From e41d11c205fd81fe95cafc8042c7e0891952308a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jdh8d <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 21:35:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Updates for IRDB porting.  still not working.

Former-commit-id: 585a5634f0b6e004f7a101bca6b5c011c56cecde
 include/interfaces/irdb/STARSFunction.h  | 64 +++++++++-------
 include/interfaces/irdb/STARSInterface.h | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++---
 include/interfaces/irdb/STARSProgram.h   |  1 -
 include/interfaces/irdb/STARSSegment.h   | 44 ++++++++---
 4 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSFunction.h b/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSFunction.h
index 37a22155..ebacbcdb 100644
--- a/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSFunction.h
+++ b/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSFunction.h
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #define STARS_IRDB_Function_h
 #include "interfaces/STARSTypes.h"
+#include <libIRDB-core.hpp>
 class SMPFunction;
@@ -9,45 +10,54 @@ class STARS_IRDB_Function_t : public STARS_Function_t
+	STARS_IRDB_Function_t(libIRDB::Function_t* f): the_func(f) 
+	{ 
+	}
 	// obvious
-        virtual char* GetFunctionName(const char* name, const int len) const =0;
+        virtual char* GetFunctionName(const char* name, const int len) const { assert(0); }
 	// get entry point of function
-        virtual STARS_ea_t get_startEA()=0;
+        virtual STARS_ea_t get_startEA(){ return the_func->GetEntryPoint()->GetBaseID(); }
 	// clc needs to review and get back to me.
-        virtual STARS_ea_t get_endEA()=0;
+        virtual STARS_ea_t get_endEA(){ assert(0); }
 	// init class-local variable with IRDB value
 	// and these are accessors to that.
-	virtual std::size_t GetFrameSize()=0;
-	virtual void SetFrameSize(std::size_t size) = 0;
+	virtual std::size_t GetFrameSize(){ return the_func -> GetStackFrameSize(); }
+	virtual void SetFrameSize(std::size_t size) { assert(0); }
 	// todo for clc: audit these functions and see if they are really getting info from idapro
 	// or if these can be removed from the interface because they are calculated by STARS 
 	// interface-independent routines.
-	virtual std::size_t GetSavedRegSize() = 0;
-	virtual std::size_t GetIncomingArgumentSize() = 0;
-	virtual std::size_t GetFrameReturnAddressSize() = 0;
-        virtual bool FunctionUsesFP()=0;
-        virtual bool IsStaticFunction()=0;
-        virtual bool IsLibraryFunction()=0;
-        virtual bool IsStackPointerAnalyzed()=0;
-	virtual STARS_sval_t get_spd(STARS_ea_t ea)=0;
-	virtual bool HasReturnPoints()=0;
-	virtual bool IsMultiEntry()=0;
-	virtual void MarkSharedChunks()=0;
-	virtual bool HasSharedChunks() const =0;
-	virtual void SetSharedChunks(bool v) =0;
-        virtual void UpdateXrefs()=0;
-	virtual void BuildFuncIR(SMPFunction *func)=0;
-        virtual bool FindDistantCodeFragment(SMPFunction* func, STARS_ea_t TargetAddr)=0;
-	virtual void FillInLocalVarTable(SMPFunction *CurrFunc) = 0; // get stack frame fine-grained info
-	virtual bool AnalyzeInstAsCallTarget(SMPFunction *CurrFunc, bool &IsIndirectCallTarget, bool &IsTailCallTarget) = 0; // return success or failure of analysis
-	virtual bool IsChunkUnshared(STARS_ea_t ChunkAddr, STARS_ea_t FuncHeadStart, STARS_ea_t FuncHeadEnd) = 0;
+	virtual std::size_t GetSavedRegSize() { assert(0); }
+	virtual std::size_t GetIncomingArgumentSize() { assert(0); }
+	virtual std::size_t GetFrameReturnAddressSize() { assert(0); }
+        virtual bool FunctionUsesFP(){ return the_func->GetUseFramePointer(); }
+        virtual bool IsStaticFunction(){ return false; }
+        virtual bool IsLibraryFunction(){ return false; }
+        virtual bool IsStackPointerAnalyzed(){ assert(0); }
+	virtual STARS_sval_t get_spd(STARS_ea_t ea){ assert(0); }
+	virtual bool HasReturnPoints(){ assert(0); }
+	virtual bool IsMultiEntry(){ assert(0); }
+	virtual void MarkSharedChunks(){ assert(0); }
+	virtual bool HasSharedChunks() const { assert(0); }
+	virtual void SetSharedChunks(bool v) { assert(0); }
+        virtual void UpdateXrefs(){ assert(0); }
+	virtual void BuildFuncIR(SMPFunction *func){ assert(0); }
+        virtual bool FindDistantCodeFragment(SMPFunction* func, STARS_ea_t TargetAddr){ assert(0); }
+	virtual void FillInLocalVarTable(SMPFunction *CurrFunc) { assert(0); }
+	virtual bool AnalyzeInstAsCallTarget(SMPFunction *CurrFunc, bool &IsIndirectCallTarget, bool &IsTailCallTarget) { assert(0); }
+	virtual bool IsChunkUnshared(STARS_ea_t ChunkAddr, STARS_ea_t FuncHeadStart, STARS_ea_t FuncHeadEnd) { assert(0); }
+	libIRDB::Function_t* the_func;
diff --git a/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSInterface.h b/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSInterface.h
index a7d71ae1..3f095916 100644
--- a/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSInterface.h
+++ b/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSInterface.h
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include "interfaces/abstract/STARSInterface.h"
 #include "interfaces/irdb/STARSSegment.h"
+#include "interfaces/irdb/STARSFunction.h"
 #include <elfio/elfio.hpp>
 #include <elfio/elfio_dump.hpp>
@@ -22,30 +23,80 @@ public:
 		firp(p_firp), pqxx_interface(p_pqxx_interface) 
+		InitFunctions();
+	}
+	~STARS_IRDB_Interface_t()
+	{
+		for(int j=0;j<segments.size();j++)
+		{
+			delete segments[j];
+			segments[j]=0;
+		}
+		for(int j=0;j<functions.size();j++)
+		{
+			delete functions[j];
+			functions[j]=0;
+		}
+		delete elfiop;
 // Segment accessors
-	virtual STARS_Segment_t *getseg(const STARS_ea_t &addr) { /* iterate through sections */ assert(0); return NULL; }
+	// get the segment that contains the address.
+	virtual STARS_Segment_t *getseg(const STARS_ea_t &addr) 
+	{ 
+		for(int i=0;i<segments.size();++i)
+		{
+			if(segments[i]->get_startEA() <= addr && addr < segments[i]->get_endEA())
+				return segments[i];
+		} 
+	}
+	// get the Nth segment
 	virtual STARS_Segment_t *getnseg(const int &index) { return segments[index]; }
+	// get the number of segments.
 	virtual std::size_t get_segm_qty() { return segments.size(); }
-	virtual STARS_Segment_t *get_next_seg(const STARS_ea_t &addr) { /* iterate-solution */assert(0); return NULL; }
+	// get the next segment after addr.
+	virtual STARS_Segment_t *get_next_seg(const STARS_ea_t &addr) 
+	{ 
+		if(addr < segments[0]->get_startEA())
+			return segments[0];
+		for(int i=0;i<segments.size();++i)
+		{
+			// found seg?
+			if(segments[i]->get_startEA() <= addr && addr < segments[i]->get_endEA())
+			{
+				if(i+1 <= segments.size())
+					// return next seg.
+					return segments[i+1];
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		return NULL;
+	}
 // Function accessors
     	// find out how many functions there are
-	virtual std::size_t get_func_qty() {  return firp->GetFunctions().size(); }  
+	virtual std::size_t get_func_qty() 
+	{  return functions.size(); }  
     	// get the index-th function
 	virtual STARS_Function_t *getn_func(int index) 
-	{ /* easy */assert(0); return 0; }; 
+	{ return functions[index]; }
 	// get the function that has the instruction 'instruction_id' as the entry point.
 	virtual STARS_Function_t *get_func(STARS_ea_t instruction_id) 
-	{ / assert(0); return NULL; }; 
+	{ return instr_id_to_func_map[instruction_id]; }; 
 	virtual void get_func_name(const STARS_ea_t &ea, char* name, const std::size_t &len) 
-	{ /* easy */assert(0); }; 
+	{	
+		STARS_Function_t * f=this->get_func(ea);
+		assert(f);
+	}
 // Instruction creation.
 	virtual STARS_Instruction_t *CreateInst(STARS_InstructionID_t InstID) 
@@ -85,7 +136,7 @@ public:
 		/* remove comments, etc. from disassembly.*/  
 		// do strcpy from instr to buf 
 		if(instr != buf)
-			strcpy(buf,instr, bufsize);
+			strncpy(buf,instr, bufsize);
 		return 0; // success
 	virtual bool STARS_generate_disasm_line(STARS_ea_t addr, char *buf, std::size_t bufsize, int flags = 0) 
@@ -147,17 +198,42 @@ private:
-		for(int i=0;i<elfiop->sections.size(); i++)
+		for(int i=0,j=0;i<elfiop->sections.size(); i++)
-			segments[i]=new STARS_IRDB_Segment_t(elfiop->sections[i],i);
+			if((elfiop->sections[i]->get_flags() & SHF_ALLOC) == SHF_ALLOC)
+			{
+				cout<<"Found 'segment'["<<dec<<i<<"] named "<<elfiop->sections[i]->get_name();
+				cout<<" start: "<<hex<<elfiop->sections[i]->get_address()<<endl;
+				segments[j]=new STARS_IRDB_Segment_t(elfiop->sections[i],j);
+				j++;
+			}
-	vector<STARS_Segment_t*> segments;
-//	unique_ptr<ELFIO::elfio> elfiop;
+	void InitFunctions()
+	{
+		functions.resize(firp->GetFunctions().size());
+		int i=0;
+		for(libIRDB::FunctionSet_t::iterator it=firp->GetFunctions().begin();
+			it!=firp->GetFunctions().end();
+			++it)
+		{
+			libIRDB::Function_t* f=*it;
+			if(!f->GetEntryPoint())
+				continue;
+			STARS_IRDB_Function_t* sf=new STARS_IRDB_Function_t(f);
+			functions[i++]=sf;
+			instr_id_to_func_map[f->GetEntryPoint()->GetBaseID()]=sf;
+		}
+	}
+	std::vector<STARS_IRDB_Segment_t*> segments;
+	std::map<STARS_ea_t, STARS_IRDB_Function_t*> instr_id_to_func_map;
+	std::vector<STARS_IRDB_Function_t*> functions;
 	ELFIO::elfio* elfiop;
 	libIRDB::FileIR_t *firp;
diff --git a/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSProgram.h b/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSProgram.h
index 40f05a3e..a34b3565 100644
--- a/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSProgram.h
+++ b/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSProgram.h
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ class STARS_IRDB_Program_t : public STARS_Program_t {
 	STARS_IRDB_Program_t(libIRDB::FileIR_t* p_firp) : m_firp(p_firp) {}
 	// Data initialization
-//	virtual void InitData(void);
 	void DetermineRootFileName(void);
 	bool OpenFiles(void);
 	void CloseFiles(void);
diff --git a/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSSegment.h b/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSSegment.h
index 3d3ff040..c020f41c 100644
--- a/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSSegment.h
+++ b/include/interfaces/irdb/STARSSegment.h
@@ -14,22 +14,46 @@
 class STARS_IRDB_Segment_t : public STARS_Segment_t
+		// create
 		STARS_IRDB_Segment_t(ELFIO::section* seg, int p_segno) : the_seg(seg), segno(p_segno) {}
+		// get starting address
         	virtual STARS_ea_t get_startEA()
-		{ return the_seg->get_virtual_address(); }
+		{ return the_seg->get_address(); }
+		// get ending address
         	virtual STARS_ea_t get_endEA()
-		{ return the_seg->get_virtual_address()+the_seg->get_size(); }
-        	virtual bool IsCodeSegment()  { assert(0); /* perms include x */ }
-        	virtual bool IsXternSegment() { assert(0); /* return false" */}
-        	virtual bool IsDataSegment() { assert(0); /* rw */}
-        	virtual bool IsCommonSegment() { assert(0); /* leave as error */}
-        	virtual bool IsBSSSegment() { assert(0); /* NOBITS */ }
-        	virtual bool IsReadableSegment() { assert(0); }
-        	virtual bool IsWriteableSegment() { assert(0); }
-		virtual STARS_ssize_t GetSegmentName(char* name, int len) { assert(0); }
+		{ return the_seg->get_address()+the_seg->get_size(); }
+		// return if the EXE bit is set.
+        	virtual bool IsCodeSegment()  
+		{ return (the_seg->get_flags() & SHF_EXECINSTR) == SHF_EXECINSTR; }
+        	virtual bool IsDataSegment() 
+		{ return IsReadableSegment() && IsWriteableSegment(); }
+        	virtual bool IsBSSSegment() 
+		{ return (the_seg->get_type() & SHT_NOBITS) == SHT_NOBITS; }
+        	virtual bool IsReadableSegment() 
+		{ return (the_seg->get_flags() & SHF_ALLOC) == SHF_ALLOC; }
+        	virtual bool IsWriteableSegment()
+		{ return (the_seg->get_flags() & SHF_WRITE) == SHF_WRITE; }
+		virtual STARS_ssize_t GetSegmentName(char* name, int len) 
+		{
+			strncpy(name,the_seg->get_name().c_str(), len);
+			return the_seg->get_name().length();
+		}
 		virtual int GetSegmentNumber() { return segno; }
+		// these aren't used, impl. later if we know what it means. 
+        	virtual bool IsXternSegment() { assert(0); /* leave as error */}
+        	virtual bool IsCommonSegment() { assert(0); /* leave as error */}
 		ELFIO::section* the_seg;
 		int segno;