diff --git a/include/memory_space.h b/include/memory_space.h
index 47c94dcb5d7b10d1b8ea7936ed29197f0bfa0911..c317624e6f7db4f6ffc4f56eeef7193fd8808213 100644
--- a/include/memory_space.h
+++ b/include/memory_space.h
@@ -34,43 +34,44 @@
 namespace Zipr_SDK
+	using namespace std;
-typedef std::set<Range_t, Range_tCompare> RangeSet_t;
+	using RangeSet_t = set<Range_t, Range_tCompare> ;
-// a memory space _is_ a map of range addres to char, with additional functionality.
-class MemorySpace_t : public std::map<RangeAddress_t,char>
-	public:
+	// a memory space _is_ a map of range addres to char, with additional functionality.
+	class MemorySpace_t : public map<RangeAddress_t,char>
+	{
+		public:
-		// range operatations
-		virtual void SplitFreeRange(RangeAddress_t addr)=0;
-		virtual void SplitFreeRange(Range_t range)=0;
-		virtual void MergeFreeRange(RangeAddress_t addr)=0;
-		virtual void MergeFreeRange(Range_t range)=0;
-		virtual RangeSet_t::iterator FindFreeRange(RangeAddress_t addr)=0;
-		virtual Range_t getFreeRange(int size)=0;
-		virtual Range_t getInfiniteFreeRange()=0;
-		virtual std::list<Range_t> getFreeRanges(size_t size = 0) = 0;
-		virtual std::pair<RangeSet_t::const_iterator,RangeSet_t::const_iterator>
-			getNearbyFreeRanges(const RangeAddress_t hint, size_t count = 0) = 0;
-		virtual void AddFreeRange(Range_t newRange)=0;
-		virtual void RemoveFreeRange(Range_t newRange)=0;
-		virtual Range_t GetLargeRange(void)=0;
+			// range operatations
+			virtual void SplitFreeRange(RangeAddress_t addr)=0;
+			virtual void SplitFreeRange(Range_t range)=0;
+			virtual void MergeFreeRange(RangeAddress_t addr)=0;
+			virtual void MergeFreeRange(Range_t range)=0;
+			virtual RangeSet_t::iterator FindFreeRange(RangeAddress_t addr)=0;
+			virtual Range_t getFreeRange(int size)=0;
+			virtual Range_t getInfiniteFreeRange()=0;
+			virtual list<Range_t> getFreeRanges(size_t size = 0) = 0;
+			virtual pair<RangeSet_t::const_iterator,RangeSet_t::const_iterator>
+				getNearbyFreeRanges(const RangeAddress_t hint, size_t count = 0) = 0;
+			virtual void AddFreeRange(Range_t newRange)=0;
+			virtual void RemoveFreeRange(Range_t newRange)=0;
+			virtual Range_t GetLargeRange(void)=0;
-		// queries about free areas.
-		virtual bool AreBytesFree(RangeAddress_t addr, int num_bytes)=0;
-		virtual bool IsByteFree(RangeAddress_t addr)=0;
-		virtual bool IsValidRange(RangeSet_t::iterator it)=0;
-		virtual int GetRangeCount()=0;
-		virtual void PrintMemorySpace(std::ostream &out)=0;
+			// queries about free areas.
+			virtual bool AreBytesFree(RangeAddress_t addr, int num_bytes)=0;
+			virtual bool IsByteFree(RangeAddress_t addr)=0;
+			virtual bool IsValidRange(RangeSet_t::iterator it)=0;
+			virtual int GetRangeCount()=0;
+			virtual void PrintMemorySpace(ostream &out)=0;
-		virtual void PlopBytes(RangeAddress_t addr, const char the_byte[], int num)=0;
-		virtual void PlopByte(RangeAddress_t addr, char the_byte)=0;
-		virtual void PlopJump(RangeAddress_t addr)=0;
-		virtual RangeAddress_t GetMinPlopped() const =0;
-		virtual RangeAddress_t GetMaxPlopped() const =0;
+			virtual void PlopBytes(RangeAddress_t addr, const char the_byte[], int num)=0;
+			virtual void PlopByte(RangeAddress_t addr, char the_byte)=0;
+			virtual void PlopJump(RangeAddress_t addr)=0;
+			virtual RangeAddress_t GetMinPlopped() const =0;
+			virtual RangeAddress_t GetMaxPlopped() const =0;
+	};
diff --git a/include/range.h b/include/range.h
index 93cd8e0c87d4c05c0a25c7d7d89697dc9f976f01..6ce0d319d69f24295b2a4e4a952fe551e4891010 100644
--- a/include/range.h
+++ b/include/range.h
@@ -35,46 +35,47 @@
 namespace Zipr_SDK
-typedef uintptr_t RangeAddress_t;
+	using namespace std;
+	using RangeAddress_t = uintptr_t ;
-class Range_t
-	public:
-		Range_t(RangeAddress_t p_s, RangeAddress_t p_e) : m_start(p_s), m_end(p_e) { }
-		Range_t() : m_start(0), m_end(0) { }
+	class Range_t
+	{
+		public:
+			Range_t(RangeAddress_t p_s, RangeAddress_t p_e) : m_start(p_s), m_end(p_e) { }
+			Range_t() : m_start(0), m_end(0) { }
-		virtual RangeAddress_t getStart() const { return m_start; }
-		virtual RangeAddress_t getEnd() const { return m_end; }
-		virtual void SetStart(RangeAddress_t s) { m_start=s; }
-		virtual void SetEnd(RangeAddress_t e) { m_end=e; }
+			virtual RangeAddress_t getStart() const { return m_start; }
+			virtual RangeAddress_t getEnd() const { return m_end; }
+			virtual void SetStart(RangeAddress_t s) { m_start=s; }
+			virtual void SetEnd(RangeAddress_t e) { m_end=e; }
-		virtual bool Is2ByteRange()
-		{
-			return (m_end - m_start) == 2;
-		};
-		virtual bool Is5ByteRange()
-		{
-			return (m_end - m_start) == 5;
-		};
+			virtual bool Is2ByteRange()
+			{
+				return (m_end - m_start) == 2;
+			};
+			virtual bool Is5ByteRange()
+			{
+				return (m_end - m_start) == 5;
+			};
-		virtual bool IsInfiniteRange()
-		{
-			return m_end==(RangeAddress_t)-1;
-		};
+			virtual bool IsInfiniteRange()
+			{
+				return m_end==(RangeAddress_t)-1;
+			};
-	protected:
+		protected:
-		RangeAddress_t m_start, m_end;
+			RangeAddress_t m_start, m_end;
+	};
-struct Range_tCompare
-        bool operator() (const Range_t first, const Range_t second) const
-        {
-                return first.getEnd() < second.getStart();
-        }
+	struct Range_tCompare
+	{
+		bool operator() (const Range_t first, const Range_t second) const
+		{
+			return first.getEnd() < second.getStart();
+		}
+	};
diff --git a/include/zipr.h b/include/zipr.h
index 48416dedfb81e8494399631c2a5598c6724fb0eb..ee8493bb4856d8154983632c0cbc62353c22998c 100644
--- a/include/zipr.h
+++ b/include/zipr.h
@@ -39,44 +39,45 @@
 namespace Zipr_SDK
+	using namespace std;
-typedef std::set< std::pair<Dollop_t*,RangeAddress_t> > PlacementQueue_t;
+	using PlacementQueue_t = set< pair<Dollop_t*,RangeAddress_t> > ;
-class Zipr_t
-	public:
-		/*
-		 * These are public functions that the SDK user way want to use.
-		 */
-		virtual size_t DetermineDollopEntrySize(
-				DollopEntry_t*, 
-				bool account_for_fallthrough) = 0;
+	class Zipr_t
+	{
+		public:
+			/*
+			 * These are public functions that the SDK user way want to use.
+			 */
+			virtual size_t DetermineDollopEntrySize(
+					DollopEntry_t*, 
+					bool account_for_fallthrough) = 0;
-		virtual RangeAddress_t PlopDollopEntry(
-				DollopEntry_t *,
-				RangeAddress_t = 0,
-				RangeAddress_t = 0) = 0;
+			virtual RangeAddress_t PlopDollopEntry(
+					DollopEntry_t *,
+					RangeAddress_t = 0,
+					RangeAddress_t = 0) = 0;
-		virtual RangeAddress_t PlopDollopEntryWithTarget(
-				DollopEntry_t *,
-				RangeAddress_t = 0,
-				RangeAddress_t = 0) = 0;
+			virtual RangeAddress_t PlopDollopEntryWithTarget(
+					DollopEntry_t *,
+					RangeAddress_t = 0,
+					RangeAddress_t = 0) = 0;
-		virtual RangeAddress_t PlopDollopEntryWithCallback(
-				DollopEntry_t *,
-				RangeAddress_t = 0) = 0;
+			virtual RangeAddress_t PlopDollopEntryWithCallback(
+					DollopEntry_t *,
+					RangeAddress_t = 0) = 0;
-        	virtual MemorySpace_t *GetMemorySpace()=0;
-        	virtual ELFIO::elfio *getELFIO()=0;
-        	virtual IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *getFileIR()=0;
-        	virtual InstructionLocationMap_t *GetLocationMap()=0; 
-		virtual DollopManager_t *getDollopManager()=0;
-		virtual PlacementQueue_t* GetPlacementQueue()=0;
-		virtual void ApplyPatch(
-				RangeAddress_t from_addr, 
-				RangeAddress_t to_addr)=0;
+			virtual MemorySpace_t *GetMemorySpace()=0;
+			virtual ELFIO::elfio *getELFIO()=0;
+			virtual IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t *getFileIR()=0;
+			virtual InstructionLocationMap_t *GetLocationMap()=0; 
+			virtual DollopManager_t *getDollopManager()=0;
+			virtual PlacementQueue_t* GetPlacementQueue()=0;
+			virtual void ApplyPatch(
+					RangeAddress_t from_addr, 
+					RangeAddress_t to_addr)=0;
+	};
diff --git a/include/zipr_constants.h b/include/zipr_constants.h
index 76dbdaabb0258af0d1828be439c1ae93863d70c4..df9f44722449f593dc51812a22db0ee0160766ac 100644
--- a/include/zipr_constants.h
+++ b/include/zipr_constants.h
@@ -33,8 +33,10 @@
-namespace Zipr_SDK {
-	enum {
+namespace Zipr_SDK 
+	enum 
+	{
diff --git a/include/zipr_plugin.h b/include/zipr_plugin.h
index 908bc7896bd4cb67e6987c6f30ca6cf77044c2d3..785184d1845f0d9e61d68b8d878643e223468379 100644
--- a/include/zipr_plugin.h
+++ b/include/zipr_plugin.h
@@ -1,133 +1,136 @@
 namespace Zipr_SDK
-typedef std::map<IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t*,Zipr_SDK::RangeAddress_t> InstructionLocationMap_t;
+	using namespace std;
-enum ZiprPreference {
-	None,
-	Must,	
+	using InstructionLocationMap_t = map<IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t*,RangeAddress_t>;
-class ZiprPluginInterface_t
-	public:
-		virtual void PinningBegin()
-		{
-		}
-		virtual void PinningEnd()
-		{
-		}
-		virtual void DollopBegin()
-		{
-		}
-		virtual void DollopEnd()
-		{
-		}
-		virtual void CallbackLinkingBegin()
-		{
-		}
-		virtual void CallbackLinkingEnd()
-		{
-		}
+	enum ZiprPreference 
+	{
+		None,
+		Must,	
+	};
+	class ZiprPluginInterface_t
+	{
+		public:
+			virtual void PinningBegin()
+			{
+			}
+			virtual void PinningEnd()
+			{
+			}
+			virtual void DollopBegin()
+			{
+			}
+			virtual void DollopEnd()
+			{
+			}
+			virtual void CallbackLinkingBegin()
+			{
+			}
+			virtual void CallbackLinkingEnd()
+			{
+			}
-		virtual ZiprPreference AddressDollop(const Dollop_t *dollop, const RangeAddress_t &source, Range_t &place, bool &coalesce, bool &fallthrough_ok)
-		{
-			return None;
-		}
+			virtual ZiprPreference AddressDollop(const Dollop_t *dollop, const RangeAddress_t &source, Range_t &place, bool &coalesce, bool &fallthrough_ok)
+			{
+				return None;
+			}
-		virtual bool WillPluginPlop(IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t*)
-		{
-			return false;
-		}
+			virtual bool WillPluginPlop(IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t*)
+			{
+				return false;
+			}
-		virtual size_t InsnSize(IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t*, bool)
-		{
-			return 0;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * DollopEntryOpeningSize()
-		 * DollopEntryClosingSize()
-		 *
-		 * A plugin that wants to put padding into a
-		 * dollop entry before/after an instruction 
-		 * should return the size of that padding in 
-		 * these functions.
-		 */
-		virtual size_t DollopEntryOpeningSize(DollopEntry_t*)
-		{
-			return 0;
-		}
-		virtual size_t DollopEntryClosingSize(DollopEntry_t*)
-		{
-			return 0;
-		}
+			virtual size_t InsnSize(IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t*, bool)
+			{
+				return 0;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * DollopEntryOpeningSize()
+			 * DollopEntryClosingSize()
+			 *
+			 * A plugin that wants to put padding into a
+			 * dollop entry before/after an instruction 
+			 * should return the size of that padding in 
+			 * these functions.
+			 */
+			virtual size_t DollopEntryOpeningSize(DollopEntry_t*)
+			{
+				return 0;
+			}
+			virtual size_t DollopEntryClosingSize(DollopEntry_t*)
+			{
+				return 0;
+			}
-		/*
-		 * PlopDollopEntry()
-		 *
-		 * This function is invoked by Zipr for a plugin to 
-		 * plop a dollop entry. The entry to plop is given as
-		 * the first parameter. The plugin writer can use
-		 * it's Place() function to determine the beginning
-		 * of the space allocated for this dollop entry. 
-		 *
-		 * entry: A pointer to the dollop entry to be plopped.
-		 *
-		 * instruction_address: Because multiple plugins 
-		 * may want to plop the same dollop entry, the current 
-		 * address of the instruction within the entry is 
-		 * passed in this parameter. If the plugin moves that 
-		 * instruction, it must update the parameter.
-		 *
-		 * instruction_size: The size of the instruction itself.
-		 *
-		 * placed_instruction: A flag that the plugin sets
-		 * to tell Zipr whether this plugin placed the
-		 * instruction or whether it just wrote into the entry
-		 * surrounding the instruction. The plugin should set
-		 * this value appropriately. The default is false.
-		 *
-		 * zipr: Pointer to a Zipr object for plugin access to
-		 * functionality provided by zipr.
-		 *
-		 * As output, the implementation must provide the 
-		 * address of the memory that "concludes" the 
-		 * dollop entry.
-		 */
-		virtual RangeAddress_t PlopDollopEntry(Zipr_SDK::DollopEntry_t *entry,
-			RangeAddress_t &instruction_address,
-			RangeAddress_t &target_address,
-			size_t instruction_size,
-			bool &placed_instruction)
-		{
-			return 0;
-		}
-		virtual std::string ToString()
-		{
-			return "NamelessPlugin";
-		}
-		virtual ZiprOptionsNamespace_t *RegisterOptions(ZiprOptionsNamespace_t *)
-		{
-			return new ZiprOptionsNamespace_t("");
-		}
+			/*
+			 * PlopDollopEntry()
+			 *
+			 * This function is invoked by Zipr for a plugin to 
+			 * plop a dollop entry. The entry to plop is given as
+			 * the first parameter. The plugin writer can use
+			 * it's Place() function to determine the beginning
+			 * of the space allocated for this dollop entry. 
+			 *
+			 * entry: A pointer to the dollop entry to be plopped.
+			 *
+			 * instruction_address: Because multiple plugins 
+			 * may want to plop the same dollop entry, the current 
+			 * address of the instruction within the entry is 
+			 * passed in this parameter. If the plugin moves that 
+			 * instruction, it must update the parameter.
+			 *
+			 * instruction_size: The size of the instruction itself.
+			 *
+			 * placed_instruction: A flag that the plugin sets
+			 * to tell Zipr whether this plugin placed the
+			 * instruction or whether it just wrote into the entry
+			 * surrounding the instruction. The plugin should set
+			 * this value appropriately. The default is false.
+			 *
+			 * zipr: Pointer to a Zipr object for plugin access to
+			 * functionality provided by zipr.
+			 *
+			 * As output, the implementation must provide the 
+			 * address of the memory that "concludes" the 
+			 * dollop entry.
+			 */
+			virtual RangeAddress_t PlopDollopEntry(DollopEntry_t *entry,
+				RangeAddress_t &instruction_address,
+				RangeAddress_t &target_address,
+				size_t instruction_size,
+				bool &placed_instruction)
+			{
+				return 0;
+			}
+			virtual string ToString()
+			{
+				return "NamelessPlugin";
+			}
+			virtual ZiprOptionsNamespace_t *RegisterOptions(ZiprOptionsNamespace_t *)
+			{
+				return new ZiprOptionsNamespace_t("");
+			}
-		virtual ZiprPreference RetargetPin(const RangeAddress_t &, const Zipr_SDK::Dollop_t *, RangeAddress_t &)
-		{
-			return None;
-		}
-		virtual ZiprPreference RetargetCallback(const RangeAddress_t &, const Zipr_SDK::DollopEntry_t *, RangeAddress_t &)
-		{
-			return None;
-		}
-		virtual RangeAddress_t PlaceScoopsBegin(const RangeAddress_t max_addr)
-		{
-			return max_addr;
-		}
-		virtual RangeAddress_t PlaceScoopsEnd(const RangeAddress_t max_addr)
-		{
-			return max_addr;
-		}
+			virtual ZiprPreference RetargetPin(const RangeAddress_t &, const Dollop_t *, RangeAddress_t &)
+			{
+				return None;
+			}
+			virtual ZiprPreference RetargetCallback(const RangeAddress_t &, const DollopEntry_t *, RangeAddress_t &)
+			{
+				return None;
+			}
+			virtual RangeAddress_t PlaceScoopsBegin(const RangeAddress_t max_addr)
+			{
+				return max_addr;
+			}
+			virtual RangeAddress_t PlaceScoopsEnd(const RangeAddress_t max_addr)
+			{
+				return max_addr;
+			}
+	};