diff --git a/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp b/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
index 1c5aeb1e992cd227a1da4ce4116c3d4026cea26d..cfb8550df630d0103533031ed2e85646726d461e 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
@@ -10966,7 +10966,7 @@ void SMPFunction::FindSwitchIDom(struct SwitchTableInfo &TableInfo) {
 	//  We need to find the IDom of all blocks that jump to the default case, if any, and
 	//  then the IDom of {that IDom and the indir jump block}.
 	if (TableInfo.DefaultJumpAddr == STARS_BADADDR) {
-		// Simplest case: No default cases, no blocks jump to a default case, so INDIR_JUMP block is IDom
+		// Simplest case: No default cases, no prior blocks jump to a default case, so INDIR_JUMP block is IDom
 		//  for the whole switch statement.
 		TableInfo.IDomBlockNum = TableInfo.IndirJumpBlockNum;
@@ -10982,8 +10982,26 @@ void SMPFunction::FindSwitchIDom(struct SwitchTableInfo &TableInfo) {
 			SMPInstr *LastInst = (*(--PredBlock->GetLastInst()));
 			assert(nullptr != LastInst);
 			SMPitype FlowType = LastInst->GetDataFlowType();
-			if ((COND_BRANCH == FlowType) || (JUMP == FlowType)) {
-				this->SetControlFlowType(LastInst->GetAddr(), JUMP_TO_DEFAULT_CASE);
+			STARS_ea_t LastAddr = LastInst->GetAddr();
+			if (JUMP == FlowType) {
+				this->SetControlFlowType(LastAddr, JUMP_TO_DEFAULT_CASE);
+			}
+			else if (COND_BRANCH == FlowType) {
+				// Detect the inverted case, in which a COND_BRANCH falls through to the default case
+				//  and branches to the indirect jump block.
+				int TargetBlockNum = PredBlock->GetCondNonFallThroughSuccBlockNum();
+				if (TableInfo.DefaultCaseBlockNum == TargetBlockNum) {
+					this->SetControlFlowType(LastAddr, JUMP_TO_DEFAULT_CASE);
+				}
+				else if (TableInfo.IndirJumpBlockNum == TargetBlockNum) {
+					this->SetControlFlowType(LastAddr, JUMP_TO_SWITCH_INDIR_JUMP);
+				}
+				else {
+					// Not sure what is going on.
+					SMP_msg("ERROR: SPARK: Unstructured due to switch control flow at %llx in %s\n",
+						(uint64_t)LastAddr, this->GetFuncName());
+					this->HasStructuredCFG = false;
+				}
 			else if ((INDIR_JUMP == FlowType) && (PredBlock->GetNumber() == TableInfo.IndirJumpBlockNum)) {
 				// skip over switch table jumps to the default case
@@ -22512,10 +22530,12 @@ void SMPFunction::EmitSPARKAdaForBlock(int CurrBlockNum, int FollowBlockNum, FIL
 				else if (FlowType == COND_BRANCH) {
 					if (LastCFType == JUMP_TO_SWITCH_INDIR_JUMP) {
-						// conditional branch to INDIR_JUMP is not well-structured; should not occur
-							(unsigned long long) LastAddr);
-						assert(LastCFType != JUMP_TO_SWITCH_INDIR_JUMP);
+						// Should fall through to default case block. Resume translation there,
+						//  which will cause use to emit the entire switch statement.
+						list<SMPBasicBlock *>::const_iterator FallThroughIter = CurrBlock->GetFallThroughSucc();
+						assert(FallThroughIter != CurrBlock->GetLastConstSucc()); // COND_BRANCH always has a fall-through
+						ResumeBlockNum = (*FallThroughIter)->GetNumber();
+						LastInst->SetSPARKTranslated();
 					else if (LastCFType == JUMP_TO_DEFAULT_CASE) {  
 						// jump to default case is not translated directly
@@ -22796,7 +22816,7 @@ void SMPFunction::EmitSPARKAdaForLoop(int HeaderBlockNum, int FollowBlockNum, FI
 						list<SMPBasicBlock *>::const_iterator FallThroughIter = CurrBlock->GetFallThroughSucc();
 						assert(FallThroughIter != CurrBlock->GetLastConstSucc()); // COND_BRANCH always has a fall-through
 						ResumeBlockNum = (*FallThroughIter)->GetNumber();
-						LastInst->SetSPARKTranslated();
+						LastInst->SetSPARKTranslated(); // Ada "others ==>" clause subsumes all COND_BRANCHes to default case.
 				else if (FlowType == JUMP) {
@@ -22883,6 +22903,7 @@ void SMPFunction::EmitSPARKAdaForSwitch(int HeaderBlockNum, int FollowBlockNum,
 	size_t SwitchIndex;
 	SMPInstr *LastInst;
+	STARS_ea_t LastAddr;
 	if (HeaderBlock->IsSwitchDefaultCase()) {
 		// Encountered default case first, but we want to emit Ada code for it last.
 		STARS_ea_t DefaultCaseAddr = HeaderBlock->GetFirstAddr();
@@ -22891,12 +22912,13 @@ void SMPFunction::EmitSPARKAdaForSwitch(int HeaderBlockNum, int FollowBlockNum,
 		HeaderBlock = this->GetBlockByNum(this->SwitchInfoArray[SwitchIndex].IndirJumpBlockNum);
 		assert(nullptr != HeaderBlock);
 		LastInst = (*(--(HeaderBlock->GetLastInst())));
+		LastAddr = LastInst->GetAddr();
 	else {
 		vector<SMPInstr *>::iterator LastInstIter = --(HeaderBlock->GetLastInst());
 		LastInst = (*LastInstIter);
-		STARS_ea_t LastAddr = LastInst->GetAddr();
+		LastAddr = LastInst->GetAddr();
 		SMPitype FlowType = LastInst->GetDataFlowType();
 		assert(FlowType == INDIR_JUMP);
 		map<STARS_ea_t, size_t>::iterator MapIter = this->SwitchJumpMap.find(LastAddr);
@@ -22915,7 +22937,20 @@ void SMPFunction::EmitSPARKAdaForSwitch(int HeaderBlockNum, int FollowBlockNum,
 	int NextFollowBlockNum = TableInfo.FollowNodeNum;
 	assert(NextFollowBlockNum == FollowBlockNum);
 	// Emit Ada case statement.
-	LastInst->EmitSPARKAda(SPARKBodyFile); // INDIR_JUMP is handled here
+	STARS_ea_t FirstInstAddr = HeaderBlock->GetFirstNonMarkerAddr();
+	if (FirstInstAddr != LastAddr) { // Might have untranslated insts before INDIR_JUMP
+		SMPInstr *FirstInst = this->GetInstFromAddr(FirstInstAddr);
+		if (!FirstInst->HasBeenTranslatedToSPARK()) {
+			HeaderBlock->EmitSPARKAdaForAllInsts(SPARKBodyFile);
+		}
+		else {
+			LastInst->EmitSPARKAda(SPARKBodyFile); // INDIR_JUMP is handled here
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		LastInst->EmitSPARKAda(SPARKBodyFile); // INDIR_JUMP is handled here
+	}
+	HeaderBlock->SetProcessed(true);
 	// Loop through jump table, emitting code for each case.
 	for (size_t CaseIndex = 0; CaseIndex < TableInfo.CaseBlockNums.size(); ++CaseIndex) {
diff --git a/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp b/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
index b94aa3822c3c0b1df477feb232ce8d1f4e1662c4..f6fcc0a0fe1072cd546743596af7e3ffe80ca05b 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
@@ -6981,303 +6981,306 @@ void SMPInstr::EmitSPARKAda(FILE *OutFile) {
 	switch (CurrDataFlowType) {
-		case DEFAULT:
-		case LABEL:
-		case CASE:
-			PrintOperands = true;
-			break;
+	case DEFAULT:
+	case LABEL:
+	case CASE:
+		PrintOperands = true;
+		break;
-		case JUMP:
-		case COND_BRANCH:
-			// Special case first: a call instruction within a function, used as a jump
-			//  (perhaps as an internal thunk).
-			if (this->IsCallUsedAsJump()) {
-				// We need to translate the implicit push of the return address before falling through
-				//  to the jump translation.
-				NextAddr = InstAddr + (STARS_ea_t) this->GetSize();
+	case JUMP:
+		// Special case first: a call instruction within a function, used as a jump
+		//  (perhaps as an internal thunk).
+		if (this->IsCallUsedAsJump()) {
+			// We need to translate the implicit push of the return address before falling through
+			//  to the jump translation.
+			NextAddr = InstAddr + (STARS_ea_t) this->GetSize();
+			PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+			// Comment out memory write of return address to speed up prover.
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " -- X86.WriteMem%d(Unsigned%d(X86.RSP - %d), 16#%llx# );\n", STARS_ISA_Bitwidth, STARS_ISA_Bitwidth,
+				global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth(), (unsigned long long) NextAddr);
+			PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " X86.RSP := X86.RSP - %d;\n", global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth());
+		}
+		// Detect loop-related control flow first, then simple if-else control flow otherwise.
+		FuncControlFlowType = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetControlFlowType(InstAddr);
+		if (FALL_THROUGH == FuncControlFlowType) {
+			if (COND_BRANCH == CurrDataFlowType) {
+				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "ERROR: Jump instruction of unknown control flow.\n");
+			}
+			else { // JUMP
-				// Comment out memory write of return address to speed up prover.
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " -- X86.WriteMem%d(Unsigned%d(X86.RSP - %d), 16#%llx# );\n", STARS_ISA_Bitwidth, STARS_ISA_Bitwidth, 
-					global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth(), (unsigned long long) NextAddr);
+				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "null;\n");
+				; // jumps around else clauses are handled in SMPFunction::EmitSPARKAdaForConditional()
+			}
+		}
+		else if ((LOOP_BACK == FuncControlFlowType) || (INVERTED_LOOP_BACK == FuncControlFlowType)) {
+			// We must be looping back to the loop header.
+			if (JUMP == CurrDataFlowType) { // simple case
+				;
+				--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " X86.RSP := X86.RSP - %d;\n", global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth());
+				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "end loop;\n\n");
-			// Detect loop-related control flow first, then simple if-else control flow otherwise.
-			FuncControlFlowType = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetControlFlowType(InstAddr);
-			if (FALL_THROUGH == FuncControlFlowType) {
-				if (COND_BRANCH == CurrDataFlowType) {
-					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "ERROR: Jump instruction of unknown control flow.\n");
-				}
-				else { // JUMP
+			else { // conditionally loops back, might fall out of loop if condition is false.
+				bool StaysInLoop = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->IsNonExitingLoopBackBranch(InstAddr);
+				if (StaysInLoop) {
+					// Code has been analyzed to ensure this is not a LOOP_CONTINUE case, so it is safe
+					//  to enclose the rest of the code branch inside an if-then by inverting the LOOP_BACK
+					//  condition.
-					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "null;\n");
-					; // jumps around else clauses are handled in SMPFunction::EmitSPARKAdaForConditional()
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "if ");
+					this->MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition(OutFile);
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " then \n");
+					++STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-			}
-			else if ((LOOP_BACK == FuncControlFlowType) || (INVERTED_LOOP_BACK == FuncControlFlowType)) {
-				// We must be looping back to the loop header.
-				if (JUMP == CurrDataFlowType) { // simple case
+				else {
+					// We want to invert the condition and exit on the inverted condition, then fall through
+					//  to an unconditional loop back (i.e. "end loop;") statement.
+					PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "exit when ");
+					this->MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition(OutFile);
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, ";\n");
+					// Two cases: Loop back from tail block, or loop back from optimized top-testing loop
+					//  where the header block is moved to the bottom of the loop and reached on the first
+					//  iteration by a JUMP_INTO_LOOP_TEST unconditional jump. In the tail block case, we
+					//  are ready for "end loop;" but in the header block case we need to fall through into
+					//  the second block of the loop.
+					if (this->GetBlock()->IsLoopTailBlock()) {
-					;
+						;
-					--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-					PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "end loop;\n\n");
-				}
-				else { // conditionally loops back, might fall out of loop if condition is false.
-					bool StaysInLoop = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->IsNonExitingLoopBackBranch(InstAddr);
-					if (StaysInLoop) {
-						// Code has been analyzed to ensure this is not a LOOP_CONTINUE case, so it is safe
-						//  to enclose the rest of the code branch inside an if-then by inverting the LOOP_BACK
-						//  condition.
+						--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "if ");
-						this->MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition(OutFile);
-						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " then \n");
-						++STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "end loop;\n\n");
 					else {
-						// We want to invert the condition and exit on the inverted condition, then fall through
-						//  to an unconditional loop back (i.e. "end loop;") statement.
-						PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "exit when ");
-						this->MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition(OutFile);
-						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, ";\n");
-						// Two cases: Loop back from tail block, or loop back from optimized top-testing loop
-						//  where the header block is moved to the bottom of the loop and reached on the first
-						//  iteration by a JUMP_INTO_LOOP_TEST unconditional jump. In the tail block case, we
-						//  are ready for "end loop;" but in the header block case we need to fall through into
-						//  the second block of the loop.
-						if (this->GetBlock()->IsLoopTailBlock()) {
-							;
-	#else
-							--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-							PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-							SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "end loop;\n\n");
-	#endif
-						}
-						else {
-							assert(this->GetBlock()->IsOptimizedTopLoopTest());
-							assert(this->GetBlock()->IsLoopHeaderBlock());
-						}
+						assert(this->GetBlock()->IsOptimizedTopLoopTest());
+						assert(this->GetBlock()->IsLoopHeaderBlock());
-			else if ((LOOP_EXIT == FuncControlFlowType) || (INVERTED_LOOP_EXIT == FuncControlFlowType)) {
-				PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-				if (JUMP == CurrDataFlowType) {
-					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "exit;\n");
-				}
-				else { // conditional
-					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "exit when ");
-					if (LOOP_EXIT == FuncControlFlowType)
-						this->MDEmitSPARKAdaCondition(OutFile);
-					else // INVERTED_LOOP_EXIT
-						this->MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition(OutFile);
-					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, ";\n");
-				}
-				// Check for bottom-testing loop case where we have:
-				// loop
-				//    [instructions]
-				//    exit when [condition];
-				// end loop;
-				if (this->GetBlock()->IsLoopTailBlock()) {
+		}
+		else if ((LOOP_EXIT == FuncControlFlowType) || (INVERTED_LOOP_EXIT == FuncControlFlowType)) {
+			PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+			if (JUMP == CurrDataFlowType) {
+				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "exit;\n");
+			}
+			else { // conditional
+				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "exit when ");
+				if (LOOP_EXIT == FuncControlFlowType)
+					this->MDEmitSPARKAdaCondition(OutFile);
+					this->MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition(OutFile);
+				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, ";\n");
+			}
+			// Check for bottom-testing loop case where we have:
+			// loop
+			//    [instructions]
+			//    exit when [condition];
+			// end loop;
+			if (this->GetBlock()->IsLoopTailBlock()) {
-					;
+				;
-					--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-					PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "end loop;\n\n");
-				}
-			}
-			else if (CASE_BREAK_TO_FOLLOW_NODE == FuncControlFlowType) {
-				; // No Ada translation; next "when" keyword starts new case with implicit jump before it
-			}
-			else if (JUMP_TO_DEFAULT_CASE == FuncControlFlowType) {
-				; // No Ada translation; the "others" keyword grabs all default case values
-			}
-			else if ((BRANCH_IF_THEN == FuncControlFlowType) || (BRANCH_IF_THEN_ELSE == FuncControlFlowType)) {
-				// ASM looks like:
-				//  test or compare to set condition codes
-				//  conditionally jump around the code in the if-then
-				// We want SPARK Ada:
-				//  if (negated condition) then
-				// EXCEPTION: An odd case for if-then is to branch to the then-block, which jumps back to the follow-block.
-				//  In this odd case, we do not invert the condition:
-				//  if (cond) goto then-code
-				//  L1: follow-block
-				//  code fragment elsewhere:   then-code
-				//                             goto L1
-				// This needs to translate to:
-				// if (cond) then    ; do not invert the condition
-				//    then-code
-				// endif
-				// This odd case is detected by noticing that the fall-through block has more than 1 predecessor (the extra
-				//  predecessor is the unconditional jump from the then-code to it).
-				bool OddIfThenCase = this->IsOddIfThenCase();
+				--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "if ");
-				if (!OddIfThenCase) {
-					this->MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition(OutFile);
-				}
-				else {
-					this->MDEmitSPARKAdaCondition(OutFile);
-				}
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " then \n");
-				++STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "end loop;\n\n");
-			else if ((SHORT_CIRCUIT_BRANCH == FuncControlFlowType) || (SHORT_CIRCUIT_LOOP_EXIT == FuncControlFlowType)) {
-				// Multiple short circuit condition branches have been coalesced together.
-				STARSCFGBlock *CurrCFGBlock = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetCFGBlockByNum((size_t) this->GetBlock()->GetNumber());
-				assert(nullptr != CurrCFGBlock);
-				if (!CurrCFGBlock->IsCoalesced()) { // must be header block of compound conditional; header block is where we emit output
-					PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-					if (SHORT_CIRCUIT_BRANCH == FuncControlFlowType) {
-						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "if not (");
-						CurrCFGBlock->GetExpr()->EmitSPARKAdaShortCircuitExpr(OutFile);
-						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, ") then \n");
-					}
-						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "exit when (");
-						CurrCFGBlock->GetExpr()->EmitSPARKAdaShortCircuitExpr(OutFile);
-						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, ");\n");
-						// Check for bottom-testing loop case where we have:
-						// loop
-						//    [instructions]
-						//    exit when [condition];
-						// end loop;
-						if (this->GetBlock()->IsLoopTailBlock()) {
+		}
+		else if (CASE_BREAK_TO_FOLLOW_NODE == FuncControlFlowType) {
+			; // No Ada translation; next "when" keyword starts new case with implicit jump before it
+		}
+		else if (JUMP_TO_DEFAULT_CASE == FuncControlFlowType) {
+			; // No Ada translation; the "others" keyword grabs all default case values
+		}
+		else if (JUMP_TO_SWITCH_INDIR_JUMP == FuncControlFlowType) {
+			; // Inverted case; falls through to default block. No Ada translation. ????
+		}
+		else if ((BRANCH_IF_THEN == FuncControlFlowType) || (BRANCH_IF_THEN_ELSE == FuncControlFlowType)) {
+			// ASM looks like:
+			//  test or compare to set condition codes
+			//  conditionally jump around the code in the if-then
+			// We want SPARK Ada:
+			//  if (negated condition) then
+			// EXCEPTION: An odd case for if-then is to branch to the then-block, which jumps back to the follow-block.
+			//  In this odd case, we do not invert the condition:
+			//  if (cond) goto then-code
+			//  L1: follow-block
+			//  code fragment elsewhere:   then-code
+			//                             goto L1
+			// This needs to translate to:
+			// if (cond) then    ; do not invert the condition
+			//    then-code
+			// endif
+			// This odd case is detected by noticing that the fall-through block has more than 1 predecessor (the extra
+			//  predecessor is the unconditional jump from the then-code to it).
+			bool OddIfThenCase = this->IsOddIfThenCase();
+			PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "if ");
+			if (!OddIfThenCase) {
+				this->MDEmitSPARKAdaInvertedCondition(OutFile);
+			}
+			else {
+				this->MDEmitSPARKAdaCondition(OutFile);
+			}
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " then \n");
+			++STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+		}
+		else if ((SHORT_CIRCUIT_BRANCH == FuncControlFlowType) || (SHORT_CIRCUIT_LOOP_EXIT == FuncControlFlowType)) {
+			// Multiple short circuit condition branches have been coalesced together.
+			STARSCFGBlock *CurrCFGBlock = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetCFGBlockByNum((size_t) this->GetBlock()->GetNumber());
+			assert(nullptr != CurrCFGBlock);
+			if (!CurrCFGBlock->IsCoalesced()) { // must be header block of compound conditional; header block is where we emit output
+				PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+				if (SHORT_CIRCUIT_BRANCH == FuncControlFlowType) {
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "if not (");
+					CurrCFGBlock->GetExpr()->EmitSPARKAdaShortCircuitExpr(OutFile);
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, ") then \n");
+				}
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "exit when (");
+					CurrCFGBlock->GetExpr()->EmitSPARKAdaShortCircuitExpr(OutFile);
+					SMP_fprintf(OutFile, ");\n");
+					// Check for bottom-testing loop case where we have:
+					// loop
+					//    [instructions]
+					//    exit when [condition];
+					// end loop;
+					if (this->GetBlock()->IsLoopTailBlock()) {
-							;
+						;
-							--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-							PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-							SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "end loop;\n\n");
+						--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+						PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "end loop;\n\n");
-						}
-					++STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-			}
-#if 0
-			else if (JUMP_BEFORE_ELSE == FuncControlFlowType) {
-				// ASM looks like:
-				//  unconditional jump around the else block to the follow block
-				// We want to print SPARK Ada:
-				//  else
-				// Then we want to increment the counter of jumps to the follow node.
-				--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-				PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "else\n");
-				++STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-				this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->IncrementJumpToFollowNodeCounter(InstAddr);
-			}
-			else if (JUMP_BEFORE_ELSIF == FuncControlFlowType) {
-				// ASM looks like:
-				//  unconditional jump around the rest of the if-then-elsif-elsif-...-else structure to the follow node.
-				// Currently, we treat this the same as JUMP_BEFORE_ELSE. We might pretty it up in the future.
-				--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-				PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "else\n");
-				this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->IncrementJumpToFollowNodeCounter(InstAddr);
+		}
+#if 0
+		else if (JUMP_BEFORE_ELSE == FuncControlFlowType) {
+			// ASM looks like:
+			//  unconditional jump around the else block to the follow block
+			// We want to print SPARK Ada:
+			//  else
+			// Then we want to increment the counter of jumps to the follow node.
+			--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+			PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "else\n");
+			++STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+			this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->IncrementJumpToFollowNodeCounter(InstAddr);
+		}
+		else if (JUMP_BEFORE_ELSIF == FuncControlFlowType) {
+			// ASM looks like:
+			//  unconditional jump around the rest of the if-then-elsif-elsif-...-else structure to the follow node.
+			// Currently, we treat this the same as JUMP_BEFORE_ELSE. We might pretty it up in the future.
+			--STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+			PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "else\n");
+			++STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+			this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->IncrementJumpToFollowNodeCounter(InstAddr);
+		}
-			else {
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "ERROR: Jump instruction of unknown control flow.\n");
-			}
+		else {
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "ERROR: Jump instruction of unknown control flow.\n");
+		}
-			break;
+		break;
-		case INDIR_JUMP:
-			// Start switch table translation.
-			PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "case ");
-			this->PrintSPARKAdaOperand(this->RTL.GetRT(0)->GetConstRightOperandNoNorm(), OutFile, false, UseFP, true, false);
-			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " is\n");
-			++STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
-			break;
+	case INDIR_JUMP:
+		// Start switch table translation.
+		PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+		SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "case ");
+		this->PrintSPARKAdaOperand(this->RTL.GetRT(0)->GetConstRightOperandNoNorm(), OutFile, false, UseFP, true, false);
+		SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " is\n");
+		++STARS_SPARK_IndentCount;
+		break;
-		case CALL:
-			// We emit a "call foo" ASM instruction as a sequence of three SPARK Ada statements:
-			//  write return address on the stack
-			//  decrement the stack pointer
-			//  foo; (Ada form of a call to foo()
-			NextAddr = InstAddr + (STARS_ea_t) this->GetSize();
+	case CALL:
+		// We emit a "call foo" ASM instruction as a sequence of three SPARK Ada statements:
+		//  write return address on the stack
+		//  decrement the stack pointer
+		//  foo; (Ada form of a call to foo()
+		NextAddr = InstAddr + (STARS_ea_t) this->GetSize();
+		PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+		// Comment out memory write of return address to speed up prover.
+		SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " -- X86.WriteMem%d((X86.RSP - %d), 16#%llx# );\n",
+			STARS_ISA_Bitwidth, global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth(), (unsigned long long) NextAddr);
+		FuncTarget = this->GetTrimmedCalledFunctionName();
+		if ((0 == FuncTarget.compare("exit")) || (0 == FuncTarget.compare("abort"))) {
+			// The exit() call conflicts with the Ada keyword "exit."
+			// FuncTarget = "Zephyr_exit";
+			// We want to set Exit_Called and return up the call chain.
-			// Comment out memory write of return address to speed up prover.
-			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " -- X86.WriteMem%d((X86.RSP - %d), 16#%llx# );\n",
-				STARS_ISA_Bitwidth, global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth(), (unsigned long long) NextAddr);
-			FuncTarget = this->GetTrimmedCalledFunctionName();
-			if ((0 == FuncTarget.compare("exit")) || (0 == FuncTarget.compare("abort"))) {
-				// The exit() call conflicts with the Ada keyword "exit."
-				// FuncTarget = "Zephyr_exit";
-				// We want to set Exit_Called and return up the call chain.
-				PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " X86.Exit_Called := true;\n");
-				PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " X86.RSP := X86.RSP + 8;\n");
-				PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " return;\n");
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " X86.Exit_Called := true;\n");
+			PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " X86.RSP := X86.RSP + 8;\n");
+			PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " return;\n");
+		}
+		else {
+			if (IsLibFuncName(FuncTarget)) {
+				FuncTarget = "C_Library." + FuncTarget;  // Use C_Library Ada package that we created.
-			else {
-				if (IsLibFuncName(FuncTarget)) {
-					FuncTarget = "C_Library." + FuncTarget;  // Use C_Library Ada package that we created.
-				}
-				PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " X86.RSP := X86.RSP - %d;\n", global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth());
-				PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " %s ;\n", FuncTarget.c_str());
-				// See if we are calling a function that might call abort() or exit(), et al., somewhere
-				//  in its call chain.
-				STARS_ea_t TargetAddr = this->GetCallTarget();
-				if (STARS_BADADDR != TargetAddr) {
-					SMPBasicBlock *CurrBlock = this->GetBlock();
-					SMPFunction *TargetFunc = CurrBlock->GetFunc()->GetProg()->FindFunction(TargetAddr);
-					if (nullptr != TargetFunc) {
-						if ((!TargetFunc->FuncReturnsToCaller()) || TargetFunc->HasCallToNonReturningFunc() || TargetFunc->HasCalleeChainWithNonReturningFunc()) {
-							// Call chain could have set X86.Exit_Called, signalling that exit() or something similar was called.
-							PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-							SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " if X86.Exit_Called then \n");
-							PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-							SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "\t return;\n");
-							PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-							SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " end if;\n");
-						}
+			PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " X86.RSP := X86.RSP - %d;\n", global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth());
+			PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " %s ;\n", FuncTarget.c_str());
+			// See if we are calling a function that might call abort() or exit(), et al., somewhere
+			//  in its call chain.
+			STARS_ea_t TargetAddr = this->GetCallTarget();
+			if (STARS_BADADDR != TargetAddr) {
+				SMPBasicBlock *CurrBlock = this->GetBlock();
+				SMPFunction *TargetFunc = CurrBlock->GetFunc()->GetProg()->FindFunction(TargetAddr);
+				if (nullptr != TargetFunc) {
+					if ((!TargetFunc->FuncReturnsToCaller()) || TargetFunc->HasCallToNonReturningFunc() || TargetFunc->HasCalleeChainWithNonReturningFunc()) {
+						// Call chain could have set X86.Exit_Called, signalling that exit() or something similar was called.
+						PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " if X86.Exit_Called then \n");
+						PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, "\t return;\n");
+						PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+						SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " end if;\n");
+		}
-			// Handle tail calls, whose data-flow type was altered from RETURN to CALL.
-			if (this->IsTailCall() || this->IsCondTailCall()) {
-				// We increase the stack size by 8 to swallow the return address, then
-				//  execute a SPARK Ada return instruction.
-				PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " X86.RSP := X86.RSP + %d;\n", global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth());
-				PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
-				SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " return;\n");
-			}
-			break;
-		case INDIR_CALL:
-			break;
-		case RETURN:
+		// Handle tail calls, whose data-flow type was altered from RETURN to CALL.
+		if (this->IsTailCall() || this->IsCondTailCall()) {
 			// We increase the stack size by 8 to swallow the return address, then
 			//  execute a SPARK Ada return instruction.
 			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " X86.RSP := X86.RSP + %d;\n", global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth());
 			SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " return;\n");
-			break;
+		}
+		break;
-		case HALT:
-			break;
+	case INDIR_CALL:
+		break;
+	case RETURN:
+		// We increase the stack size by 8 to swallow the return address, then
+		//  execute a SPARK Ada return instruction.
+		PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+		SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " X86.RSP := X86.RSP + %d;\n", global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth());
+		PrintSPARKIndentTabs(OutFile);
+		SMP_fprintf(OutFile, " return;\n");
+		break;
+	case HALT:
+		break;
 	if (PrintOperands) {
diff --git a/src/base/SMPProgram.cpp b/src/base/SMPProgram.cpp
index c1e652e5aec2a28f77aac49f6d9ede8c91aa49a2..9477d9755ec2c7b1523e0ff5b32258840bf095a4 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPProgram.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPProgram.cpp
@@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@ bool SMPProgram::EmitProgramSPARKAda(void) {
 	for (FuncIter = this->FuncMap.begin(); FuncIter != this->FuncMap.end(); ++FuncIter) {
 		SMPFunction *TempFunc = FuncIter->second;
 		if (TempFunc == nullptr) continue;
-		bool FuncFound = (0x444492 == TempFunc->GetFirstFuncAddr());
+		bool FuncFound = (0x402a30 == TempFunc->GetFirstFuncAddr());
 		if (FuncFound) {