diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.cpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.cpp
index 620a218bdbd22d065c68b33b0576fc961fbc88e0..e592add3bc7877de816e44fc5570775ed55d3267 100644
--- a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.cpp
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.cpp
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
 #include <irdb-cfg>
 #include <irdb-transform>
 #include <irdb-elfdep>
-#include <MEDS_DeadRegAnnotation.hpp>
-#include <MEDS_SafeFuncAnnotation.hpp>
 #include "zax.hpp"
@@ -39,256 +37,32 @@ using namespace IRDB_SDK;
 using namespace Zafl;
 using namespace MEDS_Annotation;
-#define ALLOF(a) begin(a),end(a)
-Zax_t::Zax_t(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_forkServerEntryPoint, set<string> p_exitPoints, bool p_use_stars, bool p_autozafl, bool p_verbose)
-	:
-	Transform(p_variantIR),
-	m_dbinterface(p_dbinterface),
-	m_stars_analysis_engine(p_dbinterface),
-	m_fork_server_entry(p_forkServerEntryPoint),
-	m_exitpoints(p_exitPoints),
-	m_use_stars(p_use_stars),
-	m_autozafl(p_autozafl),
-	m_bb_graph_optimize(false),
-	m_forkserver_enabled(true),
-	m_breakupCriticalEdges(false),
-	m_verbose(p_verbose)
-	if (m_use_stars) {
-		cout << "Use STARS analysis engine" << endl;
-		m_stars_analysis_engine.do_STARS(getFileIR());
-	}
-	auto ed=ElfDependencies_t::factory(getFileIR());
-	if (p_autozafl)
-	{
-		cout << "autozafl library is on" << endl;
-		(void)ed->prependLibraryDepedencies("libautozafl.so");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		cout << "autozafl library is off" << endl;
-		(void)ed->prependLibraryDepedencies("libzafl.so");
-	}
-	if (m_verbose)
-		cout << "verbose mode is on" << endl;
-	else
-		cout << "verbose mode is off" << endl;
-	// bind to external symbols declared in libzafl.so
-	m_plt_zafl_initAflForkServer=ed->appendPltEntry("zafl_initAflForkServer");
-        m_trace_map = ed->appendGotEntry("zafl_trace_map");
-        m_prev_id = ed->appendGotEntry("zafl_prev_id");
-	// let's not instrument these functions ever
-	// see isBlacklisted() for other blacklisted functions
-	m_blacklist.insert("init");
-	m_blacklist.insert("_init");
-	m_blacklist.insert("start");
-	m_blacklist.insert("_start");
-	m_blacklist.insert("fini");
-	m_blacklist.insert("_fini");
-	m_blacklist.insert("register_tm_clones");
-	m_blacklist.insert("deregister_tm_clones");
-	m_blacklist.insert("frame_dummy");
-	m_blacklist.insert("__do_global_ctors_aux");
-	m_blacklist.insert("__do_global_dtors_aux");
-	m_blacklist.insert("__libc_csu_init");
-	m_blacklist.insert("__libc_csu_fini");
-	m_blacklist.insert("__libc_start_main");
-	m_blacklist.insert("__gmon_start__");
-	m_blacklist.insert("__cxa_atexit");
-	m_blacklist.insert("__cxa_finalize");
-	m_blacklist.insert("__assert_fail");
-	m_blacklist.insert("free");
-	m_blacklist.insert("fnmatch");
-	m_blacklist.insert("readlinkat");
-	m_blacklist.insert("malloc");
-	m_blacklist.insert("calloc");
-	m_blacklist.insert("realloc");
-	m_blacklist.insert("argp_failure");
-	m_blacklist.insert("argp_help");
-	m_blacklist.insert("argp_state_help");
-	m_blacklist.insert("argp_error");
-	m_blacklist.insert("argp_parse");
-	m_labelid = 0;
-	m_num_bb = 0;
-	m_num_bb_instrumented = 0;
-	m_num_bb_skipped = 0;
-	m_num_bb_skipped_pushjmp = 0;
-	m_num_bb_skipped_nop_padding = 0;
-	m_num_bb_skipped_innernode = 0;
-	m_num_bb_skipped_cbranch = 0;
-	m_num_bb_skipped_onlychild = 0;
-	m_num_bb_keep_exit_block = 0;
-	m_num_bb_keep_cbranch_back_edge = 0;
-	m_num_style_collafl = 0;
-void Zax_t::setBreakupCriticalEdges(const bool p_breakupEdges)
-	m_breakupCriticalEdges = p_breakupEdges;
-void create_got_reloc(FileIR_t* fir, pair<DataScoop_t*,int> wrt, Instruction_t* i)
+Zax_t::Zax_t(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_forkServerEntryPoint, set<string> p_exitPoints, bool p_use_stars, bool p_autozafl) : ZaxBase_t(p_dbinterface, p_variantIR, p_forkServerEntryPoint, p_exitPoints, p_use_stars, p_autozafl)
-	/*
-        auto r=new Relocation_t(BaseObj_t::NOT_IN_DATABASE, wrt.second, "pcrel", wrt.first);
-        fir->getRelocations().insert(r);
-        i->getRelocations().insert(r);
-	*/
-	(void)fir->addNewRelocation(i,wrt.second, "pcrel", wrt.first);
-RegisterSet_t get_dead_regs(Instruction_t* insn, MEDS_AnnotationParser &meds_ap_param)
-        std::pair<MEDS_Annotations_t::iterator,MEDS_Annotations_t::iterator> ret;
-        /* find it in the annotations */
-        ret = meds_ap_param.getAnnotations().equal_range(insn->getBaseID());
-        MEDS_DeadRegAnnotation* p_annotation;
-        /* for each annotation for this instruction */
-        for (MEDS_Annotations_t::iterator it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it)
-        {
-                        p_annotation=dynamic_cast<MEDS_DeadRegAnnotation*>(it->second);
-                        if(p_annotation==NULL)
-                                continue;
-                        /* bad annotation? */
-                        if(!p_annotation->isValid())
-                                continue;
-                        return p_annotation->getRegisterSet();
-        }
-        /* couldn't find the annotation, return an empty set.*/
-        return RegisterSet_t();
-// return intersection of candidates and allowed general-purpose registers
-RegisterSet_t get_free_regs(const RegisterSet_t candidates, const RegisterSet_t allowed)
-	std::set<RegisterName> free_regs;
-	set_intersection(candidates.begin(),candidates.end(),allowed.begin(),allowed.end(),
-                  std::inserter(free_regs,free_regs.begin()));
-	return free_regs;
-static bool hasLeafAnnotation(Function_t* fn, MEDS_AnnotationParser &meds_ap_param)
-	assert(fn);
-        const auto ret = meds_ap_param.getFuncAnnotations().equal_range(fn->getName());
-	const auto sfa_it = find_if(ret.first, ret.second, [](const MEDS_Annotations_FuncPair_t &it)
-		{
-			auto p_annotation=dynamic_cast<MEDS_SafeFuncAnnotation*>(it.second);
-			if(p_annotation==NULL)
-				return false;
-			return p_annotation->isLeaf();
-		}
-	);
-	return (sfa_it != ret.second);
-bool Zax_t::BB_isPaddingNop(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb)
-	return p_bb->getInstructions().size()==1 && 
-	       p_bb->getPredecessors().size()==0 &&
-	       p_bb->getSuccessors().size()==1 &&
-	       p_bb->getInstructions()[0]->getDisassembly().find("nop")!=string::npos;
-bool Zax_t::BB_isPushJmp(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb)
-	return p_bb->getInstructions().size()==2 && 
-	       p_bb->getInstructions()[0]->getDisassembly().find("push")!=string::npos &&
-	       p_bb->getInstructions()[1]->getDisassembly().find("jmp")!=string::npos;
- * Only allow instrumentation in whitelisted functions/instructions
- * Each line in file is either a function name or address
+ * Return random block id
+ * Try to avoid duplicate ids
-void Zax_t::setWhitelist(const string& p_whitelist)
-	std::ifstream whitelistFile(p_whitelist);
-	if (!whitelistFile.is_open())
-		throw;
-	std::string line;
-	while(whitelistFile >> line)
-	{
-		cout <<"Adding " << line << " to white list" << endl;
-		m_whitelist.insert(line);
-	}
-	whitelistFile.close();
- * Disallow instrumentation in blacklisted functions/instructions
- * Each line in file is either a function name or address
- */
-void Zax_t::setBlacklist(const string& p_blackList)
-	std::ifstream blackListFile(p_blackList);
-	if (!blackListFile.is_open())
-		throw;
-	std::string line;
-	while(blackListFile >> line)
-	{
-		cout <<"Adding " << line << " to black list" << endl;
-		m_blacklist.insert(line);
-	}
-	blackListFile.close();
 zafl_blockid_t Zax_t::get_blockid(const unsigned p_max) 
-	auto counter = 0;
-	auto blockid = 0;
-	// only try getting new block id 100 times
-	// avoid returning duplicate if we can help it
-	while (counter++ < 100) {
-		blockid = rand() % p_max; 
-		if (m_used_blockid.find(blockid) == m_used_blockid.end())
-		{
-			m_used_blockid.insert(blockid);
-			return blockid;
-		}
-	}
-	return blockid;
-zafl_labelid_t Zax_t::get_labelid(const unsigned p_max) 
-	return m_labelid++;
-void Zax_t::insertExitPoint(Instruction_t *p_inst)
-	assert(p_inst->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset());
-	if (p_inst->getFunction())
-		cout << "in function: " << p_inst->getFunction()->getName() << " ";
-	stringstream ss;
-	ss << hex << p_inst->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset();
-	m_blacklist.insert(ss.str());
-	cout << "insert exit point at: 0x" << ss.str() << endl;
-	auto tmp = p_inst;
-	     insertAssemblyBefore(tmp, "xor edi, edi"); //  rdi=0
-	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp, "mov eax, 231"); //  231 = __NR_exit_group   from <asm/unistd_64.h>
-	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp, "syscall");      //  sys_exit_group(edi)
+       auto counter = 0;
+       auto blockid = 0;
+       // only try getting new block id 100 times
+       // avoid returning duplicate if we can help it
+       while (counter++ < 100) {
+               blockid = rand() % p_max; 
+               if (m_used_blockid.find(blockid) == m_used_blockid.end())
+               {
+                       m_used_blockid.insert(blockid);
+                       return blockid;
+               }
+       }
+       return blockid;
 	Original afl instrumentation:
 	        block_id = <random>;
@@ -555,544 +329,3 @@ void Zax_t::afl_instrument_bb(Instruction_t *p_inst, const bool p_honorRedZone,
-void Zax_t::insertForkServer(Instruction_t* p_entry)
-	assert(p_entry);
-	stringstream ss;
-	ss << "0x" << hex << p_entry->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset();
-	cout << "inserting fork server code at address: " << ss.str() << dec << endl;
-	assert(p_entry->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset());
-	if (p_entry->getFunction()) {
-		cout << " function: " << p_entry->getFunction()->getName();
-		cout << " ep instr: " << p_entry->getDisassembly() << endl;
-	}
-	cout << endl;
-	// blacklist insertion point
-	cout << "Blacklisting entry point: " << ss.str() << endl;
-	m_blacklist.insert(ss.str());
-	// insert the instrumentation
-	auto tmp=p_entry;
-	const auto regs = vector<string>({ "rdi", "rsi", "rbp", "rdx", "rcx", "rbx", "rax", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15"});
-	// red zone
-	(void)insertAssemblyBefore(tmp, "lea rsp, [rsp-128]");
-	// save flags and registrers
-	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp,  "pushf ") ;
-	for (vector<string>::const_iterator rit = regs.begin(); rit != regs.end(); ++rit)
-		tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp, " push " + *rit);
-	// call fork server initialization routine (in external library)
-	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp,  "call 0 ", m_plt_zafl_initAflForkServer) ;
-	// restore registers and flags
-	for (vector<string>::const_reverse_iterator rit = regs.rbegin(); rit != regs.rend(); ++rit)
-    		tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp, " pop " + *rit) ;
-	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp,  "popf ") ;
-	// red zome
-	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp,  "lea rsp, [rsp+128]");
-void Zax_t::insertForkServer(string p_forkServerEntry)
-	assert(p_forkServerEntry.size() > 0);
-	cout << "looking for fork server entry point: " << p_forkServerEntry << endl;
-	if (std::isdigit(p_forkServerEntry[0]))
-	{
-		// find instruction to insert fork server based on address
-		const auto voffset = (VirtualOffset_t) std::strtoul(p_forkServerEntry.c_str(), NULL, 16);
-		auto instructions=find_if(getFileIR()->getInstructions().begin(), getFileIR()->getInstructions().end(), [&](const Instruction_t* i) {
-				return i->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset()==voffset;
-			});
-		if (instructions==getFileIR()->getInstructions().end())
-		{
-			cerr << "Error: could not find address to insert fork server: " << p_forkServerEntry << endl;
-			throw;
-		}
-		insertForkServer(*instructions);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// find entry point of specified function to insert fork server
-		auto entryfunc=find_if(getFileIR()->getFunctions().begin(), getFileIR()->getFunctions().end(), [&](const Function_t* f) {
-				return f->getName()==p_forkServerEntry;
-			});
-		if(entryfunc==getFileIR()->getFunctions().end())
-		{
-			cerr << "Error: could not find function to insert fork server: " << p_forkServerEntry << endl;
-			throw;
-		}
-		cout << "inserting fork server code at entry point of function: " << p_forkServerEntry << endl;
-		auto entrypoint = (*entryfunc)->getEntryPoint();
-		if (!entrypoint) 
-		{
-			cerr << "Could not find entry point for: " << p_forkServerEntry << endl;
-			throw;
-		}
-		insertForkServer(entrypoint);
-	}
-void Zax_t::setupForkServer()
-	if (m_fork_server_entry.size()>0)
-	{
-		// user has specified entry point
-		insertForkServer(m_fork_server_entry);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// try to insert fork server at main
-		const auto &all_funcs=getFileIR()->getFunctions();
-		const auto main_func_it=find_if(all_funcs.begin(), all_funcs.end(), [&](const Function_t* f) { return f->getName()=="main";});
-		if(main_func_it!=all_funcs.end())
-		{
-			insertForkServer("main"); 
-		}
-	}
-	// it's ok not to have a fork server at all, e.g. libraries
-void Zax_t::insertExitPoints()
-	for (auto exitp : m_exitpoints)
-	{
-		if (std::isdigit(exitp[0]))
-		{
-			// find instruction to insert fork server based on address
-			const auto voffset = (VirtualOffset_t) std::strtoul(exitp.c_str(), NULL, 16);
-			auto instructions=find_if(getFileIR()->getInstructions().begin(), getFileIR()->getInstructions().end(), [&](const Instruction_t* i) {
-					return i->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset()==voffset;
-				});
-			if (instructions==getFileIR()->getInstructions().end())
-			{
-				cerr << "Error: could not find address to insert exit point: " << exitp << endl;
-				throw;
-			}
-			insertExitPoint(*instructions);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// find function by name
-			auto func_iter=find_if(getFileIR()->getFunctions().begin(), getFileIR()->getFunctions().end(), [&](const Function_t* f) {
-				return f->getName()==exitp;
-			});
-			if(func_iter==getFileIR()->getFunctions().end())
-			{
-				cerr << "Error: could not find function to insert exit points: " << exitp << endl;
-				throw;
-			}
-			cout << "inserting exit code at return points of function: " << exitp << endl;
-			for (auto i : (*func_iter)->getInstructions())
-			{
-				if (i->getBaseID() >= 0)
-				{
-					const auto d=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(i);
-					// if it's a return instruction, add exit point
-					if (d->isReturn())
-					{
-						insertExitPoint(i);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-static bool isConditionalBranch(const Instruction_t *i)
-	const auto d=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(i);
-	return (d->isConditionalBranch());
-static void walkSuccessors(set<BasicBlock_t*> &p_visited_successors, BasicBlock_t *p_bb, BasicBlock_t *p_target)
-	if (p_bb == NULL || p_target == NULL) 
-		return;
-	for (auto b : p_bb->getSuccessors())
-	{
-		if (p_visited_successors.find(b) == p_visited_successors.end())
-		{
-//			cout << "bb anchored at " << b->getInstructions()[0]->getBaseID() << " is a successor of bb anchored at " << p_bb->getInstructions()[0]->getBaseID() << endl;
-			p_visited_successors.insert(b);
-			if (p_visited_successors.find(p_target) != p_visited_successors.end())
-				return;
-			walkSuccessors(p_visited_successors, b, p_target);
-		}
-	}
-// @nb: move in BB class?
-static bool hasBackEdge(BasicBlock_t *p_bb)
-	assert(p_bb);
-	if (p_bb->getPredecessors().find(p_bb)!=p_bb->getPredecessors().end()) 
-		return true;
-	if (p_bb->getSuccessors().find(p_bb)!=p_bb->getSuccessors().end()) 
-		return true;
-	if (p_bb->getSuccessors().size() == 0) 
-		return false;
-	// walk successors recursively
-	set<BasicBlock_t*> all_successors;
-	cout << "Walk successors for bb anchored at: " << p_bb->getInstructions()[0]->getBaseID() << endl;
-	walkSuccessors(all_successors, p_bb, p_bb);
-	if (all_successors.find(p_bb)!=all_successors.end())
-		return true;
-	return false;
-// blacklist functions:
-//     - in blacklist
-//     - that start with '.'
-//     - that end with @plt
-bool Zax_t::isBlacklisted(const Function_t *p_func) const
-	return (p_func->getName()[0] == '.' || 
-	        p_func->getName().find("@plt") != string::npos ||
-	        m_blacklist.find(p_func->getName())!=m_blacklist.end());
-bool Zax_t::isWhitelisted(const Function_t *p_func) const
-	if (m_whitelist.size() == 0) return true;
-	return (m_whitelist.find(p_func->getName())!=m_whitelist.end());
-bool Zax_t::isBlacklisted(const Instruction_t *p_inst) const
-	stringstream ss;
-	ss << "0x" << hex << p_inst->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset();
-	return (m_blacklist.count(ss.str()) > 0 || isBlacklisted(p_inst->getFunction()));
-bool Zax_t::isWhitelisted(const Instruction_t *p_inst) const
-	if (m_whitelist.size() == 0) return true;
-	stringstream ss;
-	ss << "0x" << hex << p_inst->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset();
-	return (m_whitelist.count(ss.str()) > 0 || isWhitelisted(p_inst->getFunction()));
-void Zax_t::setup()
-	if (m_forkserver_enabled)
-		setupForkServer();
-	else
-		cout << "Fork server has been disabled" << endl;
-	insertExitPoints();
-void Zax_t::teardown()
-	dumpAttributes();
-	dumpMap();
-// in: control flow graph for a given function
-// out: set of basic blocks to instrument
-set<BasicBlock_t*> Zax_t::getBlocksToInstrument(ControlFlowGraph_t &cfg)
-	static int bb_debug_id=-1;
-	if (m_verbose)
-		cout << cfg << endl;
-	auto keepers = set<BasicBlock_t*>();
-	for (auto &bb : cfg.getBlocks())
-	{
-		assert(bb->getInstructions().size() > 0);
-		bb_debug_id++;
-		// already marked as a keeper
-		if (keepers.find(bb) != keepers.end())
-			continue;
-		// if whitelist specified, only allow instrumentation for functions/addresses in whitelist
-		if (m_whitelist.size() > 0) 
-		{
-			if (!isWhitelisted(bb->getInstructions()[0]))
-			{
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
-		if (isBlacklisted(bb->getInstructions()[0]))
-			continue;
-		// debugging support
-		if (getenv("ZAFL_LIMIT_BEGIN"))
-		{
-			if (bb_debug_id < atoi(getenv("ZAFL_LIMIT_BEGIN")))
-				continue;	
-		}
-		// debugging support
-		if (getenv("ZAFL_LIMIT_END"))
-		{
-			if (bb_debug_id >= atoi(getenv("ZAFL_LIMIT_END"))) 
-				continue;
-		}
-		// make sure we're not trying to instrument code we just inserted, e.g., fork server, added exit points
-		if (bb->getInstructions()[0]->getBaseID() < 0)
-			continue;
-		// push/jmp pair, don't bother instrumenting
-		if (BB_isPushJmp(bb))
-		{
-			m_num_bb_skipped_pushjmp++;
-			continue;
-		}
-		// padding nop, don't bother
-		if (BB_isPaddingNop(bb))
-		{
-			m_num_bb_skipped_nop_padding++;
-			continue;
-		}
-		// optimization:
-		//    inner node: 1 predecessor and 1 successor
-		//    
-		//    predecessor has only 1 successor (namely this bb)
-		//    bb has 1 predecessor 
-		if (m_bb_graph_optimize)
-		{
-			if (bb->getSuccessors().size() == 2 && bb->endsInConditionalBranch())
-			{
-				m_num_bb_skipped_cbranch++;
-				continue;
-			}
-			auto point_to_self = false;
-			if (bb->getPredecessors().find(bb)!=bb->getPredecessors().end()) {
-				point_to_self = true;
-			}
-			if (bb->getPredecessors().size()==1 && !point_to_self)
-			{
-				if (bb->getSuccessors().size() == 1 && 
-					(!bb->getInstructions()[0]->getIndirectBranchTargetAddress()))
-				{
-					cout << "Skipping bb #" << dec << bb_debug_id << " because inner node with 1 predecessor and 1 successor" << endl;
-					m_num_bb_skipped_innernode++;
-					continue;
-				}
-				const auto pred = *(bb->getPredecessors().begin());
-				if (pred->getSuccessors().size() == 1)
-				{
-					if (!bb->getInstructions()[0]->getIndirectBranchTargetAddress())
-					{
-						cout << "Skipping bb #" << dec << bb_debug_id << " because not ibta, <1,*> and preds <*,1>" << endl;
-						m_num_bb_skipped_onlychild++;
-						continue;
-					} 
-					if (pred->GetIsExitBlock())
-					{
-						m_num_bb_skipped_onlychild++;
-						cout << "Skipping bb #" << dec << bb_debug_id << " because ibta, <1,*> and preds(exit_block) <*,1>" << endl;
-						continue;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// optimization conditional branch:
-			//     elide conditional branch when no back edges
-			if (bb->getSuccessors().size() == 2 && isConditionalBranch(bb->getInstructions()[bb->getInstructions().size()-1]))
-			{
-				if (hasBackEdge(bb)) 
-				{
-					cout << "Keeping bb #" << dec << bb_debug_id << " conditional branch has back edge" << endl;
-					m_num_bb_keep_cbranch_back_edge++;
-					keepers.insert(bb);
-					continue;
-				}
-				for (auto &s: bb->getSuccessors())
-				{
-					if (s->GetIsExitBlock() || s->getSuccessors().size()==0)
-					{
-						m_num_bb_keep_exit_block++;
-						keepers.insert(s);
-					}
-				}
-				cout << "Skipping bb #" << dec << bb_debug_id << " because conditional branch with 2 successors" << endl;
-				m_num_bb_skipped_cbranch++;
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
-		keepers.insert(bb);
-	}
-	return keepers;
- * Execute the transform.
- *
- * preconditions: the FileIR is read as from the IRDB. valid file listing functions to auto-initialize
- * postcondition: instructions added to auto-initialize stack for each specified function
- *
- */
-int Zax_t::execute()
-	setup();
-	// for all functions
-	//    build cfg and extract basic blocks
-	//    for all basic blocks, figure out whether should be kept
-	//    for all kept basic blocks
-	//          add afl-compatible instrumentation
-	struct BaseIDSorter
-	{
-		bool operator()( const Function_t* lhs, const Function_t* rhs ) const 
-		{
-			return lhs->getBaseID() < rhs->getBaseID();
-		}
-	};
-	auto sortedFuncs=set<Function_t*, BaseIDSorter>( ALLOF(getFileIR()->getFunctions()));
-	for(auto f :  sortedFuncs)
-	{
-		if (f == nullptr )       continue;
-		// skip instrumentation for blacklisted functions 
-		if (isBlacklisted(f))    continue;
-		// skip if function has no entry point
-		if (!f->getEntryPoint()) continue;
-		bool leafAnnotation = true;
-		if (m_use_stars) 
-		{
-			leafAnnotation = hasLeafAnnotation(f, m_stars_analysis_engine.getAnnotations());
-		}
-//		auto cfg=ControlFlowGraph_t(f);
-		auto cfgp = ControlFlowGraph_t::factory(f);
-		auto &cfg = *cfgp;
-		const auto num_blocks_in_func = cfg.getBlocks().size();
-		m_num_bb += num_blocks_in_func;
-		auto keepers = getBlocksToInstrument(cfg);
-		struct BBSorter
-		{
-			bool operator()( const BasicBlock_t* lhs, const BasicBlock_t* rhs ) const 
-			{
-				const auto lhs_insns=lhs->getInstructions();
-				const auto rhs_insns=rhs->getInstructions();
-				assert(lhs_insns[0]->getBaseID() != BaseObj_t::NOT_IN_DATABASE);	
-				assert(rhs_insns[0]->getBaseID() != BaseObj_t::NOT_IN_DATABASE);	
-				return lhs_insns[0]->getBaseID() < rhs_insns[0]->getBaseID();
-			}
-		};
-		auto sortedBasicBlocks = set<BasicBlock_t*, BBSorter> (ALLOF(keepers));
-		for (auto &bb : sortedBasicBlocks)
-		{
-			auto collAflSingleton = false;
-			// for collAfl-style instrumentation, we want #predecessors==1
-			// if the basic block entry point is an IBTA, we don't know the #predecessors
-			if (m_bb_graph_optimize               && 
-			    bb->getPredecessors().size() == 1 && 
-			    !bb->getInstructions()[0]->getIndirectBranchTargetAddress()
-			   )
-			{
-				collAflSingleton = true;
-				m_num_style_collafl++;
-			}
-			afl_instrument_bb(bb->getInstructions()[0], leafAnnotation, collAflSingleton);
-		}
-		m_num_bb_instrumented += keepers.size();
-		m_num_bb_skipped += (num_blocks_in_func - keepers.size());
-		if (m_verbose)
-		{
-			cout << "Post transformation CFG:" << endl;
-//			auto post_cfg=ControlFlowGraph_t(f);	
-			auto post_cfg=ControlFlowGraph_t::factory(f);	
-			cout << *post_cfg << endl;
-		}
-		cout << "Function " << f->getName() << ":  " << dec << keepers.size() << "/" << num_blocks_in_func << " basic blocks instrumented." << endl;
-	};
-	teardown();
-	return 1;
-void Zax_t::dumpAttributes()
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb=" << dec << m_num_bb << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_instrumented=" << m_num_bb_instrumented << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped=" << m_num_bb_skipped << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_pushjmp=" << m_num_bb_skipped_pushjmp << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_nop_padding=" << m_num_bb_skipped_nop_padding << endl;
-	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE graph_optimize=" << boolalpha << m_bb_graph_optimize << endl;
-	if (m_bb_graph_optimize)
-	{
-		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_cond_branch=" << m_num_bb_skipped_cbranch << endl;
-		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_keep_cbranch_back_edge=" << m_num_bb_keep_cbranch_back_edge << endl;
-		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_keep_exit_block=" << m_num_bb_keep_exit_block << endl;
-		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_style_collafl=" << m_num_style_collafl << endl;
-		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_onlychild=" << m_num_bb_skipped_onlychild << endl;
-		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_innernode=" << m_num_bb_skipped_innernode << endl;
-	}
-void Zax_t::dumpMap()
-	// dump out modified basic block info
-	getFileIR()->setBaseIDS();           // make sure instructions have IDs
-	getFileIR()->assembleRegistry();     // make sure to assemble all instructions
-	std::ofstream mapfile("zax.map");
-	mapfile << "# BLOCK_ID  ID_EP:size  ID_OLDEP:size (ID_INSTRUMENTATION:size)*" << endl;
-	for (auto &mb : m_modifiedBlocks)
-	{
-		const auto blockid = mb.first;
-		mapfile << dec << blockid << " ";
-		for (auto &entry : mb.second)
-		{
-			mapfile << hex << entry->getBaseID() << ":" << dec << entry->getDataBits().size() << " ";
-		}
-		mapfile << endl;
-	}
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.hpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.hpp
index f8b0e2ac6388775b2a72c69c937a990f06421f83..89be018fa19a2d5db9a5d14d6bd55be2aee846a0 100644
--- a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.hpp
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax.hpp
@@ -1,106 +1,28 @@
-#include <irdb-core>
-#include <irdb-cfg>
-#include <irdb-transform>
-#include <stars.h>
-#include <MEDS_Register.hpp>
-// utility functions
-// @todo: move these functions into other libs for reuse
-extern void create_got_reloc(IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t* fir, std::pair<IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t*,int> wrt, IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t* i);
-extern MEDS_Annotation::RegisterSet_t get_dead_regs(IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t* insn, MEDS_Annotation::MEDS_AnnotationParser &meds_ap_param);
-extern MEDS_Annotation::RegisterSet_t get_free_regs(const MEDS_Annotation::RegisterSet_t candidates, const MEDS_Annotation::RegisterSet_t allowed);
+#include "zax_base.hpp"
 namespace Zafl
-	using namespace IRDB_SDK;
-	using namespace std;
-	typedef unsigned zafl_blockid_t;
-	typedef unsigned zafl_labelid_t;
-	typedef vector<Instruction_t*> BBRecord_t;
-	// Transform to add afl-compatible instrumentation, including a fork server
+	// Implements afl-style edge coverage instrumentation
-	class Zax_t : public Transform
+	class Zax_t : public ZaxBase_t
 		// explicitly disable default and copy constructors
 		Zax_t() = delete;
 		Zax_t(const Zafl::Zax_t&) = delete;
-		Zax_t(pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_entry, set<string> p_exits, bool p_use_stars=false, bool p_autozafl=false, bool p_verbose=false);
+		Zax_t(pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_entry, set<string> p_exits, bool p_use_stars=false, bool p_autozafl=false);
 		virtual ~Zax_t() {};
-		virtual int execute();
-		void setWhitelist(const string& p_filename); 
-		void setBlacklist(const string& p_filename); 
-		void setBasicBlockOptimization(bool p_bb_graph_optimize) {m_bb_graph_optimize=p_bb_graph_optimize;}
-		void setEnableForkServer(bool p_forkserver_enabled) {m_forkserver_enabled=p_forkserver_enabled;}
-		void setBreakupCriticalEdges(const bool p_breakupCriticalEdges);
 		virtual zafl_blockid_t get_blockid(const unsigned p_maxid=0xFFFF);
-		virtual zafl_labelid_t get_labelid(const unsigned p_maxid=0xFFFF);
-		virtual set<BasicBlock_t*> getBlocksToInstrument(ControlFlowGraph_t &cfg);
 		virtual void afl_instrument_bb(Instruction_t *inst, const bool p_hasLeafAnnotation, const bool p_collafl_optimization=false);
-		void insertExitPoint(Instruction_t *inst);
-		void insertForkServer(Instruction_t* p_entry);
-		void insertForkServer(string p_forkServerEntry);
-		void setupForkServer();
-		void insertExitPoints();
-		bool isBlacklisted(const Function_t*) const;
-		bool isWhitelisted(const Function_t*) const;
-		bool isBlacklisted(const Instruction_t*) const;
-		bool isWhitelisted(const Instruction_t*) const;
-		bool BB_isPushJmp(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb);
-		bool BB_isPaddingNop(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb);
-		virtual void setup();
-		virtual void teardown();
-		virtual void dumpMap();
-		virtual void dumpAttributes();
-	protected:
-		pqxxDB_t&           m_dbinterface;
-		STARS::IRDB_Interface_t      m_stars_analysis_engine;
-		string                       m_fork_server_entry;  // string to specify fork server entry point
-		set<string>                  m_exitpoints;         // set of strings to specify exit points
-		bool                         m_use_stars;          // use STARS to have access to dead register info
-		bool                         m_autozafl;           // link in library w/ auto fork server
-		bool                         m_bb_graph_optimize;  // skip basic blocks based on graph
-		bool                         m_forkserver_enabled; // fork server enabled?
-		bool                         m_breakupCriticalEdges;
-		bool                         m_verbose;
-		pair<DataScoop_t*,int>  m_trace_map;  // afl shared memory trace map
-		pair<DataScoop_t*,int>  m_prev_id;    // id of previous block
-		Instruction_t*               m_plt_zafl_initAflForkServer; // plt entry for afl fork server initialization routine
-		set<string>        m_whitelist;   // whitelisted functions and/or instructions
-		set<string>        m_blacklist;   // blacklisted functions and/or instructions
-		zafl_labelid_t               m_labelid;     // internal bookkeeping to generate labels
-		map<zafl_blockid_t, BBRecord_t> m_modifiedBlocks;  // keep track of modified blocks
-		// stats
-		unsigned m_num_bb;
-		unsigned m_num_bb_instrumented;
-		unsigned m_num_bb_skipped;
-		unsigned m_num_bb_skipped_pushjmp;
-		unsigned m_num_bb_skipped_nop_padding;
-		unsigned m_num_bb_skipped_innernode;
-		unsigned m_num_bb_skipped_cbranch;
-		unsigned m_num_bb_skipped_onlychild;
-		unsigned m_num_bb_keep_exit_block;
-		unsigned m_num_bb_keep_cbranch_back_edge;
-		unsigned m_num_style_collafl;
-		set<zafl_blockid_t>     m_used_blockid;      // internal bookkeeping to keep track of used block ids
+		set<zafl_blockid_t>   m_used_blockid;  // internal bookkeeping to keep track of used block ids
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.cpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b64969a053ff92b510962910a216d9740d0aed15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+ * Copyright (c)  2018-2019  Zephyr Software LLC. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software is furnished under a license and/or other restrictive
+ * terms and may be used and copied only in accordance with such terms
+ * and the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or
+ * any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made
+ * available to any other person without the express written consent
+ * of an authorized representative of Zephyr Software LCC. Title to,
+ * ownership of, and all rights in the software is retained by
+ * Zephyr Software LCC.
+ *
+ * Zephyr Software LLC. Proprietary Information
+ *
+ * Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this
+ * directory, following this legend, and/or referenced herein is
+ * Zephyr Software LLC. (Zephyr) Proprietary Information.
+ *
+ *
+ * E-mail: jwd@zephyr-software.com
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h> 
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <irdb-cfg>
+#include <irdb-transform>
+#include <irdb-elfdep>
+#include <MEDS_DeadRegAnnotation.hpp>
+#include <MEDS_SafeFuncAnnotation.hpp>
+#include "zax_base.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace IRDB_SDK;
+using namespace Zafl;
+using namespace MEDS_Annotation;
+#define ALLOF(a) begin(a),end(a)
+void create_got_reloc(FileIR_t* fir, pair<DataScoop_t*,int> wrt, Instruction_t* i)
+	(void)fir->addNewRelocation(i,wrt.second, "pcrel", wrt.first);
+RegisterSet_t get_dead_regs(Instruction_t* insn, MEDS_AnnotationParser &meds_ap_param)
+        std::pair<MEDS_Annotations_t::iterator,MEDS_Annotations_t::iterator> ret;
+        /* find it in the annotations */
+        ret = meds_ap_param.getAnnotations().equal_range(insn->getBaseID());
+        MEDS_DeadRegAnnotation* p_annotation;
+        /* for each annotation for this instruction */
+        for (MEDS_Annotations_t::iterator it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it)
+        {
+                        p_annotation=dynamic_cast<MEDS_DeadRegAnnotation*>(it->second);
+                        if(p_annotation==NULL)
+                                continue;
+                        /* bad annotation? */
+                        if(!p_annotation->isValid())
+                                continue;
+                        return p_annotation->getRegisterSet();
+        }
+        /* couldn't find the annotation, return an empty set.*/
+        return RegisterSet_t();
+// return intersection of candidates and allowed general-purpose registers
+RegisterSet_t get_free_regs(const RegisterSet_t candidates, const RegisterSet_t allowed)
+	std::set<RegisterName> free_regs;
+	set_intersection(candidates.begin(),candidates.end(),allowed.begin(),allowed.end(),
+                  std::inserter(free_regs,free_regs.begin()));
+	return free_regs;
+static bool hasLeafAnnotation(Function_t* fn, MEDS_AnnotationParser &meds_ap_param)
+	assert(fn);
+        const auto ret = meds_ap_param.getFuncAnnotations().equal_range(fn->getName());
+	const auto sfa_it = find_if(ret.first, ret.second, [](const MEDS_Annotations_FuncPair_t &it)
+		{
+			auto p_annotation=dynamic_cast<MEDS_SafeFuncAnnotation*>(it.second);
+			if(p_annotation==NULL)
+				return false;
+			return p_annotation->isLeaf();
+		}
+	);
+	return (sfa_it != ret.second);
+bool ZaxBase_t::BB_isPaddingNop(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb) const
+	return p_bb->getInstructions().size()==1 && 
+	       p_bb->getPredecessors().size()==0 &&
+	       p_bb->getSuccessors().size()==1 &&
+	       p_bb->getInstructions()[0]->getDisassembly().find("nop")!=string::npos;
+bool ZaxBase_t::BB_isPushJmp(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb) const
+	return p_bb->getInstructions().size()==2 && 
+	       p_bb->getInstructions()[0]->getDisassembly().find("push")!=string::npos &&
+	       p_bb->getInstructions()[1]->getDisassembly().find("jmp")!=string::npos;
+ZaxBase_t::ZaxBase_t(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_forkServerEntryPoint, set<string> p_exitPoints, bool p_use_stars, bool p_autozafl)
+	:
+	Transform(p_variantIR),
+	m_dbinterface(p_dbinterface),
+	m_stars_analysis_engine(p_dbinterface),
+	m_use_stars(p_use_stars),
+	m_autozafl(p_autozafl),
+	m_bb_graph_optimize(false),
+	m_forkserver_enabled(true),
+	m_breakupCriticalEdges(false),
+	m_fork_server_entry(p_forkServerEntryPoint),
+	m_exitpoints(p_exitPoints)
+	if (m_use_stars) {
+		cout << "Use STARS analysis engine" << endl;
+		m_stars_analysis_engine.do_STARS(getFileIR());
+	}
+	auto ed=ElfDependencies_t::factory(getFileIR());
+	if (p_autozafl)
+	{
+		cout << "autozafl library is on" << endl;
+		(void)ed->prependLibraryDepedencies("libautozafl.so");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		cout << "autozafl library is off" << endl;
+		(void)ed->prependLibraryDepedencies("libzafl.so");
+	}
+	m_verbose = false;
+	// bind to external symbols declared in libzafl.so
+	m_plt_zafl_initAflForkServer=ed->appendPltEntry("zafl_initAflForkServer");
+	m_trace_map = ed->appendGotEntry("zafl_trace_map");
+	m_prev_id = ed->appendGotEntry("zafl_prev_id");
+	// let's not instrument these functions ever
+	// see isBlacklisted() for other blacklisted functions
+	m_blacklist.insert("init");
+	m_blacklist.insert("_init");
+	m_blacklist.insert("start");
+	m_blacklist.insert("_start");
+	m_blacklist.insert("fini");
+	m_blacklist.insert("_fini");
+	m_blacklist.insert("register_tm_clones");
+	m_blacklist.insert("deregister_tm_clones");
+	m_blacklist.insert("frame_dummy");
+	m_blacklist.insert("__do_global_ctors_aux");
+	m_blacklist.insert("__do_global_dtors_aux");
+	m_blacklist.insert("__libc_csu_init");
+	m_blacklist.insert("__libc_csu_fini");
+	m_blacklist.insert("__libc_start_main");
+	m_blacklist.insert("__gmon_start__");
+	m_blacklist.insert("__cxa_atexit");
+	m_blacklist.insert("__cxa_finalize");
+	m_blacklist.insert("__assert_fail");
+	m_blacklist.insert("free");
+	m_blacklist.insert("fnmatch");
+	m_blacklist.insert("readlinkat");
+	m_blacklist.insert("malloc");
+	m_blacklist.insert("calloc");
+	m_blacklist.insert("realloc");
+	m_blacklist.insert("argp_failure");
+	m_blacklist.insert("argp_help");
+	m_blacklist.insert("argp_state_help");
+	m_blacklist.insert("argp_error");
+	m_blacklist.insert("argp_parse");
+	m_labelid = 0;
+	m_blockid = 0;
+	m_num_bb = 0;
+	m_num_bb_instrumented = 0;
+	m_num_bb_skipped = 0;
+	m_num_bb_skipped_pushjmp = 0;
+	m_num_bb_skipped_nop_padding = 0;
+	m_num_bb_skipped_innernode = 0;
+	m_num_bb_skipped_cbranch = 0;
+	m_num_bb_skipped_onlychild = 0;
+	m_num_bb_keep_exit_block = 0;
+	m_num_bb_keep_cbranch_back_edge = 0;
+	m_num_style_collafl = 0;
+void ZaxBase_t::setVerbose(bool p_verbose)
+	m_verbose = p_verbose;
+void ZaxBase_t::setBasicBlockOptimization(bool p_bb_graph_optimize) 
+	m_bb_graph_optimize = p_bb_graph_optimize;
+void ZaxBase_t::setEnableForkServer(bool p_forkserver_enabled) 
+	m_forkserver_enabled = p_forkserver_enabled;
+void ZaxBase_t::setBreakupCriticalEdges(bool p_breakupEdges)
+	m_breakupCriticalEdges = p_breakupEdges;
+ * Only allow instrumentation in whitelisted functions/instructions
+ * Each line in file is either a function name or address
+ */
+void ZaxBase_t::setWhitelist(const string& p_whitelist)
+	std::ifstream whitelistFile(p_whitelist);
+	if (!whitelistFile.is_open())
+		throw;
+	std::string line;
+	while(whitelistFile >> line)
+	{
+		cout <<"Adding " << line << " to white list" << endl;
+		m_whitelist.insert(line);
+	}
+	whitelistFile.close();
+ * Disallow instrumentation in blacklisted functions/instructions
+ * Each line in file is either a function name or address
+ */
+void ZaxBase_t::setBlacklist(const string& p_blackList)
+	std::ifstream blackListFile(p_blackList);
+	if (!blackListFile.is_open())
+		throw;
+	std::string line;
+	while(blackListFile >> line)
+	{
+		cout <<"Adding " << line << " to black list" << endl;
+		m_blacklist.insert(line);
+	}
+	blackListFile.close();
+zafl_labelid_t ZaxBase_t::get_labelid(const unsigned p_max) 
+	return m_labelid++;
+zafl_blockid_t ZaxBase_t::get_blockid(const unsigned p_max)
+	m_blockid = (m_blockid+1) % p_max;
+	return m_blockid;
+void ZaxBase_t::insertExitPoint(Instruction_t *p_inst)
+	assert(p_inst->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset());
+	if (p_inst->getFunction())
+		cout << "in function: " << p_inst->getFunction()->getName() << " ";
+	stringstream ss;
+	ss << hex << p_inst->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset();
+	m_blacklist.insert(ss.str());
+	cout << "insert exit point at: 0x" << ss.str() << endl;
+	auto tmp = p_inst;
+	     insertAssemblyBefore(tmp, "xor edi, edi"); //  rdi=0
+	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp, "mov eax, 231"); //  231 = __NR_exit_group   from <asm/unistd_64.h>
+	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp, "syscall");      //  sys_exit_group(edi)
+void ZaxBase_t::insertForkServer(Instruction_t* p_entry)
+	assert(p_entry);
+	stringstream ss;
+	ss << "0x" << hex << p_entry->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset();
+	cout << "inserting fork server code at address: " << ss.str() << dec << endl;
+	assert(p_entry->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset());
+	if (p_entry->getFunction()) {
+		cout << " function: " << p_entry->getFunction()->getName();
+		cout << " ep instr: " << p_entry->getDisassembly() << endl;
+	}
+	cout << endl;
+	// blacklist insertion point
+	cout << "Blacklisting entry point: " << ss.str() << endl;
+	m_blacklist.insert(ss.str());
+	// insert the instrumentation
+	auto tmp=p_entry;
+	const auto regs = vector<string>({ "rdi", "rsi", "rbp", "rdx", "rcx", "rbx", "rax", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15"});
+	// red zone
+	(void)insertAssemblyBefore(tmp, "lea rsp, [rsp-128]");
+	// save flags and registrers
+	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp,  "pushf ") ;
+	for (vector<string>::const_iterator rit = regs.begin(); rit != regs.end(); ++rit)
+		tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp, " push " + *rit);
+	// call fork server initialization routine (in external library)
+	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp,  "call 0 ", m_plt_zafl_initAflForkServer) ;
+	// restore registers and flags
+	for (vector<string>::const_reverse_iterator rit = regs.rbegin(); rit != regs.rend(); ++rit)
+    		tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp, " pop " + *rit) ;
+	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp,  "popf ") ;
+	// red zome
+	tmp = insertAssemblyAfter(tmp,  "lea rsp, [rsp+128]");
+void ZaxBase_t::insertForkServer(string p_forkServerEntry)
+	assert(p_forkServerEntry.size() > 0);
+	cout << "looking for fork server entry point: " << p_forkServerEntry << endl;
+	if (std::isdigit(p_forkServerEntry[0]))
+	{
+		// find instruction to insert fork server based on address
+		const auto voffset = (VirtualOffset_t) std::strtoul(p_forkServerEntry.c_str(), NULL, 16);
+		auto instructions=find_if(getFileIR()->getInstructions().begin(), getFileIR()->getInstructions().end(), [&](const Instruction_t* i) {
+				return i->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset()==voffset;
+			});
+		if (instructions==getFileIR()->getInstructions().end())
+		{
+			cerr << "Error: could not find address to insert fork server: " << p_forkServerEntry << endl;
+			throw;
+		}
+		insertForkServer(*instructions);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// find entry point of specified function to insert fork server
+		auto entryfunc=find_if(getFileIR()->getFunctions().begin(), getFileIR()->getFunctions().end(), [&](const Function_t* f) {
+				return f->getName()==p_forkServerEntry;
+			});
+		if(entryfunc==getFileIR()->getFunctions().end())
+		{
+			cerr << "Error: could not find function to insert fork server: " << p_forkServerEntry << endl;
+			throw;
+		}
+		cout << "inserting fork server code at entry point of function: " << p_forkServerEntry << endl;
+		auto entrypoint = (*entryfunc)->getEntryPoint();
+		if (!entrypoint) 
+		{
+			cerr << "Could not find entry point for: " << p_forkServerEntry << endl;
+			throw;
+		}
+		insertForkServer(entrypoint);
+	}
+void ZaxBase_t::setupForkServer()
+	if (m_fork_server_entry.size()>0)
+	{
+		// user has specified entry point
+		insertForkServer(m_fork_server_entry);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// try to insert fork server at main
+		const auto &all_funcs=getFileIR()->getFunctions();
+		const auto main_func_it=find_if(all_funcs.begin(), all_funcs.end(), [&](const Function_t* f) { return f->getName()=="main";});
+		if(main_func_it!=all_funcs.end())
+		{
+			insertForkServer("main"); 
+		}
+	}
+	// it's ok not to have a fork server at all, e.g. libraries
+void ZaxBase_t::insertExitPoints()
+	for (auto exitp : m_exitpoints)
+	{
+		if (std::isdigit(exitp[0]))
+		{
+			// find instruction to insert fork server based on address
+			const auto voffset = (VirtualOffset_t) std::strtoul(exitp.c_str(), NULL, 16);
+			auto instructions=find_if(getFileIR()->getInstructions().begin(), getFileIR()->getInstructions().end(), [&](const Instruction_t* i) {
+					return i->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset()==voffset;
+				});
+			if (instructions==getFileIR()->getInstructions().end())
+			{
+				cerr << "Error: could not find address to insert exit point: " << exitp << endl;
+				throw;
+			}
+			insertExitPoint(*instructions);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// find function by name
+			auto func_iter=find_if(getFileIR()->getFunctions().begin(), getFileIR()->getFunctions().end(), [&](const Function_t* f) {
+				return f->getName()==exitp;
+			});
+			if(func_iter==getFileIR()->getFunctions().end())
+			{
+				cerr << "Error: could not find function to insert exit points: " << exitp << endl;
+				throw;
+			}
+			cout << "inserting exit code at return points of function: " << exitp << endl;
+			for (auto i : (*func_iter)->getInstructions())
+			{
+				if (i->getBaseID() >= 0)
+				{
+					const auto d=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(i);
+					// if it's a return instruction, add exit point
+					if (d->isReturn())
+					{
+						insertExitPoint(i);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// blacklist functions:
+//     - in blacklist
+//     - that start with '.'
+//     - that end with @plt
+bool ZaxBase_t::isBlacklisted(const Function_t *p_func) const
+	return (p_func->getName()[0] == '.' || 
+	        p_func->getName().find("@plt") != string::npos ||
+	        m_blacklist.find(p_func->getName())!=m_blacklist.end());
+bool ZaxBase_t::isWhitelisted(const Function_t *p_func) const
+	if (m_whitelist.size() == 0) return true;
+	return (m_whitelist.find(p_func->getName())!=m_whitelist.end());
+bool ZaxBase_t::isBlacklisted(const Instruction_t *p_inst) const
+	stringstream ss;
+	ss << "0x" << hex << p_inst->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset();
+	return (m_blacklist.count(ss.str()) > 0 || isBlacklisted(p_inst->getFunction()));
+bool ZaxBase_t::isWhitelisted(const Instruction_t *p_inst) const
+	if (m_whitelist.size() == 0) return true;
+	stringstream ss;
+	ss << "0x" << hex << p_inst->getAddress()->getVirtualOffset();
+	return (m_whitelist.count(ss.str()) > 0 || isWhitelisted(p_inst->getFunction()));
+void ZaxBase_t::setup()
+	if (m_forkserver_enabled)
+		setupForkServer();
+	else
+		cout << "Fork server has been disabled" << endl;
+	insertExitPoints();
+void ZaxBase_t::teardown()
+	dumpAttributes();
+	dumpMap();
+// in: control flow graph for a given function
+// out: set of basic blocks to instrument
+set<BasicBlock_t*> ZaxBase_t::getBlocksToInstrument(ControlFlowGraph_t &cfg)
+	static int bb_debug_id=-1;
+	if (m_verbose)
+		cout << cfg << endl;
+	auto keepers = set<BasicBlock_t*>();
+	for (auto &bb : cfg.getBlocks())
+	{
+		assert(bb->getInstructions().size() > 0);
+		bb_debug_id++;
+		// already marked as a keeper
+		if (keepers.find(bb) != keepers.end())
+			continue;
+		// if whitelist specified, only allow instrumentation for functions/addresses in whitelist
+		if (!isWhitelisted(bb->getInstructions()[0]))
+			continue;
+		if (isBlacklisted(bb->getInstructions()[0]))
+			continue;
+		// debugging support
+		if (getenv("ZAFL_LIMIT_BEGIN"))
+		{
+			if (bb_debug_id < atoi(getenv("ZAFL_LIMIT_BEGIN")))
+				continue;	
+		}
+		// debugging support
+		if (getenv("ZAFL_LIMIT_END"))
+		{
+			if (bb_debug_id >= atoi(getenv("ZAFL_LIMIT_END"))) 
+				continue;
+		}
+		// make sure we're not trying to instrument code we just inserted, e.g., fork server, added exit points
+		if (bb->getInstructions()[0]->getBaseID() < 0)
+			continue;
+		// push/jmp pair, don't bother instrumenting
+		if (BB_isPushJmp(bb))
+		{
+			m_num_bb_skipped_pushjmp++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		// padding nop, don't bother
+		if (BB_isPaddingNop(bb))
+		{
+			m_num_bb_skipped_nop_padding++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		// optimization:
+		//    inner node: 1 predecessor and 1 successor
+		//    
+		//    predecessor has only 1 successor (namely this bb)
+		//    bb has 1 predecessor 
+		if (m_bb_graph_optimize)
+		{
+			if (bb->getSuccessors().size() == 2 && bb->endsInConditionalBranch())
+			{
+				// for now, until we get a more principled way of pruning the graph,
+				// make sure to keep both successors
+				for (auto next_bb : bb->getSuccessors())
+					keepers.insert(next_bb);
+				m_num_bb_skipped_cbranch++;
+				continue;
+			}
+		}
+		keepers.insert(bb);
+	}
+	return keepers;
+// by default, return the first instruction in block
+Instruction_t* ZaxBase_t::getInstructionToInstrument(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb)
+	if (!p_bb) return nullptr;
+	return p_bb->getInstructions()[0];
+ * Execute the transform.
+ *
+ * preconditions: the FileIR is read as from the IRDB. valid file listing functions to auto-initialize
+ * postcondition: instructions added to auto-initialize stack for each specified function
+ *
+ */
+int ZaxBase_t::execute()
+	setup();
+	// for all functions
+	//    build cfg and extract basic blocks
+	//    for all basic blocks, figure out whether should be kept
+	//    for all kept basic blocks
+	//          add afl-compatible instrumentation
+	struct BaseIDSorter
+	{
+		bool operator()( const Function_t* lhs, const Function_t* rhs ) const 
+		{
+			return lhs->getBaseID() < rhs->getBaseID();
+		}
+	};
+	auto sortedFuncs=set<Function_t*, BaseIDSorter>( ALLOF(getFileIR()->getFunctions()));
+	for(auto f :  sortedFuncs)
+	{
+		if (f == nullptr )       continue;
+		// skip instrumentation for blacklisted functions 
+		if (isBlacklisted(f))    continue;
+		// skip if function has no entry point
+		if (!f->getEntryPoint()) continue;
+		bool leafAnnotation = true;
+		if (m_use_stars) 
+		{
+			leafAnnotation = hasLeafAnnotation(f, m_stars_analysis_engine.getAnnotations());
+		}
+		auto cfgp = ControlFlowGraph_t::factory(f);
+		auto &cfg = *cfgp;
+		const auto num_blocks_in_func = cfg.getBlocks().size();
+		m_num_bb += num_blocks_in_func;
+		auto keepers = getBlocksToInstrument(cfg);
+		struct BBSorter
+		{
+			bool operator()( const BasicBlock_t* lhs, const BasicBlock_t* rhs ) const 
+			{
+				const auto lhs_insns=lhs->getInstructions();
+				const auto rhs_insns=rhs->getInstructions();
+				assert(lhs_insns[0]->getBaseID() != BaseObj_t::NOT_IN_DATABASE);	
+				assert(rhs_insns[0]->getBaseID() != BaseObj_t::NOT_IN_DATABASE);	
+				return lhs_insns[0]->getBaseID() < rhs_insns[0]->getBaseID();
+			}
+		};
+		auto sortedBasicBlocks = set<BasicBlock_t*, BBSorter> (ALLOF(keepers));
+		for (auto &bb : sortedBasicBlocks)
+		{
+			auto collAflSingleton = false;
+			// for collAfl-style instrumentation, we want #predecessors==1
+			// if the basic block entry point is an IBTA, we don't know the #predecessors
+			if (m_bb_graph_optimize               && 
+			    bb->getPredecessors().size() == 1 && 
+			    !bb->getInstructions()[0]->getIndirectBranchTargetAddress()
+			   )
+			{
+				collAflSingleton = true;
+				m_num_style_collafl++;
+			}
+			auto instruction = getInstructionToInstrument(bb);
+			if (instruction)
+				afl_instrument_bb(instruction, leafAnnotation, collAflSingleton);
+		}
+		m_num_bb_instrumented += keepers.size();
+		m_num_bb_skipped += (num_blocks_in_func - keepers.size());
+		if (m_verbose)
+		{
+			cout << "Post transformation CFG:" << endl;
+			auto post_cfg=ControlFlowGraph_t::factory(f);	
+			cout << *post_cfg << endl;
+		}
+		cout << "Function " << f->getName() << ":  " << dec << keepers.size() << "/" << num_blocks_in_func << " basic blocks instrumented." << endl;
+	};
+	teardown();
+	return 1;
+void ZaxBase_t::dumpAttributes()
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb=" << dec << m_num_bb << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_instrumented=" << m_num_bb_instrumented << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped=" << m_num_bb_skipped << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_pushjmp=" << m_num_bb_skipped_pushjmp << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_nop_padding=" << m_num_bb_skipped_nop_padding << endl;
+	cout << "#ATTRIBUTE graph_optimize=" << boolalpha << m_bb_graph_optimize << endl;
+	if (m_bb_graph_optimize)
+	{
+		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_cond_branch=" << m_num_bb_skipped_cbranch << endl;
+		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_keep_cbranch_back_edge=" << m_num_bb_keep_cbranch_back_edge << endl;
+		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_keep_exit_block=" << m_num_bb_keep_exit_block << endl;
+		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_style_collafl=" << m_num_style_collafl << endl;
+		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_onlychild=" << m_num_bb_skipped_onlychild << endl;
+		cout << "#ATTRIBUTE num_bb_skipped_innernode=" << m_num_bb_skipped_innernode << endl;
+	}
+// file dump of modified basic block info
+void ZaxBase_t::dumpMap()
+	getFileIR()->setBaseIDS();           // make sure instructions have IDs
+	getFileIR()->assembleRegistry();     // make sure to assemble all instructions
+	std::ofstream mapfile("zax.map");
+	mapfile << "# BLOCK_ID  ID_EP:size  ID_OLDEP:size (ID_INSTRUMENTATION:size)*" << endl;
+	for (auto &mb : m_modifiedBlocks)
+	{
+		const auto blockid = mb.first;
+		mapfile << dec << blockid << " ";
+		for (auto &entry : mb.second)
+		{
+			mapfile << hex << entry->getBaseID() << ":" << dec << entry->getDataBits().size() << " ";
+		}
+		mapfile << endl;
+	}
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.hpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a5fd1a1e3c0b3011e30b88b83d3e58f37baf3eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_base.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#include <irdb-core>
+#include <irdb-cfg>
+#include <irdb-transform>
+#include <stars.h>
+#include <MEDS_Register.hpp>
+// utility functions
+// @todo: move these functions into other libs for reuse
+extern void create_got_reloc(IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t* fir, std::pair<IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t*,int> wrt, IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t* i);
+extern MEDS_Annotation::RegisterSet_t get_dead_regs(IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t* insn, MEDS_Annotation::MEDS_AnnotationParser &meds_ap_param);
+extern MEDS_Annotation::RegisterSet_t get_free_regs(const MEDS_Annotation::RegisterSet_t candidates, const MEDS_Annotation::RegisterSet_t allowed);
+namespace Zafl
+	using namespace IRDB_SDK;
+	using namespace std;
+	using zafl_blockid_t = unsigned;
+	using zafl_labelid_t = unsigned;
+	using BBRecord_t = vector<Instruction_t*>;
+	/*
+	 * Base class for afl-compatible instrumentation:
+	 *   - fork server
+	 *   - trace map 
+	 */
+	class ZaxBase_t : public Transform
+	{
+		public:
+			ZaxBase_t() = delete;
+			ZaxBase_t(const Zafl::ZaxBase_t&) = delete;
+			virtual ~ZaxBase_t() {};
+			virtual int execute();
+			void setWhitelist(const string& p_filename); 
+			void setBlacklist(const string& p_filename); 
+			void setVerbose(bool); 
+			void setBasicBlockOptimization(bool);
+			void setEnableForkServer(bool);
+			void setBreakupCriticalEdges(bool);
+		protected:
+			ZaxBase_t(pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_entry, set<string> p_exits, bool p_use_stars=false, bool p_autozafl=false);
+			virtual void afl_instrument_bb(Instruction_t *inst, const bool p_hasLeafAnnotation, const bool p_collafl_optimization=false) = 0;
+			virtual zafl_blockid_t get_blockid(const unsigned p_maxid=0xFFFF);
+			virtual zafl_labelid_t get_labelid(const unsigned p_maxid=0xFFFF);
+			virtual set<BasicBlock_t*> getBlocksToInstrument(ControlFlowGraph_t &cfg);
+			virtual Instruction_t* getInstructionToInstrument(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb);
+			virtual void setup();
+			virtual void teardown();
+			virtual void dumpAttributes();
+			virtual void dumpMap();
+			void insertExitPoint(Instruction_t *inst);
+			void insertForkServer(Instruction_t* p_entry);
+			void insertForkServer(string p_forkServerEntry);
+			void setupForkServer();
+			void insertExitPoints();
+			bool isBlacklisted(const Function_t*) const;
+			bool isWhitelisted(const Function_t*) const;
+			bool isBlacklisted(const Instruction_t*) const;
+			bool isWhitelisted(const Instruction_t*) const;
+			bool BB_isPushJmp(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb) const;
+			bool BB_isPaddingNop(const BasicBlock_t *p_bb) const;
+		protected:
+			pqxxDB_t&                 m_dbinterface;
+			STARS::IRDB_Interface_t   m_stars_analysis_engine;
+			bool                      m_use_stars;          // use STARS to have access to dead register info
+			bool                      m_autozafl;           // link in library w/ auto fork server
+			bool                      m_bb_graph_optimize;  // skip basic blocks based on graph
+			bool                      m_forkserver_enabled; // fork server enabled?
+			bool                      m_breakupCriticalEdges;
+			bool                      m_verbose;
+			pair<DataScoop_t*,int>    m_trace_map;  // afl shared memory trace map
+			pair<DataScoop_t*,int>    m_prev_id;    // id of previous block
+			Instruction_t*            m_plt_zafl_initAflForkServer; // plt entry for afl fork server initialization routine
+			map<zafl_blockid_t, BBRecord_t> m_modifiedBlocks;  // keep track of modified blocks
+			// stats
+			unsigned m_num_bb;
+			unsigned m_num_bb_instrumented;
+			unsigned m_num_bb_skipped;
+			unsigned m_num_bb_skipped_pushjmp;
+			unsigned m_num_bb_skipped_nop_padding;
+			unsigned m_num_bb_skipped_innernode;
+			unsigned m_num_bb_skipped_cbranch;
+			unsigned m_num_bb_skipped_onlychild;
+			unsigned m_num_bb_keep_exit_block;
+			unsigned m_num_bb_keep_cbranch_back_edge;
+			unsigned m_num_style_collafl;
+		private:
+			string           m_fork_server_entry;  // string to specify fork server entry point
+			set<string>      m_exitpoints;         // set of strings to specify exit points
+			set<string>      m_whitelist;          // whitelisted functions and/or instructions
+			set<string>      m_blacklist;          // blacklisted functions and/or instructions
+			zafl_labelid_t   m_labelid;            // internal bookkeeping to generate labels
+			zafl_blockid_t   m_blockid;            // internal bookkeeping to generate labels
+	};
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_driver.cpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_driver.cpp
index aef0f153d6fe6b4722e0c3cbb76c7d5b150a34cf..261cb4f7e443eea143657c0737c16c9b16c20b6f 100644
--- a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_driver.cpp
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zax_driver.cpp
@@ -188,16 +188,19 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
-			auto zax_raw=
-				  untracer_mode ?  new ZUntracer_t(*pqxx_interface, firp.get(), entry_fork_server, exitpoints, use_stars, autozafl, verbose) : 
-						   new Zax_t(*pqxx_interface, firp.get(), entry_fork_server, exitpoints, use_stars, autozafl, verbose);
-			auto zax=unique_ptr<Zax_t>(zax_raw);
+			ZaxBase_t* zax_raw;
+			if (untracer_mode)
+				  zax_raw = new ZUntracer_t(*pqxx_interface, firp.get(), entry_fork_server, exitpoints, use_stars, autozafl);
+			else
+				  zax_raw = new Zax_t(*pqxx_interface, firp.get(), entry_fork_server, exitpoints, use_stars, autozafl);
+			auto zax = unique_ptr<ZaxBase_t>(zax_raw);
 			if (whitelistFile.size()>0)
 			if (blacklistFile.size()>0)
+			zax->setVerbose(verbose);
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.cpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.cpp
index 076c49fb99477f4fa6400204276ecfe6af764674..4c8c3e48d9da8e14626c027427272cae4bb294bb 100644
--- a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.cpp
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.cpp
@@ -4,17 +4,8 @@
 using namespace Zafl;
 using namespace MEDS_Annotation;
-ZUntracer_t::ZUntracer_t(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_forkServerEntryPoint, set<string> p_exitPoints, bool p_use_stars, bool p_autozafl, bool p_verbose) : Zax_t(p_dbinterface, p_variantIR, p_forkServerEntryPoint, p_exitPoints, p_use_stars, p_autozafl, p_verbose)
+ZUntracer_t::ZUntracer_t(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_forkServerEntryPoint, set<string> p_exitPoints, bool p_use_stars, bool p_autozafl) : ZaxBase_t(p_dbinterface, p_variantIR, p_forkServerEntryPoint, p_exitPoints, p_use_stars, p_autozafl)
-	m_blockid = 0;
-zafl_blockid_t ZUntracer_t::get_blockid(const unsigned p_max) 
-//	assert (m_blockid < p_max);
-//	@todo: issue warning when wrapping around
-	m_blockid = (m_blockid+1) % p_max;
-	return m_blockid;
 void ZUntracer_t::afl_instrument_bb(Instruction_t *p_inst, const bool p_redZoneHint, const bool p_collafl_optimization)
@@ -170,13 +161,8 @@ set<BasicBlock_t*> ZUntracer_t::getBlocksToInstrument(ControlFlowGraph_t &cfg)
 		// if whitelist specified, only allow instrumentation for functions/addresses in whitelist
-		if (m_whitelist.size() > 0) 
-		{
-			if (!isWhitelisted(bb->getInstructions()[0]))
-			{
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
+		if (!isWhitelisted(bb->getInstructions()[0]))
+			continue;
 		if (isBlacklisted(bb->getInstructions()[0]))
@@ -247,6 +233,6 @@ int ZUntracer_t::execute()
-	return Zax_t::execute();
+	return ZaxBase_t::execute();
diff --git a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.hpp b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.hpp
index 1568b17cd047d9ff3d2ba9a2dd01784fc7c1fa9c..d664a39c3718a811b2921593f9fc9253373d83dd 100644
--- a/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.hpp
+++ b/afl_transforms/tools/zax/zuntracer.hpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#include "zax.hpp"
+#include "zax_base.hpp"
 namespace Zafl
@@ -9,26 +9,22 @@ namespace Zafl
 	using namespace IRDB_SDK;
 	// Block-level instrumentation for Untracer
-	class ZUntracer_t : public Zax_t
+	class ZUntracer_t : public ZaxBase_t
 			ZUntracer_t() = delete;
 			ZUntracer_t(const ZUntracer_t&) = delete;
-			ZUntracer_t(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_entry, set<string> p_exits, bool p_use_stars=false, bool p_autozafl=false, bool p_verbose=false);
+			ZUntracer_t(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &p_dbinterface, IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *p_variantIR, string p_entry, set<string> p_exits, bool p_use_stars=false, bool p_autozafl=false);
 			virtual ~ZUntracer_t() {};
 			virtual int execute();
-			virtual zafl_blockid_t get_blockid(const unsigned p_maxid = 0xFFFF);
 			virtual void afl_instrument_bb(Instruction_t *p_inst, const bool p_hasLeafAnnotation, const bool p_collafl_optimization=false);
 			virtual set<BasicBlock_t*> getBlocksToInstrument(ControlFlowGraph_t &cfg);
 			void _afl_instrument_bb_fixed(Instruction_t *p_inst, char* p_tracemap_addr);
 			void _afl_instrument_bb(Instruction_t *p_inst, const bool p_redZoneHint);
-		private:
-			zafl_blockid_t   m_blockid;