diff --git a/SMPBasicBlock.cpp b/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
index 5ff293850ec90cf5aebe093b32265e8c627e638e..34754fb069ed97b3cd7811092482c3375b54c213 100644
--- a/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
+++ b/SMPBasicBlock.cpp
@@ -3681,9 +3681,30 @@ bool SMPBasicBlock::IsBenignOverflowDEF(op_t DefOp, int DefSSANum, size_t DefAdd
 	op_t UseOp;
 	list<SMPInstr *>::iterator InstIter;
 	set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator UseIter, DefIter;
+	bool RegDef = (o_reg == DefOp.type);
+	struct FineGrainedInfo DefFGInfo;
+	bool LocalDefName = this->IsLocalName(DefOp);
+	if (RegDef) {
+		unsigned int DefHashValue = HashGlobalNameAndSSA(DefOp, DefSSANum);
+		if (LocalDefName) {
+			// Local name, find in basic block maps.
+			DefFGInfo = this->GetDefFGInfo(DefHashValue);
+		}
+		else { // Global name, find in global maps.
+			DefFGInfo = this->GetFunc()->GetDefFGInfo(DefHashValue);
+		}
+	}
+	else if (MDIsStackAccessOpnd(DefOp, this->GetFunc()->UsesFramePointer())) {
+		bool success = this->GetFunc()->MDGetFGStackLocInfo(DefAddr, DefOp, DefFGInfo);
+		assert(success);
+	}
+	else {
+		return false; // we can only handle register and stack DefOp types.
+	}
+	bool DefIsUnsigned = (FG_MASK_UNSIGNED == (DefFGInfo.SignMiscInfo & FG_MASK_SIGNEDNESS_BITS));
 	// First, we find the USEs of the DEF.
-	if (o_reg == DefOp.type) {
+	if (RegDef) {
 		for (InstIter = this->GetFirstInstr(); InstIter != this->GetLastInstr(); ++InstIter) {
 			SMPInstr *CurrInst = (*InstIter);
 			size_t InstAddr = CurrInst->GetAddr();
@@ -3741,7 +3762,7 @@ bool SMPBasicBlock::IsBenignOverflowDEF(op_t DefOp, int DefSSANum, size_t DefAdd
 	if (!benign) {
 		SMPInstr *DefInst = this->GetFunc()->GetInstFromAddr(DefAddr);
 		int UseSSANum;
-		if (UnderflowOpcode && (DefOp.type == o_reg)) {
+		if (UnderflowOpcode && RegDef) {
 			UseIter = DefInst->FindUse(DefOp); // DEF is also USE in subtraction
 			UseSSANum = UseIter->GetSSANum();
 			// Prepare for possible recursive traversals through the function blocks.
@@ -3793,23 +3814,12 @@ bool SMPBasicBlock::IsBenignOverflowDEF(op_t DefOp, int DefSSANum, size_t DefAdd
 			//  value in many cases (but not for signed values).
 			else if (!benign) {
 				// Check for UNSIGNED.
-				unsigned int DefHashValue = HashGlobalNameAndSSA(DefOp, DefSSANum);
-				struct FineGrainedInfo DefFGInfo;
-				bool LocalName = this->IsLocalName(DefOp);
-				if (LocalName) {
-					// Local name, find in basic block maps.
-					DefFGInfo = this->GetDefFGInfo(DefHashValue);
-				}
-				else { // Global name, find in global maps.
-					DefFGInfo = this->GetFunc()->GetDefFGInfo(DefHashValue);
-				}
-				bool DefIsUnsigned = (FG_MASK_UNSIGNED == (DefFGInfo.SignMiscInfo & FG_MASK_SIGNEDNESS_BITS));
 				if (DefIsUnsigned) {
 					// Does the subtraction use a value from a shift?
 					UseIter = DefInst->FindUse(DefOp);
 					if (UseIter != DefInst->GetLastUse()) {
 						int UseSSANum = UseIter->GetSSANum();
-						ea_t UseDefAddr = this->GetDefAddrFromUseAddr(DefOp, DefAddr, UseSSANum, LocalName);
+						ea_t UseDefAddr = this->GetDefAddrFromUseAddr(DefOp, DefAddr, UseSSANum, LocalDefName);
 						if (UseDefAddr >= this->GetFirstAddr()) {
 							// Limit to the simple case in which UseDefAddr is in our block, not Phi function or function entry marker inst.
 							SMPInstr *UseDefInst = this->GetFunc()->GetInstFromAddr(UseDefAddr);
@@ -3825,7 +3835,7 @@ bool SMPBasicBlock::IsBenignOverflowDEF(op_t DefOp, int DefSSANum, size_t DefAdd
 									// We have backtracked from the subtraction to the USE of EDI in the shift. Now we need to
 									//  find the move that is the DEF of this USE of EDI, i.e. we need to find EAX.
-									UseDefAddr = this->GetDefAddrFromUseAddr(DefOp, UseDefAddr, UseSSANum, LocalName);
+									UseDefAddr = this->GetDefAddrFromUseAddr(DefOp, UseDefAddr, UseSSANum, LocalDefName);
 									if (UseDefAddr >= this->GetFirstAddr()) {
 										SMPInstr *MoveInst = this->GetFunc()->GetInstFromAddr(UseDefAddr);
 										if (MoveInst->MDIsMoveInstr()) {
@@ -3851,7 +3861,7 @@ bool SMPBasicBlock::IsBenignOverflowDEF(op_t DefOp, int DefSSANum, size_t DefAdd
-		} // end if (UnderflowOpcode && o_reg)
+		} // end if (UnderflowOpcode && RegDef)
 		// Fourth case: lea reg, [basereg+indexreg*scalefactor+offset], where
 		//  basereg and indexreg both got their values from condition codes, so the
 		//  computational values are too small for non-benign overflow or underflow.
@@ -3896,12 +3906,11 @@ bool SMPBasicBlock::IsBenignOverflowDEF(op_t DefOp, int DefSSANum, size_t DefAdd
 		// Bitwise NOT is likely to produce an overflow/underflow for a subsequent add/subtract.
 		SMPInstr *DefInst = this->GetFunc()->GetInstFromAddr(DefAddr);
 		int UseSSANum;
-		if (DefOp.type == o_reg) {
+		if (RegDef) {
 			UseIter = DefInst->FindUse(DefOp); // DEF is also USE in addition or subtraction ...
 			if (UseIter != DefInst->GetLastUse()) {   // ... but not always on lea opcode
 				UseSSANum = UseIter->GetSSANum();
-				bool LocalName = this->IsLocalName(DefOp);
-				ea_t UseDefAddr = this->GetDefAddrFromUseAddr(DefOp, DefAddr, UseSSANum, LocalName);
+				ea_t UseDefAddr = this->GetDefAddrFromUseAddr(DefOp, DefAddr, UseSSANum, LocalDefName);
 				if (UseDefAddr >= this->GetFunc()->GetFirstFuncAddr()) { // inst DEF, not Phi DEF
 					DefInst = this->GetFunc()->GetInstFromAddr(UseDefAddr);
 					if (DefInst->MDIsBitwiseNotOpcode()) {
@@ -3911,7 +3920,7 @@ bool SMPBasicBlock::IsBenignOverflowDEF(op_t DefOp, int DefSSANum, size_t DefAdd
-		else if (MDIsStackAccessOpnd(DefOp, this->GetFunc()->UsesFramePointer())) {
+		else {
 			// We need the canonicalized stack operand as found in DEFs and USEs.
 			UseOp = DefInst->MDGetMemUseOp(); // DEF is also USE in addition or subtraction ...
 			assert(o_void != UseOp.type);
@@ -3980,8 +3989,47 @@ bool SMPBasicBlock::IsBenignOverflowDEF(op_t DefOp, int DefSSANum, size_t DefAdd
+	if (!benign && !UnderflowOpcode && DefIsUnsigned) {
+		// Search for a sequence of ADD, OR, and AND operations that
+		//  use constant operands that add up to an UNSIGNED OVERFLOW.
+		InstIter = this->GetInstIterFromAddr(DefAddr);
+		assert(InstIter != this->GetLastInstr());
+		uval_t ImmedValue = (uval_t) (*InstIter)->MDGetImmedUse();
+		// NOTE: If ImmedValue is very large, we catch this elsewhere as IDIOM 11.
+		if (ImmedValue != 0) {
+			list<SMPInstr *>::reverse_iterator RevInstIter(InstIter);
+			uval_t ConstLimit = 0xffffffff - ImmedValue;
+			while (RevInstIter != this->Instrs.rend()) {
+				SMPInstr *SearchInst = (*RevInstIter);
+				DefIter = SearchInst->FindDef(DefOp);
+				if (DefIter != SearchInst->GetLastDef()) { // found previous DEF
+					if (SearchInst->MDIsBitwiseAndOpcode() || SearchInst->MDIsBitwiseOrOpcode() || SearchInst->MDIsAddition()) {
+						ImmedValue = (uval_t) SearchInst->MDGetImmedUse();
+						if (0 < ImmedValue) {
+							if (ImmedValue >= ConstLimit) {
+								benign = true;
+								IdiomCode = 22;
+								break; // no need to search further
+							}
+							else {
+								ConstLimit -= ImmedValue; // set new limiting value
+							}
+						}
+						else {
+							break; // not the pure chain we are searching for
+						}
+					}
+					else {
+						break; // not the pure chain we are searching for
+					}
+				}
+				++RevInstIter;
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	return benign;
-} // end of SMPBasicBlock::BenignOverflowDEF()
+} // end of SMPBasicBlock::IsBenignOverflowDEF()
 // We don't care if we truncate computing some DEFs, because of how they are used.
@@ -4134,7 +4182,7 @@ bool SMPBasicBlock::IsBenignTruncationDEF(op_t DefOp, int DefSSANum, size_t DefA
 				unsigned short SignMask;
 				if (CopyInst->MDIsSignedLoad(SignMask)) {
 					// Truncation use came from a zero-extended or sign-extended load. So,
-					//  we know that the later truncation store is probalby a benign truncation.
+					//  we know that the later truncation store is probably a benign truncation.
 					benign = true;
 				else { // regular move. Is it reg to reg?
diff --git a/SMPInstr.cpp b/SMPInstr.cpp
index 7b0031cd305e3554f4f12718349ec4ce5ec85c07..d4dc20fdbe76ffca5972dfa61bfbe853028033a3 100644
--- a/SMPInstr.cpp
+++ b/SMPInstr.cpp
@@ -5268,7 +5268,6 @@ bool SMPInstr::InferOperatorType(SMPRegTransfer *CurrRT) {
 		case SMP_U_DIVIDE:
 		case SMP_S_DIVIDE:
-		case SMP_BITWISE_NOT: // unary operator
 		case SMP_S_COMPARE: // signed compare (subtraction-based)
@@ -5361,6 +5360,7 @@ bool SMPInstr::InferOperatorType(SMPRegTransfer *CurrRT) {
+		case SMP_BITWISE_NOT: // unary operator
 		case SMP_NEGATE:    // unary negation
 			UseOp = CurrRT->GetLeftOperand();
 			assert(o_void != UseOp.type);
@@ -5385,11 +5385,14 @@ bool SMPInstr::InferOperatorType(SMPRegTransfer *CurrRT) {
 					//  in our analysis and the operator was set to NUMERIC.
 					CurrRT->SetOperatorType(PTROFFSET, this);
 					updated = true;
+					if (CurrOp == SMP_BITWISE_NOT)
+						SMP_msg("INFO: NOT of PTROFFSET at %x %s\n", this->GetAddr(), DisAsmText.GetDisAsm(this->GetAddr()));
 				else if (IsDataPtr(LeftType)) {
 					// Override any prior operator type, in case POINTER was inferred late
 					//  in our analysis and the operator was set to NUMERIC.
 					CurrRT->SetOperatorType(NEGATEDPTR, this);
+					SMP_msg("INFO: Pointer negated at %x %s\n", this->GetAddr(), DisAsmText.GetDisAsm(this->GetAddr()));
 					updated = true;
 				else if (OperType == UNINIT) {