diff --git a/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_indtargs.cpp b/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_indtargs.cpp
index a80f436d80f90f1bec56d260700af096cd7facd5..42aef929f9c499ccf789fb7da8dfe4128cb36be3 100644
--- a/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_indtargs.cpp
+++ b/irdb-libs/ir_builders/fill_in_indtargs.cpp
@@ -2801,7 +2801,33 @@ V2:
-        if(!found_cmp && !found_and && intermediate_write_instr != nullptr
+#if 0
+	killing the following of a move instruction, which generally would be good because of this case:
+   0x000000000001bf9b <+1131>:  cmp    eax,0x12
+   0x000000000001bf9e <+1134>:  ja     0x1ccf8 <process_section_headers+4552>
+   0x000000000001bfa4 <+1140>:  cmp    eax,0x1
+   0x000000000001bfa7 <+1143>:  jbe    0x1c6e0 <process_section_headers+2992>
+   0x000000000001bfad <+1149>:  mov    ecx,eax
+   0x000000000001bfaf <+1151>:  cmp    eax,0x12
+   0x000000000001bfb2 <+1154>:  ja     0x1c6e2 <process_section_headers+2994>
+   0x000000000001bfb8 <+1160>:  lea    rdi,[rip+0x66305]        # 0x822c4
+   0x000000000001bfbf <+1167>:  movsxd rdx,DWORD PTR [rdi+rcx*4]
+   0x000000000001bfc3 <+1171>:  add    rdx,rdi
+   0x000000000001bfc6 <+1174>:  notrack jmp rdx
+   Zipr followed the move back and found the cmp eax,0x1 and detected the switch table size as 0x1.  very bad.
+   it is not clear whether 0x1c6e0 falls through to the switch, but it very well could.  We really need to stop
+   looking for the switch table size at any cmp instruction unless we can determine better with the above.
+        if(false && !found_cmp && !found_and && intermediate_write_instr != nullptr
             && intermediate_write_instr->getDisassembly().rfind("mov", 0) != string::npos) {
             auto decoded_instr = DecodedInstruction_t::factory(intermediate_write_instr);