diff --git a/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_cfg.cpp b/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_cfg.cpp
index e1f694fd28c7b84093a4cb5f31aa897de958cf8d..8e131c6b5b1dc0e84669bb9755ba2cdd9518fa83 100644
--- a/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_cfg.cpp
+++ b/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_cfg.cpp
@@ -664,15 +664,16 @@ void PopulateCFG::ctor_detection(FileIR_t *firp)
 	auto find_ctor_start=[&](const exeio_section_t* sec, const VirtualOffset_t end_of_ctor) -> VirtualOffset_t
 			// values needed later for various things
-			const auto ptrsize   = 8;
+			const auto ptrsize   = firp->getArchitectureBitWidth() / 8 ;
 			const auto sec_data  = sec->get_data();
 			const auto sec_start = sec->get_address();
 			// check for a null terminator at the stated end of table
 			const auto null_term_addr=end_of_ctor-ptrsize;
-			const auto null_term_value=
+			const auto null_term_value =
 				ptrsize == 8 ?  *(uint64_t*)(sec_data+null_term_addr-sec_start) :
-				                throw invalid_argument("Unknown ptrsize");
+				ptrsize == 4 ?  *(uint32_t*)(sec_data+null_term_addr-sec_start) :
+		                throw invalid_argument("Unknown ptrsize");
 			// not found, return this isn't sane.
 			if(null_term_value!=0) return 0;
@@ -685,12 +686,14 @@ void PopulateCFG::ctor_detection(FileIR_t *firp)
 				if(next_addr<sec_start) return 0;
 				// get the table entry
-				const auto ctor_entry_value=
+				const auto ctor_entry_value =
 					ptrsize == 8 ?  *(uint64_t*)(sec_data+next_addr-sec_start) :
-							throw invalid_argument("Unknown ptrsize");
+					ptrsize == 4 ?  *(uint32_t*)(sec_data+next_addr-sec_start) :
+					throw invalid_argument("Unknown ptrsize");
 				// check for the -1 terminator
-				if((int64_t)ctor_entry_value==int64_t(-1)) return next_addr;
+				if(ptrsize == 8 && (int64_t)ctor_entry_value==int64_t(-1)) return next_addr;
+				if(ptrsize == 4 && (int32_t)ctor_entry_value==int32_t(-1)) return next_addr;
 				// check if the table entry isn't a valid address
 				const auto is_before_start = ctor_entry_value <  sec->get_address() ;
@@ -718,6 +721,7 @@ void PopulateCFG::ctor_detection(FileIR_t *firp)
 			// finally, create the new scoop
 			firp->addNewDataScoop( name, startaddr, endaddr, NULL, permissions, is_relro, the_contents);
+			cout << "Added ctor/dtor scoop called " << name << " at " << hex << start_vo << "-" << end_vo << endl;
 	const auto text_sec = exeiop->sections[".text"];
diff --git a/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_indtargs.cpp b/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_indtargs.cpp
index b13d9c2228e26c98a62176226b15c1fd3d6a996f..e8a27bd8085cbef7a199dd02df69aa487796bfed 100644
--- a/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_indtargs.cpp
+++ b/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_indtargs.cpp
@@ -479,6 +479,21 @@ void handle_scoop_scanning(FileIR_t* firp)
 	// check for addresses in scoops in the text section. 
 	for(auto scoop : firp->getDataScoops())
+		if(scoop->getName() == ".ctor" || scoop->getName() == ".dtor" )
+		{
+			const auto  ptrsize        = firp->getArchitectureBitWidth() / 8 ;
+			const auto &scoop_contents = scoop->getContents();
+			for(auto i = 0u; i + ptrsize < scoop_contents.size(); i += ptrsize)
+			{
+				const auto ptr =
+				       	ptrsize == 8 ? *reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(scoop_contents.c_str() + i) : 
+				       	ptrsize == 4 ? *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(scoop_contents.c_str() + i) : 
+					throw invalid_argument("Cannot map ptrsize to deref type");
+				possible_target(ptr, scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset() + i, ibt_provenance_t::ibtp_data);
+			}
+		}
 		// test if scoop was added by fill_in_cfg -- make this test better.
 		if(scoop->getName().find("data_in_text_")==string::npos) continue;
@@ -547,113 +562,6 @@ set<Instruction_t*> find_in_function(string needle, Function_t *haystack)
-#if 0
-bool backup_until(const string &insn_type_regex_str, 
-		  Instruction_t *& prev, 
-		  Instruction_t* orig, 
-		  const string & stop_if_set="", 
-		  bool recursive=false, 
-		  uint32_t max_insns=10000u, 
-		  uint32_t max_recursions=5u)
-	const auto find_or_build_regex=[&] (const string& s) -> regex_t&
-		{
-			// declare a freer for regexs so they go away when the program ends.
-			const auto regex_freer=[](regex_t* to_free)  -> void
-			{
-				regfree(to_free);
-				delete to_free;
-			};
-			// keep the map safe from anyone but me using it.
-			using regex_unique_ptr_t=unique_ptr<regex_t, decltype(regex_freer)>;
-			static map<string, regex_unique_ptr_t > regexs_used;
-			if(s=="")
-			{
-				static regex_t empty;
-				return empty;
-			}
-			const auto it=regexs_used.find(s);
-			if(it==regexs_used.end())
-			{
-				// allocate a new regex ptr
-				regexs_used.insert(pair<string,regex_unique_ptr_t>(s,move(regex_unique_ptr_t(new regex_t, regex_freer))));
-				// and compile it.
-				auto &regex_ptr=regexs_used.at(s);
-				const auto ret=regcomp(regex_ptr.get(), s.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED);
-				// error check
-				assert(ret==0);
-			}
-			return *regexs_used.at(s).get();
-		};
-	// build regexs.
-	const auto &preg            = find_or_build_regex(insn_type_regex_str);
-	const auto &stop_expression = find_or_build_regex(stop_if_set);
-	prev=orig;
-	while(preds[prev].size()==1 && max_insns > 0)
-	{
-		// dec max for next loop 
-		max_insns--;
-		// get the only item in the list.
-		prev=*(preds[prev].begin());
-       		// get I7's disassembly
-		const auto disasm=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(prev);
-       		// check it's the requested type
-       		if(regexec(&preg, disasm->getDisassembly().c_str(), 0, nullptr, 0) == 0)
-			return true;
-		if(stop_if_set!="")
-		{
-			for(const auto operand : disasm->getOperands())
-			{
-				if(operand->isWritten() && regexec(&stop_expression, operand->getString().c_str(), 0, nullptr, 0) == 0)
-					return false;
-			}
-		}
-		// otherwise, try backing up again.
-	}
-	if(recursive && max_insns > 0 && max_recursions > 0 )
-	{
-		const auto myprev=prev;
-		// can't just use prev because recursive call will update it.
-		const auto &mypreds=preds[myprev];
-		for(const auto pred : mypreds)
-		{
-			prev=pred;// mark that we are here, in case we return true here.
-			const auto disasm=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(pred);
-       			// check it's the requested type
-       			if(regexec(&preg, disasm->getDisassembly().c_str(), 0, nullptr, 0) == 0)
-				return true;
-			if(stop_if_set!="")
-			{
-				for(const auto operand : disasm->getOperands())
-				{
-					if(operand->isWritten() && regexec(&stop_expression, operand->getString().c_str(), 0, nullptr, 0) == 0)
-						return false;
-				}
-			}
-			if(backup_until(insn_type_regex_str, prev, pred, stop_if_set, recursive, max_insns, max_recursions/mypreds.size()))
-				return true;
-			// reset for next call
-			prev=myprev;
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
 void check_for_arm32_switch_type1(
 		FileIR_t *firp, 
 		Instruction_t* insn, 
@@ -4058,16 +3966,6 @@ set<VirtualOffset_t> forced_pins;
 int parseArgs(const vector<string> step_args)
-#if 0
-	if(step_args.size()<1)
-	{
-		cerr<<"Usage: <id> [--[no-]split-eh-frame] [--[no-]unpin] [addr,...]"<<endl;
-		exit(-1);
-	}
-	// variant_id=stoi(step_args[0]);
 	cout<<"Parsing parameters with argc= " << step_args.size()<<endl;
 	// parse dash-style options.