diff --git a/src/base/SMPBasicBlock.cpp b/src/base/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
index 813ba74433a8f94a23ea1fc9957f18ee0c854929..2d42586265954e475662eea43fb024346a0bc51e 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::SCCPGlobalPropagationHelper(const STARSOpndTypePtr &GlobalOp
 	// Three cases: 
 	// (1) GlobalOp/DefSSANum is a Phi USE, in which case we re-eval the Phi Function and return.
 	// (2) GlobalOp/DefSSANum is upward exposed, in which case we find the UpExposed USEs and re-eval those statements and recurse if LiveOut.
-	// (3) GlobalOp/DefSSANum is the pass-through case, so it must be LiveOut and we recurse.
+	// (3) GlobalOp/DefSSANum is LiveOut (either pass-through case or DEFed in this block) and we recurse.
 	bool FoundReDEF = true;
 	enum STARSBranchConst BranchEval;
@@ -1366,10 +1366,13 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::SCCPGatherStatistics(void) {
 					int UseHashIndex = HashGlobalNameAndSSA(MoveSourceOp, UseSSANum);
 					map<int, struct STARS_SCCP_Const_Struct>::iterator ConstIter = this->GetFunc()->FindConstValue(UseHashIndex);
 					if (ConstIter != this->GetFunc()->GetLastConstValueIter()) { // found an SCCP const entry
-						++SCCPConstantOutgoingArgWriteCount;
-						ConstArgFound = true;
+						if ((*ConstIter).second.ConstType == STARS_CONST_HAS_VALUE) { // not STARS_CONST_BOTTOM
+							++SCCPConstantOutgoingArgWriteCount;
+							ConstArgFound = true;
+						}
+				// NOTE: Deal with read-only memory lookup. !!!!****!!!!
 		else if ((DataFlowType == CALL) || (DataFlowType == INDIR_CALL)) {
diff --git a/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp b/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
index ea5a97ef3fc15926766e55d275f09e4492b424a3..5538927490cceb764613f8e29aa66fb55decd2f8 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
@@ -4737,6 +4737,9 @@ void SMPFunction::SparseConditionalConstantPropagation(void) {
 	//              endfor
 	//           endif
 	//       endif
+			// NOTE: We differ slightly from the published implementation. We don't maintain an SSA def-use chain explicitly,
+			//  so we add the current block to the SSAWorkList when we find a new constant DEF, and search that block for
+			//  further USEs of that operand with that SSA number.
 			assert(CurrBlock->IsSCCPVisited()); // a local name is only added to SSAWorkList from within the block
 			vector<SMPInstr *>::iterator InstIter;
 			bool FoundReDEF = false;
diff --git a/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp b/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
index 7b57dd2497e5e7c5400362941866cd695eafb900..56caab8c7873896b6707cfb0f26c21d69b3c940e 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
@@ -7976,40 +7976,50 @@ void SMPInstr::SCCPFetchConstUseValue(const STARSOpndTypePtr &UseOp, STARS_SCCP_
 		if (GoodAddr) {
 			STARS_Segment_t *MemSeg = global_stars_interface->getseg(MemAddr);
 			if (NULL != MemSeg) {
-				if (!(MemSeg->IsWriteableSegment())) {
+				if (MemSeg->IsWriteableSegment()) {
+					ConstStruct.ConstType = STARS_CONST_BOTTOM; // cannot know writable memory value without alias analysis, etc.
+				}
+				else {
 					size_t UseOpByteWidth = UseOp->GetByteWidth();
 					if (UseOpByteWidth == 8) {
 						uint64_t MemValue;
 						if (MemSeg->GetReadOnlyMem64BitValue(MemAddr, MemValue)) {
 							ConstStruct.ConstType = STARS_CONST_HAS_VALUE;
-							ConstStruct.ConstValue = (STARS_uval_t)MemValue;
+							ConstStruct.ConstValue = (STARS_uval_t) MemValue;
 					else if (UseOpByteWidth == 4) {
 						uint32_t MemValue;
 						if (MemSeg->GetReadOnlyMem32BitValue(MemAddr, MemValue)) {
 							ConstStruct.ConstType = STARS_CONST_HAS_VALUE;
-							ConstStruct.ConstValue = (STARS_uval_t)MemValue;
+							ConstStruct.ConstValue = (STARS_uval_t) MemValue;
 					else if (UseOpByteWidth == 2) {
 						uint16_t MemValue;
 						if (MemSeg->GetReadOnlyMem16BitValue(MemAddr, MemValue)) {
 							ConstStruct.ConstType = STARS_CONST_HAS_VALUE;
-							ConstStruct.ConstValue = (STARS_uval_t)MemValue;
+							ConstStruct.ConstValue = (STARS_uval_t) MemValue;
 					else if (UseOpByteWidth == 1) {
 						uint8_t MemValue;
 						if (MemSeg->GetReadOnlyMem8BitValue(MemAddr, MemValue)) {
 							ConstStruct.ConstType = STARS_CONST_HAS_VALUE;
-							ConstStruct.ConstValue = (STARS_uval_t)MemValue;
+							ConstStruct.ConstValue = (STARS_uval_t) MemValue;
+		else { // not GoodAddr
+			ConstStruct.ConstType = STARS_CONST_BOTTOM;
+		}
+	else if (UseOp->IsMemOp()) {  // Any memory operand that is not a StaticMemOp
+		ConstStruct.ConstType = STARS_CONST_BOTTOM;
+	}
 } // end of SMPInstr::SCCPFetchConstUseValue()