diff --git a/SMPBasicBlock.cpp b/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
index 21dd1bc517abc25b11ab94abf19755bdd4654d53..0f93cd11bbc5c0cdc05e9a612d9acfb961bff4e7 100644
--- a/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
+++ b/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::CreateGlobalChains() {
 	op_t TempOp;
 	TempOp.type = o_void;
-	SMPDUChainArray Temp(TempOp);
+	SMPDUChainArray Temp(TempOp, this->GetFirstAddr() - 1);
 	if (DebugFlag)
 		msg("Initializing GlobalChainsByName.\n");
 	this->GlobalDUChains.ChainsByName.assign(NumGlobals, Temp);
@@ -778,10 +778,10 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::CreateGlobalChains() {
 		LocalUseIndex.push_back(-1); // init LocalUse indices to -1; first DEF will make it 0
 		// Set the local name for each DU chain array.
 		if (LocalIndex > this->GlobalDUChains.ChainsByName.size())
-			msg("ERROR: LocalIndex %d out of bounds in CreateGlobalChains.\n", LocalIndex);
+			msg("FATAL ERROR: LocalIndex %d out of bounds in CreateGlobalChains.\n", LocalIndex);
 		if (DebugFlag)
 			msg("Setting name for LocalIndex = %d\n", LocalIndex);
-		this->GlobalDUChains.ChainsByName.at(LocalIndex).SetName(*NameIter);
+		this->GlobalDUChains.ChainsByName.at(LocalIndex).SetName(*NameIter, this->GetFirstAddr() - 1);
 	// Iterate through all instructions in the block. For each DEF of a global name,
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::CreateGlobalChains() {
 					// Make the DEF be just before the start of the block
-					SMPDefUseChain TempDefChain(UseOp, this->GetFirstAddr() - 1);
+					SMPDefUseChain TempDefChain(UseOp, 0);
 					SMPDefUseChainBytes += sizeof(TempDefChain);
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::CreateGlobalChains() {
 				// Push address of USE instruction onto the DEF-USE chain for this LocalUseNum.
 				this->GlobalDUChains.ChainsByName.at(NameIndex).PushUse(LocalUseNum, (*InstIter)->GetAddr());
-				SMPDefUseChainBytes += sizeof(ea_t);
+				SMPDefUseChainBytes += SMP_DU_ADDR_SIZE;
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::CreateGlobalChains() {
 				// Set up a new DU chain and push it onto the vector of DU chains for this
 				//  local name. Push the DEF onto the list (it will be the first reference
 				//  on the list, because the list was newly created).
-				SMPDefUseChain TempDefChain(DefOp, (*InstIter)->GetAddr());
+				SMPDefUseChain TempDefChain(DefOp, (*InstIter)->GetAddr() - this->GetFirstAddr() + 1);
 				SMPDefUseChainBytes += sizeof(TempDefChain);
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::SSALocalRenumber(void) {
 	op_t TempOp;
 	TempOp.type = o_void;
-	SMPDUChainArray Temp(TempOp);
+	SMPDUChainArray Temp(TempOp, this->GetFirstAddr() - 1);
 	if (DebugFlag)
 		msg("Initializing ChainsByName.\n");
 	this->LocalDUChains.ChainsByName.assign(NumLocals, Temp);
@@ -888,10 +888,10 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::SSALocalRenumber(void) {
 		SSAIndex.push_back(-1); // init SSA indices to -1; first DEF will make it 0
 		// Set the local name for each DU chain array.
 		if (LocalIndex > this->LocalDUChains.ChainsByName.size())
-			msg("ERROR: LocalIndex %d out of bounds in SSALocalRenumber.\n", LocalIndex);
+			msg("FATAL ERROR: LocalIndex %d out of bounds in SSALocalRenumber.\n", LocalIndex);
 		if (DebugFlag)
 			msg("Setting name for LocalIndex = %d\n", LocalIndex);
-		this->LocalDUChains.ChainsByName.at(LocalIndex).SetName(*NameIter);
+		this->LocalDUChains.ChainsByName.at(LocalIndex).SetName(*NameIter, this->GetFirstAddr() - 1);
 	// Iterate through all instructions in the block. For each DEF of a local name,
@@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::SSALocalRenumber(void) {
 				// Found USE of a local name.
 				NameIndex = ExtractGlobalIndex(*UseNameIter);
 				if (NameIndex > SSAIndex.size())
-					msg("ERROR: NameIndex %d out of range in SSALocalRenumber.\n", NameIndex);
+					msg("FATAL ERROR: NameIndex %d out of range in SSALocalRenumber.\n", NameIndex);
 				int SSANum = SSAIndex.at(NameIndex);
 				// Update the SSA subscript in the DEF-USE list for the instruction.
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::SSALocalRenumber(void) {
 				CurrUse = (*InstIter)->SetUseSSA(UseOp, SSANum);
 				if (SSANum >= 0) { // skip USE before DEF names
 					if ((size_t) SSANum > this->LocalDUChains.ChainsByName.at(NameIndex).GetSize())
-						msg("ERROR: SSANum %d out of range in SSALocalRenumber.\n", SSANum);
+						msg("FATAL ERROR: SSANum %d out of range in SSALocalRenumber.\n", SSANum);
 					// Push address of USE instruction onto the DEF-USE chain for this SSANum.
 					this->LocalDUChains.ChainsByName.at(NameIndex).PushUse(SSANum, (*InstIter)->GetAddr());
@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ void SMPBasicBlock::SSALocalRenumber(void) {
 				// Set up a new DU chain and push it onto the vector of DU chains for this
 				//  local name. Push the DEF onto the list (it will be the first reference
 				//  on the list, because the list was newly created).
-				SMPDefUseChain TempDefChain(DefOp, (*InstIter)->GetAddr());
+				SMPDefUseChain TempDefChain(DefOp, (*InstIter)->GetAddr() - this->GetFirstAddr() + 1);
diff --git a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
index c398f91f65ad5f691bac50aa74a3132b6fa39a58..5cd461049f013631d646e9962bd25283dc907dd8 100644
--- a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
+++ b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp
@@ -1294,24 +1294,35 @@ SMPDUChainArray::SMPDUChainArray(void) {
-SMPDUChainArray::SMPDUChainArray(op_t Name) {
+SMPDUChainArray::SMPDUChainArray(op_t Name, ea_t FirstAddrMinusOne) {
 	if (o_reg == Name.type) {
 		// We want to map AH, AL, and AX to EAX, etc. throughout our data flow analysis
 		//  and type inference systems.
 		Name.reg = MDCanonicalizeSubReg(Name.reg);
 	this->SSAName = Name;
+	this->BaseAddr = FirstAddrMinusOne;
-void SMPDUChainArray::SetName(op_t Name) {
+ea_t SMPDUChainArray::GetLastUse(int SSANum) const {
+	ea_t TempAddr = DUChains.at(SSANum).GetLastUse();
+	if (BADADDR != TempAddr) {
+		// If BADADDR, leave it as BADADDR. Otherwise, add in BaseAddr.
+		TempAddr += this->BaseAddr;
+	}
+	return TempAddr;
+void SMPDUChainArray::SetName(op_t Name, ea_t FirstAddrMinusOne) {
 	if (o_reg == Name.type) {
 		// We want to map AH, AL, and AX to EAX, etc. throughout our data flow analysis
 		//  and type inference systems.
 		Name.reg = MDCanonicalizeSubReg(Name.reg);
 	this->SSAName = Name;
+	this->BaseAddr = FirstAddrMinusOne;
diff --git a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h
index c4ce7a438cdd35d82e79514238e31067f0578522..91906e9df2ea4135d6e286a82b1a6d76d006a3c5 100644
--- a/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h
+++ b/SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h
@@ -509,13 +509,13 @@ public:
 	SMPDefUseChain(op_t Name, ea_t Def = BADADDR);
 	// Get methods
 	inline op_t GetName(void) const { return SSAName; };
-	inline ea_t GetDef(void) const { return RefInstrs.at(0); };
-	inline ea_t GetUse(size_t index) const { return RefInstrs.at(index + 1); };
+	inline ea_t GetDef(void) const { return (ea_t) RefInstrs.at(0); };
+	inline ea_t GetUse(size_t index) const { return (ea_t) RefInstrs.at(index + 1); };
 	inline ea_t GetLastUse(void) const {
 		if (RefInstrs.size() > 1) 
-			return RefInstrs.back();
+			return (ea_t) RefInstrs.back();
-			return BADADDR;
+			return (ea_t) BADADDR;
 	inline size_t GetNumUses(void) const { return RefInstrs.size() - 1; };
@@ -531,24 +531,24 @@ public:
 	void Dump(int SSANum = (-1));
 	op_t SSAName;  // What variable is defined and used in the chain?
-	vector<ea_t> RefInstrs; // First is always DEF, rest are USE.
 	bool IndWrite; // Does an indirect memory write occur within the chain?
+	vector<ea_t> RefInstrs; // First is always DEF, rest are USE.
 }; // end class SMPDefUseChain
 class SMPDUChainArray {
 	// Constructor
-	SMPDUChainArray(op_t Name);
+	SMPDUChainArray(op_t Name, ea_t FirstAddrMinusOne);
 	// Get methods.
 	inline op_t GetName(void) const { return SSAName; };
-	inline ea_t GetDef(int SSANum) const { return DUChains.at(SSANum).GetDef(); };
-	inline ea_t GetLastUse(int SSANum) const { return DUChains.at(SSANum).GetLastUse(); };
+	inline ea_t GetDef(int SSANum) const { return BaseAddr + DUChains.at(SSANum).GetDef(); };
+	ea_t GetLastUse(int SSANum) const;
 	inline size_t GetNumUses(int SSANum) const { return DUChains.at(SSANum).GetNumUses(); };
 	inline size_t GetSize(void) const { return DUChains.size(); };
 	// Set methods.
-	void SetName(op_t Name);
-	inline void PushUse(int SSANum, ea_t UseAddr) { DUChains.at(SSANum).PushUse(UseAddr); };
+	void SetName(op_t Name, ea_t FirstAddrMinusOne);
+	inline void PushUse(int SSANum, ea_t UseAddr) { DUChains.at(SSANum).PushUse(UseAddr - BaseAddr); };
 	inline void PushChain(SMPDefUseChain NewChain) { DUChains.push_back(NewChain); };
 	inline void SetIndWrite(int SSANum, bool NewFlag) { DUChains.at(SSANum).SetIndWrite(NewFlag); };
 	// Query methods
@@ -559,6 +559,7 @@ private:
 	// Data
 	vector<SMPDefUseChain> DUChains; // indexed by SSA number for local chains
 	op_t SSAName; // What variable is used in all chains in the array?
+	ea_t BaseAddr; // one less than first addr in basic block
 }; // end class SMPDUChainArray
 class SMPCompleteDUChains {
diff --git a/SMPStaticAnalyzer.h b/SMPStaticAnalyzer.h
index b7ec291711c0a948a645fea75dc34c39343a7711..a7ed7978bac13dd3873971c64ac53f7e33d82cf6 100644
--- a/SMPStaticAnalyzer.h
+++ b/SMPStaticAnalyzer.h
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ extern unsigned long SMPGlobalVarCount;
 extern unsigned long SMPLocalVarCount;
 extern unsigned long SMPInstBytes;
 extern unsigned long SMPDefUseChainBytes;
+#define SMP_DU_ADDR_SIZE sizeof(ea_t)
 extern const char *DataTypes[];