+var_32], ax 
             40867a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
             40867a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ mov     [rsp+38h+var_32], ax 
@@ -7683,23 +7903,31 @@
             40867f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM3 ZZ movzx   eax, [rsp+38h+var_30] 
             408684     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm2, eax 
             408684      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408684      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm2, eax 
             408688     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movzx   eax, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
             408688      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
             408688      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM3 ZZ movzx   eax, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
             40868d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm2, xmm1 
             40868d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            40868d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ mulss   xmm2, xmm1 
             408691     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
             408691      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408691      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
             408694     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm2 
             408694      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408694      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm2 
             408697     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm2, eax 
             408697      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408697      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm2, eax 
             40869b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             40869b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            40869b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ mulsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             40869f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             40869f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            40869f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             4086a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             4086a3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            4086a3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             4086a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+38h+var_30], ax 
             4086a7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
             4086a7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ mov     [rsp+38h+var_30], ax 
@@ -7734,23 +7962,30 @@
             4086d2      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movss   xmm0, dword ptr [rbx+0BCh] 
             4086da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
             4086da      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            4086da      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 XMM3 ZZ xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
             4086dd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
             4086dd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
             4086dd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 XMM3 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             4086e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             4086e2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            4086e2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             4086e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40A350 
             4086e5      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            4086e5      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ subsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40A350 
             4086ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklpd xmm0, xmm0 
             4086ed      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            4086ed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ unpcklpd xmm0, xmm0 
             4086f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtpd2ps xmm0, xmm0 
             4086f1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            4086f1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ cvtpd2ps xmm0, xmm0 
             4086f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm1, xmm0 
             4086f5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            4086f5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ ucomiss xmm1, xmm0 
             4086f8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
             4086f8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movss   dword ptr [rbx+0BCh], xmm0 
             408700     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_40870E 
             408700      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            408700      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ jbe     short loc_40870E 
             408702     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
             408702     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rbx+0B8h], 0 
             40870c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
@@ -7758,6 +7993,7 @@
             40870c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40870e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40870e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
+            40870e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             408712      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4085a0 
             408712      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ pop     rbx 
             408712     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 pop     rbx
@@ -7850,6 +8086,7 @@
             4087ee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_container_get_children 
             4087f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4087f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            4087f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4087f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
             4087f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             4087f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408843 
@@ -7894,10 +8131,12 @@
             408836      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_list_delete_link 
             40883b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40883b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            40883b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40883e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
             40883e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             408841     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408808 
             408841      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            408841      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_408808 
             408843      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
             408843      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+18h] 
             408847      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
@@ -7926,10 +8165,13 @@
             408863      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_get 
             408868     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408925 
             408868      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            408868      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408925 
             408870     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm2, xmm2 
             408870      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            408870      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ xorps   xmm2, xmm2 
             408873     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm3, xmm3 
             408873      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            408873      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ xorps   xmm3, xmm3 
             408876     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  xmm0, xmm2 
             408876      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
             408876      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movaps  xmm0, xmm2 
@@ -7995,6 +8237,7 @@
             4088c7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_link_button_new_with_label 
             4088cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             4088cc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            4088cc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 XMM1 ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             4088d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
             4088d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             4088d3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
@@ -8072,6 +8315,7 @@
             40893b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_iter_loop 
             408940     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408940      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            408940      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408942     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408870 
             408942      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
             408948      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
@@ -8087,19 +8331,24 @@
             408955      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ call    _g_variant_unref 
             40895a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             40895a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            40895a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM3 ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40895c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
             40895c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM2 XMM3 ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+90h] 
             408963     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408980 
             408963      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            408963      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_408980 
             408965     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_parent 
             408965      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
             408965      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_parent 
             40896a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40896a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            40896a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40896d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4089B7 
             40896d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            40896d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_4089B7 
             40896f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40896f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            40896f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             408973      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
             408973      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ pop     rbx 
             408974      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
@@ -8119,8 +8368,10 @@
             408980      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_parent 
             408985     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             408985      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            408985      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             408988     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40896F 
             408988      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            408988      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_40896F 
             40898a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
             40898a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx+90h] 
             408991      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
@@ -8139,6 +8390,7 @@
             4089a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ call    _gtk_container_remove 
             4089a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4089a8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            4089a8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4089ac      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
             4089ac      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4089ac     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
@@ -8189,6 +8441,7 @@
             4089e8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_show_all 
             4089ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40896F 
             4089ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087b0 
+            4089ed      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ jmp     short loc_40896F 
             4089f0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -40 displ mov     [rsp-28h], rbx
             4089f5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], rbp
             4089fd      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], r12
@@ -8384,6 +8637,7 @@
             408c97      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             408c9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             408c9c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408bf0 
+            408c9c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             408ca0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408bf0 
             408ca0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             408ca0     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -8722,6 +8976,7 @@
             409180      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             409185     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409185      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
+            409185      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409189     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _yelp_view_load_uri 
             409189     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _yelp_view_load_uri
             409189      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409150 
@@ -8825,6 +9080,7 @@
             4092ec      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             4092f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             4092f1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4092b0 
+            4092f1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             4092f5     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             4092f5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4092b0 
             4092f5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -8883,6 +9139,7 @@
             409346      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             40934b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40934b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409300 
+            40934b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40934f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409300 
             40934f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40934f     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -8931,8 +9188,10 @@
             409390      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             409395     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             409395      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409350 
+            409395      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             409398     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4093B6 
             409398      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409350 
+            409398      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_4093B6 
             40939a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409350 
             40939a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40939a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -8946,10 +9205,13 @@
             4093a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             4093a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             4093a9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409350 
+            4093a9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             4093ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             4093ad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409350 
+            4093ad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             4093b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4093b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409350 
+            4093b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4093b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4093A0 
             4093b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409350 
             4093b6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409350 
@@ -8972,6 +9234,7 @@
             4093cf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             4093d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4093d4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409350 
+            4093d4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4093d8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409350 
             4093d8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4093d8     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -9003,25 +9266,31 @@
             4093f9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60BD98 
             409400     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             409400      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093f0 
+            409400      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             409404     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40941F 
             409404      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093f0 
+            409404      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40941F 
             409406     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60BD98 
             409406      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4093f0 
             409406      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60BD98 
             40940b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4093f0 
             409410     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             409410      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093f0 
+            409410      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             409414     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_60BD98 
             409414      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093f0 
+            409414      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_60BD98 
             409416     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             409416      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4093f0 
             409416      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             409419     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             409419      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093f0 
+            409419      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40941d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409410 
             40941d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093f0 
             40941f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40941f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093f0 
+            40941f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409423      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4093f0 
             409423      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             409423      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -9041,6 +9310,7 @@
             40942c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405050 
             409431     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409431      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409428 
+            409431      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409435      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409428 
             409435      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             409435      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring-3.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring-3.psexe.annot
index 1ed6dade..6c36b43c 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring-3.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring-3.psexe.annot
@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@
             40108e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401FB0 
             401093     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401093      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401080 
+            401093      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401097      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401080 
             401097      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             401097      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -505,12 +506,14 @@
             4013db      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     r13d, [rsp+38h+var_2C]
             4013e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r13d, 1 
             4013e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            4013e0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r13d, 1 
             4013e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_401420 
             4013e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             4013e6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             4013e6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:s1      ; s1 
             4013ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4013ed      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            4013ed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4013f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401420 
             4013f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             4013f2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
@@ -523,8 +526,10 @@
             4013fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rbp, [r12+8] 
             401400     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             401400      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401400      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             401403     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40142C 
             401403      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401403      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_40142C 
             401405      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401408      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401408      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp        ; s2 
@@ -533,14 +538,18 @@
             40140b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401410     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401410      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401410      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401412     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40144D 
             401412      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401412      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40144D 
             401414     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 10h 
             401414      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401414      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rbx, 10h 
             401418      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401418      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40141b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40141b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            40141b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40141e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401408 
             40141e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401420     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_401550 
@@ -551,6 +560,7 @@
             401425      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     eax, 2 
             40142a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401442 
             40142a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            40142a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     short loc_401442 
             40142c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aArgv1; "argv[1]" 
             40142c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             40142c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aArgv1; "argv[1]" 
@@ -568,6 +578,7 @@
             40143d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             401442     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             401442      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401442      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             401446      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401446      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
             401446     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -590,12 +601,15 @@
             40145a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [r12+8], rax 
             40145f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [rbx+8] 
             40145f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            40145f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [rbx+8] 
             401462     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             401462      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401462      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             401465     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401442 
             401465      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401467     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401420 
             401467      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401467      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401420 
             40146c      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 -8 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40146c      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40146c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40146c 
@@ -645,12 +659,15 @@
             40149c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             4014a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4014a3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401498 
+            4014a3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4014a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4014AA 
             4014a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401498 
             4014a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             4014a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401498 
+            4014a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             4014aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4014aa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401498 
+            4014aa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4014ae      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401498 
             4014ae      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4014ae     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -673,8 +690,10 @@
             4014b5      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4014b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_603280, 0 
             4014b9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            4014b9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_603280, 0 
             4014c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40150D 
             4014c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            4014c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_40150D 
             4014c2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_602DD0 
             4014c2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             4014c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_602DD0 
@@ -690,25 +709,30 @@
             4014d9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             4014dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4014dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            4014dd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4014e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_401506 
             4014e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             4014e2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             4014e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             4014e8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            4014e8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             4014ec      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             4014ec      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_603288, rax 
             4014f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_602DC8[rax*8] 
             4014f3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            4014f3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_602DC8[rax*8] 
             4014fa      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             4014fa      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_603288 
             401501     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             401501      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            401501      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401504     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_4014E8 
             401504      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             401506      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             401506      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_603280, 1 
             40150d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40150d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            40150d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401511      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             401511      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401511      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -783,13 +807,16 @@
             40157d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ mov     rdx, cs:s1 
             401584     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             401584      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
+            401584      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             401587     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4015BD 
             401587      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
+            401587      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_4015BD 
             401589     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset off_6031B0 
             401589      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
             401589      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ebx, offset off_6031B0 
             40158e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             40158e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
+            40158e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             401590      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
             401590      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             401593     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aSS ; "%s%s\n" 
@@ -803,6 +830,7 @@
             40159a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             40159f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 10h 
             40159f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
+            40159f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     rbx, 10h 
             4015a3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4015a3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
             4015a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -819,6 +847,7 @@
             4015b4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx-10h] 
             4015b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4015b8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
+            4015b8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4015bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401590 
             4015bb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
             4015bd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
@@ -847,6 +876,7 @@
             4015c7      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 232 ReturnAddress 
             4015ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4015ce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4015ce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ test    al, al 
             4015d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+0E8h+var_B8], rdx 
             4015d0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             4015d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI R12 ZZ mov     [rsp+0E8h+var_B8], rdx 
@@ -861,6 +891,7 @@
             4015df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI R12 ZZ mov     [rsp+0E8h+var_A0], r9 
             4015e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40161D 
             4015e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4015e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI R12 ZZ jz      short loc_40161D 
             4015e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  [rsp+0E8h+var_98], xmm0 
             4015e6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             4015e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R12 ZZ movaps  [rsp+0E8h+var_98], xmm0 
@@ -890,11 +921,13 @@
             40161d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
             401620     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401620      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401620      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401623     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, rsi 
             401623      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401623      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     rdi, rsi 
             401626     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40162B 
             401626      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401626      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_40162B 
             401628      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401628      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx] 
             40162b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused xor     eax, eax 
@@ -905,8 +938,10 @@
             40162d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             40162f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40162f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            40162f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             401632     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40166E 
             401632      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401632      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_40166E 
             401634      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401634      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ lea     rax, [rsp+0E8h+arg_0] 
             401634      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 240 displ lea     rax, [rsp+0E8h+arg_0]
@@ -933,6 +968,7 @@
             401660      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ call    _g_strdup_vprintf 
             401665     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401665      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401665      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401668      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401668      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40166b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused setnz   al 
@@ -940,8 +976,10 @@
             40166b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ setnz   al 
             40166e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40166e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            40166e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    r12, r12 
             401671     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4016C0 
             401671      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401671      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_4016C0 
             401673      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401673      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     rsi, [r12+8] 
             401678     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset locale 
@@ -949,19 +987,24 @@
             401678      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     ecx, offset locale 
             40167d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40167d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            40167d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             401680      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401680      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ cmovnz  rcx, rsi 
             401684     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             401684      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401684      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    al, al 
             401686     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4016C5 
             401686      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401686      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_4016C5 
             401688     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             401688      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401688      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40168b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, 402038h 
             40168b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             40168b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     edx, 402038h 
             401690     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4016C5 
             401690      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401690      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_4016C5 
             401692      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401692      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     rsi, rbp 
             401695      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
@@ -985,10 +1028,13 @@
             4016ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ call    _g_clear_error 
             4016b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0D0h 
             4016b1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016b1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ add     rsp, 0D0h 
             4016b8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016b8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4016b8    208 DEALLOC STACK esp - 208 pop     rbx
             4016b8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbx 
             4016b9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016b9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ pop     rbp 
             4016b9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
             4016ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             4016ba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ pop     r12 
@@ -1002,13 +1048,16 @@
             4016c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     edx, offset locale 
             4016ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4016ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    al, al 
             4016cc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rsi, rdx 
             4016cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             4016cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     rsi, rdx 
             4016cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401692 
             4016cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jnz     short loc_401692 
             4016d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401695 
             4016d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jmp     short loc_401695 
             4016e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 8 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4016e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4016e0    146 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4016E0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             401771 
@@ -1075,8 +1124,10 @@
             401737      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_option_context_parse 
             40173c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40173c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4016e0 
+            40173c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40173e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40174F 
             40173e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4016e0 
+            40173e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40174F 
             401740      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4016e0 
             401740      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_30] 
             401740      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_30]
@@ -1111,6 +1162,7 @@
             401768      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40176d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40176d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4016e0 
+            40176d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             401771      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4016e0 
             401771      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             401771     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -1160,10 +1212,12 @@
             4017bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gck_object_get_full 
             4017c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4017c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4017c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4017c3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4017c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4018A0 
             4017c6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017c6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4018A0 
             4017cc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4017cc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_20] 
             4017cc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_20]
@@ -1177,8 +1231,10 @@
             4017d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gck_attributes_find_string 
             4017de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4017de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4017e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401888 
             4017e0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017e0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401888 
             4017e6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4017e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_30] 
             4017e6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_30]
@@ -1192,8 +1248,10 @@
             4017f0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gck_attributes_find_ulong 
             4017f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4017f5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017f5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4017f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401802 
             4017f7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017f7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401802 
             4017f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+48h+var_30], 0 
             4017f9      9 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4017f9      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+48h+var_30], 0 
@@ -1215,8 +1273,10 @@
             401817      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aImportedObject; "Imported object: %s\n" 
             40181c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 4 
             40181c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            40181c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ cmp     rax, 4 
             401820     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_401878 
             401820      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            401820      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jbe     short loc_401878 
             401822      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             401822      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+48h+var_20] 
             401822      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+48h+var_20]
@@ -1228,8 +1288,10 @@
             401829      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_print 
             40182e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40182e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            40182e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             401831     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40185A 
             401831      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            401831      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40185A 
             401833      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             401833      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rbp+10h] 
             401837      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
@@ -1271,6 +1333,7 @@
             401867      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40186c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40186c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            40186c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             401870      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             401870      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401871      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
@@ -1281,6 +1344,7 @@
             401878      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, ds:off_402220[rax*8] 
             401880     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401822 
             401880      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            401880      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_401822 
             401888     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401888      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             401888      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
@@ -1292,6 +1356,7 @@
             401892      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_20], rax
             401897     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4017E6 
             401897      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            401897      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4017E6 
             4018a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4018a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+48h+var_28] 
             4018a0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+48h+var_28]
@@ -1306,6 +1371,7 @@
             4018ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4015C0 
             4018b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4018b1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4018b1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4018b5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4018b5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4018b5     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
@@ -1362,19 +1428,23 @@
             4018ef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4016E0 
             4018f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4018f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4018f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4018f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4018f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     ebx, eax 
             4018f6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, eax 
             4018f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401A58 
             4018f8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4018f8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     loc_401A58 
             4018fe      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4018fe      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_603298 
             401905     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401905      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401905      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401908     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A70 
             401908      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             40190e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax], 0 
             40190e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            40190e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax], 0 
             401912     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A70 
             401912      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401918     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gcr_importer_new 
@@ -1395,14 +1465,17 @@
             40192a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_603290 
             401930     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401930      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401930      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401932     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401AA0 
             401932      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401932      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401AA0 
             401938      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401938      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, cs:qword_603298 
             40193f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             40193f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r13+0] 
             401943     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             401943      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401943      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             401946     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A50 
             401946      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             40194c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
@@ -1418,6 +1491,7 @@
             40195b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             40195e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4019EE 
             40195e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            40195e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4019EE 
             401968     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gcr_parser_new 
             401968      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401968      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gcr_parser_new 
@@ -1462,27 +1536,35 @@
             4019a1      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     eax, dword ptr [rsp+68h+var_60]
             4019a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             4019a5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019a5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             4019a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A88 
             4019a8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019a8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401A88 
             4019ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4019ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4019b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019E1 
             4019b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4019E1 
             4019b2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             4019b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4019b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             4019b2      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_40]
             4019b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4019b7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019b7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4019ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4019C7 
             4019ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019ba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4019C7 
             4019bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax+4], 2 
             4019bc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019bc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax+4], 2 
             4019c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             4019c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4019c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             4019c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4019E1 
             4019c5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019c5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4019E1 
             4019c7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4019c7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r13+0] 
             4019cb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
@@ -1502,10 +1584,12 @@
             4019dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4015C0 
             4019e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13, 8 
             4019e1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019e1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r13, 8 
             4019e5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4019e5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r13+0] 
             4019e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4019e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4019ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401A50 
             4019ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4019ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_new_for_commandline_arg 
@@ -1540,6 +1624,7 @@
             401a16      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             401a1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             401a1b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a1b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             401a1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401968 
             401a1e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401a24      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
@@ -1552,6 +1637,7 @@
             401a2d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             401a2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13, 8 
             401a2f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a2f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ add     r13, 8 
             401a33     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aCouldnTReadFil; "couldn't read file: %s" 
             401a33      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401a33      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     esi, offset aCouldnTReadFil; "couldn't read file: %s" 
@@ -1565,6 +1651,7 @@
             401a42      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r13+0] 
             401a46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             401a46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             401a49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019EE 
             401a49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401a4b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
@@ -1575,6 +1662,7 @@
             401a53      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             401a58     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             401a58      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a58      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             401a5c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401a5c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
             401a5c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -1610,6 +1698,7 @@
             401a7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     ebx, 2 
             401a83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401A58 
             401a83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a83      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_401A58 
             401a88      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401a88      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             401a88      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_40]
@@ -1623,6 +1712,7 @@
             401a92      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gcr_importer_import 
             401a97     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4019AE 
             401a97      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a97      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4019AE 
             401aa0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
             401aa0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401aa0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -1645,6 +1735,7 @@
             401ab5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_connect_data 
             401aba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401938 
             401aba      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401aba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ jmp     loc_401938 
             401ac0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 8 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             401ac0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             401ac0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
@@ -1697,11 +1788,13 @@
             401afa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4016E0 
             401aff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401aff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
+            401aff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401b01      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
             401b01      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     ebx, eax 
             401b01     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, eax 
             401b03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401B16 
             401b03      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
+            401b03      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_401B16 
             401b05     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset a3_2_2; "3.2.2" 
             401b05      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
             401b05      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset a3_2_2; "3.2.2" 
@@ -1716,6 +1809,7 @@
             401b11      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_print 
             401b16     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             401b16      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
+            401b16      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             401b1a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
             401b1a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
             401b1a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -1839,6 +1933,7 @@
             401d30      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rsp, 18h 
             401d34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             401d34      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401d34      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             401d37      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d37      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 4 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_44], r8d
             401d3c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1847,6 +1942,7 @@
             401d40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             401d42      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401d42      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             401d45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401D70 
             401d45      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d47      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1861,6 +1957,7 @@
             401d57      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             401d5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             401d5c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401d5c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             401d60      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d60      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             401d60     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -1886,6 +1983,7 @@
             401d7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ lea     rdi, [rbx+rbx+1] 
             401d83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             401d83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401d83      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ test    edx, edx 
             401d85      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d85      4 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ cmovz   r14, rax 
             401d89     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
@@ -1900,6 +1998,7 @@
             401d91      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 11 displ movsx   ecx, [rsp+48h+var_3D]
             401d96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401d96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401d96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R15 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401d99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R15 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             401d9c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r15d, [rsp+48h+var_44] 
@@ -1929,6 +2028,7 @@
             401dc6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ lea     rcx, [rax+1] 
             401dca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, [r12+10h] 
             401dca      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401dca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rcx, [r12+10h] 
             401dcf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_401EC0 
             401dcf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401dd5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1956,6 +2056,7 @@
             401dfd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ lea     rcx, [rax+1] 
             401e01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, [r12+10h] 
             401e01      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rcx, [r12+10h] 
             401e06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_401EA0 
             401e06      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e0c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1970,10 +2071,12 @@
             401e1c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     byte ptr [rdx+rax+1], 0 
             401e21     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 1 
             401e21      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e21      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             401e25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401E80 
             401e25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e27     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13, 1 
             401e27      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e27      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r13, 1 
             401e2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401DB0 
             401e2b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e2d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+48h+var_44] 
@@ -1982,6 +2085,7 @@
             401e2d      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 4 displ mov     eax, [rsp+48h+var_44]
             401e31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401e31      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e31      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401e33     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401DB0 
             401e33      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e39      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1995,6 +2099,7 @@
             401e3e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ div     r15 
             401e41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             401e41      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e41      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             401e44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401DB0 
             401e44      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e4a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -2003,6 +2108,7 @@
             401e4f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ lea     rdx, [rax+1] 
             401e53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rdx, [r12+10h] 
             401e53      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e53      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rdx, [r12+10h] 
             401e58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_401EE0 
             401e58      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e5e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   ecx, [rsp+48h+var_3D] 
@@ -2021,8 +2127,10 @@
             401e73      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     byte ptr [rdx+rax+1], 0 
             401e78     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401DB0 
             401e78      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e78      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401DB0 
             401e80     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             401e80      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e80      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             401e84      0 DEALLOC STACK esp - 0 mov     rdi, r12
             401e84      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e84      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
@@ -2057,6 +2165,7 @@
             401ead      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_insert_c 
             401eb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401E21 
             401eb2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401eb2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401E21 
             401ec0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs movsx   edx, dl 
             401ec0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401ec0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsx   edx, dl 
@@ -2070,6 +2179,7 @@
             401ecd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_insert_c 
             401ed2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401DEA 
             401ed2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401ed2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401DEA 
             401ee0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rsp+48h+var_3C] 
             401ee0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401ee0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+48h+var_3C] 
@@ -2084,6 +2194,7 @@
             401eee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_insert_c 
             401ef3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401DB0 
             401ef3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401ef3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401DB0 
             401f00      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 1 7 0 4 8 0 1 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 8 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             401f00      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             401f00     15 FUNC GLOBAL sub_401F00 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             401f0e 
@@ -2145,8 +2256,10 @@
             401f50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             401f55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             401f55      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f55      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             401f58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401F76 
             401f58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f58      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_401F76 
             401f5a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401f5a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             401f5a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -2160,10 +2273,13 @@
             401f66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             401f69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             401f69      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f69      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             401f6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             401f6d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f6d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             401f71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             401f71      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f71      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             401f74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401F60 
             401f74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401f76      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
@@ -2186,6 +2302,7 @@
             401f8f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             401f94     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             401f94      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f94      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             401f98      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401f98      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401f98     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -2217,25 +2334,31 @@
             401fb9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_602DB8 
             401fc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             401fc0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fc0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             401fc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401FDF 
             401fc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fc4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_401FDF 
             401fc6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_602DB8 
             401fc6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fc6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_602DB8 
             401fcb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             401fd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             401fd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_602DB8 
             401fd4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fd4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_602DB8 
             401fd6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             401fd6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             401fd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             401fd9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fd9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             401fdd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401FD0 
             401fdd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fdf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401fdf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fdf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401fe3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fe3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401fe3      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2255,6 +2378,7 @@
             401fec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4014B0 
             401ff1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401ff1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fe8 
+            401ff1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401ff5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401fe8 
             401ff5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401ff5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring-daemon.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring-daemon.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 5dadf9c6..a4b398bc 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring-daemon.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring-daemon.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring.psexe.annot
index 1ed6dade..6c36b43c 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-keyring.psexe.annot
@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@
             40108e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401FB0 
             401093     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401093      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401080 
+            401093      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401097      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401080 
             401097      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             401097      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -505,12 +506,14 @@
             4013db      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     r13d, [rsp+38h+var_2C]
             4013e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r13d, 1 
             4013e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            4013e0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r13d, 1 
             4013e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_401420 
             4013e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             4013e6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             4013e6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:s1      ; s1 
             4013ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4013ed      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            4013ed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4013f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401420 
             4013f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             4013f2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
@@ -523,8 +526,10 @@
             4013fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rbp, [r12+8] 
             401400     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             401400      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401400      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             401403     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40142C 
             401403      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401403      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_40142C 
             401405      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401408      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401408      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp        ; s2 
@@ -533,14 +538,18 @@
             40140b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401410     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401410      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401410      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401412     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40144D 
             401412      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401412      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40144D 
             401414     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 10h 
             401414      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401414      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rbx, 10h 
             401418      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401418      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40141b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40141b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            40141b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40141e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401408 
             40141e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401420     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_401550 
@@ -551,6 +560,7 @@
             401425      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     eax, 2 
             40142a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401442 
             40142a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            40142a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     short loc_401442 
             40142c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aArgv1; "argv[1]" 
             40142c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             40142c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aArgv1; "argv[1]" 
@@ -568,6 +578,7 @@
             40143d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             401442     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             401442      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401442      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             401446      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401446      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
             401446     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -590,12 +601,15 @@
             40145a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [r12+8], rax 
             40145f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [rbx+8] 
             40145f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            40145f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [rbx+8] 
             401462     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             401462      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401462      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             401465     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401442 
             401465      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
             401467     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401420 
             401467      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401380 
+            401467      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401420 
             40146c      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 -8 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40146c      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40146c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40146c 
@@ -645,12 +659,15 @@
             40149c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             4014a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4014a3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401498 
+            4014a3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4014a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4014AA 
             4014a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401498 
             4014a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             4014a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401498 
+            4014a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             4014aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4014aa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401498 
+            4014aa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4014ae      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401498 
             4014ae      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4014ae     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -673,8 +690,10 @@
             4014b5      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4014b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_603280, 0 
             4014b9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            4014b9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_603280, 0 
             4014c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40150D 
             4014c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            4014c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_40150D 
             4014c2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_602DD0 
             4014c2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             4014c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_602DD0 
@@ -690,25 +709,30 @@
             4014d9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             4014dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4014dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            4014dd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4014e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_401506 
             4014e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             4014e2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             4014e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             4014e8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            4014e8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             4014ec      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             4014ec      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_603288, rax 
             4014f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_602DC8[rax*8] 
             4014f3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            4014f3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_602DC8[rax*8] 
             4014fa      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             4014fa      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_603288 
             401501     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             401501      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            401501      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401504     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_4014E8 
             401504      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             401506      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             401506      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_603280, 1 
             40150d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40150d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
+            40150d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401511      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4014b0 
             401511      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401511      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -783,13 +807,16 @@
             40157d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ mov     rdx, cs:s1 
             401584     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             401584      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
+            401584      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             401587     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4015BD 
             401587      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
+            401587      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_4015BD 
             401589     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset off_6031B0 
             401589      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
             401589      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ebx, offset off_6031B0 
             40158e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             40158e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
+            40158e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             401590      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
             401590      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             401593     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aSS ; "%s%s\n" 
@@ -803,6 +830,7 @@
             40159a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             40159f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 10h 
             40159f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
+            40159f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     rbx, 10h 
             4015a3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4015a3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
             4015a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -819,6 +847,7 @@
             4015b4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx-10h] 
             4015b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4015b8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
+            4015b8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4015bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401590 
             4015bb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
             4015bd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401550 
@@ -847,6 +876,7 @@
             4015c7      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 232 ReturnAddress 
             4015ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4015ce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4015ce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ test    al, al 
             4015d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+0E8h+var_B8], rdx 
             4015d0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             4015d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI R12 ZZ mov     [rsp+0E8h+var_B8], rdx 
@@ -861,6 +891,7 @@
             4015df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI R12 ZZ mov     [rsp+0E8h+var_A0], r9 
             4015e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40161D 
             4015e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4015e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI R12 ZZ jz      short loc_40161D 
             4015e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  [rsp+0E8h+var_98], xmm0 
             4015e6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             4015e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R12 ZZ movaps  [rsp+0E8h+var_98], xmm0 
@@ -890,11 +921,13 @@
             40161d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
             401620     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401620      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401620      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401623     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, rsi 
             401623      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401623      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     rdi, rsi 
             401626     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40162B 
             401626      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401626      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_40162B 
             401628      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401628      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx] 
             40162b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused xor     eax, eax 
@@ -905,8 +938,10 @@
             40162d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             40162f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40162f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            40162f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             401632     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40166E 
             401632      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401632      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_40166E 
             401634      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401634      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ lea     rax, [rsp+0E8h+arg_0] 
             401634      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 240 displ lea     rax, [rsp+0E8h+arg_0]
@@ -933,6 +968,7 @@
             401660      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ call    _g_strdup_vprintf 
             401665     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401665      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401665      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401668      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401668      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40166b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused setnz   al 
@@ -940,8 +976,10 @@
             40166b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ setnz   al 
             40166e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40166e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            40166e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    r12, r12 
             401671     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4016C0 
             401671      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401671      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_4016C0 
             401673      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401673      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     rsi, [r12+8] 
             401678     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset locale 
@@ -949,19 +987,24 @@
             401678      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     ecx, offset locale 
             40167d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40167d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            40167d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             401680      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401680      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ cmovnz  rcx, rsi 
             401684     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             401684      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401684      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    al, al 
             401686     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4016C5 
             401686      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401686      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_4016C5 
             401688     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             401688      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401688      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40168b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, 402038h 
             40168b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             40168b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     edx, 402038h 
             401690     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4016C5 
             401690      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            401690      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_4016C5 
             401692      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             401692      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     rsi, rbp 
             401695      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
@@ -985,10 +1028,13 @@
             4016ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ call    _g_clear_error 
             4016b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0D0h 
             4016b1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016b1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ add     rsp, 0D0h 
             4016b8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016b8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4016b8    208 DEALLOC STACK esp - 208 pop     rbx
             4016b8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbx 
             4016b9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016b9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ pop     rbp 
             4016b9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
             4016ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             4016ba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ pop     r12 
@@ -1002,13 +1048,16 @@
             4016c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     edx, offset locale 
             4016ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4016ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    al, al 
             4016cc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rsi, rdx 
             4016cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
             4016cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     rsi, rdx 
             4016cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401692 
             4016cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jnz     short loc_401692 
             4016d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401695 
             4016d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4015c0 
+            4016d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jmp     short loc_401695 
             4016e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 8 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4016e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4016e0    146 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4016E0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             401771 
@@ -1075,8 +1124,10 @@
             401737      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_option_context_parse 
             40173c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40173c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4016e0 
+            40173c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40173e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40174F 
             40173e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4016e0 
+            40173e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40174F 
             401740      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4016e0 
             401740      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_30] 
             401740      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_30]
@@ -1111,6 +1162,7 @@
             401768      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40176d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40176d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4016e0 
+            40176d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             401771      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4016e0 
             401771      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             401771     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -1160,10 +1212,12 @@
             4017bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gck_object_get_full 
             4017c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4017c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4017c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4017c3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4017c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4018A0 
             4017c6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017c6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4018A0 
             4017cc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4017cc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_20] 
             4017cc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_20]
@@ -1177,8 +1231,10 @@
             4017d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gck_attributes_find_string 
             4017de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4017de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4017e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401888 
             4017e0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017e0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401888 
             4017e6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4017e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_30] 
             4017e6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_30]
@@ -1192,8 +1248,10 @@
             4017f0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gck_attributes_find_ulong 
             4017f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4017f5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017f5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4017f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401802 
             4017f7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4017f7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401802 
             4017f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+48h+var_30], 0 
             4017f9      9 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4017f9      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+48h+var_30], 0 
@@ -1215,8 +1273,10 @@
             401817      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aImportedObject; "Imported object: %s\n" 
             40181c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 4 
             40181c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            40181c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ cmp     rax, 4 
             401820     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_401878 
             401820      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            401820      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jbe     short loc_401878 
             401822      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             401822      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+48h+var_20] 
             401822      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+48h+var_20]
@@ -1228,8 +1288,10 @@
             401829      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_print 
             40182e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40182e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            40182e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             401831     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40185A 
             401831      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            401831      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40185A 
             401833      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             401833      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rbp+10h] 
             401837      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
@@ -1271,6 +1333,7 @@
             401867      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40186c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40186c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            40186c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             401870      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             401870      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401871      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
@@ -1281,6 +1344,7 @@
             401878      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, ds:off_402220[rax*8] 
             401880     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401822 
             401880      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            401880      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_401822 
             401888     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401888      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             401888      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
@@ -1292,6 +1356,7 @@
             401892      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_20], rax
             401897     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4017E6 
             401897      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            401897      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4017E6 
             4018a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4018a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+48h+var_28] 
             4018a0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+48h+var_28]
@@ -1306,6 +1371,7 @@
             4018ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4015C0 
             4018b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4018b1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
+            4018b1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4018b5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401780 
             4018b5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4018b5     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
@@ -1362,19 +1428,23 @@
             4018ef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4016E0 
             4018f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4018f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4018f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4018f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4018f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     ebx, eax 
             4018f6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, eax 
             4018f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401A58 
             4018f8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4018f8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     loc_401A58 
             4018fe      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4018fe      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_603298 
             401905     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401905      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401905      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401908     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A70 
             401908      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             40190e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax], 0 
             40190e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            40190e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax], 0 
             401912     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A70 
             401912      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401918     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gcr_importer_new 
@@ -1395,14 +1465,17 @@
             40192a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_603290 
             401930     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401930      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401930      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401932     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401AA0 
             401932      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401932      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401AA0 
             401938      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401938      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, cs:qword_603298 
             40193f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             40193f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r13+0] 
             401943     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             401943      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401943      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             401946     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A50 
             401946      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             40194c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
@@ -1418,6 +1491,7 @@
             40195b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             40195e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4019EE 
             40195e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            40195e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4019EE 
             401968     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gcr_parser_new 
             401968      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401968      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gcr_parser_new 
@@ -1462,27 +1536,35 @@
             4019a1      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     eax, dword ptr [rsp+68h+var_60]
             4019a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             4019a5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019a5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             4019a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A88 
             4019a8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019a8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401A88 
             4019ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4019ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4019b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019E1 
             4019b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4019E1 
             4019b2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             4019b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4019b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             4019b2      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_40]
             4019b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4019b7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019b7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4019ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4019C7 
             4019ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019ba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4019C7 
             4019bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax+4], 2 
             4019bc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019bc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax+4], 2 
             4019c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             4019c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4019c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             4019c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4019E1 
             4019c5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019c5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4019E1 
             4019c7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4019c7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r13+0] 
             4019cb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
@@ -1502,10 +1584,12 @@
             4019dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4015C0 
             4019e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13, 8 
             4019e1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019e1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r13, 8 
             4019e5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4019e5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r13+0] 
             4019e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4019e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            4019e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4019ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401A50 
             4019ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             4019ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_new_for_commandline_arg 
@@ -1540,6 +1624,7 @@
             401a16      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             401a1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             401a1b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a1b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             401a1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401968 
             401a1e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401a24      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
@@ -1552,6 +1637,7 @@
             401a2d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             401a2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13, 8 
             401a2f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a2f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ add     r13, 8 
             401a33     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aCouldnTReadFil; "couldn't read file: %s" 
             401a33      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401a33      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     esi, offset aCouldnTReadFil; "couldn't read file: %s" 
@@ -1565,6 +1651,7 @@
             401a42      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r13+0] 
             401a46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             401a46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             401a49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019EE 
             401a49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401a4b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
@@ -1575,6 +1662,7 @@
             401a53      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             401a58     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             401a58      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a58      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             401a5c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401a5c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
             401a5c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -1610,6 +1698,7 @@
             401a7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     ebx, 2 
             401a83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401A58 
             401a83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a83      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_401A58 
             401a88      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401a88      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             401a88      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+68h+var_40]
@@ -1623,6 +1712,7 @@
             401a92      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gcr_importer_import 
             401a97     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4019AE 
             401a97      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401a97      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4019AE 
             401aa0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
             401aa0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
             401aa0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -1645,6 +1735,7 @@
             401ab5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_connect_data 
             401aba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401938 
             401aba      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018c0 
+            401aba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ jmp     loc_401938 
             401ac0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 8 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             401ac0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             401ac0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
@@ -1697,11 +1788,13 @@
             401afa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4016E0 
             401aff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401aff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
+            401aff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401b01      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
             401b01      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     ebx, eax 
             401b01     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, eax 
             401b03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401B16 
             401b03      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
+            401b03      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_401B16 
             401b05     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset a3_2_2; "3.2.2" 
             401b05      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
             401b05      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset a3_2_2; "3.2.2" 
@@ -1716,6 +1809,7 @@
             401b11      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_print 
             401b16     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             401b16      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
+            401b16      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             401b1a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ac0 
             401b1a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
             401b1a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -1839,6 +1933,7 @@
             401d30      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rsp, 18h 
             401d34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             401d34      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401d34      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             401d37      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d37      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 4 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_44], r8d
             401d3c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1847,6 +1942,7 @@
             401d40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             401d42      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401d42      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             401d45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401D70 
             401d45      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d47      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1861,6 +1957,7 @@
             401d57      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             401d5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             401d5c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401d5c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             401d60      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d60      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             401d60     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -1886,6 +1983,7 @@
             401d7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ lea     rdi, [rbx+rbx+1] 
             401d83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             401d83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401d83      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ test    edx, edx 
             401d85      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d85      4 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ cmovz   r14, rax 
             401d89     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
@@ -1900,6 +1998,7 @@
             401d91      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 11 displ movsx   ecx, [rsp+48h+var_3D]
             401d96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401d96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401d96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R15 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401d99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401d99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R15 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             401d9c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r15d, [rsp+48h+var_44] 
@@ -1929,6 +2028,7 @@
             401dc6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ lea     rcx, [rax+1] 
             401dca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, [r12+10h] 
             401dca      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401dca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rcx, [r12+10h] 
             401dcf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_401EC0 
             401dcf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401dd5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1956,6 +2056,7 @@
             401dfd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ lea     rcx, [rax+1] 
             401e01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, [r12+10h] 
             401e01      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rcx, [r12+10h] 
             401e06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_401EA0 
             401e06      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e0c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1970,10 +2071,12 @@
             401e1c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     byte ptr [rdx+rax+1], 0 
             401e21     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 1 
             401e21      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e21      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             401e25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401E80 
             401e25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e27     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13, 1 
             401e27      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e27      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r13, 1 
             401e2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401DB0 
             401e2b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e2d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+48h+var_44] 
@@ -1982,6 +2085,7 @@
             401e2d      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 4 displ mov     eax, [rsp+48h+var_44]
             401e31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401e31      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e31      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401e33     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401DB0 
             401e33      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e39      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -1995,6 +2099,7 @@
             401e3e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ div     r15 
             401e41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             401e41      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e41      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             401e44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401DB0 
             401e44      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e4a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
@@ -2003,6 +2108,7 @@
             401e4f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ lea     rdx, [rax+1] 
             401e53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rdx, [r12+10h] 
             401e53      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e53      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rdx, [r12+10h] 
             401e58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_401EE0 
             401e58      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e5e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   ecx, [rsp+48h+var_3D] 
@@ -2021,8 +2127,10 @@
             401e73      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     byte ptr [rdx+rax+1], 0 
             401e78     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401DB0 
             401e78      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e78      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401DB0 
             401e80     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             401e80      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401e80      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             401e84      0 DEALLOC STACK esp - 0 mov     rdi, r12
             401e84      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401e84      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
@@ -2057,6 +2165,7 @@
             401ead      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_insert_c 
             401eb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401E21 
             401eb2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401eb2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401E21 
             401ec0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs movsx   edx, dl 
             401ec0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401ec0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsx   edx, dl 
@@ -2070,6 +2179,7 @@
             401ecd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_insert_c 
             401ed2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401DEA 
             401ed2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401ed2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401DEA 
             401ee0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rsp+48h+var_3C] 
             401ee0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
             401ee0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+48h+var_3C] 
@@ -2084,6 +2194,7 @@
             401eee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_insert_c 
             401ef3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401DB0 
             401ef3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f00 
+            401ef3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401DB0 
             401f00      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 1 7 0 4 8 0 1 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 8 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             401f00      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             401f00     15 FUNC GLOBAL sub_401F00 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             401f0e 
@@ -2145,8 +2256,10 @@
             401f50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             401f55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             401f55      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f55      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             401f58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401F76 
             401f58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f58      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_401F76 
             401f5a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401f5a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             401f5a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -2160,10 +2273,13 @@
             401f66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             401f69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             401f69      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f69      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             401f6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             401f6d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f6d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             401f71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             401f71      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f71      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             401f74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401F60 
             401f74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401f76      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
@@ -2186,6 +2302,7 @@
             401f8f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             401f94     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             401f94      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f94      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             401f98      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401f98      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401f98     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -2217,25 +2334,31 @@
             401fb9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_602DB8 
             401fc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             401fc0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fc0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             401fc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401FDF 
             401fc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fc4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_401FDF 
             401fc6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_602DB8 
             401fc6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fc6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_602DB8 
             401fcb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             401fd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             401fd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_602DB8 
             401fd4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fd4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_602DB8 
             401fd6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             401fd6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             401fd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             401fd9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fd9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             401fdd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401FD0 
             401fdd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fdf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401fdf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fdf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401fe3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fe3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401fe3      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2255,6 +2378,7 @@
             401fec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4014B0 
             401ff1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401ff1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fe8 
+            401ff1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401ff5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401fe8 
             401ff5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401ff5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-nettool.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-nettool.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index dcd6eea1..3ac014b1 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-nettool.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-nettool.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-open.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-open.psexe.annot
index ba816792..c91fbdba 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-open.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-open.psexe.annot
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
             4009f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_400DB0 
             4009fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4009fb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4009e8 
+            4009fb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4009ff      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4009e8 
             4009ff      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             4009ff      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -164,6 +165,7 @@
             400af9      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             400afd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 1 
             400afd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400afd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 1 
             400b00      9 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
             400b00      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+28h+var_20], 0
             400b09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_400BFB 
@@ -207,8 +209,10 @@
             400b3f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_is_native 
             400b44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             400b44      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400b44      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             400b46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400B78 
             400b46      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400b46      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_400B78 
             400b48      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
             400b48      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+8] 
             400b4c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
@@ -224,8 +228,10 @@
             400b59      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ascii_strncasecmp 
             400b5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             400b5e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400b5e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             400b60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_400BEE 
             400b60      6 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400b60      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_400BEE 
             400b66     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 23h        ; c 
             400b66      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
             400b66      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 23h        ; c 
@@ -236,8 +242,10 @@
             400b6e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strchr 
             400b73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             400b73      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400b73      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             400b76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400BEE 
             400b76      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400b76      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_400BEE 
             400b78      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
             400b78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+8] 
             400b7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -266,10 +274,13 @@
             400b9b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             400b9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             400b9d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400b9d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             400b9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400BAC 
             400b9f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400b9f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RBX ZZ jz      short loc_400BAC 
             400ba1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             400ba1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400ba1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             400ba5     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     eax, edx
             400ba5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
             400ba5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, edx 
@@ -324,6 +335,7 @@
             400be7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX R12 ZZ mov     edx, 1 
             400bec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_400BA1 
             400bec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400bec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_400BA1 
             400bee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
             400bee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             400bf1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_get_uri 
@@ -333,6 +345,7 @@
             400bf6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             400bf9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_400B84 
             400bf9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400bf9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_400B84 
             400bfb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
             400bfb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rsi] 
             400bfe      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
@@ -354,6 +367,7 @@
             400c16      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX R12 ZZ mov     edx, 1 
             400c1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_400BA1 
             400c1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400af0 
+            400c1b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_400BA1 
             400c20      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 -8 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             400c20      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             400c20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400c20 
@@ -403,12 +417,15 @@
             400c50      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             400c57     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             400c57      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400c4c 
+            400c57      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             400c5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400C5E 
             400c5a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400c4c 
             400c5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             400c5c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400c4c 
+            400c5c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             400c5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             400c5e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400c4c 
+            400c5e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             400c62      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400c4c 
             400c62      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             400c62     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -431,8 +448,10 @@
             400c75      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             400c79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_602088, 0 
             400c79      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400c79      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_602088, 0 
             400c80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_400CCD 
             400c80      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400c80      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_400CCD 
             400c82     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_601DF0 
             400c82      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400c82      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_601DF0 
@@ -448,25 +467,30 @@
             400c99      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             400c9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             400c9d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400c9d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             400ca0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_400CC6 
             400ca0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400ca2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400ca8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             400ca8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400ca8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             400cac      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400cac      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_602090, rax 
             400cb3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_601DE8[rax*8] 
             400cb3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400cb3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_601DE8[rax*8] 
             400cba      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400cba      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_602090 
             400cc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             400cc1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400cc1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             400cc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_400CA8 
             400cc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400cc6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400cc6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_602088, 1 
             400ccd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             400ccd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400ccd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             400cd1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400cd1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             400cd1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -543,8 +567,10 @@
             400d50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             400d55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             400d55      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d55      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             400d58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400D76 
             400d58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d58      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_400D76 
             400d5a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
             400d5a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             400d5a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -558,10 +584,13 @@
             400d66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             400d69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             400d69      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d69      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             400d6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             400d6d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d6d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             400d71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             400d71      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d71      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             400d74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_400D60 
             400d74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
             400d76      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
@@ -584,6 +613,7 @@
             400d8f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             400d94     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             400d94      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d94      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             400d98      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
             400d98      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             400d98     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -615,25 +645,31 @@
             400db9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_601DD8 
             400dc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             400dc0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400dc0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             400dc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400DDF 
             400dc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400dc4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_400DDF 
             400dc6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_601DD8 
             400dc6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
             400dc6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_601DD8 
             400dcb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
             400dd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             400dd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400dd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             400dd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_601DD8 
             400dd4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400dd4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_601DD8 
             400dd6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             400dd6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
             400dd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             400dd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             400dd9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400dd9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             400ddd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_400DD0 
             400ddd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
             400ddf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             400ddf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400ddf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             400de3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
             400de3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             400de3      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -653,6 +689,7 @@
             400dec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_400C70 
             400df1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             400df1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400de8 
+            400df1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             400df5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400de8 
             400df5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             400df5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-power-statistics.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-power-statistics.psexe.annot
index 234945f8..64d49f93 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-power-statistics.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-power-statistics.psexe.annot
@@ -695,6 +695,7 @@
             403d16      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40BCB0 
             403d1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403d1b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403d08 
+            403d1b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403d1f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403d08 
             403d1f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             403d1f      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2068,6 +2069,7 @@
             404ac8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             404acd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             404acd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4049d0 
+            404acd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             404ad1     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     eax, ebp
             404ad1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4049d0 
             404ad1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -2139,12 +2141,15 @@
             404b1c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             404b23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             404b23      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404b18 
+            404b23      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             404b26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404B2A 
             404b26      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404b18 
             404b28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             404b28      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404b18 
+            404b28      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             404b2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404b2a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404b18 
+            404b2a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404b2e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404b18 
             404b2e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404b2e     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -2167,8 +2172,10 @@
             404b35      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             404b39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60F6A8, 0 
             404b39      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404b39      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60F6A8, 0 
             404b40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404B8D 
             404b40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404b40      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_404B8D 
             404b42     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED70 
             404b42      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404b42      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED70 
@@ -2184,25 +2191,30 @@
             404b59      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             404b5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             404b5d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404b5d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             404b60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_404B86 
             404b60      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404b62      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404b68     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             404b68      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404b68      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             404b6c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404b6c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F6B0, rax 
             404b73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_60ED68[rax*8] 
             404b73      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404b73      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_60ED68[rax*8] 
             404b7a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404b7a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F6B0 
             404b81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             404b81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404b81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             404b84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_404B68 
             404b84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404b86      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404b86      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_60F6A8, 1 
             404b8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404b8d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404b8d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404b91      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404b91      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             404b91      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2242,12 +2254,14 @@
             404bd0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movaps  xmm2, xmm1 
             404bd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm0, xmm0 
             404bd3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bd3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulss   xmm0, xmm0 
             404bd7     24 DATAREF STACK 684 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
             404bd7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
             404bd7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rsp, 18h 
             404bd7      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             404bdb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm2, xmm1 
             404bdb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bdb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulss   xmm2, xmm1 
             404bdf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm3, cs:dword_40BE60 
             404bdf      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
             404bdf      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movss   xmm3, cs:dword_40BE60 
@@ -2256,22 +2270,31 @@
             404be7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movss   [rsp+18h+var_18], xmm1 
             404bec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm3 
             404bec      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xorps   xmm0, xmm3 
             404bef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
             404bef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bef      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
             404bf2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             404bf2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bf2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             404bf5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm2, xmm2 
             404bf5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bf5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm2, xmm2 
             404bf8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             404bf8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bf8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             404bfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm2, xmm2 
             404bfb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bfb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ addsd   xmm2, xmm2 
             404bff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             404bff      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bff      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             404c03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklpd xmm0, xmm0 
             404c03      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c03      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ unpcklpd xmm0, xmm0 
             404c07     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtpd2ps xmm0, xmm0     ; x 
             404c07      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c07      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvtpd2ps xmm0, xmm0     ; x 
             404c0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _expf 
             404c0b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
             404c0b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ call    _expf 
@@ -2280,28 +2303,38 @@
             404c10      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ movss   xmm1, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             404c15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm1, cs:dword_40BE80 
             404c15      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c15      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ mulss   xmm1, cs:dword_40BE80 
             404c1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_40BE90 
             404c1d      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
             404c1d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_40BE90 
             404c25     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             404c25      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c25      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             404c29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             404c29     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 unpcklps xmm0, xmm0
             404c29      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c29      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             404c2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             404c2c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c2c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             404c2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             404c2f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c2f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             404c32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm1 
             404c32      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c32      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm1 
             404c35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm2, xmm1 
             404c35      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c35      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ divsd   xmm2, xmm1 
             404c39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             404c39      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c39      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mulsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             404c3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklpd xmm2, xmm2 
             404c3d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c3d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ unpcklpd xmm2, xmm2 
             404c41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtpd2ps xmm0, xmm2 
             404c41      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c41      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ cvtpd2ps xmm0, xmm2 
             404c45      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
             404c45      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ retn 
             404c50      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 4 2 0 1 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 1 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 96 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
@@ -2331,6 +2364,7 @@
             404c61      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_array_sized_new 
             404c66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             404c66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404c50 
+            404c66      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             404c68      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404c50 
             404c6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404C87 
             404c6b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404c50 
@@ -2344,8 +2378,10 @@
             404c78      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rcx+rdx*4], 0 
             404c7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 1 
             404c7f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404c50 
+            404c7f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rdx, 1 
             404c83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, edx 
             404c83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404c50 
+            404c83      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, edx 
             404c85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_404C78 
             404c85      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404c50 
             404c87      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404c50 
@@ -2364,8 +2400,10 @@
             404c94     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, esi 
             404c96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdi+8], ecx 
             404c96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404c90 
+            404c96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     [rdi+8], ecx 
             404c99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_404CB0 
             404c99      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404c90 
+            404c99      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jbe     short loc_404CB0 
             404c9b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404c90 
             404c9b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rdi] 
             404c9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm0, dword ptr [rax+rcx*4] 
@@ -2373,6 +2411,7 @@
             404c9e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movss   xmm0, dword ptr [rax+rcx*4] 
             404ca3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404ca3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404c90 
+            404ca3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404ca7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404c90 
             404ca7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ retn 
             404ca7      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2393,6 +2432,7 @@
             404cc1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_log 
             404cc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404CC6 
             404cc6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404c90 
+            404cc6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 R10 R11 XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_404CC6 
             404cd0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 1 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 1 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             404cd0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             404cd0     11 FUNC GLOBAL sub_404CD0 FUNC_SAFE NOFP RET FUNC_LEAF             404cda 
@@ -2412,6 +2452,7 @@
             404ce0     18 FUNC GLOBAL sub_404CE0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             404cf1 
             404ce0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             404ce0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404ce0 
+            404ce0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             404ce0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             404ce3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_404CF0 
             404ce3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404ce0 
@@ -2464,6 +2505,7 @@
             404d3d      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 88 ReturnAddress 
             404d41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dil, 1 
             404d41      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404d41      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    dil, 1 
             404d45     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   [rsp+58h+var_44], xmm0 
             404d45      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404d4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404E60 
@@ -2487,6 +2529,7 @@
             404d65     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             404d67     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             404d67      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404d67      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             404d6a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     ebp, [r14+1] 
             404d6a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404d6a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ lea     ebp, [r14+1] 
@@ -2511,6 +2554,7 @@
             404d85      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     edx, offset aHalf_lengthIDi; "half_length=%i, div=%f, sigma=%f" 
             404d8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm2, rax 
             404d8a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404d8a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R15 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm2, rax 
             404d8f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 80h 
             404d8f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404d8f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     esi, 80h 
@@ -2525,10 +2569,13 @@
             404d9e      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ lea     r15, ds:0[rbx*4] 
             404da6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             404da6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404da6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             404daa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
             404daa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404daa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
             404dad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm2 
             404dad      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404dad      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm2 
             404db0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404db0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movss   [rsp+58h+var_58], xmm2 
             404db0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movss   [rsp+58h+var_58], xmm2
@@ -2542,6 +2589,7 @@
             404dbe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movss   xmm2, [rsp+58h+var_58] 
             404dc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movaps  xmm0, xmm2 
             404dc3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404dc3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movaps  xmm0, xmm2 
             404dc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm1, [rsp+58h+var_44] 
             404dc6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404dc6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movss   xmm1, [rsp+58h+var_44] 
@@ -2550,14 +2598,18 @@
             404dcc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_404BD0 
             404dd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, ebx 
             404dd1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404dd1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ cmp     ebp, ebx 
             404dd3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404dd3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ movss   dword ptr [r15], xmm0 
             404dd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_404D78 
             404dd8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404dd8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ ja      short loc_404D78 
             404dda     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r13d, ebp 
             404dda      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404dda      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX XMM1 ZZ cmp     r13d, ebp 
             404ddd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_404E05 
             404ddd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404ddd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX XMM1 ZZ jbe     short loc_404E05 
             404ddf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, ebp 
             404ddf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404ddf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -2584,36 +2636,45 @@
             404df8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, ebp 
             404dfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1 
             404dfa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404dfa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ add     ebp, 1 
             404dfd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r13d, ebp 
             404dfd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404dfd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     r13d, ebp 
             404e00      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e00      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ mov     [rdx+rcx*4], esi 
             404e03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_404DF0 
             404e03      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e03      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ ja      short loc_404DF0 
             404e05     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [r12+8] 
             404e05      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e05      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX XMM1 ZZ mov     edx, [r12+8] 
             404e0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             404e0a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e0a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ test    edx, edx 
             404e0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404E79 
             404e0c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e0c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX XMM1 ZZ jz      short loc_404E79 
             404e0e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e0e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX XMM1 ZZ mov     rcx, [r12] 
             404e12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             404e12      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e12      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             404e15     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused xor     eax, eax 
             404e15      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e15      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             404e17      9 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addss   xmm0, dword ptr [rcx+rax*4] 
             404e20      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ addss   xmm0, dword ptr [rcx+rax*4] 
             404e25     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     rax, 1 
             404e25      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e25      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ add     rax, 1 
             404e29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, eax 
             404e29      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e29      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     edx, eax 
             404e2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_404E20 
             404e2b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e2b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ ja      short loc_404E20 
             404e2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  xmm1, xmm0 
             404e2d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e2d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ movaps  xmm1, xmm0 
@@ -2622,14 +2683,19 @@
             404e30      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movss   xmm2, cs:dword_40BE70 
             404e38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subss   xmm1, cs:dword_40BE84 
             404e38      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e38      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ subss   xmm1, cs:dword_40BE84 
             404e40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate andps   xmm1, xmm2 
             404e40      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e40      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ andps   xmm1, xmm2 
             404e43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm1, cs:dword_40BE88 
             404e43      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e43      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ ucomiss xmm1, cs:dword_40BE88 
             404e4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_404E7C 
             404e4a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e4a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ ja      short loc_404E7C 
             404e4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             404e4c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e4c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             404e50      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e50      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rax, r12 
             404e50     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 mov     rax, r12
@@ -2638,6 +2704,7 @@
             404e54      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e54      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ pop     rbp 
             404e55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ pop     r12 
             404e55     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             404e57      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e57      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ pop     r13 
@@ -2664,10 +2731,13 @@
             404e74      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
             404e77     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404E4C 
             404e77      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e77      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     short loc_404E4C 
             404e79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             404e79      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e79      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             404e7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             404e7c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e7c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             404e7f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGotWrongSumFPe; "got wrong sum (%f), perhaps sigma too h"... 
             404e7f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e7f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     edx, offset aGotWrongSumFPe; "got wrong sum (%f), perhaps sigma too h"... 
@@ -2682,6 +2752,7 @@
             404e8e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             404e93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             404e93      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404e93      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             404e96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_log 
             404e96      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
             404e96      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _g_log 
@@ -2695,6 +2766,7 @@
             404ea1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    sub_404CE0 
             404ea6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404E4C 
             404ea6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404d30 
+            404ea6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     short loc_404E4C 
             404eb3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             404eb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             404eb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_404ECD 
@@ -2762,11 +2834,13 @@
             404f3d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_404C50 
             404f42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             404f42      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404f42      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 R15 ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             404f44      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
             404f44      5 INSTR DEADREGS  R14 R15 ZZ mov     [rsp+48h+var_40], rax 
             404f44      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_40], rax
             404f49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_404FFF 
             404f49      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404f49      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX R14 R15 ZZ jle     loc_404FFF 
             404f4f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R11 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r11d, r12d 
             404f4f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
             404f4f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 R9 R10 R11 R14 R15 ZZ mov     r11d, r12d 
@@ -2829,11 +2903,14 @@
             404fa0      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_48], r14d
             404fa4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             404fa4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404fa4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             404fa7     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm1, [rsp+48h+var_48] 
             404fa7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404fa7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ movss   xmm1, [rsp+48h+var_48] 
             404fa7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movss   xmm1, [rsp+48h+var_48]
             404fac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_404FEA 
             404fac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404fac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jle     short loc_404FEA 
             404fae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
             404fae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             404fb1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
@@ -2850,23 +2927,30 @@
             404fc0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
             404fc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             404fc2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404fc2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             404fc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_404FD0 
             404fc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
             404fc6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
             404fc6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ lea     rcx, [rax+r8] 
             404fca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, edx 
             404fca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404fca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebp, edx 
             404fcc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
             404fd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm0, dword ptr [rdi+rcx] 
             404fd0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404fd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movss   xmm0, dword ptr [rdi+rcx] 
             404fd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     edx, 1 
             404fd5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404fd5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     edx, 1 
             404fd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm0, dword ptr [rsi+rax] 
             404fd8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404fd8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulss   xmm0, dword ptr [rsi+rax] 
             404fdd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 4 
             404fdd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404fdd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 4 
             404fe1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, r9 
             404fe1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404fe1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, r9 
             404fe4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addss   xmm1, xmm0 
             404fe4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
             404fe8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404FC0 
@@ -2875,24 +2959,30 @@
             404fea      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movss   dword ptr [r15+r8], xmm1 
             404ff0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r11d, 1 
             404ff0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404ff0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     r11d, 1 
             404ff4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r8, 4 
             404ff4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404ff4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     r8, 4 
             404ff8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r11d, [rsp+48h+var_44] 
             404ff8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404ff8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     r11d, [rsp+48h+var_44] 
             404ff8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 4 displ cmp     r11d, [rsp+48h+var_44]
             404ffd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404FA0 
             404ffd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            404ffd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_404FA0 
             404fff      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
             404fff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_40] 
             404fff      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_40]
             405004     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405004      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            405004      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405008      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
             405008      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     rbx 
             405008     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
             405009      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
             405009      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     rbp 
             40500a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
+            40500a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     r12 
             40500a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             40500c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404f20 
             40500c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     r13 
@@ -2945,8 +3035,10 @@
             40507d      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 184 ReturnAddress 
             405084     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    sil, 1 
             405084      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405084      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ test    sil, 1 
             405088     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405229 
             405088      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405088      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_405229 
             40508e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rdi+8] 
             40508e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             40508e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ mov     edi, [rdi+8] 
@@ -2971,8 +3063,10 @@
             4050a7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM1 ZZ movss   xmm4, [rsp+0B8h+var_A8] 
             4050ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             4050ad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4050ad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM1 ZZ test    edi, edi 
             4050af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405202 
             4050af      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4050af      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_405202 
             4050b5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R11 ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     r11d, [rsi-1] 
             4050b5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4050b5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM1 ZZ lea     r11d, [rsi-1] 
@@ -2987,6 +3081,7 @@
             4050be      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ shr     r15d, 1 
             4050c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405101 
             4050c1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4050c1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ jz      short loc_405101 
             4050c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4050c3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R8 R9 R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ mov     r8, [rax] 
             4050c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
@@ -3002,10 +3097,13 @@
             4050d4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ mov     [r8+rdx*4], ecx 
             4050d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 1 
             4050d8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4050d8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ add     rdx, 1 
             4050dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r15d, edx 
             4050dc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4050dc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ cmp     r15d, edx 
             4050df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4050D0 
             4050df      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4050df      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ ja      short loc_4050D0 
             4050e1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4050e1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ mov     ebp, edi 
             4050e1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebp, edi 
@@ -3014,8 +3112,10 @@
             4050e3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ sub     ebp, r15d 
             4050e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, ebp 
             4050e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4050e6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ cmp     edi, ebp 
             4050e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_405101 
             4050e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4050e8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ jbe     short loc_405101 
             4050ea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4050ea      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R10 R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ mov     edx, ebp 
             4050ea     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, ebp 
@@ -3025,25 +3125,32 @@
             4050f0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, edx 
             4050f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     edx, 1 
             4050f2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4050f2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ add     edx, 1 
             4050f5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4050f5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ mov     r10d, [r9+rcx*4] 
             4050f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, edx 
             4050f9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4050f9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ cmp     edi, edx 
             4050fb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4050fb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ mov     [r8+rcx*4], r10d 
             4050ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4050F0 
             4050ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4050ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ ja      short loc_4050F0 
             405101     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r15d, ebp 
             405101      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405101      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ cmp     r15d, ebp 
             405104     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_405202 
             405104      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405104      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ jnb     loc_405202 
             40510a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm3, rsi 
             40510a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40510a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 R9 R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm3, rsi 
             40510f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     r8d, [r15+1] 
             40510f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             40510f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 R9 R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ lea     r8d, [r15+1] 
             405113     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm2, cs:dword_40BE70 
             405113      8 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405113      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ movss   xmm2, cs:dword_40BE70 
             40511b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r13d, r15d 
             40511b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             40511b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 R12 R13 R14 XMM1 ZZ mov     r13d, r15d 
@@ -3068,11 +3175,14 @@
             405134      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ sub     ebp, r15d 
             405137     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm5, [rsp+0B8h+var_AC] 
             405137      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405137      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ movss   xmm5, [rsp+0B8h+var_AC] 
             405137      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ movss   xmm5, [rsp+0B8h+var_AC]
             40513d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, ebp 
             40513d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40513d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     r12d, ebp 
             405140     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movaps  xmm1, xmm5 
             405140      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405140      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ movaps  xmm1, xmm5 
             405143     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_40516B 
             405143      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             405145      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
@@ -3086,10 +3196,13 @@
             405150     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, edx 
             405152     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     edx, 1 
             405152      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405152      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     edx, 1 
             405155     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm0, dword ptr [rsi+rcx*4] 
             405155      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405155      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movss   xmm0, dword ptr [rsi+rcx*4] 
             40515a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, edx 
             40515a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40515a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r12d, edx 
             40515d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addss   xmm1, xmm0 
             40515d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             405161     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm0, xmm0 
@@ -3100,28 +3213,39 @@
             405169      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             40516b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divss   xmm1, xmm3 
             40516b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40516b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ divss   xmm1, xmm3 
             40516f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divss   xmm5, xmm3 
             40516f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40516f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ divss   xmm5, xmm3 
             405173     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movaps  xmm0, xmm1 
             405173      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405173      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movaps  xmm0, xmm1 
             405176     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm0, xmm1 
             405176      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405176      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulss   xmm0, xmm1 
             40517a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subss   xmm5, xmm0 
             40517a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40517a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subss   xmm5, xmm0 
             40517e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate sqrtss  xmm6, xmm5 
             40517e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40517e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sqrtss  xmm6, xmm5 
             405182     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm6, xmm6 
             405182      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405182      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomiss xmm6, xmm6 
             405185     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jp      loc_40524E 
             405185      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             40518b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm4, xmm6 
             40518b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40518b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ ucomiss xmm4, xmm6 
             40518e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_405218 
             40518e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40518e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX ZZ ja      loc_405218 
             405194     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, ebp 
             405194      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405194      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ cmp     r12d, ebp 
             405197     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_405241 
             405197      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405197      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX ZZ jbe     loc_405241 
             40519d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             40519d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX XMM0 XMM6 ZZ mov     [rsp+0B8h+var_AC], r14d 
             40519d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     [rsp+0B8h+var_AC], r14d
@@ -3129,42 +3253,56 @@
             4051a2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX XMM0 XMM6 ZZ mov     rcx, [rbx] 
             4051a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm7, [rsp+0B8h+var_AC] 
             4051a5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051a5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM0 XMM6 ZZ movss   xmm7, [rsp+0B8h+var_AC] 
             4051a5      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ movss   xmm7, [rsp+0B8h+var_AC]
             4051ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  xmm6, xmm7 
             4051ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4051ab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM0 XMM6 ZZ movaps  xmm6, xmm7 
             4051ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             4051ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM0 ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             4051b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4051b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, ebp 
             4051b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, ebp 
             4051b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm5, dword ptr [rcx+rdx*4] 
             4051b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movss   xmm5, dword ptr [rcx+rdx*4] 
             4051b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movaps  xmm0, xmm5 
             4051b7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051b7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM0 ZZ movaps  xmm0, xmm5 
             4051ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subss   xmm0, xmm1 
             4051ba      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051ba      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ subss   xmm0, xmm1 
             4051be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate andps   xmm0, xmm2 
             4051be      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051be      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ andps   xmm0, xmm2 
             4051c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm0, xmm6 
             4051c1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051c1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ ucomiss xmm0, xmm6 
             4051c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_4051CC 
             4051c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051c4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jbe     short loc_4051CC 
             4051c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movaps  xmm7, xmm5 
             4051c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM6 XMM7 ZZ movaps  xmm7, xmm5 
             4051c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  xmm6, xmm0 
             4051c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4051c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM6 ZZ movaps  xmm6, xmm0 
             4051cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1 
             4051cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ add     ebp, 1 
             4051cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, ebp 
             4051cf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051cf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ cmp     r12d, ebp 
             4051d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4051B0 
             4051d2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051d2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ ja      short loc_4051B0 
             4051d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, r9 
             4051d4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051d4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R12 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, r9 
             4051d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm1, xmm3 
             4051d9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051d9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R12 ZZ mulss   xmm1, xmm3 
             4051dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4051dd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R12 ZZ mov     rdx, [rax] 
             4051e0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, r13d 
@@ -3172,8 +3310,10 @@
             4051e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX R12 ZZ mov     ecx, r13d 
             4051e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subss   xmm1, xmm7 
             4051e3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051e3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ subss   xmm1, xmm7 
             4051e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divss   xmm1, xmm0 
             4051e7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051e7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ divss   xmm1, xmm0 
             4051eb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4051eb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ movss   dword ptr [rdx+rcx*4], xmm1 
             4051f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
@@ -3181,21 +3321,26 @@
             4051f0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, edi 
             4051f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13d, 1 
             4051f2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051f2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM1 ZZ add     r13d, 1 
             4051f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant sub     edx, r15d 
             4051f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             4051f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM1 ZZ sub     edx, r15d 
             4051f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, r13d 
             4051f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM1 ZZ cmp     edx, r13d 
             4051fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_405128 
             4051fc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4051fc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 XMM1 ZZ ja      loc_405128 
             405202     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 88h 
             405202      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405202      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ add     rsp, 88h 
             405209    136 DEALLOC STACK esp - 136 pop     rbx
             405209      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             405209      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40520a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             40520a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ pop     rbp 
             40520b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40520b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ pop     r12 
             40520b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             40520d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             40520d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ pop     r13 
@@ -3220,6 +3365,7 @@
             405224      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM1 ZZ mov     [rcx+rdx*4], esi 
             405227     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4051F0 
             405227      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405227      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R12 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_4051F0 
             405229     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aLength21; "length % 2 == 1" 
             405229      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             405229      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     edx, offset aLength21; "length % 2 == 1" 
@@ -3237,16 +3383,20 @@
             40523d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40523f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_405202 
             40523f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40523f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jmp     short loc_405202 
             405241      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             405241      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R12 ZZ mov     [rsp+0B8h+var_AC], r14d 
             405241      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     [rsp+0B8h+var_AC], r14d
             405246     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm7, [rsp+0B8h+var_AC] 
             405246      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405246      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R12 ZZ movss   xmm7, [rsp+0B8h+var_AC] 
             405246      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ movss   xmm7, [rsp+0B8h+var_AC]
             40524c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4051D4 
             40524c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40524c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_4051D4 
             40524e     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movaps  xmm0, xmm5      ; x 
             40524e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40524e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM6 ZZ movaps  xmm0, xmm5      ; x 
             405251      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
             405251      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM6 ZZ mov     [rsp+0B8h+var_40], rax 
             405251      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 120 displ mov     [rsp+0B8h+var_40], rax
@@ -3293,15 +3443,19 @@
             405292      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 120 displ mov     rax, [rsp+0B8h+var_40]
             405297     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm3, [rsp+0B8h+var_78] 
             405297      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            405297      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX XMM2 ZZ movss   xmm3, [rsp+0B8h+var_78] 
             405297      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ movss   xmm3, [rsp+0B8h+var_78]
             40529d     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movaps  xmm2, [rsp+0B8h+var_98] 
             40529d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            40529d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX XMM2 ZZ movaps  xmm2, [rsp+0B8h+var_98] 
             40529d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ movaps  xmm2, [rsp+0B8h+var_98]
             4052a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm1, [rsp+0B8h+var_58] 
             4052a2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4052a2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ movss   xmm1, [rsp+0B8h+var_58] 
             4052a2      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 96 displ movss   xmm1, [rsp+0B8h+var_58]
             4052a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40518B 
             4052a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405070 
+            4052a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ jmp     loc_40518B 
             4052b0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
             4052b2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4052b4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ecx, 12h 
@@ -3452,6 +3606,7 @@
             405622      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40CFC0 
             40562a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             40562a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
+            40562a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             40562e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_40565D 
             40562e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
             405630     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40CFC8 
@@ -3462,6 +3617,7 @@
             405638      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, offset aLow; "low" 
             40563d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             40563d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
+            40563d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             405641     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_40565D 
             405641      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
             405643     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40CFD0 
@@ -3475,11 +3631,13 @@
             405650      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, offset aGood; "good" 
             405655     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             405655      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
+            405655      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             405659     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cmova   rax, rdx 
             405659      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
             405659      4 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 ZZ cmova   rax, rdx 
             40565d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40565d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
+            40565d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405661      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
             405661      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ retn 
             405661     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -3516,6 +3674,7 @@
             405692      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40CFC0 
             40569a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             40569a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
+            40569a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             40569e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4056F8 
             40569e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
             4056a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40CFC8 
@@ -3526,6 +3685,7 @@
             4056a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, offset a020; "020" 
             4056ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             4056ad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
+            4056ad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             4056b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4056F8 
             4056b1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
             4056b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40CFD8 
@@ -3536,6 +3696,7 @@
             4056bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, offset a040; "040" 
             4056c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             4056c0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
+            4056c0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             4056c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4056F8 
             4056c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
             4056c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40CFE0 
@@ -3546,6 +3707,7 @@
             4056ce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, offset a060; "060" 
             4056d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             4056d3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
+            4056d3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             4056d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4056F8 
             4056d7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
             4056d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40CFE8 
@@ -3559,12 +3721,14 @@
             4056e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, offset a080; "080" 
             4056eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             4056eb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
+            4056eb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             4056ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cmova   rax, rdx 
             4056ef      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
             4056ef      4 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 ZZ cmova   rax, rdx 
             4056f3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
             4056f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4056f8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
+            4056f8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4056fc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405670 
             4056fc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ retn 
             4056fc     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -3629,6 +3793,7 @@
             405752      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             405757     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             405757      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405700 
+            405757      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40575b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405700 
             40575b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             40575b     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -3637,42 +3802,59 @@
             405760     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, edi 
             405760    434 FUNC GLOBAL sub_405760 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             405911 
             405760      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405760      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, edi 
             405764     24 DATAREF STACK 693 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
             405764      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             405764      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ sub     rsp, 18h 
             405764      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             405768     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
             405768      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405768      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
             40576b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm1, xmm0 
             40576b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40576b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ ucomiss xmm1, xmm0 
             40576e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_4057F0 
             40576e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40576e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ ja      loc_4057F0 
             405774     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40CFF0 
             405774      8 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405774      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40CFF0 
             40577c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm1, xmm0 
             40577c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40577c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ ucomiss xmm1, xmm0 
             40577f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_405888 
             40577f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40577f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ ja      loc_405888 
             405785     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divss   xmm0, xmm1 
             405785      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405785      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ divss   xmm0, xmm1 
             405789     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm1, xmm0 
             405789      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405789      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ ucomiss xmm1, xmm0 
             40578c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_405830 
             40578c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40578c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ ja      loc_405830 
             405792     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divss   xmm0, xmm1 
             405792      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405792      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ divss   xmm0, xmm1 
             405796     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm1, xmm0 
             405796      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405796      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ ucomiss xmm1, xmm0 
             405799     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_405860 
             405799      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405799      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ ja      loc_405860 
             40579f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divss   xmm0, cs:dword_40CFF8 
             40579f      8 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40579f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ divss   xmm0, cs:dword_40CFF8 
             4057a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm0, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             4057a7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4057a7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ ucomiss xmm0, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             4057ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_405810 
             4057ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4057ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ jnb     short loc_405810 
             4057b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si rcx, xmm0     ; n 
             4057b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4057b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ cvttss2si rcx, xmm0     ; n 
             4057b5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r8d, 5          ; category 
             4057b5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             4057b5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ mov     r8d, 5          ; category 
@@ -3698,13 +3880,16 @@
             4057d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             4057d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             4057d9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4057d9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             4057dc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
             4057dc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             4057dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             4057e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4057e1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4057e1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4057e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             4057e5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4057e5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             4057e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_strdup_printf 
             4057e8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             4057e8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     _g_strdup_printf 
@@ -3722,6 +3907,7 @@
             4057fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _dcgettext 
             405801     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405801      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405801      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405805     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rdi, rax
             405805      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             405805      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
@@ -3730,24 +3916,31 @@
             405808      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     _g_strdup 
             405810     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movaps  xmm1, xmm0 
             405810      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405810      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ movaps  xmm1, xmm0 
             405813     10 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             405813     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rax, 8000000000000000h 
             405813     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rax, 8000000000000000h 
             40581d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subss   xmm1, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             40581d      8 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40581d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ subss   xmm1, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             405825     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si rcx, xmm1 
             405825      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405825      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ cvttss2si rcx, xmm1 
             40582a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant xor     rcx, rax 
             40582a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             40582a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ xor     rcx, rax 
             40582d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4057B5 
             40582d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40582d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_4057B5 
             405830     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm0, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             405830      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405830      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ ucomiss xmm0, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             405837     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_4058F0 
             405837      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405837      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ jnb     loc_4058F0 
             40583d     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si rcx, xmm0 
             40583d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40583d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ cvttss2si rcx, xmm0 
             405842     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r8d, 5 
             405842      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             405842      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ mov     r8d, 5 
@@ -3759,12 +3952,16 @@
             40584d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     esi, offset a_1fMinute; "%.1f minute" 
             405852     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4057C5 
             405852      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405852      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4057C5 
             405860     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm0, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             405860      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405860      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ ucomiss xmm0, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             405867     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_4058B0 
             405867      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405867      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ jnb     short loc_4058B0 
             405869     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si rcx, xmm0 
             405869      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405869      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ cvttss2si rcx, xmm0 
             40586e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r8d, 5 
             40586e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             40586e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ mov     r8d, 5 
@@ -3776,12 +3973,16 @@
             405879      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     esi, offset a_1fHour; "%.1f hour" 
             40587e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4057C5 
             40587e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40587e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4057C5 
             405888     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomiss xmm0, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             405888      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405888      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ ucomiss xmm0, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             40588f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_4058D0 
             40588f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40588f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ jnb     short loc_4058D0 
             405891     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si rcx, xmm0 
             405891      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405891      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ cvttss2si rcx, xmm0 
             405896     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r8d, 5 
             405896      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             405896      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ mov     r8d, 5 
@@ -3793,48 +3994,61 @@
             4058a1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     esi, offset a_0fSecond; "%.0f second" 
             4058a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4057C5 
             4058a6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4058a6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4057C5 
             4058b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movaps  xmm1, xmm0 
             4058b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4058b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ movaps  xmm1, xmm0 
             4058b3     10 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             4058b3     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rax, 8000000000000000h 
             4058b3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rax, 8000000000000000h 
             4058bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subss   xmm1, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             4058bd      8 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4058bd      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ subss   xmm1, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             4058c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si rcx, xmm1 
             4058c5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4058c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ cvttss2si rcx, xmm1 
             4058ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant xor     rcx, rax 
             4058ca      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             4058ca      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ xor     rcx, rax 
             4058cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40586E 
             4058cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4058cd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_40586E 
             4058d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movaps  xmm1, xmm0 
             4058d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4058d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ movaps  xmm1, xmm0 
             4058d3     10 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             4058d3     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rax, 8000000000000000h 
             4058d3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rax, 8000000000000000h 
             4058dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subss   xmm1, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             4058dd      8 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4058dd      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ subss   xmm1, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             4058e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si rcx, xmm1 
             4058e5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4058e5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ cvttss2si rcx, xmm1 
             4058ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant xor     rcx, rax 
             4058ea      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             4058ea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ xor     rcx, rax 
             4058ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_405896 
             4058ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4058ed      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_405896 
             4058f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movaps  xmm1, xmm0 
             4058f0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4058f0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ movaps  xmm1, xmm0 
             4058f3     10 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             4058f3     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rax, 8000000000000000h 
             4058f3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rax, 8000000000000000h 
             4058fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subss   xmm1, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             4058fd      8 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            4058fd      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ subss   xmm1, cs:dword_40CFF4 
             405905     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si rcx, xmm1 
             405905      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            405905      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ cvttss2si rcx, xmm1 
             40590a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant xor     rcx, rax 
             40590a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
             40590a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ xor     rcx, rax 
             40590d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405842 
             40590d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405760 
+            40590d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_405842 
             405920      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -48 0 4 0 0 5 -40 0 6 0 0 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -32 0 13 -24 4 14 -16 4 15 -8 4 ZZ
             405920      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             405920      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
@@ -3887,6 +4101,7 @@
             40594e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B980 
             405953     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             405953      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            405953      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             405956     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4059C0 
             405956      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             405958     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rsp+58h+var_4C] 
@@ -3895,8 +4110,10 @@
             405958      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     esi, [rsp+58h+var_4C]
             40595c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             40595c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            40595c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    esi, esi 
             40595e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405998 
             40595e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            40595e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_405998 
             405960     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40A0E0 
             405960      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             405960      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_40A0E0 
@@ -3919,6 +4136,7 @@
             405978      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_40BAE0 
             40597d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40597d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            40597d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             405981      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             405981      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             405981     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -3959,6 +4177,7 @@
             4059b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_40BAE0 
             4059b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40597D 
             4059b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            4059b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_40597D 
             4059c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rbx+8] 
             4059c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             4059c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rbx+8] 
@@ -3972,8 +4191,10 @@
             4059cb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             4059ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             4059ce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            4059ce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4059d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4059FC 
             4059d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            4059d0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4059FC 
             4059d2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r12d, r12d 
             4059d2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             4059d2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
@@ -3991,22 +4212,27 @@
             4059e1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             4059e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             4059e4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            4059e4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             4059e8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             4059e8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rax, [rax+rdx*8] 
             4059ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm0, dword ptr [rax+4] 
             4059ec      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            4059ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movss   xmm0, dword ptr [rax+4] 
             4059f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_404CD0 
             4059f1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             4059f1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_404CD0 
             4059f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, [rbx+8] 
             4059f6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            4059f6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     r12d, [rbx+8] 
             4059fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_4059D8 
             4059fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            4059fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jb      short loc_4059D8 
             4059fc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 3 
             4059fc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             4059fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 3 
             405a01     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm0, cs:dword_40CFFC 
             405a01      8 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            405a01      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ movss   xmm0, cs:dword_40CFFC 
             405a09      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             405a09      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             405a0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_405070 
@@ -4050,8 +4276,10 @@
             405a4a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             405a4d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             405a4d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            405a4d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             405a4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405AAB 
             405a4f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            405a4f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_405AAB 
             405a51     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
             405a51      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             405a51      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
@@ -4082,6 +4310,7 @@
             405a77      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             405a7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13d, 1 
             405a7a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            405a7a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ add     r13d, 1 
             405a7e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rdx+8] 
             405a7e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             405a7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, [rdx+8] 
@@ -4112,8 +4341,10 @@
             405aa0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ptr_array_add 
             405aa5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r13d, [rbx+8] 
             405aa5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            405aa5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r13d, [rbx+8] 
             405aa9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_405A58 
             405aa9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            405aa9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jb      short loc_405A58 
             405aab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             405aab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40] 
             405aab      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40]
@@ -4142,8 +4373,10 @@
             405acf      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     eax, [rsp+58h+var_4C]
             405ad3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405ad3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            405ad3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405ad5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405B08 
             405ad5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            405ad5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_405B08 
             405ad7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40A0E0 
             405ad7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             405ad7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_40A0E0 
@@ -4171,6 +4404,7 @@
             405af7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_ptr_array_unref 
             405afc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40597D 
             405afc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            405afc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40597D 
             405b08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40A0E0 
             405b08      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
             405b08      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_40A0E0 
@@ -4193,6 +4427,7 @@
             405b23      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_40BAE0 
             405b28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_405AD7 
             405b28      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405920 
+            405b28      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_405AD7 
             405b30      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             405b30      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             405b30      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
@@ -4243,6 +4478,7 @@
             405b6d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             405b72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405b72      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
+            405b72      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405b74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405C28 
             405b74      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
             405b7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_tree_model_get_type 
@@ -4267,10 +4503,12 @@
             405b97      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first 
             405b9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405b9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
+            405b9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405b9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405BD0 
             405b9e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
             405ba0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_405C1C 
             405ba0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
+            405ba0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_405C1C 
             405ba8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, [rsp+48h+var_20] 
             405ba8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
             405ba8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+48h+var_20] 
@@ -4295,6 +4533,7 @@
             405bc7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_iter_next 
             405bcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405bcc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
+            405bcc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405bce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405C1C 
             405bce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
             405bd0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
@@ -4335,8 +4574,10 @@
             405c04      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             405c09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405c09      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
+            405c09      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405c0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405BA8 
             405c0b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
+            405c0b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_405BA8 
             405c0d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
             405c0d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_60F6D0 
             405c14      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
@@ -4347,6 +4588,7 @@
             405c17      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_list_store_remove 
             405c1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             405c1c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
+            405c1c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             405c20      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
             405c20      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             405c20     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
@@ -4361,6 +4603,7 @@
             405c2f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_list_store_clear 
             405c34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405B7A 
             405c34      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405b30 
+            405c34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_405B7A 
             405c40      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -48 0 4 0 8 5 -40 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -32 0 13 -24 0 14 -16 0 15 -8 0 ZZ
             405c40      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             405c40   2317 FUNC GLOBAL sub_405C40 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40654c 
@@ -4535,6 +4778,7 @@
             405d3a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 120 displ mov     rax, [rsp+0B8h+var_40]
             405d3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405d3f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405d3f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405d42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406390 
             405d42      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405d48      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
@@ -4581,6 +4825,7 @@
             405d88      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _up_wakeups_get_data_sync 
             405d8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405d8d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405d8d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405d90      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405d90      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             405d93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40600E 
@@ -4590,8 +4835,10 @@
             405d99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rax+8] 
             405d9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             405d9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405d9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             405d9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406006 
             405d9e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405d9e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406006 
             405da4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405da4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI R12 ZZ xor     ebp, ebp 
             405da4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
@@ -4610,6 +4857,7 @@
             405dbc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _up_wakeup_item_get_is_userspace 
             405dc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405dc1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405dc1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405dc3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405dc3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             405dc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406068 
@@ -4619,8 +4867,10 @@
             405dcc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _up_wakeup_item_get_id 
             405dd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FEFh 
             405dd1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405dd1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0FEFh 
             405dd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_406090 
             405dd6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405dd6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jbe     loc_406090 
             405ddc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aIrqx; "IRQx" 
             405ddc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405ddc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aIrqx; "IRQx" 
@@ -4655,8 +4905,10 @@
             405e0f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _up_wakeup_item_get_cmdline 
             405e14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405e14      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405e14      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405e17     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4060D0 
             405e17      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405e17      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4060D0 
             405e1d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405e1d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             405e20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _up_wakeup_item_get_cmdline 
@@ -4672,8 +4924,10 @@
             405e2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             405e32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405e32      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405e32      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405e34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406020 
             405e34      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405e34      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406020 
             405e3a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405e3a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             405e3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _up_wakeup_item_get_cmdline 
@@ -4689,8 +4943,10 @@
             405e4a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             405e4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405e4f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405e4f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405e51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406020 
             405e51      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405e51      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406020 
             405e57      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405e57      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             405e5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _up_wakeup_item_get_cmdline 
@@ -4706,8 +4962,10 @@
             405e67      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             405e6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405e6c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405e6c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405e6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4060F8 
             405e6e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405e6e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4060F8 
             405e74     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             405e74      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405e74      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -4732,8 +4990,10 @@
             405e94      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _up_wakeup_item_get_is_userspace 
             405e99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405e99      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405e99      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405e9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40604D 
             405e9b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405e9b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40604D 
             405ea1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405ea1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r13 
             405ea4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aISI; "<i>%s</i>" 
@@ -4770,6 +5030,7 @@
             405ed0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             405ed5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405ed5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405ed5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405ed7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             405ed7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405ed7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -4778,6 +5039,7 @@
             405edc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aPs2KeyboardMou; "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad" 
             405ee1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405F60 
             405ee1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405ee1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_405F60 
             405ee3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aAcpi; "acpi" 
             405ee3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405ee3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aAcpi; "acpi" 
@@ -4788,8 +5050,10 @@
             405eeb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             405ef0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405ef0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405ef0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405ef2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4060C0 
             405ef2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405ef2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4060C0 
             405ef8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aAta_piix; "ata_piix" 
             405ef8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405ef8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aAta_piix; "ata_piix" 
@@ -4800,6 +5064,7 @@
             405f00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             405f05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405f05      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405f05      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405f07     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             405f07      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405f07      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -4808,6 +5073,7 @@
             405f0c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aSerialAta; "Serial ATA" 
             405f11     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405F60 
             405f11      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405f11      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_405F60 
             405f13     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aLibata; "libata" 
             405f13      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405f13      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aLibata; "libata" 
@@ -4818,6 +5084,7 @@
             405f1b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             405f20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405f20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405f20      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405f22     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             405f22      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405f22      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -4826,6 +5093,7 @@
             405f27      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aAtaHostControl; "ATA host controller" 
             405f2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405F60 
             405f2c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405f2c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_405F60 
             405f2e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aIwl3945; "iwl3945" 
             405f2e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405f2e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aIwl3945; "iwl3945" 
@@ -4836,8 +5104,10 @@
             405f36      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             405f3b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405f3b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405f3b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405f3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405F54 
             405f3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405f3d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_405F54 
             405f3f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aIwlagn; "iwlagn" 
             405f3f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405f3f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aIwlagn; "iwlagn" 
@@ -4848,8 +5118,10 @@
             405f47      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             405f4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405f4c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405f4c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405f4e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406178 
             405f4e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405f4e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406178 
             405f54     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             405f54      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405f54      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -4858,6 +5130,7 @@
             405f59      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aIntelWirelessA; "Intel wireless adaptor" 
             405f5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             405f5e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405f5e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             405f60      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405f60      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             405f60     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -4878,6 +5151,7 @@
             405f79      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+0B8h+var_68]
             405f7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1 
             405f7e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405f7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebp, 1 
             405f81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_list_store_append 
             405f81      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             405f81      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_list_store_append 
@@ -4948,8 +5222,10 @@
             405ff8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             405ffd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbx+8], ebp 
             405ffd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            405ffd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rbx+8], ebp 
             406000     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_405DB0 
             406000      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406000      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ ja      loc_405DB0 
             406006      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406006      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             406009     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_ptr_array_unref 
@@ -4957,6 +5233,7 @@
             406009      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ptr_array_unref 
             40600e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 88h 
             40600e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40600e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 88h 
             406015    136 DEALLOC STACK esp - 136 pop     rbx
             406015      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406015      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -4996,8 +5273,10 @@
             406040      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _up_wakeup_item_get_is_userspace 
             406045     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406045      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406045      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406047     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405EA1 
             406047      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406047      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_405EA1 
             40604d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40604d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             406050     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rsi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
@@ -5010,6 +5289,7 @@
             40605c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40605f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405EB3 
             40605f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40605f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405EB3 
             406068     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _up_wakeup_item_get_id 
             406068      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406068      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _up_wakeup_item_get_id 
@@ -5032,6 +5312,7 @@
             406084      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             406087     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405DF2 
             406087      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406087      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405DF2 
             406090      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406090      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             406093     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _up_wakeup_item_get_id 
@@ -5056,6 +5337,7 @@
             4060af      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             4060b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405DF2 
             4060b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4060b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405DF2 
             4060c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             4060c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4060c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -5064,6 +5346,7 @@
             4060c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aAcpi_0; "ACPI" 
             4060ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F60 
             4060ca      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4060ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F60 
             4060d0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4060d0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4060d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5083,6 +5366,7 @@
             4060ea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             4060ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405E91 
             4060ed      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4060ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405E91 
             4060f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4060f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             4060fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _up_wakeup_item_get_cmdline 
@@ -5098,8 +5382,10 @@
             406108      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             40610d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40610d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40610d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40610f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406150 
             40610f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40610f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406150 
             406111      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406111      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             406114     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _up_wakeup_item_get_cmdline 
@@ -5115,8 +5401,10 @@
             406121      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             406126     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406126      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406126      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406128     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4062E0 
             406128      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406128      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4062E0 
             40612e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40612e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40612e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5136,6 +5424,7 @@
             406148      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40614b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405E91 
             40614b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40614b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405E91 
             406150     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             406150      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406150      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5155,6 +5444,7 @@
             40616a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40616d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405E91 
             40616d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40616d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405E91 
             406178     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset a__mod_timer; "__mod_timer" 
             406178      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406178      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset a__mod_timer; "__mod_timer" 
@@ -5165,8 +5455,10 @@
             406180      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             406185     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406185      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406185      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406187     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406368 
             406187      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406187      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406368 
             40618d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, 40C106h 
             40618d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40618d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 40C106h 
@@ -5177,8 +5469,10 @@
             406195      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             40619a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40619a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40619a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40619c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4063C7 
             40619c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40619c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4063C7 
             4061a2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aHrtimer_start_; "hrtimer_start_expires" 
             4061a2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4061a2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aHrtimer_start_; "hrtimer_start_expires" 
@@ -5189,6 +5483,7 @@
             4061aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             4061af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4061af      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4061af      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4061b1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             4061b1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4061b1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -5197,6 +5492,7 @@
             4061b6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aTimerS; "Timer %s" 
             4061bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406421 
             4061bb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4061bb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406421 
             4061c1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aHrtimer_start; "hrtimer_start" 
             4061c1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4061c1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aHrtimer_start; "hrtimer_start" 
@@ -5207,8 +5503,10 @@
             4061c9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             4061ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4061ce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4061ce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4061d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4063EF 
             4061d0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4061d0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4063EF 
             4061d6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aDo_setitimer; "do_setitimer" 
             4061d6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4061d6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aDo_setitimer; "do_setitimer" 
@@ -5219,8 +5517,10 @@
             4061de      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             4061e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4061e3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4061e3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4061e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4063C7 
             4061e5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4061e5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4063C7 
             4061eb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aDo_nanosleep; "do_nanosleep" 
             4061eb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4061eb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aDo_nanosleep; "do_nanosleep" 
@@ -5231,8 +5531,10 @@
             4061f3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             4061f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4061f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4061f8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4061fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40643F 
             4061fa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4061fa      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40643F 
             406200     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aEnqueue_task_r; "enqueue_task_rt" 
             406200      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406200      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aEnqueue_task_r; "enqueue_task_rt" 
@@ -5243,8 +5545,10 @@
             406208      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             40620d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40620d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40620d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40620f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406467 
             40620f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40620f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406467 
             406215     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aFutex_wait; "futex_wait" 
             406215      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406215      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aFutex_wait; "futex_wait" 
@@ -5255,6 +5559,7 @@
             40621d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             406222     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406222      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406222      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406224     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             406224      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406224      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -5263,6 +5568,7 @@
             406229      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aWaitS; "Wait %s" 
             40622e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406499 
             40622e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40622e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406499 
             406234     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aQueue_delayed_; "queue_delayed_work_on" 
             406234      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406234      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aQueue_delayed_; "queue_delayed_work_on" 
@@ -5273,8 +5579,10 @@
             40623c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             406241     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406241      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406241      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406243     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406417 
             406243      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406243      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406417 
             406249     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aQueue_delaye_0; "queue_delayed_work" 
             406249      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406249      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aQueue_delaye_0; "queue_delayed_work" 
@@ -5285,8 +5593,10 @@
             406251      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             406256     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406256      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406256      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406258     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4064DF 
             406258      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406258      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4064DF 
             40625e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aDst_run_gc; "dst_run_gc" 
             40625e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40625e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aDst_run_gc; "dst_run_gc" 
@@ -5297,8 +5607,10 @@
             406266      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             40626b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40626b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40626b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40626d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40648F 
             40626d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40626d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40648F 
             406273     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aUsb_hcd_poll_r; "usb_hcd_poll_rh_status" 
             406273      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406273      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aUsb_hcd_poll_r; "usb_hcd_poll_rh_status" 
@@ -5309,8 +5621,10 @@
             40627b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             406280     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406280      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406280      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406282     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4064B7 
             406282      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406282      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4064B7 
             406288     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aSchedule_hrtim; "schedule_hrtimeout_range" 
             406288      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406288      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aSchedule_hrtim; "schedule_hrtimeout_range" 
@@ -5321,8 +5635,10 @@
             406290      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             406295     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406295      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406295      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406297     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406507 
             406297      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406297      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406507 
             40629d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aLocalTimerInte; "Local timer interrupts" 
             40629d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40629d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aLocalTimerInte; "Local timer interrupts" 
@@ -5333,8 +5649,10 @@
             4062a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             4062aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4062aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4062aa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4062ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40653E 
             4062ac      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4062ac      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40653E 
             4062b2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aReschedulingIn; "Rescheduling interrupts" 
             4062b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4062b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aReschedulingIn; "Rescheduling interrupts" 
@@ -5345,8 +5663,10 @@
             4062ba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             4062bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4062bf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4062bf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4062c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40652F 
             4062c1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4062c1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40652F 
             4062c7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4062c7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             4062ca      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
@@ -5358,6 +5678,7 @@
             4062d3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             4062d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F72 
             4062d6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4062d6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F72 
             4062e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4062e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             4062e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _up_wakeup_item_get_cmdline 
@@ -5381,8 +5702,10 @@
             4062fd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strchr 
             406302     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406302      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406302      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406305     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40630A 
             406305      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406305      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40630A 
             406307      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406307      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             40630a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
@@ -5396,8 +5719,10 @@
             406314      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strchr 
             406319     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406319      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406319      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40631c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406321 
             40631c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40631c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406321 
             40631e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40631e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             406321      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
@@ -5411,11 +5736,13 @@
             40632b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strrstr 
             406330     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406330      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406330      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406333      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406333      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, [rsp+0B8h+s] 
             406333      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r13, [rsp+0B8h+s]
             406338     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405E91 
             406338      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406338      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_405E91 
             40633e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40633e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r13 
             406341     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ecx, 5 
@@ -5426,6 +5753,7 @@
             406346      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     edi, offset aEvent; "event" 
             40634b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate repe cmpsb 
             40634b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40634b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ repe cmpsb 
             40634d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40634d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ lea     r13, [rax+1] 
             406351     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnbe  cl 
@@ -5436,11 +5764,13 @@
             406354      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ setb    dl 
             406357     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cl, dl 
             406357      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406357      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cl, dl 
             406359      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406359      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ cmovz   r13, [rsp+0B8h+s] 
             406359      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ cmovz   r13, [rsp+0B8h+s]
             40635f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405E91 
             40635f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40635f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405E91 
             406368     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             406368      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406368      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5467,6 +5797,7 @@
             406388      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40638b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F72 
             40638b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40638b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F72 
             406390      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406390      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, ebp 
             406390     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, ebp 
@@ -5502,6 +5833,7 @@
             4063bd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             4063c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405D71 
             4063c2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4063c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405D71 
             4063c7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4063c7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4063c7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5528,6 +5860,7 @@
             4063e7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             4063ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F72 
             4063ea      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4063ea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F72 
             4063ef     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4063ef      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4063ef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5554,6 +5887,7 @@
             40640f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             406412     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F72 
             406412      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406412      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F72 
             406417     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             406417      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406417      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5580,6 +5914,7 @@
             406437      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40643a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F72 
             40643a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40643a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F72 
             40643f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40643f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40643f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5606,6 +5941,7 @@
             40645f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             406462     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F72 
             406462      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406462      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F72 
             406467     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             406467      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406467      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5632,6 +5968,7 @@
             406487      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40648a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F72 
             40648a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40648a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F72 
             40648f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40648f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40648f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5658,6 +5995,7 @@
             4064af      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             4064b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F72 
             4064b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4064b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F72 
             4064b7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4064b7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4064b7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5684,6 +6022,7 @@
             4064d7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             4064da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F72 
             4064da      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            4064da      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F72 
             4064df     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4064df      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             4064df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5710,6 +6049,7 @@
             4064ff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             406502     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F72 
             406502      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406502      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F72 
             406507     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             406507      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             406507      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5736,6 +6076,7 @@
             406527      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40652a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F72 
             40652a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            40652a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F72 
             40652f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             40652f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40652f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -5744,6 +6085,7 @@
             406534      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aReschedulingIn; "Rescheduling interrupts" 
             406539     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F60 
             406539      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406539      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F60 
             40653e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             40653e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
             40653e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -5752,6 +6094,7 @@
             406543      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aLocalInterrupt; "Local interrupts" 
             406548     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405F60 
             406548      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405c40 
+            406548      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405F60 
             406550      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             406550      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             406550     41 FUNC GLOBAL sub_406550 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             406578 
@@ -5769,14 +6112,17 @@
             406560      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             406565     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             406565      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406550 
+            406565      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406567     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406570 
             406567      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406550 
             406569     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406569      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406550 
+            406569      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40656d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406550 
             40656d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             406570     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406570      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406550 
+            406570      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406574     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_405C40 
             406574      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406550 
             406574      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     sub_405C40 
@@ -5842,6 +6188,7 @@
             4065d0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4065d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             4065d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4065d0 
+            4065d0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ test    edi, edi 
             4065d0     36 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4065D0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4065f3 
             4065d0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             4065d2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
@@ -5849,6 +6196,7 @@
             4065d2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5 
             4065d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4065E8 
             4065d7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4065d0 
+            4065d7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4065E8 
             4065d9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aNo ; "No" 
             4065d9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4065d0 
             4065d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aNo ; "No" 
@@ -5871,6 +6219,7 @@
             406600      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             406600     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 0Bh        ; switch 12 cases  
             406600      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406600 
+            406600      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI ZZ cmp     edi, 0Bh        ; switch 12 cases  
             406600    413 FUNC GLOBAL sub_406600 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40679c 
             406603      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406600 
             406603      1 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI ZZ push    rbx 
@@ -5881,6 +6230,7 @@
             406604     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, edi 
             406606     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_406630 
             406606      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406600 
+            406606      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI ZZ jbe     short loc_406630 
             406608      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406600 
             406608      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, ebx        ; jumptable 0000000000406632 default case 
             406608     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, ebx        ; jumptable 0000000000406632 default case 
@@ -6398,8 +6748,10 @@
             406a37      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _up_device_get_object_path 
             406a3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406a3c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406a3c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406a3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406A4C 
             406a3f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406a3f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406A4C 
             406a41      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406a41      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             406a44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_filename_display_basename 
@@ -6467,36 +6819,48 @@
             406a9b      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+2E8h+var_150] 
             406aa3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             406aa3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406aa3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             406aa6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406AB1 
             406aa6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406aa6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406AB1 
             406aa8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             406aa8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406aa8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             406aab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406F18 
             406aab      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406aab      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406F18 
             406ab1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbx, [rsp+2E8h+var_140] 
             406ab1      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406ab1      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+2E8h+var_140] 
             406ab1      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 424 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+2E8h+var_140]
             406ab9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             406ab9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406ab9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             406abc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406AC7 
             406abc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406abc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406AC7 
             406abe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             406abe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406abe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             406ac1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406EF0 
             406ac1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406ac1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406EF0 
             406ac7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbx, [rsp+2E8h+var_148] 
             406ac7      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406ac7      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+2E8h+var_148] 
             406ac7      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 416 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+2E8h+var_148]
             406acf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             406acf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406acf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             406ad2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406ADD 
             406ad2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406ad2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406ADD 
             406ad4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             406ad4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406ad4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             406ad7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406EC8 
             406ad7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406ad7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406EC8 
             406add     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rsp+2E8h+var_120] 
             406add      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406add      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rsp+2E8h+var_120] 
@@ -6601,63 +6965,91 @@
             406b64      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 436 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_134]
             406b6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 5 
             406b6b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b6b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 5 
             406b6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406CF0 
             406b6e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b6e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406CF0 
             406b74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             406b74      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b74      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             406b77     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406CF0 
             406b77      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b77      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406CF0 
             406b7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 6 
             406b7d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b7d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 6 
             406b80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406CF0 
             406b80      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b80      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406CF0 
             406b86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             406b86      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b86      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             406b89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406CF0 
             406b89      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b89      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406CF0 
             406b8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 6 
             406b8f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b8f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 6 
             406b92     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406D70 
             406b92      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b92      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406D70 
             406b98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             406b98      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b98      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             406b9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406F94 
             406b9b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406b9b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406F94 
             406ba1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4 
             406ba1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406ba1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 4 
             406ba4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406DA0 
             406ba4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406ba4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406DA0 
             406baa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             406baa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406baa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             406bad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406DA0 
             406bad      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bad      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406DA0 
             406bb3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     edx, [rax-2] 
             406bb3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406bb3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ lea     edx, [rax-2] 
             406bb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 2 
             406bb6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bb6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     edx, 2 
             406bb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_406DF2 
             406bb9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bb9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jbe     loc_406DF2 
             406bbf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 5 
             406bbf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bbf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 5 
             406bc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406C28 
             406bc2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bc2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406C28 
             406bc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             406bc4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bc4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             406bc7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406C28 
             406bc7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bc7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406C28 
             406bc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 6 
             406bc9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bc9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 6 
             406bcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406C28 
             406bcc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bcc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406C28 
             406bce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             406bce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             406bd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406C28 
             406bd1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bd1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406C28 
             406bd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             406bd3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bd3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             406bd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407150 
             406bd6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406bd6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_407150 
             406bdc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, [rsp+2E8h+var_150] 
             406bdc      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406bdc      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+2E8h+var_150] 
@@ -6686,8 +7078,10 @@
             406c0b      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ xor     rax, fs:28h 
             406c14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_407239 
             406c14      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406c14      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     loc_407239 
             406c1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 2E0h 
             406c1a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406c1a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 2E0h 
             406c21      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406c21      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             406c21    736 DEALLOC STACK esp - 736 pop     rbx
@@ -6737,8 +7131,10 @@
             406c67      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 436 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_134]
             406c6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             406c6e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406c6e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             406c71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406BD3 
             406c71      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406c71      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406BD3 
             406c77     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, [rsp+2E8h+var_1A0] 
             406c77      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406c77      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+2E8h+var_1A0] 
@@ -6784,13 +7180,17 @@
             406cb6      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 436 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_134]
             406cbd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             406cbd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406cbd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             406cc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406BD3 
             406cc0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406cc0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406BD3 
             406cc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+2E8h+var_12C], 6; switch 7 cases  
             406cc6      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406cc6      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+2E8h+var_12C], 6; switch 7 cases  
             406cc6      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 444 displ cmp     [rsp+2E8h+var_12C], 6; switch 7 cases 
             406cce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_407180 
             406cce      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406cce      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jbe     loc_407180 
             406cd4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d        ; jumptable 000000000040718C default case 
             406cd4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406cd4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d        ; jumptable 000000000040718C default case 
@@ -6845,16 +7245,22 @@
             406d1b      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 436 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_134]
             406d22     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 5 
             406d22      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406d22      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 5 
             406d25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406D35 
             406d25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406d25      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406D35 
             406d27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             406d27      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406d27      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             406d2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406D35 
             406d2a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406d2a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406D35 
             406d2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 6 
             406d2c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406d2c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 6 
             406d2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406B8F 
             406d2f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406d2f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406B8F 
             406d35     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rsp+2E8h+var_11C] 
             406d35      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406d35      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rsp+2E8h+var_11C] 
@@ -6891,13 +7297,17 @@
             406d60      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 436 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_134]
             406d67     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 5 
             406d67      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406d67      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 5 
             406d6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_407140 
             406d6a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406d6a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_407140 
             406d70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+2E8h+var_130], 6; switch 7 cases  
             406d70      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406d70      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+2E8h+var_130], 6; switch 7 cases  
             406d70      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 440 displ cmp     [rsp+2E8h+var_130], 6; switch 7 cases 
             406d78     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_406F40 
             406d78      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406d78      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jbe     loc_406F40 
             406d7e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d        ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 default case 
             406d7e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406d7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d        ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 default case 
@@ -6965,8 +7375,10 @@
             406de6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ lea     edx, [rax-2] 
             406de9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 2 
             406de9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406de9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     edx, 2 
             406dec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_406BBF 
             406dec      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406dec      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ ja      loc_406BBF 
             406df2     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, [rsp+2E8h+var_170] 
             406df2      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406df2      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+2E8h+var_170] 
@@ -7015,14 +7427,17 @@
             406e38      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ lea     edx, [rax-2] 
             406e3b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 1 
             406e3b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406e3b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     edx, 1 
             406e3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_406BBF 
             406e3e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406e3e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ ja      loc_406BBF 
             406e44     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, [rsp+2E8h+var_160] 
             406e44      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406e44      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+2E8h+var_160] 
             406e44      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 392 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+2E8h+var_160]
             406e4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             406e4c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406e4c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             406e4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_406E7D 
             406e4f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406e51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_405760 
@@ -7063,6 +7478,7 @@
             406e7d      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 400 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+2E8h+var_158]
             406e85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             406e85      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406e85      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             406e88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_406EB6 
             406e88      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406e8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_405760 
@@ -7103,6 +7519,7 @@
             406eb6      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 436 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_134]
             406ebd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406BBF 
             406ebd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406ebd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406BBF 
             406ec8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406ec8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             406ec8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -7125,6 +7542,7 @@
             406edf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405700 
             406ee4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406ADD 
             406ee4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406ee4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406ADD 
             406ef0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406ef0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             406ef0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -7147,6 +7565,7 @@
             406f07      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405700 
             406f0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406AC7 
             406f0c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406f0c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406AC7 
             406f18      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406f18      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             406f18     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -7169,6 +7588,7 @@
             406f2f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405700 
             406f34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406AB1 
             406f34      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406f34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406AB1 
             406f40     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_130] 
             406f40      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406f40      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_130] 
@@ -7217,8 +7637,10 @@
             406f84      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 436 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_134]
             406f8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             406f8b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406f8b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             406f8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_406BA1 
             406f8e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            406f8e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_406BA1 
             406f94     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, [rsp+2E8h+var_198] 
             406f94      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             406f94      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+2E8h+var_198] 
@@ -7381,6 +7803,7 @@
             407090      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 436 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_134]
             407097     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406BA1 
             407097      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            407097      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406BA1 
             4070a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 case 4 
             4070a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             4070a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 case 4 
@@ -7397,6 +7820,7 @@
             4070b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4070b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406F68 
             4070b4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            4070b4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406F68 
             4070c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 case 3 
             4070c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             4070c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 case 3 
@@ -7413,6 +7837,7 @@
             4070d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4070d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406F68 
             4070d4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            4070d4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406F68 
             4070e0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 case 2 
             4070e0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             4070e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 case 2 
@@ -7429,6 +7854,7 @@
             4070f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4070f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406F68 
             4070f4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            4070f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406F68 
             407100     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 case 1 
             407100      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             407100      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 case 1 
@@ -7445,6 +7871,7 @@
             407111      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             407114     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406F68 
             407114      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            407114      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406F68 
             407120     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 case 5 
             407120      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             407120      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; jumptable 0000000000406F47 case 5 
@@ -7461,12 +7888,16 @@
             407131      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             407134     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406F68 
             407134      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            407134      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406F68 
             407140     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             407140      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            407140      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             407143     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406D70 
             407143      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            407143      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406D70 
             407149     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406B8F 
             407149      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            407149      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406B8F 
             407150     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rsp+2E8h+var_128] 
             407150      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             407150      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edi, [rsp+2E8h+var_128] 
@@ -7499,6 +7930,7 @@
             407176      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_405700 
             40717b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406BDC 
             40717b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            40717b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_406BDC 
             407180     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_12C] 
             407180      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             407180      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_12C] 
@@ -7547,6 +7979,7 @@
             4071c4      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 436 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2E8h+var_134]
             4071cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406BD3 
             4071cb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            4071cb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_406BD3 
             4071d0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aLeadAcid; jumptable 000000000040718C case 4 
             4071d0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             4071d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aLeadAcid; jumptable 000000000040718C case 4 
@@ -7560,6 +7993,7 @@
             4071dc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4071df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4071A8 
             4071df      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            4071df      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_4071A8 
             4071e1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aLithiumIronPho; jumptable 000000000040718C case 3 
             4071e1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             4071e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aLithiumIronPho; jumptable 000000000040718C case 3 
@@ -7573,6 +8007,7 @@
             4071ed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4071f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4071A8 
             4071f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            4071f0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_4071A8 
             4071f2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aLithiumPolymer; jumptable 000000000040718C case 2 
             4071f2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             4071f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aLithiumPolymer; jumptable 000000000040718C case 2 
@@ -7586,6 +8021,7 @@
             4071fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             407201     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4071A8 
             407201      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            407201      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_4071A8 
             407203     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aLithiumIon; jumptable 000000000040718C case 1 
             407203      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             407203      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aLithiumIon; jumptable 000000000040718C case 1 
@@ -7599,6 +8035,7 @@
             40720f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             407212     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4071A8 
             407212      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            407212      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_4071A8 
             407214     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aUnknown; jumptable 000000000040718C case 0 
             407214      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             407214      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aUnknown; jumptable 000000000040718C case 0 
@@ -7612,6 +8049,7 @@
             407220      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             407223     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4071A8 
             407223      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            407223      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_4071A8 
             407225     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aNickelMetalHyd; jumptable 000000000040718C case 6 
             407225      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             407225      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aNickelMetalHyd; jumptable 000000000040718C case 6 
@@ -7625,6 +8063,7 @@
             407231      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             407234     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4071A8 
             407234      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
+            407234      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4071A8 
             407239     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___stack_chk_fail 
             407239      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4067a0 
             407239      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    ___stack_chk_fail 
@@ -8340,12 +8779,14 @@
             407a94      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _up_device_get_object_path 
             407a99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407a99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
+            407a99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407a9c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
             407a9c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             407a9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407AD7 
             407a9f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
             407aa1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:qword_60F6B8, 0 
             407aa1      8 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
+            407aa1      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:qword_60F6B8, 0 
             407aa9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407AD7 
             407aa9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
             407aab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
@@ -8374,8 +8815,10 @@
             407ace      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407ad3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407ad3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
+            407ad3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407ad5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407AF0 
             407ad5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
+            407ad5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_407AF0 
             407ad7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
             407ad7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_10] 
             407ad7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_10]
@@ -8384,6 +8827,7 @@
             407adc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             407ae1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             407ae1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
+            407ae1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407ae5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
             407ae5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             407af0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
@@ -8396,6 +8840,7 @@
             407af8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             407afd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             407afd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
+            407afd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407b01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407990 
             407b01     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     loc_407990
             407b01      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407a80 
@@ -8484,8 +8929,10 @@
             407b76      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407b7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407b7b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407b7b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407b7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407BB0 
             407b7d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407b7d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407BB0 
             407b7f     10 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
             407b7f     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_60F700, 258h 
             407b89     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 258h 
@@ -8530,8 +8977,10 @@
             407bc7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407bcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407bcc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407bcc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407bce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407BE8 
             407bce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407bce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407BE8 
             407bd0     10 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
             407bd0     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_60F700, 1C20h 
             407bda     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1C20h 
@@ -8539,6 +8988,7 @@
             407bda      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 1C20h 
             407bdf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407B8E 
             407bdf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407bdf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_407B8E 
             407be8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
             407be8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407be8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -8560,8 +9010,10 @@
             407bff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407c04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407c04      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407c04      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407c06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407C20 
             407c06      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407c06      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407C20 
             407c08     10 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
             407c08     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_60F700, 5460h 
             407c12     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5460h 
@@ -8569,6 +9021,7 @@
             407c12      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5460h 
             407c17     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407B8E 
             407c17      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407c17      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_407B8E 
             407c20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
             407c20      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407c20     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -8590,8 +9043,10 @@
             407c37      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407c3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407c3c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407c3c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407c3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407C58 
             407c3e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407c3e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407C58 
             407c40     10 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
             407c40     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_60F700, 15180h 
             407c4a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 15180h 
@@ -8599,6 +9054,7 @@
             407c4a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 15180h 
             407c4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407B8E 
             407c4f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407c4f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_407B8E 
             407c58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
             407c58      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407c58     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -8620,8 +9076,10 @@
             407c6f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407c74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407c74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407c74      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407c76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407C8C 
             407c76      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407c76      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407C8C 
             407c78     10 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
             407c78     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_60F700, 93A80h 
             407c82     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 93A80h 
@@ -8629,6 +9087,7 @@
             407c82      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 93A80h 
             407c87     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407B8E 
             407c87      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
+            407c87      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_407B8E 
             407c8c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407b40 
             407c8c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aFalse; "FALSE" 
             407c92     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGpm_stats_rang; "gpm_stats_range_combo_changed" 
@@ -8712,8 +9171,10 @@
             407d07      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407d0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407d0c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407d0c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407d0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407E90 
             407d0e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407d0e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_407E90 
             407d14      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
             407d14      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407d14     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -8735,8 +9196,10 @@
             407d2b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407d30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407d30      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407d30      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407d32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407E78 
             407d32      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407d32      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_407E78 
             407d38      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
             407d38      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407d38     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -8758,8 +9221,10 @@
             407d4f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407d54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407d54      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407d54      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407d56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407ED0 
             407d56      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407d56      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_407ED0 
             407d5c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
             407d5c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407d5c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -8781,8 +9246,10 @@
             407d73      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407d78     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407d78      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407d78      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407d7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_407EDD 
             407d7a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407d7a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_407EDD 
             407d80     11 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
             407d80     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F708, offset byte_40C6A9 
             407d8b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -8918,6 +9385,7 @@
             407e63      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             407e68     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             407e68      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407e68      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             407e6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_settings_set_string 
             407e6c     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _g_settings_set_string
             407e6c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
@@ -8926,6 +9394,7 @@
             407e78     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F708, offset aChargeAccuracy; "charge-accuracy" 
             407e83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407D8B 
             407e83      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407e83      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_407D8B 
             407e90     11 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
             407e90     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F708, offset aChargeData; "charge-data" 
             407e9b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -8958,10 +9427,12 @@
             407ec0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             407ec3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407DB3 
             407ec3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407ec3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_407DB3 
             407ed0     11 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
             407ed0     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F708, offset word_40C69A 
             407edb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407E9B 
             407edb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
+            407edb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_407E9B 
             407edd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
             407edd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aFalse; "FALSE" 
             407ee3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGpm_stats_type; "gpm_stats_type_combo_changed_cb" 
@@ -9045,8 +9516,10 @@
             407f57      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407f5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407f5c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            407f5c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407f5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408100 
             407f5e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            407f5e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408100 
             407f64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
             407f64      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407f64     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -9068,8 +9541,10 @@
             407f7b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407f80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407f80      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            407f80      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407f82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4080C8 
             407f82      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            407f82      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4080C8 
             407f88      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
             407f88      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407f88     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -9091,8 +9566,10 @@
             407f9f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407fa4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407fa4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            407fa4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407fa6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408140 
             407fa6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            407fa6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408140 
             407fac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
             407fac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407fac     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -9114,8 +9591,10 @@
             407fc3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407fc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407fc8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            407fc8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407fca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408150 
             407fca      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            407fca      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_408150 
             407fd0     11 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
             407fd0     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F6F8, offset aTimeEmpty; "time-empty" 
             407fdb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -9251,6 +9730,7 @@
             4080b3      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             4080b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4080b8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            4080b8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4080bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_settings_set_string 
             4080bc     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _g_settings_set_string
             4080bc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
@@ -9287,6 +9767,7 @@
             4080f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             4080fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408003 
             4080fb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            4080fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_408003 
             408100     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             408100      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
             408100      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -9319,10 +9800,12 @@
             408130      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             408133     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408003 
             408133      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            408133      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_408003 
             408140     11 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
             408140     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F6F8, offset aTimeFull; "time-full" 
             40814b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407FDB 
             40814b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            40814b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_407FDB 
             408150      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
             408150      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aFalse; "FALSE" 
             408156     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGpm_stats_hist; "gpm_stats_history_type_combo_changed_cb" 
@@ -9375,6 +9858,7 @@
             40819f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4081a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_407B10 
             4081a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407f00 
+            4081a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     sub_407B10 
             4081b0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4081b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4081b0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4081b0 
@@ -9517,8 +10001,10 @@
             40827d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_selection_get_selected 
             408282     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408282      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
+            408282      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408284     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408310 
             408284      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
+            408284      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_408310 
             40828a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
             40828a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_60F6B8 
             408291     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -9582,6 +10068,7 @@
             4082f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             4082fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4082fb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
+            4082fb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4082fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408330 
             4082fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
             4082ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_405C40 
@@ -9589,6 +10076,7 @@
             4082ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405C40 
             408304     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             408304      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
+            408304      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             408308      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
             408308      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             408309      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
@@ -9610,6 +10098,7 @@
             408321      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             408326     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             408326      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
+            408326      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             40832a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
             40832a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40832b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
@@ -9644,6 +10133,7 @@
             408356      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40835b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             40835b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
+            40835b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             40835f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408270 
             40835f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40835f     48 DEALLOC STACK esp - 48 pop     rbx
@@ -9753,11 +10243,13 @@
             4084ea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_406600 
             4084ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4084ef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            4084ef      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4084f2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbp, rax 
             4084f2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             4084f2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             4084f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408710 
             4084f5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            4084f5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408710 
             4084fb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             4084fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ lea     rax, [rsp+98h+var_3C] 
             4084fb      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 92 displ lea     rax, [rsp+98h+var_3C]
@@ -9811,10 +10303,12 @@
             40854f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             408552     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 1 
             408552      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            408552      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 1 
             408555     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4086C0 
             408555      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             40855b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 4 
             40855b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            40855b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 4 
             40855e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4085A0 
             40855e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             408560     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _up_device_kind_to_string 
@@ -9827,13 +10321,17 @@
             40856a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             40856d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             40856d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            40856d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             408570     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4086D8 
             408570      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            408570      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4086D8 
             408576     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+98h+var_40], 6; switch 7 cases  
             408576      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            408576      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+98h+var_40], 6; switch 7 cases  
             408576      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 88 displ cmp     [rsp+98h+var_40], 6; switch 7 cases 
             40857b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_408730 
             40857b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            40857b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jbe     loc_408730 
             408581      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             408581      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13        ; jumptable 0000000000408734 default case 
             408584     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aGpmBatteryMiss; "gpm-battery-missing;" 
@@ -9852,6 +10350,7 @@
             408596      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_append 
             40859b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4085AD 
             40859b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            40859b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4085AD 
             4085a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aGpmMonitor; "gpm-monitor;" 
             4085a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             4085a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aGpmMonitor; "gpm-monitor;" 
@@ -9862,8 +10361,10 @@
             4085a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_append 
             4085ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [r13+8], 0 
             4085ad      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            4085ad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [r13+8], 0 
             4085b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408690 
             4085b2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            4085b2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408690 
             4085b8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             4085b8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [r13+0] 
             4085bc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGotFilenameS; "got filename: %s" 
@@ -9981,6 +10482,7 @@
             40867d      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 144 displ mov     r15, [rsp+98h+var_8]
             408685     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 98h 
             408685      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            408685      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 98h 
             40868c    152 DEALLOC STACK esp - 152 retn
             40868c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             40868c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -10009,6 +10511,7 @@
             4086ae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_append 
             4086b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4085B8 
             4086b3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            4086b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4085B8 
             4086c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aAcAdapter_0; "ac-adapter;" 
             4086c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             4086c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aAcAdapter_0; "ac-adapter;" 
@@ -10019,6 +10522,7 @@
             4086c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_append 
             4086cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4085AD 
             4086cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            4086cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4085AD 
             4086d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             4086d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rax 
             4086db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
@@ -10055,6 +10559,7 @@
             408704      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_append 
             408709     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4085AD 
             408709      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            408709      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4085AD 
             408710     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aDeviceNull; "device != NULL" 
             408710      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             408710      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aDeviceNull; "device != NULL" 
@@ -10072,6 +10577,7 @@
             408724     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             408726     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40860D 
             408726      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            408726      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40860D 
             408730     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+98h+var_40] 
             408730      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             408730      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+98h+var_40] 
@@ -10123,6 +10629,7 @@
             408779      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_append 
             40877e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4085AD 
             40877e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            40877e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4085AD 
             408788      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             408788      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, r14        ; jumptable 0000000000408734 case 3 
             40878b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
@@ -10159,6 +10666,7 @@
             4087b4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_append 
             4087b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4085AD 
             4087b9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            4087b9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4085AD 
             4087c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             4087c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx        ; jumptable 0000000000408734 cases 2,6 
             4087c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_405600 
@@ -10204,6 +10712,7 @@
             4087f5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_append_printf 
             4087fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4085AD 
             4087fa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            4087fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4085AD 
             408800      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
             408800      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx        ; jumptable 0000000000408734 cases 1,5 
             408803     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_405600 
@@ -10249,6 +10758,7 @@
             408835      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_append_printf 
             40883a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4085AD 
             40883a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4084a0 
+            40883a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4085AD 
             408840      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             408840      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             408840      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408840 
@@ -10878,6 +11388,7 @@
             409919      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rax+4], edx 
             40991c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40991c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409900 
+            40991c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409920      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409900 
             409920      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
             409930     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
@@ -10995,14 +11506,19 @@
             409ba2      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             409ba6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 3 
             409ba6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409ba6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ cmp     edi, 3 
             409ba9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409BF0 
             409ba9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409ba9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jz      short loc_409BF0 
             409bab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 1 
             409bab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ cmp     edi, 1 
             409bae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409D00 
             409bae      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bae      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jz      loc_409D00 
             409bb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 4 
             409bb4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bb4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ cmp     edi, 4 
             409bb7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             409bb7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409bb7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -11013,19 +11529,24 @@
             409bc1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409bc7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 2 
             409bc7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bc7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 2 
             409bca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409D30 
             409bca      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409bd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 5 
             409bd0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bd0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 5 
             409bd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409C78 
             409bd3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bd3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_409C78 
             409bd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si esi, xmm0 
             409bd9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bd9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RDI ZZ cvttss2si esi, xmm0 
             409bdd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, 40C358h 
             409bdd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409bdd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edi, 40C358h 
             409be2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409be2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409be2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409be6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409be6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             409be6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -11038,6 +11559,7 @@
             409bea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     _g_strdup_printf 
             409bf0     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si edi, xmm0 
             409bf0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409bf0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RBX RSI ZZ cvttss2si edi, xmm0 
             409bf4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 88888889h 
             409bf4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409bf4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RBX RSI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, 88888889h 
@@ -11133,15 +11655,19 @@
             409c41      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM0 ZZ sub     ebp, eax 
             409c43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             409c43      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409c43      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM0 ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             409c45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_409CD0 
             409c45      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409c45      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX XMM0 ZZ jle     loc_409CD0 
             409c4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             409c4b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409c4b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             409c4d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             409c4d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409c4d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             409c52     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409CB0 
             409c52      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409c52      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jz      short loc_409CB0 
             409c54     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aId02ih; "%id%02ih" 
             409c54      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409c54      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aId02ih; "%id%02ih" 
@@ -11159,6 +11685,7 @@
             409c62      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, ebx 
             409c64     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409c64      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409c64      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409c68      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409c68      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             409c6b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
@@ -11193,10 +11720,13 @@
             409c93      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             409c96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             409c96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409c96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             409c99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             409c99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409c99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             409c9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409c9c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409c9c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409ca0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
             409ca0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409ca0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -11218,6 +11748,7 @@
             409cb7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _dcgettext 
             409cbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409cbc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409cbc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409cc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     esi, ebx 
             409cc0     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     esi, ebx
             409cc0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
@@ -11248,15 +11779,19 @@
             409cda      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI XMM0 ZZ add     ebx, ecx 
             409cdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             409cdc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409cdc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI XMM0 ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             409cde     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_409D58 
             409cde      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409cde      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI XMM0 ZZ jle     short loc_409D58 
             409ce0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             409ce0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409ce0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             409ce2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             409ce2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409ce2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             409ce7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409D40 
             409ce7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409ce7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_409D40 
             409ce9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aIh ; "%ih" 
             409ce9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409ce9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aIh ; "%ih" 
@@ -11273,6 +11808,7 @@
             409cf7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             409cfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409BE2 
             409cfa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409cfa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_409BE2 
             409d00     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aI  ; "%i%%" 
             409d00      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409d00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aI  ; "%i%%" 
@@ -11290,22 +11826,28 @@
             409d11      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _dcgettext 
             409d16     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm0, [rsp+28h+var_28] 
             409d16      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d16      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ movss   xmm0, [rsp+28h+var_28] 
             409d16      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movss   xmm0, [rsp+28h+var_28]
             409d1b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409d1b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             409d1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si esi, xmm0 
             409d1e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d1e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ cvttss2si esi, xmm0 
             409d22     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409BE2 
             409d22      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d22      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_409BE2 
             409d30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             409d30      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d30      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RDI ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             409d33     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset a_1f; "%.1f" 
             409d33      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409d33      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset a_1f; "%.1f" 
             409d38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             409d38      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d38      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             409d3b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409C9C 
             409d3b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d3b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_409C9C 
             409d40     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aIh02im; "%ih%02im" 
             409d40      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409d40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aIh02im; "%ih%02im" 
@@ -11323,6 +11865,7 @@
             409d4e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, ebp 
             409d50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409C64 
             409d50      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_409C64 
             409d58     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 0FFFFFFC4h 
             409d58      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409d58      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, 0FFFFFFC4h 
@@ -11334,15 +11877,19 @@
             409d62      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM0 ZZ imul    ecx, eax 
             409d65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             409d65      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d65      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM0 ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             409d67     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     ebp, [rcx+rdi] 
             409d67      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409d67      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI XMM0 ZZ lea     ebp, [rcx+rdi] 
             409d6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_409D9B 
             409d6a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d6a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jle     short loc_409D9B 
             409d6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             409d6c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d6c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             409d6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409D86 
             409d6e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d6e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_409D86 
             409d70     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset a2im; "%2im" 
             409d70      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409d70      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset a2im; "%2im" 
@@ -11359,6 +11906,7 @@
             409d7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             409d81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409BE2 
             409d81      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d81      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_409BE2 
             409d86     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset a2im02i; "%2im%02i" 
             409d86      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409d86      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset a2im02i; "%2im%02i" 
@@ -11376,6 +11924,7 @@
             409d94      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, ebx 
             409d96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409C64 
             409d96      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409d96      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_409C64 
             409d9b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset a2is; "%2is" 
             409d9b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
             409d9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset a2is; "%2is" 
@@ -11392,6 +11941,7 @@
             409da9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             409dac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409BE2 
             409dac      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409ba0 
+            409dac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_409BE2 
             409dc0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 1 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             409dc0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409dc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movzx   eax, sil 
@@ -11407,6 +11957,7 @@
             409dc7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ and     esi, 0FF0000h 
             409dcd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm2, eax 
             409dcd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409dc0 
+            409dcd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm2, eax 
             409dd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant shr     esi, 10h 
             409dd1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409dc0 
             409dd1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ shr     esi, 10h 
@@ -11415,17 +11966,22 @@
             409dd4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, dh 
             409dd7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, esi 
             409dd7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409dc0 
+            409dd7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, esi 
             409ddb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm3, eax 
             409ddb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409dc0 
+            409ddb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm3, eax 
             409ddf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40D390 
             409ddf      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409dc0 
             409ddf      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40D390 
             409de7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, xmm1 
             409de7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409dc0 
+            409de7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm2, xmm1 
             409deb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             409deb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409dc0 
+            409deb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             409def     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             409def      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409dc0 
+            409def      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             409df3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _cairo_set_source_rgb 
             409df3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409dc0 
             409df3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ jmp     _cairo_set_source_rgb 
@@ -11434,21 +11990,25 @@
             409e00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, esi 
             409e00    236 FUNC GLOBAL sub_409E00 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             409eeb 
             409e00      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e00      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, esi 
             409e04      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
             409e04      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+var_28], rbx 
             409e04      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -40 displ mov     [rsp+var_28], rbx
             409e09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm3, r8d 
             409e09      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e09      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm3, r8d 
             409e0e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
             409e0e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+var_20], rbp 
             409e0e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp+var_20], rbp
             409e13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm2, ecx 
             409e13      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e13      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm2, ecx 
             409e17      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
             409e17      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+var_18], r12 
             409e17      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp+var_18], r12
             409e1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, edx 
             409e1c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e1c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, edx 
             409e20      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
             409e20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     [rsp+var_10], r13 
             409e20      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp+var_10], r13
@@ -11472,8 +12032,10 @@
             409e39      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     r14d, r8d 
             409e3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     r13d, 1 
             409e3c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e3c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ sub     r13d, 1 
             409e40     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     r14d, 1 
             409e40      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e40      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ sub     r14d, 1 
             409e44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _cairo_rectangle 
             409e44      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
             409e44      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _cairo_rectangle 
@@ -11498,29 +12060,39 @@
             409e64      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _cairo_fill 
             409e69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm1, r12d 
             409e69      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e69      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm1, r12d 
             409e6e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
             409e6e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             409e71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, ebp 
             409e71      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e71      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, ebp 
             409e75     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm2, cs:dword_40D3C8 
             409e75      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
             409e75      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movss   xmm2, cs:dword_40D3C8 
             409e7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm3, r14d 
             409e7d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e7d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm3, r14d 
             409e82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addss   xmm1, xmm2 
             409e82      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e82      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ addss   xmm1, xmm2 
             409e86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addss   xmm0, xmm2 
             409e86      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e86      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ addss   xmm0, xmm2 
             409e8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm2, r13d 
             409e8a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e8a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm2, r13d 
             409e8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             409e8f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e8f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             409e92     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             409e92      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e92      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             409e95     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm1 
             409e95      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e95      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm1 
             409e98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             409e98      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409e98      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             409e9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _cairo_rectangle 
             409e9b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
             409e9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ call    _cairo_rectangle 
@@ -11565,6 +12137,7 @@
             409ede      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r14, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             409ee3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             409ee3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
+            409ee3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             409ee7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _cairo_stroke 
             409ee7     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _cairo_stroke
             409ee7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e00 
@@ -11574,6 +12147,7 @@
             409ef0     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si eax, xmm1 
             409ef0    226 FUNC GLOBAL sub_409EF0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             409fd1 
             409ef0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409ef0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvttss2si eax, xmm1 
             409ef4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
             409ef4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ push    rbp 
             409ef4     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbp 
@@ -11607,20 +12181,28 @@
             409f1b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ movsd   [rsp+48h+var_48], xmm4 
             409f20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm6, eax 
             409f20      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409f20      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm6, eax 
             409f24     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si eax, xmm0 
             409f24      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409f24      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ cvttss2si eax, xmm0 
             409f28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addss   xmm6, xmm2 
             409f28      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409f28      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM3 ZZ addss   xmm6, xmm2 
             409f2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm5, eax 
             409f2c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409f2c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM3 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm5, eax 
             409f30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subss   xmm6, xmm1 
             409f30      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409f30      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM3 ZZ subss   xmm6, xmm1 
             409f34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm6, xmm6 
             409f34      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409f34      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM3 ZZ unpcklps xmm6, xmm6 
             409f37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm6, xmm6 
             409f37      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409f37      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM3 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm6, xmm6 
             409f3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addss   xmm5, xmm2 
             409f3a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409f3a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM3 ZZ addss   xmm5, xmm2 
             409f3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm2, xmm4 
             409f3e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
             409f3e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm4 
@@ -11629,13 +12211,16 @@
             409f42      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movsd   [rsp+48h+var_28], xmm6 
             409f48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subss   xmm5, xmm1 
             409f48      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409f48      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ subss   xmm5, xmm1 
             409f4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm1, xmm6 
             409f4c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
             409f4c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm6 
             409f50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm5, xmm5 
             409f50      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409f50      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ unpcklps xmm5, xmm5 
             409f53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm5, xmm5 
             409f53      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409f53      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm5, xmm5 
             409f56     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm5 
             409f56      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
             409f56      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm5 
@@ -11686,6 +12271,7 @@
             409f9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ call    _cairo_rectangle 
             409fa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
             409fa0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409fa0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
             409fa4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
             409fa4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             409fa7     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
@@ -11707,6 +12293,7 @@
             409fbf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ call    _cairo_set_line_width 
             409fc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             409fc4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
+            409fc4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             409fc8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ef0 
             409fc8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             409fc8     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 mov     rdi, rbx
@@ -11733,27 +12320,37 @@
             409fe3      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             409fe7     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40BE70 
             409fe7      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            409fe7      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40BE70 
             409fef     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_40D3A8 
             409fef      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
             409fef      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_40D3A8 
             409ff7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate andps   xmm1, xmm0 
             409ff7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            409ff7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ andps   xmm1, xmm0 
             409ffa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             409ffa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            409ffa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             409ffd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm1 
             409ffd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            409ffd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm1 
             40a000     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm2, xmm1 
             40a000      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            40a000      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm2, xmm1 
             40a004     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_40A029 
             40a004      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            40a004      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ ja      short loc_40A029 
             40a006     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40a006      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            40a006      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40a008     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A038 
             40a008      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            40a008      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_40A038 
             40a00a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm1, edi 
             40a00a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            40a00a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm1, edi 
             40a00e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divss   xmm0, xmm1      ; x 
             40a00e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            40a00e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ divss   xmm0, xmm1      ; x 
             40a012      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
             40a012      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movss   [rsp+18h+var_18], xmm1 
             40a012      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movss   [rsp+18h+var_18], xmm1
@@ -11765,10 +12362,13 @@
             40a01c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ movss   xmm1, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             40a021     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm0, xmm1 
             40a021      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            40a021      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ mulss   xmm0, xmm1 
             40a025     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si ebx, xmm0 
             40a025      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            40a025      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ cvttss2si ebx, xmm0 
             40a029     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40a029      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            40a029      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40a02d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
             40a02d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
             40a02d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -11793,6 +12393,7 @@
             40a049      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _g_log 
             40a04e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40a04e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
+            40a04e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40a052     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     eax, ebx
             40a052      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fe0 
             40a052      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -11817,27 +12418,37 @@
             40a063      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40a067     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40BE70 
             40a067      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a067      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40BE70 
             40a06f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_40D3A8 
             40a06f      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
             40a06f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_40D3A8 
             40a077     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate andps   xmm1, xmm0 
             40a077      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a077      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ andps   xmm1, xmm0 
             40a07a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             40a07a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a07a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             40a07d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm1 
             40a07d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a07d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm1 
             40a080     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm2, xmm1 
             40a080      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a080      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm2, xmm1 
             40a084     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_40A0A9 
             40a084      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a084      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ ja      short loc_40A0A9 
             40a086     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40a086      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a086      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40a088     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A0B8 
             40a088      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a088      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_40A0B8 
             40a08a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm1, edi 
             40a08a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a08a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm1, edi 
             40a08e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divss   xmm0, xmm1      ; x 
             40a08e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a08e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ divss   xmm0, xmm1      ; x 
             40a092      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
             40a092      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movss   [rsp+18h+var_18], xmm1 
             40a092      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movss   [rsp+18h+var_18], xmm1
@@ -11849,10 +12460,13 @@
             40a09c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ movss   xmm1, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             40a0a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm0, xmm1 
             40a0a1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a0a1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ mulss   xmm0, xmm1 
             40a0a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttss2si ebx, xmm0 
             40a0a5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a0a5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ cvttss2si ebx, xmm0 
             40a0a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40a0a9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a0a9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40a0ad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
             40a0ad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
             40a0ad     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -11877,6 +12491,7 @@
             40a0c9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _g_log 
             40a0ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40a0ce      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
+            40a0ce      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40a0d2     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     eax, ebx
             40a0d2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a060 
             40a0d2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -11899,16 +12514,19 @@
             40a0e1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40a0e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             40a0e5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a0e5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             40a0e8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
             40a0e8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F720 
             40a0ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a0ef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a0ef      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a0f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A108 
             40a0f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
             40a0f4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
             40a0f4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F720 
             40a0fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40a0fb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a0fb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40a0ff     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40a0ff      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
             40a0ff      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -11922,6 +12540,7 @@
             40a10d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40a112     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a112      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a112      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a114     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A0F4 
             40a114      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
             40a116     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGpmgraphwidget; "GpmGraphWidget" 
@@ -11967,6 +12586,7 @@
             40a158      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40a15d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A0F4 
             40a15d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0e0 
+            40a15d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40A0F4 
             40a160      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -40 displ mov     [rsp-28h], rbx
             40a165      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], rbp
             40a16c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], r12
@@ -12975,18 +13595,24 @@
             40b984      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A0E0 
             40b989     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b989      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
+            40b989      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b98c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B9AA 
             40b98c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
+            40b98c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B9AA 
             40b98e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
             40b98e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40b991     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b991      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
+            40b991      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b994     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B99B 
             40b994      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
+            40b994      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B99B 
             40b996     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, [rdx] 
             40b996      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
+            40b996      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rax, [rdx] 
             40b999     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B9C8 
             40b999      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
+            40b999      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B9C8 
             40b99b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
             40b99b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40b99e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
@@ -12996,8 +13622,10 @@
             40b9a1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b9a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b9a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
+            40b9a6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b9a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B9C8 
             40b9a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
+            40b9a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40B9C8 
             40b9aa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGpm_is_graph_w; "GPM_IS_GRAPH_WIDGET (graph)" 
             40b9aa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b980 
             40b9aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGpm_is_graph_w; "GPM_IS_GRAPH_WIDGET (graph)" 
@@ -13085,6 +13713,7 @@
             40bae0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
             40bae2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40bae2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bae2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40bae5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bae5     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r13 
             40bae7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
@@ -13107,18 +13736,24 @@
             40baf9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A0E0 
             40bafe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40bafe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bafe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40bb01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BB1F 
             40bb01      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb01      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40BB1F 
             40bb03      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bb03      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40bb06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40bb06      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb06      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40bb09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BB10 
             40bb09      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb09      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40BB10 
             40bb0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, [rdx] 
             40bb0b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb0b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rax, [rdx] 
             40bb0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BB40 
             40bb0e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb0e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40BB40 
             40bb10      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bb10      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40bb13      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
@@ -13128,8 +13763,10 @@
             40bb16      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40bb1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bb1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb1b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bb1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40BB40 
             40bb1d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb1d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40BB40 
             40bb1f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGpm_is_graph_w; "GPM_IS_GRAPH_WIDGET (graph)" 
             40bb1f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bb1f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGpm_is_graph_w; "GPM_IS_GRAPH_WIDGET (graph)" 
@@ -13149,6 +13786,7 @@
             40bb35      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bb35      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     r12 
             40bb37      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb37      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R13 R14 ZZ pop     r13 
             40bb37     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r13 
             40bb39      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bb39      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R14 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
@@ -13170,8 +13808,10 @@
             40bb4d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [r13+8] 
             40bb51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bb51      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb51      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bb53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BB85 
             40bb53      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb53      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40BB85 
             40bb55     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r12d, r12d 
             40bb55      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bb55      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
@@ -13183,6 +13823,7 @@
             40bb64      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, r12d 
             40bb67     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             40bb67      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb67      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             40bb6b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bb6b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+rdx*8] 
             40bb6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4098E0 
@@ -13197,8 +13838,10 @@
             40bb7a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ptr_array_add 
             40bb7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [r13+8], r12d 
             40bb7f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb7f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ cmp     [r13+8], r12d 
             40bb83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_40BB60 
             40bb83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bb83      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ ja      short loc_40BB60 
             40bb85      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bb85      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+28h] 
             40bb89      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
@@ -13240,6 +13883,7 @@
             40bbbe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bbbe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     r12 
             40bbc0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bbc0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R13 R14 ZZ pop     r13 
             40bbc0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r13 
             40bbc2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
             40bbc2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
@@ -13267,6 +13911,7 @@
             40bbe6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bbe6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     r12 
             40bbe8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
+            40bbe8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R13 R14 ZZ pop     r13 
             40bbe8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r13 
             40bbea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bae0 
             40bbea      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R14 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
@@ -13292,6 +13937,7 @@
             40bbfb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40bbfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40bbfe      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbf0 
+            40bbfe      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40bc02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bbf0 
             40bc02      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40bc02     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -13344,8 +13990,10 @@
             40bc50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             40bc55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40bc55      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc10 
+            40bc55      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40bc58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BC76 
             40bc58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc10 
+            40bc58      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40BC76 
             40bc5a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc10 
             40bc5a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40bc5a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -13359,10 +14007,13 @@
             40bc66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             40bc69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40bc69      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc10 
+            40bc69      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40bc6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             40bc6d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc10 
+            40bc6d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             40bc71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             40bc71      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc10 
+            40bc71      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             40bc74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40BC60 
             40bc74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc10 
             40bc76      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc10 
@@ -13385,6 +14036,7 @@
             40bc8f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40bc94     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40bc94      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc10 
+            40bc94      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40bc98      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc10 
             40bc98      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40bc98     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -13416,25 +14068,31 @@
             40bcb9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60ED58 
             40bcc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40bcc0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bcb0 
+            40bcc0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40bcc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BCDF 
             40bcc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bcb0 
+            40bcc4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40BCDF 
             40bcc6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED58 
             40bcc6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bcb0 
             40bcc6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED58 
             40bccb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bcb0 
             40bcd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             40bcd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bcb0 
+            40bcd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             40bcd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_60ED58 
             40bcd4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bcb0 
+            40bcd4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_60ED58 
             40bcd6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40bcd6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bcb0 
             40bcd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40bcd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40bcd9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bcb0 
+            40bcd9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40bcdd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40BCD0 
             40bcdd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bcb0 
             40bcdf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40bcdf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bcb0 
+            40bcdf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40bce3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bcb0 
             40bce3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40bce3      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -13454,6 +14112,7 @@
             40bcec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_404B30 
             40bcf1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40bcf1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bce8 
+            40bcf1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40bcf5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bce8 
             40bcf5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40bcf5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screensaver-command.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screensaver-command.psexe.annot
index b0bde2c1..f69aa97e 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screensaver-command.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screensaver-command.psexe.annot
@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@
             400d9e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4018F0 
             400da3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             400da3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400d90 
+            400da3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             400da7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400d90 
             400da7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             400da7      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -450,8 +451,10 @@
             401031      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _setlocale 
             401036     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401036      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            401036      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401039     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40112C 
             401039      6 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            401039      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40112C 
             40103f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
             40103f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi 
             40103f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -498,14 +501,18 @@
             40107b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_option_context_free 
             401080     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             401080      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            401080      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             401082     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4010FF 
             401082      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            401082      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4010FF 
             401084      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
             401084      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R11 ZZ mov     r11d, cs:dword_6032D0 
             40108b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             40108b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            40108b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             40108e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4010E3 
             40108e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            40108e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4010E3 
             401090      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
             401090      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
             401090      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+38h+var_20]
@@ -520,10 +527,12 @@
             40109c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_bus_get_sync 
             4010a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4010a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            4010a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4010a4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
             4010a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4010a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401142 
             4010a7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            4010a7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_401142 
             4010ad      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
             4010ad      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             4010b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset sub_401520 
@@ -558,6 +567,7 @@
             4010da     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4010dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             4010dc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            4010dc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             4010e0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
             4010e0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4010e0     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 pop     rbx
@@ -587,6 +597,7 @@
             4010fb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4010fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4010DC 
             4010fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            4010fd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_4010DC 
             4010ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
             4010ff      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
             4010ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
@@ -618,6 +629,7 @@
             401125      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             40112a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4010DC 
             40112a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            40112a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_4010DC 
             40112c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aLocaleNotUnder; "Locale not understood by C library, int"... 
             40112c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
             40112c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aLocaleNotUnder; "Locale not understood by C library, int"... 
@@ -632,6 +644,7 @@
             401138      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             40113d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40103F 
             40113d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            40113d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40103F 
             401142     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
             401142      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
             401142      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
@@ -645,6 +658,7 @@
             401151      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             401155     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401112 
             401155      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400fe0 
+            401155      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401112 
             401158      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 -8 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             401158      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             401158      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401158 
@@ -694,12 +708,15 @@
             401188      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             40118f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40118f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401184 
+            40118f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401192     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401196 
             401192      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401184 
             401194     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401194      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401184 
+            401194      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401196     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401196      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401184 
+            401196      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40119a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401184 
             40119a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40119a     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -722,8 +739,10 @@
             4011a5      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4011a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_6032C0, 0 
             4011a9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
+            4011a9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_6032C0, 0 
             4011b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4011FD 
             4011b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
+            4011b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_4011FD 
             4011b2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_602E10 
             4011b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
             4011b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_602E10 
@@ -739,25 +758,30 @@
             4011c9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             4011cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4011cd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
+            4011cd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4011d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_4011F6 
             4011d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
             4011d2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
             4011d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             4011d8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
+            4011d8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             4011dc      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
             4011dc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_6032C8, rax 
             4011e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_602E08[rax*8] 
             4011e3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
+            4011e3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_602E08[rax*8] 
             4011ea      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
             4011ea      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6032C8 
             4011f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4011f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
+            4011f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4011f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_4011D8 
             4011f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
             4011f6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
             4011f6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_6032C0, 1 
             4011fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4011fd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
+            4011fd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401201      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4011a0 
             401201      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401201      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -814,14 +838,18 @@
             401256      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 72 ReturnAddress 
             40125a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40125a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            40125a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40125d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
             40125d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     rbp, rdi 
             401260     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401370 
             401260      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            401260      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      loc_401370 
             401266     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             401266      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            401266      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             401269     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401390 
             401269      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            401269      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      loc_401390 
             40126f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aOrg_gnome_scre; "org.gnome.ScreenSaver" 
             40126f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
             40126f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aOrg_gnome_scre; "org.gnome.ScreenSaver" 
@@ -839,12 +867,15 @@
             40127f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dbus_message_new_method_call 
             401284     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401284      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            401284      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401287      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
             401287      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40128a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4013A6 
             40128a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            40128a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4013A6 
             401290     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             401290      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            401290      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             401292      9 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
             401292      9 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     [rsp+48h+var_30], 0 
             401292      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_30], 0
@@ -853,6 +884,7 @@
             40129b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ lea     rbx, [rsp+48h+var_30]
             4012a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401350 
             4012a0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            4012a0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jz      loc_401350 
             4012a6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
             4012a6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
             4012a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -883,8 +915,10 @@
             4012c5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_30]
             4012ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4012ca      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            4012ca      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4012cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4012EE 
             4012cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            4012cd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4012EE 
             4012cf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
             4012cf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             4012d3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
@@ -923,8 +957,10 @@
             4012fb      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_30]
             401300     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401300      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            401300      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401303     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401324 
             401303      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            401303      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401324 
             401305      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
             401305      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             401309      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
@@ -969,6 +1005,7 @@
             40133e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r13, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             401343     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             401343      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            401343      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             401347      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
             401347      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             401347     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -992,6 +1029,7 @@
             401360      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dbus_connection_send_message 
             401365     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4012C5 
             401365      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            401365      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4012C5 
             401370     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aConnectionNull; "connection != NULL" 
             401370      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
             401370      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aConnectionNull; "connection != NULL" 
@@ -1009,6 +1047,7 @@
             401381      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
             401384     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40132C 
             401384      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            401384      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_40132C 
             401390     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aNameNull; "name != NULL" 
             401390      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
             401390      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aNameNull; "name != NULL" 
@@ -1026,6 +1065,7 @@
             4013a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
             4013a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40132C 
             4013a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            4013a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_40132C 
             4013a6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aCouldnTAllocat; "Couldn't allocate the dbus message" 
             4013a6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
             4013a6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     edx, offset aCouldnTAllocat; "Couldn't allocate the dbus message" 
@@ -1046,6 +1086,7 @@
             4013b7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             4013bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40132C 
             4013bc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401240 
+            4013bc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40132C 
             4013d0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 1 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4013d0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4013d0    328 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4013D0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             401517 
@@ -1071,10 +1112,12 @@
             4013e6      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 72 ReturnAddress 
             4013ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4013ea      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
+            4013ea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI R12 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4013ed      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
             4013ed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rdi 
             4013f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4014E8 
             4013f0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
+            4013f0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4014E8 
             4013f6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aOrg_gnome_scre; "org.gnome.ScreenSaver" 
             4013f6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
             4013f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aOrg_gnome_scre; "org.gnome.ScreenSaver" 
@@ -1092,10 +1135,12 @@
             401408      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dbus_message_new_method_call 
             40140d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40140d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
+            40140d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401410      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
             401410      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             401413     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401500 
             401413      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
+            401413      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_401500 
             401419      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
             401419      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, ebp 
             401419     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, ebp 
@@ -1151,8 +1196,10 @@
             40145f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_30]
             401464     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401464      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
+            401464      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401467     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401488 
             401467      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
+            401467      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401488 
             401469      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
             401469      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             40146d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
@@ -1191,8 +1238,10 @@
             401495      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_30]
             40149a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40149a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
+            40149a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40149d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4014BE 
             40149d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
+            40149d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4014BE 
             40149f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
             40149f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             4014a3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
@@ -1237,6 +1286,7 @@
             4014d8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r13, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             4014dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             4014dd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
+            4014dd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             4014e1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
             4014e1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             4014e1     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -1257,6 +1307,7 @@
             4014f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
             4014fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4014C6 
             4014fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
+            4014fc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_4014C6 
             401500     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aCouldnTAllocat; "Couldn't allocate the dbus message" 
             401500      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
             401500      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     edx, offset aCouldnTAllocat; "Couldn't allocate the dbus message" 
@@ -1277,6 +1328,7 @@
             401511      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             401516     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4014C6 
             401516      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013d0 
+            401516      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_4014C6 
             401520      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             401520      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             401520      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
@@ -1298,18 +1350,22 @@
             401529      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 ZZ mov     r10d, cs:dword_6032E0 
             401530     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             401530      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401530      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             401533     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401690 
             401533      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401539      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401539      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 ZZ mov     r9d, cs:dword_6032E4 
             401540     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             401540      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401540      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             401543     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401628 
             401543      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401549     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             401549      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401549      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40154c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401800 
             40154c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            40154c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_401800 
             401552     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aOrg_gnome_scre; "org.gnome.ScreenSaver" 
             401552      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401552      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aOrg_gnome_scre; "org.gnome.ScreenSaver" 
@@ -1357,8 +1413,10 @@
             4015a6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dbus_connection_call_sync 
             4015ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4015ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4015ab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4015ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401811 
             4015ae      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4015ae      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401811 
             4015b4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             4015b4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             4015b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_variant_unref 
@@ -1377,10 +1435,12 @@
             4015c9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401240 
             4015ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4015ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4015ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4015d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             4015d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             4015d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401830 
             4015d4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4015d4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401830 
             4015da      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             4015da      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             4015dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_dbus_message_get_body 
@@ -1416,8 +1476,10 @@
             401608      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aTheScreensaver; "The screensaver is active\n" 
             40160d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             40160d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            40160d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             401610     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401617 
             401610      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401610      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401617 
             401612     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset msgid; "The screensaver is inactive\n" 
             401612      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401612      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset msgid; "The screensaver is inactive\n" 
@@ -1440,29 +1502,37 @@
             401628      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_6032E8 
             40162e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40162e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            40162e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    edi, edi 
             401630     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4016A0 
             401630      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401630      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4016A0 
             401632     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, cs:dword_6032EC 
             401632      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401632      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI ZZ mov     ecx, cs:dword_6032EC 
             401638     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             401638      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401638      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             40163a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401760 
             40163a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            40163a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jnz     loc_401760 
             401640     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, cs:dword_6032F0 
             401640      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401640      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, cs:dword_6032F0 
             401646     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             401646      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401646      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             401648     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40178D 
             401648      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401648      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40178D 
             40164e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_6032F4 
             40164e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             40164e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6032F4 
             401654     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401654      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401654      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401656     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401670 
             401656      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401656      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401670 
             401658      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401658      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_6032D8 
             40165f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_main_loop_quit 
@@ -1470,6 +1540,7 @@
             40165f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_main_loop_quit 
             401664     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             401664      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401664      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             401668      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401668      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             401668     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -1490,8 +1561,10 @@
             401675      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4013D0 
             40167a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40167a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            40167a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40167d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4017C0 
             40167d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            40167d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4017C0 
             401683      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401683      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             401686     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -1499,6 +1572,7 @@
             401686      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40168b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401658 
             40168b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            40168b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401658 
             401690      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401690      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             401690     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -1510,6 +1584,7 @@
             401697      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401240 
             40169c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401658 
             40169c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            40169c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401658 
             4016a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
             4016a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             4016a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 1 
@@ -1523,10 +1598,12 @@
             4016ad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401240 
             4016b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4016b2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4016b2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4016b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             4016b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             4016b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401830 
             4016b8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4016b8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401830 
             4016be      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             4016be      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             4016c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_dbus_message_get_body 
@@ -1556,8 +1633,10 @@
             4016e2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, [rsp+58h+var_20] 
             4016e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             4016e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4016e6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    esi, esi 
             4016e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4017E0 
             4016e8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4016e8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4017E0 
             4016ee     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
             4016ee      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             4016ee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 1 
@@ -1571,10 +1650,12 @@
             4016fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401240 
             401700     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401700      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401700      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401703      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401703      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             401706     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401830 
             401706      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401706      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401830 
             40170c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             40170c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40170f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_dbus_message_get_body 
@@ -1634,6 +1715,7 @@
             401755      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_print 
             40175a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401632 
             40175a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            40175a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_401632 
             401760     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
             401760      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401760      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 1 
@@ -1647,8 +1729,10 @@
             40176d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401240 
             401772     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401772      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401772      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401775     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4017C0 
             401775      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401775      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4017C0 
             401777      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401777      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40177a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -1659,8 +1743,10 @@
             40177f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, cs:dword_6032F0 
             401785     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             401785      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401785      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             401787     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40164E 
             401787      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401787      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40164E 
             40178d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 1 
             40178d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             40178d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 1 
@@ -1671,8 +1757,10 @@
             401795      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4013D0 
             40179a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40179a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            40179a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40179d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4017C0 
             40179d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            40179d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4017C0 
             40179f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             40179f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             4017a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -1683,10 +1771,13 @@
             4017a7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6032F4 
             4017ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4017ad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4017ad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4017af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401658 
             4017af      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4017af      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401658 
             4017b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401670 
             4017b5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4017b5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_401670 
             4017c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aDidNotReceiveA; "Did not receive a reply from the screen"... 
             4017c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             4017c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aDidNotReceiveA; "Did not receive a reply from the screen"... 
@@ -1701,6 +1792,7 @@
             4017cc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             4017d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401658 
             4017d1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4017d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_401658 
             4017e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             4017e0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             4017e0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -1723,6 +1815,7 @@
             4017f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_print 
             4017fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401632 
             4017fb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            4017fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_401632 
             401800     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aConnectionNull; "connection != NULL" 
             401800      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401800      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aConnectionNull; "connection != NULL" 
@@ -1752,6 +1845,7 @@
             40181f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             401824     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401658 
             401824      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401824      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_401658 
             401830     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aDidNotReceiveA; "Did not receive a reply from the screen"... 
             401830      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
             401830      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aDidNotReceiveA; "Did not receive a reply from the screen"... 
@@ -1769,6 +1863,7 @@
             40183e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             401843     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401658 
             401843      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401520 
+            401843      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_401658 
             401850      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             401850      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SPECSAFE
             401850    137 FUNC GLOBAL init FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4018d8 
@@ -1814,8 +1909,10 @@
             401890      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             401895     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             401895      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401850 
+            401895      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             401898     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4018B6 
             401898      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401850 
+            401898      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_4018B6 
             40189a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401850 
             40189a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40189a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -1829,10 +1926,13 @@
             4018a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             4018a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             4018a9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401850 
+            4018a9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             4018ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             4018ad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401850 
+            4018ad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             4018b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4018b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401850 
+            4018b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4018b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4018A0 
             4018b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401850 
             4018b6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401850 
@@ -1855,6 +1955,7 @@
             4018cf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             4018d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4018d4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401850 
+            4018d4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4018d8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401850 
             4018d8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4018d8     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -1886,25 +1987,31 @@
             4018f9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_602DF8 
             401900     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             401900      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018f0 
+            401900      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             401904     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40191F 
             401904      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018f0 
+            401904      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40191F 
             401906     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_602DF8 
             401906      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018f0 
             401906      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_602DF8 
             40190b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4018f0 
             401910     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             401910      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018f0 
+            401910      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             401914     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_602DF8 
             401914      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018f0 
+            401914      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_602DF8 
             401916     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             401916      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4018f0 
             401916      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             401919     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             401919      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018f0 
+            401919      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40191d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401910 
             40191d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4018f0 
             40191f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40191f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4018f0 
+            40191f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401923      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4018f0 
             401923      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401923      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -1924,6 +2031,7 @@
             40192c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4011A0 
             401931     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401931      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401928 
+            401931      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401935      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401928 
             401935      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401935      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screensaver.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screensaver.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 8eb7c18a..f19f23b1 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screensaver.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screensaver.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screenshot.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screenshot.psexe.annot
index bec2697d..2ac01e3f 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screenshot.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-screenshot.psexe.annot
@@ -569,6 +569,7 @@
             4060fe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40CF10 
             406103     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406103      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4060f0 
+            406103      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406107      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4060f0 
             406107      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             406107      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2658,12 +2659,15 @@
             40761c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             407623     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407623      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407618 
+            407623      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407626     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40762A 
             407626      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407618 
             407628     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             407628      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407618 
+            407628      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             40762a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40762a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407618 
+            40762a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40762e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407618 
             40762e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40762e     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -2686,8 +2690,10 @@
             407635      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             407639     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60FA60, 0 
             407639      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
+            407639      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60FA60, 0 
             407640     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40768D 
             407640      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
+            407640      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_40768D 
             407642     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED70 
             407642      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
             407642      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED70 
@@ -2703,25 +2709,30 @@
             407659      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             40765d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             40765d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
+            40765d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             407660     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_407686 
             407660      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
             407662      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
             407668     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             407668      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
+            407668      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             40766c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
             40766c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_60FA68, rax 
             407673     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_60ED68[rax*8] 
             407673      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
+            407673      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_60ED68[rax*8] 
             40767a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
             40767a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FA68 
             407681     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             407681      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
+            407681      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             407684     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_407668 
             407684      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
             407686      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
             407686      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_60FA60, 1 
             40768d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40768d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
+            40768d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             407691      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407630 
             407691      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             407691      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2831,6 +2842,7 @@
             40776f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             407774     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             407774      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
+            407774      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407778      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407720 
             407778      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             407778     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -2851,6 +2863,7 @@
             40778c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             407791     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             407791      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407780 
+            407791      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             407795      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407780 
             407795      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             407795      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2864,16 +2877,19 @@
             4077a0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4077a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             4077a4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4077a0 
+            4077a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             4077a7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4077a0 
             4077a7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FA70 
             4077ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4077ae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4077a0 
+            4077ae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4077b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4077C0 
             4077b1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4077a0 
             4077b3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4077a0 
             4077b3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FA70 
             4077ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4077ba      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4077a0 
+            4077ba      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4077be      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4077a0 
             4077be      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4077be     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -2885,6 +2901,7 @@
             4077c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             4077ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4077ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4077a0 
+            4077ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4077cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4077B3 
             4077cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4077a0 
             4077ce     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aCheeseflash; "CheeseFlash" 
@@ -2926,6 +2943,7 @@
             40780a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40780f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4077B3 
             40780f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4077a0 
+            40780f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_4077B3 
             407820      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             407820      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             407820    154 FUNC GLOBAL sub_407820 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4078b9 
@@ -2970,6 +2988,7 @@
             407857      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_screen_is_composited 
             40785c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40785c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407820 
+            40785c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40785e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4078A0 
             40785e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407820 
             407860      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407820 
@@ -3010,6 +3029,7 @@
             407890      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             407895     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             407895      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407820 
+            407895      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407899      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407820 
             407899      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             407899     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -3030,6 +3050,7 @@
             4078b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_hide 
             4078b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407885 
             4078b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407820 
+            4078b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_407885 
             4078c0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             4078c0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4078c0    120 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4078C0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             407937 
@@ -3073,6 +3094,7 @@
             4078f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   [rsp+18h+var_18], xmm1 
             4078f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             4078f7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4078c0 
+            4078f7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             4078fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_window_set_opacity 
             4078fb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4078c0 
             4078fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_set_opacity 
@@ -3087,8 +3109,10 @@
             40790d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             407912     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             407912      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4078c0 
+            407912      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             407916     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_407932 
             407916      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4078c0 
+            407916      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jb      short loc_407932 
             407918     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
             407918      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4078c0 
             407918      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -3109,6 +3133,7 @@
             407930     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             407932     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             407932      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4078c0 
+            407932      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             407936     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             407936      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4078c0 
             407936      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -3235,6 +3260,7 @@
             407b94      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rax] 
             407b97     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             407b97      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b60 
+            407b97      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             407b99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_407C38 
             407b99      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407b60 
             407b9f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rbx+0Ch] 
@@ -3242,6 +3268,7 @@
             407b9f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rbx+0Ch] 
             407ba2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             407ba2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b60 
+            407ba2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             407ba4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407BAB 
             407ba4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b60 
             407ba6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_source_remove 
@@ -3332,6 +3359,7 @@
             407c2a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             407c2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             407c2f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407b60 
+            407c2f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             407c33      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407b60 
             407c33      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ retn 
             407c33     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -3340,6 +3368,7 @@
             407c38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_source_remove 
             407c3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407B9F 
             407c3d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b60 
+            407c3d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_407B9F 
             407c50      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 1 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 96 14 0 1 15 0 4 ZZ
             407c50      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             407c50     25 FUNC GLOBAL sub_407C50 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             407c68 
@@ -3357,6 +3386,7 @@
             407c5b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             407c5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             407c5e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407c50 
+            407c5e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             407c62      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407c50 
             407c62      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             407c62     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -3415,6 +3445,7 @@
             407cbb     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+88h], offset loc_408D90 
             407cc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             407cc6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407c70 
+            407cc6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             407cca     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 30h 
             407cca      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407c70 
             407cca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     esi, 30h 
@@ -3480,11 +3511,13 @@
             407d1c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40CA30 
             407d21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407d21      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d21      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407d24      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407d24      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+28h+var_20], rax 
             407d24      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+28h+var_20], rax
             407d29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407E08 
             407d29      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d29      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      loc_407E08 
             407d2f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407d2f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, cs:qword_60FAD8 
             407d36     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     ecx, [rdx+14h] 
@@ -3492,8 +3525,10 @@
             407d36      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ mov     ecx, [rdx+14h] 
             407d39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             407d39      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d39      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             407d3b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407D60 
             407d3b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d3b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407D60 
             407d3d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407d3d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rbx+28h] 
             407d41      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
@@ -3503,8 +3538,10 @@
             407d45      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rdx+10h] 
             407d48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407d48      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d48      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407d4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407DA0 
             407d4a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d4a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407DA0 
             407d4c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407d4c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbx 
             407d4f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset loc_407F80 
@@ -3515,6 +3552,7 @@
             407d54      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A2A0 
             407d59     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             407d59      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d59      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407d5d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407d5d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             407d5e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
@@ -3529,12 +3567,16 @@
             407d64      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ movzx   ecx, byte ptr [rcx] 
             407d67     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cl, 62h 
             407d67      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d67      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cl, 62h 
             407d6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407DE8 
             407d6a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d6a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407DE8 
             407d6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cl, 73h 
             407d6c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d6c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cl, 73h 
             407d6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407D3D 
             407d6f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d6f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407D3D 
             407d71      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407d71      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
             407d71      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+28h+var_20]
@@ -3555,8 +3597,10 @@
             407d8f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rdx+10h] 
             407d92     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407d92      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d92      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407d94     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407D4C 
             407d94      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407d94      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407D4C 
             407d96     10 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407da0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407da0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -3600,6 +3644,7 @@
             407dd9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_application_release 
             407dde     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             407dde      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407dde      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407de2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407de2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             407de2     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -3620,6 +3665,7 @@
             407df7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, cs:qword_60FAD8 
             407dfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407D3D 
             407dfe      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407dfe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_407D3D 
             407e08     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aUnableToCaptur; "Unable to capture a screenshot of any w"... 
             407e08      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407e08      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aUnableToCaptur; "Unable to capture a screenshot of any w"... 
@@ -3642,8 +3688,10 @@
             407e25      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, [rax+34h] 
             407e28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             407e28      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407e28      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    esi, esi 
             407e2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407E70 
             407e2a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407e2a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407E70 
             407e2c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407e2c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407e2c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -3685,6 +3733,7 @@
             407e5e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40CC70 
             407e63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407DC6 
             407e63      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407e63      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_407DC6 
             407e70      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
             407e70      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407e70     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -3704,6 +3753,7 @@
             407e84      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40BE70 
             407e89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407DC6 
             407e89      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d10 
+            407e89      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_407DC6 
             407e90      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             407e90      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             407e90      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
@@ -3717,8 +3767,10 @@
             407e9b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, [rax+18h] 
             407e9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             407e9f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407e9f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             407ea2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407EC0 
             407ea2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407ea2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_407EC0 
             407ea4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
             407ea4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             407ea4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -3733,6 +3785,7 @@
             407eb0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             407eb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             407eb2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407eb2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             407eb6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
             407eb6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             407ec0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
@@ -3751,6 +3804,7 @@
             407ed2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             407ed4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             407ed4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407ed4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             407ed8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
             407ed8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             407ed8      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3777,6 +3831,7 @@
             407eed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+28h] 
             407ef1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             407ef1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407ee0 
+            407ef1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             407ef4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407F04 
             407ef4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407ee0 
             407ef6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 1 
@@ -3801,8 +3856,10 @@
             407f14      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rax+20h] 
             407f18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             407f18      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407ee0 
+            407f18      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             407f1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407F48 
             407f1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407ee0 
+            407f1b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jnz     short loc_407F48 
             407f1d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407ee0 
             407f1d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             407f20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407ee0 
@@ -3824,6 +3881,7 @@
             407f2f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_create_async 
             407f34     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             407f34      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407ee0 
+            407f34      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407f38      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407ee0 
             407f38      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             407f3b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407ee0 
@@ -3861,6 +3919,7 @@
             407f64      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_replace_async 
             407f69     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             407f69      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407ee0 
+            407f69      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407f6d     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rdi, rbx
             407f6d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407ee0 
             407f6d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -3984,16 +4043,20 @@
             40819a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             40819f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40819f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            40819f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4081a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4081B7 
             4081a1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            4081a1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4081B7 
             4081a3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
             4081a3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R13 ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FAD8 
             4081aa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
             4081aa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13d, [rax+34h] 
             4081ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
             4081ae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            4081ae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
             4081b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408280 
             4081b1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            4081b1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_408280 
             4081b7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
             4081b7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+28h] 
             4081bb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
@@ -4030,16 +4093,20 @@
             4081e5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_matches 
             4081ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4081ea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            4081ea      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4081ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4081FF 
             4081ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            4081ec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4081FF 
             4081ee      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
             4081ee      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R12 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+28h] 
             4081f2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
             4081f2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12d, [rax+20h] 
             4081f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             4081f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            4081f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             4081f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4082E0 
             4081f9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            4081f9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4082E0 
             4081ff     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4081ff      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
             4081ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -4116,6 +4183,7 @@
             40826d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     r15, [rsp+58h+var_8]
             408272     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             408272      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            408272      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             408276     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_40A060 
             408276      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
             408276      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     sub_40A060 
@@ -4171,6 +4239,7 @@
             4082ca      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     r15, [rsp+58h+var_8]
             4082cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             4082cf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            4082cf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             4082d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_application_release 
             4082d3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
             4082d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_application_release 
@@ -4310,8 +4379,10 @@
             4083a6      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     eax, dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_50]
             4083aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFF8h 
             4083aa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            4083aa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFF8h 
             4083ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408251 
             4083ad      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            4083ad      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jnz     loc_408251 
             4083b3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
             4083b3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+28h] 
             4083b7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
@@ -4338,6 +4409,7 @@
             4083d8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+20h], 1 
             4083df     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             4083df      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
+            4083df      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             4083e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_407EE0 
             4083e3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408160 
             4083e3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     sub_407EE0 
@@ -4609,15 +4681,19 @@
             408ada      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, [rax+18h] 
             408add     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             408add      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
+            408add      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             408adf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408B10 
             408adf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
+            408adf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_408B10 
             408ae1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM imul    edi, ebp, 3E8h 
             408ae1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
             408ae1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ imul    edi, ebp, 3E8h 
             408ae7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             408ae7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
+            408ae7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    edi, edi 
             408ae9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408B10 
             408ae9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
+            408ae9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_408B10 
             408aeb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
             408aeb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ mov     rdx, rbx 
             408aee      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
@@ -4631,6 +4707,7 @@
             408af8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, offset sub_407E90 
             408afd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             408afd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
+            408afd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             408b01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_timeout_add 
             408b01      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
             408b01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_timeout_add 
@@ -4639,13 +4716,16 @@
             408b10      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rax+34h] 
             408b13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408b13      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
+            408b13      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408b15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408B20 
             408b15      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
+            408b15      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_408B20 
             408b17     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 0C8h 
             408b17      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
             408b17      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edi, 0C8h 
             408b1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408AEB 
             408b1c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
+            408b1c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_408AEB 
             408b20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
             408b20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbx 
             408b23      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
@@ -4659,6 +4739,7 @@
             408b2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset sub_407E90 
             408b32     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             408b32      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
+            408b32      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             408b36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_idle_add 
             408b36     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_idle_add
             408b36      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408aa0 
@@ -4737,16 +4818,19 @@
             408cd1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             408cd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             408cd5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408cd0 
+            408cd5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             408cd8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408cd0 
             408cd8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FA80 
             408cdf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             408cdf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408cd0 
+            408cdf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             408ce2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408CF8 
             408ce2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408cd0 
             408ce4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408cd0 
             408ce4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FA80 
             408ceb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             408ceb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408cd0 
+            408ceb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             408cef     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             408cef      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408cd0 
             408cef      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -4760,6 +4844,7 @@
             408cfd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             408d02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408d02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408cd0 
+            408d02      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408d04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408CE4 
             408d04      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408cd0 
             408d06     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aScreenshotappl; "ScreenshotApplication" 
@@ -4805,6 +4890,7 @@
             408d48      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             408d4d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408CE4 
             408d4d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408cd0 
+            408d4d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_408CE4 
             408d50      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 1 6 0 0 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 16 ZZ
             408d50      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             408d50      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408d50 
@@ -4816,10 +4902,12 @@
             408d54      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FA90 
             408d5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             408d5b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408d50 
+            408d5b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             408d5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408D68 
             408d5e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408d50 
             408d60     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             408d60      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408d50 
+            408d60      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             408d64      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408d50 
             408d64      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             408d68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_408CD0 
@@ -4846,6 +4934,7 @@
             408d83      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_60FA90, rax 
             408d8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             408d8a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408d50 
+            408d8a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             408d8e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408d50 
             408d8e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             408d8e      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -5025,6 +5114,7 @@
             408ffd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rax, [rax] 
             409000     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409000      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408ff0 
+            409000      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409004      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408ff0 
             409004      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 R14 ZZ retn 
             409004      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -5095,6 +5185,7 @@
             409127      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, [rdi+18h] 
             40912b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40912b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409120 
+            40912b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40912d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409148 
             40912d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409120 
             40912f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409120 
@@ -5102,6 +5193,7 @@
             40912f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             409131     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [rbx+10h] 
             409131      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409120 
+            409131      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [rbx+10h] 
             409134      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409120 
             409134      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbx 
             409137     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 28h 
@@ -5119,9 +5211,11 @@
             409144      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             409148     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [rbx+10h] 
             409148      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409120 
+            409148      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [rbx+10h] 
             40914b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409120 
             409150     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409134 
             409150      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409120 
+            409150      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_409134 
             409163     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409165     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409185 
             409167     -1 INSTR LOCAL NUMViaFPRegDest movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rsi+40h] 
@@ -5242,60 +5336,84 @@
             4093d4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM4 ZZ mov     eax, [rdx+10h] 
             4093d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4093d7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093d7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM4 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4093d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409446 
             4093d9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093d9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM4 ZZ jz      short loc_409446 
             4093db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm3, dword ptr [rdx] 
             4093db      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093db      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM4 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm3, dword ptr [rdx] 
             4093df     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm2, qword ptr [rsi+40h] 
             4093df      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM4 ZZ movsd   xmm2, qword ptr [rsi+40h] 
             4093e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm0, xmm3 
             4093e4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093e4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM4 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm3 
             4093e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm5, xmm5 
             4093e8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093e8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ xorpd   xmm5, xmm5 
             4093ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             4093ec      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093ec      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ subsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             4093f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm5, xmm0 
             4093f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ ucomisd xmm5, xmm0 
             4093f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_409450 
             4093f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM4 ZZ ja      short loc_409450 
             4093f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm0 
             4093f6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093f6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm0 
             4093fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, dword ptr [rdx+4] 
             4093fa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, dword ptr [rdx+4] 
             4093ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rsi+48h] 
             4093ff      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            4093ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rsi+48h] 
             409404      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
             409404      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ mov     [rdx+8], eax 
             409407     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm4, xmm1 
             409407      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409407      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ movapd  xmm4, xmm1 
             40940b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm4, xmm0 
             40940b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            40940b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subsd   xmm4, xmm0 
             40940f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm5, xmm4 
             40940f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            40940f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm5, xmm4 
             409413     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_409480 
             409413      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
             409415     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm5, qword ptr cs:xmmword_40D4D0 
             409415      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409415      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm5, qword ptr cs:xmmword_40D4D0 
             40941d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm4, xmm5 
             40941d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            40941d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xorpd   xmm4, xmm5 
             409421     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm4 
             409421      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409421      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM5 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm4 
             409425     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm2, xmm3 
             409425      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409425      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 XMM5 ZZ ucomisd xmm2, xmm3 
             409429      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
             409429      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     [rdx+0Ch], eax 
             40942c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_409470 
             40942c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            40942c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jbe     short loc_409470 
             40942e     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm3 
             40942e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            40942e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm3 
             409432     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             409432      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409432      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             409436      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
             409436      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     [rdx], eax 
             409438     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_409468 
             409438      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409438      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jbe     short loc_409468 
             40943a     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             40943a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            40943a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             40943e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
             40943e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     [rdx+4], eax 
             409441     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_main_quit 
@@ -5306,29 +5424,40 @@
             409446      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             40944b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40944b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            40944b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40944f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
             40944f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ retn 
             40944f      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
             409450     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, qword ptr cs:xmmword_40D4D0 
             409450      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409450      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ movsd   xmm1, qword ptr cs:xmmword_40D4D0 
             409458     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm1 
             409458      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409458      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm1 
             40945c     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm0 
             40945c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            40945c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm0 
             409460     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4093FA 
             409460      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409460      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ jmp     short loc_4093FA 
             409468     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm0 
             409468      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409468      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm0 
             40946c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40943E 
             40946c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            40946c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jmp     short loc_40943E 
             409470     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm2 
             409470      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409470      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm2 
             409474     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409432 
             409474      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409474      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jmp     short loc_409432 
             409480     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm4 
             409480      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409480      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM5 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm4 
             409484     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409425 
             409484      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4093d0 
+            409484      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jmp     short loc_409425 
             409490      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 4 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             409490      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409490      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409490 
@@ -5338,6 +5467,7 @@
             409490      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 8 ReturnAddress 
             409494     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsi+1Ch], 0FF1Bh 
             409494      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409490 
+            409494      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsi+1Ch], 0FF1Bh 
             40949b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4094B0 
             40949b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409490 
             40949d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
@@ -5345,6 +5475,7 @@
             40949d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             4094a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4094a2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409490 
+            4094a2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4094a6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409490 
             4094a6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4094b0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409490 
@@ -5365,6 +5496,7 @@
             4094d7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             4094dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4094dc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409490 
+            4094dc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4094e0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409490 
             4094e0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4094e0      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -5442,12 +5574,16 @@
             409555      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_screen_is_composited 
             40955a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40955a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
+            40955a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40955c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40957B 
             40955c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
+            40955c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40957B 
             40955e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
             40955e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
+            40955e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r14, r14 
             409561     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40957B 
             409561      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
+            409561      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40957B 
             409563      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
             409563      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r14 
             409566      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
@@ -5687,8 +5823,10 @@
             4096c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_device_grab 
             4096cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4096cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
+            4096cb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4096cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40973A 
             4096cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
+            4096cd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40973A 
             4096cf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
             4096cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_40] 
             4096cf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_40]
@@ -5719,6 +5857,7 @@
             4096f3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_device_grab 
             4096f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4096f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
+            4096f8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4096fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409730 
             4096fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
             4096fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_main 
@@ -5756,6 +5895,7 @@
             409727      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_flush 
             40972c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409742 
             40972c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
+            40972c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_409742 
             409730      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
             409730      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             409730     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -5798,6 +5938,7 @@
             409767      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_timeout_add 
             40976c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 40h 
             40976c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
+            40976c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 40h 
             409770      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4094f0 
             409770      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             409770     64 DEALLOC STACK esp - 64 pop     rbx
@@ -5856,26 +5997,31 @@
             4097b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ mov     r15d, r8d 
             4097b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             4097b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4097b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
             4097ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4098A0 
             4097ba      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             4097c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4097c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             4097c2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnz   al 
             4097c2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097c2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ setnz   al 
             4097c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_409940 
             4097c5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4097c5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_409940 
             4097cb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rsp+48h+arg_0] 
             4097cb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097cb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ mov     ecx, [rsp+48h+arg_0] 
             4097cb      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     ecx, [rsp+48h+arg_0]
             4097cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             4097cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4097cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4097d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused setnz   [rsp+48h+var_39] 
             4097d1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ setnz   [rsp+48h+var_39] 
             4097d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_409970 
             4097d6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4097d6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_409970 
             4097dc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 38h 
             4097dc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 38h 
@@ -5911,8 +6057,10 @@
             409810      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     r9, [rsp+48h+var_48]
             409814     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             409814      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409814      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             409816     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4098D0 
             409816      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409816      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4098D0 
             40981c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aAutoSaveDirect; "auto-save-directory" 
             40981c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             40981c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aAutoSaveDirect; "auto-save-directory" 
@@ -5940,15 +6088,18 @@
             40983d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40983f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             40983f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            40983f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             409842     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             409842      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             409842      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ setz    al 
             409845     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9, r9 
             409845      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409845      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r9, r9 
             409848      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             409848      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [r14+24h], eax 
             40984c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40985A 
             40984c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            40984c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40985A 
             40984e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             40984e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r9 
             409851     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -5978,6 +6129,7 @@
             409877      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_settings_get_boolean 
             40987c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [r14+28h], 0 
             40987c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            40987c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [r14+28h], 0 
             409881      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             409885     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4099B0 
             409885      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
@@ -6013,6 +6165,7 @@
             4098bc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             4098c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             4098c1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4098c1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             4098c5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4098c5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4098c5     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -6036,6 +6189,7 @@
             4098e9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_settings_get_int 
             4098ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+48h+var_39], 0 
             4098ee      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4098ee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+48h+var_39], 0 
             4098ee      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 15 displ cmp     [rsp+48h+var_39], 0
             4098f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4098f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r14] 
@@ -6054,6 +6208,7 @@
             409909      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     r9, [rsp+48h+var_48]
             40990d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
             40990d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            40990d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
             409910     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
             409910      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             409910      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, 1 
@@ -6064,14 +6219,17 @@
             409918     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40991a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             40991a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            40991a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             40991d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             40991d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ cmovz   eax, edx 
             409920     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9, r9 
             409920      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409920      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r9, r9 
             409923      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             409923      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [r14+24h], eax 
             409927     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4099A0 
             409927      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409927      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4099A0 
             409929      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             409929      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r14] 
             40992c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aBorderEffect; "border-effect" 
@@ -6084,10 +6242,13 @@
             409936      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     [r14+28h], rax 
             40993a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40985E 
             40993a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            40993a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40985E 
             409940     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             409940      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409940      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             409942     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4097CB 
             409942      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409942      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4097CB 
             409948      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             409948      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             409948     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -6110,10 +6271,13 @@
             40995e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             409963     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4098A0 
             409963      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409963      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_4098A0 
             409970     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             409970      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409970      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             409972     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4097DC 
             409972      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409972      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4097DC 
             409978     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             409978      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             409978      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -6139,6 +6303,7 @@
             409991      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             409996     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4098A0 
             409996      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409996      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_4098A0 
             4099a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4099a0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi 
             4099a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -6149,6 +6314,7 @@
             4099a7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     [r14+28h], rax 
             4099ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40985E 
             4099ab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4099ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40985E 
             4099b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aNone; "none" 
             4099b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4099b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aNone; "none" 
@@ -6159,6 +6325,7 @@
             4099ba      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R15 ZZ mov     [r14+28h], rax 
             4099be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40988B 
             4099be      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4099be      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R13 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_40988B 
             4099d0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4099d0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4099d0    171 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4099D0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             409a7a 
@@ -6363,10 +6530,12 @@
             409c3c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_builder_add_from_file 
             409c41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409c41      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409c41      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409c43      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409c43      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+8], r12 
             409c47     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A009 
             409c47      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409c47      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40A009 
             409c4d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409c4d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             409c50     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset domainname; "gnome-screenshot" 
@@ -6673,10 +6842,13 @@
             409e10      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_pixbuf_get_height 
             409e15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm2, r14d 
             409e15      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409e15      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm2, r14d 
             409e1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, eax 
             409e1a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409e1a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, eax 
             409e1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divss   xmm2, xmm0 
             409e1e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409e1e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divss   xmm2, xmm0 
             409e22     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   [rsp+78h+var_78], xmm2 
             409e22      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409e22      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movss   [rsp+78h+var_78], xmm2 
@@ -6693,6 +6865,7 @@
             409e34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             409e39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             409e39      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409e39      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             409e3c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409e3c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             409e3c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -6808,8 +6981,10 @@
             409ee3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, [rax+14h] 
             409ee6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409ee6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409ee6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409ee8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_409FE8 
             409ee8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409ee8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jnz     loc_409FE8 
             409eee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_frame_get_type 
             409eee      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409eee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _gtk_frame_get_type 
@@ -6905,10 +7080,12 @@
             409f7b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _g_utf8_strrchr 
             409f80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409f80      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409f80      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409f83      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409f83      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             409f86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409FAB 
             409f86      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409f86      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_409FAB 
             409f88     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rsi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             409f88      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409f88      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rsi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
@@ -6957,6 +7134,7 @@
             409fcb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _g_free 
             409fd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             409fd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409fd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             409fd4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409fd4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
             409fd4     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 mov     rax, rbx
@@ -6995,6 +7173,7 @@
             409fff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _gtk_frame_set_shadow_type 
             40a004     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409F0D 
             40a004      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            40a004      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_409F0D 
             40a009     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40a009      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             40a009      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -7104,6 +7283,7 @@
             40a0a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40a0a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a0a7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a070 
+            40a0a7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a0ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40a0ab     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
             40a0ab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a070 
@@ -7190,6 +7370,7 @@
             40a115      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             40a11a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40a11a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0d0 
+            40a11a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40a11d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A15C 
             40a11d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0d0 
             40a11f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0d0 
@@ -7236,6 +7417,7 @@
             40a157      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strdup 
             40a15c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40a15c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0d0 
+            40a15c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40a160     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40a160      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0d0 
             40a160      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -7339,6 +7521,7 @@
             40a1f2      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40a1f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a1f7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a170 
+            40a1f7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a1fb      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a170 
             40a1fb      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40a1fb     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -7376,10 +7559,12 @@
             40a225      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_window 
             40a22a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             40a22a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a200 
+            40a22a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40a22c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a200 
             40a22c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40a22f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A270 
             40a22f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a200 
+            40a22f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40A270 
             40a231      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a200 
             40a231      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             40a231     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -7393,6 +7578,7 @@
             40a23b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
             40a23d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             40a23d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a200 
+            40a23d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40a23f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a200 
             40a23f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40a242     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    sil 
@@ -7414,6 +7600,7 @@
             40a25a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40a25f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40a25f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a200 
+            40a25f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40a263     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gdk_flush 
             40a263     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _gdk_flush
             40a263      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a200 
@@ -7440,6 +7627,7 @@
             40a28b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40a290     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A23B 
             40a290      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a200 
+            40a290      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40A23B 
             40a2a0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 4 6 0 4 7 0 1 8 0 1 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40a2a0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40a2a0    464 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40A2A0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40a46f 
@@ -7489,6 +7677,7 @@
             40a2e3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strdup 
             40a2e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r15], 7Eh 
             40a2e8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a2e8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r15], 7Eh 
             40a2ec      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
             40a2ec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40a2ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A390 
@@ -7590,6 +7779,7 @@
             40a37d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset sub_40A470 
             40a382     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40a382      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a382      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40a386     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_io_scheduler_push_job 
             40a386      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
             40a386      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_io_scheduler_push_job 
@@ -7599,10 +7789,12 @@
             40a390      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [r15+1] 
             40a395     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             40a395      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a395      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             40a397     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A430 
             40a397      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
             40a39d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Fh 
             40a39d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a39d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Fh 
             40a39f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A430 
             40a39f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
             40a3a5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
@@ -7620,6 +7812,7 @@
             40a3b6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strchr 
             40a3bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a3bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a3bb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI R14 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a3be      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
             40a3be      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             40a3c1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
@@ -7627,6 +7820,7 @@
             40a3c1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_40]
             40a3c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A460 
             40a3c6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a3c6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40A460 
             40a3cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
             40a3cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40a3cf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
@@ -7662,12 +7856,15 @@
             40a3fc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_40]
             40a401     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a401      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a401      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a404     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A450 
             40a404      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a404      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A450 
             40a406      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
             40a406      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+20h] 
             40a40a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40a40a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a40a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40a40d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A450 
             40a40d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
             40a40f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
@@ -7692,6 +7889,7 @@
             40a424      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40a429     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A2F5 
             40a429      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a429      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40A2F5 
             40a430     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_get_home_dir 
             40a430      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
             40a430      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_get_home_dir 
@@ -7712,6 +7910,7 @@
             40a445      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             40a448     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A41E 
             40a448      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a448      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40A41E 
             40a450      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
             40a450      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             40a453     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -7721,6 +7920,7 @@
             40a458      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             40a45b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A41E 
             40a45b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a45b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40A41E 
             40a460      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
             40a460      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rdx 
             40a463     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -7730,6 +7930,7 @@
             40a468      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rax 
             40a46b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A3DD 
             40a46b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2a0 
+            40a46b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40A3DD 
             40a470      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -40 0 4 0 8 5 -32 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -24 0 13 -16 0 14 -8 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40a470      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40a470      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
@@ -7771,10 +7972,12 @@
             40a493      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx+rdx*8] 
             40a497     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40a497      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a497      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40a49a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A5E8 
             40a49a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a4a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40a4a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a4a0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40a4a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A5E8 
             40a4a4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a4aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_date_time_new_now_local 
@@ -7804,8 +8007,10 @@
             40a4ce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40a4d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14d, r14d 
             40a4d3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a4d3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r14d, r14d 
             40a4d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40A570 
             40a4d6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a4d6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40A570 
             40a4dc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset msgid; "Screenshot from %s.png" 
             40a4dc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a4dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset msgid; "Screenshot from %s.png" 
@@ -7854,6 +8059,7 @@
             40a515      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40a51a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40a51a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a51a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40a51d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A5DE 
             40a51d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a523      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
@@ -7881,8 +8087,10 @@
             40a540      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_query_info 
             40a545     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a545      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a545      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a548     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A598 
             40a548      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a548      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A598 
             40a54a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a54a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40a54d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -7905,6 +8113,7 @@
             40a566      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     eax, [rbx+1Ch] 
             40a569     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A488 
             40a569      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a569      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ jmp     loc_40A488 
             40a570     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aScreenshotFr_0; "Screenshot from %s - %d.png" 
             40a570      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a570      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aScreenshotFr_0; "Screenshot from %s - %d.png" 
@@ -7931,14 +8140,17 @@
             40a58c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             40a58f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A4F8 
             40a58f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a58f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40A4F8 
             40a598     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_30] 
             40a598      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a598      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_30] 
             40a598      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_30]
             40a59d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax+4], 1 
             40a59d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a59d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax+4], 1 
             40a5a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A5F8 
             40a5a1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a5a1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A5F8 
             40a5a3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a5a3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40a5a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -7949,14 +8161,17 @@
             40a5ab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rbx+1Ch] 
             40a5ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             40a5ae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a5ae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             40a5b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A650 
             40a5b1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a5b1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40A650 
             40a5b7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_30] 
             40a5b7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a5b7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_30] 
             40a5b7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_30]
             40a5bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
             40a5bc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a5bc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 1 
             40a5bf      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a5bf      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rbx+18h], 0 
             40a5c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
@@ -7974,16 +8189,19 @@
             40a5d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     eax, [rbx+1Ch] 
             40a5d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A488 
             40a5d9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a5d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ jmp     loc_40A488 
             40a5de     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rbx+1Ch] 
             40a5de      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a5de      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     eax, [rbx+1Ch] 
             40a5e1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a5e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
             40a5e8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a5e8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ add     eax, 1 
             40a5eb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a5eb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     [rbx+1Ch], eax 
             40a5ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A488 
             40a5ee      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a5ee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ jmp     loc_40A488 
             40a5f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a5f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40a5fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_get_parent 
@@ -8001,17 +8219,22 @@
             40a608      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_query_exists 
             40a60d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a60d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a60d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a60f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40A6EE 
             40a60f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a60f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40A6EE 
             40a615     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rbx+1Ch] 
             40a615      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a615      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rbx+1Ch] 
             40a618     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             40a618      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a618      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             40a61b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A648 
             40a61b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a61b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A648 
             40a61d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
             40a61d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a61d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     eax, 1 
             40a620      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a620      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40a623      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
@@ -8031,6 +8254,7 @@
             40a63a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     eax, [rbx+1Ch] 
             40a63d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A488 
             40a63d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a63d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ jmp     loc_40A488 
             40a648      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a648      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             40a64b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -8108,6 +8332,7 @@
             40a6b5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
             40a6b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             40a6b7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a6b7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mfence 
             40a6ba      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a6ba      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+20h] 
             40a6be     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, rdi 
@@ -8119,6 +8344,7 @@
             40a6c6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a6c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40a6c8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a6c8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40a6cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A6D2 
             40a6cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a6cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -8134,6 +8360,7 @@
             40a6da      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_slice_free1 
             40a6df     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40a6df      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a6df      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40a6e3     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 xor     eax, eax
             40a6e3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
             40a6e3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
@@ -8179,6 +8406,7 @@
             40a711      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer 
             40a716     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A68E 
             40a716      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a470 
+            40a716      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40A68E 
             40a720      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40a720      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40a720    117 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40A720 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40a794 
@@ -8220,6 +8448,7 @@
             40a752      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_simple_async_result_propagate_error 
             40a757     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a757      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
+            40a757      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a759     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A780 
             40a759      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
             40a75b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
@@ -8242,6 +8471,7 @@
             40a772      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40a777     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a777      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
+            40a777      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a77b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gpointer 
             40a77b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
             40a77b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gpointer 
@@ -8259,6 +8489,7 @@
             40a78b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40a790     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a790      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
+            40a790      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a794      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
             40a794      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40a794     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -8756,6 +8987,7 @@
             40aba4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40aba9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             40aba9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40aba9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 ZZ xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             40abac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40abac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM2 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40abaf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40D7C0 
@@ -8838,6 +9070,7 @@
             40ac18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_show 
             40ac1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm3, xmm3 
             40ac1d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40ac1d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ xorps   xmm3, xmm3 
             40ac20     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  xmm2, xmm3 
             40ac20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40ac20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movaps  xmm2, xmm3 
@@ -8990,15 +9223,19 @@
             40acf6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ mov     edi, [rax+14h] 
             40acf9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40acf9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40acf9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40acfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AD08 
             40acfb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40acfb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM3 ZZ jnz     short loc_40AD08 
             40acfd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rax+18h] 
             40acfd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40acfd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM3 ZZ mov     esi, [rax+18h] 
             40ad00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             40ad00      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40ad00      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ test    esi, esi 
             40ad02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B640 
             40ad02      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40ad02      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM3 ZZ jz      loc_40B640 
             40ad08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_toggle_button_get_type 
             40ad08      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40ad08      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ call    _gtk_toggle_button_get_type 
@@ -9115,8 +9352,10 @@
             40adaa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ mov     ecx, [rax+14h] 
             40adad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             40adad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40adad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             40adaf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40B690 
             40adaf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40adaf      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ jnz     loc_40B690 
             40adb5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
             40adb5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40adb5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM3 ZZ xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -9207,8 +9446,10 @@
             40ae33      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ mov     edx, [rax+18h] 
             40ae36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40ae36      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40ae36      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40ae38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40B670 
             40ae38      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40ae38      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ jnz     loc_40B670 
             40ae3e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
             40ae3e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40ae3e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM3 ZZ xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -9306,8 +9547,10 @@
             40aec6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ mov     eax, [rax+18h] 
             40aec9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40aec9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40aec9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40aecb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AEDB 
             40aecb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40aecb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_40AEDB 
             40aecd      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40aecd      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_60FAA0 
             40aed4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
@@ -9345,6 +9588,7 @@
             40aeff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40af04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             40af04      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40af04      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             40af07      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40af07      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM3 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40af0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40D7C0 
@@ -9391,6 +9635,7 @@
             40af48      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FAD8 
             40af4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm5, xmm5 
             40af4f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40af4f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ xorpd   xmm5, xmm5 
             40af53     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm4, cs:qword_40DA10 
             40af53      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40af53      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ movsd   xmm4, cs:qword_40DA10 
@@ -9408,6 +9653,7 @@
             40af6a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM5 ZZ movapd  xmm3, xmm4 
             40af6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
             40af6e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40af6e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
             40af73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_adjustment_new 
             40af73      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40af73      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ call    _gtk_adjustment_new 
@@ -9523,6 +9769,7 @@
             40b017      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40b01c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b01c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b01c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b01f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b01f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40b022     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40D7C0 
@@ -9666,6 +9913,7 @@
             40b0f0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40b0f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b0f5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b0f5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b0f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b0f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40b0fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40D7C0 
@@ -9748,6 +9996,7 @@
             40b164      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_show 
             40b169     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm3, xmm3 
             40b169      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b169      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ xorps   xmm3, xmm3 
             40b16c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  xmm2, xmm3 
             40b16c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b16c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movaps  xmm2, xmm3 
@@ -10115,6 +10364,7 @@
             40b37c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40b381     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b381      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b381      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b384      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b384      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40b387     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40D7C0 
@@ -10186,6 +10436,7 @@
             40b3e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40b3ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             40b3ec      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b3ec      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             40b3f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_list_store_insert 
             40b3f0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b3f0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ call    _gtk_list_store_insert 
@@ -10238,13 +10489,16 @@
             40b43f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     ecx, [rbp+0] 
             40b442     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 18h 
             40b442      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b442      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ add     rbp, 18h 
             40b446     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_list_store_set 
             40b446      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b446      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ call    _gtk_list_store_set 
             40b44b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 3 
             40b44b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b44b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ cmp     r12d, 3 
             40b44f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B3E1 
             40b44f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b44f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jnz     short loc_40B3E1 
             40b451     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_combo_box_new 
             40b451      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b451      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_new 
@@ -10299,16 +10553,22 @@
             40b4a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rax] 
             40b4a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 6Eh 
             40b4a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b4a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ cmp     al, 6Eh 
             40b4a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B6D0 
             40b4a6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b4a6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jz      loc_40B6D0 
             40b4ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 73h 
             40b4ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b4ac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ cmp     al, 73h 
             40b4ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B6B0 
             40b4ae      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b4ae      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jz      loc_40B6B0 
             40b4b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 62h 
             40b4b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b4b4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ cmp     al, 62h 
             40b4b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B650 
             40b4b6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b4b6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jz      loc_40B650 
             40b4bc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b4c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_cell_renderer_text_new 
             40b4c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
@@ -10553,6 +10813,7 @@
             40b629      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     rax, [rsp+0B8h+var_88]
             40b62e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 88h 
             40b62e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b62e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ add     rsp, 88h 
             40b635    136 DEALLOC STACK esp - 136 pop     rbx
             40b635      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b635      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -10576,6 +10837,7 @@
             40b645      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     [rsp+0B8h+var_68], rax
             40b64a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40AD27 
             40b64a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b64a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_40AD27 
             40b650      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b650      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
             40b653      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
@@ -10593,6 +10855,7 @@
             40b663      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_set_active 
             40b668     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B4BC 
             40b668      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b668      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jmp     loc_40B4BC 
             40b670      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b670      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+0B8h+var_68] 
             40b670      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+0B8h+var_68]
@@ -10611,6 +10874,7 @@
             40b685      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ call    _gtk_toggle_button_set_active 
             40b68a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40AE3E 
             40b68a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b68a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_40AE3E 
             40b690      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b690      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+0B8h+var_68] 
             40b690      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+0B8h+var_68]
@@ -10629,6 +10893,7 @@
             40b6a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ call    _gtk_toggle_button_set_active 
             40b6aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40ADB5 
             40b6aa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b6aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_40ADB5 
             40b6b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b6b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
             40b6b3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
@@ -10646,6 +10911,7 @@
             40b6c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_set_active 
             40b6c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B4BC 
             40b6c8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b6c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jmp     loc_40B4BC 
             40b6d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
             40b6d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
             40b6d3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
@@ -10663,6 +10929,7 @@
             40b6e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_set_active 
             40b6e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B4BC 
             40b6e5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9e0 
+            40b6e5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ jmp     loc_40B4BC 
             40b6f0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 -48 4 4 0 8 5 -40 4 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 1 9 0 1 10 0 1 11 0 4 12 -32 1 13 -24 4 14 -16 0 15 -8 0 ZZ
             40b6f0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40b6f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
@@ -10739,11 +11006,13 @@
             40b73e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, [rsp+0D8h+var_B4] 
             40b742     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs add     edx, r14d 
             40b742      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b742      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     edx, r14d 
             40b745      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b745      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rsp+0D8h+var_90], edx 
             40b745      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 72 displ mov     [rsp+0D8h+var_90], edx
             40b749     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs add     eax, r14d 
             40b749      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b749      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, r14d 
             40b74c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b74c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rsp+0D8h+var_5C], eax 
             40b74c      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 124 displ mov     [rsp+0D8h+var_5C], eax
@@ -10824,11 +11093,14 @@
             40b7b7      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 124 displ mov     edx, [rsp+0D8h+var_5C]
             40b7bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, [rsp+0D8h+var_C8] 
             40b7bb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b7bb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+0D8h+var_C8] 
             40b7bb      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+0D8h+var_C8]
             40b7c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40b7c1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b7c1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40b7c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40BA34 
             40b7c3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b7c3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R15 ZZ jle     loc_40BA34 
             40b7c9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rdx, [rsp+0D8h+var_8C] 
             40b7c9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b7c9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R15 ZZ movsxd  rdx, [rsp+0D8h+var_8C] 
@@ -10841,9 +11113,11 @@
             40b7d2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM cdqe 
             40b7d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     r14d, [rsp+0D8h+var_94] 
             40b7d4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b7d4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ add     r14d, [rsp+0D8h+var_94] 
             40b7d4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 68 displ add     r14d, [rsp+0D8h+var_94]
             40b7d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm4, xmm4 
             40b7d9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b7d9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ xorpd   xmm4, xmm4 
             40b7dd      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b7dd      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ mov     [rsp+0D8h+var_40], rax 
             40b7dd      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ mov     [rsp+0D8h+var_40], rax
@@ -10914,8 +11188,10 @@
             40b846      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+0D8h+var_90] 
             40b84a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b84a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b84a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b84c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40BA01 
             40b84c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b84c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ jle     loc_40BA01 
             40b852     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, dword ptr [rsp+0D8h+var_68] 
             40b852      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b852      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ mov     eax, dword ptr [rsp+0D8h+var_68] 
@@ -10943,29 +11219,39 @@
             40b874      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ sub     eax, [rsp+0D8h+var_94] 
             40b878     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, eax 
             40b878      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b878      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ cmp     ebx, eax 
             40b87a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40B8B8 
             40b87a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b87a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ jle     short loc_40B8B8 
             40b87c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b87c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b87c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b87e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_40B8B8 
             40b87e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b87e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ js      short loc_40B8B8 
             40b880     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     ecx, [rsp+0D8h+var_74] 
             40b880      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b880      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ mov     ecx, [rsp+0D8h+var_74] 
             40b884     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_B4], ecx 
             40b884      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b884      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX R13 R14 ZZ cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_B4], ecx 
             40b884      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 36 displ cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_B4], ecx
             40b888     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40B8B8 
             40b888      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b888      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ jle     short loc_40B8B8 
             40b88a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_58], 0 
             40b88a      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b88a      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_58], 0 
             40b88a      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_58], 0
             40b892     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B8B8 
             40b892      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b892      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ jz      short loc_40B8B8 
             40b894     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             40b894      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b894      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             40b897     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B9E8 
             40b897      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b897      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ jz      loc_40B9E8 
             40b89d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+0D8h+var_A0] 
             40b89d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b89d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+0D8h+var_A0] 
@@ -10974,21 +11260,26 @@
             40b8a2      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+0D8h+var_48] 
             40b8aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdx+rax*4+3], 0FFh 
             40b8aa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b8aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX R13 R14 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdx+rax*4+3], 0FFh 
             40b8af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B9E8 
             40b8af      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b8af      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ jz      loc_40B9E8 
             40b8b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b8b8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rbp+0] 
             40b8b8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b8b8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI R13 R14 ZZ mov     edi, [rbp+0] 
             40b8bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40b8bb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b8bb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40b8bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm3, cs:qword_40DA18 
             40b8bf      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b8bf      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ movsd   xmm3, cs:qword_40DA18 
             40b8c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40b8c7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b8c7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40b8c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40B9BF 
             40b8c9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b8c9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ jle     loc_40B9BF 
             40b8cf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rsp+0D8h+var_98] 
             40b8cf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b8cf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R8 R10 R11 R13 R14 ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+0D8h+var_98] 
@@ -11062,6 +11353,7 @@
             40b91e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ add     rax, rdx 
             40b921     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     r11, rax 
             40b921      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b921      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ add     r11, rax 
             40b924      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b928     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, r10d 
             40b928      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
@@ -11077,6 +11369,7 @@
             40b932      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ shr     eax, 1Fh 
             40b935     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_B4], r10d 
             40b935      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b935      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_B4], r10d 
             40b935      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 36 displ cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_B4], r10d
             40b93a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM setle   sil 
             40b93a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
@@ -11089,10 +11382,12 @@
             40b942      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b948     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    sil, sil 
             40b948      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b948      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    sil, sil 
             40b94b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B990 
             40b94b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b94d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, edx 
             40b94d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b94d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, edx 
             40b94f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40B990 
             40b94f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b951     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, edx 
@@ -11103,6 +11398,7 @@
             40b954      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ shr     r9d, 1Fh 
             40b958     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9b, r9b 
             40b958      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b958      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r9b, r9b 
             40b95b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B990 
             40b95b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b95d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
@@ -11110,35 +11406,45 @@
             40b95d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+0D8h+var_D0], r15
             40b962     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             40b962      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b962      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             40b965     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm2, r8d 
             40b965      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b96a     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, [rsp+0D8h+var_D0] 
             40b96a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b96a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R8 ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+0D8h+var_D0] 
             40b96a      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+0D8h+var_D0]
             40b970     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B97D 
             40b970      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b970      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R8 ZZ jz      short loc_40B97D 
             40b972     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   r8d, byte ptr [r11+rax*4+3] 
             40b972      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b972      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 ZZ movzx   r8d, byte ptr [r11+rax*4+3] 
             40b978     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, r8d 
             40b978      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b978      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, r8d 
             40b97d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b97d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rbp+8] 
             40b981     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, qword ptr [r8+rcx] 
             40b981      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b981      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm1, qword ptr [r8+rcx] 
             40b987     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             40b987      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b987      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             40b98b     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si r8d, xmm1 
             40b98b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b98b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvttsd2si r8d, xmm1 
             40b990     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     rax, 1 
             40b990      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b990      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             40b994     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     edx, 1 
             40b994      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b994      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     edx, 1 
             40b997     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rcx, 8 
             40b997      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b997      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rcx, 8 
             40b99b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, eax 
             40b99b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b99b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, eax 
             40b99d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_40B948 
             40b99d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b99f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     r14d, 1 
@@ -11146,36 +11452,48 @@
             40b99f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ add     r14d, 1 
             40b9a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     r13, [rsp+0D8h+var_B0] 
             40b9a3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ add     r13, [rsp+0D8h+var_B0] 
             40b9a3      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ add     r13, [rsp+0D8h+var_B0]
             40b9a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r10d, 1 
             40b9a8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9a8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ add     r10d, 1 
             40b9ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     r11, [rsp+0D8h+var_A8] 
             40b9ac      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ add     r11, [rsp+0D8h+var_A8] 
             40b9ac      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ add     r11, [rsp+0D8h+var_A8]
             40b9b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14d, edi 
             40b9b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ cmp     r14d, edi 
             40b9b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40B928 
             40b9b4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9b4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX ZZ jnz     loc_40B928 
             40b9ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, r8d 
             40b9ba      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9ba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, r8d 
             40b9bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             40b9bf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9bf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             40b9c3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40b9c3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b9c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ mov     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40b9c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm3 
             40b9c8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm3 
             40b9cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_40B9DA 
             40b9cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ ja      short loc_40B9DA 
             40b9ce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b9ce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40b9ce     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40b9d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm4, xmm1 
             40b9d0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9d0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ ucomisd xmm4, xmm1 
             40b9d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_40B9DA 
             40b9d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9d4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ ja      short loc_40B9DA 
             40b9d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             40b9d6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9d6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             40b9da     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rcx, [rsp+0D8h+var_A0] 
             40b9da      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40b9da      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ mov     rcx, [rsp+0D8h+var_A0] 
@@ -11196,9 +11514,11 @@
             40b9f3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ mov     ecx, dword ptr [rsp+0D8h+var_A0] 
             40b9f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_90], ecx 
             40b9f7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9f7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX R13 R14 ZZ cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_90], ecx 
             40b9f7      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 72 displ cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_90], ecx
             40b9fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40B870 
             40b9fb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40b9fb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ jg      loc_40B870 
             40ba01      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40ba01      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R13 R14 ZZ add     [rsp+0D8h+var_68], 1 
             40ba01      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 112 displ add     [rsp+0D8h+var_68], 1
@@ -11224,20 +11544,24 @@
             40ba25      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 96 displ add     [rsp+0D8h+var_78], 1
             40ba2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_5C], ecx 
             40ba2a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40ba2a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R13 R14 ZZ cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_5C], ecx 
             40ba2a      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 124 displ cmp     [rsp+0D8h+var_5C], ecx
             40ba2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40B835 
             40ba2e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40ba2e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX R13 R14 ZZ jg      loc_40B835 
             40ba34      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40ba34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+0D8h+var_70] 
             40ba34      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ mov     rax, [rsp+0D8h+var_70]
             40ba39     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A8h 
             40ba39      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40ba39      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ add     rsp, 0A8h 
             40ba40    168 DEALLOC STACK esp - 168 pop     rbx
             40ba40      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40ba40      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40ba41      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40ba41      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     rbp 
             40ba42      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
+            40ba42      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     r12 
             40ba42     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             40ba44      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b6f0 
             40ba44      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     r13 
@@ -11277,8 +11601,10 @@
             40ba5f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, cs:qword_60FAC8 
             40ba66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40ba66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40ba66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40ba69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BB01 
             40ba69      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40ba69      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40BB01 
             40ba6f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40ba6f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40ba72     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40DA30 
@@ -11297,10 +11623,12 @@
             40ba87      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    sub_40B6F0 
             40ba8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40ba8c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40ba8c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ba8f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40ba8f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40ba92     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BAF4 
             40ba92      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40ba92      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_40BAF4 
             40ba94      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40ba94      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40ba97     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_pixbuf_get_height 
@@ -11357,6 +11685,7 @@
             40baf1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ mov     [rbx], rbp 
             40baf4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             40baf4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40baf4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             40baf8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40baf8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40baf8     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 pop     rbx
@@ -11393,10 +11722,13 @@
             40bb22      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+0] 
             40bb25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bb25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb25      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bb27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40BC08 
             40bb27      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb27      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX ZZ jle     loc_40BC08 
             40bb2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40bb2d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb2d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R12 R13 R14 ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40bb31     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R14 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r14d, r14d 
             40bb31      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40bb31      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R12 R13 R14 ZZ xor     r14d, r14d 
@@ -11427,6 +11759,7 @@
             40bb56      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     edx, eax 
             40bb58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm2, edx 
             40bb58      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb58      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm2, edx 
             40bb5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     edx, r12d 
             40bb5c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40bb5c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, r12d 
@@ -11438,8 +11771,10 @@
             40bb61      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r13d, r12d 
             40bb64     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             40bb64      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb64      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             40bb68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
             40bb68      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb68      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
             40bb6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movsxd  r13, r13d 
             40bb6c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40bb6c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsxd  r13, r13d 
@@ -11447,47 +11782,64 @@
             40bb6f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ lea     r13, [rcx+r13*8] 
             40bb73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, xmm2 
             40bb73      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb73      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm2, xmm2 
             40bb77     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40bb77      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb77      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40bb7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             40bb7b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb7b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             40bb7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, cs:xmmword_40D4D0 
             40bb7f      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb7f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xorpd   xmm0, cs:xmmword_40D4D0 
             40bb87     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40DA20; x 
             40bb87      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb87      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40DA20; x 
             40bb8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _exp 
             40bb8f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40bb8f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _exp 
             40bb94     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40DA28 
             40bb94      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb94      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40DA28 
             40bb9c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rbp+0] 
             40bb9c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40bb9c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+0] 
             40bb9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, [rsp+48h+var_38] 
             40bb9f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bb9f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+48h+var_38] 
             40bb9f      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+48h+var_38]
             40bba5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, eax 
             40bba5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bba5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ cmp     r12d, eax 
             40bba8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40bba8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX ZZ movsd   qword ptr [r13+0], xmm0 
             40bbae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             40bbae      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbae      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             40bbb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_40BB40 
             40bbb2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbb2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX ZZ jl      short loc_40BB40 
             40bbb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r14d, 1 
             40bbb4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbb4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ add     r14d, 1 
             40bbb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, r14d 
             40bbb8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbb8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ cmp     eax, r14d 
             40bbbb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40BBC5 
             40bbbb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbbb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX ZZ jle     short loc_40BBC5 
             40bbbd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bbbd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbbd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bbbf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40BB38 
             40bbbf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbbf      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX ZZ jg      loc_40BB38 
             40bbc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bbc5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbc5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bbc7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40BC08 
             40bbc7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbc7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ jle     short loc_40BC08 
             40bbc9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40bbc9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mov     rcx, [rbp+8] 
             40bbcd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rdi, eax 
@@ -11506,29 +11858,38 @@
             40bbe2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40bbe8     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rcx+rdx*8] 
             40bbe8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbe8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rcx+rdx*8] 
             40bbed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             40bbed      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             40bbf1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40bbf1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rcx+rdx*8], xmm0 
             40bbf6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 1 
             40bbf6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbf6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ add     rdx, 1 
             40bbfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, edx 
             40bbfa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbfa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cmp     eax, edx 
             40bbfc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_40BBE8 
             40bbfc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bbfc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jg      short loc_40BBE8 
             40bbfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     esi, 1 
             40bbfe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40bbfe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM2 ZZ add     esi, 1 
             40bc01     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     rcx, rdi 
             40bc01      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bc01      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM2 ZZ add     rcx, rdi 
             40bc04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, eax 
             40bc04      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bc04      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM2 ZZ cmp     esi, eax 
             40bc06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40BBE0 
             40bc06      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bc06      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX XMM2 ZZ jnz     short loc_40BBE0 
             40bc08      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
             40bc08      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:qword_60FAC8, rbp 
             40bc0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BA6F 
             40bc0f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba50 
+            40bc0f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_40BA6F 
             40bc20      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 1 9 0 1 10 0 1 11 0 4 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40bc20      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40bc20    282 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40BC20 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40bd39 
@@ -11552,8 +11913,10 @@
             40bc36      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, cs:qword_60FAD0 
             40bc3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40bc3d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
+            40bc3d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40bc40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BCD8 
             40bc40      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
+            40bc40      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40BCD8 
             40bc46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
             40bc46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40bc49     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40DA10 
@@ -11570,10 +11933,12 @@
             40bc58      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_40B6F0 
             40bc5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40bc5d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
+            40bc5d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40bc60      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
             40bc60      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40bc63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BCC1 
             40bc63      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
+            40bc63      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      short loc_40BCC1 
             40bc65      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
             40bc65      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40bc68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_pixbuf_get_height 
@@ -11639,6 +12004,7 @@
             40bccb      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r12, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40bcd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40bcd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
+            40bcd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40bcd4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
             40bcd4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI ZZ retn 
             40bcd4     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -11678,8 +12044,10 @@
             40bd08      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rax+rdx*8] 
             40bd0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rdx 
             40bd0c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
+            40bd0c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ cmp     rax, rdx 
             40bd0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_40BD2E 
             40bd0f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
+            40bd0f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI ZZ jnb     short loc_40BD2E 
             40bd11      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
             40bd18     10 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
             40bd18     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, 3FF0000000000000h 
@@ -11688,14 +12056,18 @@
             40bd22      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     [rax], rdi 
             40bd25     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 8 
             40bd25      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
+            40bd25      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ add     rax, 8 
             40bd29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rdx 
             40bd29      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
+            40bd29      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ cmp     rax, rdx 
             40bd2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_40BD18 
             40bd2c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
+            40bd2c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI ZZ jb      short loc_40BD18 
             40bd2e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
             40bd2e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI ZZ mov     cs:qword_60FAD0, rsi 
             40bd35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BC46 
             40bd35      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc20 
+            40bd35      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40BC46 
             40bd40      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 1 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 96 14 0 1 15 0 4 ZZ
             40bd40      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40bd40    298 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40BD40 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40be69 
@@ -11727,6 +12099,7 @@
             40bd64      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 72 ReturnAddress 
             40bd68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             40bd68      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40bd68      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    esi, esi 
             40bd6a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
             40bd6a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     r12, rcx 
             40bd6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BE20 
@@ -11739,6 +12112,7 @@
             40bd76      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_window_get_frame_extents 
             40bd7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40bd7b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40bd7b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R14 R15 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40bd7e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
             40bd7e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     r15d, dword ptr [rsp+48h+var_48] 
             40bd7e      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     r15d, dword ptr [rsp+48h+var_48]
@@ -11767,12 +12141,16 @@
             40bd9e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+8], rax 
             40bda2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             40bda2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40bda2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             40bda5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      loc_40BE50 
             40bda5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40bda5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ js      loc_40BE50 
             40bdab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14d, r14d 
             40bdab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40bdab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    r14d, r14d 
             40bdae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      loc_40BE5F 
             40bdae      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40bdae      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ js      loc_40BE5F 
             40bdb4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
             40bdb4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ lea     ebx, [r15+r13] 
             40bdb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_screen_width 
@@ -11786,6 +12164,7 @@
             40bdbf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     edx, r15d 
             40bdc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, eax 
             40bdc2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40bdc2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, eax 
             40bdc4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
             40bdc4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ lea     ebx, [r14+rbp] 
             40bdc8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
@@ -11800,12 +12179,15 @@
             40bdd3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     edx, r14d 
             40bdd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, eax 
             40bdd6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40bdd6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, eax 
             40bdd8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
             40bdd8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ cmovg   ebp, edx 
             40bddb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40bddb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40bddb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40bdde     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BDF3 
             40bdde      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40bdde      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40BDF3 
             40bde0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
             40bde0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     [r12], r15d 
             40bde4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
@@ -11836,6 +12218,7 @@
             40be0c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             40be11     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40be11      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40be11      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40be15      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
             40be15      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40be15     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -11866,6 +12249,7 @@
             40be40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_window_get_origin 
             40be45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BD7B 
             40be45      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40be45      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_40BD7B 
             40be50      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
             40be50      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     r13d, r15d 
             40be53     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r15d, r15d 
@@ -11873,8 +12257,10 @@
             40be53      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R15 ZZ xor     r15d, r15d 
             40be56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14d, r14d 
             40be56      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40be56      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    r14d, r14d 
             40be59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jns     loc_40BDB4 
             40be59      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40be59      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jns     loc_40BDB4 
             40be5f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
             40be5f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     ebp, r14d 
             40be62     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R14 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r14d, r14d 
@@ -11882,6 +12268,7 @@
             40be62      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R14 ZZ xor     r14d, r14d 
             40be65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BDB4 
             40be65      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd40 
+            40be65      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_40BDB4 
             40be70      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40be70      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40be70    179 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40BE70 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40bf22 
@@ -11919,8 +12306,10 @@
             40be9f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ca_proplist_create 
             40bea4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bea4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
+            40bea4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bea6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_40BF00 
             40bea6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
+            40bea6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ js      short loc_40BF00 
             40bea8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
             40bea8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
             40bea8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
@@ -11936,8 +12325,10 @@
             40beb5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ca_proplist_sets 
             40beba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40beba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
+            40beba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bebc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_40BF00 
             40bebc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
+            40bebc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ js      short loc_40BF00 
             40bebe     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
             40bebe      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
             40bebe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
@@ -11952,8 +12343,10 @@
             40becb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ca_proplist_sets 
             40bed0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bed0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
+            40bed0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bed2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_40BF00 
             40bed2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
+            40bed2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ js      short loc_40BF00 
             40bed4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
             40bed4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
             40bed4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
@@ -11969,8 +12362,10 @@
             40bee3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ca_proplist_sets 
             40bee8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bee8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
+            40bee8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40beea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_40BF00 
             40beea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
+            40beea      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ js      short loc_40BF00 
             40beec     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdx, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
             40beec      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
             40beec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
@@ -11995,6 +12390,7 @@
             40bf00      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+28h+var_20]
             40bf05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40bf05      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
+            40bf05      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40bf08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BF0F 
             40bf08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
             40bf0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _ca_proplist_destroy 
@@ -12011,6 +12407,7 @@
             40bf19      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r12, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40bf1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40bf1e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
+            40bf1e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40bf22      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40be70 
             40bf22      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40bf22     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -12046,6 +12443,7 @@
             40bf51      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_device_manager_get_client_pointer 
             40bf56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40bf56      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40bf56      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40bf59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BF90 
             40bf59      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
             40bf5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_get_default_root_window 
@@ -12053,6 +12451,7 @@
             40bf5b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_get_default_root_window 
             40bf60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rax 
             40bf60      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40bf60      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rax 
             40bf63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BF80 
             40bf63      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
             40bf65      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
@@ -12062,6 +12461,7 @@
             40bf68      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_window_get_type_hint 
             40bf6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 7 
             40bf6d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40bf6d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 7 
             40bf70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BF80 
             40bf70      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
             40bf72      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
@@ -12093,12 +12493,14 @@
             40bf97      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_device_get_window_at_position 
             40bf9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40bf9c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40bf9c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40bf9f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
             40bf9f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40bfa2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BF82 
             40bfa2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
             40bfa4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40BF5B 
             40bfa4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40bfa4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40BF5B 
             40bfb0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -48 4 4 0 8 5 -40 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -32 4 13 -24 0 14 -16 8 15 -8 16 ZZ
             40bfb0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40bfb0   2677 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40BFB0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40ca24 
@@ -12135,6 +12537,7 @@
             40bfcd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rax+14h] 
             40bfd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             40bfd1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40bfd1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             40bfd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40C29D 
             40bfd4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40bfda     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_get_default_root_window 
@@ -12165,6 +12568,7 @@
             40c008      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_get_default_root_window 
             40c00d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+198h+var_120], rax 
             40c00d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c00d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_120], rax 
             40c00d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 120 displ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_120], rax
             40c012     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C08E 
             40c012      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
@@ -12178,11 +12582,13 @@
             40c01e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40c021     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40C041 
             40c021      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c021      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40C041 
             40c028      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c028      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+198h+var_58] 
             40c028      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 320 displ mov     rax, [rsp+198h+var_58]
             40c030     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+198h+var_60], rax 
             40c030      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c030      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_60], rax 
             40c030      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 312 displ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_60], rax
             40c038     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C1CD 
             40c038      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
@@ -12217,6 +12623,7 @@
             40c074      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XQueryTree 
             40c079     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c079      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c079      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c07b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C028 
             40c07b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c07d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aCouldnTFindWin; "Couldn't find window manager window" 
@@ -12257,6 +12664,7 @@
             40c0c6      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 136 displ mov     [rsp+198h+var_110], rsi
             40c0ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0 
             40c0ce      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c0ce      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0 
             40c0ce      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0
             40c0d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C110 
             40c0d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
@@ -12327,6 +12735,7 @@
             40c147      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 ZZ mov     r8d, [rax+14h] 
             40c14b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             40c14b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c14b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             40c14e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C15B 
             40c14e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c150     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rax+18h] 
@@ -12334,22 +12743,27 @@
             40c150      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rax+18h] 
             40c153     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40c153      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c153      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40c155     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C6DC 
             40c155      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c15b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40c15b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c15b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40c15e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40C42D 
             40c15e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c164     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0 
             40c164      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c164      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0 
             40c164      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0
             40c16a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C2C3 
             40c16a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c170     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0 
             40c170      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c170      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0 
             40c170      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0
             40c176     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C40A 
             40c176      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c176      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      loc_40C40A 
             40c17c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c17c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rcx, [rsp+198h+var_130] 
             40c17c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+198h+var_130]
@@ -12387,6 +12801,7 @@
             40c1b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40c1b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 168h 
             40c1b8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c1b8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 168h 
             40c1bf    360 DEALLOC STACK esp - 360 mov     rax, rbx
             40c1bf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c1bf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
@@ -12406,6 +12821,7 @@
             40c1cc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ retn 
             40c1cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40c1cd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c1cd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40c1d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C090 
             40c1d0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c1d6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
@@ -12452,8 +12868,10 @@
             40c219      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     eax, dword ptr [rsp+198h+var_A8] 
             40c220     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40c220      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c220      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40c224     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm0 
             40c224      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c224      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm0 
             40c228      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c228      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rsp+198h+var_F8], ax 
             40c228      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 160 displ mov     [rsp+198h+var_F8], ax
@@ -12465,6 +12883,7 @@
             40c237      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     eax, dword ptr [rsp+198h+var_A8+4] 
             40c23e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40c23e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c23e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40c242     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     eax, dword ptr [rsp+198h+var_A0] 
             40c242      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c242      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, dword ptr [rsp+198h+var_A0] 
@@ -12473,6 +12892,7 @@
             40c249      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     eax, [rsp+198h+var_C0] 
             40c250     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si edx, xmm0 
             40c250      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c250      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvttsd2si edx, xmm0 
             40c254      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c254      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rsp+198h+var_E8], dx 
             40c254      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 176 displ mov     [rsp+198h+var_E8], dx
@@ -12487,6 +12907,7 @@
             40c266      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ movsx   edx, [rsp+198h+var_E8] 
             40c26e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40c26e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c26e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40c272     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     eax, dword ptr [rsp+198h+var_A0+4] 
             40c272      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c272      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, dword ptr [rsp+198h+var_A0+4] 
@@ -12498,38 +12919,46 @@
             40c280      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     eax, edx 
             40c282     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si ecx, xmm0 
             40c282      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c282      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvttsd2si ecx, xmm0 
             40c286     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40c286      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c286      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40c28a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c28a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     word ptr [rsp+198h+var_160], cx 
             40c28a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     word ptr [rsp+198h+var_160], cx
             40c28f     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si esi, xmm0 
             40c28f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c28f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvttsd2si esi, xmm0 
             40c293      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c293      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     word ptr [rsp+198h+var_158], si 
             40c293      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     word ptr [rsp+198h+var_158], si
             40c298     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C0CE 
             40c298      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c298      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40C0CE 
             40c29d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40BF30 
             40c29d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c29d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40BF30 
             40c2a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c2a2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c2a2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c2a5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c2a5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 120 displ mov     [rsp+198h+var_120], rax
             40c2aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40BFE4 
             40c2aa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c2aa      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     loc_40BFE4 
             40c2b0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c2b0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FAD8 
             40c2b7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c2b7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+14h], 0 
             40c2be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BFDA 
             40c2be      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c2be      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40BFDA 
             40c2c3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rax+1Ch] 
             40c2c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c2c3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     eax, [rax+1Ch] 
             40c2c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c2c6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c2c6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c2c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C170 
             40c2c8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c2ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_display_get_default 
@@ -12552,6 +12981,7 @@
             40c2e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_cursor_get_image 
             40c2eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c2eb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c2eb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c2ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c2f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C170 
             40c2f1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
@@ -12573,6 +13003,7 @@
             40c30c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d 
             40c30f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+198h+var_100], 0 
             40c30f      9 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c30f      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_100], 0 
             40c30f      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_100], 0
             40c318      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c318      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
@@ -12584,6 +13015,7 @@
             40c323      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 340 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+198h+var_44]
             40c32b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40CA16 
             40c32b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c32b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40CA16 
             40c331      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c331      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+198h+var_100] 
             40c331      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+198h+var_100]
@@ -12682,8 +13114,10 @@
             40c3e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_rectangle_intersect 
             40c3e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c3e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c3e6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c3e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40C9A3 
             40c3e8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c3e8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40C9A3 
             40c3ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c3ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40c3f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -12696,9 +13130,11 @@
             40c3f9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40c3fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0 
             40c3fe      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c3fe      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0 
             40c3fe      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_130], 0
             40c404     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40C17C 
             40c404      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c404      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jnz     loc_40C17C 
             40c40a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c40a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FAD8 
             40c411      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
@@ -12718,11 +13154,13 @@
             40c423      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    sub_40BD40 
             40c428     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C198 
             40c428      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c428      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_40C198 
             40c42d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rax+24h] 
             40c42d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c42d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, [rax+24h] 
             40c430     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             40c430      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c430      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
             40c432     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C164 
             40c432      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c438     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_display_get_default 
@@ -12751,6 +13189,7 @@
             40c45d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XShapeGetRectangles 
             40c462     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c462      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c462      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c465      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c465      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 200 displ mov     [rsp+198h+var_D0], rax
             40c46d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C956 
@@ -12761,6 +13200,7 @@
             40c473      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 336 displ mov     ecx, [rsp+198h+var_48]
             40c47a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             40c47a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c47a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             40c47c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40C956 
             40c47c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c482      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
@@ -12807,6 +13247,7 @@
             40c4b9      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 336 displ mov     edx, [rsp+198h+var_48]
             40c4c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40c4c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c4c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40c4c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40C6B8 
             40c4c2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c4c8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs movsx   edx, [rsp+198h+var_F8] 
@@ -12883,16 +13324,20 @@
             40c549      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ sub     eax, [rsp+198h+var_D4] 
             40c550     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             40c550      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c550      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             40c552     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      loc_40C975 
             40c552      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c552      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ js      loc_40C975 
             40c558     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rsp+198h+var_C4] 
             40c558      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c558      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, [rsp+198h+var_C4] 
             40c558      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 212 displ mov     ecx, [rsp+198h+var_C4]
             40c55f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             40c55f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c55f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             40c561     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      loc_40C962 
             40c561      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c561      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ js      loc_40C962 
             40c567     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rsp+198h+var_B8] 
             40c567      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c567      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, [rsp+198h+var_B8] 
@@ -12905,9 +13350,11 @@
             40c571      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     esi, r13d 
             40c574     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, [rsp+198h+var_108] 
             40c574      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c574      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     esi, [rsp+198h+var_108] 
             40c574      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 144 displ cmp     esi, [rsp+198h+var_108]
             40c57b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40C58B 
             40c57b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c57b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_40C58B 
             40c57d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r13d, [rsp+198h+var_108] 
             40c57d      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c57d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13d, [rsp+198h+var_108] 
@@ -12930,9 +13377,11 @@
             40c596      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     esi, eax 
             40c598     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, [rsp+198h+var_104] 
             40c598      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c598      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     esi, [rsp+198h+var_104] 
             40c598      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 148 displ cmp     esi, [rsp+198h+var_104]
             40c59f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40C5AD 
             40c59f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c59f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_40C5AD 
             40c5a1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+198h+var_104] 
             40c5a1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c5a1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+198h+var_104] 
@@ -12945,18 +13394,22 @@
             40c5aa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ sub     eax, r14d 
             40c5ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     eax, r14d 
             40c5ad      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c5ad      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     eax, r14d 
             40c5b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14d, eax 
             40c5b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c5b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r14d, eax 
             40c5b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     dword ptr [rsp+198h+var_148], eax 
             40c5b3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c5b3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     dword ptr [rsp+198h+var_148], eax 
             40c5b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     loc_40C696 
             40c5b7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c5b7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jge     loc_40C696 
             40c5bd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, ds:0[rdx*4] 
             40c5bd      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c5bd      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ lea     eax, ds:0[rdx*4] 
             40c5c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 1 
             40c5c4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c5c4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     ebp, 1 
             40c5c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cdqe 
             40c5c7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c5c7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ cdqe 
@@ -13009,8 +13462,10 @@
             40c607      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride 
             40c60c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
             40c60c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c60c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
             40c60f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40C687 
             40c60f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c60f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_40C687 
             40c611     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rsp+198h+var_158] 
             40c611      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c611      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+198h+var_158] 
@@ -13043,26 +13498,33 @@
             40c633      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rax, [r15+rax+4] 
             40c638     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40C658 
             40c638      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c638      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40C658 
             40c640     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   esi, byte ptr [rdx+3] 
             40c640      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c640      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movzx   esi, byte ptr [rdx+3] 
             40c644     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ecx, 1 
             40c644      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c644      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     ecx, 1 
             40c647     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 4 
             40c647      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c647      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rdx, 4 
             40c64b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c64b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rax-1], sil 
             40c64f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 4 
             40c64f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c64f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rax, 4 
             40c653     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, r13d 
             40c653      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c653      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     ecx, r13d 
             40c656     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C687 
             40c656      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c656      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C687 
             40c658     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   esi, byte ptr [rdx] 
             40c658      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c658      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movzx   esi, byte ptr [rdx] 
             40c65b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             40c65b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c65b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40c65d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c65d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rax-4], sil 
             40c661     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movzx   esi, byte ptr [rdx+1] 
@@ -13077,25 +13539,34 @@
             40c66d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rax-2], sil 
             40c671     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C640 
             40c671      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c671      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40C640 
             40c673     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ecx, 1 
             40c673      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c673      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     ecx, 1 
             40c676     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 3 
             40c676      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c676      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rdx, 3 
             40c67a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c67a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     byte ptr [rax-1], 0FFh 
             40c67e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 4 
             40c67e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c67e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rax, 4 
             40c682     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, r13d 
             40c682      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c682      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     ecx, r13d 
             40c685     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C658 
             40c685      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c685      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40C658 
             40c687     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r14d, 1 
             40c687      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c687      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r14d, 1 
             40c68b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14d, dword ptr [rsp+198h+var_148] 
             40c68b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c68b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r14d, dword ptr [rsp+198h+var_148] 
             40c68b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ cmp     r14d, dword ptr [rsp+198h+var_148]
             40c690     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40C5E0 
             40c690      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c690      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40C5E0 
             40c696      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c696      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ add     [rsp+198h+var_114], 1 
             40c696      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 132 displ add     [rsp+198h+var_114], 1
@@ -13108,9 +13579,11 @@
             40c6a4      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 132 displ mov     edx, [rsp+198h+var_114]
             40c6ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+198h+var_48], edx 
             40c6ab      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c6ab      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_48], edx 
             40c6ab      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 336 displ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_48], edx
             40c6b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40C524 
             40c6b2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c6b2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jg      loc_40C524 
             40c6b8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c6b8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40c6bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
@@ -13129,6 +13602,7 @@
             40c6d0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FAD8 
             40c6d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C164 
             40c6d7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c6d7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40C164 
             40c6dc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c6dc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40c6df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_window_get_screen 
@@ -13148,11 +13622,13 @@
             40c6f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _cairo_region_create 
             40c6f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             40c6f7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c6f7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             40c6fa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c6fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+198h+var_140], rax 
             40c6fa      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 88 displ mov     [rsp+198h+var_140], rax
             40c6ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40C74A 
             40c6ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c6ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_40C74A 
             40c701      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c701      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ lea     r13, [rsp+198h+var_78] 
             40c701      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 288 displ lea     r13, [rsp+198h+var_78]
@@ -13179,6 +13655,7 @@
             40c729      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry 
             40c72e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             40c72e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c72e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             40c732      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c732      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r13 
             40c735      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
@@ -13188,8 +13665,10 @@
             40c738      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _cairo_region_union_rectangle 
             40c73d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, r15d 
             40c73d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c73d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r12d, r15d 
             40c740     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C720 
             40c740      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c740      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40C720 
             40c742      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c742      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rbp 
             40c745      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
@@ -13256,6 +13735,7 @@
             40c7b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_pixbuf_get_height 
             40c7bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             40c7bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c7bd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             40c7c0     11 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c7c0     11 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+198h+var_98], 0 
             40c7c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+198h+var_98], 0 
@@ -13270,6 +13750,7 @@
             40c7de      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+198h+var_8C], eax 
             40c7e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40C936 
             40c7e5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c7e5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     loc_40C936 
             40c7eb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r12d, r12d 
             40c7eb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c7eb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
@@ -13281,12 +13762,16 @@
             40c7f6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     r14, [rsp+198h+var_148]
             40c7fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40C80A 
             40c7fb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c7fb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40C80A 
             40c7fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             40c7fd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c7fd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             40c801     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, r15d 
             40c801      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c801      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r12d, r15d 
             40c804     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C936 
             40c804      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c804      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40C936 
             40c80a      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c80a      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+198h+var_88] 
             40c80a      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 272 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+198h+var_88]
@@ -13311,8 +13796,10 @@
             40c830      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_rectangle_intersect 
             40c835     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c835      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c835      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c837     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C7FD 
             40c837      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c837      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C7FD 
             40c839      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c839      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40c83c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_pixbuf_get_colorspace 
@@ -13320,8 +13807,10 @@
             40c83c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_pixbuf_get_colorspace 
             40c841     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c841      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c841      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c843     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40C987 
             40c843      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c843      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40C987 
             40c849     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rsp+198h+var_78] 
             40c849      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c849      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+198h+var_78] 
@@ -13392,8 +13881,10 @@
             40c8ae      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     r8d, [rsp+198h+var_170]
             40c8b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, r9d 
             40c8b3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c8b3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     esi, r9d 
             40c8b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40C7FD 
             40c8b6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c8b6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     loc_40C7FD 
             40c8bc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R10 ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  r10, r8d 
             40c8bc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c8bc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R10 R11 ZZ movsxd  r10, r8d 
@@ -13412,8 +13903,10 @@
             40c8d0      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 288 displ mov     r8d, [rsp+198h+var_78]
             40c8d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, r8d 
             40c8d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c8d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     edx, r8d 
             40c8db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40C91D 
             40c8db      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c8db      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_40C91D 
             40c8dd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c8dd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, eax 
             40c8dd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, eax 
@@ -13427,16 +13920,21 @@
             40c8e6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rdi, r11 
             40c8e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40C8FD 
             40c8e9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c8e9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40C8FD 
             40c8f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r8d, 1 
             40c8f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c8f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r8d, 1 
             40c8f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdi, 3 
             40c8f4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c8f4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rdi, 3 
             40c8f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r8d, edx 
             40c8f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c8f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r8d, edx 
             40c8fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C91D 
             40c8fb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c8fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             40c8fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c8fd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             40c8ff      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c902      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c906      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
@@ -13444,28 +13942,38 @@
             40c90a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c90c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r8d, 1 
             40c90c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c90c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r8d, 1 
             40c910      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c910      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     byte ptr [rdi+3], 0FFh 
             40c914     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdi, 4 
             40c914      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c914      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rdi, 4 
             40c918     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r8d, edx 
             40c918      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c918      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r8d, edx 
             40c91b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C8FD 
             40c91b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c91d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r9d, 1 
             40c91d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c91d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r9d, 1 
             40c921     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     r11, r10 
             40c921      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c921      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r11, r10 
             40c924     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r9d, esi 
             40c924      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c924      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r9d, esi 
             40c927     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C8D0 
             40c927      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c927      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40C8D0 
             40c929     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             40c929      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c929      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             40c92d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, r15d 
             40c92d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c92d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r12d, r15d 
             40c930     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40C80A 
             40c930      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c930      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40C80A 
             40c936      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c936      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+198h+var_140] 
             40c936      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 88 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+198h+var_140]
@@ -13482,13 +13990,16 @@
             40c94a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FAD8 
             40c951     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C15B 
             40c951      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c951      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40C15B 
             40c956     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, cs:qword_60FAD8 
             40c956      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c956      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FAD8 
             40c95d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C164 
             40c95d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c95d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40C164 
             40c962     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     r14d, ecx 
             40c962      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c962      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     r14d, ecx 
             40c965     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 0 
             40c965      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c965      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 0 
@@ -13497,10 +14008,13 @@
             40c96a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ cmovs   r14d, esi 
             40c96e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     eax, ecx 
             40c96e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c96e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     eax, ecx 
             40c970     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C567 
             40c970      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c970      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C567 
             40c975     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     edx, ecx 
             40c975      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c975      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     edx, ecx 
             40c977     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 0 
             40c977      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c977      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 0 
@@ -13509,8 +14023,10 @@
             40c97c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ cmovs   edx, esi 
             40c97f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     r13d, ecx 
             40c97f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c97f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     r13d, ecx 
             40c982     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C558 
             40c982      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40c982      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C558 
             40c987      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40c987      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aGdk_pixbuf_get; "gdk_pixbuf_get_colorspace (pixbuf) == G"... 
             40c98d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aBlank_rectangl; "blank_rectangle_in_pixbuf" 
@@ -13578,16 +14094,19 @@
             40c9fa      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movsx   eax, [rsp+198h+var_E8] 
             40ca02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
             40ca02      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40ca02      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
             40ca06     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant sub     ecx, eax 
             40ca06      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40ca06      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ sub     ecx, eax 
             40ca08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, ecx 
             40ca08      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40ca08      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, ecx 
             40ca0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_pixbuf_composite 
             40ca0c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40ca0c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ call    _gdk_pixbuf_composite 
             40ca11     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C3EE 
             40ca11      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40ca11      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_40C3EE 
             40ca16      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
             40ca16      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+198h+var_120] 
             40ca16      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 120 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+198h+var_120]
@@ -13596,6 +14115,7 @@
             40ca1b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_window_get_device_position 
             40ca20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C33E 
             40ca20      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bfb0 
+            40ca20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C33E 
             40ca30      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40ca30      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40ca30    569 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40CA30 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40cc68 
@@ -13693,12 +14213,16 @@
             40cab6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R10 R15 ZZ mov     r10d, [rax+14h] 
             40caba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             40caba      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40caba      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             40cabd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40CBE0 
             40cabd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cabd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ jnz     loc_40CBE0 
             40cac3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40cac3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cac3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40cac6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40CC10 
             40cac6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cac6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ jz      loc_40CC10 
             40cacc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
             40cacc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 R15 ZZ mov     r8d, [rbx+0Ch] 
             40cad0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rbx+8] 
@@ -13746,6 +14270,7 @@
             40cb0b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             40cb10     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40cb10      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cb10      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40cb12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CB90 
             40cb12      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
             40cb14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_408FF0 
@@ -13794,8 +14319,10 @@
             40cb61      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 72 displ mov     rax, [rsp+88h+var_40]
             40cb66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40cb66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cb66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40cb69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40CC40 
             40cb69      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cb69      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40CC40 
             40cb6f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
             40cb6f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             40cb73      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
@@ -13863,6 +14390,7 @@
             40cbcf      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ mov     r15, [rsp+88h+var_8]
             40cbd7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 88h 
             40cbd7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cbd7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 88h 
             40cbde    136 DEALLOC STACK esp - 136 retn
             40cbde      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
             40cbde      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ retn 
@@ -13893,6 +14421,7 @@
             40cc00      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     [rsp+88h+var_50], rax
             40cc05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40CAF9 
             40cc05      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cc05      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40CAF9 
             40cc10     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rax+1Ch] 
             40cc10      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
             40cc10      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     esi, [rax+1Ch] 
@@ -13917,6 +14446,7 @@
             40cc2d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     [rsp+88h+var_50], rax
             40cc32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40CAF9 
             40cc32      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cc32      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40CAF9 
             40cc40      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
             40cc40      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r14 
             40cc43      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
@@ -13937,10 +14467,13 @@
             40cc56      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 72 displ mov     rax, [rsp+88h+var_40]
             40cc5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40cc5b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cc5b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40cc5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40CB9B 
             40cc5e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cc5e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40CB9B 
             40cc64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40CB6F 
             40cc64      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca30 
+            40cc64      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40CB6F 
             40cc70      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40cc70      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40cc70    371 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40CC70 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40cde2 
@@ -13970,6 +14503,7 @@
             40cc8f      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             40cc93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40cc93      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40cc93      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R14 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40cc96     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r13d, esi 
             40cc96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
             40cc96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 R14 ZZ mov     r13d, esi 
@@ -13985,12 +14519,16 @@
             40cca6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40cca9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40cca9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40cca9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40ccac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CCB3 
             40ccac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40ccac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40CCB3 
             40ccae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40ccae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40ccae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40ccb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CD00 
             40ccb1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40ccb1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40CD00 
             40ccb3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
             40ccb3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40ccb6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
@@ -14000,8 +14538,10 @@
             40ccb9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40ccbe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ccbe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40ccbe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ccc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40CD00 
             40ccc0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40ccc0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40CD00 
             40ccc2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aParentNullGtk_; "(parent == NULL) || (GTK_IS_WINDOW (par"... 
             40ccc2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
             40ccc2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aParentNullGtk_; "(parent == NULL) || (GTK_IS_WINDOW (par"... 
@@ -14037,13 +14577,16 @@
             40cced      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r14, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40ccf2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40ccf2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40ccf2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40ccf6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
             40ccf6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40ccf6     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
             40cd00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
             40cd00      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40cd00      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r14, r14 
             40cd03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40CDC8 
             40cd03      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40cd03      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40CDC8 
             40cd09     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, r12d 
             40cd09      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
             40cd09      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     ecx, r12d 
@@ -14089,6 +14632,7 @@
             40cd45      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_set_title 
             40cd4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40cd4a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40cd4a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40cd4d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CD71 
             40cd4d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
             40cd4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_message_dialog_get_type 
@@ -14116,6 +14660,7 @@
             40cd6c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text 
             40cd71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40cd71      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40cd71      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40cd74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CD9C 
             40cd74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
             40cd76      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
@@ -14125,6 +14670,7 @@
             40cd79      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_get_group 
             40cd7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40cd7e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40cd7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40cd81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
             40cd81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40cd84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CD9C 
@@ -14168,6 +14714,7 @@
             40cdb9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_destroy 
             40cdbe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40CCD8 
             40cdbe      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40cdbe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 ZZ jmp     loc_40CCD8 
             40cdc8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aMessageNull; "message != NULL" 
             40cdc8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
             40cdc8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aMessageNull; "message != NULL" 
@@ -14185,6 +14732,7 @@
             40cdd9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ mov     ebx, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40cdde     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40CCD8 
             40cdde      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc70 
+            40cdde      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 ZZ jmp     loc_40CCD8 
             40cdf0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40cdf0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40cdf0    125 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40CDF0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40ce6c 
@@ -14235,6 +14783,7 @@
             40ce25      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_20]
             40ce2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40ce2a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cdf0 
+            40ce2a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ce2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CE66 
             40ce2d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cdf0 
             40ce2f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cdf0 
@@ -14275,6 +14824,7 @@
             40ce61      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             40ce66     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40ce66      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cdf0 
+            40ce66      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40ce6a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cdf0 
             40ce6a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40ce6a     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -14327,8 +14877,10 @@
             40ceb0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             40ceb5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40ceb5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce70 
+            40ceb5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40ceb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CED6 
             40ceb8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce70 
+            40ceb8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40CED6 
             40ceba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce70 
             40ceba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40ceba     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -14342,10 +14894,13 @@
             40cec6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             40cec9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40cec9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce70 
+            40cec9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40cecd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             40cecd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce70 
+            40cecd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             40ced1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             40ced1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce70 
+            40ced1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             40ced4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40CEC0 
             40ced4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce70 
             40ced6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce70 
@@ -14368,6 +14923,7 @@
             40ceef      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40cef4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40cef4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce70 
+            40cef4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40cef8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce70 
             40cef8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40cef8     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -14399,25 +14955,31 @@
             40cf19      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60ED58 
             40cf20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40cf20      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf10 
+            40cf20      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40cf24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CF3F 
             40cf24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf10 
+            40cf24      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40CF3F 
             40cf26     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED58 
             40cf26      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf10 
             40cf26      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60ED58 
             40cf2b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf10 
             40cf30     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             40cf30      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf10 
+            40cf30      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             40cf34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_60ED58 
             40cf34      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf10 
+            40cf34      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_60ED58 
             40cf36     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40cf36      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf10 
             40cf36      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40cf39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40cf39      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf10 
+            40cf39      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40cf3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40CF30 
             40cf3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf10 
             40cf3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40cf3f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf10 
+            40cf3f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40cf43      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf10 
             40cf43      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40cf43      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -14437,6 +14999,7 @@
             40cf4c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_407630 
             40cf51     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40cf51      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf48 
+            40cf51      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40cf55      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf48 
             40cf55      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40cf55      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-search-tool.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-search-tool.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 650149cd..4caf10ba 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-search-tool.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-search-tool.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session-properties.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session-properties.psexe.annot
index c1bbe74b..25bf69e2 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session-properties.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session-properties.psexe.annot
@@ -551,6 +551,7 @@
             40457e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B830 
             404583     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404583      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
+            404583      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404587      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404570 
             404587      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             404587      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -1981,13 +1982,16 @@
             40546b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_init_with_args 
             405470     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405470      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405410 
+            405470      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405472     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4054D1 
             405472      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405410 
+            405472      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_4054D1 
             405474     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_60F7D8 
             405474      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405410 
             405474      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_60F7D8 
             40547a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40547a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405410 
+            40547a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40547c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4054B5 
             40547c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405410 
             40547e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_406C10 
@@ -2028,6 +2032,7 @@
             4054ad     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4054af     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             4054af      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405410 
+            4054af      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             4054b3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405410 
             4054b3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4054b3     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 pop     rbx
@@ -2055,6 +2060,7 @@
             4054cd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4054cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4054AF 
             4054cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405410 
+            4054cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_4054AF 
             4054d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_10] 
             4054d1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405410 
             4054d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_10] 
@@ -2086,6 +2092,7 @@
             4054f7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             4054fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4054AF 
             4054fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405410 
+            4054fc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_4054AF 
             405500      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 -8 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             405500      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             405500      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405500 
@@ -2135,12 +2142,15 @@
             405530      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             405537     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405537      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40552c 
+            405537      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40553a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40553E 
             40553a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40552c 
             40553c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             40553c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40552c 
+            40553c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             40553e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40553e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40552c 
+            40553e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             405542      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40552c 
             405542      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             405542     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -2163,8 +2173,10 @@
             405555      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             405559     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60F7C8, 0 
             405559      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
+            405559      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60F7C8, 0 
             405560     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4055AD 
             405560      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
+            405560      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_4055AD 
             405562     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60EDC0 
             405562      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
             405562      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60EDC0 
@@ -2180,25 +2192,30 @@
             405579      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             40557d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             40557d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
+            40557d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             405580     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_4055A6 
             405580      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
             405582      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
             405588     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             405588      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
+            405588      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             40558c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
             40558c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F7D0, rax 
             405593     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_60EDB8[rax*8] 
             405593      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
+            405593      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_60EDB8[rax*8] 
             40559a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
             40559a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F7D0 
             4055a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4055a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
+            4055a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4055a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_405588 
             4055a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
             4055a6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
             4055a6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_60F7C8, 1 
             4055ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4055ad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
+            4055ad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4055b1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405550 
             4055b1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4055b1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2248,6 +2265,7 @@
             4055f5      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             4055f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, 0FFFFFFF5h 
             4055f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4055f0 
+            4055f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, 0FFFFFFF5h 
             4055fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405628 
             4055fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4055f0 
             4055fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -2270,6 +2288,7 @@
             405616      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_main_quit 
             40561b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40561b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4055f0 
+            40561b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40561f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4055f0 
             40561f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             405620      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4055f0 
@@ -2315,6 +2334,7 @@
             405660      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_show_uri 
             405665     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+28h+var_20], 0 
             405665      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4055f0 
+            405665      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+28h+var_20], 0 
             405665      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ cmp     [rsp+28h+var_20], 0
             40566b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40561B 
             40566b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4055f0 
@@ -2423,6 +2443,7 @@
             405706      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_destroy 
             40570b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40570b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4055f0 
+            40570b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40570f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4055f0 
             40570f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40570f     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -2562,6 +2583,7 @@
             4057f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_themed_icon_get_type 
             4057f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4057f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            4057f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4057fc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             4057fc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             4057ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405945 
@@ -2570,10 +2592,12 @@
             405805      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx] 
             405808     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             405808      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405808      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40580b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405817 
             40580b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             40580d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [r12], rax 
             40580d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            40580d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [r12], rax 
             405811     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405970 
             405811      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             405817      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
@@ -2585,6 +2609,7 @@
             40581d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             405822     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405822      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405822      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405824     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_405970 
             405824      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             40582a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_icon_get_type 
@@ -2592,14 +2617,18 @@
             40582a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_icon_get_type 
             40582f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40582f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            40582f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ test    r12, r12 
             405832      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             405832      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             405835     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405841 
             405835      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405835      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_405841 
             405837     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [r12], rax 
             405837      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405837      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [r12], rax 
             40583b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405918 
             40583b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            40583b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_405918 
             405841      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             405841      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r13 
             405844      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
@@ -2609,22 +2638,28 @@
             405847      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40584c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40584c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            40584c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40584e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_405918 
             40584e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            40584e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_405918 
             405854     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     ecx, [rsp+0B8h+var_5C] 
             405854      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             405854      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     ecx, [rsp+0B8h+var_5C] 
             405858     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             405858      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405858      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             40585a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405960 
             40585a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            40585a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jz      loc_405960 
             405860     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     edx, [rsp+0B8h+var_40] 
             405860      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             405860      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+0B8h+var_40] 
             405864     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             405864      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405864      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ test    edx, edx 
             405866     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_405960 
             405866      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405866      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jnz     loc_405960 
             40586c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, [rsp+0B8h+var_3C] 
             40586c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             40586c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+0B8h+var_3C] 
@@ -2633,6 +2668,7 @@
             405870     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
             405872     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405872      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405872      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405874     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnz   cl 
             405874      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             405874      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ setnz   cl 
@@ -2709,6 +2745,7 @@
             4058fe      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 176 displ mov     r15, [rsp+0B8h+var_8]
             405906     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0B8h 
             405906      7 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405906      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 0B8h 
             40590d    184 DEALLOC STACK esp - 184 jmp     _g_object_unref
             40590d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_unref 
             40590d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
@@ -2735,8 +2772,10 @@
             405930      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_query_exists 
             405935     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405935      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405935      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405937     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_405854 
             405937      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405937      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_405854 
             40593d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             40593d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             405940     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -2755,15 +2794,19 @@
             405953      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             405956     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             405956      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405956      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             405958     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_405860 
             405958      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405958      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jnz     loc_405860 
             40595e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             40595e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            40595e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             405960      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             405960      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ xor     ecx, ecx 
             405960     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
             405962     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405877 
             405962      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405962      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jmp     loc_405877 
             405970     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_icon_theme_get_default 
             405970      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             405970      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_icon_theme_get_default 
@@ -2785,8 +2828,10 @@
             40598b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rax] 
             40598e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40598e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            40598e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             405991     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40593D 
             405991      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            405991      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40593D 
             405993      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
             405993      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             405996     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_icon_theme_has_icon 
@@ -2794,10 +2839,13 @@
             405996      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_icon_theme_has_icon 
             40599b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40599b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            40599b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40599d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_405854 
             40599d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            40599d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_405854 
             4059a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40593D 
             4059a3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405770 
+            4059a3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40593D 
             4059b0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             4059b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4059b0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4059b0 
@@ -2859,6 +2907,7 @@
             4059f8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_connect_data 
             4059fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             4059fd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4059b0 
+            4059fd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             405a01      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4059b0 
             405a01      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             405a01     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 pop     rbx
@@ -2907,8 +2956,10 @@
             405a3f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             405a41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405a41      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
+            405a41      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405a43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405A7D 
             405a43      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
+            405a43      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_405A7D 
             405a45      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
             405a48      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
             405a48      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ lea     rcx, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
@@ -2931,9 +2982,11 @@
             405a60      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_get 
             405a65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+28h+var_20], r12 
             405a65      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
+            405a65      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+28h+var_20], r12 
             405a65      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ cmp     [rsp+28h+var_20], r12
             405a6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405A90 
             405a6a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
+            405a6a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_405A90 
             405a6c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
             405a6c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp 
             405a6f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
@@ -2943,13 +2996,16 @@
             405a72      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_iter_next 
             405a77     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405a77      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
+            405a77      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405a79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405A48 
             405a79      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
+            405a79      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_405A48 
             405a7b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
             405a7b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX R12 ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             405a7b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             405a7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             405a7d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
+            405a7d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             405a81      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
             405a81      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, edx 
             405a81     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, edx 
@@ -2968,6 +3024,7 @@
             405a93      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             405a98     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             405a98      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
+            405a98      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             405a9c     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     edx, 1
             405a9c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
             405a9c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405a20 
@@ -3025,6 +3082,7 @@
             405ada      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405A20 
             405adf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405adf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ab0 
+            405adf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405ae1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405AF6 
             405ae1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ab0 
             405ae3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405ab0 
@@ -3041,6 +3099,7 @@
             405af1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405770 
             405af6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             405af6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405ab0 
+            405af6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             405afa      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405ab0 
             405afa      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             405afa     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 pop     rbx
@@ -3091,6 +3150,7 @@
             405b2c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405A20 
             405b31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405b31      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405b00 
+            405b31      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405b33     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405B65 
             405b33      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405b00 
             405b35     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 18h 
@@ -3128,6 +3188,7 @@
             405b60      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_list_store_remove 
             405b65     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             405b65      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405b00 
+            405b65      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             405b69      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405b00 
             405b69      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             405b69     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
@@ -3235,10 +3296,12 @@
             405d2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_selection_get_selected 
             405d32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405d32      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405d10 
+            405d32      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405d34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405D40 
             405d34      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405d10 
             405d36     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             405d36      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405d10 
+            405d36      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             405d3a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405d10 
             405d3a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             405d3b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405d10 
@@ -3284,6 +3347,7 @@
             405d7b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_10]
             405d80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             405d80      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405d10 
+            405d80      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             405d83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405D36 
             405d83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405d10 
             405d85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_409170 
@@ -3298,6 +3362,7 @@
             405d8f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             405d94     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             405d94      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405d10 
+            405d94      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             405d98      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405d10 
             405d98      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             405d98     48 DEALLOC STACK esp - 48 pop     rbx
@@ -3402,6 +3467,7 @@
             405f2e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_get_data 
             405f33     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405f33      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405f33      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405f36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405F6F 
             405f36      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
             405f38      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
@@ -3444,6 +3510,7 @@
             405f6a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             405f6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405f6f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
+            405f6f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405f73      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405f10 
             405f73      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             405f73     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -3554,16 +3621,19 @@
             4061a1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4061a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             4061a5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4061a0 
+            4061a5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             4061a8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4061a0 
             4061a8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F7E0 
             4061af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4061af      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4061a0 
+            4061af      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4061b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4061C8 
             4061b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4061a0 
             4061b4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4061a0 
             4061b4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F7E0 
             4061bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             4061bb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4061a0 
+            4061bb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             4061bf     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             4061bf      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4061a0 
             4061bf      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -3577,6 +3647,7 @@
             4061cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             4061d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4061d2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4061a0 
+            4061d2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4061d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4061B4 
             4061d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4061a0 
             4061d6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGsmpropertiesd; "GsmPropertiesDialog" 
@@ -3622,6 +3693,7 @@
             406218      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40621d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4061B4 
             40621d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4061a0 
+            40621d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_4061B4 
             406220     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             406223     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
             406227     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406298 
@@ -3664,6 +3736,7 @@
             4062d5      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4062d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4062d9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
+            4062d9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4062dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4063A8 
             4062dc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             4062e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4061A0 
@@ -3673,10 +3746,12 @@
             4062e7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4062ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4062ea      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
+            4062ea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4062ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4062F4 
             4062ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             4062ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4062ef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
+            4062ef      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4062f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406320 
             4062f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             4062f4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
@@ -3688,6 +3763,7 @@
             4062fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4062ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4062ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
+            4062ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406301     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsm_is_propert; "GSM_IS_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (object)" 
             406301      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             406301      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     edx, offset aGsm_is_propert; "GSM_IS_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (object)" 
@@ -3695,6 +3771,7 @@
             406306      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             406308     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406308      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
+            406308      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40630c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aGsm_properties; "gsm_properties_dialog_dispose" 
             40630c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             40630c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aGsm_properties; "gsm_properties_dialog_dispose" 
@@ -3726,6 +3803,7 @@
             406337      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             40633a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40633a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
+            40633a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40633d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40634F 
             40633d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             40633f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -3739,6 +3817,7 @@
             40634f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+38h] 
             406353     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             406353      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
+            406353      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             406356     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406369 
             406356      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             406358     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -3760,12 +3839,14 @@
             40637a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40637d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [rax+28h] 
             40637d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
+            40637d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [rax+28h] 
             406380      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             406380      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+40h] 
             406384      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             406384      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+40h] 
             406388     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             406388      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
+            406388      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40638b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40639E 
             40638b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             40638d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -3777,6 +3858,7 @@
             406396      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+40h], 0 
             40639e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40639e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
+            40639e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4063a2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
             4063a2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4063a2      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -3789,6 +3871,7 @@
             4063a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aObjectNull; "object != NULL" 
             4063ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406308 
             4063ad      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4062d0 
+            4063ad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406308 
             4063c0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
             4063c2     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r13 
             4063c7     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r12 
@@ -4236,6 +4319,7 @@
             406d00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_class_install_property 
             406d05     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406d05      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
+            406d05      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406d09      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
             406d09      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             406d09      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -4434,10 +4518,12 @@
             406e28      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_dialog_run 
             406e2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
             406e2d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406e2d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
             406e30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406E50 
             406e30      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406e32     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             406e32      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406e32      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             406e36     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     rdi, r12
             406e36      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406e36      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R13 R14 ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
@@ -4471,10 +4557,12 @@
             406e63      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_file_chooser_get_filename 
             406e68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406e68      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406e68      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406e6b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406e6b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             406e6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406FFD 
             406e6e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406e6e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406FFD 
             406e74      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406e74      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax        ; s 
             406e77     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 20h        ; c 
@@ -4485,6 +4573,7 @@
             406e7c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strchr 
             406e81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406e81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406e81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406e84      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406e84      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14        ; s 
             406e87     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406FF0 
@@ -4509,8 +4598,10 @@
             406ea3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rax+1] 
             406ea7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rdx, [rbx+10h] 
             406ea7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406ea7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rdx, [rbx+10h] 
             406eab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_406FB0 
             406eab      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406eab      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnb     loc_406FB0 
             406eb1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406eb1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rbx] 
             406eb4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
@@ -4526,12 +4617,15 @@
             406ec4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ movzx   edx, byte ptr [r14] 
             406ec8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dl, dl 
             406ec8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406ec8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    dl, dl 
             406eca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406F2D 
             406eca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406eca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406F2D 
             406ecc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406ecc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, r14 
             406ecf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_406EF7 
             406ecf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406ecf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_406EF7 
             406ed8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406ed8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rbx] 
             406edb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
@@ -4544,30 +4638,38 @@
             406ee5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     byte ptr [rdx+rax+1], 0 
             406eea     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13, 1 
             406eea      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406eea      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     r13, 1 
             406eee     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   edx, byte ptr [r13+0] 
             406eee      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406eee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ movzx   edx, byte ptr [r13+0] 
             406ef3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dl, dl 
             406ef3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406ef3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    dl, dl 
             406ef5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406F2D 
             406ef5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406ef5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_406F2D 
             406ef7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dl, 22h 
             406ef7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406ef7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     dl, 22h 
             406efa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406F98 
             406efa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406efa      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_406F98 
             406f00      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406f00      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+8] 
             406f04      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406f04      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rcx, [rax+1] 
             406f08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, [rbx+10h] 
             406f08      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406f08      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rcx, [rbx+10h] 
             406f0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_406ED8 
             406f0c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406f0c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jb      short loc_406ED8 
             406f0e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs movsx   edx, dl 
             406f0e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406f0e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsx   edx, dl 
             406f11     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13, 1 
             406f11      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406f11      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     r13, 1 
             406f15     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rsi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             406f15      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406f15      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
@@ -4581,16 +4683,20 @@
             406f24      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ movzx   edx, byte ptr [r13+0] 
             406f29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dl, dl 
             406f29      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406f29      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    dl, dl 
             406f2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_406EF7 
             406f2b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406f2b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_406EF7 
             406f2d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406f2d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+8] 
             406f31      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406f31      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rax+1] 
             406f35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rdx, [rbx+10h] 
             406f35      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406f35      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rdx, [rbx+10h] 
             406f39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_406FD0 
             406f39      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406f39      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnb     loc_406FD0 
             406f3f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406f3f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rbx] 
             406f42      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
@@ -4642,6 +4748,7 @@
             406f8a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             406f8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406E32 
             406f8f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406f8f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R13 R14 ZZ jmp     loc_406E32 
             406f98      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406f98      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             406f9b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset asc_40BCD1; "\\\"" 
@@ -4654,6 +4761,7 @@
             406fa5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             406fa8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406EEA 
             406fa8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406fa8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406EEA 
             406fb0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 22h 
             406fb0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406fb0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 22h 
@@ -4667,6 +4775,7 @@
             406fbf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_insert_c 
             406fc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406EC4 
             406fc4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406fc4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406EC4 
             406fd0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 22h 
             406fd0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406fd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 22h 
@@ -4680,6 +4789,7 @@
             406fdf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_insert_c 
             406fe4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406F52 
             406fe4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406fe4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406F52 
             406ff0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
             406ff0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406ff0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strdup 
@@ -4687,6 +4797,7 @@
             406ff5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             406ff8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406F5F 
             406ff8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406ff8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406F5F 
             406ffd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, 40B936h 
             406ffd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406ffd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 40B936h 
@@ -4697,6 +4808,7 @@
             407007      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40700a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406F5F 
             40700a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            40700a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_406F5F 
             407010      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 1 13 0 1 14 0 1 15 0 4 ZZ
             407010      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             407010    127 FUNC GLOBAL sub_407010 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40708e 
@@ -4711,16 +4823,19 @@
             407011      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             407015     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             407015      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
+            407015      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             407018      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
             407018      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F7F0 
             40701f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40701f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
+            40701f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407022     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407038 
             407022      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
             407024      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
             407024      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F7F0 
             40702b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40702b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
+            40702b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40702f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40702f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
             40702f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -4734,6 +4849,7 @@
             40703d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             407042     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407042      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
+            407042      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407044     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407024 
             407044      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
             407046     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGsmappdialog; "GsmAppDialog" 
@@ -4779,6 +4895,7 @@
             407088      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40708d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407024 
             40708d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407010 
+            40708d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_407024 
             407090     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             407093     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
             407097     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407108 
@@ -5191,16 +5308,20 @@
             4079e4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_407010 
             4079e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4079e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4079e0 
+            4079e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4079ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407A0A 
             4079ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4079e0 
+            4079ec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_407A0A 
             4079ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4079e0 
             4079ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4079f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4079f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4079e0 
+            4079f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4079f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4079FB 
             4079f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4079e0 
             4079f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4079f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4079e0 
+            4079f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4079f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407A20 
             4079f9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4079e0 
             4079fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4079e0 
@@ -5212,6 +5333,7 @@
             407a01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             407a06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407a06      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4079e0 
+            407a06      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407a08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407A20 
             407a08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4079e0 
             407a0a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsm_is_app_d_0; "GSM_IS_APP_DIALOG (dialog)" 
@@ -5266,16 +5388,20 @@
             407a44      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_407010 
             407a49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             407a49      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a40 
+            407a49      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             407a4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407A6A 
             407a4c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a40 
+            407a4c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_407A6A 
             407a4e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a40 
             407a4e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             407a51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             407a51      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a40 
+            407a51      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             407a54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407A5B 
             407a54      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a40 
             407a56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             407a56      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a40 
+            407a56      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             407a59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407A80 
             407a59      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a40 
             407a5b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a40 
@@ -5287,6 +5413,7 @@
             407a61      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             407a66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407a66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a40 
+            407a66      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407a68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407A80 
             407a68      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a40 
             407a6a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsm_is_app_d_0; "GSM_IS_APP_DIALOG (dialog)" 
@@ -5341,16 +5468,20 @@
             407aa4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_407010 
             407aa9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             407aa9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407aa0 
+            407aa9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             407aac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407ACA 
             407aac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407aa0 
+            407aac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_407ACA 
             407aae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407aa0 
             407aae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             407ab1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             407ab1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407aa0 
+            407ab1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             407ab4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407ABB 
             407ab4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407aa0 
             407ab6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             407ab6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407aa0 
+            407ab6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             407ab9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407AE0 
             407ab9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407aa0 
             407abb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407aa0 
@@ -5362,6 +5493,7 @@
             407ac1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             407ac6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407ac6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407aa0 
+            407ac6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407ac8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407AE0 
             407ac8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407aa0 
             407aca     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsm_is_app_d_0; "GSM_IS_APP_DIALOG (dialog)" 
@@ -5474,6 +5606,7 @@
             407b68      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             407b6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             407b6b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407b00 
+            407b6b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             407b6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             407b6f     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
             407b6f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b00 
@@ -5521,6 +5654,7 @@
             407ba3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             407ba6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407C33 
             407ba6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407ba6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_407C33 
             407bb0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             407bb0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407bb0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5537,6 +5671,7 @@
             407bc1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 ZZ mov     r9, rax 
             407bc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9, r9 
             407bc4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407bc4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r9, r9 
             407bc7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407CD8 
             407bc7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407bcd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
@@ -5582,6 +5717,7 @@
             407c0b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             407c0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             407c0e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407c0e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             407c11     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407C18 
             407c11      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407c13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_error_free 
@@ -5618,6 +5754,7 @@
             407c41      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_dialog_run 
             407c46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             407c46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407c46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             407c49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_407D88 
             407c49      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407c4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_407010 
@@ -5685,8 +5822,10 @@
             407cac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B290 
             407cb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407cb1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407cb1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407cb3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_407BB0 
             407cb3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407cb3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_407BB0 
             407cb9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407cb9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rcx, [rsp+78h+var_50] 
             407cb9      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ lea     rcx, [rsp+78h+var_50]
@@ -5704,6 +5843,7 @@
             407ccb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_shell_parse_argv 
             407cd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407cd0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407cd0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407cd2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407D60 
             407cd2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407cd8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, r13 
@@ -5714,12 +5854,16 @@
             407cdb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B290 
             407ce0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407ce0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407ce0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407ce2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_407D78 
             407ce2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407ce2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_407D78 
             407ce8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15, r15 
             407ce8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407ce8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15, r15 
             407ceb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407CF8 
             407ceb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407ceb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407CF8 
             407ced     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, r13 
             407ced      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407ced      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
@@ -5736,6 +5880,7 @@
             407cfd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strfreev 
             407d02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+78h+var_68], 0 
             407d02      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407d02      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_68], 0 
             407d02      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_68], 0
             407d08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407D1A 
             407d08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
@@ -5752,6 +5897,7 @@
             407d17      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rdx], rax 
             407d1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+78h+var_60], 0 
             407d1a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407d1a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_60], 0 
             407d1a      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_60], 0
             407d20     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebp, 1 
             407d20      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
@@ -5785,6 +5931,7 @@
             407d4a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_destroy 
             407d4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             407d4f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407d4f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             407d53      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407d53      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
             407d53     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -5809,12 +5956,14 @@
             407d60      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rax, [rsp+78h+var_50]
             407d65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407d65      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407d65      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407d68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407D90 
             407d68      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407d6a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407d6a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 ZZ mov     r9, [rax+8] 
             407d6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407BC4 
             407d6e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407d6e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_407BC4 
             407d78      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407d78      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R13 ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+78h+var_48] 
             407d78      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     rax, [rsp+78h+var_48]
@@ -5822,11 +5971,13 @@
             407d7d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, [rax] 
             407d80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407CE8 
             407d80      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407d80      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_407CE8 
             407d88      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407d88      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xor     ebp, ebp 
             407d88     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             407d8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407D37 
             407d8a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407d8a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_407D37 
             407d90     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             407d90      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
             407d90      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5843,6 +5994,7 @@
             407da1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 ZZ mov     r9, rax 
             407da4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407BC4 
             407da4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b80 
+            407da4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_407BC4 
             407db0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 96 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 1 14 0 4 15 0 1 ZZ
             407db0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             407db0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
@@ -5858,6 +6010,7 @@
             407db8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+8] 
             407dbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             407dbc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
+            407dbc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             407dbf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407DD2 
             407dbf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
             407dc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -5871,6 +6024,7 @@
             407dd2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+20h] 
             407dd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             407dd6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
+            407dd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             407dd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407DEC 
             407dd9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
             407ddb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -5884,6 +6038,7 @@
             407dec      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+28h] 
             407df0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             407df0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
+            407df0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             407df3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407E06 
             407df3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
             407df5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -5897,6 +6052,7 @@
             407e06      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+30h] 
             407e0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             407e0a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
+            407e0a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             407e0d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407E20 
             407e0d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
             407e0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -5910,6 +6066,7 @@
             407e20      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+38h] 
             407e24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             407e24      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
+            407e24      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             407e27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407E3A 
             407e27      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
             407e29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -5923,6 +6080,7 @@
             407e3a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+40h] 
             407e3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             407e3e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
+            407e3e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             407e41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407E54 
             407e41      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
             407e43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -5936,6 +6094,7 @@
             407e54      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+48h] 
             407e58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             407e58      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
+            407e58      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             407e5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407E6E 
             407e5b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
             407e5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -5949,6 +6108,7 @@
             407e6e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+60h] 
             407e72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             407e72      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
+            407e72      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             407e75     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407E88 
             407e75      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407db0 
             407e77     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -5990,6 +6150,7 @@
             407ea0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_suffix 
             407ea5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407ea5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407ea5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407ea7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407FA8 
             407ea7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
             407ead      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
@@ -6063,6 +6224,7 @@
             407f0f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             407f12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407F67 
             407f12      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407f12      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_407F67 
             407f18     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 10h 
             407f18      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
             407f18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 10h 
@@ -6073,12 +6235,16 @@
             407f20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             407f25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407f25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407f25      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407f27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407F77 
             407f27      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407f27      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407F77 
             407f29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, 2710h 
             407f29      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407f29      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     ebx, 2710h 
             407f2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407FC9 
             407f2f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407f2f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_407FC9 
             407f35      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
             407f35      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             407f38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -6102,6 +6268,7 @@
             407f4f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             407f51     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1 
             407f51      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407f51      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 1 
             407f54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup_printf 
             407f54      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
             407f54      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strdup_printf 
@@ -6123,8 +6290,10 @@
             407f6d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A2F0 
             407f72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407f72      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407f72      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407f75     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407F18 
             407f75      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407f75      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_407F18 
             407f77      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
             407f77      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             407f7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -6142,6 +6311,7 @@
             407f8a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             407f8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, 2710h 
             407f8f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407f8f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, 2710h 
             407f95     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407FE1 
             407f95      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
             407f97      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
@@ -6181,6 +6351,7 @@
             407fc1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             407fc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407EE8 
             407fc4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407fc4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_407EE8 
             407fc9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
             407fc9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             407fcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -6206,6 +6377,7 @@
             407fe7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             407fec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407F97 
             407fec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407e90 
+            407fec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     short loc_407F97 
             407ff0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 0 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             407ff0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             407ff0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407ff0 
@@ -6272,6 +6444,7 @@
             40803a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rbx+58h] 
             40803d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40803d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
+            40803d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40803f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4080A8 
             40803f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
             408041     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rbx+50h] 
@@ -6279,14 +6452,17 @@
             408041      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rbx+50h] 
             408044     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408044      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
+            408044      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408046     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40807A 
             408046      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
             408048     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx+60h], 0 
             408048      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
+            408048      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx+60h], 0 
             40804d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
             40804d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rbx+50h], 0 
             408054     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4080C0 
             408054      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
+            408054      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ jz      short loc_4080C0 
             408056      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
             408056      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx] 
             408059     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_get_user_config_dir 
@@ -6336,6 +6512,7 @@
             408099      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_18]
             40809d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40809d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
+            40809d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4080a1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
             4080a1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4080a1     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -6348,12 +6525,14 @@
             4080b1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     dword ptr [rbx+58h], 0 
             4080b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408041 
             4080b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
+            4080b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_408041 
             4080c0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
             4080c0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+8] 
             4080c4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
             4080c4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     [rbx+60h], rax 
             4080c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408056 
             4080c8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408020 
+            4080c8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_408056 
             4080d0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 96 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 96 ZZ
             4080d0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4080d0    221 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4080D0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4081ac 
@@ -6381,10 +6560,12 @@
             4080ee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B290 
             4080f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4080f3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
+            4080f3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4080f5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
             4080f5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             4080f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408170 
             4080f9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
+            4080f9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_408170 
             4080fb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
             4080fb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, [rax+20h] 
             4080ff      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
@@ -6394,8 +6575,10 @@
             408103      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B290 
             408108     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408108      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
+            408108      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40810a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408150 
             40810a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
+            40810a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_408150 
             40810c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
             40810c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R12 ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             408110      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
@@ -6433,6 +6616,7 @@
             408141      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_18]
             408145     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             408145      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
+            408145      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             408149      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
             408149      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ retn 
             408149     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -6454,6 +6638,7 @@
             408164      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             408168     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408114 
             408168      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
+            408168      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_408114 
             408170      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
             408170      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+28h] 
             408174     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40B290 
@@ -6461,14 +6646,17 @@
             408174      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B290 
             408179     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408179      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
+            408179      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40817b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408190 
             40817b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
+            40817b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_408190 
             40817d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
             40817d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             408181      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
             408181      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, [rax+28h] 
             408185     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4080FF 
             408185      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
+            408185      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4080FF 
             408190     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             408190      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
             408190      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -6487,6 +6675,7 @@
             4081a4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             4081a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4080FF 
             4081a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4080d0 
+            4081a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4080FF 
             4081b0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 -8 4 4 0 0 5 0 4 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 96 14 0 4 15 0 1 ZZ
             4081b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4081b0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4081b0 
@@ -6625,6 +6814,7 @@
             40827b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_60F814, eax 
             408281     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             408281      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4081d0 
+            408281      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             408285      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4081d0 
             408285      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             408285     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -6660,29 +6850,38 @@
             4082b4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             4082b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4082b9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082b9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4082bb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
             4082bb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
             4082bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ mov     edx, 1 
             4082c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4082DA 
             4082c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_4082DA 
             4082c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4082c2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082c2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4082c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4082F0 
             4082c5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082c5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_4082F0 
             4082c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4082c7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082c7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4082ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408300 
             4082ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408300 
             4082cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4082cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4082cf      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
             4082d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408300 
             4082d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082d0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_408300 
             4082d2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
             4082d2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             4082d2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             4082d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             4082d4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082d4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 0 
             4082d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    dl 
             4082d7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
             4082d7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RBX ZZ setz    dl 
@@ -6697,26 +6896,34 @@
             4082e1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             4082e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4082e6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082e6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4082ea      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
             4082ea      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4082ea     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
             4082f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4082f0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082f0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4082f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4082C7 
             4082f3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082f3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_4082C7 
             4082f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             4082f5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082f5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             4082f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4082DA 
             4082f9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082f9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_4082DA 
             4082fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4082fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4082fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4082CC 
             4082fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            4082fe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_4082CC 
             408300      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
             408300      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             408300     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             408302     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4082DA 
             408302      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4082a0 
+            408302      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_4082DA 
             408310      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 4 2 0 4 3 0 96 4 0 8 5 0 96 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 96 ZZ
             408310      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             408310    113 FUNC GLOBAL sub_408310 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             408380 
@@ -6727,16 +6934,19 @@
             408310      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             408314     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             408314      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408310 
+            408314      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             408317      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408310 
             408317      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F800 
             40831e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40831e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408310 
+            40831e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             408321     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408330 
             408321      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408310 
             408323      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408310 
             408323      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F800 
             40832a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40832a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408310 
+            40832a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40832e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408310 
             40832e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40832e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -6748,6 +6958,7 @@
             408335      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40833a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40833a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408310 
+            40833a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40833c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408323 
             40833c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408310 
             40833e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGspapp; "GspApp" 
@@ -6789,6 +7000,7 @@
             40837a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40837f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_408323 
             40837f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408310 
+            40837f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_408323 
             408390      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 -32 0 4 0 8 5 -24 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -16 4 13 -8 4 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             408390      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             408390   1189 FUNC GLOBAL sub_408390 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             408834 
@@ -6848,8 +7060,10 @@
             4083cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             4083d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             4083d2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4083d2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    r12, r12 
             4083d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408434 
             4083d5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4083d5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_408434 
             4083d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             4083d7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4083d7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
@@ -6889,8 +7103,10 @@
             4083ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_load_from_file 
             408404     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408404      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408404      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408406     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408424 
             408406      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408406      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_408424 
             408408      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408408      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             408408     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -6906,8 +7122,10 @@
             408417      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
             40841b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rdx+10h] 
             40841b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            40841b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, [rdx+10h] 
             40841e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408648 
             40841e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            40841e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_408648 
             408424      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408424      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             408427     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -6924,6 +7142,7 @@
             408438      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rax+60h] 
             40843c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40843c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            40843c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40843f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408800 
             40843f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408445     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_key_file_new 
@@ -6953,6 +7172,7 @@
             40846b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+38h+var_30]
             408470     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             408470      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408470      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             408473     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408482 
             408473      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408475     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_error_free 
@@ -6970,31 +7190,38 @@
             408486      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rdx+5Ch] 
             408489     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, 1 
             408489      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408489      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, 1 
             40848b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408620 
             40848b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408491     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, 20h 
             408491      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408491      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, 20h 
             408493     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4085F8 
             408493      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408499     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, 2 
             408499      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408499      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, 2 
             40849b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4085D0 
             40849b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4084a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, 4 
             4084a1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4084a1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, 4 
             4084a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4085A0 
             4084a3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4084a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, 10h 
             4084a9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4084a9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, 10h 
             4084ab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4084b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408570 
             4084b0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4084b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, 8 
             4084b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4084b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, 8 
             4084b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408550 
             4084b8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4084be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             4084be      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4084be      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             4084c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_407FF0 
             4084c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4084c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_407FF0 
@@ -7012,10 +7239,12 @@
             4084d2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A7E0 
             4084d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4084d7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4084d7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4084d9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4084d9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             4084dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408520 
             4084dd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4084dd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_408520 
             4084df      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4084df      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             4084e3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aCouldNotSaveSF; "Could not save %s file" 
@@ -7044,6 +7273,7 @@
             408502      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+58h], 0 
             408509     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             408509      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408509      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40850d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             40850d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40850d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -7065,6 +7295,7 @@
             40852b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+5Ch], 0 
             408532     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             408532      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408532      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             408535     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4084F6 
             408535      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408537     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -7076,6 +7307,7 @@
             408540      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+60h], 0 
             408548     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4084F6 
             408548      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408548      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4084F6 
             408550      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408550      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rdx+28h] 
             408554     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aDesktopEntry; "Desktop Entry" 
@@ -7091,6 +7323,7 @@
             408561      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_set_string 
             408566     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4084BE 
             408566      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408566      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4084BE 
             408570      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408570      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rdx+30h] 
             408574     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aComment; "Comment" 
@@ -7116,6 +7349,7 @@
             408592      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rdx+5Ch] 
             408595     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4084B6 
             408595      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408595      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4084B6 
             4085a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4085a0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rdx+20h] 
             4085a4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aName; "Name" 
@@ -7141,6 +7375,7 @@
             4085c2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rdx+5Ch] 
             4085c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4084A9 
             4085c5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4085c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4084A9 
             4085d0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rdx+18h] 
             4085d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4085d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, [rdx+18h] 
@@ -7162,6 +7397,7 @@
             4085e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rdx+5Ch] 
             4085ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4084A1 
             4085ec      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4085ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4084A1 
             4085f8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rdx+14h] 
             4085f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4085f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, [rdx+14h] 
@@ -7183,6 +7419,7 @@
             408611      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rdx+5Ch] 
             408614     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408499 
             408614      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408614      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_408499 
             408620     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rdx+10h] 
             408620      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408620      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, [rdx+10h] 
@@ -7204,6 +7441,7 @@
             408639      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rdx+5Ch] 
             40863c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408491 
             40863c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            40863c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_408491 
             408648     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
             408648      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408648      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 1 
@@ -7219,6 +7457,7 @@
             40865a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
             40865e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rdx+18h] 
             40865e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            40865e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, [rdx+18h] 
             408661     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408424 
             408661      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408667     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40B210 
@@ -7235,8 +7474,10 @@
             408677      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
             40867b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rdx+1Ch] 
             40867b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            40867b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, [rdx+1Ch] 
             40867e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408424 
             40867e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            40867e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_408424 
             408684      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408684      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             408684     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -7252,8 +7493,10 @@
             408693      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
             408697     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [rdx+14h] 
             408697      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408697      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, [rdx+14h] 
             40869a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408424 
             40869a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            40869a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_408424 
             4086a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
             4086a0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4086a0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -7284,6 +7527,7 @@
             4086c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4082A0 
             4086ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4086ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4086ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4086cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4086cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             4086cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408809 
@@ -7321,6 +7565,7 @@
             4086ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4082A0 
             408704     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408704      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408704      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408706      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408706      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             408709     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408809 
@@ -7355,6 +7600,7 @@
             408736      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4082A0 
             40873b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40873b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            40873b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40873d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             40873d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             408740     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408823 
@@ -7392,6 +7638,7 @@
             408770      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4082A0 
             408775     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408775      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408775      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408777      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408777      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40877a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408823 
@@ -7416,8 +7663,10 @@
             40879a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             40879f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40879f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            40879f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4087a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4087B0 
             4087a1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4087a1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4087B0 
             4087a3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4087a3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             4087a7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
@@ -7445,6 +7694,7 @@
             4087cc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+5Ch], 0 
             4087d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4087d3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4087d3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4087d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4087d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408509 
             4087d9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
@@ -7457,6 +7707,7 @@
             4087e8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+60h], 0 
             4087f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4087f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            4087f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4087f4     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 xor     eax, eax
             4087f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             4087f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
@@ -7475,6 +7726,7 @@
             408800      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rax+8] 
             408804     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408445 
             408804      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408804      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_408445 
             408809     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
             408809      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408809      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
@@ -7490,12 +7742,14 @@
             408819      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_free 
             40881e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408434 
             40881e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            40881e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_408434 
             408823     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
             408823      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408823      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             408828      8 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
             408830     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408424 
             408830      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408390 
+            408830      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408424 
             408840      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             408840      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             408840    186 FUNC GLOBAL sub_408840 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4088f9 
@@ -7681,6 +7935,7 @@
             4089cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_instance_get_private 
             4089d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, 1 
             4089d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            4089d4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI ZZ test    al, 1 
             4089d6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             4089d6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+18h], rax 
             4089da      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
@@ -7690,14 +7945,19 @@
             4089dd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX ZZ mov     edx, 70h 
             4089e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408A38 
             4089e2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            4089e2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ jnz     short loc_408A38 
             4089e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dil, 2 
             4089e4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            4089e4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ test    dil, 2 
             4089e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408A50 
             4089e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            4089e8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX ZZ jnz     short loc_408A50 
             4089ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dil, 4 
             4089ea      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            4089ea      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ test    dil, 4 
             4089ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408A68 
             4089ee      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            4089ee      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX ZZ jnz     short loc_408A68 
             4089f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             4089f0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ mov     ecx, edx 
             4089f0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, edx 
@@ -7709,26 +7969,33 @@
             4089f4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ shr     ecx, 3 
             4089f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dl, 4 
             4089f7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            4089f7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    dl, 4 
             4089fa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             4089fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408A09 
             4089fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            4089fd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_408A09 
             4089ff      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             4089ff      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     dword ptr [rdi], 0 
             408a05     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdi, 4 
             408a05      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a05      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rdi, 4 
             408a09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dl, 2 
             408a09      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a09      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    dl, 2 
             408a0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408A17 
             408a0c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a0c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_408A17 
             408a0e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             408a0e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     word ptr [rdi], 0 
             408a13     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdi, 2 
             408a13      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a13      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rdi, 2 
             408a17     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs and     edx, 1 
             408a17      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             408a17      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ and     edx, 1 
             408a1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408A1F 
             408a1a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a1a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_408A1F 
             408a1c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             408a1c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     byte ptr [rdi], 0 
             408a1f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
@@ -7743,6 +8010,7 @@
             408a32      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             408a38     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdi, 1 
             408a38      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a38      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ add     rdi, 1 
             408a3c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             408a3c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             408a3f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
@@ -7750,28 +8018,37 @@
             408a3f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     dl, 6Fh 
             408a41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dil, 2 
             408a41      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a41      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ test    dil, 2 
             408a45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4089EA 
             408a45      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a45      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX ZZ jz      short loc_4089EA 
             408a47      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             408a50      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             408a50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ mov     word ptr [rdi], 0 
             408a55     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdi, 2 
             408a55      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a55      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ add     rdi, 2 
             408a59     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     edx, 2 
             408a59      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a59      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ sub     edx, 2 
             408a5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dil, 4 
             408a5c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a5c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ test    dil, 4 
             408a60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4089F0 
             408a60      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a60      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX ZZ jz      short loc_4089F0 
             408a62      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             408a68      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
             408a68      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ mov     dword ptr [rdi], 0 
             408a6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     edx, 4 
             408a6e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a6e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ sub     edx, 4 
             408a71     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdi, 4 
             408a71      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a71      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ add     rdi, 4 
             408a75     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4089F0 
             408a75      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4089c0 
+            408a75      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ jmp     loc_4089F0 
             408a80      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 4 2 0 4 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 1 ZZ
             408a80      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             408a80      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408a80 
@@ -7786,16 +8063,20 @@
             408a84      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408a89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408a89      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a80 
+            408a89      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408a8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408AAA 
             408a8c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408a80 
+            408a8c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408AAA 
             408a8e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a80 
             408a8e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408a91     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408a91      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a80 
+            408a91      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408a94     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408A9B 
             408a94      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408a80 
             408a96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408a96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a80 
+            408a96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408a99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408AC0 
             408a99      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408a80 
             408a9b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a80 
@@ -7807,6 +8088,7 @@
             408aa1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408aa6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408aa6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408a80 
+            408aa6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408aa8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408AC0 
             408aa8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408a80 
             408aaa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -7851,16 +8133,20 @@
             408ad4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408ad9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408ad9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ad0 
+            408ad9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408adc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408AFA 
             408adc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ad0 
+            408adc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408AFA 
             408ade      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ad0 
             408ade      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408ae1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408ae1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ad0 
+            408ae1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408ae4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408AEB 
             408ae4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ad0 
             408ae6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408ae6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ad0 
+            408ae6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408ae9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408B10 
             408ae9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ad0 
             408aeb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ad0 
@@ -7872,6 +8158,7 @@
             408af1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408af6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408af6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ad0 
+            408af6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408af8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408B10 
             408af8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ad0 
             408afa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -7916,16 +8203,20 @@
             408b24      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408b29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408b29      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408b20 
+            408b29      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408b2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408B4A 
             408b2c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408b20 
+            408b2c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408B4A 
             408b2e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408b20 
             408b2e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408b31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408b31      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408b20 
+            408b31      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408b34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408B3B 
             408b34      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408b20 
             408b36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408b36      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408b20 
+            408b36      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408b39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408B60 
             408b39      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408b20 
             408b3b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408b20 
@@ -7937,6 +8228,7 @@
             408b41      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408b46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408b46      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408b20 
+            408b46      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408b48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408B60 
             408b48      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408b20 
             408b4a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -7982,16 +8274,20 @@
             408b74      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408b79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408b79      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
+            408b79      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408b7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408B9A 
             408b7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
+            408b7c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408B9A 
             408b7e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
             408b7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408b81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408b81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
+            408b81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408b84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408B8B 
             408b84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
             408b86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408b86      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
+            408b86      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408b89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408BB0 
             408b89      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
             408b8b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
@@ -8003,8 +8299,10 @@
             408b91      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408b96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408b96      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
+            408b96      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408b98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408BB0 
             408b98      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
+            408b98      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_408BB0 
             408b9a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
             408b9a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
             408b9a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -8037,6 +8335,7 @@
             408bb8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             408bba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             408bba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
+            408bba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             408bbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             408bbc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
             408bbf      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408b70 
@@ -8055,16 +8354,20 @@
             408bc4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408bc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408bc9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408bc0 
+            408bc9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408bcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408BEA 
             408bcc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408bc0 
+            408bcc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408BEA 
             408bce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408bc0 
             408bce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408bd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408bd1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408bc0 
+            408bd1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408bd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408BDB 
             408bd4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408bc0 
             408bd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408bd6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408bc0 
+            408bd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408bd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408C00 
             408bd9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408bc0 
             408bdb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408bc0 
@@ -8076,6 +8379,7 @@
             408be1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408be6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408be6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408bc0 
+            408be6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408be8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408C00 
             408be8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408bc0 
             408bea     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -8131,16 +8435,20 @@
             408c1b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408c20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408c20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
+            408c20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408c23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408C41 
             408c23      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
+            408c23      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408C41 
             408c25      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
             408c25      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408c28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408c28      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
+            408c28      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408c2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408C32 
             408c2b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
             408c2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408c2d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
+            408c2d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408c30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408C60 
             408c30      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
             408c32      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
@@ -8152,10 +8460,12 @@
             408c38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408c3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408c3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
+            408c3d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408c3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408C60 
             408c3f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
             408c41     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             408c41      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
+            408c41      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             408c45     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
             408c45      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
             408c45      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -8176,6 +8486,7 @@
             408c60      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             408c64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax+18h], ebp 
             408c64      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
+            408c64      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rax+18h], ebp 
             408c67     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408C86 
             408c67      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
             408c69      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
@@ -8189,6 +8500,7 @@
             408c73      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408020 
             408c78     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             408c78      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
+            408c78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             408c7c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c10 
             408c7c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             408c7c      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbx
@@ -8221,16 +8533,20 @@
             408c94      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408c99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408c99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c90 
+            408c99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408c9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408CBA 
             408c9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408c90 
+            408c9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408CBA 
             408c9e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c90 
             408c9e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408ca1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408ca1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c90 
+            408ca1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408ca4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408CAB 
             408ca4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408c90 
             408ca6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408ca6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c90 
+            408ca6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408ca9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408CD0 
             408ca9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408c90 
             408cab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408c90 
@@ -8242,6 +8558,7 @@
             408cb1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408cb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408cb6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408c90 
+            408cb6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408cb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408CD0 
             408cb8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408c90 
             408cba     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -8287,16 +8604,20 @@
             408ce4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408ce9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408ce9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ce0 
+            408ce9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408cec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408D0A 
             408cec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ce0 
+            408cec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408D0A 
             408cee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ce0 
             408cee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408cf1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408cf1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ce0 
+            408cf1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408cf4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408CFB 
             408cf4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ce0 
             408cf6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408cf6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ce0 
+            408cf6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408cf9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408D20 
             408cf9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ce0 
             408cfb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ce0 
@@ -8308,6 +8629,7 @@
             408d01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408d06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408d06      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ce0 
+            408d06      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408d08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408D20 
             408d08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ce0 
             408d0a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -8352,16 +8674,20 @@
             408d34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408d39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408d39      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408d30 
+            408d39      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408d3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408D5A 
             408d3c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408d30 
+            408d3c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408D5A 
             408d3e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408d30 
             408d3e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408d41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408d41      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408d30 
+            408d41      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408d44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408D4B 
             408d44      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408d30 
             408d46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408d46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408d30 
+            408d46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408d49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408D70 
             408d49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408d30 
             408d4b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408d30 
@@ -8373,6 +8699,7 @@
             408d51      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408d56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408d56      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408d30 
+            408d56      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408d58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408D70 
             408d58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408d30 
             408d5a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -8417,16 +8744,20 @@
             408d84      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408d89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408d89      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408d80 
+            408d89      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408d8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408DAA 
             408d8c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408d80 
+            408d8c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408DAA 
             408d8e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408d80 
             408d8e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408d91     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408d91      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408d80 
+            408d91      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408d94     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408D9B 
             408d94      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408d80 
             408d96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408d96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408d80 
+            408d96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408d99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408DC0 
             408d99      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408d80 
             408d9b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408d80 
@@ -8438,6 +8769,7 @@
             408da1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408da6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408da6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408d80 
+            408da6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408da8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408DC0 
             408da8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408d80 
             408daa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -8482,18 +8814,24 @@
             408dd4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408dd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408dd9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
+            408dd9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408ddc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408DFA 
             408ddc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
+            408ddc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_408DFA 
             408dde      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
             408dde      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408de1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408de1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
+            408de1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408de4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408DEB 
             408de4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
+            408de4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_408DEB 
             408de6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408de6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
+            408de6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408de9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408E10 
             408de9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
+            408de9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_408E10 
             408deb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
             408deb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             408dee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
@@ -8503,8 +8841,10 @@
             408df1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408df6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408df6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
+            408df6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408df8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408E10 
             408df8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
+            408df8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_408E10 
             408dfa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
             408dfa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
             408dfa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -8530,8 +8870,10 @@
             408e14      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+40h] 
             408e18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             408e18      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
+            408e18      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             408e1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408E0B 
             408e1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
+            408e1b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_408E0B 
             408e1d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408dd0 
             408e1d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             408e1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_ref 
@@ -8551,16 +8893,20 @@
             408e34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408e39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408e39      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408e30 
+            408e39      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408e3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408E5A 
             408e3c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408e30 
+            408e3c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408E5A 
             408e3e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408e30 
             408e3e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408e41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408e41      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408e30 
+            408e41      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408e44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408E4B 
             408e44      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408e30 
             408e46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408e46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408e30 
+            408e46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408e49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408E78 
             408e49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408e30 
             408e4b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408e30 
@@ -8572,6 +8918,7 @@
             408e51      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408e56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408e56      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408e30 
+            408e56      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408e58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408E78 
             408e58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408e30 
             408e5a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -8617,16 +8964,20 @@
             408e94      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408e99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408e99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408e90 
+            408e99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408e9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408EBA 
             408e9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408e90 
+            408e9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408EBA 
             408e9e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408e90 
             408e9e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408ea1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408ea1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408e90 
+            408ea1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408ea4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408EAB 
             408ea4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408e90 
             408ea6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408ea6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408e90 
+            408ea6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408ea9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408ED8 
             408ea9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408e90 
             408eab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408e90 
@@ -8638,6 +8989,7 @@
             408eb1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408eb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408eb6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408e90 
+            408eb6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408eb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408ED8 
             408eb8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408e90 
             408eba     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -8692,16 +9044,20 @@
             408f03      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408f08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408f08      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
+            408f08      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408f0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408F29 
             408f0b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
+            408f0b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408F29 
             408f0d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
             408f0d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408f10     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408f10      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
+            408f10      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408f13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408F1A 
             408f13      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
             408f15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408f15      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
+            408f15      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408f18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408F50 
             408f18      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
             408f1a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
@@ -8713,6 +9069,7 @@
             408f20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408f25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408f25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
+            408f25      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408f27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408F50 
             408f27      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
             408f29      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
@@ -8732,6 +9089,7 @@
             408f3d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             408f3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             408f3f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
+            408f3f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             408f43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             408f43      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
             408f43      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
@@ -8747,6 +9105,7 @@
             408f5c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             408f61     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             408f61      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
+            408f61      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             408f65      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408ef0 
             408f65      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             408f65     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -8764,16 +9123,20 @@
             408f74      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408f79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408f79      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408f70 
+            408f79      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408f7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408F9A 
             408f7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408f70 
+            408f7c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408F9A 
             408f7e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408f70 
             408f7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408f81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408f81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408f70 
+            408f81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408f84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408F8B 
             408f84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408f70 
             408f86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408f86      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408f70 
+            408f86      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408f89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408FB0 
             408f89      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408f70 
             408f8b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408f70 
@@ -8785,6 +9148,7 @@
             408f91      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408f96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408f96      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408f70 
+            408f96      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408f98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408FB0 
             408f98      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408f70 
             408f9a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -8850,18 +9214,24 @@
             408fe9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             408fee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408fee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            408fee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408ff1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40900F 
             408ff1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            408ff1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40900F 
             408ff3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
             408ff3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408ff6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408ff6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            408ff6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408ff9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409000 
             408ff9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            408ff9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409000 
             408ffb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408ffb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            408ffb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408ffe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409040 
             408ffe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            408ffe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409040 
             409000      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
             409000      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             409003      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
@@ -8871,8 +9241,10 @@
             409006      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40900b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40900b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            40900b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40900d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409040 
             40900d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            40900d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409040 
             40900f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
             40900f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+28h+var_28] 
             40900f      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+28h+var_28]
@@ -8899,6 +9271,7 @@
             409031     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             409033     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             409033      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            409033      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             409037     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             409037      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
             409037      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
@@ -8913,10 +9286,12 @@
             40904b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4082A0 
             409050     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409050      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            409050      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409052      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
             409052      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             409056     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409140 
             409056      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            409056      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_409140 
             40905c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
             40905c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebp, ebp 
             40905c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
@@ -8929,12 +9304,16 @@
             409065      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4082A0 
             40906a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40906a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            40906a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40906c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409108 
             40906c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            40906c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_409108 
             409072     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             409072      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            409072      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             409074     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40912D 
             409074      6 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            409074      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40912D 
             40907a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
             40907a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             40907e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
@@ -8946,10 +9325,12 @@
             409085      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4082A0 
             40908a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40908a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            40908a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40908c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4090B0 
             40908c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
             40908e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             40908e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            40908e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             409090     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4090D5 
             409090      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
             409092      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
@@ -8969,6 +9350,7 @@
             4090a5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r14, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             4090aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             4090aa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            4090aa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             4090ae      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
             4090ae      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4090b0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
@@ -9015,6 +9397,7 @@
             4090f3      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r14, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             4090f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             4090f8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            4090f8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             4090fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_4081B0 
             4090fc     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     sub_4081B0
             4090fc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
@@ -9049,6 +9432,7 @@
             409135      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4080D0 
             40913a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40907A 
             40913a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            40913a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40907A 
             409140      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
             409140      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+20h] 
             409144     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -9072,6 +9456,7 @@
             409162      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ or      dword ptr [rax+5Ch], 4 
             409166     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40905E 
             409166      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408fc0 
+            409166      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40905E 
             409170      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 3 -16 4 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 1 7 0 96 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             409170      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409170      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
@@ -9093,18 +9478,24 @@
             409179      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             40917e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40917e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            40917e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             409181     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4091A0 
             409181      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            409181      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4091A0 
             409183      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
             409183      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             409187     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             409187      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            409187      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40918a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409191 
             40918a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            40918a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409191 
             40918c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40918c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            40918c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40918f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4091C0 
             40918f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            40918f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4091C0 
             409191      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
             409191      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             409194      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
@@ -9114,10 +9505,13 @@
             409197      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40919c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40919c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            40919c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40919e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4091C0 
             40919e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            40919e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4091C0 
             4091a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4091a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            4091a0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4091a4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
             4091a4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
             4091a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
@@ -9141,8 +9535,10 @@
             4091c4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rdx, 0FFFFFFFF00000000h 
             4091ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax+50h], rdx 
             4091ce      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            4091ce      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rax+50h], rdx 
             4091d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4091F8 
             4091d2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            4091d2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4091F8 
             4091d4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
             4091d4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ or      dword ptr [rax+5Ch], 1 
             4091d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
@@ -9154,6 +9550,7 @@
             4091e2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408020 
             4091e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4091e7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            4091e7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4091eb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
             4091eb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             4091ee      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
@@ -9168,6 +9565,7 @@
             4091f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rax+58h] 
             4091fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             4091fb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            4091fb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             4091fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409258 
             4091fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
             4091ff      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
@@ -9180,8 +9578,10 @@
             409208      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             40920d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40920d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            40920d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40920f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40921E 
             40920f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            40920f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40921E 
             409211      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
             409211      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+18h] 
             409215      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
@@ -9208,6 +9608,7 @@
             40923b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             409240     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409240      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            409240      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409244     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     esi, ebx 
             409244      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
             409244      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, ebx 
@@ -9236,6 +9637,7 @@
             409261      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+58h], 0 
             409268     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4091FF 
             409268      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            409268      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4091FF 
             409270      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 -48 4 4 0 8 5 -40 4 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -32 96 13 -24 4 14 -16 96 15 -8 1 ZZ
             409270      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409270      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
@@ -9296,6 +9698,7 @@
             4092a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             4092ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4092ad      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4092ad      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4092b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    r15b 
             4092b0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4092b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4092D5 
@@ -9304,6 +9707,7 @@
             4092b6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             4092ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax+50h], r13d 
             4092ba      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4092ba      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rax+50h], r13d 
             4092be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4095B0 
             4092be      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4092c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      loc_409598 
@@ -9313,6 +9717,7 @@
             4092ca      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rax+58h] 
             4092cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             4092cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4092cd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             4092cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_409598 
             4092cf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4092d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_key_file_new 
@@ -9335,10 +9740,12 @@
             4092e7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_load_from_file 
             4092ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4092ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4092ec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4092ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4095D0 
             4092ee      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4092f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             4092f4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4092f4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             4092f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4094C0 
             4092f7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4092fd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
@@ -9494,8 +9901,10 @@
             4093f0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B290 
             4093f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4093f5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4093f5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4093f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_409530 
             4093f7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4093f7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_409530 
             4093fd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4093fd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+18h] 
             409401     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -9523,6 +9932,7 @@
             409421      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+38h] 
             409425     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             409425      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            409425      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             409428     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409520 
             409428      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             40942e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_path_is_absolute 
@@ -9530,8 +9940,10 @@
             40942e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_path_is_absolute 
             409433     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409433      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            409433      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409435     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409500 
             409435      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            409435      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_409500 
             40943b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             40943b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             40943f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
@@ -9567,18 +9979,21 @@
             40946e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4080D0 
             409473     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
             409473      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            409473      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
             409476      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             409476      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             40947a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40948A 
             40947a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             40947c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r13d, [rax+54h] 
             40947c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            40947c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r13d, [rax+54h] 
             409480     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_409578 
             409480      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             409486      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             409486      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rax+54h], r13d 
             40948a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             40948a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            40948a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             40948d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             409491     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4094E0 
             409491      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
@@ -9587,6 +10002,7 @@
             409493      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, [rax+58h] 
             409496     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             409496      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            409496      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
             409498     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_409558 
             409498      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             40949e      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
@@ -9595,6 +10011,7 @@
             4094a6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+68h], 0 
             4094ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4094ad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4094ad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4094b1     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rax, rbx
             4094b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4094b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
@@ -9609,6 +10026,7 @@
             4094ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4094ba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 R15 ZZ pop     r14 
             4094bc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4094bc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ pop     r15 
             4094bc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r15 
             4094be      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4094be      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
@@ -9634,6 +10052,7 @@
             4094d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rdx], r14 
             4094db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409311 
             4094db      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4094db      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_409311 
             4094e0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4094e0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+58h], 0 
             4094e7      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
@@ -9647,6 +10066,7 @@
             4094f9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4081B0 
             4094fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4094AD 
             4094fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4094fe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_4094AD 
             409500      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             409500      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+18h] 
             409504      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
@@ -9658,10 +10078,12 @@
             40950e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [r12+40h], rax 
             409513     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409463 
             409513      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            409513      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_409463 
             409520      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             409520      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+40h], 0 
             409528     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409463 
             409528      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            409528      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_409463 
             409530      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             409530      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             409534      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
@@ -9680,6 +10102,7 @@
             40954b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     [r12+20h], rax 
             409550     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4093FD 
             409550      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            409550      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R12 ZZ jmp     loc_4093FD 
             409558      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             409558      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aNewAppPrivSave; "!new || app->priv->save_timeout == 0" 
             40955e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGsp_app_new; "gsp_app_new" 
@@ -9721,6 +10144,7 @@
             409598      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ mov     edx, [rax+54h] 
             40959b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r13d, edx 
             40959b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            40959b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ cmp     r13d, edx 
             40959e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             40959e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ cmova   r13d, edx 
             4095a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
@@ -9730,10 +10154,12 @@
             4095a4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R14 R15 ZZ mov     [rax+54h], r13d 
             4095a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4094AD 
             4095a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4095a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_4094AD 
             4095b0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4095b0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 ZZ mov     r8d, [rax+68h] 
             4095b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             4095b4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4095b4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             4095b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4092CA 
             4095b7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4095bd      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
@@ -9743,6 +10169,7 @@
             4095c4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             4095c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4094AD 
             4095c6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4095c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_4094AD 
             4095d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
             4095d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             4095d3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
@@ -9758,6 +10185,7 @@
             4095dd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             4095e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4094AD 
             4095e2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409270 
+            4095e2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_4094AD 
             4095f0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 4 2 0 96 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 4 6 0 1 7 0 96 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 96 15 0 1 ZZ
             4095f0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4095f0    144 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4095F0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40967f 
@@ -9786,18 +10214,24 @@
             40960c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             409611     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             409611      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
+            409611      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             409614     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409632 
             409614      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
+            409614      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409632 
             409616      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
             409616      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             409619     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             409619      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
+            409619      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40961c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409623 
             40961c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
+            40961c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409623 
             40961e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40961e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
+            40961e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409621     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409658 
             409621      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
+            409621      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409658 
             409623      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
             409623      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             409626      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
@@ -9807,8 +10241,10 @@
             409629      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40962e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40962e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
+            40962e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409630     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409658 
             409630      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
+            409630      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409658 
             409632      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
             409632      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             409632      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_18]
@@ -9829,6 +10265,7 @@
             40964a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             40964c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40964c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
+            40964c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409650     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             409650      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
             409650      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
@@ -9852,6 +10289,7 @@
             409670      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+50h], 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409677     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409677      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
+            409677      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40967b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_409270 
             40967b     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     sub_409270
             40967b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4095f0 
@@ -9894,8 +10332,10 @@
             4096ae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B290 
             4096b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4096b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
+            4096b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4096b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4096F0 
             4096b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
+            4096b5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4096F0 
             4096b7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
             4096b7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+48h+var_3C] 
             4096b7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+48h+var_3C]
@@ -9912,6 +10352,7 @@
             4096c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_shell_parse_argv 
             4096c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4096c9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
+            4096c9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4096cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409708 
             4096cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
             4096cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
@@ -9934,6 +10375,7 @@
             4096e6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             4096eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             4096eb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
+            4096eb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             4096ef      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
             4096ef      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4096ef     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -9951,6 +10393,7 @@
             4096fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             409701     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4096CD 
             409701      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
+            409701      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_4096CD 
             409708      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
             409708      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_48] 
             409708      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_48]
@@ -9969,6 +10412,7 @@
             40971b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strfreev 
             409720     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15, r15 
             409720      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
+            409720      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r15, r15 
             409723     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4096CD 
             409723      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
             409725     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_408310 
@@ -10029,8 +10473,10 @@
             409780      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B290 
             409785     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409785      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
+            409785      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409787     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409840 
             409787      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
+            409787      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_409840 
             40978d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
             40978d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+18h] 
             409791      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
@@ -10112,6 +10558,7 @@
             409830      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             409835     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4096CD 
             409835      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
+            409835      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_4096CD 
             409840      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
             409840      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, [rbx+18h] 
             409844      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
@@ -10123,6 +10570,7 @@
             40984c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     [r14+20h], rax 
             409850     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40979E 
             409850      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409680 
+            409850      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40979E 
             409860      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -24 0 4 0 8 5 -16 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -8 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             409860      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409860      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
@@ -10143,6 +10591,7 @@
             409864      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             409868     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             409868      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            409868      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40986b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409A08 
             40986b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             409871     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_new_for_uri 
@@ -10157,10 +10606,12 @@
             40987c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_get_basename 
             409881     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409881      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            409881      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409884      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             409884      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             409887     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4099F0 
             409887      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            409887      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4099F0 
             40988d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             40988d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax        ; s 
             409890     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_407E90 
@@ -10175,6 +10626,7 @@
             40989b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             4098a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             4098a0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            4098a0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             4098a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4099F0 
             4098a3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             4098a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_get_user_config_dir 
@@ -10237,6 +10689,7 @@
             4098f5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_copy 
             4098fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4098fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            4098fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4098fc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             4098fc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             4098ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4099B8 
@@ -10259,6 +10712,7 @@
             409917      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409270 
             40991c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40991c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            40991c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40991f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             40991f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             409922      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
@@ -10277,8 +10731,10 @@
             409936      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 R10 R11 ZZ mov     r11d, [rax+10h] 
             40993a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             40993a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            40993a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 R10 ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             40993d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40994C 
             40993d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            40993d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R9 R10 ZZ jz      short loc_40994C 
             40993f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             40993f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 R10 ZZ or      dword ptr [rax+5Ch], 1 
             409943      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
@@ -10290,8 +10746,10 @@
             40994c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 R10 ZZ mov     r10d, [rax+14h] 
             409950     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             409950      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            409950      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             409953     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409965 
             409953      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            409953      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R9 ZZ jz      short loc_409965 
             409955      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             409955      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R9 ZZ or      dword ptr [rax+5Ch], 20h 
             409959      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
@@ -10303,6 +10761,7 @@
             409965      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rax+18h] 
             409969     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             409969      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            409969      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             40996c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4099E0 
             40996c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             40996e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
@@ -10341,6 +10800,7 @@
             4099a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             4099a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             4099a9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            4099a9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             4099ad      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             4099ad      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4099ae      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
@@ -10364,6 +10824,7 @@
             4099c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             4099cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             4099cd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            4099cd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             4099d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             4099d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             4099d1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -10377,10 +10838,12 @@
             4099d7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4099e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             4099e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            4099e0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             4099e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409981 
             4099e2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             4099e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409979 
             4099e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            4099e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_409979 
             4099f0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             4099f0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             4099f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -10388,6 +10851,7 @@
             4099f3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             4099f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             4099f8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            4099f8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             4099fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             4099fc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             4099fc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -10413,6 +10877,7 @@
             409a14      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             409a19     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             409a19      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            409a19      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             409a1d     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 xor     eax, eax
             409a1d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
             409a1d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
@@ -10438,6 +10903,7 @@
             409a35     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             409a37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4099A9 
             409a37      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409860 
+            409a37      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_4099A9 
             409a40      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 96 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 4 14 0 96 15 0 1 ZZ
             409a40      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409a40      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409a40 
@@ -10475,6 +10941,7 @@
             409a5e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched 
             409a63     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             409a63      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409a40 
+            409a63      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             409a67     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     rdi, rbx
             409a67      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409a40 
             409a67      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -10553,6 +11020,7 @@
             409acf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             409ad4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409ad4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
+            409ad4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409ad8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_409A40 
             409ad8     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     sub_409A40
             409ad8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409a70 
@@ -10669,6 +11137,7 @@
             409b9d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_60F82C, eax 
             409ba3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             409ba3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ae0 
+            409ba3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             409ba7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ae0 
             409ba7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             409ba7     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -10695,6 +11164,7 @@
             409bc4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rdi, [rdi] 
             409bc7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             409bc7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bc0 
+            409bc7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             409bca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409BD8 
             409bca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409bc0 
             409bcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -10706,6 +11176,7 @@
             409bd8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+10h] 
             409bdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             409bdc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bc0 
+            409bdc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             409bdf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409BF7 
             409bdf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409bc0 
             409be1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_monitor_cancel 
@@ -10738,16 +11209,19 @@
             409c10      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             409c14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             409c14      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409c10 
+            409c14      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             409c17      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409c10 
             409c17      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F818 
             409c1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409c1e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409c10 
+            409c1e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409c21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409C30 
             409c21      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c10 
             409c23      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409c10 
             409c23      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60F818 
             409c2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409c2a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409c10 
+            409c2a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409c2e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409c10 
             409c2e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
             409c30     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset qword_60F818 
@@ -10758,6 +11232,7 @@
             409c35      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             409c3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409c3a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c10 
+            409c3a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409c3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409C23 
             409c3c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c10 
             409c3e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGspappmanager; "GspAppManager" 
@@ -10799,6 +11274,7 @@
             409c7a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             409c7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409C23 
             409c7f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c10 
+            409c7f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_409C23 
             409c90      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 4 2 0 4 3 -24 4 4 0 8 5 -16 4 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -8 4 13 0 4 14 0 96 15 0 4 ZZ
             409c90      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409c90    189 FUNC GLOBAL sub_409C90 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             409d4c 
@@ -10821,16 +11297,20 @@
             409c9a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409C10 
             409c9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             409c9f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
+            409c9f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             409ca2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409CC0 
             409ca2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
+            409ca2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_409CC0 
             409ca4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
             409ca4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             409ca7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             409ca7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
+            409ca7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             409caa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409CB1 
             409caa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
             409cac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409cac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
+            409cac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409caf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409CE0 
             409caf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
             409cb1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
@@ -10842,6 +11322,7 @@
             409cb7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             409cbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409cbc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
+            409cbc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409cbe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409CE0 
             409cbe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
             409cc0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_app_m_0; "GSP_IS_APP_MANAGER (manager)" 
@@ -10869,6 +11350,7 @@
             409cda      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             409ce0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             409ce0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
+            409ce0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             409ce3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409D32 
             409ce3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
             409ce5     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
@@ -10881,14 +11363,17 @@
             409ced      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             409cf2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             409cf2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
+            409cf2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             409cf5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409D09 
             409cf5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
             409cf7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409CD6 
             409cf7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
+            409cf7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_409CD6 
             409d00      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
             409d00      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             409d04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             409d04      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
+            409d04      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             409d07     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409D28 
             409d07      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
             409d09      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
@@ -10902,6 +11387,7 @@
             409d13      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             409d18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409d18      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
+            409d18      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409d1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409D00 
             409d1a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
             409d1c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409c90 
@@ -11165,16 +11651,20 @@
             409f0b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409C10 
             409f10     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             409f10      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f10      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             409f13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409F32 
             409f13      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f13      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_409F32 
             409f15      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f15      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             409f19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             409f19      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f19      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             409f1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409F23 
             409f1c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409f1e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f1e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409f21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409F50 
             409f21      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f23      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
@@ -11186,8 +11676,10 @@
             409f29      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             409f2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409f2e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f2e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409f30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409F50 
             409f30      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f30      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_409F50 
             409f32     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_app_m_0; "GSP_IS_APP_MANAGER (manager)" 
             409f32      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f32      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_app_m_0; "GSP_IS_APP_MANAGER (manager)" 
@@ -11205,6 +11697,7 @@
             409f43     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             409f45     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409f45      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f45      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409f49      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f49      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             409f4a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
@@ -11221,27 +11714,33 @@
             409f58     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             409f5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             409f5a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f5a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             409f5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409F71 
             409f5d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409F45 
             409f5f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f5f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_409F45 
             409f68      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f68      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rdx, [rdx+8] 
             409f6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             409f6c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f6c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             409f6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409F88 
             409f6f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f6f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_409F88 
             409f71     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rdx] 
             409f71      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f71      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rdx] 
             409f74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax+8], ebx 
             409f74      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f74      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rax+8], ebx 
             409f77     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409F68 
             409f77      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f79      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f79      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rax, [rax] 
             409f7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409f7c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f7c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409f80      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f80      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             409f81      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
@@ -11250,6 +11749,7 @@
             409f82      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             409f88     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409f88      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
+            409f88      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409f8c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409f00 
             409f8c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             409f8c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -11285,16 +11785,20 @@
             409fb9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409C10 
             409fbe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             409fbe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            409fbe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             409fc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409FDF 
             409fc1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            409fc1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_409FDF 
             409fc3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
             409fc3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             409fc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             409fc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            409fc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             409fc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409FD0 
             409fc9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
             409fcb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409fcb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            409fcb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409fce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A008 
             409fce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
             409fd0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
@@ -11306,6 +11810,7 @@
             409fd6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             409fdb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409fdb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            409fdb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409fdd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A008 
             409fdd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
             409fdf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_app_m_0; "GSP_IS_APP_MANAGER (manager)" 
@@ -11328,6 +11833,7 @@
             409ff7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             409ff9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409ff9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            409ff9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409ffd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             409ffd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
             409ffd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
@@ -11336,20 +11842,26 @@
             40a008      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408310 
             40a00d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40a00d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            40a00d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40a010      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
             40a010      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40a013     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A02F 
             40a013      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            40a013      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A02F 
             40a015      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
             40a015      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             40a019     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40a019      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            40a019      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40a01c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A023 
             40a01c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            40a01c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A023 
             40a01e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a01e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            40a01e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a021     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A040 
             40a021      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            40a021      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A040 
             40a023      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
             40a023      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40a026     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
@@ -11357,13 +11869,16 @@
             40a026      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40a02b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a02b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            40a02b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a02d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A040 
             40a02d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            40a02d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40A040 
             40a02f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
             40a02f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
             40a02f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_appApp; "GSP_IS_APP (app)" 
             40a034     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409FE4 
             40a034      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            40a034      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_409FE4 
             40a040      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
             40a040      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40a043     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_ref 
@@ -11433,6 +11948,7 @@
             40a0a7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40a0a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a0a9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
+            40a0a9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a0ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_signal_emit 
             40a0ad     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_signal_emit
             40a0ad      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409fa0 
@@ -11468,6 +11984,7 @@
             40a0e5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rdi+18h] 
             40a0e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax], 0 
             40a0e9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a0e9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax], 0 
             40a0ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A118 
             40a0ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a0ef      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
@@ -11490,6 +12007,7 @@
             40a108      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             40a10d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40a10d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a10d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40a111      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a111      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40a118     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40AD50 
@@ -11509,8 +12027,10 @@
             40a12b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             40a130     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a130      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a130      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a132     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A150 
             40a132      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a132      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40A150 
             40a134      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a134      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aG_str_has_pref; "g_str_has_prefix (autostart_dirs[0], g_"... 
             40a13a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aGsp_app_mana_5; "gsp_app_manager_fill" 
@@ -11532,8 +12052,10 @@
             40a150      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ mov     rsi, [r14] 
             40a153     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40a153      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a153      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40a156     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A2C0 
             40a156      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a156      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 R13 ZZ jz      loc_40A2C0 
             40a15c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a15c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 ZZ lea     rbp, [r14+8] 
             40a160      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
@@ -11543,18 +12065,23 @@
             40a163      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
             40a166     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A188 
             40a166      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a166      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40A188 
             40a170      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a170      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rbp 
             40a173     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 8 
             40a173      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a173      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rbp, 8 
             40a177     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13d, 1 
             40a177      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a177      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     r13d, 1 
             40a17b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a17b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rbp-8] 
             40a17f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40a17f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a17f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40a182     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A2C0 
             40a182      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a182      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40A2C0 
             40a188      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a188      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40a18b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_409C90 
@@ -11562,8 +12089,10 @@
             40a18b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409C90 
             40a190     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a190      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a190      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a192     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jns     short loc_40A170 
             40a192      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a192      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jns     short loc_40A170 
             40a194      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a194      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, [r12] 
             40a198     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 18h 
@@ -11628,8 +12157,10 @@
             40a1fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r12+10h] 
             40a1ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40a1ff      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a1ff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40a202     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A21C 
             40a202      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a202      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jz      short loc_40A21C 
             40a204     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
             40a204      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a204      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI R8 R9 ZZ xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -11660,11 +12191,13 @@
             40a224      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dir_open 
             40a229     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a229      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a229      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a22c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a22c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+48h+var_40], rax 
             40a22c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_40], rax
             40a231     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A170 
             40a231      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a231      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40A170 
             40a237      9 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a240      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a240      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+48h+var_40] 
@@ -11674,10 +12207,12 @@
             40a245      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dir_read_name 
             40a24a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a24a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a24a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a24d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a24d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             40a250     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A2B0 
             40a250      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a250      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A2B0 
             40a252     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset a_desktop; ".desktop" 
             40a252      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a252      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset a_desktop; ".desktop" 
@@ -11688,8 +12223,10 @@
             40a25a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_suffix 
             40a25f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a25f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a25f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a261     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A240 
             40a261      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a261      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A240 
             40a263      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a263      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r12] 
             40a267      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
@@ -11715,8 +12252,10 @@
             40a27e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409270 
             40a283     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a283      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a283      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a286     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A2A3 
             40a286      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a286      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A2A3 
             40a288      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a288      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40a28b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
@@ -11742,6 +12281,7 @@
             40a2a6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40a2ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A240 
             40a2ab      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a2ab      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40A240 
             40a2b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a2b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+48h+var_40] 
             40a2b0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+48h+var_40]
@@ -11750,6 +12290,7 @@
             40a2b5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dir_close 
             40a2ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A170 
             40a2ba      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a2ba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40A170 
             40a2c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a2c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 R13 R15 ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             40a2c3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
@@ -11772,6 +12313,7 @@
             40a2dc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             40a2e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40a2e1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
+            40a2e1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40a2e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_strfreev 
             40a2e5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a0c0 
             40a2e5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_strfreev 
@@ -11798,16 +12340,20 @@
             40a2fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409C10 
             40a2ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40a2ff      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
+            40a2ff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40a302     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A320 
             40a302      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
+            40a302      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40A320 
             40a304      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
             40a304      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40a307     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40a307      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
+            40a307      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40a30a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A311 
             40a30a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
             40a30c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a30c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
+            40a30c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a30f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A340 
             40a30f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
             40a311      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
@@ -11819,6 +12365,7 @@
             40a317      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40a31c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a31c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
+            40a31c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a31e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A340 
             40a31e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
             40a320     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_app_m_0; "GSP_IS_APP_MANAGER (manager)" 
@@ -11848,6 +12395,7 @@
             40a33a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             40a340     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40a340      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
+            40a340      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40a343     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A395 
             40a343      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
             40a345      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
@@ -11859,6 +12407,7 @@
             40a34b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, [rax] 
             40a34e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40a34e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
+            40a34e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40a351     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A333 
             40a351      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
             40a353      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
@@ -11888,12 +12437,14 @@
             40a379      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             40a37e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a37e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
+            40a37e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a380     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A333 
             40a380      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
             40a382      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
             40a382      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             40a386     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40a386      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
+            40a386      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40a389     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A358 
             40a389      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
             40a38b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2f0 
@@ -11997,8 +12548,10 @@
             40a403      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_suffix 
             40a408     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a408      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a408      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a40a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A492 
             40a40a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a40a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40A492 
             40a410      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a410      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48] 
             40a410      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48]
@@ -12038,11 +12591,13 @@
             40a446      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409C90 
             40a44b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a44b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a44b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a44d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r12d, eax 
             40a44d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a44d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12d, eax 
             40a450     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_40A4C8 
             40a450      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a450      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ js      short loc_40A4C8 
             40a452      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a452      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40a455     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_get_path 
@@ -12050,18 +12605,24 @@
             40a455      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_get_path 
             40a45a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r15d, 2 
             40a45a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a45a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ cmp     r15d, 2 
             40a45e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a45e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40a461     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A4D8 
             40a461      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a461      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A4D8 
             40a463     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r15d, 3 
             40a463      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a463      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r15d, 3 
             40a467     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A46E 
             40a467      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a467      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A46E 
             40a469     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             40a469      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a469      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             40a46c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A482 
             40a46c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a46c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40A482 
             40a46e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, r12d 
             40a46e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a46e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, r12d 
@@ -12072,8 +12633,10 @@
             40a474      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409270 
             40a479     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a479      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a479      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a47c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40A568 
             40a47c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a47c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40A568 
             40a482      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a482      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40a485     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -12112,6 +12675,7 @@
             40a4b8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     r15, [rsp+58h+var_8]
             40a4bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             40a4bd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a4bd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             40a4c1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a4c1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40a4c1     88 DEALLOC STACK esp - 88 retn
@@ -12122,10 +12686,13 @@
             40a4cb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40a4d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A49A 
             40a4d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a4d0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_40A49A 
             40a4d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
             40a4d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a4d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r14, r14 
             40a4db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A482 
             40a4db      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a4db      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A482 
             40a4dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a4dd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             40a4e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_408E30 
@@ -12141,6 +12708,7 @@
             40a4ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408E90 
             40a4f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, r12d 
             40a4f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a4f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ cmp     eax, r12d 
             40a4f4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r15d, eax 
             40a4f4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a4f4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R15 ZZ mov     r15d, eax 
@@ -12148,6 +12716,7 @@
             40a4f7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a4f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_40], r12d 
             40a4f9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a4f9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_40], r12d 
             40a4f9      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_40], r12d
             40a4fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_40A598 
             40a4fe      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
@@ -12155,14 +12724,17 @@
             40a504      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a50a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r15d, r12d 
             40a50a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a50a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r15d, r12d 
             40a50d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a510     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A5DE 
             40a510      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a516     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_40], r12d 
             40a516      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a516      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_40], r12d 
             40a516      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_40], r12d
             40a51b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40A6FD 
             40a51b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a51b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40A6FD 
             40a521      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a521      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48] 
             40a521      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48]
@@ -12174,8 +12746,10 @@
             40a529      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409F00 
             40a52e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a52e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a52e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a531     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A5CC 
             40a531      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a531      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40A5CC 
             40a537      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a537      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             40a537     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -12209,10 +12783,13 @@
             40a55a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40a55f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A482 
             40a55f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a55f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40A482 
             40a568     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
             40a568      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a568      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r14, r14 
             40a56b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40A482 
             40a56b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a56b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40A482 
             40a571      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a571      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48] 
             40a571      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_48]
@@ -12234,10 +12811,13 @@
             40a58b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40a590     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A482 
             40a590      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a590      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40A482 
             40a598     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             40a598      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a598      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             40a59b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A482 
             40a59b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a59b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40A482 
             40a5a1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a5a1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aIndex0; "index == 0" 
             40a5a7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset a_gsp_app_manag; "_gsp_app_manager_handle_delete" 
@@ -12257,10 +12837,12 @@
             40a5b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_assertion_message_expr 
             40a5bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40a5bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a5bd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40a5c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A5CC 
             40a5c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a5c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_40], eax 
             40a5c2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a5c2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_40], eax 
             40a5c2      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_40], eax
             40a5c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40A50A 
             40a5c6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
@@ -12274,6 +12856,7 @@
             40a5d4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409A70 
             40a5d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A482 
             40a5d9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a5d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40A482 
             40a5de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_key_file_new 
             40a5de      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a5de      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_new 
@@ -12289,8 +12872,10 @@
             40a5f1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, [rax+8] 
             40a5f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15, r15 
             40a5f5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a5f5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15, r15 
             40a5f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A6CC 
             40a5f8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a5f8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40A6CC 
             40a5fe      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a5fe      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48], 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40a5fe      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48], 0FFFFFFFFh
@@ -12299,18 +12884,23 @@
             40a606      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R8 R9 ZZ xor     r9d, r9d 
             40a609     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A619 
             40a609      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a609      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R8 ZZ jmp     short loc_40A619 
             40a610      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a610      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     r15, [r15+8] 
             40a614     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15, r15 
             40a614      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a614      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15, r15 
             40a617     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A697 
             40a617      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a617      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A697 
             40a619      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a619      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8, [r15] 
             40a61c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, [r8+8] 
             40a61c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a61c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r12d, [r8+8] 
             40a620     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     short loc_40A610 
             40a620      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a620      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jge     short loc_40A610 
             40a622      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a622      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r9 
             40a625      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
@@ -12348,11 +12938,13 @@
             40a64e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             40a653     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a653      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a653      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R9 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a655      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a655      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R9 ZZ mov     r9, [rsp+58h+var_50] 
             40a655      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     r9, [rsp+58h+var_50]
             40a65a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A610 
             40a65a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a65a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A610 
             40a65c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a65c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40] 
             40a65c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40]
@@ -12369,6 +12961,7 @@
             40a668      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_load_from_file 
             40a66d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a66d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a66d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R8 R9 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a66f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a66f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     r8, [rsp+58h+var_58] 
             40a66f      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     r8, [rsp+58h+var_58]
@@ -12377,16 +12970,20 @@
             40a673      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     r9, [rsp+58h+var_50]
             40a678     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A610 
             40a678      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a678      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A610 
             40a67a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48], 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40a67a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a67a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48], 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40a67a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48], 0FFFFFFFFh
             40a67f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A6EF 
             40a67f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a67f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A6EF 
             40a681     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [r8+8] 
             40a681      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a681      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [r8+8] 
             40a685     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48], eax 
             40a685      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a685      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48], eax 
             40a685      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ cmp     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48], eax
             40a689      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a689      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ cmovle  eax, dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48] 
@@ -12396,6 +12993,7 @@
             40a68e      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48], eax
             40a692     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A610 
             40a692      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a692      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40A610 
             40a697      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a697      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40] 
             40a697      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40]
@@ -12419,8 +13017,10 @@
             40a6b3      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     eax, dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48]
             40a6b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a6b7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a6b7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a6b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_40A6DD 
             40a6b9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a6b9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ js      short loc_40A6DD 
             40a6bb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48] 
             40a6bb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a6bb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48] 
@@ -12432,6 +13032,7 @@
             40a6c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408EF0 
             40a6c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A482 
             40a6c7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a6c7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40A482 
             40a6cc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a6cc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40] 
             40a6cc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+58h+var_40]
@@ -12454,6 +13055,7 @@
             40a6e5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_408EF0 
             40a6ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A482 
             40a6ea      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a6ea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40A482 
             40a6ef      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a6ef      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     r8d, [r8+8] 
             40a6f3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
@@ -12461,6 +13063,7 @@
             40a6f3      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     dword ptr [rsp+58h+var_48], r8d
             40a6f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A610 
             40a6f8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
+            40a6f8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40A610 
             40a6fd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
             40a6fd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3b0 
             40a6fd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -12491,10 +13094,12 @@
             40a724      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_60F830 
             40a72b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40a72b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
+            40a72b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40a72e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A740 
             40a72e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
             40a730     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40a730      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
+            40a730      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40a734     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_ref 
             40a734      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
             40a734      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_object_ref 
@@ -12516,6 +13121,7 @@
             40a751      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F830, rax 
             40a758     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40a758      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
+            40a758      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40a75c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a720 
             40a75c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40a75c      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -12533,18 +13139,24 @@
             40a764      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409C10 
             40a769     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40a769      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
+            40a769      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40a76c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A78A 
             40a76c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
+            40a76c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A78A 
             40a76e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
             40a76e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40a771     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40a771      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
+            40a771      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40a774     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A77B 
             40a774      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
+            40a774      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A77B 
             40a776     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a776      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
+            40a776      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a779     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A7A0 
             40a779      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
+            40a779      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A7A0 
             40a77b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
             40a77b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40a77e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
@@ -12554,8 +13166,10 @@
             40a781      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40a786     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a786      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
+            40a786      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a788     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A7A0 
             40a788      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
+            40a788      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40A7A0 
             40a78a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_app_m_0; "GSP_IS_APP_MANAGER (manager)" 
             40a78a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a760 
             40a78a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGsp_is_app_m_0; "GSP_IS_APP_MANAGER (manager)" 
@@ -12641,14 +13255,18 @@
             40a7f2      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 56 ReturnAddress 
             40a7f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40a7f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
+            40a7f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40a7f9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbp, rdx 
             40a7f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
             40a7fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A888 
             40a7fc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
+            40a7fc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      loc_40A888 
             40a802     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40a802      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
+            40a802      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40a805     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A8A0 
             40a805      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
+            40a805      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jz      loc_40A8A0 
             40a80b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
             40a80b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
             40a80b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+38h+var_20]
@@ -12669,8 +13287,10 @@
             40a828      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40a82b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40a82b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
+            40a82b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40a82e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A850 
             40a82e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
+            40a82e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A850 
             40a830     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, rbp 
             40a830      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
             40a830      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
@@ -12691,6 +13311,7 @@
             40a844      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r12, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40a849     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40a849      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
+            40a849      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40a84d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
             40a84d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             40a84d     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -12725,10 +13346,12 @@
             40a876      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     eax, [rsp+38h+var_30]
             40a87a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40a87a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
+            40a87a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40a87d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A830 
             40a87d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
             40a87f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A83A 
             40a87f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
+            40a87f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_40A83A 
             40a888     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aKeyfileNull; "keyfile != NULL" 
             40a888      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
             40a888      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aKeyfileNull; "keyfile != NULL" 
@@ -12746,6 +13369,7 @@
             40a899     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40a89b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A83A 
             40a89b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
+            40a89b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_40A83A 
             40a8a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aPathNull; "path != NULL" 
             40a8a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
             40a8a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aPathNull; "path != NULL" 
@@ -12763,6 +13387,7 @@
             40a8b1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40a8b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A83A 
             40a8b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a7e0 
+            40a8b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_40A83A 
             40a8c0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 96 14 0 4 15 0 1 ZZ
             40a8c0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40a8c0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a8c0 
@@ -12798,6 +13423,7 @@
             40a8e2      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             40a8e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40a8e7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a8c0 
+            40a8e7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40a8ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A8F3 
             40a8ea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a8c0 
             40a8ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_error_free 
@@ -12808,6 +13434,7 @@
             40a8f1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebx 
             40a8f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40a8f3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a8c0 
+            40a8f3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40a8f7     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40a8f7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a8c0 
             40a8f7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -12842,6 +13469,7 @@
             40a911      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             40a915     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40a915      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a915      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40a918     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A9D3 
             40a918      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a91e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -12861,28 +13489,36 @@
             40a92d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_string_list 
             40a932     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a932      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a932      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a935      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a935      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40a938     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A975 
             40a938      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a938      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A975 
             40a93a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a93a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rax] 
             40a93d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40a93d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a93d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40a940     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A9E0 
             40a940      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a940      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40A9E0 
             40a946      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a946      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40a949     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A961 
             40a949      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a949      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40A961 
             40a950     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12, 8 
             40a950      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a950      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     r12, 8 
             40a954      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a954      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [r12] 
             40a958     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40a958      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a958      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40a95b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A9E0 
             40a95b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a95b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40A9E0 
             40a961      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a961      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40a964     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strcmp0 
@@ -12890,8 +13526,10 @@
             40a964      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             40a969     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a969      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a969      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a96b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A950 
             40a96b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a96b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40A950 
             40a96d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a96d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40a970     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strfreev 
@@ -12921,26 +13559,33 @@
             40a98f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             40a994     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40a994      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a994      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40a997     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A9D3 
             40a997      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a999      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a999      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [r12] 
             40a99d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40a99d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a99d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40a9a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A9F8 
             40a9a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a9a0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A9F8 
             40a9a2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a9a2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, r12 
             40a9a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A9BD 
             40a9a5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a9a5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40A9BD 
             40a9b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 8 
             40a9b0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a9b0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rbp, 8 
             40a9b4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a9b4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rbp+0] 
             40a9b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40a9b8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a9b8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40a9bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A9F8 
             40a9bb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a9bb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A9F8 
             40a9bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a9bd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40a9c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strcmp0 
@@ -12948,8 +13593,10 @@
             40a9c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             40a9c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a9c5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a9c5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a9c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A9B0 
             40a9c7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a9c7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40A9B0 
             40a9c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a9c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40a9cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strfreev 
@@ -12960,6 +13607,7 @@
             40a9d1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40a9d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40a9d3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a9d3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40a9d7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a9d7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40a9d8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
@@ -12977,6 +13625,7 @@
             40a9e3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strfreev 
             40a9e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40a9e8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40a9e8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40a9ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40a9ec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40a9ec     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -12997,6 +13646,7 @@
             40a9fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strfreev 
             40aa00     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40aa00      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
+            40aa00      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40aa04     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
             40aa04      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a900 
             40aa04      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -13019,6 +13669,7 @@
             40aa10     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
             40aa12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40aa12      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
+            40aa12      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R14 ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40aa15      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
             40aa15      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX R14 ZZ mov     r14, rdx 
             40aa18     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, 40B936h 
@@ -13049,20 +13700,26 @@
             40aa32      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ mov     r12, [rax] 
             40aa35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40aa35      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
+            40aa35      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40aa38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AA88 
             40aa38      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
+            40aa38      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R13 ZZ jz      short loc_40AA88 
             40aa3a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
             40aa3a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40aa3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40AA4D 
             40aa3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
+            40aa3d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40AA4D 
             40aa40     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13, 8 
             40aa40      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
+            40aa40      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ add     r13, 8 
             40aa44      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
             40aa44      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, [r13+0] 
             40aa48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40aa48      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
+            40aa48      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40aa4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AA88 
             40aa4b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
+            40aa4b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AA88 
             40aa4d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 2Eh        ; c 
             40aa4d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
             40aa4d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 2Eh        ; c 
@@ -13073,12 +13730,16 @@
             40aa55      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strchr 
             40aa5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40aa5a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
+            40aa5a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40aa5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AA40 
             40aa5d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
+            40aa5d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40AA40 
             40aa5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40aa5f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
+            40aa5f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R13 ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40aa62     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AA88 
             40aa62      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
+            40aa62      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R13 ZZ jz      short loc_40AA88 
             40aa64      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa10 
             40aa64      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R13 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40aa67     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdx, rbp 
@@ -13165,14 +13826,18 @@
             40aad8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_string 
             40aadd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40aadd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
+            40aadd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40aae0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
             40aae0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40aae3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AAEA 
             40aae3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
+            40aae3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AAEA 
             40aae5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             40aae5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
+            40aae5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             40aae8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AB22 
             40aae8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
+            40aae8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40AB22 
             40aaea     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
             40aaea      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
             40aaea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -13192,10 +13857,12 @@
             40aafa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_locale_string 
             40aaff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40aaff      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
+            40aaff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ab02      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
             40ab02      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40ab05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AB22 
             40ab05      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
+            40ab05      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AB22 
             40ab07      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
             40ab07      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40ab0a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
@@ -13230,6 +13897,7 @@
             40ab34      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40ab39     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40ab39      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
+            40ab39      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40ab3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40ab3d     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_free
             40ab3d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aab0 
@@ -13260,6 +13928,7 @@
             40ab6b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             40ab70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ab70      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
+            40ab70      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ab72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AB88 
             40ab72      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
             40ab74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
@@ -13273,6 +13942,7 @@
             40ab7b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40ab80     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40ab80      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
+            40ab80      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40ab84      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
             40ab84      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40ab88     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 1EDh 
@@ -13285,6 +13955,7 @@
             40ab90      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_mkdir_with_parents 
             40ab95     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ab95      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
+            40ab95      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ab97     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AB74 
             40ab97      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
             40ab99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
@@ -13295,6 +13966,7 @@
             40ab9e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rax]      ; errnum 
             40aba0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 11h 
             40aba0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
+            40aba0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 11h 
             40aba3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40ABD0 
             40aba3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
             40aba5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _strerror 
@@ -13323,6 +13995,7 @@
             40abc5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             40abc7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40AB74 
             40abc7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
+            40abc7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40AB74 
             40abd0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
             40abd0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40abd3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
@@ -13336,6 +14009,7 @@
             40abdd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, 4 
             40abe2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40abe2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
+            40abe2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40abe6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_file_test 
             40abe6     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_file_test
             40abe6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab50 
@@ -13386,6 +14060,7 @@
             40acb1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, cs:qword_60F838 
             40acb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40acb8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
+            40acb8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40acbb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40ACC8 
             40acbb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
             40acbd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
@@ -13421,23 +14096,29 @@
             40acf1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40AB50 
             40acf6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40acf6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
+            40acf6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40acf8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AD18 
             40acf8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
+            40acf8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_40AD18 
             40acfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, cs:dword_60F840 
             40acfa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
             40acfa      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_60F840 
             40ad00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ad00      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
+            40ad00      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ad02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AD21 
             40ad02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
+            40ad02      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_40AD21 
             40ad04     11 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
             40ad04     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F838, 0 
             40ad0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40ACBD 
             40ad0f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
+            40ad0f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_40ACBD 
             40ad18      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
             40ad18      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rbx, cs:qword_60F838 
             40ad1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40ACBD 
             40ad1f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
+            40ad1f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_40ACBD 
             40ad21      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
             40ad21      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:qword_60F838 
             40ad28      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
@@ -13458,6 +14139,7 @@
             40ad3d     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_60F840, 1 
             40ad47     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40AD04 
             40ad47      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40acb0 
+            40ad47      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_40AD04 
             40ad50      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 4 4 0 0 5 -8 4 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40ad50      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40ad50      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
@@ -13507,6 +14189,7 @@
             40ad86      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             40ad89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40ad89      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
+            40ad89      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40ad8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40ADC6 
             40ad8c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
             40ad8e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
@@ -13524,6 +14207,7 @@
             40ada8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40adaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 8 
             40adaa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
+            40adaa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 8 
             40adae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_build_filename 
             40adae      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
             40adae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_build_filename 
@@ -13538,6 +14222,7 @@
             40adbe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40adc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40adc1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
+            40adc1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40adc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AD98 
             40adc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
             40adc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_get_system_config_dirs 
@@ -13547,8 +14232,10 @@
             40adcb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             40adce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40adce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
+            40adce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40add1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AE07 
             40add1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
+            40add1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_40AE07 
             40add3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
             40add3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40add6     10 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
@@ -13562,6 +14249,7 @@
             40ade9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40adeb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 8 
             40adeb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
+            40adeb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 8 
             40adef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_build_filename 
             40adef      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
             40adef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_build_filename 
@@ -13576,8 +14264,10 @@
             40adff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40ae02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40ae02      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
+            40ae02      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40ae05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40ADE0 
             40ae05      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
+            40ae05      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_40ADE0 
             40ae07      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
             40ae07      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40ae0a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
@@ -13588,6 +14278,7 @@
             40ae0c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ptr_array_add 
             40ae11     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40ae11      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
+            40ae11      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40ae15      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ad50 
             40ae15      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40ae15      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -13650,8 +14341,10 @@
             40ae66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             40ae69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40ae69      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
+            40ae69      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40ae6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AE9F 
             40ae6c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
+            40ae6c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_40AE9F 
             40ae6e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
             40ae6e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40ae71      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
@@ -13665,6 +14358,7 @@
             40ae81     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40ae83     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 8 
             40ae83      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
+            40ae83      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 8 
             40ae87     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_build_filename 
             40ae87      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
             40ae87      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_build_filename 
@@ -13679,8 +14373,10 @@
             40ae97      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40ae9a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40ae9a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
+            40ae9a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40ae9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AE78 
             40ae9d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
+            40ae9d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_40AE78 
             40ae9f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
             40ae9f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40aea2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
@@ -13691,6 +14387,7 @@
             40aea4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ptr_array_add 
             40aea9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40aea9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
+            40aea9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40aead      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ae30 
             40aead      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40aead      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -13749,45 +14446,60 @@
             40aee4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40aee6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40aee6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40aee6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbp+0], 0 
             40aeeb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AEFD 
             40aeeb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40aeeb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AEFD 
             40aeed      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40aeed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rbp 
             40aef0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 8 
             40aef0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40aef0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rdx, 8 
             40aef4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
             40aef4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40aef4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     eax, 1 
             40aef7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rdx], 0 
             40aef7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40aef7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rdx], 0 
             40aefb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AEF0 
             40aefb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40aefb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40AEF0 
             40aefd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx], 0 
             40aefd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40aefd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx], 0 
             40af01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AF1D 
             40af01      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af01      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AF1D 
             40af03      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af03      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rbx 
             40af06     10 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af10     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 8 
             40af10      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af10      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rdx, 8 
             40af14     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
             40af14      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af14      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     eax, 1 
             40af17     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rdx], 0 
             40af17      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af17      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rdx], 0 
             40af1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AF10 
             40af1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af1b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40AF10 
             40af1d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     edi, [rax+1] 
             40af1d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af1d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     edi, [rax+1] 
             40af20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             40af20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             40af23     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movsxd  rdi, edi 
             40af23      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af23      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ movsxd  rdi, edi 
             40af26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AF2E 
             40af26      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af26      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_40AF2E 
             40af28     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 2 
             40af28      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af28      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     eax, 2 
             40af2b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rdi, eax 
             40af2b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af2b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsxd  rdi, eax 
@@ -13799,10 +14511,12 @@
             40af33      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_malloc_n 
             40af38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
             40af38      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af38      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 R15 ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
             40af3b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af3b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R14 R15 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             40af3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40AFE8 
             40af3e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af3e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R15 ZZ jz      loc_40AFE8 
             40af44     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r15d, r15d 
             40af44      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af44      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX R15 ZZ xor     r15d, r15d 
@@ -13811,14 +14525,17 @@
             40af47     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
             40af49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             40af49      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af49      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             40af4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40B080 
             40af4c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af52      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af52      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40af55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40af55      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af55      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40af58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AF83 
             40af58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af58      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AF83 
             40af5a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rsi, ecx 
             40af5a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af5a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI R15 ZZ movsxd  rsi, ecx 
@@ -13832,14 +14549,18 @@
             40af68      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ mov     [rsi+rax], rdx 
             40af6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 8 
             40af6c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af6c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI R15 ZZ add     rax, 8 
             40af70     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ecx, 1 
             40af70      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af70      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI R15 ZZ add     ecx, 1 
             40af73      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af73      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI R15 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+rax] 
             40af77     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40af77      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af77      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40af7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AF68 
             40af7a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af7a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R15 ZZ jnz     short loc_40AF68 
             40af7c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  r15, ecx 
             40af7c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af7c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI R15 ZZ movsxd  r15, ecx 
@@ -13850,8 +14571,10 @@
             40af83      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             40af87     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40af87      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af87      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40af8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AFB8 
             40af8a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af8a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AFB8 
             40af8c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  r15, ecx 
             40af8c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40af8c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI R15 ZZ movsxd  r15, ecx 
@@ -13865,14 +14588,18 @@
             40af98      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ mov     [rsi+rax], rdx 
             40af9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 8 
             40af9c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40af9c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI R15 ZZ add     rax, 8 
             40afa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ecx, 1 
             40afa0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40afa0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI R15 ZZ add     ecx, 1 
             40afa3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40afa3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI R15 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+rax+0] 
             40afa8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40afa8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40afa8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40afab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AF98 
             40afab      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40afab      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R15 ZZ jnz     short loc_40AF98 
             40afad     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rcx, ecx 
             40afad      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40afad      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ movsxd  rcx, ecx 
@@ -13893,6 +14620,7 @@
             40afc8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     qword ptr [r14+r15], 0 
             40afd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40afd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40afd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40afd4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40afd4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R15 ZZ mov     rax, r14 
             40afd4      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rax, r14
@@ -13920,6 +14648,7 @@
             40afee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ xor     r15d, r15d 
             40aff1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40aff1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40aff1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40aff4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B01D 
             40aff4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40aff6     10 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
@@ -13929,12 +14658,15 @@
             40b004      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R13 R15 ZZ lea     r13d, [rax+1] 
             40b008     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             40b008      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b008      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R15 ZZ add     rax, 1 
             40b00c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40b00c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R15 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+rax*8+0] 
             40b011     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b011      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b011      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b014     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B000 
             40b014      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b014      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R15 ZZ jnz     short loc_40B000 
             40b016     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  r15, r13d 
             40b016      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40b016      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R15 ZZ movsxd  r15, r13d 
@@ -13945,6 +14677,7 @@
             40b01d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40b020     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b020      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b020      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b023     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B04C 
             40b023      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40b025     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  r15, r13d 
@@ -13957,18 +14690,23 @@
             40b02a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ lea     rcx, [r14+r15*8] 
             40b02e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             40b02e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b02e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             40b030      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40b030      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ mov     [rcx+rax], rdx 
             40b034     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 8 
             40b034      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b034      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R15 ZZ add     rax, 8 
             40b038     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13d, 1 
             40b038      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b038      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R15 ZZ add     r13d, 1 
             40b03c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40b03c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R15 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+rax] 
             40b040     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b040      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b040      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b043     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B030 
             40b043      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b043      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R15 ZZ jnz     short loc_40B030 
             40b045     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  r15, r13d 
             40b045      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40b045      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ movsxd  r15, r13d 
@@ -13977,6 +14715,7 @@
             40b048      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ shl     r15, 3 
             40b04c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             40b04c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b04c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             40b04f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40AFB8 
             40b04f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40b055      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
@@ -14002,6 +14741,7 @@
             40b071      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [r12], rax 
             40b075     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40AFB8 
             40b075      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b075      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40AFB8 
             40b080     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40ACB0 
             40b080      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
             40b080      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40ACB0 
@@ -14022,10 +14762,13 @@
             40b096      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ mov     ecx, 1 
             40b09b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b09b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b09b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b09e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40AF5A 
             40b09e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b09e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40AF5A 
             40b0a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40AF83 
             40b0a4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aec0 
+            40b0a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40AF83 
             40b0b0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
             40b0b2     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r13 
             40b0bb     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r12 
@@ -14097,6 +14840,7 @@
             40b214      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_60F848 
             40b21b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b21b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
+            40b21b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b21e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B240 
             40b21e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
             40b220      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
@@ -14109,10 +14853,12 @@
             40b22c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             40b22e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b22e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
+            40b22e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b230      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
             40b230      8 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ cmovnz  rdx, cs:qword_60F848 
             40b238     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b238      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
+            40b238      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b23c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
             40b23c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, rdx 
             40b23c      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rax, rdx
@@ -14125,12 +14871,16 @@
             40b247      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_getenv 
             40b24c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b24c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
+            40b24c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b24f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B256 
             40b24f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
+            40b24f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B256 
             40b251     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             40b251      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
+            40b251      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             40b254     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B270 
             40b254      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
+            40b254      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40B270 
             40b256      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
             40b256      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ lea     rdi, aGnome     ; "GNOME" 
             40b25d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -14142,6 +14892,7 @@
             40b265      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F848, rax 
             40b26c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40B220 
             40b26c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
+            40b26c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_40B220 
             40b270      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
             40b270      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40b273     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -14153,6 +14904,7 @@
             40b27b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     cs:qword_60F848, rax 
             40b282     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40B220 
             40b282      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b210 
+            40b282      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_40B220 
             40b290      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 4 2 0 4 3 -16 4 4 0 8 5 -8 4 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 96 13 0 1 14 0 96 15 0 96 ZZ
             40b290      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40b290      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
@@ -14174,6 +14926,7 @@
             40b29a      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40b29e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b29e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
+            40b29e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b2a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B2D1 
             40b2a1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
             40b2a3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   ebp, byte ptr [rdi] 
@@ -14181,6 +14934,7 @@
             40b2a3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movzx   ebp, byte ptr [rdi] 
             40b2a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bpl, bpl 
             40b2a6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
+            40b2a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    bpl, bpl 
             40b2a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B2D1 
             40b2a9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
             40b2ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___ctype_b_loc 
@@ -14191,6 +14945,7 @@
             40b2b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rax, [rax] 
             40b2b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40B2C4 
             40b2b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
+            40b2b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40B2C4 
             40b2b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     rbx, 1 
             40b2b8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
             40b2b8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
@@ -14199,6 +14954,7 @@
             40b2bc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movzx   ebp, byte ptr [rbx] 
             40b2bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bpl, bpl 
             40b2bf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
+            40b2bf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    bpl, bpl 
             40b2c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B2E0 
             40b2c2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
             40b2c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsx   rbp, bpl 
@@ -14206,6 +14962,7 @@
             40b2c4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsx   rbp, bpl 
             40b2c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rax+rbp*2+1], 20h 
             40b2c8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
+            40b2c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    byte ptr [rax+rbp*2+1], 20h 
             40b2cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B2B8 
             40b2cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
             40b2cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
@@ -14213,6 +14970,7 @@
             40b2cf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40b2d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b2d1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
+            40b2d1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b2d5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
             40b2d5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b2d6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
@@ -14221,6 +14979,7 @@
             40b2d7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             40b2e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b2e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
+            40b2e0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b2e4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
             40b2e4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b290 
             40b2e4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -14461,8 +15220,10 @@
             40b7d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             40b7d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40b7d5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b790 
+            40b7d5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40b7d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B7F6 
             40b7d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b790 
+            40b7d8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40B7F6 
             40b7da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b790 
             40b7da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40b7da     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -14476,10 +15237,13 @@
             40b7e6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             40b7e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40b7e9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b790 
+            40b7e9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40b7ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             40b7ed      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b790 
+            40b7ed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             40b7f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             40b7f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b790 
+            40b7f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             40b7f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B7E0 
             40b7f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b790 
             40b7f6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b790 
@@ -14502,6 +15266,7 @@
             40b80f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40b814     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40b814      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b790 
+            40b814      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40b818      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b790 
             40b818      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40b818     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -14533,25 +15298,31 @@
             40b839      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60EDA8 
             40b840     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40b840      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b830 
+            40b840      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40b844     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B85F 
             40b844      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b830 
+            40b844      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40B85F 
             40b846     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60EDA8 
             40b846      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b830 
             40b846      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60EDA8 
             40b84b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b830 
             40b850     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             40b850      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b830 
+            40b850      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             40b854     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_60EDA8 
             40b854      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b830 
+            40b854      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_60EDA8 
             40b856     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40b856      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b830 
             40b856      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40b859     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40b859      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b830 
+            40b859      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40b85d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B850 
             40b85d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b830 
             40b85f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b85f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b830 
+            40b85f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b863      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b830 
             40b863      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b863      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -14571,6 +15342,7 @@
             40b86c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405550 
             40b871     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b871      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b868 
+            40b871      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b875      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b868 
             40b875      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40b875      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session-quit.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session-quit.psexe.annot
index 40f4cc10..6f3fc70f 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session-quit.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session-quit.psexe.annot
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
             40082e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_400DB0 
             400833     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             400833      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400820 
+            400833      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             400837      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400820 
             400837      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             400837      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -254,8 +255,10 @@
             400985      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_init_with_args 
             40098a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40098a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            40098a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40098c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_400A8F 
             40098c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            40098c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jz      loc_400A8F 
             400992     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, cs:dword_6021A4 
             400992      6 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             400992      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     edx, cs:dword_6021A4 
@@ -264,10 +267,12 @@
             400998      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6021A0 
             40099e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40099e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            40099e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             4009a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_400A40 
             4009a0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             4009a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4009a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            4009a6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4009a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4009D3 
             4009a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             4009aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
@@ -295,6 +300,7 @@
             4009c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             4009ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_6021A4, 0 
             4009ca      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            4009ca      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_6021A4, 0 
             4009d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400A40 
             4009d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             4009d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_400BB0 
@@ -302,6 +308,7 @@
             4009d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_400BB0 
             4009d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4009d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            4009d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4009db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             4009db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4009de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400A5A 
@@ -331,15 +338,19 @@
             4009fd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _dbus_g_proxy_call 
             400a02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             400a02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a02      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             400a04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_400A31 
             400a04      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a04      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_400A31 
             400a06     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_10] 
             400a06      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             400a06      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_10] 
             400a0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             400a0b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a0b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             400a0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400A7A 
             400a0e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a0e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_400A7A 
             400a10      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             400a10      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             400a14      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
@@ -370,17 +381,22 @@
             400a34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             400a39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_400A5A 
             400a39      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a39      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_400A5A 
             400a40     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_6021A8 
             400a40      6 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             400a40      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6021A8 
             400a46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             400a46      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a46      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             400a48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_400A6E 
             400a48      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a48      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_400A6E 
             400a4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_6021AC, 0 
             400a4a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a4a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_6021AC, 0 
             400a51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_400A62 
             400a51      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a51      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_400A62 
             400a53      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             400a53      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi 
             400a53     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -389,6 +405,7 @@
             400a55      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_400C70 
             400a5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             400a5a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a5a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             400a5e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             400a5e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             400a5e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -405,6 +422,7 @@
             400a67      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_400C70 
             400a6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_400A5A 
             400a6c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a6c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_400A5A 
             400a6e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 2 
             400a6e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             400a6e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 2 
@@ -413,6 +431,7 @@
             400a73      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_400C70 
             400a78     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_400A5A 
             400a78      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a78      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_400A5A 
             400a7a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aFailedToCall_0; "Failed to call shutdown" 
             400a7a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             400a7a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aFailedToCall_0; "Failed to call shutdown" 
@@ -430,6 +449,7 @@
             400a88      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             400a8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_400A31 
             400a8d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
+            400a8d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_400A31 
             400a8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_18] 
             400a8f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400930 
             400a8f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_18] 
@@ -511,12 +531,15 @@
             400af0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             400af7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             400af7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400aec 
+            400af7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             400afa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400AFE 
             400afa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400aec 
             400afc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             400afc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400aec 
+            400afc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             400afe     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             400afe      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400aec 
+            400afe      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             400b02      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400aec 
             400b02      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             400b02     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -539,8 +562,10 @@
             400b15      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             400b19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_602190, 0 
             400b19      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
+            400b19      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_602190, 0 
             400b20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_400B6D 
             400b20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
+            400b20      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_400B6D 
             400b22     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_601DF0 
             400b22      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
             400b22      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_601DF0 
@@ -556,25 +581,30 @@
             400b39      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             400b3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             400b3d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
+            400b3d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             400b40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_400B66 
             400b40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
             400b42      6 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
             400b48     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             400b48      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
+            400b48      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             400b4c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
             400b4c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_602198, rax 
             400b53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_601DE8[rax*8] 
             400b53      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
+            400b53      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_601DE8[rax*8] 
             400b5a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
             400b5a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_602198 
             400b61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             400b61      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
+            400b61      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             400b64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_400B48 
             400b64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
             400b66      7 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
             400b66      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_602190, 1 
             400b6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             400b6d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
+            400b6d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             400b71      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400b10 
             400b71      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             400b71      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -631,8 +661,10 @@
             400bc5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _dbus_g_bus_get 
             400bca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             400bca      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400bb0 
+            400bca      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             400bcd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400BF5 
             400bcd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400bb0 
+            400bcd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_400BF5 
             400bcf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aOrg_gnome_sess; "org.gnome.SessionManager" 
             400bcf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400bb0 
             400bcf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, offset aOrg_gnome_sess; "org.gnome.SessionManager" 
@@ -649,12 +681,14 @@
             400bdf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name 
             400be4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             400be4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400bb0 
+            400be4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             400be7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400bb0 
             400be7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             400bea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400C3F 
             400bea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400bb0 
             400bec     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             400bec      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400bb0 
+            400bec      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             400bf0     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     rax, rbx
             400bf0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400bb0 
             400bf0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
@@ -716,6 +750,7 @@
             400c38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             400c3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_400BEC 
             400c3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400bb0 
+            400c3d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_400BEC 
             400c3f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400bb0 
             400c3f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             400c3f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -741,6 +776,7 @@
             400c5a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             400c5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_400BEC 
             400c5f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400bb0 
+            400c5f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_400BEC 
             400c70      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             400c70      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             400c70    152 FUNC GLOBAL sub_400C70 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             400d07 
@@ -764,6 +800,7 @@
             400c78      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_400BB0 
             400c7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             400c7d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400c7d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             400c80      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400c80      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             400c83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400CEC 
@@ -799,15 +836,19 @@
             400cb0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _dbus_g_proxy_call 
             400cb5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             400cb5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400cb5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             400cb7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_400CE4 
             400cb7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400cb7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_400CE4 
             400cb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
             400cb9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400cb9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
             400cbe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             400cbe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400cbe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             400cc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400CF3 
             400cc1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400cc1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_400CF3 
             400cc3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400cc3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             400cc7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
@@ -838,6 +879,7 @@
             400ce7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             400cec     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             400cec      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400cec      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             400cf0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
             400cf0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             400cf0     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 pop     rbx
@@ -862,6 +904,7 @@
             400d01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             400d06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_400CE4 
             400d06      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400c70 
+            400d06      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_400CE4 
             400d10      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             400d10      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SPECSAFE
             400d10    137 FUNC GLOBAL init FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             400d98 
@@ -907,8 +950,10 @@
             400d50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             400d55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             400d55      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d55      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             400d58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400D76 
             400d58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d58      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_400D76 
             400d5a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
             400d5a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             400d5a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -922,10 +967,13 @@
             400d66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             400d69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             400d69      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d69      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             400d6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             400d6d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d6d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             400d71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             400d71      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d71      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             400d74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_400D60 
             400d74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
             400d76      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
@@ -948,6 +996,7 @@
             400d8f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             400d94     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             400d94      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
+            400d94      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             400d98      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400d10 
             400d98      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             400d98     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -979,25 +1028,31 @@
             400db9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_601DD8 
             400dc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             400dc0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400dc0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             400dc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_400DDF 
             400dc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400dc4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_400DDF 
             400dc6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_601DD8 
             400dc6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
             400dc6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_601DD8 
             400dcb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
             400dd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             400dd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400dd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             400dd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_601DD8 
             400dd4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400dd4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_601DD8 
             400dd6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             400dd6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
             400dd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             400dd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             400dd9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400dd9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             400ddd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_400DD0 
             400ddd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
             400ddf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             400ddf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
+            400ddf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             400de3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400db0 
             400de3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             400de3      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -1017,6 +1072,7 @@
             400dec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_400B10 
             400df1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             400df1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 400de8 
+            400df1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             400df5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 400de8 
             400df5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             400df5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 876acdc2..8b753a6f 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-session.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-settings-daemon.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-settings-daemon.psexe.annot
index 95f7aa83..97c7145a 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-settings-daemon.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-settings-daemon.psexe.annot
@@ -395,6 +395,7 @@
             402e7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_405DF0 
             402e83     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402e83      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402e70 
+            402e83      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402e87      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402e70 
             402e87      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             402e87      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -1206,8 +1207,10 @@
             40369c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_option_context_parse 
             4036a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4036a1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4036a1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4036a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403915 
             4036a3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4036a3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403915 
             4036a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             4036a9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             4036ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_option_context_free 
@@ -1218,6 +1221,7 @@
             4036b1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, cs:dword_60849C 
             4036b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             4036b7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4036b7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4036b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4036CC 
             4036b9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             4036bb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
@@ -1246,8 +1250,10 @@
             4036d5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_init_check 
             4036da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4036da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4036da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4036dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4038FA 
             4036dc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4036dc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4038FA 
             4036e2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             4036e2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             4036e2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -1277,10 +1283,12 @@
             403701      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_bus_get_sync 
             403706     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             403706      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            403706      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             403709      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             403709      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40370c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403794 
             40370c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            40370c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jz      loc_403794 
             403712      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             403712      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     r9d, offset aOrg_gnome_sess; "org.gnome.SessionManager" 
             403718      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
@@ -1319,8 +1327,10 @@
             40374e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             403753     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             403753      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            403753      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             403756     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403882 
             403756      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            403756      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_403882 
             40375c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 50h 
             40375c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             40375c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 50h 
@@ -1397,10 +1407,12 @@
             4037ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_manager_new 
             4037cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4037cf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4037cf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4037d2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             4037d2      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     cs:qword_608488, rax 
             4037d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40386F 
             4037d9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4037d9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40386F 
             4037df     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aDbus_starter_b; "DBUS_STARTER_BUS_TYPE" 
             4037df      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             4037df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aDbus_starter_b; "DBUS_STARTER_BUS_TYPE" 
@@ -1409,6 +1421,7 @@
             4037e4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_getenv 
             4037e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4037e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4037e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4037ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4038AD 
             4037ec      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             4037f2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, cs:dword_608490 
@@ -1416,6 +1429,7 @@
             4037f2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, cs:dword_608490 
             4037f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             4037f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4037f8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             4037fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40385C 
             4037fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             4037fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_main 
@@ -1441,12 +1455,14 @@
             403814      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_608480 
             40381a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40381a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            40381a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40381c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40384B 
             40381c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             40381e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             40381e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_608488 
             403825     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             403825      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            403825      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             403828     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40382F 
             403828      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             40382a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -1469,6 +1485,7 @@
             40383d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             403842     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             403842      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            403842      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             403846      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             403846      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             403846     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -1486,6 +1503,7 @@
             403850     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_608480, 0 
             40385a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40381E 
             40385a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            40385a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40381E 
             40385c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             40385c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             40385c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -1500,6 +1518,7 @@
             403868      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_timeout_add_seconds 
             40386d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4037FC 
             40386d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            40386d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4037FC 
             40386f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aUnableToRegist; "Unable to register object" 
             40386f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             40386f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aUnableToRegist; "Unable to register object" 
@@ -1514,6 +1533,7 @@
             40387b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             403880     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403814 
             403880      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            403880      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_403814 
             403882     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_20] 
             403882      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             403882      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_20] 
@@ -1542,6 +1562,7 @@
             4038a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             4038a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403794 
             4038a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4038a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jmp     loc_403794 
             4038ad      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             4038ad      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_608488 
             4038b4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
@@ -1555,8 +1576,10 @@
             4038c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_manager_start 
             4038c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4038c7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4038c7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4038c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4037F2 
             4038c9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4038c9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jnz     loc_4037F2 
             4038cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_28] 
             4038cf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             4038cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_28] 
@@ -1585,6 +1608,7 @@
             4038f0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             4038f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403814 
             4038f5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            4038f5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403814 
             4038fa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aUnableToInitia; "Unable to initialize GTK+" 
             4038fa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             4038fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aUnableToInitia; "Unable to initialize GTK+" 
@@ -1608,8 +1632,10 @@
             403915      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_20] 
             40391a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40391a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            40391a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40391d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403942 
             40391d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            40391d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_403942 
             40391f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             40391f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             403923      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
@@ -1635,6 +1661,7 @@
             40393b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             403940     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40390B 
             403940      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            403940      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40390B 
             403942     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aUnableToInitia; "Unable to initialize GTK+" 
             403942      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
             403942      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aUnableToInitia; "Unable to initialize GTK+" 
@@ -1652,6 +1679,7 @@
             403950      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             403955     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40390B 
             403955      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403610 
+            403955      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40390B 
             403958      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 -8 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             403958      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403958      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403958 
@@ -1701,12 +1729,15 @@
             403988      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             40398f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40398f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403984 
+            40398f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             403992     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403996 
             403992      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403984 
             403994     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             403994      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403984 
+            403994      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             403996     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403996      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403984 
+            403996      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40399a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403984 
             40399a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40399a     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -1729,8 +1760,10 @@
             4039a5      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4039a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_608470, 0 
             4039a9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
+            4039a9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_608470, 0 
             4039b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4039FD 
             4039b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
+            4039b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_4039FD 
             4039b2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_607DB0 
             4039b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
             4039b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_607DB0 
@@ -1746,25 +1779,30 @@
             4039c9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             4039cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4039cd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
+            4039cd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4039d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_4039F6 
             4039d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
             4039d2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
             4039d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             4039d8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
+            4039d8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             4039dc      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
             4039dc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_608478, rax 
             4039e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_607DA8[rax*8] 
             4039e3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
+            4039e3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_607DA8[rax*8] 
             4039ea      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
             4039ea      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_608478 
             4039f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4039f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
+            4039f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4039f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_4039D8 
             4039f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
             4039f6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
             4039f6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_608470, 1 
             4039fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4039fd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
+            4039fd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403a01      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4039a0 
             403a01      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403a01      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -1852,6 +1890,7 @@
             403a85      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dbus_proxy_call 
             403a8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             403a8a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403a40 
+            403a8a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             403a8e     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             403a8e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403a40 
             403a8e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -1909,8 +1948,10 @@
             403ad1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+48h+var_28] 
             403ad6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             403ad6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403a90 
+            403ad6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             403ad9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403B08 
             403ad9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403a90 
+            403ad9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_403B08 
             403adb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403a90 
             403adb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             403adf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aUnableToRegi_0; "Unable to register client: %s" 
@@ -1936,6 +1977,7 @@
             403af7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             403afc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             403afc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403a90 
+            403afc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             403b00      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403a90 
             403b00      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403b01      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403a90 
@@ -2020,6 +2062,7 @@
             403b7c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_variant_unref 
             403b81     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             403b81      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403a90 
+            403b81      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             403b85      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403a90 
             403b85      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403b85     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
@@ -2050,8 +2093,10 @@
             403baa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+18h+var_10] 
             403baf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             403baf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403b90 
+            403baf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             403bb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403BE0 
             403bb2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403b90 
+            403bb2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_403BE0 
             403bb4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403b90 
             403bb4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rdx+8] 
             403bb8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 80h 
@@ -2077,6 +2122,7 @@
             403bd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             403bd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             403bd5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403b90 
+            403bd5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403bd9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403b90 
             403bd9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403be0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403b90 
@@ -2100,6 +2146,7 @@
             403bfa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_connect_data 
             403bff     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             403bff      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403b90 
+            403bff      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403c03      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403b90 
             403c03      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403c03     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -2127,6 +2174,7 @@
             403c22      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             403c27     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403c27      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403c10 
+            403c27      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403c2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_main_quit 
             403c2b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c10 
             403c2b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_main_quit 
@@ -2163,6 +2211,7 @@
             403c56     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             403c58     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403c58      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403c58      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403c5c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403c5c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403c5c      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2196,6 +2245,7 @@
             403c7c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             403c7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403c7e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403c60 
+            403c7e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403c82      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c60 
             403c82      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403c82      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2216,6 +2266,7 @@
             403c9f     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:fd, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             403ca9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403ca9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403c90 
+            403ca9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403cad      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c90 
             403cad      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403cad      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2376,10 +2427,12 @@
             403e2c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             403e31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403e31      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e20 
+            403e31      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403e33     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403E40 
             403e33      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e20 
             403e35     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403e35      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403e20 
+            403e35      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403e39      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403e20 
             403e39      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403e40     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGotASessionove; "Got a SessionOver signal - stopping" 
@@ -2401,6 +2454,7 @@
             403e58      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_manager_stop 
             403e5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403e5d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403e20 
+            403e5d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403e61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_main_quit 
             403e61      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403e20 
             403e61      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_main_quit 
@@ -2421,8 +2475,10 @@
             403e72      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             403e76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             403e76      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
+            403e76      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             403e79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403EED 
             403e79      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
+            403e79      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_403EED 
             403e7b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset pipedes; pipedes 
             403e7b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
             403e7b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset pipedes; pipedes 
@@ -2433,6 +2489,7 @@
             403e87      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pipe 
             403e8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             403e8c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
+            403e8c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             403e8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403EC9 
             403e8f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
             403e91     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:pipedes ; fd 
@@ -2452,6 +2509,7 @@
             403ea3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fcntl 
             403ea8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             403ea8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
+            403ea8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             403eab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403EC9 
             403eab      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
             403ead     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:fd      ; fd 
@@ -2471,6 +2529,7 @@
             403ebf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fcntl 
             403ec4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             403ec4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
+            403ec4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             403ec7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403F09 
             403ec7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
             403ec9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
@@ -2501,6 +2560,7 @@
             403ee6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             403eeb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403EEB 
             403eeb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
+            403eeb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 R9 R10 R11 ZZ jmp     short loc_403EEB 
             403eed      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
             403eed      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aBusNull; "bus != NULL" 
             403ef3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aSet_session_ov; "set_session_over_handler" 
@@ -2565,6 +2625,7 @@
             403f45      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_io_channel_unref 
             403f4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403f4a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
+            403f4a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403f4e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset handler; handler 
             403f4e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403e70 
             403f4e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset handler; handler 
@@ -2606,8 +2667,10 @@
             403f79      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_bus_get_finish 
             403f7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             403f7e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403f60 
+            403f7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             403f81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403FC0 
             403f81      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403f60 
+            403f81      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_403FC0 
             403f83      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403f60 
             403f83      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
             403f87      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403f60 
@@ -2641,6 +2704,7 @@
             403fb1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dbus_connection_register_object 
             403fb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             403fb6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403f60 
+            403fb6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             403fba      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403f60 
             403fba      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403fbb      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403f60 
@@ -2673,6 +2737,7 @@
             403fe1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             403fe6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             403fe6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403f60 
+            403fe6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             403fea      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403f60 
             403fea      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403fea     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 pop     rbx
@@ -2692,8 +2757,10 @@
             403ff4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_enabled 
             403ff9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403ff9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            403ff9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403ffb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404005 
             403ffb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
+            403ffb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_404005 
             403ffd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ff0 
             403ffd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             404000     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_deactivate 
@@ -2826,6 +2893,7 @@
             404224      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_enabled 
             404229     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404229      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404220 
+            404229      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40422b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404220 
             40422b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40422e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404260 
@@ -2835,6 +2903,7 @@
             404230      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_activate 
             404235     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404235      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404220 
+            404235      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404237      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404220 
             404237      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40423a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404280 
@@ -2918,16 +2987,19 @@
             4042a0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4042a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             4042a4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4042a0 
+            4042a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             4042a7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4042a0 
             4042a7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6084A0 
             4042ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4042ae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4042a0 
+            4042ae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4042b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4042C0 
             4042b1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4042a0 
             4042b3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4042a0 
             4042b3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6084A0 
             4042ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4042ba      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4042a0 
+            4042ba      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4042be      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4042a0 
             4042be      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4042be     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -2939,6 +3011,7 @@
             4042c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             4042ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4042ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4042a0 
+            4042ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4042cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4042B3 
             4042cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4042a0 
             4042ce     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGnomesettingsm; "GnomeSettingsManager" 
@@ -2980,6 +3053,7 @@
             40430a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40430f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4042B3 
             40430f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4042a0 
+            40430f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_4042B3 
             404320     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             404323     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
             404327     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404398 
@@ -3041,6 +3115,7 @@
             4043f4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6084B0 
             4043fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4043fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4043f0 
+            4043fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4043fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40440E 
             4043fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4043f0 
             4043fe     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGnome_settings; "gnome_settings_manager_error" 
@@ -3053,6 +3128,7 @@
             404408      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_6084B0, eax 
             40440e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40440e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4043f0 
+            40440e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404412      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4043f0 
             404412      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ retn 
             404412      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3106,8 +3182,10 @@
             404447      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_module_supported 
             40444c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40444c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            40444c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40444e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4045D8 
             40444e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            40444e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4045D8 
             404454     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aLoadingPnpids; "loading PNPIDs" 
             404454      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             404454      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aLoadingPnpids; "loading PNPIDs" 
@@ -3175,10 +3253,12 @@
             4044b5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dir_open 
             4044ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4044ba      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            4044ba      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4044bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             4044bd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4044c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404612 
             4044c0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            4044c0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_404612 
             4044c6     10 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             4044d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             4044d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -3187,10 +3267,12 @@
             4044d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dir_read_name 
             4044d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4044d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            4044d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4044db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             4044db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             4044de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40452E 
             4044de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            4044de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40452E 
             4044e0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset a_gnomeSettings; ".gnome-settings-plugin" 
             4044e0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             4044e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset a_gnomeSettings; ".gnome-settings-plugin" 
@@ -3201,8 +3283,10 @@
             4044e8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_suffix 
             4044ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4044ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            4044ed      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4044ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4044D0 
             4044ef      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            4044ef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4044D0 
             4044f1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             4044f1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             4044f1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -3229,8 +3313,10 @@
             40450d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             404512     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404512      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            404512      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404514     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404580 
             404514      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            404514      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_404580 
             404516      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             404516      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             404519     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -3243,10 +3329,12 @@
             404521      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dir_read_name 
             404526     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             404526      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            404526      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             404529      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             404529      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40452c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4044E0 
             40452c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            40452c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4044E0 
             40452e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             40452e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             404531     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_dir_close 
@@ -3279,6 +3367,7 @@
             40455d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_slist_foreach 
             404562     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             404562      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            404562      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             404566     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
             404566      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             404566      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -3320,10 +3409,12 @@
             404599      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_new_from_file 
             40459e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40459e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            40459e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4045a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             4045a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             4045a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404516 
             4045a4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            4045a4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_404516 
             4045aa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             4045aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [r12+18h] 
             4045af     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset loc_404010 
@@ -3338,8 +3429,10 @@
             4045bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_slist_find_custom 
             4045c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4045c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            4045c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4045c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40463D 
             4045c3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            4045c3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40463D 
             4045c5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             4045c5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             4045c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -3347,6 +3440,7 @@
             4045c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             4045cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404516 
             4045cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            4045cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_404516 
             4045d8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnomeSetting_0; "gnome-settings-daemon is not able to in"... 
             4045d8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             4045d8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGnomeSetting_0; "gnome-settings-daemon is not able to in"... 
@@ -3381,6 +3475,7 @@
             4045fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_set_error 
             404601     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             404601      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            404601      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             404605     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 xor     eax, eax
             404605      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             404605      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
@@ -3427,6 +3522,7 @@
             404633      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             404638     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404536 
             404638      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            404638      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_404536 
             40463d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             40463d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             404640     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_location 
@@ -3456,23 +3552,29 @@
             404661      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             404664     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404680 
             404664      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            404664      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_404680 
             404670      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             404670      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, r14 
             404673     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r15, 8 
             404673      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            404673      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r15, 8 
             404677     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strcmp0 
             404677      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             404677      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             40467c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40467c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            40467c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40467e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4046AB 
             40467e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            40467e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4046AB 
             404680      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             404680      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r15] 
             404683     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             404683      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            404683      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             404686     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404670 
             404686      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            404686      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_404670 
             404688      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             404688      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, r14 
             40468b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aIgnoringUnknow; "Ignoring unknown module '%s'" 
@@ -3497,6 +3599,7 @@
             4046a1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             4046a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4045C5 
             4046a6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            4046a6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4045C5 
             4046ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
             4046ab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             4046ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_ref 
@@ -3560,6 +3663,7 @@
             404704      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_set_settings_prefix 
             404709     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40469E 
             404709      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404420 
+            404709      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40469E 
             404710      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 4 6 0 8 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             404710      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             404710      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404710 
@@ -3604,6 +3708,7 @@
             404742      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             404747     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             404747      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404710 
+            404747      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40474b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     gnome_settings_manager_start 
             40474b     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     gnome_settings_manager_start
             40474b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404710 
@@ -3662,8 +3767,10 @@
             404797      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             40479c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40479c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
+            40479c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40479e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4047D8 
             40479e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
+            40479e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4047D8 
             4047a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
             4047a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
             4047a0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+28h+var_20]
@@ -3674,8 +3781,10 @@
             4047a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_manager_awake 
             4047ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4047ad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
+            4047ad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4047af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4047FA 
             4047af      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
+            4047af      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4047FA 
             4047b1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rsi, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
             4047b1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
             4047b1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
@@ -3696,6 +3805,7 @@
             4047c8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r12, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             4047cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             4047cd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
+            4047cd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             4047d1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
             4047d1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4047d1     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -3709,6 +3819,7 @@
             4047e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             4047e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4047e5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
+            4047e5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4047e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4047BE 
             4047e7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
             4047e9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
@@ -3721,8 +3832,10 @@
             4047f1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_manager_start 
             4047f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4047f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
+            4047f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4047f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4047B1 
             4047f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
+            4047f8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4047B1 
             4047fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
             4047fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             4047fa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -3733,6 +3846,7 @@
             4047ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value 
             404804     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4047BE 
             404804      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404750 
+            404804      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_4047BE 
             404810      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             404810      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             404810    133 FUNC GLOBAL gnome_settings_manager_stop FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             404894 
@@ -3786,6 +3900,7 @@
             40484e      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+28h], 0 
             404856     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             404856      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404810 
+            404856      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             404858     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404869 
             404858      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404810 
             40485a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_bus_unown_name 
@@ -3859,6 +3974,7 @@
             4048ee      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_6084B8 
             4048f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4048f5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4048e0 
+            4048f5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4048f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404928 
             4048f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4048e0 
             4048fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_ref 
@@ -3879,6 +3995,7 @@
             404913      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             404918     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             404918      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4048e0 
+            404918      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40491c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40491c     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
             40491c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4048e0 
@@ -3926,8 +4043,10 @@
             404968      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             40496c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax+8], 0 
             40496c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4048e0 
+            40496c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax+8], 0 
             404971     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404990 
             404971      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4048e0 
+            404971      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_404990 
             404973      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4048e0 
             404973      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, rbx 
             404976     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset sub_403F60 
@@ -3944,6 +4063,7 @@
             404982      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_bus_get 
             404987     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4048FF 
             404987      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4048e0 
+            404987      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4048FF 
             404990      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4048e0 
             404990      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aManagerPrivInt; "manager->priv->introspection_data != NU"... 
             404996     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aRegister_manag; "register_manager" 
@@ -4006,16 +4126,19 @@
             404a00      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             404a04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             404a04      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404a00 
+            404a04      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             404a07      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404a00 
             404a07      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6084C0 
             404a0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             404a0e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404a00 
+            404a0e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             404a11     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404A20 
             404a11      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404a00 
             404a13      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404a00 
             404a13      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6084C0 
             404a1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             404a1a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404a00 
+            404a1a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             404a1e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404a00 
             404a1e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
             404a20     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset qword_6084C0 
@@ -4026,6 +4149,7 @@
             404a25      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             404a2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404a2a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404a00 
+            404a2a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404a2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404A13 
             404a2c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404a00 
             404a2e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGnomesettingsp; "GnomeSettingsPlugin" 
@@ -4067,6 +4191,7 @@
             404a6a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             404a6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404A13 
             404a6f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404a00 
+            404a6f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_404A13 
             404a80      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             404a80      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             404a80    122 FUNC GLOBAL gnome_settings_plugin_activate FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             404af9 
@@ -4285,6 +4410,7 @@
             404c23      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_6084E4, eax 
             404c29     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             404c29      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404b80 
+            404c29      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             404c2d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404b80 
             404c2d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             404c2d     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -4308,16 +4434,19 @@
             404c40      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             404c44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             404c44      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404c40 
+            404c44      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             404c47      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404c40 
             404c47      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6084D0 
             404c4e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             404c4e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404c40 
+            404c4e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             404c51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404C60 
             404c51      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404c40 
             404c53      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404c40 
             404c53      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6084D0 
             404c5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             404c5a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404c40 
+            404c5a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             404c5e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404c40 
             404c5e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
             404c60     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset qword_6084D0 
@@ -4328,6 +4457,7 @@
             404c65      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             404c6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404c6a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404c40 
+            404c6a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404c6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404C53 
             404c6c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404c40 
             404c6e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aGnomesetting_0; "GnomeSettingsPluginInfo" 
@@ -4369,6 +4499,7 @@
             404caa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             404caf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404C53 
             404caf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404c40 
+            404caf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_404C53 
             404cc0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             404cc0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             404cc0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404cc0 
@@ -4590,8 +4721,10 @@
             404e81      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_load_from_file 
             404e86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404e86      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404e86      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404e88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404F48 
             404e88      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404e88      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_404F48 
             404e8e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             404e8e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ecx, ecx 
             404e8e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
@@ -4608,8 +4741,10 @@
             404e9d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_has_key 
             404ea2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404ea2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404ea2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404ea4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404F08 
             404ea4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404ea4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_404F08 
             404ea6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             404ea6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ecx, ecx 
             404ea6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
@@ -4626,8 +4761,10 @@
             404eb5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_integer 
             404eba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404eba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404eba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404ebc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_405088 
             404ebc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404ebc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_405088 
             404ec2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             404ec2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ecx, ecx 
             404ec2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
@@ -4644,12 +4781,16 @@
             404ed1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_string 
             404ed6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             404ed6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404ed6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             404ed9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404EE4 
             404ed9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404ed9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_404EE4 
             404edb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             404edb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404edb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             404ede     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404F60 
             404ede      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404ede      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_404F60 
             404ee4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             404ee4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             404ee7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -4674,6 +4815,7 @@
             404efd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             404f02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404F1C 
             404f02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404f02      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_404F1C 
             404f08      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             404f08      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, rbp 
             404f0b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aIageKeyDoesNot; "IAge key does not exist in file: %s" 
@@ -4712,6 +4854,7 @@
             404f38      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             404f3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             404f3d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404f3d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             404f41      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             404f41      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ retn 
             404f41     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -4731,6 +4874,7 @@
             404f57      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             404f5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404F1C 
             404f5c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404f5c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_404F1C 
             404f60      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             404f60      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
             404f64     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -4754,8 +4898,10 @@
             404f7a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_locale_string 
             404f7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             404f7f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404f7f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             404f82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4050B5 
             404f82      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404f82      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4050B5 
             404f88      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             404f88      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
             404f8c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -4779,8 +4925,10 @@
             404fa2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_locale_string 
             404fa7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             404fa7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404fa7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             404faa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4050EB 
             404faa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404faa      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4050EB 
             404fb0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             404fb0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+18h] 
             404fb4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
@@ -4808,8 +4956,10 @@
             404fd5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             404fd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax+30h], 0 
             404fd9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404fd9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax+30h], 0 
             404fde     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405125 
             404fde      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404fde      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_405125 
             404fe4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             404fe4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ecx, ecx 
             404fe4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
@@ -4826,8 +4976,10 @@
             404ff3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_string 
             404ff8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             404ff8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404ff8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             404ffb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40510A 
             404ffb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            404ffb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40510A 
             405001      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             405001      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
             405005      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
@@ -4848,8 +5000,10 @@
             405018      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_string 
             40501d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40501d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            40501d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405020     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4050D0 
             405020      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            405020      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4050D0 
             405026      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             405026      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
             40502a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
@@ -4870,8 +5024,10 @@
             40503d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_key_file_get_integer 
             405042     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405042      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            405042      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405044     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4050A8 
             405044      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            405044      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_4050A8 
             405046      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             405046      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
             40504a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
@@ -4911,6 +5067,7 @@
             40507b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 ZZ or      byte ptr [rax+50h], 4 
             40507f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404F26 
             40507f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            40507f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     loc_404F26 
             405088      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             405088      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, rbp 
             40508b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aWrongIageInFil; "Wrong IAge in file: %s" 
@@ -4930,12 +5087,14 @@
             405099      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             40509e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404F1C 
             40509e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            40509e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_404F1C 
             4050a8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             4050a8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             4050ac      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             4050ac      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+54h], 64h 
             4050b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40504D 
             4050b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            4050b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40504D 
             4050b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             4050b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, rbp 
             4050b8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aCouldNotFindNa; "Could not find 'Name' in %s" 
@@ -4955,6 +5114,7 @@
             4050c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             4050cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404F1C 
             4050cb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            4050cb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_404F1C 
             4050d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             4050d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, rbp 
             4050d3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aCouldNotFindWe; "Could not find 'Website' in %s" 
@@ -4974,6 +5134,7 @@
             4050e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             4050e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40502E 
             4050e6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            4050e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40502E 
             4050eb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             4050eb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, rbp 
             4050ee     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aCouldNotFindDe; "Could not find 'Description' in %s" 
@@ -4995,6 +5156,7 @@
             405101      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+18h] 
             405105     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404FB9 
             405105      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            405105      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jmp     loc_404FB9 
             40510a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             40510a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, rbp 
             40510d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aCouldNotFindCo; "Could not find 'Copyright' in %s" 
@@ -5014,6 +5176,7 @@
             40511b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             405120     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_405009 
             405120      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            405120      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_405009 
             405125      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
             405125      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, rbp 
             405128     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aCouldNotFindAu; "Could not find 'Authors' in %s" 
@@ -5033,6 +5196,7 @@
             405136      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             40513b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404FE4 
             40513b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404e30 
+            40513b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_404FE4 
             405140      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 4 2 0 1 3 -16 4 4 0 0 5 -8 4 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 1 9 0 1 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             405140      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             405140    134 FUNC GLOBAL gnome_settings_plugin_info_set_settings_prefix FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4051c5 
@@ -5092,10 +5256,12 @@
             405187      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_settings_get_int 
             40518c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40518c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405140 
+            40518c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40518e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405140 
             40518e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
             405192     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_405197 
             405192      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405140 
+            405192      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_405197 
             405194      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405140 
             405194      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rdx+54h], eax 
             405197      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405140 
@@ -5108,6 +5274,7 @@
             4051a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             4051a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4051a5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405140 
+            4051a5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4051a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405140 
             4051a9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rcx, rbx 
             4051a9      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rcx, rbx
@@ -5153,16 +5320,20 @@
             4051d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             4051de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4051de      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
+            4051de      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4051e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4051FF 
             4051e1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
+            4051e1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4051FF 
             4051e3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
             4051e3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4051e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4051e6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
+            4051e6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4051e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4051F0 
             4051e9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
             4051eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4051eb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
+            4051eb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4051ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405220 
             4051ee      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
             4051f0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
@@ -5174,8 +5345,10 @@
             4051f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4051fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4051fb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
+            4051fb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4051fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405220 
             4051fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
+            4051fd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_405220 
             4051ff     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
             4051ff      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
             4051ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -5193,6 +5366,7 @@
             40520d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             405212     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             405212      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
+            405212      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             405216      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
             405216      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
             405216     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -5215,6 +5389,7 @@
             40522d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ and     eax, 6 
             405230     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 6 
             405230      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
+            405230      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 6 
             405232     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405212 
             405232      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
             405234      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
@@ -5242,6 +5417,7 @@
             405253      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ and     byte ptr [rax+50h], 0FDh 
             405257     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             405257      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
+            405257      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40525b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4051d0 
             40525b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
             40525b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -5278,6 +5454,7 @@
             40527b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             405280     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405280      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405280      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             405283      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             405283      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             405286     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4052A5 
@@ -5286,10 +5463,12 @@
             405288      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx] 
             40528b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40528b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            40528b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40528e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405296 
             40528e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             405290     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbp+0], rax 
             405290      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405290      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rbp+0], rax 
             405294     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4052D8 
             405294      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             405296      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
@@ -5301,8 +5480,10 @@
             40529c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4052a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4052a1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            4052a1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4052a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4052D8 
             4052a3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            4052a3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_4052D8 
             4052a5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
             4052a5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             4052a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -5332,6 +5513,7 @@
             4052c7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             4052cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             4052cc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            4052cc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             4052d0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             4052d0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4052d0     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -5345,6 +5527,7 @@
             4052de      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ movzx   edx, byte ptr [r13+50h] 
             4052e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dl, 4 
             4052e3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            4052e3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    dl, 4 
             4052e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4052B8 
             4052e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             4052e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs and     edx, 2 
@@ -5358,6 +5541,7 @@
             4052ef      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r13+48h] 
             4052f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4052f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            4052f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4052f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405320 
             4052f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             4052f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    gnome_settings_plugin_activate 
@@ -5386,14 +5570,19 @@
             405317      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             40531c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4052B8 
             40531c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            40531c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     short loc_4052B8 
             405320     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             405320      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405320      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             405323     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40532B 
             405323      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405323      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40532B 
             405325     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12, [rbp+0] 
             405325      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405325      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r12, [rbp+0] 
             405329     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40536D 
             405329      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405329      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40536D 
             40532b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             40532b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
             40532e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
@@ -5403,8 +5592,10 @@
             405331      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             405336     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405336      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405336      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405338     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40536D 
             405338      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405338      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40536D 
             40533a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
             40533a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             40533a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -5442,14 +5633,17 @@
             405366     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             405368     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4052B8 
             405368      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405368      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     loc_4052B8 
             40536d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             40536d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r13+0] 
             405371     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             405371      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405371      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             405374     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4054FD 
             405374      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             40537a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [r13+10h], 0 
             40537a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            40537a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [r13+10h], 0 
             40537f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4054E3 
             40537f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             405385     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_path_get_dirname 
@@ -5457,10 +5651,12 @@
             405385      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_path_get_dirname 
             40538a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40538a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            40538a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40538d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             40538d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             405390     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4054C9 
             405390      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405390      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_4054C9 
             405396      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             405396      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             40539a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
@@ -5479,6 +5675,7 @@
             4053ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             4053b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4053b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            4053b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4053b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4054AF 
             4053b4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             4053ba      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
@@ -5516,6 +5713,7 @@
             4053ee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_module_use 
             4053f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4053f3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            4053f3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4053f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405461 
             4053f5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             4053f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    gnome_settings_module_get_type 
@@ -5581,6 +5779,7 @@
             405458      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ and     byte ptr [rax+50h], 0FBh 
             40545c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40534F 
             40545c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            40545c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40534F 
             405461     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    gnome_settings_plugin_get_type 
             405461      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             405461      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_get_type 
@@ -5626,6 +5825,7 @@
             4054a6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+48h] 
             4054aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4052F8 
             4054aa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            4054aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4052F8 
             4054af     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aPathNull; "path != NULL" 
             4054af      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             4054af      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aPathNull; "path != NULL" 
@@ -5643,6 +5843,7 @@
             4054c0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             4054c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40534F 
             4054c4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            4054c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40534F 
             4054c9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aDirnameNull; "dirname != NULL" 
             4054c9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             4054c9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aDirnameNull; "dirname != NULL" 
@@ -5660,6 +5861,7 @@
             4054da      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             4054de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40534F 
             4054de      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            4054de      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40534F 
             4054e3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aInfoPrivLocati; "info->priv->location != NULL" 
             4054e3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             4054e3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aInfoPrivLocati; "info->priv->location != NULL" 
@@ -5677,6 +5879,7 @@
             4054f4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             4054f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40534F 
             4054f8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            4054f8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40534F 
             4054fd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aInfoPrivFileNu; "info->priv->file != NULL" 
             4054fd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
             4054fd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aInfoPrivFileNu; "info->priv->file != NULL" 
@@ -5694,6 +5897,7 @@
             40550e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             405512     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40534F 
             405512      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405260 
+            405512      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40534F 
             405520      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], rbx
             405525      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -8 displ mov     [rsp-8], rbp
             40553c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strcmp0 
@@ -5728,16 +5932,20 @@
             4055a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             4055a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4055a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
+            4055a9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4055ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4055CA 
             4055ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
+            4055ac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4055CA 
             4055ae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
             4055ae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4055b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4055b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
+            4055b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4055b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4055BB 
             4055b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
             4055b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4055b6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
+            4055b6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4055b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4055E0 
             4055b9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
             4055bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
@@ -5749,6 +5957,7 @@
             4055c1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4055c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4055c6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
+            4055c6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4055c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4055E0 
             4055c8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
             4055ca     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -5783,6 +5992,7 @@
             4055e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ and     eax, 6 
             4055ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 6 
             4055ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
+            4055ec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 6 
             4055ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             4055ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4055a0 
             4055f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movzx   eax, al 
@@ -5804,16 +6014,20 @@
             405604      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             405609     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405609      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
+            405609      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40560c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40562A 
             40560c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
+            40560c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40562A 
             40560e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
             40560e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             405611     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             405611      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
+            405611      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             405614     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40561B 
             405614      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
             405616     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405616      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
+            405616      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405619     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405640 
             405619      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
             40561b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
@@ -5825,6 +6039,7 @@
             405621      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             405626     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405626      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
+            405626      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405628     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405640 
             405628      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405600 
             40562a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -5876,16 +6091,20 @@
             405654      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             405659     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405659      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
+            405659      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40565c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40567A 
             40565c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
+            40565c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40567A 
             40565e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
             40565e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             405661     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             405661      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
+            405661      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             405664     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40566B 
             405664      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
             405666     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405666      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
+            405666      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405669     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405690 
             405669      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
             40566b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
@@ -5897,6 +6116,7 @@
             405671      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             405676     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405676      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
+            405676      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405678     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405690 
             405678      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
             40567a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -5924,6 +6144,7 @@
             405694      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             405695     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rax+50h], 4 
             405695      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
+            405695      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    byte ptr [rax+50h], 4 
             405699     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnz   al 
             405699      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405650 
             40569c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movzx   eax, al 
@@ -5945,16 +6166,20 @@
             4056a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             4056a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4056a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4056a0 
+            4056a9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4056ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4056CA 
             4056ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4056a0 
+            4056ac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4056CA 
             4056ae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4056a0 
             4056ae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4056b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4056b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4056a0 
+            4056b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4056b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4056BB 
             4056b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4056a0 
             4056b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4056b6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4056a0 
+            4056b6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4056b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4056E0 
             4056b9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4056a0 
             4056bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4056a0 
@@ -5966,6 +6191,7 @@
             4056c1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4056c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4056c6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4056a0 
+            4056c6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4056c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4056E0 
             4056c8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4056a0 
             4056ca     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -6010,16 +6236,20 @@
             4056f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             4056f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4056f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4056f0 
+            4056f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4056fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40571A 
             4056fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4056f0 
+            4056fc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40571A 
             4056fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4056f0 
             4056fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             405701     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             405701      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4056f0 
+            405701      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             405704     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40570B 
             405704      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4056f0 
             405706     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405706      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4056f0 
+            405706      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405709     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405730 
             405709      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4056f0 
             40570b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4056f0 
@@ -6031,6 +6261,7 @@
             405711      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             405716     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405716      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4056f0 
+            405716      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405718     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405730 
             405718      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4056f0 
             40571a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -6075,16 +6306,20 @@
             405744      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             405749     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405749      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405740 
+            405749      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40574c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40576A 
             40574c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405740 
+            40574c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40576A 
             40574e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405740 
             40574e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             405751     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             405751      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405740 
+            405751      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             405754     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40575B 
             405754      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405740 
             405756     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405756      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405740 
+            405756      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405759     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405780 
             405759      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405740 
             40575b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405740 
@@ -6096,6 +6331,7 @@
             405761      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             405766     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405766      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405740 
+            405766      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405768     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405780 
             405768      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405740 
             40576a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -6140,16 +6376,20 @@
             405794      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             405799     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405799      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405790 
+            405799      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40579c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4057BA 
             40579c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405790 
+            40579c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4057BA 
             40579e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405790 
             40579e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4057a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4057a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405790 
+            4057a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4057a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4057AB 
             4057a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405790 
             4057a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4057a6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405790 
+            4057a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4057a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4057D0 
             4057a9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405790 
             4057ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405790 
@@ -6161,6 +6401,7 @@
             4057b1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4057b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4057b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405790 
+            4057b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4057b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4057D0 
             4057b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405790 
             4057ba     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -6205,16 +6446,20 @@
             4057e4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             4057e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4057e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4057e0 
+            4057e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4057ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40580A 
             4057ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4057e0 
+            4057ec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40580A 
             4057ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4057e0 
             4057ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4057f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4057f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4057e0 
+            4057f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4057f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4057FB 
             4057f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4057e0 
             4057f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4057f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4057e0 
+            4057f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4057f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405820 
             4057f9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4057e0 
             4057fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4057e0 
@@ -6226,6 +6471,7 @@
             405801      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             405806     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405806      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4057e0 
+            405806      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405808     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405820 
             405808      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4057e0 
             40580a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -6270,16 +6516,20 @@
             405834      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             405839     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405839      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405830 
+            405839      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40583c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40585A 
             40583c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405830 
+            40583c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40585A 
             40583e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405830 
             40583e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             405841     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             405841      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405830 
+            405841      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             405844     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40584B 
             405844      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405830 
             405846     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405846      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405830 
+            405846      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405849     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405870 
             405849      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405830 
             40584b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405830 
@@ -6291,6 +6541,7 @@
             405851      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             405856     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405856      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405830 
+            405856      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405858     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405870 
             405858      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405830 
             40585a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -6335,16 +6586,20 @@
             405884      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             405889     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405889      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405880 
+            405889      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40588c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4058AA 
             40588c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405880 
+            40588c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4058AA 
             40588e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405880 
             40588e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             405891     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             405891      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405880 
+            405891      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             405894     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40589B 
             405894      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405880 
             405896     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405896      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405880 
+            405896      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405899     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4058C8 
             405899      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405880 
             40589b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405880 
@@ -6356,6 +6611,7 @@
             4058a1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4058a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4058a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405880 
+            4058a6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4058a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4058C8 
             4058a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405880 
             4058aa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_1; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INFO (info)" 
@@ -6410,16 +6666,20 @@
             4058f3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_plugin_info_get_type 
             4058f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4058f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
+            4058f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4058fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405919 
             4058fb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
+            4058fb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_405919 
             4058fd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
             4058fd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             405900     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             405900      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
+            405900      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             405903     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40590A 
             405903      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
             405905     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405905      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
+            405905      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405908     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405940 
             405908      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
             40590a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
@@ -6431,6 +6691,7 @@
             405910      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             405915     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405915      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
+            405915      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405917     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405940 
             405917      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
             405919      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
@@ -6450,6 +6711,7 @@
             40592d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             40592f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40592f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
+            40592f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405933     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             405933      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
             405933      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
@@ -6465,6 +6727,7 @@
             40594c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             405951     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405951      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
+            405951      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405955      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4058e0 
             405955      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             405955     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -6497,16 +6760,19 @@
             4059f1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4059f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             4059f5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4059f0 
+            4059f5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             4059f8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4059f0 
             4059f8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6084E8 
             4059ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4059ff      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4059f0 
+            4059ff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405a02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405A18 
             405a02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4059f0 
             405a04      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4059f0 
             405a04      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6084E8 
             405a0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             405a0b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4059f0 
+            405a0b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             405a0f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             405a0f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4059f0 
             405a0f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -6519,6 +6785,7 @@
             405a1d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             405a22     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405a22      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4059f0 
+            405a22      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405a24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405A04 
             405a24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4059f0 
             405a26     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset qword_406FF0 
@@ -6564,6 +6831,7 @@
             405a68      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             405a6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_405A04 
             405a6d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4059f0 
+            405a6d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_405A04 
             405a70      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             405a70      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             405a70      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405a70 
@@ -6670,6 +6938,7 @@
             405af9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_module_open 
             405afe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405afe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405afe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405b01      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
             405b05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_405BC0 
             405b05      6 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
@@ -6686,6 +6955,7 @@
             405b18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_module_symbol 
             405b1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405b1d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405b1d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405b1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405B70 
             405b1f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
             405b21     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
@@ -6694,14 +6964,18 @@
             405b21      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_20]
             405b26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405b26      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405b26      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405b29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405BA0 
             405b29      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405b29      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_405BA0 
             405b2b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
             405b2b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             405b2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax 
             405b2e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405b2e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax 
             405b30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             405b30      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405b30      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             405b33      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
             405b33      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     [rbx+48h], rax 
             405b37     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
@@ -6711,6 +6985,7 @@
             405b3c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
             405b3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405b3e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405b3e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405b42      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
             405b42      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, edx 
             405b42     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, edx 
@@ -6736,6 +7011,7 @@
             405b60      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             405b65     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405b65      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405b65      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405b69      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
             405b69      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             405b69     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -6775,6 +7051,7 @@
             405b8f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_module_close 
             405b94     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405b94      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405b94      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405b98      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
             405b98      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             405b98     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -6827,6 +7104,7 @@
             405bd6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
             405bdb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             405bdb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
+            405bdb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             405bdf     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 xor     edx, edx
             405bdf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ac0 
             405bdf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX ZZ xor     edx, edx 
@@ -6900,16 +7178,20 @@
             405c54      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    gnome_settings_module_get_type 
             405c59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             405c59      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c50 
+            405c59      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             405c5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405C7A 
             405c5c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c50 
+            405c5c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_405C7A 
             405c5e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c50 
             405c5e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             405c61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             405c61      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c50 
+            405c61      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             405c64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405C6B 
             405c64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c50 
             405c66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405c66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c50 
+            405c66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             405c69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405C90 
             405c69      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c50 
             405c6b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405c50 
@@ -6921,6 +7203,7 @@
             405c71      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             405c76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             405c76      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c50 
+            405c76      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             405c78     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405C90 
             405c78      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405c50 
             405c7a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGnome_is_set_2; "GNOME_IS_SETTINGS_MODULE (module)" 
@@ -6983,8 +7266,10 @@
             405cc3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+48h] 
             405cc7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             405cc7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405ca0 
+            405cc7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             405cca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405CE0 
             405cca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ca0 
+            405cca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RBX ZZ jz      short loc_405CE0 
             405ccc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405ca0 
             405ccc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RSI ZZ pop     rbx 
             405ccd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405ca0 
@@ -7024,10 +7309,12 @@
             405cf7      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             405cfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             405cfb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405cf0 
+            405cfb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             405cfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405D40 
             405cfe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405cf0 
             405d00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi], 0 
             405d00      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405cf0 
+            405d00      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi], 0 
             405d03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405D40 
             405d03      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405cf0 
             405d05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    gnome_settings_module_get_type 
@@ -7072,6 +7359,7 @@
             405d3c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     [rbp+40h], rax 
             405d40     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             405d40      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405cf0 
+            405d40      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             405d44      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405cf0 
             405d44      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, rbp 
             405d44      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rax, rbp
@@ -7126,8 +7414,10 @@
             405d90      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             405d95     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             405d95      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405d50 
+            405d95      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             405d98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405DB6 
             405d98      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405d50 
+            405d98      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_405DB6 
             405d9a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405d50 
             405d9a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             405d9a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -7141,10 +7431,13 @@
             405da6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             405da9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             405da9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405d50 
+            405da9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             405dad     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             405dad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405d50 
+            405dad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             405db1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             405db1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405d50 
+            405db1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             405db4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405DA0 
             405db4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405d50 
             405db6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405d50 
@@ -7167,6 +7460,7 @@
             405dcf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             405dd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             405dd4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405d50 
+            405dd4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             405dd8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405d50 
             405dd8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             405dd8     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -7198,25 +7492,31 @@
             405df9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_607D98 
             405e00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             405e00      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405df0 
+            405e00      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             405e04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_405E1F 
             405e04      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405df0 
+            405e04      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_405E1F 
             405e06     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_607D98 
             405e06      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405df0 
             405e06      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_607D98 
             405e0b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 405df0 
             405e10     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             405e10      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405df0 
+            405e10      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             405e14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_607D98 
             405e14      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405df0 
+            405e14      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_607D98 
             405e16     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             405e16      3 INSTR BELONGTO 405df0 
             405e16      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             405e19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             405e19      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405df0 
+            405e19      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             405e1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_405E10 
             405e1d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 405df0 
             405e1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             405e1f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405df0 
+            405e1f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             405e23      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405df0 
             405e23      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             405e23      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -7236,6 +7536,7 @@
             405e2c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4039A0 
             405e31     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             405e31      4 INSTR BELONGTO 405e28 
+            405e31      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             405e35      1 INSTR BELONGTO 405e28 
             405e35      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             405e35      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-sound-applet.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-sound-applet.psexe.annot
index 901e6da1..4e102ad1 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-sound-applet.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-sound-applet.psexe.annot
@@ -1249,6 +1249,7 @@
              1016c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_class_install_property 
              10171     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              10171      4 INSTR BELONGTO ff10 
+             10171      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              10175      3 INSTR BELONGTO ff10 
              10175      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
              10175      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -1276,16 +1277,19 @@
              10191      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
              10195     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
              10195      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10190 
+             10195      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
              10198      7 INSTR BELONGTO 10190 
              10198      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D1D0 
              1019f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
              1019f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10190 
+             1019f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
              101a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_101B8 
              101a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10190 
              101a4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 10190 
              101a4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D1D0 
              101ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
              101ab      4 INSTR BELONGTO 10190 
+             101ab      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
              101af     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
              101af      1 INSTR BELONGTO 10190 
              101af      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -1298,6 +1302,7 @@
              101bf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
              101c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              101c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10190 
+             101c4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              101c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_101A4 
              101c6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10190 
              101c8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 10190 
@@ -1341,6 +1346,7 @@
              10211      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
              10216     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_101A4 
              10216      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10190 
+             10216      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_101A4 
              10220      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
              10220      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
              10220      1 INSTR BELONGTO 10220 
@@ -1812,16 +1818,20 @@
              10ca7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_10190 
              10cac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
              10cac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10cac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
              10caf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_10CCD 
              10caf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10caf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_10CCD 
              10cb1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10cb1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
              10cb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
              10cb4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10cb4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
              10cb7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_10CBE 
              10cb7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10cb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
              10cb9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10cb9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
              10cbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_10D10 
              10cbc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10cbe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
@@ -1833,6 +1843,7 @@
              10cc4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
              10cc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              10cc9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10cc9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              10ccb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_10D10 
              10ccb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10ccd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
@@ -1861,6 +1872,7 @@
              10cf9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ lea     rdi, aSoundCcPanel; "sound-cc-panel" 
              10d00     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
              10d00      4 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10d00      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
              10d04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
              10d04      5 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10d04      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
@@ -1868,14 +1880,17 @@
              10d10      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
              10d14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax], ebp 
              10d14      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10d14      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rax], ebp 
              10d16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_10F78 
              10d16      6 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10d1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax+38h], 0 
              10d1c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10d1c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax+38h], 0 
              10d21      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10d21      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rax], ebp 
              10d23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_10F0D 
              10d23      6 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10d23      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_10F0D 
              10d29      4 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10d29      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rax+8] 
              10d2d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
@@ -1983,10 +1998,12 @@
              10dde      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI R14 ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
              10de2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax], 1 
              10de2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10de2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R14 ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax], 1 
              10de5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10de5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, [rax+30h] 
              10de9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_10F50 
              10de9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10de9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_10F50 
              10def      4 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10def      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+18h] 
              10df3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
@@ -2186,6 +2203,7 @@
              10f3d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
              10f42     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
              10f42      4 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10f42      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
              10f46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_notify 
              10f46      5 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10f46      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_object_notify 
@@ -2211,6 +2229,7 @@
              10f6f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+18h] 
              10f73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_10E12 
              10f73      5 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10f73      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ jmp     loc_10E12 
              10f78      5 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10f78      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+var_30] 
              10f78      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+var_30]
@@ -2231,6 +2250,7 @@
              10f91      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
              10f96     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
              10f96      4 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
+             10f96      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
              10f9a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 10c80 
              10f9a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
              10f9a     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -2248,16 +2268,20 @@
              10fa4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_10190 
              10fa9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
              10fa9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10fa0 
+             10fa9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
              10fac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_10FCA 
              10fac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10fa0 
+             10fac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_10FCA 
              10fae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10fa0 
              10fae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
              10fb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
              10fb1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10fa0 
+             10fb1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
              10fb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_10FBB 
              10fb4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10fa0 
              10fb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
              10fb6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10fa0 
+             10fb6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
              10fb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_10FF0 
              10fb9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10fa0 
              10fbb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 10fa0 
@@ -2269,6 +2293,7 @@
              10fc1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
              10fc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              10fc6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10fa0 
+             10fc6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              10fc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_10FF0 
              10fc8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 10fa0 
              10fca      7 INSTR BELONGTO 10fa0 
@@ -2320,16 +2345,20 @@
              1100b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_10190 
              11010     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
              11010      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
+             11010      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
              11013     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_11031 
              11013      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
+             11013      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_11031 
              11015      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              11015      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
              11018     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
              11018      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
+             11018      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
              1101b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_11022 
              1101b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              1101d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
              1101d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
+             1101d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
              11020     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_11058 
              11020      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              11022      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
@@ -2341,10 +2370,12 @@
              11028      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
              1102d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              1102d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
+             1102d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              1102f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_11058 
              1102f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              11031     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              11031      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
+             11031      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              11035      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              11035      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_chann_1; "GVC_IS_CHANNEL_BAR (bar)" 
              1103c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
@@ -2352,6 +2383,7 @@
              11043      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              11043      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ pop     rbx 
              11044      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
+             11044      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ pop     rbp 
              11044     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
              11045      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              11045      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ lea     rdi, aSoundCcPanel; "sound-cc-panel" 
@@ -2362,6 +2394,7 @@
              11058      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
              1105c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax+6Ch], ebp 
              1105c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
+             1105c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rax+6Ch], ebp 
              1105f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_1108E 
              1105f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              11061      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
@@ -2381,6 +2414,7 @@
              11074      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
              11079     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              11079      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
+             11079      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              1107d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              1107d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, aIsMuted   ; "is-muted" 
              1107d      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 lea     rsi, aIsMuted   ; "is-muted"
@@ -2389,6 +2423,7 @@
              11087      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              11087      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
              11088      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
+             11088      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ pop     rbp 
              11088     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
              11089     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_notify 
              11089      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
@@ -2398,6 +2433,7 @@
              11090      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              11090      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
              11091      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
+             11091      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ pop     rbp 
              11091     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
              11092      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11000 
              11092      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -2420,10 +2456,13 @@
              110ac      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 XMM1 ZZ mov     r10d, [rax+9Ch] 
              110b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
              110b3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
+             110b3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
              110b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_110C0 
              110b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
+             110b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jz      short loc_110C0 
              110b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
              110b8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
+             110b8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
              110bc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
              110bc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     rbx 
              110bd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
@@ -2455,8 +2494,10 @@
              110e8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 XMM0 ZZ mov     r9d, [rax+68h] 
              110ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
              110ec      3 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
+             110ec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
              110ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_110B8 
              110ef      2 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
+             110ef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_110B8 
              110f1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
              110f1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ xor     esi, esi 
              110f1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -2464,11 +2505,13 @@
              110f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
              110f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, cs:qword_17460 
              110f6      8 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
+             110f6      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ ucomisd xmm1, cs:qword_17460 
              110fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnbe  sil 
              110fe      4 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
              110fe      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ setnbe  sil 
              11102     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
              11102      4 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
+             11102      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
              11106     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
              11106      1 INSTR BELONGTO 110a0 
              11106      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -2502,8 +2545,10 @@
              1111b      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 104 ReturnAddress 
              1111f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
              1111f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1111f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
              11122     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_11430 
              11122      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11122      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_11430 
              11128     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_10190 
              11128      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11128      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    sub_10190 
@@ -2511,12 +2556,16 @@
              1112d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM1 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
              11130     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
              11130      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11130      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
              11133     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_1113A 
              11133      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11133      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jz      short loc_1113A 
              11135     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
              11135      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11135      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
              11138     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_11170 
              11138      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11138      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jz      short loc_11170 
              1113a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              1113a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
              1113d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
@@ -2526,8 +2575,10 @@
              11140      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
              11145     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              11145      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11145      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ test    eax, eax 
              11147     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_11170 
              11147      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11147      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jnz     short loc_11170 
              11149      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11149      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_chann_1; "GVC_IS_CHANNEL_BAR (bar)" 
              11150      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
@@ -2542,6 +2593,7 @@
              11163     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
              11165     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
              11165      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11165      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
              11169      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11169      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ pop     rbx 
              1116a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
@@ -2556,8 +2608,10 @@
              11170      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM1 ZZ mov     r13, [rbx+30h] 
              11174     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [r13+0], 1 
              11174      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11174      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     dword ptr [r13+0], 1 
              11179     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_11300 
              11179      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11179      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_11300 
              1117f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
              1117f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              1117f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -2575,16 +2629,22 @@
              11192      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_direction 
              11197     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
              11197      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11197      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM1 ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
              1119a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_11460 
              1119a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1119a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_11460 
              111a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 3 
              111a0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             111a0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM1 ZZ cmp     ebp, 3 
              111a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_1146E 
              111a3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             111a3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_1146E 
              111a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 2 
              111a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             111a9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM1 ZZ cmp     ebp, 2 
              111ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_11420 
              111ac      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             111ac      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_11420 
              111b2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              111b2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM1 ZZ mov     r13, [rbx+30h] 
              111b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_range_get_type 
@@ -2608,8 +2668,10 @@
              111d2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM1 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+30h] 
              111d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx+60h], rax 
              111d6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             111d6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     [rdx+60h], rax 
              111da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_113E8 
              111da      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             111da      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_113E8 
              111e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              111e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
              111e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_adjustment_get_value 
@@ -2617,11 +2679,13 @@
              111e3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_adjustment_get_value 
              111e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
              111e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             111e8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
              111ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm1, xmm0 
              111ea      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              111ea      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI XMM1 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm0 
              111ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_11320 
              111ee      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             111ee      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jnz     loc_11320 
              111f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
              111f4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              111f4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
@@ -2636,6 +2700,7 @@
              11200      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_68], xmm0 
              11205     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              11205      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11205      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              11207     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_11410 
              11207      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              1120d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F910 
@@ -2655,6 +2720,7 @@
              11223     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
              11225     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm2 
              11225      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11225      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm2 
              11229     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+68h+var_38], xmm2 
              11229      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11229      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_38], xmm2 
@@ -2666,6 +2732,7 @@
              11235      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_68], xmm1 
              1123a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              1123a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1123a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              1123c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_17478 
              1123c      8 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11244     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+68h+var_30], xmm2 
@@ -2697,15 +2764,19 @@
              11274      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
              11278     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm2, xmm0 
              11278      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11278      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm2, xmm0 
              1127c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_11480 
              1127c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1127c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jbe     loc_11480 
              11282     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rax+0A0h] 
              11282      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11282      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, [rax+0A0h] 
              11288     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              11288      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11288      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    eax, eax 
              1128a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_114C8 
              1128a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1128a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jz      loc_114C8 
              11290     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F920 
              11290      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11290      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    sub_F920 
@@ -2715,6 +2786,7 @@
              11299      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              112a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
              112a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             112a0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
              112a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              112a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
              112a4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -2723,6 +2795,7 @@
              112a6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mov     esi, 0 
              112ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
              112ab      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             112ab      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
              112af     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnp   al 
              112af      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              112af      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 XMM2 ZZ setnp   al 
@@ -2764,6 +2837,7 @@
              112e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
              112eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
              112eb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             112eb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
              112ef     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
              112ef      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              112ef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -2782,10 +2856,13 @@
              11300     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
              11302     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 1 
              11302      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11302      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cmp     ebp, 1 
              11305     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_111B6 
              11305      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11305      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jbe     loc_111B6 
              1130b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
              1130b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1130b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
              1130f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              1130f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ pop     rbx 
              11310      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
@@ -2798,8 +2875,10 @@
              11315      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ retn 
              11320     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 1 
              11320      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11320      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ cmp     ebp, 1 
              11323     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_112A0 
              11323      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11323      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jnz     loc_112A0 
              11329      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11329      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
              1132d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
@@ -2813,6 +2892,7 @@
              11335      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_68], xmm0 
              1133a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
              1133a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1133a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
              1133c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_11500 
              1133c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11342     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F910 
@@ -2826,6 +2906,7 @@
              1134f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
              11354     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm2 
              11354      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11354      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm2 
              11358     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+68h+var_38], xmm2 
              11358      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11358      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_38], xmm2 
@@ -2837,20 +2918,25 @@
              11366      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_30], xmm2 
              1136c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm2 
              1136c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1136c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm2 
              11370     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm2, xmm1 
              11370      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11370      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm1 
              11374     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm2, xmm0 
              11374      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11374      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ subsd   xmm2, xmm0 
              11378     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
              11378      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11378      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
              1137c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
              1137c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1137c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
              11380     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm2, xmm0 
              11380      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11380      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ ucomisd xmm2, xmm0 
              11384     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_11510 
              11384      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11384      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ ja      loc_11510 
              1138a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              1138a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R11 ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
              1138e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
@@ -2866,6 +2952,7 @@
              1139c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_58], xmm2 
              113a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
              113a2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             113a2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
              113a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_11520 
              113a5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              113ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F920 
@@ -2873,6 +2960,7 @@
              113ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_F920 
              113b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38] 
              113b0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             113b0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38] 
              113b0      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38]
              113b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
              113b6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
@@ -2882,9 +2970,11 @@
              113bb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+68h+var_58] 
              113c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
              113c1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             113c1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
              113c1      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30]
              113c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm1, xmm0 
              113c7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             113c7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ subsd   xmm1, xmm0 
              113cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              113cb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
              113cb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -2893,6 +2983,7 @@
              113cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, 0 
              113d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm2 
              113d2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             113d2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm2 
              113d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnp   al 
              113d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              113d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 XMM2 ZZ setnp   al 
@@ -2901,13 +2992,16 @@
              113d9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 XMM2 ZZ cmovz   esi, eax 
              113dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_112B5 
              113dc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             113dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_112B5 
              113e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
              113e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             113e8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
              113ea     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
              113ea      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              113ea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
              113ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_11165 
              113ef      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             113ef      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jnz     loc_11165 
              113f5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              113f5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ xor     esi, esi 
              113f5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -2925,11 +3019,13 @@
              11403      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     eax, [rsp+68h+var_40]
              11407     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_11165 
              11407      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11407      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_11165 
              11410     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F920 
              11410      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11410      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_F920 
              11415     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_11212 
              11415      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11415      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_11212 
              11420      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11420      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM1 ZZ mov     r13, [rbx+30h] 
              11424     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebp, 1 
@@ -2937,6 +3033,7 @@
              11424      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
              11429     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_111B6 
              11429      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11429      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_111B6 
              11430      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11430      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ lea     rdx, aBarNull   ; "bar != NULL" 
              11437      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
@@ -2948,6 +3045,7 @@
              11445      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
              1144a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
              1144a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1144a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
              1144e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              1144e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
              1144e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -2964,12 +3062,16 @@
              11456      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ retn 
              11460     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 3 
              11460      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11460      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM1 ZZ cmp     ebp, 3 
              11463     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_11420 
              11463      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11463      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 XMM1 ZZ jz      short loc_11420 
              11465     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 2 
              11465      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11465      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM1 ZZ cmp     ebp, 2 
              11468     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_111B2 
              11468      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11468      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 XMM1 ZZ jnz     loc_111B2 
              1146e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              1146e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM1 ZZ mov     r13, [rbx+30h] 
              11472     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     bpl, bpl 
@@ -2977,6 +3079,7 @@
              11472      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ xor     bpl, bpl 
              11475     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_111B6 
              11475      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11475      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_111B6 
              11480      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11480      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM2 ZZ mov     r13d, [rax+0A0h] 
              11487     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+68h+var_68], xmm1 
@@ -2984,24 +3087,30 @@
              11487      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movsd   [rsp+68h+var_68], xmm1 
              1148c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
              1148c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1148c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
              1148f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_114E0 
              1148f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1148f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_114E0 
              11491     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F920 
              11491      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11491      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    sub_F920 
              11496     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38] 
              11496      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11496      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38] 
              11496      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38]
              1149c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
              1149c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              1149c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
              114a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
              114a1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             114a1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
              114a1      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30]
              114a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
              114a7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             114a7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
              114ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_112A0 
              114ab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             114ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_112A0 
              114b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F910 
              114b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              114b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_F910 
@@ -3013,6 +3122,7 @@
              114bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
              114c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_11272 
              114c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             114c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_11272 
              114c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F910 
              114c8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              114c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    sub_F910 
@@ -3021,25 +3131,30 @@
              114cd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm0 
              114d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_112A0 
              114d1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             114d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_112A0 
              114e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F910 
              114e0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              114e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    sub_F910 
              114e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38] 
              114e5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             114e5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38] 
              114e5      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38]
              114eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
              114eb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              114eb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
              114f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
              114f0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             114f0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
              114f0      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30]
              114f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_114A7 
              114f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             114f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ jmp     short loc_114A7 
              11500     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F920 
              11500      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11500      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_F920 
              11505     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_11347 
              11505      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11505      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_11347 
              11510     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 1 
              11510      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11510      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     esi, 1 
@@ -3048,11 +3163,13 @@
              11515      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm2 
              11519     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_112B5 
              11519      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11519      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_112B5 
              11520     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F910 
              11520      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
              11520      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_F910 
              11525     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38] 
              11525      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11525      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38] 
              11525      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ divsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_38]
              1152b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm2, [rsp+68h+var_58] 
              1152b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
@@ -3062,9 +3179,11 @@
              11531      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
              11536     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
              11536      6 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             11536      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
              11536      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mulsd   xmm0, [rsp+68h+var_30]
              1153c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_113C7 
              1153c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 11110 
+             1153c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_113C7 
              11556     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_11110 
              11560      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
              11560      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
@@ -3087,8 +3206,10 @@
              11568      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 56 ReturnAddress 
              1156c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsi+34h], 1 
              1156c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11560 
+             1156c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsi+34h], 1 
              11570     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_11579 
              11570      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11560 
+             11570      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_11579 
              11572      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11560 
              11572      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     dword ptr [rsi+34h], 2 
              11579      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11560 
@@ -3117,6 +3238,7 @@
              115a2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_adjustment_get_value 
              115a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
              115a7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11560 
+             115a7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
              115ab      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11560 
              115ab      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ xor     eax, eax 
              115ab     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -3127,6 +3249,7 @@
              115b2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
              115b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
              115b5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11560 
+             115b5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
              115b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnp   al 
              115b9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11560 
              115b9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 ZZ setnp   al 
@@ -3180,6 +3303,7 @@
              11617      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _ca_gtk_play_for_widget 
              1161c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
              1161c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 11560 
+             1161c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
              11620      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11560 
              11620      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
              11620     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -3209,6 +3333,7 @@
              1163c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
              1163e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              1163e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11630 
+             1163e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
              11640      1 INSTR BELONGTO 11630 
              11640      1 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
              11641     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    sil 
@@ -3230,16 +3355,20 @@
              11654      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_10190 
              11659     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
              11659      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11650 
+             11659      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
              1165c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_1167A 
              1165c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11650 
+             1165c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_1167A 
              1165e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11650 
              1165e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
              11661     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
              11661      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11650 
+             11661      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
              11664     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_1166B 
              11664      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11650 
              11666     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
              11666      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11650 
+             11666      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
              11669     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_116A0 
              11669      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11650 
              1166b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11650 
@@ -3251,6 +3380,7 @@
              11671      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
              11676     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              11676      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11650 
+             11676      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              11678     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_116A0 
              11678      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11650 
              1167a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11650 
@@ -3453,16 +3583,20 @@
              11b34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_10190 
              11b39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
              11b39      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
+             11b39      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
              11b3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_11B5A 
              11b3c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
+             11b3c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_11B5A 
              11b3e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
              11b3e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
              11b41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
              11b41      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
+             11b41      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
              11b44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_11B4B 
              11b44      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
              11b46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
              11b46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
+             11b46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
              11b49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_11B80 
              11b49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
              11b4b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
@@ -3474,6 +3608,7 @@
              11b51      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
              11b56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              11b56      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
+             11b56      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              11b58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_11B80 
              11b58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
              11b5a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
@@ -3511,6 +3646,7 @@
              11b98      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_label_get_ellipsize 
              11b9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              11b9d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
+             11b9d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
              11b9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnz   al 
              11b9f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 11b30 
              11b9f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ setnz   al 
@@ -4077,6 +4213,7 @@
              12499      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_class_install_property 
              1249e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
              1249e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 122e0 
+             1249e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
              124a2     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rdi, rbp
              124a2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 122e0 
              124a2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
@@ -4100,16 +4237,19 @@
              124c0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
              124c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
              124c4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 124c0 
+             124c4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
              124c7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 124c0 
              124c7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D1E0 
              124ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
              124ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 124c0 
+             124ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
              124d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_124E0 
              124d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 124c0 
              124d3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 124c0 
              124d3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D1E0 
              124da     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
              124da      4 INSTR BELONGTO 124c0 
+             124da      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
              124de      1 INSTR BELONGTO 124c0 
              124de      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
              124de     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -4120,6 +4260,7 @@
              124e7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
              124ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              124ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 124c0 
+             124ec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              124ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_124D3 
              124ee      2 INSTR BELONGTO 124c0 
              124f0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 124c0 
@@ -4159,6 +4300,7 @@
              12533      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
              12538     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_124D3 
              12538      2 INSTR BELONGTO 124c0 
+             12538      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_124D3 
              12540      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], rbx
              12545      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbp
              1254d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], r12
@@ -4412,16 +4554,20 @@
              129e4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_124C0 
              129e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
              129e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 129e0 
+             129e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
              129ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12A0A 
              129ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 129e0 
+             129ec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_12A0A 
              129ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 129e0 
              129ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
              129f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
              129f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 129e0 
+             129f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
              129f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_129FB 
              129f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 129e0 
              129f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
              129f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 129e0 
+             129f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
              129f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12A30 
              129f9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 129e0 
              129fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 129e0 
@@ -4433,6 +4579,7 @@
              12a01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
              12a06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              12a06      2 INSTR BELONGTO 129e0 
+             12a06      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              12a08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_12A30 
              12a08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 129e0 
              12a0a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 129e0 
@@ -4485,18 +4632,24 @@
              12a59      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_124C0 
              12a5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
              12a5e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
+             12a5e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
              12a61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12A7F 
              12a61      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
+             12a61      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_12A7F 
              12a63      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
              12a63      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
              12a66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
              12a66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
+             12a66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
              12a69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12A70 
              12a69      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
+             12a69      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_12A70 
              12a6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
              12a6b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
+             12a6b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
              12a6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12AB0 
              12a6e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
+             12a6e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_12AB0 
              12a70      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
              12a70      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
              12a73      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
@@ -4506,8 +4659,10 @@
              12a76      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
              12a7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              12a7b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
+             12a7b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
              12a7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_12AB0 
              12a7d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
+             12a7d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_12AB0 
              12a7f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
              12a7f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_3; "GVC_IS_MIXER_CARD (card)" 
              12a86      7 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
@@ -4531,6 +4686,7 @@
              12aa4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
              12aa9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
              12aa9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
+             12aa9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
              12aad      1 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
              12aad      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
              12aad     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -4570,6 +4726,7 @@
              12aea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
              12aef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_12A9B 
              12aef      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12a40 
+             12aef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_12A9B 
              12b00     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
              12b04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_124C0 
              12b09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
@@ -4608,18 +4765,24 @@
              12b79      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_124C0 
              12b7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
              12b7e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
+             12b7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
              12b81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12B9F 
              12b81      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
+             12b81      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_12B9F 
              12b83      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
              12b83      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
              12b86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
              12b86      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
+             12b86      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
              12b89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12B90 
              12b89      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
+             12b89      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_12B90 
              12b8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
              12b8b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
+             12b8b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
              12b8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12BD0 
              12b8e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
+             12b8e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_12BD0 
              12b90      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
              12b90      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
              12b93      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
@@ -4629,8 +4792,10 @@
              12b96      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
              12b9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              12b9b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
+             12b9b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
              12b9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_12BD0 
              12b9d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
+             12b9d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_12BD0 
              12b9f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
              12b9f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_3; "GVC_IS_MIXER_CARD (card)" 
              12ba6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
@@ -4654,6 +4819,7 @@
              12bc4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
              12bc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
              12bc9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
+             12bc9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
              12bcd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
              12bcd      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
              12bcd     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -4693,6 +4859,7 @@
              12c0a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
              12c0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_12BBB 
              12c0f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12b60 
+             12c0f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_12BBB 
              12c20     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r12 
              12c25     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbp 
              12c26     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
@@ -4746,18 +4913,24 @@
              12d0a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_124C0 
              12d0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
              12d0f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12d0f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
              12d12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12D31 
              12d12      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12d12      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_12D31 
              12d14      4 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
              12d14      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r12] 
              12d18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
              12d18      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12d18      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
              12d1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12D22 
              12d1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12d1b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_12D22 
              12d1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
              12d1d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12d1d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
              12d20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12D58 
              12d20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12d20      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_12D58 
              12d22      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
              12d22      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
              12d25      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
@@ -4767,8 +4940,10 @@
              12d28      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
              12d2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              12d2d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12d2d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
              12d2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_12D58 
              12d2f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12d2f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_12D58 
              12d31      7 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
              12d31      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_3; "GVC_IS_MIXER_CARD (card)" 
              12d38      7 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
@@ -4793,8 +4968,10 @@
              12d58      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [r12+18h] 
              12d5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax+38h], 0 
              12d5d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12d5d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax+38h], 0 
              12d62     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_12E0A 
              12d62      6 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12d62      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_12E0A 
              12d68      4 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
              12d68      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+20h] 
              12d6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -4824,16 +5001,21 @@
              12d99      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+30h], 0 
              12da1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
              12da1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12da1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
              12da4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_12DBE 
              12da4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12da4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_12DBE 
              12da6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_12DE4 
              12da6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12da6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_12DE4 
              12db0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
              12db0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
              12db4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
              12db4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12db4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
              12db7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12DE4 
              12db7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12db7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_12DE4 
              12db9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
              12db9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [r12+18h] 
              12dbe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
@@ -4847,8 +5029,10 @@
              12dc9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
              12dce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              12dce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12dce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
              12dd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_12DB0 
              12dd0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12dd0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_12DB0 
              12dd2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
              12dd2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [r12+18h] 
              12dd7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
@@ -4898,6 +5082,7 @@
              12e24     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
              12e26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_12D4D 
              12e26      5 INSTR BELONGTO 12d00 
+             12e26      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_12D4D 
              12e30      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
              12e30      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
              12e30      1 INSTR BELONGTO 12e30 
@@ -5222,18 +5407,24 @@
              132dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_124C0 
              132e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
              132e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             132e1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
              132e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13302 
              132e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             132e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_13302 
              132e6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
              132e6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
              132e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
              132e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             132e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
              132ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_132F3 
              132ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             132ec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_132F3 
              132ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
              132ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             132ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
              132f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13328 
              132f1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             132f1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_13328 
              132f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
              132f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
              132f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
@@ -5243,8 +5434,10 @@
              132f9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
              132fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              132fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             132fe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
              13300     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_13328 
              13300      2 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             13300      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_13328 
              13302      7 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
              13302      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_3; "GVC_IS_MIXER_CARD (card)" 
              13309      7 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
@@ -5256,6 +5449,7 @@
              13317      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
              1331c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              1331c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             1331c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              13320      2 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
              13320      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
              13320     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -5269,8 +5463,10 @@
              13328      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+18h] 
              1332c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx+38h], 0 
              1332c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             1332c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx+38h], 0 
              13331     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13360 
              13331      2 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             13331      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_13360 
              13333      7 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
              13333      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aCardPrivProf_0; "card->priv->profiles == NULL" 
              1333a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
@@ -5282,6 +5478,7 @@
              13348      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
              1334d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              1334d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             1334d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              13351      2 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
              13351      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
              13351     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -5303,6 +5500,7 @@
              1336f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+38h], rax 
              13373     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              13373      4 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
+             13373      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              13377     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
              13377      5 INSTR BELONGTO 132d0 
              13377      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -5371,6 +5569,7 @@
              133cd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
              133d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
              133d0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 13380 
+             133d0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
              133d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
              133d4     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
              133d4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 13380 
@@ -5443,6 +5642,7 @@
              1344b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     [rax+90h], rdx 
              13452     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              13452      4 INSTR BELONGTO 133e0 
+             13452      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              13456      1 INSTR BELONGTO 133e0 
              13456      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
              13456      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -5540,16 +5740,19 @@
              13651      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
              13655     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
              13655      3 INSTR BELONGTO 13650 
+             13655      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
              13658      7 INSTR BELONGTO 13650 
              13658      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D1F0 
              1365f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
              1365f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 13650 
+             1365f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
              13662     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13678 
              13662      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13650 
              13664      7 INSTR BELONGTO 13650 
              13664      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D1F0 
              1366b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
              1366b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 13650 
+             1366b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
              1366f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
              1366f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 13650 
              1366f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -5562,6 +5765,7 @@
              1367f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
              13684     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              13684      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13650 
+             13684      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              13686     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13664 
              13686      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13650 
              13688      7 INSTR BELONGTO 13650 
@@ -5605,6 +5809,7 @@
              136d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
              136d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_13664 
              136d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13650 
+             136d6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_13664 
              136e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
              136e3     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
              136e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13760 
@@ -5723,6 +5928,7 @@
              1382c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
              1382f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
              1382f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 137c0 
+             1382f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
              13833     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
              13833     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
              13833      5 INSTR BELONGTO 137c0 
@@ -5795,6 +6001,7 @@
              138ab      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     [rax+98h], rdx 
              138b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              138b2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 13840 
+             138b2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              138b6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 13840 
              138b6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
              138b6      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -5892,16 +6099,19 @@
              13ab1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
              13ab5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
              13ab5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 13ab0 
+             13ab5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
              13ab8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 13ab0 
              13ab8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D200 
              13abf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
              13abf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 13ab0 
+             13abf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
              13ac2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13AD8 
              13ac2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13ab0 
              13ac4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 13ab0 
              13ac4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D200 
              13acb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
              13acb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 13ab0 
+             13acb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
              13acf     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
              13acf      1 INSTR BELONGTO 13ab0 
              13acf      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -5914,6 +6124,7 @@
              13adf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
              13ae4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              13ae4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13ab0 
+             13ae4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              13ae6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13AC4 
              13ae6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13ab0 
              13ae8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 13ab0 
@@ -5957,6 +6168,7 @@
              13b31      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
              13b36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_13AC4 
              13b36      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13ab0 
+             13b36      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_13AC4 
              13b40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
              13b43     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
              13b47     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13BC0 
@@ -6075,6 +6287,7 @@
              13c8c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
              13c8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
              13c8f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 13c20 
+             13c8f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
              13c93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
              13c93     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
              13c93      5 INSTR BELONGTO 13c20 
@@ -6142,6 +6355,7 @@
              13cfd      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     [rax+90h], rdx 
              13d04     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              13d04      4 INSTR BELONGTO 13ca0 
+             13d04      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              13d08      1 INSTR BELONGTO 13ca0 
              13d08      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
              13d08      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -6209,16 +6423,19 @@
              13e31      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
              13e35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
              13e35      3 INSTR BELONGTO 13e30 
+             13e35      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
              13e38      7 INSTR BELONGTO 13e30 
              13e38      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D210 
              13e3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
              13e3f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 13e30 
+             13e3f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
              13e42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13E58 
              13e42      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13e30 
              13e44      7 INSTR BELONGTO 13e30 
              13e44      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D210 
              13e4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
              13e4b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 13e30 
+             13e4b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
              13e4f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
              13e4f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 13e30 
              13e4f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -6231,6 +6448,7 @@
              13e5f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
              13e64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              13e64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13e30 
+             13e64      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              13e66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13E44 
              13e66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13e30 
              13e68      7 INSTR BELONGTO 13e30 
@@ -6274,6 +6492,7 @@
              13eb1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
              13eb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_13E44 
              13eb6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 13e30 
+             13eb6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_13E44 
              13ec0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
              13ec3     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
              13ec7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_13F40 
@@ -6392,6 +6611,7 @@
              1400c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
              1400f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
              1400f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 13fa0 
+             1400f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
              14013     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
              14013     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
              14013      5 INSTR BELONGTO 13fa0 
@@ -6461,6 +6681,7 @@
              1409d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     [rax+90h], rdx 
              140a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              140a4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14040 
+             140a4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              140a8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 14040 
              140a8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
              140a8      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -6483,16 +6704,19 @@
              140b1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
              140b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
              140b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 140b0 
+             140b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
              140b8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 140b0 
              140b8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D220 
              140bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
              140bf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 140b0 
+             140bf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
              140c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_140D8 
              140c2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 140b0 
              140c4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 140b0 
              140c4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D220 
              140cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
              140cb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 140b0 
+             140cb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
              140cf     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
              140cf      1 INSTR BELONGTO 140b0 
              140cf      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -6505,6 +6729,7 @@
              140df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
              140e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              140e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 140b0 
+             140e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              140e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_140C4 
              140e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 140b0 
              140e8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 140b0 
@@ -6548,6 +6773,7 @@
              14131      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
              14136     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_140C4 
              14136      2 INSTR BELONGTO 140b0 
+             14136      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_140C4 
              14140     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
              14143     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
              14147     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_141C0 
@@ -6666,6 +6892,7 @@
              1428c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
              1428f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
              1428f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14220 
+             1428f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
              14293     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
              14293     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
              14293      5 INSTR BELONGTO 14220 
@@ -6763,6 +6990,7 @@
              1433b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_class_install_property 
              14340     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              14340      4 INSTR BELONGTO 142a0 
+             14340      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              14344      3 INSTR BELONGTO 142a0 
              14344      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
              14344      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbx
@@ -6831,16 +7059,19 @@
              14481      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
              14485     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
              14485      3 INSTR BELONGTO 14480 
+             14485      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
              14488      7 INSTR BELONGTO 14480 
              14488      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D230 
              1448f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
              1448f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 14480 
+             1448f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
              14492     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_144A8 
              14492      2 INSTR BELONGTO 14480 
              14494      7 INSTR BELONGTO 14480 
              14494      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D230 
              1449b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
              1449b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14480 
+             1449b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
              1449f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
              1449f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 14480 
              1449f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -6853,6 +7084,7 @@
              144af      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
              144b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
              144b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 14480 
+             144b4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
              144b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_14494 
              144b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 14480 
              144b8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 14480 
@@ -6896,6 +7128,7 @@
              14501      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
              14506     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_14494 
              14506      2 INSTR BELONGTO 14480 
+             14506      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_14494 
              14510      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], rbx
              14515      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -8 displ mov     [rsp-8], rbp
              14523     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_9D00 
@@ -7129,6 +7362,7 @@
              1497e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
              14981     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
              14981      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14900 
+             14981      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
              14985     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
              14985     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
              14985      5 INSTR BELONGTO 14900 
@@ -7178,8 +7412,10 @@
              149d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
              149d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
              149d5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 14990 
+             149d5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
              149d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_149F6 
              149d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 14990 
+             149d8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_149F6 
              149da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 14990 
              149da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
              149da     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -7193,10 +7429,13 @@
              149e6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
              149e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
              149e9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14990 
+             149e9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
              149ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
              149ed      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14990 
+             149ed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
              149f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
              149f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 14990 
+             149f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
              149f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_149E0 
              149f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 14990 
              149f6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 14990 
@@ -7219,6 +7458,7 @@
              14a0f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
              14a14     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
              14a14      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14990 
+             14a14      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
              14a18      1 INSTR BELONGTO 14990 
              14a18      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
              14a18     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -7250,24 +7490,30 @@
              14a39      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21C418 
              14a40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
              14a40      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14a30 
+             14a40      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
              14a44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_14A5F 
              14a44      2 INSTR BELONGTO 14a30 
+             14a44      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_14A5F 
              14a46      7 INSTR BELONGTO 14a30 
              14a46      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ lea     rbx, qword_21C418 
              14a4d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 14a30 
              14a50     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
              14a50      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14a30 
+             14a50      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
              14a54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_21C418 
              14a54      2 INSTR BELONGTO 14a30 
+             14a54      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_21C418 
              14a56     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
              14a56      3 INSTR BELONGTO 14a30 
              14a56      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
              14a59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
              14a59      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14a30 
+             14a59      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
              14a5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_14A50 
              14a5d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 14a30 
              14a5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              14a5f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14a30 
+             14a5f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              14a63      1 INSTR BELONGTO 14a30 
              14a63      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
              14a63      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -7287,6 +7533,7 @@
              14a6c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_6D80 
              14a71     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
              14a71      4 INSTR BELONGTO 14a68 
+             14a71      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
              14a75      1 INSTR BELONGTO 14a68 
              14a75      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
              14a75      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -7308,6 +7555,7 @@
               596e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_14A30 
               5973     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               5973      4 INSTR BELONGTO 5960 
+              5973      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               5977      1 INSTR BELONGTO 5960 
               5977      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
               5977      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -9025,15 +9273,19 @@
               6bd4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_28]
               6bd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               6bd9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6bd9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               6bdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_6CE7 
               6bdc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6bdc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jnz     loc_6CE7 
               6be2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, cs:dword_21D170 
               6be2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
               6be2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, cs:dword_21D170 
               6be8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
               6be8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6be8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
               6bea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_6D0F 
               6bea      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6bea      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_6D0F 
               6bf0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:dword_21D174 
               6bf0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
               6bf0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_21D174 
@@ -9048,6 +9300,7 @@
               6bfd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_21D174 
               6c03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               6c03      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6c03      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               6c05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_6C55 
               6c05      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
               6c07     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_icon_theme_get_default 
@@ -9075,6 +9328,7 @@
               6c2b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_main 
               6c30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               6c30      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6c30      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               6c33     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_6C3D 
               6c33      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
               6c35      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
@@ -9087,6 +9341,7 @@
               6c3d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
               6c3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               6c3f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6c3f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               6c42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_6C4C 
               6c42      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
               6c44      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
@@ -9096,6 +9351,7 @@
               6c47      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
               6c4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               6c4c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6c4c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               6c50      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
               6c50      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
               6c50     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -9132,8 +9388,10 @@
               6c79      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_application_register 
               6c7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               6c7e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6c7e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               6c80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_6CB0 
               6c80      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6c80      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_6CB0 
               6c82      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
               6c82      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
               6c85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_application_get_is_remote 
@@ -9141,6 +9399,7 @@
               6c85      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_application_get_is_remote 
               6c8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               6c8a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6c8a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               6c8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_6C07 
               6c8c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
               6c92      7 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
@@ -9161,6 +9420,7 @@
               6ca9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
               6cae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_6C4C 
               6cae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6cae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_6C4C 
               6cb0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
               6cb0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
               6cb0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_20] 
@@ -9191,6 +9451,7 @@
               6cdd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
               6ce2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_6C4C 
               6ce2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
+              6ce2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     loc_6C4C 
               6ce7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
               6ce7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
               6ceb      7 INSTR BELONGTO 6b50 
@@ -9267,12 +9528,15 @@
               6d68      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
               6d6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               6d6f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6d64 
+              6d6f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               6d72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_6D76 
               6d72      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6d64 
               6d74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
               6d74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6d64 
+              6d74      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
               6d76     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               6d76      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6d64 
+              6d76      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               6d7a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 6d64 
               6d7a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               6d7a     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -9285,6 +9549,7 @@
               6d80     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbp 
               6d81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_21D140, 0 
               6d81      7 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
+              6d81      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_21D140, 0 
               6d88      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
               6d8b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
               6d8b     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r12 
@@ -9295,6 +9560,7 @@
               6d8e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
               6d90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__cxa_finalize_ptr_0, 0 
               6d90      8 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
+              6d90      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:__cxa_finalize_ptr_0, 0 
               6d98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_6DA6 
               6d98      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
               6d9a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
@@ -9318,19 +9584,23 @@
               6dc2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
               6dc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
               6dc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
+              6dc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
               6dc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_6DEB 
               6dc9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
               6dcb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
               6dd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
               6dd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
+              6dd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
               6dd4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
               6dd4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_21D148, rax 
               6ddb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rax*8] 
               6ddb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
+              6ddb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rax*8] 
               6ddf      7 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
               6ddf      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D148 
               6de6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
               6de6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
+              6de6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
               6de9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_6DD0 
               6de9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
               6deb      7 INSTR BELONGTO 6d80 
@@ -9399,6 +9669,7 @@
               6e59      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+8] 
               6e5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               6e5d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6e5d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               6e60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_7080 
               6e60      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6e66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_9970 
@@ -9436,6 +9707,7 @@
               6e98      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9CA0 
               6e9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
               6e9d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6e9d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R12 R15 ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
               6e9f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r15d, eax 
               6e9f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6e9f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX R12 R15 ZZ mov     r15d, eax 
@@ -9444,6 +9716,7 @@
               6ea2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX R12 ZZ setnz   r14b 
               6ea6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_6F68 
               6ea6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6ea6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX R12 ZZ jz      loc_6F68 
               6eac      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6eac      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R12 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+20h] 
               6eb0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r12d, r12d 
@@ -9451,6 +9724,7 @@
               6eb0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
               6eb3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx+20h], r12d 
               6eb3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6eb3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx+20h], r12d 
               6eb7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_6F97 
               6eb7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6ebd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
@@ -9461,6 +9735,7 @@
               6ec2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_status_icon_get_type 
               6ec7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14b, r14b 
               6ec7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6ec7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    r14b, r14b 
               6eca      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6eca      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
               6ecd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
@@ -9468,10 +9743,13 @@
               6ecd      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+58h+var_50]
               6ed2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_6FD7 
               6ed2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6ed2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_6FD7 
               6ed8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
               6ed8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6ed8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
               6edb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_7020 
               6edb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6edb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_7020 
               6ee1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6ee1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rdi, [rdx+8] 
               6ee5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_9EC0 
@@ -9479,6 +9757,7 @@
               6ee5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    sub_9EC0 
               6eea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, r13 
               6eea      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6eea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, r13 
               6eef     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rdx, [rbx+20h] 
               6eef      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6eef      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+20h] 
@@ -9494,12 +9773,16 @@
               6f01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
               6f06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm0, cs:dword_14F90 
               6f06      8 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6f06      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mulss   xmm0, cs:dword_14F90 
               6f0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm0, cs:dword_14F94 
               6f0e      8 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6f0e      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mulss   xmm0, cs:dword_14F94 
               6f16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
               6f16      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6f16      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
               6f19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
               6f19      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6f19      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
               6f1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup_printf 
               6f1c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6f1c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _g_strdup_printf 
@@ -9541,13 +9824,16 @@
               6f56      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     r15, [rsp+58h+var_8]
               6f5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
               6f5b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6f5b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
               6f5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
               6f5f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6f5f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     _g_free 
               6f68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
               6f68      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6f68      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R12 ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
               6f6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_6EAC 
               6f6b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6f6b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX R12 ZZ jz      loc_6EAC 
               6f71     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [r13+r13*2+0] 
               6f71      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6f71      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX R12 ZZ lea     eax, [r13+r13*2+0] 
@@ -9564,10 +9850,12 @@
               6f83      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 1 
               6f86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
               6f86      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6f86      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
               6f89     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cmovbe  r12d, eax 
               6f89      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6f8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx+20h], r12d 
               6f8d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6f8d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx+20h], r12d 
               6f91     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_6EBD 
               6f91      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6f97     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rdx] 
@@ -9605,10 +9893,12 @@
               6fc6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+20h] 
               6fca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14b, r14b 
               6fca      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6fca      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r14b, r14b 
               6fcd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6fcd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rdx+20h], r12d 
               6fd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_6ED8 
               6fd1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              6fd1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_6ED8 
               6fd7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               6fd7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rdi, [rdx+8] 
               6fdb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_9EC0 
@@ -9650,6 +9940,7 @@
               7012      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
               7015     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_6F24 
               7015      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              7015      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_6F24 
               7020     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, [rsp+58h+var_48] 
               7020      6 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               7020      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+58h+var_48] 
@@ -9657,6 +9948,7 @@
               7026      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rdx+8] 
               702a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, cs:qword_14F88 
               702a      8 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              702a      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm0, cs:qword_14F88 
               7032     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_70A8 
               7032      2 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               7034     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_9EC0 
@@ -9664,6 +9956,7 @@
               7034      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    sub_9EC0 
               7039     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, r13 
               7039      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              7039      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, r13 
               703e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rdx, [rbx+20h] 
               703e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               703e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+20h] 
@@ -9679,12 +9972,16 @@
               7050      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
               7055     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm0, cs:dword_14F90 
               7055      8 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              7055      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mulss   xmm0, cs:dword_14F90 
               705d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm0, cs:dword_14F94 
               705d      8 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              705d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mulss   xmm0, cs:dword_14F94 
               7065     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
               7065      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              7065      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
               7068     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
               7068      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              7068      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
               706b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup_printf 
               706b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               706b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _g_strdup_printf 
@@ -9692,6 +9989,7 @@
               7070      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
               7073     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_6F24 
               7073      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              7073      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_6F24 
               7080      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               7080      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+58h+var_30] 
               7080      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+58h+var_30]
@@ -9712,6 +10010,7 @@
               7099      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     r15, [rsp+58h+var_8]
               709e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
               709e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              709e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
               70a2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               70a2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ retn 
               70a2     88 DEALLOC STACK esp - 88 retn
@@ -9720,6 +10019,7 @@
               70a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_9EC0 
               70ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm2, r13 
               70ad      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              70ad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm2, r13 
               70b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rdx, [rbx+20h] 
               70b2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               70b2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+20h] 
@@ -9738,12 +10038,16 @@
               70ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, 2 
               70cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm2, cs:dword_14F90 
               70cf      8 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              70cf      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mulss   xmm2, cs:dword_14F90 
               70d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulss   xmm2, cs:dword_14F94 
               70d7      8 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              70d7      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mulss   xmm2, cs:dword_14F94 
               70df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
               70df      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              70df      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ unpcklps xmm2, xmm2 
               70e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm2, xmm2 
               70e2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              70e2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm2, xmm2 
               70e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
               70e5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
               70e5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
@@ -9754,6 +10058,7 @@
               70ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
               70f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_6F24 
               70f1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 6e30 
+              70f1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_6F24 
               7100      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 4 6 0 16 7 0 16 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               7100      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               7100      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7100 
@@ -9772,6 +10077,7 @@
               7105      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               7109     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               7109      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7100 
+              7109      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               710c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_71B0 
               710c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 7100 
               7112     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_adjustment_get_type 
@@ -9822,6 +10128,7 @@
               715b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
               715e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
               715e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 7100 
+              715e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
               7163     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
               7163      5 INSTR BELONGTO 7100 
               7163      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
@@ -9861,6 +10168,7 @@
               719a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+30h], 0 
               71a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               71a1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7100 
+              71a1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               71a5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7100 
               71a5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
               71a6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7100 
@@ -9869,6 +10177,7 @@
               71a7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ retn 
               71b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               71b0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7100 
+              71b0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               71b4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 7100 
               71b4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     rdx, aIcon      ; "icon" 
               71b4      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 lea     rdx, aIcon      ; "icon"
@@ -10066,6 +10375,7 @@
               7305      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_class_install_property 
               730a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               730a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7210 
+              730a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               730e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7210 
               730e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
               730e      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -10124,6 +10434,7 @@
               734e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9C40 
               7353     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, ebx 
               7353      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7320 
+              7353      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, ebx 
               7355     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7380 
               7355      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7320 
               7357      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7320 
@@ -10145,6 +10456,7 @@
               736c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+8] 
               7370     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               7370      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7320 
+              7370      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               7374      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7320 
               7374      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               7375      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7320 
@@ -10154,6 +10466,7 @@
               7376      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     sub_B1C0 
               7380     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               7380      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7320 
+              7380      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               7384      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7320 
               7384      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               7384      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -10204,6 +10517,7 @@
               73c5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               73c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               73c8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7390 
+              73c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               73cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_11110 
               73cc     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     sub_11110
               73cc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 7390 
@@ -10227,6 +10541,7 @@
               73eb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
               73f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               73f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 73e0 
+              73f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               73f4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 73e0 
               73f4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               73f4      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -10376,6 +10691,7 @@
               76c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               76cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               76cb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7690 
+              76cb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               76cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7690 
               76cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, ebx 
               76cf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, ebx 
@@ -10406,6 +10722,7 @@
               76e8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     eax, [rax+30h] 
               76eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               76eb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 76e0 
+              76eb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               76ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_76F8 
               76ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 76e0 
               76ef      1 INSTR BELONGTO 76e0 
@@ -10421,6 +10738,7 @@
               7700      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _round 
               7705     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si rsi, xmm0 
               7705      5 INSTR BELONGTO 76e0 
+              7705      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ cvttsd2si rsi, xmm0 
               770a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 76e0 
               770a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+20h] 
               770e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 76e0 
@@ -10430,8 +10748,10 @@
               7712      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_9A50 
               7717     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               7717      2 INSTR BELONGTO 76e0 
+              7717      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    eax, eax 
               7719     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_76EF 
               7719      2 INSTR BELONGTO 76e0 
+              7719      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      short loc_76EF 
               771b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 76e0 
               771b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+20h] 
               771f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 76e0 
@@ -10456,10 +10776,12 @@
               773a      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               773e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsi+1Ch], 0FF1Bh 
               773e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 7730 
+              773e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsi+1Ch], 0FF1Bh 
               7745      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7730 
               7745      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rdx 
               7748     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7760 
               7748      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7730 
+              7748      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_7760 
               774a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
               774a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 7730 
               774a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -10471,6 +10793,7 @@
               7754      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               7759     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               7759      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7730 
+              7759      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               775d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7730 
               775d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               775d     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -10515,6 +10838,7 @@
               7799      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_hide 
               779e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_774A 
               779e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7730 
+              779e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_774A 
               77a0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbx
               77a5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], rbp
               77aa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -10570,6 +10894,7 @@
               784d      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     edx, [rsp+18h+var_C]
               7851     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
               7851      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7830 
+              7851      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
               7853     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_7867 
               7853      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7830 
               7855      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7830 
@@ -10578,6 +10903,7 @@
               7859      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+10h] 
               785d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               785d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7830 
+              785d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               7860     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7867 
               7860      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7830 
               7862     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_hide 
@@ -10585,6 +10911,7 @@
               7862      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_hide 
               7867     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               7867      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7830 
+              7867      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               786b     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
               786b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7830 
               786b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -10708,16 +11035,19 @@
               7b31      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               7b35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               7b35      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7b30 
+              7b35      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               7b38      7 INSTR BELONGTO 7b30 
               7b38      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D150 
               7b3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               7b3f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 7b30 
+              7b3f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               7b42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7B58 
               7b42      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7b30 
               7b44      7 INSTR BELONGTO 7b30 
               7b44      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D150 
               7b4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               7b4b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 7b30 
+              7b4b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               7b4f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
               7b4f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 7b30 
               7b4f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -10730,6 +11060,7 @@
               7b5f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               7b64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               7b64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7b30 
+              7b64      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               7b66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_7B44 
               7b66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7b30 
               7b68      7 INSTR BELONGTO 7b30 
@@ -10773,6 +11104,7 @@
               7bb1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               7bb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_7B44 
               7bb6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 7b30 
+              7bb6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_7B44 
               7bc0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], rbx
               7bc5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbp
               7bcd      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], r12
@@ -11126,8 +11458,10 @@
               8264      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               8269     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               8269      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8240 
+              8269      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               826c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_82C8 
               826c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8240 
+              826c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_82C8 
               826e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8240 
               826e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+20h] 
               8272      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8240 
@@ -11172,6 +11506,7 @@
               82b6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               82b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               82b9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8240 
+              82b9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               82bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_notify 
               82bd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8240 
               82bd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_object_notify 
@@ -11192,6 +11527,7 @@
               82e4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ lea     rdi, aSoundCcPanel; "sound-cc-panel" 
               82eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               82eb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8240 
+              82eb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               82ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               82ef     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning
               82ef      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8240 
@@ -11227,12 +11563,16 @@
               8317      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               831c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               831c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
+              831c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               831f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_8480 
               831f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
+              831f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_8480 
               8325     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               8325      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
+              8325      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               8328     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8332 
               8328      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
+              8328      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8332 
               832a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
               832a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
               832d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_ref 
@@ -11244,6 +11584,7 @@
               8336      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+8] 
               833a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               833a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
+              833a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               833d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8398 
               833d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
               833f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     r9, sub_71F0 
@@ -11305,10 +11646,12 @@
               8390      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+8], 0 
               8398     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               8398      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
+              8398      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               839b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
               839b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rax+8], rbp 
               839f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_8456 
               839f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
+              839f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_8456 
               83a5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
               83a5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
               83a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_ref 
@@ -11364,6 +11707,7 @@
               83fa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
               83fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
               83fd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
+              83fd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
               8402     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
               8402      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
               8402      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
@@ -11424,6 +11768,7 @@
               8466      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               846b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               846b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
+              846b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               846f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
               846f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     rsi, aMixerStream_0; "mixer-stream" 
               8476      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
@@ -11437,6 +11782,7 @@
               847b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     _g_object_notify 
               8480     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               8480      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
+              8480      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               8484     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 lea     rdx, aGvc_stream_s_1; "GVC_STREAM_STATUS_ICON (icon)"
               8484      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8300 
               8484      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_stream_s_1; "GVC_STREAM_STATUS_ICON (icon)" 
@@ -11560,6 +11906,7 @@
               864f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               8652     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               8652      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8600 
+              8652      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               8656     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               8656     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
               8656      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8600 
@@ -11613,6 +11960,7 @@
               8694     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
               8696     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               8696      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              8696      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               8699      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
               8699      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               869c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnz   sil 
@@ -11638,26 +11986,33 @@
               86bf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_F480 
               86c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               86c4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              86c4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
               86c7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r13, rax 
               86c7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
               86c7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
               86ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_8750 
               86ca      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              86ca      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_8750 
               86d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               86d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              86d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               86d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8750 
               86d3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              86d3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8750 
               86d5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbx, rax 
               86d5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
               86d5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
               86d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_86E9 
               86d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              86d8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_86E9 
               86e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
               86e0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
               86e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               86e4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              86e4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               86e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8724 
               86e7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              86e7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8724 
               86e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
               86e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
               86ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_A280 
@@ -11665,11 +12020,13 @@
               86ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_A280 
               86f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               86f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              86f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               86f4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbp, rax 
               86f4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
               86f4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
               86f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_871F 
               86f7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              86f7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_871F 
               86f9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
               86f9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, aOrg_gnome_vo_0; "org.gnome.VolumeControl" 
               8700     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, rax 
@@ -11680,8 +12037,10 @@
               8703      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
               8708     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8708      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              8708      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               870a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_86E0 
               870a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              870a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_86E0 
               870c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
               870c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, aOrg_pulseaudio; "org.PulseAudio.pavucontrol" 
               8713     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, rbp 
@@ -11692,8 +12051,10 @@
               8716      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
               871b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               871b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              871b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               871d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_86E0 
               871d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              871d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_86E0 
               871f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
               871f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
               871f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
@@ -11735,6 +12096,7 @@
               8750     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
               8752     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8724 
               8752      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8660 
+              8752      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_8724 
               8760      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               8760      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               8760      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8760 
@@ -11855,8 +12217,10 @@
               883c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_EFB0 
               8841     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               8841      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8830 
+              8841      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               8844     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8860 
               8844      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8830 
+              8844      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8860 
               8846      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8830 
               8846      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
               884a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8830 
@@ -11947,16 +12311,19 @@
               88f0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               88f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               88f4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 88f0 
+              88f4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               88f7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 88f0 
               88f7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D160 
               88fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               88fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 88f0 
+              88fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               8901     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8910 
               8901      2 INSTR BELONGTO 88f0 
               8903      7 INSTR BELONGTO 88f0 
               8903      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D160 
               890a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               890a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 88f0 
+              890a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               890e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 88f0 
               890e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               890e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -11967,6 +12334,7 @@
               8917      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               891c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               891c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 88f0 
+              891c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               891e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8903 
               891e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 88f0 
               8920      7 INSTR BELONGTO 88f0 
@@ -12006,6 +12374,7 @@
               8963      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               8968     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8903 
               8968      2 INSTR BELONGTO 88f0 
+              8968      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_8903 
               8970     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r12 
               8975     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbp 
               8978     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 50h 
@@ -12143,18 +12512,24 @@
               8cb4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_88F0 
               8cb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               8cb9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
+              8cb9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               8cbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8CDA 
               8cbc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
+              8cbc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8CDA 
               8cbe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
               8cbe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               8cc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               8cc1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
+              8cc1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               8cc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8CCB 
               8cc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
+              8cc4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8CCB 
               8cc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               8cc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
+              8cc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               8cc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8CF8 
               8cc9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
+              8cc9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_8CF8 
               8ccb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
               8ccb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               8cce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
@@ -12164,8 +12539,10 @@
               8cd1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               8cd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               8cd6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
+              8cd6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               8cd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8CF8 
               8cd8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
+              8cd8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_8CF8 
               8cda      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
               8cda      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ pop     rbx 
               8cdb      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8cb0 
@@ -12239,6 +12616,7 @@
               8d70      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               8d70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
               8d70      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8d70 
+              8d70      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
               8d70     52 FUNC GLOBAL sub_8D70 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               8da3 
               8d70      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
               8d72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8D80 
@@ -12277,10 +12655,12 @@
               8db6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
               8db8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, ecx 
               8db8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8db0 
+              8db8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edx, ecx 
               8dba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_8DC6 
               8dba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8db0 
               8dbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, edx 
               8dbc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8db0 
+              8dbc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ecx, edx 
               8dbe     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sbb     eax, eax 
               8dbe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8db0 
               8dc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant and     eax, 2 
@@ -12532,6 +12912,7 @@
               8fb0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_class_install_property 
               8fb5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
               8fb5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8e20 
+              8fb5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
               8fb9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8e20 
               8fb9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ lea     rdx, aTheDecibelLeve; "The decibel level for this stream" 
               8fc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_15F08 
@@ -12843,6 +13224,7 @@
               922b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _g_object_class_install_property 
               9230     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               9230      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8e20 
+              9230      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               9234     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rdi, rbp
               9234      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8e20 
               9234      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
@@ -12866,16 +13248,19 @@
               9250      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               9254     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               9254      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9250 
+              9254      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               9257      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9250 
               9257      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D178 
               925e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               925e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9250 
+              925e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               9261     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9270 
               9261      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9250 
               9263      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9250 
               9263      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D178 
               926a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               926a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9250 
+              926a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               926e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 9250 
               926e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               926e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -12886,6 +13271,7 @@
               9277      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               927c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               927c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9250 
+              927c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               927e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9263 
               927e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9250 
               9280      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9250 
@@ -12925,6 +13311,7 @@
               92c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               92c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_9263 
               92c8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9250 
+              92c8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_9263 
               92d0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], rbx
               92d5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbp
               92dd      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], r12
@@ -13199,16 +13586,20 @@
               97f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               97f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               97f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 97f0 
+              97f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               97fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_981A 
               97fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 97f0 
+              97fc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_981A 
               97fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 97f0 
               97fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9801     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9801      3 INSTR BELONGTO 97f0 
+              9801      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9804     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_980B 
               9804      2 INSTR BELONGTO 97f0 
               9806     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9806      3 INSTR BELONGTO 97f0 
+              9806      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9809     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9840 
               9809      2 INSTR BELONGTO 97f0 
               980b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 97f0 
@@ -13220,6 +13611,7 @@
               9811      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9816     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9816      2 INSTR BELONGTO 97f0 
+              9816      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9818     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9840 
               9818      2 INSTR BELONGTO 97f0 
               981a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 97f0 
@@ -13261,16 +13653,20 @@
               9854      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9859     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9859      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9850 
+              9859      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               985c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_987A 
               985c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9850 
+              985c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_987A 
               985e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9850 
               985e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9861     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9861      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9850 
+              9861      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9864     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_986B 
               9864      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9850 
               9866     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9866      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9850 
+              9866      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9869     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_98A0 
               9869      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9850 
               986b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9850 
@@ -13282,6 +13678,7 @@
               9871      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9876     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9876      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9850 
+              9876      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9878     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_98A0 
               9878      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9850 
               987a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9850 
@@ -13324,16 +13721,20 @@
               98b4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               98b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               98b9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 98b0 
+              98b9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               98bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_98DA 
               98bc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 98b0 
+              98bc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_98DA 
               98be      3 INSTR BELONGTO 98b0 
               98be      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               98c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               98c1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 98b0 
+              98c1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               98c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_98CB 
               98c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 98b0 
               98c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               98c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 98b0 
+              98c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               98c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9900 
               98c9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 98b0 
               98cb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 98b0 
@@ -13345,6 +13746,7 @@
               98d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               98d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               98d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 98b0 
+              98d6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               98d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9900 
               98d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 98b0 
               98da      7 INSTR BELONGTO 98b0 
@@ -13385,16 +13787,20 @@
               9914      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9919     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9919      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9910 
+              9919      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               991c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_993A 
               991c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9910 
+              991c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_993A 
               991e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9910 
               991e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9921     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9921      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9910 
+              9921      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9924     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_992B 
               9924      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9910 
               9926     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9926      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9910 
+              9926      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9929     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9960 
               9929      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9910 
               992b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9910 
@@ -13406,6 +13812,7 @@
               9931      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9936     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9936      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9910 
+              9936      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9938     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9960 
               9938      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9910 
               993a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9910 
@@ -13447,18 +13854,24 @@
               9974      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9979     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9979      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
+              9979      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               997c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_999A 
               997c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
+              997c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_999A 
               997e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
               997e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9981     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9981      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
+              9981      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9984     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_998B 
               9984      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
+              9984      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_998B 
               9986     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9986      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
+              9986      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9989     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_99C0 
               9989      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
+              9989      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_99C0 
               998b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
               998b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               998e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
@@ -13468,8 +13881,10 @@
               9991      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9996     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9996      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
+              9996      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9998     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_99C0 
               9998      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
+              9998      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_99C0 
               999a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
               999a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               99a1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
@@ -13495,10 +13910,12 @@
               99c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B6E0 
               99cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rax] 
               99cd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
+              99cd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rax] 
               99d1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
               99d1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               99d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si rax, xmm0 
               99d2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
+              99d2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvttsd2si rax, xmm0 
               99d7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 9970 
               99d7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
               99e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 96 1 0 0 2 0 96 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 1 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 1 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
@@ -13515,18 +13932,24 @@
               99e4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               99e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               99e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
+              99e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               99ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9A0A 
               99ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
+              99ec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_9A0A 
               99ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
               99ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               99f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               99f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
+              99f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               99f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_99FB 
               99f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
+              99f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_99FB 
               99f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               99f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
+              99f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               99f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9A30 
               99f9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
+              99f9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_9A30 
               99fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
               99fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               99fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
@@ -13536,8 +13959,10 @@
               9a01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9a06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9a06      2 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
+              9a06      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9a08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9A30 
               9a08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
+              9a08      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_9A30 
               9a0a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
               9a0a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM1 ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               9a11      7 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
@@ -13549,6 +13974,7 @@
               9a1f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               9a24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
               9a24      4 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
+              9a24      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM1 ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
               9a28      1 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
               9a28      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     rbx 
               9a29      1 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
@@ -13562,10 +13988,12 @@
               9a38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_B6E0 
               9a3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, qword ptr [rax] 
               9a3d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
+              9a3d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ movsd   xmm1, qword ptr [rax] 
               9a41      1 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
               9a41      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
               9a42     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si rdi, xmm1 
               9a42      5 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
+              9a42      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cvttsd2si rdi, xmm1 
               9a47     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _pa_sw_volume_to_dB 
               9a47      5 INSTR BELONGTO 99e0 
               9a47      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     _pa_sw_volume_to_dB 
@@ -13593,18 +14021,24 @@
               9a5e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9a63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9a63      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
+              9a63      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               9a66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9A84 
               9a66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
+              9a66      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_9A84 
               9a68      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
               9a68      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9a6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9a6b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
+              9a6b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9a6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9A75 
               9a6e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
+              9a6e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_9A75 
               9a70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9a70      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
+              9a70      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9a73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9AB0 
               9a73      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
+              9a73      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_9AB0 
               9a75      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
               9a75      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               9a78      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
@@ -13614,8 +14048,10 @@
               9a7b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9a80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9a80      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
+              9a80      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9a82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9AB0 
               9a82      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
+              9a82      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_9AB0 
               9a84      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
               9a84      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               9a8b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
@@ -13630,6 +14066,7 @@
               9a9e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
               9aa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 98h 
               9aa0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
+              9aa0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 98h 
               9aa7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
               9aa7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               9aa8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
@@ -13691,6 +14128,7 @@
               9af3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               9af5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
               9af5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
+              9af5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
               9af7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9AA0 
               9af7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
               9af9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
@@ -13720,6 +14158,7 @@
               9b20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_notify 
               9b25     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 98h 
               9b25      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
+              9b25      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 98h 
               9b2c    152 DEALLOC STACK esp - 152 mov     eax, 1
               9b2c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
               9b2c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 9a50 
@@ -13783,16 +14222,20 @@
               9c44      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9c49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9c49      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9c40 
+              9c49      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               9c4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9C6A 
               9c4c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9c40 
+              9c4c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_9C6A 
               9c4e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9c40 
               9c4e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9c51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9c51      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9c40 
+              9c51      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9c54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9C5B 
               9c54      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9c40 
               9c56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9c56      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9c40 
+              9c56      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9c59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9C90 
               9c59      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9c40 
               9c5b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9c40 
@@ -13804,6 +14247,7 @@
               9c61      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9c66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9c66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9c40 
+              9c66      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9c68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9C90 
               9c68      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9c40 
               9c6a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9c40 
@@ -13846,16 +14290,20 @@
               9ca4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9ca9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9ca9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9ca0 
+              9ca9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               9cac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9CCA 
               9cac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9ca0 
+              9cac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_9CCA 
               9cae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9ca0 
               9cae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9cb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9cb1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9ca0 
+              9cb1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9cb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9CBB 
               9cb4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9ca0 
               9cb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9cb6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9ca0 
+              9cb6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9cb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9CF0 
               9cb9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9ca0 
               9cbb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9ca0 
@@ -13867,6 +14315,7 @@
               9cc1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9cc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9cc6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9ca0 
+              9cc6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9cc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9CF0 
               9cc8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9ca0 
               9cca      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9ca0 
@@ -13921,16 +14370,20 @@
               9d18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9d1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9d1d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
+              9d1d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               9d20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9D3E 
               9d20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
+              9d20      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_9D3E 
               9d22      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
               9d22      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9d25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9d25      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
+              9d25      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9d28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9D2F 
               9d28      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
               9d2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9d2a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
+              9d2a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9d2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9D78 
               9d2d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
               9d2f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
@@ -13942,8 +14395,10 @@
               9d35      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9d3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9d3a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
+              9d3a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9d3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9D78 
               9d3c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
+              9d3c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ jnz     short loc_9D78 
               9d3e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
               9d3e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               9d45      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
@@ -13971,6 +14426,7 @@
               9d67      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               9d6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               9d6c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
+              9d6c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               9d70      1 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
               9d70      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               9d70     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -13981,6 +14437,7 @@
               9d7c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12d, 1 
               9d82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax+48h], ebp 
               9d82      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
+              9d82      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rax+48h], ebp 
               9d85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9D5B 
               9d85      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
               9d87      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
@@ -14002,6 +14459,7 @@
               9da1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_notify 
               9da6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_9D5B 
               9da6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9d00 
+              9da6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_9D5B 
               9db0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               9db0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               9db0    168 FUNC GLOBAL sub_9DB0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               9e57 
@@ -14028,16 +14486,20 @@
               9dc8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9dcd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9dcd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
+              9dcd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               9dd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9DEE 
               9dd0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
+              9dd0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_9DEE 
               9dd2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
               9dd2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9dd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9dd5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
+              9dd5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9dd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9DDF 
               9dd8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
               9dda     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9dda      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
+              9dda      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9ddd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9E28 
               9ddd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
               9ddf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
@@ -14049,8 +14511,10 @@
               9de5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9dea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9dea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
+              9dea      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9dec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9E28 
               9dec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
+              9dec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ jnz     short loc_9E28 
               9dee      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
               9dee      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               9df5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
@@ -14077,6 +14541,7 @@
               9e17      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               9e1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               9e1c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
+              9e1c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               9e20      1 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
               9e20      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               9e20     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -14087,6 +14552,7 @@
               9e2c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12d, 1 
               9e32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax+4Ch], ebp 
               9e32      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
+              9e32      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rax+4Ch], ebp 
               9e35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9E0B 
               9e35      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
               9e37      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
@@ -14108,6 +14574,7 @@
               9e51      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_notify 
               9e56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_9E0B 
               9e56      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9db0 
+              9e56      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_9E0B 
               9e60      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 -8 96 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               9e60      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               9e60      1 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
@@ -14122,16 +14589,20 @@
               9e64      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9e69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9e69      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
+              9e69      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               9e6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9E8A 
               9e6c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
+              9e6c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_9E8A 
               9e6e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
               9e6e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9e71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9e71      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
+              9e71      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9e74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9E7B 
               9e74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
               9e76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9e76      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
+              9e76      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9e79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9EB0 
               9e79      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
               9e7b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
@@ -14143,6 +14614,7 @@
               9e81      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9e86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9e86      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
+              9e86      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9e88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9EB0 
               9e88      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
               9e8a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9e60 
@@ -14184,16 +14656,20 @@
               9ec4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9ec9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9ec9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9ec0 
+              9ec9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               9ecc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9EEA 
               9ecc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9ec0 
+              9ecc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_9EEA 
               9ece      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9ec0 
               9ece      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9ed1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9ed1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9ec0 
+              9ed1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9ed4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9EDB 
               9ed4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9ec0 
               9ed6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9ed6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9ec0 
+              9ed6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9ed9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9F10 
               9ed9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9ec0 
               9edb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9ec0 
@@ -14205,6 +14681,7 @@
               9ee1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9ee6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9ee6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9ec0 
+              9ee6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9ee8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9F10 
               9ee8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9ec0 
               9eea      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9ec0 
@@ -14257,18 +14734,24 @@
               9f39      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9f3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9f3e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
+              9f3e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               9f41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9F5F 
               9f41      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
+              9f41      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_9F5F 
               9f43      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
               9f43      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               9f46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               9f46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
+              9f46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               9f49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9F50 
               9f49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
+              9f49      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_9F50 
               9f4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9f4b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
+              9f4b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               9f4e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_9F90 
               9f4e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
+              9f4e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_9F90 
               9f50      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
               9f50      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               9f53      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
@@ -14278,8 +14761,10 @@
               9f56      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               9f5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               9f5b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
+              9f5b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               9f5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_9F90 
               9f5d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
+              9f5d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_9F90 
               9f5f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
               9f5f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               9f66      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
@@ -14303,6 +14788,7 @@
               9f84      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               9f89     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               9f89      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
+              9f89      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               9f8d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
               9f8d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               9f8d     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -14342,6 +14828,7 @@
               9fca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
               9fcf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_9F7B 
               9fcf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9f20 
+              9fcf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_9F7B 
               9fe0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               9fe0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               9fe0    177 FUNC GLOBAL sub_9FE0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               a090 
@@ -14367,18 +14854,24 @@
               9ff9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               9ffe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               9ffe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
+              9ffe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               a001     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A01F 
               a001      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
+              a001      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A01F 
               a003      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
               a003      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               a006     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               a006      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
+              a006      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               a009     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A010 
               a009      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
+              a009      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A010 
               a00b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a00b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
+              a00b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a00e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A050 
               a00e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
+              a00e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A050 
               a010      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
               a010      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               a013      3 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
@@ -14388,8 +14881,10 @@
               a016      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               a01b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               a01b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
+              a01b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               a01d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_A050 
               a01d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
+              a01d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_A050 
               a01f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
               a01f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               a026      7 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
@@ -14413,6 +14908,7 @@
               a044      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               a049     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               a049      4 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
+              a049      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               a04d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
               a04d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               a04d     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -14452,6 +14948,7 @@
               a08a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
               a08f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_A03B 
               a08f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 9fe0 
+              a08f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_A03B 
               a0a0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
               a0a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_9250 
               a0a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
@@ -14489,18 +14986,24 @@
               a10b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               a110     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               a110      3 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
+              a110      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               a113     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A131 
               a113      2 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
+              a113      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A131 
               a115      3 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
               a115      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               a118     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               a118      3 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
+              a118      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               a11b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A122 
               a11b      2 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
+              a11b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A122 
               a11d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a11d      3 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
+              a11d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a120     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A158 
               a120      2 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
+              a120      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A158 
               a122      3 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
               a122      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               a125      3 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
@@ -14510,8 +15013,10 @@
               a128      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               a12d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               a12d      2 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
+              a12d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               a12f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_A158 
               a12f      2 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
+              a12f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_A158 
               a131      7 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
               a131      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               a138      7 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
@@ -14523,6 +15028,7 @@
               a146      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               a14b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               a14b      4 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
+              a14b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               a14f      2 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
               a14f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               a14f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -14553,6 +15059,7 @@
               a176      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_notify 
               a17b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               a17b      4 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
+              a17b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               a17f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
               a17f      5 INSTR BELONGTO a100 
               a17f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -14600,18 +15107,24 @@
               a1fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               a200     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               a200      3 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
+              a200      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               a203     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A221 
               a203      2 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
+              a203      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A221 
               a205      3 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
               a205      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               a208     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               a208      3 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
+              a208      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               a20b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A212 
               a20b      2 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
+              a20b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A212 
               a20d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a20d      3 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
+              a20d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a210     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A248 
               a210      2 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
+              a210      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A248 
               a212      3 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
               a212      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               a215      3 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
@@ -14621,8 +15134,10 @@
               a218      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               a21d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               a21d      2 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
+              a21d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               a21f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_A248 
               a21f      2 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
+              a21f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_A248 
               a221      7 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
               a221      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               a228      7 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
@@ -14634,6 +15149,7 @@
               a236      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               a23b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               a23b      4 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
+              a23b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               a23f      2 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
               a23f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               a23f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -14664,6 +15180,7 @@
               a266      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_notify 
               a26b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               a26b      4 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
+              a26b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               a26f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
               a26f      5 INSTR BELONGTO a1f0 
               a26f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -14688,16 +15205,20 @@
               a284      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               a289     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               a289      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a289      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               a28c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A2AA 
               a28c      2 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a28c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_A2AA 
               a28e      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a28e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               a291     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               a291      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a291      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               a294     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A29B 
               a294      2 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a296     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a296      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a296      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a299     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A2D0 
               a299      2 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a29b      3 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
@@ -14709,6 +15230,7 @@
               a2a1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               a2a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               a2a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
+              a2a6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               a2a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_A2D0 
               a2a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
               a2aa      7 INSTR BELONGTO a280 
@@ -14761,18 +15283,24 @@
               a2f9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               a2fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               a2fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
+              a2fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               a301     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A31F 
               a301      2 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
+              a301      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A31F 
               a303      3 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
               a303      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               a306     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               a306      3 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
+              a306      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               a309     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A310 
               a309      2 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
+              a309      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A310 
               a30b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a30b      3 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
+              a30b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a30e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A350 
               a30e      2 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
+              a30e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A350 
               a310      3 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
               a310      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               a313      3 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
@@ -14782,8 +15310,10 @@
               a316      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               a31b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               a31b      2 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
+              a31b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               a31d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_A350 
               a31d      2 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
+              a31d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_A350 
               a31f      7 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
               a31f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               a326      7 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
@@ -14807,6 +15337,7 @@
               a344      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               a349     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               a349      4 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
+              a349      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               a34d      1 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
               a34d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               a34d     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -14846,6 +15377,7 @@
               a38a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
               a38f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_A33B 
               a38f      2 INSTR BELONGTO a2e0 
+              a38f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_A33B 
               a3a0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
               a3a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_9250 
               a3a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
@@ -14913,18 +15445,24 @@
               a4e9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               a4ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               a4ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
+              a4ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               a4f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A50F 
               a4f1      2 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
+              a4f1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A50F 
               a4f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
               a4f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               a4f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               a4f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
+              a4f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               a4f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A500 
               a4f9      2 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
+              a4f9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A500 
               a4fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a4fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
+              a4fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a4fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A540 
               a4fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
+              a4fe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A540 
               a500      3 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
               a500      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               a503      3 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
@@ -14934,8 +15472,10 @@
               a506      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               a50b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               a50b      2 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
+              a50b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               a50d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_A540 
               a50d      2 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
+              a50d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_A540 
               a50f      7 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
               a50f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               a516      7 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
@@ -14959,6 +15499,7 @@
               a534      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               a539     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               a539      4 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
+              a539      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               a53d      1 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
               a53d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               a53d     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -14998,6 +15539,7 @@
               a57a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
               a57f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_A52B 
               a57f      2 INSTR BELONGTO a4d0 
+              a57f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_A52B 
               a590      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               a590      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               a590    177 FUNC GLOBAL sub_A590 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               a640 
@@ -15023,18 +15565,24 @@
               a5a9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               a5ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               a5ae      3 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
+              a5ae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               a5b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A5CF 
               a5b1      2 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
+              a5b1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A5CF 
               a5b3      3 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
               a5b3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               a5b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               a5b6      3 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
+              a5b6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               a5b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A5C0 
               a5b9      2 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
+              a5b9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A5C0 
               a5bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a5bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
+              a5bb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a5be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A600 
               a5be      2 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
+              a5be      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A600 
               a5c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
               a5c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               a5c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
@@ -15044,8 +15592,10 @@
               a5c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               a5cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               a5cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
+              a5cb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               a5cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_A600 
               a5cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
+              a5cd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_A600 
               a5cf      7 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
               a5cf      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               a5d6      7 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
@@ -15069,6 +15619,7 @@
               a5f4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               a5f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               a5f9      4 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
+              a5f9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               a5fd      1 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
               a5fd      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               a5fd     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -15108,6 +15659,7 @@
               a63a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
               a63f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_A5EB 
               a63f      2 INSTR BELONGTO a590 
+              a63f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_A5EB 
               a650     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
               a654     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_9250 
               a659     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
@@ -15144,16 +15696,20 @@
               a6c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               a6c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               a6c8      3 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
+              a6c8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               a6cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A6E9 
               a6cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
+              a6cb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_A6E9 
               a6cd      3 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
               a6cd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               a6d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               a6d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
+              a6d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               a6d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A6DA 
               a6d3      2 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
               a6d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a6d5      3 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
+              a6d5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a6d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A718 
               a6d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
               a6da      3 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
@@ -15165,6 +15721,7 @@
               a6e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               a6e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               a6e5      2 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
+              a6e5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               a6e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_A718 
               a6e7      2 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
               a6e9      7 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
@@ -15187,6 +15744,7 @@
               a70a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               a70f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               a70f      4 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
+              a70f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               a713      1 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
               a713      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               a718      4 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
@@ -15204,6 +15762,7 @@
               a729      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               a72e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               a72e      4 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
+              a72e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               a732      1 INSTR BELONGTO a6b0 
               a732      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               a732     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -15260,18 +15819,24 @@
               a82a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               a82f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
               a82f      3 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a82f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
               a832     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A851 
               a832      2 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a832      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A851 
               a834      4 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
               a834      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r12] 
               a838     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               a838      3 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a838      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               a83b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A842 
               a83b      2 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a83b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A842 
               a83d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a83d      3 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a83d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               a840     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A878 
               a840      2 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a840      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A878 
               a842      3 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
               a842      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               a845      3 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
@@ -15281,8 +15846,10 @@
               a848      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               a84d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               a84d      2 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a84d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               a84f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_A878 
               a84f      2 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a84f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_A878 
               a851      7 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
               a851      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               a858      7 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
@@ -15307,8 +15874,10 @@
               a878      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [r12+18h] 
               a87d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax+78h], 0 
               a87d      5 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a87d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax+78h], 0 
               a882     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_A92A 
               a882      6 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a882      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_A92A 
               a888      4 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
               a888      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+68h] 
               a88c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -15338,16 +15907,21 @@
               a8b9      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+70h], 0 
               a8c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               a8c1      3 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a8c1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               a8c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_A8DE 
               a8c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a8c4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_A8DE 
               a8c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_A904 
               a8c6      2 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a8c6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_A904 
               a8d0      4 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
               a8d0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
               a8d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               a8d4      3 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a8d4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               a8d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A904 
               a8d7      2 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a8d7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A904 
               a8d9      5 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
               a8d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [r12+18h] 
               a8de      3 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
@@ -15361,8 +15935,10 @@
               a8e9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
               a8ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               a8ee      2 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a8ee      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               a8f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_A8D0 
               a8f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a8f0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_A8D0 
               a8f2      5 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
               a8f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [r12+18h] 
               a8f7      4 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
@@ -15412,6 +15988,7 @@
               a944     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
               a946     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_A86D 
               a946      5 INSTR BELONGTO a820 
+              a946      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_A86D 
               a950      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -40 displ mov     [rsp-28h], rbx
               a955      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], rbp
               a95c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], r12
@@ -15651,18 +16228,24 @@
               af0c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               af11     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               af11      3 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af11      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               af14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_AF32 
               af14      2 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af14      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_AF32 
               af16      3 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
               af16      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               af19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               af19      3 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af19      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               af1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_AF23 
               af1c      2 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af1c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_AF23 
               af1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               af1e      3 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af1e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               af21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_AF58 
               af21      2 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af21      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_AF58 
               af23      3 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
               af23      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               af26      3 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
@@ -15672,8 +16255,10 @@
               af29      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               af2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               af2e      2 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af2e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               af30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_AF58 
               af30      2 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af30      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_AF58 
               af32      7 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
               af32      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               af39      7 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
@@ -15685,6 +16270,7 @@
               af47      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               af4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               af4c      4 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af4c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               af50      2 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
               af50      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               af50     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -15698,8 +16284,10 @@
               af58      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+18h] 
               af5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbx+78h], 0 
               af5c      5 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af5c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbx+78h], 0 
               af61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_AF90 
               af61      2 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af61      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_AF90 
               af63      7 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
               af63      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aStreamPrivPo_0; "stream->priv->ports == NULL" 
               af6a      7 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
@@ -15711,6 +16299,7 @@
               af78      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               af7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               af7d      4 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              af7d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               af81      2 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
               af81      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               af81     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -15732,6 +16321,7 @@
               af9f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+78h], rax 
               afa3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               afa3      4 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
+              afa3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               afa7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
               afa7      5 INSTR BELONGTO af00 
               afa7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -15779,18 +16369,24 @@
               b01b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               b020     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               b020      3 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
+              b020      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               b023     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B041 
               b023      2 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
+              b023      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B041 
               b025      3 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
               b025      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               b028     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               b028      3 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
+              b028      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               b02b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B032 
               b02b      2 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
+              b02b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B032 
               b02d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b02d      3 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
+              b02d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b030     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B068 
               b030      2 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
+              b030      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B068 
               b032      3 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
               b032      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               b035      3 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
@@ -15800,8 +16396,10 @@
               b038      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               b03d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b03d      2 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
+              b03d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b03f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B068 
               b03f      2 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
+              b03f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_B068 
               b041      7 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
               b041      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               b048      7 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
@@ -15813,6 +16411,7 @@
               b056      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               b05b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               b05b      4 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
+              b05b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               b05f      2 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
               b05f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               b05f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -15843,6 +16442,7 @@
               b086      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_notify 
               b08b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               b08b      4 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
+              b08b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               b08f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
               b08f      5 INSTR BELONGTO b010 
               b08f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
@@ -15871,16 +16471,20 @@
               b0a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9250 
               b0ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               b0ad      3 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b0ad      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               b0b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B0CE 
               b0b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b0b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_B0CE 
               b0b2      3 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
               b0b2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               b0b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               b0b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b0b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               b0b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B0BF 
               b0b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
               b0ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b0ba      3 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b0ba      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b0bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B0F0 
               b0bd      2 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
               b0bf      3 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
@@ -15892,8 +16496,10 @@
               b0c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               b0ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b0ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b0ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b0cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B0F0 
               b0cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b0cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_B0F0 
               b0ce      7 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
               b0ce      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_s; "GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (stream)" 
               b0d5      7 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
@@ -15908,6 +16514,7 @@
               b0e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
               b0ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
               b0ea      4 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b0ea      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
               b0ee      1 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
               b0ee      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               b0ef      1 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
@@ -15922,6 +16529,7 @@
               b0f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, [rdx+50h] 
               b0fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
               b0fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b0fc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
               b0fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B0EA 
               b0fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
               b100      4 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
@@ -15950,8 +16558,10 @@
               b12a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
               b12d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [rax+88h] 
               b12d      6 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b12d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [rax+88h] 
               b133     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b133      2 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b133      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b135     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B0EA 
               b135      2 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
               b137      4 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
@@ -15960,6 +16570,7 @@
               b13b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rdx+60h] 
               b13f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               b13f      3 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b13f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               b142     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B155 
               b142      2 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
               b144      4 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
@@ -15981,6 +16592,7 @@
               b15a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     [rdx+60h], rcx 
               b15e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
               b15e      4 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
+              b15e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
               b162      1 INSTR BELONGTO b0a0 
               b162      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               b162     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 pop     rbx
@@ -15995,8 +16607,10 @@
               b170      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               b174     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, 1 
               b174      3 INSTR BELONGTO b170 
+              b174      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     esi, 1 
               b177     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B1A0 
               b177      2 INSTR BELONGTO b170 
+              b177      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B1A0 
               b179     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 50h 
               b179      5 INSTR BELONGTO b170 
               b179      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 50h 
@@ -16011,6 +16625,7 @@
               b18d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               b190     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               b190      4 INSTR BELONGTO b170 
+              b190      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               b194     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_notify 
               b194     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_object_notify
               b194      5 INSTR BELONGTO b170 
@@ -16028,6 +16643,7 @@
               b1ad      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+18h+var_10]
               b1b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_B179 
               b1b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO b170 
+              b1b2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_B179 
               b1c0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               b1c0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
               b1c0    145 FUNC GLOBAL sub_B1C0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               b250 
@@ -16113,6 +16729,7 @@
               b26a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+60h] 
               b26e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               b26e      3 INSTR BELONGTO b260 
+              b26e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               b271     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B281 
               b271      2 INSTR BELONGTO b260 
               b273     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pa_operation_get_state 
@@ -16120,11 +16737,13 @@
               b273      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_operation_get_state 
               b278     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b278      2 INSTR BELONGTO b260 
+              b278      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b27a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
               b27a      5 INSTR BELONGTO b260 
               b27a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ mov     edx, 1 
               b27f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B288 
               b27f      2 INSTR BELONGTO b260 
+              b27f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_B288 
               b281      2 INSTR BELONGTO b260 
               b281      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, edx 
               b281     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, edx 
@@ -16225,6 +16844,7 @@
               b322      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_21D198, eax 
               b328     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
               b328      4 INSTR BELONGTO b2b0 
+              b328      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
               b32c     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 mov     rdi, rbx
               b32c      3 INSTR BELONGTO b2b0 
               b32c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -16246,16 +16866,19 @@
               b340      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               b344     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               b344      3 INSTR BELONGTO b340 
+              b344      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               b347      7 INSTR BELONGTO b340 
               b347      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D188 
               b34e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               b34e      3 INSTR BELONGTO b340 
+              b34e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               b351     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B360 
               b351      2 INSTR BELONGTO b340 
               b353      7 INSTR BELONGTO b340 
               b353      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D188 
               b35a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               b35a      4 INSTR BELONGTO b340 
+              b35a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               b35e      1 INSTR BELONGTO b340 
               b35e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               b35e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -16266,6 +16889,7 @@
               b367      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               b36c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b36c      2 INSTR BELONGTO b340 
+              b36c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b36e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B353 
               b36e      2 INSTR BELONGTO b340 
               b370      7 INSTR BELONGTO b340 
@@ -16305,6 +16929,7 @@
               b3b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               b3b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_B353 
               b3b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO b340 
+              b3b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_B353 
               b3c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               b3c3     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
               b3c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B440 
@@ -16384,16 +17009,20 @@
               b524      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B340 
               b529     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               b529      3 INSTR BELONGTO b520 
+              b529      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               b52c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B54A 
               b52c      2 INSTR BELONGTO b520 
+              b52c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_B54A 
               b52e      3 INSTR BELONGTO b520 
               b52e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               b531     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               b531      3 INSTR BELONGTO b520 
+              b531      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               b534     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B53B 
               b534      2 INSTR BELONGTO b520 
               b536     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b536      3 INSTR BELONGTO b520 
+              b536      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b539     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B570 
               b539      2 INSTR BELONGTO b520 
               b53b      3 INSTR BELONGTO b520 
@@ -16405,6 +17034,7 @@
               b541      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               b546     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b546      2 INSTR BELONGTO b520 
+              b546      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b548     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B570 
               b548      2 INSTR BELONGTO b520 
               b54a      7 INSTR BELONGTO b520 
@@ -16447,16 +17077,20 @@
               b584      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B340 
               b589     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               b589      3 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
+              b589      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               b58c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B5AA 
               b58c      2 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
+              b58c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_B5AA 
               b58e      3 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
               b58e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               b591     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               b591      3 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
+              b591      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               b594     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B59B 
               b594      2 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
               b596     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b596      3 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
+              b596      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b599     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B5D0 
               b599      2 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
               b59b      3 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
@@ -16468,6 +17102,7 @@
               b5a1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               b5a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b5a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
+              b5a6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b5a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B5D0 
               b5a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
               b5aa      7 INSTR BELONGTO b580 
@@ -16536,18 +17171,24 @@
               b663      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B340 
               b668     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               b668      3 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
+              b668      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               b66b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B689 
               b66b      2 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
+              b66b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B689 
               b66d      3 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
               b66d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               b670     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               b670      3 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
+              b670      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               b673     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B67A 
               b673      2 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
+              b673      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B67A 
               b675     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b675      3 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
+              b675      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b678     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B6B8 
               b678      2 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
+              b678      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B6B8 
               b67a      3 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
               b67a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               b67d      3 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
@@ -16557,8 +17198,10 @@
               b680      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               b685     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b685      2 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
+              b685      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b687     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B6B8 
               b687      2 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
+              b687      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_B6B8 
               b689      7 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
               b689      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_channel; "GVC_IS_CHANNEL_MAP (map)" 
               b690      7 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
@@ -16579,6 +17222,7 @@
               b6aa      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               b6af     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               b6af      4 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
+              b6af      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               b6b3      1 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
               b6b3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
               b6b8      4 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
@@ -16594,6 +17238,7 @@
               b6c3      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               b6c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               b6c8      4 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
+              b6c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               b6cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _pa_channel_map_has_position 
               b6cc     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _pa_channel_map_has_position
               b6cc      5 INSTR BELONGTO b650 
@@ -16618,18 +17263,24 @@
               b6e7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B340 
               b6ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               b6ec      3 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b6ec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               b6ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B70E 
               b6ef      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b6ef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B70E 
               b6f1      4 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b6f1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
               b6f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               b6f5      3 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b6f5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               b6f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B6FF 
               b6f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b6f8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B6FF 
               b6fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b6fa      3 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b6fa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b6fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B730 
               b6fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b6fd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B730 
               b6ff      3 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b6ff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               b702      3 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
@@ -16639,8 +17290,10 @@
               b705      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               b70a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b70a      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b70a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b70c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B730 
               b70c      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b70c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_B730 
               b70e      7 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b70e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_channel; "GVC_IS_CHANNEL_MAP (map)" 
               b715      7 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
@@ -16656,6 +17309,7 @@
               b72a      1 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b72a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
               b72b      1 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b72b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbp 
               b72b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
               b72c      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b72c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     r12 
@@ -16676,6 +17330,7 @@
               b73e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               b740     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
               b740      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b740      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
               b742     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B72A 
               b742      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b744      8 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
@@ -16690,6 +17345,7 @@
               b753      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
               b756     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
               b756      5 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b756      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
               b75b     10 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b75b     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   qword ptr [r12+110h], xmm0 
               b765     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_B520 
@@ -16697,8 +17353,10 @@
               b765      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B520 
               b76a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b76a      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b76a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b76c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_B810 
               b76c      6 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b76c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_B810 
               b772      4 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b772      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbp+18h] 
               b776      7 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
@@ -16710,10 +17368,12 @@
               b780      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_cvolume_get_balance 
               b785     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
               b785      3 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b785      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
               b788      3 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b788      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
               b78b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
               b78b      3 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b78b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
               b78e      8 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b78e      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rbx+118h], xmm0 
               b796     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_B580 
@@ -16721,8 +17381,10 @@
               b796      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B580 
               b79b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b79b      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b79b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b79d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_B82F 
               b79d      6 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b79d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_B82F 
               b7a3      4 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b7a3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbp+18h] 
               b7a7      7 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
@@ -16734,8 +17396,10 @@
               b7b1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_cvolume_get_fade 
               b7b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
               b7b6      3 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b7b6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
               b7b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
               b7b9      3 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b7b9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
               b7bc      8 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b7bc      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rbx+120h], xmm0 
               b7c4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 7 
@@ -16748,6 +17412,7 @@
               b7cc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B650 
               b7d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b7d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b7d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b7d3      4 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b7d3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, [rbp+18h] 
               b7d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B840 
@@ -16767,6 +17432,7 @@
               b7ed      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     eax, eax 
               b7ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
               b7ef      5 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b7ef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
               b7f4      8 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b7f4      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rbx+128h], xmm0 
               b7fc      7 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
@@ -16774,6 +17440,7 @@
               b803      1 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b803      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
               b804      1 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b804      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbp 
               b804     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
               b805      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b805      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     r12 
@@ -16790,18 +17457,22 @@
               b822      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B580 
               b827     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b827      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b827      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b829     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_B7A3 
               b829      6 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b829      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_B7A3 
               b82f      4 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b82f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+18h] 
               b833     11 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b833     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+120h], 0 
               b83e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_B7C4 
               b83e      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b83e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_B7C4 
               b840     11 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
               b840     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 XMM0 ZZ mov     qword ptr [rbx+128h], 0 
               b84b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_B7FC 
               b84b      2 INSTR BELONGTO b6e0 
+              b84b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_B7FC 
               b850      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               b850      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               b850    108 FUNC GLOBAL sub_B850 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               b8bb 
@@ -16816,18 +17487,24 @@
               b854      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B340 
               b859     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               b859      3 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
+              b859      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               b85c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B87A 
               b85c      2 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
+              b85c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B87A 
               b85e      3 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
               b85e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               b861     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               b861      3 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
+              b861      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               b864     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B86B 
               b864      2 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
+              b864      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B86B 
               b866     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b866      3 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
+              b866      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b869     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B8A0 
               b869      2 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
+              b869      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B8A0 
               b86b      3 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
               b86b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               b86e      3 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
@@ -16837,8 +17514,10 @@
               b871      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               b876     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b876      2 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
+              b876      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b878     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B8A0 
               b878      2 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
+              b878      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_B8A0 
               b87a      7 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
               b87a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_channel; "GVC_IS_CHANNEL_MAP (map)" 
               b881      7 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
@@ -16867,6 +17546,7 @@
               b8a7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_channel_map_valid 
               b8ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b8ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
+              b8ac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b8ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     eax, 0 
               b8ae      5 INSTR BELONGTO b850 
               b8ae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ mov     eax, 0 
@@ -16891,18 +17571,24 @@
               b8c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B340 
               b8c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               b8c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
+              b8c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               b8cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B8EA 
               b8cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
+              b8cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B8EA 
               b8ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
               b8ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               b8d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               b8d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
+              b8d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               b8d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B8DB 
               b8d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
+              b8d4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B8DB 
               b8d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b8d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
+              b8d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b8d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B910 
               b8d9      2 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
+              b8d9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B910 
               b8db      3 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
               b8db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               b8de      3 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
@@ -16912,8 +17598,10 @@
               b8e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               b8e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b8e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
+              b8e6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b8e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B910 
               b8e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
+              b8e8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_B910 
               b8ea      7 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
               b8ea      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_channel; "GVC_IS_CHANNEL_MAP (map)" 
               b8f1      7 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
@@ -16936,6 +17624,7 @@
               b914      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
               b917     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 88h 
               b917      7 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
+              b917      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 88h 
               b91e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pa_channel_map_valid 
               b91e      5 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
               b91e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_channel_map_valid 
@@ -16947,6 +17636,7 @@
               b925      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               b927     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
               b927      2 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
+              b927      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
               b929      4 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
               b92d      1 INSTR BELONGTO b8c0 
               b92d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -16983,18 +17673,24 @@
               b951      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_B340 
               b956     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               b956      3 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b956      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               b959     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B977 
               b959      2 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b959      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B977 
               b95b      3 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
               b95b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               b95e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               b95e      3 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b95e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               b961     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B968 
               b961      2 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b961      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B968 
               b963     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b963      3 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b963      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               b966     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B9B0 
               b966      2 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b966      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B9B0 
               b968      3 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
               b968      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               b96b      3 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
@@ -17004,8 +17700,10 @@
               b96e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               b973     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b973      2 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b973      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b975     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_B9B0 
               b975      2 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b975      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ jnz     short loc_B9B0 
               b977      7 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
               b977      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_channel; "GVC_IS_CHANNEL_MAP (map)" 
               b97e      5 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
@@ -17027,13 +17725,16 @@
               b999      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ lea     rdi, aSoundCcPanel; "sound-cc-panel" 
               b9a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               b9a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b9a0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               b9a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               b9a4      5 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
               b9a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               b9b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               b9b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b9b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               b9b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_BA60 
               b9b3      6 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b9b3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ jz      loc_BA60 
               b9b9      4 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
               b9b9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx+18h] 
               b9bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
@@ -17045,12 +17746,15 @@
               b9c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_cvolume_compatible_with_channel_map 
               b9c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b9c8      2 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b9c8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b9ca      7 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
               b9ca      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aPa_cvolume_com; "pa_cvolume_compatible_with_channel_map("... 
               b9d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_B97E 
               b9d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b9d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_B97E 
               b9d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12, 88h 
               b9d3      7 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b9d3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     r12, 88h 
               b9da      3 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
               b9da      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
               b9dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
@@ -17060,6 +17764,7 @@
               b9e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_cvolume_equal 
               b9e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               b9e5      2 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              b9e5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               b9e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_BA13 
               b9e7      2 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
               b9e9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ecx, 10h 
@@ -17083,8 +17788,10 @@
               b9ff      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R12 ZZ mov     edx, [rax+84h] 
               ba05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
               ba05      2 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              ba05      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    edx, edx 
               ba07     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_BA30 
               ba07      2 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              ba07      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ jnz     short loc_BA30 
               ba09     10 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
               ba09     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+84h], 1 
               ba13      5 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
@@ -17102,6 +17809,7 @@
               ba22      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
               ba27     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               ba27      4 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              ba27      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               ba2b      1 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
               ba2b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               ba30     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, r13d 
@@ -17133,6 +17841,7 @@
               ba52     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
               ba54     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               ba54      4 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              ba54      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               ba58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_signal_emit 
               ba58     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_signal_emit
               ba58      5 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
@@ -17141,6 +17850,7 @@
               ba60      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ lea     rdx, aCvNull    ; "cv != NULL" 
               ba67     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_B97E 
               ba67      5 INSTR BELONGTO b930 
+              ba67      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ jmp     loc_B97E 
               ba70     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
               ba71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_B340 
               ba76     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -17204,8 +17914,10 @@
               bae5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_channel_map_valid 
               baea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               baea      2 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              baea      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               baec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BB68 
               baec      2 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              baec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_BB68 
               baee      4 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
               baee      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, [r13+18h] 
               baf2      3 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
@@ -17243,6 +17955,7 @@
               bb2d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r13+18h] 
               bb31     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdi, 88h 
               bb31      7 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              bb31      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rdi, 88h 
               bb38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pa_cvolume_set 
               bb38      5 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
               bb38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_cvolume_set 
@@ -17267,6 +17980,7 @@
               bb59      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               bb5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               bb5c      4 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              bb5c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               bb60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               bb60     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_type_check_instance_cast
               bb60      5 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
@@ -17298,10 +18012,12 @@
               bb97      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9E60 
               bb9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               bb9c      3 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              bb9c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bb9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BBC0 
               bb9f      2 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
               bba1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               bba1      3 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              bba1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               bba4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BBC0 
               bba4      2 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
               bba6      3 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
@@ -17313,6 +18029,7 @@
               bbac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
               bbb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               bbb1      2 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
+              bbb1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
               bbb3     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
               bbb3      3 INSTR BELONGTO baa0 
               bbb3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ setz    al 
@@ -17411,6 +18128,7 @@
               bc39     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
               bc3b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               bc3b      4 INSTR BELONGTO bbd0 
+              bc3b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               bc3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_signal_emit 
               bc3f     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_signal_emit
               bc3f      5 INSTR BELONGTO bbd0 
@@ -17449,10 +18167,12 @@
               bc7b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_proplist_gets 
               bc80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               bc80      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bc80      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bc83      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bc83      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
               bc86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BCB0 
               bc86      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bc86      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_BCB0 
               bc88      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bc88      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
               bc8b      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
@@ -17471,6 +18191,7 @@
               bc9d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
               bca2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               bca2      4 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bca2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               bca6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_A4D0 
               bca6     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     sub_A4D0
               bca6      5 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
@@ -17484,10 +18205,12 @@
               bcba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_proplist_gets 
               bcbf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               bcbf      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bcbf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bcc2      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bcc2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
               bcc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_BC88 
               bcc5      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bcc5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_BC88 
               bcc7      7 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bcc7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, aWindow_icon_na; "window.icon_name" 
               bcce      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
@@ -17497,10 +18220,12 @@
               bcd1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_proplist_gets 
               bcd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               bcd6      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bcd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bcd9      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bcd9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
               bcdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_BC88 
               bcdc      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bcdc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_BC88 
               bcde      7 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bcde      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, aApplication_ic; "application.icon_name" 
               bce5      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
@@ -17510,10 +18235,12 @@
               bce8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_proplist_gets 
               bced     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               bced      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bced      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bcf0      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bcf0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
               bcf3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_BC88 
               bcf3      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bcf3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_BC88 
               bcf5      7 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bcf5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, aMedia_role; "media.role" 
               bcfc      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
@@ -17523,10 +18250,12 @@
               bcff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_proplist_gets 
               bd04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               bd04      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd04      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bd07      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bd07      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
               bd0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BD81 
               bd0a      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd0a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_BD81 
               bd0c      7 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bd0c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, s2         ; "video" 
               bd13      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
@@ -17536,8 +18265,10 @@
               bd16      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
               bd1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               bd1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd1b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               bd1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_BC88 
               bd1d      6 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd1d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_BC88 
               bd23      7 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bd23      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, aPhone     ; "phone" 
               bd2a      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
@@ -17547,8 +18278,10 @@
               bd2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
               bd32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               bd32      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd32      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               bd34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_BC88 
               bd34      6 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd34      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_BC88 
               bd3a      7 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bd3a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, aMusic     ; "music" 
               bd41      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
@@ -17558,8 +18291,10 @@
               bd44      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
               bd49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               bd49      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd49      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               bd4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BD95 
               bd4b      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd4b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_BD95 
               bd4d      7 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bd4d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, aGame      ; "game" 
               bd54      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
@@ -17569,8 +18304,10 @@
               bd57      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
               bd5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               bd5c      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd5c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               bd5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BD89 
               bd5e      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd5e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_BD89 
               bd60      7 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bd60      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, aButtonReleaseE+0Fh; s2 
               bd67      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
@@ -17582,22 +18319,27 @@
               bd71      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
               bd76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               bd76      2 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd76      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               bd78      4 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bd78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI RDI ZZ cmovnz  r12, r13 
               bd7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_BC88 
               bd7c      5 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd7c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 ZZ jmp     loc_BC88 
               bd81      3 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bd81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, r13 
               bd84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_BC88 
               bd84      5 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd84      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 ZZ jmp     loc_BC88 
               bd89      7 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bd89      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ lea     r12, aApplicationsGa; "applications-games" 
               bd90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_BC88 
               bd90      5 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd90      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 ZZ jmp     loc_BC88 
               bd95      7 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
               bd95      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ lea     r12, aAudio     ; "audio" 
               bd9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_BC88 
               bd9c      5 INSTR BELONGTO bc50 
+              bd9c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 ZZ jmp     loc_BC88 
               bdb0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               bdb0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               bdb0      1 INSTR BELONGTO bdb0 
@@ -17616,6 +18358,7 @@
               bdbe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_proplist_gets 
               bdc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               bdc3      3 INSTR BELONGTO bdb0 
+              bdc3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bdc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BDD8 
               bdc6      2 INSTR BELONGTO bdb0 
               bdc8      3 INSTR BELONGTO bdb0 
@@ -17652,8 +18395,10 @@
               bdf3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
               bdf5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               bdf5      3 INSTR BELONGTO bde0 
+              bdf5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               bdf8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BE11 
               bdf8      2 INSTR BELONGTO bde0 
+              bdf8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_BE11 
               bdfa      7 INSTR BELONGTO bde0 
               bdfa      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, aButtonReleaseE+0Fh; "event" 
               be01      3 INSTR BELONGTO bde0 
@@ -17666,6 +18411,7 @@
               be09     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
               be0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               be0b      2 INSTR BELONGTO bde0 
+              be0b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               be0d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setnz   sil 
               be0d      4 INSTR BELONGTO bde0 
               be0d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ setnz   sil 
@@ -17696,14 +18442,17 @@
               be32      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               be36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               be36      3 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
+              be36      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               be39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BE78 
               be39      2 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
+              be39      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_BE78 
               be3b      4 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
               be3b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rdi+18h] 
               be3f      7 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
               be3f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ lea     rdx, aSelfPrivPa_con; "!self->priv->pa_context" 
               be46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax+10h], 0 
               be46      5 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
+              be46      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax+10h], 0 
               be4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BE88 
               be4b      2 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
               be4d      4 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
@@ -17721,6 +18470,7 @@
               be62      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ lea     rdi, aSoundCcPanel; "sound-cc-panel" 
               be69     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               be69      4 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
+              be69      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               be6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               be6d      5 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
               be6d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
@@ -17728,6 +18478,7 @@
               be78      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ lea     rdx, aSelf      ; "self" 
               be7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_BE4D 
               be7f      2 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
+              be7f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_BE4D 
               be88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pa_proplist_new 
               be88      5 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
               be88      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_proplist_new 
@@ -17794,6 +18545,7 @@
               bf09      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
               bf0d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax+10h], 0 
               bf0d      5 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
+              bf0d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax+10h], 0 
               bf12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BF30 
               bf12      2 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
               bf14      4 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
@@ -17807,6 +18559,7 @@
               bf1d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
               bf22     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               bf22      4 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
+              bf22      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               bf26      1 INSTR BELONGTO be20 
               bf26      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               bf26     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -17845,6 +18598,7 @@
               bf68      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               bf6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               bf6c      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bf6c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               bf6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BFB8 
               bf6f      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               bf71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_9250 
@@ -17854,10 +18608,12 @@
               bf76      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               bf79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               bf79      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bf79      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               bf7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BF83 
               bf7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               bf7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               bf7e      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bf7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               bf81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BFB8 
               bf81      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               bf83      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
@@ -17869,6 +18625,7 @@
               bf89      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               bf8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               bf8e      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bf8e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               bf90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_BFB8 
               bf90      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               bf92      7 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
@@ -17885,6 +18642,7 @@
               bfac     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
               bfae     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               bfae      4 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bfae      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               bfb2      1 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               bfb2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               bfb3      1 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
@@ -17893,6 +18651,7 @@
               bfb4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               bfb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               bfb8      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bfb8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               bfbb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C008 
               bfbb      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               bfbd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_9250 
@@ -17902,12 +18661,16 @@
               bfc2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
               bfc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               bfc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bfc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               bfc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_BFD0 
               bfc9      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bfc9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_BFD0 
               bfcb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               bfcb      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bfcb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               bfce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C008 
               bfce      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bfce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_C008 
               bfd0      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               bfd0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               bfd3      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
@@ -17917,8 +18680,10 @@
               bfd6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               bfdb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               bfdb      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bfdb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               bfdd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_C008 
               bfdd      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bfdd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_C008 
               bfdf      7 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               bfdf      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aBNullGvc_is_mi; "b == NULL || GVC_IS_MIXER_STREAM (b)" 
               bfe6      7 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
@@ -17930,6 +18695,7 @@
               bff4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               bff9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               bff9      4 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              bff9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               bffd      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               bffd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               bffd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -17954,6 +18720,7 @@
               c016      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_9E60 
               c01b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               c01b      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              c01b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               c01e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rsi, rax 
               c01e      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               c01e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
@@ -17961,14 +18728,17 @@
               c021      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               c024     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               c024      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              c024      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               c027     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C040 
               c027      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               c029     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dl, dl 
               c029      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              c029      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    dl, dl 
               c02b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_C050 
               c02b      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               c02d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               c02d      4 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              c02d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               c031     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, rbx 
               c031      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               c031      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -17981,10 +18751,13 @@
               c036      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_utf8_collate 
               c040     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dl, 1 
               c040      3 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              c040      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     dl, 1 
               c043     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sbb     eax, eax 
               c043      2 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              c043      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ sbb     eax, eax 
               c045     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               c045      4 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              c045      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               c049      1 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
               c049      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               c049      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -17997,6 +18770,7 @@
               c050      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
               c055     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_BFAE 
               c055      5 INSTR BELONGTO bf60 
+              c055      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_BFAE 
               c060      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               c060      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               c060     17 FUNC GLOBAL sub_C060 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               c070 
@@ -18037,6 +18811,7 @@
               c088      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               c08c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               c08c      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c08c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               c08f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C0D8 
               c08f      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c091     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_124C0 
@@ -18046,10 +18821,12 @@
               c096      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               c099     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               c099      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c099      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               c09c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C0A3 
               c09c      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c09e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               c09e      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c09e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               c0a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C0D8 
               c0a1      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c0a3      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
@@ -18061,6 +18838,7 @@
               c0a9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               c0ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               c0ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c0ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               c0b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_C0D8 
               c0b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c0b2      7 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
@@ -18077,6 +18855,7 @@
               c0cc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
               c0ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               c0ce      4 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c0ce      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               c0d2      1 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c0d2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               c0d3      1 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
@@ -18085,6 +18864,7 @@
               c0d4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               c0d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
               c0d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c0d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
               c0db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C128 
               c0db      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c0dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_124C0 
@@ -18094,12 +18874,16 @@
               c0e2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
               c0e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               c0e6      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c0e6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               c0e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C0F0 
               c0e9      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c0e9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_C0F0 
               c0eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               c0eb      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c0eb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               c0ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C128 
               c0ee      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c0ee      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_C128 
               c0f0      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c0f0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               c0f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
@@ -18109,8 +18893,10 @@
               c0f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               c0fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               c0fb      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c0fb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               c0fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_C128 
               c0fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c0fd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_C128 
               c0ff      7 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c0ff      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aBNullGvc_is__0; "b == NULL || GVC_IS_MIXER_CARD (b)" 
               c106      7 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
@@ -18122,6 +18908,7 @@
               c114      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               c119     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               c119      4 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c119      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               c11d      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c11d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               c11d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -18146,6 +18933,7 @@
               c136      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_129E0 
               c13b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               c13b      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c13b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               c13e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rsi, rax 
               c13e      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c13e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
@@ -18153,14 +18941,17 @@
               c141      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c144     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               c144      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c144      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               c147     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C160 
               c147      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c149     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dl, dl 
               c149      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c149      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    dl, dl 
               c14b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_C170 
               c14b      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c14d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               c14d      4 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c14d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               c151     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, rbx 
               c151      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c151      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -18173,10 +18964,13 @@
               c156      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_utf8_collate 
               c160     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dl, 1 
               c160      3 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c160      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     dl, 1 
               c163     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sbb     eax, eax 
               c163      2 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c163      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ sbb     eax, eax 
               c165     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               c165      4 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c165      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               c169      1 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
               c169      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               c169      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -18189,6 +18983,7 @@
               c170      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
               c175     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_C0CE 
               c175      5 INSTR BELONGTO c080 
+              c175      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_C0CE 
               c180      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 1 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               c180      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               c180      1 INSTR BELONGTO c180 
@@ -18527,6 +19322,7 @@
               c3f2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_21D1C8, eax 
               c3f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
               c3f8      4 INSTR BELONGTO c180 
+              c3f8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
               c3fc      3 INSTR BELONGTO c180 
               c3fc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
               c3fc     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 mov     rdi, rbx
@@ -18554,16 +19350,21 @@
               c415      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ mov     edx, [rax+18h] 
               c418     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
               c418      2 INSTR BELONGTO c410 
+              c418      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    edx, edx 
               c41a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_C426 
               c41a      2 INSTR BELONGTO c410 
+              c41a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jle     short loc_C426 
               c41c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     edx, 1 
               c41c      3 INSTR BELONGTO c410 
+              c41c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ sub     edx, 1 
               c41f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
               c41f      2 INSTR BELONGTO c410 
+              c41f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    edx, edx 
               c421      3 INSTR BELONGTO c410 
               c421      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     [rax+18h], edx 
               c424     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C430 
               c424      2 INSTR BELONGTO c410 
+              c424      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_C430 
               c426      1 INSTR BELONGTO c410 
               c426      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               c427      1 INSTR BELONGTO c410 
@@ -18619,12 +19420,15 @@
               c476      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_server_info 
               c47b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               c47b      3 INSTR BELONGTO c460 
+              c47b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               c47e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C490 
               c47e      2 INSTR BELONGTO c460 
+              c47e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_C490 
               c480      3 INSTR BELONGTO c460 
               c480      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               c483     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               c483      4 INSTR BELONGTO c460 
+              c483      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               c487     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
               c487      5 INSTR BELONGTO c460 
               c487      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
@@ -18637,6 +19441,7 @@
               c49e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, 10h 
               c4a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               c4a3      4 INSTR BELONGTO c460 
+              c4a3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               c4a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_log 
               c4a7      5 INSTR BELONGTO c460 
               c4a7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_log 
@@ -18645,6 +19450,7 @@
               c4b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               c4b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
               c4b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO c4b0 
+              c4b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
               c4b0     97 FUNC GLOBAL sub_C4B0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               c510 
               c4b3      1 INSTR BELONGTO c4b0 
               c4b3      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 CalleeSavedRegs 
@@ -18662,6 +19468,7 @@
               c4c1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
               c4c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx+3Ch], eax 
               c4c5      3 INSTR BELONGTO c4b0 
+              c4c5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx+3Ch], eax 
               c4c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C4F0 
               c4c8      2 INSTR BELONGTO c4b0 
               c4ca      3 INSTR BELONGTO c4b0 
@@ -18702,11 +19509,13 @@
               c508      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+38h], 0 
               c50f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_C4D6 
               c50f      2 INSTR BELONGTO c4b0 
+              c50f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_C4D6 
               c520      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 96 1 0 1 2 0 96 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 96 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               c520      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               c520    101 FUNC GLOBAL sub_C520 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET               c584 
               c520     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
               c520      3 INSTR BELONGTO c520 
+              c520      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
               c523      1 INSTR BELONGTO c520 
               c523      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 CalleeSavedRegs 
               c523      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 8 ReturnAddress 
@@ -18723,6 +19532,7 @@
               c531      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+18h] 
               c535     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx+2Ch], eax 
               c535      3 INSTR BELONGTO c520 
+              c535      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx+2Ch], eax 
               c538     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C56B 
               c538      2 INSTR BELONGTO c520 
               c53a      3 INSTR BELONGTO c520 
@@ -18755,6 +19565,7 @@
               c564      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, [rax+28h] 
               c567     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
               c567      2 INSTR BELONGTO c520 
+              c567      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
               c569     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_C570 
               c569      2 INSTR BELONGTO c520 
               c56b      1 INSTR BELONGTO c520 
@@ -18770,6 +19581,7 @@
               c57e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh 
               c583     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_C546 
               c583      2 INSTR BELONGTO c520 
+              c583      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_C546 
               c590     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r15 
               c592     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
               c594     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r13 
@@ -18909,12 +19721,16 @@
               c8de      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r12+18h] 
               c8e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx+2Ch], eax 
               c8e3      3 INSTR BELONGTO c8b0 
+              c8e3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx+2Ch], eax 
               c8e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_C970 
               c8e6      6 INSTR BELONGTO c8b0 
+              c8e6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_C970 
               c8ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx+3Ch], eax 
               c8ec      3 INSTR BELONGTO c8b0 
+              c8ec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx+3Ch], eax 
               c8ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_C950 
               c8ef      2 INSTR BELONGTO c8b0 
+              c8ef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_C950 
               c8f1      4 INSTR BELONGTO c8b0 
               c8f1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rdx+50h] 
               c8f5      2 INSTR BELONGTO c8b0 
@@ -18975,6 +19791,7 @@
               c93d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
               c942     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
               c942      4 INSTR BELONGTO c8b0 
+              c942      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
               c946     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_unref 
               c946     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _g_object_unref
               c946      5 INSTR BELONGTO c8b0 
@@ -18997,6 +19814,7 @@
               c963      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+38h+var_30] 
               c967     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_C8F1 
               c967      2 INSTR BELONGTO c8b0 
+              c967      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_C8F1 
               c970      2 INSTR BELONGTO c8b0 
               c970      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
               c970     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -19016,6 +19834,7 @@
               c983      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     eax, [rsp+38h+var_30]
               c987     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_C8F1 
               c987      5 INSTR BELONGTO c8b0 
+              c987      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_C8F1 
               c990      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               c990      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               c990      1 INSTR BELONGTO c990 
@@ -19037,6 +19856,7 @@
               c99b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_iter_init 
               c9a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_C9BD 
               c9a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO c990 
+              c9a0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_C9BD 
               c9a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO c990 
               c9a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+48h+var_10] 
               c9a8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+48h+var_10]
@@ -19065,10 +19885,12 @@
               c9ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_iter_next 
               c9cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               c9cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO c990 
+              c9cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               c9d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_C9A8 
               c9d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO c990 
               c9d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 40h 
               c9d3      4 INSTR BELONGTO c990 
+              c9d3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 40h 
               c9d7      1 INSTR BELONGTO c990 
               c9d7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               c9d7     64 DEALLOC STACK esp - 64 pop     rbx
@@ -19086,10 +19908,12 @@
               c9e4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rdi+18h] 
               c9e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
               c9e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
+              c9e8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    esi, esi 
               c9ea      4 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
               c9ea      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rax+10h] 
               c9ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_CA18 
               c9ee      2 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
+              c9ee      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ js      short loc_CA18 
               c9f0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     rdx, loc_D350 
               c9f0      7 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
               c9f0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ lea     rdx, loc_D350 
@@ -19102,12 +19926,15 @@
               c9fd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_client_info 
               ca02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               ca02      3 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
+              ca02      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               ca05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_CA2F 
               ca05      2 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
+              ca05      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_CA2F 
               ca07      3 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
               ca07      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               ca0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               ca0a      4 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
+              ca0a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               ca0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
               ca0e      5 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
               ca0e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
@@ -19123,8 +19950,10 @@
               ca25      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_client_info_list 
               ca2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               ca2a      3 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
+              ca2a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               ca2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_CA07 
               ca2d      2 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
+              ca2d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_CA07 
               ca2f      7 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
               ca2f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aPa_context_cli; "pa_context_client_info_list() failed" 
               ca36      7 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
@@ -19134,6 +19963,7 @@
               ca3d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, 10h 
               ca42     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               ca42      4 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
+              ca42      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               ca46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_log 
               ca46      5 INSTR BELONGTO c9e0 
               ca46      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_log 
@@ -19150,10 +19980,12 @@
               ca54      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rdi+18h] 
               ca58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
               ca58      2 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
+              ca58      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    esi, esi 
               ca5a      4 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
               ca5a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rax+10h] 
               ca5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_CA88 
               ca5e      2 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
+              ca5e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ js      short loc_CA88 
               ca60     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     rdx, loc_D470 
               ca60      7 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
               ca60      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ lea     rdx, loc_D470 
@@ -19166,12 +19998,15 @@
               ca6d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_sink_info_by_index 
               ca72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               ca72      3 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
+              ca72      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               ca75     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_CA9F 
               ca75      2 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
+              ca75      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_CA9F 
               ca77      3 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
               ca77      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               ca7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               ca7a      4 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
+              ca7a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               ca7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
               ca7e      5 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
               ca7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
@@ -19187,8 +20022,10 @@
               ca95      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_sink_info_list 
               ca9a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               ca9a      3 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
+              ca9a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               ca9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_CA77 
               ca9d      2 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
+              ca9d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_CA77 
               ca9f      7 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
               ca9f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aPa_context_g_1; "pa_context_get_sink_info_list() failed" 
               caa6      7 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
@@ -19198,6 +20035,7 @@
               caad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, 10h 
               cab2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               cab2      4 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
+              cab2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               cab6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_log 
               cab6      5 INSTR BELONGTO ca50 
               cab6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_log 
@@ -19214,10 +20052,12 @@
               cac4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rdi+18h] 
               cac8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
               cac8      2 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
+              cac8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    esi, esi 
               caca      4 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
               caca      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rax+10h] 
               cace     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_CAF8 
               cace      2 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
+              cace      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ js      short loc_CAF8 
               cad0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     rdx, loc_D560 
               cad0      7 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
               cad0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ lea     rdx, loc_D560 
@@ -19230,12 +20070,15 @@
               cadd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_source_info_by_index 
               cae2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               cae2      3 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
+              cae2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               cae5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_CB0F 
               cae5      2 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
+              cae5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_CB0F 
               cae7      3 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
               cae7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               caea     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               caea      4 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
+              caea      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               caee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
               caee      5 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
               caee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
@@ -19251,8 +20094,10 @@
               cb05      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_source_info_list 
               cb0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               cb0a      3 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
+              cb0a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               cb0d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_CAE7 
               cb0d      2 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
+              cb0d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_CAE7 
               cb0f      7 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
               cb0f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aPa_context_g_2; "pa_context_get_source_info_list() faile"... 
               cb16      7 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
@@ -19262,6 +20107,7 @@
               cb1d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, 10h 
               cb22     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               cb22      4 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
+              cb22      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               cb26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_log 
               cb26      5 INSTR BELONGTO cac0 
               cb26      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_log 
@@ -19278,10 +20124,12 @@
               cb34      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rdi+18h] 
               cb38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
               cb38      2 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
+              cb38      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    esi, esi 
               cb3a      4 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
               cb3a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rax+10h] 
               cb3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_CB68 
               cb3e      2 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
+              cb3e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ js      short loc_CB68 
               cb40     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     rdx, loc_D8E0 
               cb40      7 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
               cb40      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ lea     rdx, loc_D8E0 
@@ -19294,12 +20142,15 @@
               cb4d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_sink_input_info 
               cb52     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               cb52      3 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
+              cb52      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               cb55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_CB7F 
               cb55      2 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
+              cb55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_CB7F 
               cb57      3 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
               cb57      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               cb5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               cb5a      4 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
+              cb5a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               cb5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
               cb5e      5 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
               cb5e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
@@ -19315,8 +20166,10 @@
               cb75      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_sink_input_info_list 
               cb7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               cb7a      3 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
+              cb7a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               cb7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_CB57 
               cb7d      2 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
+              cb7d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_CB57 
               cb7f      7 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
               cb7f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aPa_context_g_3; "pa_context_get_sink_input_info_list() f"... 
               cb86      7 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
@@ -19326,6 +20179,7 @@
               cb8d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, 10h 
               cb92     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               cb92      4 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
+              cb92      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               cb96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_log 
               cb96      5 INSTR BELONGTO cb30 
               cb96      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_log 
@@ -19342,10 +20196,12 @@
               cba4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rdi+18h] 
               cba8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
               cba8      2 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
+              cba8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    esi, esi 
               cbaa      4 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
               cbaa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rax+10h] 
               cbae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_CBD8 
               cbae      2 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
+              cbae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ js      short loc_CBD8 
               cbb0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     rdx, loc_DB20 
               cbb0      7 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
               cbb0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ lea     rdx, loc_DB20 
@@ -19358,12 +20214,15 @@
               cbbd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_source_output_info 
               cbc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               cbc2      3 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
+              cbc2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               cbc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_CBEF 
               cbc5      2 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
+              cbc5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_CBEF 
               cbc7      3 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
               cbc7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               cbca     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               cbca      4 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
+              cbca      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               cbce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
               cbce      5 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
               cbce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
@@ -19379,8 +20238,10 @@
               cbe5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_source_output_info_list 
               cbea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               cbea      3 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
+              cbea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               cbed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_CBC7 
               cbed      2 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
+              cbed      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_CBC7 
               cbef      7 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
               cbef      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aPa_context_g_4; "pa_context_get_source_output_info_list("... 
               cbf6      7 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
@@ -19390,6 +20251,7 @@
               cbfd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, 10h 
               cc02     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               cc02      4 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
+              cc02      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               cc06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_log 
               cc06      5 INSTR BELONGTO cba0 
               cc06      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_log 
@@ -19406,10 +20268,12 @@
               cc14      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rdi+18h] 
               cc18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
               cc18      2 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
+              cc18      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    esi, esi 
               cc1a      4 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
               cc1a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rax+10h] 
               cc1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_CC48 
               cc1e      2 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
+              cc1e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ js      short loc_CC48 
               cc20     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     rdx, loc_DD10 
               cc20      7 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
               cc20      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ lea     rdx, loc_DD10 
@@ -19422,12 +20286,15 @@
               cc2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_card_info_by_index 
               cc32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               cc32      3 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
+              cc32      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               cc35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_CC5F 
               cc35      2 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
+              cc35      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_CC5F 
               cc37      3 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
               cc37      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               cc3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               cc3a      4 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
+              cc3a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               cc3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
               cc3e      5 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
               cc3e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _pa_operation_unref 
@@ -19443,8 +20310,10 @@
               cc55      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_card_info_list 
               cc5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               cc5a      3 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
+              cc5a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               cc5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_CC37 
               cc5d      2 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
+              cc5d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_CC37 
               cc5f      7 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
               cc5f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aPa_context_g_5; "pa_context_get_card_info_by_index() fai"... 
               cc66      7 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
@@ -19454,6 +20323,7 @@
               cc6d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, 10h 
               cc72     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               cc72      4 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
+              cc72      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               cc76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_log 
               cc76      5 INSTR BELONGTO cc10 
               cc76      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_log 
@@ -19622,16 +20492,19 @@
               cf60      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
               cf64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
               cf64      3 INSTR BELONGTO cf60 
+              cf64      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
               cf67      7 INSTR BELONGTO cf60 
               cf67      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D1A0 
               cf6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               cf6e      3 INSTR BELONGTO cf60 
+              cf6e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
               cf71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_CF80 
               cf71      2 INSTR BELONGTO cf60 
               cf73      7 INSTR BELONGTO cf60 
               cf73      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_21D1A0 
               cf7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               cf7a      4 INSTR BELONGTO cf60 
+              cf7a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               cf7e      1 INSTR BELONGTO cf60 
               cf7e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
               cf7e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -19642,6 +20515,7 @@
               cf87      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
               cf8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               cf8c      2 INSTR BELONGTO cf60 
+              cf8c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               cf8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_CF73 
               cf8e      2 INSTR BELONGTO cf60 
               cf90      7 INSTR BELONGTO cf60 
@@ -19681,6 +20555,7 @@
               cfd3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
               cfd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_CF73 
               cfd8      2 INSTR BELONGTO cf60 
+              cfd8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_CF73 
               cfe0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 16 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 0 6 0 1 7 0 96 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               cfe0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               cfe0      1 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
@@ -19718,14 +20593,17 @@
               d002      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_state 
               d007     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4 
               d007      3 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d007      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 4 
               d00a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_D020 
               d00a      2 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
               d00c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 5 
               d00c      3 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d00c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 5 
               d00f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_D130 
               d00f      6 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
               d015     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d015      4 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d015      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d019      1 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
               d019      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               d01a      1 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
@@ -19762,8 +20640,10 @@
               d048      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_subscribe 
               d04d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               d04d      3 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d04d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               d050     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_D1C0 
               d050      6 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d050      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_D1C0 
               d056      3 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
               d056      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               d059     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pa_operation_unref 
@@ -19838,8 +20718,10 @@
               d0cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_ext_stream_restore_read 
               d0d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               d0d2      3 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d0d2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               d0d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_D188 
               d0d5      6 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d0d5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_D188 
               d0db      3 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
               d0db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               d0de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pa_operation_unref 
@@ -19877,10 +20759,13 @@
               d10f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_ext_stream_restore_subscribe 
               d114     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               d114      3 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d114      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
               d117     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_D015 
               d117      6 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d117      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      loc_D015 
               d11d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d11d      4 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d11d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d121      3 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
               d121      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
               d124      1 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
@@ -19918,6 +20803,7 @@
               d159      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rbp+1Ch] 
               d15c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
               d15c      2 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d15c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
               d15e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_D015 
               d15e      6 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
               d164     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     rsi, sub_F6E0 
@@ -19935,6 +20821,7 @@
               d178      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     [rbp+1Ch], eax 
               d17b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d17b      4 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d17b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d17f      1 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
               d17f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
               d180      1 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
@@ -19956,6 +20843,7 @@
               d197      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_strerror 
               d19c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d19c      4 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d19c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d1a0      7 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
               d1a0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aFailedToInitia; "Failed to initialized stream_restore ex"... 
               d1a7      7 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
@@ -19977,6 +20865,7 @@
               d1ba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_log 
               d1c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               d1c0      4 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
+              d1c0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               d1c4      7 INSTR BELONGTO cfe0 
               d1c4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aPa_context_sub; "pa_context_subscribe() failed" 
               d1c4      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 lea     rdx, aPa_context_sub; "pa_context_subscribe() failed"
@@ -21204,16 +22093,20 @@
               efb4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_CF60 
               efb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               efb9      3 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
+              efb9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               efbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_EFDA 
               efbc      2 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
+              efbc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_EFDA 
               efbe      3 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
               efbe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               efc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               efc1      3 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
+              efc1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               efc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_EFCB 
               efc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
               efc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               efc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
+              efc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               efc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F000 
               efc9      2 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
               efcb      3 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
@@ -21225,6 +22118,7 @@
               efd1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               efd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               efd6      2 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
+              efd6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               efd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_F000 
               efd8      2 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
               efda      7 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
@@ -21250,8 +22144,10 @@
               f004      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, [rax+28h] 
               f007     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
               f007      2 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
+              f007      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
               f009     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_EFF4 
               f009      2 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
+              f009      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_EFF4 
               f00b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rax+2Ch] 
               f00b      3 INSTR BELONGTO efb0 
               f00b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, [rax+2Ch] 
@@ -21276,16 +22172,20 @@
               f024      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_CF60 
               f029     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               f029      3 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
+              f029      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               f02c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F04A 
               f02c      2 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
+              f02c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_F04A 
               f02e      3 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
               f02e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               f031     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               f031      3 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
+              f031      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               f034     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F03B 
               f034      2 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
               f036     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               f036      3 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
+              f036      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               f039     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F070 
               f039      2 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
               f03b      3 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
@@ -21297,8 +22197,10 @@
               f041      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               f046     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               f046      2 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
+              f046      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
               f048     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_F070 
               f048      2 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
+              f048      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_F070 
               f04a      7 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
               f04a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_c; "GVC_IS_MIXER_CONTROL (control)" 
               f051      7 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
@@ -21322,8 +22224,10 @@
               f074      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ mov     edx, [rax+38h] 
               f077     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
               f077      2 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
+              f077      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    edx, edx 
               f079     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F064 
               f079      2 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
+              f079      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_F064 
               f07b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rax+3Ch] 
               f07b      3 INSTR BELONGTO f020 
               f07b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, [rax+3Ch] 
@@ -21496,18 +22400,24 @@
               f488      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_CF60 
               f48d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               f48d      3 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
+              f48d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               f490     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F4AE 
               f490      2 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
+              f490      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_F4AE 
               f492      3 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
               f492      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               f495     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               f495      3 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
+              f495      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               f498     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F49F 
               f498      2 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
+              f498      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_F49F 
               f49a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               f49a      3 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
+              f49a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               f49d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F4D0 
               f49d      2 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
+              f49d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_F4D0 
               f49f      3 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
               f49f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               f4a2      3 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
@@ -21517,8 +22427,10 @@
               f4a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               f4aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               f4aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
+              f4aa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               f4ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_F4D0 
               f4ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
+              f4ac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_F4D0 
               f4ae      7 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
               f4ae      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_c; "GVC_IS_MIXER_CONTROL (control)" 
               f4b5      7 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
@@ -21530,6 +22442,7 @@
               f4c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               f4c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               f4c8      4 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
+              f4c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               f4cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
               f4cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               f4cc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -21565,6 +22478,7 @@
               f4fe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_slist_sort 
               f503     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               f503      4 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
+              f503      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               f507     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
               f507      1 INSTR BELONGTO f480 
               f507      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -21604,18 +22518,24 @@
               f579      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_CF60 
               f57e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
               f57e      3 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f57e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
               f581     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F59F 
               f581      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f581      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_F59F 
               f583      3 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
               f583      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
               f586     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
               f586      3 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f586      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
               f589     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F590 
               f589      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f589      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_F590 
               f58b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
               f58b      3 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f58b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
               f58e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F5C8 
               f58e      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f58e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_F5C8 
               f590      3 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
               f590      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
               f593      3 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
@@ -21625,8 +22545,10 @@
               f596      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
               f59b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               f59b      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f59b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               f59d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_F5C8 
               f59d      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f59d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_F5C8 
               f59f      7 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
               f59f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, aGvc_is_mixer_c; "GVC_IS_MIXER_CONTROL (control)" 
               f5a6      7 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
@@ -21641,6 +22563,7 @@
               f5b6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               f5bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               f5bb      4 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f5bb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               f5bf      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
               f5bf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
               f5bf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -21656,6 +22579,7 @@
               f5cc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+10h] 
               f5d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               f5d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f5d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               f5d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_F6B8 
               f5d3      6 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
               f5d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pa_context_get_state 
@@ -21663,8 +22587,10 @@
               f5d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_get_state 
               f5de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               f5de      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f5de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               f5e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_F690 
               f5e0      6 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f5e0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_F690 
               f5e6      4 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
               f5e6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
               f5ea     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     rsi, sub_CFE0 
@@ -21727,10 +22653,12 @@
               f642      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pa_context_connect 
               f647     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               f647      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f647      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               f649     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     ebp, eax 
               f649      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
               f64b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jns     loc_F5BB 
               f64b      6 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f64b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jns     loc_F5BB 
               f651      4 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
               f651      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
               f655      4 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
@@ -21761,6 +22689,7 @@
               f67d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_log 
               f682     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               f682      4 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f682      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               f686      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
               f686      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
               f686     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -21784,6 +22713,7 @@
               f6a7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               f6ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               f6ac      4 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f6ac      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               f6b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
               f6b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
               f6b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -21807,6 +22737,7 @@
               f6cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               f6d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               f6d4      4 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
+              f6d4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               f6d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO f570 
               f6d8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
               f6d8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -21842,16 +22773,19 @@
               f6f3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               f6f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
               f6f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
+              f6f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
               f6fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
               f6fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
               f6fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_F7C0 
               f6fe      6 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
+              f6fe      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_F7C0 
               f704      4 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
               f704      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rax+18h] 
               f708      4 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
               f708      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+10h] 
               f70c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               f70c      3 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
+              f70c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               f70f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F72E 
               f70f      2 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
               f711     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pa_context_unref 
@@ -21914,6 +22848,7 @@
               f775      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_iter_init 
               f77a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_F788 
               f77a      2 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
+              f77a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_F788 
               f780      3 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
               f780      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rsp 
               f780      3 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdi, rsp
@@ -21934,8 +22869,10 @@
               f795      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_iter_next 
               f79a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               f79a      2 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
+              f79a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
               f79c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_F780 
               f79c      2 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
+              f79c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_F780 
               f79e      3 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
               f79e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
               f7a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_F570 
@@ -21947,6 +22884,7 @@
               f7aa      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+1Ch], 0 
               f7b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 40h 
               f7b1      4 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
+              f7b1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 40h 
               f7b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
               f7b5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               f7b5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -21965,6 +22903,7 @@
               f7d5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
               f7da     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 40h 
               f7da      4 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
+              f7da      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 40h 
               f7de      2 INSTR BELONGTO f6e0 
               f7de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
               f7de     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -22076,8 +23015,10 @@
               f931      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     eax, eax 
               f933     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
               f933      4 INSTR BELONGTO f920 
+              f933      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
               f937     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
               f937      5 INSTR BELONGTO f920 
+              f937      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax 
               f937      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax
               f93c      1 INSTR BELONGTO f920 
               f93c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ retn 
@@ -22113,6 +23054,7 @@
               f972      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+50h] 
               f976     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
               f976      2 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
+              f976      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
               f978     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F9F0 
               f978      2 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
               f97a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_show 
@@ -22128,6 +23070,7 @@
               f985      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, [r12+6Ch] 
               f98a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
               f98a      2 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
+              f98a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
               f98c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    bpl 
               f98c      4 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
               f990     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_switch_get_type 
@@ -22155,6 +23098,7 @@
               f9b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [r12+6Ch] 
               f9b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               f9b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
+              f9b5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               f9b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_FA02 
               f9b7      2 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
               f9b9      5 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
@@ -22182,9 +23126,11 @@
               f9df      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+58h] 
               f9e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               f9e3      4 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
+              f9e3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               f9e7      1 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
               f9e7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
               f9e8      1 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
+              f9e8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbp 
               f9e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
               f9e9      2 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
               f9e9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     r12 
@@ -22201,6 +23147,7 @@
               f9f9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [r12+6Ch] 
               f9fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
               f9fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
+              f9fe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
               fa00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_F9B9 
               fa00      2 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
               fa02      5 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
@@ -22230,6 +23177,7 @@
               fa23      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
               fa27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
               fa27      4 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
+              fa27      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
               fa2b      4 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
               fa2b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+60h] 
               fa2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
@@ -22276,6 +23224,7 @@
               fa6c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
               fa71     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
               fa71      4 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
+              fa71      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
               fa75     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     rsi, rbx
               fa75      3 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
               fa75      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 XMM0 ZZ mov     rsi, rbx 
@@ -22284,6 +23233,7 @@
               fa7b      1 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
               fa7b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
               fa7c      1 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
+              fa7c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     rbp 
               fa7c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
               fa7d      2 INSTR BELONGTO f960 
               fa7d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 ZZ pop     r12 
@@ -22325,8 +23275,10 @@
               faa6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rdi+30h] 
               faaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rbp+0], 1 
               faaa      4 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
+              faaa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rbp+0], 1 
               faae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_FD70 
               faae      6 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
+              faae      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_FD70 
               fab4      2 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
               fab4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi 
               fab4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -22723,6 +23675,7 @@
               fd05      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+90h] 
               fd0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
               fd0c      3 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
+              fd0c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
               fd0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_FD27 
               fd0f      2 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
               fd11      3 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
@@ -22737,6 +23690,7 @@
               fd1d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, [rax+98h] 
               fd23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
               fd23      2 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
+              fd23      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
               fd25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_FD58 
               fd25      2 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
               fd27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_scale_get_type 
@@ -22759,6 +23713,7 @@
               fd3d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_scale_set_draw_value 
               fd42     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
               fd42      4 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
+              fd42      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
               fd46     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rax, r13
               fd46      3 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
               fd46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R14 R15 ZZ mov     rax, r13 
@@ -22785,6 +23740,7 @@
               fd62      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_size_group_add_widget 
               fd67     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_FD27 
               fd67      2 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
+              fd67      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_FD27 
               fd70     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 1 
               fd70      5 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
               fd70      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 1 
@@ -23059,6 +24015,7 @@
               fefc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_hide 
               ff01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_FC25 
               ff01      5 INSTR BELONGTO fa90 
+              ff01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_FC25 
               ff10      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
               ff10      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
               ff10      1 INSTR BELONGTO ff10 
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-sound-recorder.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-sound-recorder.psexe.annot
index 6c8c630c..6ef6262d 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-sound-recorder.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-sound-recorder.psexe.annot
@@ -785,6 +785,7 @@
             4054be      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40D030 
             4054c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4054c3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4054b0 
+            4054c3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4054c7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4054b0 
             4054c7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             4054c7      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2622,8 +2623,10 @@
             406769      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_option_context_parse 
             40676e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40676e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            40676e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             406770     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406820 
             406770      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            406770      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406820 
             406776      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
             406776      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             406779     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_option_context_free 
@@ -2663,10 +2666,12 @@
             4067b0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 112 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+98h+var_28]
             4067b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4067b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            4067b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4067b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406817 
             4067b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
             4067ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rdi], 0 
             4067ba      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            4067ba      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rdi], 0 
             4067be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406817 
             4067be      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
             4067c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strv_length 
@@ -2674,10 +2679,13 @@
             4067c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strv_length 
             4067c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4067c5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            4067c5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4067c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4067F7 
             4067c7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            4067c7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4067F7 
             4067c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     eax, 1 
             4067c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            4067c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ sub     eax, 1 
             4067cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
             4067cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             4067cc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -2694,19 +2702,23 @@
             4067e5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+rbx] 
             4067e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 8 
             4067e9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            4067e9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 8 
             4067ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_406B00 
             4067ed      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
             4067ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_406B00 
             4067f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4067f2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            4067f2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4067f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4067E0 
             4067f5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            4067f5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4067E0 
             4067f7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, [rsp+98h+var_28] 
             4067f7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
             4067f7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+98h+var_28] 
             4067f7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 112 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+98h+var_28]
             4067fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4067fc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            4067fc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4067ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406806 
             4067ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
             406801     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strfreev 
@@ -2720,6 +2732,7 @@
             40680b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40680d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 88h 
             40680d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            40680d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 88h 
             406814    136 DEALLOC STACK esp - 136 pop     rbx
             406814      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
             406814      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -2735,6 +2748,7 @@
             406819      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_406B00 
             40681e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4067F7 
             40681e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            40681e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4067F7 
             406820     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rsp+98h+var_20] 
             406820      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
             406820      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+98h+var_20] 
@@ -2765,6 +2779,7 @@
             406847      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             40684c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40680D 
             40684c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406690 
+            40684c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40680D 
             406850      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 -8 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             406850      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             406850      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406850 
@@ -2814,12 +2829,15 @@
             406880      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             406887     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406887      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40687c 
+            406887      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40688a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40688E 
             40688a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40687c 
             40688c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             40688c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40687c 
+            40688c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             40688e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40688e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40687c 
+            40688e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406892      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40687c 
             406892      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             406892     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -2842,8 +2860,10 @@
             4068a5      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4068a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_6108F0, 0 
             4068a9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
+            4068a9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_6108F0, 0 
             4068b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4068FD 
             4068b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
+            4068b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_4068FD 
             4068b2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60FD60 
             4068b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
             4068b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60FD60 
@@ -2859,25 +2879,30 @@
             4068c9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             4068cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4068cd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
+            4068cd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4068d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_4068F6 
             4068d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
             4068d2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
             4068d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             4068d8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
+            4068d8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             4068dc      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
             4068dc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_6108F8, rax 
             4068e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_60FD58[rax*8] 
             4068e3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
+            4068e3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_60FD58[rax*8] 
             4068ea      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
             4068ea      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6108F8 
             4068f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             4068f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
+            4068f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             4068f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_4068D8 
             4068f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
             4068f6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
             4068f6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_6108F0, 1 
             4068fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4068fd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
+            4068fd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406901      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4068a0 
             406901      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             406901      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2925,15 +2950,18 @@
             40694e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_list_remove 
             406953     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406953      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406940 
+            406953      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406956      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406940 
             40695d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406968 
             40695d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406940 
             40695f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40695f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406940 
+            40695f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406963      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406940 
             406963      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             406968     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406968      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406940 
+            406968      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40696c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_main_quit 
             40696c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406940 
             40696c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_main_quit 
@@ -2957,6 +2985,7 @@
             406989     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             40698b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40698b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406980 
+            40698b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40698d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406998 
             40698d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406980 
             40698f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406980 
@@ -2979,6 +3008,7 @@
             4069a5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             4069a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4069a7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406980 
+            4069a7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4069a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    dl 
             4069a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406980 
             4069a9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RBX ZZ setz    dl 
@@ -3009,6 +3039,7 @@
             4069b6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, cs:qword_610908 
             4069bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4069bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
+            4069bd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4069c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4069F3 
             4069c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
             4069c2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
@@ -3022,8 +3053,10 @@
             4069cc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409A30 
             4069d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4069d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
+            4069d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4069d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4069E6 
             4069d3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
+            4069d3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4069E6 
             4069d5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 1 
             4069d5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
             4069d5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 1 
@@ -3034,6 +3067,7 @@
             4069dd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40BF30 
             4069e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4069e2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
+            4069e2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4069e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4069BD 
             4069e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
             4069e6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
@@ -3043,10 +3077,12 @@
             4069e9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409A40 
             4069ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4069ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
+            4069ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4069f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4069C2 
             4069f1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
             4069f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4069f3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
+            4069f3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4069f7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4069b0 
             4069f7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4069f7      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -3097,6 +3133,7 @@
             406a2f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_filename_to_uri 
             406a34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406a34      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406a00 
+            406a34      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406a37      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406a00 
             406a3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406AE8 
             406a3a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406a00 
@@ -3116,11 +3153,13 @@
             406a49      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_content_type_guess 
             406a4e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406a4e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406a00 
+            406a4e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406a51      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406a00 
             406a51      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+68h+var_58], rax 
             406a51      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     [rsp+68h+var_58], rax
             406a56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406AF0 
             406a56      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406a00 
+            406a56      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_406AF0 
             406a5c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406a00 
             406a5c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_68] 
             406a5c      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+68h+var_68]
@@ -3212,6 +3251,7 @@
             406ae3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             406ae8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             406ae8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406a00 
+            406ae8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             406aec      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406a00 
             406aec      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             406aec     88 DEALLOC STACK esp - 88 pop     rbx
@@ -3226,6 +3266,7 @@
             406af3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             406af8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_406AE8 
             406af8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406a00 
+            406af8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_406AE8 
             406b00      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 96 4 0 8 5 -8 96 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             406b00      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             406b00    197 FUNC GLOBAL sub_406B00 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             406bc4 
@@ -3242,6 +3283,7 @@
             406b02      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             406b06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             406b06      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406b00 
+            406b06      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             406b09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_406BB8 
             406b09      6 INSTR BELONGTO 406b00 
             406b0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -3345,6 +3387,7 @@
             406ba4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_show 
             406ba9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406ba9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406b00 
+            406ba9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406bad      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406b00 
             406bad      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
             406bad      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rax, rbx
@@ -3361,6 +3404,7 @@
             406bbd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             406bc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_406B17 
             406bc0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406b00 
+            406bc0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_406B17 
             406bd0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 88888889h 
             406bd7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r9d, 0FFFFFFC4h 
             406bdd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM mul     esi 
@@ -3462,6 +3506,7 @@
             406cb9      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r13, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             406cbe     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             406cbe      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
+            406cbe      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             406cc2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406c40 
             406cc2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             406cc2     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -3496,6 +3541,7 @@
             406ce9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             406cee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             406cee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406cd0 
+            406cee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xorps   xmm0, xmm0 
             406cf1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406cd0 
             406cf1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             406cf4     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movss   xmm1, cs:dword_40E9F4 
@@ -3541,6 +3587,7 @@
             406d34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_label_set_line_wrap 
             406d39     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             406d39      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406cd0 
+            406d39      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             406d3d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406cd0 
             406d3d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
             406d3d      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rax, rbx
@@ -3687,6 +3734,7 @@
             406e53      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_show_about_dialog 
             406e58     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 90h 
             406e58      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
+            406e58      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 90h 
             406e5f    144 DEALLOC STACK esp - 144 pop     rbx
             406e5f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406d50 
             406e5f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -3756,6 +3804,7 @@
             406eb5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_20]
             406eba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406eba      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406e70 
+            406eba      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406ebd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406EE0 
             406ebd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406e70 
             406ebf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406e70 
@@ -3783,6 +3832,7 @@
             406edb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             406ee0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             406ee0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406e70 
+            406ee0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             406ee4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406e70 
             406ee4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             406ee4     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -3820,6 +3870,7 @@
             406f05      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_get_state 
             406f0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+28h+var_20], 1 
             406f0a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
+            406f0a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+28h+var_20], 1 
             406f0a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ cmp     [rsp+28h+var_20], 1
             406f0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_406F80 
             406f0f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
@@ -3854,6 +3905,7 @@
             406f39      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             406f3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_406F4D 
             406f3c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
+            406f3c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_406F4D 
             406f40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
             406f40      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             406f40     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -3871,8 +3923,10 @@
             406f50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_bus_pop 
             406f55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406f55      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
+            406f55      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406f58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_406F40 
             406f58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
+            406f58      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_406F40 
             406f5a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
             406f5a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             406f5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gst_object_unref 
@@ -3888,6 +3942,7 @@
             406f6a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_set_state 
             406f6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             406f6f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
+            406f6f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             406f73      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
             406f73      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             406f74      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
@@ -3899,10 +3954,12 @@
             406f80      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     r10d, [rsp+28h+var_1C]
             406f85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             406f85      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
+            406f85      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             406f88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_406F62 
             406f88      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
             406f8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             406f8a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
+            406f8a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             406f8e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406ef0 
             406f8e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             406f8e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -3933,16 +3990,20 @@
             406fad      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+0A8h] 
             406fb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             406fb4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            406fb4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             406fb7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407010 
             406fb7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
             406fb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax+8], 2 
             406fb9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            406fb9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax+8], 2 
             406fbd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_407010 
             406fbd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
             406fbf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             406fbf      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            406fbf      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             406fc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_406FFD 
             406fc6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            406fc6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ jbe     short loc_406FFD 
             406fc8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
             406fc8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_610918 
             406fcf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
@@ -3975,6 +4036,7 @@
             406ffd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             407000     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             407000      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            407000      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407004      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
             407004      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             407005      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
@@ -3986,14 +4048,17 @@
             407010      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+0B0h] 
             407017     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407017      3 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            407017      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40701a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407022 
             40701a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
             40701c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax+8], 4 
             40701c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            40701c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax+8], 4 
             407020     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407030 
             407020      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
             407022     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             407022      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            407022      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407026      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
             407026      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             407027      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
@@ -4002,8 +4067,10 @@
             407028      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ retn 
             407030     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             407030      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            407030      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             407037     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_40706E 
             407037      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            407037      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jbe     short loc_40706E 
             407039      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
             407039      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_610918 
             407040      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
@@ -4068,8 +4135,10 @@
             4070a7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_set_locked_state 
             4070ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             4070ac      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            4070ac      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             4070b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_4070E3 
             4070b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            4070b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jbe     short loc_4070E3 
             4070b5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
             4070b5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_610918 
             4070bc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -4137,9 +4206,11 @@
             407120      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             407125     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             407125      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            407125      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             407129     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             407129     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 xorpd   xmm0, xmm0
             407129      4 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
+            407129      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40712d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
             40712d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40712e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 406fa0 
@@ -4190,6 +4261,7 @@
             407178      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40717b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40717b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407140 
+            40717b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40717f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_statusbar_pop 
             40717f     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _gtk_statusbar_pop
             40717f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407140 
@@ -4302,6 +4374,7 @@
             407209      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, offset msgid2; "%ld minutes" 
             40720e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sub     r12d, ecx 
             40720e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            40720e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     r12d, ecx 
             407211     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant add     rbp, rsi 
             407211      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
             407211      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ add     rbp, rsi 
@@ -4356,21 +4429,27 @@
             407256      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _dcngettext 
             40725b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40725b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            40725b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R15 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40725e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
             40725e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             407261     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407328 
             407261      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            407261      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_407328 
             407267     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             407267      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            407267      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40726a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_407331 
             40726a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            40726a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     loc_407331 
             407270     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             407270      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            407270      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             407273     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             407273      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
             407273      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             407278     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4072E0 
             407278      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            407278      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4072E0 
             40727a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aSAndS; "%s and %s" 
             40727a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
             40727a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aSAndS; "%s and %s" 
@@ -4438,6 +4517,7 @@
             4072d0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             4072d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4072d5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            4072d5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4072d9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
             4072d9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4072e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
@@ -4491,14 +4571,19 @@
             40731b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             407320     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4072B4 
             407320      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            407320      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_4072B4 
             407328     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             407328      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            407328      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40732b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_4073B0 
             40732b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            40732b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     loc_4073B0 
             407331     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             407331      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            407331      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             407334     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407380 
             407334      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            407334      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407380 
             407336      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
             407336      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             407336     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -4548,6 +4633,7 @@
             407370      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             407375     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4072B4 
             407375      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            407375      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_4072B4 
             407380     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rsi, rbp 
             407380      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
             407380      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RSI RDI R12 R14 R15 ZZ mov     rsi, rbp 
@@ -4577,6 +4663,7 @@
             4073a1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             4073a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4073a6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            4073a6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4073aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_strdup_printf 
             4073aa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
             4073aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_strdup_printf 
@@ -4609,6 +4696,7 @@
             4073d4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4073d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4073d6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
+            4073d6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4073da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_strdup_printf 
             4073da     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _g_strdup_printf
             4073da      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407190 
@@ -4645,25 +4733,32 @@
             40740b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rax+0A8h] 
             407412     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407412      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407412      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407415     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4074A8 
             407415      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407415      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4074A8 
             40741b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             40741b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, [rax] 
             40741e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40741e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40741e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             407421     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4074C0 
             407421      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407421      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4074C0 
             407427     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rax+8] 
             407427      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407427      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rax+8] 
             40742a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 4 
             40742a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40742a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 4 
             40742d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4074E0 
             40742d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407433     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             407433      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407433      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40743a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_407460 
             40743a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40743a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 ZZ ja      short loc_407460 
             40743c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             40743c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+28h], 0 
             407443      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
@@ -4683,6 +4778,7 @@
             407451      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r12, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             407456     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             407456      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407456      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40745a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             40745a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ retn 
             40745a     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -4725,6 +4821,7 @@
             40749c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rax+0A8h] 
             4074a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40743C 
             4074a3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4074a3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_40743C 
             4074a8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aWindowPrivPlay; "window->priv->play != NULL" 
             4074a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             4074a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     edx, offset aWindowPrivPlay; "window->priv->play != NULL" 
@@ -4742,6 +4839,7 @@
             4074b9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             4074bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407445 
             4074bb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4074bb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_407445 
             4074c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aWindowPrivPl_0; "window->priv->play->pipeline != NULL" 
             4074c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             4074c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     edx, offset aWindowPrivPl_0; "window->priv->play->pipeline != NULL" 
@@ -4759,6 +4857,7 @@
             4074d1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             4074d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407445 
             4074d3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4074d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_407445 
             4074e0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             4074e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_28] 
             4074e0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_28]
@@ -4772,16 +4871,20 @@
             4074ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_query_duration 
             4074f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4074f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4074f2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4074f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407560 
             4074f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4074f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jz      short loc_407560 
             4074f6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rcx, [rsp+48h+var_28] 
             4074f6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             4074f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ mov     rcx, [rsp+48h+var_28] 
             4074f6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+48h+var_28]
             4074fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4074fb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4074fb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ cmp     rcx, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4074ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407560 
             4074ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4074ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jz      short loc_407560 
             407501     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, rcx 
             407501      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407501      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ mov     rax, rcx 
@@ -4843,6 +4946,7 @@
             407558      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             40755c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40757B 
             40755c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40755c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ jmp     short loc_40757B 
             407560      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407560      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             407564     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rax+0E0h] 
@@ -4850,10 +4954,12 @@
             407564      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, [rax+0E0h] 
             40756a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40756a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40756a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40756c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_4076D8 
             40756c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407572     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     edx, 1 
             407572      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407572      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     edx, 1 
             407575      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407575      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rax+0E0h], edx 
             40757b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rax+0FCh] 
@@ -4861,15 +4967,18 @@
             40757b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, [rax+0FCh] 
             407581     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             407581      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407581      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             407583     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4075B0 
             407583      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407585     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             407585      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407585      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40758c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             40758c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             40758c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             407591     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_407445 
             407591      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407591      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jbe     loc_407445 
             407597      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407597      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     [rsp+48h+var_48], offset aSeekInProgress; "seek in progress, try again later" 
             407597      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_48], offset aSeekInProgress; "seek in progress, try again later"
@@ -4881,19 +4990,23 @@
             4075a2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     r8d, 582h 
             4075a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4075DF 
             4075a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4075a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_4075DF 
             4075b0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             4075b0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12d, [rax+0DCh] 
             4075b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             4075b7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4075b7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             4075ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407608 
             4075ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             4075bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             4075bc      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4075bc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             4075c3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             4075c3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             4075c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             4075c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_407445 
             4075c8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4075c8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jbe     loc_407445 
             4075ce      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             4075ce      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     [rsp+48h+var_48], offset aNoDurationTryA; "no duration, try again later" 
             4075ce      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_48], offset aNoDurationTryA; "no duration, try again later"
@@ -4922,6 +5035,7 @@
             4075f7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gst_debug_log 
             4075fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407445 
             4075fc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4075fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_407445 
             407608      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407608      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_28] 
             407608      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+48h+var_28]
@@ -4935,16 +5049,20 @@
             407615      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_query_position 
             40761a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40761a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40761a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40761c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407718 
             40761c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40761c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      loc_407718 
             407622     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rcx, [rsp+48h+var_28] 
             407622      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407622      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ mov     rcx, [rsp+48h+var_28] 
             407622      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+48h+var_28]
             407627     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             407627      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407627      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     rcx, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40762b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407718 
             40762b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40762b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      loc_407718 
             407631     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, rcx 
             407631      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407631      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, rcx 
@@ -4961,8 +5079,10 @@
             407645      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+38h] 
             407649     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, dword ptr [rbx+0DCh] 
             407649      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407649      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, dword ptr [rbx+0DCh] 
             407651     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40EA08 
             407651      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407651      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40EA08 
             407659     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant sar     rdx, 1Ah 
             407659      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407659      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sar     rdx, 1Ah 
@@ -4974,23 +5094,30 @@
             407660      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ imul    rdx, 3B9ACA00h 
             407667     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, rdx 
             407667      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407667      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, rdx 
             40766c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             40766c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40766c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             407670     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40EA00 
             407670      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407670      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_40EA00 
             407678     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             407678      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407678      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             40767c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA10 
             40767c      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40767c      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA10 
             407684     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             407684      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407684      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             407688     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_407740 
             407688      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             40768e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40768e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40768e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             407692     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate maxsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             407692      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407692      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ maxsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             407696     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm1 
             407696      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407696      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm1 
@@ -5025,6 +5152,7 @@
             4076c7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
             4076cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407445 
             4076cc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            4076cc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_407445 
             4076d8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4076d8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             4076d8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5062,13 +5190,16 @@
             40770c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             407710     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40757B 
             407710      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407710      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ jmp     loc_40757B 
             407718     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             407718      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407718      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40771f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             40771f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             40771f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             407724     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_407445 
             407724      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407724      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jbe     loc_407445 
             40772a      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             40772a      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     [rsp+48h+var_48], offset aFailedToQueryP; "failed to query position" 
             40772a      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_48], offset aFailedToQueryP; "failed to query position"
@@ -5080,11 +5211,13 @@
             407735      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     r8d, 595h 
             40773b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4075DF 
             40773b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            40773b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4075DF 
             407740     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm1 
             407740      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
             407740      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm1 
             407744     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40769A 
             407744      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4073e0 
+            407744      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_40769A 
             407750      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 4 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             407750      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             407750    373 FUNC GLOBAL sub_407750 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4078c4 
@@ -5122,13 +5255,16 @@
             407787      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rax+8] 
             40778a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 4 
             40778a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            40778a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     edi, 4 
             40778d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4077F0 
             40778d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            40778d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_4077F0 
             40778f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
             40778f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40778f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             407791     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             407791      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            407791      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             407798     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_4077D2 
             407798      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
             40779a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gst_element_state_get_name 
@@ -5180,6 +5316,7 @@
             4077e3      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r13, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             4077e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             4077e8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            4077e8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             4077ec      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
             4077ec      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4077ec     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -5191,6 +5328,7 @@
             4077f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             4077fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             4077fb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            4077fb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4077fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4077D2 
             4077fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
             4077ff      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
@@ -5206,23 +5344,29 @@
             40780c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_query_position 
             407811     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407811      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            407811      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407813     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407820 
             407813      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            407813      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_407820 
             407815     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rcx, [rsp+48h+var_38] 
             407815      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
             407815      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ mov     rcx, [rsp+48h+var_38] 
             407815      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+48h+var_38]
             40781a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40781a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            40781a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     rcx, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40781e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407868 
             40781e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            40781e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_407868 
             407820     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             407820      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            407820      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             407827     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             407827      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
             407827      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             40782c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_4077D2 
             40782c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            40782c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jbe     short loc_4077D2 
             40782e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
             40782e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_610918 
             407835     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -5251,6 +5395,7 @@
             407857      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_debug_log 
             40785c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4077D2 
             40785c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            40785c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     loc_4077D2 
             407868     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, rcx 
             407868      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
             407868      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI R13 ZZ mov     rax, rcx 
@@ -5311,6 +5456,7 @@
             4078bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             4078c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4077D2 
             4078c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407750 
+            4078c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     loc_4077D2 
             4078d0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 4 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4078d0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4078d0    259 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4078D0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4079d2 
@@ -5335,6 +5481,7 @@
             4078e9      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 56 ReturnAddress 
             4078ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsi+28h], 8000h 
             4078ed      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
+            4078ed      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsi+28h], 8000h 
             4078f4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
             4078f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407920 
             4078f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
@@ -5358,6 +5505,7 @@
             407913      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r14, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             407918     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             407918      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
+            407918      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40791c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
             40791c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ retn 
             40791c     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -5383,6 +5531,7 @@
             40793b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
             407940     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407940      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
+            407940      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407942     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4078FA 
             407942      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
             407944     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aRms; "rms" 
@@ -5400,6 +5549,7 @@
             407954      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_value_list_get_size 
             407959     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407959      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
+            407959      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40795b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
             40795b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ mov     r13d, eax 
             40795e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4078FA 
@@ -5428,6 +5578,7 @@
             40797f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             407982     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1 
             407982      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
+            407982      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 1 
             407985     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gst_value_list_get_value 
             407985      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
             407985      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_value_list_get_value 
@@ -5438,6 +5589,7 @@
             40798d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_value_get_double 
             407992     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA20; x 
             407992      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
+            407992      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA20; x 
             40799a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _exp 
             40799a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
             40799a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _exp 
@@ -5450,6 +5602,7 @@
             4079ab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, r14 
             4079ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate minsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             4079ae      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
+            4079ae      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ minsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             4079b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+38h+var_38], xmm1 
             4079b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
             4079b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   [rsp+38h+var_38], xmm1 
@@ -5466,10 +5619,12 @@
             4079c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction 
             4079c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r13d, ebx 
             4079c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
+            4079c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r13d, ebx 
             4079cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_407970 
             4079cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
             4079ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4078FA 
             4079ce      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4078d0 
+            4079ce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4078FA 
             4079e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4079e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4079e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_4069B0 
@@ -5516,6 +5671,7 @@
             407a2a      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 232 ReturnAddress 
             407a31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             407a31      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a20 
+            407a31      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             407a33     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+0E8h+var_B0], rcx 
             407a33      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407a20 
             407a33      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+0E8h+var_B0], rcx 
@@ -5527,6 +5683,7 @@
             407a3d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+0E8h+var_A0], r9 
             407a42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407A7B 
             407a42      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a20 
+            407a42      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407A7B 
             407a44     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  [rsp+0E8h+var_98], xmm0 
             407a44      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407a20 
             407a44      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ movaps  [rsp+0E8h+var_98], xmm0 
@@ -5604,10 +5761,12 @@
             407acf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ call    _gtk_message_dialog_new 
             407ad4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             407ad4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a20 
+            407ad4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             407ad7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a20 
             407ad7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             407ada     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407AEE 
             407ada      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407a20 
+            407ada      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_407AEE 
             407adc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdx, rbp 
             407adc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407a20 
             407adc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ mov     rdx, rbp 
@@ -5649,6 +5808,7 @@
             407b11      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ call    _g_free 
             407b16     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0D0h 
             407b16      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407a20 
+            407b16      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ add     rsp, 0D0h 
             407b1d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407a20 
             407b1d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ZZ pop     rbx 
             407b1d    208 DEALLOC STACK esp - 208 pop     rbx
@@ -5703,10 +5863,12 @@
             407b7d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_find_program_in_path 
             407b82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             407b82      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
+            407b82      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             407b85      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
             407b85      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             407b88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_407C68 
             407b88      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
+            407b88      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_407C68 
             407b8e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aXdg_current_de; "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" 
             407b8e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
             407b8e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aXdg_current_de; "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" 
@@ -5726,8 +5888,10 @@
             407ba5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             407baa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407baa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
+            407baa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407bac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407C00 
             407bac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
+            407bac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jz      short loc_407C00 
             407bae      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
             407bae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ lea     rax, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
             407bae      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ lea     rax, [rsp+68h+var_30]
@@ -5760,8 +5924,10 @@
             407bd1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_spawn_async 
             407bd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             407bd6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
+            407bd6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             407bd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_407C10 
             407bd8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
+            407bd8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_407C10 
             407bda      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
             407bda      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             407bdd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -5781,6 +5947,7 @@
             407bf1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 96 displ mov     r13, [rsp+68h+var_8]
             407bf6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 68h 
             407bf6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
+            407bf6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 68h 
             407bfa    104 DEALLOC STACK esp - 104 retn
             407bfa      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
             407bfa      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -5789,6 +5956,7 @@
             407c00      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     [rsp+68h+var_50], offset aSoundNua; "sound-nua"
             407c09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_407BAE 
             407c09      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
+            407c09      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jmp     short loc_407BAE 
             407c10     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
             407c10      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
             407c10      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+68h+var_30] 
@@ -5849,6 +6017,7 @@
             407c57      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             407c5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407BDA 
             407c5c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
+            407c5c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_407BDA 
             407c68     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             407c68      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
             407c68      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -5893,6 +6062,7 @@
             407c9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_407A20 
             407ca0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_407BE2 
             407ca0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407b30 
+            407ca0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     loc_407BE2 
             407cb0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 0 5 0 96 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             407cb0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             407cb0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407cb0 
@@ -5989,6 +6159,7 @@
             407d23      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             407d28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
             407d28      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407cd0 
+            407d28      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ xorps   xmm1, xmm1 
             407d2b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407cd0 
             407d2b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             407d2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movaps  xmm0, xmm1 
@@ -5999,6 +6170,7 @@
             407d31      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_misc_set_alignment 
             407d36     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             407d36      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407cd0 
+            407d36      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             407d3a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407cd0 
             407d3a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
             407d3a      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rax, rbx
@@ -7091,6 +7263,7 @@
             40835a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rax+0F8h] 
             408360     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             408360      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408360      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             408362     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408600 
             408362      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             408368     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_label_get_type 
@@ -7148,8 +7321,10 @@
             4083b9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, [rax+0F8h] 
             4083bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             4083bf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4083bf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    esi, esi 
             4083c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4086D0 
             4083c1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4083c1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4086D0 
             4083c7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4083c7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             4083c7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -7221,8 +7396,10 @@
             408432      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___xstat 
             408437     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408437      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408437      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408439     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4086A8 
             408439      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408439      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4086A8 
             40843f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             40843f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, [rsp+0E8h+stat_buf.st_size] 
             40843f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     r13, [rsp+0E8h+stat_buf.st_size]
@@ -7298,6 +7475,7 @@
             4084ad      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rax+0DCh] 
             4084b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             4084b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4084b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             4084b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408698 
             4084b5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             4084bb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -7342,6 +7520,7 @@
             4084f1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             4084f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             4084f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4084f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ mfence 
             4084f9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             4084f9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+38h] 
             4084fd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -7351,8 +7530,10 @@
             408502      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15d, [rax+0ECh] 
             408509     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             408509      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408509      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             40850c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408660 
             40850c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            40850c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_408660 
             408512     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "Unknown" 
             408512      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             408512      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "Unknown" 
@@ -7390,14 +7571,17 @@
             408543      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             408548     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             408548      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408548      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ mfence 
             40854b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             40854b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+38h] 
             40854f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             40854f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15d, [rax+0E8h] 
             408556     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             408556      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408556      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             408559     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_408730 
             408559      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408559      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jle     loc_408730 
             40855f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40855f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             40855f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -7412,8 +7596,10 @@
             40856b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ call    _dcgettext 
             408570     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, r15d 
             408570      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408570      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, r15d 
             408575     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divss   xmm0, cs:dword_40E9F8 
             408575      8 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408575      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ divss   xmm0, cs:dword_40E9F8 
             40857d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             40857d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             408580     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
@@ -7421,8 +7607,10 @@
             408580      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             408585     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             408585      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408585      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             408588     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             408588      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408588      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             40858b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup_printf 
             40858b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             40858b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _g_strdup_printf 
@@ -7449,6 +7637,7 @@
             4085ad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _g_free 
             4085b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             4085b2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4085b2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mfence 
             4085b5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             4085b5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+38h] 
             4085b9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rax+0E4h] 
@@ -7456,16 +7645,22 @@
             4085b9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     esi, [rax+0E4h] 
             4085bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, 1 
             4085bf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4085bf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ cmp     esi, 1 
             4085c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4087B0 
             4085c2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4085c2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_4087B0 
             4085c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, 2 
             4085c8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4085c8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ cmp     esi, 2 
             4085cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4087A0 
             4085cb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4085cb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_4087A0 
             4085d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             4085d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4085d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ test    esi, esi 
             4085d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4086E8 
             4085d3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4085d3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jnz     loc_4086E8 
             4085d9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4085d9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             4085d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -7487,6 +7682,7 @@
             4085f2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             4085f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4086F7 
             4085f5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4085f5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4086F7 
             408600      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             408600      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+0C0h] 
             408607     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_path_get_dirname 
@@ -7544,6 +7740,7 @@
             408652      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             408657     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408389 
             408657      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408657      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408389 
             408660     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset a_1fKhz; "%.1f kHz" 
             408660      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             408660      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset a_1fKhz; "%.1f kHz" 
@@ -7555,6 +7752,7 @@
             408667      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _dcgettext 
             40866c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, r15d 
             40866c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            40866c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, r15d 
             408671      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             408671      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             408674     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
@@ -7562,10 +7760,13 @@
             408674      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             408679     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divss   xmm0, cs:dword_40E9F8 
             408679      8 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408679      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divss   xmm0, cs:dword_40E9F8 
             408681     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             408681      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408681      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             408684     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             408684      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408684      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             408687     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup_printf 
             408687      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             408687      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strdup_printf 
@@ -7573,6 +7774,7 @@
             40868c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             40868f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408529 
             40868f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            40868f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408529 
             408698     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_407190 
             408698      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             408698      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_407190 
@@ -7581,6 +7783,7 @@
             40869d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             4086a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4084D7 
             4086a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4086a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4084D7 
             4086a8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             4086a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             4086a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -7606,6 +7809,7 @@
             4086c4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     [rsp+0E8h+var_D8], rax
             4086c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408486 
             4086c9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4086c9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_408486 
             4086d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             4086d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             4086d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -7616,6 +7820,7 @@
             4086d8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     [rsp+0E8h+var_D8], rax
             4086dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4083EA 
             4086dd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4086dd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4083EA 
             4086e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aD  ; "%d" 
             4086e8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             4086e8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     edi, offset aD  ; "%d" 
@@ -7653,6 +7858,7 @@
             408719      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_show_all 
             40871e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0B8h 
             40871e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            40871e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 0B8h 
             408725    184 DEALLOC STACK esp - 184 pop     rbx
             408725      1 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             408725      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -7670,6 +7876,7 @@
             40872f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ retn 
             408730     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
             408730      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408730      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ test    r13, r13 
             408733      7 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             408733      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15d, [rax+0DCh] 
             40873a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -7677,10 +7884,13 @@
             40873a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40873f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408780 
             40873f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            40873f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_408780 
             408741     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15d, r15d 
             408741      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408741      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r15d, r15d 
             408744     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_408780 
             408744      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408744      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_408780 
             408746      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             408746      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             408746     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -7692,22 +7902,31 @@
             40874d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _dcgettext 
             408752     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
             408752      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408752      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r13, r13 
             408755     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_4087C0 
             408755      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408755      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ js      short loc_4087C0 
             408757     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, r13 
             408757      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408757      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, r13 
             40875c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, r15d 
             40875c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            40875c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, r15d 
             408761     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA28 
             408761      8 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408761      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA28 
             408769     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             408769      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408769      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             40876d     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si edx, xmm0 
             40876d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            40876d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ cvttsd2si edx, xmm0 
             408771     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, edx 
             408771      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408771      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, edx 
             408775     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408575 
             408775      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408775      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_408575 
             408780     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "Unknown" 
             408780      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             408780      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "Unknown" 
@@ -7726,6 +7945,7 @@
             408794      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             408797     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408593 
             408797      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            408797      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_408593 
             4087a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             4087a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             4087a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -7734,6 +7954,7 @@
             4087a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     esi, offset a2Stereo; "2 (stereo)" 
             4087aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4085E3 
             4087aa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4087aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4085E3 
             4087b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             4087b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             4087b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -7742,6 +7963,7 @@
             4087b5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     esi, offset a1Mono; "1 (mono)" 
             4087ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4085E3 
             4087ba      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4087ba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_4085E3 
             4087c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdx, r13 
             4087c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
             4087c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, r13 
@@ -7755,10 +7977,13 @@
             4087ca      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ or      rdx, r13 
             4087cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, rdx 
             4087cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4087cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, rdx 
             4087d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, xmm0 
             4087d2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4087d2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ addsd   xmm0, xmm0 
             4087d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40875C 
             4087d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 407d40 
+            4087d6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40875C 
             4087e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             4087e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4087e0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
@@ -7809,6 +8034,7 @@
             408823      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_get_model 
             408828     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             408828      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408828      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40882b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             40882b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40882e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408848 
@@ -7842,8 +8068,10 @@
             40885b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_implements_interface_check 
             408860     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408860      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408860      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408862     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4088E0 
             408862      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408862      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4088E0 
             408864      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408864      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+38h] 
             408868      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
@@ -7853,6 +8081,7 @@
             40886f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_mixer_list_tracks 
             408874     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             408874      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408874      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             408877     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4088E0 
             408877      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408879     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gst_mixer_get_type 
@@ -7891,6 +8120,7 @@
             4088b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_implements_interface_check 
             4088b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4088b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            4088b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4088ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408920 
             4088ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             4088bc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
@@ -7913,6 +8143,7 @@
             4088d5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             4088da     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             4088da      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            4088da      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             4088de      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             4088de      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4088e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
@@ -7946,6 +8177,7 @@
             40890e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             408913     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             408913      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408913      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             408917     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_widget_hide 
             408917      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408917      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_widget_hide 
@@ -7958,6 +8190,7 @@
             40892b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_mixer_list_tracks 
             408930     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             408930      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408930      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             408933      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408933      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             408936      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
@@ -7965,15 +8198,19 @@
             408936      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_3C], 0
             40893e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4089A7 
             40893e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            40893e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_4089A7 
             408940      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408940      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 ZZ mov     [rsp+48h+var_40], 0 
             408940      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+48h+var_40], 0
             408948     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40897F 
             408948      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408948      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     short loc_40897F 
             408950     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
             408950      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408950      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ test    r14, r14 
             408953     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408A40 
             408953      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408953      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_408A40 
             408959     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+48h+var_40] 
             408959      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408959      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+48h+var_40] 
@@ -7990,43 +8227,54 @@
             408969      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_equal 
             40896e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40896e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            40896e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408970     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_408A40 
             408970      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408970      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     loc_408A40 
             408976      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408976      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             40897a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40897a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            40897a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40897d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4089A7 
             40897d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            40897d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_4089A7 
             40897f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             40897f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R12 R13 ZZ mov     r12, [rbx] 
             408982      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408982      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R13 ZZ mov     r13, [r12+18h] 
             408987     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
             408987      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408987      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    r13, r13 
             40898a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408976 
             40898a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            40898a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_408976 
             40898c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [r12+20h] 
             40898c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             40898c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [r12+20h] 
             408991     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, 1 
             408991      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408991      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, 1 
             408993     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408A08 
             408993      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408995     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, 8 
             408995      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408995      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, 8 
             408997     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408950 
             408997      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408999     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
             408999      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408999      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r14, r14 
             40899c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408961 
             40899c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             40899e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             40899e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             4089a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4089a2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            4089a2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4089a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40897F 
             4089a5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            4089a5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_40897F 
             4089a7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             4089a7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+38h] 
             4089ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
@@ -8043,8 +8291,10 @@
             4089ba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_get_active 
             4089bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4089bf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            4089bf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4089c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_408A68 
             4089c2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            4089c2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      loc_408A68 
             4089c8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             4089c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+38h] 
             4089cc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
@@ -8076,6 +8326,7 @@
             4089f6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             4089fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             4089fb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            4089fb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             4089ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_widget_show 
             4089ff      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             4089ff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_widget_show 
@@ -8107,6 +8358,7 @@
             408a2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [r12+20h] 
             408a32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408995 
             408a32      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408a32      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_408995 
             408a40      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408a40      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+38h] 
             408a44      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
@@ -8130,6 +8382,7 @@
             408a5a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_set_active 
             408a5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_408976 
             408a5f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408a5f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_408976 
             408a68      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
             408a68      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+38h] 
             408a6c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
@@ -8153,6 +8406,7 @@
             408a82      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_set_active 
             408a87     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4089C8 
             408a87      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4087e0 
+            408a87      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4089C8 
             408a90      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             408a90      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             408a90      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
@@ -8172,16 +8426,20 @@
             408a98      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_combo_box_get_type 
             408a9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408a9d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408a9d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408aa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408ABE 
             408aa0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408aa0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_408ABE 
             408aa2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
             408aa2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             408aa5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             408aa5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408aa5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             408aa8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408AAF 
             408aa8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
             408aaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408aaa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408aaa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             408aad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408AD8 
             408aad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
             408aaf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
@@ -8193,10 +8451,12 @@
             408ab5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             408aba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             408aba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408aba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             408abc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_408AD8 
             408abc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
             408abe     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             408abe      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408abe      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             408ac2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGtk_is_combo_b; "GTK_IS_COMBO_BOX (object)" 
             408ac2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
             408ac2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGtk_is_combo_b; "GTK_IS_COMBO_BOX (object)" 
@@ -8228,6 +8488,7 @@
             408aeb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gm_audio_profile_choose_get_active 
             408af0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             408af0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408af0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             408af3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
             408af3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             408af6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_408B73 
@@ -8242,12 +8503,15 @@
             408b00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strdup 
             408b05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             408b05      7 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408b05      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             408b0c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
             408b0c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             408b0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_408B50 
             408b0f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408b0f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jbe     short loc_408B50 
             408b11     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             408b11      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408b11      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             408b14     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, offset aNull; "(NULL)" 
             408b14      5 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
             408b14      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     eax, offset aNull; "(NULL)" 
@@ -8297,6 +8561,7 @@
             408b61      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gconf_client_set_string 
             408b66     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             408b66      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408b66      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             408b6a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
             408b6a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             408b6d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
@@ -8306,6 +8571,7 @@
             408b6e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_free 
             408b73     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             408b73      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
+            408b73      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             408b77     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             408b77      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408a90 
             408b77      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -8558,6 +8824,7 @@
             4090b8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             4090bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4090bd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409070 
+            4090bd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4090c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gst_object_unref 
             4090c1     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _gst_object_unref
             4090c1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409070 
@@ -8584,18 +8851,23 @@
             4090e4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_menu_item_get_type 
             4090e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4090e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
+            4090e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4090ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40910A 
             4090ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
             4090ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
             4090ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4090f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4090f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
+            4090f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4090f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4090FB 
             4090f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
+            4090f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4090FB 
             4090f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4090f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
+            4090f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4090f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409120 
             4090f9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
+            4090f9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409120 
             4090fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
             4090fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             4090fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
@@ -8605,6 +8877,7 @@
             409101      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             409106     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409106      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
+            409106      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409108     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409120 
             409108      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
             40910a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
@@ -8615,6 +8888,7 @@
             40910f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             409114     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409114      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
+            409114      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409118      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
             409118      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             409120      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
@@ -8660,6 +8934,7 @@
             409156      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, offset byte_40D574 
             40915b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40915b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
+            40915b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40915f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_signal_connect_data 
             40915f     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_signal_connect_data
             40915f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4090d0 
@@ -8679,8 +8954,10 @@
             409178      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+110h] 
             40917f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40917f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            40917f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             409182     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4091C8 
             409182      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
+            409182      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_4091C8 
             409184     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 1 
             409184      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409170 
             409184      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, 1 
@@ -8750,6 +9027,7 @@
             4091e4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rdx+38h] 
             4091e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4091e8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4091e0 
+            4091e8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4091eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409200 
             4091eb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4091e0 
             4091ed     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4091e0 
@@ -8759,6 +9037,7 @@
             4091f7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4091f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4091f9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4091e0 
+            4091f9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4091fd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4091e0 
             4091fd      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             409200     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aWindowPrivNull; "window->priv != NULL" 
@@ -8778,6 +9057,7 @@
             409211     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             409213     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409213      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4091e0 
+            409213      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409217      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4091e0 
             409217      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             409217      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -8811,16 +9091,19 @@
             409241      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_pad_get_type 
             409246     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             409246      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409246      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             409249     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4092B8 
             409249      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             40924b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             40924b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40924e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40924e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40924e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             409251     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409258 
             409251      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409253     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409253      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409253      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             409256     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409267 
             409256      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409258      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
@@ -8832,6 +9115,7 @@
             40925e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             409263     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409263      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409263      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409265     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4092B8 
             409265      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409267      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
@@ -8841,23 +9125,29 @@
             40926c      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [r12+0A8h] 
             409274     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409274      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409274      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409277     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409282 
             409277      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409279     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbp, [rax] 
             409279      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409279      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbp, [rax] 
             40927c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409320 
             40927c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40927c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      loc_409320 
             409282     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [r12+0B0h] 
             409282      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409282      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [r12+0B0h] 
             40928a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40928a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40928a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40928d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409294 
             40928d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             40928f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbp, [rax] 
             40928f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40928f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbp, [rax] 
             409292     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4092D8 
             409292      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409292      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_4092D8 
             409294      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409294      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     r9d, offset aPipeline_deep_; "pipeline_deep_notify_caps_cb" 
             40929a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r8d, 618h 
@@ -8895,6 +9185,7 @@
             4092c7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             4092cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4092cc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4092cc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4092d0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             4092d0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4092d0     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -8903,6 +9194,7 @@
             4092d8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 2 
             4092dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbx+60h], eax 
             4092dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4092dd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rbx+60h], eax 
             4092e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4092B8 
             4092e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             4092e2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
@@ -8917,18 +9209,23 @@
             4092ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_get_type 
             4092f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4092f2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4092f2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4092f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4092B8 
             4092f5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             4092f7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             4092f7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             4092fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4092fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4092fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4092fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409305 
             4092fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4092fe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409305 
             409300     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, [rdx] 
             409300      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409300      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rax, [rdx] 
             409303     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409330 
             409303      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409303      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409330 
             409305      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409305      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             409308      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
@@ -8938,8 +9235,10 @@
             40930b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             409310     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             409310      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409310      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             409312     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409330 
             409312      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409312      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409330 
             409314      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409314      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             409317     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gst_object_unref 
@@ -8947,11 +9246,13 @@
             409317      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_object_unref 
             40931c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4092B8 
             40931c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40931c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     short loc_4092B8 
             409320     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 1 
             409320      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409320      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             409325     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4092DD 
             409325      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409325      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4092DD 
             409330      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409330      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             409333     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gst_element_get_factory 
@@ -8959,8 +9260,10 @@
             409333      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_get_factory 
             409338     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409338      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409338      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40933b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409314 
             40933b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40933b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409314 
             40933d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             40933d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             409340     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gst_element_factory_get_klass 
@@ -8968,10 +9271,12 @@
             409340      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_factory_get_klass 
             409345     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409345      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409345      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409348      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409348      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40934b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409314 
             40934b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40934b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409314 
             40934d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             40934d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset needle; "Audio" 
             409352      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
@@ -8981,8 +9286,10 @@
             409355      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             40935a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40935a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40935a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40935d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409314 
             40935d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40935d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409314 
             40935f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             40935f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aDecoder; "Decoder" 
             409364      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
@@ -8992,8 +9299,10 @@
             409367      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             40936c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40936c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40936c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40936f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4093C7 
             40936f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40936f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4093C7 
             409371      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409371      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             409374     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gst_pad_get_negotiated_caps 
@@ -9001,10 +9310,12 @@
             409374      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_pad_get_negotiated_caps 
             409379     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409379      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409379      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40937c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             40937c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40937f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409314 
             40937f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            40937f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409314 
             409381      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             409381      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             409381     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -9028,8 +9339,10 @@
             40939b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_structure_get_int 
             4093a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4093a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4093a0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4093a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4093F1 
             4093a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4093a2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4093F1 
             4093a4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             4093a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+38h+var_2C] 
             4093a4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+38h+var_2C]
@@ -9043,8 +9356,10 @@
             4093b1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_structure_get_int 
             4093b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4093b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4093b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4093b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4093DE 
             4093b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4093b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4093DE 
             4093ba      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             4093ba      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             4093bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gst_caps_unref 
@@ -9052,6 +9367,7 @@
             4093bd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_caps_unref 
             4093c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409314 
             4093c2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4093c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_409314 
             4093c7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             4093c7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aEncoder; "Encoder" 
             4093cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
@@ -9061,10 +9377,13 @@
             4093cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             4093d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4093d4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4093d4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4093d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409371 
             4093d7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4093d7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409371 
             4093d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409314 
             4093d9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4093d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_409314 
             4093de     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rsp+38h+var_2C] 
             4093de      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             4093de      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, [rsp+38h+var_2C] 
@@ -9076,6 +9395,7 @@
             4093ea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_atomic_int_set 
             4093ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4093BA 
             4093ef      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            4093ef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4093BA 
             4093f1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rsp+38h+var_2C] 
             4093f1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
             4093f1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, [rsp+38h+var_2C] 
@@ -9087,6 +9407,7 @@
             4093fd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_atomic_int_set 
             409402     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4093A4 
             409402      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409220 
+            409402      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4093A4 
             409410      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             409410      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409410    146 FUNC GLOBAL sub_409410 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4094a1 
@@ -9108,6 +9429,7 @@
             40941c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rax, [rax+0A8h] 
             409423     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax+8], 3 
             409423      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
+            409423      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax+8], 3 
             409427     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_40949A 
             409427      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
             409429     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_range_get_adjustment 
@@ -9120,6 +9442,7 @@
             409431      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_adjustment_get_value 
             409436     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA00 
             409436      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
+            409436      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R9 ZZ divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA00 
             40943e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
             40943e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R9 ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             409442     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -9136,6 +9459,7 @@
             40944f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 3 
             409454     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, dword ptr [rax+0DCh] 
             409454      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
+            409454      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, dword ptr [rax+0DCh] 
             40945c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
             40945c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rax+0A8h] 
             409463      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
@@ -9145,10 +9469,13 @@
             40946b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             40946e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             40946e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
+            40946e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             409472     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA08 
             409472      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
+            409472      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA08 
             40947a     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si r8, xmm0 
             40947a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
+            40947a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ cvttsd2si r8, xmm0 
             40947f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA18 
             40947f      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
             40947f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_40EA18 
@@ -9161,6 +9488,7 @@
             409490     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+0FCh], 0 
             40949a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40949a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
+            40949a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40949e     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 xor     eax, eax
             40949e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409410 
             40949e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
@@ -9193,18 +9521,23 @@
             4094bc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_menu_item_get_type 
             4094c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4094c1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
+            4094c1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4094c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4094E2 
             4094c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
             4094c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
             4094c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4094c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4094c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
+            4094c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4094cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4094D3 
             4094cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
+            4094cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4094D3 
             4094ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4094ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
+            4094ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4094d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4094F0 
             4094d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
+            4094d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4094F0 
             4094d3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
             4094d3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             4094d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
@@ -9214,10 +9547,12 @@
             4094d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4094de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4094de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
+            4094de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4094e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4094F0 
             4094e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
             4094e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4094e2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
+            4094e2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4094e6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
             4094e6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4094e7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
@@ -9272,6 +9607,7 @@
             409527      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched 
             40952c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40952c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
+            40952c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409530      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4094b0 
             409530      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             409530     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -9365,10 +9701,12 @@
             4095c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_class_add_private 
             4095c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:qword_610918, 0 
             4095c8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409540 
+            4095c8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:qword_610918, 0 
             4095d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4095E0 
             4095d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409540 
             4095d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4095d2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409540 
+            4095d2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4095d6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409540 
             4095d6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4095d7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409540 
@@ -9391,6 +9729,7 @@
             4095f1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:qword_610918, rax 
             4095f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4095f8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409540 
+            4095f8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4095fc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409540 
             4095fc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4095fc      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -9482,6 +9821,7 @@
             40965f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             409664     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             409664      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409600 
+            409664      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             409668      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409600 
             409668      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             409668     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -9514,10 +9854,12 @@
             409690      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_factory_make 
             409695     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409695      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
+            409695      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409698      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
             409698      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40969b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409748 
             40969b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
+            40969b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_409748 
             4096a1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 2 
             4096a1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
             4096a1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 2 
@@ -9528,6 +9870,7 @@
             4096a9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_set_state 
             4096ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4096ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
+            4096ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4096b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409720 
             4096b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
             4096b2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
@@ -9586,6 +9929,7 @@
             40970c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             409711     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             409711      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
+            409711      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             409715      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
             409715      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             409715     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -9621,6 +9965,7 @@
             40973f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             409741     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409703 
             409741      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
+            409741      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_409703 
             409748     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             409748      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
             409748      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -9652,6 +9997,7 @@
             409770     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             409772     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409703 
             409772      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409670 
+            409772      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_409703 
             409780      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -40 4 4 0 8 5 -32 0 6 0 96 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -24 0 13 -16 0 14 -8 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             409780      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             409780      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
@@ -9679,18 +10025,22 @@
             40978f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R11 ZZ mov     r11d, [rbp+0F0h] 
             409796     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             409796      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409796      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             409799     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4097A9 
             409799      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             40979b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbp+0D0h], 0 
             40979b      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            40979b      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbp+0D0h], 0 
             4097a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40998B 
             4097a3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097a9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097a9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+0A8h] 
             4097b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4097b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4097b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4097b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4097BE 
             4097b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4097b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_4097BE 
             4097b5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097b5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ lea     rsi, [rdi+10h] 
             4097b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_409070 
@@ -9707,10 +10057,12 @@
             4097c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_factory_make 
             4097cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4097cd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4097cd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R14 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4097d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             4097d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409958 
             4097d3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4097d3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_409958 
             4097d9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aPlaybin; "playbin" 
             4097d9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aPlaybin; "playbin" 
@@ -9722,10 +10074,12 @@
             4097e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_factory_make 
             4097e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4097e6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4097e6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4097e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             4097ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4099A8 
             4097ec      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4097ec      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4099A8 
             4097f2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 30h 
             4097f2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4097f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 30h 
@@ -9853,8 +10207,10 @@
             4098b5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rbp+0A8h], rbx 
             4098bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             4098bc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4098bc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             4098bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409940 
             4098bf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4098bf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409940 
             4098c1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4098c1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+0C0h] 
             4098c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_new_for_commandline_arg 
@@ -9905,12 +10261,16 @@
             40990b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+0B0h] 
             409912     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409912      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409912      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409915     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40991D 
             409915      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409915      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40991D 
             409917     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax+8], 4 
             409917      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409917      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax+8], 4 
             40991b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409998 
             40991b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            40991b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409998 
             40991d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             40991d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40991e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
@@ -9935,10 +10295,12 @@
             409940      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+0D0h] 
             409947     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             409947      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409947      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40994a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4098C8 
             40994a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             409950     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4098C1 
             409950      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            409950      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4098C1 
             409958     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             409958      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             409958      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -9986,6 +10348,7 @@
             40999b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_406EF0 
             4099a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40991D 
             4099a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4099a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 ZZ jmp     loc_40991D 
             4099a8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
             4099a8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             4099ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gst_object_unref 
@@ -10019,6 +10382,7 @@
             4099d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409600 
             4099d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409980 
             4099d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409780 
+            4099d8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ jmp     short loc_409980 
             4099e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 4 4 0 0 5 -8 4 6 0 0 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             4099e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4099e0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4099e0 
@@ -10083,6 +10447,7 @@
             409a1c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_407A20 
             409a21     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409a21      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4099e0 
+            409a21      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409a25      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4099e0 
             409a25      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             409a25      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbx
@@ -10181,6 +10546,7 @@
             409a98      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strftime 
             409a9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             409a9d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409a60 
+            409a9d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             409aa1     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     rax, rbx
             409aa1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409a60 
             409aa1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
@@ -10200,6 +10566,7 @@
             409ab4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_610910 
             409abb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409abb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ab0 
+            409abb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409abe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409B08 
             409abe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409ab0 
             409ac0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409ab0 
@@ -10242,6 +10609,7 @@
             409b01      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_610910, rax 
             409b08     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             409b08      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409ab0 
+            409b08      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             409b0c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409ab0 
             409b0c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             409b0c     88 DEALLOC STACK esp - 88 retn
@@ -10842,18 +11210,24 @@
             40aae8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409AB0 
             40aaed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40aaed      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40aaed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40aaf0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AB0E 
             40aaf0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40aaf0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AB0E 
             40aaf2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
             40aaf2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40aaf5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40aaf5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40aaf5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40aaf8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AAFF 
             40aaf8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40aaf8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AAFF 
             40aafa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40aafa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40aafa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40aafd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AB28 
             40aafd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40aafd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AB28 
             40aaff      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
             40aaff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40ab02      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
@@ -10863,10 +11237,13 @@
             40ab05      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40ab0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ab0a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40ab0a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ab0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AB28 
             40ab0c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40ab0c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40AB28 
             40ab0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40ab0e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40ab0e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40ab12     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsr_is_windowW; "GSR_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40ab12      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
             40ab12      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGsr_is_windowW; "GSR_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
@@ -10883,8 +11260,10 @@
             40ab1f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40ab28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40ab28      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40ab28      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40ab2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_40AB5F 
             40ab2f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40ab2f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jbe     short loc_40AB5F 
             40ab31      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
             40ab31      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_610918 
             40ab38     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -10913,6 +11292,7 @@
             40ab5a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_debug_log 
             40ab5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40ab5f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
+            40ab5f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40ab63     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     rsi, rbx
             40ab63      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aae0 
             40ab63      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbx 
@@ -10959,18 +11339,24 @@
             40ab91      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409AB0 
             40ab96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40ab96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ab96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40ab99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40ABB7 
             40ab99      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ab99      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40ABB7 
             40ab9b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40ab9b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40ab9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40ab9e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ab9e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40aba1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40ABA8 
             40aba1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40aba1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40ABA8 
             40aba3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40aba3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40aba3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40aba6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40ABD8 
             40aba6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40aba6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40ABD8 
             40aba8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40aba8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40abab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
@@ -10980,8 +11366,10 @@
             40abae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40abb3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40abb3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40abb3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40abb5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40ABD8 
             40abb5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40abb5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40ABD8 
             40abb7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsr_is_windowW; "GSR_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40abb7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40abb7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGsr_is_windowW; "GSR_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
@@ -10996,6 +11384,7 @@
             40abc3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40abc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40abc8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40abc8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40abcc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40abcc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40abcd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
@@ -11019,6 +11408,7 @@
             40abe3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_message_parse_error 
             40abe8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+38h+var_38], 0 
             40abe8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40abe8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+38h+var_38], 0 
             40abe8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ cmp     [rsp+38h+var_38], 0
             40abed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40ADF7 
             40abed      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
@@ -11034,6 +11424,7 @@
             40abff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40ac04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40ac04      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ac04      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ac07      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40ac0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40AE18 
             40ac0a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
@@ -11044,12 +11435,16 @@
             40ac15      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             40ac19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40ac19      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ac19      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40ac1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AC27 
             40ac1c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ac1c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AC27 
             40ac1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, [rdx] 
             40ac1e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ac1e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rax, [rdx] 
             40ac21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40ADBB 
             40ac21      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ac21      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40ADBB 
             40ac27      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40ac27      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40ac2a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
@@ -11059,8 +11454,10 @@
             40ac2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40ac32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ac32      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ac32      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ac34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40ADBB 
             40ac34      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ac34      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40ADBB 
             40ac3a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGst_is_element; "GST_IS_ELEMENT (element)" 
             40ac3a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40ac3a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGst_is_element; "GST_IS_ELEMENT (element)" 
@@ -11081,6 +11478,7 @@
             40ac4d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_38] 
             40ac51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax+4], 4 
             40ac51      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ac51      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax+4], 4 
             40ac55      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40ac55      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             40ac59     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rax+118h] 
@@ -11090,6 +11488,7 @@
             40ac5f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40ac65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40ac65      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ac65      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40ac67     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40ADD4 
             40ac67      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40ac6d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
@@ -11290,6 +11689,7 @@
             40ad9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40ada0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40ada0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ada0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40ada4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40ada4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40ada5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
@@ -11314,14 +11714,18 @@
             40adbe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_object_get_parent 
             40adc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40adc3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40adc3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40adc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40adc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40adc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40ADB0 
             40adc9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40adc9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40ADB0 
             40adcb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40AC4D 
             40adcb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40adcb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40AC4D 
             40add0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40add0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40add0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40add2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AE2E 
             40add2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40add4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_source_remove 
@@ -11335,6 +11739,7 @@
             40ade7     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+110h], 0 
             40adf2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40AC6D 
             40adf2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40adf2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40AC6D 
             40adf7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aErrorNull; "error != NULL" 
             40adf7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40adf7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aErrorNull; "error != NULL" 
@@ -11349,6 +11754,7 @@
             40ae03      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40ae08     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40ae08      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ae08      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40ae0c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40ae0c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40ae0c     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -11374,6 +11780,7 @@
             40ae24      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40ae29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40AC4D 
             40ae29      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40ae29      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40AC4D 
             40ae2e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
             40ae2e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             40ae2e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -11449,6 +11856,7 @@
             40ae9e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40aea3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40ABC8 
             40aea3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab70 
+            40aea3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     loc_40ABC8 
             40aeb0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40aeb0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40aeb0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
@@ -11492,16 +11900,20 @@
             40aedf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409AB0 
             40aee4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40aee4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40aee4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40aee7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AF05 
             40aee7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40aee7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40AF05 
             40aee9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40aee9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40aeec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40aeec      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40aeec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40aeef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AEF6 
             40aeef      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40aef1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40aef1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40aef1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40aef4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AF30 
             40aef4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40aef6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
@@ -11513,6 +11925,7 @@
             40aefc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40af01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40af01      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40af01      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40af03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AF30 
             40af03      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40af05     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsr_is_windowW; "GSR_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
@@ -11541,6 +11954,7 @@
             40af25      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r13, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             40af2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40af2a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40af2a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40af2e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40af2e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ retn 
             40af2e     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -11563,6 +11977,7 @@
             40af4a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40af4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbp, rax 
             40af4f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40af4f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbp, rax 
             40af52     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AF16 
             40af52      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40af54     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
@@ -11570,6 +11985,7 @@
             40af54      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             40af58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40af58      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40af58      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40af5f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rsp+48h+var_2C] 
             40af5f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40af5f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rsp+48h+var_2C] 
@@ -11616,14 +12032,17 @@
             40afa7      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ mov     edi, [rsp+48h+var_2C]
             40afab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 3 
             40afab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40afab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 3 
             40afae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B00C 
             40afae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40afb0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 4 
             40afb0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40afb0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 4 
             40afb3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B0D0 
             40afb3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40afb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 2 
             40afb9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40afb9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 2 
             40afbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40AF16 
             40afbc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40afc2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
@@ -11635,6 +12054,7 @@
             40afcd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rax+28h] 
             40afd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40afd0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40afd0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40afd2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40B210 
             40afd2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40afd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_range_get_type 
@@ -11654,6 +12074,7 @@
             40afec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_range_get_adjustment 
             40aff1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40aff1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40aff1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40aff5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40aff5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40aff8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
@@ -11786,6 +12207,7 @@
             40b0c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _gtk_statusbar_push 
             40b0ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40AF16 
             40b0ca      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40b0ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40AF16 
             40b0d0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40b0d0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R12 XMM0 ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             40b0d4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
@@ -11794,8 +12216,10 @@
             40b0db      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 XMM0 ZZ mov     r12d, [rbp+28h] 
             40b0df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             40b0df      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40b0df      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             40b0e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B1F0 
             40b0e2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40b0e2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_40B1F0 
             40b0e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
             40b0e8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40b0e8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, 1 
@@ -11927,8 +12351,10 @@
             40b1b5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edi, [rax+118h] 
             40b1bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40b1bb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40b1bb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40b1bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40AF16 
             40b1bd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40b1bd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_40AF16 
             40b1c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_source_remove 
             40b1c3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40b1c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_source_remove 
@@ -11940,6 +12366,7 @@
             40b1d6     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax+110h], 0 
             40b1e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40AF16 
             40b1e1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40b1e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40AF16 
             40b1f0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40b1f0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdx, rbx 
             40b1f3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset sub_4073E0 
@@ -11955,6 +12382,7 @@
             40b202      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     [rbp+28h], eax 
             40b205     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B0E8 
             40b205      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40b205      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40B0E8 
             40b210     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_source_remove 
             40b210      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
             40b210      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_source_remove 
@@ -11966,6 +12394,7 @@
             40b220      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+28h], 0 
             40b227     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40AFD8 
             40b227      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40aeb0 
+            40b227      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40AFD8 
             40b230      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 4 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40b230      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40b230      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
@@ -11988,18 +12417,24 @@
             40b239      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409AB0 
             40b23e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b23e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b23e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b241     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B25F 
             40b241      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b241      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B25F 
             40b243      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b243      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40b246     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b246      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b246      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b249     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B250 
             40b249      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b249      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B250 
             40b24b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b24b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b24b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b24e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B280 
             40b24e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b24e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B280 
             40b250      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b250      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40b253      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
@@ -12009,10 +12444,13 @@
             40b256      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b25b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b25b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b25b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b25d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B280 
             40b25d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b25d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40B280 
             40b25f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40b25f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b25f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40b263     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsr_is_windowW; "GSR_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40b263      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b263      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGsr_is_windowW; "GSR_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
@@ -12031,8 +12469,10 @@
             40b271      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40b280     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40b280      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b280      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40b287     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_40B2B7 
             40b287      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b287      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jbe     short loc_40B2B7 
             40b289      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b289      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_610918 
             40b290     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -12107,6 +12547,7 @@
             40b31c     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+0F0h], 1 
             40b326     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40b326      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
+            40b326      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40b32a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b230 
             40b32a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b32a     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -12157,16 +12598,20 @@
             40b35f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409AB0 
             40b364     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b364      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b364      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b367     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B385 
             40b367      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b367      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40B385 
             40b369      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b369      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40b36c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b36c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b36c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b36f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B376 
             40b36f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b371     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b371      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b371      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b374     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B3B0 
             40b374      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b376      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
@@ -12178,6 +12623,7 @@
             40b37c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b381     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b381      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b381      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b383     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B3B0 
             40b383      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b385     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsr_is_windowW; "GSR_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
@@ -12206,6 +12652,7 @@
             40b3a5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r13, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             40b3aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40b3aa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b3aa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40b3ae      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b3ae      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ retn 
             40b3ae     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 retn
@@ -12228,6 +12675,7 @@
             40b3ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40b3cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbp, rax 
             40b3cf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b3cf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbp, rax 
             40b3d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B396 
             40b3d2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b3d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
@@ -12235,6 +12683,7 @@
             40b3d4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             40b3d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40b3d8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b3d8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40b3df     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, [rsp+48h+var_2C] 
             40b3df      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b3df      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rsp+48h+var_2C] 
@@ -12281,14 +12730,17 @@
             40b427      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ mov     edi, [rsp+48h+var_2C]
             40b42b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 3 
             40b42b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b42b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 3 
             40b42e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B4B7 
             40b42e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b434     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 4 
             40b434      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b434      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 4 
             40b437     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B5D8 
             40b437      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b43d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 2 
             40b43d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b43d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 2 
             40b440     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40B396 
             40b440      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b446     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_range_get_type 
@@ -12310,6 +12762,7 @@
             40b45e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_range_get_adjustment 
             40b463     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b463      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b463      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40b467      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b467      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40b46a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_adjustment_set_value 
@@ -12508,8 +12961,10 @@
             40b5ae      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edi, [rax+104h] 
             40b5b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40b5b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b5b4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    edi, edi 
             40b5b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B396 
             40b5b6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b5b6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_40B396 
             40b5bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_source_remove 
             40b5bc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b5bc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_source_remove 
@@ -12519,6 +12974,7 @@
             40b5c5     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+104h], 0 
             40b5cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B396 
             40b5cf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b5cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40B396 
             40b5d8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b5d8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx+38h] 
             40b5dc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
@@ -12550,10 +13006,12 @@
             40b60c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             40b60e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b60e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b60e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b611      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b611      4 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx+38h] 
             40b615     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B622 
             40b615      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b615      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      short loc_40B622 
             40b617      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
             40b617      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40b61a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gm_audio_profile_get_extension 
@@ -12588,6 +13046,7 @@
             40b647      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _gtk_widget_set_sensitive 
             40b64c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B396 
             40b64c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b330 
+            40b64c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40B396 
             40b660      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -32 0 4 0 8 5 -24 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -16 4 13 -8 4 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40b660      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40b660      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
@@ -12628,8 +13087,10 @@
             40b684      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13d, [rax+104h] 
             40b68b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
             40b68b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b68b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
             40b68e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40B840 
             40b68e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b68e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40B840 
             40b694      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b694      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+0C0h] 
             40b69b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -12865,6 +13326,7 @@
             40b82c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40b82e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b82e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b82e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b832      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b832      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b832      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -12928,16 +13390,20 @@
             40b871      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409AB0 
             40b876     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b876      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b876      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b879     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B897 
             40b879      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b879      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40B897 
             40b87b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40b87b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40b87e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b87e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b87e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b881     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B888 
             40b881      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40b883     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b883      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b883      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b886     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B8C0 
             40b886      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40b888      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
@@ -12949,6 +13415,7 @@
             40b88e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b893     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b893      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b893      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b895     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B8C0 
             40b895      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40b897     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGsr_is_windowW; "GSR_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
@@ -12965,6 +13432,7 @@
             40b8a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40b8a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             40b8a8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b8a8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             40b8ac      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40b8ac      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b8ad      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
@@ -13047,14 +13515,18 @@
             40b92b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gconf_client_get_string 
             40b930     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b930      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b930      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b933      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40b933      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40b936     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B941 
             40b936      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b936      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B941 
             40b938     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             40b938      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b938      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             40b93b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40BA60 
             40b93b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b93b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40BA60 
             40b941      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40b941      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40b944     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -13066,6 +13538,7 @@
             40b94d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+0C0h] 
             40b954     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b954      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b954      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b957     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BA1B 
             40b957      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40b95d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_path_get_basename 
@@ -13110,8 +13583,10 @@
             40b991      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strrstr 
             40b996     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b996      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b996      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b999     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B9A6 
             40b999      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b999      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B9A6 
             40b99b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40b99b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax        ; s 
             40b99e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _strlen 
@@ -13119,6 +13594,7 @@
             40b99e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strlen 
             40b9a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sub     r15d, eax 
             40b9a3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b9a3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ sub     r15d, eax 
             40b9a6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rsi, r15d 
             40b9a6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40b9a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsxd  rsi, r15d 
@@ -13135,8 +13611,10 @@
             40b9b8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rax+0C8h] 
             40b9bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b9bf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b9bf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b9c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BDC8 
             40b9c2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40b9c2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40BDC8 
             40b9c8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40b9c8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r15 
             40b9cb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aS_S; "%s.%s" 
@@ -13209,6 +13687,7 @@
             40ba31      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_dialog_run 
             40ba36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             40ba36      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40ba36      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             40ba39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BAC8 
             40ba39      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40ba3f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
@@ -13218,6 +13697,7 @@
             40ba42      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_destroy 
             40ba47     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             40ba47      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40ba47      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             40ba4b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40ba4b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40ba4b     88 DEALLOC STACK esp - 88 pop     rbx
@@ -13252,10 +13732,12 @@
             40ba71      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_filename_from_utf8 
             40ba76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40ba76      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40ba76      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ba79      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40ba79      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40ba7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BA8F 
             40ba7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40ba7c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40BA8F 
             40ba7e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 10h 
             40ba7e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40ba7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 10h 
@@ -13266,6 +13748,7 @@
             40ba86      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             40ba8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ba8b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40ba8b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ba8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40BA9A 
             40ba8d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40ba8f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
@@ -13299,6 +13782,7 @@
             40bab8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40babd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B941 
             40babd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40babd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40B941 
             40bac8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_file_chooser_get_type 
             40bac8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bac8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_file_chooser_get_type 
@@ -13316,10 +13800,12 @@
             40badb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_file_chooser_get_filename 
             40bae0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40bae0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bae0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40bae3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bae3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40bae6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BA3F 
             40bae6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bae6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40BA3F 
             40baec     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
             40baec      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40baec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -13382,8 +13868,10 @@
             40bb4a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [r15+0C8h] 
             40bb51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40bb51      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bb51      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40bb54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BB66 
             40bb54      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bb54      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40BB66 
             40bb56      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bb56      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40bb59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_str_has_suffix 
@@ -13391,8 +13879,10 @@
             40bb59      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_suffix 
             40bb5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bb5e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bb5e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bb60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BE40 
             40bb60      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bb60      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40BE40 
             40bb66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bb66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40bb69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -13412,8 +13902,10 @@
             40bb7d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             40bb82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bb82      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bb82      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bb84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BCF7 
             40bb84      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bb84      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40BCF7 
             40bb8a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bb8a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_70] 
             40bb8a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_70]
@@ -13459,11 +13951,13 @@
             40bbc3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _dcgettext 
             40bbc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+88h+var_58], 0 
             40bbc8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bbc8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ cmp     [rsp+88h+var_58], 0 
             40bbc8      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ cmp     [rsp+88h+var_58], 0
             40bbce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bbce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8, rax 
             40bbd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BE64 
             40bbd1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bbd1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40BE64 
             40bbd7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bbd7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R9 ZZ mov     r9, [rsp+88h+var_58] 
             40bbd7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r9, [rsp+88h+var_58]
@@ -13531,20 +14025,26 @@
             40bc34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40bc39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40bc39      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bc39      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40bc3c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bc3c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI ZZ mov     rcx, rax 
             40bc3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BC6F 
             40bc3f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bc3f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40BC6F 
             40bc41      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bc41      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rax] 
             40bc44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40bc44      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bc44      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40bc47     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BC52 
             40bc47      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bc47      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40BC52 
             40bc49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12, [rax] 
             40bc49      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bc49      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r12, [rax] 
             40bc4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BE88 
             40bc4c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bc4c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40BE88 
             40bc52      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bc52      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rcx 
             40bc55      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
@@ -13557,11 +14057,13 @@
             40bc5d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40bc62     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bc62      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bc62      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bc64      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bc64      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rsp+88h+var_78] 
             40bc64      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+88h+var_78]
             40bc69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40BE88 
             40bc69      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bc69      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40BE88 
             40bc6f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aGtk_is_dialogD; "GTK_IS_DIALOG (dialog)" 
             40bc6f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bc6f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aGtk_is_dialogD; "GTK_IS_DIALOG (dialog)" 
@@ -13639,8 +14141,10 @@
             40bcde      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_destroy 
             40bce3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 0FFFFFFF8h 
             40bce3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bce3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r12d, 0FFFFFFF8h 
             40bce7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40BE75 
             40bce7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bce7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40BE75 
             40bced      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bced      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_58] 
             40bced      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_58]
@@ -13691,8 +14195,10 @@
             40bd33      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_copy 
             40bd38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bd38      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bd38      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bd3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40BDE0 
             40bd3a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bd3a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40BDE0 
             40bd40      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bd40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_70] 
             40bd40      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_70]
@@ -13783,6 +14289,7 @@
             40bdb7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40bdbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BA3F 
             40bdbc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bdbc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40BA3F 
             40bdc8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bdc8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             40bdcb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -13793,6 +14300,7 @@
             40bdd0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     [rsp+88h+var_70], rax
             40bdd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B9DC 
             40bdd5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bdd5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40B9DC 
             40bde0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 50h 
             40bde0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bde0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 50h 
@@ -13824,10 +14332,12 @@
             40be07     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     dword ptr [r15+0F8h], 0 
             40be12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax+100h], 1 
             40be12      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40be12      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax+100h], 1 
             40be19     10 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40be19     10 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+0F4h], 1 
             40be23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40BD98 
             40be23      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40be23      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40BD98 
             40be29      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40be29      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40be2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_409A40 
@@ -13835,6 +14345,7 @@
             40be2c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409A40 
             40be31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BD98 
             40be31      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40be31      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40BD98 
             40be40     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             40be40      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40be40      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
@@ -13856,6 +14367,7 @@
             40be5a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     [rsp+88h+var_70], rax
             40be5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BB73 
             40be5f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40be5f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40BB73 
             40be64     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aFile_nameNull; "file_name != NULL" 
             40be64      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40be64      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aFile_nameNull; "file_name != NULL" 
@@ -13876,11 +14388,14 @@
             40be7a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40be7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BDB4 
             40be7f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40be7f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40BDB4 
             40be88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+88h+var_60], 0 
             40be88      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40be88      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+88h+var_60], 0 
             40be88      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ cmp     [rsp+88h+var_60], 0
             40be8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BF0C 
             40be8e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40be8e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40BF0C 
             40be90      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40be90      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_60] 
             40be90      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_60]
@@ -13955,6 +14470,7 @@
             40bf02      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_dialog_add_action_widget 
             40bf07     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BC80 
             40bf07      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bf07      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40BC80 
             40bf0c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aTextNull; "text != NULL" 
             40bf0c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
             40bf0c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aTextNull; "text != NULL" 
@@ -13969,6 +14485,7 @@
             40bf18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40bf1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BC80 
             40bf1d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b860 
+            40bf1d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40BC80 
             40bf30      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -40 4 4 0 8 5 -32 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -24 4 13 -16 0 14 -8 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40bf30      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40bf30      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
@@ -14000,8 +14517,10 @@
             40bf40      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 56 ReturnAddress 
             40bf44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             40bf44      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40bf44      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    esi, esi 
             40bf46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C080 
             40bf46      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40bf46      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40C080 
             40bf4c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aSaveRecordingB; "Save recording before closing?" 
             40bf4c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
             40bf4c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aSaveRecordingB; "Save recording before closing?" 
@@ -14171,13 +14690,16 @@
             40c04f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_dialog_run 
             40c054     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFF7h 
             40c054      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40c054      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFF7h 
             40c057     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C0E0 
             40c057      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40c057      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40C0E0 
             40c05d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
             40c05d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     ebp, ebp 
             40c05d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             40c05f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFF8h 
             40c05f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40c05f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFF8h 
             40c062     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    bpl 
             40c062      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
             40c062      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ setz    bpl 
@@ -14188,6 +14710,7 @@
             40c069      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_destroy 
             40c06e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40c06e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40c06e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40c072     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 mov     eax, ebp
             40c072      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
             40c072      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -14266,6 +14789,7 @@
             40c0d5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             40c0d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BFA4 
             40c0d8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40c0d8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40BFA4 
             40c0e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
             40c0e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40c0e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_hide 
@@ -14286,6 +14810,7 @@
             40c0f6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     ebp, [rax+0F0h] 
             40c0fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C066 
             40c0fc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bf30 
+            40c0fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C066 
             40c110      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40c110      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40c110   1433 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40C110 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40c6a8 
@@ -14322,14 +14847,18 @@
             40c140      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40c143     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14d, r14d 
             40c143      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c143      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r14d, r14d 
             40c146     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C500 
             40c146      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c146      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40C500 
             40c14c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c14c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+0B0h] 
             40c153     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40c153      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c153      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40c156     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C1BC 
             40c156      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c156      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_40C1BC 
             40c158      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c158      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ lea     rsi, [rdi+10h] 
             40c15c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_409070 
@@ -14342,6 +14871,7 @@
             40c164      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409670 
             40c169     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c169      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c169      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c16b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C190 
             40c16b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c16d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
@@ -14364,6 +14894,7 @@
             40c186      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 112 displ mov     r15, [rsp+78h+var_8]
             40c18b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 78h 
             40c18b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c18b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 78h 
             40c18f    120 DEALLOC STACK esp - 120 retn
             40c18f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c18f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -14409,10 +14940,12 @@
             40c1d6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_factory_make 
             40c1db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c1db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c1db      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c1de      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c1de      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40c1e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C641 
             40c1e1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c1e1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40C641 
             40c1e7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 30h 
             40c1e7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c1e7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 30h 
@@ -14461,10 +14994,12 @@
             40c22e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_factory_make 
             40c233     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c233      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c233      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R14 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c236      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c236      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             40c239     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C676 
             40c239      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c239      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40C676 
             40c23f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aLevel; "level" 
             40c23f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c23f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aLevel; "level" 
@@ -14482,8 +15017,10 @@
             40c254      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gm_audio_profile_choose_get_active 
             40c259     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c259      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c259      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c25c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C558 
             40c25c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c25c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40C558 
             40c262      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c262      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40c265      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
@@ -14505,13 +15042,16 @@
             40c27c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gm_audio_profile_get_name 
             40c281     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40c281      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c281      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40c288      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c288      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+78h+var_50], rax 
             40c288      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     [rsp+78h+var_50], rax
             40c28d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_40C2D3 
             40c28d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c28d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI RDI ZZ jbe     short loc_40C2D3 
             40c28f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+78h+var_60], 0 
             40c28f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c28f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_60], 0 
             40c28f      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_60], 0
             40c295     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, offset aNull; "(NULL)" 
             40c295      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
@@ -14562,10 +15102,12 @@
             40c2df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strdup_printf 
             40c2e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40c2e4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c2e4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R10 ZZ cmp     cs:__gst_debug_min, 3 
             40c2eb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c2eb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R10 ZZ mov     r10, rax 
             40c2ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_40C590 
             40c2ee      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c2ee      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ ja      loc_40C590 
             40c2f4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c2f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+78h+var_40] 
             40c2f4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+78h+var_40]
@@ -14593,6 +15135,7 @@
             40c318      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40c31d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+78h+var_40], 0 
             40c31d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c31d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_40], 0 
             40c31d      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_40], 0
             40c323     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40C5D8 
             40c323      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
@@ -14666,6 +15209,7 @@
             40c38e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_link_many 
             40c393     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c393      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c393      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c395     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5 
             40c395      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c395      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5 
@@ -14674,6 +15218,7 @@
             40c39a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aCouldNotCaptur; "Could not capture using the '%s' audio "... 
             40c39f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C52A 
             40c39f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c39f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40C52A 
             40c3a5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c3a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_58] 
             40c3a5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_58]
@@ -14684,8 +15229,10 @@
             40c3ad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_element_link 
             40c3b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c3b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c3b2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c3b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C520 
             40c3b4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c3b4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40C520 
             40c3ba      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c3ba      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+0] 
             40c3be     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -14872,6 +15419,7 @@
             40c4f5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_set_sensitive 
             40c4fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C564 
             40c4fa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c4fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C564 
             40c500      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c500      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             40c500     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -14882,14 +15430,17 @@
             40c505      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40BF30 
             40c50a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c50a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c50a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c50c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C16D 
             40c50c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c50c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ jz      loc_40C16D 
             40c512      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c512      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             40c516      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c516      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40c519     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C14C 
             40c519      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c519      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C14C 
             40c520     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40c520      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c520      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -14940,6 +15491,7 @@
             40c57e      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     [r12+0D0h], rax 
             40c586     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C16D 
             40c586      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c586      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_40C16D 
             40c590      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c590      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_610918 
             40c597      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
@@ -14977,6 +15529,7 @@
             40c5c8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r10, [rsp+78h+var_68]
             40c5cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C2F4 
             40c5cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c5cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C2F4 
             40c5d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c5d8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             40c5d8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -15043,6 +15596,7 @@
             40c637      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40c63c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C558 
             40c63c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c63c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C558 
             40c641      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c641      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             40c641     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -15076,6 +15630,7 @@
             40c66c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_object_unref 
             40c671     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C558 
             40c671      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c671      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C558 
             40c676      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
             40c676      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
             40c676     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; domainname 
@@ -15109,6 +15664,7 @@
             40c69f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gst_object_unref 
             40c6a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C558 
             40c6a4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c110 
+            40c6a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C558 
             40c6b0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40c6b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40c6b0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6b0 
@@ -15128,8 +15684,10 @@
             40c6b8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rax+0F4h] 
             40c6be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c6be      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6b0 
+            40c6be      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c6c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C6D3 
             40c6c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6b0 
+            40c6c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40C6D3 
             40c6c2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 1 
             40c6c2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6b0 
             40c6c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 1 
@@ -15140,6 +15698,7 @@
             40c6ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40BF30 
             40c6cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c6cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6b0 
+            40c6cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c6d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C6E0 
             40c6d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6b0 
             40c6d3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6b0 
@@ -15186,16 +15745,20 @@
             40c715      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409AB0 
             40c71a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40c71a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c71a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40c71d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C73B 
             40c71d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c71d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40C73B 
             40c71f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c71f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40c722     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40c722      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c722      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40c725     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C72C 
             40c725      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c727     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40c727      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c727      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40c72a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C770 
             40c72a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c72c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
@@ -15207,6 +15770,7 @@
             40c732      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40c737     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c737      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c737      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c739     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C770 
             40c739      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c73b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
@@ -15238,6 +15802,7 @@
             40c763     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             40c765     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40c765      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c765      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40c769     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40c769      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c769      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
@@ -15307,11 +15872,13 @@
             40c7d5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gconf_client_get_string 
             40c7da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c7da      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c7da      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c7dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c7e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C7E7 
             40c7e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c7e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             40c7e2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c7e2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             40c7e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C840 
             40c7e5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c7e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_dialog_get_type 
@@ -15331,6 +15898,7 @@
             40c7fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_dialog_run 
             40c7ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             40c7ff      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c7ff      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             40c802     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C8A8 
             40c802      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c808      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
@@ -15360,6 +15928,7 @@
             40c82c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     r15, [rsp+48h+var_8]
             40c831     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40c831      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c831      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40c835     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40c835      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c835      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_free 
@@ -15383,10 +15952,12 @@
             40c851      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_filename_from_utf8 
             40c856     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c856      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c856      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c859      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c859      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40c85c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C86F 
             40c85c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c85c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C86F 
             40c85e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 10h 
             40c85e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c85e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 10h 
@@ -15397,6 +15968,7 @@
             40c866      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             40c86b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c86b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c86b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c86d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C87A 
             40c86d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c86f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
@@ -15430,6 +16002,7 @@
             40c898      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40c89d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C7E7 
             40c89d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c89d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40C7E7 
             40c8a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_file_chooser_get_type 
             40c8a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c8a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_file_chooser_get_type 
@@ -15447,10 +16020,12 @@
             40c8bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_file_chooser_get_filename 
             40c8c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c8c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c8c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c8c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c8c3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40c8c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C808 
             40c8c6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c8c6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40C808 
             40c8cc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
             40c8cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c8cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -15504,8 +16079,10 @@
             40c916      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             40c91a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax+0F0h], 1 
             40c91a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c91a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax+0F0h], 1 
             40c921     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C960 
             40c921      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c921      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C960 
             40c923     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 50h 
             40c923      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c923      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 50h 
@@ -15541,6 +16118,7 @@
             40c955      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40c95a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C808 
             40c95a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c95a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C808 
             40c960     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, r13 
             40c960      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
             40c960      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
@@ -15549,6 +16127,7 @@
             40c963      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_406B00 
             40c968     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40C952 
             40c968      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c6f0 
+            40c968      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40C952 
             40c970      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 0 15 0 4 ZZ
             40c970      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40c970      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c970 
@@ -15564,10 +16143,12 @@
             40c974      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40c978     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, 1 
             40c978      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c970 
+            40c978      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, 1 
             40c97b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C988 
             40c97b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c970 
             40c97d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40c97d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c970 
+            40c97d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40c981      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c970 
             40c981      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40c982      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c970 
@@ -15594,6 +16175,7 @@
             40c9a6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     rsi, [rax+0C0h] 
             40c9ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40c9ad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c970 
+            40c9ad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40c9b1     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40c9b1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c970 
             40c9b1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -15814,6 +16396,7 @@
             40ce75      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_test 
             40ce7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ce7a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce30 
+            40ce7a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ce7c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce30 
             40ce7c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+38h] 
             40ce80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40CF60 
@@ -15877,6 +16460,7 @@
             40cef0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+0D0h] 
             40cef7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40cef7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce30 
+            40cef7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40cef9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CF70 
             40cef9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce30 
             40cefb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -15921,6 +16505,7 @@
             40cf44      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
             40cf49     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40cf49      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce30 
+            40cf49      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40cf4d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce30 
             40cf4d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40cf4d      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -15941,6 +16526,7 @@
             40cf60     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     dword ptr [rax+0F0h], 0 
             40cf6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40CE9A 
             40cf6a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce30 
+            40cf6a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40CE9A 
             40cf70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
             40cf70      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce30 
             40cf70      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
@@ -15955,6 +16541,7 @@
             40cf85      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+0D0h], rax 
             40cf8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40CF14 
             40cf8c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ce30 
+            40cf8c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_40CF14 
             40cf90      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40cf90      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SPECSAFE
             40cf90    137 FUNC GLOBAL init FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40d018 
@@ -16000,8 +16587,10 @@
             40cfd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             40cfd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40cfd5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf90 
+            40cfd5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40cfd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CFF6 
             40cfd8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf90 
+            40cfd8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40CFF6 
             40cfda      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf90 
             40cfda      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40cfda     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -16015,10 +16604,13 @@
             40cfe6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             40cfe9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40cfe9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf90 
+            40cfe9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40cfed     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             40cfed      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf90 
+            40cfed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             40cff1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             40cff1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf90 
+            40cff1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             40cff4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40CFE0 
             40cff4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf90 
             40cff6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf90 
@@ -16041,6 +16633,7 @@
             40d00f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40d014     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40d014      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf90 
+            40d014      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40d018      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf90 
             40d018      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40d018     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -16072,25 +16665,31 @@
             40d039      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_60FD48 
             40d040     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40d040      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d030 
+            40d040      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40d044     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40D05F 
             40d044      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d030 
+            40d044      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40D05F 
             40d046     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_60FD48 
             40d046      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d030 
             40d046      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_60FD48 
             40d04b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d030 
             40d050     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             40d050      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d030 
+            40d050      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             40d054     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_60FD48 
             40d054      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d030 
+            40d054      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_60FD48 
             40d056     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40d056      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d030 
             40d056      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             40d059     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40d059      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d030 
+            40d059      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40d05d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40D050 
             40d05d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d030 
             40d05f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40d05f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d030 
+            40d05f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40d063      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40d030 
             40d063      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40d063      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -16110,6 +16709,7 @@
             40d06c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4068A0 
             40d071     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40d071      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d068 
+            40d071      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40d075      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40d068 
             40d075      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40d075      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-system-log.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-system-log.psexe.annot
index 9fe5ed00..6955be04 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-system-log.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-system-log.psexe.annot
@@ -1124,6 +1124,7 @@
             408016      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_414050 
             40801b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40801b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 408008 
+            40801b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40801f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 408008 
             40801f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             40801f      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3773,20 +3774,24 @@
             409bb0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_input_stream_read 
             409bb5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 1 
             409bb5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409b96 
+            409bb5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 1 
             409bb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409BC4 
             409bb9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409b96 
             409bbb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+18h+var_9], 0 
             409bbb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409b96 
+            409bbb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+18h+var_9], 0 
             409bbb      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 15 displ cmp     [rsp+18h+var_9], 0
             409bc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409B9E 
             409bc0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409b96 
             409bc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409BC6 
             409bc2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409b96 
+            409bc2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_409BC6 
             409bc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409b96 
             409bc4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             409bc4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             409bc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             409bc6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409b96 
+            409bc6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             409bca     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             409bca      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409b96 
             409bca      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -3956,8 +3961,10 @@
             409ceb      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 168 displ mov     rax, [rsp+0B8h+var_10]
             409cf3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409cf3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409cf3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409cf6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409D67 
             409cf6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409cf6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409D67 
             409cf8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409cf8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             409cfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_option_context_free 
@@ -3985,10 +3992,12 @@
             409d19      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A490 
             409d1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409d1e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409d1e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409d21      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409d21      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             409d24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409DA0 
             409d24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409d24      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409DA0 
             409d26     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r9d, r9d 
             409d26      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409d26      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ xor     r9d, r9d 
@@ -4026,6 +4035,7 @@
             409d57      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             409d5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0B0h 
             409d5c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
+            409d5c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 0B0h 
             409d63    176 DEALLOC STACK esp - 176 xor     eax, eax
             409d63      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409bd0 
             409d63      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
@@ -4138,12 +4148,15 @@
             409df0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             409df7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409df7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409dec 
+            409df7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409dfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409DFE 
             409dfa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409dec 
             409dfc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             409dfc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409dec 
+            409dfc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             409dfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409dfe      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409dec 
+            409dfe      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409e02      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409dec 
             409e02      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             409e02     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -4166,8 +4179,10 @@
             409e15      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             409e19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_61A288, 0 
             409e19      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409e19      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_61A288, 0 
             409e20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409E6D 
             409e20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409e20      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_409E6D 
             409e22     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_618DA0 
             409e22      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409e22      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_618DA0 
@@ -4183,25 +4198,30 @@
             409e39      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             409e3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             409e3d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409e3d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             409e40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_409E66 
             409e40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409e42      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409e48     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             409e48      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409e48      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             409e4c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409e4c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_61A290, rax 
             409e53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_618D98[rax*8] 
             409e53      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409e53      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_618D98[rax*8] 
             409e5a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409e5a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A290 
             409e61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             409e61      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409e61      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             409e64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_409E48 
             409e64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409e66      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409e66      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_61A288, 1 
             409e6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             409e6d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
+            409e6d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             409e71      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409e10 
             409e71      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             409e71      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -4280,10 +4300,12 @@
             409ee1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fopen 
             409ee6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409ee6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409ee6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409ee9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409ee9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             409eec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409FE5 
             409eec      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409eec      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      loc_409FE5 
             409ef2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409ef2      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, cs:g_ascii_table 
             409ef9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
@@ -4300,8 +4322,10 @@
             409f0b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fgets 
             409f10     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409f10      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f10      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409f13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_409FDD 
             409f13      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f13      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_409FDD 
             409f19     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, [rsp+2048h+var_2048] 
             409f19      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409f19      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ movzx   eax, [rsp+2048h+var_2048] 
@@ -4314,11 +4338,14 @@
             409f21      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ movzx   edx, al 
             409f24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rbx+rdx*2+1], 1 
             409f24      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f24      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    byte ptr [rbx+rdx*2+1], 1 
             409f29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40A00D 
             409f29      6 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f29      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jz      loc_40A00D 
             409f2f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409f30     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdi, 1 
             409f30      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f30      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ add     rdi, 1 
             409f34     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
             409f34      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409f34      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
@@ -4327,21 +4354,29 @@
             409f37      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ movzx   edx, al 
             409f3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rbx+rdx*2+1], 1 
             409f3a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f3a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    byte ptr [rbx+rdx*2+1], 1 
             409f3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409F30 
             409f3f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f3f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_409F30 
             409f41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 23h 
             409f41      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f41      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ cmp     al, 23h 
             409f43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409F00 
             409f43      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f43      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jz      short loc_409F00 
             409f45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             409f45      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f45      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ test    al, al 
             409f47     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409F00 
             409f47      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f47      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jz      short loc_409F00 
             409f49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 0Ah 
             409f49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f49      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ cmp     al, 0Ah 
             409f4b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409f50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409F00 
             409f50      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f50      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jz      short loc_409F00 
             409f52      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409f52      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             409f52     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -4357,28 +4392,36 @@
             409f61      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             409f64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             409f64      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f64      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             409f67     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409FD0 
             409f67      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f67      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409FD0 
             409f69      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409f69      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ lea     rbp, [rax+8] 
             409f6d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409f6d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             409f70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_409F88 
             409f70      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f70      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_409F88 
             409f78      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409f78      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rbp 
             409f7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 8 
             409f7b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f7b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rbp, 8 
             409f7f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409f7f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rbp-8] 
             409f83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             409f83      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f83      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             409f86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_409FD0 
             409f86      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f86      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_409FD0 
             409f88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rsi], 2Fh 
             409f88      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f88      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rsi], 2Fh 
             409f8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409F78 
             409f8b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f8b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409F78 
             409f8d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset _g_ascii_strcasecmp 
             409f8d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409f8d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset _g_ascii_strcasecmp 
@@ -4389,14 +4432,17 @@
             409f95      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_slist_find_custom 
             409f9a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             409f9a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f9a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             409f9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409F78 
             409f9d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409f9d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409F78 
             409f9f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409f9f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r12] 
             409fa3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409fa3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, rbp 
             409fa6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 8 
             409fa6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409fa6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbp, 8 
             409faa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
             409faa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409faa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strdup 
@@ -4416,8 +4462,10 @@
             409fc0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             409fc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             409fc3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409fc3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             409fc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_409F88 
             409fc6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409fc6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_409F88 
             409fc8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409fd0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409fd0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
@@ -4426,6 +4474,7 @@
             409fd3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strfreev 
             409fd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409F00 
             409fd8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409fd8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_409F00 
             409fdd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409fdd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13        ; stream 
             409fe0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _fclose 
@@ -4444,6 +4493,7 @@
             409ff9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             409ffb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 2018h 
             409ffb      7 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            409ffb      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 2018h 
             40a002      1 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             40a002      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40a002   8216 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8216 pop     rbx
@@ -4464,6 +4514,7 @@
             40a00d      3 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdi, rsp
             40a010     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_409F41 
             40a010      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
+            40a010      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ jmp     loc_409F41 
             40a015     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___stack_chk_fail 
             40a015      5 INSTR BELONGTO 409eb0 
             40a015      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___stack_chk_fail 
@@ -4605,6 +4656,7 @@
             40a2d8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40a2da     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40a2da      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2c0 
+            40a2da      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40a2de      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2c0 
             40a2de      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40a2de      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -4673,6 +4725,7 @@
             40a341      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_61A2A8, eax 
             40a347     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             40a347      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2e0 
+            40a347      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             40a34b     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 mov     rdi, rbx
             40a34b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a2e0 
             40a34b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -4694,16 +4747,19 @@
             40a360      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40a364     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             40a364      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a360 
+            40a364      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             40a367      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a360 
             40a367      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A298 
             40a36e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a36e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a360 
+            40a36e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a371     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A380 
             40a371      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a360 
             40a373      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a360 
             40a373      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A298 
             40a37a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a37a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a360 
+            40a37a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a37e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a360 
             40a37e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40a37e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -4715,6 +4771,7 @@
             40a385      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40a38a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a38a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a360 
+            40a38a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a38c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A373 
             40a38c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a360 
             40a38e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aLogviewapp; "LogviewApp" 
@@ -4756,6 +4813,7 @@
             40a3ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40a3cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A373 
             40a3cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a360 
+            40a3cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_40A373 
             40a3e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40a3e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             40a3e0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a3e0 
@@ -4828,6 +4886,7 @@
             40a4a3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, cs:qword_61A2B0 
             40a4aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40a4aa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a490 
+            40a4aa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40a4ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A4C8 
             40a4ad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a490 
             40a4af      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a490 
@@ -4843,6 +4902,7 @@
             40a4bb      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40a4c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a4c0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a490 
+            40a4c0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a4c4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a490 
             40a4c4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40a4c4     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -4882,6 +4942,7 @@
             40a4f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40a4fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a4fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a490 
+            40a4fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a4fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a490 
             40a4fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40a501     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A540 
@@ -4917,6 +4978,7 @@
             40a52d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     rbp, cs:qword_61A2B0 
             40a534     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A4AF 
             40a534      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a490 
+            40a534      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40A4AF 
             40a540     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aLogview; "logview" 
             40a540      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a490 
             40a540      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aLogview; "logview" 
@@ -4932,6 +4994,7 @@
             40a556     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     cs:qword_61A2B0, 0 
             40a561     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A4AF 
             40a561      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a490 
+            40a561      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40A4AF 
             40a570      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             40a570      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40a570    351 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40A570 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40a6ce 
@@ -4961,18 +5024,24 @@
             40a58e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A360 
             40a593     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40a593      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a593      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40a596     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A5B5 
             40a596      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a596      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A5B5 
             40a598      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
             40a598      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r12] 
             40a59c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40a59c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a59c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40a59f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A5A6 
             40a59f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a59f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A5A6 
             40a5a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a5a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a5a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a5a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A5D8 
             40a5a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a5a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A5D8 
             40a5a6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
             40a5a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40a5a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
@@ -4982,8 +5051,10 @@
             40a5ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40a5b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a5b1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a5b1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a5b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A5D8 
             40a5b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a5b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40A5D8 
             40a5b5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
             40a5b5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_app; "LOGVIEW_IS_APP (app)" 
             40a5bb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_app_in; "logview_app_initialize" 
@@ -5004,10 +5075,12 @@
             40a5d4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
             40a5d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40a5d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a5d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40a5db      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
             40a5db      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [r12+18h] 
             40a5e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A628 
             40a5e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a5e0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A628 
             40a5e2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
             40a5e2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+8] 
             40a5e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
@@ -5044,6 +5117,7 @@
             40a613      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r13, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40a618     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40a618      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a618      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40a61c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_widget_show 
             40a61c     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _gtk_widget_show
             40a61c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
@@ -5062,12 +5136,14 @@
             40a636      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411D90 
             40a63b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a63b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a63b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a63e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
             40a63e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40a641     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A670 
             40a641      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
             40a643     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax], 0 
             40a643      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a643      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax], 0 
             40a647     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A670 
             40a647      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
             40a649      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
@@ -5091,6 +5167,7 @@
             40a663      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strfreev 
             40a668     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A5F0 
             40a668      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a668      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40A5F0 
             40a670      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
             40a670      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40a670     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -5154,6 +5231,7 @@
             40a6c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40a6ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40A5F0 
             40a6ca      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a570 
+            40a6ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40A5F0 
             40a6d0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 4 2 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 4 8 0 1 9 0 1 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             40a6d0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40a6d0    185 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40A6D0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40a788 
@@ -5181,18 +5259,24 @@
             40a6ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A360 
             40a6f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40a6f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
+            40a6f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40a6f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A712 
             40a6f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
+            40a6f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A712 
             40a6f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
             40a6f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40a6f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40a6f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
+            40a6f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40a6fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A703 
             40a6fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
+            40a6fc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A703 
             40a6fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a6fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
+            40a6fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a701     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A738 
             40a701      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
+            40a701      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A738 
             40a703      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
             40a703      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40a706      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
@@ -5202,8 +5286,10 @@
             40a709      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40a70e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a70e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
+            40a70e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a710     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A738 
             40a710      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
+            40a710      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40A738 
             40a712      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
             40a712      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_app; "LOGVIEW_IS_APP (app)" 
             40a718     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_app_ad; "logview_app_add_error" 
@@ -5272,6 +5358,7 @@
             40a77b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40a780     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a780      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
+            40a780      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a784     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40a784     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_free
             40a784      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40a6d0 
@@ -5299,18 +5386,24 @@
             40a79c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A360 
             40a7a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40a7a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40a7a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A7C2 
             40a7a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A7C2 
             40a7a6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
             40a7a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40a7a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40a7a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7a9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40a7ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A7B3 
             40a7ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7ac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A7B3 
             40a7ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a7ae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7ae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40a7b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A7E8 
             40a7b1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7b1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40A7E8 
             40a7b3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
             40a7b3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40a7b6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
@@ -5320,8 +5413,10 @@
             40a7b9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40a7be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a7be      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7be      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a7c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40A7E8 
             40a7c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40A7E8 
             40a7c2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
             40a7c2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_app; "LOGVIEW_IS_APP (app)" 
             40a7c8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_app__0; "logview_app_add_errors" 
@@ -5350,14 +5445,19 @@
             40a7f0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, [rbp+8] 
             40a7f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a7f3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7f3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a7f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A810 
             40a7f5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7f5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40A810 
             40a7f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             40a7f7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7f7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             40a7fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A820 
             40a7fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI ZZ jz      short loc_40A820 
             40a7fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40a7fc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a7fc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40a800      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
             40a800      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp 
             40a803      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
@@ -5369,6 +5469,7 @@
             40a805      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     sub_40F4E0 
             40a810     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40a810      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a810      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40a814      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
             40a814      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40a815      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
@@ -5386,6 +5487,7 @@
             40a82b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     rsi, [rax] 
             40a82e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40a82e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
+            40a82e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40a832      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a790 
             40a832      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40a832      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -5481,16 +5583,19 @@
             40a9b0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40a9b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             40a9b4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9b0 
+            40a9b4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             40a9b7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9b0 
             40a9b7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A2C0 
             40a9be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40a9be      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9b0 
+            40a9be      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40a9c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A9D0 
             40a9c1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9b0 
             40a9c3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9b0 
             40a9c3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A2C0 
             40a9ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40a9ca      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9b0 
+            40a9ca      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40a9ce      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9b0 
             40a9ce      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40a9ce     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -5502,6 +5607,7 @@
             40a9d5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40a9da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40a9da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9b0 
+            40a9da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40a9dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40A9C3 
             40a9dc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9b0 
             40a9de     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aLogviewmanager; "LogviewManager" 
@@ -5543,6 +5649,7 @@
             40aa1a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40aa1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40A9C3 
             40aa1f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40a9b0 
+            40aa1f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_40A9C3 
             40aa30      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40aa30      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             40aa30      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40aa30 
@@ -5609,10 +5716,12 @@
             40aaf4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A2E0 
             40aafb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40aafb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40aaf0 
+            40aafb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40aafe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AB08 
             40aafe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40aaf0 
             40ab00     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40ab00      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aaf0 
+            40ab00      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40ab04      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40aaf0 
             40ab04      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40ab08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_40A9B0 
@@ -5633,6 +5742,7 @@
             40ab19      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_61A2E0, rax 
             40ab20     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40ab20      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40aaf0 
+            40ab20      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40ab24      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40aaf0 
             40ab24      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40ab24      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -5667,18 +5777,24 @@
             40ab53      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A9B0 
             40ab58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40ab58      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ab58      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40ab5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AB79 
             40ab5b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ab5b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AB79 
             40ab5d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
             40ab5d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40ab60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40ab60      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ab60      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40ab63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AB6A 
             40ab63      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ab63      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AB6A 
             40ab65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40ab65      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ab65      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40ab68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40ABA0 
             40ab68      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ab68      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40ABA0 
             40ab6a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
             40ab6a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40ab6d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
@@ -5688,8 +5804,10 @@
             40ab70      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40ab75     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ab75      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ab75      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ab77     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40ABA0 
             40ab77      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ab77      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40ABA0 
             40ab79      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
             40ab79      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_man; "LOGVIEW_IS_MANAGER (manager)" 
             40ab7f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_manage; "logview_manager_set_active_log" 
@@ -5776,8 +5894,10 @@
             40ac00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_emit 
             40ac05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40ac05      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ac05      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40ac08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AC30 
             40ac08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ac08      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ jz      short loc_40AC30 
             40ac0a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
             40ac0a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 R13 R14 ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40ac0d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
@@ -5799,6 +5919,7 @@
             40ac20      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r14, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40ac25     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40ac25      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ac25      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40ac29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_unref 
             40ac29      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
             40ac29      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_object_unref 
@@ -5821,6 +5942,7 @@
             40ac43      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r14, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40ac48     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40ac48      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
+            40ac48      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40ac4c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ab30 
             40ac4c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40ac4c     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -5870,15 +5992,18 @@
             40ac89      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             40ac8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             40ac8d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
+            40ac8d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             40ac90      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
             40ac90      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             40ac93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AC9F 
             40ac93      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
+            40ac93      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_40AC9F 
             40ac95     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r12d, r12d 
             40ac95      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
             40ac95      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
             40ac98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40ac98      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
+            40ac98      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40ac9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    r12b 
             40ac9b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
             40ac9b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ setz    r12b 
@@ -5889,12 +6014,16 @@
             40aca2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_lookup 
             40aca7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40aca7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
+            40aca7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40acaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40ACF0 
             40acaa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
+            40acaa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40ACF0 
             40acac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             40acac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
+            40acac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             40acaf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40ACE0 
             40acaf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
+            40acaf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40ACE0 
             40acb1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
             40acb1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 R14 R15 ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40acb4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
@@ -5918,6 +6047,7 @@
             40accd      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             40acd2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             40acd2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
+            40acd2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40acd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40acd6     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 jmp     _g_free
             40acd6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
@@ -5931,6 +6061,7 @@
             40ace6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40AB30 
             40aceb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40ACB1 
             40aceb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
+            40aceb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_40ACB1 
             40acf0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 18h 
             40acf0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
             40acf0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 18h 
@@ -5964,6 +6095,7 @@
             40ad1f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410520 
             40ad24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40ACB1 
             40ad24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ac50 
+            40ad24      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_40ACB1 
             40ad30      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], rbx
             40ad35      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbp
             40ad3d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], r12
@@ -6048,18 +6180,24 @@
             40af14      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A9B0 
             40af19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40af19      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
+            40af19      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40af1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AF3A 
             40af1c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
+            40af1c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AF3A 
             40af1e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
             40af1e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40af21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40af21      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
+            40af21      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40af24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AF2B 
             40af24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
+            40af24      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AF2B 
             40af26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40af26      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
+            40af26      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40af29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AF60 
             40af29      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
+            40af29      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AF60 
             40af2b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
             40af2b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40af2e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
@@ -6069,8 +6207,10 @@
             40af31      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40af36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40af36      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
+            40af36      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40af38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AF60 
             40af38      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
+            40af38      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40AF60 
             40af3a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
             40af3a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_man; "LOGVIEW_IS_MANAGER (manager)" 
             40af40     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_mana_2; "logview_manager_get_active_log" 
@@ -6095,8 +6235,10 @@
             40af64      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+8] 
             40af68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40af68      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
+            40af68      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40af6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AF78 
             40af6b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
+            40af6b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40AF78 
             40af6d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40af10 
             40af6d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40af6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_ref 
@@ -6136,18 +6278,24 @@
             40af9c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A9B0 
             40afa1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40afa1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
+            40afa1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40afa4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AFC2 
             40afa4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
+            40afa4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AFC2 
             40afa6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
             40afa6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40afa9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40afa9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
+            40afa9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40afac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AFB3 
             40afac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
+            40afac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AFB3 
             40afae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40afae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
+            40afae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40afb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40AFE8 
             40afb1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
+            40afb1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40AFE8 
             40afb3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
             40afb3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40afb6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
@@ -6157,8 +6305,10 @@
             40afb9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40afbe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40afbe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
+            40afbe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40afc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40AFE8 
             40afc0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
+            40afc0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40AFE8 
             40afc2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
             40afc2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_man; "LOGVIEW_IS_MANAGER (manager)" 
             40afc8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_mana_3; "logview_manager_add_log_from_gfile" 
@@ -6198,6 +6348,7 @@
             40affc      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40b001     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40b001      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
+            40b001      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40b005     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_40AC50 
             40b005     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     sub_40AC50
             40b005      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40af80 
@@ -6232,18 +6383,24 @@
             40b021      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A9B0 
             40b026     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40b026      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b026      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40b029     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B048 
             40b029      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b029      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B048 
             40b02b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
             40b02b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             40b02f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b02f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b02f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b032     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B039 
             40b032      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b032      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B039 
             40b034     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b034      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b034      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b037     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B070 
             40b037      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b037      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B070 
             40b039      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
             40b039      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40b03c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
@@ -6253,8 +6410,10 @@
             40b03f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b044     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b044      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b044      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b046     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B070 
             40b046      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b046      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40B070 
             40b048      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
             40b048      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_man; "LOGVIEW_IS_MANAGER (manager)" 
             40b04e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_mana_1; "logview_manager_add_logs_from_name_list" 
@@ -6275,8 +6434,10 @@
             40b067      9 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
             40b070     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:qword_61A2E8, 0 
             40b070      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b070      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:qword_61A2E8, 0 
             40b078     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B099 
             40b078      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b078      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B099 
             40b07a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
             40b07a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aOpNull; "op == NULL" 
             40b080     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_mana_1; "logview_manager_add_logs_from_name_list" 
@@ -6318,6 +6479,7 @@
             40b0bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ptr_array_new 
             40b0c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b0c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b0c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b0c3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
             40b0c7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
             40b0ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B112 
@@ -6341,6 +6503,7 @@
             40b0e6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             40b0e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14d, r14d 
             40b0e8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b0e8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI R13 ZZ test    r14d, r14d 
             40b0eb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
             40b0eb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40b0ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    dl 
@@ -6365,6 +6528,7 @@
             40b109      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             40b10d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b10d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
+            40b10d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b110     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B0D0 
             40b110      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
             40b112      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b010 
@@ -6409,18 +6573,24 @@
             40b131      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A9B0 
             40b136     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40b136      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b136      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40b139     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B158 
             40b139      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b139      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B158 
             40b13b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
             40b13b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r12] 
             40b13f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b13f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b13f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b142     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B149 
             40b142      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b142      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B149 
             40b144     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b144      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b144      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b147     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B180 
             40b147      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b147      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B180 
             40b149      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
             40b149      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40b14c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
@@ -6430,8 +6600,10 @@
             40b14f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b154     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b154      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b154      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b156     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B180 
             40b156      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b156      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40B180 
             40b158      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
             40b158      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_man; "LOGVIEW_IS_MANAGER (manager)" 
             40b15e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_mana_0; "logview_manager_add_logs_from_names" 
@@ -6452,8 +6624,10 @@
             40b177      9 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
             40b180     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:qword_61A2E8, 0 
             40b180      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b180      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:qword_61A2E8, 0 
             40b188     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B1A9 
             40b188      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b188      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B1A9 
             40b18a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
             40b18a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aOpNull; "op == NULL" 
             40b190     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_mana_0; "logview_manager_add_logs_from_names" 
@@ -6502,8 +6676,10 @@
             40b1d6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:qword_61A2E8, r14 
             40b1dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40b1dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b1dd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R14 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40b1e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B240 
             40b1e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b1e0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R14 ZZ jz      short loc_40B240 
             40b1e2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
             40b1e2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R14 ZZ lea     rbx, [r13+8] 
             40b1e6     10 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
@@ -6512,8 +6688,10 @@
             40b1f0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ xor     r14d, r14d 
             40b1f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40b1f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b1f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40b1f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B209 
             40b1f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b1f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B209 
             40b1f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
             40b1f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40b1fb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R14 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r14d, r14d 
@@ -6524,6 +6702,7 @@
             40b1fe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ascii_strcasecmp 
             40b203     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b203      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b203      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b205     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    r14b 
             40b205      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
             40b205      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ setz    r14b 
@@ -6553,6 +6732,7 @@
             40b22b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ mov     r13, rbx 
             40b22e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 8 
             40b22e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b22e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 8 
             40b232     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
             40b232      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
             40b232      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -6560,8 +6740,10 @@
             40b237      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI R14 ZZ mov     rsi, [rbx-8] 
             40b23b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40b23b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b23b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40b23e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B1F0 
             40b23e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
+            40b23e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R14 ZZ jnz     short loc_40B1F0 
             40b240      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
             40b240      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b241      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b120 
@@ -6611,18 +6793,24 @@
             40b2bc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A9B0 
             40b2c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b2c1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b2c1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b2c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B2E2 
             40b2c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b2c4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B2E2 
             40b2c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
             40b2c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40b2c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b2c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b2c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b2cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B2D3 
             40b2cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b2cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B2D3 
             40b2ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b2ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b2ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b2d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B308 
             40b2d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b2d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B308 
             40b2d3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
             40b2d3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40b2d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
@@ -6632,8 +6820,10 @@
             40b2d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b2de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b2de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b2de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b2e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B308 
             40b2e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b2e0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40B308 
             40b2e2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
             40b2e2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_man; "LOGVIEW_IS_MANAGER (manager)" 
             40b2e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_mana_5; "logview_manager_get_if_loaded" 
@@ -6663,12 +6853,15 @@
             40b312      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_hash_table_lookup 
             40b317     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b317      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b317      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b31a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
             40b31a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40b31d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B330 
             40b31d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b31d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40B330 
             40b31f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b31f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b31f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b323      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
             40b323      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b324      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
@@ -6678,6 +6871,7 @@
             40b325      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_object_ref 
             40b330     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b330      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
+            40b330      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b334      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b2b0 
             40b334      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40b334     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -6709,16 +6903,19 @@
             40b35b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A9B0 
             40b360     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b360      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
+            40b360      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b363     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B381 
             40b363      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
             40b365      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
             40b365      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40b368     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b368      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
+            40b368      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b36b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B372 
             40b36b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
             40b36d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b36d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
+            40b36d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b370     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B3A0 
             40b370      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
             40b372      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
@@ -6730,6 +6927,7 @@
             40b378      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b37d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b37d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
+            40b37d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b37f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B3A0 
             40b37f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
             40b381      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
@@ -6831,6 +7029,7 @@
             40b417      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40b41c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40b41c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
+            40b41c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40b420      0 DEALLOC STACK esp - 0 jmp     _g_free
             40b420     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40b420      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d6c0 
@@ -6857,16 +7056,20 @@
             40b444      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40A9B0 
             40b449     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b449      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
+            40b449      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b44c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B46A 
             40b44c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
+            40b44c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40B46A 
             40b44e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
             40b44e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40b451     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b451      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
+            40b451      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b454     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B45B 
             40b454      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
             40b456     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b456      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
+            40b456      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40b459     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B490 
             40b459      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
             40b45b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
@@ -6878,6 +7081,7 @@
             40b461      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40b466     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b466      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
+            40b466      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b468     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B490 
             40b468      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
             40b46a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
@@ -6905,12 +7109,14 @@
             40b494      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             40b499     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax+8], rbp 
             40b499      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
+            40b499      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rax+8], rbp 
             40b49d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
             40b49d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40b4a2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setz    al 
             40b4a2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
             40b4a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40b4a5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
+            40b4a5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40b4a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movzx   eax, al 
             40b4a9     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 movzx   eax, al
             40b4a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b430 
@@ -6957,6 +7163,7 @@
             40b4df      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 104 ReturnAddress 
             40b4e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b4e3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
+            40b4e3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R14 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b4e6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
             40b4e6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 R14 ZZ mov     r13, rsi 
             40b4e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
@@ -6965,6 +7172,7 @@
             40b4ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
             40b4ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi], 0 
             40b4ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
+            40b4ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi], 0 
             40b4f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B54E 
             40b4f1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
             40b4f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
@@ -6978,10 +7186,12 @@
             40b4fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strptime 
             40b500     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b500      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
+            40b500      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b503      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
             40b503      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40b506     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B570 
             40b506      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
+            40b506      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B570 
             40b508     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rsp+68h+var_58] 
             40b508      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
             40b508      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, [rsp+68h+var_58] 
@@ -7025,10 +7235,13 @@
             40b53e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strptime 
             40b543     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b543      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
+            40b543      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b546     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B54E 
             40b546      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
+            40b546      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ jz      short loc_40B54E 
             40b548     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs sub     rax, rbx 
             40b548      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
+            40b548      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ sub     rax, rbx 
             40b54b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
             40b54b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R13 ZZ mov     [r14], eax 
             40b54e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
@@ -7052,6 +7265,7 @@
             40b565      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 96 displ mov     r14, [rsp+68h+var_8]
             40b56a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 68h 
             40b56a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
+            40b56a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 68h 
             40b56e    104 DEALLOC STACK esp - 104 retn
             40b56e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
             40b56e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
@@ -7068,16 +7282,19 @@
             40b57b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strptime 
             40b580     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b580      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
+            40b580      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b583      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
             40b586     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B54E 
             40b586      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
             40b588     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B508 
             40b588      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b4c0 
+            40b588      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40B508 
             40b590      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 4 7 0 96 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40b590      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40b590     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b590     34 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40B590 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40b5b1 
             40b590      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b590 
+            40b590      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b593      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b590 
             40b593      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 CalleeSavedRegs 
             40b593      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 8 ReturnAddress 
@@ -7165,6 +7382,7 @@
             40b60b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             40b610     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40b610      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5c0 
+            40b610      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40b614      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b5c0 
             40b614      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40b614     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -7187,8 +7405,10 @@
             40b624      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40b628     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b628      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b620 
+            40b628      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b62b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B64F 
             40b62b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b620 
+            40b62b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40B64F 
             40b62d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b620 
             40b62d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rdi 
             40b630      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b620 
@@ -7209,10 +7429,13 @@
             40b647      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40b64a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40b64a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b620 
+            40b64a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40b64d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B630 
             40b64d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b620 
+            40b64d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40B630 
             40b64f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40b64f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b620 
+            40b64f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40b653      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b620 
             40b653      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40b653      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -7253,6 +7476,7 @@
             40b66d      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 136 ReturnAddress 
             40b671     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b671      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b671      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b674     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+88h+timer], rsi 
             40b674      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b679      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
@@ -7280,19 +7504,24 @@
             40b69f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40b6a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b6a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b6a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b6a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B80A 
             40b6a4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b6a4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ jz      loc_40B80A 
             40b6aa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
             40b6aa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b6aa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI R13 ZZ xor     r13d, r13d 
             40b6ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40B6C1 
             40b6ad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b6ad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_40B6C1 
             40b6b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r13, 1 
             40b6b0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b6b0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r13, 1 
             40b6b4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b6b4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+r13*8]; s 
             40b6b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b6b8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b6b8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b6bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B80A 
             40b6bb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b6c1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
@@ -7306,11 +7535,13 @@
             40b6cb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B4C0 
             40b6d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b6d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b6d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b6d3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b6d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+88h+var_68], rax 
             40b6d3      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     [rsp+88h+var_68], rax
             40b6d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B6B0 
             40b6d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b6d8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B6B0 
             40b6da      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b6da      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_68] 
             40b6da      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_68]
@@ -7319,15 +7550,19 @@
             40b6df      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_date_valid 
             40b6e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b6e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b6e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b6e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B9DE 
             40b6e6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b6e6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40B9DE 
             40b6ec      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b6ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R14 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_68] 
             40b6ec      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_68]
             40b6f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     bp, 76Ch 
             40b6f1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b6f1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI R14 ZZ add     bp, 76Ch 
             40b6f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     r15d, 1 
             40b6f6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b6f6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI R14 ZZ sub     r15d, 1 
             40b6fa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   esi, bp 
             40b6fa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b6fa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI R14 ZZ movzx   esi, bp 
@@ -7389,8 +7624,10 @@
             40b759      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b760     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b760      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b760      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b762     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jns     loc_40B850 
             40b762      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b762      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jns     loc_40B850 
             40b768      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b768      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+88h+var_48] 
             40b768      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+88h+var_48]
@@ -7414,12 +7651,15 @@
             40b784      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             40b789     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b789      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b789      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b78c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B820 
             40b78c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b792     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, r15d 
             40b792      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b792      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     ebp, r15d 
             40b795     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B7E0 
             40b795      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b795      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B7E0 
             40b797      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b797      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+r12*8+8]; haystack 
             40b79c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
@@ -7430,30 +7670,39 @@
             40b7a1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             40b7a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b7a6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b7a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b7a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B980 
             40b7a9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b7af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, ebp 
             40b7af      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b7af      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, ebp 
             40b7b3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r13d, ebp 
             40b7b3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b7b3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ mov     r13d, ebp 
             40b7b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm1, r14d 
             40b7b6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b7b6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm1, r14d 
             40b7bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addss   xmm0, xmm1 
             40b7bb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b7bb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addss   xmm0, xmm1 
             40b7bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             40b7bf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b7bf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             40b7c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             40b7c2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b7c2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             40b7c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_414520; x 
             40b7c5      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b7c5      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_414520; x 
             40b7cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _floor 
             40b7cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b7cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _floor 
             40b7d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si ebp, xmm0 
             40b7d2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b7d2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ cvttsd2si ebp, xmm0 
             40b7d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40B778 
             40b7d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b7d6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_40B778 
             40b7e0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b7e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+88h+var_70] 
             40b7e0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rax, [rsp+88h+var_70]
@@ -7479,6 +7728,7 @@
             40b805      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _g_slist_sort 
             40b80a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             40b80a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b80a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             40b80e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b80e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40b80f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
@@ -7495,26 +7745,34 @@
             40b818      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ retn 
             40b820     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm1, ebp 
             40b820      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b820      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm1, ebp 
             40b824     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R14 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r14d, ebp 
             40b824      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b824      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ mov     r14d, ebp 
             40b827     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm0, r13d 
             40b827      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b827      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm0, r13d 
             40b82c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addss   xmm0, xmm1 
             40b82c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b82c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addss   xmm0, xmm1 
             40b830     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             40b830      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b830      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ unpcklps xmm0, xmm0 
             40b833     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             40b833      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b833      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtps2pd xmm0, xmm0 
             40b836     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_414520; x 
             40b836      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b836      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_414520; x 
             40b83e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _floor 
             40b83e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b83e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _floor 
             40b843     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si ebp, xmm0 
             40b843      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b843      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ cvttsd2si ebp, xmm0 
             40b847     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B778 
             40b847      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b847      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40B778 
             40b850      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b850      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+88h+var_48] 
             40b850      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     rax, [rsp+88h+var_48]
@@ -7537,6 +7795,7 @@
             40b872      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12d, [rax+0Ch] 
             40b876     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             40b876      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b876      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             40b87a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rax, r12d 
             40b87a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b87a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ movsxd  rax, r12d 
@@ -7546,18 +7805,24 @@
             40b881      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ lea     rbp, [rbx+rax*8+8] 
             40b886     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b886      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b886      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b889     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40B8A1 
             40b889      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b889      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_40B8A1 
             40b88b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B98D 
             40b88b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b88b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40B98D 
             40b890     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 8 
             40b890      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b890      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rbp, 8 
             40b894     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             40b894      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b894      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             40b898      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b898      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp-8]    ; s 
             40b89c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40b89c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b89c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40b89f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B8B8 
             40b89f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b8a1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
@@ -7571,18 +7836,22 @@
             40b8ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B4C0 
             40b8b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40b8b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b8b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40b8b3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b8b3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rax 
             40b8b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40B890 
             40b8b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b8b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40B890 
             40b8b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b8b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDI ZZ xor     ebp, ebp 
             40b8b8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             40b8ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+88h+var_48], 0 
             40b8ba      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b8ba      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+88h+var_48], 0 
             40b8ba      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ cmp     [rsp+88h+var_48], 0
             40b8c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B98F 
             40b8c0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b8c0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDI ZZ jz      loc_40B98F 
             40b8c6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b8c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rsp+88h+var_70] 
             40b8c6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+88h+var_70]
@@ -7590,10 +7859,12 @@
             40b8cb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ lea     eax, [r12-1] 
             40b8d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40b8d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b8d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40b8d3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b8d3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     [rcx+0Ch], eax 
             40b8d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B96A 
             40b8d6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b8d6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40B96A 
             40b8dc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   esi, [rsp+88h+var_56] 
             40b8dc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b8dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movzx   esi, [rsp+88h+var_56] 
@@ -7625,11 +7896,13 @@
             40b903      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_date_compare 
             40b908     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40b908      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b908      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40b90a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b90a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+88h+var_80] 
             40b90a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+88h+var_80]
             40b90f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40B99D 
             40b90f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b90f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     loc_40B99D 
             40b915     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 18h 
             40b915      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b915      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ mov     edi, 18h 
@@ -7683,8 +7956,10 @@
             40b967      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rcx+10h], eax 
             40b96a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             40b96a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b96a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40b96c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40BA03 
             40b96c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b96c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40BA03 
             40b972      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b972      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+88h+var_70] 
             40b972      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+88h+var_70]
@@ -7693,6 +7968,7 @@
             40b977      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rdx+0Ch] 
             40b97a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B760 
             40b97a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b97a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40B760 
             40b980      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b980      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+88h+var_70] 
             40b980      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rax, [rsp+88h+var_70]
@@ -7700,6 +7976,7 @@
             40b985      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rax+0Ch], ebp 
             40b988     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B85A 
             40b988      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b988      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40B85A 
             40b98d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b98d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             40b98d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -7708,11 +7985,13 @@
             40b98f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             40b991     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r15d, r12d 
             40b991      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b991      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDI ZZ cmp     r15d, r12d 
             40b994     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    bpl 
             40b994      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b994      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDI ZZ setz    bpl 
             40b998     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B8C6 
             40b998      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b998      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40B8C6 
             40b99d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b99d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rdx 
             40b9a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 1 
@@ -7729,6 +8008,7 @@
             40b9af      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+88h+var_80]
             40b9b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B915 
             40b9b4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b9b4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ jmp     loc_40B915 
             40b9b9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aBuffer_linesNu; "buffer_lines != NULL" 
             40b9b9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b9b9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mov     edx, offset aBuffer_linesNu; "buffer_lines != NULL" 
@@ -7743,6 +8023,7 @@
             40b9c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40b9cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             40b9cd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b9cd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             40b9d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b9d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40b9d1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -7774,6 +8055,7 @@
             40b9ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _g_free 
             40b9f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             40b9f2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40b9f2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             40b9f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40b9f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40b9f6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -7798,13 +8080,16 @@
             40ba03      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 64 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_48]
             40ba08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40ba08      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40ba08      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40ba0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40B7FB 
             40ba0b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40ba0b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_40B7FB 
             40ba11     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
             40ba11      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
             40ba11      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    _g_free 
             40ba16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40B7FB 
             40ba16      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40b660 
+            40ba16      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_40B7FB 
             40ba20      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -24 4 4 0 8 5 -16 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -8 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             40ba20      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40ba20    162 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40BA20 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40bac1 
@@ -7853,8 +8138,10 @@
             40ba4e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first 
             40ba53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ba53      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
+            40ba53      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ba55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BAA0 
             40ba55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
+            40ba55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_40BAA0 
             40ba57      9 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
             40ba60      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
             40ba60      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ lea     rcx, [rsp+48h+var_20] 
@@ -7884,6 +8171,7 @@
             40ba7f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
             40ba82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rdi, rbp 
             40ba82      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
+            40ba82      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rdi, rbp 
             40ba85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BAB0 
             40ba85      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
             40ba87     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -7899,14 +8187,19 @@
             40ba92      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_iter_next 
             40ba97     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40ba97      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
+            40ba97      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40ba99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BAA0 
             40ba99      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
+            40ba99      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_40BAA0 
             40ba9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40ba9b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
+            40ba9b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40ba9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BA60 
             40ba9e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
+            40ba9e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_40BA60 
             40baa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             40baa0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
+            40baa0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             40baa4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
             40baa4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, r12 
             40baa4     48 DEALLOC STACK esp - 48 mov     rax, r12
@@ -7931,6 +8224,7 @@
             40babd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40bac0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40BA87 
             40bac0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ba20 
+            40bac0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40BA87 
             40bad0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -48 4 4 0 8 5 -40 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -32 4 13 -24 4 14 -16 4 15 -8 4 ZZ
             40bad0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40bad0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
@@ -7997,12 +8291,14 @@
             40bb1c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_model_iter_children 
             40bb21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bb21      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
+            40bb21      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bb23     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+168h+var_14C], eax 
             40bb23      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
             40bb27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40BC18 
             40bb27      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
             40bb2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40bb2d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
+            40bb2d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40bb30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40BBCF 
             40bb30      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
             40bb36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_tree_store_get_type 
@@ -8051,6 +8347,7 @@
             40bb7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40bb81     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             40bb81      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
+            40bb81      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             40bb85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_tree_store_insert 
             40bb85      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
             40bb85      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_store_insert 
@@ -8092,6 +8389,7 @@
             40bbc2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rbp+8] 
             40bbc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40bbc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
+            40bbc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40bbc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40BB48 
             40bbc9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
             40bbcf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, [rsp+168h+var_14C] 
@@ -8099,8 +8397,10 @@
             40bbcf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+168h+var_14C] 
             40bbd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bbd3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
+            40bbd3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bbd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40BBE8 
             40bbd5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
+            40bbd5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_40BBE8 
             40bbd7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
             40bbd7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
             40bbdb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
@@ -8122,6 +8422,7 @@
             40bbf9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
             40bbff     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 138h 
             40bbff      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
+            40bbff      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 138h 
             40bc06      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
             40bc06      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40bc06    312 DEALLOC STACK esp - 312 pop     rbx
@@ -8198,10 +8499,12 @@
             40bc75      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_store_iter_is_valid 
             40bc7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bc7a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
+            40bc7a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bc7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40BC58 
             40bc7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
             40bc7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40BB2D 
             40bc7e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
+            40bc7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40BB2D 
             40bc83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___stack_chk_fail 
             40bc83      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bad0 
             40bc83      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___stack_chk_fail 
@@ -8312,6 +8615,7 @@
             40bd3c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_61A304, eax 
             40bd42     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40bd42      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc90 
+            40bd42      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40bd46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40bc90 
             40bd46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40bd46     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -8386,8 +8690,10 @@
             40bda7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B430 
             40bdac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40bdac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd60 
+            40bdac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40bdae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40BDC2 
             40bdae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd60 
+            40bdae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40BDC2 
             40bdb0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd60 
             40bdb0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
             40bdb4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd60 
@@ -8406,6 +8712,7 @@
             40bdc7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40bdcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40bdcc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd60 
+            40bdcc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40bdd0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40bd60 
             40bdd0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40bdd0     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -8533,8 +8840,10 @@
             40c034      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40AF10 
             40c039     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rax 
             40c039      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
+            40c039      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rbx, rax 
             40c03c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C0A0 
             40c03c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
+            40c03c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C0A0 
             40c03e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
             40c03e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbx 
             40c041      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
@@ -8544,6 +8853,7 @@
             40c044      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40BA20 
             40c049     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c049      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
+            40c049      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c04c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
             40c04c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40c04f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C090 
@@ -8578,6 +8888,7 @@
             40c07a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_store_set 
             40c07f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40c07f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
+            40c07f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40c083      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
             40c083      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             40c086      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
@@ -8589,6 +8900,7 @@
             40c088      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _gtk_tree_iter_free 
             40c090     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40c090      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
+            40c090      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40c094      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
             40c094      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40c095      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
@@ -8597,6 +8909,7 @@
             40c096      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40c0a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40c0a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
+            40c0a0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40c0a4     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rdi, rbx
             40c0a4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c020 
             40c0a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -8688,8 +9001,10 @@
             40c10f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410910 
             40c114     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c114      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c0b0 
+            40c114      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c116     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C162 
             40c116      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c0b0 
+            40c116      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C162 
             40c118      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c0b0 
             40c118      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
             40c11c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c0b0 
@@ -8761,6 +9076,7 @@
             40c178      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_connect_data 
             40c17d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 50h 
             40c17d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c0b0 
+            40c17d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 50h 
             40c181      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c0b0 
             40c181      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40c181     80 DEALLOC STACK esp - 80 pop     rbx
@@ -8856,10 +9172,12 @@
             40c2f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_selection_get_selected 
             40c2fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c2fb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c2fb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c2fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C310 
             40c2fd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c2ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 88h 
             40c2ff      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c2ff      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 88h 
             40c306      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c306      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40c307      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
@@ -8907,6 +9225,7 @@
             40c34c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+98h+var_30]
             40c351     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40c351      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c351      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40c354     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C3A8 
             40c354      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c356      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
@@ -8918,6 +9237,7 @@
             40c35e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B430 
             40c363     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c363      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c363      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c365      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c365      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
             40c369     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C443 
@@ -8927,14 +9247,17 @@
             40c36f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ mov     ecx, [rax+18h] 
             40c372     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             40c372      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c372      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             40c374     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40C490 
             40c374      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c374      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jnz     loc_40C490 
             40c37a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rsp+98h+var_1C] 
             40c37a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c37a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+98h+var_1C] 
             40c37a      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 124 displ mov     edx, [rsp+98h+var_1C]
             40c37e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40c37e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c37e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40c380     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40C45D 
             40c380      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c386      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
@@ -8942,6 +9265,7 @@
             40c386      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+98h+var_30]
             40c38b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40c38b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c38b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40c38e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C2FF 
             40c38e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c394     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -8949,6 +9273,7 @@
             40c394      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             40c399     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 88h 
             40c399      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c399      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 88h 
             40c3a0    136 DEALLOC STACK esp - 136 pop     rbx
             40c3a0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c3a0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -8958,9 +9283,11 @@
             40c3a2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40c3a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+98h+var_28], 0 
             40c3a8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c3a8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ cmp     [rsp+98h+var_28], 0 
             40c3a8      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 112 displ cmp     [rsp+98h+var_28], 0
             40c3ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C37A 
             40c3ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c3ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40C37A 
             40c3b0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c3b0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
             40c3b4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
@@ -9010,14 +9337,17 @@
             40c3fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40B430 
             40c3ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c3ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c3ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c401     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40C4B0 
             40c401      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c401      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40C4B0 
             40c407      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c407      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx+30h] 
             40c40b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c40b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+10h] 
             40c40f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40c40f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c40f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40c412     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C41D 
             40c412      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c414     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_tree_path_free 
@@ -9061,6 +9391,7 @@
             40c451      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 124 displ mov     edx, [rsp+98h+var_1C]
             40c455     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40c455      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c455      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40c457     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40C386 
             40c457      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c45d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_tree_store_get_type 
@@ -9096,6 +9427,7 @@
             40c486      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_tree_store_set 
             40c48b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C386 
             40c48b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c48b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40C386 
             40c490     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, cs:dword_61A304 
             40c490      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c490      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, cs:dword_61A304 
@@ -9117,6 +9449,7 @@
             40c4a6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_emit 
             40c4ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C37A 
             40c4ab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c4ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ jmp     loc_40C37A 
             40c4b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
             40c4b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, [rsp+98h+var_28] 
             40c4b0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 112 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+98h+var_28]
@@ -9139,6 +9472,7 @@
             40c4c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_signal_emit 
             40c4ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40C37A 
             40c4ca      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c2e0 
+            40c4ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ jmp     loc_40C37A 
             40c4d0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             40c4d0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40c4d0    127 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40C4D0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40c54e 
@@ -9153,16 +9487,19 @@
             40c4d1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40c4d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             40c4d5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c4d0 
+            40c4d5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             40c4d8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40c4d0 
             40c4d8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A2F0 
             40c4df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40c4df      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c4d0 
+            40c4df      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40c4e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C4F8 
             40c4e2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c4d0 
             40c4e4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40c4d0 
             40c4e4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A2F0 
             40c4eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40c4eb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c4d0 
+            40c4eb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40c4ef     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40c4ef      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40c4d0 
             40c4ef      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -9176,6 +9513,7 @@
             40c4fd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40c502     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c502      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c4d0 
+            40c502      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c504     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C4E4 
             40c504      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c4d0 
             40c506     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aLogviewloglist; "LogviewLoglist" 
@@ -9221,6 +9559,7 @@
             40c548      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40c54d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40C4E4 
             40c54d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c4d0 
+            40c54d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40C4E4 
             40c550      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40c550      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             40c550    109 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40C550 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40c5bc 
@@ -9359,6 +9698,7 @@
             40c82b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40c82e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40c82e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c820 
+            40c82e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40c832      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c820 
             40c832      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40c832     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -9391,16 +9731,20 @@
             40c859      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40C4D0 
             40c85e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40c85e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c85e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40c861     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C87F 
             40c861      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c861      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40C87F 
             40c863      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
             40c863      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40c866     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40c866      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c866      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40c869     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C870 
             40c869      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
             40c86b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40c86b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c86b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40c86e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C8A0 
             40c86e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
             40c870      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
@@ -9412,6 +9756,7 @@
             40c876      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40c87b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c87b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c87b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c87d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C8A0 
             40c87d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
             40c87f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
@@ -9433,25 +9778,32 @@
             40c899      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_assertion_message_expr 
             40c89e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             40c89e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c89e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             40c8a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_410040 
             40c8a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
             40c8a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410040 
             40c8a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40c8a5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c8a5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40c8a8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
             40c8a8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40c8ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C8C7 
             40c8ab      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c8ab      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C8C7 
             40c8ad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
             40c8ad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             40c8b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40c8b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c8b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40c8b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C8BB 
             40c8b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c8b4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C8BB 
             40c8b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40c8b6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c8b6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40c8b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40C8F0 
             40c8b9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c8b9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40C8F0 
             40c8bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
             40c8bb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40c8be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
@@ -9459,8 +9811,10 @@
             40c8be      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40c8c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40c8c3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c8c3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40c8c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40C8F0 
             40c8c5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c8c5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40C8F0 
             40c8c7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
             40c8c7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_log; "LOGVIEW_IS_LOG (log)" 
             40c8cd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_loglis; "logview_loglist_update_lines" 
@@ -9517,6 +9871,7 @@
             40c923      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40c928     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40c928      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
+            40c928      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40c92c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_tree_iter_free 
             40c92c     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _gtk_tree_iter_free
             40c92c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c840 
@@ -9633,6 +9988,7 @@
             40c9e7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40c9ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40c9ec      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40c950 
+            40c9ec      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40c9f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40c9f0     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_free
             40c9f0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40c950 
@@ -9701,6 +10057,7 @@
             40ca4f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40ca54     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40ca54      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca00 
+            40ca54      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40ca58      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40ca00 
             40ca58      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40ca58     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 retn
@@ -9816,6 +10173,7 @@
             40caf6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_buffer_get_line_count 
             40cafb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, ebx 
             40cafb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cafb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, ebx 
             40cafd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cafd      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     [rsp+98h+var_8C], eax
             40cb01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40CC20 
@@ -9870,6 +10228,7 @@
             40cb52      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, [rax+0A0h] 
             40cb59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40cb59      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb59      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40cb5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40CC47 
             40cb5c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cb62     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_412660 
@@ -9882,12 +10241,15 @@
             40cb6f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40cb72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40CB81 
             40cb72      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb72      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40CB81 
             40cb78      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cb78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             40cb7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40cb7c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb7c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40cb7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CBD2 
             40cb7f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb7f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40CBD2 
             40cb81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cb81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40cb84      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
@@ -9904,8 +10266,10 @@
             40cb92      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4129F0 
             40cb97     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40cb97      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb97      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40cb99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CB78 
             40cb99      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cb99      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40CB78 
             40cb9b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cb9b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx] 
             40cb9e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
@@ -9938,8 +10302,10 @@
             40cbc5      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+98h+var_94], 1 
             40cbcd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40cbcd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cbcd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40cbd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40CB81 
             40cbd0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cbd0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40CB81 
             40cbd2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cbd2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40cbd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -9950,8 +10316,10 @@
             40cbda      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+98h+var_94] 
             40cbde     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40cbde      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cbde      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40cbe0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40CBF0 
             40cbe0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cbe0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40CBF0 
             40cbe2     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [r15+38h] 
             40cbe2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cbe2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [r15+38h] 
@@ -9960,8 +10328,10 @@
             40cbe6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rax+0A8h] 
             40cbec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40cbec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cbec      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40cbee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40CC30 
             40cbee      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cbee      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40CC30 
             40cbf0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cbf0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+98h+var_88] 
             40cbf0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+98h+var_88]
@@ -9989,11 +10359,13 @@
             40cc12      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     eax, [rsp+98h+var_8C]
             40cc16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+98h+var_90], eax 
             40cc16      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cc16      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+98h+var_90], eax 
             40cc16      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ cmp     [rsp+98h+var_90], eax
             40cc1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40CB10 
             40cc1a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cc20     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 68h 
             40cc20      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cc20      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 68h 
             40cc24    104 DEALLOC STACK esp - 104 pop     rbx
             40cc24      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cc24      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -10024,6 +10396,7 @@
             40cc40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name 
             40cc45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40CC05 
             40cc45      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cc45      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40CC05 
             40cc47      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cc47      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r12 
             40cc4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -10032,6 +10405,7 @@
             40cc4f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
             40cc50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40CBE2 
             40cc50      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cac0 
+            40cc50      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40CBE2 
             40cc60      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40cc60      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40cc60     56 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40CC60 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40cc97 
@@ -10067,6 +10441,7 @@
             40cc8a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40cc8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40cc8f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc60 
+            40cc8f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40cc93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_40CAC0 
             40cc93     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     sub_40CAC0
             40cc93      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cc60 
@@ -10101,20 +10476,26 @@
             40ccc3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_window_get_type 
             40ccc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40ccc8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
+            40ccc8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40cccb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
             40cccb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             40ccce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CCED 
             40ccce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
+            40ccce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40CCED 
             40ccd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
             40ccd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+0] 
             40ccd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40ccd4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
+            40ccd4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40ccd7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CCDE 
             40ccd7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
+            40ccd7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40CCDE 
             40ccd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rax], r12 
             40ccd9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
+            40ccd9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rax], r12 
             40ccdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CD30 
             40ccdc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
+            40ccdc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40CD30 
             40ccde      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
             40ccde      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
             40cce1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
@@ -10124,8 +10505,10 @@
             40cce4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40cce9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40cce9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
+            40cce9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40cceb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40CD30 
             40cceb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
+            40cceb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40CD30 
             40cced      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
             40cced      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+0A8h+var_28] 
             40cced      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+0A8h+var_28]
@@ -10152,6 +10535,7 @@
             40cd1f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset domainname; "gnome-system-log" 
             40cd24     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A8h 
             40cd24      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
+            40cd24      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 0A8h 
             40cd2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40cd2b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
             40cd2b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_return_if_fail_warning 
@@ -10337,6 +10721,7 @@
             40ce83      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 160 displ mov     r14, [rsp+0A8h+var_8]
             40ce8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A8h 
             40ce8b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
+            40ce8b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 0A8h 
             40ce92    168 DEALLOC STACK esp - 168 jmp     _g_free
             40ce92     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_free 
             40ce92      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cca0 
@@ -10391,8 +10776,10 @@
             40ced5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+28h+var_20]
             40ceda     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40ceda      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40cea0 
+            40ceda      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40cedd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40CF15 
             40cedd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40cea0 
+            40cedd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40CF15 
             40cedf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cea0 
             40cedf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rax+8] 
             40cee3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -10431,6 +10818,7 @@
             40cf10      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             40cf15     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40cf15      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cea0 
+            40cf15      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40cf19      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cea0 
             40cf19      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40cf19     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -10535,6 +10923,7 @@
             40cfa1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40cfa6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40cfa6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf20 
+            40cfa6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40cfaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_widget_show 
             40cfaa     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _gtk_widget_show
             40cfaa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40cf20 
@@ -10626,6 +11015,7 @@
             40d02b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_buffer_remove_tag_by_name 
             40d030     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A0h 
             40d030      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40cfe0 
+            40d030      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 0A0h 
             40d037    160 DEALLOC STACK esp - 160 pop     rbx
             40d037      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40cfe0 
             40d037      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -10707,6 +11097,7 @@
             40d0a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_grab_focus 
             40d0a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A8h 
             40d0a9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40d040 
+            40d0a9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 0A8h 
             40d0b0    168 DEALLOC STACK esp - 168 pop     rbx
             40d0b0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40d040 
             40d0b0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -10776,6 +11167,7 @@
             40d10e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             40d113     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40d113      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d0c0 
+            40d113      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40d117      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d0c0 
             40d117      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             40d117      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rax
@@ -10809,6 +11201,7 @@
             40d146      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, cs:qword_61A318 
             40d14d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40d14d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d130 
+            40d14d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40d150     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40D180 
             40d150      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d130 
             40d152     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_window_get_type 
@@ -10836,6 +11229,7 @@
             40d172      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r12, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40d177     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40d177      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d130 
+            40d177      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40d17b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_window_present 
             40d17b     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _gtk_window_present
             40d17b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d130 
@@ -10978,6 +11372,7 @@
             40d265      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_412280 
             40d26a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40d26a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d130 
+            40d26a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40d26d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d130 
             40d270     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40D299 
             40d270      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d130 
@@ -11007,6 +11402,7 @@
             40d299      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, cs:qword_61A318 
             40d2a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40D15A 
             40d2a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d130 
+            40d2a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40D15A 
             40d2b0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40d2b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             40d2b0    103 FUNC GLOBAL sub_40D2B0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40d316 
@@ -11025,6 +11421,7 @@
             40d2bf      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40d2c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40d2c3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d2b0 
+            40d2c3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40d2c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d2b0 
             40d2c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rdi 
             40d2c9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d2b0 
@@ -11036,6 +11433,7 @@
             40d2d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _pango_font_description_from_string 
             40d2d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40d2d5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d2b0 
+            40d2d5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40d2d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d2b0 
             40d2db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40D308 
             40d2db      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d2b0 
@@ -11058,6 +11456,7 @@
             40d2f5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40d2fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40d2fa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d2b0 
+            40d2fa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40d2fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _pango_font_description_free 
             40d2fe      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d2b0 
             40d2fe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _pango_font_description_free 
@@ -11069,6 +11468,7 @@
             40d30d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40d312     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40d312      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d2b0 
+            40d312      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40d316      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40d2b0 
             40d316      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40d316     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -11139,8 +11539,10 @@
             40d37b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_modify_font 
             40d380     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             40d380      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d330 
+            40d380      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             40d383     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40D3A0 
             40d383      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d330 
+            40d383      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 R13 ZZ jnz     short loc_40D3A0 
             40d385      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d330 
             40d385      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
             40d385      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+28h+var_20]
@@ -11155,6 +11557,7 @@
             40d394      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r13, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             40d399     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40d399      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d330 
+            40d399      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40d39d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40d330 
             40d39d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40d3a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d330 
@@ -11178,6 +11581,7 @@
             40d3bb      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+80h] 
             40d3c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40d3c2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d330 
+            40d3c2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40d3c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_4120F0 
             40d3c6     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     sub_4120F0
             40d3c6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d330 
@@ -11201,6 +11605,7 @@
             40d3df      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ lea     esi, [rcx-1] 
             40d3e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 8 
             40d3e2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d3d0 
+            40d3e2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ecx, 8 
             40d3e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cmovge  eax, esi 
             40d3e5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d3d0 
             40d3e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     esi, 1 
@@ -11230,6 +11635,7 @@
             40d40f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ lea     esi, [rcx+1] 
             40d412     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 16h 
             40d412      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d400 
+            40d412      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ecx, 16h 
             40d415     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cmovle  eax, esi 
             40d415      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d400 
             40d418     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     esi, 1 
@@ -11299,14 +11705,18 @@
             40d47b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
             40d47d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, [rdx] 
             40d47d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
+            40d47d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, [rdx] 
             40d47f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40D4A8 
             40d47f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
             40d481     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ecx, 1 
             40d481      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
+            40d481      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ecx, 1 
             40d484     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 10h 
             40d484      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
+            40d484      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rdx, 10h 
             40d488     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 3 
             40d488      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
+            40d488      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ecx, 3 
             40d48b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40D47D 
             40d48b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
             40d48d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
@@ -11323,11 +11733,13 @@
             40d498      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40d49d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40d49d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
+            40d49d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40d4a1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
             40d4a1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40d4a1     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
             40d4a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx+4], eax 
             40d4a8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
+            40d4a8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx+4], eax 
             40d4ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40D481 
             40d4ab      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
             40d4ad      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
@@ -11355,6 +11767,7 @@
             40d4d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             40d4d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40D48F 
             40d4d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d450 
+            40d4d6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_40D48F 
             40d4e0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbx
             40d4e5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -8 displ mov     [rsp-8], r12
             40d4ed      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], rbp
@@ -11411,8 +11824,10 @@
             40d5b0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 216 ReturnAddress 
             40d5b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40d5b7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
+            40d5b7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40d5ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40D649 
             40d5ba      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
+            40d5ba      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ jz      loc_40D649 
             40d5c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
             40d5c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 ZZ mov     r14, rdx 
             40d5c3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
@@ -11436,6 +11851,7 @@
             40d5df      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ add     r12d, r15d 
             40d5e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebx, 1 
             40d5e2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
+            40d5e2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ sub     ebx, 1 
             40d5e5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
             40d5e5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, ebx 
             40d5e5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, ebx 
@@ -11455,6 +11871,7 @@
             40d5f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line 
             40d5fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, ebx 
             40d5fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
+            40d5fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r12d, ebx 
             40d5fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_40D63C 
             40d5fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
             40d600      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
@@ -11465,6 +11882,7 @@
             40d605      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, r13d 
             40d608     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1 
             40d608      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
+            40d608      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 1 
             40d60b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_text_iter_forward_chars 
             40d60b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
             40d60b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_iter_forward_chars 
@@ -11496,16 +11914,20 @@
             40d632      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_iter_forward_line 
             40d637     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, ebx 
             40d637      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
+            40d637      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r12d, ebx 
             40d63a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     short loc_40D600 
             40d63a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
             40d63c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
             40d63c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     r14, [r14+8] 
             40d640     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
             40d640      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
+            40d640      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ test    r14, r14 
             40d643     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40D5C8 
             40d643      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
+            40d643      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 R13 ZZ jnz     loc_40D5C8 
             40d649     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A8h 
             40d649      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
+            40d649      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 0A8h 
             40d650    168 DEALLOC STACK esp - 168 pop     rbx
             40d650      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40d5a0 
             40d650      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -11551,6 +11973,7 @@
             40d67c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             40d67e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40d67e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40d660 
+            40d67e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40d682      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40d660 
             40d682      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40d682      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -11914,6 +12337,7 @@
             40d97e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4112C0 
             40d983     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40d983      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40d983      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40d986      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40d986      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40d989     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40D99C 
@@ -11928,10 +12352,12 @@
             40d993      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strcmp0 
             40d998     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40d998      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40d998      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40d99a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40D9B0 
             40d99a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40d99c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 168h 
             40d99c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40d99c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 168h 
             40d9a3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40d9a3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40d9a3    360 DEALLOC STACK esp - 360 pop     rbx
@@ -11994,16 +12420,20 @@
             40d9f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_buffer_get_mark 
             40d9fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+198h+var_190], 0 
             40d9fb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40d9fb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_190], 0 
             40d9fb      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ cmp     [rsp+198h+var_190], 0
             40da01      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40da01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+198h+var_188], rax 
             40da01      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     [rsp+198h+var_188], rax
             40da06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40DB98 
             40da06      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da06      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40DB98 
             40da0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             40da0c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da0c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             40da0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40DB20 
             40da0e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da0e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40DB20 
             40da14      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40da14      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+198h+var_188] 
             40da14      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+198h+var_188]
@@ -12019,19 +12449,25 @@
             40da24     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             40da26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40DA59 
             40da26      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da26      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jmp     short loc_40DA59 
             40da30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_text_iter_forward_search 
             40da30      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40da30      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_iter_forward_search 
             40da35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40da35      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da35      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40da37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40DA81 
             40da37      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da37      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40DA81 
             40da39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             40da39      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da39      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40da3b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40DB48 
             40da3b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da3b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40DB48 
             40da41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             40da41      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da41      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             40da43      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40da43      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
             40da46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
@@ -12049,6 +12485,7 @@
             40da59      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ xor     r9d, r9d 
             40da5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             40da5c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da5c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             40da5e      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40da5e      8 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ lea     r8, [rsp+198h+var_D8] 
             40da5e      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 192 displ lea     r8, [rsp+198h+var_D8]
@@ -12069,8 +12506,10 @@
             40da78      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_iter_backward_search 
             40da7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40da7d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da7d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40da7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40DA39 
             40da7f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40da7f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40DA39 
             40da81      8 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40da81      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+198h+var_D8] 
             40da81      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 192 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+198h+var_D8]
@@ -12124,6 +12563,7 @@
             40dad7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_view_scroll_mark_onscreen 
             40dadc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             40dadc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40dadc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40dade     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40dade      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40dade      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -12162,6 +12602,7 @@
             40db13      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411320 
             40db18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40D99C 
             40db18      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40db18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_40D99C 
             40db20      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40db20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rsp+198h+var_190] 
             40db20      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdx, [rsp+198h+var_190]
@@ -12174,12 +12615,14 @@
             40db2b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark 
             40db30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40DA24 
             40db30      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40db30      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jmp     loc_40DA24 
             40db38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter 
             40db38      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40db38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter 
             40db3d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40db40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40DA54 
             40db40      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40db40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jmp     loc_40DA54 
             40db48      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40db48      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             40db4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_text_buffer_get_has_selection 
@@ -12187,8 +12630,10 @@
             40db4b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_text_buffer_get_has_selection 
             40db50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40db50      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40db50      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40db52     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40DB89 
             40db52      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40db52      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40DB89 
             40db54     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aInsert; "insert" 
             40db54      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40db54      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aInsert; "insert" 
@@ -12226,6 +12671,7 @@
             40db8e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aNotFound; "Not found" 
             40db93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40DAEE 
             40db93      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40db93      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40DAEE 
             40db98      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
             40db98      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
             40db9b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
@@ -12267,6 +12713,7 @@
             40dbd2      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     [rsp+198h+var_188], rax
             40dbd7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40DA24 
             40dbd7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40d950 
+            40dbd7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ jmp     loc_40DA24 
             40dbe0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -32 displ mov     [rsp-20h], rbx
             40dbe5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbp
             40dbed      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], r12
@@ -12320,12 +12767,14 @@
             40dcec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_visible 
             40dcf1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40dcf1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40dce0 
+            40dcf1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40dcf3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40dce0 
             40dcf3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             40dcf7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40dce0 
             40dcf7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+28h] 
             40dcfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40DD08 
             40dcfb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40dce0 
+            40dcfb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_40DD08 
             40dcfd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40dce0 
             40dcfd      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40dcfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_widget_show 
@@ -12354,12 +12803,14 @@
             40dd1c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_visible 
             40dd21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40dd21      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40dd10 
+            40dd21      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40dd23      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40dd10 
             40dd23      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+38h] 
             40dd27      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40dd10 
             40dd27      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+50h] 
             40dd2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40DD38 
             40dd2b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40dd10 
+            40dd2b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_40DD38 
             40dd2d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40dd10 
             40dd2d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40dd2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_widget_show 
@@ -12459,16 +12910,19 @@
             40df91      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             40df95     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             40df95      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40df90 
+            40df95      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             40df98      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40df90 
             40df98      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A308 
             40df9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40df9f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40df90 
+            40df9f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40dfa2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40DFB8 
             40dfa2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40df90 
             40dfa4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 40df90 
             40dfa4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A308 
             40dfab     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             40dfab      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40df90 
+            40dfab      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             40dfaf     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             40dfaf      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40df90 
             40dfaf      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -12482,6 +12936,7 @@
             40dfbd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             40dfc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40dfc2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40df90 
+            40dfc2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40dfc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40DFA4 
             40dfc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40df90 
             40dfc6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aLogviewwindow; "LogviewWindow" 
@@ -12527,6 +12982,7 @@
             40e008      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             40e00d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40DFA4 
             40e00d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40df90 
+            40e00d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40DFA4 
             40e010      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             40e010      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             40e010      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40e010 
@@ -12604,8 +13060,10 @@
             40e07b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     [rsp+78h+var_68], rax
             40e080     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40e080      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e080      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40e083     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40E2B0 
             40e083      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e083      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      loc_40E2B0 
             40e089     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rbp+9Ch] 
             40e089      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
             40e089      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI R13 ZZ mov     esi, [rbp+9Ch] 
@@ -12613,6 +13071,7 @@
             40e08f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 ZZ mov     r13, [rbp+70h] 
             40e093     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             40e093      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e093      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
             40e095     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40E280 
             40e095      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
             40e09b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_action_group_list_actions 
@@ -12620,6 +13079,7 @@
             40e09b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_action_group_list_actions 
             40e0a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40e0a0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e0a0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40e0a3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
             40e0a3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             40e0a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40E132 
@@ -12706,8 +13166,10 @@
             40e129      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             40e12d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40e12d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e12d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40e130     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40E0C0 
             40e130      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e130      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40E0C0 
             40e132      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
             40e132      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r15 
             40e135     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r15d, r15d 
@@ -12735,10 +13197,12 @@
             40e152      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_list_length 
             40e157     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40e157      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e157      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40e159     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40E298 
             40e159      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
             40e15f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+78h+var_50], 0 
             40e15f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e15f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_50], 0 
             40e15f      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_50], 0
             40e165     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40E258 
             40e165      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
@@ -12887,8 +13351,10 @@
             40e248      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             40e24c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40e24c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e24c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40e24f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40E190 
             40e24f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e24f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40E190 
             40e255      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
             40e255      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, r12 
             40e258     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_50] 
@@ -12902,6 +13368,7 @@
             40e262      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ mov     [rbp+9Ch], r15d 
             40e269     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40e269      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e269      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40e26d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
             40e26d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40e26e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
@@ -12925,6 +13392,7 @@
             40e288      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbp+10h] 
             40e28c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40E09B 
             40e28c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e28c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40E09B 
             40e298      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
             40e298      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_68] 
             40e298      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_68]
@@ -12935,6 +13403,7 @@
             40e2a2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R15 ZZ mov     r15d, eax 
             40e2a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40E15F 
             40e2a5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e2a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40E15F 
             40e2b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aPrivFilter_act; "priv->filter_action_group != NULL" 
             40e2b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
             40e2b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aPrivFilter_act; "priv->filter_action_group != NULL" 
@@ -12949,6 +13418,7 @@
             40e2bf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_return_if_fail_warning 
             40e2c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             40e2c4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
+            40e2c4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             40e2c8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 40e050 
             40e2c8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40e2c8     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 pop     rbx
@@ -13467,6 +13937,7 @@
             40ef55      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rax, [rax+38h] 
             40ef59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rax], 0 
             40ef59      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef40 
+            40ef59      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rax], 0 
             40ef5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40EF70 
             40ef5d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef40 
             40ef5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -13518,18 +13989,24 @@
             40efa1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40DF90 
             40efa6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40efa6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
+            40efa6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40efa9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40EFC7 
             40efa9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
+            40efa9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40EFC7 
             40efab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
             40efab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             40efae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40efae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
+            40efae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40efb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40EFB8 
             40efb1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
+            40efb1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40EFB8 
             40efb3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40efb3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
+            40efb3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40efb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40EFF0 
             40efb6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
+            40efb6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40EFF0 
             40efb8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
             40efb8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40efbb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
@@ -13539,8 +14016,10 @@
             40efbe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40efc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40efc3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
+            40efc3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40efc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40EFF0 
             40efc5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
+            40efc5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40EFF0 
             40efc7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
             40efc7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_win; "LOGVIEW_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40efcd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_window; "logview_window_add_error" 
@@ -13605,6 +14084,7 @@
             40f031      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, offset aResponse; "response" 
             40f036     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             40f036      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
+            40f036      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             40f03a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_signal_connect_data 
             40f03a     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_signal_connect_data
             40f03a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40ef80 
@@ -13813,18 +14293,24 @@
             40f4f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_40DF90 
             40f4f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12, r12 
             40f4f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f4f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r12, r12 
             40f4fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F51B 
             40f4fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f4fc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F51B 
             40f4fe      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
             40f4fe      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r12] 
             40f502     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40f502      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f502      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             40f505     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F50C 
             40f505      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f505      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F50C 
             40f507     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f507      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f507      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             40f50a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F540 
             40f50a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f50a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F540 
             40f50c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
             40f50c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             40f50f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
@@ -13834,8 +14320,10 @@
             40f512      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             40f517     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40f517      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f517      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40f519     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40F540 
             40f519      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f519      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40F540 
             40f51b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
             40f51b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_win; "LOGVIEW_IS_WINDOW (window)" 
             40f521     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_wind_0; "logview_window_add_errors" 
@@ -13856,8 +14344,10 @@
             40f53a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
             40f540     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rbx+8], 1 
             40f540      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f540      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rbx+8], 1 
             40f544     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_40F638 
             40f544      6 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f544      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jbe     loc_40F638 
             40f54a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             40f54a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
             40f54a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
@@ -13889,8 +14379,10 @@
             40f571      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             40f574     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             40f574      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f574      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             40f577     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F5D0 
             40f577      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f577      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_40F5D0 
             40f579     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R15 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r15d, r15d 
             40f579      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
             40f579      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R14 R15 ZZ xor     r15d, r15d 
@@ -13904,10 +14396,12 @@
             40f583      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40f586     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r14d, 1 
             40f586      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f586      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ add     r14d, 1 
             40f58a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
             40f58a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ mov     rdx, [rax+r15] 
             40f58e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r15, 8 
             40f58e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f58e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ add     r15, 8 
             40f592      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
             40f592      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, [rdx] 
             40f595      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
@@ -13944,8 +14438,10 @@
             40f5c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_string_append 
             40f5ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14d, [rbx+8] 
             40f5ca      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f5ca      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     r14d, [rbx+8] 
             40f5ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_40F580 
             40f5ce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f5ce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jb      short loc_40F580 
             40f5d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
             40f5d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40f5d3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
@@ -14000,6 +14496,7 @@
             40f61d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             40f622     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40f622      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
+            40f622      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40f626     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rdi, rbx
             40f626      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f4e0 
             40f626      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -14106,6 +14603,7 @@
             40f6b1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset loc_40F8F0 
             40f6b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40f6b6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
+            40f6b6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40f6ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_io_scheduler_push_job 
             40f6ba     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_io_scheduler_push_job
             40f6ba      5 INSTR BELONGTO 40f660 
@@ -14123,8 +14621,10 @@
             40f6c5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI R8 ZZ mov     rbx, rdi 
             40f6c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rcx, rcx 
             40f6c8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6c0 
+            40f6c8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI R8 ZZ test    rcx, rcx 
             40f6cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40F720 
             40f6cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6c0 
+            40f6cb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI R8 ZZ jz      short loc_40F720 
             40f6cd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6c0 
             40f6cd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rdi+28h] 
             40f6d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6c0 
@@ -14137,6 +14637,7 @@
             40f6d6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
             40f6d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [rbx+20h] 
             40f6d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6c0 
+            40f6d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [rbx+20h] 
             40f6db      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6c0 
             40f6db      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx+8] 
             40f6df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_error_free 
@@ -14191,8 +14692,10 @@
             40f72e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rdi, [rdi] 
             40f731     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [rbx+20h] 
             40f731      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6c0 
+            40f731      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [rbx+20h] 
             40f734     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40F6E4 
             40f734      2 INSTR BELONGTO 40f6c0 
+            40f734      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40F6E4 
             40f740      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbx
             40f745      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], rbp
             40f74d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -8 displ mov     [rsp-8], r12
@@ -14300,6 +14803,7 @@
             40f8a1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_61A330, eax 
             40f8a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             40f8a7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
+            40f8a7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             40f8ab     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 mov     rdi, rbx
             40f8ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 40f840 
             40f8ab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -14628,16 +15132,19 @@
             410040      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             410044     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             410044      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410040 
+            410044      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             410047      7 INSTR BELONGTO 410040 
             410047      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A320 
             41004e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             41004e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410040 
+            41004e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             410051     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410060 
             410051      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410040 
             410053      7 INSTR BELONGTO 410040 
             410053      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A320 
             41005a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             41005a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 410040 
+            41005a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             41005e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 410040 
             41005e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             41005e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -14649,6 +15156,7 @@
             410065      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             41006a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             41006a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410040 
+            41006a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             41006c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410053 
             41006c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410040 
             41006e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aLogviewlog; "LogviewLog" 
@@ -14690,6 +15198,7 @@
             4100aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             4100af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_410053 
             4100af      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410040 
+            4100af      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_410053 
             4100c0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r15 
             4100c2     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r14 
             4100c4     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r13 
@@ -14980,6 +15489,7 @@
             410487      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset loc_4100C0 
             41048c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             41048c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 410410 
+            41048c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             410490     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_io_scheduler_push_job 
             410490     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     _g_io_scheduler_push_job
             410490      5 INSTR BELONGTO 410410 
@@ -15080,6 +15590,7 @@
             410585      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ mov     r14, [rsp+28h+var_8]
             41058a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             41058a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 410520 
+            41058a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             41058e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_40F660 
             41058e     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 jmp     sub_40F660
             41058e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 410520 
@@ -15098,16 +15609,20 @@
             4105a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410040 
             4105a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4105a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4105a0 
+            4105a9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4105ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4105CA 
             4105ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4105a0 
+            4105ac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4105CA 
             4105ae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4105a0 
             4105ae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4105b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4105b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4105a0 
+            4105b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4105b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4105BB 
             4105b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4105a0 
             4105b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4105b6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4105a0 
+            4105b6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4105b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4105F0 
             4105b9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4105a0 
             4105bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4105a0 
@@ -15119,6 +15634,7 @@
             4105c1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4105c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4105c6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4105a0 
+            4105c6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4105c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4105F0 
             4105c8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4105a0 
             4105ca      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4105a0 
@@ -15162,16 +15678,20 @@
             410604      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410040 
             410609     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             410609      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410600 
+            410609      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41060c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41062A 
             41060c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410600 
+            41060c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_41062A 
             41060e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410600 
             41060e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             410611     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             410611      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410600 
+            410611      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             410614     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41061B 
             410614      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410600 
             410616     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410616      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410600 
+            410616      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410619     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410650 
             410619      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410600 
             41061b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410600 
@@ -15183,6 +15703,7 @@
             410621      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             410626     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             410626      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410600 
+            410626      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             410628     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_410650 
             410628      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410600 
             41062a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 410600 
@@ -15226,16 +15747,20 @@
             410664      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410040 
             410669     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             410669      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410660 
+            410669      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41066c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41068A 
             41066c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410660 
+            41066c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_41068A 
             41066e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410660 
             41066e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             410671     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             410671      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410660 
+            410671      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             410674     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41067B 
             410674      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410660 
             410676     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410676      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410660 
+            410676      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410679     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4106B0 
             410679      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410660 
             41067b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410660 
@@ -15247,6 +15772,7 @@
             410681      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             410686     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             410686      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410660 
+            410686      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             410688     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4106B0 
             410688      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410660 
             41068a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 410660 
@@ -15290,16 +15816,20 @@
             4106c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410040 
             4106c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4106c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4106c0 
+            4106c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4106cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4106EA 
             4106cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4106c0 
+            4106cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4106EA 
             4106ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4106c0 
             4106ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4106d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4106d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4106c0 
+            4106d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4106d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4106DB 
             4106d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4106c0 
             4106d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4106d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4106c0 
+            4106d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4106d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410710 
             4106d9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4106c0 
             4106db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4106c0 
@@ -15311,6 +15841,7 @@
             4106e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4106e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4106e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4106c0 
+            4106e6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4106e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_410710 
             4106e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4106c0 
             4106ea      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4106c0 
@@ -15355,16 +15886,20 @@
             410724      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410040 
             410729     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             410729      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
+            410729      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41072c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41074A 
             41072c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
+            41072c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_41074A 
             41072e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
             41072e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             410731     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             410731      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
+            410731      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             410734     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41073B 
             410734      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
             410736     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410736      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
+            410736      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410739     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410770 
             410739      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
             41073b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
@@ -15376,6 +15911,7 @@
             410741      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             410746     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             410746      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
+            410746      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             410748     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_410770 
             410748      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
             41074a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
@@ -15404,8 +15940,10 @@
             410774      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rax, [rax+38h] 
             410778     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             410778      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
+            410778      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             41077b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410782 
             41077b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
+            41077b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_410782 
             41077d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
             41077d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rax, [rax] 
             410780      1 INSTR BELONGTO 410720 
@@ -15433,16 +15971,20 @@
             410794      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410040 
             410799     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             410799      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410790 
+            410799      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41079c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4107BA 
             41079c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410790 
+            41079c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4107BA 
             41079e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410790 
             41079e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4107a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4107a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410790 
+            4107a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4107a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4107AB 
             4107a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410790 
             4107a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4107a6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410790 
+            4107a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4107a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4107E0 
             4107a9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410790 
             4107ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410790 
@@ -15454,6 +15996,7 @@
             4107b1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4107b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4107b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410790 
+            4107b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4107b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4107E0 
             4107b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410790 
             4107ba      6 INSTR BELONGTO 410790 
@@ -15497,16 +16040,20 @@
             4107f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410040 
             4107f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4107f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4107f0 
+            4107f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4107fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41081A 
             4107fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4107f0 
+            4107fc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_41081A 
             4107fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4107f0 
             4107fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             410801     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             410801      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4107f0 
+            410801      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             410804     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41080B 
             410804      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4107f0 
             410806     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410806      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4107f0 
+            410806      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410809     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410840 
             410809      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4107f0 
             41080b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4107f0 
@@ -15518,6 +16065,7 @@
             410811      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             410816     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             410816      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4107f0 
+            410816      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             410818     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_410840 
             410818      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4107f0 
             41081a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4107f0 
@@ -15562,18 +16110,24 @@
             410854      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410040 
             410859     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             410859      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
+            410859      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41085c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41087A 
             41085c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
+            41085c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_41087A 
             41085e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
             41085e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             410861     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             410861      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
+            410861      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             410864     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41086B 
             410864      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
+            410864      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_41086B 
             410866     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410866      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
+            410866      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410869     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4108A0 
             410869      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
+            410869      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4108A0 
             41086b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
             41086b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             41086e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
@@ -15583,8 +16137,10 @@
             410871      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             410876     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             410876      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
+            410876      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             410878     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4108A0 
             410878      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
+            410878      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4108A0 
             41087a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 410850 
             41087a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_log; "LOGVIEW_IS_LOG (log)" 
             410880     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_log__0; "logview_log_get_uri" 
@@ -15626,18 +16182,24 @@
             4108b4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410040 
             4108b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4108b9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
+            4108b9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4108bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4108DA 
             4108bc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
+            4108bc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4108DA 
             4108be      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
             4108be      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4108c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4108c1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
+            4108c1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4108c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4108CB 
             4108c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
+            4108c4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4108CB 
             4108c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4108c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
+            4108c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4108c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410900 
             4108c9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
+            4108c9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_410900 
             4108cb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
             4108cb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             4108ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
@@ -15647,8 +16209,10 @@
             4108d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4108d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4108d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
+            4108d6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4108d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_410900 
             4108d8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
+            4108d8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_410900 
             4108da      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4108b0 
             4108da      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_log; "LOGVIEW_IS_LOG (log)" 
             4108e0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_log_ge; "logview_log_get_gfile" 
@@ -15690,16 +16254,20 @@
             410914      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410040 
             410919     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             410919      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410910 
+            410919      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41091c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41093A 
             41091c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410910 
+            41091c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_41093A 
             41091e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410910 
             41091e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             410921     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             410921      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410910 
+            410921      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             410924     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41092B 
             410924      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410910 
             410926     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410926      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410910 
+            410926      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             410929     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410960 
             410929      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410910 
             41092b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410910 
@@ -15711,6 +16279,7 @@
             410931      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             410936     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             410936      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410910 
+            410936      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             410938     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_410960 
             410938      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410910 
             41093a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 410910 
@@ -15936,6 +16505,7 @@
             410afa      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_61A35C, eax 
             410b00     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             410b00      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4109c0 
+            410b00      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             410b04      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4109c0 
             410b04      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             410b04     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -16013,12 +16583,14 @@
             410c44     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             410c46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsi+1Ch], 0FF1Bh 
             410c46      7 INSTR BELONGTO 410c40 
+            410c46      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsi+1Ch], 0FF1Bh 
             410c4d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410c40 
             410c4d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rdx 
             410c50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410C60 
             410c50      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410c40 
             410c52     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             410c52      4 INSTR BELONGTO 410c40 
+            410c52      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             410c56      1 INSTR BELONGTO 410c40 
             410c56      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             410c60     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, cs:dword_61A358 
@@ -16035,6 +16607,7 @@
             410c6d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             410c72     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             410c72      4 INSTR BELONGTO 410c40 
+            410c72      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             410c76      1 INSTR BELONGTO 410c40 
             410c76      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             410c76      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -16052,16 +16625,19 @@
             410c81      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             410c85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             410c85      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410c80 
+            410c85      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             410c88      7 INSTR BELONGTO 410c80 
             410c88      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A340 
             410c8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             410c8f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 410c80 
+            410c8f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             410c92     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410CA8 
             410c92      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410c80 
             410c94      7 INSTR BELONGTO 410c80 
             410c94      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A340 
             410c9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             410c9b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 410c80 
+            410c9b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             410c9f     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             410c9f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 410c80 
             410c9f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -16075,6 +16651,7 @@
             410cad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             410cb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             410cb2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410c80 
+            410cb2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             410cb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_410C94 
             410cb4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410c80 
             410cb6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aLogviewfindbar; "LogviewFindbar" 
@@ -16120,6 +16697,7 @@
             410cf8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             410cfd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_410C94 
             410cfd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 410c80 
+            410cfd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_410C94 
             410d00      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 8 13 0 4 14 0 4 15 0 4 ZZ
             410d00      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             410d00      1 INSTR BELONGTO 410d00 
@@ -16357,6 +16935,7 @@
             41121b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             41121e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             41121e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411210 
+            41121e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             411222      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411210 
             411222      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             411222     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -16385,16 +16964,20 @@
             411239      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410C80 
             41123e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             41123e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
+            41123e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             411241     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41125F 
             411241      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
+            411241      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_41125F 
             411243      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
             411243      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             411246     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             411246      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
+            411246      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             411249     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411250 
             411249      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
             41124b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41124b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
+            41124b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41124e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411280 
             41124e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
             411250      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
@@ -16406,6 +16989,7 @@
             411256      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             41125b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             41125b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
+            41125b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             41125d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411280 
             41125d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
             41125f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
@@ -16427,6 +17011,7 @@
             411279      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_assertion_message_expr 
             41127e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             41127e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
+            41127e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             411280     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
             411280      5 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
             411280      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_get_type 
@@ -16453,6 +17038,7 @@
             4112a1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_cast 
             4112a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4112a6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
+            4112a6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4112aa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411230 
             4112aa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             4112aa      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rax
@@ -16477,16 +17063,20 @@
             4112c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410C80 
             4112c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4112c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
+            4112c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4112cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4112EA 
             4112cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
+            4112cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4112EA 
             4112ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
             4112ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4112d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4112d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
+            4112d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4112d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4112DB 
             4112d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
             4112d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4112d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
+            4112d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4112d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411310 
             4112d9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
             4112db      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
@@ -16498,6 +17088,7 @@
             4112e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4112e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4112e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
+            4112e6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4112e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411310 
             4112e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
             4112ea      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
@@ -16522,6 +17113,7 @@
             411310      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
             411310      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
             411314      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
+            411314      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             411314     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbx 
             411315      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4112c0 
             411315      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rax, [rax+38h] 
@@ -16550,16 +17142,20 @@
             41132a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_410C80 
             41132f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             41132f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
+            41132f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             411332     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411350 
             411332      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
+            411332      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_411350 
             411334      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
             411334      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             411337     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             411337      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
+            411337      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             41133a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411341 
             41133a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
             41133c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41133c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
+            41133c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41133f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411370 
             41133f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
             411341      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
@@ -16571,6 +17167,7 @@
             411347      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             41134c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             41134c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
+            41134c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             41134e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411370 
             41134e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
             411350      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
@@ -16593,6 +17190,7 @@
             41136f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
             411370     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             411370      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
+            411370      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             411373      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
             411373      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     r12d, 41464Ch 
             411379     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4113C6 
@@ -16666,6 +17264,7 @@
             4113e6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+30h] 
             4113ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4113ea      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
+            4113ea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4113ed     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aVisible; "visible" 
             4113ed      5 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
             4113ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aVisible; "visible" 
@@ -16701,6 +17300,7 @@
             411411      1 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
             411411      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             411412      1 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
+            411412      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ pop     rbp 
             411412     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
             411413      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411320 
             411413      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ pop     r12 
@@ -16819,6 +17419,7 @@
             4114ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_settings_set_strv 
             4114b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4114b1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411460 
+            4114b1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4114b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411460 
             4114b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             4114b5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbx
@@ -16959,8 +17560,10 @@
             41157b      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 92 displ mov     ecx, [rsp+78h+var_1C]
             41157f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             41157f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            41157f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             411581     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_411628 
             411581      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            411581      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_411628 
             411587     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset a1  ; "1:" 
             411587      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
             411587      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset a1  ; "1:" 
@@ -16975,13 +17578,16 @@
             411594      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 84 displ mov     edx, [rsp+78h+var_24]
             411598     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             411598      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            411598      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             41159a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_411641 
             41159a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            41159a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_411641 
             4115a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
             4115a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_48] 
             4115a0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_48]
             4115a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4115a5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            4115a5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4115a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4115AF 
             4115a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
             4115aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_color_free 
@@ -17001,13 +17607,16 @@
             4115bc      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 88 displ mov     eax, [rsp+78h+var_20]
             4115c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4115c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            4115c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4115c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_411670 
             4115c2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            4115c2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_411670 
             4115c8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
             4115c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_40] 
             4115c8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_40]
             4115cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4115cd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            4115cd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4115d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4115D7 
             4115d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
             4115d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_color_free 
@@ -17058,6 +17667,7 @@
             411615      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ptr_array_add 
             41161a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 60h 
             41161a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            41161a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 60h 
             41161e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
             41161e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             41161e     96 DEALLOC STACK esp - 96 pop     rbx
@@ -17081,8 +17691,10 @@
             411635      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 84 displ mov     edx, [rsp+78h+var_24]
             411639     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             411639      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            411639      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             41163b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4115A0 
             41163b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            41163b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4115A0 
             411641      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
             411641      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_48] 
             411641      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_48]
@@ -17105,6 +17717,7 @@
             41165c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             411661     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4115A0 
             411661      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            411661      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4115A0 
             411670      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
             411670      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_40] 
             411670      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+78h+var_40]
@@ -17127,6 +17740,7 @@
             41168b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             411690     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4115C8 
             411690      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4114c0 
+            411690      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4115C8 
             4116a3     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
             4116a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_list_append 
             4116c0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
@@ -17239,6 +17853,7 @@
             411775      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_61A374, eax 
             41177b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 28h 
             41177b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4116c0 
+            41177b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 28h 
             41177f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4116c0 
             41177f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             41177f     40 DEALLOC STACK esp - 40 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -17308,16 +17923,19 @@
             411810      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             411814     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             411814      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411810 
+            411814      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             411817      7 INSTR BELONGTO 411810 
             411817      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A360 
             41181e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             41181e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411810 
+            41181e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             411821     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411830 
             411821      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411810 
             411823      7 INSTR BELONGTO 411810 
             411823      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A360 
             41182a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             41182a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411810 
+            41182a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             41182e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 411810 
             41182e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             41182e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -17329,6 +17947,7 @@
             411835      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             41183a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             41183a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411810 
+            41183a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             41183c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411823 
             41183c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411810 
             41183e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aLogviewprefs; "LogviewPrefs" 
@@ -17370,6 +17989,7 @@
             41187a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             41187f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_411823 
             41187f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411810 
+            41187f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_411823 
             411890      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 0 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             411890      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             411890      1 INSTR BELONGTO 411890 
@@ -17494,10 +18114,12 @@
             411b04      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A378 
             411b0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             411b0b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411b00 
+            411b0b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             411b0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411B18 
             411b0e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411b00 
             411b10     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             411b10      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411b00 
+            411b10      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             411b14      1 INSTR BELONGTO 411b00 
             411b14      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             411b18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_411810 
@@ -17518,6 +18140,7 @@
             411b29      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_61A378, rax 
             411b30     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             411b30      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411b00 
+            411b30      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             411b34      1 INSTR BELONGTO 411b00 
             411b34      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             411b34      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -17550,18 +18173,24 @@
             411b5b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             411b60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             411b60      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
+            411b60      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             411b63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411B81 
             411b63      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
+            411b63      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411B81 
             411b65      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
             411b65      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             411b68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             411b68      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
+            411b68      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             411b6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411B72 
             411b6b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
+            411b6b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411B72 
             411b6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411b6d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
+            411b6d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411b70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411BA0 
             411b70      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
+            411b70      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411BA0 
             411b72      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
             411b72      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             411b75      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
@@ -17571,8 +18200,10 @@
             411b78      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             411b7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             411b7d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
+            411b7d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411b7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411BA0 
             411b7f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
+            411b7f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_411BA0 
             411b81      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
             411b81      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             411b87     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pref_7; "logview_prefs_store_window_size" 
@@ -17624,6 +18255,7 @@
             411bcd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             411bd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             411bd0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
+            411bd0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             411bd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_settings_set_int 
             411bd4     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_settings_set_int
             411bd4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 411b40 
@@ -17655,18 +18287,24 @@
             411bfc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             411c01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             411c01      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c01      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             411c04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411C22 
             411c04      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c04      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411C22 
             411c06      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
             411c06      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             411c09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             411c09      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c09      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             411c0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411C13 
             411c0c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c0c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411C13 
             411c0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411c0e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c0e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411c11     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411C48 
             411c11      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c11      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411C48 
             411c13      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
             411c13      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             411c16      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
@@ -17676,8 +18314,10 @@
             411c19      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             411c1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             411c1e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c1e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411c20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411C48 
             411c20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c20      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_411C48 
             411c22      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
             411c22      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             411c28     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pref_8; "logview_prefs_get_stored_window_size" 
@@ -17725,18 +18365,22 @@
             411c71      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     esi, [rbp+0] 
             411c74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             411c74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c74      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411c76     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    dl 
             411c76      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
             411c76      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ setz    dl 
             411c79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             411c79      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c79      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    esi, esi 
             411c7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             411c7b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
             411c7b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ setz    al 
             411c7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dl, al 
             411c7e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c7e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     dl, al 
             411c80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411C91 
             411c80      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c80      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_411C91 
             411c82      7 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
             411c82      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     dword ptr [rbp+0], 258h 
             411c89      8 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
@@ -17752,6 +18396,7 @@
             411c9a      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             411c9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             411c9f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
+            411c9f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             411ca3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 411be0 
             411ca3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             411ca3     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -17769,18 +18414,24 @@
             411cb4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             411cb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             411cb9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
+            411cb9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             411cbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411CDA 
             411cbc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
+            411cbc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411CDA 
             411cbe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
             411cbe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             411cc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             411cc1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
+            411cc1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             411cc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411CCB 
             411cc4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
+            411cc4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411CCB 
             411cc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411cc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
+            411cc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411cc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411D00 
             411cc9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
+            411cc9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411D00 
             411ccb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
             411ccb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             411cce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
@@ -17790,8 +18441,10 @@
             411cd1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             411cd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             411cd6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
+            411cd6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411cd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411D00 
             411cd8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
+            411cd8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_411D00 
             411cda      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411cb0 
             411cda      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             411ce0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pref_9; "logview_prefs_get_monospace_font_name" 
@@ -17836,18 +18489,24 @@
             411d24      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             411d29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             411d29      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
+            411d29      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             411d2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411D4A 
             411d2c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
+            411d2c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411D4A 
             411d2e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
             411d2e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             411d31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             411d31      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
+            411d31      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             411d34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411D3B 
             411d34      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
+            411d34      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411D3B 
             411d36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411d36      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
+            411d36      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411d39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411D70 
             411d39      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
+            411d39      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411D70 
             411d3b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
             411d3b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             411d3e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
@@ -17857,8 +18516,10 @@
             411d41      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             411d46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             411d46      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
+            411d46      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411d48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411D70 
             411d48      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
+            411d48      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_411D70 
             411d4a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411d20 
             411d4a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             411d50     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pre_10; "logview_prefs_get_have_tearoff" 
@@ -17903,18 +18564,24 @@
             411d94      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             411d99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             411d99      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
+            411d99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             411d9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411DBA 
             411d9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
+            411d9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411DBA 
             411d9e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
             411d9e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             411da1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             411da1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
+            411da1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             411da4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411DAB 
             411da4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
+            411da4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411DAB 
             411da6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411da6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
+            411da6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411da9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411DE0 
             411da9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
+            411da9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411DE0 
             411dab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
             411dab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             411dae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
@@ -17924,8 +18591,10 @@
             411db1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             411db6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             411db6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
+            411db6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411db8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411DE0 
             411db8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
+            411db8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_411DE0 
             411dba      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411d90 
             411dba      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             411dc0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_prefs_; "logview_prefs_get_stored_logfiles" 
@@ -17984,16 +18653,20 @@
             411e0e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             411e13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14, r14 
             411e13      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e13      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    r14, r14 
             411e16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411E34 
             411e16      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e16      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_411E34 
             411e18      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411e18      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [r14] 
             411e1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             411e1b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e1b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             411e1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411E25 
             411e1e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411e20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411e20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411e23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411E58 
             411e23      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411e25      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
@@ -18005,6 +18678,7 @@
             411e2b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             411e30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             411e30      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e30      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411e32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411E58 
             411e32      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411e34      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
@@ -18030,20 +18704,26 @@
             411e58      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_get_type 
             411e5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
             411e5d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e5d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r13, r13 
             411e60      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411e60      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             411e63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411E7F 
             411e63      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e63      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411E7F 
             411e65      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411e65      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r13+0] 
             411e69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             411e69      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e69      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             411e6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411E73 
             411e6c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e6c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411E73 
             411e6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411e6e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e6e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411e71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411EA0 
             411e71      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e71      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411EA0 
             411e73      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411e73      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             411e76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
@@ -18051,8 +18731,10 @@
             411e76      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             411e7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             411e7b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e7b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411e7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411EA0 
             411e7d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e7d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_411EA0 
             411e7f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411e7f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aG_is_fileFile; "G_IS_FILE (file)" 
             411e85     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pref_2; "logview_prefs_store_log" 
@@ -18072,6 +18754,7 @@
             411e99      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_assertion_message_expr 
             411e9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             411e9e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411e9e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             411ea0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411ea0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
             411ea3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_411D90 
@@ -18083,6 +18766,7 @@
             411eab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             411eae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             411eae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411eae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             411eb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411EEC 
             411eb1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411eb3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
@@ -18102,12 +18786,14 @@
             411ece      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_equal 
             411ed3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             411ed3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411ed3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411ed5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411ed5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             411ed8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411F50 
             411ed8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411eda     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12, 8 
             411eda      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411eda      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r12, 8 
             411ede     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
             411ede      5 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411ede      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -18115,6 +18801,7 @@
             411ee3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r12] 
             411ee7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             411ee7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
+            411ee7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             411eea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411EC0 
             411eea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
             411eec      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411e00 
@@ -18235,16 +18922,20 @@
             411f84      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             411f89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r15, r15 
             411f89      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411f89      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    r15, r15 
             411f8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411FAA 
             411f8c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411f8c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_411FAA 
             411f8e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             411f8e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [r15] 
             411f91     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             411f91      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411f91      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             411f94     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411F9B 
             411f94      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             411f96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411f96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411f96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411f99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411FD0 
             411f99      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             411f9b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
@@ -18256,6 +18947,7 @@
             411fa1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             411fa6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             411fa6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411fa6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411fa8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_411FD0 
             411fa8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             411faa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
@@ -18281,20 +18973,26 @@
             411fd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_get_type 
             411fd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
             411fd5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411fd5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r13, r13 
             411fd8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             411fd8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             411fdb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411FF7 
             411fdb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411fdb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411FF7 
             411fdd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             411fdd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [r13+0] 
             411fe1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             411fe1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411fe1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             411fe4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_411FEB 
             411fe4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411fe4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_411FEB 
             411fe6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411fe6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411fe6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             411fe9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412020 
             411fe9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411fe9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412020 
             411feb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             411feb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             411fee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
@@ -18302,8 +19000,10 @@
             411fee      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             411ff3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             411ff3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411ff3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             411ff5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_412020 
             411ff5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            411ff5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_412020 
             411ff7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             411ff7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aG_is_fileTarge; "G_IS_FILE (target)" 
             411ffd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pref_3; "logview_prefs_remove_stored_log" 
@@ -18342,6 +19042,7 @@
             41203a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             41203d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             41203d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            41203d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             412040     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412098 
             412040      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             412042      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
@@ -18350,14 +19051,17 @@
             412045      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             412048     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 8 
             412048      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            412048      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 8 
             41204c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_412068 
             41204c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            41204c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_412068 
             412050      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             412050      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             412053      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             412053      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12, rbx 
             412056     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 8 
             412056      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            412056      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 8 
             41205a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
             41205a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             41205a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -18365,6 +19069,7 @@
             41205f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx-8] 
             412063     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             412063      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            412063      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             412066     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412098 
             412066      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             412068     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_file_parse_name 
@@ -18381,8 +19086,10 @@
             412076      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_equal 
             41207b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             41207b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            41207b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             41207d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_412050 
             41207d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            41207d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_412050 
             41207f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             41207f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r12] 
             412083     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strdup 
@@ -18397,6 +19104,7 @@
             41208e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_ptr_array_add 
             412093     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_412050 
             412093      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            412093      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_412050 
             412098      2 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             412098      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             412098     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
@@ -18435,6 +19143,7 @@
             4120c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_settings_set_strv 
             4120cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4120cd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
+            4120cd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4120d1     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rdi, rbx
             4120d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 411f70 
             4120d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -18477,18 +19186,24 @@
             4120fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             412100     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             412100      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
+            412100      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             412103     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412121 
             412103      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
+            412103      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412121 
             412105      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
             412105      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             412108     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             412108      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
+            412108      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             41210b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412112 
             41210b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
+            41210b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412112 
             41210d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41210d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
+            41210d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412110     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412140 
             412110      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
+            412110      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412140 
             412112      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
             412112      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             412115      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
@@ -18498,8 +19213,10 @@
             412118      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             41211d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             41211d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
+            41211d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             41211f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_412140 
             41211f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
+            41211f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_412140 
             412121      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
             412121      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             412127     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pref_5; "logview_prefs_store_fontsize" 
@@ -18519,8 +19236,10 @@
             41213b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_assertion_message_expr 
             412140     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             412140      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
+            412140      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             412142     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_412160 
             412142      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
+            412142      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_412160 
             412144      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
             412144      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+18h] 
             412148      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
@@ -18533,6 +19252,7 @@
             41214f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             412152     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             412152      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
+            412152      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             412156      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4120f0 
             412156      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             412156      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -18573,18 +19293,24 @@
             412184      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             412189     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             412189      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
+            412189      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41218c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4121AA 
             41218c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
+            41218c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4121AA 
             41218e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
             41218e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             412191     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             412191      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
+            412191      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             412194     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41219B 
             412194      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
+            412194      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_41219B 
             412196     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412196      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
+            412196      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412199     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4121D0 
             412199      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
+            412199      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4121D0 
             41219b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
             41219b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             41219e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
@@ -18594,8 +19320,10 @@
             4121a1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4121a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4121a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
+            4121a6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4121a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4121D0 
             4121a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
+            4121a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4121D0 
             4121aa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412180 
             4121aa      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             4121b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pref_6; "logview_prefs_get_stored_fontsize" 
@@ -18648,18 +19376,24 @@
             412204      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             412209     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             412209      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
+            412209      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41220c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41222A 
             41220c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
+            41220c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_41222A 
             41220e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
             41220e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             412211     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             412211      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
+            412211      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             412214     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41221B 
             412214      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
+            412214      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_41221B 
             412216     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412216      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
+            412216      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412219     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412250 
             412219      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
+            412219      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412250 
             41221b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
             41221b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             41221e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
@@ -18669,8 +19403,10 @@
             412221      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             412226     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             412226      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
+            412226      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             412228     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_412250 
             412228      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
+            412228      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_412250 
             41222a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
             41222a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             412230     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pref_0; "logview_prefs_store_active_logfile" 
@@ -18706,6 +19442,7 @@
             412266      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax] 
             412269     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             412269      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
+            412269      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             41226d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_settings_set_string 
             41226d     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_settings_set_string
             41226d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4121f0 
@@ -18724,18 +19461,24 @@
             412284      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             412289     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             412289      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            412289      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41228c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4122AA 
             41228c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            41228c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4122AA 
             41228e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
             41228e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             412291     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             412291      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            412291      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             412294     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41229B 
             412294      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            412294      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_41229B 
             412296     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412296      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            412296      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412299     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4122D0 
             412299      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            412299      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4122D0 
             41229b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
             41229b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             41229e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
@@ -18745,8 +19488,10 @@
             4122a1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4122a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4122a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            4122a6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4122a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4122D0 
             4122a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
+            4122a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4122D0 
             4122aa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412280 
             4122aa      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             4122b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pref_1; "logview_prefs_get_active_logfile" 
@@ -18798,18 +19543,24 @@
             412301      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             412306     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             412306      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
+            412306      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             412309     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412327 
             412309      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
+            412309      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412327 
             41230b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
             41230b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             41230e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             41230e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
+            41230e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             412311     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412318 
             412311      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
+            412311      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412318 
             412313     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412313      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
+            412313      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412316     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412350 
             412316      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
+            412316      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412350 
             412318      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
             412318      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             41231b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
@@ -18819,8 +19570,10 @@
             41231e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             412323     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             412323      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
+            412323      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             412325     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_412350 
             412325      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
+            412325      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_412350 
             412327      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
             412327      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             41232d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pref_4; "logview_prefs_get_filters" 
@@ -18858,6 +19611,7 @@
             412367      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rax, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             41236c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             41236c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
+            41236c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             412370     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             412370      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4122f0 
             412370      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -18885,18 +19639,24 @@
             412394      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             412399     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             412399      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
+            412399      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41239c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4123BA 
             41239c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
+            41239c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4123BA 
             41239e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
             41239e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             4123a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4123a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
+            4123a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4123a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4123AB 
             4123a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
+            4123a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4123AB 
             4123a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4123a6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
+            4123a6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             4123a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4123E0 
             4123a9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
+            4123a9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4123E0 
             4123ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
             4123ab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             4123ae      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
@@ -18906,8 +19666,10 @@
             4123b1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             4123b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4123b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
+            4123b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4123b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4123E0 
             4123b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
+            4123b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4123E0 
             4123ba      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
             4123ba      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             4123c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pre_12; "logview_prefs_remove_filter" 
@@ -18945,6 +19707,7 @@
             4123f8      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_10]
             4123fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4123fd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
+            4123fd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             412401     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_411460 
             412401     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     sub_411460
             412401      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412380 
@@ -18972,16 +19735,20 @@
             41241c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             412421     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             412421      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            412421      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             412424     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412442 
             412424      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            412424      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_412442 
             412426      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
             412426      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             412429     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             412429      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            412429      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             41242c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412433 
             41242c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
             41242e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41242e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            41242e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412431     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412468 
             412431      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
             412433      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
@@ -18993,6 +19760,7 @@
             412439      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             41243e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             41243e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            41243e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             412440     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_412468 
             412440      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
             412442      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
@@ -19018,20 +19786,26 @@
             412468      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_412660 
             41246d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             41246d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            41246d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             412470      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
             412470      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             412473     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41248F 
             412473      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            412473      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_41248F 
             412475      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
             412475      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             412479     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             412479      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            412479      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             41247c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412483 
             41247c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            41247c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412483 
             41247e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             41247e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            41247e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412481     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4124B0 
             412481      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            412481      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4124B0 
             412483      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
             412483      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             412486     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
@@ -19039,8 +19813,10 @@
             412486      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             41248b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             41248b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            41248b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             41248d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4124B0 
             41248d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            41248d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4124B0 
             41248f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
             41248f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_fil; "LOGVIEW_IS_FILTER (filter)" 
             412495     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pre_13; "logview_prefs_add_filter" 
@@ -19060,6 +19836,7 @@
             4124a9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_assertion_message_expr 
             4124ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             4124ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            4124ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             4124b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
             4124b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
             4124b0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+28h+var_20]
@@ -19102,6 +19879,7 @@
             4124e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411460 
             4124eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4124eb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
+            4124eb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4124ef      1 INSTR BELONGTO 412410 
             4124ef      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             4124ef     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -19131,18 +19909,24 @@
             412514      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_411810 
             412519     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             412519      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
+            412519      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             41251c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41253A 
             41251c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
+            41251c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_41253A 
             41251e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
             41251e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             412521     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             412521      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
+            412521      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             412524     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41252B 
             412524      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
+            412524      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_41252B 
             412526     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412526      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
+            412526      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412529     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412560 
             412529      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
+            412529      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412560 
             41252b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
             41252b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             41252e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
@@ -19152,8 +19936,10 @@
             412531      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             412536     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             412536      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
+            412536      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             412538     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_412560 
             412538      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
+            412538      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_412560 
             41253a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
             41253a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset aLogview_is_pre; "LOGVIEW_IS_PREFS (prefs)" 
             412540     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset aLogview_pre_11; "logview_prefs_get_filter" 
@@ -19186,6 +19972,7 @@
             412571      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+10h] 
             412575     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             412575      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
+            412575      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             412579     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_hash_table_lookup 
             412579     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_hash_table_lookup
             412579      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412500 
@@ -19315,6 +20102,7 @@
             412640      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_class_install_property 
             412645     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             412645      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412580 
+            412645      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             412649      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412580 
             412649      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             412649      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 mov     rdi, rbp
@@ -19338,16 +20126,19 @@
             412660      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             412664     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             412664      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412660 
+            412664      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             412667      7 INSTR BELONGTO 412660 
             412667      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A380 
             41266e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             41266e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412660 
+            41266e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             412671     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412680 
             412671      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412660 
             412673      7 INSTR BELONGTO 412660 
             412673      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A380 
             41267a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             41267a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412660 
+            41267a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             41267e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 412660 
             41267e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             41267e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -19359,6 +20150,7 @@
             412685      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             41268a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             41268a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412660 
+            41268a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             41268c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412673 
             41268c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412660 
             41268e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aLogviewfilter; "LogviewFilter" 
@@ -19400,6 +20192,7 @@
             4126ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             4126cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_412673 
             4126cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412660 
+            4126cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_412673 
             4126e0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbx
             4126e5      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], rbp
             4126ed      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -8 displ mov     [rsp-8], r12
@@ -19600,6 +20393,7 @@
             4129d9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4129db     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4129db      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4129a0 
+            4129db      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4129df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_object_new 
             4129df     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _g_object_new
             4129df      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4129a0 
@@ -19627,18 +20421,24 @@
             4129fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_412660 
             412a01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             412a01      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a01      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             412a04     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412A23 
             412a04      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a04      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412A23 
             412a06      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
             412a06      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0] 
             412a0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             412a0a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a0a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             412a0d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412A14 
             412a0d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a0d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412A14 
             412a0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412a0f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a0f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412a12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412A48 
             412a12      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a12      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412A48 
             412a14      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
             412a14      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rax 
             412a17      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
@@ -19648,8 +20448,10 @@
             412a1a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             412a1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             412a1f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a1f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             412a21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_412A48 
             412a21      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a21      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_412A48 
             412a23     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aLogview_is_fil; "LOGVIEW_IS_FILTER (filter)" 
             412a23      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
             412a23      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aLogview_is_fil; "LOGVIEW_IS_FILTER (filter)" 
@@ -19667,6 +20469,7 @@
             412a37     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             412a39     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             412a39      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a39      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             412a3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
             412a3d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
             412a3d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -19678,8 +20481,10 @@
             412a41      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             412a48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             412a48      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a48      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             412a4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412A88 
             412a4b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a4b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412A88 
             412a4d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
             412a4d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+18h] 
             412a51      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
@@ -19712,6 +20517,7 @@
             412a74      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_match_info_free 
             412a79     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             412a79      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a79      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             412a7d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
             412a7d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
             412a7d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -19738,6 +20544,7 @@
             412a9c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             412a9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             412a9e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
+            412a9e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             412aa2     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     eax, ebx
             412aa2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4129f0 
             412aa2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -19762,16 +20569,20 @@
             412ab4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_412660 
             412ab9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             412ab9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412ab0 
+            412ab9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             412abc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412ADA 
             412abc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412ab0 
+            412abc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_412ADA 
             412abe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412ab0 
             412abe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx] 
             412ac1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             412ac1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412ab0 
+            412ac1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             412ac4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412ACB 
             412ac4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412ab0 
             412ac6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412ac6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412ab0 
+            412ac6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rdx], rax 
             412ac9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412AF8 
             412ac9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412ab0 
             412acb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412ab0 
@@ -19783,6 +20594,7 @@
             412ad1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_type_check_instance_is_a 
             412ad6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             412ad6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412ab0 
+            412ad6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             412ad8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_412AF8 
             412ad8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412ab0 
             412ada     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aLogview_is_fil; "LOGVIEW_IS_FILTER (filter)" 
@@ -19911,11 +20723,13 @@
             412be9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4122F0 
             412bee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             412bee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412bb0 
+            412bee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R14 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             412bf1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R14 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r14, rax 
             412bf1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412bb0 
             412bf1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R14 ZZ mov     r14, rax 
             412bf4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_412C86 
             412bf4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412bb0 
+            412bf4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_412C86 
             412bfa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbx, rax 
             412bfa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412bb0 
             412bfa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
@@ -20002,8 +20816,10 @@
             412c79      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             412c7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             412c7d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412bb0 
+            412c7d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             412c80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_412C00 
             412c80      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412bb0 
+            412c80      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_412C00 
             412c86     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, r14 
             412c86      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412bb0 
             412c86      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r14 
@@ -20012,6 +20828,7 @@
             412c89      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_list_free 
             412c8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 48h 
             412c8e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412bb0 
+            412c8e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 48h 
             412c92      1 INSTR BELONGTO 412bb0 
             412c92      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
             412c92     72 DEALLOC STACK esp - 72 pop     rbx
@@ -20079,6 +20896,7 @@
             412cdb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+10h] 
             412cdf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             412cdf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412ca0 
+            412cdf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             412ce3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _gtk_widget_set_sensitive 
             412ce3     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _gtk_widget_set_sensitive
             412ce3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412ca0 
@@ -20168,6 +20986,7 @@
             412d5f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             412d64     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             412d64      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412cf0 
+            412d64      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             412d68      1 INSTR BELONGTO 412cf0 
             412d68      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             412d68     48 DEALLOC STACK esp - 48 pop     rbx
@@ -20253,8 +21072,10 @@
             412dd3      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ mov     rax, [rsp+0D8h+var_70]
             412dd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             412dd8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            412dd8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             412ddb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_412E18 
             412ddb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            412ddb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_412E18 
             412ddd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             412ddd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rax+8] 
             412de1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset domainname; "gnome-system-log" 
@@ -20280,6 +21101,7 @@
             412dfc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             412e01     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A8h 
             412e01      7 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            412e01      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ add     rsp, 0A8h 
             412e08    168 DEALLOC STACK esp - 168 pop     rbx
             412e08      1 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             412e08      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -20297,11 +21119,13 @@
             412e12      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             412e18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
             412e18      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            412e18      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    r13, r13 
             412e1b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             412e1b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             412e1b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 5          ; category 
             412e20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_413350 
             412e20      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            412e20      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_413350 
             412e26     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aEditFilter; "Edit filter" 
             412e26      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             412e26      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aEditFilter; "Edit filter" 
@@ -20677,8 +21501,10 @@
             413070      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_412D70 
             413075     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13, r13 
             413075      3 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413075      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r13, r13 
             413078     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_413190 
             413078      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413078      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_413190 
             41307e      8 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             41307e      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ lea     rax, [rsp+0D8h+var_58] 
             41307e      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ lea     rax, [rsp+0D8h+var_58]
@@ -20790,32 +21616,40 @@
             41313d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edi, [rsp+0D8h+var_44] 
             413144     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             413144      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413144      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ test    edi, edi 
             413146     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4132D8 
             413146      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413146      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4132D8 
             41314c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rsp+0D8h+var_40] 
             41314c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             41314c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, [rsp+0D8h+var_40] 
             41314c      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ mov     esi, [rsp+0D8h+var_40]
             413153     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             413153      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413153      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ test    esi, esi 
             413155     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_413238 
             413155      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413155      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jnz     loc_413238 
             41315b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rsp+0D8h+var_44] 
             41315b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             41315b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+0D8h+var_44] 
             41315b      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 148 displ mov     edx, [rsp+0D8h+var_44]
             413162     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             413162      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413162      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             413164     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4132B3 
             413164      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413164      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4132B3 
             41316a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+0D8h+var_3C] 
             41316a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             41316a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+0D8h+var_3C] 
             41316a      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 156 displ mov     eax, [rsp+0D8h+var_3C]
             413171     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             413171      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413171      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             413173     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_413370 
             413173      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413173      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_413370 
             413179      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             413179      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0D8h+var_60] 
             413179      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 120 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0D8h+var_60]
@@ -20933,6 +21767,7 @@
             413229      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_widget_show 
             41322e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_412E01 
             41322e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            41322e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     loc_412E01 
             413238      8 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             413238      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0D8h+var_58] 
             413238      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0D8h+var_58]
@@ -21001,8 +21836,10 @@
             4132a4      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ mov     ecx, [rsp+0D8h+var_40]
             4132ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             4132ab      2 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            4132ab      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4132ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_41315B 
             4132ad      6 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            4132ad      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_41315B 
             4132b3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             4132b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+0D8h+var_C0] 
             4132b3      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+0D8h+var_C0]
@@ -21022,6 +21859,7 @@
             4132ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_toggle_button_set_active 
             4132cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_413179 
             4132cf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            4132cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_413179 
             4132d8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             4132d8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+0D8h+var_58] 
             4132d8      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+0D8h+var_58]
@@ -21086,6 +21924,7 @@
             41333f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gdk_color_free 
             413344     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_41314C 
             413344      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413344      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_41314C 
             413350     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aAddNewFilter; "Add new filter" 
             413350      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             413350      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aAddNewFilter; "Add new filter" 
@@ -21100,6 +21939,7 @@
             41335c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     [rsp+0D8h+var_C0], rax
             413361     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_412E37 
             413361      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            413361      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_412E37 
             413370      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
             413370      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+0D8h+var_C0] 
             413370      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+0D8h+var_C0]
@@ -21119,6 +21959,7 @@
             413387      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _gtk_toggle_button_set_active 
             41338c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_413179 
             41338c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 412d90 
+            41338c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_413179 
             4133a0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4133a0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4133a0    112 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4133A0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             41340f 
@@ -21197,6 +22038,7 @@
             413405      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             41340a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 30h 
             41340a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4133a0 
+            41340a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 30h 
             41340e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4133a0 
             41340e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             41340e     48 DEALLOC STACK esp - 48 pop     rbx
@@ -21437,16 +22279,19 @@
             4139a1      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4139a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mfence 
             4139a5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4139a0 
+            4139a5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mfence 
             4139a8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4139a0 
             4139a8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A390 
             4139af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4139af      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4139a0 
+            4139af      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4139b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4139C8 
             4139b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4139a0 
             4139b4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4139a0 
             4139b4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_61A390 
             4139bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             4139bb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4139a0 
+            4139bb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             4139bf     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             4139bf      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4139a0 
             4139bf      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -21460,6 +22305,7 @@
             4139cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_enter 
             4139d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4139d2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4139a0 
+            4139d2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4139d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4139B4 
             4139d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4139a0 
             4139d6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aLogviewfilterm; "LogviewFilterManager" 
@@ -21505,6 +22351,7 @@
             413a18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_once_init_leave 
             413a1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4139B4 
             413a1d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4139a0 
+            413a1d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_4139B4 
             413a20      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             413a20      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             413a20      1 INSTR BELONGTO 413a20 
@@ -21710,6 +22557,7 @@
             413edb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             413ede     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             413ede      4 INSTR BELONGTO 413ed0 
+            413ede      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             413ee2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 413ed0 
             413ee2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             413ee2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -21791,8 +22639,10 @@
             413ff0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             413ff5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             413ff5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 413fb0 
+            413ff5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             413ff8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_414016 
             413ff8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 413fb0 
+            413ff8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_414016 
             413ffa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 413fb0 
             413ffa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             413ffa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -21806,10 +22656,13 @@
             414006      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             414009     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             414009      4 INSTR BELONGTO 413fb0 
+            414009      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             41400d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             41400d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 413fb0 
+            41400d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             414011     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             414011      3 INSTR BELONGTO 413fb0 
+            414011      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             414014     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_414000 
             414014      2 INSTR BELONGTO 413fb0 
             414016      5 INSTR BELONGTO 413fb0 
@@ -21832,6 +22685,7 @@
             41402f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             414034     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             414034      4 INSTR BELONGTO 413fb0 
+            414034      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             414038      1 INSTR BELONGTO 413fb0 
             414038      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             414038     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -21863,25 +22717,31 @@
             414059      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_618D88 
             414060     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             414060      4 INSTR BELONGTO 414050 
+            414060      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             414064     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_41407F 
             414064      2 INSTR BELONGTO 414050 
+            414064      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_41407F 
             414066     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_618D88 
             414066      5 INSTR BELONGTO 414050 
             414066      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_618D88 
             41406b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 414050 
             414070     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             414070      4 INSTR BELONGTO 414050 
+            414070      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             414074     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_618D88 
             414074      2 INSTR BELONGTO 414050 
+            414074      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_618D88 
             414076     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             414076      3 INSTR BELONGTO 414050 
             414076      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             414079     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             414079      4 INSTR BELONGTO 414050 
+            414079      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             41407d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_414070 
             41407d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 414050 
             41407f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             41407f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 414050 
+            41407f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             414083      1 INSTR BELONGTO 414050 
             414083      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             414083      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -21901,6 +22761,7 @@
             41408c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_409E10 
             414091     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             414091      4 INSTR BELONGTO 414088 
+            414091      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             414095      1 INSTR BELONGTO 414088 
             414095      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             414095      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-system-monitor.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-system-monitor.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 6973a272..bd22ef0b 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-system-monitor.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-system-monitor.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-terminal.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-terminal.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index f972bfd3..4631a9f4 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-terminal.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-terminal.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-text-editor.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-text-editor.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 2da1702e..9831b816 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-text-editor.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-text-editor.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-thumbnail-font.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-thumbnail-font.psexe.annot
index f8d8a783..60459415 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-thumbnail-font.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-gnome-thumbnail-font.psexe.annot
@@ -418,6 +418,7 @@
             4013f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4028E0 
             4013fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4013fb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013e8 
+            4013fb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4013ff      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4013e8 
             4013ff      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             4013ff      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -955,14 +956,17 @@
             40192e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_option_context_parse 
             401933     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401933      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401933      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401935     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4019B5 
             401935      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401935      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4019B5 
             401937     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_58] 
             401937      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401937      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_58] 
             401937      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 256 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_58]
             40193f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40193f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            40193f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             401942     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401952 
             401942      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401944     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_strv_length 
@@ -970,8 +974,10 @@
             401944      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_strv_length 
             401949     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             401949      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401949      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             40194c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4019E9 
             40194c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            40194c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4019E9 
             401952      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401952      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             401952     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -1026,6 +1032,7 @@
             40199c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_free 
             4019a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 128h 
             4019a1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            4019a1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 128h 
             4019a8    296 DEALLOC STACK esp - 296 mov     eax, ebp
             4019a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             4019a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, ebp 
@@ -1075,6 +1082,7 @@
             4019e2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             4019e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4019A1 
             4019e7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            4019e7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_4019A1 
             4019e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             4019e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             4019ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_option_context_free 
@@ -1086,8 +1094,10 @@
             4019f1      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 248 displ mov     r9, [rsp+158h+var_60]
             4019f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9, r9 
             4019f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            4019f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r9, r9 
             4019fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401AB1 
             4019fc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            4019fc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401AB1 
             401a02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401a02      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             401a02     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -1108,6 +1118,7 @@
             401a1f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             401a21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate repne scasb 
             401a21      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401a21      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ repne scasb 
             401a23     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     rdi, r9 
             401a23      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401a23      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r9 
@@ -1131,8 +1142,10 @@
             401a3d      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 264 displ mov     rax, [rsp+158h+var_50]
             401a45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401a45      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401a45      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401a48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401A71 
             401a48      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401a48      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401A71 
             401a4a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401a4a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rsi, [rax+8] 
             401a4e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aFailedToConver; "Failed to convert: %s\n" 
@@ -1155,6 +1168,7 @@
             401a67      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_error_free 
             401a6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40197F 
             401a6c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401a6c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40197F 
             401a71     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r12d, r12d 
             401a71      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401a71      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
@@ -1166,15 +1180,19 @@
             401a7c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Init_FreeType 
             401a81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401a81      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401a81      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401a83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401ABB 
             401a83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401a83      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401ABB 
             401a85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             401a85      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401a85      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             401a8a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401a8a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401a8a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401a8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_401A9B 
             401a8f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401a8f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ ja      short loc_401A9B 
             401a91     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, eax 
             401a91      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401a91      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, eax 
@@ -1194,6 +1212,7 @@
             401aa7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             401aac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40197F 
             401aac      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401aac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40197F 
             401ab1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r12d, 1 
             401ab1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401ab1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12d, 1 
@@ -1202,6 +1221,7 @@
             401ab7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             401ab9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401A74 
             401ab9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ab9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401A74 
             401abb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rsp+158h+var_58] 
             401abb      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401abb      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsp+158h+var_58] 
@@ -1253,15 +1273,19 @@
             401b0b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402290 
             401b10     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401b10      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401b10      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401b12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401B4B 
             401b12      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401b12      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401B4B 
             401b14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             401b14      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401b14      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             401b19     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401b19      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401b19      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401b1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_401B2A 
             401b1e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401b1e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ ja      short loc_401B2A 
             401b20     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, eax 
             401b20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401b20      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, eax 
@@ -1288,6 +1312,7 @@
             401b41      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_free 
             401b46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40197F 
             401b46      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401b46      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40197F 
             401b4b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401b4b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             401b4e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -1308,8 +1333,10 @@
             401b64      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes 
             401b69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401b69      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401b69      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401b6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401F90 
             401b6b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401b6b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_401F90 
             401b71      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401b71      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_70] 
             401b71      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 232 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_70]
@@ -1323,6 +1350,7 @@
             401b7d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, [rdi+48h] 
             401b81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401BB6 
             401b81      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401b81      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI ZZ jmp     short loc_401BB6 
             401b83     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rdi+50h] 
             401b83      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401b83      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI ZZ mov     rax, [rdi+50h] 
@@ -1333,24 +1361,31 @@
             401b8b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rsi+8] 
             401b8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 756E6963h 
             401b8e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401b8e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 756E6963h 
             401b93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401FBC 
             401b93      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401b99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 6C617431h 
             401b99      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401b99      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 6C617431h 
             401b9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401FBC 
             401b9e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401ba4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 8 
             401ba4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ba4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rdx, 8 
             401ba8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 61726D6Eh 
             401ba8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ba8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 61726D6Eh 
             401bad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401FBC 
             401bad      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401bb3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ecx, 1 
             401bb3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401bb3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI ZZ add     ecx, 1 
             401bb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, r8d 
             401bb6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401bb6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI ZZ cmp     ecx, r8d 
             401bb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_401B83 
             401bb9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401bb9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI ZZ jl      short loc_401B83 
             401bbb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+158h+var_3C] 
             401bbb      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401bbb      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+158h+var_3C] 
@@ -1366,6 +1401,7 @@
             401bc9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
             401bcb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             401bcb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401bcb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             401bcf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant lea     eax, [rax+rax*2] 
             401bcf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401bcf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ lea     eax, [rax+rax*2] 
@@ -1380,6 +1416,7 @@
             401bdd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, rax 
             401be0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_403938 
             401be0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401be0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_403938 
             401be8     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant sar     rdx, 3Fh 
             401be8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401be8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sar     rdx, 3Fh 
@@ -1391,6 +1428,7 @@
             401bef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX ZZ mov     edx, 8 
             401bf4     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si r8d, xmm0 
             401bf4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401bf4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ cvttsd2si r8d, xmm0 
             401bf9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     ecx, eax 
             401bf9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401bf9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX XMM0 ZZ mov     ecx, eax 
@@ -1399,10 +1437,12 @@
             401bfb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _gdk_pixbuf_new 
             401c00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401c00      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401c00      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401c03      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401c03      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             401c06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402095 
             401c06      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401c06      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_402095 
             401c0c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401c0c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             401c0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels 
@@ -1430,14 +1470,18 @@
             401c2e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             401c30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401C3C 
             401c30      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401c30      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_401C3C 
             401c32      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401c32      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     byte ptr [r13+rax+0], 0FFh 
             401c38     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             401c38      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401c38      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ add     rax, 1 
             401c3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14d, eax 
             401c3c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401c3c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     r14d, eax 
             401c3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_401C32 
             401c3f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401c3f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jg      short loc_401C32 
             401c41     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rsp+158h+var_3C] 
             401c41      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401c41      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     ecx, [rsp+158h+var_3C] 
@@ -1462,11 +1506,13 @@
             401c5b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ idiv    esi 
             401c5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             401c5d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401c5d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             401c60      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401c60      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+158h+var_44], eax 
             401c60      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 276 displ mov     [rsp+158h+var_44], eax
             401c67     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401FF5 
             401c67      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401c67      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_401FF5 
             401c6d      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401c6d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_70] 
             401c6d      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 232 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_70]
@@ -1489,6 +1535,7 @@
             401c8f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _FT_Get_Char_Index 
             401c94     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13d, r13d 
             401c94      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401c94      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R12 XMM0 ZZ test    r13d, r13d 
             401c97      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401c97      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R12 XMM0 ZZ mov     r12d, eax 
             401c9a      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
@@ -1496,6 +1543,7 @@
             401c9a      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 232 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+158h+var_70]
             401ca2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401CB9 
             401ca2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ca2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_401CB9 
             401ca4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401ca4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI R8 R13 XMM0 ZZ mov     rax, [rsi+20h] 
             401ca8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r13d, 41h 
@@ -1505,12 +1553,15 @@
             401cae      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ lea     edx, [rax-1] 
             401cb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 42h 
             401cb1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401cb1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ cmp     rax, 42h 
             401cb5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401cb5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ cmovle  r13d, edx 
             401cb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             401cb9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401cb9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             401cbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401CD0 
             401cbc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401cbc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_401CD0 
             401cbe      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401cbe      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ mov     rax, [rsi+20h] 
             401cc2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r12b, 61h 
@@ -1520,6 +1571,7 @@
             401cc5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ lea     edx, [rax-1] 
             401cc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 62h 
             401cc8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401cc8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ cmp     rax, 62h 
             401ccc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401ccc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ cmovle  r12d, edx 
             401cd0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
@@ -1603,8 +1655,10 @@
             401d53      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX R8 R9 R10 XMM0 ZZ movsxd  r9, eax 
             401d56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r13d, esi 
             401d56      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401d56      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX R8 R10 XMM0 ZZ cmp     r13d, esi 
             401d59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_401D78 
             401d59      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401d59      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX R8 R10 XMM0 ZZ jle     short loc_401D78 
             401d5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     r8, rdx 
             401d5b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401d5b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX R8 R10 XMM0 ZZ mov     r8, rdx 
@@ -1619,14 +1673,19 @@
             401d62      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 XMM0 ZZ sub     r8, r9 
             401d65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, ecx 
             401d65      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401d65      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 XMM0 ZZ cmp     r12d, ecx 
             401d68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_401F84 
             401d68      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401d68      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R10 XMM0 ZZ jle     loc_401F84 
             401d6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdx+rax], 0FFh 
             401d6e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401d6e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdx+rax], 0FFh 
             401d72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401F1A 
             401d72      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401d72      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R10 XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_401F1A 
             401d78     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, r13d 
             401d78      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401d78      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX R8 R10 XMM0 ZZ cmp     esi, r13d 
             401d7b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, r13d 
             401d7b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401d7b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX R8 R10 XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, r13d 
@@ -1639,6 +1698,7 @@
             401d83      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R8 R10 XMM0 ZZ lea     edx, [rax-4] 
             401d86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 5 
             401d86      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401d86      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX R8 R10 XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 5 
             401d89      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401d89      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX R8 R10 XMM0 ZZ lea     eax, [r13-1] 
             401d8d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     ecx, [rax+rax*2] 
@@ -1655,8 +1715,10 @@
             401d99      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R8 XMM0 ZZ add     rcx, r14 
             401d9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r10d, esi 
             401d9c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401d9c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R8 XMM0 ZZ cmp     r10d, esi 
             401d9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_401DBF 
             401d9f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401d9f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX R8 XMM0 ZZ jl      short loc_401DBF 
             401da1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401da1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R8 R11 XMM0 ZZ mov     r11, rcx 
             401da4     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused xor     edx, edx 
@@ -1667,16 +1729,22 @@
             401da6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 XMM0 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d 
             401da9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sub     r11, r9 
             401da9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401da9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ sub     r11, r9 
             401dac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, r8d 
             401dac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401dac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     r12d, r8d 
             401daf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_401F5F 
             401daf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401daf      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jle     loc_401F5F 
             401db5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rcx+rdx], 0FFh 
             401db5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401db5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rcx+rdx], 0FFh 
             401db9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401F3C 
             401db9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401db9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_401F3C 
             401dbf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r10d, esi 
             401dbf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401dbf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R8 XMM0 ZZ cmp     r10d, esi 
             401dc2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401dc2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX R8 XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, esi 
             401dc2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, esi 
@@ -1684,8 +1752,10 @@
             401dc4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX R8 XMM0 ZZ cmovge  edx, r10d 
             401dc8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     edx, 4 
             401dc8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401dc8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX R8 XMM0 ZZ add     edx, 4 
             401dcb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, eax 
             401dcb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401dcb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX R8 XMM0 ZZ cmp     edx, eax 
             401dcd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401dcd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX R8 XMM0 ZZ cmovle  eax, edx 
             401dd0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -1693,8 +1763,10 @@
             401dd0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX R8 XMM0 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d 
             401dd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, r8d 
             401dd3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401dd3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX XMM0 ZZ cmp     r12d, r8d 
             401dd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_401DEF 
             401dd6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401dd6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX XMM0 ZZ jle     short loc_401DEF 
             401dd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused xor     edx, edx 
             401dd8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401dd8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX XMM0 ZZ xor     edx, edx 
@@ -1703,14 +1775,19 @@
             401dda      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX XMM0 ZZ xor     ecx, ecx 
             401ddc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r13d, ecx 
             401ddc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ddc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     r13d, ecx 
             401ddf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_401F6C 
             401ddf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ddf      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jle     loc_401F6C 
             401de5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+rdx], 0FFh 
             401de5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401de5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+rdx], 0FFh 
             401de9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401ED4 
             401de9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401de9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_401ED4 
             401def     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r8d, r12d 
             401def      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401def      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI R9 XMM0 ZZ cmp     r8d, r12d 
             401df2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401df2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RDI R9 XMM0 ZZ mov     r9d, r15d 
             401df5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
@@ -1722,10 +1799,12 @@
             401dfb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     ecx, [r8-4] 
             401dff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r8d, 5 
             401dff      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401dff      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     r8d, 5 
             401e03      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401e03      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ cmovge  edx, ecx 
             401e06     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     r12d, 1 
             401e06      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401e06      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ sub     r12d, 1 
             401e0a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, r15d 
             401e0a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401e0a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI R8 XMM0 ZZ mov     ecx, r15d 
@@ -1745,10 +1824,13 @@
             401e1a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ movsxd  rcx, ecx 
             401e1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     r14, rcx 
             401e1d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401e1d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ add     r14, rcx 
             401e20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r8d, edx 
             401e20      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401e20      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     r8d, edx 
             401e23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_401E3D 
             401e23      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401e23      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI XMM0 ZZ jl      short loc_401E3D 
             401e25     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused xor     ecx, ecx 
             401e25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401e25      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI XMM0 ZZ xor     ecx, ecx 
@@ -1757,14 +1839,19 @@
             401e27      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ xor     edi, edi 
             401e29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r13d, edi 
             401e29      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401e29      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     r13d, edi 
             401e2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_401F78 
             401e2c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401e2c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jle     loc_401F78 
             401e32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r14+rcx], 0FFh 
             401e32      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401e32      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r14+rcx], 0FFh 
             401e37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401EF6 
             401e37      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401e37      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_401EF6 
             401e3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r8d, edx 
             401e3d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401e3d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     r8d, edx 
             401e40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401e40      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     ecx, edx 
             401e40     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, edx 
@@ -1776,8 +1863,10 @@
             401e49      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 XMM0 ZZ mov     r8d, r12d 
             401e4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ecx, 4 
             401e4c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401e4c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     ecx, 4 
             401e4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, r12d 
             401e4f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401e4f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     ecx, r12d 
             401e52      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401e52      4 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ cmovle  r8d, ecx 
             401e56      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
@@ -1834,15 +1923,19 @@
             401e9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _FT_Done_Face 
             401ea0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401ea0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ea0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401ea2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402052 
             401ea2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ea2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_402052 
             401ea8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             401ea8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ea8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             401ead     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401ead      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401ead      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401eb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_401EBE 
             401eb2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401eb2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ ja      short loc_401EBE 
             401eb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, eax 
             401eb4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401eb4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, eax 
@@ -1862,103 +1955,136 @@
             401eca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             401ecf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40197F 
             401ecf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ecf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40197F 
             401ed4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+rdx+1], 0FFh 
             401ed4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ed4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+rdx+1], 0FFh 
             401ed9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401DEF 
             401ed9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ed9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     loc_401DEF 
             401edf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     rdx, 3 
             401edf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401edf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rdx, 3 
             401ee3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+rdx-1], 0FFh 
             401ee3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ee3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+rdx-1], 0FFh 
             401ee8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401DEF 
             401ee8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ee8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     loc_401DEF 
             401eee     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     ecx, 1 
             401eee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401eee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     ecx, 1 
             401ef1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401DDC 
             401ef1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ef1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_401DDC 
             401ef6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r14+rcx+1], 0FFh 
             401ef6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ef6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r14+rcx+1], 0FFh 
             401efc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401E3D 
             401efc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401efc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     loc_401E3D 
             401f02     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     rcx, 3 
             401f02      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401f02      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rcx, 3 
             401f06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r14+rcx-1], 0FFh 
             401f06      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f06      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r14+rcx-1], 0FFh 
             401f0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401E3D 
             401f0c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f0c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     loc_401E3D 
             401f12     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     edi, 1 
             401f12      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401f12      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     edi, 1 
             401f15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401E29 
             401f15      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f15      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_401E29 
             401f1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdx+rax+1], 0FFh 
             401f1a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f1a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdx+rax+1], 0FFh 
             401f1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401D78 
             401f1f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f1f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R10 XMM0 ZZ jnz     loc_401D78 
             401f25     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     rax, r9 
             401f25      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401f25      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 XMM0 ZZ add     rax, r9 
             401f28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r8+rax+2], 0FFh 
             401f28      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f28      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r8+rax+2], 0FFh 
             401f2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401D78 
             401f2e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f2e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R10 XMM0 ZZ jnz     loc_401D78 
             401f34     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     ecx, 1 
             401f34      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401f34      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 XMM0 ZZ add     ecx, 1 
             401f37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401D65 
             401f37      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f37      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_401D65 
             401f3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rcx+rdx+1], 0FFh 
             401f3c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f3c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rcx+rdx+1], 0FFh 
             401f41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401DBF 
             401f41      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f41      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     loc_401DBF 
             401f47     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     rdx, r9 
             401f47      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401f47      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rdx, r9 
             401f4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r11+rdx+2], 0FFh 
             401f4a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f4a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r11+rdx+2], 0FFh 
             401f50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401DBF 
             401f50      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f50      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     loc_401DBF 
             401f56     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     r8d, 1 
             401f56      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401f56      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     r8d, 1 
             401f5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401DAC 
             401f5a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f5a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_401DAC 
             401f5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     r10d, 1 
             401f5f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f5f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R8 XMM0 ZZ sub     r10d, 1 
             401f63     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rcx, 3 
             401f63      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f63      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R8 XMM0 ZZ sub     rcx, 3 
             401f67     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401D9C 
             401f67      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f67      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX R8 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_401D9C 
             401f6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r8d, 1 
             401f6c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f6c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX XMM0 ZZ add     r8d, 1 
             401f70     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     rdi, r9 
             401f70      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401f70      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX XMM0 ZZ add     rdi, r9 
             401f73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401DD3 
             401f73      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f73      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_401DD3 
             401f78     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     r8d, 1 
             401f78      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI XMM0 ZZ sub     r8d, 1 
             401f7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     r14, r9 
             401f7c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f7c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI XMM0 ZZ add     r14, r9 
             401f7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401E20 
             401f7f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f7f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_401E20 
             401f84     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esi, 1 
             401f84      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f84      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX R8 R10 XMM0 ZZ add     esi, 1 
             401f87     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     rdx, 3 
             401f87      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401f87      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX R8 R10 XMM0 ZZ add     rdx, 3 
             401f8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401D56 
             401f8b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f8b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX R8 R10 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_401D56 
             401f90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             401f90      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f90      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             401f95     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401f95      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401f95      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401f9a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_401FA6 
             401f9a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401f9a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ ja      short loc_401FA6 
             401f9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, eax 
             401f9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401f9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, eax 
@@ -1978,20 +2104,25 @@
             401fb2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             401fb7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40197F 
             401fb7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401fb7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40197F 
             401fbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _FT_Set_Charmap 
             401fbc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401fbc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Set_Charmap 
             401fc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401fc1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401fc1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401fc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401BBB 
             401fc3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401fc3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_401BBB 
             401fc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             401fc9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401fc9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             401fce     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401fce      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401fce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             401fd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_401FDF 
             401fd3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401fd3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ ja      short loc_401FDF 
             401fd5     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, eax 
             401fd5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401fd5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, eax 
@@ -2011,6 +2142,7 @@
             401feb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             401ff0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40197F 
             401ff0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            401ff0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40197F 
             401ff5      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             401ff5      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_70] 
             401ff5      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 232 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_70]
@@ -2025,6 +2157,7 @@
             402005      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _FT_Select_Charmap 
             40200a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402043 
             40200a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            40200a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_402043 
             40200c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, [rbx+r12*4] 
             40200c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             40200c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, [rbx+r12*4] 
@@ -2033,6 +2166,7 @@
             402010      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 232 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_70]
             402018     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12, 1 
             402018      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            402018      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     r12, 1 
             40201c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _FT_Get_Char_Index 
             40201c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             40201c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _FT_Get_Char_Index 
@@ -2055,11 +2189,14 @@
             40203e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_402420 
             402043     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12, [rsp+158h+var_68] 
             402043      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            402043      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     r12, [rsp+158h+var_68] 
             402043      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 240 displ cmp     r12, [rsp+158h+var_68]
             40204b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_40200C 
             40204b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            40204b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ jl      short loc_40200C 
             40204d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401D0E 
             40204d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            40204d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_401D0E 
             402052      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             402052      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_78] 
             402052      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 224 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+158h+var_78]
@@ -2071,15 +2208,19 @@
             40205c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _FT_Done_FreeType 
             402061     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402061      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            402061      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402063     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40197F 
             402063      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            402063      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ jz      loc_40197F 
             402069     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             402069      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            402069      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             40206e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             40206e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             40206e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     esi, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             402073     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_40207F 
             402073      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            402073      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI XMM0 ZZ ja      short loc_40207F 
             402075     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, eax 
             402075      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             402075      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, eax 
@@ -2099,6 +2240,7 @@
             40208b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             402090     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40197F 
             402090      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            402090      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40197F 
             402095     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aCouldNotCreate; "Could not create pixbuf\n" 
             402095      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
             402095      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edi, offset aCouldNotCreate; "Could not create pixbuf\n" 
@@ -2113,6 +2255,7 @@
             40209f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _g_printerr 
             4020a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40197F 
             4020a4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4017c0 
+            4020a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40197F 
             4020ac      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 -8 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4020ac      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4020ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020ac 
@@ -2162,12 +2305,15 @@
             4020dc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             4020e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4020e3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d8 
+            4020e3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4020e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4020EA 
             4020e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d8 
             4020e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             4020e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d8 
+            4020e8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             4020ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4020ea      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d8 
+            4020ea      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4020ee      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d8 
             4020ee      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4020ee     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -2190,8 +2336,10 @@
             4020f5      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             4020f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_6041F0, 0 
             4020f9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
+            4020f9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_6041F0, 0 
             402100     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40214D 
             402100      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
+            402100      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_40214D 
             402102     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_603DE0 
             402102      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
             402102      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_603DE0 
@@ -2207,25 +2355,30 @@
             402119      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             40211d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             40211d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
+            40211d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             402120     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_402146 
             402120      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
             402122      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
             402128     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             402128      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
+            402128      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             40212c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
             40212c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_6041F8, rax 
             402133     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_603DD8[rax*8] 
             402133      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
+            402133      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_603DD8[rax*8] 
             40213a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
             40213a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6041F8 
             402141     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             402141      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
+            402141      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             402144     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_402128 
             402144      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
             402146      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
             402146      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_6041F0, 1 
             40214d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40214d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
+            40214d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402151      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4020f0 
             402151      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             402151      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2270,6 +2423,7 @@
             402194      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rdi, [rdi+18h] 
             402198     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             402198      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402190 
+            402198      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40219b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4021B9 
             40219b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402190 
             40219d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -2374,6 +2528,7 @@
             4022d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 40h 
             4022d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4022d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            4022d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4022db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4023B8 
             4022db      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
             4022e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
@@ -2396,10 +2551,12 @@
             4022f3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_file_read 
             4022f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4022f8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            4022f8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4022fb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
             4022fb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             4022fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402400 
             4022fe      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            4022fe      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_402400 
             402304     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
             402304      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
             402304      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     r8d, r8d 
@@ -2427,9 +2584,11 @@
             402320      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_object_unref 
             402325     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+88h+var_80], 0 
             402325      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            402325      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+88h+var_80], 0 
             402325      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ cmp     [rsp+88h+var_80], 0
             40232b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402408 
             40232b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            40232b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_402408 
             402331      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
             402331      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_80] 
             402331      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+88h+var_80]
@@ -2475,15 +2634,19 @@
             402388      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Open_Face 
             40238d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40238d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            40238d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40238f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4023E8 
             40238f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            40238f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_4023E8 
             402391     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rdx, [rbx+30h] 
             402391      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
             402391      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rbx+30h] 
             402395     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             402395      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            402395      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             402398     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4023A5 
             402398      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            402398      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4023A5 
             40239a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
             40239a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+88h+var_88], eax 
             40239a      3 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+88h+var_88], eax
@@ -2491,6 +2654,7 @@
             40239d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             4023a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rdx 
             4023a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            4023a0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rdx 
             4023a2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+88h+var_88] 
             4023a2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
             4023a2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+88h+var_88] 
@@ -2529,6 +2693,7 @@
             4023d1      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ mov     r15, [rsp+88h+var_8]
             4023d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 88h 
             4023d9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            4023d9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 88h 
             4023e0    136 DEALLOC STACK esp - 136 retn
             4023e0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
             4023e0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
@@ -2538,6 +2703,7 @@
             4023ec      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ and     qword ptr [rdx+10h], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFBFFh 
             4023f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4023B8 
             4023f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            4023f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_4023B8 
             402400      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
             402400      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             402403     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_object_unref 
@@ -2553,6 +2719,7 @@
             402410      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             402415     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4023B8 
             402415      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402290 
+            402415      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_4023B8 
             402420      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 96 8 0 0 9 0 1 10 0 1 11 0 1 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 1 15 0 0 ZZ
             402420      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402420      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
@@ -2602,15 +2769,19 @@
             40245b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Load_Glyph 
             402460     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402460      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402460      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402462     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4024B0 
             402462      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402462      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4024B0 
             402464     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             402464      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402464      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             402469     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             402469      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             402469      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     edx, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             40246e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_40247A 
             40246e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            40246e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ ja      short loc_40247A 
             402470     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, eax 
             402470      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             402470      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     eax, eax 
@@ -2646,6 +2817,7 @@
             40249c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ mov     r15, [rsp+58h+var_8]
             4024a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             4024a1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4024a1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             4024a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _g_printerr 
             4024a5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             4024a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _g_printerr 
@@ -2659,15 +2831,19 @@
             4024b5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _FT_Render_Glyph 
             4024ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4024ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4024ba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4024bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4024E0 
             4024bc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4024bc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R15 ZZ jz      short loc_4024E0 
             4024be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             4024be      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4024be      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ cmp     eax, 0BAh 
             4024c3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             4024c3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             4024c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     edx, offset aUnknown; "unknown" 
             4024c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4024D4 
             4024c8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4024c8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ ja      short loc_4024D4 
             4024ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, eax 
             4024ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             4024ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     eax, eax 
@@ -2681,6 +2857,7 @@
             4024d6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RDI R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ mov     edi, offset aCouldNotRender; "Could not render glyph index '%ud': %s\"... 
             4024db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402481 
             4024db      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4024db      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 ZZ jmp     short loc_402481 
             4024e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             4024e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R9 R15 ZZ mov     r9d, [r14] 
             4024e3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
@@ -2731,6 +2908,7 @@
             402534      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     r9d, [rsp+58h+var_50]
             402539     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             402539      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402539      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             40253b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40264C 
             40253b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             402541     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R11 ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  r11, eax 
@@ -2770,12 +2948,15 @@
             402569      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ mov     r12d, [rsp+58h+var_3C] 
             40256e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             40256e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            40256e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             402570     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             402570      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402570      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             402573     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      loc_402630 
             402573      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             402579     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, r9d 
             402579      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402579      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r12d, r9d 
             40257c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_402630 
             40257c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             402582     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [rbx+4] 
@@ -2783,6 +2964,7 @@
             402582      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, [rbx+4] 
             402585     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             402585      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402585      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             402587     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_402630 
             402587      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             40258d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, r15d 
@@ -2795,8 +2977,10 @@
             402593     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
             402595     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4025DD 
             402595      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402595      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4025DD 
             4025a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cl, 2 
             4025a0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4025a0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 ZZ cmp     cl, 2 
             4025a3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R10 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r10d, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4025a3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             4025a3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R10 ZZ mov     r10d, 0FFFFFFFFh 
@@ -2831,20 +3015,26 @@
             4025ca      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rdi+2], r10b 
             4025ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esi, 1 
             4025ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4025ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     esi, 1 
             4025d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     edx, 1 
             4025d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4025d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     edx, 1 
             4025d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdi, 3 
             4025d4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4025d4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rdi, 3 
             4025d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, [rbx+4] 
             4025d8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4025d8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, [rbx+4] 
             4025db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     short loc_402630 
             4025db      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             4025dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             4025dd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4025dd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             4025df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      short loc_4025CE 
             4025df      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             4025e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r14d, edx 
             4025e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4025e1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r14d, edx 
             4025e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4025CE 
             4025e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             4025e6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   ecx, byte ptr [rbx+1Ah] 
@@ -2852,8 +3042,10 @@
             4025e6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX R10 ZZ movzx   ecx, byte ptr [rbx+1Ah] 
             4025ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cl, 1 
             4025ea      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4025ea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 ZZ cmp     cl, 1 
             4025ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4025A0 
             4025ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            4025ed      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R10 ZZ jnz     short loc_4025A0 
             4025ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     r10d, [rbx+8] 
             4025ef      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             4025ef      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX R10 ZZ mov     r10d, [rbx+8] 
@@ -2904,14 +3096,19 @@
             402621      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     r10d, 1 
             402625     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4025C3 
             402625      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402625      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4025C3 
             402630     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r8d, 1 
             402630      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402630      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r8d, 1 
             402634     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r9d, 1 
             402634      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402634      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r9d, 1 
             402638     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     rax, r11 
             402638      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402638      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, r11 
             40263b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r8d, [rbx] 
             40263b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            40263b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r8d, [rbx] 
             40263e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      loc_402570 
             40263e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             402644      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
@@ -2948,6 +3145,7 @@
             402674      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     r12, [rsp+58h+var_20]
             402679     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 58h 
             402679      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
+            402679      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 58h 
             40267d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402420 
             40267d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ retn 
             40267d     88 DEALLOC STACK esp - 88 retn
@@ -2971,6 +3169,7 @@
             40268f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6041EC 
             402695     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402695      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402680 
+            402695      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402697     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4026BC 
             402697      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402680 
             402699     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_get_application_name 
@@ -2978,6 +3177,7 @@
             402699      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_get_application_name 
             40269e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40269e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402680 
+            40269e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4026a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4026C5 
             4026a1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402680 
             4026a3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402680 
@@ -3007,12 +3207,14 @@
             4026be      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_thread_exit 
             4026c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402699 
             4026c3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402680 
+            4026c3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402699 
             4026c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_get_prgname 
             4026c5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402680 
             4026c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_get_prgname 
             4026ca      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402680 
             4026d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4026A3 
             4026d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402680 
+            4026d0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4026A3 
             4026e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 1 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4026e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4026e0    326 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4026E0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             402825 
@@ -3036,6 +3238,7 @@
             4026f7      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 200 ReturnAddress 
             4026fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4026fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            4026fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             402701     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r12d, esi 
             402701      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             402701      3 INSTR DEADREGS  R12 ZZ mov     r12d, esi 
@@ -3044,6 +3247,7 @@
             402704      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ mov     ebp, 10000000h 
             402709     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40272F 
             402709      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            402709      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_40272F 
             40270b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             40270b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rdi        ; filename 
             40270e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
@@ -3057,13 +3261,16 @@
             402716      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___xstat 
             40271b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40271b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            40271b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40271d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4027D0 
             40271d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            40271d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4027D0 
             402723      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             402723      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rbp, [rsp+0C8h+var_98] 
             402723      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+0C8h+var_98]
             402728     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 10000000h 
             402728      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            402728      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rbp, 10000000h 
             40272f      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             40272f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+0C8h+rlimits]; rlimits 
             40272f      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 144 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+0C8h+rlimits]; rlimits
@@ -3096,10 +3303,12 @@
             402773      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _setrlimit 
             402778     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 0 
             402778      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            402778      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r12d, 0 
             40277c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_4027A3 
             40277c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             40277e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402787 
             40277e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            40277e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402787 
             402780      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             402780      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_6041E8, r12d 
             402787      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
@@ -3130,6 +3339,7 @@
             4027bb      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 192 displ mov     r13, [rsp+0C8h+var_8]
             4027c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0C8h 
             4027c3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            4027c3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 0C8h 
             4027ca      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             4027ca      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ retn 
             4027ca    200 DEALLOC STACK esp - 200 retn
@@ -3143,8 +3353,10 @@
             4027d8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_str_has_prefix 
             4027dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4027dd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            4027dd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4027df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40272F 
             4027df      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            4027df      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40272F 
             4027e5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             4027e5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             4027e5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
@@ -3158,10 +3370,12 @@
             4027ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_filename_from_uri 
             4027f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4027f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            4027f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4027f4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             4027f4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             4027f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402819 
             4027f7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            4027f7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402819 
             4027f9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             4027f9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rsp        ; stat_buf 
             4027f9      3 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdx, rsp        ; stat_buf
@@ -3175,13 +3389,16 @@
             402804      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___xstat 
             402809     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402809      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            402809      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40280b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402819 
             40280b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            40280b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402819 
             40280d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             40280d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbp, [rsp+0C8h+var_98] 
             40280d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+0C8h+var_98]
             402812     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 10000000h 
             402812      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            402812      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rbp, 10000000h 
             402819      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             402819      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, r13 
             40281c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _g_free 
@@ -3189,6 +3406,7 @@
             40281c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _g_free 
             402821     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40272F 
             402821      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            402821      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40272F 
             402830      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             402830      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402830     10 INSTR BELONGTO 402830 
@@ -3243,8 +3461,10 @@
             402880      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             402885     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             402885      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402840 
+            402885      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             402888     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4028A6 
             402888      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402840 
+            402888      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_4028A6 
             40288a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402840 
             40288a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40288a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -3258,10 +3478,13 @@
             402896      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             402899     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             402899      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402840 
+            402899      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40289d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             40289d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402840 
+            40289d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             4028a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4028a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402840 
+            4028a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4028a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402890 
             4028a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402840 
             4028a6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402840 
@@ -3284,6 +3507,7 @@
             4028bf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             4028c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4028c4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402840 
+            4028c4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4028c8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402840 
             4028c8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4028c8     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -3315,25 +3539,31 @@
             4028e9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_603DC8 
             4028f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4028f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4028e0 
+            4028f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4028f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40290F 
             4028f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4028e0 
+            4028f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40290F 
             4028f6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_603DC8 
             4028f6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4028e0 
             4028f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_603DC8 
             4028fb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4028e0 
             402900     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             402900      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4028e0 
+            402900      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             402904     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_603DC8 
             402904      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4028e0 
+            402904      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_603DC8 
             402906     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             402906      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4028e0 
             402906      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             402909     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             402909      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4028e0 
+            402909      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40290d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402900 
             40290d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4028e0 
             40290f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40290f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4028e0 
+            40290f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402913      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4028e0 
             402913      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             402913      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -3353,6 +3583,7 @@
             40291c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4020F0 
             402921     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402921      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402918 
+            402921      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402925      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402918 
             402925      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402925      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-grep.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-grep.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 4a991a6f..24db5811 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-grep.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-grep.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-httpd.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-httpd.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index a9a4b7a3..86b3ed0a 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-httpd.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-httpd.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-less.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-less.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index f831ff6f..7afc92f1 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-less.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-less.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-ls-64bit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-ls-64bit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 97df8c54..78987810 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-ls-64bit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-ls-64bit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-lt-svn.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-lt-svn.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 051ab728..30bb9645 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-lt-svn.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-lt-svn.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-malloc.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-malloc.psexe.annot
index 193ecb89..8971f189 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-malloc.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-malloc.psexe.annot
@@ -54,14 +54,17 @@
            8048435      8 DATAREF STACK 44 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
            8048438     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    $+5 
            8048438      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
+           8048438      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    $+5 
            804843d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
            804843d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            804843e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1BB7h 
            804843e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
+           804843e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ add     ebx, 1BB7h 
            8048444      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
            8048444      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:(__gmon_start___ptr - 8049FF4h)[ebx] 
            804844a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
            804844a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
+           804844a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
            804844c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048453 
            804844c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
            804844e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___gmon_start__ 
@@ -75,6 +78,7 @@
            8048458      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __do_global_ctors_aux 
            804845d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 8 
            804845d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
+           804845d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ add     esp, 8 
            8048460      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
            8048460      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            8048460      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     ebx
@@ -210,8 +214,10 @@
            8048564      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 4 CalleeSavedRegs 
            8048567     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ds:completed_6159, 0 
            8048567      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           8048567      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ cmp     ds:completed_6159, 0 
            804856e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_80485AF 
            804856e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           804856e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EBX ZZ jnz     short loc_80485AF 
            8048570      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            8048570      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EBX ZZ mov     eax, ds:dtor_idx_6161 
            8048575      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
@@ -226,26 +232,32 @@
            8048583      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     ebx, 1 
            8048586     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, ebx 
            8048586      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           8048586      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, ebx 
            8048588     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_80485A8 
            8048588      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            804858a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate lea     esi, [esi+0] 
            804858a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           804858a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ lea     esi, [esi+0] 
            8048590     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
            8048590      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           8048590      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 1 
            8048593      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            8048593      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ds:dtor_idx_6161, eax 
            8048598     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:__DTOR_LIST__[eax*4] 
            8048598      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           8048598      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:__DTOR_LIST__[eax*4] 
            804859f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            804859f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:dtor_idx_6161 
            80485a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, ebx 
            80485a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           80485a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, ebx 
            80485a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_8048590 
            80485a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            80485a8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            80485a8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ mov     ds:completed_6159, 1 
            80485af     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 4 
            80485af      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           80485af      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ add     esp, 4 
            80485b2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            80485b2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            80485b2      4 DEALLOC STACK esp - 4 pop     ebx
@@ -271,6 +283,7 @@
            80485c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:__JCR_LIST__ 
            80485cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
            80485cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
+           80485cb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
            80485cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_80485E1 
            80485cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
            80485cf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 0 
@@ -278,6 +291,7 @@
            80485cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, 0 
            80485d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
            80485d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
+           80485d4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
            80485d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_80485E1 
            80485d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
            80485d8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
@@ -285,6 +299,7 @@
            80485d8      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     dword ptr [esp], offset __JCR_LIST__
            80485df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    eax 
            80485df      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
+           80485df      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    eax 
            80485e1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
            80485e1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ leave 
            80485e2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
@@ -326,6 +341,7 @@
            8048613      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:malloc_ptr_2499 
            8048618     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
            8048618      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           8048618      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
            804861a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048630 
            804861a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            804861c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
@@ -338,6 +354,7 @@
            8048624     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ds:malloc_ptr_2499, 0 
            804862e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8048655 
            804862e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           804862e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_8048655 
            8048630      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            8048630      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EDX ZZ lea     edx, [ebx+1] 
            8048633     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [esi+1] 
@@ -369,6 +386,7 @@
            8048650      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ds:malloc_ptr_2499, eax 
            8048655     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, 63h 
            8048655      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           8048655      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, 63h 
            8048658     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_804867E 
            8048658      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            804865a      8 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
@@ -388,10 +406,12 @@
            8048679      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___assert_fail 
            804867e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
            804867e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           804867e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
            8048680     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_80486AD 
            8048680      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            8048682     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebx, 1 
            8048682      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           8048682      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     ebx, 1 
            8048685      4 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            8048685      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [esp+2Ch+function], edi 
            8048685      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     [esp+2Ch+function], edi
@@ -438,6 +458,7 @@
            80486b9      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     ebp, [esp+2Ch+var_4]
            80486bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 2Ch 
            80486bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           80486bd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     esp, 2Ch 
            80486c0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            80486c0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
            80486c0     44 DEALLOC STACK esp - 44 retn
@@ -468,6 +489,7 @@
            80486cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, [ebp+argv] 
            80486cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [ebp+argc], 2 
            80486cf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           80486cf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [ebp+argc], 2 
            80486cf      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK 8 displ cmp     [ebp+argc], 2
            80486d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048704 
            80486d3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
@@ -518,10 +540,12 @@
            8048721      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ lea     eax, [eax+7FFFFFFFh] 
            8048727     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
            8048727      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           8048727      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
            804872a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_804873C 
            804872a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
            804872c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
            804872c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           804872c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
            804872e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_804873C 
            804872e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
            8048730     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 0 
@@ -531,6 +555,7 @@
            8048735      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
            8048737     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_80487DE 
            8048737      5 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           8048737      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_80487DE 
            804873c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
            804873c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:stderr@@GLIBC_2_0 
            8048741      4 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
@@ -611,8 +636,10 @@
            80487d2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fflush 
            80487d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1 
            80487d7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           80487d7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 1 
            80487da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, esi 
            80487da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           80487da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, esi 
            80487dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_804876D 
            80487dc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
            80487de      7 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
@@ -641,6 +668,7 @@
            80487f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __i686_get_pc_thunk_bx 
            80487f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 17FBh 
            80487f9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           80487f9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDI ZZ add     ebx, 17FBh 
            80487ff     12 DATAREF STACK 55 esp + 0 CHILDOF 54 OFFSET 0 OutArgsRegion OUTARGS
            80487ff     16 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 28 CalleeSavedRegs 
            80487ff     28 DATAREF STACK 54 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
@@ -658,19 +686,23 @@
            8048811      6 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            8048811      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ESI ZZ lea     eax, (__CTOR_LIST__ - 8049FF4h)[ebx] 
            8048817      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           8048817      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ESI ZZ sub     edi, eax 
            8048817     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EDI ZZ  NumericDEFs sub     edi, eax 
            8048819     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant sar     edi, 2 
            8048819      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            8048819      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ESI ZZ sar     edi, 2 
            804881c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
            804881c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           804881c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ESI ZZ test    edi, edi 
            804881e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048849 
            804881e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           804881e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  ESI ZZ jz      short loc_8048849 
            8048820      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            8048820      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ESI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
            8048820     -2 INSTR LOCAL n ESI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
            8048822     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate lea     esi, [esi+0] 
            8048822      6 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           8048822      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ lea     esi, [esi+0] 
            8048828      4 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            8048828      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, [esp+2Ch+arg_8] 
            8048828      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     eax, [esp+2Ch+arg_8]
@@ -688,14 +720,18 @@
            8048837      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 4 displ mov     [esp+2Ch+var_28], eax
            804883b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:(__CTOR_LIST__ - 8049FF4h)[ebx+esi*4] 
            804883b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           804883b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:(__CTOR_LIST__ - 8049FF4h)[ebx+esi*4] 
            8048842     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esi, 1 
            8048842      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           8048842      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     esi, 1 
            8048845     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, edi 
            8048845      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           8048845      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, edi 
            8048847     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8048828 
            8048847      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            8048849     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 1Ch 
            8048849      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           8048849      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ESI EDI ZZ add     esp, 1Ch 
            804884c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            804884c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ESI EDI ZZ pop     ebx 
            804884c     28 DEALLOC STACK esp - 28 pop     ebx
@@ -746,25 +782,32 @@
            8048877      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EBX ZZ mov     eax, ds:__CTOR_LIST__ 
            804887c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            804887c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           804887c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            804887f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048894 
            804887f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           804887f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EBX ZZ jz      short loc_8048894 
            8048881      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
            8048881      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset __CTOR_LIST__ 
            8048886     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
            8048886      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           8048886      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
            8048888     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebx, 4 
            8048888      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           8048888      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     ebx, 4 
            804888b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    eax ; __CTOR_LIST__ 
            804888b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           804888b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    eax ; __CTOR_LIST__ 
            804888d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
            804888d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, [ebx] 
            804888d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [ebx] 
            804888f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            804888f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           804888f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            8048892     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8048888 
            8048892      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
            8048894     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 4 
            8048894      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           8048894      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ add     esp, 4 
            8048897      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
            8048897      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            8048897      4 DEALLOC STACK esp - 4 pop     ebx
@@ -785,15 +828,18 @@
            804889d      8 DATAREF STACK 57 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
            80488a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    $+5 
            80488a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
+           80488a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    $+5 
            80488a5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
            80488a5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            80488a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 174Fh 
            80488a6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
+           80488a6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 174Fh 
            80488ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    __do_global_dtors_aux 
            80488ac      5 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
            80488ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __do_global_dtors_aux 
            80488b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 8 
            80488b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
+           80488b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ add     esp, 8 
            80488b4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
            80488b4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            80488b4      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     ebx
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-nginx.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-nginx.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 2347ef50..e8f63697 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-nginx.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-nginx.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-openssl.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-openssl.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 913fd81a..44e89b8f 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-openssl.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-openssl.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-synaptic.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-synaptic.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 33f56756..2ec774e4 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-synaptic.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-synaptic.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-toy.exe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-toy.exe.annot
index d04b5d0f..49233e19 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-toy.exe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-toy.exe.annot
@@ -142,14 +142,17 @@
            8048338      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 4 CalleeSavedRegs 
            804833b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    $+5 
            804833b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048334 
+           804833b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    $+5 
            8048340      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048334 
            8048340      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDX EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            8048341     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1300h 
            8048341      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8048334 
+           8048341      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDX ZZ add     ebx, 1300h 
            8048347      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8048334 
            8048347      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDX ZZ mov     edx, ds:(__gmon_start___ptr - 8049640h)[ebx] 
            804834d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
            804834d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048334 
+           804834d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
            804834f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048356 
            804834f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048334 
            8048351     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___gmon_start__ 
@@ -179,16 +182,20 @@
            8048363      8 DATAREF STACK 28 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
            8048366     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ds:completed_5758, 0 
            8048366      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8048360 
+           8048366      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ds:completed_5758, 0 
            804836d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_804837B 
            804836d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048360 
            804836f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short locret_804838D 
            804836f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048360 
+           804836f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short locret_804838D 
            8048371     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 4 
            8048371      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048360 
+           8048371      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 4 
            8048374      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048360 
            8048374      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     p_5756, eax 
            8048379     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    edx 
            8048379      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048360 
+           8048379      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    edx 
            804837b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048360 
            804837b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EDX ZZ mov     eax, p_5756 
            8048380      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048360 
@@ -196,6 +203,7 @@
            8048380     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, [eax] 
            8048382     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
            8048382      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048360 
+           8048382      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
            8048384     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8048371 
            8048384      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048360 
            8048386      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8048360 
@@ -223,6 +231,7 @@
            8048396      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:__JCR_LIST__ 
            804839b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
            804839b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048390 
+           804839b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
            804839d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_80483B1 
            804839d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048390 
            804839f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 0 
@@ -230,6 +239,7 @@
            804839f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, 0 
            80483a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
            80483a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048390 
+           80483a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
            80483a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_80483B1 
            80483a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048390 
            80483a8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8048390 
@@ -237,6 +247,7 @@
            80483a8      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     dword ptr [esp], offset __JCR_LIST__
            80483af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    eax 
            80483af      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048390 
+           80483af      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    eax 
            80483b1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048390 
            80483b1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ leave 
            80483b2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048390 
@@ -296,9 +307,11 @@
            80483f2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EDX ZZ mov     eax, [ebp+x] 
            80483f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [ebp+z] 
            80483f5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
+           80483f5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDX ZZ cmp     eax, [ebp+z] 
            80483f5      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -8 displ cmp     eax, [ebp+z]
            80483f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     short loc_804840B 
            80483f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
+           80483f8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EAX EDX ZZ jge     short loc_804840B 
            80483fa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
            80483fa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ECX EDX ZZ mov     eax, [ebp+x] 
            80483fa      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -16 displ mov     eax, [ebp+x]
@@ -320,14 +333,17 @@
            8048406      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -12 displ mov     [ebp+y], eax
            8048409     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8048417 
            8048409      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
+           8048409      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EDX ZZ jmp     short loc_8048417 
            804840b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
            804840b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EDX ZZ mov     eax, [ebp+x] 
            804840b      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -16 displ mov     eax, [ebp+x]
            804840e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sub     eax, [ebp+y] 
            804840e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
+           804840e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDX ZZ sub     eax, [ebp+y] 
            804840e      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -12 displ sub     eax, [ebp+y]
            8048411     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     eax, [ebp+z] 
            8048411      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
+           8048411      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDX ZZ add     eax, [ebp+z] 
            8048411      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -8 displ add     eax, [ebp+z]
            8048414      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
            8048414      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDX ZZ mov     [ebp+y], eax 
@@ -337,14 +353,17 @@
            8048417      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EDX ZZ mov     eax, [ebp+x] 
            804841a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, [ebp+z] 
            804841a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
+           804841a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDX ZZ cmp     eax, [ebp+z] 
            804841a      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -8 displ cmp     eax, [ebp+z]
            804841d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     short loc_8048428 
            804841d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
+           804841d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EAX EDX ZZ jge     short loc_8048428 
            804841f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
            804841f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EDX ZZ mov     eax, [ebp+x] 
            804841f      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -16 displ mov     eax, [ebp+x]
            8048422     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     eax, [ebp+y] 
            8048422      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
+           8048422      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDX ZZ add     eax, [ebp+y] 
            8048422      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -12 displ add     eax, [ebp+y]
            8048425      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
            8048425      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDX ZZ mov     [ebp+x], eax 
@@ -379,6 +398,7 @@
            8048449      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ECX ZZ mov     eax, 0 
            804844e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 24h 
            804844e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
+           804844e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ECX ZZ add     esp, 24h 
            8048451      1 INSTR BELONGTO 80483b4 
            8048451      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ECX ZZ pop     ecx 
            8048451     36 DEALLOC STACK esp - 36 pop     ecx
@@ -426,6 +446,7 @@
            8048476      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __i686_get_pc_thunk_bx 
            804847b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 11C5h 
            804847b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
+           804847b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 11C5h 
            8048481     12 DATAREF STACK 34 esp + 0 CHILDOF 33 OFFSET 0 OutArgsRegion OUTARGS
            8048481     16 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 28 CalleeSavedRegs 
            8048481     28 DATAREF STACK 33 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
@@ -455,8 +476,10 @@
            804849f      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -16 displ mov     edx, [ebp+var_10]
            80484a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
            80484a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
+           80484a2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ESI EDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
            80484a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_80484D1 
            80484a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
+           80484a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  ESI EDI ZZ jz      short loc_80484D1 
            80484a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
            80484a6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ESI EDI ZZ xor     edi, edi 
            80484a6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -464,11 +487,13 @@
            80484a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ESI ZZ mov     esi, eax 
            80484aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate lea     esi, [esi+0] 
            80484aa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
+           80484aa      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ lea     esi, [esi+0] 
            80484b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
            80484b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, [ebp+arg_8] 
            80484b0      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK 16 displ mov     eax, [ebp+arg_8]
            80484b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     edi, 1 
            80484b3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
+           80484b3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     edi, 1 
            80484b6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
            80484b6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [esp+8], eax 
            80484b6      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [esp+8], eax
@@ -486,15 +511,19 @@
            80484c4      3 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [esp], eax
            80484c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    dword ptr [esi] 
            80484c7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
+           80484c7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    dword ptr [esi] 
            80484c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esi, 4 
            80484c9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
+           80484c9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     esi, 4 
            80484cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [ebp+var_10], edi 
            80484cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
+           80484cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [ebp+var_10], edi 
            80484cc      3 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK -16 displ cmp     [ebp+var_10], edi
            80484cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_80484B0 
            80484cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
            80484d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 1Ch 
            80484d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
+           80484d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ESI EDI ZZ add     esp, 1Ch 
            80484d4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048470 
            80484d4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ESI EDI ZZ pop     ebx 
            80484d4     28 DEALLOC STACK esp - 28 pop     ebx
@@ -539,21 +568,26 @@
            80484ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:__CTOR_LIST__ 
            80484f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            80484f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80484e0 
+           80484f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            80484f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048502 
            80484f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80484e0 
            80484f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebx, 4 
            80484f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80484e0 
+           80484f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     ebx, 4 
            80484f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    eax ; __CTOR_LIST__ 
            80484f9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80484e0 
+           80484f9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    eax ; __CTOR_LIST__ 
            80484fb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80484e0 
            80484fb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, [ebx] 
            80484fb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [ebx] 
            80484fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            80484fd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80484e0 
+           80484fd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            8048500     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_80484F6 
            8048500      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80484e0 
            8048502     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 4 
            8048502      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80484e0 
+           8048502      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ add     esp, 4 
            8048505      1 INSTR BELONGTO 80484e0 
            8048505      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            8048505      4 DEALLOC STACK esp - 4 pop     ebx
@@ -579,10 +613,12 @@
            804850c      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 4 CalleeSavedRegs 
            804850f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    $+5 
            804850f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048508 
+           804850f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    $+5 
            8048514      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048508 
            8048514      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            8048515     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 112Ch 
            8048515      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8048508 
+           8048515      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 112Ch 
            804851b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    __do_global_dtors_aux 
            804851b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048508 
            804851b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __do_global_dtors_aux 
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xcalc.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xcalc.psexe.annot
index b5a673cd..429d196b 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xcalc.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xcalc.psexe.annot
@@ -505,6 +505,7 @@
             401476      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_404E70 
             40147b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40147b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401468 
+            40147b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40147f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401468 
             40147f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             40147f      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -916,8 +917,10 @@
             401868      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:qword_608830, rax 
             40186f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 1 
             40186f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            40186f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     ebp, 1 
             401872     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401C02 
             401872      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401872      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_401C02 
             401878      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             401878      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+78h+var_48] 
             401878      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+78h+var_48]
@@ -967,6 +970,7 @@
             4018d0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI R8 ZZ mov     rsi, cs:formWidgetClass 
             4018d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4018d7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            4018d7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX R8 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4018d9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             4018d9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX R8 ZZ mov     cs:dword_608820, eax 
             4018df     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     eax, offset byte_405613 
@@ -1146,12 +1150,14 @@
             401a2c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XtCreateManagedWidget 
             401a31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_608840, 1 
             401a31      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401a31      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 R12 ZZ cmp     cs:byte_608840, 1 
             401a38      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             401a38      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 R12 ZZ mov     r12, cs:qword_608858 
             401a3f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             401a3f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     cs:qword_6088A8, rax 
             401a46     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sbb     ebp, ebp 
             401a46      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401a46      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 ZZ sbb     ebp, ebp 
             401a48      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             401a48      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             401a48     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -1176,13 +1182,16 @@
             401a64      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     rdx, r12 
             401a67     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             401a67      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401a67      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             401a6b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _XtCreateManagedWidget 
             401a6b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             401a6b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XtCreateManagedWidget 
             401a70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, ebx 
             401a70      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401a70      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     ebp, ebx 
             401a72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_401A50 
             401a72      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401a72      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jg      short loc_401A50 
             401a74      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             401a74      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, cs:qword_608860 
             401a7b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
@@ -1275,8 +1284,10 @@
             401b31      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XDefineCursor 
             401b36     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_608841, 0 
             401b36      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401b36      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_608841, 0 
             401b3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401B55 
             401b3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401b3d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401B55 
             401b3f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             401b3f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_608830 
             401b46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _XtScreen 
@@ -1286,8 +1297,10 @@
             401b4b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rax+40h] 
             401b4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rax+34h], 2 
             401b4f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401b4f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rax+34h], 2 
             401b53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_401BC8 
             401b53      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401b53      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jg      short loc_401BC8 
             401b55      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             401b55      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:qword_608830 
             401b5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _XtScreen 
@@ -1373,6 +1386,7 @@
             401bf2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XtAppMainLoop 
             401bf7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 60h 
             401bf7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401bf7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 60h 
             401bfb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             401bfb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             401bfb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -1406,6 +1420,7 @@
             401c1b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             401c20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401C3E 
             401c20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401c20      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401C3E 
             401c22      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             401c22      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rbx+r12*8] 
             401c26      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
@@ -1424,10 +1439,13 @@
             401c39      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             401c3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12, 1 
             401c3e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401c3e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     r12, 1 
             401c42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, r12d 
             401c42      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401c42      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     ebp, r12d 
             401c45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_401C22 
             401c45      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
+            401c45      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jg      short loc_401C22 
             401c47      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401810 
             401c47      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; s 
             401c4e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 2          ; n 
@@ -1557,12 +1575,15 @@
             401d14      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             401d1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401d1b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401d10 
+            401d1b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401d1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401D22 
             401d1e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d10 
             401d20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401d20      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d10 
+            401d20      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401d22     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401d22      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d10 
+            401d22      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401d26      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401d10 
             401d26      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401d26     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -1585,8 +1606,10 @@
             401d35      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             401d39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_6085E8, 0 
             401d39      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
+            401d39      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_6085E8, 0 
             401d40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401D8D 
             401d40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
+            401d40      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_401D8D 
             401d42     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_606E00 
             401d42      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
             401d42      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_606E00 
@@ -1602,25 +1625,30 @@
             401d59      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             401d5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             401d5d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
+            401d5d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401d60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_401D86 
             401d60      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
             401d62      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
             401d68     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             401d68      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
+            401d68      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             401d6c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
             401d6c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_6085F0, rax 
             401d73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_606DF8[rax*8] 
             401d73      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
+            401d73      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_606DF8[rax*8] 
             401d7a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
             401d7a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6085F0 
             401d81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             401d81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
+            401d81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401d84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_401D68 
             401d84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
             401d86      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
             401d86      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_6085E8, 1 
             401d8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401d8d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
+            401d8d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401d91      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401d30 
             401d91      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401d91      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -1667,10 +1695,12 @@
             401dd9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             401dde     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401dde      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401dd0 
+            401dde      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401de0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401DF0 
             401de0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401dd0 
             401de2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401de2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401dd0 
+            401de2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401de6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401dd0 
             401de6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401df0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -1681,6 +1711,7 @@
             401df5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             401dfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401dfa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401dd0 
+            401dfa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401dfc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401E18 
             401dfc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401dd0 
             401dfe     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 29h 
@@ -1694,6 +1725,7 @@
             401e08      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             401e0d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401e0d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401dd0 
+            401e0d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401e11      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401dd0 
             401e11      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401e18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -1701,6 +1733,7 @@
             401e18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             401e1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401e1d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401dd0 
+            401e1d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401e21      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401dd0 
             401e21      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401e21      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -1719,10 +1752,12 @@
             401e39      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             401e3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401e3e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e30 
+            401e3e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401e40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401E50 
             401e40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e30 
             401e42     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401e42      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e30 
+            401e42      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401e46      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401e30 
             401e46      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401e50     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -1733,6 +1768,7 @@
             401e55      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             401e5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401e5a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e30 
+            401e5a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401e5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401E78 
             401e5c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e30 
             401e5e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 2Bh 
@@ -1746,6 +1782,7 @@
             401e68      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             401e6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401e6d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e30 
+            401e6d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401e71      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401e30 
             401e71      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401e78     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -1753,6 +1790,7 @@
             401e78      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             401e7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401e7d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e30 
+            401e7d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401e81      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401e30 
             401e81      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401e81      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -1771,10 +1809,12 @@
             401e99      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             401e9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401e9e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e90 
+            401e9e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401ea0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401EB0 
             401ea0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e90 
             401ea2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401ea2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e90 
+            401ea2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401ea6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401e90 
             401ea6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401eb0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -1785,6 +1825,7 @@
             401eb5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             401eba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401eba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e90 
+            401eba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401ebc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401ED8 
             401ebc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e90 
             401ebe     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 8 
@@ -1798,6 +1839,7 @@
             401ec8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             401ecd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401ecd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e90 
+            401ecd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401ed1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401e90 
             401ed1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401ed8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -1805,6 +1847,7 @@
             401ed8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             401edd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401edd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e90 
+            401edd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401ee1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401e90 
             401ee1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401ee1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -1823,10 +1866,12 @@
             401ef9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             401efe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401efe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ef0 
+            401efe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401f00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401F10 
             401f00      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ef0 
             401f02     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401f02      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ef0 
+            401f02      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401f06      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401ef0 
             401f06      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401f10     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -1837,6 +1882,7 @@
             401f15      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             401f1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401f1a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ef0 
+            401f1a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401f1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401F38 
             401f1c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ef0 
             401f1e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 2 
@@ -1850,6 +1896,7 @@
             401f28      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             401f2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401f2d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ef0 
+            401f2d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401f31      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401ef0 
             401f31      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401f38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -1857,6 +1904,7 @@
             401f38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             401f3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401f3d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ef0 
+            401f3d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401f41      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401ef0 
             401f41      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401f41      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -1875,10 +1923,12 @@
             401f59      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             401f5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401f5e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f50 
+            401f5e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401f60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401F70 
             401f60      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f50 
             401f62     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401f62      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f50 
+            401f62      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401f66      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401f50 
             401f66      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401f70     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -1889,6 +1939,7 @@
             401f75      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             401f7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401f7a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f50 
+            401f7a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401f7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401F98 
             401f7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f50 
             401f7e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 1 
@@ -1902,6 +1953,7 @@
             401f88      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             401f8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401f8d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f50 
+            401f8d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401f91      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401f50 
             401f91      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401f98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -1909,6 +1961,7 @@
             401f98      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             401f9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401f9d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f50 
+            401f9d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401fa1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401f50 
             401fa1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401fa1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -1927,10 +1980,12 @@
             401fb9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             401fbe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401fbe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fbe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401fc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401FD0 
             401fc0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401fc2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fc2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401fc6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fc6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401fd0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -1941,6 +1996,7 @@
             401fd5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             401fda     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401fda      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fda      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401fdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401FF8 
             401fdc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fde     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 6 
@@ -1954,6 +2010,7 @@
             401fe8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             401fed     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401fed      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401ff1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401ff1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401ff8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -1961,6 +2018,7 @@
             401ff8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             401ffd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401ffd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401ffd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402001      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             402001      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402001      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -1979,10 +2037,12 @@
             402016      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40201b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40201b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
+            40201b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40201d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402028 
             40201d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
             40201f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40201f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
+            40201f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402023      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
             402023      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402028     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -1993,6 +2053,7 @@
             40202d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402032     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402032      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
+            402032      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402034     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402050 
             402034      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
             402036      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
@@ -2006,6 +2067,7 @@
             40203d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402042     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402042      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
+            402042      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402046      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
             402046      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402050     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -2013,6 +2075,7 @@
             402050      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402055     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402055      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
+            402055      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402059      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
             402059      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402059      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2031,10 +2094,12 @@
             402069      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40206e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40206e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            40206e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402070     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402080 
             402070      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             402072     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402072      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            402072      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402076      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             402076      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402080     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2045,6 +2110,7 @@
             402085      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40208a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40208a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            40208a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40208c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4020A8 
             40208c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             40208e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 0Fh 
@@ -2058,6 +2124,7 @@
             402098      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             40209d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40209d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            40209d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4020a1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             4020a1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4020a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -2065,6 +2132,7 @@
             4020a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             4020ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4020ad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
+            4020ad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4020b1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402060 
             4020b1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4020b1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2083,10 +2151,12 @@
             4020c9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             4020ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4020ce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020c0 
+            4020ce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4020d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4020E0 
             4020d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020c0 
             4020d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4020d2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4020c0 
+            4020d2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4020d6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4020c0 
             4020d6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4020e0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2097,6 +2167,7 @@
             4020e5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             4020ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4020ea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020c0 
+            4020ea      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4020ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402108 
             4020ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020c0 
             4020ee     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 0Dh 
@@ -2110,6 +2181,7 @@
             4020f8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             4020fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4020fd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4020c0 
+            4020fd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402101      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4020c0 
             402101      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402108     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -2117,6 +2189,7 @@
             402108      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             40210d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40210d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4020c0 
+            40210d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402111      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4020c0 
             402111      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402111      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2135,10 +2208,12 @@
             402129      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40212e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40212e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402120 
+            40212e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402130     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402140 
             402130      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402120 
             402132     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402132      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402120 
+            402132      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402136      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402120 
             402136      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402140     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2149,6 +2224,7 @@
             402145      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40214a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40214a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402120 
+            40214a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40214c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402168 
             40214c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402120 
             40214e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 0Ch 
@@ -2162,6 +2238,7 @@
             402158      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             40215d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40215d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402120 
+            40215d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402161      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402120 
             402161      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402168     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -2169,6 +2246,7 @@
             402168      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             40216d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40216d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402120 
+            40216d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402171      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402120 
             402171      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402171      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2187,10 +2265,12 @@
             402189      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40218e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40218e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402180 
+            40218e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402190     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4021A0 
             402190      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402180 
             402192     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402192      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402180 
+            402192      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402196      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402180 
             402196      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4021a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2201,6 +2281,7 @@
             4021a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             4021aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4021aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402180 
+            4021aa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4021ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4021C8 
             4021ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402180 
             4021ae     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 10h 
@@ -2214,6 +2295,7 @@
             4021b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             4021bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4021bd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402180 
+            4021bd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4021c1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402180 
             4021c1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4021c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -2221,6 +2303,7 @@
             4021c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             4021cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4021cd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402180 
+            4021cd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4021d1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402180 
             4021d1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4021d1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2239,10 +2322,12 @@
             4021e9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             4021ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4021ee      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4021e0 
+            4021ee      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4021f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402200 
             4021f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4021e0 
             4021f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4021f2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4021e0 
+            4021f2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4021f6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4021e0 
             4021f6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402200     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2253,6 +2338,7 @@
             402205      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40220a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40220a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4021e0 
+            40220a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40220c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402228 
             40220c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4021e0 
             40220e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 23h 
@@ -2266,6 +2352,7 @@
             402218      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             40221d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40221d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4021e0 
+            40221d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402221      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4021e0 
             402221      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402228     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -2273,6 +2360,7 @@
             402228      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             40222d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40222d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4021e0 
+            40222d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402231      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4021e0 
             402231      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402231      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2291,10 +2379,12 @@
             402249      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40224e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40224e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402240 
+            40224e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402250     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402260 
             402250      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402240 
             402252     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402252      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402240 
+            402252      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402256      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402240 
             402256      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402260     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2305,6 +2395,7 @@
             402265      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40226a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40226a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402240 
+            40226a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40226c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402288 
             40226c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402240 
             40226e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 2Ah 
@@ -2318,6 +2409,7 @@
             402278      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             40227d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40227d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402240 
+            40227d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402281      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402240 
             402281      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402288     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -2325,6 +2417,7 @@
             402288      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             40228d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40228d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402240 
+            40228d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402291      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402240 
             402291      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402291      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2343,10 +2436,12 @@
             4022a9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             4022ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4022ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4022a0 
+            4022ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4022b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4022C0 
             4022b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4022a0 
             4022b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4022b2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022a0 
+            4022b2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4022b6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4022a0 
             4022b6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4022c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2357,6 +2452,7 @@
             4022c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             4022ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4022ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4022a0 
+            4022ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4022cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4022E8 
             4022cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4022a0 
             4022ce     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 0Ah 
@@ -2370,6 +2466,7 @@
             4022d8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             4022dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4022dd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022a0 
+            4022dd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4022e1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4022a0 
             4022e1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4022e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -2377,6 +2474,7 @@
             4022e8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             4022ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4022ed      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022a0 
+            4022ed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4022f1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4022a0 
             4022f1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4022f1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2395,10 +2493,12 @@
             402309      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40230e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40230e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402300 
+            40230e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402310     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402320 
             402310      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402300 
             402312     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402312      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402300 
+            402312      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402316      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402300 
             402316      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402320     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2409,6 +2509,7 @@
             402325      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40232a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40232a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402300 
+            40232a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40232c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402348 
             40232c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402300 
             40232e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 7 
@@ -2422,6 +2523,7 @@
             402338      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             40233d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40233d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402300 
+            40233d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402341      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402300 
             402341      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402348     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -2429,6 +2531,7 @@
             402348      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             40234d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40234d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402300 
+            40234d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402351      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402300 
             402351      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402351      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2447,10 +2550,12 @@
             402369      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40236e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40236e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
+            40236e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402370     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402380 
             402370      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
             402372     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402372      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
+            402372      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402376      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
             402376      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402380     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2461,6 +2566,7 @@
             402385      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40238a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40238a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
+            40238a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40238c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4023C0 
             40238c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
             40238e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_608820 
@@ -2471,6 +2577,7 @@
             402394      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 1Eh 
             402399     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402399      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
+            402399      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40239b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4023B0 
             40239b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
             40239d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_404510 
@@ -2481,6 +2588,7 @@
             4023a2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             4023a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4023a7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
+            4023a7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4023ab      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
             4023ab      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4023ab      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2489,11 +2597,13 @@
             4023b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4044D0 
             4023b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4023A2 
             4023b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
+            4023b5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4023A2 
             4023c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
             4023c0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
             4023c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             4023c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402372 
             4023c5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402360 
+            4023c5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402372 
             4023d0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 1 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4023d0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4023d0    103 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4023D0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             402436 
@@ -2509,10 +2619,12 @@
             4023d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             4023de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4023de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
+            4023de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4023e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4023F0 
             4023e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
             4023e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4023e2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
+            4023e2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4023e6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
             4023e6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4023f0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2523,6 +2635,7 @@
             4023f5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             4023fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4023fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
+            4023fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4023fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402430 
             4023fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
             4023fe     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, cs:dword_608820 
@@ -2533,6 +2646,7 @@
             402404      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 14h 
             402409     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             402409      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
+            402409      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40240b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402420 
             40240b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
             40240d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_404510 
@@ -2543,6 +2657,7 @@
             402412      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402417     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402417      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
+            402417      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40241b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
             40241b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40241b      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2551,11 +2666,13 @@
             402420      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4044D0 
             402425     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402412 
             402425      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
+            402425      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402412 
             402430     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
             402430      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
             402430      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402435     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4023E2 
             402435      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4023d0 
+            402435      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4023E2 
             402440      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 1 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             402440      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402440    103 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402440 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4024a6 
@@ -2571,10 +2688,12 @@
             402449      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40244e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40244e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
+            40244e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402450     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402460 
             402450      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
             402452     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402452      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
+            402452      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402456      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
             402456      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402460     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2585,6 +2704,7 @@
             402465      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40246a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40246a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
+            40246a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40246c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4024A0 
             40246c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
             40246e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, cs:dword_608820 
@@ -2595,6 +2715,7 @@
             402474      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 19h 
             402479     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             402479      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
+            402479      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             40247b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402490 
             40247b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
             40247d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_404510 
@@ -2605,6 +2726,7 @@
             402482      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402487     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402487      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
+            402487      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40248b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
             40248b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40248b      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2613,11 +2735,13 @@
             402490      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4044D0 
             402495     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402482 
             402495      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
+            402495      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402482 
             4024a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
             4024a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
             4024a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             4024a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402452 
             4024a5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402440 
+            4024a5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402452 
             4024b0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 1 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4024b0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4024b0    103 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4024B0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             402516 
@@ -2633,10 +2757,12 @@
             4024b9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             4024be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4024be      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
+            4024be      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4024c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4024D0 
             4024c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
             4024c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4024c2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
+            4024c2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4024c6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
             4024c6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4024d0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2647,6 +2773,7 @@
             4024d5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             4024da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4024da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
+            4024da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4024dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402510 
             4024dc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
             4024de     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, cs:dword_608820 
@@ -2657,6 +2784,7 @@
             4024e4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 1Dh 
             4024e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             4024e9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
+            4024e9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
             4024eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402500 
             4024eb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
             4024ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4039C0 
@@ -2667,6 +2795,7 @@
             4024f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             4024f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4024f7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
+            4024f7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4024fb      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
             4024fb      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4024fb      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2675,11 +2804,13 @@
             402500      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403C30 
             402505     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4024F2 
             402505      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
+            402505      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4024F2 
             402510     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
             402510      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
             402510      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402515     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4024C2 
             402515      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
+            402515      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4024C2 
             402520      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 1 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             402520      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402520    103 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402520 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             402586 
@@ -2695,10 +2826,12 @@
             402529      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40252e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40252e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
+            40252e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402530     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402540 
             402530      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
             402532     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402532      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
+            402532      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402536      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
             402536      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402540     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2709,6 +2842,7 @@
             402545      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40254a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40254a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
+            40254a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40254c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402580 
             40254c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
             40254e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
@@ -2718,6 +2852,7 @@
             402555      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 0Eh 
             40255a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             40255a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
+            40255a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             40255d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402570 
             40255d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
             40255f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4039C0 
@@ -2728,6 +2863,7 @@
             402564      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402569     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402569      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
+            402569      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40256d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
             40256d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40256d      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2736,11 +2872,13 @@
             402570      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403C30 
             402575     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402564 
             402575      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
+            402575      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402564 
             402580     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
             402580      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
             402580      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402585     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402532 
             402585      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402520 
+            402585      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402532 
             402590      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 1 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             402590      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402590    103 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402590 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4025f6 
@@ -2756,10 +2894,12 @@
             402599      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40259e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40259e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
+            40259e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4025a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4025B0 
             4025a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
             4025a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4025a2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
+            4025a2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4025a6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
             4025a6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4025b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2770,6 +2910,7 @@
             4025b5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             4025ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4025ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
+            4025ba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4025bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4025F0 
             4025bc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
             4025be      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
@@ -2779,6 +2920,7 @@
             4025c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 18h 
             4025ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             4025ca      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
+            4025ca      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             4025cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4025E0 
             4025cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
             4025cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4039C0 
@@ -2789,6 +2931,7 @@
             4025d4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             4025d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4025d9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
+            4025d9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4025dd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
             4025dd      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4025dd      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2797,11 +2940,13 @@
             4025e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403C30 
             4025e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4025D4 
             4025e5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
+            4025e5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4025D4 
             4025f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
             4025f0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
             4025f0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             4025f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4025A2 
             4025f5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402590 
+            4025f5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4025A2 
             402600      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 1 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             402600      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402600    103 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402600 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             402666 
@@ -2817,10 +2962,12 @@
             402609      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40260e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40260e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
+            40260e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402610     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402620 
             402610      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
             402612     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402612      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
+            402612      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402616      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
             402616      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402620     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2831,6 +2978,7 @@
             402625      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40262a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40262a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
+            40262a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40262c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402660 
             40262c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
             40262e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
@@ -2840,6 +2988,7 @@
             402635      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 13h 
             40263a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             40263a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
+            40263a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             40263d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402650 
             40263d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
             40263f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4039C0 
@@ -2850,6 +2999,7 @@
             402644      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402649     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402649      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
+            402649      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40264d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
             40264d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40264d      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2858,11 +3008,13 @@
             402650      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403C30 
             402655     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402644 
             402655      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
+            402655      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402644 
             402660     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
             402660      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
             402660      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402665     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402612 
             402665      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402600 
+            402665      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402612 
             402670      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 1 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             402670      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402670    103 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402670 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4026d6 
@@ -2878,10 +3030,12 @@
             402679      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40267e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40267e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
+            40267e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402680     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402690 
             402680      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
             402682     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402682      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
+            402682      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402686      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
             402686      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402690     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2892,6 +3046,7 @@
             402695      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40269a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40269a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
+            40269a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40269c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4026D0 
             40269c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
             40269e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
@@ -2901,6 +3056,7 @@
             4026a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 22h 
             4026aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             4026aa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
+            4026aa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             4026ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4026C0 
             4026ad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
             4026af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4039C0 
@@ -2911,6 +3067,7 @@
             4026b4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             4026b9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4026b9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
+            4026b9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4026bd      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
             4026bd      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4026bd      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2919,11 +3076,13 @@
             4026c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403C30 
             4026c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4026B4 
             4026c5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
+            4026c5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4026B4 
             4026d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
             4026d0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
             4026d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             4026d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402682 
             4026d5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402670 
+            4026d5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402682 
             4026e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 4 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4026e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS UNSAFE
             4026e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
@@ -2948,10 +3107,12 @@
             4026f9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             4026fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4026fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            4026fe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402700     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402710 
             402700      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             402702     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402702      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            402702      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402706      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             402706      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402710     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -2962,6 +3123,7 @@
             402715      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40271a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40271a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            40271a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40271c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402730 
             40271c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             40271e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403620 
@@ -2972,6 +3134,7 @@
             402723      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402728     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402728      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            402728      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40272c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             40272c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402730     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -2979,6 +3142,7 @@
             402730      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402735     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402735      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            402735      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402739      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             402739      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402739      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -2997,10 +3161,12 @@
             402749      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40274e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40274e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402740 
+            40274e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402750     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402760 
             402750      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402740 
             402752     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402752      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402740 
+            402752      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402756      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402740 
             402756      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402760     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3011,6 +3177,7 @@
             402765      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40276a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40276a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402740 
+            40276a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40276c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402780 
             40276c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402740 
             40276e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_404030 
@@ -3021,6 +3188,7 @@
             402773      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402778     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402778      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402740 
+            402778      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40277c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402740 
             40277c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402780     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3028,6 +3196,7 @@
             402780      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402785     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402785      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402740 
+            402785      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402789      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402740 
             402789      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402789      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3046,10 +3215,12 @@
             402799      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40279e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40279e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402790 
+            40279e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4027a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4027B0 
             4027a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402790 
             4027a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4027a2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402790 
+            4027a2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4027a6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402790 
             4027a6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4027b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3060,6 +3231,7 @@
             4027b5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             4027ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4027ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402790 
+            4027ba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4027bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4027D0 
             4027bc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402790 
             4027be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_404140 
@@ -3070,6 +3242,7 @@
             4027c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             4027c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4027c8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402790 
+            4027c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4027cc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402790 
             4027cc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4027d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3077,6 +3250,7 @@
             4027d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             4027d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4027d5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402790 
+            4027d5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4027d9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402790 
             4027d9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4027d9      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3099,6 +3273,7 @@
             402800     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsi], 21h 
             402800     34 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402800 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             402821 
             402800      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402800 
+            402800      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsi], 21h 
             402800      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             402803     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402810 
             402803      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402800 
@@ -3109,6 +3284,7 @@
             402810      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6089E0 
             402817     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsi+38h], rax 
             402817      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402800 
+            402817      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsi+38h], rax 
             40281b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402805 
             40281b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402800 
             40281d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_404D20 
@@ -3129,10 +3305,12 @@
             402839      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40283e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40283e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402830 
+            40283e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402840     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402850 
             402840      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402830 
             402842     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402842      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402830 
+            402842      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402846      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402830 
             402846      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402850     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3143,6 +3321,7 @@
             402855      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40285a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40285a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402830 
+            40285a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40285c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402870 
             40285c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402830 
             40285e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_404B30 
@@ -3153,6 +3332,7 @@
             402863      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402868     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402868      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402830 
+            402868      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40286c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402830 
             40286c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402870     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3160,6 +3340,7 @@
             402870      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402875     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402875      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402830 
+            402875      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402879      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402830 
             402879      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402879      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3178,10 +3359,12 @@
             402889      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40288e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40288e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402880 
+            40288e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402890     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4028A0 
             402890      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402880 
             402892     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402892      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402880 
+            402892      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402896      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402880 
             402896      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4028a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3192,6 +3375,7 @@
             4028a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             4028aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4028aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402880 
+            4028aa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4028ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4028C0 
             4028ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402880 
             4028ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4038C0 
@@ -3202,6 +3386,7 @@
             4028b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             4028b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4028b8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402880 
+            4028b8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4028bc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402880 
             4028bc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4028c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3209,6 +3394,7 @@
             4028c0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             4028c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4028c5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402880 
+            4028c5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4028c9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402880 
             4028c9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4028c9      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3227,10 +3413,12 @@
             4028d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             4028de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4028de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4028d0 
+            4028de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4028e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4028F0 
             4028e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4028d0 
             4028e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4028e2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4028d0 
+            4028e2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4028e6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4028d0 
             4028e6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4028f0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3241,6 +3429,7 @@
             4028f5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             4028fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4028fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4028d0 
+            4028fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4028fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402910 
             4028fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4028d0 
             4028fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_404000 
@@ -3251,6 +3440,7 @@
             402903      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402908     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402908      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4028d0 
+            402908      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40290c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4028d0 
             40290c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402910     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3258,6 +3448,7 @@
             402910      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402915     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402915      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4028d0 
+            402915      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402919      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4028d0 
             402919      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402919      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3276,10 +3467,12 @@
             402929      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40292e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40292e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402920 
+            40292e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402930     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402940 
             402930      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402920 
             402932     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402932      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402920 
+            402932      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402936      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402920 
             402936      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402940     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3290,6 +3483,7 @@
             402945      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40294a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40294a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402920 
+            40294a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40294c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402960 
             40294c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402920 
             40294e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4044C0 
@@ -3300,6 +3494,7 @@
             402953      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402958     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402958      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402920 
+            402958      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             40295c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402920 
             40295c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402960     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3307,6 +3502,7 @@
             402960      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402965     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402965      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402920 
+            402965      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402969      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402920 
             402969      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402969      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3325,10 +3521,12 @@
             402979      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             40297e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40297e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402970 
+            40297e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402980     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402990 
             402980      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402970 
             402982     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402982      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402970 
+            402982      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402986      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402970 
             402986      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402990     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3339,6 +3537,7 @@
             402995      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             40299a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40299a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402970 
+            40299a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40299c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4029B0 
             40299c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402970 
             40299e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403E40 
@@ -3349,6 +3548,7 @@
             4029a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             4029a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4029a8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402970 
+            4029a8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4029ac      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402970 
             4029ac      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4029b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3356,6 +3556,7 @@
             4029b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             4029b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4029b5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402970 
+            4029b5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4029b9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402970 
             4029b9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4029b9      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3374,10 +3575,12 @@
             4029c9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             4029ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4029ce      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4029c0 
+            4029ce      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4029d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4029E0 
             4029d0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4029c0 
             4029d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4029d2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4029c0 
+            4029d2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4029d6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4029c0 
             4029d6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4029e0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3388,6 +3591,7 @@
             4029e5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             4029ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4029ea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4029c0 
+            4029ea      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4029ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402A00 
             4029ec      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4029c0 
             4029ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403DC0 
@@ -3398,6 +3602,7 @@
             4029f3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             4029f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4029f8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4029c0 
+            4029f8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4029fc      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4029c0 
             4029fc      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402a00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3405,6 +3610,7 @@
             402a00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402a05     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402a05      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4029c0 
+            402a05      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402a09      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4029c0 
             402a09      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402a09      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3426,6 +3632,7 @@
             402a1a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     eax, 30h 
             402a1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 9           ; switch 10 cases  
             402a1d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402a1d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 9           ; switch 10 cases  
             402a1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_402A30 
             402a1f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402a21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403260      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
@@ -3433,6 +3640,7 @@
             402a21      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402a26     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402a26      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402a26      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402a2a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402a2a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402a30     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, al 
@@ -3449,6 +3657,7 @@
             402a45      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402a4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402a4a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402a4a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402a4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402A26 
             402a4c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402a4e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3459,6 +3668,7 @@
             402a53      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402a58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402a58      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402a58      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402a5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402C50 
             402a5a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402a60     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 16h 
@@ -3469,6 +3679,7 @@
             402a65      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032B0 
             402a6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402A21; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402a6a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402a6a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402A21; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402a70     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 17h        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 9 
             402a70      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402a70      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 17h        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 9 
@@ -3477,6 +3688,7 @@
             402a75      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402a7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402a7a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402a7a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402a7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402A26 
             402a7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402a7e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3487,6 +3699,7 @@
             402a83      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402a88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402a88      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402a88      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402a8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402C50 
             402a8a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402a90     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 17h 
@@ -3497,6 +3710,7 @@
             402a95      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032B0 
             402a9a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402A21; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402a9a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402a9a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402A21; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402aa0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 24h        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 0 
             402aa0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402aa0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 24h        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 0 
@@ -3505,6 +3719,7 @@
             402aa5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402aaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402aaa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402aaa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402aac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402A26 
             402aac      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402ab2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3515,6 +3730,7 @@
             402ab7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402abc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402abc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402abc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402abe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402C50 
             402abe      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402ac4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 24h 
@@ -3525,6 +3741,7 @@
             402ac9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032B0 
             402ace     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402ace      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402ace      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402ad8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 1Fh        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 1 
             402ad8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402ad8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 1Fh        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 1 
@@ -3533,6 +3750,7 @@
             402add      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402ae2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402ae2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402ae2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402ae4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402A26 
             402ae4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402aea     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3543,6 +3761,7 @@
             402aef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402af4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402af4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402af4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402af6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402C50 
             402af6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402afc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 1Fh 
@@ -3553,6 +3772,7 @@
             402b01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032B0 
             402b06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402b06      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402b06      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402b10     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 20h        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 2 
             402b10      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402b10      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 20h        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 2 
@@ -3561,6 +3781,7 @@
             402b15      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402b1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402b1a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402b1a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402b1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402A26 
             402b1c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402b22     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3571,6 +3792,7 @@
             402b27      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402b2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402b2c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402b2c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402b2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402C50 
             402b2e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402b34     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 20h 
@@ -3581,6 +3803,7 @@
             402b39      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032B0 
             402b3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402b3e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402b3e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402b48     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 21h        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 3 
             402b48      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402b48      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 21h        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 3 
@@ -3589,6 +3812,7 @@
             402b4d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402b52     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402b52      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402b52      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402b54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402A26 
             402b54      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402b5a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3599,6 +3823,7 @@
             402b5f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402b64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402b64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402b64      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402b66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402C50 
             402b66      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402b6c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 21h 
@@ -3609,6 +3834,7 @@
             402b71      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032B0 
             402b76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402b76      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402b76      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402b80     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 1Ah        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 4 
             402b80      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402b80      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 1Ah        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 4 
@@ -3617,6 +3843,7 @@
             402b85      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402b8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402b8a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402b8a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402b8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402A26 
             402b8c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402b92     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3627,6 +3854,7 @@
             402b97      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402b9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402b9c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402b9c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402b9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402C50 
             402b9e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402ba4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 1Ah 
@@ -3637,6 +3865,7 @@
             402ba9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032B0 
             402bae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402bae      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402bae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402bb8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 1Bh        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 5 
             402bb8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402bb8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 1Bh        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 5 
@@ -3645,6 +3874,7 @@
             402bbd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402bc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402bc2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402bc2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402bc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402A26 
             402bc4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402bca     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3655,6 +3885,7 @@
             402bcf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402bd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402bd4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402bd4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402bd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402C50 
             402bd6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402bd8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 1Bh 
@@ -3665,6 +3896,7 @@
             402bdd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032B0 
             402be2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402be2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402be2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402bf0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 1Ch        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 6 
             402bf0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402bf0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 1Ch        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 6 
@@ -3673,6 +3905,7 @@
             402bf5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402bfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402bfa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402bfa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402bfc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402A26 
             402bfc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402c02     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3683,6 +3916,7 @@
             402c07      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402c0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402c0c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402c0c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402c0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402C50 
             402c0e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402c10     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 1Ch 
@@ -3693,6 +3927,7 @@
             402c15      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032B0 
             402c1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402c1a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402c1a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402c20     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 15h        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 7 
             402c20      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402c20      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 15h        ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 case 7 
@@ -3701,6 +3936,7 @@
             402c25      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402c2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402c2a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402c2a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402c2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402A26 
             402c2c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402c32     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3711,6 +3947,7 @@
             402c37      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402c3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402c3c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402c3c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402c3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402C50 
             402c3e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402c40     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 15h 
@@ -3721,11 +3958,13 @@
             402c45      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032B0 
             402c4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402c4a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402c4a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_402A21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A33 default case 
             402c50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
             402c50      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402c50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402c55     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402c55      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
+            402c55      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402c59      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402a10 
             402c59      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402c59      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3744,10 +3983,12 @@
             402c69      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402c6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402c6e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402c6e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402c70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402C80 
             402c70      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402c72     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402c72      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402c72      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402c76      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402c76      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402c80     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3758,6 +3999,7 @@
             402c85      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402c8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402c8a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402c8a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402c8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402CA0 
             402c8c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402c8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4042F0 
@@ -3768,6 +4010,7 @@
             402c93      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402c98     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402c98      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402c98      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402c9c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402c9c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402ca0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3775,6 +4018,7 @@
             402ca0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402ca5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402ca5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ca5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402ca9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ca9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402ca9      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3793,10 +4037,12 @@
             402cb9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402cbe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402cbe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402cb0 
+            402cbe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402cc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402CD0 
             402cc0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402cb0 
             402cc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402cc2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402cb0 
+            402cc2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402cc6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402cb0 
             402cc6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402cd0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3807,6 +4053,7 @@
             402cd5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402cda     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402cda      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402cb0 
+            402cda      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402cdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402CF0 
             402cdc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402cb0 
             402cde     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403580 
@@ -3817,6 +4064,7 @@
             402ce3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402ce8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402ce8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402cb0 
+            402ce8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402cec      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402cb0 
             402cec      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402cf0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3824,6 +4072,7 @@
             402cf0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402cf5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402cf5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402cb0 
+            402cf5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402cf9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402cb0 
             402cf9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402cf9      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3842,10 +4091,12 @@
             402d09      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402d0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d0e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d00 
+            402d0e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d10     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402D20 
             402d10      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d00 
             402d12     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402d12      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402d00 
+            402d12      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402d16      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402d00 
             402d16      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402d20     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3856,6 +4107,7 @@
             402d25      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402d2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d2a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d00 
+            402d2a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402D40 
             402d2c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d00 
             402d2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4036E0 
@@ -3866,6 +4118,7 @@
             402d33      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402d38     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402d38      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402d00 
+            402d38      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402d3c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402d00 
             402d3c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402d40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3873,6 +4126,7 @@
             402d40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402d45     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402d45      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402d00 
+            402d45      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402d49      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402d00 
             402d49      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402d49      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3891,10 +4145,12 @@
             402d59      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403150 
             402d5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d5e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402d5e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402D70 
             402d60      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402d62     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402d62      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402d62      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402d66      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402d66      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402d70     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset env ; env 
@@ -3905,6 +4161,7 @@
             402d75      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __setjmp 
             402d7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d7a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402d7a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402D90 
             402d7c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402d7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403760 
@@ -3915,6 +4172,7 @@
             402d83      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403260 
             402d88     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402d88      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402d88      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402d8c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402d8c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402d90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4031D0 
@@ -3922,6 +4180,7 @@
             402d90      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031D0 
             402d95     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402d95      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
+            402d95      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402d99      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402d50 
             402d99      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402d99      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -3955,8 +4214,10 @@
             402dbb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strlen 
             402dc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0Ch 
             402dc0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402dc0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0Ch 
             402dc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402E32 
             402dc3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402dc3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402E32 
             402dc5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     esi, 65h        ; c 
             402dc5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402dc5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, 65h        ; c 
@@ -3967,10 +4228,12 @@
             402dcf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strchr 
             402dd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             402dd4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402dd4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             402dd7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402dd7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             402dda     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402EE0 
             402dda      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402dda      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_402EE0 
             402de0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402de0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax        ; s 
             402de3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _strlen 
@@ -3978,6 +4241,7 @@
             402de3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strlen 
             402de8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4 
             402de8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402de8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ cmp     eax, 4 
             402deb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402deb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset s 
             402df1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset a_8s; "%.8s" 
@@ -3985,6 +4249,7 @@
             402df1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, offset a_8s; "%.8s" 
             402df6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_402ED0 
             402df6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402df6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jg      loc_402ED0 
             402dfc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 20h 
             402dfc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402dfc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 20h 
@@ -4058,6 +4323,7 @@
             402e63      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 2 
             402e68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402e68      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402e68      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402e6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    sil 
             402e6a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402e6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_404CA0 
@@ -4068,6 +4334,7 @@
             402e73      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             402e75     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_608610, 1 
             402e75      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402e75      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_608610, 1 
             402e7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     edi, 3 
             402e7c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402e7c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     edi, 3 
@@ -4081,6 +4348,7 @@
             402e8a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
             402e8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_608610, 2 
             402e8c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402e8c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_608610, 2 
             402e93     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     edi, 4 
             402e93      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402e93      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     edi, 4 
@@ -4109,10 +4377,12 @@
             402ec0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402ec2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             402ec2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402ec2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             402ec6      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402ec6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             402ec6     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 pop     rbx
             402ec7      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402ec7      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ pop     rbp 
             402ec7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
             402ec8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402ec8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -4121,10 +4391,12 @@
             402ed0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, offset a_7s; "%.7s" 
             402ed5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402DFC 
             402ed5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402ed5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_402DFC 
             402ee0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402ee0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     byte ptr cs:qword_6089C8+4, 0 
             402ee7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402E32 
             402ee7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
+            402ee7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_402E32 
             402eec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___stack_chk_fail 
             402eec      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402da0 
             402eec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___stack_chk_fail 
@@ -4197,13 +4469,16 @@
             402f60      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             402f66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 20h 
             402f66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402f60 
+            402f66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ cmp     eax, 20h 
             402f69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402F80 
             402f69      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402f60 
+            402f69      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_402F80 
             402f6b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rdx, eax 
             402f6b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402f60 
             402f6b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ movsxd  rdx, eax 
             402f6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
             402f6e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402f60 
+            402f6e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 1 
             402f71      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402f60 
             402f71      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ds:dword_6087A0[rdx*4], edi 
             402f78      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402f60 
@@ -4232,10 +4507,12 @@
             402fb0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             402fb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402fb6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402fb0 
+            402fb6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402fb8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402FD0 
             402fb8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402fb0 
             402fba     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     eax, 1 
             402fba      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402fb0 
+            402fba      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     eax, 1 
             402fbd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402fb0 
             402fbd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608784, eax 
             402fc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused cdqe 
@@ -4271,13 +4548,16 @@
             403000      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             403006     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             403006      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403000 
+            403006      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    edi, edi 
             403008     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403030 
             403008      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403000 
+            403008      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_403030 
             40300a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_608780 
             40300a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403000 
             40300a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_608780 
             403010     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 20h 
             403010      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403000 
+            403010      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 20h 
             403013     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403058 
             403013      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403000 
             403015     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rdx, eax 
@@ -4285,6 +4565,7 @@
             403015      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ movsxd  rdx, eax 
             403018     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
             403018      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403000 
+            403018      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 1 
             40301b      9 INSTR BELONGTO 403000 
             40301b      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   ds:qword_608680[rdx*8], xmm0 
             403024      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403000 
@@ -4325,17 +4606,21 @@
             403080      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             403087     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             403087      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            403087      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             40308a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4030B0 
             40308a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            40308a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_4030B0 
             40308c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_608780 
             40308c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
             40308c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_608780 
             403092     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403092      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            403092      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403094     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4030D8 
             403094      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
             403096     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     eax, 1 
             403096      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            403096      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     eax, 1 
             403099      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
             403099      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608780, eax 
             40309f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant cdqe 
@@ -4372,6 +4657,7 @@
             4030f6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:s, r8 
             4030fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             4030fd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            4030fd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             403101      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
             403101      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403101     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -4421,6 +4707,7 @@
             403145      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40314a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40314a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40314a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40314e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             40314e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40314e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -4432,6 +4719,7 @@
             403150     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             403152     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             403152      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
+            403152      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             403155      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
             403155      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 CalleeSavedRegs 
             403155      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 8 ReturnAddress 
@@ -4445,16 +4733,20 @@
             40315a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___errno_location 
             40315f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607490, 3 
             40315f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
+            40315f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607490, 3 
             403166      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
             40316c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403188 
             40316c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
+            40316c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_403188 
             40316e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
             40316e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40316e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             403170     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, 3 
             403170      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
+            403170      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, 3 
             403173     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403181 
             403173      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
+            403173      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_403181 
             403175     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
             403175     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     cs:dword_608604, 0 
             40317f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
@@ -4469,12 +4761,14 @@
             403188      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ lea     eax, [rbx-3] 
             40318b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             40318b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
+            40318b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             40318e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_40316E 
             40318e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
             403190      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
             403190      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 ZZ mov     r10d, cs:dword_608820 
             403197     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             403197      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
+            403197      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             40319a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4031B8 
             40319a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
             40319c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
@@ -4486,6 +4780,7 @@
             4031ad     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4031af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403181 
             4031af      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
+            4031af      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_403181 
             4031b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_404D20 
             4031b8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403150 
             4031b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_404D20 
@@ -4505,13 +4800,16 @@
             4031d0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             4031d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 8 
             4031d6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031d0 
+            4031d6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 8 
             4031d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403230 
             4031d9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031d0 
+            4031d9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_403230 
             4031db     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_608600 
             4031db      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4031d0 
             4031db      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_608600 
             4031e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4 
             4031e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031d0 
+            4031e1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 4 
             4031e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4031F8 
             4031e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031d0 
             4031e6     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4031d0 
@@ -4545,6 +4843,7 @@
             40324a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:s, rax 
             403251     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4031E6 
             403251      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031d0 
+            403251      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4031E6 
             403260      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             403260      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403260      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403260 
@@ -4562,6 +4861,7 @@
             403269     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rax] 
             40326b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40326b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403260 
+            40326b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40326d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403278 
             40326d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403260 
             40326f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403260 
@@ -4608,36 +4908,45 @@
             4032be     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     cs:dword_60860C, 0 
             4032c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4032c8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4032c8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4032ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40334A 
             4032ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4032ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_40334A 
             4032cc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, cs:dword_607498 
             4032cc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4032cc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, cs:dword_607498 
             4032d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 19h 
             4032d2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4032d2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edx, 19h 
             4032d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403340 
             4032d5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4032d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebx, 15h 
             4032d7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4032d7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     ebx, 15h 
             4032da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4032da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xor     ebp, ebp 
             4032da     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             4032dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, 0Ch 
             4032dc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4032dc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, 0Ch 
             4032df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_403400 
             4032df      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4032e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 19h 
             4032e5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4032e5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edx, 19h 
             4032e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403468 
             4032e8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4032ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 1Eh 
             4032ee      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4032ee      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edx, 1Eh 
             4032f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403428 
             4032f1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4032f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 14h 
             4032f7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4032f7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     edx, 14h 
             4032fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403329 
             4032fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4032fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_403329 
             4032fc      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4032fc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_608618 
             403303      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
@@ -4658,6 +4967,7 @@
             403333      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_402DA0 
             403338     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             403338      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            403338      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40333c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             40333c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40333d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
@@ -4666,10 +4976,12 @@
             40333e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403340     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 14h 
             403340      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            403340      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edx, 14h 
             403343     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4032D7 
             403343      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403345     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 1Eh 
             403345      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            403345      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edx, 1Eh 
             403348     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4032D7 
             403348      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             40334a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, cs:dword_607494 
@@ -4677,10 +4989,12 @@
             40334a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, cs:dword_607494 
             403350     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             403350      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            403350      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             403352     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40337B 
             403352      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403354     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    cs:dword_608670, eax 
             403354      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            403354      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    cs:dword_608670, eax 
             40335a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403361     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             40336b     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
@@ -4693,15 +5007,19 @@
             403380      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _strlen 
             403385     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0Ah 
             403385      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            403385      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 0Ah 
             403388     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_403338 
             403388      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            403388      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jg      short loc_403338 
             40338a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [rbx-15h] 
             40338a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             40338a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     eax, [rbx-15h] 
             40338d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0Fh        ; switch 16 cases  
             40338d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            40338d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 0Fh        ; switch 16 cases  
             403390     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4033A8; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             403390      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            403390      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ ja      short loc_4033A8; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             403392     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     ds:off_405060[rax*8]; switch jump 
             403392      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403392      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     ds:off_405060[rax*8]; switch jump 
@@ -4729,15 +5047,19 @@
             4033bf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_402DA0 
             4033c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, 24h 
             4033c4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4033c4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     ebx, 24h 
             4033c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4033DD 
             4033c7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4033c7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      short loc_4033DD 
             4033c9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607494 
             4033c9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4033c9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607494 
             4033cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4033cf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4033cf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4033d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4033DD 
             4033d1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4033d1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      short loc_4033DD 
             4033d3     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4033d3     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ mov     cs:dword_607494, 0 
             4033dd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
@@ -4748,6 +5070,7 @@
             4033ed     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ mov     cs:dword_608670, 0 
             4033f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4033f7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4033f7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4033fb      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4033fb      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4033fb     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -4760,6 +5083,7 @@
             403400      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, ds:dword_405520[rbx*4] 
             403407     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4032E5 
             403407      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            403407      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4032E5 
             403410     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             403410      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403410      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
@@ -4768,6 +5092,7 @@
             403418      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_403000 
             40341d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40337B 
             40341d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            40341d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40337B 
             403428     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rbp, ebp 
             403428      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403428      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsxd  rbp, ebp 
@@ -4777,16 +5102,20 @@
             403435     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607490, 2 
             40343f     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, ds:qword_608620[rbp*8] 
             40343f      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            40343f      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm0, ds:qword_608620[rbp*8] 
             403448      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403448      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     cs:dword_607494, 1 
             40344f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             40344f      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            40344f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             403457      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403457      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   ds:qword_608620[rbp*8], xmm0 
             403460     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403329 
             403460      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            403460      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_403329 
             403468     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             403468      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            403468      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             403470     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rbp, ebp 
             403470      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403470      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsxd  rbp, ebp 
@@ -4824,6 +5153,7 @@
             4034bb      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     cs:dword_607494, 1 
             4034c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403329 
             4034c2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4034c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_403329 
             4034d0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 20h        ; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 15 
             4034d0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4034d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, 20h        ; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 15 
@@ -4847,46 +5177,55 @@
             4034eb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_402DA0 
             4034f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4033DD 
             4034f0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4034f0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4033DD 
             4034f8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             4034f8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 37h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 0 
             4034f8      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 37h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 0
             4034fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             4034fc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            4034fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             403508      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403508      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 38h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 1 
             403508      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 38h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 1
             40350c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             40350c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            40350c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             403518      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403518      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 39h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 2 
             403518      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 39h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 2
             40351c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             40351c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            40351c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             403528      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403528      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 34h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 5 
             403528      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 34h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 5
             40352c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             40352c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            40352c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             403538      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403538      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 35h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 6 
             403538      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 35h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 6
             40353c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             40353c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            40353c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             403548      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403548      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 36h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 7 
             403548      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 36h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 7
             40354c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             40354c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            40354c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             403558      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403558      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 32h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 11 
             403558      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 32h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 11
             40355c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             40355c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            40355c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             403568      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
             403568      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 33h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 12 
             403568      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     [rsp+28h+var_28], 33h; jumptable 0000000000403392 case 12
             40356c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             40356c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4032b0 
+            40356c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_4033A8      ; jumptable 0000000000403392 default case 
             403580      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 1 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             403580      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403580    145 FUNC GLOBAL sub_403580 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             403610 
@@ -4900,6 +5239,7 @@
             40358b     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_60860C, 0 
             403595     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             403595      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
+            403595      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             403598     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4035AD 
             403598      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
             40359a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:dword_608820 
@@ -4907,6 +5247,7 @@
             40359a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_608820 
             4035a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             4035a0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
+            4035a0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             4035a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4035F8 
             4035a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
             4035a4      9 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
@@ -4916,8 +5257,10 @@
             4035ad      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX XMM0 ZZ mov     ecx, cs:dword_608674 
             4035b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             4035b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
+            4035b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4035b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4035DA 
             4035b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
+            4035b5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_4035DA 
             4035b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _localeconv 
             4035b7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
             4035b7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    _localeconv 
@@ -4943,6 +5286,7 @@
             4035e4     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ mov     cs:dword_607490, 1 
             4035ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4035ee      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
+            4035ee      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4035f2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
             4035f2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4035f2      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -4951,6 +5295,7 @@
             4035f8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, cs:dword_608670 
             4035fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             4035fe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
+            4035fe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
             403600     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4035A4 
             403600      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
             403602     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
@@ -4961,6 +5306,7 @@
             40360a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_403000 
             40360f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4035A4 
             40360f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403580 
+            40360f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_4035A4 
             403620      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 1 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             403620      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403620    179 FUNC GLOBAL sub_403620 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4036d2 
@@ -4975,6 +5321,7 @@
             403627     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_60860C, 0 
             403631     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403631      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
+            403631      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403633     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40364E 
             403633      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
             403635     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     ebx, cs:dword_608820 
@@ -4982,8 +5329,10 @@
             403635      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, cs:dword_608820 
             40363b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             40363b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
+            40363b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             40363d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4036A0 
             40363d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
+            40363d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_4036A0 
             40363f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, (offset aButton10+7); "0" 
             40363f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
             40363f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R9 XMM0 ZZ mov     ebx, (offset aButton10+7); "0" 
@@ -4996,8 +5345,10 @@
             40364e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 XMM0 ZZ mov     r9d, cs:dword_608678 
             403655     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             403655      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
+            403655      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             403658     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403686 
             403658      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
+            403658      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_403686 
             40365a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 20h 
             40365a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
             40365a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ mov     edx, 20h 
@@ -5038,6 +5389,7 @@
             4036a7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, (offset aButton11+7); "1" 
             4036ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             4036ac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
+            4036ac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             4036af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403644 
             4036af      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
             4036b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
@@ -5050,10 +5402,13 @@
             4036be      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R9 R10 XMM0 ZZ mov     r10d, cs:dword_608820 
             4036c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             4036c5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
+            4036c5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R9 XMM0 ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             4036c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403644 
             4036c8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
+            4036c8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX R9 XMM0 ZZ jnz     loc_403644 
             4036ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40363F 
             4036ce      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403620 
+            4036ce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R9 XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_40363F 
             4036e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4036e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4036e0    123 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4036E0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40375a 
@@ -5065,6 +5420,7 @@
             4036e6     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_60860C, 0 
             4036f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4036f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036e0 
+            4036f0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4036f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40371C 
             4036f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036e0 
             4036f4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, cs:dword_608820 
@@ -5072,6 +5428,7 @@
             4036f4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     edx, cs:dword_608820 
             4036fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             4036fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036e0 
+            4036fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edx, edx 
             4036fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40371C 
             4036fc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4036e0 
             4036fe     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4036e0 
@@ -5082,6 +5439,7 @@
             403712     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608614, 0 
             40371c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
             40371c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4036e0 
+            40371c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 1 
             40371f     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4036e0 
             40371f     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608674, 0 
             403729     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4036e0 
@@ -5120,10 +5478,12 @@
             403779     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608670, 0 
             403783     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             403783      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            403783      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
             403785     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403850 
             403785      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             40378b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607490, 1 
             40378b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            40378b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607490, 1 
             403792     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403830 
             403792      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             403798     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, cs:dword_607494 
@@ -5131,6 +5491,7 @@
             403798      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, cs:dword_607494 
             40379e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             40379e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            40379e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4037a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4038A0 
             4037a0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             4037a6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
@@ -5140,6 +5501,7 @@
             4037ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strlen 
             4037b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4037b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            4037b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4037b2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_403810 
             4037b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             4037b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _localeconv 
@@ -5162,6 +5524,7 @@
             4037cc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strlen 
             4037d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12, rax 
             4037d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            4037d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     r12, rax 
             4037d4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbx, rax 
             4037d4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             4037d4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
@@ -5174,6 +5537,7 @@
             4037dc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rbp        ; s2 
             4037df     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sub     rdi, r12 
             4037df      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            4037df      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rdi, r12 
             4037e2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             4037e2      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rdi, 6089C0h    ; s1 
             4037e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _strcmp 
@@ -5181,6 +5545,7 @@
             4037e9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             4037ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4037ee      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            4037ee      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4037f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403809 
             4037f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             4037f2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
@@ -5197,6 +5562,7 @@
             403809      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ds:byte_6089BF[rbx], 0 
             403810     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr cs:s, 0 
             403810      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            403810      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr cs:s, 0 
             403817     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403880 
             403817      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             403819      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
@@ -5210,6 +5576,7 @@
             403822      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             403827     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             403827      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            403827      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40382b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_402DA0 
             40382b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             40382b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     sub_402DA0 
@@ -5224,6 +5591,7 @@
             403839      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40383e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40383e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            40383e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403842     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_4036E0 
             403842      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             403842      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     sub_4036E0 
@@ -5237,6 +5605,7 @@
             40386b     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ mov     cs:dword_60860C, 0 
             403875     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403819 
             403875      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            403875      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     short loc_403819 
             403880     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 20h 
             403880      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             403880      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 20h 
@@ -5253,6 +5622,7 @@
             403894      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     cs:dword_607494, 1 
             40389b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403819 
             40389b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            40389b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_403819 
             4038a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             4038a0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             4038a0      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+18h+var_18]
@@ -5264,6 +5634,7 @@
             4038a9      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             4038ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4038ae      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
+            4038ae      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4038b2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403760 
             4038b2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4038b2     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -5289,6 +5660,7 @@
             4038de      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_608678 
             4038e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4038e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            4038e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4038e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403920 
             4038e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
             4038e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
@@ -5296,6 +5668,7 @@
             4038e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM cdqe 
             4038ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr ds:s[rax], 2Dh 
             4038ea      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            4038ea      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ cmp     byte ptr ds:s[rax], 2Dh 
             4038f1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnz   dl 
             4038f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
             4038f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 ZZ setnz   dl 
@@ -5316,8 +5689,10 @@
             403908      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ xor     rax, fs:28h 
             403911     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4039B6 
             403911      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            403911      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jnz     loc_4039B6 
             403917     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             403917      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            403917      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             40391b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
             40391b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40391b     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -5326,12 +5701,15 @@
             403920      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr cs:s 
             403927     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 30h 
             403927      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            403927      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 30h 
             403929     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403978 
             403929      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
             40392b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr cs:s+1, 0 
             40392b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            40392b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     byte ptr cs:s+1, 0 
             403932     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403903 
             403932      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            403932      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      short loc_403903 
             403934     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 20h 
             403934      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
             403934      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     edx, 20h 
@@ -5366,6 +5744,7 @@
             403960      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___strcpy_chk 
             403965     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607490, 2 
             403965      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            403965      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607490, 2 
             40396c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403998 
             40396c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
             40396e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402DA0 
@@ -5373,10 +5752,13 @@
             40396e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    sub_402DA0 
             403973     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403903 
             403973      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            403973      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_403903 
             403978     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             403978      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            403978      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             40397a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403934 
             40397a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            40397a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_403934 
             40397c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 20h 
             40397c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
             40397c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 20h 
@@ -5391,16 +5773,21 @@
             40398b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___strcpy_chk 
             403990     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403965 
             403990      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            403990      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_403965 
             403998     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             403998      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            403998      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             4039a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_4055C0 
             4039a0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            4039a0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_4055C0 
             4039a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm1 
             4039a8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            4039a8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm1 
             4039ac      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
             4039ac      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             4039b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40396E 
             4039b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
+            4039b4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_40396E 
             4039b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___stack_chk_fail 
             4039b6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4038c0 
             4039b6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ call    ___stack_chk_fail 
@@ -5425,23 +5812,30 @@
             4039c8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R9 XMM2 ZZ mov     r9d, cs:dword_60860C 
             4039cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             4039cf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            4039cf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             4039d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403AD0 
             4039d2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            4039d2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jnz     loc_403AD0 
             4039d8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607490 
             4039d8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             4039d8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607490 
             4039de     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4039de      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            4039de      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4039e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403A00 
             4039e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            4039e0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jnz     short loc_403A00 
             4039e2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             4039e2      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     r8d, cs:dword_608784 
             4039e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             4039e9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            4039e9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             4039ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403AE8 
             4039ec      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            4039ec      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jnz     loc_403AE8 
             4039f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4039f2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            4039f2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4039f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             4039f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     edi, ebx 
             4039f6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, ebx 
@@ -5454,8 +5848,10 @@
             4039fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     sub_402F60 
             403a00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403a00      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a00      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403a03     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403B40 
             403a03      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a03      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jz      loc_403B40 
             403a09     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:dword_608784 
             403a09      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403a09      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_608784 
@@ -5471,13 +5867,16 @@
             403a37     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:dword_607490, 0 
             403a41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             403a41      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a41      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    edi, edi 
             403a43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403AB0 
             403a43      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a43      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_403AB0 
             403a45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402FB0 
             403a45      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403a45      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    sub_402FB0 
             403a4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 11h 
             403a4a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a4a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cmp     eax, 11h 
             403a4d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403a4d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ mov     ebp, eax 
             403a4d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebp, eax 
@@ -5485,6 +5884,7 @@
             403a4f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:dword_60749C, eax 
             403a55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403AA0 
             403a55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_403AA0 
             403a57     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused lea     eax, [rbx-0Eh] 
             403a57      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403a57      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX XMM2 ZZ lea     eax, [rbx-0Eh] 
@@ -5493,8 +5893,10 @@
             403a5a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             403a5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 14h 
             403a5c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a5c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX XMM2 ZZ cmp     eax, 14h 
             403a5f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_403B00 
             403a5f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a5f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX XMM2 ZZ jbe     loc_403B00 
             403a65     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     ecx, [rbp-0Eh] 
             403a65      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403a65      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX XMM2 ZZ lea     ecx, [rbp-0Eh] 
@@ -5503,21 +5905,28 @@
             403a68     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             403a6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 14h 
             403a6a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a6a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cmp     ecx, 14h 
             403a6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_403B15 
             403a6d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a6d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jbe     loc_403B15 
             403a73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, eax 
             403a73      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a73      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cmp     edx, eax 
             403a75     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_403B24 
             403a75      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a75      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jg      loc_403B24 
             403a7b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebp, 0Eh 
             403a7b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a7b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ sub     ebp, 0Eh 
             403a7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403080 
             403a7e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403a7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    sub_403080 
             403a83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 14h        ; switch 21 cases  
             403a83      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a83      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cmp     ebp, 14h        ; switch 21 cases  
             403a86     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm2, xmm0 
             403a86      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403a86      4 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm0 
             403a8a      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403a92     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_403B60      ; jumptable 0000000000403A98 default case 
             403a92      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
@@ -5542,6 +5951,7 @@
             403ab7      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             403abf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             403abf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403abf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403ac3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403ac3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ pop     rbx 
             403ac4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
@@ -5556,11 +5966,13 @@
             403ada      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    sub_402DA0 
             403adf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4039D8 
             403adf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403adf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_4039D8 
             403ae8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402FB0 
             403ae8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403ae8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    sub_402FB0 
             403aed     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             403aed      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403aed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403af1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403af1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     edi, ebx 
             403af1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, ebx 
@@ -5582,15 +5994,19 @@
             403b0a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             403b0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 14h 
             403b0c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403b0c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cmp     ecx, 14h 
             403b0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_403A73 
             403b0f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403b0f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ ja      loc_403A73 
             403b15     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ds:dword_405560[rcx*4] 
             403b15      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403b15      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, ds:dword_405560[rcx*4] 
             403b1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, eax 
             403b1c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403b1c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cmp     edx, eax 
             403b1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_403A7B 
             403b1e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403b1e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jle     loc_403A7B 
             403b24     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             403b24      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403b24      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
@@ -5605,13 +6021,16 @@
             403b33      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    sub_402F60 
             403b38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4039F2 
             403b38      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403b38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_4039F2 
             403b40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403110 
             403b40      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403b40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    sub_403110 
             403b45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403A09 
             403b45      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403b45      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_403A09 
             403b50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403A98 case 20 
             403b50      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403b50      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ addsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403A98 case 20 
             403b58      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403b58      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403b60     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm2      ; jumptable 0000000000403A98 default case 
@@ -5662,6 +6081,7 @@
             403ba8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:qword_608618, rax 
             403baf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             403baf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403baf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403bb3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403bb3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ pop     rbx 
             403bb3     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -5671,22 +6091,28 @@
             403bb5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403bc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403A98 case 15 
             403bc0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403bc0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ subsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403A98 case 15 
             403bc8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403bc8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403bd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403B60; jumptable 0000000000403A98 default case 
             403bd0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403bd0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     short loc_403B60; jumptable 0000000000403A98 default case 
             403bd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403A98 case 10 
             403bd8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403bd8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mulsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403A98 case 10 
             403be0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403be0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403be8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403B60      ; jumptable 0000000000403A98 default case 
             403be8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403be8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_403B60      ; jumptable 0000000000403A98 default case 
             403bf0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403A98 case 5 
             403bf0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403bf0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ divsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403A98 case 5 
             403bf8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403bf8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403c00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403B60      ; jumptable 0000000000403A98 default case 
             403c00      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403c00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_403B60      ; jumptable 0000000000403A98 default case 
             403c08     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403A98 case 0 
             403c08      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
             403c08      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403A98 case 0 
@@ -5700,6 +6126,7 @@
             403c19      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm0 
             403c21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403B60      ; jumptable 0000000000403A98 default case 
             403c21      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4039c0 
+            403c21      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_403B60      ; jumptable 0000000000403A98 default case 
             403c30      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             403c30      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403c30      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
@@ -5718,28 +6145,37 @@
             403c37      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R10 XMM2 ZZ mov     r10d, cs:dword_60860C 
             403c3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             403c3e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403c3e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             403c41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403CF0 
             403c41      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403c41      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jnz     loc_403CF0 
             403c47     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607490 
             403c47      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403c47      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607490 
             403c4d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403c4d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403c4d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403c4f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403CDB 
             403c4f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403c4f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jz      loc_403CDB 
             403c55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403c55      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403c55      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403c58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403DB0 
             403c58      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403c58      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jz      loc_403DB0 
             403c5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebx, 0Eh 
             403c5e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403c5e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ sub     ebx, 0Eh 
             403c61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403080 
             403c61      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403c61      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    sub_403080 
             403c66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, 1Bh        ; switch 28 cases  
             403c66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403c66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ cmp     ebx, 1Bh        ; switch 28 cases  
             403c69     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm2, xmm0 
             403c69      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403c69      4 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm0 
             403c6d      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403c75     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_403CE8 
             403c75      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
@@ -5783,6 +6219,7 @@
             403cd4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:qword_608618, rax 
             403cdb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 10h 
             403cdb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403cdb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 10h 
             403cdf     16 DEALLOC STACK esp - 16 pop     rbx
             403cdf      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403cdf      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -5798,6 +6235,7 @@
             403cfa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    sub_402DA0 
             403cff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403C47 
             403cff      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403cff      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_403C47 
             403d08     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 27 
             403d08      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403d08      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 27 
@@ -5812,30 +6250,39 @@
             403d1a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             403d1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403d1f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403d1f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403d28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 20 
             403d28      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403d28      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ addsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 20 
             403d30      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403d30      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403d38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403d38      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403d38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403d40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 15 
             403d40      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403d40      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ subsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 15 
             403d48      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403d48      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403d50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403d50      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403d50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403d58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 10 
             403d58      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403d58      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ mulsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 10 
             403d60      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403d60      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403d68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403d68      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403d68      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403d70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 5 
             403d70      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403d70      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ divsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 5 
             403d78      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403d78      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403d80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403d80      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403d80      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403d88     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 0 
             403d88      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403d88      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 case 0 
@@ -5849,11 +6296,13 @@
             403d99      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm0 
             403da1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403da1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403da1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     loc_403C77      ; jumptable 0000000000403CE8 default case 
             403db0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403110 
             403db0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
             403db0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    sub_403110 
             403db5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403C5E 
             403db5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c30 
+            403db5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_403C5E 
             403dc0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 1 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             403dc0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403dc0    127 FUNC GLOBAL sub_403DC0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             403e3e 
@@ -5869,10 +6318,12 @@
             403dca     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_60860C, 0 
             403dd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403dd4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403dc0 
+            403dd4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403dd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403E30 
             403dd6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403dc0 
             403dd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403dd8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403dc0 
+            403dd8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403ddb     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403dc0 
             403de5     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403dc0 
             403def     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403dc0 
@@ -5893,6 +6344,7 @@
             403e26     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ mov     cs:dword_608670, 0 
             403e30     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403e30      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403dc0 
+            403e30      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403e34      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403dc0 
             403e34      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403e34      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -5901,6 +6353,7 @@
             403e38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403110 
             403e3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403E05 
             403e3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403dc0 
+            403e3d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_403E05 
             403e40      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             403e40      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403e40     24 DATAREF STACK 542 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
@@ -5915,10 +6368,12 @@
             403e4a     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_60860C, 0 
             403e54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403e54      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403e54      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403e56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403FE8 
             403e56      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403e5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403e5c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403e5c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403e5f     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403e69     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403e73     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
@@ -5927,6 +6382,7 @@
             403e87      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403e8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             403e8d      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403e8d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             403e95     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403e95     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607490, 2 
             403e9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403000 
@@ -5937,10 +6393,12 @@
             403ea4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_608784 
             403eaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403eaa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403eaa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403eac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403F1D 
             403eac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403eae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             403eae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403eae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             403eb0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403080 
             403eb0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403eb0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403080 
@@ -5964,20 +6422,25 @@
             403eda      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ sub     eax, 0Eh 
             403edd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 14h        ; switch 21 cases  
             403edd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403edd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     eax, 14h        ; switch 21 cases  
             403ee0     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm2, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             403ee0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403ee0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             403ee0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+18h+var_18]
             403ee5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_403F00; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403ee5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403ee5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ ja      short loc_403F00; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403ee7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     ds:off_405268[rax*8]; switch jump 
             403ee7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403ee7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     ds:off_405268[rax*8]; switch jump 
             403ef0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 20 
             403ef0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403ef0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ addsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 20 
             403ef8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403ef8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403f00     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm0, xmm2      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403f00      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403f00      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm2      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403f04      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403f04      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm2 
             403f0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403000 
@@ -5987,6 +6450,7 @@
             403f11      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R11 ZZ mov     r11d, cs:dword_608784 
             403f18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             403f18      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403f18      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             403f1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403EB0 
             403f1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403f1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
@@ -6012,27 +6476,34 @@
             403f3e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    ___sprintf_chk 
             403f43     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             403f43      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403f43      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403f47     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_402DA0 
             403f47      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403f47      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     sub_402DA0 
             403f50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 15 
             403f50      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403f50      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ subsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 15 
             403f58      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403f58      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403f60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403F00; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403f60      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403f60      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_403F00; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403f68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 10 
             403f68      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403f68      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ mulsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 10 
             403f70      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403f70      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403f78     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403F00; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403f78      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403f78      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     short loc_403F00; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403f80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 5 
             403f80      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403f80      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ divsd   xmm2, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 5 
             403f88      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403f88      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm2 
             403f90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403F00      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403f90      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403f90      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_403F00      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403f98     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm2      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 3 
             403f98      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403f98      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm2      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 3 
@@ -6046,11 +6517,14 @@
             403fa8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    sub_403000 
             403fad     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm2, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             403fad      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403fad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+18h+var_18] 
             403fad      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+18h+var_18]
             403fb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403F00      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403fb2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403fb2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_403F00      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403fc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm0, xmm2      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 0 
             403fc0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403fc0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm2      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 case 0 
             403fc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; y 
             403fc4      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403fc4      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; y 
@@ -6059,12 +6533,15 @@
             403fcc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    _pow 
             403fd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm2, xmm0 
             403fd1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403fd1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm0 
             403fd5      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403fd5      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm0 
             403fdd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403F00      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403fdd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403fdd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     loc_403F00      ; jumptable 0000000000403EE7 default case 
             403fe8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             403fe8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403fe8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403fec      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
             403fec      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403fec     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -6073,6 +6550,7 @@
             403ff0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403110 
             403ff5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403E8D 
             403ff5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403e40 
+            403ff5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_403E8D 
             404000      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 1 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             404000      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             404000     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeFrameAlloc sub     rsp, 8 
@@ -6093,6 +6571,7 @@
             404018      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     cs:dword_608614, 1 
             40401f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40401f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404000 
+            40401f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404023     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_402DA0 
             404023      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404000 
             404023      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     sub_402DA0 
@@ -6109,10 +6588,12 @@
             404034      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607490 
             40403a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40403a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
+            40403a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40403c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404120 
             40403c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
             404042     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             404042      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
+            404042      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             404045     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404128 
             404045      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
             40404b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     edx, cs:dword_60860C 
@@ -6126,8 +6607,10 @@
             404065      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_608618 
             40406c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40406c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
+            40406c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40406e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4040E8 
             40406e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
+            40406e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4040E8 
             404070      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
             404070      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, cs:qword_608680 
             404077      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
@@ -6169,6 +6652,7 @@
             4040d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ call    ___sprintf_chk 
             4040d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4040d8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
+            4040d8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4040dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_402DA0 
             4040dc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
             4040dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     sub_402DA0 
@@ -6188,8 +6672,10 @@
             404112      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:qword_608688, rdx 
             404119     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4040A1 
             404119      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
+            404119      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4040A1 
             404120     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404120      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
+            404120      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404124      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
             404124      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404124      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -6199,6 +6685,7 @@
             40412d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
             404130     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40404B 
             404130      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404030 
+            404130      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40404B 
             404140      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             404140      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             404140     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607490 
@@ -6213,6 +6700,7 @@
             404147     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_60860C, 0 
             404151     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404151      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            404151      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404153     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4041F0 
             404153      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             404159     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:dword_608614 
@@ -6220,18 +6708,21 @@
             404159      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_608614 
             40415f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40415f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            40415f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             404161     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4041F0 
             404161      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             404167      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             404167      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     cs:dword_607494, 1 
             40416e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             40416e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            40416e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             404171     10 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             40417b     10 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             404185     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4042D8 
             404185      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             40418b     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             40418b      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            40418b      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             404193     10 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             404193     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607490, 2 
             40419d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403000 
@@ -6242,6 +6733,7 @@
             4041a2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     esi, cs:dword_608784 
             4041a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             4041a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            4041a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
             4041aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404227 
             4041aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             4041ac      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
@@ -6250,6 +6742,7 @@
             4041b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402FB0 
             4041b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 11h 
             4041b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            4041b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     eax, 11h 
             4041b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             4041b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     ebx, eax 
             4041b8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, eax 
@@ -6258,6 +6751,7 @@
             4041c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             4041c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebx, 0Eh 
             4041c2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            4041c2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     ebx, 0Eh 
             4041c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403080 
             4041c5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             4041c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403080 
@@ -6268,6 +6762,7 @@
             4041d2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403080 
             4041d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, 14h        ; switch 21 cases  
             4041d7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            4041d7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, 14h        ; switch 21 cases  
             4041da      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             4041e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_404210; jumptable 00000000004041E4 default case 
             4041e2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
@@ -6280,6 +6775,7 @@
             4041f1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4041f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 00000000004041E4 case 20 
             4041f8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            4041f8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 00000000004041E4 case 20 
             404200      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             404200      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm0 
             404208      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
@@ -6293,6 +6789,7 @@
             40421d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, cs:dword_608784 
             404223     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             404223      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            404223      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             404225     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4041B0 
             404225      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             404227     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403080 
@@ -6330,22 +6827,28 @@
             404264      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 ZZ jmp     sub_402DA0 
             404270     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 00000000004041E4 case 15 
             404270      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            404270      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 00000000004041E4 case 15 
             404278      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             404278      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm0 
             404280     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404210; jumptable 00000000004041E4 default case 
             404280      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            404280      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_404210; jumptable 00000000004041E4 default case 
             404288     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 00000000004041E4 case 10 
             404288      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            404288      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 00000000004041E4 case 10 
             404290      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             404290      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm0 
             404298     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404210      ; jumptable 00000000004041E4 default case 
             404298      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            404298      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_404210      ; jumptable 00000000004041E4 default case 
             4042a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 00000000004041E4 case 5 
             4042a0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            4042a0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 00000000004041E4 case 5 
             4042a8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             4042a8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm0 
             4042b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404210      ; jumptable 00000000004041E4 default case 
             4042b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            4042b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_404210      ; jumptable 00000000004041E4 default case 
             4042b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 00000000004041E4 case 0 
             4042b8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             4042b8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 00000000004041E4 case 0 
@@ -6356,11 +6859,13 @@
             4042c5      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608788, xmm0 
             4042cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404210      ; jumptable 00000000004041E4 default case 
             4042cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            4042cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_404210      ; jumptable 00000000004041E4 default case 
             4042d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403110 
             4042d8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
             4042d8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403110 
             4042dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40418B 
             4042dd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404140 
+            4042dd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40418B 
             4042f0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 1 9 0 1 10 0 1 11 0 1 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4042f0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4042f0    461 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4042F0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4044bc 
@@ -6373,10 +6878,12 @@
             4042f4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_60860C 
             4042fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4042fa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            4042fa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4042fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40438F 
             4042fc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
             404302     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607490, 1 
             404302      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404302      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607490, 1 
             404309     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404488 
             404309      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
             40430f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, cs:dword_608610 
@@ -6384,22 +6891,31 @@
             40430f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_608610 
             404315     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             404315      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404315      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             404318     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404460 
             404318      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404318      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_404460 
             40431e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             40431e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            40431e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             404321     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404498 
             404321      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404321      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_404498 
             404327     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404327      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404327      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404329     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40434B 
             404329      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404329      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40434B 
             40432b     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055D0 
             40432b      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            40432b      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055D0 
             404333     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             404333      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404333      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             40433b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055D8 
             40433b      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            40433b      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055D8 
             404343      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
             404343      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             40434b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
@@ -6463,18 +6979,24 @@
             4043b5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ sub     ecx, edx 
             4043b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 1 
             4043b7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            4043b7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     ecx, 1 
             4043ba      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
             4043ba      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ mov     cs:dword_608610, ecx 
             4043c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404430 
             4043c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            4043c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      short loc_404430 
             4043c2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 2 
             4043c2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            4043c2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ cmp     ecx, 2 
             4043c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404400 
             4043c5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            4043c5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jz      short loc_404400 
             4043c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             4043c7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            4043c7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4043c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4043ED 
             4043c9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            4043c9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 ZZ jnz     short loc_4043ED 
             4043cb     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
             4043cb     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 ZZ mov     rax, 3F91DF46A2529D34h 
             4043cb     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rax, 3F91DF46A2529D34h 
@@ -6487,6 +7009,7 @@
             4043e6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ mov     cs:qword_6074A8, rax 
             4043ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4043ed      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            4043ed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4043f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_402DA0 
             4043f1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
             4043f1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     sub_402DA0 
@@ -6502,6 +7025,7 @@
             40441b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ mov     cs:qword_6074A8, r9 
             404422     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404422      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404422      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404426     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_402DA0 
             404426      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
             404426      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     sub_402DA0 
@@ -6517,35 +7041,45 @@
             40444b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ mov     cs:qword_6074A8, r11 
             404452     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404452      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404452      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404456     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_402DA0 
             404456      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
             404456      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ jmp     sub_402DA0 
             404456      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 jmp     sub_402DA0
             404460     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055E0 
             404460      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404460      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055E0 
             404468     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             404468      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404468      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             404470     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055D0 
             404470      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404470      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055D0 
             404478      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
             404478      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             404480     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40434B 
             404480      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404480      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40434B 
             404488     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403110 
             404488      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
             404488      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403110 
             40448d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40430F 
             40448d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            40448d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40430F 
             404498     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055E8 
             404498      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            404498      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055E8 
             4044a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             4044a0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            4044a0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             4044a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055F0 
             4044a8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            4044a8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055F0 
             4044b0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
             4044b0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             4044b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40434B 
             4044b8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4042f0 
+            4044b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40434B 
             4044c0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4044c0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4044c0     11 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4044C0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4044ca 
@@ -6565,6 +7099,7 @@
             4044d0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 8 ReturnAddress 
             4044d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607490, 1 
             4044d4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
+            4044d4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607490, 1 
             4044db      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
             4044e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404508 
             4044e1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
@@ -6576,6 +7111,7 @@
             4044f4     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608670, 0 
             4044fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4044fe      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
+            4044fe      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404502      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
             404502      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404502      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -6584,6 +7120,7 @@
             404508      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403110 
             40450d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4044E3 
             40450d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4044d0 
+            40450d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4044E3 
             404510      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 -8 4 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 1 8 0 1 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             404510      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             404510   1316 FUNC GLOBAL sub_404510 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             404a33 
@@ -6600,14 +7137,17 @@
             404513      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             404517     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607490, 1 
             404517      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404517      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607490, 1 
             40451e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404940 
             40451e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404524     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, 2Bh        ; switch 44 cases  
             404524      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404524      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     ebx, 2Bh        ; switch 44 cases  
             404527     10 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404527     10 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607490, 2 
             404531     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_404580; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404531      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404531      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ ja      short loc_404580; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404533      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404533      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, ebx 
             404533     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, ebx 
@@ -6621,6 +7161,7 @@
             404547     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             404549     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             404549      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404549      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             40454c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             40454c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             40454c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ setz    al 
@@ -6628,13 +7169,16 @@
             40454f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:dword_60860C, eax 
             404555     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404555      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404555      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404557     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404950 
             404557      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404557      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jz      loc_404950 
             40455d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; y 
             40455d      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             40455d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; y 
             404565     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_405600; x 
             404565      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404565      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_405600; x 
             40456d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _pow 
             40456d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             40456d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _pow 
@@ -6674,6 +7218,7 @@
             4045cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    ___sprintf_chk 
             4045d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             4045d4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4045d4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             4045d8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4045d8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4045d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_402DA0 
@@ -6681,21 +7226,27 @@
             4045d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     sub_402DA0 
             4045e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055F8; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 0 
             4045e0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4045e0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4055F8; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 0 
             4045e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             4045e8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4045e8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ divsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             4045f0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4045f0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             4045f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404580; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             4045f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4045f8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     short loc_404580; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404600     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 13 
             404600      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404600      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 13 
             404606     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404606      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404606      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404608     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             404608      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404608      8 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             404610     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404970 
             404610      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404610      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jz      loc_404970 
             404616     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _exp 
             404616      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404616      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _exp 
@@ -6703,6 +7254,7 @@
             40461b      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             404623     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404623      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404623      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404630     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, cs:dword_608820; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 15 
             404630      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404630      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     ecx, cs:dword_608820; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 15 
@@ -6711,12 +7263,16 @@
             404636      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, 2 
             40463b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             40463b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40463b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             40463d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40465B 
             40463d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40463d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_40465B 
             40463f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607498, 28h 
             40463f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40463f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607498, 28h 
             404646     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40465B 
             404646      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404646      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_40465B 
             404648     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             404648      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404648      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
@@ -6733,10 +7289,13 @@
             404665      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:qword_608618, rdx 
             40466c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             40466c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40466c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             40466f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             40466f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40466f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jnz     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404675     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             404675      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404675      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             404679      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404679      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ pop     rbx 
             404679     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 pop     rbx
@@ -6748,12 +7307,16 @@
             404680      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 7 
             404686     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             404686      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404686      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             40468e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             40468e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40468e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    edi, edi 
             404690     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4049D0 
             404690      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404690      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jnz     loc_4049D0 
             404696     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A0; x 
             404696      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404696      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A0; x 
             40469e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _cos 
             40469e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             40469e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _cos 
@@ -6761,24 +7324,30 @@
             4046a3      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             4046ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             4046ab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4046ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             4046b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 8 
             4046b0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4046b0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     esi, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 8 
             4046b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             4046b6      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4046b6      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             4046be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             4046be      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4046be      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    esi, esi 
             4046c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404988 
             4046c0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4046c0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jz      loc_404988 
             4046c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _atan 
             4046c6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4046c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _atan 
             4046cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A8 
             4046cb      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4046cb      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A8 
             4046d3      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4046d3      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             4046db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             4046db      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4046db      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             4046e0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:dword_608820; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 10 
             4046e0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4046e0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_608820; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 10 
@@ -6787,12 +7356,16 @@
             4046e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, 2 
             4046eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             4046eb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4046eb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    edi, edi 
             4046ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40470B 
             4046ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4046ed      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_40470B 
             4046ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607498, 28h 
             4046ef      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4046ef      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607498, 28h 
             4046f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40470B 
             4046f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4046f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_40470B 
             4046f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             4046f8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4046f8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
@@ -6809,36 +7382,47 @@
             404715      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:qword_608618, rsi 
             40471c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40466C 
             40471c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40471c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_40466C 
             404728     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 12 
             404728      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404728      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 12 
             40472e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404555 
             40472e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40472e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404555 
             404738     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 2 
             404738      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404738      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 2 
             40473e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40473e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40473e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404740     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404A10 
             404740      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404740      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jz      loc_404A10 
             404746     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             404746      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404746      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             40474e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40474e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40474e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm0 
             404752      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404752      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             40475a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             40475a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40475a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404760      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404760      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     r8d, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 6 
             404767     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             404767      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404767      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             40476f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             40476f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40476f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             404772     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4049F0 
             404772      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404772      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jnz     loc_4049F0 
             404778     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A0; x 
             404778      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404778      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A0; x 
             404780     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _sin 
             404780      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404780      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _sin 
@@ -6846,6 +7430,7 @@
             404785      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             40478d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             40478d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40478d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404798      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404798      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R11 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     r11d, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 1 
             40479f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
@@ -6853,6 +7438,7 @@
             40479f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4047a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             4047a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4047a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             4047a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             4047a4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4047a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ setz    al 
@@ -6860,6 +7446,7 @@
             4047a7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:dword_60860C, eax 
             4047ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40473E 
             4047ad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4047ad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     short loc_40473E 
             4047b0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, cs:dword_608820; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 25 
             4047b0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4047b0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX XMM2 ZZ mov     ecx, cs:dword_608820; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 25 
@@ -6868,17 +7455,22 @@
             4047b6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, 2 
             4047bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             4047bb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4047bb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM2 ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4047bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4047E0 
             4047bd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4047bd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_4047E0 
             4047bf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, cs:dword_608670 
             4047bf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4047bf      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM2 ZZ mov     edx, cs:dword_608670 
             4047c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             4047c5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4047c5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    edx, edx 
             4047c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4047E0 
             4047c7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4047c7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ jz      short loc_4047E0 
             4047c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             4047c9      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4047c9      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             4047d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403000 
             4047d1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4047d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ call    sub_403000 
@@ -6888,13 +7480,16 @@
             4047dc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4047e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             4047e0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4047e0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM2 ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             4047e4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 0 
             4047e4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4047e4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM2 ZZ mov     edx, 0 
             4047e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608620 
             4047e9      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4047e9      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608620 
             4047f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             4047f1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4047f1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             4047f5      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4047f5      8 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             4047fd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnp   cl 
@@ -6913,12 +7508,16 @@
             404809      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:dword_608608, edx 
             40480f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40466C 
             40480f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40480f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_40466C 
             404818     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608620; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 30 
             404818      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404818      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608620; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 30 
             404820     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             404820      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404820      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ addsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             404828     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             404828      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404828      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40482c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 0 
             40482c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             40482c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, 0 
@@ -6926,6 +7525,7 @@
             404831      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608620, xmm0 
             404839     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             404839      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404839      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm1 
             40483d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnp   dl 
             40483d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             40483d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ setnp   dl 
@@ -6942,14 +7542,17 @@
             404849      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:dword_608608, eax 
             40484f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             40484f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40484f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404858      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404858      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_608620; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 35 
             40485f     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             40485f      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40485f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             404867      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404867      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:qword_608618, rax 
             40486e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404828 
             40486e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40486e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ jmp     short loc_404828 
             404870      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404870      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R9 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     r9d, cs:dword_60860C; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 42 
             404877      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
@@ -6957,6 +7560,7 @@
             404877     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             404879     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             404879      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404879      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             40487c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             40487c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             40487c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ setz    al 
@@ -6964,10 +7568,13 @@
             40487f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:dword_60860C, eax 
             404885     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404606 
             404885      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404885      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404606 
             404890     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 16 
             404890      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404890      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 16 
             404898     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm0, xmm1      ; x 
             404898      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404898      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm1      ; x 
             40489c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             40489c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   [rsp+28h+var_18], xmm1 
             40489c      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ movsd   [rsp+28h+var_18], xmm1
@@ -6979,22 +7586,29 @@
             4048a7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+28h+var_18] 
             4048ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             4048ad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4048ad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             4048b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jp      loc_4049A8 
             4048b1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4048b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4049A8 
             4048b7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4048bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
             4048bd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4048bd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xorpd   xmm2, xmm2 
             4048c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm2, xmm1 
             4048c1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4048c1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm2, xmm1 
             4048c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_4049A8 
             4048c5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4048c5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ ja      loc_4049A8 
             4048cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, cs:qword_405608 
             4048cb      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4048cb      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ ucomisd xmm1, cs:qword_405608 
             4048d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      loc_4049A8 
             4048d3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4048d3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ ja      loc_4049A8 
             4048d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si edx, xmm0 
             4048d9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4048d9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ cvttsd2si edx, xmm0 
             4048dd     10 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4048dd     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mov     rax, 3FF0000000000000h 
             4048dd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rax, 3FF0000000000000h 
@@ -7002,8 +7616,10 @@
             4048e7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:qword_608618, rax 
             4048ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             4048ee      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4048ee      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ test    edx, edx 
             4048f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             4048f0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4048f0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ jle     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             4048f6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4048f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mov     [rsp+28h+var_20], rax 
             4048f6      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+28h+var_20], rax
@@ -7012,35 +7628,48 @@
             4048fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             404900     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
             404900      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404900      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+28h+var_20] 
             404900      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+28h+var_20]
             404906     10 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404910     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2ss xmm1, eax 
             404910      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404910      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ cvtsi2ss xmm1, eax 
             404914     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
             404914      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404914      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ add     eax, 1 
             404917     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, eax 
             404917      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404917      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ cmp     edx, eax 
             404919     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             404919      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404919      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ unpcklps xmm1, xmm1 
             40491c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm1 
             40491c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40491c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm1 
             40491f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             40491f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40491f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             404923     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     short loc_404910 
             404923      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404923      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ jge     short loc_404910 
             404925     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404572 
             404925      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404925      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404572 
             404930     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 20 
             404930      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404930      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; jumptable 0000000000404535 case 20 
             404938     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404828 
             404938      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404938      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404828 
             404940     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403110 
             404940      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404940      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403110 
             404945     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404524 
             404945      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404945      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_404524 
             404950     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             404950      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404950      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             404958     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _log10 
             404958      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404958      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _log10 
@@ -7048,6 +7677,7 @@
             40495d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             404965     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404965      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404965      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404970     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _log 
             404970      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404970      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _log 
@@ -7055,8 +7685,10 @@
             404975      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             40497d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             40497d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40497d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404988     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A0; x 
             404988      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404988      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A0; x 
             404990     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _tan 
             404990      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404990      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _tan 
@@ -7064,6 +7696,7 @@
             404995      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             40499d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             40499d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            40499d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             4049a8     10 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4049a8     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     dword ptr cs:s, 6F727265h 
             4049b2      9 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
@@ -7072,37 +7705,47 @@
             4049bb     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     cs:dword_607490, 3 
             4049c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4045D4 
             4049c5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4049c5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_4045D4 
             4049d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _acos 
             4049d0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4049d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _acos 
             4049d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A8 
             4049d5      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4049d5      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A8 
             4049dd      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4049dd      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             4049e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             4049e5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4049e5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             4049f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _asin 
             4049f0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4049f0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _asin 
             4049f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A8 
             4049f5      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            4049f5      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, cs:qword_6074A8 
             4049fd      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             4049fd      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   cs:qword_608618, xmm0 
             404a05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404a05      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404a05      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404580      ; jumptable 0000000000404535 default case 
             404a10     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate sqrtsd  xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             404a10      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404a10      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ sqrtsd  xmm0, cs:qword_608618 
             404a18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm0 
             404a18      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404a18      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm0 
             404a1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnp     loc_404572 
             404a1c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404a1c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jnp     loc_404572 
             404a22     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             404a22      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404a22      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_608618; x 
             404a2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _sqrt 
             404a2a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
             404a2a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 ZZ call    _sqrt 
             404a2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404572 
             404a2f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404510 
+            404a2f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 ZZ jmp     loc_404572 
             404a40      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 1 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 1 9 0 1 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             404a40      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             404a40     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeFrameAlloc sub     rsp, 8 
@@ -7185,8 +7828,10 @@
             404ac7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 R9 R10 ZZ mov     r10d, cs:dword_608820 
             404ace     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             404ace      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404a40 
+            404ace      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 R9 ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             404ad1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404AF4 
             404ad1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404a40 
+            404ad1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  R8 R9 ZZ jz      short loc_404AF4 
             404ad3     11 INSTR BELONGTO 404a40 
             404ad3     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 R9 ZZ mov     cs:qword_608690, 0 
             404ade     11 INSTR BELONGTO 404a40 
@@ -7209,6 +7854,7 @@
             404b23      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_6074A8, r9 
             404b2a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404b2a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404a40 
+            404b2a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404b2e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404a40 
             404b2e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404b2e      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -7237,6 +7883,7 @@
             404b69     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_608618, 0 
             404b74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             404b74      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404b74      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             404b77     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404B93 
             404b77      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404b79     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, offset qword_608628 
@@ -7244,12 +7891,15 @@
             404b79      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, offset qword_608628 
             404b7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             404b7e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404b7e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             404b80      7 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404b80      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     qword ptr [rax], 0 
             404b87     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 8 
             404b87      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404b87      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 8 
             404b8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, offset dword_608670 
             404b8b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404b8b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, offset dword_608670 
             404b91     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404B80 
             404b91      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404b93     10 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
@@ -7258,6 +7908,7 @@
             404b9d     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608678, 0 
             404ba7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404ba7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
+            404ba7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404bab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     sub_402DA0 
             404bab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404b30 
             404bab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     sub_402DA0 
@@ -7292,10 +7943,12 @@
             404bd4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             404bd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rdx], 1Fh 
             404bd6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bd6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rdx], 1Fh 
             404bda     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404BE8 
             404bda      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
             404bdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             404bdc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bdc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             404be0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
             404be0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404be0     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -7309,6 +7962,7 @@
             404bf4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rdx] 
             404bf6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 4 
             404bf6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404bf6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ add     rdx, 4 
             404bfa     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [rcx-1010101h] 
             404bfa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
             404bfa      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ lea     eax, [rcx-1010101h] 
@@ -7323,6 +7977,7 @@
             404c04      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ and     eax, 80808080h 
             404c09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404BF4 
             404c09      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c09      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_404BF4 
             404c0b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
             404c0b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, eax 
             404c0b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, eax 
@@ -7337,6 +7992,7 @@
             404c17      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ shr     ecx, 10h 
             404c1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, 8080h 
             404c1a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c1a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, 8080h 
             404c1f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
             404c1f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+18h+var_10], r8
             404c24      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
@@ -7376,6 +8032,7 @@
             404c63      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             404c68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404BDC 
             404c68      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404bd0 
+            404c68      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_404BDC 
             404c70      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 8 5 0 1 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             404c70      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             404c70     16 DATAREF STACK 552 esp + 0 CHILDOF 551 OFFSET 0 OutArgsRegion OUTARGS
@@ -7403,6 +8060,7 @@
             404c90      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XtSetValues 
             404c95     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             404c95      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404c70 
+            404c95      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             404c99      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404c70 
             404c99      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404c99     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -7424,6 +8082,7 @@
             404cad      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             404cb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    sil, sil 
             404cb1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404ca0 
+            404cb1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    sil, sil 
             404cb4      8 INSTR BELONGTO 404ca0 
             404cb4      8 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rdi, ds:qword_608880[rbx*8] 
             404cbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404CF0 
@@ -7451,6 +8110,7 @@
             404ce0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             404ce3     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             404ce3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404ca0 
+            404ce3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             404ce7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _XUnmapWindow 
             404ce7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404ca0 
             404ce7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _XUnmapWindow 
@@ -7477,6 +8137,7 @@
             404d12      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             404d15     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             404d15      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404ca0 
+            404d15      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             404d19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _XMapWindow 
             404d19     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 jmp     _XMapWindow
             404d19      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404ca0 
@@ -7539,6 +8200,7 @@
             404d79      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XtGetValues 
             404d7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+28h+var_9], 0 
             404d7e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            404d7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsp+28h+var_9], 0 
             404d7e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 31 displ cmp     [rsp+28h+var_9], 0
             404d83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404D98 
             404d83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
@@ -7546,6 +8208,7 @@
             404d85      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_6088C0, 0 
             404d8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             404d8c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            404d8c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             404d90      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             404d90      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             404d91      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
@@ -7571,6 +8234,7 @@
             404db8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XtOwnSelection 
             404dbd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             404dbd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
+            404dbd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             404dc1      0 DEALLOC STACK esp - 0 pop     rbx
             404dc1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4026e0 
             404dc1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -7621,8 +8285,10 @@
             404e10      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             404e15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             404e15      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404dd0 
+            404e15      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             404e18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404E36 
             404e18      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404dd0 
+            404e18      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_404E36 
             404e1a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404dd0 
             404e1a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             404e1a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -7636,10 +8302,13 @@
             404e26      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             404e29     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             404e29      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404dd0 
+            404e29      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             404e2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             404e2d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404dd0 
+            404e2d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             404e31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             404e31      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404dd0 
+            404e31      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             404e34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404E20 
             404e34      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404dd0 
             404e36      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404dd0 
@@ -7662,6 +8331,7 @@
             404e4f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             404e54     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             404e54      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404dd0 
+            404e54      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             404e58      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404dd0 
             404e58      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404e58     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -7693,25 +8363,31 @@
             404e79      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_606DE8 
             404e80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             404e80      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e70 
+            404e80      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             404e84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404E9F 
             404e84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e70 
+            404e84      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_404E9F 
             404e86     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_606DE8 
             404e86      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404e70 
             404e86      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_606DE8 
             404e8b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404e70 
             404e90     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             404e90      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e70 
+            404e90      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             404e94     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_606DE8 
             404e94      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e70 
+            404e94      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_606DE8 
             404e96     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             404e96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404e70 
             404e96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             404e99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             404e99      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e70 
+            404e99      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             404e9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404E90 
             404e9d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404e70 
             404e9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404e9f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404e70 
+            404e9f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404ea3      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404e70 
             404ea3      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             404ea3      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -7731,6 +8407,7 @@
             404eac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401D30 
             404eb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404eb1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404ea8 
+            404eb1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404eb5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404ea8 
             404eb5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404eb5      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xedit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xedit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
index 40c0fbe6..dc5dd125 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xedit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xedit.psexe.annot.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xeyes.psexe.annot b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xeyes.psexe.annot
index b125dd83..b528ec4c 100644
--- a/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xeyes.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/commit/trimmed-sorted-save-xeyes.psexe.annot
@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@
             40137e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403110 
             401383     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401383      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401370 
+            401383      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401387      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401370 
             401387      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             401387      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -608,11 +609,13 @@
             401750      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XtAppInitialize 
             401755     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsp+78h+var_4C], 1 
             401755      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401700 
+            401755      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_4C], 1 
             401755      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 44 displ cmp     [rsp+78h+var_4C], 1
             40175a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401700 
             40175a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40175d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401892 
             40175d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401700 
+            40175d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_401892 
             401763      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401700 
             401763      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             401766     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _XtDisplay 
@@ -788,6 +791,7 @@
             401882      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XtAppMainLoop 
             401887     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 60h 
             401887      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401700 
+            401887      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 60h 
             40188b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401700 
             40188b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             40188b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
@@ -881,12 +885,15 @@
             401904      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             40190b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40190b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401900 
+            40190b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40190e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401912 
             40190e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401900 
             401910     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401910      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401900 
+            401910      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401912     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401912      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401900 
+            401912      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401916      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401900 
             401916      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401916     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -909,8 +916,10 @@
             401925      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             401929     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_6056E8, 0 
             401929      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
+            401929      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_6056E8, 0 
             401930     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40197D 
             401930      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
+            401930      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_40197D 
             401932     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_603DE0 
             401932      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
             401932      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_603DE0 
@@ -926,25 +935,30 @@
             401949      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             40194d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             40194d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
+            40194d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401950     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_401976 
             401950      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
             401952      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
             401958     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             401958      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
+            401958      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             40195c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
             40195c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_6056F0, rax 
             401963     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_603DD8[rax*8] 
             401963      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
+            401963      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_603DD8[rax*8] 
             40196a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
             40196a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6056F0 
             401971     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             401971      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
+            401971      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401974     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_401958 
             401974      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
             401976      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
             401976      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_6056E8, 1 
             40197d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40197d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
+            40197d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401981      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401920 
             401981      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401981      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -985,8 +999,10 @@
             4019d0     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r13 
             4019d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm6, xmm2 
             4019d2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            4019d2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM6 XMM7 ZZ movapd  xmm6, xmm2 
             4019d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm2, xmm4 
             4019d6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            4019d6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM2 XMM7 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm4 
             4019da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             4019da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX XMM7 ZZ push    r12 
             4019da     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    r12 
@@ -1011,6 +1027,7 @@
             4019eb      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 296 ReturnAddress 
             4019f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm5, cs:qword_4031C8 
             4019f2      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            4019f2      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI XMM7 ZZ movsd   xmm5, cs:qword_4031C8 
             4019fa      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             4019fa      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI XMM7 ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+128h+var_48] 
             4019fa      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 224 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+128h+var_48]
@@ -1022,6 +1039,7 @@
             401a0a      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_58], xmm4 
             401a13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, xmm5 
             401a13      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a13      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ mulsd   xmm2, xmm5 
             401a17     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+128h+var_50], xmm4 
             401a17      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401a17      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_50], xmm4 
@@ -1036,11 +1054,13 @@
             401a2c      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 80 displ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_D8], xmm6
             401a32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             401a32      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a32      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ subsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             401a36      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401a36      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_80], xmm3 
             401a36      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 168 displ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_80], xmm3
             401a3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             401a3f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a3f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ subsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             401a43     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+128h+var_68], xmm0 
             401a43      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401a43      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_68], xmm0 
@@ -1052,6 +1072,7 @@
             401a55      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ call    sub_402F50 
             401a5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             401a5a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a5a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ cmp     r12d, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             401a5e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm4, [rsp+128h+var_E8] 
             401a5e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401a5e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM7 ZZ movsd   xmm4, [rsp+128h+var_E8] 
@@ -1063,39 +1084,54 @@
             401a6a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM7 ZZ movsd   xmm6, [rsp+128h+var_D8] 
             401a70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401E80 
             401a70      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a70      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM7 ZZ jz      loc_401E80 
             401a76     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 3 
             401a76      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a76      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ cmp     r12d, 3 
             401a7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401AA0 
             401a7a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a7a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_401AA0 
             401a7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+198h], 0 
             401a7c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a7c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+198h], 0 
             401a83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401AA0 
             401a83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a83      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM7 ZZ jz      short loc_401AA0 
             401a85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             401a85      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a85      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             401a88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401B90 
             401a88      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a88      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM7 ZZ jnz     loc_401B90 
             401a8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbp+10Dh], 0 
             401a8e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a8e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbp+10Dh], 0 
             401a95     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401B90 
             401a95      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401a95      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM7 ZZ jz      loc_401B90 
             401a9b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401aa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_4031E0 
             401aa0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401aa0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_4031E0 
             401aa8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm6, xmm2 
             401aa8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401aa8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm6, xmm2 
             401aac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jp      short loc_401AC3 
             401aac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401aac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jp      short loc_401AC3 
             401aae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401AC3 
             401aae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401aae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jnz     short loc_401AC3 
             401ab0     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_80] 
             401ab0      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ab0      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_80] 
             401ab0      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 168 displ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_80]
             401ab9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm2 
             401ab9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ab9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm2 
             401abd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnp     loc_401B80 
             401abd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401abd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jnp     loc_401B80 
             401ac3     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm3, xmm2 
             401ac3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401ac3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm3, xmm2 
@@ -1104,11 +1140,13 @@
             401ac7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mov     esi, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             401acc     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_80] 
             401acc      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401acc      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_80] 
             401acc      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 168 displ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_80]
             401ad5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401ad5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             401ad8     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm0, xmm6 
             401ad8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ad8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm6 
             401adc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401adc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_F8], xmm5 
             401adc      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_F8], xmm5
@@ -1117,42 +1155,55 @@
             401ae2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ call    sub_4019D0 
             401ae7     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_F8] 
             401ae7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ae7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_F8] 
             401ae7      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ movsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_F8]
             401aed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             401aed      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401aed      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             401af1     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsxd  rdx, r12d 
             401af1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401af1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsxd  rdx, r12d 
             401af4     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_30] 
             401af4      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401af4      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_30] 
             401af4      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 248 displ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_30]
             401afd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 3 
             401afd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401afd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ cmp     r12d, 3 
             401b01      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401b01      8 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+rdx*8+0E8h]; GC 
             401b09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             401b09      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b09      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             401b0d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_38] 
             401b0d      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b0d      9 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ addsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_38] 
             401b0d      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 240 displ addsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_38]
             401b16     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             401b16      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b16      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             401b1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si r9d, xmm0     ; unsigned int 
             401b1a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b1a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ cvttsd2si r9d, xmm0     ; unsigned int 
             401b1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_40] 
             401b1f      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401b1f      9 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_40] 
             401b28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             401b28      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b28      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ addsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             401b2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_48] 
             401b2c      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b2c      9 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ addsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_48] 
             401b2c      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 224 displ addsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_48]
             401b35     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si r8d, xmm0     ; int 
             401b35      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b35      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ cvttsd2si r8d, xmm0     ; int 
             401b3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si ecx, xmm5     ; int 
             401b3a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b3a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ cvttsd2si ecx, xmm5     ; int 
             401b3e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401E70 
             401b3e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b3e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jz      loc_401E70 
             401b44      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401b44      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mov     rsi, [rbp+0A8h] ; Drawable 
             401b4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rdi, [rbp+98h] 
@@ -1174,32 +1225,41 @@
             401b69      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ call    _XFillArc 
             401b6e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 108h 
             401b6e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b6e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ add     rsp, 108h 
             401b75      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401b75      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ pop     rbx 
             401b76      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401b76      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ pop     rbp 
             401b77      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b77      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ pop     r12 
             401b77     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             401b79      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b79      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ pop     r13 
             401b79     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r13 
             401b7b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401b7b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ retn 
             401b80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401AED 
             401b80      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b80      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jz      loc_401AED 
             401b86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401AC3 
             401b86      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b86      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM3 XMM4 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jmp     loc_401AC3 
             401b90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     qword ptr [rbp+1A0h], 0 
             401b90      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b90      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ cmp     qword ptr [rbp+1A0h], 0 
             401b98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401AA0 
             401b98      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b98      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM7 ZZ jz      loc_401AA0 
             401b9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_38]; x 
             401b9e      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401b9e      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 XMM7 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_38]; x 
             401b9e      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 240 displ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_38]; x
             401ba7     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+128h+var_E8], xmm4 
             401ba7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401ba7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 XMM7 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_E8], xmm4 
             401bad     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm1, xmm0 
             401bad      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401bad      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM2 XMM7 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm0 
             401bb1     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+128h+var_D8], xmm6 
             401bb1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401bb1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM7 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_D8], xmm6 
@@ -1208,8 +1268,10 @@
             401bb7      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_F8], xmm5
             401bbd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm5 
             401bbd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401bbd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM7 ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm5 
             401bc1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_48] 
             401bc1      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401bc1      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM7 ZZ addsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_48] 
             401bc1      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 224 displ addsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_48]
             401bca      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401bca      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM7 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_48], xmm1 
@@ -1219,10 +1281,13 @@
             401bd3      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM7 ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_30]; y 
             401bdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm2, xmm1 
             401bdc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401bdc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 XMM7 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm1 
             401be0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, xmm5 
             401be0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401be0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ mulsd   xmm2, xmm5 
             401be4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm2, [rsp+128h+var_40] 
             401be4      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401be4      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ addsd   xmm2, [rsp+128h+var_40] 
             401be4      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 232 displ addsd   xmm2, [rsp+128h+var_40]
             401bed      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401bed      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_40], xmm2 
@@ -1232,16 +1297,20 @@
             401bf6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ call    _hypot 
             401bfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_F8] 
             401bfb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401bfb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ movsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_F8] 
             401bfb      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ movsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_F8]
             401c01     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_4031D0 
             401c01      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401c01      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_4031D0 
             401c09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             401c09      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c09      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             401c0d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             401c0d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c0d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             401c11     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm1      ; x 
             401c11      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c11      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm1      ; x 
             401c15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _acos 
             401c15      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401c15      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM7 ZZ call    _acos 
@@ -1262,14 +1331,19 @@
             401c32      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 XMM7 ZZ movsd   xmm6, [rsp+128h+var_D8] 
             401c38     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             401c38      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c38      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 XMM7 ZZ divsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             401c3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm5 
             401c3c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c3c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 XMM0 XMM7 ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm5 
             401c40     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             401c40      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c40      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 XMM0 XMM7 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm1 
             401c44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             401c44      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c44      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 XMM0 XMM7 ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             401c47     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_401EE8 
             401c47      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c47      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI RDI R13 XMM0 XMM7 ZZ jle     loc_401EE8 
             401c4d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     r13d, [rax+rax] 
             401c4d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401c4d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 XMM0 XMM7 ZZ lea     r13d, [rax+rax] 
@@ -1281,11 +1355,13 @@
             401c54      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM7 ZZ shl     rbx, 4 
             401c58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, eax 
             401c58      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c58      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM7 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, eax 
             401c5c      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401c5c      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM7 ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+128h+cosx]; cosx 
             401c5c      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 176 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+128h+cosx]; cosx
             401c64     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
             401c64      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c64      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM7 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
             401c68      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401c68      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM7 ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+128h+sinx]; sinx 
             401c68      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 184 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+128h+sinx]; sinx
@@ -1300,6 +1376,7 @@
             401c7c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_D8], xmm6 
             401c82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm1      ; x 
             401c82      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c82      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm1      ; x 
             401c86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _sincos 
             401c86      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401c86      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ call    _sincos 
@@ -1310,34 +1387,43 @@
             401c94      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401c94      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM7 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx        ; size 
             401c97     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401c97     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ movsd   xmm8, [rsp+128h+sinx] 
             401c97     10 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 184 displ movsd   xmm8, [rsp+128h+sinx]
             401c97     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm8, [rsp+128h+sinx] 
             401ca1     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm7, xmm1 
             401ca1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ca1      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM7 ZZ movapd  xmm7, xmm1 
             401ca5     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_30] 
             401ca5      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401ca5      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_30] 
             401cae     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm3, cs:qword_403220 
             401cae      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401cae      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm3, cs:qword_403220 
             401cb6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm7, xmm8 
             401cb6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401cb6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm7, xmm8 
             401cbb      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401cbb      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_A8], xmm0 
             401cbb      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 128 displ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_A8], xmm0
             401cc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm8, xmm0 
             401cc4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401cc4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm8, xmm0 
             401cc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm2, [rsp+128h+cosx] 
             401cc9      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401cc9      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+128h+cosx] 
             401cc9      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 176 displ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+128h+cosx]
             401cd2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm7, xmm3 
             401cd2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401cd2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xorpd   xmm7, xmm3 
             401cd6      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401cd6      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_98], xmm2 
             401cd6      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 144 displ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_98], xmm2
             401cdf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm8, xmm1 
             401cdf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401cdf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 ZZ divsd   xmm8, xmm1 
             401ce4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm7, xmm0 
             401ce4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ce4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ divsd   xmm7, xmm0 
             401ce8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401ce8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_C8], xmm8 
             401ce8      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 96 displ movsd   [rsp+128h+var_C8], xmm8
@@ -1349,6 +1435,7 @@
             401cf5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _malloc 
             401cfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401cfa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401cfa      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401cfd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401cfd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             401d00     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_A8] 
@@ -1362,6 +1449,7 @@
             401d12      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM3 ZZ movsd   xmm4, [rsp+128h+var_E8] 
             401d18     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_F8] 
             401d18      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d18      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_F8] 
             401d18      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ movsd   xmm5, [rsp+128h+var_F8]
             401d1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm6, [rsp+128h+var_D8] 
             401d1e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
@@ -1374,33 +1462,45 @@
             401d2a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movsd   xmm8, [rsp+128h+var_C8] 
             401d31     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401B6E 
             401d31      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d31      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jz      loc_401B6E 
             401d37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             401d37      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d37      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mulsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             401d3b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401d3b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ xor     edx, edx 
             401d3b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx 
             401d3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             401d3d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d3d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             401d41     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d41     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movsd   xmm10, [rsp+128h+var_40] 
             401d41     10 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 232 displ movsd   xmm10, [rsp+128h+var_40]
             401d41     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm10, [rsp+128h+var_40] 
             401d4b     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d4b     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movsd   xmm9, [rsp+128h+var_48] 
             401d4b     10 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 224 displ movsd   xmm9, [rsp+128h+var_48]
             401d4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm9, [rsp+128h+var_48] 
             401d55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401D64 
             401d55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jmp     short loc_401D64 
             401d60     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm0, xmm1 
             401d60      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d60      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm1 
             401d64     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm1, xmm9 
             401d64      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d64      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm9 
             401d69     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     edx, 1 
             401d69      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d69      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 ZZ add     edx, 1 
             401d6c     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movapd  xmm3, xmm5 
             401d6c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d6c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movapd  xmm3, xmm5 
             401d70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             401d70      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d70      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             401d74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm3, xmm7 
             401d74      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d74      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ mulsd   xmm3, xmm7 
             401d78      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401d78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rax], xmm1 
             401d7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movapd  xmm1, xmm10 
@@ -1408,8 +1508,10 @@
             401d7c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM4 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm10 
             401d81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm5 
             401d81      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d81      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm5 
             401d85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm5, xmm2 
             401d85      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d85      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ mulsd   xmm5, xmm2 
             401d89      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401d89      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rax+8], xmm1 
             401d8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movapd  xmm1, xmm0 
@@ -1417,34 +1519,46 @@
             401d8e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM1 XMM4 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm0 
             401d92     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm8 
             401d92      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d92      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm8 
             401d97     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 10h 
             401d97      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d97      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ add     rax, 10h 
             401d9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, r13d 
             401d9b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d9b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ cmp     edx, r13d 
             401d9e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             401d9e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401d9e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             401da2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             401da2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401da2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ addsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             401da6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             401da6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401da6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM4 ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             401daa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_401D60 
             401daa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401daa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jl      short loc_401D60 
             401dac     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_4031E0 
             401dac      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401dac      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm2, cs:qword_4031E0 
             401db4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm6, xmm2 
             401db4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401db4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm6, xmm2 
             401db8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jp      short loc_401DCF 
             401db8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401db8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jp      short loc_401DCF 
             401dba     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401DCF 
             401dba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401dba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jnz     short loc_401DCF 
             401dbc     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_80] 
             401dbc      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401dbc      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_80] 
             401dc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm2 
             401dc5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401dc5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm2 
             401dc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnp     loc_401F00 
             401dc9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401dc9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jnp     loc_401F00 
             401dcf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm3, xmm2 
             401dcf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401dcf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm3, xmm2 
@@ -1514,6 +1628,7 @@
             401e53      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ call    _XRenderCompositeDoublePoly 
             401e58     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 108h 
             401e58      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401e58      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ add     rsp, 108h 
             401e5f    264 DEALLOC STACK esp - 264 mov     rdi, rbx
             401e5f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401e5f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
@@ -1522,8 +1637,10 @@
             401e63      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401e63      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ pop     rbp 
             401e64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401e64      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ pop     r12 
             401e64     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             401e66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401e66      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ pop     r13 
             401e66     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r13 
             401e68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _free 
             401e68      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
@@ -1532,34 +1649,43 @@
             401e70      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mov     rsi, [rbp+190h] 
             401e77     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401B4B 
             401e77      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401e77      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jmp     loc_401B4B 
             401e80      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401e80      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mov     rax, [rbp+98h] 
             401e87     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_38] 
             401e87      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401e87      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_38] 
             401e87      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 240 displ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+128h+var_38]
             401e90     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm3, [rsp+128h+var_30] 
             401e90      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401e90      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm3, [rsp+128h+var_30] 
             401e90      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 248 displ movsd   xmm3, [rsp+128h+var_30]
             401e99      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401e99      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mov     rdx, [rbp+0F0h] ; GC 
             401ea0     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_40] 
             401ea0      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ea0      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_40] 
             401ea0      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 232 displ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+128h+var_40]
             401ea9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401ea9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mov     rsi, [rbp+0A8h] ; Drawable 
             401eb0     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm2, [rsp+128h+var_48] 
             401eb0      9 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401eb0      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+128h+var_48] 
             401eb0      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 224 displ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+128h+var_48]
             401eb9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401eb9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mov     rdi, [rax+8]    ; Display * 
             401ebd     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si r9d, xmm0 
             401ebd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ebd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ cvttsd2si r9d, xmm0 
             401ec2     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si eax, xmm3 
             401ec2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ec2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ cvttsd2si eax, xmm3 
             401ec6     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si r8d, xmm1     ; int 
             401ec6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ec6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ cvttsd2si r8d, xmm1     ; int 
             401ecb     -1 INSTR LOCAL AlwaysNUM cvttsd2si ecx, xmm2     ; int 
             401ecb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ecb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ cvttsd2si ecx, xmm2     ; int 
             401ecf     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant add     r9d, 2          ; unsigned int 
             401ecf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401ecf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ add     r9d, 2          ; unsigned int 
@@ -1574,6 +1700,7 @@
             401ed9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ call    _XFillRectangle 
             401ede     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401B6E 
             401ede      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ede      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jmp     loc_401B6E 
             401ee8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 40h 
             401ee8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
             401ee8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RSI RDI R13 XMM0 XMM7 ZZ mov     ebx, 40h 
@@ -1585,14 +1712,18 @@
             401ef3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM7 ZZ mov     eax, 2 
             401ef8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401C58 
             401ef8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401ef8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 XMM7 ZZ jmp     loc_401C58 
             401f00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401DCF 
             401f00      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401f00      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI XMM0 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jnz     loc_401DCF 
             401f06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401DED 
             401f06      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4019d0 
+            401f06      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jmp     loc_401DED 
             401f10      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 96 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 4 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 8 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             401f10      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             401f10     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm2, edi 
             401f10      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f10      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm2, edi 
             401f10    963 FUNC GLOBAL sub_401F10 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4022d2 
             401f14      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401f14      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ push    rbx 
@@ -1615,23 +1746,31 @@
             401f27      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   [rsp+0F8h+var_28], xmm0 
             401f30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             401f30      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f30      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             401f34     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+0F8h+var_20], xmm1 
             401f34      9 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401f34      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   [rsp+0F8h+var_20], xmm1 
             401f3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm2, xmm2 
             401f3d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f3d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ addsd   xmm2, xmm2 
             401f41     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm4, xmm2 
             401f41      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f41      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ subsd   xmm4, xmm2 
             401f45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm4, xmm0 
             401f45      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f45      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm4, xmm0 
             401f49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jp      short loc_401F57 
             401f49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f49      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jp      short loc_401F57 
             401f4b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401F57 
             401f4b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f4b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jnz     short loc_401F57 
             401f4d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             401f4d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f4d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm1, xmm0 
             401f51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnp     loc_4021B0 
             401f51      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f51      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jnp     loc_4021B0 
             401f57     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm1, xmm4      ; x 
             401f57      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401f57      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm4      ; x 
@@ -1670,6 +1809,7 @@
             401f94      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+0F8h+cosx] 
             401f9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401f9d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401f9d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401fa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm5, cs:qword_4031E8 
             401fa0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401fa0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm5, cs:qword_4031E8 
@@ -1693,6 +1833,7 @@
             401fce      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm4, [rsp+0F8h+var_E8] 
             401fd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402113 
             401fd4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401fd4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jz      loc_402113 
             401fda     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm5, qword ptr [rbx] 
             401fda      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401fda      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm5, qword ptr [rbx] 
@@ -1701,6 +1842,7 @@
             401fde      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rbx+10h] 
             401fe3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm5, xmm2 
             401fe3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401fe3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ subsd   xmm5, xmm2 
             401fe7     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm7, qword ptr [rbx+8] 
             401fe7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401fe7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm7, qword ptr [rbx+8] 
@@ -1709,6 +1851,7 @@
             401fec      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   [rsp+0F8h+var_A8], xmm7 
             401ff2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             401ff2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            401ff2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ addsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             401ff6     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm1, xmm5      ; x 
             401ff6      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             401ff6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm5      ; x 
@@ -1723,6 +1866,7 @@
             402009      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rbx+18h] 
             40200e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, xmm7 
             40200e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40200e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ addsd   xmm0, xmm7 
             402012     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+0F8h+var_68], xmm0 
             402012      9 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             402012      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   [rsp+0F8h+var_68], xmm0 
@@ -1794,6 +1938,7 @@
             4020a0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+0F8h+var_D8] 
             4020a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm8, xmm9 
             4020a6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4020a6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ ucomisd xmm8, xmm9 
             4020ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm3, [rsp+0F8h+var_F8] 
             4020ab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             4020ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ movsd   xmm3, [rsp+0F8h+var_F8] 
@@ -1814,24 +1959,31 @@
             4020c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm10, [rsp+0F8h+var_78] 
             4020d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      loc_4021D0 
             4020d2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4020d2      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jb      loc_4021D0 
             4020d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm6, xmm9 
             4020d8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4020d8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ ucomisd xmm6, xmm9 
             4020dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      loc_4021EB 
             4020dd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4020dd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jb      loc_4021EB 
             4020e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm8, xmm6 
             4020e3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4020e3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ ucomisd xmm8, xmm6 
             4020e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnb   al 
             4020e8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             4020e8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ setnb   al 
             4020eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4020eb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4020eb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ test    al, al 
             4020ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4021EB 
             4020ed      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4020ed      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jz      loc_4021EB 
             4020f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm4 
             4020f3      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             4020f3      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm4 
             4020f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             4020f7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4020f7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             4020fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm5, xmm0 
             4020fb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             4020fb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm5, xmm0 
@@ -1840,8 +1992,10 @@
             4020ff      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4031E8 
             402107     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             402107      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402107      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mulsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             40210b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate minsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             40210b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40210b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ minsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             40210f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm5, xmm0 
             40210f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             40210f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm5, xmm0 
@@ -1874,6 +2028,7 @@
             40213d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+0F8h+var_D8] 
             402143     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm5, xmm0 
             402143      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402143      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm5, xmm0 
             402147     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm3, [rsp+0F8h+var_F8] 
             402147      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             402147      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm3, [rsp+0F8h+var_F8] 
@@ -1882,6 +2037,7 @@
             40214c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm4, [rsp+0F8h+var_E8] 
             402152     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_402190 
             402152      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402152      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ ja      short loc_402190 
             402154     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm0, [rsp+0F8h+var_58] 
             402154      9 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             402154      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+0F8h+var_58] 
@@ -1890,18 +2046,24 @@
             40215d      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+0F8h+var_50] 
             402166     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0F0h 
             402166      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402166      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ add     rsp, 0F0h 
             40216d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             40216d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40216d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm5 
             402171     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm5 
             402171      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402171      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm5 
             402175      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             402175      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ pop     rbx 
             402176     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             402176      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402176      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ addsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             40217a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40217a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40217a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ xorpd   xmm0, xmm0 
             40217e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             40217e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40217e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             402182     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
             402182      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             402182      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
@@ -1909,14 +2071,18 @@
             402186      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ retn 
             402190     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm2, xmm4 
             402190      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402190      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ addsd   xmm2, xmm4 
             402194     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             402194      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402194      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             402198     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0F0h 
             402198      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402198      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ add     rsp, 0F0h 
             40219f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             40219f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4021a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             4021a0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021a0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             4021a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
             4021a4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             4021a4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
@@ -1927,8 +2093,10 @@
             4021b0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm1, xmm0 
             4021b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401F57 
             4021b4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021b4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jnz     loc_401F57 
             4021ba     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0F0h 
             4021ba      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021ba      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ add     rsp, 0F0h 
             4021c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm2 
             4021c1    240 DEALLOC STACK esp - 240 movapd  xmm0, xmm2
             4021c1      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
@@ -1939,42 +2107,58 @@
             4021c6      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM2 ZZ retn 
             4021d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm6, xmm9 
             4021d0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ ucomisd xmm6, xmm9 
             4021d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_4020F3 
             4021d5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021d5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jnb     loc_4020F3 
             4021db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm8, xmm6 
             4021db      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021db      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ ucomisd xmm8, xmm6 
             4021e0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnb   al 
             4021e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             4021e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ setnb   al 
             4021e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4021e3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021e3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ test    al, al 
             4021e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4020F3 
             4021e5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021e5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jnz     loc_4020F3 
             4021eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm10, xmm8 
             4021eb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021eb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ ucomisd xmm10, xmm8 
             4021f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_402238 
             4021f0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021f0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 ZZ jb      short loc_402238 
             4021f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm6, xmm8 
             4021f2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ ucomisd xmm6, xmm8 
             4021f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_40223F 
             4021f7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021f7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 ZZ jnb     short loc_40223F 
             4021f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm10 
             4021f9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021f9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm10 
             4021fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      loc_4022A8 
             4021fe      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4021fe      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 ZZ jb      loc_4022A8 
             402204     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm6, xmm10 
             402204      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402204      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 ZZ ucomisd xmm6, xmm10 
             402209     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_402270 
             402209      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402209      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ jb      short loc_402270 
             40220b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm0, xmm6 
             40220b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40220b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm0, xmm6 
             40220f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnb   al 
             40220f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             40220f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ setnb   al 
             402212     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             402212      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402212      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ test    al, al 
             402214     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402270 
             402214      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402214      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ jz      short loc_402270 
             402216     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm5, xmm4 
             402216      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             402216      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm5, xmm4 
@@ -1983,24 +2167,32 @@
             40221a      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4031E8 
             402222     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm5, [rsp+0F8h+var_60] 
             402222      9 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402222      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ divsd   xmm5, [rsp+0F8h+var_60] 
             402222      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 152 displ divsd   xmm5, [rsp+0F8h+var_60]
             40222b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             40222b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40222b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mulsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             40222f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40210B 
             40222f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40222f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jmp     loc_40210B 
             402238     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm6, xmm8 
             402238      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402238      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ ucomisd xmm6, xmm8 
             40223d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_40224B 
             40223d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40223d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 ZZ jnb     short loc_40224B 
             40223f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm10, xmm6 
             40223f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40223f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 ZZ ucomisd xmm10, xmm6 
             402244     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnb   al 
             402244      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             402244      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 ZZ setnb   al 
             402247     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             402247      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402247      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 ZZ test    al, al 
             402249     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4021F9 
             402249      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402249      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 ZZ jz      short loc_4021F9 
             40224b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm5, xmm3 
             40224b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             40224b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm5, xmm3 
@@ -2009,28 +2201,38 @@
             40224f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4031E8 
             402257     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm5, [rsp+0F8h+var_68] 
             402257      9 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402257      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ divsd   xmm5, [rsp+0F8h+var_68] 
             402257      9 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 144 displ divsd   xmm5, [rsp+0F8h+var_68]
             402260     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             402260      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402260      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mulsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             402264     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40210B 
             402264      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402264      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jmp     loc_40210B 
             402270     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm9, xmm0 
             402270      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402270      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm9, xmm0 
             402275     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_4022C0 
             402275      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402275      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ jnb     short loc_4022C0 
             402277     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm6, xmm0 
             402277      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402277      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm6, xmm0 
             40227b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_402289 
             40227b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40227b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ jnb     short loc_402289 
             40227d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm9, xmm6 
             40227d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40227d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm9, xmm6 
             402282     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnb   al 
             402282      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             402282      3 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ setnb   al 
             402285     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             402285      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402285      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ test    al, al 
             402287     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4022C6 
             402287      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402287      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jz      short loc_4022C6 
             402289     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm5, xmm3 
             402289      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             402289      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM5 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movapd  xmm5, xmm3 
@@ -2039,25 +2241,34 @@
             40228d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_4031E8 
             402295     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm5, xmm7 
             402295      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402295      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ divsd   xmm5, xmm7 
             402299     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             402299      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            402299      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ mulsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             40229d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40210B 
             40229d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            40229d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jmp     loc_40210B 
             4022a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm6, xmm10 
             4022a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4022a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 ZZ ucomisd xmm6, xmm10 
             4022ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     loc_402216 
             4022ad      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4022ad      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ jnb     loc_402216 
             4022b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40220B 
             4022b3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4022b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ jmp     loc_40220B 
             4022c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm6, xmm0 
             4022c0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4022c0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ ucomisd xmm6, xmm0 
             4022c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_40227D 
             4022c4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4022c4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM8 XMM10 ZZ jnb     short loc_40227D 
             4022c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm5, cs:qword_4031E8 
             4022c6      8 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
             4022c6      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ movsd   xmm5, cs:qword_4031E8 
             4022ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402113 
             4022ce      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401f10 
+            4022ce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 ZZ jmp     loc_402113 
             4022e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -24 0 4 0 8 5 -16 0 6 0 4 7 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 -8 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4022e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4022e0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
@@ -2085,6 +2296,7 @@
             4022ed     96 DATAREF STACK 215 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
             4022f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1C0h], 0 
             4022f1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            4022f1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1C0h], 0 
             4022f8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             4022f8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ movsd   [rsp+78h+var_58], xmm0 
             4022f8      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ movsd   [rsp+78h+var_58], xmm0
@@ -2093,6 +2305,7 @@
             4022fe      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ movsd   [rsp+78h+var_50], xmm1
             402304     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4023B4 
             402304      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            402304      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      loc_4023B4 
             40230a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, [rdi+98h] 
             40230a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             40230a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI R8 R9 R12 ZZ mov     rax, [rdi+98h] 
@@ -2135,13 +2348,16 @@
             402347      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 88 displ mov     eax, [rsp+78h+var_20]
             40234b     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm2, qword ptr [rbx+148h] 
             40234b      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            40234b      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsd   xmm2, qword ptr [rbx+148h] 
             402353     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, qword ptr [rbx+158h] 
             402353      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            402353      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsd   xmm1, qword ptr [rbx+158h] 
             40235b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant neg     eax 
             40235b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             40235b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ neg     eax 
             40235d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40235d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            40235d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             402361     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant mov     eax, [rsp+78h+var_1C] 
             402361      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             402361      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+78h+var_1C] 
@@ -2150,43 +2366,54 @@
             402365      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ neg     eax 
             402367     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rbx+150h] 
             402367      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            402367      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ subsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rbx+150h] 
             40236f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             40236f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            40236f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             402373     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+78h+var_48], xmm0 
             402373      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             402373      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsd   [rsp+78h+var_48], xmm0 
             402379     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             402379      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            402379      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax 
             40237d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             40237d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+98h] 
             402384     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rbx+160h] 
             402384      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            402384      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ subsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rbx+160h] 
             40238c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             40238c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            40238c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             402390     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+78h+var_40], xmm0 
             402390      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             402390      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsd   [rsp+78h+var_40], xmm0 
             402396     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, dword ptr [rax+18h] 
             402396      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            402396      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, dword ptr [rax+18h] 
             40239b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             40239b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            40239b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             40239f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+78h+var_38], xmm0 
             40239f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             40239f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ movsd   [rsp+78h+var_38], xmm0 
             4023a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, dword ptr [rax+1Ch] 
             4023a5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            4023a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, dword ptr [rax+1Ch] 
             4023aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             4023aa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            4023aa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             4023ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+78h+var_30], xmm0 
             4023ae      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             4023ae      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ movsd   [rsp+78h+var_30], xmm0 
             4023b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, [rsp+78h+var_58] 
             4023b4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            4023b4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+78h+var_58] 
             4023b4      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ movsd   xmm0, [rsp+78h+var_58]
             4023ba      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             4023ba      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM2 ZZ mov     rsi, r12 
             4023bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, [rsp+78h+var_50] 
             4023bd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            4023bd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+78h+var_50] 
             4023bd      6 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+78h+var_50]
             4023c3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             4023c3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM2 ZZ xor     edi, edi 
@@ -2244,6 +2471,7 @@
             40241b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ mov     [rbp+18h], rax 
             40241f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 60h 
             40241f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
+            40241f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ add     rsp, 60h 
             402423      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4022e0 
             402423      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 ZZ pop     rbx 
             402423     96 DEALLOC STACK esp - 96 pop     rbx
@@ -2278,8 +2506,10 @@
             402439      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 200 ReturnAddress 
             402440     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rsi+10Ch], 0 
             402440      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            402440      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rsi+10Ch], 0 
             402447     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402620 
             402447      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            402447      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402620 
             40244d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             40244d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rsi+0E0h] 
             402454      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
@@ -2349,6 +2579,7 @@
             4024ce     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     rax, 0C08F400000000000h 
             4024d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx+10Dh], 0 
             4024d8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            4024d8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx+10Dh], 0 
             4024df      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             4024df      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+138h], rax 
             4024e6     10 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
@@ -2382,6 +2613,7 @@
             402549      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+118h], rax 
             402550     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402660 
             402550      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            402550      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402660 
             402556     11 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             402556     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ mov     qword ptr [rbx+190h], 0 
             402561     11 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
@@ -2405,6 +2637,7 @@
             402586      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+r13*8+0D0h] 
             40258e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1 
             40258e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            40258e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     ebp, 1 
             402591     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+0C8h+var_48.pixel], rax 
             402591      8 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             402591      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rsp+0C8h+var_48.pixel], rax 
@@ -2448,11 +2681,14 @@
             4025f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XRenderCreateSolidFill 
             4025fb     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     r12d, 1 
             4025fb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            4025fb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     r12d, 1 
             4025ff      8 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             402607     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402574 
             402607      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            402607      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R13 ZZ jnz     loc_402574 
             40260d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0A8h 
             40260d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            40260d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 0A8h 
             402614    168 DEALLOC STACK esp - 168 pop     rbx
             402614      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             402614      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -2468,24 +2704,31 @@
             402620      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rsi+0E0h] 
             402627     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsi+70h], rax 
             402627      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            402627      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ cmp     [rsi+70h], rax 
             40262b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             40262b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, [rsi+0B8h] 
             402632     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402698 
             402632      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            402632      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402698 
             402634     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbx+0D0h], rax 
             402634      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            402634      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rbx+0D0h], rax 
             40263b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4026A5 
             40263b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            40263b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4026A5 
             40263d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbx+0D8h], rdx 
             40263d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            40263d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rbx+0D8h], rdx 
             402644     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4026B5 
             402644      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            402644      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4026B5 
             402646      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             402646      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+0E0h], rdx 
             40264d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             40264d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+0B8h], rax 
             402654     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40245B 
             402654      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            402654      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40245B 
             402660      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             402660      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+98h] 
             402667      8 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
@@ -2501,24 +2744,31 @@
             40267b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XShapeQueryExtension 
             402680     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402680      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            402680      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402682     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402556 
             402682      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            402682      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ jnz     loc_402556 
             402688      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             402688      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ mov     byte ptr [rbx+10Dh], 0 
             40268f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402556 
             40268f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            40268f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI R12 R13 ZZ jmp     loc_402556 
             402698      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             402698      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     [rsi+70h], rdx 
             40269c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbx+0D0h], rax 
             40269c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            40269c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rbx+0D0h], rax 
             4026a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40263D 
             4026a3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            4026a3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40263D 
             4026a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rbx+0D8h], rdx 
             4026a5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            4026a5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     [rbx+0D8h], rdx 
             4026ac      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             4026ac      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+0D0h], rdx 
             4026b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402646 
             4026b3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            4026b3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402646 
             4026b5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
             4026b5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+0D8h], rax 
             4026bc      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
@@ -2527,6 +2777,7 @@
             4026c3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     [rbx+0B8h], rax 
             4026ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40245B 
             4026ca      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402430 
+            4026ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40245B 
             4026d0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R8 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r8d, r8d 
             4026d3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
             4026e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _XtAddConverter 
@@ -2535,6 +2786,7 @@
             4026f0    171 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4026F0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40279a 
             4026f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm5, edx 
             4026f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            4026f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm5, edx 
             4026f4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             4026f4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ push    rbx 
             4026f4     -3 INSTR LOCAL NoWarn push    rbx 
@@ -2548,10 +2800,13 @@
             4026f8      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             4026fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    sil, sil 
             4026fc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            4026fc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    sil, sil 
             4026ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm5, xmm5 
             4026ff      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            4026ff      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ addsd   xmm5, xmm5 
             402703     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402770 
             402703      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            402703      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ jz      short loc_402770 
             402705     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   xmm6, cs:qword_4031E0 
             402705      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             402705      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movsd   xmm6, cs:qword_4031E0 
@@ -2560,6 +2815,7 @@
             40270d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
             40270f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40270f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            40270f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             402713     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsd   [rsp+28h+var_18], xmm5 
             402713      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             402713      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movsd   [rsp+28h+var_18], xmm5 
@@ -2597,10 +2853,12 @@
             40274a      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ movsd   xmm4, cs:qword_4031F8 
             402752     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             402752      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            402752      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             402756      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             402756      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     rbx 
             402757     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             402757      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            402757      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40275b     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm3, xmm6 
             40275b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             40275b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movapd  xmm3, xmm6 
@@ -2624,11 +2882,13 @@
             40277d      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM3 XMM6 ZZ movsd   xmm4, cs:qword_4031F0 
             402785     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 20h 
             402785      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            402785      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 ZZ add     rsp, 20h 
             402789      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             402789      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 ZZ pop     rbx 
             402789     32 DEALLOC STACK esp - 32 pop     rbx
             40278a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40278a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
+            40278a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 ZZ xorpd   xmm1, xmm1 
             40278e     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm3, xmm2 
             40278e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4026f0 
             40278e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 XMM6 ZZ movapd  xmm3, xmm2 
@@ -2664,10 +2924,12 @@
             4027b7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _XtWindowOfObject 
             4027bc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4027bc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            4027bc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4027bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4027D0 
             4027bf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             4027c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0E8h 
             4027c1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            4027c1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 0E8h 
             4027c8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             4027c8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ pop     rbx 
             4027c9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
@@ -2714,16 +2976,22 @@
             402814      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ mov     rsi, [rbx+1A0h] 
             40281b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40281b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            40281b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             40281e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402998 
             40281e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            40281e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 ZZ jnz     loc_402998 
             402824     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx+10Dh], 0 
             402824      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            402824      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx+10Dh], 0 
             40282b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402880 
             40282b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            40282b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jnz     short loc_402880 
             40282d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx+198h], 0 
             40282d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            40282d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx+198h], 0 
             402834     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4027C1 
             402834      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            402834      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      short loc_4027C1 
             402836      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             402836      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+98h] 
             40283d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
@@ -2735,8 +3003,10 @@
             402844      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _XRenderFindVisualFormat 
             402849     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             402849      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            402849      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40284c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4027C1 
             40284c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            40284c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      loc_4027C1 
             402852      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             402852      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rsi, [rbx+0A8h] 
             402859      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
@@ -2756,6 +3026,7 @@
             40286e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     [rbx+1A0h], rax 
             402875     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 0E8h 
             402875      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            402875      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ add     rsp, 0E8h 
             40287c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             40287c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40287c    232 DEALLOC STACK esp - 232 pop     rbx
@@ -2785,8 +3056,10 @@
             4028a4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     [rbx+190h], rax 
             4028ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             4028ab      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            4028ab      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             4028ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4029B7 
             4028ae      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            4028ae      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jz      loc_4029B7 
             4028b4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             4028b4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ xor     edx, edx        ; unsigned __int64 
             4028b4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edx, edx        ; unsigned __int64 
@@ -2862,10 +3135,13 @@
             40291a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
             40291d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             40291d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            40291d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             402920     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402936 
             402920      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            402920      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jnz     short loc_402936 
             402922     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4029B0 
             402922      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            402922      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_4029B0 
             402930     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, rdx 
             402930      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             402930      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rax, rdx 
@@ -2886,18 +3162,22 @@
             402942      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ add     edi, esi 
             402944     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     ecx, edi 
             402944      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            402944      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ add     ecx, edi 
             402946     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant add     esi, eax 
             402946      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             402946      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ add     esi, eax 
             402948     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     ecx, esi 
             402948      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            402948      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ add     ecx, esi 
             40294a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rsi, [rdx+10h] 
             40294a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             40294a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rsi, [rdx+10h] 
             40294e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             40294e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            40294e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             402951     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402930 
             402951      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            402951      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jnz     short loc_402930 
             402953      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             402953      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rax, [rdx+98h] 
             40295a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
@@ -2927,6 +3207,7 @@
             402987      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ call    _XFreePixmap 
             40298c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40282D 
             40298c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            40298c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_40282D 
             402998      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             402998      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rdi, rbp 
             40299b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _XRenderFreePicture 
@@ -2936,6 +3217,7 @@
             4029a0     11 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     qword ptr [rbx+1A0h], 0 
             4029ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402824 
             4029ab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            4029ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_402824 
             4029b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rdx, rbx 
             4029b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             4029b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     rdx, rbx 
@@ -2944,6 +3226,7 @@
             4029b3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ecx, ecx 
             4029b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402953 
             4029b5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            4029b5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI R8 R9 XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     short loc_402953 
             4029b7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
             4029b7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ lea     rcx, [rsp+0F8h+var_E8]; XGCValues * 
             4029b7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ lea     rcx, [rsp+0F8h+var_E8]; XGCValues *
@@ -2963,6 +3246,7 @@
             4029cc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ mov     [rbx+100h], rax 
             4029d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4028B4 
             4029d3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4027a0 
+            4029d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 ZZ jmp     loc_4028B4 
             4029e0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 0 4 0 8 5 -8 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             4029e0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             4029e0    125 FUNC GLOBAL sub_4029E0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             402a5c 
@@ -2986,8 +3270,10 @@
             4029ec      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX ZZ mov     eax, [rdi+108h] 
             4029f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             4029f2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4029e0 
+            4029f2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             4029f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402A58 
             4029f5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4029e0 
+            4029f5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402A58 
             4029f7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4029e0 
             4029f7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ mov     [rdx+28h], eax 
             4029fa      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4029e0 
@@ -3040,6 +3326,7 @@
             402a45      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+188h], rax 
             402a4c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             402a4c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4029e0 
+            402a4c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             402a50      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4029e0 
             402a50      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             402a50      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -3051,6 +3338,7 @@
             402a58      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RDI ZZ mov     rcx, [rsi] 
             402a5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402A04 
             402a5b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4029e0 
+            402a5b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_402A04 
             402a60      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -16 displ mov     [rsp-10h], rbp
             402a65      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -24 displ mov     [rsp-18h], rbx
             402a6d      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK -8 displ mov     [rsp-8], r12
@@ -3087,6 +3375,7 @@
             402af0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             402af8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rsi, rsi 
             402af8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402af0 
+            402af8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM2 ZZ test    rsi, rsi 
             402afb     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm2, xmm3 
             402afb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402af0 
             402afb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM2 ZZ movapd  xmm2, xmm3 
@@ -3283,31 +3572,41 @@
             402f50    135 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402F50 FUNC_SAFE NOFP RET FUNC_LEAF             402fd6 
             402f50     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm1, qword ptr [rdi] 
             402f50      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402f50      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm1, qword ptr [rdi] 
             402f50      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             402f54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm4, xmm4 
             402f54      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402f54      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xorpd   xmm4, xmm4 
             402f58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, qword ptr [rsi] 
             402f58      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402f58      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm1, qword ptr [rsi] 
             402f5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, qword ptr [rdi+8] 
             402f5c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402f5c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm1, qword ptr [rdi+8] 
             402f61      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
             402f61      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rdx], xmm1 
             402f65     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rdi+10h] 
             402f65      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402f65      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rdi+10h] 
             402f6a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rsi+8] 
             402f6a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402f6a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rsi+8] 
             402f6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rdi+18h] 
             402f6f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402f6f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rdi+18h] 
             402f74      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
             402f74      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rdx+8], xmm0 
             402f79     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm3, qword ptr [rdi] 
             402f79      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402f79      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm3, qword ptr [rdi] 
             402f7d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm3, qword ptr [rsi+10h] 
             402f7d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402f7d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm3, qword ptr [rsi+10h] 
             402f82      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
             402f82      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rdx+10h], xmm3 
             402f87     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm4, xmm3 
             402f87      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402f87      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ ucomisd xmm4, xmm3 
             402f8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL SafeIfNoIndexing movsd   xmm2, qword ptr [rdi+10h] 
             402f8b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
             402f90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, qword ptr [rsi+18h] 
@@ -3317,6 +3616,7 @@
             402f9a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
             402f9c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             402f9c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402f9c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ addsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             402fa0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
             402fa0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rdx], xmm1 
             402fa4     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_403220 
@@ -3324,14 +3624,18 @@
             402fa4      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm1, cs:qword_403220 
             402fac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm3, xmm1 
             402fac      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402fac      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xorpd   xmm3, xmm1 
             402fb0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
             402fb0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rdx+10h], xmm3 
             402fb5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ucomisd xmm4, xmm2 
             402fb5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402fb5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ ucomisd xmm4, xmm2 
             402fb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short locret_402FD5 
             402fb9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402fb9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jbe     short locret_402FD5 
             402fbb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             402fbb      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402fbb      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ addsd   xmm0, xmm2 
             402fbf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
             402fbf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rdx+8], xmm0 
             402fc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_403220 
@@ -3339,6 +3643,7 @@
             402fc4      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movsd   xmm0, cs:qword_403220 
             402fcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xorpd   xmm2, xmm0 
             402fcc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
+            402fcc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ xorpd   xmm2, xmm0 
             402fd0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
             402fd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rdx+18h], xmm2 
             402fd5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402f50 
@@ -3348,40 +3653,54 @@
             402fe0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402fe0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm5, esi 
             402fe0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            402fe0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm5, esi 
             402fe0     77 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402FE0 FUNC_SAFE NOFP RET FUNC_LEAF             40302c 
             402fe0      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             402fe4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             402fe4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            402fe4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subsd   xmm1, xmm0 
             402fe8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm4, edx 
             402fe8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            402fe8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm4, edx 
             402fec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm3, xmm2 
             402fec      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            402fec      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subsd   xmm3, xmm2 
             402ff0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm4, xmm5 
             402ff0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            402ff0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subsd   xmm4, xmm5 
             402ff4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm4, xmm1 
             402ff4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            402ff4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divsd   xmm4, xmm1 
             402ff8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm1, ecx 
             402ff8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            402ff8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm1, ecx 
             402ffc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm4 
             402ffc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            402ffc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm4 
             403000      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
             403000      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rdi], xmm4 
             403004     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             403004      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            403004      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ subsd   xmm5, xmm0 
             403008     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, r8d 
             403008      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            403008      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, r8d 
             40300d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
             40300d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rdi+8], xmm5 
             403012     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             403012      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            403012      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 XMM5 ZZ subsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             403016     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm3 
             403016      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            403016      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM4 XMM5 ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm3 
             40301a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             40301a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            40301a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ mulsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             40301e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
             40301e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rdi+10h], xmm0 
             403023     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             403023      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
+            403023      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ subsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             403027      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
             403027      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 ZZ movsd   qword ptr [rdi+18h], xmm1 
             40302c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402fe0 
@@ -3396,12 +3715,14 @@
             403030      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 8 ReturnAddress 
             403034     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     dword ptr [rsi], 21h 
             403034      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403030 
+            403034      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     dword ptr [rsi], 21h 
             403037     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403059 
             403037      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403030 
             403039      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403030 
             403039      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_6056F8 
             403040     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [rsi+38h], rax 
             403040      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403030 
+            403040      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [rsi+38h], rax 
             403044     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403059 
             403044      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403030 
             403046     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _XtDisplay 
@@ -3414,6 +3735,7 @@
             40304d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax 
             403050     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403050      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403030 
+            403050      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403054     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     _XBell 
             403054      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403030 
             403054      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     _XBell 
@@ -3477,8 +3799,10 @@
             4030b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             4030b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4030b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403070 
+            4030b5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4030b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4030D6 
             4030b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403070 
+            4030b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_4030D6 
             4030ba      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403070 
             4030ba      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             4030ba     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -3492,10 +3816,13 @@
             4030c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             4030c9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             4030c9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403070 
+            4030c9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             4030cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             4030cd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403070 
+            4030cd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             4030d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4030d1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403070 
+            4030d1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4030d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4030C0 
             4030d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403070 
             4030d6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403070 
@@ -3518,6 +3845,7 @@
             4030ef      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             4030f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4030f4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403070 
+            4030f4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4030f8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403070 
             4030f8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4030f8     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -3549,25 +3877,31 @@
             403119      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_603DC8 
             403120     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             403120      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            403120      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             403124     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40313F 
             403124      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            403124      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40313F 
             403126     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_603DC8 
             403126      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             403126      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_603DC8 
             40312b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             403130     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             403130      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            403130      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             403134     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_603DC8 
             403134      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            403134      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_603DC8 
             403136     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             403136      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             403136      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             403139     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             403139      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            403139      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40313d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403130 
             40313d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             40313f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40313f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40313f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403143      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             403143      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403143      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -3587,6 +3921,7 @@
             40314c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401920 
             403151     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             403151      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403148 
+            403151      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403155      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403148 
             403155      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403155      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/quick/trimmed-sorted-save-bzip2.psexe.annot b/tests/quick/trimmed-sorted-save-bzip2.psexe.annot
index 319a788d..c98153d7 100644
--- a/tests/quick/trimmed-sorted-save-bzip2.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/quick/trimmed-sorted-save-bzip2.psexe.annot
@@ -284,6 +284,7 @@
             40107e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4045E0 
             401083     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401083      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401070 
+            401083      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401087      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401070 
             401087      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             401087      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -685,25 +686,32 @@
             401488      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rsi 
             40148b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             40148b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40148b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             40148d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4014A3 
             40148d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40148d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4014A3 
             40148f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4014C1 
             40148f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40148f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4014C1 
             401498     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdx+1] 
             401498      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401498      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdx+1] 
             40149c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             40149c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40149c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             40149e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4014BA 
             40149e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40149e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4014BA 
             4014a0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014a0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rcx 
             4014a3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Fh 
             4014a3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014a3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ cmp     al, 2Fh 
             4014a5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014a5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDI ZZ lea     rcx, [rdx+1] 
             4014a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401498 
             4014a9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014a9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401498 
             4014ab     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdx+1] 
             4014ab      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014ab      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdx+1] 
@@ -713,8 +721,10 @@
             4014b3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ mov     rcx, rsi 
             4014b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4014b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             4014b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4014A0 
             4014b8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014b8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4014A0 
             4014ba      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014ba      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:s, rsi 
             4014c1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -740,14 +750,17 @@
             4014e3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4031B0 
             4014e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 1 
             4014e8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014e8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ cmp     ebp, 1 
             4014eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_401AA2 
             4014eb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014eb      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ jle     loc_401AA2 
             4014f1     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+ptr] 
             4014f1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014f1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+ptr] 
             4014f1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+ptr]
             4014f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebp, 2 
             4014f6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4014f6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ sub     ebp, 2 
             4014f9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     r13, ds:8[rbp*8] 
             4014f9      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4014f9      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ lea     r13, ds:8[rbp*8] 
@@ -761,11 +774,13 @@
             40150d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             401510     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 8 
             401510      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401510      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbp, 8 
             401514     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403110 
             401514      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401514      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403110 
             401519     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbp, r13 
             401519      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401519      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ cmp     rbp, r13 
             40151c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40151c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40151f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -773,16 +788,19 @@
             40151f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     [rsp+38h+ptr], rax
             401524     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401508 
             401524      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401524      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401508 
             401526      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401526      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             401529     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401529      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401529      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40152c     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40152c     10 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B04, 7 
             401536     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401536     10 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B00, 0 
             401540     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40175A 
             401540      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401540      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI R12 ZZ jz      loc_40175A 
             401546     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r12d, r12d 
             401546      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401546      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R12 R13 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
@@ -791,12 +809,15 @@
             401549      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13d, 1 
             40154f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401570 
             40154f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40154f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401570 
             401558     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401558      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401558      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             40155c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40157A 
             40155c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40155e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             40155e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40155e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401562     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40157A 
             401562      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401564     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     r13d, r13d 
@@ -806,8 +827,10 @@
             401567      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             40156b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             40156b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40156b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             40156e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4015B0 
             40156e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40156e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4015B0 
             401570      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401570      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rbx]      ; s 
             401573     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
@@ -815,18 +838,22 @@
             401573      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
             401576     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401576      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401576      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401578     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401558 
             401578      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40157a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r13b, r13b 
             40157a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40157a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r13b, r13b 
             40157d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401587 
             40157d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40157f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             40157f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40157f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401581     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4016A0 
             401581      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401587     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             401587      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401587      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             40158b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40158b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B00, r12d 
             401592     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _strlen 
@@ -834,22 +861,29 @@
             401592      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strlen 
             401597     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B04, eax 
             401597      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401597      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B04, eax 
             40159d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jge     short loc_401567 
             40159d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40159d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jge     short loc_401567 
             40159f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40159f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             4015a3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4015a3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B04, eax 
             4015a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4015a9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015a9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4015ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401570 
             4015ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015ac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_401570 
             4015ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             4015ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             4015b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             4015b0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015b0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             4015b3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40175A 
             4015b3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015b3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_40175A 
             4015b9     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4015b9     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             4015c3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -865,8 +899,10 @@
             4015dc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             4015e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4015e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015e1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4015e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A12 
             4015e4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4015e4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_401A12 
             4015ea     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4015ea     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 2 
             4015f4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -878,20 +914,24 @@
             4015fc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             401601     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401601      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401601      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401604     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A2D 
             401604      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40160a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 1 
             40160a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40160a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ cmp     r12d, 1 
             40160e     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40160e     10 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 2 
             401618      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401618      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ sbb     eax, eax 
             40161a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 2 
             40161a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40161a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ add     eax, 2 
             40161d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40161d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B08, eax 
             401623     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             401623      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401623      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             401626      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401626      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ mov     rdx, rbp 
             401629     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4018F1 
@@ -900,14 +940,17 @@
             40162f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rdx] 
             401632     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r8], 2Dh 
             401632      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401632      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r8], 2Dh 
             401636     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4016C8 
             401636      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40163c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r8+1], 2Dh 
             40163c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40163c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r8+1], 2Dh 
             401641     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40164E 
             401641      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401643     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [r8+2], 0 
             401643      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401643      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [r8+2], 0 
             401648     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4016D5 
             401648      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40164e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, byte ptr [r8+1] 
@@ -915,10 +958,12 @@
             40164e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [r8+1] 
             401653     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401653      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401653      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401655     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4016C8 
             401655      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401657     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             401657      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401657      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             401659     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4016C8 
             401659      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40165b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ecx, 2 
@@ -926,8 +971,10 @@
             40165b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, 2 
             401660     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     eax, 31h 
             401660      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401660      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     eax, 31h 
             401663     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 49h         ; switch 74 cases  
             401663      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401663      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 49h         ; switch 74 cases  
             401665     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_401750 
             401665      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40166b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -962,6 +1009,7 @@
             4016a0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13d, 1 
             4016a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401567 
             4016a6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016a6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_401567 
             4016ab     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016ab     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 1; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 73 
             4016b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -970,8 +1018,10 @@
             4016b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [r8+rcx] 
             4016bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rcx, 1 
             4016bd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016bd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rcx, 1 
             4016c1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4016c1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016c1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             4016c3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401660 
             4016c3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016c5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -979,10 +1029,12 @@
             4016c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rdx, [rdx+8] 
             4016cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdx, rdx 
             4016cc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdx, rdx 
             4016cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40162F 
             4016cf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4016d5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016d5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4016d8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4018F1 
             4016d8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016de     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     r12d, 9 
@@ -990,26 +1042,31 @@
             4016de      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ mov     r12d, 9 
             4016e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401707 
             4016e4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016e4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_401707 
             4016f0     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016f0     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B08, 2 
             4016fa      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4016fa      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rbp+8] 
             4016fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4016fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4016fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             401701     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4018F1 
             401701      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401707      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401707      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     rbx, [rbp+0] 
             40170b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 2Dh 
             40170b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40170b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx], 2Dh 
             40170e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401720 
             40170e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401710     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx+1], 2Dh 
             401710      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401710      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx+1], 2Dh 
             401714     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401720 
             401714      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401716     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rbx+2], 0 
             401716      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401716      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rbx+2], 0 
             40171a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4018F1 
             40171a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401720     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aStdout; "--stdout" 
@@ -1040,6 +1097,7 @@
             401744     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 2 
             40174e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4016FA 
             40174e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40174e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_4016FA 
             401750     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   eax, al 
             401750      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401750      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movzx   eax, al 
@@ -1053,32 +1111,38 @@
             401764      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI R12 ZZ xor     r12d, r12d 
             401767     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4015C3 
             401767      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401767      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4015C3 
             40176c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40176c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     cs:dword_6076CC, 1; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 69 
             401773     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401773      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401773      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401778     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401778     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 3; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 67 
             401782     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401782      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401782      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401787      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401787      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     cs:byte_607AF4, 1; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 66 
             40178e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40178e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rdx] 
             401791     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401791      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401791      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401796      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401796      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     cs:byte_607B18, 0; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 64 
             40179d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40179d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rdx] 
             4017a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4017a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017a5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017a5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     cs:byte_607B0C, 1; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 58 
             4017ac      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017ac      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rdx] 
             4017af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017af      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4017af      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017b4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017b4      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:s       ; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 55 
             4017bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4022E0 
@@ -1096,14 +1160,17 @@
             4017ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R8 ZZ mov     r8, [rdx] 
             4017d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017d1      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4017d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017d6     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017d6     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 2; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 51 
             4017e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017e0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4017e0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017e5     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017e5     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B08, 2; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 50 
             4017ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017ef      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4017ef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             4017f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_4022B0      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 cases 27,37 
             4017f4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4017f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4022B0      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 cases 27,37 
@@ -1117,38 +1184,47 @@
             401800     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 9; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 8 
             40180a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40180a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40180a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40180f     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40180f     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 8; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 7 
             401819     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401819      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401819      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40181e     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40181e     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 7; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 6 
             401828     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401828      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401828      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40182d     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40182d     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 6; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 5 
             401837     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401837      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401837      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40183c     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40183c     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 5; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 4 
             401846     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401846      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401846      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40184b     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40184b     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 4; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 3 
             401855     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401855      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401855      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             40185a     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40185a     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 3; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 2 
             401864     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401864      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401864      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401869     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401869     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 2; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 1 
             401873     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401873      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401873      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401878     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401878     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 1; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 0 
             401882     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401882      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401882      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_4016B8 
             401890     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aCompress; "--compress" 
             401890      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401890      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aCompress; "--compress" 
@@ -1165,6 +1241,7 @@
             4018a1     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             4018ab     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018ab      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018ab      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018b0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018b0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset s2  ; "--force" 
             4018b5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1174,12 +1251,14 @@
             4018b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             4018bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4018bd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018bd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4018bf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4018CD 
             4018bf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018c1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018c1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834B, 1 
             4018c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018c8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018c8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018cd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aTest; "--test" 
             4018d2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1189,16 +1268,20 @@
             4018d5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             4018da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4018da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4018dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401A74 
             4018dc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018e2     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018e2     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_608350, 3 
             4018ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018ec      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018ec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             4018f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 4 
             4018f1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018f1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 4 
             4018f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_401904 
             4018f8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4018f8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jle     short loc_401904 
             4018fa     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4018fa     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     cs:dword_6076CC, 4 
             401904     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_608350 
@@ -1206,36 +1289,44 @@
             401904      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_608350 
             40190a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             40190a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40190a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             40190d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401B89 
             40190d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401913     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             401913      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401913      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             401916     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401B53 
             401916      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40191c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 2 
             40191c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40191c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 2 
             401923     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401AE5 
             401923      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401929     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             401929      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401929      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             401930     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40193C 
             401930      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401932     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401932     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 0 
             40193c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             40193c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40193c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             401943     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401C68 
             401943      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401949     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             401949      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401949      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             40194c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401B01 
             40194c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401952     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             401952      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401952      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             401955     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401BDB 
             401955      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40195b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             40195b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40195b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401962      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401969     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4019B9 
             401969      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1244,19 +1335,24 @@
             40196b      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+ptr]
             401970     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401970      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401970      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401973     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A01 
             401973      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401973      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      loc_401A01 
             401979     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebp, 1 
             401979      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401979      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             40197e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401997 
             40197e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40197e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_401997 
             401980     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401980      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401980      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401984     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019A1 
             401984      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401986     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401986      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401986      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             40198a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019A1 
             40198a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             40198c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1266,6 +1362,7 @@
             40198e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             401992     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401992      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401992      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401995     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4019C0 
             401995      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401997      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1275,14 +1372,17 @@
             40199a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
             40199d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             40199d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            40199d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             40199f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401980 
             40199f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bpl, bpl 
             4019a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    bpl, bpl 
             4019a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401A91 
             4019a4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             4019aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019aa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             4019ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401A91 
             4019ac      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019b2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebp, 1 
@@ -1290,6 +1390,7 @@
             4019b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             4019b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40198E 
             4019b7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019b7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40198E 
             4019b9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019b9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; src 
             4019b9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; src 
@@ -1298,6 +1399,7 @@
             4019bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403C00 
             4019c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607F2A, 0 
             4019c0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019c0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607F2A, 0 
             4019c7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401DC5 
             4019c7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019cd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1305,10 +1407,12 @@
             4019cd      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rbx, [rsp+38h+ptr]
             4019d2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             4019d2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019d2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             4019d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019E3 
             4019d5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401A01 
             4019d7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019d7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ jmp     short loc_401A01 
             4019e0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019e0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rbp 
             4019e3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1317,6 +1421,7 @@
             4019e6      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbp, [rbx+8] 
             4019ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             4019ea      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019ea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             4019ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4019F4 
             4019ed      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             4019ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _free 
@@ -1329,13 +1434,16 @@
             4019f7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _free 
             4019fc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4019fc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019fc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4019ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4019E0 
             4019ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            4019ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_4019E0 
             401a01     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:status 
             401a01      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a01      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 R13 ZZ mov     eax, cs:status 
             401a07     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             401a07      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a07      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             401a0b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a0b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
             401a0b     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 pop     rbx
@@ -1356,10 +1464,13 @@
             401a1a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             401a1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401a1f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a1f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401a22     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4015EA 
             401a22      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a22      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4015EA 
             401a28     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4015F4 
             401a28      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a28      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4015F4 
             401a2d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aZ2cat_0; "Z2CAT" 
             401a32      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1369,6 +1480,7 @@
             401a35      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             401a3a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401a3a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a3a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401a3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40160A 
             401a3d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a43      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1380,6 +1492,7 @@
             401a4b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             401a50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401a50      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a50      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401a53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40160A 
             401a53      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a59      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1391,10 +1504,13 @@
             401a61      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strstr 
             401a66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401a66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401a69     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40160A 
             401a69      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a69      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jnz     loc_40160A 
             401a6f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401623 
             401a6f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a6f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ jmp     loc_401623 
             401a74      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a74      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aKeep; "--keep" 
             401a79      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1404,12 +1520,14 @@
             401a7c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401a81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401a81      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a81      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401a83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401AAF 
             401a83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a85      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a85      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:byte_607B0C, 1 
             401a8c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401a8c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a8c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401a91      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401a91      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     cs:dword_607AF0, 1 
             401a98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403C00 
@@ -1417,6 +1535,7 @@
             401a98      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403C00 
             401a9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40198E 
             401a9d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401a9d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40198E 
             401aa2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rbp, [rsp+38h+ptr] 
             401aa2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401aa2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 ZZ mov     rbp, [rsp+38h+ptr] 
@@ -1426,6 +1545,7 @@
             401aa7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI R12 ZZ mov     rbx, rbp 
             401aaa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401529 
             401aaa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401aaa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R12 ZZ jmp     loc_401529 
             401aaf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401aaf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aSmall; "--small" 
             401ab4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1435,6 +1555,7 @@
             401ab7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401abc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401abc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401abc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401abe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401BB2 
             401abe      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ac4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1446,22 +1567,27 @@
             401acc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401ad1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401ad1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401ad1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401ad3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401CA0 
             401ad3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ad9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ad9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             401ae0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401ae0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401ae0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401ae5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B00, 0 
             401ae5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401ae5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B00, 0 
             401aec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401929 
             401aec      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401af2     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401af2     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401afc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401929 
             401afc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401afc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401929 
             401b01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401b01      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b01      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401b08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401BBE 
             401b08      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b0e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1472,12 +1598,15 @@
             401b13      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             401b18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401B2C 
             401b18      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b18      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401B2C 
             401b1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401b1a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b1a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401b1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401B3F 
             401b1e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401b20      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b20      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401b24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401B3F 
             401b24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b26      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1487,6 +1616,7 @@
             401b28      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             401b2c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401b2c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b2c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401b2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4019CD 
             401b2f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b35      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1496,14 +1626,17 @@
             401b38      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
             401b3b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401b3b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b3b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401b3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401B1A 
             401b3d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b3f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bpl, bpl 
             401b3f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b3f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    bpl, bpl 
             401b42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401BCA 
             401b42      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401b48      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b48      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401b4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401BCA 
             401b4a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b4c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebp, 1 
@@ -1511,8 +1644,10 @@
             401b4c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             401b51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401B28 
             401b51      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b51      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401B28 
             401b53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 2 
             401b53      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b53      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 2 
             401b5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_401932 
             401b5a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b60      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1539,20 +1674,24 @@
             401b84      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _exit 
             401b89     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607AF4, 0 
             401b89      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b89      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607AF4, 0 
             401b90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40191C 
             401b90      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401b96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B10, 2 
             401b96      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401b96      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B10, 2 
             401b9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_40191C 
             401b9d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ba3     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ba3     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 2 
             401bad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40191C 
             401bad      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bad      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_40191C 
             401bb2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401bb2      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:byte_607AF4, 1 
             401bb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401bb9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bb9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401bbe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401bbe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; src 
             401bbe     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; src 
@@ -1561,6 +1700,7 @@
             401bc0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403EF0 
             401bc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4019CD 
             401bc5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bc5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4019CD 
             401bca      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401bca      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     cs:dword_607AF0, 1 
             401bd1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403EF0 
@@ -1568,8 +1708,10 @@
             401bd1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403EF0 
             401bd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401B28 
             401bd6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bd6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401B28 
             401bdb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401bdb      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bdb      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             401be2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401be9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401C36 
             401be9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1581,12 +1723,15 @@
             401bf0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             401bf5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401C09 
             401bf5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bf5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401C09 
             401bf7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401bf7      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bf7      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+1], 2Dh 
             401bfb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401C18 
             401bfb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401bfd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401bfd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401bfd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rdi+2], 0 
             401c01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401C18 
             401c01      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c03      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1596,6 +1741,7 @@
             401c05      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     rbx, [rbx+8] 
             401c09     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbx, rbx 
             401c09      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c09      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbx, rbx 
             401c0c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401C3D 
             401c0c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c0e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1605,14 +1751,17 @@
             401c11      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movzx   eax, byte ptr [rdi] 
             401c14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401c14      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c14      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401c16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401BF7 
             401c16      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bpl, bpl 
             401c18      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c18      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    bpl, bpl 
             401c1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401C28 
             401c1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c1d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401c1d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c1d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     al, 2Dh 
             401c1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401C28 
             401c1f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c21     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebp, 1 
@@ -1620,6 +1769,7 @@
             401c21      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ebp, 1 
             401c26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401C05 
             401c26      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c26      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401C05 
             401c28      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c28      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     cs:dword_607AF0, 1 
             401c2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403480 
@@ -1627,6 +1777,7 @@
             401c2f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403480 
             401c34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_401C05 
             401c34      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c34      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_401C05 
             401c36      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c36      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi        ; src 
             401c36     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi        ; src 
@@ -1635,12 +1786,15 @@
             401c38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403480 
             401c3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834A, 0 
             401c3d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c3d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834A, 0 
             401c44     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4019CD 
             401c44      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:status, 1 
             401c4a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c4a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:status, 1 
             401c51     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_401C5D 
             401c51      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c51      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jg      short loc_401C5D 
             401c53     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401c53     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:status, 2 
             401c5d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:status  ; status 
@@ -1681,6 +1835,7 @@
             401c95      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_608350 
             401c9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401949 
             401c9b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401c9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401949 
             401ca0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401ca0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aVersion; "--version" 
             401ca5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1690,6 +1845,7 @@
             401ca8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401cad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401cad      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401cad      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401caf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4017F4      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 cases 27,37 
             401caf      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cb5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1701,6 +1857,7 @@
             401cbd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401cc2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401cc2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401cc2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401cc4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4017F4      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 cases 27,37 
             401cc4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cca      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1712,12 +1869,14 @@
             401cd2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401cd7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401cd7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401cd7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401cd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401CEA 
             401cd9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cdb     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cdb     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607AEC, 1 
             401ce5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401ce5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401ce5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401cea      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aRepetitiveBest; "--repetitive-best" 
             401cef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1727,8 +1886,10 @@
             401cf2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401cf7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401cf7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401cf7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401cf9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401D2C 
             401cf9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401cf9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401D2C 
             401cfb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401cfb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aRepetitiveFast; "--repetitive-fast" 
             401d00      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1738,8 +1899,10 @@
             401d03      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401d08     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d08      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d08      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d0a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401D2C 
             401d0a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d0a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_401D2C 
             401d0c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d0c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aFast; "--fast" 
             401d11      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1749,12 +1912,14 @@
             401d14      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401d19     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d19      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d19      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401D39 
             401d1b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d1d     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d1d     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 1 
             401d27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d27      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d27      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d2c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d2c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx 
             401d2f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402060 
@@ -1762,6 +1927,7 @@
             401d2f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402060 
             401d34     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d34      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d34      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d39      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d39      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aBest; "--best" 
             401d3e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1771,12 +1937,14 @@
             401d41      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401d46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d46      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d46      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401D59 
             401d48      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d4a     10 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d4a     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:dword_607B10, 9 
             401d54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d54      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d54      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d59      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d59      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aVerbose; "--verbose" 
             401d5e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1786,12 +1954,14 @@
             401d61      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401d66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d66      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d66      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d68     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401D76 
             401d68      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d6a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d6a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             401d71     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d71      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d71      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_4016FA 
             401d76      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d76      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aHelp; "--help" 
             401d7b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1801,8 +1971,10 @@
             401d7e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401d83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d83      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d83      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4017B4      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 55 
             401d85      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d85      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4017B4      ; jumptable 0000000000401753 case 55 
             401d8b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 2          ; n 
             401d8b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401d8b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 2          ; n 
@@ -1815,6 +1987,7 @@
             401d98      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strncmp 
             401d9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401d9d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401d9d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401d9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4016FA 
             401d9f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401da5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
@@ -1831,10 +2004,13 @@
             401db9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stderr 
             401dc0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401685 
             401dc0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401dc0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_401685 
             401dc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             401dc5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401dc5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             401dcc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_401C4A 
             401dcc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401dcc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_401C4A 
             401dd2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
             401dd2      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; s 
             401dd9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 70h        ; n 
@@ -1850,6 +2026,7 @@
             401de8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             401ded     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401C4A 
             401ded      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4013a0 
+            401ded      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_401C4A 
             401df4      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 -8 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             401df4      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             401df4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401df4 
@@ -1899,12 +2076,15 @@
             401e24      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:__gmon_start___ptr 
             401e2b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             401e2b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401e20 
+            401e2b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             401e2e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_401E32 
             401e2e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e20 
             401e30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401e30      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e20 
+            401e30      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; __gmon_start__ 
             401e32     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401e32      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e20 
+            401e32      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401e36      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401e20 
             401e36      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             401e36     -4 INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn retn
@@ -1927,8 +2107,10 @@
             401e45      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 24 ReturnAddress 
             401e49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_6071F8, 0 
             401e49      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e49      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_6071F8, 0 
             401e50     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401E9D 
             401e50      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e50      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jnz     short loc_401E9D 
             401e52     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_606E30 
             401e52      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e52      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_606E30 
@@ -1944,25 +2126,30 @@
             401e69      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 1 
             401e6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             401e6d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e6d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401e70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_401E96 
             401e70      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e72      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e78     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             401e78      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             401e7c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e7c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:qword_607200, rax 
             401e83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:qword_606E28[rax*8] 
             401e83      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e83      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:qword_606E28[rax*8] 
             401e8a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e8a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_607200 
             401e91     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rbx 
             401e91      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e91      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rbx 
             401e94     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_401E78 
             401e94      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e96      7 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401e96      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_6071F8, 1 
             401e9d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             401e9d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
+            401e9d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             401ea1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401e40 
             401ea1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             401ea1      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -2059,6 +2246,7 @@
             401f32      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ lea     edx, [rdx+rdx*4] 
             401f35     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rcx, 1 
             401f35      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f35      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ sub     rcx, 1 
             401f39     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant add     edx, edx 
             401f39      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f39      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     edx, edx 
@@ -2067,10 +2255,13 @@
             401f3b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ sub     esi, edx 
             401f3d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rcx, r9 
             401f3d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f3d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ cmp     rcx, r9 
             401f40     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401F20 
             401f40      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f40      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jnz     short loc_401F20 
             401f42     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esi, 30h 
             401f42      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f42      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ add     esi, 30h 
             401f45      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f45      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX ZZ lea     ecx, [r11+1] 
             401f49     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused lea     rax, [rsp+38h+var_18] 
@@ -2082,15 +2273,19 @@
             401f52      6 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f58     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             401f58      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f58      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ cmp     byte ptr [rax], 0 
             401f5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401FA0 
             401f5b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f5b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_401FA0 
             401f5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused add     rax, 1 
             401f5d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f5d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             401f61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, r10 
             401f61      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f61      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI ZZ cmp     rax, r10 
             401f64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_401F58 
             401f64      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f64      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI ZZ jnz     short loc_401F58 
             401f66     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rax, ecx 
             401f66      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f66      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ movsxd  rax, ecx 
@@ -2106,6 +2301,7 @@
             401f72      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ movsxd  rsi, edx 
             401f75     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     edx, 1 
             401f75      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f75      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     edx, 1 
             401f78     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   esi, [rsp+rsi+38h+var_38] 
             401f78      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f78      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movzx   esi, [rsp+rsi+38h+var_38] 
@@ -2114,8 +2310,10 @@
             401f7c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rdi+rax], sil 
             401f80     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             401f80      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f80      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rax, 1 
             401f84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, eax 
             401f84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f84      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ecx, eax 
             401f86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_401F72 
             401f86      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f88     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rsp+38h+var_10] 
@@ -2129,13 +2327,16 @@
             401f96      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f98     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             401f98      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401f98      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             401f9c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401f9c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ retn 
             401f9c     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
             401fa0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r11, 1 
             401fa0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401fa0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI ZZ add     r11, 1 
             401fa4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_401F10 
             401fa4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
+            401fa4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI ZZ jmp     loc_401F10 
             401fa9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___stack_chk_fail 
             401fa9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 401ee0 
             401fa9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___stack_chk_fail 
@@ -2178,6 +2379,7 @@
             401fdb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ xor     eax, eax 
             401fdd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, edx 
             401fdd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401fdd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     r12d, edx 
             401fe0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      short loc_401FFC 
             401fe0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401fe2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rdx, edx 
@@ -2198,6 +2400,7 @@
             401ff2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcmp 
             401ff7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             401ff7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            401ff7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             401ff9     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant setz    al 
             401ff9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             401ff9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ setz    al 
@@ -2212,6 +2415,7 @@
             402005      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     r12, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             40200a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40200a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
+            40200a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             40200e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 401fb0 
             40200e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             40200e     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -2230,6 +2434,7 @@
             402016      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fopen64 
             40201b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40201b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
+            40201b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40201e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnz   bl 
             40201e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402010 
             402021     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40202B 
@@ -2266,6 +2471,7 @@
             40203b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, 1 
             402040     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edi, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402040      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402030 
+            402040      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     edi, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402043     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40204F 
             402043      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402030 
             402045      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402030 
@@ -2324,8 +2530,10 @@
             4020aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             4020af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:status, 2 
             4020af      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402090 
+            4020af      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:status, 2 
             4020b6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_4020C2 
             4020b6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402090 
+            4020b6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jg      short loc_4020C2 
             4020b8     10 INSTR BELONGTO 402090 
             4020b8     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:status, 3 
             4020c2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:status  ; status 
@@ -2351,29 +2559,39 @@
             4020d3      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 168 ReturnAddress 
             4020da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             4020da      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020da      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             4020e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402120 
             4020e1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020e1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402120 
             4020e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4020e3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020e3      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4020ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402107 
             4020ea      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020ea      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402107 
             4020ec      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             4020ec      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R9 ZZ mov     r9d, cs:dword_607B00 
             4020f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             4020f3      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020f3      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             4020f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402107 
             4020f6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020f6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402107 
             4020f8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607AF0 
             4020f8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             4020f8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607AF0 
             4020fe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r9d, eax 
             4020fe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4020fe      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     r9d, eax 
             402101     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_4021A2 
             402101      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402101      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jg      loc_4021A2 
             402107     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, cs:status 
             402107      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402107      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     ebx, cs:status 
             40210d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402115 
             40210d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            40210d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402115 
             40210f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             40210f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:status, ebx 
             402115     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:status  ; status 
@@ -2384,12 +2602,16 @@
             40211b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _exit 
             402120     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_608350, 3 
             402120      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402120      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_608350, 3 
             402127     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4020E3 
             402127      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402127      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4020E3 
             402129     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             402129      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402129      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             402130     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4020E3 
             402130      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402130      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4020E3 
             402132      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             402132      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+0A8h+stat_buf]; stat_buf 
             402132      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+0A8h+stat_buf]; stat_buf
@@ -2404,16 +2626,21 @@
             402141      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___xstat64 
             402146     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402146      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402146      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402148     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4021D1 
             402148      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402148      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4021D1 
             40214e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             40214e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            40214e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402155     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402258 
             402155      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402155      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402258 
             40215b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             40215b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stream  ; stream 
             402162     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             402162      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402162      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             402165     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40216C 
             402165      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             402167     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _fclose 
@@ -2426,8 +2653,10 @@
             402171      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _remove 
             402176     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402176      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402176      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402178     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4020E3 
             402178      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402178      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4020E3 
             40217e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             40217e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             402185      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
@@ -2446,6 +2675,7 @@
             402198      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             40219d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4020E3 
             40219d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            40219d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4020E3 
             4021a2      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             4021a2      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             4021a9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, r9d 
@@ -2475,6 +2705,7 @@
             4021c7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             4021cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402107 
             4021cc      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            4021cc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_402107 
             4021d1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             4021d1      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             4021d8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
@@ -2543,6 +2774,7 @@
             40224e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             402253     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4020E3 
             402253      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            402253      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4020E3 
             402258      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
             402258      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             40225f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
@@ -2560,6 +2792,7 @@
             402276      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             40227b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40215B 
             40227b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4020d0 
+            40227b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40215B 
             402280      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 ZZ
             402280      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             402280     45 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402280 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP NORET             4022ac 
@@ -2614,6 +2847,7 @@
             4022cd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     eax, eax 
             4022cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             4022cf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4022b0 
+            4022cf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             4022d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     ___fprintf_chk 
             4022d3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4022b0 
             4022d3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     ___fprintf_chk 
@@ -2655,6 +2889,7 @@
             402310     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402310     43 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402310 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             40233a 
             402310      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402310 
+            402310      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402310      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             402317     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402320 
             402317      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402310 
@@ -2679,6 +2914,7 @@
             402340     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402340     51 FUNC GLOBAL sub_402340 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             402372 
             402340      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402340 
+            402340      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402340      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 0 ReturnAddress 
             402347     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402350 
             402347      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402340 
@@ -2779,10 +3015,12 @@
             402400      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 8 ReturnAddress 
             402404     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             402404      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
+            402404      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             40240b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
             40240b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             402412     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402449 
             402412      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
+            402412      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402449 
             402414      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
             402414      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stderr 
             40241b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset aSCaughtASigseg; "\n%s: Caught a SIGSEGV or SIGBUS whilst"... 
@@ -2802,6 +3040,7 @@
             40242c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402340 
             402431     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             402431      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
+            402431      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_608350, 1 
             402438     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402463 
             402438      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
             40243a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402310 
@@ -2829,6 +3068,7 @@
             40245c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             402461     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40242C 
             402461      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
+            402461      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_40242C 
             402463     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 3 
             402463      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402400 
             402463      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 3 
@@ -2890,6 +3130,7 @@
             4024b9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fchmod 
             4024be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4024be      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
+            4024be      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4024c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4024D6 
             4024c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
             4024c2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024b0 
@@ -2955,6 +3196,7 @@
             40250c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402511     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402511      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402511      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402513     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402628 
             402513      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402519      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -2965,6 +3207,7 @@
             40251e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402523     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402523      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402523      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402525     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402628 
             402525      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40252b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -2992,12 +3235,16 @@
             402551      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R15 ZZ mov     r15, rax 
             402554     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             402554      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402554      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    esi, esi 
             402556     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4025CE 
             402556      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402556      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4025CE 
             402558     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             402558      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402558      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             40255f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402578 
             40255f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40255f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402578 
             402561      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402561      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, cs:stderr  ; stream 
             402568     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 0Ah        ; c 
@@ -3014,8 +3261,10 @@
             40257b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402030 
             402580     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             402580      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402580      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             402582     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402638 
             402582      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402582      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402638 
             402588      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402588      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+1498h+ptr]; ptr 
             402588      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 112 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+1498h+ptr]; ptr
@@ -3039,12 +3288,15 @@
             4025a5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             4025aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4025aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4025aa      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4025ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402628 
             4025ac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4025ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             4025ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4025ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDI ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             4025b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4025C6 
             4025b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4025b0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDI ZZ jle     short loc_4025C6 
             4025b2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4025b2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+1498h+ptr] 
             4025b2      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 112 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+1498h+ptr]
@@ -3065,8 +3317,10 @@
             4025c6      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ mov     ecx, [rsp+1498h+var_1430]
             4025ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             4025ca      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4025ca      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             4025cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402578 
             4025cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4025cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402578 
             4025ce      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4025ce      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI R8 R9 R12 R13 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ lea     r12, [rsp+1498h+var_1438] 
             4025ce      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 96 displ lea     r12, [rsp+1498h+var_1438]
@@ -3105,16 +3359,22 @@
             402601      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ mov     eax, [rsp+1498h+var_1430]
             402605     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFAh 
             402605      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402605      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFAh 
             402608     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402628 
             402608      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402608      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jz      short loc_402628 
             40260a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
             40260a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40260a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
             40260d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402620 
             40260d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40260d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jz      short loc_402620 
             40260f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFF7h 
             40260f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40260f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFF7h 
             402612     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402630 
             402612      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402612      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jz      short loc_402630 
             402614     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aCompressUnexpe; "compress:unexpected error" 
             402614      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402614      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mov     edi, offset aCompressUnexpe; "compress:unexpected error" 
@@ -3168,8 +3428,10 @@
             402668      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 104 displ mov     edx, [rsp+1498h+var_1430]
             40266c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40266c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40266c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40266e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4025E2 
             40266e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40266e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4025E2 
             402674      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402674      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [rsp+1498h+stream]; stream 
             402674      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 72 displ mov     rdi, [rsp+1498h+stream]; stream
@@ -3178,6 +3440,7 @@
             402679      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             40267e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40267e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40267e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402680     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402628 
             402680      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402682      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -3188,6 +3451,7 @@
             402687      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fflush 
             40268c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40268c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40268c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             40268f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402628 
             40268f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402691      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -3195,8 +3459,10 @@
             402691      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 72 displ mov     rax, [rsp+1498h+stream]
             402696     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, cs:stdout 
             402696      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402696      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rax, cs:stdout 
             40269d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4026D4 
             40269d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40269d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4026D4 
             40269f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40269f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rax        ; stream 
             4026a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _fileno 
@@ -3204,6 +3470,7 @@
             4026a2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fileno 
             4026a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4026a7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4026a7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4026a9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      loc_402628 
             4026a9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4026af      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -3220,6 +3487,7 @@
             4026bb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             4026c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4026c0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4026c0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4026c3     11 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4026ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402628 
             4026ce      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -3232,6 +3500,7 @@
             4026e2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             4026e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4026e7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4026e7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4026e9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402628 
             4026e9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4026ef      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
@@ -3241,6 +3510,7 @@
             4026f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             4026f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4026f7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4026f7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4026fa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402628 
             4026fa      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402700     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
@@ -3248,8 +3518,10 @@
             402700      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
             402706     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402706      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402706      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402708     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_402933 
             402708      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402708      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jle     loc_402933 
             40270e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+1498h+var_1440] 
             40270e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40270e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+1498h+var_1440] 
@@ -3259,12 +3531,16 @@
             402712      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, [rsp+1498h+var_143C] 
             402716     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402716      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402716      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402718     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402722 
             402718      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402718      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402722 
             40271a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40271a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40271a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RSI RDI ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40271c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402958 
             40271c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40271c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_402958 
             402722     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     ecx, edx 
             402722      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402722      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, edx 
@@ -3427,6 +3703,7 @@
             40280f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ lea     rax, [rsp+1498h+var_57] 
             402817     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402827 
             402817      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402817      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_402827 
             402820     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movzx   ecx, byte ptr [rax] 
             402820      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402820      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ movzx   ecx, byte ptr [rax] 
@@ -3438,16 +3715,21 @@
             402827      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movzx   ecx, cl 
             40282a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rsi 
             40282a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40282a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, rsi 
             40282d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, ecx 
             40282d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402831     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             402831      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402831      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             402835     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             402835      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402835      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             402839     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm3, xmm0 
             402839      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402839      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ addsd   xmm3, xmm0 
             40283d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402820 
             40283d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40283d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ jnz     short loc_402820 
             40283f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     [rsp+1498h+var_1480], rdi 
             40283f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40283f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI ZZ mov     [rsp+1498h+var_1480], rdi 
@@ -3468,26 +3750,34 @@
             40285f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsd   xmm1, [rsp+1498h+var_1480] 
             402865     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402877 
             402865      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402865      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_402877 
             402870     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   edx, byte ptr [rax] 
             402870      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402870      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ movzx   edx, byte ptr [rax] 
             402873     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             402873      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402873      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             402877     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   edx, dl 
             402877      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402877      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movzx   edx, dl 
             40287a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rcx 
             40287a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40287a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rax, rcx 
             40287d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
             40287d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40287d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
             402881     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             402881      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402881      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mulsd   xmm0, xmm1 
             402885     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             402885      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402885      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm2 
             402889     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate addsd   xmm4, xmm0 
             402889      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402889      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ addsd   xmm4, xmm0 
             40288d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402870 
             40288d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40288d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402870 
             40288f      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40288f      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI XMM0 ZZ lea     rsi, [rsp+1498h+var_58] 
             40288f      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 5184 displ lea     rsi, [rsp+1498h+var_58]
@@ -3537,6 +3827,7 @@
             4028f1      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 5120 displ lea     rcx, [rsp+1498h+var_98]
             4028f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm3 
             4028f9      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            4028f9      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm3 
             4028fd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, offset a6_3f16_3fBitsB; "%6.3f:1, %6.3f bits/byte, %5.2f%% saved"... 
             4028fd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             4028fd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI ZZ mov     edx, offset a6_3f16_3fBitsB; "%6.3f:1, %6.3f bits/byte, %5.2f%% saved"... 
@@ -3551,17 +3842,22 @@
             40290c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ movsd   xmm2, [rsp+1498h+var_1480] 
             402912     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm1, xmm4 
             402912      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402912      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mulsd   xmm1, xmm4 
             402916     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate subsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             402916      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402916      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ subsd   xmm2, xmm0 
             40291a     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movapd  xmm0, xmm3 
             40291a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40291a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 ZZ movapd  xmm0, xmm3 
             40291e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             40291e      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40291e      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ divsd   xmm1, xmm3 
             402922     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate divsd   xmm0, xmm4 
             402922      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402922      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM1 XMM3 ZZ divsd   xmm0, xmm4 
             402926     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate mulsd   xmm2, cs:qword_4062E0 
             402926      8 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402926      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ mulsd   xmm2, cs:qword_4062E0 
             40292e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___fprintf_chk 
             40292e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40292e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
@@ -3574,16 +3870,20 @@
             40293b      9 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ xor     rax, fs:28h 
             402944     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402975 
             402944      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402944      2 INSTR DEADREGS  XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jnz     short loc_402975 
             402946     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 1468h 
             402946      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402946      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ add     rsp, 1468h 
             40294d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40294d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40294d   5224 DEALLOC STACK esp - 5224 pop     rbx
             40294e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             40294e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     rbp 
             40294f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            40294f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     r12 
             40294f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             402951      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402951      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R13 R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     r13 
             402951     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R13 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r13 
             402953      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402953      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 R15 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ pop     r14 
@@ -3606,6 +3906,7 @@
             40296e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    _fwrite 
             402973     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402933 
             402973      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
+            402973      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ jmp     short loc_402933 
             402975     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___stack_chk_fail 
             402975      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4024e0 
             402975      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 ZZ call    ___stack_chk_fail 
@@ -3644,6 +3945,7 @@
             4029a9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             4029ae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4029ae      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029ae      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4029b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402B21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 3 
             4029b0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             4029b6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
@@ -3672,25 +3974,33 @@
             4029da      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _BZ2_bzReadOpen 
             4029df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4029df      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029df      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R12 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4029e2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             4029e2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R12 ZZ mov     r12, rax 
             4029e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402A24 
             4029e5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029e5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402A24 
             4029e7      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             4029e7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R10 ZZ mov     r10d, [rsp+2758h+var_2744] 
             4029e7      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     r10d, [rsp+2758h+var_2744]
             4029ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             4029ec      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029ec      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             4029ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402A24 
             4029ef      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029ef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402A24 
             4029f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1 
             4029f1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029f1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     ebp, 1 
             4029f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402A04 
             4029f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            4029f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_402A04 
             402a00     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402a00      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a00      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402a02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402A60 
             402a02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a02      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402A60 
             402a04      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a04      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+2758h+var_2738] 
             402a04      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+2758h+var_2738]
@@ -3711,8 +4021,10 @@
             402a1b      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2758h+var_2744]
             402a1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             402a1f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a1f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             402a22     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402A00 
             402a22      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a22      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402A00 
             402a24      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a24      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2758h+var_2740] 
             402a24      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2758h+var_2740]
@@ -3726,8 +4038,10 @@
             402a31      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_6076CC 
             402a37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             402a37      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a37      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    edi, edi 
             402a39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402AF7 
             402a39      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a39      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      loc_402AF7 
             402a3f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2758h+var_2744] 
             402a3f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a3f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+2758h+var_2744] 
@@ -3737,6 +4051,7 @@
             402a43      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 9 
             402a46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 6          ; switch 7 cases  
             402a46      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a46      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 6          ; switch 7 cases  
             402a49     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_402A58 
             402a49      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a4b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aTestUnexpected; jumptable 0000000000402A58 default case 
@@ -3750,8 +4065,10 @@
             402a58      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     ds:off_406018[rax*8]; switch jump 
             402a60     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4 
             402a60      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a60      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 4 
             402a63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402A24 
             402a63      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a63      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402A24 
             402a65      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a65      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rcx, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402a65      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ lea     rcx, [rsp+2758h+var_273C]
@@ -3771,8 +4088,10 @@
             402a7c      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_2744]
             402a81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             402a81      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a81      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             402a84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402C4F 
             402a84      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a84      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402C4F 
             402a8a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402a8a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a8a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
@@ -3782,8 +4101,10 @@
             402a8e      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+2758h+var_2750]
             402a93     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402a93      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a93      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402a95     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402AB4 
             402a95      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402a95      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402AB4 
             402a97     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused sub     eax, 1 
             402a97      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402a97      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ sub     eax, 1 
@@ -3801,10 +4122,13 @@
             402aa4      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 5040 displ mov     [rsp+rax+2758h+var_13A8], dl
             402aab     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             402aab      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402aab      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             402aaf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rsi 
             402aaf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402aaf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rax, rsi 
             402ab2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402AA0 
             402ab2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ab2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402AA0 
             402ab4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402ab4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2758h+var_2744] 
             402ab4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2758h+var_2744]
@@ -3818,16 +4142,20 @@
             402ac1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     r8d, [rsp+2758h+var_2744]
             402ac6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             402ac6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ac6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             402ac9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402C4F 
             402ac9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ac9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402C4F 
             402acf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402acf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402acf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402acf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C]
             402ad4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             402ad4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ad4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             402ad7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4029BD 
             402ad7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ad7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4029BD 
             402add      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402add      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx        ; stream 
             402ae0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402030 
@@ -3835,14 +4163,17 @@
             402ae0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402030 
             402ae5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             402ae5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ae5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             402ae7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402BF7 
             402ae7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402ae7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402BF7 
             402aed     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402aed      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402aed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C] 
             402aed      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ mov     r9d, [rsp+2758h+var_273C]
             402af2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4029BD 
             402af2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402af2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jmp     loc_4029BD 
             402af7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402af7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             402afe      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
@@ -3863,6 +4194,7 @@
             402b17      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             402b1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402A3F 
             402b1c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b1c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_402A3F 
             402b21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402470      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 3 
             402b21      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b21      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402470      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 3 
@@ -3899,6 +4231,7 @@
             402b5b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b61     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 2740h 
             402b61      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b61      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 2740h 
             402b68  10048 DEALLOC STACK esp - 10048 pop     rbx
             402b68      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b68      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -3910,6 +4243,7 @@
             402b6c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             402b6d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, cs:stdin   ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 4 
             402b6d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b6d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, cs:stdin   ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 4 
             402b74     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402B7E 
             402b74      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b76      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
@@ -3919,15 +4253,19 @@
             402b79      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             402b7e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 1 
             402b7e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b7e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ cmp     ebp, 1 
             402b81     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402BD5 
             402b81      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b81      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RBX ZZ jz      short loc_402BD5 
             402b83     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402b83      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b83      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402b8a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             402b8a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b8a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             402b8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402B48 
             402b8f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402b8f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jz      short loc_402B48 
             402b91      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402b91      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; s 
             402b98     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 23h        ; n 
@@ -3943,6 +4281,7 @@
             402ba7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             402bac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402B48 
             402bac      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402bac      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     short loc_402B48 
             402bae      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402bae      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 5 
             402bb5     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 23h        ; n 
@@ -3961,6 +4300,7 @@
             402bc6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             402bcb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402B48 
             402bcb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402bcb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     loc_402B48 
             402bd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402380      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 6 
             402bd0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402bd0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402380      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 6 
@@ -3982,6 +4322,7 @@
             402bed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             402bf2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402B48 
             402bf2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402bf2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     loc_402B48 
             402bf7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402bf7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx        ; stream 
             402bfa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _ferror 
@@ -3989,6 +4330,7 @@
             402bfa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402bff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402bff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402bff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402c01     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402B21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 3 
             402c01      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402c07      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
@@ -3998,15 +4340,18 @@
             402c0a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             402c0f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402c0f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402c0f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402c12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402B21      ; jumptable 0000000000402A58 case 3 
             402c12      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402c18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             402c18      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402c18      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             402c1f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             402c1f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402c1f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             402c24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_402B48 
             402c24      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402c24      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jle     loc_402B48 
             402c2a      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402c2a      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; s 
             402c31     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; n 
@@ -4022,6 +4367,7 @@
             402c40      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             402c45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402B48 
             402c45      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
+            402c45      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     loc_402B48 
             402c4a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___stack_chk_fail 
             402c4a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402980 
             402c4a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___stack_chk_fail 
@@ -4073,6 +4419,7 @@
             402c91      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402c96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402c96      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402c96      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402c98     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402c98      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402c9e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4082,6 +4429,7 @@
             402ca1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402ca6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402ca6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ca6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402ca8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ca8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402cae     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
@@ -4110,20 +4458,25 @@
             402cd3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _BZ2_bzReadOpen 
             402cd8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             402cd8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402cd8      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R13 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             402cdb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402cdb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI R13 ZZ mov     r13, rax 
             402cde     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402E00 
             402cde      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402cde      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      loc_402E00 
             402ce4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754] 
             402ce4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ce4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754] 
             402ce4      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
             402ce8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402ce8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ce8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402cea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402E00 
             402cea      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402cea      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402E00 
             402cf0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     r12d, 1 
             402cf0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402cf0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ add     r12d, 1 
             402cf4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402cf8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402cf8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+2768h+ptr] 
@@ -4145,20 +4498,28 @@
             402d0f      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     ecx, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
             402d13     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             402d13      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d13      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     ecx, 0FFFFFFFBh 
             402d16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402DF7 
             402d16      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d16      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_402DF7 
             402d1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, 4 
             402d1c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d1c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     ecx, 4 
             402d1f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402D25 
             402d1f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d1f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402D25 
             402d21     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             402d21      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d21      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             402d23     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402D3E 
             402d23      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d23      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402D3E 
             402d25     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d25      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d25      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402D3E 
             402d27      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d27      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402D3E 
             402d29      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402d29      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr 
             402d29      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr
@@ -4180,6 +4541,7 @@
             402d41      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402d46     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d46      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d46      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d48     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402d48      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402d4e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754] 
@@ -4188,12 +4550,16 @@
             402d4e      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
             402d52     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d52      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d52      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d54     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402CF8 
             402d54      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d54      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402CF8 
             402d56     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4 
             402d56      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d56      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 4 
             402d59     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402E00 
             402d59      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d59      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402E00 
             402d5f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402d5f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rcx, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402d5f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ lea     rcx, [rsp+2768h+var_274C]
@@ -4214,8 +4580,10 @@
             402d76      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
             402d7a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d7a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d7a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403067 
             402d7c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d7c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403067 
             402d82     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402d82      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402d82      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
@@ -4225,8 +4593,10 @@
             402d86      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rcx, [rsp+2768h+var_2760]
             402d8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402d8b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d8b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402d8d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402DB4 
             402d8d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402d8d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402DB4 
             402d8f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused sub     eax, 1 
             402d8f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402d8f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ sub     eax, 1 
@@ -4245,10 +4615,13 @@
             402da4      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 5040 displ mov     [rsp+rax+2768h+var_13B8], dl
             402dab     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             402dab      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dab      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             402daf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, rsi 
             402daf      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402daf      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rax, rsi 
             402db2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402DA0 
             402db2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402db2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402DA0 
             402db4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402db4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+var_2754] 
             402db4      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
@@ -4262,16 +4635,20 @@
             402dc1      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 20 displ mov     r11d, [rsp+2768h+var_2754]
             402dc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             402dc6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dc6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             402dc9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403067 
             402dc9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dc9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403067 
             402dcf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402dcf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402dcf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402dcf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C]
             402dd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             402dd4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dd4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             402dd7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402CB6 
             402dd7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dd7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402CB6 
             402ddd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ddd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp        ; stream 
             402de0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402030 
@@ -4279,18 +4656,23 @@
             402de0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402030 
             402de5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             402de5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402de5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             402de7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402E98 
             402de7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402de7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_402E98 
             402ded     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R9 ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402ded      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ded      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C] 
             402ded      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 28 displ mov     r9d, [rsp+2768h+var_274C]
             402df2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402CB6 
             402df2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402df2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ jmp     loc_402CB6 
             402df7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             402df7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402df7      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             402dfe     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402E2A 
             402dfe      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402dfe      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_402E2A 
             402e00      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e00      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+var_2750] 
             402e00      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 24 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+var_2750]
@@ -4308,6 +4690,7 @@
             402e11      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 9 
             402e14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 6          ; switch 7 cases  
             402e14      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e14      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 6          ; switch 7 cases  
             402e17     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     short loc_402E23 
             402e17      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e19     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset word_4046B2; jumptable 0000000000402E23 default case 
@@ -4326,6 +4709,7 @@
             402e2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _rewind 
             402e32     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_402E8C 
             402e32      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e32      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_402E8C 
             402e38      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e38      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr 
             402e38      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr
@@ -4349,12 +4733,15 @@
             402e55      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402e5a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402e5a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e5a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402e5c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402e5c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e62     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r12d, r12d 
             402e62      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e62      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r12d, r12d 
             402e65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402E7C 
             402e65      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e65      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_402E7C 
             402e67      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e67      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr 
             402e67      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 32 displ lea     rdi, [rsp+2768h+ptr]; ptr
@@ -4376,6 +4763,7 @@
             402e7f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402e84     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402e84      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e84      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402e86     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402e86      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e8c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4385,8 +4773,10 @@
             402e8f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402030 
             402e94     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             402e94      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e94      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             402e96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402E38 
             402e96      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402e96      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402E38 
             402e98      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402e98      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbp        ; stream 
             402e9b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _ferror 
@@ -4394,12 +4784,15 @@
             402e9b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402ea0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402ea0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ea0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402ea2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ea2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ea8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402ea8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ea8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402eaf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402EC8 
             402eaf      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402eaf      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_402EC8 
             402eb1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402eb1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, rbx        ; stream 
             402eb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _fileno 
@@ -4407,6 +4800,7 @@
             402eb4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fileno 
             402eb9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402eb9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402eb9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402ebb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate js      loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ebb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ec1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4422,6 +4816,7 @@
             402ecb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             402ed0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402ed0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ed0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402ed3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ed3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ed9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4431,6 +4826,7 @@
             402edc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _ferror 
             402ee1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402ee1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ee1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402ee3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_402F71      ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ee3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ee9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4440,10 +4836,12 @@
             402eec      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fflush 
             402ef1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             402ef1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ef1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             402ef3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_402F71; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402ef3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402ef5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402ef5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402ef5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402efc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402F16 
             402efc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402efe      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4453,11 +4851,13 @@
             402f01      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             402f06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402f06      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402f06      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             402f09     11 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402F71; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 3 
             402f14      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             402f16      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402f16      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX ZZ cmp     cs:dword_6076CC, 1 
             402f1d     11 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f1d     11 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RBX ZZ mov     cs:stream, 0 
             402f28     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
@@ -4465,6 +4865,7 @@
             402f28      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             402f2d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_402F4A 
             402f2d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402f2d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ jle     short loc_402F4A 
             402f2f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f2f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; s 
             402f36     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 5          ; n 
@@ -4492,6 +4893,7 @@
             402f5d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f63     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 2748h 
             402f63      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402f63      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ add     rsp, 2748h 
             402f6a  10056 DEALLOC STACK esp - 10056 pop     rbx
             402f6a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402f6a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -4539,6 +4941,7 @@
             402fa9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4020D0 
             402fae     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbp, cs:stdin   ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 4 
             402fae      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fae      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbp, cs:stdin   ; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 4 
             402fb5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402FBF 
             402fb5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402fb7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4548,6 +4951,7 @@
             402fba      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             402fbf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402fbf      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fbf      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, cs:stdout 
             402fc6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_402FD0 
             402fc6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402fc8      3 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4560,15 +4964,19 @@
             402fd0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             402fd2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r12d, 1 
             402fd2      4 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fd2      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ cmp     r12d, 1 
             402fd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402F4A 
             402fd6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fd6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jz      loc_402F4A 
             402fdc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402fdc      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fdc      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RBX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             402fe3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 1 
             402fe3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402fe3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX RBX ZZ mov     ebx, 1 
             402fe8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_402F4A 
             402fe8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            402fe8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ jz      loc_402F4A 
             402fee      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             402fee      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             402ff5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
@@ -4589,10 +4997,13 @@
             40300e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             403013     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_402F4A 
             403013      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            403013      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX ZZ jmp     loc_402F4A 
             403018     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 2 
             403018      7 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            403018      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0; jumptable 0000000000402E23 case 2 
             40301f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403030 
             40301f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            40301f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_403030 
             403021     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edi, 2 
             403021      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             403021      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 2 
@@ -4631,6 +5042,7 @@
             403060      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402310 
             403065     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403021 
             403065      2 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
+            403065      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_403021 
             403067     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aDecompressBzre; "decompress:bzReadGetUnused" 
             403067      5 INSTR BELONGTO 402c60 
             403067      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aDecompressBzre; "decompress:bzReadGetUnused" 
@@ -4664,8 +5076,10 @@
             403097      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strlen 
             40309c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 400h 
             40309c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            40309c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rax, 400h 
             4030a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_4030CA 
             4030a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            4030a2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ ja      short loc_4030CA 
             4030a4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
             4030a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbx        ; src 
             4030a7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
@@ -4687,6 +5101,7 @@
             4030c0      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             4030c5     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4030c5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            4030c5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4030c9      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
             4030c9      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ retn 
             4030c9     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -4711,8 +5126,10 @@
             4030e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             4030eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:status, 0 
             4030eb      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            4030eb      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:status, 0 
             4030f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4030FF 
             4030f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            4030f2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_4030FF 
             4030f4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:status  ; status 
             4030f4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
             4030f4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, cs:status  ; status 
@@ -4723,6 +5140,7 @@
             4030ff     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     cs:status, 1 
             403109     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4030F4 
             403109      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403080 
+            403109      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4030F4 
             403110      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 -16 96 4 0 8 5 -8 96 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 1 14 0 1 15 0 0 ZZ
             403110      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403110    153 FUNC GLOBAL sub_403110 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             4031a8 
@@ -4743,18 +5161,23 @@
             403118      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 40 ReturnAddress 
             40311c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40311c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40311c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             40311f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40312B 
             40311f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40311f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40312B 
             403121     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403149 
             403121      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            403121      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_403149 
             403128      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             403128      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40312b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             40312b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     rax, [rbx+8] 
             40312f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40312f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40312f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             403132     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403128 
             403132      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            403132      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_403128 
             403134      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             403134      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ xor     edi, edi 
             403134     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     edi, edi 
@@ -4765,6 +5188,7 @@
             40313b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [rbx+8], rax 
             40313f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             40313f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40313f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             403143     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 mov     rax, rbp
             403143      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             403143      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, rbp 
@@ -4785,6 +5209,7 @@
             403153      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _malloc 
             403158     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             403158      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            403158      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40315b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             40315b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40315e      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
@@ -4815,6 +5240,7 @@
             403187      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _malloc 
             40318c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             40318c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            40318c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40318f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             40318f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI ZZ mov     rsi, [rsp+28h+s]; src 
             40318f      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 8 displ mov     rsi, [rsp+28h+s]; src
@@ -4829,6 +5255,7 @@
             40319d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _strcpy 
             4031a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40313F 
             4031a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
+            4031a2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_40313F 
             4031a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402380 
             4031a4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403110 
             4031a4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402380 
@@ -4866,20 +5293,24 @@
             4031c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _getenv 
             4031cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4031cb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031cb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R14 ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4031ce      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             4031ce      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R14 ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4031d1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403291 
             4031d1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031d1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  R14 ZZ jz      loc_403291 
             4031d7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rbp, ebp 
             4031d7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             4031d7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ movsxd  rbp, ebp 
             4031da     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     rbx, rbp 
             4031da      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031da      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ add     rbx, rbp 
             4031dd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R14 ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   r14d, byte ptr [rbx] 
             4031dd      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             4031dd      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ movzx   r14d, byte ptr [rbx] 
             4031e1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14b, r14b 
             4031e1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031e1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r14b, r14b 
             4031e4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403291 
             4031e4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             4031ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___ctype_b_loc 
@@ -4889,8 +5320,10 @@
             4031ef      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     rcx, [rax] 
             4031f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403200 
             4031f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031f2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     short loc_403200 
             4031f8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             4031f8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            4031f8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R14 ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             4031fc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R14 ZZ  NumericDEFs movzx   r14d, byte ptr [rbx] 
             4031fc      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             4031fc      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R14 ZZ movzx   r14d, byte ptr [rbx] 
@@ -4899,6 +5332,7 @@
             403200      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ movsx   rax, r14b 
             403204     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rcx+rax*2+1], 20h 
             403204      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403204      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    byte ptr [rcx+rax*2+1], 20h 
             403209     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4031F8 
             403209      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             40320b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
@@ -4906,6 +5340,7 @@
             40320b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebp, ebp 
             40320d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14b, r14b 
             40320d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            40320d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r14b, r14b 
             403210     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4031D7 
             403210      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403212     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     rax, rbx 
@@ -4913,6 +5348,7 @@
             403212      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rax, rbx 
             403215     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_40322F 
             403215      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403215      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_40322F 
             403220     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movsx   rdx, dl 
             403220      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403220      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsx   rdx, dl 
@@ -4921,19 +5357,25 @@
             403224      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             403228     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    byte ptr [rcx+rdx*2+1], 20h 
             403228      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403228      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    byte ptr [rcx+rdx*2+1], 20h 
             40322d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40323A 
             40322d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            40322d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40323A 
             40322f     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused movzx   edx, byte ptr [rax+1] 
             40322f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             40322f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ movzx   edx, byte ptr [rax+1] 
             403233     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebp, 1 
             403233      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403233      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     ebp, 1 
             403236     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    dl, dl 
             403236      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403236      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    dl, dl 
             403238     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403220 
             403238      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403238      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_403220 
             40323a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebp, 400h 
             40323a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            40323a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     ebp, 400h 
             403240     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, r13d 
             403240      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403240      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     ecx, r13d 
@@ -4951,10 +5393,13 @@
             403254      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     ds:byte_6076E0[rax], dl 
             40325a     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rax, 1 
             40325a      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            40325a      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rax, 1 
             40325e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ecx, eax 
             40325e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            40325e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     ecx, eax 
             403260     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_403250 
             403260      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403260      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jg      short loc_403250 
             403262     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  AlwaysNUM movsxd  rcx, ecx 
             403262      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403262      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ movsxd  rcx, ecx 
@@ -4970,6 +5415,7 @@
             403274      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, [r12] 
             403278     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric add     rbx, rbp 
             403278      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403278      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, rbp 
             40327b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403110 
             40327b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             40327b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403110 
@@ -4980,11 +5426,13 @@
             403284      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R14 ZZ movzx   r14d, byte ptr [rbx] 
             403288     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r14b, r14b 
             403288      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403288      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    r14b, r14b 
             40328b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4031EA 
             40328b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403291      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403291      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbx 
             403292      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
+            403292      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     rbp 
             403292     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     rbp 
             403293      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4031b0 
             403293      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 R13 R14 ZZ pop     r12 
@@ -5027,6 +5475,7 @@
             4032c1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _open64 
             4032c6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4032c6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
+            4032c6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
             4032c9      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
             4032c9      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     ebx, eax 
             4032c9     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, eax 
@@ -5043,6 +5492,7 @@
             4032d4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fdopen 
             4032d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4032d9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
+            4032d9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4032dc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
             4032df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4032F8 
             4032df      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
@@ -5057,6 +5507,7 @@
             4032e9      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ mov     rbp, [rsp+18h+var_8]
             4032ee     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4032ee      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
+            4032ee      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4032f2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
             4032f2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ retn 
             4032f2     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -5068,6 +5519,7 @@
             4032fa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _close 
             4032ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4032E1 
             4032ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4032a0 
+            4032ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_4032E1 
             403310      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 1 4 0 8 5 0 4 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 4 13 0 1 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             403310      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403310    152 DATAREF STACK 291 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
@@ -5089,11 +5541,13 @@
             403324      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___lxstat64 
             403329     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403329      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
+            403329      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40332b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 1 
             40332b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
             40332b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDX ZZ mov     edx, 1 
             403330     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403343 
             403330      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
+            403330      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     short loc_403343 
             403332     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     eax, [rsp+98h+var_80] 
             403332      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
             403332      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, [rsp+98h+var_80] 
@@ -5102,6 +5556,7 @@
             403336      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ and     eax, 0F000h 
             40333b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 8000h 
             40333b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
+            40333b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 8000h 
             403340     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  AlwaysNUM setnz   dl 
             403340      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
             403340      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ setnz   dl 
@@ -5110,6 +5565,7 @@
             403343     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, edx 
             403345     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 98h 
             403345      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
+            403345      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 98h 
             40334c    152 DEALLOC STACK esp - 152 retn
             40334c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403310 
             40334c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -5134,10 +5590,12 @@
             403363      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___xstat64 
             403368     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403368      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403350 
+            403368      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40336a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403371 
             40336a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403350 
             40336c     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40336c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403350 
+            40336c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             403370      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403350 
             403370      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ retn 
             403370      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
@@ -5173,10 +5631,12 @@
             4033a3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _utime 
             4033a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4033a8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403380 
+            4033a8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4033aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4033B1 
             4033aa      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403380 
             4033ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 18h 
             4033ac      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403380 
+            4033ac      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 18h 
             4033b0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403380 
             4033b0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4033b0     24 DEALLOC STACK esp - 24 retn
@@ -5198,6 +5658,7 @@
             4033c6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rdx] 
             4033c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 4 
             4033c8      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            4033c8      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RSI ZZ add     rdx, 4 
             4033cc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [rcx-1010101h] 
             4033cc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             4033cc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX RSI ZZ lea     eax, [rcx-1010101h] 
@@ -5212,6 +5673,7 @@
             4033d6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RBX RSI ZZ and     eax, 80808080h 
             4033db     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4033C6 
             4033db      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            4033db      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RBX RSI ZZ jz      short loc_4033C6 
             4033dd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             4033dd      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RBX RSI ZZ mov     ecx, eax 
             4033dd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, eax 
@@ -5226,6 +5688,7 @@
             4033ea      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ shr     ecx, 10h 
             4033ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, 8080h 
             4033ed      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            4033ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, 8080h 
             4033f2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             4033f5      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             4033f5      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ lea     rcx, [rdx+2] 
@@ -5239,12 +5702,15 @@
             403403      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rdx, offset dest 
             40340a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, edx 
             40340a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            40340a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, edx 
             40340c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_403472 
             40340c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             40340e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            40340e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     esi, edx 
             40340e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs sub     esi, edx 
             403410     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, esi 
             403410      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            403410      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, esi 
             403412     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      short loc_403472 
             403412      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403414      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
@@ -5254,6 +5720,7 @@
             40341b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 20h        ; c 
             403420     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1 
             403420      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            403420      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 1 
             403423     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _fputc 
             403423      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403423      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fputc 
@@ -5268,6 +5735,7 @@
             403433     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, [rdx] 
             403435     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rdx, 4 
             403435      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            403435      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ add     rdx, 4 
             403439     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [rcx-1010101h] 
             403439      6 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403439      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ lea     eax, [rcx-1010101h] 
@@ -5282,6 +5750,7 @@
             403443      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ and     eax, 80808080h 
             403448     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403433 
             403448      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            403448      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ jz      short loc_403433 
             40344a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             40344a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX ZZ mov     ecx, eax 
             40344a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, eax 
@@ -5290,6 +5759,7 @@
             40344c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ shr     ecx, 10h 
             40344f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, 8080h 
             40344f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            40344f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, 8080h 
             403454      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403457      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403457      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX ZZ lea     rcx, [rdx+2] 
@@ -5302,9 +5772,11 @@
             403465      7 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403465      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rdx, offset dest 
             40346c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            40346c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     esi, edx 
             40346c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs sub     esi, edx 
             40346e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, esi 
             40346e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
+            40346e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, esi 
             403470     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_403414 
             403470      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
             403472      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4033c0 
@@ -5333,6 +5805,7 @@
             403487      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 328 ReturnAddress 
             40348e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             40348e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40348e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             403491      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403498     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4035D0 
             403498      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5341,10 +5814,12 @@
             40349e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             4034a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             4034a4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034a4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             4034a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4035A0 
             4034a7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4034ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             4034ad      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034ad      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             4034b0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403530 
             4034b0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4034b2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5352,12 +5827,16 @@
             4034b2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
             4034b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             4034b4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034b4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             4034b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4035DD 
             4034b7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034b7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4035DD 
             4034bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             4034bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034bd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             4034c0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4034E6 
             4034c0      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034c0      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4034E6 
             4034c2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset dest 
             4034c2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4034c2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset dest 
@@ -5366,6 +5845,7 @@
             4034c7      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             4034cc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4034cc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034cc      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             4034ce     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403850 
             4034ce      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4034d4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
@@ -5376,35 +5856,49 @@
             4034da      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ sub     eax, 2 
             4034dd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             4034dd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034dd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             4034e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_403940 
             4034e0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034e0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jbe     loc_403940 
             4034e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    bl, bl 
             4034e6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034e6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ test    bl, bl 
             4034e8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4034F7 
             4034e8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034e8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4034F7 
             4034ea     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4034ea      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034ea      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4034f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4038A8 
             4034f1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034f1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4038A8 
             4034f7     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             4034f7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4034f7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             4034fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             4034fd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4034fd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403500     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4038E8 
             403500      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403500      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4038E8 
             403506     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             403506      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403506      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             403509     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403808 
             403509      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403509      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403808 
             40350f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             40350f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40350f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403512     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403798 
             403512      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403512      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403798 
             403518     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403518      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403518      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             40351b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403660 
             40351b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40351b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403660 
             403521     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aUncompressBadS; "uncompress: bad srcMode" 
             403521      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403521      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aUncompressBadS; "uncompress: bad srcMode" 
@@ -5444,14 +5938,19 @@
             403562      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401FB0 
             403567     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403567      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403567      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    al, al 
             403569     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_4035E8 
             403569      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403569      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_4035E8 
             40356b     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 8 
             40356b      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40356b      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ add     rbp, 8 
             40356f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbp, 20h 
             40356f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40356f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ cmp     rbp, 20h 
             403573     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_40354C 
             403573      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403573      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_40354C 
             403575     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 40Ah 
             403575      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403575      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, 40Ah 
@@ -5472,6 +5971,7 @@
             40358e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403594     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4034BD 
             403594      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403594      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4034BD 
             4035a0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4035a0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rdi        ; src 
             4035a3     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset dest; dest 
@@ -5497,15 +5997,19 @@
             4035be      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             4035c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4034BD 
             4035c4      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4035c4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4034BD 
             4035d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             4035d0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4035d0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             4035d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403B04 
             4035d7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4035d7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403B04 
             4035dd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
             4035dd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4035dd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
             4035e2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4035A3 
             4035e2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4035e2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_4035A3 
             4035e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBP ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebp, offset file 
             4035e8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4035e8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ mov     ebp, offset file 
@@ -5514,6 +6018,7 @@
             4035ed      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, [rbp+0] 
             4035f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbp, 4 
             4035f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4035f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ add     rbp, 4 
             4035f4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [rdx-1010101h] 
             4035f4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4035f4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ lea     eax, [rdx-1010101h] 
@@ -5528,6 +6033,7 @@
             4035fe      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ and     eax, 80808080h 
             403603     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4035ED 
             403603      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403603      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX RDI ZZ jz      short loc_4035ED 
             403605      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403605      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ mov     edx, eax 
             403605     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, eax 
@@ -5538,6 +6044,7 @@
             40360a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ shr     edx, 10h 
             40360d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, 8080h 
             40360d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40360d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, 8080h 
             403612      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403615      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403615      4 INSTR DEADREGS  RDX ZZ lea     rdx, [rbp+2] 
@@ -5556,6 +6063,7 @@
             40362f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rsi, rbx 
             403632     -1 INSTR LOCAL 2ndSrcNumeric sub     rbp, rax 
             403632      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403632      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RDI ZZ sub     rbp, rax 
             403635     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 40Ah 
             403635      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403635      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RDI ZZ mov     edx, 40Ah 
@@ -5575,6 +6083,7 @@
             40364d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403653     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4034BD 
             403653      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403653      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_4034BD 
             403660      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403660      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbp, cs:stdin 
             403667      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5592,15 +6101,19 @@
             403678      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _isatty 
             40367d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40367d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40367d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40367f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403A80 
             40367f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40367f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403A80 
             403685     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
             403685      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403685      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
             40368b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40368b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40368b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40368d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4036BD 
             40368d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40368d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_4036BD 
             40368f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40368f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stderr 
             403696     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset dest 
@@ -5639,11 +6152,13 @@
             4036d1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402C60 
             4036d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4036d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4036d6      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             4036d8     11 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4036e3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_403730 
             4036e3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4036e5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             4036e5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4036e5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             4036ec     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403B30 
             4036ec      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4036f2     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
@@ -5653,6 +6168,7 @@
             4036f8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             4036ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4036ff      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4036ff      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403701     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_40371E 
             403701      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403703      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5670,35 +6186,43 @@
             403719      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             40371e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 130h 
             40371e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40371e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 130h 
             403725      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403725      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             403726      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403726      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     rbp 
             403727      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403727      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     r12 
             403727     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             403729      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403729      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             403730     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             403730      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403730      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             403737      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403737      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834A, 1 
             40373e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40373e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             403745     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403B10 
             403745      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403745      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403B10 
             40374b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:status, 1 
             40374b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40374b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ cmp     cs:status, 1 
             403752      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403752      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             403759     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_403A68 
             403759      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403759      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jle     loc_403A68 
             40375f     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
             40375f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40375f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_6076CC 
             403765     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403765      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403765      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403767     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_4039B0 
             403767      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403767      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jle     loc_4039B0 
             40376d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40376d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:stderr  ; s 
             403774     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     edx, 12h        ; n 
@@ -5714,12 +6238,14 @@
             403783      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             403788     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 130h 
             403788      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403788      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ add     rsp, 130h 
             40378f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40378f      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ pop     rbx 
             40378f    304 DEALLOC STACK esp - 304 pop     rbx
             403790      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403790      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     rbp 
             403791      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403791      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS R12 ZZ pop     r12 
             403791     -2 INSTR LOCAL n R12 ZZ  NumericDEFs pop     r12 
             403793      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403793      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
@@ -5739,12 +6265,14 @@
             4037aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032A0 
             4037af     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             4037af      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4037af      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             4037b2      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4037b2      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             4037b5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403B80 
             4037b5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4037bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4037bb      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4037bb      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4037be     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403685 
             4037be      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4037c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
@@ -5783,6 +6311,7 @@
             4037fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             403800     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40399C 
             403800      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403800      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40399C 
             403808     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
             403808      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403808      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
@@ -5794,6 +6323,7 @@
             403812      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fopen64 
             403817     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             403817      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403817      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40381a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40381a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbp, rax 
             40381d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5820,6 +6350,7 @@
             403846      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSCanTOpenInp_0; "%s: Can't open input file %s:%s.\n" 
             40384b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403871 
             40384b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40384b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_403871 
             403850     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
             403850      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403850      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___errno_location 
@@ -5854,12 +6385,15 @@
             403884      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX R12 ZZ mov     edx, cs:status 
             40388a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edx, edx 
             40388a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40388a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ test    edx, edx 
             40388c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40371E 
             40388c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40388c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ jg      loc_40371E 
             403892     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403892     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ mov     cs:status, 1 
             40389c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40371E 
             40389c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40389c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40371E 
             4038a8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4038a8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             4038af      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5885,8 +6419,10 @@
             4038d3      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             4038d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             4038d9      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4038d9      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             4038dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403506 
             4038dc      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4038dc      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403506 
             4038e2      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4038e8     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset file 
             4038e8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5896,12 +6432,15 @@
             4038ed      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             4038f2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             4038f2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4038f2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             4038f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40390D 
             4038f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4038f6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             4038f6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4038f6      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             4038fd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403AF0 
             4038fd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4038fd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403AF0 
             403903      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403903      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset file; filename 
             403908     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _remove 
@@ -5912,10 +6451,12 @@
             40390d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403913     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403913      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403913      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403916     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403506 
             403916      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40391c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             40391c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40391c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             403923     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4039E0 
             403923      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403929     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403350 
@@ -5926,6 +6467,7 @@
             40392e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403934     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403506 
             403934      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403934      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403506 
             403940      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403940      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+stat_buf]; stat_buf 
             403940      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 16 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+stat_buf]; stat_buf
@@ -5947,14 +6489,17 @@
             403958      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ and     eax, 0F000h 
             40395d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4000h 
             40395d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40395d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 4000h 
             403962     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403B60 
             403962      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403968     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             403968      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403968      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             40396f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4034E6 
             40396f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403975     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             403975      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403975      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             40397c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4034E6 
             40397c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403982     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403310 
@@ -5962,21 +6507,28 @@
             403982      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403310 
             403987     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403987      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403987      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403989     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4034E6 
             403989      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403989      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      loc_4034E6 
             40398f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             40398f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            40398f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             403996     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403BCA 
             403996      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403996      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     loc_403BCA 
             40399c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:status 
             40399c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             40399c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ mov     eax, cs:status 
             4039a2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4039a2      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039a2      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4039a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40371E 
             4039a4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039a4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ jg      loc_40371E 
             4039aa     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403892 
             4039aa      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039aa      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_403892 
             4039b0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4039b0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             4039b7      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -5997,6 +6549,7 @@
             4039d0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             4039d5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40371E 
             4039d5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039d5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40371E 
             4039e0      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4039e0      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+var_A8]; stat_buf 
             4039e0      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 160 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+var_A8]; stat_buf
@@ -6011,19 +6564,25 @@
             4039f2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___lxstat64 
             4039f7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4039f7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039f7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4039f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403AD4 
             4039f9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            4039f9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     loc_403AD4 
             4039ff      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             4039ff      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R9 ZZ mov     r9, [rsp+148h+var_A8.st_nlink] 
             4039ff      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 176 displ mov     r9, [rsp+148h+var_A8.st_nlink]
             403a07     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     r9d, 1 
             403a07      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a07      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ sub     r9d, 1 
             403a0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             403a0b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a0b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             403a0e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_403AD4 
             403a0e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a0e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jle     loc_403AD4 
             403a14     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r9d, 1 
             403a14      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a14      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ cmp     r9d, 1 
             403a18     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, 4047D2h 
             403a18      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403a18      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     edx, 4047D2h 
@@ -6059,14 +6618,18 @@
             403a4f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RSI R12 ZZ mov     esi, cs:status 
             403a55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
             403a55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ test    esi, esi 
             403a57     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40371E 
             403a57      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a57      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ jg      loc_40371E 
             403a5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403892 
             403a5d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a5d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_403892 
             403a68     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403a68     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     cs:status, 2 
             403a72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40375F 
             403a72      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403a72      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40375F 
             403a80      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403a80      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             403a87      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6106,19 +6669,24 @@
             403ac1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RCX RBX R12 ZZ mov     ecx, cs:status 
             403ac7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ecx, ecx 
             403ac7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403ac7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ test    ecx, ecx 
             403ac9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_40371E 
             403ac9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403ac9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX R12 ZZ jg      loc_40371E 
             403acf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403892 
             403acf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403acf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_403892 
             403ad4     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403ad4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403ad4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403ada     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403ada      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403ada      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403add     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403929 
             403add      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403ae3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403506 
             403ae3      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403ae3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403506 
             403af0      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403af0      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset file 
             403af6      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6128,6 +6696,7 @@
             403afd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSOutputFileSAl; "%s: Output file %s already exists.\n" 
             403b02     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403AAE 
             403b02      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b02      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_403AAE 
             403b04     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aUncompressBadM; "uncompress: bad modes\n" 
             403b04      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b04      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aUncompressBadM; "uncompress: bad modes\n" 
@@ -6141,6 +6710,7 @@
             403b15      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _remove 
             403b1a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403b1a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b1a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403b1c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40374B 
             403b1c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b22     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402470 
@@ -6151,6 +6721,7 @@
             403b30      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403380 
             403b35     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B0C, 0 
             403b35      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b35      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B0C, 0 
             403b3c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b43     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4036F2 
             403b43      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6161,10 +6732,12 @@
             403b4e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _remove 
             403b53     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403b53      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b53      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403b55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4036F2 
             403b55      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b5b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403B22 
             403b5b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b5b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_403B22 
             403b60      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b60      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset dest 
             403b66      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6174,6 +6747,7 @@
             403b6d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSInputFileSIsA; "%s: Input file %s is a directory.\n" 
             403b72     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403AAE 
             403b72      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403b72      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403AAE 
             403b80     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
             403b80      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403b80      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___errno_location 
@@ -6205,6 +6779,7 @@
             403baf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             403bb4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             403bb4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403bb4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             403bb7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40399C 
             403bb7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403bbd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6214,6 +6789,7 @@
             403bc0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             403bc5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40399C 
             403bc5      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403bc5      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40399C 
             403bca      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
             403bca      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             403bd1      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
@@ -6234,6 +6810,7 @@
             403bea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             403bef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40399C 
             403bef      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403480 
+            403bef      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX R12 ZZ jmp     loc_40399C 
             403c00      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 -8 4 4 0 8 5 0 96 6 0 0 7 0 1 8 0 16 9 0 16 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 1 13 0 1 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             403c00      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403c00      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
@@ -6249,10 +6826,12 @@
             403c04      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 152 ReturnAddress 
             403c0b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             403c0b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c0b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             403c0e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c0e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             403c15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403E20 
             403c15      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c15      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403E20 
             403c1b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset src ; "(none)" 
             403c1b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c1b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset src ; "(none)" 
@@ -6267,16 +6846,22 @@
             403c2a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403c30     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             403c30      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c30      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             403c33     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403D50 
             403c33      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c33      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403D50 
             403c39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403c39      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c39      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403c3c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403D50 
             403c3c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c3c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403D50 
             403c42     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403c42      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c42      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403c45     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403DF0 
             403c45      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c45      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403DF0 
             403c4b     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset dest 
             403c4b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c4b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset dest 
@@ -6285,12 +6870,15 @@
             403c50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             403c55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403c55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403c57     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403E50 
             403c57      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             403c5d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c5d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             403c64     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403D6C 
             403c64      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c64      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403D6C 
             403c6a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c6a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdx, rsp        ; stat_buf 
             403c6a      3 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     rdx, rsp        ; stat_buf
@@ -6311,21 +6899,28 @@
             403c80      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ and     eax, 0F000h 
             403c85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4000h 
             403c85      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c85      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 4000h 
             403c8a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403EA0 
             403c8a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c8a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RDI ZZ jz      loc_403EA0 
             403c90     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403c90      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403c90      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403c96     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403c96      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c96      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403c99     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403D6C 
             403c99      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c99      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403D6C 
             403c9f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jl      loc_403E10 
             403c9f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403c9f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jl      loc_403E10 
             403ca5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403ca5      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403ca5      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403ca8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_403E10 
             403ca8      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403ca8      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jg      loc_403E10 
             403cae     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
             403cae      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403cae      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
@@ -6337,6 +6932,7 @@
             403cb8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fopen64 
             403cbd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             403cbd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403cbd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             403cc0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403cc0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             403cc3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403EC0 
@@ -6345,8 +6941,10 @@
             403cc9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, cs:dword_6076CC 
             403cd0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r8d, r8d 
             403cd0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403cd0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ test    r8d, r8d 
             403cd3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_403D03 
             403cd3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403cd3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jle     short loc_403D03 
             403cd5      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403cd5      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stderr 
             403cdc     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset dest 
@@ -6381,6 +6979,7 @@
             403d11      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402980 
             403d16     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403d16      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d16      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403d18     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403E40 
             403d18      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d1e     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, cs:dword_6076CC 
@@ -6388,6 +6987,7 @@
             403d1e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, cs:dword_6076CC 
             403d24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
             403d24      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d24      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    edi, edi 
             403d26     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_403D43 
             403d26      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d28      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
@@ -6405,6 +7005,7 @@
             403d3e      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fwrite 
             403d43     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 90h 
             403d43      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d43      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 90h 
             403d4a      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d4a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403d4b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
@@ -6422,8 +7023,10 @@
             403d5d      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403d63     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403d63      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d63      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403d66     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403C4B 
             403d66      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d66      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403C4B 
             403d6c      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d6c      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stdin   ; stream 
             403d73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _fileno 
@@ -6437,10 +7040,12 @@
             403d7a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _isatty 
             403d7f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             403d7f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d7f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             403d81      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d81      7 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, cs:stdin 
             403d88     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403CC9 
             403d88      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403d88      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403CC9 
             403d8e      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403d8e      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             403d95      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
@@ -6479,12 +7084,15 @@
             403dcf      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R10 ZZ mov     r10d, cs:status 
             403dd6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r10d, r10d 
             403dd6      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403dd6      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    r10d, r10d 
             403dd9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_403D43 
             403dd9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403dd9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jg      loc_403D43 
             403ddf     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403ddf     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:status, 1 
             403de9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403D43 
             403de9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403de9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_403D43 
             403df0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
             403df0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403df0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
@@ -6499,6 +7107,7 @@
             403dff      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403e05     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403D63 
             403e05      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e05      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403D63 
             403e10     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aTestfBadSrcmod; "testf: bad srcMode" 
             403e10      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403e10      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aTestfBadSrcmod; "testf: bad srcMode" 
@@ -6507,8 +7116,10 @@
             403e15      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4023C0 
             403e20     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             403e20      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e20      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             403e27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403C1B 
             403e27      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e27      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403C1B 
             403e2d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset aTestfBadModes; "testf: bad modes\n" 
             403e2d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403e2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset aTestfBadModes; "testf: bad modes\n" 
@@ -6519,6 +7130,7 @@
             403e40      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_607F2A, 1 
             403e47     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 90h 
             403e47      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e47      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 90h 
             403e4e      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403e4e      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             403e4f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
@@ -6556,10 +7168,13 @@
             403e84      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX R9 ZZ mov     r9d, cs:status 
             403e8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             403e8b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e8b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             403e8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_403DDF 
             403e8e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e8e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jle     loc_403DDF 
             403e94     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 90h 
             403e94      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403e94      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 90h 
             403e9b    144 DEALLOC STACK esp - 144 pop     rbx
             403e9b      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403e9b      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
@@ -6574,6 +7189,7 @@
             403ead      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSInputFileSIsA; "%s: Input file %s is a directory.\n" 
             403eb2     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403DBC 
             403eb2      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403eb2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403DBC 
             403ec0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
             403ec0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
             403ec0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___errno_location 
@@ -6594,6 +7210,7 @@
             403edc      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSCanTOpenInp_0; "%s: Can't open input file %s:%s.\n" 
             403ee1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_403E71 
             403ee1      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403c00 
+            403ee1      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_403E71 
             403ef0      0 FUNC FRAMERESTORE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 -16 4 4 0 8 5 -8 96 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 4 9 0 16 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 1 13 0 1 14 0 4 15 0 0 ZZ
             403ef0      0 FUNC MMSAFENESS SAFE
             403ef0   1607 FUNC GLOBAL sub_403EF0 FUNC_UNSAFE NOFP RET             404536 
@@ -6613,6 +7230,7 @@
             403ef5      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 328 ReturnAddress 
             403efc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rdi, rdi 
             403efc      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403efc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rdi, rdi 
             403eff      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f06     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404040 
             403f06      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6621,16 +7239,20 @@
             403f0c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403f12     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             403f12      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f12      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             403f15     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404080 
             403f15      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f1b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403f1b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f1b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403f1e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403FA0 
             403f1e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f24     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403f24      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f24      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403f27     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40404D 
             403f27      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f27      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_40404D 
             403f2d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset dest 
             403f2d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f2d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset dest 
@@ -6639,6 +7261,7 @@
             403f32      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             403f37     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403f37      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f37      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403f39     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403FEF 
             403f39      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f3f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6656,14 +7279,18 @@
             403f50      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401FB0 
             403f55     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403f55      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f55      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403f57     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4041E0 
             403f57      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f5d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 8 
             403f5d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f5d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ add     rbx, 8 
             403f61     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, 20h 
             403f61      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f61      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     rbx, 20h 
             403f65     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_403F41 
             403f65      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f65      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     short loc_403F41 
             403f67     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403f67      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f67      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
@@ -6672,22 +7299,31 @@
             403f6d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RDI ZZ lea     edx, [rax-2] 
             403f70     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     edx, 1 
             403f70      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f70      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     edx, 1 
             403f73     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jbe     loc_404210 
             403f73      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f73      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jbe     loc_404210 
             403f79     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 2 
             403f79      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f79      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 2 
             403f7c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4041A0 
             403f7c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f7c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4041A0 
             403f82     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             403f82      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f82      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             403f85     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404130 
             403f85      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f85      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_404130 
             403f8b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403f8b      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f8b      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403f8e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
             403f8e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f8e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
             403f90     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404088 
             403f90      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403f90      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_404088 
             403f96     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, 404700h 
             403f96      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403f96      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 404700h 
@@ -6727,8 +7363,10 @@
             403fce      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             403fd4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 1 
             403fd4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403fd4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 1 
             403fd7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_403F3F 
             403fd7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403fd7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_403F3F 
             403fdd     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset dest 
             403fdd      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403fdd      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset dest 
@@ -6737,6 +7375,7 @@
             403fe2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             403fe7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             403fe7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            403fe7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             403fe9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403F3F 
             403fe9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             403fef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
@@ -6773,10 +7412,13 @@
             404023      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebp, cs:status 
             404029     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebp, ebp 
             404029      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404029      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    ebp, ebp 
             40402b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_4041FB 
             40402b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40402b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jle     loc_4041FB 
             404031     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 138h 
             404031      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404031      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 138h 
             404038      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404038      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             404039      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6785,8 +7427,10 @@
             40403a      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404040     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             404040      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404040      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 1 
             404047     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_40452D 
             404047      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404047      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_40452D 
             40404d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
             40404d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40404d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset aStdin; "(stdin)" 
@@ -6810,10 +7454,12 @@
             40406b      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404071     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403FD4 
             404071      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404071      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403FD4 
             404080      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404080      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI ZZ mov     rsi, rdi 
             404083     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_404052 
             404083      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404083      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     short loc_404052 
             404088      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404088      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX RDI ZZ mov     rbx, cs:stdout 
             40408f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6831,14 +7477,18 @@
             4040a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _isatty 
             4040a5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4040a5      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4040a5      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4040a7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4043E0 
             4040a7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4040a7      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jnz     loc_4043E0 
             4040ad      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4040ad      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI R11 ZZ mov     r11d, cs:dword_6076CC 
             4040b4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r11d, r11d 
             4040b4      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4040b4      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ test    r11d, r11d 
             4040b7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_4040E7 
             4040b7      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4040b7      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RSI RDI ZZ jle     short loc_4040E7 
             4040b9      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4040b9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rdi, cs:stderr 
             4040c0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RCX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ecx, offset dest 
@@ -6877,6 +7527,7 @@
             4040fb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4024E0 
             404100     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             404100      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404100      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:dword_607B08, 3 
             404107     11 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404112     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4043A8 
             404112      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6884,6 +7535,7 @@
             404118      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:byte_60834C, 0 
             40411f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 138h 
             40411f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40411f      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 138h 
             404126      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404126      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             404127      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -6906,12 +7558,14 @@
             404142      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_4032A0 
             404147     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rax, rax 
             404147      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404147      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rax, rax 
             40414a      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40414a      3 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ mov     rbx, rax 
             40414d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4044EB 
             40414d      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404153     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             404153      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404153      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             404156     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4040AD 
             404156      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40415c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
@@ -6950,6 +7604,7 @@
             404193      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             404198     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_4041ED 
             404198      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404198      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     short loc_4041ED 
             4041a0     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RSI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
             4041a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4041a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RSI RDI ZZ mov     esi, offset modes; "rb" 
@@ -6976,16 +7631,20 @@
             4041c3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _isatty 
             4041c8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4041c8      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041c8      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4041ca     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404438 
             4041ca      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4041d0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             4041d0      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041d0      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             4041d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_4040AD 
             4041d3      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4041d9     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403FEF 
             4041d9      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041d9      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_403FEF 
             4041e0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4041e0      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041e0      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4041e7     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404490 
             4041e7      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4041ed     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused mov     ebx, cs:status 
@@ -6993,12 +7652,15 @@
             4041ed      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, cs:status 
             4041f3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
             4041f3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041f3      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
             4041f5     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_404031 
             4041f5      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4041f5      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jg      loc_404031 
             4041fb     10 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4041fb     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     cs:status, 1 
             404205     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 138h 
             404205      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404205      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 138h 
             40420c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40420c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             40420c    312 DEALLOC STACK esp - 312 pop     rbx
@@ -7026,17 +7688,21 @@
             404228      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ and     eax, 0F000h 
             40422d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 4000h 
             40422d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40422d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 4000h 
             404232     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4044D4 
             404232      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404232      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jz      loc_4044D4 
             404238     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404238      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404238      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             40423e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             40423e      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40423e      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             404241     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403F79 
             404241      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404247     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             404247      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404247      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             40424e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_404290 
             40424e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404250     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, offset file 
@@ -7047,6 +7713,7 @@
             404255      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_402010 
             40425a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             40425a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40425a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             40425c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404360 
             40425c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404262     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
@@ -7054,10 +7721,12 @@
             404262      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404268     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             404268      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404268      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             40426b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403F79 
             40426b      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404271     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             404271      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404271      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             404278     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4042D8 
             404278      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40427a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403350 
@@ -7068,15 +7737,18 @@
             40427f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404285     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403F79 
             404285      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404285      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403F79 
             404290     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403310 
             404290      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404290      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403310 
             404295     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    al, al 
             404295      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404295      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    al, al 
             404297     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40437C 
             404297      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40429d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             40429d      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40429d      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B18, 0 
             4042a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4041ED 
             4042a4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4042aa      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7099,6 +7771,7 @@
             4042ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             4042cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041ED 
             4042cf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4042cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041ED 
             4042d8      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4042d8      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RSI RDI ZZ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+var_A8]; stat_buf 
             4042d8      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 160 displ lea     rdx, [rsp+148h+var_A8]; stat_buf
@@ -7113,19 +7786,25 @@
             4042ea      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___lxstat64 
             4042ef     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4042ef      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4042ef      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4042f1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404390 
             4042f1      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4042f1      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jnz     loc_404390 
             4042f7      8 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4042f7      8 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX R9 ZZ mov     r9, [rsp+148h+var_A8.st_nlink] 
             4042f7      8 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 176 displ mov     r9, [rsp+148h+var_A8.st_nlink]
             4042ff     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     r9d, 1 
             4042ff      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4042ff      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ sub     r9d, 1 
             404303     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    r9d, r9d 
             404303      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404303      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ test    r9d, r9d 
             404306     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     loc_404390 
             404306      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404306      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX ZZ jle     loc_404390 
             40430c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     r9d, 1 
             40430c      4 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40430c      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ cmp     r9d, 1 
             404310     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edx, 4047D2h 
             404310      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404310      5 INSTR DEADREGS  RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     edx, 4047D2h 
@@ -7161,14 +7840,19 @@
             404347      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, cs:status 
             40434d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             40434d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40434d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             40434f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_404031 
             40434f      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40434f      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jg      loc_404031 
             404355     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041FB 
             404355      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404355      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041FB 
             404360     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             404360      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404360      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     cs:byte_60834B, 0 
             404367     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4044BD 
             404367      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404367      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jz      loc_4044BD 
             40436d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40436d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, offset file; filename 
             404372     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    _remove 
@@ -7176,30 +7860,37 @@
             404372      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _remove 
             404377     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404262 
             404377      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404377      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ jmp     loc_404262 
             40437c     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             40437c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40437c      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDI ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404382     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             404382      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404382      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             404385     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_403F79 
             404385      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404385      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RDI ZZ jnz     loc_403F79 
             40438b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_404250 
             40438b      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40438b      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_404250 
             404390     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404390      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404390      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     eax, cs:dword_607B08 
             404396     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 3 
             404396      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404396      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 3 
             404399     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_40427A 
             404399      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40439f      1 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4043a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_403F79 
             4043a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4043a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ jmp     loc_403F79 
             4043a8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_403380 
             4043a8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4043a8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_403380 
             4043ad     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     cs:byte_607B0C, 0 
             4043ad      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4043ad      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     cs:byte_607B0C, 0 
             4043b4      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4043bb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404118 
             4043bb      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7210,6 +7901,7 @@
             4043c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _remove 
             4043cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             4043cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4043cb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
             4043cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_404118 
             4043cd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4043d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    sub_402470 
@@ -7254,10 +7946,13 @@
             404421      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     eax, cs:status 
             404427     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
             404427      2 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404427      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    eax, eax 
             404429     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jg      loc_404031 
             404429      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404429      6 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jg      loc_404031 
             40442f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041FB 
             40442f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40442f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041FB 
             404438      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404438      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             40443f      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7294,6 +7989,7 @@
             404474      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             404479     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             404479      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404479      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             40447c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      loc_4041ED 
             40447c      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404482      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7303,6 +7999,7 @@
             404485      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fclose 
             40448a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041ED 
             40448a      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40448a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041ED 
             404490      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404490      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 R9 ZZ mov     rcx, cs:s 
             404497      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7325,6 +8022,7 @@
             4044b3      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             4044b8     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041ED 
             4044b8      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4044b8      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041ED 
             4044bd      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4044bd      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset file 
             4044c3      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7334,6 +8032,7 @@
             4044ca      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSOutputFileSAl; "%s: Output file %s already exists.\n" 
             4044cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40440E 
             4044cf      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4044cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40440E 
             4044d4      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4044d4      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RCX RDX RSI RDI R8 ZZ mov     r8d, offset dest 
             4044da      7 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
@@ -7343,6 +8042,7 @@
             4044e1      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RDX RSI RDI ZZ mov     edx, offset aSInputFileSIsA; "%s: Input file %s is a directory.\n" 
             4044e6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_40440E 
             4044e6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            4044e6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RSI RDI ZZ jmp     loc_40440E 
             4044eb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___errno_location 
             4044eb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             4044eb      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___errno_location 
@@ -7374,10 +8074,12 @@
             40451a      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___fprintf_chk 
             40451f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             40451f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            40451f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             404522     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     loc_404482 
             404522      6 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             404528     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_4041ED 
             404528      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
+            404528      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ jmp     loc_4041ED 
             40452d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RDI ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     edi, 4046D3h 
             40452d      5 INSTR BELONGTO 403ef0 
             40452d      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, 4046D3h 
@@ -7429,8 +8131,10 @@
             404580      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _init_proc 
             404585     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    rbp, rbp 
             404585      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            404585      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ test    rbp, rbp 
             404588     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_4045A6 
             404588      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            404588      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_4045A6 
             40458a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
             40458a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDX RBX RSI RDI ZZ xor     ebx, ebx 
             40458a     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     ebx, ebx 
@@ -7444,10 +8148,13 @@
             404596      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RDI ZZ mov     edi, r13d 
             404599     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             404599      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            404599      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    qword ptr [r12+rbx*8] 
             40459d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rbx, 1 
             40459d      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            40459d      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rbx, 1 
             4045a1     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4045a1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            4045a1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rbx, rbp 
             4045a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404590 
             4045a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
             4045a6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
@@ -7470,6 +8177,7 @@
             4045bf      5 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 48 displ mov     r15, [rsp+38h+var_8]
             4045c4     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 38h 
             4045c4      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
+            4045c4      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 38h 
             4045c8      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404540 
             4045c8      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             4045c8     56 DEALLOC STACK esp - 56 retn
@@ -7501,25 +8209,31 @@
             4045e9      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX RBX ZZ mov     rax, cs:qword_606E18 
             4045f0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4045f0      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            4045f0      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             4045f4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_40460F 
             4045f4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            4045f4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  RBX ZZ jz      short loc_40460F 
             4045f6     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RBX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     ebx, offset qword_606E18 
             4045f6      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
             4045f6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset qword_606E18 
             4045fb      5 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
             404600     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     rbx, 8 
             404600      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            404600      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     rbx, 8 
             404604     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    rax ; qword_606E18 
             404604      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            404604      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    rax ; qword_606E18 
             404606     -2 INSTR LOCAL n RAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     rax, [rbx] 
             404606      3 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
             404606      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RAX ZZ mov     rax, [rbx] 
             404609     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             404609      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            404609      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh 
             40460d     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_404600 
             40460d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
             40460f     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             40460f      4 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
+            40460f      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404613      1 INSTR BELONGTO 4045e0 
             404613      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS RBX ZZ pop     rbx 
             404613      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     rbx
@@ -7539,6 +8253,7 @@
             40461c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    sub_401E40 
             404621     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     rsp, 8 
             404621      4 INSTR BELONGTO 404618 
+            404621      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     rsp, 8 
             404625      1 INSTR BELONGTO 404618 
             404625      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
             404625      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 retn
diff --git a/tests/quick/trimmed-sorted-save-malloc.psexe.annot b/tests/quick/trimmed-sorted-save-malloc.psexe.annot
index 193ecb89..8971f189 100644
--- a/tests/quick/trimmed-sorted-save-malloc.psexe.annot
+++ b/tests/quick/trimmed-sorted-save-malloc.psexe.annot
@@ -54,14 +54,17 @@
            8048435      8 DATAREF STACK 44 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
            8048438     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    $+5 
            8048438      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
+           8048438      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    $+5 
            804843d      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
            804843d      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            804843e     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1BB7h 
            804843e      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
+           804843e      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ add     ebx, 1BB7h 
            8048444      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
            8048444      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:(__gmon_start___ptr - 8049FF4h)[ebx] 
            804844a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
            804844a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
+           804844a      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
            804844c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048453 
            804844c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
            804844e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ___gmon_start__ 
@@ -75,6 +78,7 @@
            8048458      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __do_global_ctors_aux 
            804845d     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 8 
            804845d      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
+           804845d      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ add     esp, 8 
            8048460      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048434 
            8048460      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            8048460      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     ebx
@@ -210,8 +214,10 @@
            8048564      8 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 4 CalleeSavedRegs 
            8048567     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ds:completed_6159, 0 
            8048567      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           8048567      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ cmp     ds:completed_6159, 0 
            804856e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_80485AF 
            804856e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           804856e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EBX ZZ jnz     short loc_80485AF 
            8048570      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            8048570      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EBX ZZ mov     eax, ds:dtor_idx_6161 
            8048575      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
@@ -226,26 +232,32 @@
            8048583      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     ebx, 1 
            8048586     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, ebx 
            8048586      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           8048586      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, ebx 
            8048588     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnb     short loc_80485A8 
            8048588      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            804858a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate lea     esi, [esi+0] 
            804858a      6 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           804858a      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ lea     esi, [esi+0] 
            8048590     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     eax, 1 
            8048590      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           8048590      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     eax, 1 
            8048593      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            8048593      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ds:dtor_idx_6161, eax 
            8048598     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:__DTOR_LIST__[eax*4] 
            8048598      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           8048598      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:__DTOR_LIST__[eax*4] 
            804859f      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            804859f      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:dtor_idx_6161 
            80485a4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, ebx 
            80485a4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           80485a4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, ebx 
            80485a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jb      short loc_8048590 
            80485a6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            80485a8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            80485a8      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ mov     ds:completed_6159, 1 
            80485af     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 4 
            80485af      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
+           80485af      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ add     esp, 4 
            80485b2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048560 
            80485b2      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            80485b2      4 DEALLOC STACK esp - 4 pop     ebx
@@ -271,6 +283,7 @@
            80485c6      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:__JCR_LIST__ 
            80485cb     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
            80485cb      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
+           80485cb      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
            80485cd     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_80485E1 
            80485cd      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
            80485cf     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EAX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     eax, 0 
@@ -278,6 +291,7 @@
            80485cf      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, 0 
            80485d4     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
            80485d4      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
+           80485d4      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
            80485d6     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short locret_80485E1 
            80485d6      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
            80485d8      7 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
@@ -285,6 +299,7 @@
            80485d8      7 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 0 displ mov     dword ptr [esp], offset __JCR_LIST__
            80485df     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    eax 
            80485df      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
+           80485df      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    eax 
            80485e1      1 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
            80485e1      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ leave 
            80485e2      1 INSTR BELONGTO 80485c0 
@@ -326,6 +341,7 @@
            8048613      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:malloc_ptr_2499 
            8048618     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    eax, eax 
            8048618      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           8048618      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    eax, eax 
            804861a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048630 
            804861a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            804861c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
@@ -338,6 +354,7 @@
            8048624     10 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ds:malloc_ptr_2499, 0 
            804862e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     short loc_8048655 
            804862e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           804862e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     short loc_8048655 
            8048630      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            8048630      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EDX ZZ lea     edx, [ebx+1] 
            8048633     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EAX ZZ  NumericDEFs lea     eax, [esi+1] 
@@ -369,6 +386,7 @@
            8048650      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     ds:malloc_ptr_2499, eax 
            8048655     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, 63h 
            8048655      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           8048655      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, 63h 
            8048658     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_804867E 
            8048658      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            804865a      8 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
@@ -388,10 +406,12 @@
            8048679      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ___assert_fail 
            804867e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    ebx, ebx 
            804867e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           804867e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    ebx, ebx 
            8048680     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_80486AD 
            8048680      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            8048682     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebx, 1 
            8048682      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           8048682      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     ebx, 1 
            8048685      4 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            8048685      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ mov     [esp+2Ch+function], edi 
            8048685      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 12 displ mov     [esp+2Ch+function], edi
@@ -438,6 +458,7 @@
            80486b9      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 40 displ mov     ebp, [esp+2Ch+var_4]
            80486bd     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 2Ch 
            80486bd      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
+           80486bd      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     esp, 2Ch 
            80486c0      1 INSTR BELONGTO 80485f0 
            80486c0      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ retn 
            80486c0     44 DEALLOC STACK esp - 44 retn
@@ -468,6 +489,7 @@
            80486cc      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, [ebp+argv] 
            80486cf     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     [ebp+argc], 2 
            80486cf      4 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           80486cf      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     [ebp+argc], 2 
            80486cf      4 PTRIMMEDEBP STACK 8 displ cmp     [ebp+argc], 2
            80486d3     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048704 
            80486d3      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
@@ -518,10 +540,12 @@
            8048721      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ lea     eax, [eax+7FFFFFFFh] 
            8048727     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
            8048727      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           8048727      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFDh 
            804872a     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate ja      short loc_804873C 
            804872a      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
            804872c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    esi, esi 
            804872c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           804872c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ test    esi, esi 
            804872e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jle     short loc_804873C 
            804872e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
            8048730     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EBX ZZ  NUMVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM mov     ebx, 0 
@@ -531,6 +555,7 @@
            8048735      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
            8048737     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jmp     loc_80487DE 
            8048737      5 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           8048737      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ jmp     loc_80487DE 
            804873c      5 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
            804873c      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, ds:stderr@@GLIBC_2_0 
            8048741      4 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
@@ -611,8 +636,10 @@
            80487d2      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    _fflush 
            80487d7     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 1 
            80487d7      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           80487d7      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 1 
            80487da     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     ebx, esi 
            80487da      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
+           80487da      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     ebx, esi 
            80487dc     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_804876D 
            80487dc      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
            80487de      7 INSTR BELONGTO 80486c1 
@@ -641,6 +668,7 @@
            80487f4      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __i686_get_pc_thunk_bx 
            80487f9     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 17FBh 
            80487f9      6 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           80487f9      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EDI ZZ add     ebx, 17FBh 
            80487ff     12 DATAREF STACK 55 esp + 0 CHILDOF 54 OFFSET 0 OutArgsRegion OUTARGS
            80487ff     16 MEMORYHOLE STACK esp + 28 CalleeSavedRegs 
            80487ff     28 DATAREF STACK 54 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
@@ -658,19 +686,23 @@
            8048811      6 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            8048811      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ESI ZZ lea     eax, (__CTOR_LIST__ - 8049FF4h)[ebx] 
            8048817      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           8048817      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ESI ZZ sub     edi, eax 
            8048817     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EDI ZZ  NumericDEFs sub     edi, eax 
            8048819     -1 INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant sar     edi, 2 
            8048819      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            8048819      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ESI ZZ sar     edi, 2 
            804881c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate test    edi, edi 
            804881c      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           804881c      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ESI ZZ test    edi, edi 
            804881e     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048849 
            804881e      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           804881e      2 INSTR DEADREGS  ESI ZZ jz      short loc_8048849 
            8048820      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            8048820      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ESI ZZ xor     esi, esi 
            8048820     -2 INSTR LOCAL n ESI ZZ  AlwaysNUM xor     esi, esi 
            8048822     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate lea     esi, [esi+0] 
            8048822      6 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           8048822      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ lea     esi, [esi+0] 
            8048828      4 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            8048828      4 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, [esp+2Ch+arg_8] 
            8048828      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 56 displ mov     eax, [esp+2Ch+arg_8]
@@ -688,14 +720,18 @@
            8048837      4 PTRIMMEDESP STACK 4 displ mov     [esp+2Ch+var_28], eax
            804883b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    ds:(__CTOR_LIST__ - 8049FF4h)[ebx+esi*4] 
            804883b      7 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           804883b      7 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    ds:(__CTOR_LIST__ - 8049FF4h)[ebx+esi*4] 
            8048842     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esi, 1 
            8048842      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           8048842      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     esi, 1 
            8048845     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     esi, edi 
            8048845      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           8048845      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     esi, edi 
            8048847     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8048828 
            8048847      2 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            8048849     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 1Ch 
            8048849      3 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
+           8048849      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ESI EDI ZZ add     esp, 1Ch 
            804884c      1 INSTR BELONGTO 80487f0 
            804884c      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ESI EDI ZZ pop     ebx 
            804884c     28 DEALLOC STACK esp - 28 pop     ebx
@@ -746,25 +782,32 @@
            8048877      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX EBX ZZ mov     eax, ds:__CTOR_LIST__ 
            804887c     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            804887c      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           804887c      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            804887f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jz      short loc_8048894 
            804887f      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           804887f      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EBX ZZ jz      short loc_8048894 
            8048881      5 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
            8048881      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ mov     ebx, offset __CTOR_LIST__ 
            8048886     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate xchg    ax, ax 
            8048886      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           8048886      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ xchg    ax, ax 
            8048888     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM sub     ebx, 4 
            8048888      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           8048888      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ sub     ebx, 4 
            804888b     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    eax ; __CTOR_LIST__ 
            804888b      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           804888b      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    eax ; __CTOR_LIST__ 
            804888d      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
            804888d      2 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EAX ZZ mov     eax, [ebx] 
            804888d     -2 INSTR LOCAL n EAX ZZ  NumericDEFs mov     eax, [ebx] 
            804888f     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            804888f      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           804888f      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh 
            8048892     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate jnz     short loc_8048888 
            8048892      2 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
            8048894     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 4 
            8048894      3 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
+           8048894      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ add     esp, 4 
            8048897      1 INSTR BELONGTO 8048870 
            8048897      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            8048897      4 DEALLOC STACK esp - 4 pop     ebx
@@ -785,15 +828,18 @@
            804889d      8 DATAREF STACK 57 esp + 0 PARENT LocalFrame LOCALFRAME
            80488a0     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    $+5 
            80488a0      5 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
+           80488a0      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    $+5 
            80488a5      1 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
            80488a5      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            80488a6     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     ebx, 174Fh 
            80488a6      6 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
+           80488a6      6 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ add     ebx, 174Fh 
            80488ac     -1 INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate call    __do_global_dtors_aux 
            80488ac      5 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
            80488ac      5 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS ZZ call    __do_global_dtors_aux 
            80488b1     -1 INSTR LOCAL 1stSrcVia2ndSrcIMMEDNUM add     esp, 8 
            80488b1      3 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
+           80488b1      3 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ add     esp, 8 
            80488b4      1 INSTR BELONGTO 804889c 
            80488b4      1 INSTR DEADREGS  EFLAGS EBX ZZ pop     ebx 
            80488b4      8 DEALLOC STACK esp - 8 pop     ebx