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ZAFL: Zipr-based AFL

Welcome to ZAFL: a project to extend compiler-quality instrumentation speed and transformation support to the fuzzing of x86-64 binary programs. The key features of ZAFL include:

  • Fast, space-efficient, and inlined binary fuzzing instrumentation via the Zipr binary rewriting infrastructure.
  • A platform to extend and combine compiler-style code transformations (e.g., CMP unfolding) to binary-only fuzzing.
  • Full compatibility with the AFL and AFLPlusPlus fuzzer ecosystem.
  • For more information, video demos, troubleshooting, and licensing, please see our Wiki page.
Citing this repository: @inproceedings{nagy:breakingthrough, title = {Breaking Through Binaries: Compiler-quality Instrumentation for Better Binary-only Fuzzing}, author = {Stefan Nagy and Anh Nguyen-Tuong and Jason D. Hiser and Jack W. Davidson and Matthew Hicks}, booktitle = {{USENIX} Security Symposium (USENIX)}, year = {2021},}
License: BSD 3-Clause License
Disclaimer: This software is provided as-is with no warranty.


  • Install environment: ZAFL's installation currently supports recent 64-bit Linux environments (i.e., Ubuntu 16.04 and up).
  • Supported binaries: ZAFL supports instrumenting/transforming x86-64 Linux binaries of varying type (C and C++, stripped and unstripped, and position independent and position-non-independent). At this time, ZAFL cannot support binaries with DRM, obfuscation, or tamper-resistant protections.
  • Windows binaries: ZAFL offers preliminary cross-platform instrumentation support for Windows 7 PE32+ binaries, though WinAFL-compatible fuzzing instrumentation is not yet supported at this time.
  • Recommended installation: For first-time users we recommend the Docker-based installation. For developers and advanced users we recommend the source-based installation.

Installation from Docker (recommended)

The following instructions assume you are running a compatible Linux environment (i.e., Ubuntu 16.04 and up) with AFL installed.

Step 0: Install the libzafl support library

See the instructions located here:

Step 1: Pull the Docker image

First, pull the ZAFL Docker image:

docker pull

Verify that the image is successfully installed by grepping for its name:

docker images | grep

Step 2: Instrument and transform a binary

Below presents an example of instrumenting the bc binary for fuzzing.

First, copy the binary to /tmp (we'll mount this directory as /io in the guest container):

cp $(which bc) /tmp/bc

Then, instrument it using ZAFL's Docker container:

sudo docker run -t -v /tmp:/io /io/bc /io/bc.zafl

The output should contain the following:

Zafl: inferring main to be at: 0x401510
Zafl: Transforming input binary /io/bc into /io/bc.zafl
Zafl: Issuing command:  /opt/ps_zipr/tools/ /io/bc /io/bc.zafl  -c rida  -c move_globals   -c zax -o move_globals:--elftables-only -o move_globals:--no-use-stars  -o zax:--stars     -o zax:--enable-floating-instrumentation       -o zax:'-e 0x401510'
Using Zipr backend.
Detected ELF non-PIE executable.
Performing step rida [dependencies=mandatory] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step pdb_register [dependencies=mandatory] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step fill_in_cfg [dependencies=unknown] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step fill_in_indtargs [dependencies=unknown] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step fix_calls [dependencies=unknown] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step move_globals [dependencies=unknown] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step zax [dependencies=none] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step zipr [dependencies=none] ...Done.  Successful.
Zafl: success. Output file is: /io/bc.zafl

The output binary, bc.zafl, should now exist in the host's /tmp directory. Though this binary is ready to be fuzzed with AFL, it can still be run normally, e.g.:

echo "2+2" | /tmp/bc.zafl

The above command should print 4.

Installation from Source (for developers)

Installing from source is recommended only for those intending to bug-fix or develop new features for ZAFL. The following instructions assume you are running a compatible Linux environment (i.e., Ubuntu 16.04 and up) with AFL installed.

Step 0: Install the Zipr rewriting infrastructure

See Before continuing, be sure to prepare Zipr's environment by doing the following:

cd /path/to/zipr && . set_env_vars

Step 1: Testing Zipr

Test the binary rewriting infrastructure by rewriting Linux's ls binary:

$PSZ /bin/ls /tmp/ls.zipr -c rida

Your terminal's output should look like this:

Using Zipr backend.
Detected ELF file.
Performing step gather_libraries [dependencies=mandatory] ...Done. Successful.
Performing step meds_static [dependencies=mandatory] ...Done. Successful.
Performing step pdb_register [dependencies=mandatory] ...Done. Successful.
Performing step fill_in_cfg [dependencies=mandatory] ...Done. Successful.
Performing step fill_in_indtargs [dependencies=mandatory] ...Done. Successful.
Performing step clone [dependencies=mandatory] ...Done. Successful.
Performing step fix_calls [dependencies=mandatory] ...Done. Successful.
Program not detected in signature database.
Performing step zipr [dependencies=clone,fill_in_indtargs,fill_in_cfg,pdb_register] ...Done. Successful.

Invoke the rewritten version and make sure it runs normally:


Step 2: Download and build ZAFL

First, clone ZAFL's repository:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Second, prepare ZAFL's environment:

cd /path/to/zafl && . set_env_vars

Lastly, build ZAFL:

# or scons debug=1
# or scons -j3
# or scons debug=1 -j3

Step 3: Prepare ZAFL's environment

Before running ZAFL from a source build, always make sure to prepare both it and Zipr's environments:

cd /path/to/zipr && . set_env_vars
cd /path/to/zafl && . set_env_vars

Furthermore, it is recommended to ensure that ZAFL's smoke tests succeed:

cd /path/to/zafl/test/bc && ./

This test will instrument and fuzz a copy of Linux's bc binary. If successful, the final output should contain something like:

command_line      : afl-fuzz -i zafl_in -o zafl_out -- ./bc.zafl
TEST PASS: ./bc.zafl: execs_per_sec     : 1904.76

Step 4: Instrument and transform a binary

Once everything is installed properly, you can prepare a binary for fuzzing with the simple command: <target_binary> <zafl_output_binary>

Below presents an example of running it on the bc binary /bin/bc /tmp/bc.zafl

The output should contain the following:

Zafl: main exec is PIE... use entry point address (0x5850) for fork server 
Zafl: Transforming input binary /bin/bc into ./tmp/bc.zafl 
Zafl: Issuing command:  ~/zipr/installed/tools/ /bin/bc ./tmp/bc.zafl  -c rida  -s move_globals  -c zax -o move_globals:--elftables-only -o move_globals:--no-use-stars  -o zax:--stars     -o zax:--enable-floating-instrumentation       -o zax:'-e 0x5850'     
Using Zipr backend.
Detected ELF shared object.
Performing step rida [dependencies=mandatory] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step pdb_register [dependencies=mandatory] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step fill_in_cfg [dependencies=unknown] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step fill_in_indtargs [dependencies=unknown] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step fix_calls [dependencies=unknown] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step move_globals [dependencies=unknown] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step zax [dependencies=none] ...Done.  Successful.
Performing step zipr [dependencies=none] ...Done.  Successful.
Zafl: success. Output file is: ./tmp/bc.zafl 

All ZAFL'd binaries can be run normally just as their original uninstrumented versions, e.g.: ./tmp/bc.zafl. To ensure the binary has been instrumented properly, run: ZAFL_DEBUG=1 ./tmp/bc.zafl. The output should start with:

Error getting shm environment variable - fake allocate AFL trace map
Success at mmap!
libautozafl: auto-initialize fork server

Fuzzing an Instrumented Binary

Below continues the preceding examples (i.e., it is assumed that you have an instrumented binary, /tmp/bc.zafl).

Let's first prepare a seed directory for fuzzing:

mkdir in_dir && echo "hello" > in_dir/seed

Let's now run the ZAFL'd binary with AFL:

afl-fuzz -i in_dir -o out_dir -- ./tmp/bc.zafl @@

If AFL complains about Looks like the target binary is not instrumented!, you'll need to set the following environment variable before fuzzing:


ZAFL's instrumentation also supports AFL's other utilities, e.g.:

afl-showmap -o map.out -- ./tmp/bc.zafl
afl-cmin -i out_dir/queue/ -o cmin.out -- ./tmp/bc.zafl @@

Using ZAFL for Windows Binaries

ZAFL offers preliminary instrumentation support for Windows 7 PE32+ binaries, though WinAFL-compatible fuzzing instrumentation is not yet supported at this time. Instrumenting Windows binaries must be performed with a Linux-based ZAFL install. This mode requires IDA Pro and the following modified command: <target_binary> <zafl_output_binary> -F --ida --no-stars

We hope to improve our Windows support in the near future.

Supported Transformations

To see the full list of fuzzing-enhancing code transformations that ZAFL currently supports, run --help (or for Docker-based installs, docker run

We welcome any community contributions, and ideas for improvements and new fuzzing transformations! To open an issue or merge request, please contact one of the developers (,,, or Happy fuzzing!