diff --git a/include/base/SMPFunction.h b/include/base/SMPFunction.h
index 2221cdc4cbb8ca761fed22a8dd4670b6bbca42ac..40efcd7afef061f60302fb27723237e7e87dba8c 100644
--- a/include/base/SMPFunction.h
+++ b/include/base/SMPFunction.h
@@ -507,12 +507,10 @@ private:
 	std::vector<int> SSACounter; // SSA subscript #, indexed by GlobalNames op # 
 	std::vector<std::list<int> > SSAStack; // SSA stack of most recent SSA number, indexed by global #
 	std::vector<struct LocalVar> LocalVarTable; // offset-sorted list of local vars / outgoing args
-	std::vector<struct StackFrameEntry> StackFrameMap; // memory map of every byte on stack frame
 	std::vector<struct StackFrameEntry> PositiveOffsetStackFrameMap; // memory map of every byte on stack frame, return address and up (inargs, etc.)
 	std::vector<struct StackFrameEntry> NegativeOffsetStackFrameMap; // memory map of every byte on stack frame, below return address (saved reg, locals, etc.)
 	std::vector<struct FineGrainedInfo> PositiveOffsetFineGrainedStackTable; // Inferences based on instruction accesses of stack
 	std::vector<struct FineGrainedInfo> NegativeOffsetFineGrainedStackTable; // Inferences based on instruction accesses of stack
-	std::vector<struct FineGrainedInfo> FineGrainedStackTable; // built using opcode analysis, not IDA stack info
 	std::vector<int> SavedRegLoc; // indexed by reg #; offset from return address of callee-saved reg
 	std::vector<SMPOperandType> ReturnRegTypes; // indexed by reg #; inferred types upon return
 	std::vector<SMPOperandType> IncomingRegTypes; // indexed by reg #; types from call sites of callers of this func
@@ -565,15 +563,10 @@ private:
 	void FindAllAllocsAndDeallocs(void); // Find all stack frame allocating and deallocating instructions and stack ptr offsets
 	void FindFramePointerDelta(void); // Compute FramePointerStackDelta
 	void SetStackFrameInfo(void); // Figure out the stack frame regions, and locate the alloc/dealloc frame instructions.
-	STARS_ea_t FindAllocPoint(STARS_asize_t); // Deal with difficult to find stack frame allocations
 	bool MDFixFrameInfo(void); // Redefine stack regions for our needs
-	bool MDFixUseFP(void);  // Fix IDA errors affecting UseFP
 	void BuildLocalVarTable(void); // Determine local variable boundaries on the stack
 	void BuildStackAccessTables(void); // Build tables to characterize stack accesses.
-	void SemiNaiveLocalVarID(void); // Semi-naive algorithm for local var boundaries ID
 	void UpdateMinMaxStackOffsets(SMPInstr *CurrInst, const STARSOpndTypePtr &TempOp); // Update MinStackAccessOffset and MaxStackAccessLimit if TempOp is stack access
-	bool AuditLocalVarTable(void); // Check and correct IDA Pro listing of local frame members.
-	void FindOutgoingArgsSize(void); // Find portion of local frame that is outgoing args
 	inline void SetStackFrameExtendsPastStackTop(void) { StackFrameExtendsPastStackTop = true; };
 	bool IndexedWritesAboveLocalFrame(const STARSOpndTypePtr &DestOp); // Is DestOp direct stack write to caller's frame?
 	bool MDGetStackOffsetAndSize(SMPInstr *Instr, const STARSOpndTypePtr &TempOp, STARS_sval_t BaseValue, STARS_ea_t &offset, std::size_t &DataSize,
diff --git a/include/base/SMPProgram.h b/include/base/SMPProgram.h
index 06c6c842a61d9d208a5f1ec991e16f447e1b7d2b..aa14f3cc237388d4f6880ee4c55fd05a7fa289d0 100644
--- a/include/base/SMPProgram.h
+++ b/include/base/SMPProgram.h
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ inline bool IsImmedGlobalAddress(STARS_ea_t ImmedValue) {
 bool IsDataAddress(STARS_ea_t Address);
-inline bool IsImmedNumeric(uintptr_t ImmedValue) {
+inline bool IsImmedNumeric(STARS_ea_t ImmedValue) {
 	return (!(IsImmedGlobalAddress(ImmedValue) || global_STARS_program->IsImmedCodeAddress(ImmedValue)));
diff --git a/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp b/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
index 015f59d713d44d5ea683bc36a4ed0ea82ed079da..a735bf98b70daa3b74406b12861d2a2f079c0e9a 100644
--- a/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
+++ b/src/base/SMPFunction.cpp
@@ -137,9 +137,6 @@ SMPFunction::SMPFunction(STARS_Function_t *Info, SMPProgram* pgm) {
 	this->Program = pgm;
 	this->FuncInfo = Info;
 	this->FirstEA = this->FuncInfo->get_startEA();
-#if 0
-	this->FuncName[0] = '\0';
 	this->BlockCount = 0;
 	this->LoopCount = 0;
 	this->FuncProcessed = false;
@@ -254,8 +251,6 @@ SMPFunction::SMPFunction(STARS_Function_t *Info, SMPProgram* pgm) {
-	this->StackFrameMap.clear();
-	this->FineGrainedStackTable.clear();
@@ -1803,153 +1798,6 @@ void SMPFunction::FindAllAllocsAndDeallocs(void) {
 	this->CallsAlloca = FoundAlloca;
-	// As of July, 2015, the code below seems unnecessary and obsolete.
-	return;
-	// Now, if LocalVarsSize is not zero, we need to find the instruction
-	//  in the function prologue that allocates space on the stack for
-	//  local vars. This code could be made more robust in the future
-	//  by matching LocalVarsSize to the immediate value in the allocation
-	//  instruction. However, IDA Pro is sometimes a little off on this
-	//  number. **!!**
-	if (0 < this->GetLocalVarsSize()) {
-		if (DebugFlag) SMP_msg("Searching for alloc and dealloc\n");
-		list<SMPInstr *>::iterator InstIter = this->Instrs.begin();
-		++InstIter;  // skip marker instruction
-		for ( ; InstIter != this->Instrs.end(); ++InstIter) {
-			SMPInstr *CurrInst = (*InstIter);
-			STARS_ea_t addr = CurrInst->GetAddr();
-			// Keep the most recent instruction in the DeallocInstr
-			//  in case we reach the return without seeing a dealloc.
-			if (!FoundDeallocInstr) {
-				this->LocalVarsDeallocInstr = addr;
-			}
-			if (!FoundAllocInstr
-				&& CurrInst->MDIsFrameAllocInstr()) {
-				SMP_msg("Returned from MDIsFrameAllocInstr()\n");
-				FoundAllocInstr = true;
-				if (DebugFlag) SMP_msg("Found alloc: %s\n", CurrInst->GetDisasm());
-			}
-			else if (FoundAllocInstr) {
-				// We can now start searching for the DeallocInstr.
-				if (CurrInst->MDIsFrameDeallocInstr(UseFP, this->GetLocalVarsSize())) {
-					// Keep saving the most recent addr that looks
-					//  like the DeallocInstr until we reach the
-					//  end of the function. Last one to look like
-					//  it is used as the DeallocInstr.
-					SMP_msg("Returned from MDIsFrameDeallocInstr()\n");
-					this->LocalVarsDeallocInstr = addr;
-					FoundDeallocInstr = true;
-				}
-				else {
-					if (DebugFlag) SMP_msg("Not dealloc: %s\n", CurrInst->GetDisasm());
-				}
-			}
-		} // end for (list<SMPInstr *>::iterator InstIter ... )
-		if (!FoundAllocInstr) {
-			// Could not find the frame allocating instruction.  Bad.
-			// See if we can find the point at which the stack allocation reaches
-			//  a total of FuncInfo.frsize+frregs, regardless of whether it happened by push
-			//  instructions or some other means.
-			this->LocalVarsAllocInstr = this->FindAllocPoint(this->FuncInfo->GetFrameSize() + this->FuncInfo->GetSavedRegSize());
-			SMP_msg("Returned from FindAllocPoint()\n");
-			if (STARS_BADADDR == this->LocalVarsAllocInstr) {
-				SMP_msg("WARNING: Could not find stack frame allocation in %s\n",
-					this->GetFuncName());
-				SMP_msg("LocalVarsSize: %lu  SavedRegsSize: %u ArgsSize: %llu\n",
-					(unsigned long) this->GetLocalVarsSize(), CalleeSavedRegsSize, (unsigned long long) IncomingArgsSize);
-			}
-			else {
-				SMP_msg("FindAllocPoint found %lx for function %s\n",
-					(unsigned long) this->LocalVarsAllocInstr, this->GetFuncName());
-				FoundAllocInstr = true;
-			}
-		}
-		if (!FoundDeallocInstr) {
-			// Could not find the frame deallocating instruction.  Bad.
-			// Emit diagnostic and use the last instruction in the
-			// function.
-			SMP_msg("WARNING: Could not find stack frame deallocation in %s\n",
-				this->GetFuncName());
-		}
-	}
-	// else LocalVarsSize was zero, meaning that we need to search 
-	//  for the end of the function prologue code and emit stack frame
-	//  annotations from that address (i.e. this method returns that
-	//  address). We will approximate this by finding the end of the
-	//  sequence of PUSH instructions at the beginning of the function.
-	//  The last PUSH instruction should be the last callee-save-reg
-	//  instruction. We can make this more robust in the future by
-	//  making sure that we do not count a PUSH of anything other than
-	//  a register. **!!**
-	// NOTE: 2nd prologue instr is usually mov ebp,esp
-	else {
-		STARS_ea_t SaveAddr = this->GetStartAddr();
-		list<SMPInstr *>::iterator InstIter = this->Instrs.begin();
-		++InstIter;  // skip marker instruction
-		for ( ;	InstIter != this->Instrs.end(); ++InstIter) {
-			SMPInstr *CurrInst = (*InstIter);
-			STARS_ea_t addr = CurrInst->GetAddr();
-			if (CurrInst->GetIDAOpcode() == STARS_NN_push)
-				SaveAddr = addr;
-			else
-				break;
-		}
-		this->LocalVarsAllocInstr = SaveAddr;
-		FoundAllocInstr = true;
-		this->LocalVarsDeallocInstr = 0;
-		// As soon as we have found the local vars allocation,
-		//  we can try to fix incorrect sets of UseFP by IDA.
-		// NOTE: We might want to extend this in the future to
-		//  handle functions that have no locals.  **!!**
-#if 0
-		bool FixedUseFP = this->MDFixUseFP();
-		if (FixedUseFP) {
-			SMP_msg("Fixed UseFP in %s\n", this->GetFuncName());
-		}
-	} // end if (LocalVarsSize > 0) ... else ...
-	if (!FoundAllocInstr && (0 < this->GetLocalVarsSize()) && this->IsLeaf()) {
-		// The x86-64 ABI saves time by not allocating a local frame for some leaf functions,
-		//  and just accesses locations below the stack as if they were allocated local vars.
-		//  We still want the UseFP and FramePointerDelta members to be properly set.
-#if 0
-		bool FixedUseFP = MDFixUseFP();
-		if (FixedUseFP) {
-			SMP_msg("Fixed UseFP in %s\n", this->GetFuncName());
-		}
-		if (this->UsesFramePointer()) { // now that MDFixUseFP() has validated this flag ...
-			if (0 != this->GetFramePtrStackDelta()) {
-				SMP_msg("INFO: Found FramePointerStackDelta of %ld in frameless leaf function %s\n", 
-					(long) this->GetFramePtrStackDelta(), this->GetFuncName());
-			}
-		}
-	}
 } // end of SMPFunction::FindAllAllocsAndDeallocs()
@@ -2211,85 +2059,6 @@ bool SMPFunction::MDFixFrameInfo(void) {
 	return true;
 } // end of SMPFunction::MDFixFrameInfo()
-// Some functions have difficult to find stack allocations. For example, in some
-//  version of glibc, strpbrk() zeroes out register ECX and then pushes it more than
-//  100 times in order to allocate zero-ed out local vars space for a character translation
-//  table. We will use the stack pointer analysis of IDA to find out if there is a point
-//  in the first basic block at which the stack pointer reaches the allocation total
-//  that IDA is expecting for the local vars region.
-// If so, we return the address of the instruction at which ESP reaches its value, else
-//  we return STARS_BADADDR.
-STARS_ea_t SMPFunction::FindAllocPoint(STARS_asize_t OriginalLocSize) {
-	STARS_sval_t TargetSize = - ((STARS_sval_t) OriginalLocSize);  // negate; stack grows down 
-	bool DebugFlag = (0 == strcmp("_dl_runtime_resolve", this->GetFuncName()));
-	if (DebugFlag)
-		SMP_msg("%s OriginalLocSize: %lu\n", this->GetFuncName(), (unsigned long) OriginalLocSize);
-	if (this->AnalyzedSP) {
-		// Limit our analysis to the first basic block in the function.
-		list<SMPInstr *>::iterator InstIter = this->Instrs.begin();
-		++InstIter;  // skip marker instruction
-		for ( ; InstIter != this->Instrs.end(); ++InstIter) {
-			SMPInstr *CurrInst = (*InstIter);
-			STARS_ea_t addr = CurrInst->GetAddr();
-			// get_spd() returns a cumulative delta of ESP
-			STARS_sval_t sp_delta = SMP_get_spd(this->GetFuncInfo(), addr);
-			if (DebugFlag)
-				SMP_msg("%s delta: %ld at %lx\n", this->GetFuncName(), (long) sp_delta, (unsigned long) addr);
-			if (sp_delta == TargetSize) { // <= instead of == here?  **!!**
-				// Previous instruction hit the frame size.
-				if (InstIter == this->Instrs.begin()) {
-					return STARS_BADADDR;  // cannot back up from first instruction
-				}
-				else {
-					STARS_ea_t PrevAddr = (*(--InstIter))->GetAddr();
-					if ((*(this->Instrs.begin()))->GetAddr() == PrevAddr)
-						return STARS_BADADDR;  // don't return marker instruction
-					else
-						return PrevAddr;
-					return PrevAddr;
-				}
-			}
-			if (CurrInst->IsLastInBlock()) {
-				// It could be that the current instruction will cause the stack pointer
-				//  delta to reach the TargetSize. sp_delta is not updated until after the
-				//  current instruction, so we need to look ahead one instruction if the
-				//  current block falls through. On the other hand, if the current block
-				//  ends with a jump or return, we cannot hit TargetSize.
-				if (CurrInst->IsBasicBlockTerminator())
-					return STARS_BADADDR;
-				list<SMPInstr *>::iterator NextInstIter = InstIter;
-				++NextInstIter;
-				if (NextInstIter == this->Instrs.end())
-					return STARS_BADADDR;
-				sp_delta = SMP_get_spd(this->GetFuncInfo(), (*NextInstIter)->GetAddr());
-				if (sp_delta == TargetSize) {
-					// CurrInst will cause stack pointer delta to hit TargetSize.
-					return addr;
-				}
-				else {
-					return STARS_BADADDR;
-				}
-			} // end if LastInBlock
-		} // end for all instructions
-	} // end if (this->AnalyzedSP)
-	else {
-		SMP_msg("AnalyzedSP is false for %s\n", this->GetFuncName());
-	}
-} // end of SMPFunction::FindAllocPoint()
 // IDA Pro is sometimes confused by a function that uses the frame pointer
 //  register for other purposes. For the x86, a function that uses EBP
@@ -2317,6 +2086,7 @@ STARS_ea_t SMPFunction::FindAllocPoint(STARS_asize_t OriginalLocSize) {
 //  this case.
 // NOTE: This logic should work for both Linux and Windows x86 prologues.
 // NOTE As of July, 2015, this logic was incorporated into MDFixFrameInfo().
+#if 0
 bool SMPFunction::MDFixUseFP(void) {
 	bool OldUseFP = this->UsesFramePointer();
 	bool HasLocals = (0 < this->GetLocalVarsSize());
@@ -2393,6 +2163,7 @@ bool SMPFunction::MDFixUseFP(void) {
 	return true;
 } // end of SMPFunction::MDFixUseFP()
 // Find the callee-saved reg offsets (negative offset from return address)
 //  for all registers pushed onto the stack before the stack frame allocation
@@ -2550,13 +2321,7 @@ void SMPFunction::MDFindIncomingTypes(void) {
 // Determine boundaries in the stack frame.
 void SMPFunction::BuildLocalVarTable(void) {
-#if 1
-	// Currently we just use the info that IDA Pro has inferred from the direct
-	//  addressing of stack locations.
-	this->SemiNaiveLocalVarID();
 } // end of SMPFunction::BuildLocalVarTable()
@@ -3068,202 +2833,6 @@ void SMPFunction::BuildStackAccessTables(void) {
 } // end of SMPFunction::BuildStackAccessTables()
-// Use the local variable offset list from IDA's stack frame structure to compute
-//  the table of local variable boundaries.
-void SMPFunction::SemiNaiveLocalVarID(void) {
-	// NOTE: We use IDA Pro's offsets from this->FuncInfo (e.g. frsize) and NOT
-	//  our own corrected values in our private data members. The offsets we
-	//  read from the stack frame structure returned by get_frame() are consistent
-	//  with other IDA Pro values, not with our corrected values.
-	list<SMPInstr *>::iterator InstIter;
-	this->SetLocalVarOffsetLimit(-20000);
-	STARS_Function_t *FuncPtr = SMP_get_func(this->GetStartAddr());
-	if (NULL == FuncPtr) {
-		SMP_msg("FATAL ERROR in SMPFunction::SemiNaiveLocalVarID; no func ptr\n");
-	}
-	assert(NULL != FuncPtr);
-	// We only get stack frame info from IDA Pro, not IRDB
-	FuncPtr->FillInLocalVarTable(this);
-	// If AnalyzedSP is false, that is all we can do.
-	if (!this->AnalyzedSP) {
-		this->OutgoingArgsSize = 0;
-		this->MinStackDelta = 0;
-		this->AllocPointDelta = 0;
-		return;
-	}
-	// Calculate min and max stack operand offsets accessed.
-	InstIter = this->Instrs.begin();
-	if ((*InstIter)->IsMarkerInst())
-		++InstIter;  // skip marker instruction
-	for ( ; InstIter != this->Instrs.end(); ++InstIter) {
-		SMPInstr *CurrInst = (*InstIter);
-		STARS_ea_t addr = CurrInst->GetAddr();
-		// Find the min and max stack offsets in DEFs and USEs.
-		if (CurrInst->HasDestMemoryOperand() || CurrInst->MDIsPushInstr() || CurrInst->MDIsEnterInstr()) {
-			set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator CurrDef;
-			for (CurrDef = CurrInst->GetFirstDef(); CurrDef != CurrInst->GetLastDef(); ++CurrDef) {
-				STARSOpndTypePtr TempOp = CurrDef->GetOp();
-				if ((! TempOp->IsMemNoDisplacementOp()) && (! TempOp->IsMemDisplacementOp()))
-					continue;
-				this->UpdateMinMaxStackOffsets(CurrInst, TempOp);
-			} // end for all DEFs
-		}
-		if (CurrInst->HasSourceMemoryOperand() || CurrInst->MDIsPopInstr() || CurrInst->MDIsLeaveInstr() || CurrInst->MDIsLoadEffectiveAddressInstr()) {
-			if (CurrInst->MDIsLoadEffectiveAddressInstr()) {
-				STARSOpndTypePtr TempOp = CurrInst->GetLeaMemUseOp();
-				if (nullptr != TempOp) {
-					if (((TempOp->IsMemNoDisplacementOp()) || (TempOp->IsMemDisplacementOp())) && (!(CurrInst->IsRegClearIdiom() || CurrInst->IsNop())))  {
-						this->UpdateMinMaxStackOffsets(CurrInst, TempOp);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator CurrUse;
-				for (CurrUse = CurrInst->GetFirstUse(); CurrUse != CurrInst->GetLastUse(); ++CurrUse) {
-					STARSOpndTypePtr TempOp = CurrUse->GetOp();
-					if ((! TempOp->IsMemNoDisplacementOp()) && (! TempOp->IsMemDisplacementOp()))
-						continue;
-					this->UpdateMinMaxStackOffsets(CurrInst, TempOp);
-				} // end for all USEs
-			}
-		}
-	} // end for all instructions
-	if (0 == this->MaxStackAccessLimit) {
-		// Never accessed any incoming args. However, we know the return address is on the stack,
-		//  and it is almost never accessed, so we want to record its presence.
-		this->MaxStackAccessLimit = MD_DEFAULT_RETURN_ADDRESS_SIZE;
-	}
-	if (this->MinStackAccessOffset > this->MinStackDelta) {
-		// Some functions allocate space that is not visibly accessed. We still want to make
-		//  our stack frame maps of maximum size, and MinStackDelta is used for normalizing offsets.
-		this->MinStackAccessOffset = this->MinStackDelta;
-	}
-	else if (this->MinStackAccessOffset < this->MinStackDelta) {
-		// x86-64 leaf functions are often optimized by not allocating a stack frame. Instead,
-		//  negative displacements from the stack pointer are used to access locals. So the
-		//  stack pointer (reflected in MinStackDelta) never goes down as far as the bottom of
-		//  the frame (reflected by MinStackAccessOffset). We need to record that such a function
-		//  has been detected so that we don't fail assertions unnecessarily later.
-		this->SetStackFrameExtendsPastStackTop();
-	}
-	// IDA Pro sometimes fails to add stack frame members for all incoming args, etc.
-	//  Find and correct these omissions by examining stack accesses in instructions
-	//  and extend the LocalVarTable to cover whatever is out of range.
-	if (!this->AuditLocalVarTable()) {
-		// Catastrophic error must have occurred, probably due to errors in IDA's
-		//  stack pointer analysis, despite AnalyzedSP being true.
-		return;
-	}
-	if (!(this->LocalVarTable.empty())) {
-		this->GoodLocalVarTable = true;
-		// Sort the LocalVarTable so that we do not depend on IDA Pro
-		//  presenting the stack frame members in order.
-		std::sort(this->LocalVarTable.begin(), this->LocalVarTable.end(), LocalVarCompare);
-	}
-	SMP_msg("Computing %d local var sizes\n", this->LocalVarTable.size());
-	// Now we want to audit the size field for each local
-	if (this->GoodLocalVarTable) {
-		std::size_t VarLimit = this->LocalVarTable.size() - 1;
-		assert(this->LocalVarTable.size() > 0);
-		for (std::size_t VarIndex = 0; VarIndex < VarLimit; ++VarIndex) {
-			struct LocalVar TempLocEntry = this->LocalVarTable[VarIndex];
-			bool AboveLocalsRegion = (TempLocEntry.offset >= this->GetLocalVarsSize());
-			std::size_t TempSize = this->LocalVarTable[VarIndex + 1].offset - TempLocEntry.offset;
-			int DiffSize = ((int) TempSize) - ((int) TempLocEntry.size);
-			// We don't have IDA Pro stack frame members for callee saved registers. This
-			//  omission can make it seem that there is a gap between the uppermost local
-			//  variable and the return address or saved frame pointer. Avoid expanding the
-			//  last local variable into the callee saved registers region.
-			if (DiffSize > 0) { // We are expanding the size.
-				if (!AboveLocalsRegion && ((TempLocEntry.offset + TempLocEntry.size + DiffSize) > this->GetLocalVarsSize())) {
-					// Current local does not start above the locals region, but its new size will
-					//  carry it above the locals region.
-					if ((TempLocEntry.offset + TempLocEntry.size) > this->GetLocalVarsSize()) {
-						// Weird. It already overlapped the callee saved regs region.
-						SMP_msg("WARNING: Local var at offset %ld size %zu in %s extends above local vars region.\n",
-							TempLocEntry.offset, TempLocEntry.size, this->GetFuncName());
-					}
-					// Limit DiffSize to avoid overlapping callee saved regs.
-					DiffSize = this->GetLocalVarsSize() - (TempLocEntry.offset + TempLocEntry.size);
-					if (DiffSize < 0)
-						DiffSize = 0; // started out positive, cap it at zero.
-				}
-			}
-			if (DiffSize < 0)
-				DiffSize = 0; // should not happen with sorted LocalVarTable unless duplicate entries.
-			if (DiffSize != 0)  {
-				SMP_msg("STACK INFO: Adjusted size for stack frame member at %ld in %s\n",
-					TempLocEntry.offset, this->GetFuncName());
-				this->LocalVarTable[VarIndex].size += DiffSize;
-			}
-		}
-#if 0 // Using Member->eoff seems to be working for all members, including the last one.
-		SMP_msg("Computing last local var size for frsize %d\n", this->FuncInfo->GetFrameSize());
-		// Size of last local is total frsize minus savedregs in frame minus offset of last local
-		std::size_t SavedRegsSpace = 0; // portion of frsize that is saved regs, not locals.
-		if (this->CalleeSavedRegsSize > this->FuncInfo->GetSavedRegSize()) {
-			// IDA Pro counts the save of EBP in frregs, but then EBP gets its new
-			//  value and callee saved regs other than the old EBP push get counted
-			//  in frsize rather than frregs. CalleeSavedRegsSize includes all saved
-			//  regs on the stack, both above and below the current EBP offset.
-			// NOTE: For windows, this has to be done differently, as callee saved regs
-			//  happen at the bottom of the local frame, not the top.
-#if 0
-			SavedRegsSpace = this->CalleeSavedRegsSize - this->FuncInfo->GetSavedRegSize();
-			SavedRegsSpace = this->FuncInfo->GetFrameSize() - this->GetLocalVarsSize();
-		}
-		this->LocalVarTable.back().size = this->FuncInfo->GetFrameSize()
-			- SavedRegsSpace - this->LocalVarTable.back().offset;
-		this->SetLocalVarOffsetLimit(this->LocalVarTable.back().offset 
-			+ (STARS_adiff_t) this->LocalVarTable.back().size);
-	}
-#if 0 // AboveLocalsSize is not a reliable number.
-	// IDA Pro can have difficulty with some irregular functions such as are found
-	//  in the C startup code. The frsize value might be bogus. Just punt on the
-	//  local variable ID if that is the case.
-	if ((this->GetLocalVarOffsetLimit() - AboveLocalsSize) > (STARS_adiff_t) this->FuncInfo->GetFrameSize()) {
-		this->LocalVarTable.clear();
-		this->GoodLocalVarTable = false;
-		SMP_msg("WARNING: Bad frsize %d for %s OffsetLimit: %d AboveLocalsSize: %d LocalVarsSize: %d ; abandoning SemiNaiveLocalVarID.\n",
-			this->FuncInfo->GetFrameSize(), this->GetFuncName(), this->GetLocalVarOffsetLimit(), AboveLocalsSize, this->GetLocalVarsSize());
-		return;
-	}
-	assert((this->GetLocalVarOffsetLimit() - AboveLocalsSize) <= (STARS_adiff_t) this->FuncInfo->GetFrameSize());
-	// Find out how many of the locals are really outgoing args.
-	if (this->AnalyzedSP && !this->CallsAlloca && (STARS_BADADDR != this->LocalVarsAllocInstr)) {
-		this->FindOutgoingArgsSize();
-	}
-	else {
-		SMP_msg("FindOutgoingArgsSize not called for %s ", this->GetFuncName());
-		SMP_msg("AnalyzedSP: %d CallsAlloca: %d LocalVarsAllocInstr: %lx \n",
-			this->AnalyzedSP, this->CallsAlloca, (unsigned long) this->LocalVarsAllocInstr);
-	}
-	return;
-} // end of SMPFunction::SemiNaiveLocalVarID()
 // Update MinStackAccessOffset and MaxStackAccessLimit if TempOp is stack access
 void SMPFunction::UpdateMinMaxStackOffsets(SMPInstr *CurrInst, const STARSOpndTypePtr &TempOp) {
 	STARS_ea_t offset;
@@ -3286,485 +2855,6 @@ void SMPFunction::UpdateMinMaxStackOffsets(SMPInstr *CurrInst, const STARSOpndTy
 } // end of SMPFunction::UpdateMinMaxStackOffsets()
-// Check and correct the LocalVarTable derived from IDA Pro stack frame members.
-//  Examine each instruction and see if any stack accesses are beyond the LocalVarTable
-//  and create new entries in the LocalVarTable if so.
-bool SMPFunction::AuditLocalVarTable(void) {
-	// For some functions, IDA Pro does not base its stack frame at the MinStackDelta. This
-	//  is detected by noting that the offset field for the saved return address is not
-	//  the negation of the MinStackDelta, e.g. offset is 12 and MinStackDelta is -16
-	//  for a function such as call_gmon_start, which has a temporary 4-byte decrease
-	//  in the stack delta for an internal thunk call that IDA Pro excludes from the
-	//  stack frame analysis, because it does not represent any local variable:
-	//     call next_instruction
-	//     pop ebx
-	// Instead, IDA Pro typically bases its stack frame at the AllocPointDelta. For many
-	//  functions, the MinStackDelta and the AllocPointDelta are the same. For some, they
-	//  are not the same, and for some functions, IDA Pro has a stack frame that is not
-	//  even based at the AllocPointDelta, because IDA Pro makes a mistake in its analyses
-	//  when the first basic block is interrupted by odd code such as a function call
-	//  before it reaches the frame allocation instruction.
-	// So, we need to align the local var table so that the base of the table is at the
-	//  AllocPointDelta and the saved return address falls at normalized address zero, i.e.
-	//  if AllocPointDelta is -28, then the LocalVarTable will start at offset zero as IDA
-	//  computes offsets, and the saved return address will fall at offset 28, the negation
-	//  of the AllocPointDelta. If the LocalVarTable does not conform to this pattern, we will
-	//  need to add 4-byte entries at the bottom of the table and adjust offsets until the return address
-	//  falls at the correct offset.
-	long IDAFrameAdjustment = (0 - this->IDAReturnAddressOffset - this->AllocPointDelta);
-	if (IDAFrameAdjustment != 0) {
-		SMP_msg("WARNING: %ld bytes IDAFrameAdjustment needed: Func at: %lx RetAddrOffset: %ld AllocPointDelta: %lld\n",
-			IDAFrameAdjustment, (unsigned long) this->GetFirstFuncAddr(), this->IDAReturnAddressOffset, (int64_t) this->AllocPointDelta);
-		// We need to subtract (IDAReturnAddressOffset + this->AllocPointDelta) from the local var table offsets.
-		//  this->AllocPointDelta is negative, e.g. -44 for libc_csu_init in toy.exe, and IDAReturnAddressOffset
-		//  should be its negation (44 in that example), but is a smaller number (20 in the toy.exe example),
-		//  so we are subtracting (20 + -44) from each offset, meaning we are adding 24. We also add 24 to the 
-		//  value of this->LocalVarOffsetLimit, and create an entry at the bottom of the frame with a size of
-		//  24 in this example.
-		long LocalVarIncrement = (0 - (this->IDAReturnAddressOffset + this->AllocPointDelta));
-		if (LocalVarIncrement <= 0) {
-			SMP_msg("SERIOUS WARNING: Unexpected non-positive value for LocalVarIncrement: %ld Func at: %lx\n",
-				LocalVarIncrement, (unsigned long) this->GetFirstFuncAddr());
-		}
-		else {
-			for (std::size_t i = 0; i < this->LocalVarTable.size(); ++i) {
-				this->LocalVarTable[i].offset += LocalVarIncrement;
-			}
-			// Add dummy placeholders at bottom of LocalVarTable, four bytes each.
-			std::size_t TotalFillerSize = 0;
-			do {
-				struct LocalVar TempLocal;
-				char TempStr[20];
-				TempLocal.offset = (long) TotalFillerSize;
-				TempLocal.size = 4;
-				if (((long)(TempLocal.size + TotalFillerSize)) > LocalVarIncrement) {
-					TempLocal.size = (std::size_t)(LocalVarIncrement - (long) TotalFillerSize);
-				}
-				TotalFillerSize += TempLocal.size;
-				SMP_strncpy(TempLocal.VarName, "SMP_IDA_FixVar", sizeof(TempLocal.VarName) - 1);
-				(void) SMP_snprintf(TempStr, 18, "%ld", TempLocal.offset);
-				SMP_strncat(TempLocal.VarName, TempStr, sizeof(TempLocal.VarName) - 1);
-				this->LocalVarTable.push_back(TempLocal);
-			} while (((long)TotalFillerSize) < LocalVarIncrement);
-			this->SetLocalVarOffsetLimit(this->GetLocalVarOffsetLimit() + LocalVarIncrement);
-/* wtf?  changing ida info?
- * from clc -- no, not updating idapro, just caching a change in stars.
-			this->FuncInfo->frsize += (STARS_asize_t) LocalVarIncrement;
-			this->FuncInfo->SetFrameSize(this->FuncInfo->GetFrameSize()+ (STARS_asize_t) LocalVarIncrement);
-		}
-	}
-	// We cannot depend on IDA Pro making Member
-	//  entries for everything that is accessed on the stack.
-	//  When an incoming arg is accessed but no Member is
-	//  created, then LocalVarOffsetLimit will be too small
-	//  and we will get ERROR messages. We already looped through the
-	//  instructions to find the MaxStackAccessLimit. If LocalVarOffsetLimit
-	//  is not big enough to reach from AllocPointDelta to MaxStackAccessLimit,
-	//  then add 4-byte incoming arg entries until it reaches.
-	while (this->GetLocalVarOffsetLimit() < (long) this->MaxStackAccessLimit) {
-		// Extend LocalVarTable.
-		struct LocalVar TempLocal;
-		char TempStr[20];
-		TempLocal.offset = this->GetLocalVarOffsetLimit();
-		TempLocal.size = global_STARS_program->GetSTARS_ISA_Bytewidth();
-		if ((TempLocal.size + TempLocal.offset) > ((long) this->MaxStackAccessLimit)) {
-			TempLocal.size = ((long) this->MaxStackAccessLimit) - TempLocal.offset;
-		}
-		SMP_strncpy(TempLocal.VarName, "SMP_InArg", sizeof(TempLocal.VarName) - 1);
-		(void) SMP_snprintf(TempStr, 18, "%ld", TempLocal.offset);
-		SMP_strncat(TempLocal.VarName, TempStr, sizeof(TempLocal.VarName) - 1);
-		this->LocalVarTable.push_back(TempLocal);
-		this->SetLocalVarOffsetLimit(this->GetLocalVarOffsetLimit() + TempLocal.size);
-	}
-	// Fill in the gaps with new variables as well. SHOULD WE? WHY?
-	return true;
-} // end of SMPFunction::AuditLocalVarTable()
-// Determine how many bytes at the bottom of the stack frame (i.e. at bottom of
-//  this->LocalVarsSize) are used for outgoing args. This is the case when the cdecl
-//  calling convention is used, e.g. gcc/linux allocates local var space + out args space
-//  in a single allocation and then writes outarg values directly to ESP+0, ESP+4, etc.
-void SMPFunction::FindOutgoingArgsSize(void) {
-	// Compute the lowest value reached by the stack pointer.
-	list<SMPInstr *>::iterator InstIter;
-	unsigned short BitWidthMask;
-	bool DebugFlag = false;
-	int SignedOffset;
-	DebugFlag = (0 == strcmp("BZ2_blockSort", this->GetFuncName()));
-	this->OutgoingArgsComputed = true;
-	if (DebugFlag) {
-		SMP_msg("DEBUG: Entered FindOutgoingArgsSize for %s\n", this->GetFuncName());
-		this->OutgoingArgsSize = 16;
-		return;
-	}
-	SMP_msg("AllocPointDelta: %d MinStackDelta: %d\n", this->AllocPointDelta, this->MinStackDelta);
-	if ((0 <= this->MinStackDelta) || (0 <= this->AllocPointDelta)) {
-		// No allocations; sometimes happens in library functions.
-		this->OutgoingArgsSize = 0;
-		this->AllocPointDelta = 0;
-		if ((this->MinStackDelta > this->MaxStackDelta) || (0 < this->MinStackDelta)) {
-			this->MinStackDelta = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	assert(0 >= this->MinStackDelta);
-	// Allocate a vector of stack frame entries, one for each byte of the stack frame.
-	//  This will be our memory map for analyzing stack usage.
-	for (int i = this->MinStackAccessOffset; i < this->MaxStackAccessLimit; ++i) {
-		struct StackFrameEntry TempEntry;
-		TempEntry.VarPtr = NULL;
-		TempEntry.offset = (long) i;
-		TempEntry.Read = false;
-		TempEntry.Written = false;
-		TempEntry.AddressTaken = false;
-		TempEntry.ESPRelativeAccess = false;
-		TempEntry.EBPRelativeAccess = false;
-		TempEntry.IndexedAccess = false;
-		this->StackFrameMap.push_back(TempEntry);
-		struct FineGrainedInfo TempFineGrained;
-		TempFineGrained.SignMiscInfo = 0;
-		TempFineGrained.SizeInfo = 0;
-		this->FineGrainedStackTable.push_back(TempFineGrained);
-	}
-#if 0
-	for (int i = 0; i < this->GetLocalVarOffsetLimit(); ++i) {
-		struct FineGrainedInfo TempFineGrained;
-		TempFineGrained.SignMiscInfo = 0;
-		TempFineGrained.SizeInfo = 0;
-		this->FineGrainedStackTable.push_back(TempFineGrained);
-	}
-	if (0 < this->AllocPointDelta) {
-		SMP_msg("FATAL ERROR: AllocPointDelta = %ld in %s\n", (long) this->AllocPointDelta, this->GetFuncName());
-	}
-	assert(0 >= this->AllocPointDelta);
-	// Fill in the VarPtr fields for each StackFrameMap entry.
-	// We were not able to adjust the LocalVarTable for a negative IDAFrameAdjustment back
-	//  in AuditLocalVarTable(), but we can use the negative adjustment value in this loop
-	//  to properly match the StackFrameMap entries to the LocalVarTable entries and avoid
-	//  an out of range error.
-	long IDAFrameAdjustment = (0 - this->IDAReturnAddressOffset - this->AllocPointDelta);
-	if (0 < IDAFrameAdjustment) {
-		IDAFrameAdjustment = 0; // only handling the negative case; positive was handled in AuditLocalVarTable()
-	}
-	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < this->LocalVarTable.size(); ++i) {
-		assert(this->LocalVarTable.at(i).offset >= 0);
-		// Picture that AllocPointDelta is -200, MinStackAccessOffset is -210, and
-		//  the LocalVarTable[i].offset is +8 (i.e. 8 bytes above alloc point).
-		//  Then base = 8 + (-200 - -210) = 8 + 10 = 18, the proper offset into
-		//  the StackFrameMap.
-		std::size_t base = (std::size_t) (this->LocalVarTable.at(i).offset
-			+ (this->AllocPointDelta - this->MinStackAccessOffset) + IDAFrameAdjustment);
-		std::size_t limit = base + this->LocalVarTable.at(i).size;
-		if (limit > this->StackFrameMap.size()) {
-			SMP_msg("WARNING: FindOutArgsSize: Unaccessed IDA Pro local var or inarg %s base = %zu limit = %zu in %s\n",
-				this->LocalVarTable.at(i).VarName, base, limit, this->GetFuncName());
-		}
-		else {
-			assert(limit <= this->StackFrameMap.size());
-			for (std::size_t MapIndex = base; MapIndex < limit; ++MapIndex) {
-				this->StackFrameMap[MapIndex].VarPtr = &(this->LocalVarTable.at(i));
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Iterate through all instructions and record stack frame accesses in the StackFrameMap.
-	InstIter = this->Instrs.begin();
-	if ((*InstIter)->IsMarkerInst())
-		++InstIter;  // skip marker instruction
-	for ( ; InstIter != this->Instrs.end(); ++InstIter) {
-		SMPInstr *CurrInst = (*InstIter);
-		STARS_ea_t InstAddr = CurrInst->GetAddr();
-		STARS_sval_t sp_delta = CurrInst->GetStackPtrOffset();
-		if (0 < sp_delta) {
-			// Stack underflow.
-			SMP_msg("ERROR: Stack underflow at %lx %s sp_delta: %ld\n", (unsigned long) InstAddr,
-				CurrInst->GetDisasm(), (long) sp_delta);
-			this->OutgoingArgsComputed = false;
-			this->OutgoingArgsSize = 0;
-			return;
-		}
-		assert(0 >= sp_delta);
-		STARS_ea_t offset;
-		std::size_t DataSize;
-		bool UsedFramePointer;
-		bool IndexedAccess;
-		bool SignedMove;
-		bool UnsignedMove;
-		if (CurrInst->HasDestMemoryOperand()) {
-			set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator CurrDef;
-			for (CurrDef = CurrInst->GetFirstDef(); CurrDef != CurrInst->GetLastDef(); ++CurrDef) {
-				STARSOpndTypePtr TempOp = CurrDef->GetOp();
-				if ((!TempOp->IsMemNoDisplacementOp()) && (!TempOp->IsMemDisplacementOp()))
-					continue;
-				if (this->MDGetStackOffsetAndSize(CurrInst, TempOp, this->MinStackAccessOffset, offset, DataSize, UsedFramePointer,
-					IndexedAccess, SignedMove, UnsignedMove)) {
-					SignedOffset = (int) offset;
-					if (IndexedAccess && ((0 > SignedOffset) || ((SignedOffset + DataSize) > this->StackFrameMap.size()))) {
-						continue; // Indexed expressions can be within frame even when offset is outside frame
-					}
-					assert(0 <= SignedOffset);
-#if 0
-					if (offset >= this->FuncInfo->GetFrameSize())
-						continue;  // limit processing to outgoing args and locals
-					if ((offset + DataSize) > this->StackFrameMap.size()) {
-						SMP_msg("ERROR: offset = %lu DataSize = %zu FrameMapSize = %zu\n",
-							(unsigned long) offset, DataSize, this->StackFrameMap.size());
-						continue;
-					}
-					assert((offset + DataSize) <= this->StackFrameMap.size());
-					bool ESPRelative = (!(UsedFramePointer || CurrInst->HasFPNormalizedToSP()));
-					for (int j = 0; j < (int) DataSize; ++j) {
-						this->StackFrameMap[offset + j].Written = true;
-						this->StackFrameMap[offset + j].IndexedAccess = IndexedAccess;
-						if (ESPRelative) {
-							this->StackFrameMap[offset + j].ESPRelativeAccess = true;
-						}
-						else {
-							this->StackFrameMap[offset + j].EBPRelativeAccess = true;
-						}
-					}
-					struct FineGrainedInfo StackDefFG;
-					BitWidthMask = ComputeOperandBitWidthMask(TempOp, DataSize);
-					this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SizeInfo |= BitWidthMask;
-					StackDefFG.SizeInfo = BitWidthMask;
-					this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_WRITTEN;
-					StackDefFG.SignMiscInfo = FG_MASK_WRITTEN;
-					if (IndexedAccess) {
-						this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_INDEXED_ACCESS;
-						StackDefFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_INDEXED_ACCESS;
-					}
-					if (ESPRelative) {
-						this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_SP_RELATIVE;
-						StackDefFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_SP_RELATIVE;
-					}
-					else {
-						this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_FP_RELATIVE;
-						StackDefFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_FP_RELATIVE;
-					}
-					// We will process the signedness of stores later, so that loads can take precedence
-					//  over stores in determining signedness in the table. We go ahead and process
-					//  signedness for the separate DEF and USE maps by InstAddr.
-					if (SignedMove) {
-						StackDefFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_SIGNED;
-					}
-					else if (UnsignedMove) {
-						StackDefFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_UNSIGNED;
-					}
-					// Insert the StackDefFG into the map of InstAddr to DEF FG info.
-					pair<map<STARS_ea_t, struct FineGrainedInfo>::iterator, bool> InsertResult;
-					pair<STARS_ea_t, struct FineGrainedInfo> InsertValue(InstAddr, StackDefFG);
-					InsertResult = this->StackDefFGInfo.insert(InsertValue);
-					assert(InsertResult.second);
-				} // end if MDGetStackOffsetAndSize()
-			} // end for all DEFs
-		} // end if DestMemoryOperand
-		if (CurrInst->HasSourceMemoryOperand()) {
-			set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator CurrUse;
-			for (CurrUse = CurrInst->GetFirstUse(); CurrUse != CurrInst->GetLastUse(); ++CurrUse) {
-				STARSOpndTypePtr TempOp = CurrUse->GetOp();
-				if ((!TempOp->IsMemNoDisplacementOp()) && (!TempOp->IsMemDisplacementOp()))
-					continue;
-				if (this->MDGetStackOffsetAndSize(CurrInst, TempOp, this->MinStackAccessOffset, offset, DataSize, UsedFramePointer,
-					IndexedAccess, SignedMove, UnsignedMove)) {
-					SignedOffset = (int) offset;
-					if (IndexedAccess && ((0 > SignedOffset) || ((SignedOffset + DataSize) > this->StackFrameMap.size()))) {
-						continue; // Indexed expressions can be within frame but offset is outside frame
-					}
-					assert(0 <= SignedOffset);
-#if 0
-					if (offset >= this->FuncInfo->GetFrameSize())
-						continue;  // limit processing to outgoing args and locals
-					if ((SignedOffset + DataSize) > this->StackFrameMap.size()) {
-						SMP_msg("ERROR: offset = %lu DataSize = %zu FrameMapSize = %zu\n",
-							(unsigned long) offset, DataSize, this->StackFrameMap.size());
-						continue;
-					}
-					assert((SignedOffset + DataSize) <= this->StackFrameMap.size());
-					bool ESPRelative = (!(UsedFramePointer || CurrInst->HasFPNormalizedToSP()));
-					for (int j = 0; j < (int) DataSize; ++j) {
-						this->StackFrameMap[offset + j].Read = true;
-						this->StackFrameMap[offset + j].IndexedAccess |= IndexedAccess;
-						if (ESPRelative)
-							this->StackFrameMap[offset + j].ESPRelativeAccess = true;
-						else
-							this->StackFrameMap[offset + j].EBPRelativeAccess = true;
-					}
-					struct FineGrainedInfo StackUseFG;
-					BitWidthMask = ComputeOperandBitWidthMask(TempOp, DataSize);
-					this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SizeInfo |= BitWidthMask;
-					StackUseFG.SizeInfo = BitWidthMask;
-					this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_READ;
-					StackUseFG.SignMiscInfo = FG_MASK_READ;
-					if (IndexedAccess) {
-						this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_INDEXED_ACCESS;
-						StackUseFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_INDEXED_ACCESS;
-					}
-					if (ESPRelative) {
-						this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_SP_RELATIVE;
-						StackUseFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_SP_RELATIVE;
-					}
-					else {
-						this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_FP_RELATIVE;
-						StackUseFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_FP_RELATIVE;
-					}
-					if (SignedMove) {
-						this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_SIGNED;
-						StackUseFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_SIGNED;
-					}
-					else if (UnsignedMove) {
-						this->FineGrainedStackTable.at(offset).SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_UNSIGNED;
-						StackUseFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_UNSIGNED;
-					}
-					// Insert the StackUseFG into the map of InstAddr to USE FG info.
-					pair<map<STARS_ea_t, struct FineGrainedInfo>::iterator, bool> InsertResult;
-					pair<STARS_ea_t, struct FineGrainedInfo> InsertValue(InstAddr, StackUseFG);
-					InsertResult = this->StackUseFGInfo.insert(InsertValue);
-					assert(InsertResult.second);
-				} // end if MDGetStackOffsetAndSize()
-			} // end for all USEs
-		} // end if SourceMemoryOperand
-		// NOTE: Detect taking the address of stack locations. **!!**
-	} // end for all instructions
-	// If function is a leaf function, set OutgoingArgsSize to zero and return.
-	// If function has no local frame allocation, ditto.
-	if ((this->IsLeaf() && !(this->IsDirectlyRecursive()))
-		|| (this->AllocPointDelta == 0)) {
-		this->OutgoingArgsSize = 0;
-		return;
-	}
-	// For non-leaf functions, set the OutgoingArgsSize to the write-only, ESP-relative
-	//  region of the bottom of the StackFrameMap.
-	bool OutgoingArgsRegionFinished = false;
-	bool IndexedOutgoingArgs = false; // Any indexed accesses to outgoing args?
-	std::size_t FramePadSize = 0;
-	std::size_t AlignmentPadSize = 0; // bottom of frame, unused space below outargs
-	for (std::size_t MapIndex = 0; MapIndex < this->StackFrameMap.size(); ++MapIndex) {
-		// Some of the bottom of the stack frame might be below the local frame allocation.
-		//  These are pushes that happened after allocation, etc. We skip over these
-		//  locations and define the outgoing args region to start strictly at the bottom
-		//  of the local frame allocation.
-		struct StackFrameEntry TempEntry = this->StackFrameMap.at(MapIndex);
-		if (DebugFlag) {
-			SMP_msg("StackFrameMap entry %zu: offset: %ld Read: %d Written: %d ESP: %d EBP: %d\n",
-				MapIndex, TempEntry.offset, TempEntry.Read, TempEntry.Written,
-				TempEntry.ESPRelativeAccess, TempEntry.EBPRelativeAccess);
-		}
-		if (TempEntry.offset < this->AllocPointDelta)
-			continue;
-		if ((NULL != TempEntry.VarPtr) && ((0 == strcmp(" s", TempEntry.VarPtr->VarName)) || (0 == strcmp(" r", TempEntry.VarPtr->VarName)))) {
-			// We have reached saved regs or the return address.
-			break;
-		}
-		if (OutgoingArgsRegionFinished) {
-			// We are just processing the stack frame padding.
-			if (!TempEntry.Read && !TempEntry.Written) {
-				// Could be stack frame padding.
-				++FramePadSize;
-			}
-			else {
-				break; // No more padding region
-			}
-		}
-		else if ((this->OutgoingArgsSize == 0) && (!TempEntry.Read) && (!TempEntry.Written)) {
-			// We have not started accumulating outgoing args bytes, we have reached the
-			//  AllocPointDelta, yet we find space that is neither written nor read. This
-			//  empty space at the bottom of the stack frame could just be for stack alignment
-			//  purposes, especially in the new x86-64 ABI, so it should not prevent us from
-			//  finding outgoing args space above it.
-			++AlignmentPadSize;
-		}
-		else if (TempEntry.Read || TempEntry.EBPRelativeAccess || !TempEntry.Written
-			|| !TempEntry.ESPRelativeAccess) {
-			OutgoingArgsRegionFinished = true;
-			if (!TempEntry.Read && !TempEntry.Written) {
-				// Could be stack frame padding.
-				++FramePadSize;
-			}
-			else {
-				break; // No padding region
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			this->OutgoingArgsSize++;
-			if (TempEntry.IndexedAccess) {
-				IndexedOutgoingArgs = true;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Add in the alignment padding below the written outargs region.
-	if (this->OutgoingArgsSize > 0) {
-		this->OutgoingArgsSize += AlignmentPadSize;
-	}
-	// If any outgoing arg was accessed using an index register, then we don't know how high
-	//  the index register value went. It could potentially consume the so-called padding
-	//  region, which might be just the region we did not detect direct accesses to because
-	//  the accesses were indirect. To be safe, we expand the outgoing args region to fill
-	//  the padding region above it in this indexed access case.
-	if (IndexedOutgoingArgs) {
-		this->OutgoingArgsSize += FramePadSize;
-	}
-#if 0
-	// Sometimes we encounter unused stack space above the outgoing args. Lump this space
-	//  in with the outgoing args. We detect this by noting when the outgoing args space
-	//  has only partially used the space assigned to a local var.
-	// NOTE: This is usually just stack padding to maintain stack alignment. It could
-	//  also be the case that the lowest local variable is accessed indirectly and we missed
-	//  seeing its address taken, in which case it would be unsound to lump it into the
-	//  outgoing args region. We might want to create a local var called STACKPAD
-	//  to occupy this space.
-	if ((0 < this->OutgoingArgsSize) && (this->OutgoingArgsSize < this->FuncInfo->GetFrameSize())) {
-		long MapIndex = (this->AllocPointDelta - this->MinStackDelta);
-		assert(0 <= MapIndex);
-		MapIndex += (((long) this->OutgoingArgsSize) - 1);
-		struct StackFrameEntry TempEntry = this->StackFrameMap.at((std::size_t) MapIndex);
-		if (NULL == TempEntry.VarPtr) { // Gap in stack frame; IDA 6.0
-			SMP_msg("Gap in stack frame: %s\n", this->GetFuncName());
-		}
-		else if (this->OutgoingArgsSize < (TempEntry.VarPtr->offset + TempEntry.VarPtr->size)) {
-			SMP_msg("OutGoingArgsSize = %d", this->OutgoingArgsSize);
-			this->OutgoingArgsSize = TempEntry.VarPtr->offset + TempEntry.VarPtr->size;
-			SMP_msg(" adjusted to %d\n", this->OutgoingArgsSize);
-		}
-	}
-	return;
-} // end of SMPFunction::FindOutgoingArgsSize()
 // If TempOp reads or writes to a stack location, return the offset (relative to the initial
 //  stack pointer value) and the size in bytes of the data access. Also return whether the
@@ -3811,7 +2901,8 @@ bool SMPFunction::MDGetStackOffsetAndSize(SMPInstr *Instr, const STARSOpndTypePt
 		Signed = (opcode == STARS_NN_movsx);
 		if ((0 > SignedOffset) && (!Indexed) && (BaseValue == this->MinStackAccessOffset)) {
 			// Consider asserting here.
-			SMP_msg("ERROR: Negative offset in MDGetStackOffsetAndSize for inst dump: \n");
+			SMP_msg("ERROR: Negative offset in MDGetStackOffsetAndSize at %llx for inst dump: \n", 
+				(unsigned long long) Instr->GetAddr());
 		return true;