diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/test/test_context.c b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/test/test_context.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e43960a11c49a0d468c728879f8bb2619e70ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/test/test_context.c
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+volatile int bar(int a)
+	if (a == 2)
+		return 5;
+	else
+		return 3;
+volatile int foo(int a)
+	if (a==3)
+		return bar(a);
+	else
+		return bar(2);
+volatile int bob(int a)
+	a = bar(7);
+	if (a==2)
+		return 1;
+	else return 2;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	int x = foo(argc);
+	int y = bar(argc);
+	int z = bob(argc);
+	printf("out=%d\n", x+y+z);
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/test/test_context.sh b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/test/test_context.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7505a722b9b7c82cbbcaadc975e007deb7bea232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/test/test_context.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+cd $(dirname $(realpath $0) )
+ZAFL_PUT="$PUT.zafl $PUT.zafl.context_sensitive"
+	echo "TEST PASS: $1"
+	echo "TEST FAIL: $1"
+	exit 1
+	which afl-showmap >/dev/null 2>&1
+	if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
+		log_error "AFL doesn't seem to be installed. Try: 'sudo apt install afl' before proceeding or download/build afl directly from source"
+	fi
+	local orig=$1
+	local zafl=$2
+	shift
+	shift
+	zafl.sh $orig $zafl $@
+	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+		log_msg "build $zafl" 
+	else
+		log_error "build $zafl" 
+	fi
+	g++ test_context.c -o $PUT
+	for p in $*
+	do
+		build_one $p $p.zafl -v -t $p.analysis 
+		build_one $p $p.zafl.context_sensitive --enable-context-sensitivity function -v -t $p.analysis.context_sensitive
+	done
+	rm -fr ${PUT}* 
+	local arg=$1
+	shift
+	local orig_zafl=$1
+	shift
+	local all_configs=$*
+	./$orig_zafl $arg > $orig_zafl.output.orig
+	for p in $all_configs 
+	do
+		echo "Program under test: $p"
+		./${p} $arg > $p.output
+		diff $orig_zafl.output.orig $p.output
+		if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
+			log_error "output verification failure: $p.output"
+		fi
+	done
+	log_msg "output verified for $orig_zafl"
+zafl_all $PUT
+verify_output $MYARG $PUT $ZAFL_PUT
+afl-showmap -o $zafl_map -- ./${PUT}.zafl
+count_zafl=$(wc -l ${zafl_map} | cut -d' ' -f1)
+afl-showmap -o $zafl_cs_map -- ./${PUT}.zafl.context_sensitive
+count_zafl_cs=$(wc -l ${zafl_cs_map} | cut -d' ' -f1)
+# difference must be exactly 2
+let diff=$count_zafl_cs-$count_zafl
+if [ $diff -eq 2 ]; then
+	log_msg "context sensitive map has +2 entries over baseline zafl map"
+	log_error "context sensitive map does not have expected number of entries (should be +2): map_size(zafl):$count_zafl map_size(zafl_context_sensitive):$count_zafl_cs"
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.cpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.cpp
index 334894d3c4f2dde5f10b304b705fac86ddfcdc14..351671a2d8a7437007bddbdd220dc723f0c61369 100644
--- a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.cpp
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.cpp
@@ -73,15 +73,18 @@ void Zax_t::instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t *p_bb, const bool p_honorRedZone,
 	char *reg_temp16 = NULL;
 	char *reg_trace_map = NULL;
 	char *reg_prev_id = NULL;
+	char *reg_context = NULL;
+	char *reg_context16 = NULL;
 	auto save_temp = true;
 	auto save_trace_map = true;
 	auto save_prev_id = true;
+	auto save_context = (getContextSensitivity() != ContextSensitivity_None) ? true : false;
 	auto block_record=BBRecord_t();
 	const auto trace_map_fixed_addr       = getenv("ZAFL_TRACE_MAP_FIXED_ADDRESS");
 	const auto do_fixed_addr_optimization = (trace_map_fixed_addr!=nullptr);
-	const auto num_free_regs_desired = 3;
+	const auto num_free_regs_desired = save_context ? 4 : 3;
 	auto instr = getInstructionToInstrument(p_bb, num_free_regs_desired);
 	if (!instr) throw;
@@ -97,8 +100,8 @@ void Zax_t::instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t *p_bb, const bool p_honorRedZone,
 		auto regset = getDeadRegs(instr);
 		live_flags = regset.find(IRDB_SDK::rn_EFLAGS)==regset.end();
-		const auto allowed_regs = RegisterSet_t({rn_RAX, rn_RBX, rn_RCX, rn_RDX, rn_R8, rn_R9, rn_R10, rn_R11, rn_R12, rn_R13, rn_R14, rn_R15});
+		const auto allowed_regs = RegisterSet_t({rn_RAX, rn_RBX, rn_RCX, rn_RDX, rn_R8, rn_R9, rn_R10, rn_R11, rn_R12, rn_R13, rn_R14, rn_R15});
 		auto free_regs = getFreeRegs(regset, allowed_regs);
 		for (auto r : regset)
@@ -121,6 +124,13 @@ void Zax_t::instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t *p_bb, const bool p_honorRedZone,
 				save_prev_id = false;
+			else if (r == rn_R8 && save_context)
+			{
+				reg_context=strdup("r8");
+				reg_context16=strdup("r8w");
+				save_context = false;
+				free_regs.erase(r);
+			}
 		// if we failed to do the assignment, check for any other register to fill the assignment.
@@ -151,6 +161,19 @@ void Zax_t::instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t *p_bb, const bool p_honorRedZone,
 			save_prev_id = false;
+		if (getContextSensitivity() != ContextSensitivity_None)
+		{
+			if (free_regs.size() >= 1)
+			{
+				auto r = *free_regs.begin();
+				auto r16 = convertRegisterTo16bit(r);
+				reg_context = strdup(registerToString(r).c_str());
+				reg_context16 = strdup(registerToString(r16).c_str());
+				save_context = false;
+				free_regs.erase(r);
+			}
+		}
 	// In the event we couldn't find a free register, or we aren't using stars
@@ -161,13 +184,16 @@ void Zax_t::instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t *p_bb, const bool p_honorRedZone,
 	if (!reg_temp16)    reg_temp16    = strdup("ax");
 	if (!reg_trace_map) reg_trace_map = strdup("rcx");
 	if (!reg_prev_id)   reg_prev_id   = strdup("rdx");
+	if (!reg_context)   reg_context   = strdup("r8");
+	if (!reg_context16) reg_context16   = strdup("r8w");
 	if (m_verbose)
 		cout << "save_temp: " << save_temp << " save_trace_map: " << save_trace_map << " save_prev_id: " << save_prev_id << " live_flags: " << live_flags << endl;
 		cout << "reg_temp: " << reg_temp << " " << reg_temp32 << " " << reg_temp16 
 			<< " reg_trace_map: " << reg_trace_map
-			<< " reg_prev_id: " << reg_prev_id << endl;
+			<< " reg_prev_id: " << reg_prev_id
+			<< " reg_context: " << reg_context << endl;
 	// warning: first instrumentation must use insertAssemblyBefore
@@ -205,10 +231,11 @@ void Zax_t::instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t *p_bb, const bool p_honorRedZone,
 	// Omit saving any registers we don't need to save because we
 	// were able to locate a free register.
 	if (p_honorRedZone)  do_insert("lea rsp, [rsp-128]");
-	if (save_temp)            do_insert("push rax");
-	if (save_trace_map)       do_insert("push rcx");
-	if (save_prev_id)         do_insert("push rdx");
-	if (live_flags)           do_insert("pushf");
+	if (save_temp)       do_insert("push rax");
+	if (save_trace_map)  do_insert("push rcx");
+	if (save_prev_id)    do_insert("push rdx");
+	if (save_context)    do_insert("push r8");
+	if (live_flags)      do_insert("pushf");
 	const auto live_flags_str = live_flags ? "live" : "dead"; 
 	if (m_verbose) cout << "   flags are "  << live_flags_str << endl;
@@ -239,6 +266,17 @@ void Zax_t::instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t *p_bb, const bool p_honorRedZone,
 	create_got_reloc(getFileIR(), m_prev_id, tmp);
+	if (getContextSensitivity() != ContextSensitivity_None)
+	{
+		sprintf(buf, "C%d: mov  %s, QWORD [rel C%d]", labelid, reg_context, labelid); 
+		do_insert(buf);
+		create_got_reloc(getFileIR(), m_context_id, tmp);
+		sprintf(buf,"mov %s, [%s]", reg_context, reg_context);
+		do_insert(buf);
+	}
 	// if we are using a variable address trace map, generate the address.
@@ -248,6 +286,7 @@ void Zax_t::instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t *p_bb, const bool p_honorRedZone,
 		create_got_reloc(getFileIR(), m_trace_map, tmp);
+	// compute index into trace map
 	// do the calculation to has the previouus block ID with this block ID
 	// in the faster or slower fashion depending on the requested technique.
 	if (!p_collafl_optimization)
@@ -260,6 +299,14 @@ void Zax_t::instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t *p_bb, const bool p_honorRedZone,
 		sprintf(buf, "xor   %s,0x%x", reg_temp16, blockid);
+		// hash with calling context value
+		if (getContextSensitivity() != ContextSensitivity_None)
+		{
+			// xor ax, <context_id_register>
+			sprintf(buf, "xor   %s,%s", reg_temp16, reg_context16);
+			do_insert(buf);
+		}
 		//  15:   movzx  eax,ax                                
 		sprintf(buf,"movzx  %s,%s", reg_temp32, reg_temp16);
@@ -298,16 +345,18 @@ void Zax_t::instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t *p_bb, const bool p_honorRedZone,
 	sprintf(buf, "mov   %s, 0x%x", reg_temp32, blockid >> 1);
+	// store prev_id
 	//  23:   mov    WORD PTR [rdx],ax       
 	sprintf(buf, "mov    WORD [%s], %s", reg_prev_id, reg_temp16);
 	// finally, restore any flags/registers so that the program can execute.
-	if (live_flags)          do_insert("popf");
-	if (save_prev_id)        do_insert("pop rdx");
-	if (save_trace_map)      do_insert("pop rcx");
-	if (save_temp)           do_insert("pop rax");
-	if (p_honorRedZone) do_insert("lea rsp, [rsp+128]");
+	if (live_flags)       do_insert("popf");
+	if (save_context)     do_insert("pop r8");
+	if (save_prev_id)     do_insert("pop rdx");
+	if (save_trace_map)   do_insert("pop rcx");
+	if (save_temp)        do_insert("pop rax");
+	if (p_honorRedZone)   do_insert("lea rsp, [rsp+128]");
 	m_modifiedBlocks[blockid] = block_record;
@@ -319,5 +368,7 @@ void Zax_t::instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t *p_bb, const bool p_honorRedZone,
+	free(reg_context);
+	free(reg_context16);
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.cpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.cpp
index 90eb6f71ab83f022f8fe1f9f926b373f6957a975..bb723c66e1e915ab68ad709d549bba134b41e4b6 100644
--- a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.cpp
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.cpp
@@ -33,12 +33,14 @@
 #include <irdb-deep>
 #include "zax_base.hpp"
+#include "critical_edge_breaker.hpp"
 using namespace std;
 using namespace IRDB_SDK;
 using namespace Zafl;
 #define ALLOF(a) begin(a),end(a)
+#define FIRSTOF(a) (*(begin(a)))
 void create_got_reloc(FileIR_t* fir, pair<DataScoop_t*,int> wrt, Instruction_t* i)
@@ -118,6 +120,7 @@ ZaxBase_t::ZaxBase_t(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *p_va
 	m_trace_map = ed->appendGotEntry("zafl_trace_map");
 	m_prev_id = ed->appendGotEntry("zafl_prev_id");
+	m_context_id = ed->appendGotEntry("zafl_context");
 	// let's not instrument these functions ever
 	// see isBlacklisted() for other blacklisted functions
@@ -154,6 +157,10 @@ ZaxBase_t::ZaxBase_t(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *p_va
 	m_verbose = false;
 	m_bb_float_instrumentation = false;
+	setContextSensitivity(ContextSensitivity_None);
+	m_entry_point = nullptr;
 	m_labelid = 0;
 	m_blockid = 0;
@@ -171,6 +178,7 @@ ZaxBase_t::ZaxBase_t(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *p_va
 	m_num_exit_blocks_elided = 0;
 	m_num_entry_blocks_elided = 0;
 	m_num_single_block_function_elided = 0;
+	m_num_contexts = 0;
 void ZaxBase_t::setVerbose(bool p_verbose)
@@ -219,6 +227,28 @@ bool ZaxBase_t::getBasicBlockFloatingInstrumentation() const
 	return m_bb_float_instrumentation;
+void ZaxBase_t::setContextSensitivity(ContextSensitivity_t p_context_style)
+	m_context_sensitivity = p_context_style;
+	switch (m_context_sensitivity)
+	{
+		case ContextSensitivity_None:
+			cout << "disable context sensitivity" << endl;
+			break;
+		case ContextSensitivity_Function:
+			cout << "enable context sensitivity (style: function)" << endl;
+			break;
+		case ContextSensitivity_Callsite:
+			cout << "enable context sensitivity (style: callsite)" << endl;
+			break;
+	}
+ContextSensitivity_t ZaxBase_t::getContextSensitivity() const
+	return m_context_sensitivity;
  * Only allow instrumentation in whitelisted functions/instructions
  * Each line in file is either a function name or address
@@ -266,6 +296,24 @@ ZaflBlockId_t ZaxBase_t::getBlockId(const unsigned p_max)
 	return m_blockid;
+ZaflContextId_t ZaxBase_t::getContextId(const unsigned p_max)
+       auto counter = 0;
+       auto contextid = 0;
+       // only try getting new context id 100 times
+       // avoid returning duplicate if we can help it
+       while (counter++ < 100) {
+               contextid = rand() % p_max; 
+               if (m_used_contextid.find(contextid) == m_used_contextid.end())
+               {
+                       m_used_contextid.insert(contextid);
+                       return contextid;
+               }
+       }
+       return contextid;
 void ZaxBase_t::insertExitPoint(Instruction_t *p_inst)
@@ -304,6 +352,8 @@ void ZaxBase_t::insertForkServer(Instruction_t* p_entry)
 	cout << "Blacklisting entry point: " << ss.str() << endl;
+	m_entry_point = p_entry;
 	// insert the instrumentation
 	auto tmp=p_entry;
 	const auto regs = vector<string>({ "rdi", "rsi", "rbp", "rdx", "rcx", "rbx", "rax", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15"});
@@ -474,7 +524,7 @@ bool ZaxBase_t::isBlacklisted(const Instruction_t *p_inst) const
 	stringstream ss;
 	ss << "0x" << hex << p_inst->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset();
-	return (m_blacklist.count(ss.str()) > 0 || isBlacklisted(p_inst->getFunction()));
+	return (m_blacklist.count(ss.str()) > 0 || isBlacklisted(p_inst->getFunction()) || p_inst == m_entry_point);
 bool ZaxBase_t::isWhitelisted(const Instruction_t *p_inst) const
@@ -768,6 +818,9 @@ Instruction_t* ZaxBase_t::getInstructionToInstrument(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb, c
 	for (auto i : p_bb->getInstructions())
+		if (isBlacklisted(i))
+			continue;
 		const auto dead_regs = getDeadRegs(i);
 		const auto num_free_regs = getFreeRegs(dead_regs, allowed_regs).size();
@@ -805,6 +858,202 @@ Instruction_t* ZaxBase_t::getInstructionToInstrument(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb, c
 	return best_i;
+void ZaxBase_t::dumpAttributes()
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb=" << dec << m_num_bb << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_instrumented=" << m_num_bb_instrumented << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped=" << m_num_bb_skipped << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_pushjmp=" << m_num_bb_skipped_pushjmp << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_nop_padding=" << m_num_bb_skipped_nop_padding << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_float_instrumentation=" << m_num_bb_float_instrumentation << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_float_register_saved=" << m_num_bb_float_regs_saved << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE graph_optimize=" << boolalpha << m_graph_optimize << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_cond_branch=" << m_num_bb_skipped_cbranch << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_style_collafl=" << m_num_style_collafl << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_domgraph_blocks_elided=" << m_num_domgraph_blocks_elided << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_entry_blocks_elided=" << m_num_entry_blocks_elided << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_exit_blocks_elided=" << m_num_exit_blocks_elided << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_single_block_function_elided=" << m_num_single_block_function_elided << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_contexts=" << m_num_contexts << endl;
+// file dump of modified basic block info
+void ZaxBase_t::dumpMap()
+	getFileIR()->setBaseIDS();           // make sure instructions have IDs
+	getFileIR()->assembleRegistry();     // make sure to assemble all instructions
+	std::ofstream mapfile("zax.map");
+	mapfile << "# BLOCK_ID  ID_EP:size  ID_OLDEP:size (ID_INSTRUMENTATION:size)*" << endl;
+	for (auto &mb : m_modifiedBlocks)
+	{
+		const auto blockid = mb.first;
+		mapfile << dec << blockid << " ";
+		for (auto &entry : mb.second)
+		{
+			mapfile << hex << entry->getBaseID() << ":" << dec << entry->getDataBits().size() << " ";
+		}
+		mapfile << endl;
+	}
+void ZaxBase_t::addContextSensitivity_Callsite(const ControlFlowGraph_t& cfg)
+		assert(0);
+// update calling context hash at entry point
+// revert calling context hash on exit 
+void ZaxBase_t::addContextSensitivity_Function(const ControlFlowGraph_t& cfg)
+	bool inserted_before = false;
+	// don't bother with single block functions
+	if (cfg.getBlocks().size() == 1)
+		return;
+	m_num_contexts++;
+	//
+	// entry_point
+	//      context = prev_context % RANDOM_CONTEXT_ID
+	//
+	// exit point (returns)
+	//      context = prev_context % RANDOM_CONTEXT_ID
+	//
+	const auto do_insert=[&](Instruction_t* instr, const string& insn_str) -> Instruction_t*
+		{
+			if (inserted_before)
+			{
+				instr = insertAssemblyAfter(instr, insn_str);
+				return instr;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				insertAssemblyBefore(instr, insn_str);
+				inserted_before = true;
+				return instr;
+			}
+		};
+	auto compute_hash_chain = [&](ZaflContextId_t contextid, Instruction_t * instr, string reg_context, string reg_temp) -> Instruction_t*
+		{
+			auto labelid = getLabelId();
+			const auto hash_context_reloc = string("E") + to_string(labelid) + ": mov " + reg_context + ", QWORD [rel E" + to_string(labelid) + "]"; 
+			auto tmp = instr;
+			tmp = do_insert(tmp, hash_context_reloc);
+			create_got_reloc(getFileIR(), m_context_id, tmp);
+			const auto deref_context = string("mov ") + reg_temp + ", [" + reg_context + "]";
+			tmp = do_insert(tmp, deref_context);
+			const auto hash_chain = string("xor ") + reg_temp + ", " + to_string(contextid);
+			tmp = do_insert(tmp, hash_chain);
+			const auto store_context = string("mov [") + reg_context + "]" + "," + reg_temp;
+			tmp = do_insert(tmp, store_context);
+			//  5ae:   48 8b 05 23 0a 20 00    mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rip+0x200a23]        # 200fd8 <x>
+			//  5b5:   c7 00 d2 04 00 00       mov    DWORD PTR [rax],0x4d2
+			return tmp;
+		};
+	auto add_hash_context_instrumentation = [&](ZaflContextId_t contextid, Instruction_t* i)
+		{
+			inserted_before = false;
+			// look for instruction in entry block with at least 1 free reg
+			auto reg_context = string("r14");
+			auto reg_temp = string("r15");
+			bool save_context = false;
+			bool save_temp = false;
+			const auto allowed_regs = RegisterSet_t({rn_RAX, rn_RBX, rn_RCX, rn_RDX, rn_R8, rn_R9, rn_R10, rn_R11, rn_R12, rn_R13, rn_R14, rn_R15});
+			const auto dead_regs = getDeadRegs(i);
+			auto free_regs = getFreeRegs(dead_regs, allowed_regs);
+			// @todo: red zone?
+			if (free_regs.size() > 0)
+			{
+				reg_context = registerToString(FIRSTOF(free_regs));
+				free_regs.erase(FIRSTOF(free_regs));
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				save_context = true;
+				i = do_insert(i, "push " + reg_context);
+			}
+			if (free_regs.size() > 0)
+			{
+				reg_temp = registerToString(FIRSTOF(free_regs));
+				free_regs.erase(FIRSTOF(free_regs));
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				save_temp = true;
+				i = do_insert(i, "push " + reg_temp);
+			}
+			// compute new hash chain value
+			i = compute_hash_chain(contextid, i, reg_context, reg_temp);
+			if (save_temp)
+				i = do_insert(i, "pop " + reg_temp);
+			if (save_context)
+				i = do_insert(i, "pop " + reg_context);
+		};
+	auto contextid = getContextId();
+	auto entry_block = cfg.getEntry();
+	inserted_before = false;
+	add_hash_context_instrumentation(contextid, entry_block->getInstructions()[0]);
+	// find all exit blocks
+	auto find_exits = BasicBlockSet_t();
+	copy_if(ALLOF(cfg.getBlocks()), inserter(find_exits, find_exits.begin()), [entry_block](BasicBlock_t* bb) {
+			if (bb == entry_block) return false; 			
+			if (!bb->getIsExitBlock()) return false; 			
+			// make sure it's a ret
+			const auto last_instruction_index = bb->getInstructions().size() - 1;
+			return (bb->getInstructions()[last_instruction_index]->getDisassembly().find("ret")!=string::npos);
+		});
+	for (const auto &bb: find_exits)
+	{
+		const auto last_instruction_index = bb->getInstructions().size()-1;
+		inserted_before = false;
+		add_hash_context_instrumentation(contextid, bb->getInstructions()[last_instruction_index]);
+	}
+void ZaxBase_t::addContextSensitivity(const ControlFlowGraph_t& cfg)
+	if (m_entry_point && m_entry_point->getFunction())
+	{
+		cout << "cfg.func: " << cfg.getFunction()->getName() << " ep.func: " << m_entry_point->getFunction()->getName() << endl;
+		if (m_entry_point->getFunction()->getName() == cfg.getFunction()->getName())
+		{
+			cout << "Do not setup calling context in same function as entry point for fork server" << endl;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	if (getContextSensitivity() == ContextSensitivity_Callsite)
+		addContextSensitivity_Callsite(cfg);
+	else if (getContextSensitivity() == ContextSensitivity_Function)
+		addContextSensitivity_Function(cfg);
+	else if (getContextSensitivity() == ContextSensitivity_None)
+		return;
+	else
+		throw;
  * Execute the transform.
@@ -814,6 +1063,15 @@ Instruction_t* ZaxBase_t::getInstructionToInstrument(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb, c
 int ZaxBase_t::execute()
+	if (m_breakupCriticalEdges)
+	{
+		CriticalEdgeBreaker_t ceb(getFileIR(), m_verbose);
+		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_extra_blocks=" << ceb.getNumberExtraNodes() << endl;
+		getFileIR()->setBaseIDS();
+		getFileIR()->assembleRegistry();
+	}
 	// for all functions
@@ -931,6 +1189,16 @@ int ZaxBase_t::execute()
 		m_num_bb_instrumented += keepers.size();
 		m_num_bb_skipped += (num_blocks_in_func - keepers.size());
+		if (getContextSensitivity() != ContextSensitivity_None)
+		{
+			// this handles inserting the calling context sensitivity value
+			// at entry and exits of functions (todo: or at call sites a la Angora)
+ 			getFileIR()->assembleRegistry();
+		 	getFileIR()->setBaseIDS();
+			auto cs_cfg=ControlFlowGraph_t::factory(f);	
+			addContextSensitivity(*cs_cfg);
+		}
 		if (m_verbose)
@@ -943,46 +1211,9 @@ int ZaxBase_t::execute()
 		cout << "Function " << f->getName() << ":  " << dec << keepers.size() << "/" << num_blocks_in_func << " basic blocks instrumented." << endl;
 	return 1;
-void ZaxBase_t::dumpAttributes()
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb=" << dec << m_num_bb << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_instrumented=" << m_num_bb_instrumented << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped=" << m_num_bb_skipped << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_pushjmp=" << m_num_bb_skipped_pushjmp << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_nop_padding=" << m_num_bb_skipped_nop_padding << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_float_instrumentation=" << m_num_bb_float_instrumentation << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_float_register_saved=" << m_num_bb_float_regs_saved << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE graph_optimize=" << boolalpha << m_graph_optimize << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_cond_branch=" << m_num_bb_skipped_cbranch << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_style_collafl=" << m_num_style_collafl << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_domgraph_blocks_elided=" << m_num_domgraph_blocks_elided << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_entry_blocks_elided=" << m_num_entry_blocks_elided << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_exit_blocks_elided=" << m_num_exit_blocks_elided << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_single_block_function_elided=" << m_num_single_block_function_elided << endl;
-// file dump of modified basic block info
-void ZaxBase_t::dumpMap()
-	getFileIR()->setBaseIDS();           // make sure instructions have IDs
-	getFileIR()->assembleRegistry();     // make sure to assemble all instructions
-	std::ofstream mapfile("zax.map");
-	mapfile << "# BLOCK_ID  ID_EP:size  ID_OLDEP:size (ID_INSTRUMENTATION:size)*" << endl;
-	for (auto &mb : m_modifiedBlocks)
-	{
-		const auto blockid = mb.first;
-		mapfile << dec << blockid << " ";
-		for (auto &entry : mb.second)
-		{
-			mapfile << hex << entry->getBaseID() << ":" << dec << entry->getDataBits().size() << " ";
-		}
-		mapfile << endl;
-	}
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.hpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.hpp
index b2314dda630831cbba3fb3868709bb97416fc6f3..8f2a66f15dbbcf794fbfd968a923724d52425cca 100644
--- a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.hpp
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.hpp
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ namespace Zafl
 	using ZaflBlockId_t = uint32_t;
 	using ZaflLabelId_t = uint32_t;
+	using ZaflContextId_t = uint32_t;
 	using BBRecord_t = vector<Instruction_t*>;
 	using RegisterSet_t = IRDB_SDK::RegisterIDSet_t;
+	enum ContextSensitivity_t {ContextSensitivity_None, ContextSensitivity_Callsite, ContextSensitivity_Function};
 	 * Base class for afl-compatible instrumentation:
@@ -41,11 +43,13 @@ namespace Zafl
 			void setBasicBlockFloatingInstrumentation(bool);
 			void setEnableForkServer(bool);
 			void setBreakupCriticalEdges(bool);
+			void setContextSensitivity(ContextSensitivity_t);
 			void filterPaddingNOP(BasicBlockSet_t& p_in_out);
 			void filterBlocksByDomgraph(BasicBlockSet_t& in_out, const DominatorGraph_t  * dg );
 			void filterConditionalBranches(BasicBlockSet_t& p_in_out);
 			void filterEntryBlock(BasicBlockSet_t& in_out, BasicBlock_t* p_entry);
 			void filterExitBlocks(BasicBlockSet_t& in_out);
+			void addContextSensitivity(const ControlFlowGraph_t&);
 			ZaxBase_t(pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_entry, set<string> p_exits, bool p_use_stars=false, bool p_autozafl=false);
@@ -54,6 +58,7 @@ namespace Zafl
 			virtual ZaflBlockId_t getBlockId(const unsigned p_maxid=0xFFFF);
 			virtual ZaflLabelId_t getLabelId(const unsigned p_maxid=0xFFFF);
+			virtual ZaflContextId_t getContextId(const unsigned p_maxid=0xFFFF);
 			virtual BasicBlockSet_t getBlocksToInstrument (const ControlFlowGraph_t& cfg);
 			virtual Instruction_t* getInstructionToInstrument(const BasicBlock_t *, const unsigned p_num_free_regs_desired = 0);
 			virtual void setup();
@@ -73,10 +78,12 @@ namespace Zafl
 			bool BB_isPushJmp(const BasicBlock_t *) const;
 			bool BB_isPaddingNop(const BasicBlock_t *) const;
 			bool getBasicBlockFloatingInstrumentation() const;
+			ContextSensitivity_t getContextSensitivity() const;
 			bool hasLeafAnnotation(Function_t* fn) const;
 			RegisterSet_t getDeadRegs(Instruction_t* insn) const;
 			RegisterSet_t getFreeRegs(const RegisterSet_t& candidates, const RegisterSet_t& allowed) const;
+			void addContextSensitivity_Callsite(const ControlFlowGraph_t&);
+			void addContextSensitivity_Function(const ControlFlowGraph_t&);
 			pqxxDB_t&                      m_dbinterface;
@@ -91,13 +98,16 @@ namespace Zafl
 			bool                           m_breakupCriticalEdges;
 			bool                           m_bb_float_instrumentation;  // skip basic blocks based on graph
 			bool                           m_verbose;
 			pair<DataScoop_t*,int>         m_trace_map;  // afl shared memory trace map
 			pair<DataScoop_t*,int>         m_prev_id;    // id of previous block
+			pair<DataScoop_t*,int>         m_context_id;    // calling context variable
 			Instruction_t*                 m_plt_zafl_initAflForkServer; // plt entry for afl fork server initialization routine
+			set<ZaflContextId_t>           m_used_contextid;  // internal bookkeeping to keep track of used block ids
 			map<ZaflBlockId_t, BBRecord_t> m_modifiedBlocks;  // keep track of modified blocks
+			ContextSensitivity_t           m_context_sensitivity;  // none, @callsite, @function
 			// stats
 			size_t m_num_bb;
 			size_t m_num_bb_instrumented;
@@ -112,6 +122,7 @@ namespace Zafl
 			size_t m_num_entry_blocks_elided;
 			size_t m_num_exit_blocks_elided;
 			size_t m_num_single_block_function_elided;
+			size_t m_num_contexts;
 			string          m_fork_server_entry;  // string to specify fork server entry point
@@ -120,6 +131,7 @@ namespace Zafl
 			set<string>     m_blacklist;          // blacklisted functions and/or instructions
 			ZaflLabelId_t   m_labelid;            // internal bookkeeping to generate labels
 			ZaflBlockId_t   m_blockid;            // internal bookkeeping to generate labels
+			Instruction_t*  m_entry_point;        // entry point where fork server was inserted
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_driver.cpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_driver.cpp
index 40ff623696b475370316d08e1ecdcfac45d9c1bf..6b3493bbbb6352848ca762165e59c6130bd4eef9 100644
--- a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_driver.cpp
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_driver.cpp
@@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ static void usage(char* name)
 	cerr<<"\t[--enable-critical-edge-breakup|-c]            Breakup critical edges"<<endl;
 	cerr<<"\t[--disable-critical-edge-breakup|-C]           Do not breakup critical edges (default)"<<endl;
 	cerr<<"\t[--enable-floating-instrumentation|-i]         Select best instrumentation within basic block"<<endl;
-	cerr<<"\t[--disable-floating-instrumentation|-I]        Instrument firt instruction in basic blocks"<<endl;
+	cerr<<"\t[--disable-floating-instrumentation|-I]        Instrument first instruction in basic blocks"<<endl;
+	cerr<<"\t[--enable-context-sensitivity <style>]         Use calling context sensitivity, style={callsite,function}"<<endl;
+	cerr<<"\t[--disable-context-sensitivity]                Disable calling context sensitivity"<<endl;
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
@@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	auto untracer_mode=false;
 	auto breakup_critical_edges=false;
 	auto floating_instrumentation=false;
+	auto context_sensitivity=ContextSensitivity_None;
 	set<string> exitpoints;
@@ -100,9 +103,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 		{"disable-critical-edge-breakup", no_argument, 0, 'C'},
 		{"enable-floating-instrumentation", no_argument, 0, 'i'},
 		{"disable-floating-instrumentation", no_argument, 0, 'I'},
+		{"enable-context-sensitivity", required_argument, 0, 'z'},
-	const char* short_opts="e:E:w:sv?hagGdDfFucCiI";
+	const char* short_opts="z:e:E:w:sv?hagGdDfFucCiI";
@@ -172,6 +176,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 		case 'I':
+		case 'z':
+			if (optarg == string("callsite"))
+				context_sensitivity=ContextSensitivity_Callsite; // Angora fuzzer style
+			else if (optarg == string("function"))
+				context_sensitivity=ContextSensitivity_Function;
+			else
+				context_sensitivity=ContextSensitivity_None;
+			break;
@@ -231,6 +243,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+			zax->setContextSensitivity(context_sensitivity); 
 			int success=zax->execute();
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.cpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.cpp
index 2018809ea64c450419b0f2ea95772860df79e6ba..82cb301283b458de1c339445b32ed3e5452ff7c8 100644
--- a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.cpp
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 #include "zuntracer.hpp"
-#include "critical_edge_breaker.hpp"
 using namespace std;
 using namespace IRDB_SDK;
@@ -226,22 +225,3 @@ set<BasicBlock_t*> ZUntracer_t::getBlocksToInstrument(ControlFlowGraph_t &cfg)
 	return keepers;
-// breakup critical edges
-// use block-level instrumentation
-int ZUntracer_t::execute()
-	if (m_breakupCriticalEdges)
-	{
-		CriticalEdgeBreaker_t ceb(getFileIR(), m_verbose);
-		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_extra_blocks=" << ceb.getNumberExtraNodes() << endl;
-		getFileIR()->setBaseIDS();
-		getFileIR()->assembleRegistry();
-	}
-	return ZaxBase_t::execute();
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.hpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.hpp
index b122f1b847d4d773bf78a566da370395fb6d2ba8..eba33a8874d490d4fdaefd6f393e0e8676f50ecb 100644
--- a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.hpp
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.hpp
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ namespace Zafl
 			ZUntracer_t(const ZUntracer_t&) = delete;
 			ZUntracer_t(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_entry, set<string> p_exits, bool p_use_stars=false, bool p_autozafl=false);
 			virtual ~ZUntracer_t() {};
-			virtual int execute();
 			virtual void instrumentBasicBlock(BasicBlock_t*, const bool p_hasLeafAnnotation, const bool p_collafl_optimization=false);
diff --git a/bin/zafl.sh b/bin/zafl.sh
index d29ef894cc8eb08f4fa5c36c7ef658a64aea6138..8af80beecec7773afe94257545943eb0952b9d10 100755
--- a/bin/zafl.sh
+++ b/bin/zafl.sh
@@ -36,15 +36,17 @@ usage()
 	echo "     -M, --disable-fixed-map                 Disable fixed address tracing map (default)"
 	echo "     -i, --enable-floating-instrumentation   Select best instrumentation point within basic block (default)"
 	echo "     -I, --disable-floating-instrumentation  Use first instruction for instrumentation in basic blocks"
+	echo "     --enable-context-sensitivity <style>      style={callsite,function} only function supported currently"
 	echo "     -v                                      Verbose mode" 
 ida_or_rida_opt=" -c rida "
 stars_opt=" -o zax:--stars "
-zax_opt=" "
 float_opt=" -o zax:--enable-floating-instrumentation "
@@ -180,13 +182,32 @@ parse_args()
 			-i | --enable-floating-instrumentation)
-				float_opt= " -o zax:--enable-floating-instrumentation "
+				float_opt=" -o zax:--enable-floating-instrumentation "
 			-I | --disable-floating-instrumentation)
-				float_opt= " -o zax:--disable-floating-instrumentation "
+				float_opt=" -o zax:--disable-floating-instrumentation "
+				shift
+				;;
+			--enable-context-sensitivity)
+				case $1 in
+					function)
+						context_sensitivity_opt=" -o zax:\"--enable-context-sensitivity function\" "
+						shift
+					;;
+					callsite)
+						context_sensitivity_opt=" -o zax:--enable-context-sensitivity callsite "
+						echo "Error: context sensitivity <callsite> currently unsupported"
+						exit 1
+					;;
+					*)
+						echo "Error: must specify function or callsite for context sensitivity"
+						exit 1
+					;;
+				esac
 			-*|--*=) # unsupported flags
 				echo "Error: Unsupported flag $1" >&2
 				exit 1
@@ -292,7 +313,7 @@ fi
 log_msg "Transforming input binary $input_binary into $output_zafl_binary"
-zax_opt=" $zax_opt $float_opt "
+zax_opt=" $zax_opt $float_opt $context_sensitivity_opt "
 cmd="$ZAFL_TM_ENV $PSZ $input_binary $output_zafl_binary $ida_or_rida_opt -c move_globals=on -c zax=on -o move_globals:--elftables-only $stars_opt $zax_opt $verbose_opt $options $other_args"
 if [ ! -z "$ZAFL_TM_ENV" ]; then
diff --git a/libzafl b/libzafl
index 6f6f7350dc73d7305b58353b638be10148667015..97b561cb943dd9a15b3388cb19bd457eaf98fa37 160000
--- a/libzafl
+++ b/libzafl
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 6f6f7350dc73d7305b58353b638be10148667015
+Subproject commit 97b561cb943dd9a15b3388cb19bd457eaf98fa37