diff --git a/include/base/SMPFunction.h b/include/base/SMPFunction.h
index 9fa4d324422753310795e6157fb3fa03ca1fc7b4..80786f0329d8e5f9537694b0fc9f53a1c2ed6b16 100644
--- a/include/base/SMPFunction.h
+++ b/include/base/SMPFunction.h
@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ public:
 	STARS_Function_t *GetFuncInfo(void) const;
 	inline STARS_ea_t GetFirstFuncAddr(void) const { return FirstEA; };
+	inline STARS_ea_t GetFuncID(void) const { return FuncInfo->getFuncID(); };
 	uint16_t GetJumpToFollowNodeCounter(STARS_ea_t InstAddr) const;
 	inline long GetTypedDefs(void) const { return TypedDefs; };
 	inline long GetUntypedDefs(void) const { return UntypedDefs; };
diff --git a/include/interfaces/abstract/STARSFunction.h b/include/interfaces/abstract/STARSFunction.h
index 175b3557b13520aa519e32703bf01cd1f957970c..82c95c64d6e57196905e0db5f3fcba3f48d9972e 100644
--- a/include/interfaces/abstract/STARSFunction.h
+++ b/include/interfaces/abstract/STARSFunction.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ class STARS_Function_t
 		virtual char* GetFunctionName(char* name, const int len) const = 0;
 		virtual STARS_ea_t get_startEA() = 0;
 		virtual STARS_ea_t get_endEA() = 0;
+		virtual STARS_ea_t getFuncID(void) const = 0;
 		virtual std::size_t GetFuncSize() = 0;
 		virtual std::size_t GetFrameSize() = 0;
 		virtual void SetFrameSize(std::size_t size) = 0;
diff --git a/include/interfaces/idapro/STARSFunction.h b/include/interfaces/idapro/STARSFunction.h
index 8453ad72b801e7f22e51cc5e3b2f7aa51928c0c8..b3a54465da10ad73aac9dc14b2a3453934e842c2 100644
--- a/include/interfaces/idapro/STARSFunction.h
+++ b/include/interfaces/idapro/STARSFunction.h
@@ -27,9 +27,10 @@ public:
 	virtual STARS_ea_t get_startEA() { return the_func->startEA; }
 	virtual STARS_ea_t get_endEA() { return the_func->endEA; }
-		virtual STARS_ea_t get_startEA() { return the_func->start_ea; }
-		virtual STARS_ea_t get_endEA() { return the_func->end_ea; }
+	virtual STARS_ea_t get_startEA() { return the_func->start_ea; }
+	virtual STARS_ea_t get_endEA() { return the_func->end_ea; }
+	virtual STARS_ea_t getFuncID(void) const { return the_func->start_ea; };
 	virtual std::size_t GetFuncSize() { return (std::size_t) (get_endEA() - get_startEA()); }
 	virtual char* GetFunctionName(char* name, const int len) const { 
 		qstring TempName;
diff --git a/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSFunction.h b/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSFunction.h
index 67162dca8bfbbbdeca41186e642804bf31045dd2..2de04cef4c01a56bed1ff94fb0ef118b7c0208bf 100644
--- a/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSFunction.h
+++ b/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSFunction.h
@@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ public:
 	{ strncpy((char*)name,the_func->getName().c_str(),len); return (char*)name; }
 	// get entry point of function
-		virtual STARS_ea_t get_startEA() { return the_func->getEntryPoint()->getBaseID(); }
+	virtual STARS_ea_t get_startEA() { return the_func->getEntryPoint()->getBaseID(); }
 	// clc needs to review and get back to me.
-		virtual STARS_ea_t get_endEA() { assert(0); }
+	virtual STARS_ea_t get_endEA() { assert(0); }
+	virtual STARS_ea_t getFuncID(void) const { return (STARS_ea_t) the_func->getBaseID(); };
 	// return # of instructions.
 	virtual std::size_t GetFuncSize() { return the_func->getInstructions().size(); } 
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ public:
 //This chunk of things is going away?
 	// init class-local variable with IRDB value
 	// and these are accessors to that.
-	virtual std::size_t GetFrameSize(){ return the_func -> getStackFrameSize(); }
+	virtual std::size_t GetFrameSize(){ return the_func->getStackFrameSize(); }
 	// should go away.
diff --git a/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp b/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
index ddffb9415dba0251409db598fa76f0f0bfb66ad0..569094c2b77b01572391890b2461591d12d84380 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
@@ -7008,11 +7008,11 @@ void SMPFunction::ComputeLoopNests(void) {
 // Emit info on loop nesting and preheader blocks.
 //  Annotations look like:
-//  LOOP [loop #] FIRSTINST [hex inst ID at beginning of loop header] PREHEADER [hex inst ID] BLOCKLIST [hex inst IDs] ZZ INNERLOOPS [loop #'s] ZZ
+//  [hex func ID] [func size] LOOP [loop #] FIRSTINST [hex inst ID at beginning of loop header] PREHEADER [hex inst ID] BLOCKLIST [hex inst IDs] ZZ INNERLOOPS [loop #'s] ZZ
 void SMPFunction::EmitLoopNestAnnotations(void) {
 	if (0 < this->LoopCount) {
 		FILE *LoopAnnotFile = global_STARS_program->GetLoopsAnnotFile();
-		SMP_fprintf(LoopAnnotFile, "FUNC %18llx LOOPCOUNT %zu \n", (uint64_t) this->GetFirstFuncAddr(), this->LoopCount);
+		SMP_fprintf(LoopAnnotFile, "%18llx %6zu LOOPCOUNT %zu \n", (uint64_t) this->GetFuncID(), this->FuncInfo->GetFuncSize(), this->LoopCount);
 		for (size_t LoopIndex = 0; LoopIndex < this->LoopCount; ++LoopIndex) {
 			int HeaderBlockNum = this->LoopHeadBlockNumbers[LoopIndex];
 			SMPBasicBlock *HeaderBlock = this->GetBlockByNum((size_t) HeaderBlockNum);
@@ -7022,8 +7022,8 @@ void SMPFunction::EmitLoopNestAnnotations(void) {
 			if (PreheaderBlockNum >= 0) {
 				PreheaderFirstInstAddr = this->GetBlockByNum(PreheaderBlockNum)->GetFirstNonMarkerAddr();
-			SMP_fprintf(LoopAnnotFile, "LOOP %zu FIRSTINST %18llx PREHEADER %18llx BLOCKLIST ",
-				LoopIndex, (uint64_t) FirstHeaderInstAddr, PreheaderFirstInstAddr);
+			SMP_fprintf(LoopAnnotFile, "%18llx %6zu LOOP %zu FIRSTINST %18llx PREHEADER %18llx BLOCKLIST ",
+				(uint64_t) this->GetFuncID(), this->FuncInfo->GetFuncSize(), LoopIndex, (uint64_t) FirstHeaderInstAddr, (uint64_t) PreheaderFirstInstAddr);
 			// Emit the first inst ID for each block in the loop.
 			list<size_t> LoopBlockList;