Generated binary crashes for varargs compiled with icc
To save the xmm registers to the varargs list, the icc uses a register indirect jump that zipr does not recognize. This can lead to crashing generated binaries since the possible jump targets are not registered and may be distributed to different locations. The assembly roughly looks like this:
lea rsi, ds:0[rdi*4]
mov eax, offset loc_50A13D
sub rax, rsi
jmp rax
movaps xmmword ptr [rcx-0Fh], xmm7
movaps xmmword ptr [rcx-1Fh], xmm6
movaps xmmword ptr [rcx-2Fh], xmm5
movaps xmmword ptr [rcx-3Fh], xmm4
movaps xmmword ptr [rcx-4Fh], xmm3
movaps xmmword ptr [rcx-5Fh], xmm2
movaps xmmword ptr [rcx-6Fh], xmm1
movaps xmmword ptr [rcx-7Fh], xmm0
The crash of the executable then happens when the jump goes somewhere in the middle of the xmm store section, as loc_50A13D is correctly identified as a possible jump target.
Since I do not have the icc compiler, I can currently not offer a minimal crashing example (I only have some large executables with inputs that lead to a segfault due to this bug). An example of the how generated code can look like with a generic vararg function:
Edited by Andreas Wendler