From d57062b8f8c95d6da2f4a2ac4cec4a652e310bc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: clc5q <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 02:04:26 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Check for signedness errors on unsigned args to 19 C standard
 library functions.

 SMPBasicBlock.cpp       |  34 ++++++++++
 SMPBasicBlock.h         |   9 ++-
 SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp | 141 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h   |  24 ++++++-
 SMPInstr.cpp            |  23 ++++++-
 SMPInstr.h              |   6 +-
 SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp   |   1 +
 7 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/SMPBasicBlock.cpp b/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
index ce715fae..8b633322 100644
--- a/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
+++ b/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
@@ -693,6 +693,7 @@ set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator SMPBasicBlock::GetGlobalDefIterFromDefAddr(o
 	return DefIter;
 } // end of SMPBasicBlock::GetGlobalDefIterFromDefAddr()
+#if 0 // never used
 // Given a USE operand and the address of its instr, return DEF using DU chains or Phi func.
 set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator SMPBasicBlock::GetDefFromOpAddr(op_t UseOp, ea_t InstAddr, int SSANum) {
 	ea_t DefAddr;
@@ -736,6 +737,7 @@ set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator SMPBasicBlock::GetDefFromOpAddr(op_t UseOp,
 	return DefIter;
 } // end of SMPBasicBlock::GetDefFromOpAddr()
 // Given a USE operand and the address of its instr, return DEF addr using DU chains or Phi func.
 //  If DEF is in a Phi function, we return the block number, which never conflicts with instruction
@@ -1688,6 +1690,38 @@ bool SMPBasicBlock::PropagateDEFSignedness(void) {
 	return changed;
 } // end of SMPBasicBlock::PropagateDEFSignedness()
+// backtrack from CallAddr and mark unsigned args based on bitset
+void SMPBasicBlock::MarkUnsignedArgs(ea_t CallAddr, unsigned int ArgPosBits) {
+	list<SMPInstr *>::reverse_iterator RevInstIter;
+	unsigned int UnsignedArgCount = CountBitsSet(ArgPosBits);
+	unsigned int UnsignedArgsFound = 0;
+	for (RevInstIter = this->GetRevInstBegin(); RevInstIter != this->GetRevInstEnd(); ++RevInstIter) {
+		SMPInstr *CurrInst = (*RevInstIter);
+		ea_t InstAddr = CurrInst->GetAddr();
+		if (InstAddr < CallAddr) {
+			SMPitype FlowType = CurrInst->GetDataFlowType();
+			if ((FlowType == CALL) || (FlowType == INDIR_CALL)) {
+				// We have reached a call before the one we care about. Done.
+				break;
+			}
+			size_t ArgumentNumber;
+			if (CurrInst->MDIsArgumentPass(ArgumentNumber)) {
+				if (0 != (ArgPosBits & (1 << ArgumentNumber))) {
+					// ArgumentNumber matches a bit set in ArgPosBits.
+					CurrInst->SetUnsignedArg();
+					++UnsignedArgsFound;
+					if (UnsignedArgsFound >= UnsignedArgCount) {
+						break; // found them all
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return;
+} // end of SMPBasicBlock::MarkUnsignedArgs()
 // Find the stack target of a call to memset() and the size in bytes of the memset() region.
 //  If the memset() target is not on the stack, return false. If the 
 //  size of the memset() region is not a constant, we also return false.
diff --git a/SMPBasicBlock.h b/SMPBasicBlock.h
index ecebbab6..a9bbc4ca 100644
--- a/SMPBasicBlock.h
+++ b/SMPBasicBlock.h
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ using namespace std;
-#define BLOCK_SET_UNUSED4 0x08
 #define BLOCK_SET_UNUSED5 0x10
 #define BLOCK_SET_UNUSED6 0x20
 #define BLOCK_SET_UNUSED7 0x40
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ using namespace std;
-#define BLOCK_RESET_UNUSED4 0xf7
 #define BLOCK_RESET_UNUSED5 0xef
 #define BLOCK_RESET_UNUSED6 0xdf
 #define BLOCK_RESET_UNUSED7 0xbf
@@ -149,8 +149,10 @@ public:
 	int GetPredPosition(int BlockNum); // What is position # within Preds of BlockNum?
 	set<SMPPhiFunction, LessPhi>::iterator FindPhi(op_t FindOp);
 	set<op_t, LessOp>::iterator FindLocalName(op_t FindOp);
+#if 0
 	// Given a USE operand and the address of its instr, return DEF from DU chains or Phi func.
 	set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator GetDefFromOpAddr(op_t UseOp, ea_t InstAddr, int SSANum);
 	set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator GetGlobalDefIterFromDefAddr(op_t DefOp, ea_t DefAddr);
 	ea_t GetDefAddrFromUseAddr(op_t UseOp, ea_t InstAddr, int SSANum, bool LocalName);
 	bool IsOpDestTruncatedWrite(op_t DefOp, int DefSSANum, ea_t DefAddr); // Does DefOp get written out in truncated form (lower bits only)?
@@ -182,6 +184,7 @@ public:
 	inline void SetFlagsDeadBeforeFirstKill(bool flag) { flag ? (booleans1 |= BLOCK_SET_FLAGS_DEAD_BEFORE_FIRST_KILL) : (booleans1 &= BLOCK_RESET_FLAGS_DEAD_BEFORE_FIRST_KILL); };
 	inline void SetReachesOutStale(void) { booleans2 |= BLOCK_SET_REACHES_OUT_STALE; };
 	inline void SetLoopHeaderBlock(void) { booleans2 |= BLOCK_SET_LOOP_HEADER_BLOCK; };
+	inline void SetCallsUnsignedArgFunc(void) { booleans2 |= BLOCK_SET_CALLS_UNSIGNED_ARG_FUNC; };
 	inline void SetNumber(int Num) { BlockNum = Num; };
 	inline void SetOutgoingStackDelta(sval_t OutDelta) { OutgoingStackDelta = OutDelta; };
 	void LinkToPred(SMPBasicBlock *Predecessor);
@@ -226,6 +229,7 @@ public:
 	inline bool IsReachesOutStale(void) const { return (booleans2 & BLOCK_SET_REACHES_OUT_STALE); };
 	inline bool IsLoopTailBlock(void) const { return (booleans2 & BLOCK_SET_LOOP_TAIL_BLOCK); };
 	inline bool IsLoopHeaderBlock(void) const { return (booleans2 & BLOCK_SET_LOOP_HEADER_BLOCK); };
+	inline bool CallsUnsignedArgFunc(void) const { return (booleans2 & BLOCK_SET_CALLS_UNSIGNED_ARG_FUNC); };
 	inline bool IsSelfLoop(void) const { return (IsLoopHeaderBlock() && (GetNumber() == GetLoopHeaderNumber())); };
 	inline bool IsLiveIn(op_t CurrOp) const {
 		return (LiveInSet.end() != LiveInSet.find(CurrOp));
@@ -303,6 +307,7 @@ public:
 	void PropagatePhiFGInfo(void);
 	void PropagateBranchSignedness(ea_t DefAddr, op_t SearchOp, unsigned short SignMask);
 	bool PropagateDEFSignedness(void); // propagate DEF signedness to USE if USE has no signedness info.
+	void MarkUnsignedArgs(ea_t CallAddr, unsigned int ArgPosBits); // backtrack from CallAddr and mark unsigned args based on bitset
 	bool ComputeReachesInSet(void); // return true if changes were made to the ReachesInSet
 	bool ComputeReachesOutSet(void); // return true if changes were made to the ReachesOutSet
 	void UpdateDownExposedDefs(op_t DefOp, ea_t InstAddr); // Add DefOp, remove previous defs of DefOp that now do not reach the end of the block.
diff --git a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
index 7efe8dc8..e6139185 100644
--- a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
+++ b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
@@ -1659,6 +1659,147 @@ void GetSinkStringForCallName(string CalleeName, string &SinkString) {
+// Map system or library call name to the argument number that
+//  should have an unsigned value and should be guarded from the
+//  signedness error that results from copying a signed value
+//  into the outgoing argument. Argument numbers are zero-based.
+//  We will return 0 when there is no argument to worry about
+//  for a particular library or system call name.
+static map<string, unsigned int> UnsignedArgPositionMap;
+void InitUnsignedArgPositionMap(void) {
+	pair<string, unsigned int> MapEntry;
+	pair<map<string, unsigned int>::iterator, bool> InsertResult;
+	// <string.h>
+	MapEntry.first = string("memchr");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("memcmp");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("memcpy");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("memmove");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("memset");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("strncat");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("strncmp");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("strncpy");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("strxfrm");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	// <stdlib.h>
+	MapEntry.first = string("malloc");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_0;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("calloc");
+	MapEntry.second = (STARS_ARG_POS_0 | STARS_ARG_POS_1);
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("realloc");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_1;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("bsearch");
+	MapEntry.second = (STARS_ARG_POS_2 | STARS_ARG_POS_3);
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("qsort");
+	MapEntry.second = (STARS_ARG_POS_1 | STARS_ARG_POS_2);
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("mblen");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_1;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("mbtowc");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("mbstowcs");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	MapEntry.first = string("wcstombs");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_2;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	// <stdio.h>
+	MapEntry.first = string("setvbuf");
+	MapEntry.second = STARS_ARG_POS_3;
+	InsertResult = UnsignedArgPositionMap.insert(MapEntry);
+	assert(InsertResult.second);
+	return;
+// Return unsigned arg position bitset for call name from the sink map.
+// If we don't care find the call name, we return 0.
+void GetUnsignedArgPositionsForCallName(string CalleeName, unsigned int &ArgPosBits) {
+	map<string, unsigned int>::iterator MapIter;
+	ArgPosBits = 0; // Change if found later
+	MapIter = UnsignedArgPositionMap.find(CalleeName);
+	if (MapIter != UnsignedArgPositionMap.end()) { // found it
+		ArgPosBits = MapIter->second;
+	}
+	return;
+// Utility to count bits set in an unsigned int, e.g. ArgPosBits.
+unsigned int CountBitsSet(unsigned int ArgPosBits) {
+	unsigned int count; // count accumulates the total bits set in ArgPosBits
+	for (count = 0; ArgPosBits; ++count) {
+		ArgPosBits &= (ArgPosBits - 1); // clear the least significant bit set
+	}
+	// Brian Kernighan's method goes through as many iterations as there are set bits. 
+	//  So if we have a 32-bit word with only the high bit set, then it will only go once through the loop.
+	// Published in 1988, the C Programming Language 2nd Ed. (by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie) mentions this in exercise 2-9.
+	//  On April 19, 2006 Don Knuth pointed out to me that this method "was first published by Peter Wegner in CACM 3 (1960), 322.
+	//  (Also discovered independently by Derrick Lehmer and published in 1964 in a book edited by Beckenbach.)"
+	return count;
 // Initialize the FG info for the return register from any library function
 //  whose name implies that we know certain return values (e.g. atoi() returns
 //  a signed integer, while strtoul() returns an unsigned long).
diff --git a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h
index 47db8b62..501ae5b2 100644
--- a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h
+++ b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h
@@ -791,9 +791,31 @@ void InitLibFuncFGInfoMaps(void);
 //  the case of integer error detection of a value passed to that call.
 void InitIntegerErrorCallSinkMap(void);
 // Return sink string for call name from the sink map.
 // If we don't care find the call name, we return an empty string.
 void GetSinkStringForCallName(string CalleeName, string &SinkString);
+// Init map system or library call name to the argument number that
+//  should have an unsigned value and should be guarded from the
+//  signedness error that results from copying a signed value
+//  into the outgoing argument. Argument numbers are zero-based; see bit defs below.
+void InitUnsignedArgPositionMap(void);
+// Define argument position bits to put into UnsignedArgPositionMap.
+// A system or library call name could have more than one argument
+//  position to protect from signedness errors.
+#define STARS_ARG_POS_0 0x1
+#define STARS_ARG_POS_1 0x2
+#define STARS_ARG_POS_2 0x4
+#define STARS_ARG_POS_3 0x8
+#define STARS_ARG_POS_4 0x16
+// Return unsigned argument position bitmap for call name from the unsigned arg position map.
+//  We will return 0 when there is no argument to worry about
+//  for a particular library or system call name.
+void GetUnsignedArgPositionsForCallName(string CalleeName, unsigned int &ArgPosBits);
+// Utility to count bits set in an unsigned int, e.g. ArgPosBits.
+unsigned int CountBitsSet(unsigned int ArgPosBits);
diff --git a/SMPInstr.cpp b/SMPInstr.cpp
index b648b9ae..9a2748b1 100644
--- a/SMPInstr.cpp
+++ b/SMPInstr.cpp
@@ -4652,6 +4652,17 @@ void SMPInstr::MDSetWidthSignInfo(bool UseFP) {
 				this->BasicBlock->GetFunc()->UpdateDefFGInfo(DefHashValue, FGEntry);
+		// See if we make a call to a library function that needs signedness checks on
+		//  unsigned incoming args.
+		unsigned int ArgPosBits = 0;
+		GetUnsignedArgPositionsForCallName(FuncName, ArgPosBits);
+		if (0 < ArgPosBits) {
+			// Mark our basic block as containing this type of call, so signedness checks
+			//  can be done later.
+			this->GetBlock()->SetCallsUnsignedArgFunc();
+			// Find the argument assignments and mark them, to trigger later signedness checks.
+			this->GetBlock()->MarkUnsignedArgs(this->GetAddr(), ArgPosBits);
+		}
 	} // end of case4 (function calls)
 	else if (case5) { // signed or unsigned conditional set opcode
 		if (UnsignedSetOpcode) {
@@ -5032,7 +5043,7 @@ bool SMPInstr::IsBenignOverflow(int &IdiomCode) {
 // Do we detect a situation in which it is safe to check for signedness errors on
 //  the stack write (return false), or not (return true to be safe).
 bool SMPInstr::SkipSignednessCheckOnStackWrite(int DefSSANum) {
-	bool SkipCheck = true;
+	bool SkipCheck = (!(this->IsUnsignedArg()));
 	op_t StackDefOp = this->DEFMemOp;
 	size_t DefBitWidth = 8 * GetOpDataSize(StackDefOp);
@@ -8459,8 +8470,10 @@ void SMPInstr::EmitIntegerErrorAnnotations(FILE *InfoAnnotFile, list<size_t> &Lo
 		bool StackDestination = false;
 		// Outargs locations are reused for different function calls, so no inference of their
 		//  signedness is valid. We maintain a flag to suppress signedness checks on writes to
-		//  outargs locations on the stack.
+		//  outargs locations on the stack. We make an exception for the known unsigned args to
+		//  certain library functions.
 		bool OutArgsWrite = false;
+		bool IgnoreOutArgsWrite = false;
 		bool NonStackMemDestination = false;
 		if (o_reg == DestSearchOp.type) {
 			StackDestination = false;
@@ -8482,6 +8495,7 @@ void SMPInstr::EmitIntegerErrorAnnotations(FILE *InfoAnnotFile, list<size_t> &Lo
 			bool success = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->MDGetFGStackLocInfo(this->address, DefOp, DefFGInfo);
 			OutArgsWrite = this->GetBlock()->GetFunc()->IsInOutgoingArgsRegion(DefOp);
+			IgnoreOutArgsWrite = OutArgsWrite && (!(this->IsUnsignedArg())); // ignore out args write iff not a known unsigned argument
 		else if (NonStackMemDestination) {
 			// We can check truncation of USE operand, but we know nothing about
@@ -8744,7 +8758,7 @@ void SMPInstr::EmitIntegerErrorAnnotations(FILE *InfoAnnotFile, list<size_t> &Lo
 		} // end if truncation
-		else if (!OutArgsWrite && !PartialStore) { // still need to check for signedness errors even if no truncation
+		else if (!IgnoreOutArgsWrite && !PartialStore) { // still need to check for signedness errors even if no truncation
 			if (!SuppressSignednessCheck && (0 == IdiomCode)) {
 				unsigned short DummySignMask;
 				if (this->MDIsSignedLoad(DummySignMask)) {
@@ -8753,6 +8767,9 @@ void SMPInstr::EmitIntegerErrorAnnotations(FILE *InfoAnnotFile, list<size_t> &Lo
 					SuppressSignednessCheck = true;
+			if (this->IsUnsignedArg()) {
+				DefIsUnsigned = true;
+			}
 			if (UseIsSigned && DefIsUnsigned) {
 				if (!SuppressSignednessCheck || (0 == IdiomCode)) {
 					SMP_fprintf(InfoAnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR CHECK SIGNEDNESS UNSIGNED %zu %s ZZ %s \n",
diff --git a/SMPInstr.h b/SMPInstr.h
index c9d9aff2..11004da1 100644
--- a/SMPInstr.h
+++ b/SMPInstr.h
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ private:
 #define INSTR_SET_ALLOCA 0x10
-#define INSTR_SET_UNUSED128 0x80
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ private:
 #define INSTR_RESET_ALLOCA 0xef
-#define INSTR_RESET_UNUSED128 0x7f
 class SMPInstr {
@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ public:
 	inline void SetAllocaCall(void) { booleans4 |= INSTR_SET_ALLOCA; };
 	inline void SetSuppressNumericAnnotation(void) { booleans4 |= INSTR_SET_SUPPRESS_NUMERIC_ANNOTATION; };
 	inline void SetHashOperation(void) { booleans4 |= INSTR_SET_HASH_OPERATION; };
+	inline void SetUnsignedArg(void) { booleans4 |= INSTR_SET_UNSIGNED_ARG; };
 	inline void AddDef(op_t DefOp, SMPOperandType DefType, int DefSSANum) {
 		Defs.SetRef(DefOp, DefType, DefSSANum);
@@ -497,6 +498,7 @@ public:
 	inline bool IsAllocaCall(void) const { return (booleans4 & INSTR_SET_ALLOCA); };
 	inline bool IsNumericAnnotationSuppressed(void) const { return (booleans4 & INSTR_SET_SUPPRESS_NUMERIC_ANNOTATION); };
 	inline bool IsHashOperation(void) const { return (booleans4 & INSTR_SET_HASH_OPERATION); };
+	inline bool IsUnsignedArg(void) const { return (booleans4 & INSTR_SET_UNSIGNED_ARG); };
 	inline bool MDIsReducedWidthMove(void) const { return (MoveSource.dtyp < 2); };
 	// Are numeric values from a system call trusted input, so that all numeric errors
 	//  derived from the returned values should be treated as benign?
diff --git a/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp b/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
index 9e162d6b..7ddac40a 100644
--- a/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
+++ b/SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
@@ -415,6 +415,7 @@ int IDAP_init(void) {
+	InitUnsignedArgPositionMap();
 	return PLUGIN_KEEP;
 } // end of IDAP_init