diff --git a/builtin_xforms/move_globals/.gitignore b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10f197302190edecbc1c71e5bbd52ee7b409ed2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/builtin_xforms/move_globals/README.md b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd9e641f0fd181d86e38f7168184c2c7b3394ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/builtin_xforms/move_globals/SConscript b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/SConscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9c8cff0609af04313b5b401affd1a9aa418fc6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/SConscript
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import os
+# import and create a copy of the environment so we don't screw up anyone elses env.
+	 $PEASOUP_HOME/irdb-libs/third_party/elfio-code
+	 $PEASOUP_HOME/irdb-libs/libEXEIO/include
+         $IRDB_SDK/include
+        '''
+files=Glob( Dir('.').srcnode().abspath+"/*.cpp")
+LIBS=Split("irdb-core irdb-cfg irdb-util irdb-transform irdb-deep StructDiv EXEIO ") 
+pgm=myenv.SharedLibrary(pgm,  files,  LIBPATH=LIBPATH, LIBS=LIBS)
+install=myenv.Install("$MG_HOME/plugins_install/", pgm)
diff --git a/builtin_xforms/move_globals/SConstruct b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/SConstruct
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..863481ad3159fe83dcd0e9347efcc643f8a1d84c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/SConstruct
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#   Copyright 2017-2019 University of Virginia
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+# Scons is python based.  We import OS to get at the environment.
+import os
+# create a basic scons environment
+# Include environment variables.  These lines throw semi-readable errors if the environment is not defined properly.
+env.Replace(IRDB_SDK=     os.environ['IRDB_SDK']     ) # IRDB_SDK and IRDB_LIB by convention to find headers and libraries.
+env.Replace(PEASOUP_HOME= os.environ['PEASOUP_HOME']     ) # IRDB_SDK and IRDB_LIB by convention to find headers and libraries.
+env.Replace(IRDB_LIBS=    os.environ['IRDB_LIBS']    ) 
+env.Replace(MG_HOME=      os.environ['MG_HOME']    ) 
+# Check for "debug=1" on the scons command line
+env.Replace(debug=ARGUMENTS.get("debug",0))   # build in debug mode?
+# Required:  need these flag to appropriately include/link IRDB files.
+env.Append(CXXFLAGS=" -std=c++11 ")	# enable c++11
+env.Append(LINKFLAGS=" -Wl,-unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs ") # irdb libs may have symbols that resolve OK at runtime, but not linktime.
+# if we are building in debug mode, use -g, else use -O
+if int(env['debug']) == 1:
+        env.Append(CFLAGS=     " -g ")
+        env.Append(CXXFLAGS=   " -g ")
+        env.Append(LINKFLAGS=  " -g ")
+        env.Append(SHLINKFLAGS=" -g ")
+        env.Append(CFLAGS=     " -O ")
+        env.Append(CXXFLAGS=   " -O ")
+        env.Append(LINKFLAGS=  " -O ")
+        env.Append(SHLINKFLAGS=" -O ")
+SConscript("SConscript", variant_dir='build')
diff --git a/builtin_xforms/move_globals/mg.cpp b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/mg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b975a69a4bb7a4ab23fbcac1d49b33381c21ee61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/mg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2214 @@
+#include "mg.hpp"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <elf.h>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <random>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace IRDB_SDK;
+using namespace EXEIO;
+#define ALLOF(s) begin(s), end(s)
+// use this to determine whether a scoop has a given name.
+static struct ScoopFinder : binary_function<DataScoop_t*,string,bool>
+	// declare a simple scoop finder function that finds scoops by name
+	bool operator()(const DataScoop_t* scoop, const string word)  const
+	{
+		return (scoop->getName() == word);
+	};
+} finder;
+template<class S, class T> inline
+static bool contains(const S &container, const T& value)
+	return find(container.begin(), container.end(), value) != container.end();
+static bool arg_has_memory(const DecodedOperand_t &arg)
+	/* if it's relative memory, watch out! */
+	if(arg.isMemory())
+		return true;
+	return false;
+static bool arg_has_relative(const DecodedOperand_t &arg)
+	/* if it's relative memory, watch out! */
+	if(arg.isMemory() && arg.isPcrel())
+		return true;
+	return false;
+static DecodedOperandVector_t::iterator find_memory_operand(DecodedOperandVector_t &operands)
+	// const auto operands=disasm.getOperands();
+	auto the_arg=operands.end();
+	if(operands.size()>0 && arg_has_memory(*operands[0]))
+		the_arg=next(operands.begin(),0);
+	if(operands.size()>1 && arg_has_memory(*operands[1]))
+		the_arg=next(operands.begin(),1);
+	if(operands.size()>2 && arg_has_memory(*operands[2]))
+		the_arg=next(operands.begin(),2);
+	if(operands.size()>3 && arg_has_memory(*operands[3]))
+		the_arg=next(operands.begin(),3);
+	return the_arg;
+template< typename T >
+static std::string to_hex_string( T i )
+	std::stringstream stream;
+	stream << "0x"
+		<< std::hex << i;
+	return stream.str();
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+bool MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::is_elftable(DataScoop_t* ret)
+	return find(ALLOF(elftable_names), ret->getName()) != elftable_names.end() ;  
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+bool MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::is_noptr_table(DataScoop_t* ret)
+	return find(ALLOF(elftable_nocodeptr_names), ret->getName()) != elftable_nocodeptr_names.end() ;  
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+	VariantID_t *p_variantID, 
+	FileIR_t *p_variantIR, 
+	const string &p_dont_move, 
+	const string &p_move_only, 
+	const int p_max_mov,
+        const bool p_random,
+	const bool p_aggressive,
+	const bool p_use_stars)
+	:
+	Transform_t(p_variantIR),
+	exe_reader(NULL),
+	tied_unpinned(0),
+	tied_pinned(0),
+	tied_nochange(0),
+	ties_for_folded_constants(0),
+	dont_move(p_dont_move),
+	move_only(p_move_only),
+	max_moveables(p_max_mov),
+        random(p_random),
+	aggressive(p_aggressive),
+	m_use_stars(p_use_stars)
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+int MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::execute(pqxxDB_t &pqxx_interface)
+	// read the executeable file
+	// load the executable.
+	exe_reader = new EXEIO::exeio;
+	assert(exe_reader);
+	exe_reader->load((char*)"a.ncexe");
+	if(m_use_stars)
+	{
+		auto deep_analysis=DeepAnalysis_t::factory(getFileIR(), aeSTARS,  {"SetDeepLoopAnalyses=true", "SetConstantPropagation=true"});
+		deep_global_static_ranges = deep_analysis -> getStaticGlobalRanges();
+		sentinels                 = deep_analysis -> getRangeSentinels();
+		cout<<dec;
+		cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE "<<deep_global_static_ranges->size() <<" num_global_static_range_annotations" <<endl;
+		cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE "<<sentinels->size()                 <<" num_sentinel_annotations"            <<endl;
+	}
+	ParseSyms(exe_reader);
+	SetupScoopMap();
+	FilterScoops();
+	TieScoops();
+	FindInstructionReferences();	// may record some scoops are tied together
+	FindDataReferences();
+	FilterAndCoalesceTiedScoops();
+	UpdateScoopLocations();
+	PrintStats();
+	return 0;
+// go through the .symtab and .dynsym bits of the table and make scoops for each symbol.
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::SetupScoopMap()
+	for(auto &s : getFileIR()->getDataScoops())
+	{
+		RangePair_t p(s->getStart()->getVirtualOffset(), s->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset());
+		scoop_map[p]=s;
+	}
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+DataScoop_t* MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::findScoopByAddress(const IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t a) const
+	RangePair_t p(a,a);
+	auto smit=scoop_map.find(p);
+	if(smit==scoop_map.end())
+		return NULL;
+	return smit->second;
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+bool MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym, T_Rela, T_Rel, T_Dyn, T_Extractor>::AreScoopsAdjacent(const DataScoop_t *a, const DataScoop_t *b) const
+	bool adjacent = true;
+	const IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t aStart = a->getStart()->getVirtualOffset();
+	const IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t aEnd = a->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset();
+	const IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t bStart = b->getStart()->getVirtualOffset();
+	const IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t bEnd = b->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset();
+	IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t FirstEnd, SecondStart;
+	if (aStart > bStart)
+	{
+		FirstEnd = bEnd;
+		SecondStart = aStart;
+	}
+	else 
+	{
+		FirstEnd = aEnd;
+		SecondStart = bStart;
+	}
+	for (IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t i = FirstEnd + 1; adjacent && (i < SecondStart); ++i)
+	{
+		DataScoop_t *c = findScoopByAddress(i);
+		if (c)
+		{
+			adjacent = false; // found intervening scoop before SecondStart
+		}		
+	}
+	return adjacent;
+} // end of AreScoopsAdjacent()
+// go through the .symtab and .dynsym bits of the table and make scoops for each symbol.
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::ParseSyms(EXEIO::exeio * readerp)
+	auto max_id=getFileIR()->getMaxBaseID();
+	if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+		cout<<"Initial scoops:"<<endl;
+	for(const auto &scoop : getFileIR()->getDataScoops())
+	{
+		if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+		{
+			cout<<"scoop: "<<scoop->getName()<<" ("<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()
+				<<"-"<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+		}
+		const auto moveable_sections=set<string>({ 
+						".interp",
+						".note.ABI-tag",
+						".note.gnu.build-id",
+						".gnu.hash",
+						".dynsym",
+						".dynstr",
+						".gnu.version",
+						".gnu.version_r",
+						".rel.dyn",
+						".rel.plt",
+						".rela.dyn",
+						".rela.plt",
+						".init_array",
+						".fini_array",
+						".jcr",
+						".dynamic",
+						".got",
+						".got.plt"
+						});
+		// white list some scoops as moveable, despite the symbol table
+		if(moveable_sections.find(scoop->getName())!=moveable_sections.end()) 
+		{
+			cout<<"Register scoop "<<scoop->getName()<<" as movable"<<endl;
+			moveable_scoops.insert(scoop);
+		}
+	}
+	assert(readerp);
+	auto elfiop=reinterpret_cast<ELFIO::elfio*>(readerp->get_elfio());
+	assert(elfiop);
+	auto &reader=*elfiop;
+	auto splits=0u;
+	// for each section in the elf file.
+	auto n = (Elf_Half) reader.sections.size();
+	for ( auto i = (Elf_Half ) 0; i < n; ++i ) 
+	{
+		// For all sections
+		auto sec = reader.sections[i];
+		char* max_splits = getenv("MG_MAX_SPLITS");
+		// if it's a symtab section
+		if ( SHT_SYMTAB == sec->get_type() || SHT_DYNSYM == sec->get_type() ) 
+		{
+			auto symbols = ELFIO::symbol_section_accessor ( reader, sec );
+			// for each symbol in the section
+			auto sym_no = symbols.get_symbols_num();
+			for (auto i = (decltype(sym_no))0; i < sym_no; ++i ) 
+			{
+				// check to see if we've been directed to not split everything up.
+				if (max_splits && (splits >= strtoul(max_splits, NULL, 0)))
+					break;
+				auto name=std::string();
+				auto value=(Elf64_Addr)0;	// note:  elf64_addr OK for 32-bit machines still.
+				auto size=(Elf_Xword)0;
+				auto bind=(unsigned char)0;
+				auto type=(unsigned char)0;
+				auto section=(Elf_Half)0;
+				auto other=(unsigned char)0;
+				// elfio always takes a value of type Elf64-Addr regardless of mach type.
+				symbols.get_symbol( i, name, value, size, bind, type, section, other );
+				// if it's a symbol that describes an object (as opposed to a binding, or a function or a ...)
+				if(type==STT_OBJECT && (bind==STB_LOCAL || bind==STB_GLOBAL) && value!=0 && size!=0)
+				{
+					auto tosplit=getFileIR()->findScoop(value);	
+					// something went wrong if we can't find the scoop for this object.
+					if(tosplit==NULL) continue;
+					cout << "Section: "<<sec->get_name() << " name="<<  name << " size="
+						 <<hex<<size<< " addr="<<hex<<value<<" scoop: "<<tosplit->getName()<<endl;
+					auto before=(DataScoop_t*)NULL, containing=(DataScoop_t*)NULL, after=(DataScoop_t*)NULL;
+					if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+					{
+						cout<<"\ttosplit: "<<hex<<tosplit->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-"
+							<<tosplit->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset();
+					}
+					if(value+size-1 > tosplit->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset())
+					{
+						cout<<"Skipping symbol "<<name<<" due to an object that's already split?"<<endl;
+						cout<<"Start (but not end) of "<<name<<" is in in object " <<
+							tosplit->getName()<<":("<<hex<<tosplit->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" <<
+							tosplit->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;;
+						continue; // try next symbol
+					}
+					if(moveable_scoops.find(tosplit)!=end(moveable_scoops))
+					{
+						cout<<"Avoiding resplit of "<<name<<" due to an object that's already split?"<<endl;
+						// don't re-split something that's arlready moveable.	
+						continue;
+					}
+					getFileIR()->splitScoop(tosplit, value, size, before,containing,after,&max_id);
+					if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+					{
+						if(before)
+						{
+							cout<<"\tBefore: "<<hex<<before->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()
+								<<"-"<<before->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset();
+						}
+						cout<<"\tContaining: "<<hex<<containing->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()
+							<<"-"<<containing->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset();
+						if(after)
+						{
+							cout<<"\tAfter: "<<hex<<after->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()
+								<<"-"<<after->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset();
+						}
+						cout<<endl;
+					}
+					assert(containing);
+					containing->setName(name);
+					moveable_scoops.insert(containing);
+					splits++;
+				}
+			}
+			cout << std::endl;
+		}
+	}
+        // guarantee unique scoop names
+        auto scoop_names=set<string>();
+        for(auto & s : getFileIR()->getDataScoops())
+        {
+                while(scoop_names.find(s->getName())!=scoop_names.end())
+                {
+                        cout<<"Rename scoop because of name conflict: "<<s->getName()<<" --> ";
+                        s->setName(s->getName()+"-renamed"+to_string(rand()));
+                        cout<<s->getName()<<endl;
+                }
+                scoop_names.insert(s->getName());
+        }
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE Non-Overlapping_Globals::data_scoop_splits_performed="<<dec<<splits<<endl;
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::FilterScoops()
+	const auto mg_env = getenv("MG_VERBOSE");
+	// filter using the move_only option
+	DataScoopSet_t move_only_scoops;	
+	// for each word in move_only
+	istringstream mo_ss(move_only);
+	for_each(istream_iterator<string>(mo_ss),
+		istream_iterator<string>(), [&](const string & word)
+	{
+		// find the scoop
+		auto it=find_if(ALLOF(moveable_scoops), bind2nd(finder, word));
+		// if found, insert into the move_only set.
+		if(it!=moveable_scoops.end())
+		{
+			if(mg_env)
+				cout<<"Keeping scoop (for mo_ss) "<< word << endl;
+			move_only_scoops.insert(*it);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if(mg_env)
+				cout<<"Skipping scoop (for mo_ss) "<< word << endl;
+		}
+	});
+	// update the moveable_scoops based on the move_only set.
+	if(move_only != "" )
+	{
+		moveable_scoops.clear();
+		moveable_scoops.insert(ALLOF(move_only_scoops));
+		if(mg_env)
+		{
+			cout<<"Moveable Scoops after move_only filter:"<<endl;
+			for(auto &s : moveable_scoops)
+				cout<<s->getName()<<endl;
+			cout<<endl;
+		}
+	}
+	// filter based on the dont_move option
+	// for each word in dont_move
+	istringstream dm_ss(dont_move);
+	for_each(istream_iterator<string>(dm_ss),
+		istream_iterator<string>(), [&](const string & word)
+	{
+		// find scoop by that name.
+		auto it=find_if(ALLOF(moveable_scoops), bind2nd(finder,word));
+		if(it!=moveable_scoops.end())
+		{
+			moveable_scoops.erase(*it);
+		}
+	});
+	if(dont_move!="")
+	{
+		if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+		{
+			cout<<"Moveable Scoops after dont_move filter:"<<endl;
+			for(auto &s : moveable_scoops)
+				cout<<s->getName()<<endl;
+			cout<<endl;
+		}
+	}
+	if(max_moveables>0)
+	{
+                mt19937 generator(time(0));
+                uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(0.0,1.0);
+		while(moveable_scoops.size() > (unsigned)max_moveables)
+		{
+			if (random == true)
+			{
+				double rand_num = distribution(generator);
+				int rand_idx = (int) (rand_num * moveable_scoops.size());
+				auto it = moveable_scoops.begin();
+				advance(it, rand_idx);
+				moveable_scoops.erase(it);
+			}
+			else 
+				moveable_scoops.erase(prev(moveable_scoops.end()));
+		}
+ 	}
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::TieScoops()
+	struct scoop_pairs_t 
+	{
+		string first, second;
+	}scoop_pairs[] = {
+		{ ".rel.dyn", ".rel.plt" }, // the dynamic linker goes through both sections together when LD_BIND_NOW is set.  
+		{ ".rela.dyn", ".rela.plt" }
+// can't tie .got and .got.plt because of relro differences.
+// can make insanity happen.
+//		{ ".got", ".got.plt" }
+	};
+	for_each(ALLOF(scoop_pairs), [this](const scoop_pairs_t pair)
+	{
+		auto it1=find_if(ALLOF(moveable_scoops), bind2nd(finder,pair.first));
+		auto it2=find_if(ALLOF(moveable_scoops), bind2nd(finder,pair.second));
+		// both exist, tie together.
+		if(it1!=moveable_scoops.end() && it2!=moveable_scoops.end())
+			tied_scoops.insert(ScoopPair_t(*it1,*it2));
+		// first exists, rename for easier management later.
+		else if(it1!=moveable_scoops.end() && it2==moveable_scoops.end())
+			(*it1)->setName(pair.first+" coalesced w/"+ pair.second);
+		// second exists, rename for easier management later.
+		else if(it1==moveable_scoops.end() && it2!=moveable_scoops.end())
+			(*it2)->setName(pair.first+" coalesced w/"+ pair.second);
+		// or, none exists at all.
+	});
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::HandleMemoryOperand(DecodedInstruction_t& disasm, const DecodedOperandVector_t::iterator the_arg, Instruction_t* insn, const DecodedOperandVector_t &the_arg_container)
+	// no mem arg.
+	if(the_arg==the_arg_container.end())
+	{
+		if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+		{
+			cout << "Note:  "<<hex<<" no memory op in:";
+			cout << insn->getBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly();
+			cout << endl;
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// shared objects don't need this, you have to use a pcrel addressing mode.
+	if(!arg_has_relative(**the_arg) && exe_reader->isDLL())
+	{
+		if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+		{
+			cout << "Note:  "<<hex<<" no dll-style address in:";
+			cout << insn->getBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly();
+			cout << endl;
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	const auto small_memory_threshold= exe_reader->isDLL() ? 10 : 4096*10;
+	auto to1 = (DataScoop_t*) NULL;
+	// examine the memory operation to see if there's a pc-rel
+	if ((*the_arg)->isMemory() && 
+	    (*the_arg)->hasMemoryDisplacement() && 
+	    (*the_arg)->getMemoryDisplacementEncodingSize() == 4
+	   )
+	{
+		auto rel_addr1 = (VirtualOffset_t)(*the_arg)->getMemoryDisplacement();
+		if (arg_has_relative(*(*the_arg)))
+			rel_addr1 += insn->getDataBits().size();
+		to1 = DetectProperScoop(disasm, the_arg, insn, rel_addr1, false, the_arg_container);
+		auto disp_offset = disasm.getMemoryDisplacementOffset(the_arg->get(),insn); 
+		auto disp_size = (*the_arg)->getMemoryDisplacementEncodingSize(); 
+		assert((0 < disp_offset) && (disp_offset <= (insn->getDataBits().size() - disp_size)));
+		// skip if not found, executable, or not moveable.
+		if (to1 && (to1->isExecuteable() || moveable_scoops.find(to1) == moveable_scoops.end())) 	  
+		{  
+			// do nothing, no log or action is necessary for pointers to code.
+			if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+			{
+				cout<<"Skipping (scoop exists, but exe scoop, or not moveable scoop) pcrel mem op in insn: "
+					<< hex << insn->getBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly()<<" to "
+					<< to1->getName()<<" ("
+					<<hex<<to1->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+					<<hex<<to1->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl; 
+			}
+		}
+		else if(to1)
+		{
+			// look for any pcrel relative relocs from fix_calls
+			Relocation_t* pcrel_reloc=FindRelocationWithType(insn,"pcrel");
+			if(pcrel_reloc)
+			{
+				if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+				{
+					cout<<"Setting pcrel mem op in insn: "
+						<< hex <<insn->getBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly()<<" to "
+						<< to1->getName()<<" ("
+						<<hex<<to1->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+						<<hex<<to1->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl; 
+				}
+				pcrel_refs_to_scoops.insert({insn,to1});
+			}
+			else 
+			{
+				if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+				{
+					cout<<"Absolute mem-op to scoop in insn: "
+						<< hex << insn->getBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly()<<" to "
+						<< to1->getName()<<" ("
+						<<hex<<to1->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+						<<hex<<to1->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl; 
+				}
+				if(!is_noptr_table(to1))
+					absolute_refs_to_scoops.insert({insn,to1});
+			}
+		}
+		else if ( -small_memory_threshold < (int)rel_addr1 && (int)rel_addr1 < small_memory_threshold )
+		{
+			if((0 != rel_addr1) && getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+			{
+				cout << "Note:  "<<hex<<rel_addr1<<" not declared address in (low addr thresh) :";
+				cout << insn->getBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly();
+				cout << endl;
+			}
+		}
+		else 
+		{
+			if ((0 != rel_addr1) && getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+			{
+				cout << "Note:  "<<hex<<rel_addr1<<" not declared address in (no scoop):";
+				cout << insn->getBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly();
+				cout << endl;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+		{
+			cout << "Note:  "<<hex<<" no address in:";
+			cout << insn->getBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly();
+			cout << endl;
+		}
+	}
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::ApplyPcrelMemoryRelocation(Instruction_t* insn, DataScoop_t* to)
+	const auto disasmp=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(insn);
+	const auto &disasm=*disasmp;
+	auto operands=disasm.getOperands();
+#if 1 
+	// don't change instructions that reference re-pinned scoops.
+	// This was necessary because we were not getting the zipr_unpin_plugin
+	//  to undo our changes to the instruction in the case of a re-pinned scoop.
+	//  That problem is fixed, but it is more efficient and safer to
+	//  avoid editing instructions that reference re-pinned scoops.
+	if (moveable_scoops.find(to) == moveable_scoops.cend()) {
+		if (getenv("MG_VERBOSE")) {
+			cout << "Avoiding editing of insn at " << hex << insn->getBaseID() << " after repinning scoop "
+				<< to->getName() << endl;
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	auto the_arg=find_memory_operand(operands);
+	assert(the_arg!=operands.end());
+	unsigned int disp_offset=disasm.getMemoryDisplacementOffset(the_arg->get(),insn)/*the_arg->Memory.DisplacementAddr-disasm.EIP*/;
+	unsigned int disp_size=(*the_arg)->getMemoryDisplacementEncodingSize() /*the_arg->Memory.DisplacementSize*/;
+	Relocation_t* pcrel_reloc=FindRelocationWithType(insn,"pcrel");
+	pcrel_reloc->setWRT(to);	
+// note about this case:  the pcrel reloc already exists for the 
+// case where an instruction is moving.  
+// now the relocs WRT field indicates that the target might move too.
+// will have to edit push_relocs.zpi to handle this.
+	assert(0<disp_offset && disp_offset<=(insn->getDataBits().size() - disp_size));
+	assert(disp_size==4);
+	unsigned int new_disp=(*the_arg)->getMemoryDisplacement() /*the_arg->Memory.Displacement*/ - to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset();
+	insn->setDataBits(insn->getDataBits().replace(disp_offset, disp_size, (char*)&new_disp, disp_size));
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::ApplyAbsoluteMemoryRelocation(Instruction_t* insn, DataScoop_t* to)
+	//DISASM disasm;
+	//Disassemble(insn,disasm);
+	const auto disasmp=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(insn);
+	const auto &disasm=*disasmp;
+	auto operands=disasm.getOperands();
+#if 1 
+	// don't change instructions that reference re-pinned scoops.
+	// This was necessary because we were not getting the zipr_unpin_plugin
+	//  to undo our changes to the instruction in the case of a re-pinned scoop.
+	//  That problem is fixed, but it is more efficient and safer to
+	//  avoid editing instructions that reference re-pinned scoops.
+	if (moveable_scoops.find(to) == moveable_scoops.cend()) {
+		if (getenv("MG_VERBOSE")) {
+			cout << "Avoiding editing of insn at " << hex << insn->getBaseID() << " after repinning scoop "
+				<< to->getName() << endl;
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	auto the_arg = find_memory_operand(operands);
+	unsigned int disp_offset=disasm.getMemoryDisplacementOffset(the_arg->get(),insn);
+	unsigned int disp_size=(*the_arg)->getMemoryDisplacementEncodingSize();
+	assert(0<disp_offset && disp_offset<=insn->getDataBits().size() - disp_size);
+	auto reloc=getFileIR()->addNewRelocation(insn,0, "absoluteptr_to_scoop",to);
+	(void)reloc; // just giving to the ir
+	assert(0<disp_offset && disp_offset<=(insn->getDataBits().size() - disp_size));
+	assert(disp_size==4);
+	unsigned int new_disp=(*the_arg)->getMemoryDisplacement() /*the_arg->Memory.Displacement*/ - to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset();
+	insn->setDataBits(insn->getDataBits().replace(disp_offset, disp_size, (char*)&new_disp, disp_size));
+// See if STARS analyzed the instruction and determined which scoop it references.
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+DataScoop_t* MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym, T_Rela, T_Rel, T_Dyn, T_Extractor>::DetectAnnotationScoop(Instruction_t* insn)
+	if (!m_use_stars)
+		return nullptr;
+	const auto dgsr_it     = deep_global_static_ranges->find(insn);
+       	const auto dgsr_found  = dgsr_it != deep_global_static_ranges->end();
+	const auto sentinel_it = sentinels->find(insn);
+	const auto is_sentinel = sentinel_it != sentinels->end();
+	auto ReferencedScoop = (DataScoop_t*)nullptr;
+	if(dgsr_found && is_sentinel)
+	{
+		const auto  StartAddr = dgsr_it->second;
+		ReferencedScoop = findScoopByAddress(StartAddr);
+	}
+	return ReferencedScoop;
+} // end of DetectAnnotationScoop()
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+DataScoop_t* MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::DetectProperScoop(const DecodedInstruction_t& disasm, const DecodedOperandVector_t::iterator the_arg, Instruction_t* insn, VirtualOffset_t insn_addr, bool immed, const DecodedOperandVector_t &the_arg_container)
+	assert(insn);
+	assert(immed || (the_arg != the_arg_container.end()));	// immeds don't need an argument, but memory ops do.
+	if (immed && (0 == insn_addr))
+		return NULL; // immed value of zero is not a scoop address
+	const auto small_memory_threshold = exe_reader->isDLL() ? 10 : 4096 * 10;
+	const auto ValidImmed             = immed && (small_memory_threshold <= ((int)insn_addr));
+	auto ret = findScoopByAddress(insn_addr);
+	// so far, we haven't run into any problems with not finding a scoop.  we could later.
+	if (!ret)
+	{
+		// check for things that _just_ run off the end of a scoop.
+		for (auto i = 0; (i < 8) && (ret == NULL); i++)
+			ret = findScoopByAddress(insn_addr - i);	
+		// check for things that just miss the beginning of a scoop 
+		for (auto i = 0; (i < 8) && (ret == NULL); i++)
+			ret = findScoopByAddress(insn_addr + i);	
+	}
+	// See if STARS analyzed the instruction and determined which scoop it references.
+	const auto retSTARS = (immed && (!ValidImmed)) ? (DataScoop_t*)nullptr : DetectAnnotationScoop(insn);
+	if (!ret)
+	{
+		if (nullptr != retSTARS)
+		{
+			cout << "Detected proper scoop using annotation, not using after DetectProperScoop failure for insn at " << hex << insn->getBaseID() << endl;
+		}
+		return ret;
+	}
+	/* check to see if it's directly pointing at an elftable that isn't allowed to have pointers */
+	if (is_noptr_table(ret))
+	{
+		/* it's an elftable, so we don't need to look so hard because */
+		/* we probably aren't pointing to an elf table from an instruction */
+		/* find middle of table */
+		const auto mid_of_table = (ret->getStart()->getVirtualOffset() / 2) + (ret->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset() / 2);
+		/* look forward if above middle, else look backwards */
+		const auto op = (insn_addr < mid_of_table)
+			? [](const VirtualOffset_t i, const VirtualOffset_t j) { return i - j; }
+			: [](const VirtualOffset_t i, const VirtualOffset_t j) { return i + j; }
+			;
+		/* start at begin/end of table depending on direction */
+		const auto addr = (insn_addr < mid_of_table)
+			? ret->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()
+			: ret->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()
+			;
+		/* scan 128 bytes looking for a relevant scoop */
+		const auto thres = 128;
+		for (auto i = 1; i < thres; i++)
+		{
+			/* check what's here */
+			auto candidate = findScoopByAddress(op(addr, i));
+			if (candidate != NULL)
+				return candidate;
+		}
+		/* didn't find anything */
+	} /* if elftable */
+	/* Not an elf table use conservative and/or aggressive heuristics*/
+	ret = DetectProperScoop_ConsiderEndOfPrev(disasm, the_arg, insn, insn_addr, immed, ret, the_arg_container);
+	if (!aggressive)
+		ret = DetectProperScoop_ConsiderStartOfNext(disasm, the_arg, insn, insn_addr, immed, ret, the_arg_container);
+	if (nullptr != retSTARS)
+	{
+		if (nullptr == ret)
+		{
+			// ret = retSTARS; // Dangerous to use; e.g. mov [rdi+0x200],rax will cause edit of 0x200 because RDI was resolved by STARS to a scoop address
+			cout << "Detected proper scoop using annotation, not using after DetectProperScoop final failure for insn at " << hex << insn->getBaseID() << endl;
+		}
+		else if (retSTARS != ret)
+		{
+			// We have two different non-null choices. We will tie the two scoops
+			//  together if they are adjacent, and pin them both otherwise.
+			if (AreScoopsAdjacent(ret, retSTARS)) // tie adjacent scoops
+			{
+				cout << "Tieing adjacent scoops due to STARS vs. DetectProperScoop conflict for insn at " << hex << insn->getBaseID() << endl;
+				if (ret->getStart()->getVirtualOffset() < retSTARS->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()) 
+					tied_scoops.insert({ret, retSTARS});
+				else 
+					tied_scoops.insert({retSTARS, ret});
+			}
+			else // not adjacent; must pin
+			{
+				cout << "Pinning non-adjacent scoops due to STARS vs. DetectProperScoop conflict for insn at " << hex << insn->getBaseID() << endl;
+				if(!is_elftable(ret)) 
+					moveable_scoops.erase(ret);
+				if(!is_elftable(retSTARS)) 
+					moveable_scoops.erase(retSTARS);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+} // end of DetectProperScoop()
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+DataScoop_t* MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::DetectProperScoop_ConsiderStartOfNext(
+	const DecodedInstruction_t& disasm, 	
+	const DecodedOperandVector_t::iterator mem_arg, 	
+	Instruction_t* insn, 	
+	VirtualOffset_t insn_addr, 	
+	bool immed, 	
+	DataScoop_t* candidate_scoop,
+	const DecodedOperandVector_t &mem_arg_container
+	)
+	assert(immed || mem_arg!=mem_arg_container.end());	// immeds don't need an argument, but memory ops do.
+	const auto is_lea=disasm.getMnemonic() == string("lea");
+	const auto consider_multiple_sizes= is_lea || immed;
+	auto strides= consider_multiple_sizes ? set<int>({1,2,4,8}) : set<int>({ (int)(*mem_arg)->getArgumentSizeInBytes() });
+	// get other strides from the containing function
+	if(insn->getFunction())
+	{
+		for(auto func_insn : insn->getFunction()->getInstructions())
+		{
+			const auto dp=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(func_insn);
+			const auto &d=*dp;
+			auto potential_stride=0;
+			if( d.getMnemonic()=="add" || d.getMnemonic()=="sub")
+			{
+				potential_stride=d.getImmediate(); 
+			}
+			if(d.getMnemonic()=="lea")
+			{
+				potential_stride=d.getOperand(1)->getMemoryDisplacement(); 
+			}
+			if(abs(potential_stride)<500  && potential_stride!=0)
+			{
+				strides.insert(potential_stride);
+				strides.insert(-potential_stride);
+			}
+		};
+	}
+	const auto stride_multipliers= set<int>({-1,1});
+	const auto contains_base_reg  = mem_arg != mem_arg_container.end() && (*mem_arg)->hasBaseRegister(); 
+	const auto contains_index_reg = mem_arg != mem_arg_container.end() && (*mem_arg)->hasIndexRegister(); 
+	const auto contains_reg       = contains_base_reg || contains_index_reg;
+	const auto memory_access      = mem_arg!=mem_arg_container.end() && !is_lea;
+	const auto is_direct_memory_access = memory_access && !contains_reg;
+	// check for a direct memory access
+	if(is_direct_memory_access)
+	{
+		return candidate_scoop;
+	}
+	// calculate each offset=stride*multiplier pair
+	auto candidate_offsets=set<int>();
+	for(auto stride : strides)
+	{
+		for(auto multiplier : stride_multipliers)
+		{
+			candidate_offsets.insert(stride*multiplier);
+		};
+	};
+	// how to tie two scoops
+	auto insert_scoop_pair=[&](DataScoop_t* a, DataScoop_t* b, int i, int offset)
+	{
+		const auto tied_scoop_pair = ScoopPair_t(a,b) ;
+		assert(tied_scoop_pair.first->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()+1 == tied_scoop_pair.second->getStart()->getVirtualOffset());
+		tied_scoops.insert(tied_scoop_pair);
+		cout<<"	Tieing scoops "<<tied_scoop_pair.first->getName()<<" and "<<tied_scoop_pair.second->getName()<<" for i="<<dec<<i<<" offset="<<offset<<endl;
+		ties_for_folded_constants++;
+	};
+	// how to decide if a scoop at offset i should be tied.
+	// no scoop ->  no tie
+	// un-tie-able scoop -> no tie
+	// else tie
+	auto should_tie=[&](const int i, DataScoop_t* prev_scoop) -> DataScoop_t* 
+	{
+		DataScoop_t *this_scoop=findScoopByAddress(insn_addr+i);	
+		// no scoop at this addr?
+		if(this_scoop==nullptr)
+			return nullptr;
+		// un-tie-able scoop at this addr?
+		if(is_noptr_table(this_scoop))
+			return nullptr;
+		// if both scoops are already pinned, no reason to tie.
+		const auto is_prev_moveable = moveable_scoops.find(prev_scoop)!=moveable_scoops.end();
+		const auto is_this_moveable = moveable_scoops.find(this_scoop)!=moveable_scoops.end();
+		if(!is_prev_moveable && !is_this_moveable) 
+			return nullptr;
+		// else, tie
+		return this_scoop;
+	};
+	// check each offset for a scoop that needings tieing tot his one.
+	for(auto offset : candidate_offsets)
+	{
+		assert(offset!=0);
+		auto candidate_offset_scoop=findScoopByAddress(insn_addr+offset) ;
+		// check to see if the offset is in a different scoop 
+		if(candidate_scoop != candidate_offset_scoop)
+		{
+			// yes, therefore we have to tie all scoops between the start and end together.
+			// stop if there's an untieable scoop in the way.
+			auto prev_scoop=candidate_scoop;
+			if(offset < 0 ) 
+			{
+				for(auto i=(int)-1;i>=offset; i--)
+				{
+					auto this_scoop=should_tie(i,prev_scoop);
+					if(this_scoop)
+					{
+						if(this_scoop!=prev_scoop)
+							insert_scoop_pair(this_scoop,prev_scoop, i, offset);
+						prev_scoop=this_scoop;
+					}
+					else 
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				for(auto i=(int)1;i<=offset; i++)
+				{
+					auto this_scoop=should_tie(i,prev_scoop);
+					if(this_scoop)
+					{
+						if(this_scoop!=prev_scoop)
+							insert_scoop_pair(prev_scoop,this_scoop, i, offset);
+						prev_scoop=this_scoop;
+					}
+					else 
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	return candidate_scoop;
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+DataScoop_t* MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::DetectProperScoop_ConsiderEndOfPrev(
+	const DecodedInstruction_t& disasm, 
+	const DecodedOperandVector_t::iterator the_arg, 
+	Instruction_t* insn, 
+	VirtualOffset_t insn_addr, 
+	bool immed, 
+	DataScoop_t* ret,
+	const DecodedOperandVector_t &the_arg_container
+	)
+	// possibility for future work:  identify cases where 
+	// 	[addr+rbx*8] that came from something like =a[i-1].  And addr==a[-1].
+	// for now, memory operands that actually access memory, there's no additional analysis needed 
+	if(!immed && disasm.getMnemonic()!=string("lea"))	
+		// this should filter out cmp, move, test, add,  with a memory operation
+		return ret;
+	// now we have an immediate or an lea (i.e., no cmp reg, [mem] operations)
+	// that's pointing to a scoop.   Let's check if it's a boundary between two scoops
+	if(insn_addr!=ret->getStart()->getVirtualOffset())	
+		// it's not, so just continue.
+		return ret;
+	// now look to see if there's a scoop regsitered that abuts this scoop; 
+	DataScoop_t *scoop_for_prev=findScoopByAddress(insn_addr-1);	
+	// if not found, we know we aren't in a boundary case.
+	if(!scoop_for_prev)
+		return ret;
+	/* check to see if the immediate next instruction dereferences the destination of an lea. */
+	Instruction_t* next_insn=insn->getFallthrough();
+	if(next_insn == NULL) 
+		next_insn=insn->getTarget();
+	if(next_insn && disasm.getMnemonic() == string("lea"))	
+	{
+		const auto lea_disasmp=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(insn);
+		const auto &lea_disasm=*lea_disasmp;;
+		string dstreg=lea_disasm.getOperand(0)->getString(); 
+		const auto next_disasmp=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(next_insn);
+		const auto &next_disasm=*next_disasmp;
+		auto memarg_container=next_disasm.getOperands();
+		const auto memarg=find_memory_operand(memarg_container);
+		// if we found a memory operation that uses the register, with no indexing, then conclude that 
+		// we must access the variable after the address (not the variable before the address) 
+		// if(memarg && string(next_disasm.Instruction.Mnemonic)!="lea " && string(memarg->ArgMnemonic)==dstreg )
+		if(memarg!=memarg_container.end() && next_disasm.getMnemonic()!="lea" && (*memarg)->getString()==dstreg )
+			return ret;
+	}
+	// if we're in a function
+	// check that function for other references to scoop_for_prev
+	if(insn->getFunction())
+	{
+		auto found_insn_it=find_if(
+			ALLOF(insn->getFunction()->getInstructions()), 
+			[&](Instruction_t* func_insn)
+			{
+				// disassemble instruction 
+				//DISASM func_insn_disasm;
+				//Disassemble(func_insn,func_insn_disasm);
+				const auto func_insn_disasmp=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(func_insn);
+				const auto &func_insn_disasm=*func_insn_disasmp;
+				auto func_insn_disasm_operands=func_insn_disasm.getOperands();
+				// enter instructions have 2 immediates, so we can't just "getImmediate()"
+				if(func_insn_disasm.getMnemonic()=="enter")
+					return false;
+				// check the immediate
+				// if(getFileIR()->findScoop(func_insn_disasm.Instruction.Immediat) == scoop_for_prev)	
+				 if(scoop_for_prev->getStart()->getVirtualOffset() <= (VirtualOffset_t)func_insn_disasm.getImmediate() && 
+				    (VirtualOffset_t)func_insn_disasm.getImmediate() <= scoop_for_prev->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset())	
+					return true;	// return from lamba that we found an insn.
+				// don't bother with the memory check unless we're an LEA
+				//if(func_insn_disasm.Instruction.Mnemonic!=string("lea "))
+				if(func_insn_disasm.getMnemonic()!=string("lea"))
+					return false; 
+				// check the memory -- find the argument that's the mem ref;
+				const auto the_arg=find_memory_operand(func_insn_disasm_operands);
+				if(the_arg!=func_insn_disasm_operands.end())
+				{
+					// see if the lea has a scoop reference.
+					VirtualOffset_t addr=(*the_arg)->getMemoryDisplacement();
+					if(arg_has_relative(*(*the_arg)))
+						addr+=insn->getDataBits().size();
+					if(getFileIR()->findScoop(addr) == scoop_for_prev)	
+						return true;	// return from lamba
+				}
+				// not found in this insn
+				return false; // lambda return
+			});
+		// no reference to prev_scoop found, just return;
+		if(found_insn_it==insn->getFunction()->getInstructions().end())
+		{
+			return ret;
+		}
+	}
+	// if we make it this far, we note that a single function has sketchy (aka address-generating) references
+	// to both scoop_for_prev and ret;
+	// in this case, we need to make keep these two scoops together since we can't tell which way the sketchy ref's go.
+	// for now, just record the sketchy refs.
+	cout<<"Boundary note:  instruction "<<insn->getBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly()<<" has immed/lea that points at boundary case.";
+	if(insn->getFunction())
+		cout<<" In "<<insn->getFunction()->getName()<<".";
+	cout<<endl;
+	cout<<"Keep together "<<
+		scoop_for_prev->getName()<<" ("<<hex<< scoop_for_prev->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-"<<scoop_for_prev->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") and "<<
+		ret->getName()<<" ("<<hex<< ret->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-"<<ret->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+	tied_scoops.insert(ScoopPair_t(scoop_for_prev,ret));
+	return ret;
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::ApplyImmediateRelocation(Instruction_t *insn, DataScoop_t* to)
+	const auto disasmp=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(insn);
+	const auto &disasm=*disasmp;
+	VirtualOffset_t rel_addr2=disasm.getImmediate(); // Instruction.Immediat;
+#if 1 // don't change instructions that reference re-pinned scoops.
+	// This was necessary because we were not getting the zipr_unpin_plugin
+	//  to undo our changes to the instruction in the case of a re-pinned scoop.
+	//  That problem is fixed, but it is more efficient and safer to
+	//  avoid editing instructions that reference re-pinned scoops.
+	if (moveable_scoops.find(to) == moveable_scoops.cend()) {
+		if (getenv("MG_VERBOSE")) {
+			cout << "Avoiding editing of insn at " << hex << insn->getBaseID() << " after repinning scoop "
+				<< to->getName() << endl;
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	getFileIR()->addNewRelocation(insn,0, "immedptr_to_scoop", to);
+	// fixme: insn bits changed here 
+	assert(strtoumax(disasm.getOperand(1)->getString().c_str(), NULL, 0) ==  rel_addr2);
+	VirtualOffset_t new_addr = rel_addr2 - to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset();
+	assert(4 < insn->getDataBits().size());
+	insn->setDataBits(insn->getDataBits().replace(insn->getDataBits().size()-4, 4, (char*)&new_addr, 4));
+	cout<<"Non-Overlapping_Globals::ApplyImmediateReloc::Setting "<<hex<<insn->getBaseID()<<" to "<<insn->getDisassembly()<<endl;
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::HandleImmediateOperand(const DecodedInstruction_t& disasm, const DecodedOperandVector_t::iterator the_arg, Instruction_t* insn)
+	// shared objects don't need this, you have to use a pcrel addressing mode.
+	if(exe_reader->isDLL())
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	const int small_memory_threshold= exe_reader->isDLL() ? 10 : 4096*10;
+	// enter instructions have 2 immediates, so we can't just "getImmediate()"
+	if(disasm.getMnemonic()=="enter")
+		return;
+	VirtualOffset_t rel_addr2=disasm.getImmediate(); 
+	auto operands=disasm.getOperands();
+	DataScoop_t *to2=DetectProperScoop(disasm, operands.end(), insn, rel_addr2, true, operands);
+	// skip if not found, executable, or not moveable.
+	if( to2 && (to2->isExecuteable() || moveable_scoops.find(to2) == moveable_scoops.end()))
+	{  
+		// do nothing, no log or action is necessary for (potential) pointers to code or 
+		// (potential) pointers to non-moveable data.
+	}
+	else if(to2)
+	{
+		// there's no need to find pointers in other types of instructions, 
+		// such as mul or vfmasubadd231 (yes, that's a real instruction on x86)
+		// note: yes other instructions may have a memory operand with a pointer, but that's handled above.
+		// this is for instruction's immediate fields, not their memory operand's displacement.
+		//
+		// compares, tests are often used because the compiler strength reduces.
+		// moves are used to load addresses into a register.
+		// adds are used to load addresses plus an offset into a register.
+		// here's an example where sub is used with a pointer:
+		//
+		//  	DegenCount[strchr(Alphabet,iupac)-Alphabet] = ...
+		//
+		// 	0x0000000000402a99 <+25>:	call   0x401620 <strchr@plt>
+		// 	0x0000000000402a9e <+30>:	mov    rbp <- rax
+   		//	0x0000000000402aa1 <+33>:	mov    rdi <- rbx
+   		//	0x0000000000402aa4 <+36>:	sub    rbp <- 0x65b500  # note:  constant is a poitner here!
+   		//	0x0000000000402aab <+43>:	eax <-  ...
+   		//	0x0000000000402ab0 <+48>:	mov    DWORD PTR [rbp*4+0x65b520] <- eax
+		if(disasm.getMnemonic() == string("mov") ||
+		   disasm.getMnemonic() == string("cmp") ||
+		   disasm.getMnemonic() == string("test") ||
+		   disasm.getMnemonic() == string("add")  ||
+		   disasm.getMnemonic() == string("sub") )
+		{
+			if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+			{
+				cout<<"Found non-mem ref in insn: "<<insn->getBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly()<<" to "
+					<< to2->getName() <<"("
+					<<hex<<to2->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+					<<hex<<to2->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl; 
+			}
+			if(!is_noptr_table(to2))
+				immed_refs_to_scoops.insert({insn,to2});
+		}
+	}
+	else  
+	{
+		if ((int)rel_addr2 < -small_memory_threshold || (int) rel_addr2 > small_memory_threshold || getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+		{
+			if ((0 != rel_addr2) && getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+			{
+				cout << "Note:  " << hex << rel_addr2 << " not declared address in:";
+				cout << insn->getBaseID() << ":" << disasm.getDisassembly();
+				cout << endl;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// put in links between scoops and any references to them.
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::FindInstructionReferences()
+	for(InstructionSet_t::iterator iit=getFileIR()->getInstructions().begin();
+		iit!=getFileIR()->getInstructions().end();
+		++iit
+	   )
+	{
+		Instruction_t* insn=*iit;
+		//DISASM disasm;
+		//Disassemble(insn,disasm);
+		auto disasmp=DecodedInstruction_t::factory(insn);
+		auto &disasm=*disasmp;
+		auto disasm_operands=disasm.getOperands();
+		// find memory arg.
+		const auto the_arg=find_memory_operand(disasm_operands);
+		if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+			cout<<"Considering "<<hex<<insn->getBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly()<<endl;
+		HandleMemoryOperand(disasm,the_arg,insn, disasm_operands);
+		HandleImmediateOperand(disasm,the_arg,insn);
+	}
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::ApplyDataRelocation(DataScoop_t *from, unsigned int offset, DataScoop_t* to)
+	assert(to && from);
+	const char* data=from->getContents().c_str();
+	unsigned int byte_width=getFileIR()->getArchitectureBitWidth()/8;
+	VirtualOffset_t val=(VirtualOffset_t)NULL;
+	if(byte_width==4)
+		val=*(int*)&data[offset];
+	else if(byte_width==8)
+		val=*(long long*)&data[offset];
+	else
+		assert(0);
+	/*
+	Relocation_t* reloc=new Relocation_t(BaseObj_t::NOT_IN_DATABASE, offset, "dataptr_to_scoop", to);
+	from->getRelocations().insert(reloc);
+	getFileIR()->getRelocations().insert(reloc);
+	*/
+	auto reloc=getFileIR()->addNewRelocation(from,offset, "dataptr_to_scoop", to);
+	(void)reloc; // just giving to ir
+	VirtualOffset_t newval=val-to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset();
+	auto str=from->getContents();
+	// create new value for pointer.
+	if(byte_width==4)
+	{
+		unsigned int intnewval=(unsigned int)newval;	 // 64->32 narrowing OK. 
+		str.replace(offset, byte_width, (char*)&intnewval, byte_width);
+	}
+	else if(byte_width==8)
+	{
+		str.replace(offset, byte_width, (char*)&newval, byte_width);
+	}
+	else
+		assert(0);
+	from->setContents(str);
+// check if val is a pointer or part of a string that mimics a pointer
+static inline bool is_part_of_string(VirtualOffset_t val, const DataScoop_t* from,  const DataScoop_t* to, int offset)
+	assert(from && to);
+	// locate strings that look like pointers but aren't.  e.g.:  "ion\0" and "ren\0".  Note that both are null terminated. 
+	// this is a problem on 64-bit code because we screw up the string.
+	// note:  the most sigificant byte is 0, and the lower 3 signfiicant bytes are printable.
+	// the least significant byte is special.  In a valid pointer, it's almost always 00 or 01 for 64-bit code or shared libraries, 
+	// and 0x08 0x09 for 32-bit main executables.   Very very rarely is it anything else.
+	// however, for 0x01, 0x08, and 0x09 aren't printable, so we don't confuse these bytes in a string for an address and we don't need to detect this.
+	if ( ((val >> 24) & 0xff) != 0 )	// check for non-0
+		return false;
+	if ( !isprint(((val >> 16) & 0xff)))	// and 3 printable characters.
+		return false;
+	if ( !isprint(((val >> 8) & 0xff)))
+		return false;
+	if ( !isprint(((val >> 0) & 0xff)))
+		return false;
+	// number of bytes that must precede the pointer and be string bytes to disambiguate a string's end from a pointer.
+	const int string_preheader_size=4;
+	// if we dont' have enough bytes of preheader, skip it.
+	if( offset < string_preheader_size ) 
+		return false;
+	// check each byte preceeding the candidate pointer to see if it's printable.
+	for(auto i=0;i<string_preheader_size;i++)
+	{
+		if(i>offset)
+			return false;
+		unsigned char b=from->getContents()[offset-i];
+		if(!isprint(b))
+			return false;
+	}
+	// we found enough string chars before the (candidate) pointer value, so we think that a string is here, not a pointer.
+	if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+	{
+		cout<<"Found string as non-ref "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<from->getName()<<"+"<<offset<<" ("
+			<<hex<<from->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+			<<hex<<from->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") to "
+			<<to->getName()<<" ("
+			<<hex<<to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+			<<hex<<to->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+	}
+	return true;
+// put in links between scoops and any references to them.
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::FindDataReferences()
+	unsigned int byte_width=getFileIR()->getArchitectureBitWidth()/8;
+	typedef function<void (DataScoop_t*)> ScannerFunction_t;
+	auto read_bytewidth=[&](const char* data, const int i) -> long long
+	{
+		auto val=(long long)0;
+		if(byte_width==4)
+			val=*(int*)&data[i];
+		else if(byte_width==8)
+			val=*(long long*)&data[i];
+		else
+			assert(0);
+		return val;
+	};
+	ScannerFunction_t got_scanner=[&](DataScoop_t* scoop)
+	{
+		// got scanner doesn't scan data section for shared objects since they can't have a constant address
+		if(exe_reader->isDLL())
+			return;
+		auto data=scoop->getContents().c_str();
+		auto len=scoop->getContents().size();
+		for ( auto i=0u; i+byte_width-1<len; i+=byte_width)
+		{
+			const auto val=read_bytewidth(data,i);
+			auto to=findScoopByAddress(val);	
+			if(to)
+			{
+				if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+				{
+					cout<<"Found ref "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<scoop->getName()<<"+"<<i<<" ("
+						<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+						<<hex<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") to "
+						<<to->getName()<<" ("
+						<<hex<<to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+						<<hex<<to->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+				}
+				data_refs_to_scoops.insert({scoop,i,to}); 
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	ScannerFunction_t default_scanner=[&](DataScoop_t* scoop)
+	{
+		// default scanner doesn't scan data section for shared objects since they can't have a constant address
+		if(exe_reader->isDLL())
+			return;
+		auto data=scoop->getContents().c_str();
+		auto len=scoop->getContents().size();
+		// try not to overrun the array
+		for ( auto i=0u; i+byte_width-1<len; i+=byte_width)
+		{
+			auto val=read_bytewidth(data,i);
+			auto to=findScoopByAddress(val);	
+			if(to)
+			{
+				auto aggressive_qualify_for_moving = [this](const DataScoop_t* from, 
+								DataScoop_t* &to, 
+								bool &move_ok, 
+								bool &disqualifies_to, 
+								const VirtualOffset_t addr, unsigned int offset_in_scoop
+							       ) -> void
+				{
+					move_ok=true;
+					disqualifies_to=false;
+					if( !to->isExecuteable() && 
+					    moveable_scoops.find(to) != moveable_scoops.end() && 
+					    !is_part_of_string(addr,from,to,offset_in_scoop)
+					  )
+					{
+						return;	
+					}
+					move_ok=false;
+				};
+				auto qualify_for_moving = [this](const DataScoop_t* from, 
+								DataScoop_t* &to, 
+								bool &move_ok, 
+								bool &disqualifies_to, 
+								const VirtualOffset_t addr, unsigned int offset_in_scoop
+							       ) -> void
+				{
+					move_ok=true;
+					disqualifies_to=false;
+					// if points at executable scoop, we aren't doing that here!
+					if(to->isExecuteable())
+					{ move_ok=false;  disqualifies_to=false; return ; }
+					// if not moveable, we aren't doing that here.	
+ 					if ( moveable_scoops.find(to) == moveable_scoops.end())
+					{ move_ok=false;  disqualifies_to=false; return ; }
+					/* the above worked ok-ish, but not great.  trying this method to be more conservative */
+					{ move_ok=false;  disqualifies_to=true; return ; }
+					// if this constant appears to be part of a string, skip it!
+					if(is_part_of_string(addr,from,to,offset_in_scoop))
+					{ move_ok=false;  disqualifies_to=false; return ; }
+					// very few variables start at an address that ends in 0x000 and often address-looking constants do
+					// if we see such an address, pin-and-win.
+					if ( (addr&0xfff) == 0x000 && addr==to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset())
+					{ move_ok=false;  disqualifies_to=true; return ; }
+					// if we point at the start of a scoop, it's OK to move.
+					if(addr==to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset())
+					{ move_ok=true;  disqualifies_to=false; return ; }
+					// if it points near a scoop, but not directly at it, it's hard to tell if it's moveable or not
+					if(abs((long)addr-(long)to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()) < 16 )
+					{ move_ok=false;  disqualifies_to=true; return ; }
+					// else, it's pointing in the middle of a scoop, so it's probably not a 
+					// pointer at all.
+					{ move_ok=false;  disqualifies_to=false; return ; }
+				};
+				auto move_ok=false;
+				auto disqualifies_to=false;
+				if(aggressive)
+					aggressive_qualify_for_moving(scoop, to,move_ok,disqualifies_to,val, i);
+				else
+					qualify_for_moving(scoop, to,move_ok,disqualifies_to,val, i);
+				if(move_ok)
+				{
+					if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+					{
+						cout<<"Found ref "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<scoop->getName()<<"+"<<i<<" ("
+							<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+							<<hex<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") to "
+							<<to->getName()<<" ("
+							<<hex<<to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+							<<hex<<to->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+					}
+					// put those bytes back in the string.
+					//ApplyDataRelocations(*sit,i,to);
+					data_refs_to_scoops.insert({scoop,i,to}); 
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+					{
+						cout<<"Found ref-looking-constant "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<scoop->getName()<<"+"<<i<<" ("
+							<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+							<<hex<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") which would otherwise be to "
+							<<to->getName()<<" ("
+							<<hex<<to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+							<<hex<<to->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+					}
+				}
+				if(disqualifies_to)
+				{
+					if(!is_elftable(to))
+					{
+						if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+						{
+							cout<<"Ref-looking-constant "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<scoop->getName()<<"+"<<i<<" ("
+								<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+								<<hex<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") is inconclusive.  Repinning "
+								<<to->getName()<<" ("
+								<<hex<<to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+								<<hex<<to->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+						}
+						moveable_scoops.erase(to);
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+						{
+							cout<<"Ref-looking-constant "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<scoop->getName()<<"+"<<i<<" ("
+								<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+								<<hex<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") is inconclusive.  Not repinning because is elftable "
+								<<to->getName()<<" ("
+								<<hex<<to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+								<<hex<<to->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+						}
+					}
+				}	
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if((0 != val) && getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+				{
+					cout<<"Constant "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<scoop->getName()<<"+"<<i<<" ("
+						<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+						<<hex<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") doesn't point at scoop."<<endl;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	ScannerFunction_t dynsym_scanner=[&](DataScoop_t* scoop) 
+	{ 
+		const char* data=scoop->getContents().c_str();
+		unsigned int len=scoop->getContents().size();
+		T_Sym* symptr=(T_Sym*)data;
+		const char* end=data+len;
+		while((const char*)symptr<end)
+		{
+			VirtualOffset_t val=symptr->st_value;
+			DataScoop_t *to=findScoopByAddress(val);	
+			if(to)
+			{
+				unsigned int offset=(unsigned int)((VirtualOffset_t)symptr)-((VirtualOffset_t)data);
+				offset+=((VirtualOffset_t)&symptr->st_value)-(VirtualOffset_t)symptr;
+				if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+				{
+					cout<<"Found dynsym:st_value ref "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<scoop->getName()<<"+"<<offset<<" ("
+						<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+						<<hex<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") to "
+						<<to->getName()<<" ("
+						<<hex<<to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+						<<hex<<to->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+				}
+				data_refs_to_scoops.insert({scoop,offset,to}); 
+			}
+			symptr++; // next symbol
+		}
+	};
+	ScannerFunction_t rel_scanner=[&](DataScoop_t* scoop) 
+	{  
+		const char* data=scoop->getContents().c_str();
+		unsigned int len=scoop->getContents().size();
+		T_Rela * symptr=(T_Rela*)data;	
+		const char* end=data+len;
+		while((const char*)symptr<end)
+		{
+			// handle offset field
+			{
+				VirtualOffset_t val=symptr->r_offset;
+				DataScoop_t *to=findScoopByAddress(val);	
+				if(to)
+				{
+					unsigned int offset=(unsigned int)((VirtualOffset_t)symptr)-((VirtualOffset_t)data);
+					offset+=((VirtualOffset_t)&symptr->r_offset)-(VirtualOffset_t)symptr;
+					if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+					{
+						cout<<"Found rela:r_offset ref "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<scoop->getName()<<"+"<<offset<<" ("
+							<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+							<<hex<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") to "
+							<<to->getName()<<" ("
+							<<hex<<to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+							<<hex<<to->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+					}
+					data_refs_to_scoops.insert({scoop,offset,to}); 
+				}
+			}
+			symptr++; // next symbol
+		}
+	}; 
+	ScannerFunction_t rela_scanner=[&](DataScoop_t* scoop)
+	{ 
+		const char* data=scoop->getContents().c_str();
+		unsigned int len=scoop->getContents().size();
+		T_Rela * symptr=(T_Rela*)data;	
+		const char* end=data+len;
+		while((const char*)symptr<end)
+		{
+			// handle addend field
+			{
+				VirtualOffset_t val=symptr->r_addend;
+				DataScoop_t *to=findScoopByAddress(val);	
+				if(to)
+				{
+					unsigned int offset=(unsigned int)((VirtualOffset_t)symptr)-((VirtualOffset_t)data);
+					offset+=((VirtualOffset_t)&symptr->r_addend)-(VirtualOffset_t)symptr;
+					if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+					{
+						cout<<"Found rela:r_added ref "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<scoop->getName()<<"+"<<offset<<" ("
+							<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+							<<hex<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") to "
+							<<to->getName()<<" ("
+							<<hex<<to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+							<<hex<<to->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+					}
+					data_refs_to_scoops.insert({scoop,offset,to}); 
+				}
+			}
+			// handle offset field
+			{
+				VirtualOffset_t val=symptr->r_offset;
+				DataScoop_t *to=findScoopByAddress(val);	
+				if(to)
+				{
+					unsigned int offset=(unsigned int)((VirtualOffset_t)symptr)-((VirtualOffset_t)data);
+					offset+=((VirtualOffset_t)&symptr->r_offset)-(VirtualOffset_t)symptr;
+					if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+					{
+						cout<<"Found rela:r_offset ref "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<scoop->getName()<<"+"<<offset<<" ("
+							<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+							<<hex<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") to "
+							<<to->getName()<<" ("
+							<<hex<<to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+							<<hex<<to->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+					}
+					data_refs_to_scoops.insert({scoop,offset,to}); 
+				}
+			}
+			symptr++; // next symbol
+		}
+	};
+	ScannerFunction_t dynamic_scanner=[&](DataScoop_t* scoop)
+	{ 
+		const auto data=scoop->getContents().c_str();
+		const auto len=scoop->getContents().size();
+		auto symptr=(T_Dyn*)data;
+		const char* end=data+len;
+		while((const char*)symptr<end)
+		{
+			switch(symptr->d_tag)
+			{
+				case DT_INIT_ARRAY:
+				case DT_FINI_ARRAY:
+				case DT_GNU_HASH:
+				case DT_STRTAB:
+				case DT_SYMTAB:
+				case DT_PLTGOT:
+				case DT_JMPREL:
+				case DT_RELA:
+				case DT_VERNEED:
+				case DT_VERSYM:
+				{
+					const auto val=symptr->d_un.d_val;
+					auto *to=findScoopByAddress(val);	
+					if(to)
+					{
+						auto offset=(unsigned int) (((VirtualOffset_t)symptr)-((VirtualOffset_t)data));
+						offset+=((VirtualOffset_t)&symptr->d_un.d_val)-(VirtualOffset_t)symptr;
+						if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+						{
+							cout<<"Found .dynamic:d_val ref "<<hex<<val<<" at "<<scoop->getName()<<"+"<<offset<<" ("
+								<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+								<<hex<<scoop->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<") to "
+								<<to->getName()<<" ("
+								<<hex<<to->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<"-" 
+								<<hex<<to->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()<<")"<<endl;
+						}
+						data_refs_to_scoops.insert({scoop,offset,to}); 
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+				default:  // do nothing
+					break;
+			}
+			symptr++; // next symbol
+		}
+	};
+	// special scanners for special sections
+	const struct scoop_scanners_t
+	{	string name;
+		ScannerFunction_t scanner_fn;
+	} scoop_scanners[] = {
+		{ ".dynsym", dynsym_scanner }, 
+		{ ".got", got_scanner }, 
+		{ ".got.plt", got_scanner }, 
+		{ ".rel.dyn", rel_scanner }, 
+		{ ".rel.plt", rel_scanner }, 
+		{ ".rel.dyn coalesced w/.rel.plt", rel_scanner }, 
+		{ ".rela.dyn", rela_scanner }, 
+		{ ".rela.plt", rela_scanner }, 
+		{ ".rela.dyn coalesced w/.rela.plt", rela_scanner }, 
+		{ ".dynamic", dynamic_scanner } 
+	};
+	// main algorithm:  apply the right scanner for each scoop
+	for_each(ALLOF(getFileIR()->getDataScoops()), [&](DataScoop_t* scoop)
+	{
+		auto scanner=find_if(ALLOF(scoop_scanners), [&](const scoop_scanners_t scanner)
+		{
+			return scanner.name==scoop->getName();
+		});
+		if(scanner!=end(scoop_scanners))
+			scanner->scanner_fn(scoop);
+		else
+			default_scanner(scoop);
+	});
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::FilterAndCoalesceTiedScoops()
+	const auto is_in_dont_coalesce_scoops = [](const DataScoop_t* to_find) -> bool
+		{
+			const string dont_coalesce_scoops[] =
+			{
+				".dynamic",
+				".jcr"
+			};
+			const auto a_binder = bind1st(finder, to_find);
+			const auto it=find_if(ALLOF(dont_coalesce_scoops), a_binder);
+			return (it!=end(dont_coalesce_scoops));
+		};
+	// step 1:  find everything that's tied to a pinned scoop and pin it.
+	// repeat until no changes.
+	bool changed=true;
+	while(changed)
+	{
+		changed=false;
+		for(auto it=tied_scoops.begin(); it!=tied_scoops.end(); /* nop */)
+		{
+			auto current=it++;
+			const ScoopPair_t& p=*current;
+			DataScoop_t* s1=p.first;
+			DataScoop_t* s2=p.second;
+			bool s1_moveable=contains(moveable_scoops, s1);
+			bool s2_moveable=contains(moveable_scoops, s2);
+			if(is_in_dont_coalesce_scoops(s1) || is_in_dont_coalesce_scoops(s2)) 
+			{
+				cout<<"Skipping coalesce of "<<s1->getName()<<" and "<<s2->getName()<<endl;
+				tied_scoops.erase(current);
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(s1_moveable && s2_moveable)
+			{
+				// do nothing if they're both unpinned.
+				tied_unpinned++;
+			}
+			else  if(s1_moveable)
+			{
+				tied_pinned++;
+				// s1 is pinned to an unmoveable, so it's unmoveable.
+				cout<<"Re-pinning "<<s1->getName()<<endl;
+				moveable_scoops.erase(s1);	 
+				tied_scoops.erase(current);
+				changed=true;
+			}
+			else  if(s2_moveable)
+			{
+				cout<<"Re-pinning "<<s2->getName()<<endl;
+				tied_pinned++;
+				// s2 is pinned to an unmoveable.
+				moveable_scoops.erase(s2); 
+				tied_scoops.erase(current);
+				changed=true;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				tied_nochange++;
+				tied_scoops.erase(current);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// step 2, coalesce
+	changed=true;
+	while(changed)
+	{
+		changed=false;
+		for(auto it=tied_scoops.begin(); it!=tied_scoops.end(); )
+		{
+			auto current=it++; 
+			const ScoopPair_t& p=*current;
+			DataScoop_t* s1=p.first;
+			DataScoop_t* s2=p.second;
+			if(is_in_dont_coalesce_scoops(s1) || is_in_dont_coalesce_scoops(s2)) 
+			{
+				cout<<"Skipping coalesce of "<<s1->getName()<<" and "<<s2->getName()<<endl;
+				continue;
+			}
+			bool s1_moveable=contains(moveable_scoops, s1);
+			bool s2_moveable=contains(moveable_scoops, s2);
+			// we previously removed anything that's pinned from moveable 
+			if(s1_moveable && s2_moveable)
+			{
+				// assert order is right
+				assert(s1->getStart()->getVirtualOffset() < s2->getStart()->getVirtualOffset());
+				// check if these are adjacent.
+				if(s1->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()+1 < s2->getStart()->getVirtualOffset())
+				{
+					// pad s1 to fill hole	
+					string new_contents=s1->getContents();
+					new_contents.resize(s2->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()-s1->getStart()->getVirtualOffset());
+					s1->getEnd()->setVirtualOffset(s2->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()-1);
+				}
+				else if(s1->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()+1 == s2->getStart()->getVirtualOffset())
+				{
+					// do nothing if they fit perfectly.
+				}
+				else
+					assert(0); // overlapping scoops?
+				cout<<"Coalescing 2-tied, but unpinned scoops "<<s1->getName()<<" and "<<s2->getName()<<"."<<endl;
+				// update our inteneral data structures for how to apply relocs.
+				auto insn_fixup_updater=[s1,s2](set<Insn_fixup_t> &the_set)
+					{
+						unsigned int size=the_set.size();
+						set<Insn_fixup_t> new_elements;
+						auto it=the_set.begin();
+						while(it!=the_set.end())
+						{
+							auto current = it++;
+							auto replacer=*current;
+							if(replacer.to == s2) 
+							{
+								the_set.erase(current);
+								replacer.to=s1;
+								new_elements.insert(replacer);
+							}
+						}
+						the_set.insert(new_elements.begin(), new_elements.end());
+						assert(size==the_set.size());
+					};
+				insn_fixup_updater(pcrel_refs_to_scoops);
+				insn_fixup_updater(absolute_refs_to_scoops);
+				insn_fixup_updater(immed_refs_to_scoops);
+				auto scoop_fixup_updater=[s1,s2](set<Scoop_fixup_t> &the_set)
+					{
+						set<Scoop_fixup_t> new_elements;
+						auto it=the_set.begin();
+						while(it!=the_set.end())
+						{
+							auto current = it++;
+							if(current->to == s2 || current->from==s2) 
+							{
+								auto replacer=*current;
+								if(replacer.to==s2)
+									replacer.to=s1;
+								if(replacer.from==s2)
+								{
+									replacer.from=s1;
+									cout<<"Updating data_ref_to_scoops offset from "<<hex<<replacer.offset<<" to "<<replacer.offset+s1->getSize()<<endl;
+									replacer.offset+=s1->getSize();
+								}
+								the_set.erase(current);
+								new_elements.insert(replacer);
+							}
+						}
+						the_set.insert(new_elements.begin(), new_elements.end());
+					};
+				scoop_fixup_updater(data_refs_to_scoops);
+				for(auto &r : getFileIR()->getRelocations())
+				{
+					// s2 just came into existence, didn't it?
+					// assert(r->getWRT()!=s2);
+					// yes, but there may be relocs pointing at the s2 part of 
+					// a split object, and so the reloc might get updated to point to s2 instead.
+					if( r->getWRT()==s2)
+					{
+						r->setWRT(s1);
+						r->setAddend(r->getAddend()+s1->getSize());
+					}
+				}
+				/*
+				don't remove scoop here, as it will delete s2.  this bit is moved later.	
+				*/
+				// s2's end addresss is about to go away, so
+				// update s1's end VO instead of using s2 end addr.
+				s1->getEnd()->setVirtualOffset(s2->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset()); 
+				moveable_scoops.erase(s2);		// remove it from our analysis
+				unsigned int old_s1_size=s1->getContents().size();
+				s1->setContents(s1->getContents()+s2->getContents());
+				s1->setName(s1->getName()+" coalesced w/"+ s2->getName());
+				if(!s2->isRelRo())
+					s1->clearRelRo();
+				s1->setRawPerms( s1->getRawPerms() | s2->getRawPerms());
+				// we just created s2 in this pass, right?
+				// no, s2 could be one of the sections from the orig binary that we've been asked to move
+				// and it might have relocs for unpinning
+				//assert(s2->getRelocations().size()==0); // assert no relocs that're part of s2.
+				// add s2's relocs to s1.
+				for(auto reloc : s2->getRelocations())
+				{
+					cout<<"Adjusting reloc "<< s2->getName()<<"+"<<reloc->getOffset()<<":"<<reloc->getType()<<" to ";
+					reloc->setOffset(reloc->getOffset()+old_s1_size);
+					auto s1_relocs=s1->getRelocations();
+					s1_relocs.insert(reloc);
+					s1->setRelocations(s1_relocs);
+					cout << s1->getName()<<"+"<<reloc->getOffset()<<":"<<reloc->getType()<<endl;
+				}
+				// tell s2 it has no relocs so when we remove it, they don't go away.
+				s2->setRelocations({});
+				// we've processed this one.
+				tied_scoops.erase(current);	
+				auto scoop_pair_first_finder=
+					[s2](const ScoopPair_t& p2)
+					{
+						return (p2.first==s2);	
+					};
+				auto found=find_if(ALLOF(tied_scoops), scoop_pair_first_finder);
+				if( found!=tied_scoops.end())
+				{
+					ScoopPair_t p2=*found;
+					p2.first=s1;
+					tied_scoops.erase(found);
+					tied_scoops.insert(p2);
+				}
+				assert(find_if(ALLOF(tied_scoops), scoop_pair_first_finder) ==tied_scoops.end());
+				// finally remove s2 from the IR.
+				getFileIR()->removeScoop(s2);
+				changed=true;
+				break;
+			}
+			else
+				assert(0); // why are there pinned scoops still?
+		}
+	}
+	// ensure we handled eveything.
+	assert(tied_scoops.size()==0);
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::UpdateScoopLocations()
+	// apply all 3 types of relocs for instructions
+	for_each(ALLOF(pcrel_refs_to_scoops),
+		[this] (const Insn_fixup_t  & it)
+	{
+		if (getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+			cout << "Applying pcrel w/wrt from " << it.from->getDisassembly() << " to " << it.to->getName() << " at " << hex << it.from->getBaseID() << endl;
+		ApplyPcrelMemoryRelocation(it.from,it.to);
+	});
+	for_each(ALLOF(absolute_refs_to_scoops),
+		[this] (const Insn_fixup_t  & it)
+	{
+		if (getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+			cout << "Applying absptr_to_scoop from " << it.from->getDisassembly() << " to " << it.to->getName() << " at " << hex << it.from->getBaseID() << endl;
+		ApplyAbsoluteMemoryRelocation(it.from,it.to);
+	});
+	for_each(ALLOF(immed_refs_to_scoops),
+		[this] (const Insn_fixup_t  & it)
+	{
+		if (getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+			cout << "Applying immedptr_to_scoop from " << it.from->getDisassembly() << " to " << it.to->getName() << " at " << hex << it.from->getBaseID() << endl;
+		ApplyImmediateRelocation(it.from, it.to);
+	});
+	for_each(ALLOF(data_refs_to_scoops),
+		[this] (const Scoop_fixup_t  & it)
+	{
+		if (getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+			cout << "Applying dataptr_to_scoop from " << it.from->getName() << " to " << it.to->getName() << " at " << hex << it.offset << endl;
+		ApplyDataRelocation(it.from, it.offset, it.to);
+	});
+	// unpin all the moveable scoops.
+	for (auto sit : moveable_scoops)
+	{
+		VirtualOffset_t newend = sit->getEnd()->getVirtualOffset() -  sit->getStart()->getVirtualOffset();
+		sit->getEnd()->setVirtualOffset(newend);
+		sit->getStart()->setVirtualOffset(0);
+	}
+// would be nice to have a FindRelocation function that takes a parameterized type.
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+Relocation_t* MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::FindRelocationWithType(BaseObj_t* obj, std::string type)
+	RelocationSet_t::iterator rit = obj->getRelocations().begin();
+	for( ; rit!=obj->getRelocations().end(); rit++)
+	{
+		Relocation_t *reloc=*rit;
+		if (reloc->getType() == type)
+			return reloc;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+template <class T_Sym, class  T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class T_Extractor>
+void MoveGlobals_t<T_Sym,T_Rela,T_Rel,T_Dyn,T_Extractor>::PrintStats()
+	const auto resorted_moveable_scoops=DataScoopSet_t(ALLOF(moveable_scoops));
+	DataScoopSet_t unmoveable_scoops;
+	unsigned long long moveable_scoop_bytes=0;
+	unsigned long long unmoveable_scoop_bytes=0;
+	unsigned long long total_scoop_bytes=0;
+	set_difference(
+		ALLOF(getFileIR()->getDataScoops()),
+		ALLOF(resorted_moveable_scoops),
+		inserter(unmoveable_scoops,unmoveable_scoops.end()));
+	if(getenv("MG_VERBOSE"))
+	{
+		cout<<"Moveable scoops: "<<endl;
+		for_each(ALLOF(moveable_scoops), [](DataScoop_t* scoop)
+		{
+			cout<<"\t"<<scoop->getName()<<", contents: "<<endl;
+			auto i=0u;
+			const auto max_prints_env=getenv("MG_MAX_SCOOP_CONTENT_PRINT");
+			const auto max_prints=max_prints_env ? strtoul(max_prints_env,NULL,0) : 16ul; 
+			for(i=0;i+8<scoop->getSize() && i<max_prints;i+=8)
+				cout<<"\t\tat:"<<hex<<i<<" value:0x"<<hex<<*(uint64_t*)&scoop->getContents().c_str()[i]<<" "<<endl;
+			for(/* empty init */;i<scoop->getSize() && i<max_prints;i++)
+				cout<<"\t\tat:"<<hex<<i<<" value:0x"<<hex<< + *(uint8_t*)&scoop->getContents().c_str()[i]<<" "<<endl;
+		});
+		cout<<"Not moveable scoops: "<<endl;
+		for_each(ALLOF(unmoveable_scoops), [](DataScoop_t* scoop)
+		{
+			cout<<"\t"<<scoop->getName()<<" at  "<<hex<<scoop->getStart()->getVirtualOffset()<<endl;
+		});
+	}
+	// gather number of moveable bytes	
+	for_each(moveable_scoops.begin(), moveable_scoops.end(), [&moveable_scoop_bytes, &total_scoop_bytes](DataScoop_t* scoop)
+	{
+		moveable_scoop_bytes += scoop->getSize();
+		total_scoop_bytes+=scoop->getSize();
+	});
+	// gather number of unmoveable bytes
+	for_each(unmoveable_scoops.begin(), unmoveable_scoops.end(), [&unmoveable_scoop_bytes,&total_scoop_bytes](DataScoop_t* scoop)
+	{
+		unmoveable_scoop_bytes +=scoop->getSize();
+		total_scoop_bytes+=scoop->getSize();
+	});
+        assert(getenv("SELF_VALIDATE")==nullptr || moveable_scoops.size() >= 5);
+        assert(getenv("SELF_VALIDATE")==nullptr || (immed_refs_to_scoops.size() + pcrel_refs_to_scoops.size()+absolute_refs_to_scoops.size()) > 5);
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE ASSURANCE_Non-Overlapping_Globals::Total_data_items="<<dec<<unmoveable_scoops.size()+moveable_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE ASSURANCE_Non-Overlapping_Globals::Unmoveable_data_items="<<dec<<unmoveable_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE ASSURANCE_Non-Overlapping_Globals::Moveable_data_items="<<dec<<moveable_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE ASSURANCE_Non-Overlapping_Globals::Percent_data_items_moveable="<<std::fixed<<std::setprecision(1)<< ((float)moveable_scoops.size()/((float)(unmoveable_scoops.size()+moveable_scoops.size())))*100.00<<"%"<< endl; 
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE ASSURANCE_Non-Overlapping_Globals::Unmoveable_data_items_in_bytes="<<dec<<unmoveable_scoop_bytes<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE ASSURANCE_Non-Overlapping_Globals::Moveable_data_items_in_bytes="<<dec<<moveable_scoop_bytes<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE ASSURANCE_Non-Overlapping_Globals::Total_data_items_in_bytes="<<dec<<total_scoop_bytes<<endl;
+	cout << "# ATTRIBUTE ASSURANCE_Non-Overlapping_Globals::Percent_data_item_bytes_moved="<<std::fixed<<std::setprecision(1) << ((double)moveable_scoop_bytes/(double)total_scoop_bytes)*100.00 <<"%"<< endl;
+	cout << "# ATTRIBUTE ASSURANCE_Non-Overlapping_Globals::Percent_data_item_bytes_not_moved=" << std::fixed <<std::setprecision(1)<< ((double)unmoveable_scoop_bytes/(double)total_scoop_bytes)*100.00 <<"%"<< endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE Non-Overlapping_Globals::tied_scoops="<<dec<<tied_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE Non-Overlapping_Globals::pcrel_refs="<<dec<<pcrel_refs_to_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE Non-Overlapping_Globals::abs_refs="<<dec<<absolute_refs_to_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE Non-Overlapping_Globals::imm_refs="<<dec<<immed_refs_to_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE Non-Overlapping_Globals::data_refs="<<dec<<data_refs_to_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE Non-Overlapping_Globals::coalesced_scoops="<<dec<<tied_unpinned<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE Non-Overlapping_Globals::repinned_scoops="<<dec<<tied_pinned<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE Non-Overlapping_Globals::ties_for_folded_constants="<<dec<<ties_for_folded_constants<<endl;
+	cout<<"# ATTRIBUTE Non-Overlapping_Globals::tied_scoop_pairs_that_were_already_pinned="<<dec<<tied_nochange<<endl;
+	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE mg::unmoveable_scoops="<<dec<<unmoveable_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE mg::moveable_scoops="<<dec<<moveable_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE mg::pcrel_refs="<<dec<<pcrel_refs_to_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE mg::abs_refs="<<dec<<absolute_refs_to_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE mg::imm_refs="<<dec<<immed_refs_to_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE mg::data_refs="<<dec<<data_refs_to_scoops.size()<<endl;
+	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE mg::coalesced_scoops="<<dec<<tied_unpinned<<endl;
+	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE mg::repinned_scoops="<<dec<<tied_pinned<<endl;
+	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE mg::ties_for_folded_constants="<<dec<<ties_for_folded_constants<<endl;
+	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE mg::tied_scoop_pairs_that_were_already_pinned="<<dec<<tied_nochange<<endl;
+// explicit instatnation for elf32 and elf64
+template class MoveGlobals_t<Elf32_Sym, Elf32_Rela, Elf32_Rel, Elf32_Dyn, Extractor32_t>;
+template class MoveGlobals_t<Elf64_Sym, Elf64_Rela, Elf64_Rel, Elf64_Dyn, Extractor64_t>;
diff --git a/builtin_xforms/move_globals/mg.hpp b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/mg.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34898a08e41083f4f696f21d71bdb5dc5652027a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/mg.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#include <irdb-transform>
+#include <irdb-deep>
+#include <memory>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <exeio.h>
+#include <elfio/elfio.hpp>
+#include <elfio/elfio_symbols.hpp>
+#include <elf.h>
+using Elf_Xword = uint64_t;
+using Elf_Half  = uint16_t;
+template <class T_Sym, class T_Rela, class T_Rel, class T_Dyn, class Extractor>
+class MoveGlobals_t : public IRDB_SDK::Transform_t
+	public:
+		MoveGlobals_t(IRDB_SDK::VariantID_t *p_variantID, 
+			IRDB_SDK::FileIR_t*p_variantIR,
+			const std::string &p_dont_move, 
+			const std::string  &p_move_only,
+			const int p_max_moveables,
+                        const bool p_random,
+			const bool p_aggrssive,
+			const bool p_use_stars=false); 
+		int execute(IRDB_SDK::pqxxDB_t &pqxx_interface);
+	private:
+		// MEDS_Annotation::MEDS_Annotations_t& getAnnotations();
+		void ParseSyms(EXEIO::exeio * reader);
+		void SetupScoopMap();
+		void FilterScoops();
+		void TieScoops();
+		void FindInstructionReferences();
+		void FindDataReferences();
+		void UpdateScoopLocations();
+		void FilterAndCoalesceTiedScoops();
+		IRDB_SDK::Relocation_t* FindRelocationWithType(IRDB_SDK::BaseObj_t* obj, std::string type);
+		void PrintStats();
+		void HandleMemoryOperand(IRDB_SDK::DecodedInstruction_t &disasm, const IRDB_SDK::DecodedOperandVector_t::iterator the_arg, 
+		                         IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t* insn, const IRDB_SDK::DecodedOperandVector_t &the_arg_container);
+		void HandleImmediateOperand(const IRDB_SDK::DecodedInstruction_t& disasm, const IRDB_SDK::DecodedOperandVector_t::iterator the_arg, IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t* insn);
+		IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* DetectAnnotationScoop(IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t* insn);
+		IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* DetectProperScoop(const IRDB_SDK::DecodedInstruction_t& disasm, const IRDB_SDK::DecodedOperandVector_t::iterator the_arg, IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t* insn, 
+				IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t immed_addr, bool immed, const IRDB_SDK::DecodedOperandVector_t &the_arg_container);
+		IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* DetectProperScoop_ConsiderEndOfPrev(const IRDB_SDK::DecodedInstruction_t& disasm, const IRDB_SDK::DecodedOperandVector_t::iterator the_arg, IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t* insn, 
+			IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t insn_addr, bool immed, IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* ret, const IRDB_SDK::DecodedOperandVector_t &the_arg_container);
+		IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* DetectProperScoop_ConsiderStartOfNext(const IRDB_SDK::DecodedInstruction_t& disasm, const IRDB_SDK::DecodedOperandVector_t::iterator the_arg, IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t* insn, 
+			IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t insn_addr, bool immed, IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* cand_scoop, const IRDB_SDK::DecodedOperandVector_t &the_arg_container);
+		void ApplyImmediateRelocation(IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t *insn, IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* to);
+		void ApplyAbsoluteMemoryRelocation(IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t *insn, IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* to);
+		void ApplyPcrelMemoryRelocation(IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t *insn, IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* to);
+		void ApplyDataRelocation(IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t *from, unsigned int offset, IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* to);
+		IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* findScoopByAddress(const IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t a) const;
+		bool AreScoopsAdjacent(const IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t *a, const IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t *b) const;
+		bool is_elftable(IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* ret);
+		bool is_noptr_table(IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* ret);
+		std::vector<T_Sym> static_symbols;
+		std::vector<T_Sym> dynamic_symbols;
+		EXEIO::exeio* exe_reader;
+		struct cmpByName {
+			bool operator()(const IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* a, const IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* b) const {
+				return (a->getName() < b->getName());
+			}
+		};
+		std::set<IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t*> moveable_scoops;
+		std::map<IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t*,unsigned int> reasons;
+		using ScoopPair_t = std::pair<IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t*,IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t*>;
+		std::set<ScoopPair_t> tied_scoops;
+		// sets to record what insns need to be fixed later.
+		struct Insn_fixup
+		{ 
+			IRDB_SDK::Instruction_t* from; IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* to;
+			bool operator <(const struct Insn_fixup& rhs) const
+			{
+				return std::tie(from, to) < std::tie(rhs.from, rhs.to);
+			}
+		};
+		using Insn_fixup_t = struct Insn_fixup;
+		std::set<Insn_fixup_t> pcrel_refs_to_scoops, absolute_refs_to_scoops, immed_refs_to_scoops;
+		// data references to scoops
+		struct Scoop_fixup
+		{ 
+			IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* from; unsigned int offset; IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t* to;
+			bool operator <(const struct Scoop_fixup & rhs) const
+			{
+				return std::tie(from, offset, to) < std::tie(rhs.from, rhs.offset, rhs.to);
+			}
+		};
+		using Scoop_fixup_t = struct Scoop_fixup;;
+		std::set<Scoop_fixup_t> data_refs_to_scoops;
+		int tied_unpinned;
+		int tied_pinned;
+		int tied_nochange;
+		int ties_for_folded_constants;
+		const std::string dont_move;
+		const std::string move_only;
+		using RangePair_t = std::pair<IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t,IRDB_SDK::VirtualOffset_t>;
+		struct cmpByRange 
+		{
+			bool operator()(const RangePair_t& a, const RangePair_t& b) const {
+				return (a.second < b.first);
+			}
+		};
+		std::map<RangePair_t, IRDB_SDK::DataScoop_t*, cmpByRange> scoop_map;
+		const int max_moveables;
+		const bool random;
+		const bool aggressive;
+		const bool m_use_stars;
+		std::unique_ptr<IRDB_SDK::StaticGlobalStartMap_t > deep_global_static_ranges;
+		std::unique_ptr<IRDB_SDK::RangeSentinelSet_t> sentinels;
+class Extractor64_t
+        public:
+                Elf_Xword  elf_r_sym (Elf_Xword a) { return ELF64_R_SYM (a); }
+                Elf_Xword  elf_r_type(Elf_Xword a) { return ELF64_R_TYPE(a); }
+                unsigned char  elf_st_bind(unsigned char a) { return ELF64_ST_BIND(a); }
+                unsigned char  elf_st_type(unsigned char a) { return ELF64_ST_TYPE(a); }
+class Extractor32_t
+        public:
+                Elf32_Word  elf_r_sym (Elf32_Word a) { return ELF32_R_SYM (a); }
+                Elf32_Word  elf_r_type(Elf32_Word a) { return ELF32_R_TYPE(a); }
+                unsigned char  elf_st_bind(unsigned char a) { return ELF32_ST_BIND(a); }
+                unsigned char  elf_st_type(unsigned char a) { return ELF32_ST_TYPE(a); }
+const static auto elftable_names           = std::set<std::string> (
+	{".dynamic",".got",".got.plt",".dynstr",".dynsym",".rel.dyn",".rela.dyn",".rel.plt",".rela.plt", ".gnu.version", ".gnu.version_r"});
+const static auto elftable_nocodeptr_names = std::set<std::string> (
+	{".dynamic", ".rela.dyn", ".rela.plt", ".rel.plt", ".rel.dyn", ".dynstr", ".dynsym", ".gnu.version", ".gnu.version_r"});
+using MoveGlobals32_t = class MoveGlobals_t<Elf32_Sym, Elf32_Rela, Elf32_Rel, Elf32_Dyn, Extractor32_t>;
+using MoveGlobals64_t = class MoveGlobals_t<Elf64_Sym, Elf64_Rela, Elf64_Rel, Elf64_Dyn, Extractor64_t>;
diff --git a/builtin_xforms/move_globals/mg_driver.cpp b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/mg_driver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..37033c7efa2a7f875b87bca11820a1ad64eb2c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/mg_driver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <irdb-core>
+#include "mg.hpp"
+#include <getopt.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace IRDB_SDK;
+#define ALLOF(a) begin(a),end(a)
+class MoveGlobalsDriver_t :  public TransformStep_t
+void usage(string programName)
+	auto et_names=string();
+	for(const auto &str : elftable_names )
+		et_names+=str+" ";
+	cerr << "Usage: " << programName << " <variant id> <annotation file>" <<endl;
+	cout<<"--elftables-only,-o		Move sections titled \""<<et_names<<"\""<<endl;
+	cout<<"--aggressive 			Use aggressive heuristics to move more variables (does not affect elftables) "<<endl;
+	cout<<"--no-conservative 		alias for --aggressive"<<endl;
+	cout<<"--conservative 			(default) Use conservative heuristics to increase reliability (does not affect elftables) "<<endl;
+	cout<<"--no-aggressive 			alias for --conservative"<<endl;
+	cout<<endl;
+	cout<<"---- debugging options (power users only) "<<endl;
+	cout<<"--use-stars 			Enable STARS deep analysis for more analysis precision (current default). "<<endl;
+	cout<<"--no-use-stars 			Disable STARS deep analysis for more analysis precision. "<<endl;
+	cout<<"--move,-m			Move only the given objects."<<endl;
+	cout<<"--dont,-d			Dont move the listed objects (overrides --only)."<<endl;
+	cout<<"--number,-n			Max number of scoops to move."<<endl;
+        cout<<"--random,-r                      Randomly select scoops to move."<<endl;
+	cout<<"--help,--usage,-?,-h		Display this message"<<endl;
+DatabaseID_t variantID = BaseObj_t::NOT_IN_DATABASE;
+string dont_move = "";
+string move_only = "";
+size_t max_moveables = 0;
+bool random = false;
+bool aggressive = false;
+VariantID_t* pidp = nullptr;
+const string programName=string("libmove_globals.so");
+bool use_stars=true;
+int parseArgs(const vector<string> step_args) 
+        auto argv = vector<char*>({const_cast<char*>("libmove_globals.so")});
+        transform(ALLOF(step_args), back_inserter(argv), [](const string &s) -> char* { return const_cast<char*>(s.c_str()); } );
+	const auto argc = argv.size();
+	// Parse some options for the transform
+	const static struct option long_options[] = {
+		{"elftables-only", no_argument, 0, 'o'},
+		{"use-stars", no_argument, 0, 's'},
+		{"no-use-stars", no_argument, 0, 't'},
+		{"move", required_argument, 0, 'm'},
+		{"dont", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
+		{"number", required_argument, 0, 'n'},
+		{"aggressive", no_argument, 0, 'a'},
+		{"no-aggressive", no_argument, 0, 'A'},
+		{"conservative", no_argument, 0, 'A'},
+		{"no-conservative", no_argument, 0, 'a'},
+                {"random", no_argument, 0, 'r'},
+		{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+		{"usage", no_argument, 0, '?'},
+		{0,0,0,0}
+	};
+	auto short_opts="b:oh?m:d:n:aAst";
+	while(1) 
+	{
+		int c = getopt_long(argc, &argv[0], short_opts, long_options, nullptr);
+		if (c == -1)
+			break;
+		switch(c) {
+			case 0:
+				break;
+			case 'c':
+			case 'o':
+				// add elftables to move only list
+				for(const auto &str : elftable_names )
+					move_only+= str+" ";
+				break;
+			case 's':
+					use_stars=true;
+				break;
+			case 't':
+					use_stars=false;
+				break;
+			case 'm':
+				move_only+=string(" ") + optarg;
+				break;
+			case 'd':
+				dont_move+=string(" ") + optarg;
+				break;
+			case 'n':
+				max_moveables+=strtoll(optarg,nullptr,0);
+				break;
+                       case 'r':
+                               random=true;
+                               break;
+			case 'a':
+				cout<<"Setting aggressive mode"<<endl;
+				aggressive=true;
+				break;
+			case 'A':
+				cout<<"Setting conservative mode"<<endl;
+				aggressive=false;
+				break;
+			case '?':
+			case 'h':
+				usage("libmove_globals.so");
+				return 1;
+			default:
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int executeStep()
+	variantID=getVariantID();
+	auto irdb_objects=getIRDBObjects();
+	auto exit_code = (int) 0;
+	/* setup the interface to the sql server */
+	const auto pqxx_interface=irdb_objects->getDBInterface();
+	BaseObj_t::setInterface(pqxx_interface);
+	// get the variant info from the database
+	pidp=irdb_objects->addVariant(variantID); // new VariantID_t(variantID);
+	assert(pidp && pidp->isRegistered()==true);
+	auto transformExitCode = (int) 0;
+	for(auto this_file : pidp->getFiles())
+	{
+		try 
+		{
+			/* read the IR from the DB */
+			auto firp =  irdb_objects->addFileIR(variantID, this_file->getBaseID()); // new FileIR_t(*pidp, this_file);
+			cout<<"Transforming "<<this_file->getURL()<<endl;
+			assert(firp && pidp);
+			/*
+			 * Create a transformation and then
+			 * invoke its execution.
+			 */
+			if (firp->getArchitectureBitWidth() == 64)
+			{	
+                		MoveGlobals64_t mg(pidp, firp, dont_move, move_only, max_moveables, random, aggressive, use_stars);
+				transformExitCode = mg.execute(*pqxx_interface);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+                		MoveGlobals32_t mg(pidp, firp, dont_move, move_only, max_moveables, random, aggressive, use_stars);
+				transformExitCode = mg.execute(*pqxx_interface);
+			}
+			/*
+			 * If everything about the transformation
+			 * went okay, then we will write the updated
+			 * set of instructions to the database.
+			 */
+			if (transformExitCode != 0)
+			{
+				cerr << programName << ": transform failed. Check logs." << endl;
+				exit_code=2;
+			}
+		}
+		catch (DatabaseError_t pnide)
+		{
+			cerr << programName << ": Unexpected database error: " << pnide << endl;
+			return 1;
+		}
+		catch (const std::exception &exc)
+		{
+		    // catch anything thrown within try block that derives from std::exception
+			std::cerr << "Unexpected exception: " << exc.what();
+			return 1;
+		}
+		catch (...)
+		{
+			cerr << programName << ": Unexpected error" << endl;
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	return exit_code;
+std::string getStepName(void) const override
+        return std::string("move_globals");
+extern "C"
+shared_ptr<TransformStep_t> getTransformStep(void)
+        return shared_ptr<TransformStep_t>(new MoveGlobalsDriver_t());
diff --git a/builtin_xforms/move_globals/set_env_vars b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/set_env_vars
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b579b5f02bd49186d5a55187cb5d62b87f567607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/set_env_vars
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#  Tell pszr where to search for plugins
+export MG_HOME=$PWD
+export PSPATH=$PSPATH:$MG_HOME/plugins_install
diff --git a/builtin_xforms/move_globals/tests/test_spec.sh b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/tests/test_spec.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..053e5b4782000f6e40135456e191776eb3dcd0dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin_xforms/move_globals/tests/test_spec.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+# the bad boys
+#	400.perlbench
+#	403.gcc
+#	445.gobmk
+#	450.soplex
+#	453.povray
+#	458.sjeng
+#	464.h264ref
+#	465.tonto
+#	471.omnetpp
+#	481.wrf
+#	482.sphinx3
+#	483.xalancbmk
+#	"
+# all
+all_benchmarks="400.perlbench 401.bzip2 403.gcc 410.bwaves 416.gamess 429.mcf 433.milc 434.zeusmp 435.gromacs 436.cactusADM 437.leslie3d 444.namd 445.gobmk 450.soplex 453.povray 454.calculix 456.hmmer 458.sjeng 459.GemsFDTD 462.libquantum 464.h264ref 465.tonto 470.lbm 471.omnetpp 473.astar 481.wrf 482.sphinx3 483.xalancbmk"
+	if [ ! -d spec2006 ]; then
+		# svn co ^/spec2006/trunk spec2006
+		git clone --depth 1 http://git.zephyr-software.com/allzp/spec2006.git spec2006
+	fi
+	if [[ ! -f /usr/bin/gfortran ]]; then
+		sudo apt-get install gfortran -y
+	fi
+	cd spec2006/
+	if [ ! -L bin ]; then
+		ln -s bin.power/ bin
+	fi
+	source shrc
+	bin/relocate
+	config_name=$1
+	config=$2
+	benchmarks="$3"
+        all_configs_that_were_run="$all_configs_that_were_run $config_name"
+	cd $SPEC
+	if [ ! -d result.$config_name ]; then
+		dropdb $PGDATABASE
+		createdb $PGDATABASE
+		$PEASOUP_HOME/tools/db/pdb_setup.sh
+		rm -Rf result/*
+		runspec  --action scrub --config $config $benchmarks
+		echo
+		echo "**************************************************************************"
+		echo "Starting test of $config_name"
+		echo "**************************************************************************"
+		echo
+		runspec  --action validate --config $config -n $number $benchmarks 
+		cp benchspec/CPU2006/*/exe/* result
+		mv result result.$config_name
+		for bench in $benchmarks
+		do
+			mv benchspec/CPU2006/$bench/run/build*/peasoup*/logs result.$config_name/$bench.log
+		done
+	fi
+	bench=$1
+	if [ -e $bench ]; then
+		size=$(stat --printf="%s" $bench)
+		#echo -n "$size"
+		#LC_ALL= numfmt --grouping $size
+		#LC_ALL= printf "%'d" $size
+		#LC_NUMERIC=en_US printf "%'d" $size
+		#LC_NUMERIC=en_US printf "%'f" $size
+		#LC_NUMERIC=en_US printf "%'.f" $size
+		#LC_NUMERIC=en_US printf "%'10.10f" $size
+		#LC_NUMERIC=en_US /usr/bin/printf "%'d" $size
+		echo $size
+	else
+		echo -n "0"
+	fi
+	bench=$1
+	config=$2
+	results=$(cat $SPEC/result.$config/CPU2006.002.log|grep Success|grep $bench|grep ratio=|sed 's/.*ratio=//'|sed 's/,.*//')
+	sum=0
+	count=0
+	for res in $results
+	do
+		sum=$(echo $sum + $res | bc)
+		count=$(echo $count + 1  | bc)
+	done
+	#echo sum=$sum
+	#echo count=$count
+	res=$(echo  "scale=2; $sum / $count" | bc 2> /dev/null )
+	count=$(echo $res|wc -w)
+	if [ $count = 1 ];  then
+		echo -n $res
+	else
+		echo -n "0"
+	fi
+# global
+        local configs="$all_configs_that_were_run"
+	get_raw_perf_results "$configs"
+	get_raw_size_results "$configs"
+	get_raw_mg_results "$configs"
+	#get_raw_fde_results "$configs"
+	configs=$*
+	first_config=$1
+	echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+	echo "Performance results are:"
+	echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+	echo benchmark $configs
+	for bench in $benchmarks
+	do
+		echo -n "$bench 	"
+		for config in $*
+		do
+			get_result $bench $config
+			echo -n "	"
+		done
+		echo
+	done
+	echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+	echo "Size results are:"
+	echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+	configs=$*
+	echo benchmark $configs
+	for bench in $SPEC/result.$first_config/*_base.amd64-m64-gcc42-nn
+	do
+		echo -n "$(basename $bench _base.amd64-m64-gcc42-nn)	"
+		for config in $*
+		do
+			if [[ $config == "baseline" ]]; then
+				file="$SPEC/result.$config/$(basename $bench)"
+				cp $file /tmp/foo.exe
+				strip /tmp/foo.exe
+				file="/tmp/foo.exe"
+			else
+				file="$SPEC/result.$config/$(basename $bench)"
+			fi
+			res=$(get_size_result $file)
+			#printf "%15s" $res
+			echo -n "	$res"
+		done
+		echo
+	done
+	echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+	echo "Move_globals unmoveable scoop count:"
+	echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+	configs=$*
+	echo benchmark $configs
+	for bench in $benchmarks
+	do
+		echo -n $bench 
+		for config in $*
+		do
+			file="$SPEC/result.$config/${bench}.log/move_globals.log"
+			res="N/A"
+			if [[ -f $file ]]; then
+				res=$(grep "ATTRIBUTE mg::unmoveable_scoops=" $file|sed "s|.*=||")
+			fi
+			echo -n "	$res"
+		done
+		echo
+	done
+	echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+	echo "Move_globals moveable scoop count:"
+	echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+	configs=$*
+	echo benchmark $configs
+	for bench in $benchmarks
+	do
+		echo -n $bench 
+		for config in $*
+		do
+			file="$SPEC/result.$config/${bench}.log/move_globals.log"
+			res="N/A"
+			if [[ -f $file ]]; then
+				res=$(grep "ATTRIBUTE mg::moveable_scoops=" $file|sed "s|.*=||")
+			fi
+			echo -n "	$res"
+		done
+		echo
+	done
+	echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+	echo "FDE results are:"
+	echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+	configs=$*
+	echo benchmark $configs
+	for bench in $SPEC/result.$first_config/*_base.amd64-m64-gcc42-nn
+	do
+		#printf "%-20s"  $(basename $bench _base.amd64-m64-gcc42-nn)
+		echo -n $(basename $bench _base.amd64-m64-gcc42-nn)
+		for config in $*
+		do
+			file="$SPEC/result.$config/$(basename $bench)"
+			res=$(readelf -w $file |grep FDE|wc -l )
+			#if [[ $config == "baseline" ]]; then
+			#else
+			#fi
+			#printf "%15s" $res
+			echo -n "	$res"
+		done
+		echo
+	done
+	zipr_flags="	--backend zipr --step-option zipr:--add-sections --step-option zipr:true"
+	trace_flags="   --step-option zipr:--traceplacement:on --step-option zipr:true"
+	relax_flags="   --step-option zipr:--relax:on --step-option zipr:true --step-option zipr:--unpin:on --step-option zipr:false"
+	nounpin_flags=" --step-option zipr:--unpin:on --step-option zipr:false"
+	split_flags="   --step-option fill_in_indtargs:--split-eh-frame "
+	icall_flags="   --step-option fix_calls:--no-fix-icalls "
+	p1flags=" 	--critical-step p1transform=on " 
+	mg_flags_elftables="	--critical-step move_globals=on --step-option move_globals:--elftables"
+	mg_flags_conservative="	--critical-step move_globals=on "
+	mg_aggressive_flags="	--critical-step move_globals=on --step-option move_globals:--aggressive "
+	start_dir=$(pwd)
+	setup
+	run_test baseline $SPEC/config/ubuntu14.04lts-64bit.cfg "$all_benchmarks"
+	run_test baseline-fpic $SPEC/config/ubuntu14.04lts-64bit-fpic.cfg "$all_benchmarks"
+	# should be 100% success, tested by jdh on 8/28/17 as 100% success.
+	#PSOPTS="$zipr_flags "  run_test zipr     $SPEC/config/ubuntu14.04lts-64bit-withps.cfg "$all_benchmarks"
+	PSOPTS="$zipr_flags $trace_flags "  run_test zipr-trace     $SPEC/config/ubuntu14.04lts-64bit-withps.cfg "$all_benchmarks"
+	PSOPTS="$zipr_flags $trace_flags "  run_test zipr-trace-fpic     $SPEC/config/ubuntu14.04lts-64bit-fpic-withps.cfg "$all_benchmarks"
+	PSOPTS="$zipr_flags $trace_flags $mg_flags_conservative"  run_test mg-conservative-trace     $SPEC/config/ubuntu14.04lts-64bit-withps.cfg "$all_benchmarks"
+	PSOPTS="$zipr_flags $trace_flags $mg_flags_conservative"  run_test mg-conservative-trace-fpic     $SPEC/config/ubuntu14.04lts-64bit-fpic-withps.cfg "$all_benchmarks"
+	PSOPTS="$zipr_flags $trace_flags $mg_flags_all $mg_aggressive_flags"  run_test mg-aggressive-trace     $SPEC/config/ubuntu14.04lts-64bit-withps.cfg "$all_benchmarks"
+	PSOPTS="$zipr_flags $trace_flags $mg_flags_all $mg_aggressive_flags"  run_test mg-aggressive-trace-fpic     $SPEC/config/ubuntu14.04lts-64bit-fpic-withps.cfg "$all_benchmarks"
+	PSOPTS="$zipr_flags $trace_flags $mg_flags_elftables"  run_test mgelftables-trace     $SPEC/config/ubuntu14.04lts-64bit-withps.cfg "$all_benchmarks"
+	get_raw_results 
+	# get_raw_results baseline  zipr zipr-trace split-no-fix-icalls split-no-fix-icalls-trace  zipr-trace-p1 split-trace-p1 split-no-fix-icalls-trace-p1 zipr-trace-p1-rerun
+main "$@"