diff --git a/include/base/SMPFunction.h b/include/base/SMPFunction.h
index 77daedcd670cd37fbb0940a6d41e4595a5ed0714..2879baacd7163e0a8808fcfd70a838656c763333 100644
--- a/include/base/SMPFunction.h
+++ b/include/base/SMPFunction.h
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ public:
 	STARS_ea_t GetFirstUnprocessedCallee(void);  // first addr of first callee in AllCallTargets with Processed == false
 	inline std::size_t GetNumBlocks(void) const { return Blocks.size(); };
 	inline std::size_t GetNumTCFGBlocks(void) const { return TCFGBlocks.size(); };
-	STARSOpndTypePtr GetNormalizedOperand(STARS_ea_t InstAddr, const STARSOpndTypePtr &RTLop); // Return RTLop if not stack opnd; return normalized RTLop otherwise.
+	STARSOpndTypePtr GetNormalizedOperand(STARS_ea_t InstAddr, const STARSOpndTypePtr &RTLop, bool DEFFlag); // Return RTLop if not stack opnd; return normalized RTLop otherwise.
 	inline int GetReturnRegType(STARS_regnum_t RegNum) const { return ((RegNum < (decltype(RegNum))ReturnRegTypes.size()) ? (int) ReturnRegTypes[RegNum] : 0); };
 	inline struct FineGrainedInfo GetReturnRegFGInfo(STARS_regnum_t RegNum) const { return ReturnRegFGInfo.at(RegNum); };
 	inline std::size_t GetReturnRegFGInfoSize(void) const { return ReturnRegFGInfo.size(); };
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ public:
 	inline void SetCallerSavedLocalReg(STARS_regnum_t RegNum) { CallerSavedLocalRegsBitmap.set(RegNum); };
 	void UpdateLocalMaxSSANum(int CurrSSANum) { if (CurrSSANum > MaxLocalSSANum) MaxLocalSSANum = CurrSSANum; };
 	void AddLeaOperand(STARS_ea_t addr, STARSOpndTypePtr LeaOperand); // add map entry to LeaInstOpMap
-	void AddNormalizedStackOperand(STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp, STARS_ea_t InstAddr, STARSOpndTypePtr NormalizedOp); // add to map for RTL lookup later
+	void AddNormalizedStackOperand(STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp, STARS_ea_t InstAddr, STARSOpndTypePtr NormalizedOp, bool DEFFlag); // add to map for RTL lookup later
 	void UpdateMaxDirectStackAccessOffset(STARS_sval_t NewOffset); // Update MaxDirectStackAccessDelta
 	void MarkTaintInArgReg(std::size_t ArgPos) { TaintInArgPosBits |= (1 << ArgPos); };
 	void SetControlFlowType(STARS_ea_t InstAddr, ControlFlowType JumpTypeCode); // insert into ControlFlowMap
@@ -955,9 +955,12 @@ private:
 	std::set<std::pair<STARSOpndTypePtr, std::pair<STARS_ea_t, STARS_sval_t> >, LessStackDeltaCopy> StackPtrCopySet; // triple: operand holding copy, InstAddr where copy is made, stack delta for copy
 	std::list<std::pair<STARS_ea_t, STARS_sval_t> > TempStackDeltaReachesList;  // Used for temporary lookups of particular op_t in StackPtrCopySet.
 	std::set<STARS_ea_t, LessAddr> TempReachingDefs; // Temporary list of InstAddrs with defs of one op_t that reach a particular InstAddr.
-	std::map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition> NormalizedStackOpsMap; // normalized stack operands, indexed by instruction address (for lookup from RTLs).
-	std::map<STARSDefinition, std::map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition>::iterator, LessDefinition> InverseNormalizedStackOpsMap; // index: normalized op,
-				// mapped to: iterator into NormalizedStackOpsMap; only for use in functions that call alloca() and need to re-normalize stack ops repeatedly
+	std::map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition> NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap; // normalized stack DEF operands, indexed by instruction address (for lookup from RTLs).
+	std::map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition> NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap; // normalized stack USE operands, indexed by instruction address (for lookup from RTLs).
+	std::map<STARSDefinition, std::map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition>::iterator, LessDefinition> InverseNormalizedStackDEFOpsMap; // index: normalized op,
+	// mapped to: iterator into NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap; only for use in functions that call alloca() and need to re-normalize stack ops repeatedly
+	std::map<STARSDefinition, std::map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition>::iterator, LessDefinition> InverseNormalizedStackUSEOpsMap; // index: normalized op,
+	// mapped to: iterator into NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap; only for use in functions that call alloca() and need to re-normalize stack ops repeatedly
 	std::bitset<1 + MD_LAST_REG_NO> PreservedRegsBitmap; // Registers that are saved on entry and restored before return from func, or never used, as a bitmap.
 	std::bitset<1 + MD_LAST_REG_NO> CallerSavedLocalRegsBitmap; // Reg numbers that are local names and are caller-saved
 	std::bitset<1 + MD_LAST_REG_NO> MemRangeRegsBitmap; // Reg numbers that are used in defining the memory writing range expr
diff --git a/include/base/SMPInstr.h b/include/base/SMPInstr.h
index d2c506db412b695f7070cf6c91ace14de9ac1e52..0797be98afb0de34e9d636bdf5c0585818238e31 100644
--- a/include/base/SMPInstr.h
+++ b/include/base/SMPInstr.h
@@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ public:
 	void AnalyzeIndirectRefs(bool UseFP); // Detect indirect memory operands
 	STARS_sval_t AnalyzeStackPointerDelta(STARS_sval_t IncomingDelta, STARS_sval_t FramePtrDelta);
 	STARS_sval_t FindStackAdjustment(void); // Find amount of stack adjustment, e.g. if this inst is after a call
-	bool MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, STARSOpndTypePtr &DefOp); // Normalize stack operands to use incoming stack delta; leave others as is
+	bool MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, STARSOpndTypePtr &StackOp, bool DEFFlag); // Normalize stack operands to use incoming stack delta; leave others as is
 		// return true if register or stack memory operand, false otherwise
 	bool MDNormalizeStackOps(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, bool Recomputing, STARS_sval_t DeltaIncrement = 0);
 		// Iterate through Defs and Uses, calling MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(); true if changed DEFs or USEs
@@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@ private:
 	bool MDIsAddImmediateToReg(STARSOpndTypePtr &DefOp, STARSOpndTypePtr &ImmOp); // return true if we have register DefOp += ImmOp.
-	bool MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(STARS_sval_t DeltaIncrement, bool UpdateMaps, STARSOpndTypePtr &DefOp); // Alter stack delta for SP-relative stack operands in alloca-calling functions
+	bool MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(STARS_sval_t DeltaIncrement, bool UpdateMaps, STARSOpndTypePtr &StackOp, bool DEFFlag); // Alter stack delta for SP-relative stack operands in alloca-calling functions
 		// return true if register or stack memory operand, false otherwise
 };  // end class SMPInstr
diff --git a/src/base/SMPFunction_part1.cpp b/src/base/SMPFunction_part1.cpp
index fe766ad32c09f4d3b3c42cd4811fd075761f7424..51cabce174d6c88f72c0b379d0981e63d2d361df 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPFunction_part1.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPFunction_part1.cpp
@@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@ void SMPFunction::AddLeaOperand(STARS_ea_t addr, STARSOpndTypePtr LeaOperand) {
 // Add input arguments to the NormalizedStackOpsMap.
-void SMPFunction::AddNormalizedStackOperand(STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp, STARS_ea_t InstAddr, STARSOpndTypePtr NormalizedOp) {
+void SMPFunction::AddNormalizedStackOperand(STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp, STARS_ea_t InstAddr, STARSOpndTypePtr NormalizedOp, bool DEFFlag) {
 	bool DuplicateCase = false; // e.g. inc [esp+8] will have [esp+8] as a DEF and a USE and maps will see [esp+8] twice
 	bool DebugFlag = (InstAddr == 0x8048463);
@@ -1380,15 +1380,16 @@ void SMPFunction::AddNormalizedStackOperand(STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp, STARS_ea_t I
 	pair<STARSOpndTypePtr, STARS_ea_t> InverseValue(OldOp, InstAddr); // OldOp was NormalizedOp when it was inserted previously
 	pair<pair<STARSOpndTypePtr, STARS_ea_t>, STARSOpndTypePtr> InsertValue(OldValue, NormalizedOp);
 	pair<STARSOpndTypePtr, STARS_ea_t> InverseInsertValue(NormalizedOp, InstAddr);
-	map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition>::iterator OldIter = this->NormalizedStackOpsMap.begin();
+	map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition>::iterator OldIter = DEFFlag ? this->NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.begin() : this->NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.begin();
 	pair<STARSDefinition, map<pair<STARSOpndTypePtr, STARS_ea_t>, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition>::iterator> InverseInsertTriple(InverseInsertValue, OldIter);
 	map<STARSDefinition, map<pair<STARSOpndTypePtr, STARS_ea_t>, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition>::iterator>::iterator InverseIter;
 	// If this function calls alloca(), stack operands could be normalized more than once.
 	//  Before we proceed, we update an old entry instead of inserting a new entry.
 	if (this->CallsAlloca || this->HasPushAfterFrameAlloc()) {
-		InverseIter = this->InverseNormalizedStackOpsMap.find(InverseValue);
-		if (InverseIter != this->InverseNormalizedStackOpsMap.end()) {
+		InverseIter = DEFFlag ? this->InverseNormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.find(InverseValue) : this->InverseNormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.find(InverseValue);
+		bool FoundIt = DEFFlag ? (InverseIter != this->InverseNormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.end()) : (InverseIter != this->InverseNormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.end());
+		if (FoundIt) {
 			// We have our alloca() update case. We formerly mapped <A, InstAddr> to B.
 			//  Now B is being normalized to C. All we want to do is change the original
 			//  map entry so that we map <A, InstAddr> to C. In this manner, A is always the
@@ -1397,11 +1398,18 @@ void SMPFunction::AddNormalizedStackOperand(STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp, STARS_ea_t I
 			OldIter->second = NormalizedOp; // Change B to C
 			// Now we want to erase the Inverse map entry and insert a new one that maps
 			//  <C, InstAddr> to OldIter instead of mapping <B, InstAddr> to OldIter.
-			(void) this->InverseNormalizedStackOpsMap.erase(InverseIter);
-			InverseInsertTriple.second = OldIter;
-			InverseInsertResult = this->InverseNormalizedStackOpsMap.insert(InverseInsertTriple);
+			if (DEFFlag) {
+				(void) this->InverseNormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.erase(InverseIter);
+				InverseInsertTriple.second = OldIter;
+				InverseInsertResult = this->InverseNormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.insert(InverseInsertTriple);
+			}
+			else {
+				(void) this->InverseNormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.erase(InverseIter);
+				InverseInsertTriple.second = OldIter;
+				InverseInsertResult = this->InverseNormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.insert(InverseInsertTriple);
+			}
 			if (!InverseInsertResult.second) { // ERROR
-				SMP_msg("FATAL ERROR: Conflict in InverseNormalizedStackOpsMap in inst at %llx in ", (uint64_t) InstAddr);
+				SMP_msg("FATAL ERROR: Conflict in InverseNormalizedStackOpsMap DEFFlag %d in inst at %llx in ", DEFFlag, (uint64_t) InstAddr);
 				SMP_msg("OldOp : ");
@@ -1429,14 +1437,20 @@ void SMPFunction::AddNormalizedStackOperand(STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp, STARS_ea_t I
 			//  does not execute. We can only detect this case by finding an existing C->A reverse mapping
 			//  and an existing A->C mapping to confirm our inference.
 			pair<STARSOpndTypePtr, STARS_ea_t> TestInverseValue(NormalizedOp, InstAddr);
-			InverseIter = this->InverseNormalizedStackOpsMap.find(TestInverseValue);
-			if (InverseIter != this->InverseNormalizedStackOpsMap.end()) {
+			InverseIter = DEFFlag ? this->InverseNormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.find(TestInverseValue)
+				: this->InverseNormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.find(TestInverseValue);
+			bool FoundIt2 = DEFFlag ? (InverseIter != this->InverseNormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.end())
+				: (InverseIter != this->InverseNormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.end());
+			if (FoundIt2) {
 				// Found existing C->A inverse mapping. Is there an A->C mapping to confirm
 				//  our interpretation of the situation?
 				pair<STARSOpndTypePtr, STARS_ea_t> TestOldValue(InverseIter->second->first.first, InstAddr);
 				map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition>::iterator TestOldIter;
-				TestOldIter = this->NormalizedStackOpsMap.find(TestOldValue);
-				if (TestOldIter != this->NormalizedStackOpsMap.end()) {
+				TestOldIter = DEFFlag ? this->NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.find(TestOldValue)
+					: this->NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.find(TestOldValue);
+				bool FoundIt3 = DEFFlag ? (TestOldIter != this->NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.end())
+					: (TestOldIter != this->NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.end());
+				if (FoundIt3) {
 					// We found a mapping from <A, InstAddr>.
 					if (IsEqOp(NormalizedOp, TestOldIter->second)) {
 						// The mapping is A->C as suspected.
@@ -1448,7 +1462,8 @@ void SMPFunction::AddNormalizedStackOperand(STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp, STARS_ea_t I
 	// At this point, we have no inverse map entry to worry about, because we are
 	//  normalizing this operand for the first time.
-	InsertResult = this->NormalizedStackOpsMap.insert(InsertValue);
+	InsertResult = DEFFlag ? this->NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.insert(InsertValue)
+		: this->NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.insert(InsertValue);
 	OldIter = InsertResult.first;
 	if (!(InsertResult.second)) {
 		// Already had an entry. That should mean a rare case such as "inc [esp+8]" which
@@ -1463,19 +1478,32 @@ void SMPFunction::AddNormalizedStackOperand(STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp, STARS_ea_t I
 	if (this->CallsAlloca || this->HasPushAfterFrameAlloc()) {
 		// We need to add an entry to the inverse map.
 		InverseInsertTriple.second = OldIter;
-		InverseInsertResult = this->InverseNormalizedStackOpsMap.insert(InverseInsertTriple);
+		InverseInsertResult = DEFFlag ? this->InverseNormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.insert(InverseInsertTriple)
+			: this->InverseNormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.insert(InverseInsertTriple);
 		assert(InverseInsertResult.second || DuplicateCase);
 	if (DebugFlag) {
 		map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition>::iterator StackMapIter;
-		SMP_msg("DEBUG: NormalizedStackOpsMap size: %zd\n", this->NormalizedStackOpsMap.size());
-		for (StackMapIter = this->NormalizedStackOpsMap.begin(); StackMapIter != this->NormalizedStackOpsMap.end(); ++ StackMapIter) {
-			STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp = StackMapIter->first.first;
-			STARS_ea_t InstAddr = StackMapIter->first.second;
-			SMP_msg("DEBUG: NormalizedStackOps: ");
-			PrintOperand(OldOp);
-			SMP_msg(" addr: %llx\n", (uint64_t) InstAddr);
+		if (DEFFlag) {
+			SMP_msg("DEBUG: NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap size: %zd\n", this->NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.size());
+			for (StackMapIter = this->NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.begin(); StackMapIter != this->NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.end(); ++StackMapIter) {
+				STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp = StackMapIter->first.first;
+				STARS_ea_t InstAddr = StackMapIter->first.second;
+				SMP_msg("DEBUG: NormalizedStackDEFOps: ");
+				PrintOperand(OldOp);
+				SMP_msg(" addr: %llx\n", (uint64_t)InstAddr);
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			SMP_msg("DEBUG: NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap size: %zd\n", this->NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.size());
+			for (StackMapIter = this->NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.begin(); StackMapIter != this->NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.end(); ++StackMapIter) {
+				STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp = StackMapIter->first.first;
+				STARS_ea_t InstAddr = StackMapIter->first.second;
+				SMP_msg("DEBUG: NormalizedStackUSEOps: ");
+				PrintOperand(OldOp);
+				SMP_msg(" addr: %llx\n", (uint64_t)InstAddr);
+			}
@@ -1543,7 +1571,7 @@ STARSSCCPMapIter SMPFunction::InsertGlobalConstValue(int DefHashValue, struct ST
 // Return RTLop if not stack opnd; return normalized RTLop otherwise.
-STARSOpndTypePtr SMPFunction::GetNormalizedOperand(STARS_ea_t InstAddr, const STARSOpndTypePtr &RTLop) {
+STARSOpndTypePtr SMPFunction::GetNormalizedOperand(STARS_ea_t InstAddr, const STARSOpndTypePtr &RTLop, bool DEFFlag) {
 	STARSOpndTypePtr NormOp = nullptr;
 	bool DebugFlag = (0x8048463 == InstAddr);
@@ -1563,8 +1591,15 @@ STARSOpndTypePtr SMPFunction::GetNormalizedOperand(STARS_ea_t InstAddr, const ST
 	if (MDIsStackAccessOpnd(RTLop, this->UsesFramePointer())) {
 		pair<STARSOpndTypePtr, STARS_ea_t> OldDefn(RTLop, InstAddr);
-		map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition>::iterator FindIter = this->NormalizedStackOpsMap.find(OldDefn);
-		assert(this->NormalizedStackOpsMap.end() != FindIter);
+		map<STARSDefinition, STARSOpndTypePtr, LessDefinition>::iterator FindIter;
+		if (DEFFlag) {
+			FindIter = this->NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.find(OldDefn);
+			assert(this->NormalizedStackDEFOpsMap.end() != FindIter);
+		}
+		else {
+			FindIter = this->NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.find(OldDefn);
+			assert(this->NormalizedStackUSEOpsMap.end() != FindIter);
+		}
 		NormOp = FindIter->second;
 	else {
diff --git a/src/base/SMPFunction_part4.cpp b/src/base/SMPFunction_part4.cpp
index ba45b19defa5ce83bdec30389dbb8d555bef2ad1..e578afff71dde35119064edfa363980e250a1c55 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPFunction_part4.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPFunction_part4.cpp
@@ -8378,7 +8378,7 @@ void SMPFunction::EmitFuncPtrShadowingAnnotations2(FILE *InfoAnnotFile) {
 								else if (MDIsStackAccessOpnd(ArgOp, this->UsesFramePointer()) && CurrInst->AreDefsNormalized()) {
-									ArgOp = this->GetNormalizedOperand(CurrInst->GetAddr(), ArgOp);
+									ArgOp = this->GetNormalizedOperand(CurrInst->GetAddr(), ArgOp, false);
 							if ((nullptr != ArgOp) && !ArgOp->IsVoidOp()) {
@@ -8446,7 +8446,7 @@ void SMPFunction::EmitArgShadowingAnnotations(FILE *InfoAnnotFile) {
 										else if (MDIsStackAccessOpnd(ArgOp, this->UsesFramePointer()) && CurrInst->AreDefsNormalized()) {
-											ArgOp = this->GetNormalizedOperand(CurrInst->GetAddr(), ArgOp);
+											ArgOp = this->GetNormalizedOperand(CurrInst->GetAddr(), ArgOp, false);
 									if ((nullptr != ArgOp) && !ArgOp->IsVoidOp()) {
diff --git a/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp b/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
index 34833ae818e39eeb05a80d62a8e9c36dd4fe67b8..e14bb0bd7eee253b8af8b1d567c801191f751577 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPInstr.cpp
@@ -1454,7 +1454,8 @@ STARSOpndTypePtr SMPRegTransfer::GetLeftOperand(void) const {
 	if (this->ParentInst->AreDefsNormalized()) {
 		STARS_ea_t InstAddr = this->ParentInst->GetAddr();
-		TempOp = this->ParentInst->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetNormalizedOperand(InstAddr, TempOp);
+		bool DEFFlag = (SMP_ASSIGN == this->GetOperator());
+		TempOp = this->ParentInst->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetNormalizedOperand(InstAddr, TempOp, DEFFlag);
 	return TempOp;
 } // end of SMPRegTransfer::GetLeftOperand()
@@ -1468,7 +1469,7 @@ STARSOpndTypePtr SMPRegTransfer::GetRightOperand(void) const {
 	if (this->ParentInst->AreDefsNormalized()) {
 		STARS_ea_t InstAddr = this->ParentInst->GetAddr();
-		TempOp = this->ParentInst->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetNormalizedOperand(InstAddr, TempOp);
+		TempOp = this->ParentInst->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetNormalizedOperand(InstAddr, TempOp, false);
 	return TempOp;
 } // end of SMPRegTransfer::GetRightOperand()
@@ -10030,26 +10031,27 @@ STARS_sval_t SMPInstr::FindStackAdjustment(void) {
 //  rather than the current stack pointer value.
 // UseFP indicates we are using a frame pointer in the function.
 // FPDelta holds the stack delta (normalized) for the frame pointer.
-// DefOp comes in with the operand to be normalized, and contains the normalized operand upon return.
+// StackOp comes in with the operand to be normalized, and contains the normalized operand upon return.
+// DEFFlag is true for DEF operands, false for USE operands.
 // Return true if operand is a register or stack location, false otherwise (true => include in data flow analysis sets and SSA.)
-bool SMPInstr::MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, STARSOpndTypePtr &DefOp) {
+bool SMPInstr::MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, STARSOpndTypePtr &StackOp, bool DEFFlag) {
 #if 0
-	if ((nullptr == DefOp) || (this->GetStackPtrOffset() == 0))
+	if ((nullptr == StackOp) || (this->GetStackPtrOffset() == 0))
 		return false;
 #else  // instead of optimizing, need all stack operands to pass through SIBWithNoIndexReg check and correction
-	if (nullptr == DefOp)
+	if (nullptr == StackOp)
 		return false;
-	if (DefOp->IsRegOp()) {
+	if (StackOp->IsRegOp()) {
 		return true;
-	else if (MDIsStackAccessOpnd(DefOp, UseFP)) {
-		STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp = DefOp->clone();
-		int SignedOffset = (int) DefOp->GetAddr();
+	else if (MDIsStackAccessOpnd(StackOp, UseFP)) {
+		STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp = StackOp->clone();
+		int SignedOffset = (int) StackOp->GetAddr();
 		STARS_sval_t NormalizedDelta = 0;
-		if (DefOp->HasSIBByte()) {
+		if (StackOp->HasSIBByte()) {
 			// We must deal with a potentially indexed memory expression. We want to
 			//  normalize two different cases here: e.g. [esp+ebx+4] will become [esp+ebx-24]
 			//  and [ebp+ebx-8] will become [esp+ebx-12] after normalization. A wrinkle
@@ -10057,8 +10059,8 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, S
 			//  in the SIB byte, and we make [ebx+ebp-4] into [esp+ebx-12], which involves
 			//  correcting the index/base reg order in the SIB, because an index reg of ESP
 			//  is the SIB encoding for "no index register" and we cannot leave it like that.
-			int BaseReg = MD_STARS_sib_base(DefOp);
-			int IndexReg = (int) MD_STARS_sib_index(DefOp);
+			int BaseReg = MD_STARS_sib_base(StackOp);
+			int IndexReg = (int) MD_STARS_sib_index(StackOp);
 			if (X86_STACK_POINTER_REG == IndexReg) { // signifies no index register
 				IndexReg = STARS_x86_R_none;
@@ -10071,7 +10073,7 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, S
 				// Must be EBP-relative.
 				NormalizedDelta = FPDelta + (STARS_sval_t) SignedOffset;
 				// Unfortunately, when we are dealing with a SIB byte in the opcode, we cannot
-				//  just say DefOp.reg = MD_STACK_POINTER_REG to convert from the frame pointer
+				//  just say StackOp.reg = MD_STACK_POINTER_REG to convert from the frame pointer
 				//  to the stack pointer. Instead, we have to get into the nasty machine code
 				//  level and change the SIB bits that specify either the base register or the
 				//  index register, whichever one is the frame pointer.
@@ -10080,8 +10082,8 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, S
 					//  They must contain a 5, which is the x86 value for register EBP, and we
 					//  want to convert it to a 4, denoting register ESP. We can just zero out
 					//  the least significant bit to accomplish that.
-					char OldSIB = DefOp->GetSIB();
-					DefOp->SetSIB(OldSIB & 0xfe);
+					char OldSIB = StackOp->GetSIB();
+					StackOp->SetSIB(OldSIB & 0xfe);
 				else {
 					// We sometimes have an instruction in which the frame pointer is used as
@@ -10091,14 +10093,14 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, S
 					// The true index reg is in the lowest three bits, while the next three
 					//  bits must contain a 5 (register EBP) and we want to make them a 4 (ESP).
 					//  We must swap base and index regs as we normalize (see explanation above).
-					char SIBtemp = DefOp->GetSIB();
+					char SIBtemp = StackOp->GetSIB();
 					char SIBindex = SIBtemp & 0x38;
 					char SIBbase = SIBtemp & 0x07;
 					assert ((SIBindex >> 3) == 5); // must be EBP
 					SIBtemp &= 0xa0; // zero out lower 6 bits; upper 2 bits are scale factor - leave them alone
 					SIBtemp &= (SIBbase << 3); // make old base reg (e.g. ebx) into a proper index reg
 					SIBtemp |= 0x04; // make the new base reg be 4 (reg ESP)
-					DefOp->SetSIB(SIBtemp);
+					StackOp->SetSIB(SIBtemp);
 				// Add the stack pointer to the USE set for the instruction.
@@ -10106,47 +10108,47 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, S
 		} // end if SIB byte
-		else if (DefOp->GetReg() == MD_FRAME_POINTER_REG) {  // no SIB byte, just o_displ with one address reg
-			// If FPDelta is -4 and SignedOffset is +8, then we have [ebp+8] as DefOp, and this
+		else if (StackOp->GetReg() == MD_FRAME_POINTER_REG) {  // no SIB byte, just o_displ with one address reg
+			// If FPDelta is -4 and SignedOffset is +8, then we have [ebp+8] as StackOp, and this
 			//  is equivalent to [esp+4] where esp has its entry value, i.e. this would be the first incoming
-			//  argument. If SignedOffset is -12, we have [ebp-12] as DefOp, and this is [esp-16] when
+			//  argument. If SignedOffset is -12, we have [ebp-12] as StackOp, and this is [esp-16] when
 			//  normalized to the entry point value of the stack pointer. In both cases, we can see that the
 			//  normalized stack delta is just FPDelta+SignedOffset.
 			NormalizedDelta = FPDelta + (STARS_sval_t) SignedOffset;
 			// Now, we simply convert the memory operand from EBP to ESP and replace the SignedOffset with the
 			//  NormalizedDelta just computed.
-			DefOp->SetByteWidth(OldOp->GetByteWidth()); // undo possible width change in SetReg()
+			StackOp->SetReg(MD_STACK_POINTER_REG);
+			StackOp->SetByteWidth(OldOp->GetByteWidth()); // undo possible width change in SetReg()
 			// Add the stack pointer to the USE set for the instruction.
 			this->MDAddRegUse(MD_STACK_POINTER_REG, false);
 		else {
-			assert(DefOp->GetReg() == MD_STACK_POINTER_REG);
+			assert(StackOp->GetReg() == MD_STACK_POINTER_REG);
 			// We only need to adjust the offset to reflect the change in the stack pointer since the function
 			//  was entered, e.g. [esp+4] is normalized to [esp-28] if the current esp value is 32 less than it
 			//  was upon function entry. We get the value "-32" in that case from a member variable.
 			NormalizedDelta = this->GetStackPtrOffset() + (STARS_sval_t) SignedOffset;
-		DefOp->SetAddr((STARS_ea_t) NormalizedDelta); // common to frame and stack pointer cases
+		StackOp->SetAddr((STARS_ea_t) NormalizedDelta); // common to frame and stack pointer cases
 		this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->UpdateMaxDirectStackAccessOffset(NormalizedDelta); // maintain record of maximum
 		if (NormalizedDelta == 0) {
 			// [esp+0] is the return address location. Reading or writing the return address makes
 			//  the function unsafe for the Strata fast return mechanism.
 			if (this->HasDestMemoryOperand()) {
 				this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->SetUnsafeForFastReturns(true, RETURN_ADDRESS_WRITE);
-				SMP_msg("INFO: Return address overwritten in instruction at %llx\n", (unsigned long long) this->GetAddr());
+				SMP_msg("INFO: Return address overwritten in instruction at %llx\n", (uint64_t) this->GetAddr());
 			else {
 				this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->SetUnsafeForFastReturns(true, RETURN_ADDRESS_READ);
-				SMP_msg("INFO: Return address read in instruction at %llx\n", (unsigned long long) this->GetAddr());
+				SMP_msg("INFO: Return address read in instruction at %llx\n", (uint64_t) this->GetAddr());
 		// Clean up unnecessary SIB byte, make sure offset matches operand type, etc.
-		DefOp->CleanOpndEncoding();
+		StackOp->CleanOpndEncoding();
-		this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->AddNormalizedStackOperand(OldOp, this->GetAddr(), DefOp);
+		this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->AddNormalizedStackOperand(OldOp, this->GetAddr(), StackOp, DEFFlag);
 		return true;
 	else {
@@ -10182,10 +10184,10 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDNormalizeStackOps(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, bool Recomp
 		if ((! OldOp->IsRegOp()) && (! OldOp->IsImmedOp())) {
 			NewOp = OldOp->clone();
 			if (Recomputing) {
-				OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, true, NewOp);
+				OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, true, NewOp, true);
 			else {
-				OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, NewOp);
+				OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, NewOp, true);
 			if (OpNormalized) {
 				StackOpFound = true;
@@ -10218,10 +10220,10 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDNormalizeStackOps(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, bool Recomp
 	// Normalize STARSOpndTypePtr private data member DEFs.
 	if (HasDEFMemOp && UniqueDEFMemOp) { // DefOp and this->DEFMemOp could be shared_ptr to same object; don't duplicate work if so
 		if (Recomputing) {
-			OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, UniqueDEFMemOp, this->DEFMemOp);
+			OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, UniqueDEFMemOp, this->DEFMemOp, true);
 		else  {
-			OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, this->DEFMemOp);
+			OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, this->DEFMemOp, true);
@@ -10238,10 +10240,10 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDNormalizeStackOps(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, bool Recomp
 			if ((!OldOp->IsRegOp()) && (!OldOp->IsImmedOp())) {
 				NewOp = OldOp->clone();
 				if (Recomputing) {
-					OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, true, NewOp);
+					OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, true, NewOp, false);
 				else {
-					OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, NewOp);
+					OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, NewOp, false);
 				if (OpNormalized) {
 					StackOpFound = true;
@@ -10293,31 +10295,31 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDNormalizeStackOps(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, bool Recomp
 		// Normalize STARSOpndTypePtr private data member USEs.
 		if (Recomputing) {
 			if (HasUSEMemOp && UniqueUSEMemOp) {
-				OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, UniqueUSEMemOp, this->USEMemOp);
+				OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, UniqueUSEMemOp, this->USEMemOp, false);
 			if (this->MDIsLoadEffectiveAddressInstr()) {
 				STARSOpndTypePtr TempLeaMemOp = nullptr;
 				if (HasLeaMemUseOp)
 					TempLeaMemOp = this->GetLeaMemUseOp()->clone();
-				OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, UniqueLeaUSEMemOp, TempLeaMemOp);
+				OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, UniqueLeaUSEMemOp, TempLeaMemOp, false);
 				if (OpNormalized)
 			if (HasMoveSourceMemOp && UniqueMoveSource) {
-				OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, UniqueMoveSource, this->MoveSource);
+				OpNormalized = this->MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(DeltaIncrement, UniqueMoveSource, this->MoveSource, false);
 		else {
 			if (HasUSEMemOp && UniqueUSEMemOp) // avoid shared_ptr duplicate normalization
-				OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, this->USEMemOp);
+				OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, this->USEMemOp, false);
 			if (HasLeaMemUseOp && UniqueLeaUSEMemOp && this->MDIsLoadEffectiveAddressInstr()) { // avoid shared_ptr duplicate normalization
 				STARSOpndTypePtr TempLeaMemOp = this->GetLeaMemUseOp()->clone();
-				OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, TempLeaMemOp);
+				OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, TempLeaMemOp, false);
 				if (OpNormalized)
 			if (HasMoveSourceMemOp && UniqueMoveSource) // avoid shared_ptr duplicate normalization
-				OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, this->MoveSource);
+				OpNormalized = this->MDComputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(UseFP, FPDelta, this->MoveSource, false);
 #if 0
 	} // end if we have some mem USE to normalize
@@ -10330,16 +10332,17 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDNormalizeStackOps(bool UseFP, STARS_sval_t FPDelta, bool Recomp
 } // end of SMPInstr::MDNormalizeStackOps()
 // Renormalize SP-relative stack operands in functions that call alloca() by adding DeltaIncrement to their stack displacements.
-// DefOp comes in with the operand to be renormalized, and contains the normalized operand upon return.
+// StackOp comes in with the operand to be renormalized, and contains the normalized operand upon return.
+// DEFFlag is true for DEF operands, false for USE operands.
 // Return true if operand is a register or stack location, false otherwise (true => include in data flow analysis sets and SSA.)
-bool SMPInstr::MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(STARS_sval_t DeltaIncrement, bool UpdateMaps, STARSOpndTypePtr &DefOp) {
-	if ((nullptr == DefOp) || (DeltaIncrement == 0))
+bool SMPInstr::MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(STARS_sval_t DeltaIncrement, bool UpdateMaps, STARSOpndTypePtr &StackOp, bool DEFFlag) {
+	if ((nullptr == StackOp) || (DeltaIncrement == 0))
 		return false;
-	if (DefOp->IsRegOp()) {
+	if (StackOp->IsRegOp()) {
 		return true;
-	else if (MDIsStackAccessOpnd(DefOp, this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->UsesFramePointer())) {
+	else if (MDIsStackAccessOpnd(StackOp, this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->UsesFramePointer())) {
 		if (this->HasFPNormalizedToSP()) {
 			// FP-relative operands do not change in alloca() functions when the alloca()
 			//  causes the SP to change.
@@ -10348,21 +10351,21 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDRecomputeNormalizedDataFlowOp(STARS_sval_t DeltaIncrement, bool
 		// The remaining cases are simple. The ESP-relative displacement is incremented by
 		//  DeltaIncrement, regardless of the presence of a SIB byte.
-		int SignedOffset = (int) DefOp->GetAddr();
+		int SignedOffset = (int) StackOp->GetAddr();
 		STARS_sval_t NormalizedDelta = DeltaIncrement + (STARS_sval_t) SignedOffset;
-		STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp = DefOp->clone();
-		DefOp->SetAddr((STARS_ea_t) NormalizedDelta);
+		STARSOpndTypePtr OldOp = StackOp->clone();
+		StackOp->SetAddr((STARS_ea_t) NormalizedDelta);
-		if (DefOp->IsMemNoDisplacementOp() && (0 != NormalizedDelta)) {
+		if (StackOp->IsMemNoDisplacementOp() && (0 != NormalizedDelta)) {
 			// mov [esp],eax has an [esp] operand of type o_phrase, because there is no
 			//  displacement field. After normalization, it will have a displacement field, so
 			//  it has become an operand like [esp-32] and is now type o_displ.
-			DefOp->SetTypeToMemDisplacement();
+			StackOp->SetTypeToMemDisplacement();
 		if (UpdateMaps) { // We don't update maps for duplicate entries, e.g. USEMemOp, DEFMemOp, MoveSource
-			this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->AddNormalizedStackOperand(OldOp, this->GetAddr(), DefOp);
+			this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->AddNormalizedStackOperand(OldOp, this->GetAddr(), StackOp, DEFFlag);
 		return true;
@@ -12635,7 +12638,7 @@ bool SMPInstr::IsSimpleCopy(STARSOpndTypePtr &rhs) const {
 				if (this->IsRegUpperBitsClearIdiom()) {
 					rhs = this->GetFirstRightOperandNoNorm();
 					if (this->AreDefsNormalized() && MDIsStackAccessOpnd(rhs, this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->UsesFramePointer())) {
-						rhs = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetNormalizedOperand(this->GetAddr(), rhs);
+						rhs = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetNormalizedOperand(this->GetAddr(), rhs, false);
 				else {
@@ -12675,7 +12678,7 @@ bool SMPInstr::IsSimpleOrExtendedCopy(STARSOpndTypePtr &rhs) const {
 				if (this->IsRegUpperBitsClearIdiom()) {
 					rhs = this->GetFirstRightOperandNoNorm();
 					if (this->AreDefsNormalized() && MDIsStackAccessOpnd(rhs, this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->UsesFramePointer())) {
-						rhs = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetNormalizedOperand(this->GetAddr(), rhs);
+						rhs = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->GetNormalizedOperand(this->GetAddr(), rhs, false);
 				else {