diff --git a/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp b/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
index 28c3f82797ce23f98e944afbb08827cbb3f66ad0..e1f632317e2dfadb2015c13f90b46cfcd2f6e045 100644
--- a/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
+++ b/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #define SMP_DEBUG3 0   // verbose
 #define SMP_DEBUG_MEM 0 // print memory operands
 #define SMP_DEBUG_TYPE0 0 // Output instr info for OptType = 0
+#define SMP_DEBUG_ORPHANS 1  // find code outside of functions
 // Set to 1 when doing a binary search using SMP_DEBUG_COUNT to find
 //  which function is causing a problem.
@@ -60,11 +61,11 @@ static char *DataTypes[] = { "VOID", "NUMHEX", "NUMDEC", "CHAR",
 		"UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", 0};
 void IDAP_run(int);
+void FindOrphanedCode(segment_t *, FILE *);
+void AuditCodeTargets(void);
+ea_t FindNewFuncLimit(ea_t);
+void SpecialDebugOutput(void);
 static int idaapi idp_callback(void *, int event_id, va_list va) {
 	if (event_id == ph.auto_empty_finally) {   // IDA analysis is done
@@ -128,12 +129,19 @@ void IDAP_run(int arg) {
 	(void) memset(OptCount, 0, sizeof(OptCount));
 	(void) memset(AnnotationCount, 0, sizeof(AnnotationCount));
+	// Pre-audit the IDA database by seeing if all branches and calls
+	//  have proper code targets and code cross references.
+	SpecialDebugOutput();
+	AuditCodeTargets();
 	// First, examine the data segments and print info about static
 	//   data, such as name/address/size. Do the same for functions in
 	//   code segments.
 	// Loop through all segments.
 	for (int SegIndex = 0; SegIndex < get_segm_qty(); ++SegIndex) {
+		char SegName[MAXSTR];
 		seg = getnseg(SegIndex);
+		ssize_t SegNameSize = get_segm_name(seg, SegName, sizeof(SegName) - 1);
 		// We are only interested in the data segments of type
@@ -143,7 +151,11 @@ void IDAP_run(int arg) {
 			//  examining all data objects (effective addresses).
 			ReadOnlyFlag = ((seg->perm & SEGPERM_READ) && (!(seg->perm & SEGPERM_WRITE)));
-			msg("Starting data segment of type %d\n", seg->type);
+			msg("Starting data segment of type %d", seg->type);
+			if (SegNameSize > 0)
+				msg(" SegName: %s\n", SegName);
+			else
+				msg("\n");
 			if (ReadOnlyFlag) {
 				msg("Read-only data segment.\n");
@@ -185,7 +197,11 @@ void IDAP_run(int arg) {
 		} // end if (seg->type == SEG_DATA ...)
 		else if (seg->type == SEG_CODE) {
-			msg("Starting code segment.\n");
+			msg("Starting code segment");
+			if (SegNameSize > 0)
+				msg(" SegName: %s\n", SegName);
+			else
+				msg("\n");
 			if (!FuncsDumped) {
@@ -275,10 +291,14 @@ void IDAP_run(int arg) {
 				delete CurrFunc;
 				CurrFunc = NULL;
 			} // end for (size_t FuncIndex = 0; ...) 
+			FindOrphanedCode(seg, SymsFile);
 		} // end else if (seg->type === SEG_CODE)
 		else {
-			msg("Not processing segment of type %d \n", seg->type);
+			msg("Not processing segment of type %d SegName: %s\n",
+				seg->type, SegName);
 	} // end for (int SegIndex = 0; ... )
@@ -310,6 +330,193 @@ plugin_t PLUGIN = {
+// Audit the IDA code database by looking at all instructions in the
+//  code segment and printing all those that are not contained in a
+//  function. Emit the context-free annotations that we are able to
+//  emit ona per-instruction basis.
+void FindOrphanedCode(segment_t *CurrSeg, FILE *AnnotFile) {
+	char disasm[MAXSTR];
+	for (ea_t addr = CurrSeg->startEA; addr < CurrSeg->endEA;
+		addr = get_item_end(addr)) {
+		flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
+		if (isHead(InstrFlags) && isCode(InstrFlags)) {
+			func_t *CurrFunc = get_func(addr);
+			if (NULL == CurrFunc) {
+				SMPInstr CurrInst(addr);
+				CurrInst.Analyze();
+				msg("Orphan code at %x : %s\n", addr, CurrInst.GetDisasm());
+				// TODO: If there are code xrefs to the orphan code,
+				//  see what kind. If a CALL, and orphan code looks
+				//  like a prologue, make a function. If a JUMP of
+				//  some kind, then make a function chunk and make
+				//  it a tail of all functions that jump to it. **!!**
+				// If instruction is still not included in a code chunk,
+				//  emit annotations for it in isolation.
+				CurrInst.EmitAnnotations(true, false, AnnotFile);
+			}
+		}
+		else if (isUnknown(InstrFlags)) {
+			msg("Unanalyzed byte at %x\n", addr);
+			// Can IDA analyze this to be code?
+			int InstrLen = ua_code(addr);
+			if (InstrLen > 0) {
+				(void) generate_disasm_line(addr, disasm, sizeof(disasm) - 1);
+				// Remove interactive color-coding tags.
+				tag_remove(disasm, disasm, 0);
+				msg("Successfully analyzed!  %s\n", disasm);
+				// TODO: Get new code into a chunk.  **!!**
+			}
+		}
+	} // end for (ea_t addr = CurrSeg->startEA; ...)
+} // end of FindOrphanedCode()
+// Audit the IDA database with respect to branches and calls. They should
+//  each have valid code targets (not data or unknown bytes) and the code
+//  cross references should reflect the linkage.
+void AuditCodeTargets(void) {
+	// Cover all the code that IDA has grouped into functions by iterating
+	//  through all function chunks in the program.
+	for (size_t ChunkIndex = 0; ChunkIndex < get_fchunk_qty(); ++ChunkIndex) {
+		func_t *ChunkInfo = getn_fchunk((int) ChunkIndex);
+		char FuncName[MAXSTR];
+		get_func_name(ChunkInfo->startEA, FuncName, sizeof(FuncName) - 1);
+		// First, see if any calls to this function (if this chunk is
+		//  an entry point) are not coming from within functions.
+		if (is_func_entry(ChunkInfo)) {
+			xrefblk_t xb;
+			ea_t addr = ChunkInfo->startEA;
+			for (bool ok = xb.first_to(addr, XREF_ALL);	ok; ok = xb.next_to()) {
+				uchar XrefType = xb.type & XREF_MASK;
+				if (xb.iscode) {
+					if ((XrefType == fl_U) || (XrefType == fl_USobsolete)) {
+						msg("Bad xref type: %x %s\n", addr, FuncName);
+					}
+					else if ((XrefType == fl_JF) || (XrefType == fl_JN)) {
+						msg("Jump to func: %x %s from: %x\n",
+							addr, FuncName, xb.from);
+					}
+					else if (XrefType == fl_F) {
+						msg("Fall through to func: %x %s from: %x\n",
+							addr, FuncName, xb.from);
+					}
+					else if ((XrefType == fl_CF) || (XrefType == fl_CN)) {
+						// Far call or Near call
+						func_t *CallingFunc = get_func(xb.from);
+						if (NULL == CallingFunc) {
+							msg("Call to %x Func %s from %x not in function.\n",
+								addr, FuncName, xb.from);
+						}
+					}
+				} // end if (xb.iscode)
+				else { // DATA xref
+					if (XrefType == dr_O) {
+						msg("Data xref to %x Func %s from %x\n",
+							addr, FuncName, xb.from);
+					}
+					else {
+						msg("Strange data xref %d to %x Func %s from %x\n",
+							XrefType, addr, FuncName, xb.from);
+					}
+				}
+			} // end for (bool ok = xb.first_to(); ...)
+		} // end if (is_func_entry(ChunkInfo))
+		// Next, see if any call or branch in this chunk references
+		//  a target address that is not in a function. If so, and the
+		//  callee address code looks like a function prologue, then
+		//  create a function for the contiguous code starting at that
+		//  address and ask IDA to analyze it and store it in the
+		//  IDA database. If it is a branch target, not a call target,
+		//  create a new TAIL chunk for the current parent functions.
+		for (ea_t addr = ChunkInfo->startEA; addr < ChunkInfo->endEA;
+			addr = get_item_end(addr)) {
+			flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
+			if (isCode(InstrFlags) && isHead(InstrFlags)) {
+				SMPInstr CurrInst(addr);
+				CurrInst.Analyze();
+				if ((CALL|JUMP|COND_BRANCH) & CurrInst.GetDataFlowType()) {
+					xrefblk_t xb;
+					for (bool ok = xb.first_from(addr, XREF_FAR); ok; ok = xb.next_from()) {
+						if (xb.iscode) {
+							func_t *FuncInfo = get_func(xb.to);
+							if (NULL == FuncInfo) {
+								// Found call to addr that is not in a func.
+								ea_t FirstAddr = xb.to;
+								// Find limits of contiguous code starting at FirstAddr.
+								ea_t LastAddr = FindNewFuncLimit(xb.to);
+								if (CALL == CurrInst.GetDataFlowType())
+									msg("Found new func from %x to %x\n",
+										FirstAddr, LastAddr);
+								else
+									msg("Found new chunk from %x to %x\n",
+										FirstAddr, LastAddr);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} // end for (size_t ChunkIndex = 0; ... )
+	return;
+} // end of AuditCodeTargets()
+// Find the span of contiguous code that is not contained within any
+//  function, starting at StartAddr, which should already be an example
+//  of an instruction address that is outside of a function.
+ea_t FindNewFuncLimit(ea_t StartAddr) {
+	ea_t LimitAddr = StartAddr;
+	segment_t *seg = getseg(StartAddr);
+	if (NULL == seg)
+		return LimitAddr;
+	ea_t SegLimit = seg->endEA;
+	for (ea_t addr = get_item_end(StartAddr); addr < SegLimit; addr = get_item_end(addr)) {
+		flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
+		if (isCode(InstrFlags) && isHead(InstrFlags)) {
+			LimitAddr = addr;
+			func_t *FuncInfo = get_func(addr);
+			if (NULL != FuncInfo)
+				break; // ran into an existing function
+		}
+		else // Not a code head; time to stop.
+			break;
+	}
+	return LimitAddr;
+} // end of FindNewFuncLimit()
+void SpecialDebugOutput(void) {
+	char disasm[MAXSTR];
+	vector<ea_t> ProblemAddrs;
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x8048175);
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x80481c6);
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x80481e4);
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x804847A);
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x080486A8);
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x08048A2A);
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x08048CE1);
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x08048DC0);
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x08048E90);
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x08049087);
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x08049148);
+	ProblemAddrs.push_back(0x08049231);
+	for (size_t index = 0; index < ProblemAddrs.size(); ++index) {
+		ea_t addr = ProblemAddrs[index];
+		flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
+		if (isCode(InstrFlags) && isHead(InstrFlags)) {
+			ua_ana0(addr);
+			generate_disasm_line(addr, disasm, sizeof(disasm) - 1);
+			tag_remove(disasm, disasm, 0);
+			msg("Problem addr %x : %s\n", addr, disasm);
+		}
+	}
+	return;
+} // end of SpecialDebugOutput()
 // Initialize the OptCategory[] array to define how we emit
 //   optimizing annotations.