diff --git a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
index d90ae4b755256c0c4b0abe97b484410e87466333..4546bde8da9d07dc7d49727b67d3b806d917a13a 100644
--- a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
+++ b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 //   SMP project (Software Memory Protection).
-#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <set>
 #include <pro.h>
 #include <ida.hpp>
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
 #define SMP_DEBUG_XOR 0
 #define SMP_DEBUG_CHUNKS 1  // tracking down tail chunks for functions
 // Used for binary search by function number in SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
 //  to trigger debugging output and find which instruction in which
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ bool SMPInstr::HasDestMemoryOperand(void) const {
 	return MemDest;
 } // end of SMPInstr::HasDestMemoryOperand()
-// Is the destination operand a memory reference?
+// Is a source operand a memory reference?
 bool SMPInstr::HasSourceMemoryOperand(void) const {
 	bool MemSrc = false;
 	for (size_t index = 0; index < Uses.GetSize(); ++index) {
@@ -343,6 +345,11 @@ int SMPInstr::operator<(const SMPInstr &rhs) const {
 	return (this->address < rhs.GetAddr());
+// Less than or equal operator for sorting SMPInstr lists. Key field is address.
+int SMPInstr::operator<=(const SMPInstr &rhs) const {
+	return (this->address <= rhs.GetAddr());
 #define MD_FIRST_ENTER_INSTR  NN_enterw
 #define MD_LAST_ENTER_INSTR NN_enterq
 // Is this instruction the one that allocates space on the
@@ -450,6 +457,26 @@ bool SMPInstr::MDUsesCalleeSavedReg(void) const {
 	return false;
 } // end of SMPInstr::MDUsesCalleeSavedReg()
+// Is instruction a branch (conditional or unconditional) to a
+//  code target that is not in the current chunk?
+bool SMPInstr::IsBranchToFarChunk(void) const {
+	func_t *CurrChunk = get_fchunk(this->address);
+	bool FarBranch = false;
+	if ((JUMP | COND_BRANCH) & this->GetDataFlowType()) {
+		// Instruction is a direct branch, conditional or unconditional
+		if (this->NumUses() > 0) {
+			op_t JumpTarget = this->GetUse(0);
+			if ((o_near == JumpTarget.type) || (o_far == JumpTarget.type)) {
+				// Branches to a code address
+				func_t *TargetChunk = get_fchunk(JumpTarget.addr);
+				// Is target address within the same chunk as the branch?
+				FarBranch = (NULL == TargetChunk) || (CurrChunk->startEA != TargetChunk->startEA);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return FarBranch;
+} // end of SMPInstr::IsBranchToFarChunk()
 // Analyze the instruction and its operands.
 void SMPInstr::Analyze(void) {
 	if (this->analyzed)
@@ -581,7 +608,7 @@ void SMPInstr::MDFixupDefUseLists(void) {
 					BaseOpnd.hasSIB = 0;
-				if (R_none != IndexReg) {
+				if (R_none != IndexReg) { // Should we disallow R_sp here? **!!**
 					op_t IndexOpnd = Opnd; // Init to current operand field values
 					IndexOpnd.type = o_reg; // Change type and reg fields
 					IndexOpnd.reg = IndexReg;
@@ -606,6 +633,11 @@ void SMPInstr::MDFixupDefUseLists(void) {
 		//  sound by declaring that EAX is always a DEF.
 	} // end if NN_cmpxchg
+	else if (this->MDIsPopInstr() || this->MDIsPushInstr()) {
+		// IDA does not include the stack pointer in the DEFs or USEs.
+		this->MDAddRegDef(R_sp);
+		this->MDAddRegUse(R_sp);
+	}
 	else if (8 == this->GetOptType()) {
 		// This category implicitly writes to EDX:EAX.
@@ -870,23 +902,194 @@ void SMPInstr::EmitAnnotations(bool UseFP, bool AllocSeen, FILE *AnnotFile) {
 // Constructor
 SMPBasicBlock::SMPBasicBlock(list<SMPInstr>::iterator First, list<SMPInstr>::iterator Last) {
-	this->FirstInstr = First;
-	this->LastInstr = Last;
 	this->IndirectJump = false;
 	this->Returns = false;
 	this->SharedTailChunk = false;
+	list<SMPInstr>::iterator CurrInst = First;
+	while (CurrInst != Last) {
+		this->Instrs.push_back(CurrInst);
+		++CurrInst;
+	}
+	this->Instrs.push_back(CurrInst); // Add last instruction
+// Link to predecessor block.
+void SMPBasicBlock::LinkToPred(list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator Predecessor) {
+	this->Predecessors.push_back(Predecessor);
+	return;
+// Link to successor block.
+void SMPBasicBlock::LinkToSucc(list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator Successor) {
+	this->Successors.push_back(Successor);
+	return;
 // Analyze basic block and fill data members.
 void SMPBasicBlock::Analyze() {
-	if (LastInstr->GetDataFlowType() == INDIR_JUMP) {
+	if (Instrs.back()->GetDataFlowType() == INDIR_JUMP) {
 		this->IndirectJump = true;
-	else if (LastInstr->MDIsReturnInstr()) {
+	else if (Instrs.back()->MDIsReturnInstr()) {
 		this->Returns = true;
 } // end of SMPBasicBlock::Analyze()
+// Return true if anything already in the KillSet would kill the operand value.
+bool SMPBasicBlock::MDAlreadyKilled(op_t Opnd1) const {
+	// We have assembly language operands that can be complex, such as
+	//  [ebx + esi*4 + 04h]. If ebx or esi have been killed, then this memory
+	//  phrase should be considered killed. We could be even more conservative
+	//  with base addresses, declaring an entire array killed whenever its base
+	//  address appears in a definition, for example. We will do that if it proves
+	//  to be necessary.
+	bool FoundInKillSet = (KillSet.end() != KillSet.find(Opnd1));
+	switch (Opnd1.type) {
+		// Some types are simple to test for equality.
+		case o_void:
+		case o_reg:
+		case o_mem:
+		case o_imm:
+		case o_far:
+		case o_near:
+			// Look in KillSet. These simple types should be found there with
+			//  no complicated comparisons needed.
+			return FoundInKillSet;
+		case o_phrase:
+		case o_displ:
+			// If found directly in KillSet, return true. Otherwise, see if any registers
+			//  used in the memory addressing expression were killed.
+			if (FoundInKillSet)
+				return true;
+			else {
+				// Should we add Opnd1 to the KillSet every time we return true below? **!!**
+				op_t TempOp;
+				if (Opnd1.hasSIB) {
+					int BaseReg = sib_base(Opnd1);
+					short IndexReg = sib_index(Opnd1);
+					TempOp.type = o_reg;
+					TempOp.reg = (ushort) BaseReg;
+					if (this->KillSet.end() != this->KillSet.find(TempOp))
+						return true;
+					if (R_sp != IndexReg) { // Cannot have ESP index reg in SIB
+						TempOp.reg = (ushort) IndexReg;
+						if (this->KillSet.end() != this->KillSet.find(TempOp))
+							return true;
+					}
+				}
+				else { // no SIB
+					ushort BaseReg;
+					if (Opnd1.type == o_phrase)
+						BaseReg = Opnd1.phrase;
+					else // o_displ
+						BaseReg = Opnd1.reg;
+					TempOp.type = o_reg;
+					TempOp.reg = BaseReg;
+					if (this->KillSet.end() != this->KillSet.find(TempOp))
+						return true;
+				} // end if SIB ... else ...
+			} // end if (FoundInKillSet) ... else ...
+		default:
+			msg("Unknown operand type in AlreadyKilled.\n");
+	} // end of switch on Opnd1.type
+	return false;
+} // end of SMPBasicBlock::MDAlreadyKilled()
+// Initialize the KilledSet and UpExposedSet for live variable analysis.
+void SMPBasicBlock::InitKilledExposed(void) {
+	// Find all upwardly exposed operands and killed operands in this block.
+	list<list<SMPInstr>::iterator>::iterator CurrIter;
+	for (CurrIter = this->Instrs.begin(); CurrIter != this->Instrs.end(); ++CurrIter) {
+		list<SMPInstr>::iterator CurrInst = *CurrIter;
+		// Dataflow equation for upward exposed variables: If a variable has not been
+		//  killed yet in this block, starting from the top of the block, and it is used
+		//  in the current instruction, then it is upwardly exposed.
+		size_t limit = CurrInst->NumUses();
+		for (size_t index = 0; index < limit; ++index) {
+			if (this->MDAlreadyKilled(CurrInst->GetUse(index)))
+				this->UpExposedSet.insert(CurrInst->GetUse(index));
+		}
+		// Dataflow equation for killed variables: If a variable is defined in any
+		//  instruction in the block, it is killed by this block (i.e. prior definitions
+		//  of that variable will not make it through the block).
+		limit = CurrInst->NumDefs();
+		for (size_t index = 0; index < limit; ++index) {
+			this->KillSet.insert(CurrInst->GetDef(index));
+		}
+	} // end for all instrs in block
+	this->IsLiveInStale = true;  // Would need to compute LiveInSet for first time
+	return;
+} // end of SMPBasicBlock::InitKilledExposed()
+// Return an iterator for the beginning of the LiveInSet. If the set is stale,
+//  recompute it first.
+set<op_t, LessOp>::iterator SMPBasicBlock::GetFirstLiveIn(void) {
+	if (this->IsLiveInStale) {
+		// Dataflow equation: A variable is live-in to this block if it
+		//  is upwardly exposed from this block, or if it passes through
+		//  the block unchanged (i.e. it is not killed and is live out).
+		this->LiveInSet.clear();
+		set<op_t, LessOp>::iterator OutIter;
+		this->LiveInSet.insert(this->UpExposedSet.begin(), this->UpExposedSet.end());
+		for (OutIter = this->LiveOutSet.begin(); OutIter != this->LiveOutSet.end(); ++OutIter) {
+			if (KillSet.end() != this->KillSet.find(*OutIter)) // Found live out but not killed
+				this->LiveInSet.insert(*OutIter);
+		}
+		this->IsLiveInStale = false;
+	}
+	return this->LiveInSet.begin();
+} // end of SMPBasicBlock::GetFirstLiveIn()
+// Get termination iterator marker for the LiveIn set, for use by predecessors.
+set<op_t, LessOp>::iterator SMPBasicBlock::GetLastLiveIn(void) {
+	// Does not matter if it is stale or not; end marker is the same
+	return this->LiveInSet.end();
+// Update the LiveOut set for the block.
+// Return true if it changed, false otherwise.
+bool SMPBasicBlock::UpdateLiveOut(void) {
+	bool changed = false;
+	set<op_t, LessOp> OldLiveOut(this->LiveOutSet); // save copy of old LiveOutSet
+	this->LiveOutSet.clear();  // Clear it and rebuild it
+	// Dataflow equation for LiveOutSet: If a variable is live-in for any successor
+	//  block, it is live out for this block.
+	list<list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator>::iterator SuccIter;
+	for (SuccIter = this->Successors.begin(); SuccIter != this->Successors.end(); ++SuccIter) {
+		set<op_t, LessOp>::iterator InSuccIter;
+		for (InSuccIter = (*SuccIter)->GetFirstLiveIn(); InSuccIter != (*SuccIter)->GetLastLiveIn(); ++InSuccIter) {
+			this->LiveOutSet.insert(*InSuccIter);
+		}
+	}
+	// Only remaining question: Did the LiveOutSet change?
+	// Short cut: If the set cardinality changed, then the set changed.
+	if (this->LiveOutSet.size() != OldLiveOut.size()) {
+		changed = true;
+	}
+	else { // Same # of elements; move through in lockstep and compare.
+		set<op_t, LessOp>::iterator NewIter = this->LiveOutSet.begin();
+		set<op_t, LessOp>::iterator OldIter = OldLiveOut.begin();
+		set<op_t, LessOp>::value_compare OpComp = OldLiveOut.value_comp(); // LessOp()
+		while (OldIter != OldLiveOut.end()) { // both iters terminate simultaneously
+			if (OpComp(*OldIter, *NewIter) || OpComp(*NewIter, *OldIter)) {
+				changed = true;
+				break;
+			}
+			++OldIter;
+			++NewIter;
+		}
+	}
+	if (changed)
+		this->IsLiveInStale = true;
+	OldLiveOut.clear();
+	return changed;
+} // end of SMPBasicBlock::UpdateLiveOut()
 // *****************************************************************
 // Class SMPFunction
 // *****************************************************************
@@ -894,7 +1097,8 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::Analyze() {
 // Constructor
 SMPFunction::SMPFunction(func_t *Info) {
 	this->FuncInfo = Info;
-	IndirectCalls = false;
+	this->IndirectCalls = false;
+	this->SharedChunks = false;
@@ -939,12 +1143,11 @@ void SMPFunction::SetStackFrameInfo(void) {
 		msg("Fixed stack frame size info: %s\n", this->FuncName);
 		SMPBasicBlock CurrBlock = this->Blocks.front();
 		msg("First basic block:\n");
-		for (list<SMPInstr>::iterator CurrInstr = CurrBlock.GetFirstInstr();
+		for (list<list<SMPInstr>::iterator>::iterator CurrInstr = CurrBlock.GetFirstInstr();
 			CurrInstr != CurrBlock.GetLastInstr();
 			++CurrInstr) {
-			msg("%s\n", CurrInstr->GetDisasm());
+			msg("%s\n", (*CurrInstr)->GetDisasm());
-		msg("%s\n", CurrBlock.GetLastInstr()->GetDisasm());
@@ -1174,14 +1377,15 @@ bool SMPFunction::MDFixFrameInfo(void) {
 	//  according to what we found if the values of the data members would
 	//  change.
 	SMPBasicBlock CurrBlock = this->Blocks.front();
-	for (list<SMPInstr>::iterator CurrInstr = CurrBlock.GetFirstInstr();
-		CurrInstr != CurrBlock.GetLastInstr();  // LastInstr is jump anyway
-		++CurrInstr) {
+	for (list<list<SMPInstr>::iterator>::iterator CurrIter = CurrBlock.GetFirstInstr();
+		CurrIter != CurrBlock.GetLastInstr();
+		++CurrIter) {
+		list<SMPInstr>::iterator CurrInstr = *CurrIter;
 		if (CurrInstr->MDIsPushInstr()) {
 			// We will make the gcc-linux assumption that a PUSH in
 			//  the first basic block, prior to the stack allocating
 			//  instruction, is a callee register save. To make this
-			//  more robust, we should ensure that the register is from
+			//  more robust, we ensure that the register is from
 			//  the callee saved group of registers, and that it has
 			//  not been defined thus far in the function (else it might
 			//  be a push of an outgoing argument to a call that happens
@@ -1279,10 +1483,12 @@ ea_t SMPFunction::FindAllocPoint(asize_t OriginalLocSize) {
 	if (this->FuncInfo->analyzed_sp()) {
 		// Limit our analysis to the first basic block in the function.
-		ea_t AddrLimit = this->Blocks.front().GetLastInstr()->GetAddr();
-		for (list<SMPInstr>::iterator CurrInstr = this->Blocks.front().GetFirstInstr();
-			CurrInstr != this->Blocks.front().GetLastInstr();
-			++CurrInstr) {
+		list<SMPInstr>::iterator TempIter = *(--(this->Blocks.front().GetLastInstr()));
+		ea_t AddrLimit = TempIter->GetAddr();
+		for (list<list<SMPInstr>::iterator>::iterator CurrIter = this->Blocks.front().GetFirstInstr();
+			CurrIter != this->Blocks.front().GetLastInstr();
+			++CurrIter) {
+				list<SMPInstr>::iterator CurrInstr = *CurrIter;
 				ea_t addr = CurrInstr->GetAddr();
 				// get_spd() returns a cumulative delta of ESP
 				sval_t sp_delta = get_spd(this->FuncInfo, addr);
@@ -1292,7 +1498,7 @@ ea_t SMPFunction::FindAllocPoint(asize_t OriginalLocSize) {
 				if (sp_delta == TargetSize) {
 					// Previous instruction hit the frame size.
-					if (CurrInstr == this->Blocks.front().GetFirstInstr()) {
+					if (CurrInstr == *(this->Blocks.front().GetFirstInstr())) {
 						return BADADDR;  // cannot back up from first instruction
 					else {
@@ -1302,24 +1508,13 @@ ea_t SMPFunction::FindAllocPoint(asize_t OriginalLocSize) {
 		// SP delta is marked at the beginning of an instruction to show the SP
 		//  after the effects of the previous instruction. Maybe the last instruction
-		//  is the first time the SP shows its desired value.
-		list<SMPInstr>::iterator FinalInstr = this->Blocks.front().GetLastInstr();
+		//  is the first time the SP achieves its desired value, which will not be shown
+		//  until the first instruction of the next basic block if it just falls through.
+		//  We can compute the delta AFTER the last instruction using get_spd+get_sp_delta.
+		list<SMPInstr>::iterator FinalInstr = *(--(this->Blocks.front().GetLastInstr()));
 		ea_t FinalAddr = FinalInstr->GetAddr();
 		sval_t FinalDelta = get_spd(this->FuncInfo, FinalAddr);
-		if (DebugFlag)
-			msg("strpbrk FinalDelta: %d\n", FinalDelta);
-		if (TargetSize == FinalDelta) {
-			// Back up one instruction
-			if (FinalAddr == this->Blocks.front().GetFirstInstr()->GetAddr()) {
-				return BADADDR;  // cannot back up from first instruction
-			}
-			else {
-				return (--FinalInstr)->GetAddr();
-			}
-		}
-		else if (!FinalInstr->IsBasicBlockTerminator()) {
+		if (!FinalInstr->IsBasicBlockTerminator()) {
 			// Special case. The basic block does not terminate with a branch or
 			//  return, but falls through to the start of a loop, most likely.
 			//  Thus, the last instruction CAN increase the sp_delta, unlike
@@ -1425,10 +1620,12 @@ void SMPFunction::Analyze(void) {
 	for (bool ChunkOK = FuncTail.main(); ChunkOK; ChunkOK = FuncTail.next()) {
 		const area_t &CurrChunk = FuncTail.chunk();
+		if (1 < ChunkCounter) {
+			this->SharedChunks = true;
-		if (1 < ChunkCounter)
 			msg("Found tail chunk for %s at %x\n", this->FuncName, CurrChunk.startEA);
+		}
 		// Build the instruction and block lists for the function.
 		for (ea_t addr = CurrChunk.startEA; addr < CurrChunk.endEA;
 			addr = get_item_end(addr)) {
@@ -1457,9 +1654,9 @@ void SMPFunction::Analyze(void) {
 				//  we have to split basic blocks at the entry point.
 				if ((FirstInBlock != this->Instrs.end())
 					&& CurrInst.IsJumpTarget()) {
 					msg("SMPFunction::Analyze: hit special jump target case.\n");
-	#endif
 					LastInBlock = --(this->Instrs.end());
 					SMPBasicBlock CurrBlock = SMPBasicBlock(FirstInBlock,
@@ -1474,23 +1671,23 @@ void SMPFunction::Analyze(void) {
 		msg("SMPFunction::Analyze: putting CurrInst on list.\n");
-	#endif
 				// Insert instruction at end of list.
 				// Find basic block leaders and terminators.
 				if (FirstInBlock == this->Instrs.end()) {
 		msg("SMPFunction::Analyze: setting FirstInBlock.\n");
-	#endif
 					FirstInBlock = --(this->Instrs.end());
 				if (CurrInst.IsBasicBlockTerminator()) {
 		msg("SMPFunction::Analyze: found block terminator.\n");
-	#endif
 					LastInBlock = --(this->Instrs.end());
 					SMPBasicBlock CurrBlock = SMPBasicBlock(FirstInBlock, LastInBlock);
@@ -1502,6 +1699,12 @@ void SMPFunction::Analyze(void) {
 					FirstInBlock = this->Instrs.end();
 					LastInBlock = this->Instrs.end();
+					// Is the instruction a branch to a target outside the function? If
+					//  so, this function has shared tail chunks.
+					if (CurrInst.IsBranchToFarChunk()) {
+						this->SharedChunks = true;
+					}
 			} // end if (isHead(InstrFlags) && isCode(InstrFlags)
 		} // end for (ea_t addr = FuncInfo->startEA; ... )
@@ -1527,6 +1730,12 @@ void SMPFunction::Analyze(void) {
 	} // end for (bool ChunkOK = ...)
+	// Set up basic block links and map of instructions to blocks.
+	if (!(this->HasSharedChunks())) {
+		this->SetLinks();
+		this->LiveVariableAnalysis();
+	}
 	msg("SMPFunction::Analyze: set stack frame info.\n");
@@ -1536,6 +1745,83 @@ void SMPFunction::Analyze(void) {
 } // end of SMPFunction::Analyze()
+// Link basic blocks to their predecessors and successors, and build the map
+//  of instruction addresses to basic blocks.
+void SMPFunction::SetLinks(void) {
+	list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator CurrBlock;
+	msg("SetLinks called for %s\n", this->GetFuncName());
+	// First, set up the map of instructions to basic blocks.
+	for (CurrBlock = this->Blocks.begin(); CurrBlock != this->Blocks.end(); ++CurrBlock) {
+		list<list<SMPInstr>::iterator>::iterator CurrInst;
+		for (CurrInst = CurrBlock->GetFirstInstr();
+			CurrInst != CurrBlock->GetLastInstr();
+			++CurrInst) {
+				pair<ea_t, list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator> MapItem((*CurrInst)->GetAddr(),CurrBlock);
+				InstBlockMap.insert(MapItem);
+		}
+	}
+	msg("SetLinks finished mapping: %s\n", this->GetFuncName());
+	// Next, set successors of each basic block, also setting up the predecessors in the
+	//  process.
+	for (CurrBlock = this->Blocks.begin(); CurrBlock != this->Blocks.end(); ++CurrBlock) {
+		list<SMPInstr>::iterator CurrInst = *(--(CurrBlock->GetLastInstr()));
+		// Last instruction in block; set successors
+		xrefblk_t CurrXrefs;
+		for (bool ok = CurrXrefs.first_from(CurrInst->GetAddr(), XREF_ALL);
+			ok;
+			ok = CurrXrefs.next_from()) {
+				if ((CurrXrefs.to != 0) && (CurrXrefs.iscode)) {
+					// Found a code target, with its address in CurrXrefs.to
+					map<ea_t, list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator>::iterator MapEntry;
+					MapEntry = this->InstBlockMap.find(CurrXrefs.to);
+					if (MapEntry == this->InstBlockMap.end()) {
+						msg("WARNING: addr %x not found in map for %s\n", CurrXrefs.to,
+							this->GetFuncName());
+					}
+					else {
+						list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator Target = MapEntry->second;
+						// Make target block a successor of current block.
+						CurrBlock->LinkToSucc(Target);
+						// Make current block a predecessor of target block.
+						Target->LinkToPred(CurrBlock);
+					}
+				}
+		} // end for all xrefs
+	} // end for all blocks
+	return;
+} // end of SMPFunction::SetLinks()
+// Perform live variable analysis on all blocks in the function.
+// See chapter 9 of Cooper/Torczon, Engineering a Compiler, for the algorithm.
+void SMPFunction::LiveVariableAnalysis(void) {
+	list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator CurrBlock;
+	msg("LiveVariableAnalysis for %s\n", this->GetFuncName());
+	for (CurrBlock = this->Blocks.begin(); CurrBlock != this->Blocks.end(); ++CurrBlock) {
+		// Initialize the Killed and UpwardExposed sets for each block.
+		CurrBlock->InitKilledExposed();
+	}
+	bool changed;
+	// Iterate over each block, updating LiveOut sets until no more changes are made.
+	// NOTE: Would be more efficient if we computed a reverse post-order list of blocks
+	//  and traversed this loop in reverse post-order. **!!**
+	do {
+		changed = false;
+		for (CurrBlock = this->Blocks.begin(); CurrBlock != this->Blocks.end(); ++CurrBlock) {
+			changed |= CurrBlock->UpdateLiveOut();
+		}
+	} while (changed);
+	return;
+} // end of SMPFunction::LiveVariableAnalysis()
 // Emit all annotations for the function, including all per-instruction
 //  annotations.
 void SMPFunction::EmitAnnotations(FILE *AnnotFile) {
diff --git a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h
index c2ac2e83a7c131364d28706e68b6151c2112692f..b330be35188c06b354220a4b24a7612de0de17df 100644
--- a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h
+++ b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 #include <list>
 #include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
 #include <cstddef>
@@ -24,6 +26,34 @@ class SMPBasicBlock;
 class SMPInstr;
 class DefOrUseList;
+// MACHINE DEPENDENT: comparison class to permit sorting of op_t operands.
+class LessOp {
+	bool operator()(const op_t &Opnd1, const op_t &Opnd2) const {
+		if (Opnd1.type != Opnd2.type)
+			return (Opnd1.type < Opnd2.type);
+		switch (Opnd1.type) {
+			case o_void: return false;
+			case o_reg: return (Opnd1.reg < Opnd2.reg); // **!!** al < eax? etc.
+			case o_mem: return (Opnd1.addr < Opnd2.addr);
+			case o_phrase: if (Opnd1.hasSIB && Opnd2.hasSIB) return (Opnd1.sib < Opnd2.sib);
+							else if (Opnd2.hasSIB) return true;
+							else if (Opnd1.hasSIB) return false;
+							else return (Opnd1.phrase < Opnd2.phrase); // no SIB bytes
+			case o_displ: if (Opnd1.hasSIB && Opnd2.hasSIB)
+							  return ((Opnd1.sib < Opnd2.sib) 
+								|| ((Opnd1.sib == Opnd2.sib) && (Opnd1.addr < Opnd2.addr)));
+							else if (Opnd2.hasSIB) return true;
+							else if (Opnd1.hasSIB) return false;
+							else return (Opnd1.addr < Opnd2.addr); // no SIB bytes
+			case o_imm: return (Opnd1.value < Opnd2.value);
+			case o_far:  // fall through to o_near case
+			case o_near: return (Opnd1.addr < Opnd2.addr);
+			default: msg("Unknown operand type.\n"); return false;
+		}; // end switch (Opnd1.type)
+	}
+}; // end class LessOp
 // SMP will operate on a doubly linked list of instructions, which
 //  will be grouped into basic blocks. We will include info about each
 //  instruction that can not all be obtained easily in IDA Pro, and
@@ -85,6 +115,7 @@ public:
 	inline char *GetDisasm(void) { return disasm; };
 	int operator==(const SMPInstr &rhs) const;
 	int operator<(const SMPInstr &rhs) const;
+	int operator<=(const SMPInstr &rhs) const;
 	int operator!=(const SMPInstr &rhs) const;
 	inline op_t GetUse(size_t index) const { return Uses.GetRef(index); };
 	inline op_t GetDef(size_t index) const { return Defs.GetRef(index); };
@@ -99,6 +130,7 @@ public:
 	bool IsSecondSrcOperandNumeric(flags_t F) const;
 	bool IsBasicBlockTerminator(void) const;
 	inline bool IsJumpTarget(void) const { return JumpTarget; };
+	bool IsBranchToFarChunk(void) const;  // instr jumps outside current chunk
 	bool MDIsPushInstr(void) const;
 	bool MDIsPopInstr(void) const;
 	bool MDIsReturnInstr(void) const;
@@ -134,22 +166,33 @@ private:
 class SMPBasicBlock {
 	SMPBasicBlock(list<SMPInstr>::iterator FirstInstr, list<SMPInstr>::iterator LastInstr);
-	void LinkToPred(SMPBasicBlock *Predecessor);
+	void LinkToPred(list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator Predecessor);
+	void LinkToSucc(list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator Successor);
 	inline bool HasIndirectJump(void) const { return IndirectJump; };
 	inline bool HasReturn(void) const { return Returns; };
 	inline bool IsShared(void) const { return SharedTailChunk; };
 	inline void SetShared(void) { SharedTailChunk = true; };
-	inline list<SMPInstr>::iterator GetFirstInstr(void) const { return FirstInstr; };
-	inline list<SMPInstr>::iterator GetLastInstr(void) const { return LastInstr; };
+	inline list<list<SMPInstr>::iterator>::iterator GetFirstInstr(void) { return Instrs.begin(); };
+	inline list<list<SMPInstr>::iterator>::iterator GetLastInstr(void) { return Instrs.end(); };
 	void Analyze();
+	void InitKilledExposed(void); // Initialize KilledSet and UpExposedSet
+	bool UpdateLiveOut(void); // Iterate once on updating LiveOutSet; return true if changed
+	set<op_t, LessOp>::iterator GetFirstLiveIn(void); // First LiveIn for use by predecessor
+	set<op_t, LessOp>::iterator GetLastLiveIn(void); // Last LiveIn for use by predecessor
-	list<SMPInstr>::iterator FirstInstr;
-	list<SMPInstr>::iterator LastInstr;
-	list<SMPBasicBlock> Predecessors;
-	list<SMPBasicBlock> Successors;
+	list<list<SMPInstr>::iterator> Instrs;
+	list<list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator> Predecessors;
+	list<list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator> Successors;
+	// Three sets used in live variable analysis
+	set<op_t, LessOp> KillSet;   // variables killed in this block
+	set<op_t, LessOp> UpExposedSet; // upward exposed variables in this block
+	set<op_t, LessOp> LiveOutSet; // Live-Out variables in this block
+	set<op_t, LessOp> LiveInSet; // contribution to predecessor's live-out iteration
 	bool IndirectJump; // contains an indirect jump instruction
 	bool Returns;      // contains a return instruction
 	bool SharedTailChunk; // is part of a code chunk shared among functions
+	bool IsLiveInStale; // Has LiveOutSet changed since LiveInSet was computed?
+	bool MDAlreadyKilled(op_t) const; // Was op_t killed by something already in KillSet?
 // Class encapsulating all that the SMP static analyzer cares to know
@@ -161,13 +204,18 @@ public:
 	void EmitAnnotations(FILE *AnnotFile);
 	inline bool HasIndirectCalls(void) const { return IndirectCalls; };
 	inline const char *GetFuncName(void) const { return FuncName; };
+	inline bool HasSharedChunks(void) const { return SharedChunks; };
+	void SetLinks(void); // Link basic blocks and map instructions to blocks
+	void LiveVariableAnalysis(void);  // Perform Live Variable Analysis across all blocks
 	func_t *FuncInfo;
 	list<SMPInstr> Instrs;
 	list<SMPBasicBlock> Blocks;
+	map<ea_t, list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator> InstBlockMap;
 	bool UseFP;  // Does function use a frame pointer?
 	bool StaticFunc; // Is function declared static?
 	bool IndirectCalls; // Does function make indirect calls?
+	bool SharedChunks; // Does function share a tail chunk with other functions?
 	char FuncName[MAXSTR];
 	size_t Size; // Function size in code bytes
 	asize_t LocalVarsSize;  // size of local vars region of stack frame