From 520bebbf966f16e72a07d731402afb0ea0f44d34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: clc5q <>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 16:40:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Redefine stack regions from IDA perspective to ours by
 getting all callee-saved regs out of the locals area; move emission of
 annotations to SMPInstr class.

 SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp | 505 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 333 insertions(+), 172 deletions(-)

diff --git a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
index eb982058..17a8ad89 100644
--- a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
+++ b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #define SMP_DEBUG_CONTROLFLOW 0  // tells what processing stage is entered
 #define SMP_DEBUG_XOR 0
 #define SMP_DEBUG_CHUNKS 1  // tracking down tail chunks for functions
 // Used for binary search by function number in SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
 //  to trigger debugging output and find which instruction in which
@@ -358,8 +359,8 @@ int SMPInstr::GetOptType(void) const {
 // Is this instruction the one that allocates space on the
-//  stack for the local variables of size LocSize?
-bool SMPInstr::MDIsFrameAllocInstr(asize_t LocSize) const {
+//  stack for the local variables?
+bool SMPInstr::MDIsFrameAllocInstr(void) const {
 	// The frame allocating instruction should look like:
 	//   sub esp,48   or   add esp,-64   etc.
 	if ((SMPcmd.itype == NN_sub) || (SMPcmd.itype == NN_add)) {
@@ -373,7 +374,23 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDIsFrameAllocInstr(asize_t LocSize) const {
 			//  and 16 bytes for outgoing arguments in a single
 			//  instruction:  sub esp,80
 			//  you cannot insist on finding sub esp,LocSize
-			return true;
+			// To make this more robust, we are going to insist that
+			//  an allocation of stack space is either performed by
+			//  adding a negative immediate value, or by subtracting
+			//  a positive immediate value. We will throw in, free of
+			//  charge, a subtraction of a register, which is how alloca()
+			//  usually allocates stack space.
+			if (o_imm == Uses.GetRef(0).type) {
+				signed long TempImm = (signed long) Uses.GetRef(0).value;
+				if (((0 > TempImm) && (SMPcmd.itype == NN_add))
+					|| ((0 < TempImm) && (SMPcmd.itype == NN_sub))) {
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			else if ((o_reg == Uses.GetRef(0).type)
+				&& (SMPcmd.itype == NN_sub)) { // alloca() ?
+				return true;
+			}
 	return false;
@@ -404,6 +421,8 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDIsFrameDeallocInstr(bool UseFP, asize_t LocalVarsSize) const {
 		msg("Used imprecise LocalVarsSize to find dealloc instr.\n");
 		return true;
+	else if (NN_leave == this->SMPcmd.itype)
+		return true;
 		return false;
 } // end of SMPInstr::MDIsFrameDeallocInstr()
@@ -429,6 +448,18 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDIsPushInstr(void) const {
 			&& (SMPcmd.itype <= LAST_PUSH_INST));
+// MACHINE DEPENDENT: Does instruction use a callee-saved register?
+bool SMPInstr::MDUsesCalleeSavedReg(void) const {
+	for (size_t index = 0; index < this->Uses.GetSize(); ++index) {
+		op_t CurrUse = this->GetUse(index);
+		if (CurrUse.is_reg(R_bp) || CurrUse.is_reg(R_si)
+			|| CurrUse.is_reg(R_di) || CurrUse.is_reg(R_bx)) {
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+} // end of SMPInstr::MDUsesCalleeSavedReg()
 // Analyze the instruction and its operands.
 void SMPInstr::Analyze(void) {
 	if (this->analyzed)
@@ -595,6 +626,151 @@ void SMPInstr::AnnotateStackConstants(bool UseFP, FILE *AnnotFile) {
 } // end of SMPInstr::AnnotateStackConstants()
+// Emit all annotations for the instruction.
+void SMPInstr::EmitAnnotations(bool UseFP, bool AllocSeen, FILE *AnnotFile) {
+	ea_t addr = this->address;
+	flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
+	bool MemDest = this->HasDestMemoryOperand();
+	bool MemSrc = this->HasSourceMemoryOperand();
+	bool SecondSrcOperandNum = this->IsSecondSrcOperandNumeric(InstrFlags);
+	++OptCount[OptType]; // keep count for debugging info
+	if (MemDest || MemSrc) {
+		msg("OptType: %d %s", OptType, disasm);
+		this->PrintOperands();
+	}
+	// Emit appropriate optimization annotations.
+	bool SDTInstrumentation = false;
+	switch (OptType) {
+		case 0:  // SDT will have to handle these
+		{
+			msg("OptType 0: %x  %s\n", addr, disasm);
+			// mmStrata wants to suppress warnings on the PUSH
+			//  instructions that precede the LocalVarsAllocInstr
+			//  (i.e. the PUSHes of callee-saved regs).
+			if (!AllocSeen && this->MDIsPushInstr()) {
+				qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL NoWarn %s \n",
+						addr, -3, disasm);
+			}
+			else {
+				SDTInstrumentation = true;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		case 1:  // nothing for SDT to do
+		{	qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate %s \n",
+					addr, -1, disasm);
+			++AnnotationCount[OptType];
+			break;
+		}
+		case 4:  // INC, DEC, etc.: no SDT work unless MemDest
+		{	if (MemDest || MemSrc) {
+				SDTInstrumentation = true;
+				break;  // treat as category 0
+	 		}
+			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL Always1stSrc %s \n",
+					addr, -1, disasm);
+			++AnnotationCount[OptType];
+			break;
+		}
+		case 5: // ADD, etc.: If numeric 2nd src operand, no SDT work.
+		{	if (MemDest || MemSrc) {
+				SDTInstrumentation = true;
+				break;  // treat as category 0
+			}
+			if (SecondSrcOperandNum) { // treat as category 1
+				qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL %s %s \n",
+						addr, -1, OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);
+				++AnnotationCount[OptType];
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		case 6: // Only OS code should include these; problem for SDT
+		{	if (MemDest) {
+				SDTInstrumentation = true;
+				break;  // treat as category 0
+			}
+			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL AlwaysPTR %s \n",
+					addr, -OptType, disasm);
+			++AnnotationCount[OptType];
+			break;
+		}
+		case 8: // Implicitly writes to EDX:EAX, always numeric.
+		{	qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL n EDX EAX ZZ %s %s \n",
+					addr, -2, OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);
+			++AnnotationCount[OptType];
+			SDTInstrumentation = true;
+			break;
+		}
+		case 9:  // Either writes to FP reg (cat. 1) or memory (cat. 0)
+		{	if (MemDest) {
+				// MemDest seems to happen too much.
+				msg("Floating point MemDest: %s \n", disasm);
+				SDTInstrumentation = true;
+				break; // treat as category 0
+			}
+			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL %s %s \n",
+					addr, -1, OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);
+			++AnnotationCount[OptType];
+			break;
+		}
+		default: // 2,3,7: Optimization possibilities depend on operands
+		{ 
+			if (OptType ==  3) {  // MOV instr class
+				if (MemDest) {
+					msg("MemDest on MOV: %s\n", disasm);
+				}
+				else if (!SecondSrcOperandNum) {
+					msg("MOV: not 2nd op numeric: %s\n", disasm);
+						this->PrintOperands();
+				}
+			}
+			SDTInstrumentation = true;
+			if (MemDest) {
+				if (OptType == 2)
+					msg("MemDest on OptType 2: %s\n", disasm);
+				break;  // treat as category 0
+			}
+			if ((OptType == 2) || (OptType == 7) || SecondSrcOperandNum) {
+				qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL n %s %s %s \n",
+						addr, -2, this->DestString(OptType), 
+						OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);
+				++AnnotationCount[OptType];
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	} // end switch (OptType)
+	// If mmStrata is going to have to deal with the
+	//  instruction, then we can annotate EBP and ESP
+	//  relative constant offsets. If we have emitted
+	//  an annotation of type -1, there is no point
+	//  in telling mmStrata about these constants.
+	if (SDTInstrumentation) {
+		this->AnnotateStackConstants(UseFP, AnnotFile);
+	}
+	return;
+} // end of SMPInstr::EmitAnnotations()
 // *****************************************************************
 // Class SMPBasicBlock
 // *****************************************************************
@@ -665,7 +841,6 @@ void SMPFunction::SetStackFrameInfo(void) {
 	//  to detect this and fix it.
 	bool FrameInfoFixed = this->MDFixFrameInfo();
 	if (FrameInfoFixed) {
 		msg("Fixed stack frame size info: %s\n", this->FuncName);
@@ -702,7 +877,7 @@ void SMPFunction::SetStackFrameInfo(void) {
 			if (!FoundAllocInstr
-				&& CurrInstr->MDIsFrameAllocInstr(this->LocalVarsSize)) {
+				&& CurrInstr->MDIsFrameAllocInstr()) {
 				this->LocalVarsAllocInstr = addr;
 				FoundAllocInstr = true;
@@ -815,36 +990,163 @@ void SMPFunction::SetStackFrameInfo(void) {
 } // end of SMPFunction::SetStackFrameInfo()
-// IDA Pro has trouble with functions that do not have any local
-//  variables. Unfortunately, the C library has plenty of these
-//  functions. IDA usually claims that frregs is zero and frsize
-//  is N, when the values should have been reversed. We can attempt
-//  to detect this and fix it.
+// IDA Pro defines the sizes of regions in the stack frame in a way
+//  that suits its purposes but not ours. the frsize field of the func_info_t
+//  structure measures the distance between the stack pointer and the
+//  frame pointer (ESP and EBP in the x86). This region includes some
+//  of the callee-saved registers. So, the frregs field only includes
+//  the callee-saved registers that are above the frame pointer.
+//  x86 standard prologue on gcc/linux:
+//    push ebp      ; save old frame pointer
+//    mov ebp,esp   ; new frame pointer = current stack pointer
+//    push esi      ; callee save reg
+//    push edi      ; callee save reg
+//    sub esp,34h   ; allocate 52 bytes for local variables
+//  Notice that EBP acquires its final frame pointer value AFTER the
+//  old EBP has been pushed. This means that, of the three callee saved
+//  registers, one is above where EBP points and two are below.
+//  IDA Pro is concerned with generating readable addressing expressions
+//  for items on the stack. None of the callee-saved regs will ever
+//  be addressed in the function; they will be dormant until they are popped
+//  off the stack in the function epilogue. In order to create readable
+//  disassembled code, IDA defines named constant offsets for locals. These
+//  offsets are negative values (x86 stack grows downward from EBP toward
+//  ESP). When ESP_relative addressing occurs, IDA converts a statement:
+//    mov eax,[esp+12]
+//  into the statement:
+//    mov eax,[esp+3Ch+var_30]
+//  Here, 3Ch == 60 decimal is the distance between ESP and EBP, and
+//  var_30 is defined to ahve the value -30h == -48 decimal. So, the
+//  "frame size" in IDA Pro is 60 bytes, and a certain local can be
+//  addressed in ESP-relative manner as shown, or as [ebp+var_30] for
+//  EBP-relative addressing. The interactive IDA user can then edit
+//  the name var_30 to something mnemonic, such as "virus_size", and IDA
+//  will replace all occurrences with the new name, so that code references
+//  automatically become [ebp+virus_size]. As the user proceeds
+//  interactively, he eventually produces very understandable code.
+// This all makes sense for producing readable assembly text. However,
+//  our analyses have a compiler perspective as well as a memory access
+//  defense perspective. SMP distinguishes between callee saved regs,
+//  which should not be overwritten in the function body, and local
+//  variables, which can be written. We view the stack frame in logical
+//  pieces: here are the saved regs, here are the locals, here is the
+//  return address, etc. We don't care which direction from EBP the
+//  callee-saved registers lie; we don't want to lump them in with the
+//  local variables. We also don't like the fact that IDA Pro will take
+//  the function prologue code shown above and declare frregs=4 and
+//  frsize=60, because frsize no longer matches the stack allocation
+//  statement sub esp,34h == sub esp,52. We prefer frsize=52 and frregs=12.
+// So, the task of this function is to fix these stack sizes in our
+//  private data members for the function, while leaving the IDA database
+//  alone because IDA needs to maintain its own definitions of these
+//  variables.
 // Fixing means we will update the data members LocalVarsSize and
 //  CalleeSavedRegsSize.
+// NOTE: This function is both machine dependent and platform dependent.
+//  The prologue and epilogue code generated by gcc-linux is as discussed
+//  above, while on Visual Studio and other Windows x86 compilers, the
+//  saving of registers other than EBP happens AFTER local stack allocation.
+//  A Windows version of the function would expect to see the pushing
+//  of ESI and EDI AFTER the sub esp,34h statement.
 bool SMPFunction::MDFixFrameInfo(void) {
-	// Does this function fit the problem pattern, with zero for saved
-	//  regs and nonzero for local vars?
-	if ((LocalVarsSize == 0) || (CalleeSavedRegsSize != 0))
-		return false;
+	int SavedRegsSize = 0;
+	int OtherPushesSize = 0;  // besides callee-saved regs
+	int NewLocalsSize = 0;
+	int OldFrameTotal = this->CalleeSavedRegsSize + this->LocalVarsSize;
+	bool Changed = false;
 	// Iterate through the first basic block in the function. If we find
 	//  a frame allocating Instr in it, then we have local vars. If not,
-	//  we don't, and LocalVarsSize should have been zero, not
-	//  CalleeSavedRegsSize, so swap them.
+	//  we don't, and LocalVarsSize should have been zero. Count the callee
+	//  register saves leading up to the local allocation. Set data members
+	//  according to what we found if the values of the data members would
+	//  change.
 	SMPBasicBlock CurrBlock = this->Blocks.front();
 	for (list<SMPInstr>::iterator CurrInstr = CurrBlock.GetFirstInstr();
 		CurrInstr != CurrBlock.GetLastInstr();  // LastInstr is jump anyway
 		++CurrInstr) {
-			if (CurrInstr->MDIsFrameAllocInstr(LocalVarsSize))
-				return false;
+		if (CurrInstr->MDIsPushInstr()) {
+			// We will make the gcc-linux assumption that a PUSH in
+			//  the first basic block, prior to the stack allocating
+			//  instruction, is a callee register save. To make this
+			//  more robust, we should ensure that the register is from
+			//  the callee saved group of registers, and that it has
+			//  not been defined thus far in the function (else it might
+			//  be a push of an outgoing argument to a call that happens
+			//  in the first block when there are no locals). **!!!!**
+			if (CurrInstr->MDUsesCalleeSavedReg()
+				&& !CurrInstr->HasSourceMemoryOperand()) {
+				SavedRegsSize += 4; // **!!** should check the size
+			}
+			else {
+				// Pushes of outgoing args can be scheduled so that
+				//  they are mixed with the pushes of callee saved regs.
+				OtherPushesSize += 4;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (CurrInstr->MDIsFrameAllocInstr()) {
+			SavedRegsSize += OtherPushesSize;
+			// Get the size being allocated.
+			for (size_t index = 0; index < CurrInstr->NumUses(); ++index) {
+				// Find the immediate operand.
+				if (o_imm == CurrInstr->GetUse(index).type) {
+					// Get its value into LocalVarsSize.
+					long AllocValue = (signed long) CurrInstr->GetUse(index).value;
+					// One compiler might have sub esp,24 and another
+					//  might have add esp,-24. Take the absolute value.
+					if (0 > AllocValue)
+						AllocValue = -AllocValue;
+					if (AllocValue != (long) this->LocalVarsSize) {
+						Changed = true;
+						if (AllocValue + SavedRegsSize != OldFrameTotal)
+							msg("Total frame size changed: %s\n", this->FuncName);
+						this->LocalVarsSize = (asize_t) AllocValue;
+						this->CalleeSavedRegsSize = (ushort) SavedRegsSize;
+						NewLocalsSize = this->LocalVarsSize;
+					}
+					else { // Old value was correct; no change.
+						NewLocalsSize = this->LocalVarsSize;
+						if (SavedRegsSize != this->CalleeSavedRegsSize) {
+							this->CalleeSavedRegsSize = (ushort) SavedRegsSize;
+							Changed = true;
+							msg("Only callee regs size changed: %s\n", this->FuncName);
+						}
+					}
+				} // end if (o_imm == ...)
+			} // end for all uses
+			break; // After frame allocation instr, we are done
+		} // end if (push) .. elsif frame allocating instr
+	} // end for all instructions in the first basic block
+	// If we did not find an allocating instruction, see if it would keep
+	//  the total size the same to set LocalVarsSize to 0 and to set
+	//  CalleeSavedRegsSize to SavedRegsSize. If so, do it. If not, we
+	//  might be better off to leave the numbers alone.
+	if (!Changed && (NewLocalsSize == 0)) {
+		if (OldFrameTotal == SavedRegsSize) {
+			this->CalleeSavedRegsSize = SavedRegsSize;
+			this->LocalVarsSize = 0;
+			Changed = true;
+		}
+		else {
+			msg("Could not update frame sizes: %s\n", this->FuncName);
+		}
-	// We did not find a stack frame allocation instruction in the first
-	//  basic block, yet CalleeSavedRegsSize is zero and LocalVarsSize
-	//  is not zero. Swap them.
-	this->CalleeSavedRegsSize = (ushort) this->LocalVarsSize;
-	this->LocalVarsSize = 0;
-	return true;
+	if ((0 < OtherPushesSize) && (0 < NewLocalsSize))
+		msg("Extra pushes found of size %d in %s\n", OtherPushesSize,
+			this->FuncName);
+	return Changed;
 } // end of SMPFunction::MDFixFrameInfo()
 // Emit the annotations describing the regions of the stack frame.
@@ -1009,6 +1311,8 @@ void SMPFunction::Analyze(void) {
 } // end of SMPFunction::Analyze()
+// Emit all annotations for the function, including all per-instruction
+//  annotations.
 void SMPFunction::EmitAnnotations(FILE *AnnotFile) {
 	// Emit annotation for the function as a whole.
 	if (this->StaticFunc) {
@@ -1041,23 +1345,10 @@ void SMPFunction::EmitAnnotations(FILE *AnnotFile) {
 	bool DeallocTrigger = false;
 	for (CurrInst = Instrs.begin(); CurrInst != Instrs.end(); ++CurrInst) {
 		ea_t addr = CurrInst->GetAddr();
-		flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
-		int OptType = CurrInst->GetOptType();
-		char *disasm = CurrInst->GetDisasm();
-		bool MemDest = CurrInst->HasDestMemoryOperand();
-		bool MemSrc = CurrInst->HasSourceMemoryOperand();
-		bool SecondSrcOperandNum = CurrInst->IsSecondSrcOperandNumeric(InstrFlags);
-		++OptCount[OptType]; // keep count for debugging info
-		// If this is the instruction which allocated space
-		//  for local variables, we want to emit annotations
-		//  describing the stack frame.
-		if (addr == LocalVarsAllocInstr) {
-			EmitStackFrameAnnotations(AnnotFile, CurrInst);
+		if (this->LocalVarsAllocInstr == addr) {
 			AllocSeen = true;
+			this->EmitStackFrameAnnotations(AnnotFile, CurrInst);
 		// If this is the instruction which deallocated space
 		//  for local variables, we set a flag to remind us to 
 		//  emit an annotation on the next instruction.
@@ -1073,144 +1364,14 @@ void SMPFunction::EmitAnnotations(FILE *AnnotFile) {
 		else if (DeallocTrigger) { // Time for annotation
 			qfprintf(AnnotFile,	"%x %d DEALLOC STACK esp - %d %s\n", addr,
-				LocalVarsSize, LocalVarsSize, disasm);
+				LocalVarsSize, LocalVarsSize, CurrInst->GetDisasm());
 			DeallocTrigger = false;
-		if (MemDest || MemSrc) {
-			msg("OptType: %d %s", OptType, disasm);
-			CurrInst->PrintOperands();
-		}
-		// Emit appropriate optimization annotations.
-		bool SDTInstrumentation = false;
-		switch (OptType) {
-			case 0:  // SDT will have to handle these
-			{
-			  msg("OptType 0: %x  %s\n", addr, disasm);
-			  // mmStrata wants to suppress warnings on the PUSH
-			  //  instructions that precede the LocalVarsAllocInstr
-			  //  (i.e. the PUSHes of callee-saved regs).
-			  if (!AllocSeen && CurrInst->MDIsPushInstr()) {
-				  qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL NoWarn %s \n",
-					addr, -3, disasm);
-			  }
-			  else {
-				SDTInstrumentation = true;
-			  }
-			  break;
-			}
-			case 1:  // nothing for SDT to do
-			{ qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL NoMetaUpdate %s \n",
-				addr, -1, disasm);
-			  ++AnnotationCount[OptType];
-			  break;
-			}
-			case 4:  // INC, DEC, etc.: no SDT work unless MemDest
-			{ if (MemDest || MemSrc) {
-				  SDTInstrumentation = true;
-				  break;  // treat as category 0
-	 		  }
-			  qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL Always1stSrc %s \n",
-				  addr, -1, disasm);
-			  ++AnnotationCount[OptType];
-			  break;
-			}
-			case 5: // ADD, etc.: If numeric 2nd src operand, no SDT work.
-			{ if (MemDest || MemSrc) {
-				SDTInstrumentation = true;
-				break;  // treat as category 0
-			  }
-			  if (SecondSrcOperandNum) { // treat as category 1
-				  qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL %s %s \n",
-					addr, -1, OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);
-				  ++AnnotationCount[OptType];
-			  }
-			  break;
-			}
-			case 6: // Only OS code should include these; problem for SDT
-			{ if (MemDest) {
-					SDTInstrumentation = true;
-					break;  // treat as category 0
-			  }
-			  qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL AlwaysPTR %s \n",
-				    addr, -OptType, disasm);
-			  ++AnnotationCount[OptType];
-			  break;
-			}
-			case 8: // Implicitly writes to EDX:EAX, always numeric.
-			{ qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL n EDX EAX ZZ %s %s \n",
-				addr, -2, OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);
-			  ++AnnotationCount[OptType];
-			  SDTInstrumentation = true;
-			  break;
-			}
-			case 9:  // Either writes to FP reg (cat. 1) or memory (cat. 0)
-			{ if (MemDest) {
-				  // MemDest seems to happen too much.
-				  msg("Floating point MemDest: %s \n", disasm);
-				  SDTInstrumentation = true;
-				  break; // treat as category 0
-			  }
-			  qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL %s %s \n",
-					addr, -1, OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);
-			  ++AnnotationCount[OptType];
-			  break;
-			}
-			default: // 2,3,7: Optimization possibilities depend on operands
-			{ 
-				if (OptType ==  3) {  // MOV instr class
-					if (MemDest) {
-						msg("MemDest on MOV: %s\n", disasm);
-					}
-					else if (!SecondSrcOperandNum) {
-						msg("MOV: not 2nd op numeric: %s\n", disasm);
-						CurrInst->PrintOperands();
-					}
-				}
-				SDTInstrumentation = true;
-				if (MemDest) {
-					if (OptType == 2)
-						msg("MemDest on OptType 2: %s\n", disasm);
-					break;  // treat as category 0
-				}
-				if ((OptType == 2) || (OptType == 7) || SecondSrcOperandNum) {
-					qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%x %d INSTR LOCAL n %s %s %s \n",
-						addr, -2, CurrInst->DestString(OptType), 
-						OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);
-					++AnnotationCount[OptType];
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-		} // end switch (OptType)
-		// If mmStrata is going to have to deal with the
-		//  instruction, then we can annotate EBP and ESP
-		//  relative constant offsets. If we have emitted
-		//  an annotation of type -1, there is no point
-		//  in telling mmStrata about these constants.
-		if (SDTInstrumentation) {
-			CurrInst->AnnotateStackConstants(UseFP, AnnotFile);
-		}
+		CurrInst->EmitAnnotations(this->UseFP, AllocSeen, AnnotFile);
 	}  // end for (ea_t addr = FuncInfo->startEA; ...)
+} // end of SMPFunction::EmitAnnotations()
 // Initialize the DFACategory[] array to define instruction classes
 //   for the purposes of data flow analysis.