From 00fc8c0bac0d7b0a737796be023c0e46d0c43b97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Hiser <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2019 11:29:27 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] refactored into seperate per-architecture classes for some

 .gitignore        |   1 +
 SConscript        |   2 +
 unpin.cpp         | 657 +---------------------------------------------
 unpin.h           |  65 ++++-
 unpin_aarch64.cpp | 545 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 unpin_x86.cpp     | 251 ++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 874 insertions(+), 647 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 unpin_aarch64.cpp
 create mode 100644 unpin_x86.cpp

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index eb2321d..f96c1da 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/SConscript b/SConscript
index 6405c87..dc4a159 100644
--- a/SConscript
+++ b/SConscript
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ myenv.Replace(do_cgc=ARGUMENTS.get("do_cgc",0))
 files=  '''
+	unpin_aarch64.cpp
+	unpin_x86.cpp
 # ELFIO needs to be first so we get the zipr version instead of the sectrans version.  the zipr version is modified to include get_offset.
diff --git a/unpin.cpp b/unpin.cpp
index bf68f98..4a9264d 100644
--- a/unpin.cpp
+++ b/unpin.cpp
@@ -212,15 +212,10 @@ void Unpin_t::DoUpdate()
 // scan for instructions that were placed, and now need an update.
 void Unpin_t::DoUpdateForInstructions()
-	int unpins=0;
-	int missed_unpins=0;
-	auto& ms=*zo->GetMemorySpace();
-	auto& locMap=*(zo->GetLocationMap());
-	auto& firp=*(zo->GetFileIR());
 	for(auto from_insn : zo->GetFileIR()->GetInstructions())
 		for(auto reloc : from_insn->GetRelocations())
@@ -228,652 +223,23 @@ void Unpin_t::DoUpdateForInstructions()
 			// this probably won't work on shared objects.
 			// complicated with the push64-reloc plugin also rewriting these things?
 			if(reloc->GetType()==string("32-bit") || reloc->GetType()==string("push64"))
-			{
-				// skip if there's no WRT, that means it's unpinned for something besides a fixed call.
-				if(reloc->GetWRT()==NULL)
-					continue;
+				HandleRetAddrReloc(from_insn,reloc);
-				// getWRT returns an BaseObj, but this reloc type expects an instruction
-				// safe cast and check.
-				auto wrt_insn=dynamic_cast<Instruction_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
-				assert(wrt_insn);
-				if(should_cfi_pin(wrt_insn)) 
-					continue;
-				auto wrt_insn_location =locMap[wrt_insn];
-				auto from_insn_location=locMap[from_insn];
-				// 32-bit code and main executables just push a full 32-bit addr.
-				if(zo->GetELFIO()->get_type()==ET_EXEC)
-				{
-// not handled in push64_relocs which is disabled for shared objects.
-					// expecting a 32-bit push, length=5
-					assert(from_insn->GetDataBits()[0]==0x68);
-					assert(from_insn->GetDataBits().size()==5);
-					// down and upcast to ensure we fit in 31-bits.
-					assert(wrt_insn_location == (libIRDB::virtual_offset_t)(int)wrt_insn_location);
-					assert(sizeof(int)==4); // paranoid.
-					unsigned char newpush[5];
-					newpush[0]=0x68;
-					*(int*)&newpush[1]=(int)wrt_insn_location;
-					cout<<"Unpin::Updating push32/push64-exe insn:"
-					    <<dec<<from_insn->GetBaseID()<<":"<<from_insn->getDisassembly()<<"@"<<hex<<from_insn_location<<" to point at "
-					    <<dec<<wrt_insn ->GetBaseID()<<":"<<wrt_insn ->getDisassembly()<<"@"<<hex<<wrt_insn_location <<endl;
-					for(auto i=0U;i<from_insn->GetDataBits().size();i++)
-					{ 
-						unsigned char newbyte=newpush[i];
-						ms[from_insn_location+i]=newbyte;
-					}
-				}
-				// shared object
-				// gets a call/sub [$rsp], const pair, handled in push64_relocs
-				// else { }
-			}
 			// instruction has a pcrel memory operand.
 			else if(reloc->GetType()==string("pcrel")) //  && reloc->GetWRT()!=NULL)
-			{
-				// decode the instruction and find the pcrel operand
-				const auto disasm=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
-				const auto operands=disasm.getOperands();
-				const auto the_arg_it=find_if(ALLOF(operands),[](const DecodedOperand_t& op){ return op.isPcrel(); });
-				const auto bo_wrt=reloc->GetWRT();
-				const auto scoop_wrt=dynamic_cast<DataScoop_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
-				const auto insn_wrt=dynamic_cast<Instruction_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
-				assert(the_arg_it!=operands.end());
-				const auto the_arg=*the_arg_it;
-				const auto mt=firp.GetArchitecture()->getMachineType();
-				// get the new insn addr 	
-				const auto from_insn_location=(virtual_offset_t)locMap[from_insn];
-				// get WRT info
-				libIRDB::virtual_offset_t to_addr=0xdeadbeef; // noteable value that shouldn't be used.
-				string convert_string;
-				if(scoop_wrt)
-				{
-					to_addr=scoop_wrt->GetStart()->GetVirtualOffset();
-					convert_string=string("scoop ")+scoop_wrt->GetName();
-				}
-				else if(insn_wrt)
-				{
-					to_addr=locMap[insn_wrt];
-					convert_string=string("insn ")+to_string(insn_wrt->GetBaseID())+
-						       ":"+insn_wrt->getDisassembly();
-				}
-				else 
-				{
-					assert(bo_wrt==nullptr);
-					to_addr=0; /* no WRT obj */
-					convert_string=string("no-object");
-				}
-				if(mt==admtX86_64 || mt==admtI386)
-				{
-					const auto rel_addr1=the_arg.getMemoryDisplacement()+from_insn->GetDataBits().size();
-					const auto disp_offset=(int)disasm.getMemoryDisplacementOffset(the_arg,from_insn); 
-					const auto disp_size=(int)the_arg.getMemoryDisplacementEncodingSize(); 
-					assert(disp_size==4);
-					assert(0<disp_offset && disp_offset<=from_insn->GetDataBits().size() - disp_size);
-					const auto new_disp=(int)(rel_addr1 + to_addr - from_insn->GetDataBits().size()-from_insn_location);
-					const auto newbits=from_insn->GetDataBits().replace(disp_offset, disp_size, (char*)&new_disp, disp_size); 
-					from_insn->SetDataBits(newbits);
-					ms.PlopBytes(from_insn_location, newbits.c_str(), newbits.size());
-					const auto disasm2=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
-					cout<<"unpin:pcrel:new_disp="<<hex<<new_disp<<endl;
-					cout<<"unpin:pcrel:new_insn_addr="<<hex<<from_insn_location<<endl;
-					cout<<"unpin:pcrel:Converting "<<hex<<from_insn->GetBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly() 
-					    <<" to "<<disasm2.getDisassembly() <<" wrt "<< convert_string <<endl;
-				}
-	                        else if(mt==admtAarch64)
-                        	{
-					assert(bo_wrt==nullptr); // not yet imp'd WRT offsetting.
-					assert(to_addr==0); // not yet imp'd WRT offsetting.
-					const auto mnemonic        = disasm.getMnemonic();
-					const auto is_adr_type     = mnemonic=="adr";
-					const auto is_adrp_type    = mnemonic=="adrp";
-					const auto is_ldr_type     = mnemonic=="ldr";
-					const auto is_ldr_int_type = is_ldr_type && disasm.getOperand(0).isGeneralPurposeRegister();
-					const auto is_ldr_fp_type  = is_ldr_type && disasm.getOperand(0).isFpuRegister();
-					const auto is_ldrsw_type   = mnemonic=="ldrsw";
-					const auto mask1 =(1<< 1)-1;
-					const auto mask2 =(1<< 2)-1;
-					const auto mask5 =(1<< 5)-1;
-					const auto mask12=(1<<12)-1;
-					const auto mask19=(1<<19)-1;
-					const auto orig_insn_addr=from_insn->GetAddress()->GetVirtualOffset(); // original location
-					const auto insn_bytes_len=4;	// arm is always 4.
-					uint8_t insn_bytes[insn_bytes_len]; // compiler disallows init on some platforms.
-					// but memcpy should init it sufficiently.
-					memcpy(insn_bytes, from_insn->GetDataBits().c_str(), insn_bytes_len);
-					const auto full_insn=*(uint32_t*)insn_bytes;
-					const auto op_byte=insn_bytes[3];
-					if(is_adrp_type || is_adr_type)
-					{
+				HandlePcrelReloc(from_insn,reloc);
-						// adr : 0 immlo2 10000 immhi19 Rd5
-						// adrp: 1 immlo2 10000 immhi19 Rd5
-						assert((op_byte&mask5) == 0x10); // sanity check adr(p) opcode bytes.
-						const auto immlo2    = (op_byte >> 5)&mask2; // grab immlo2
-						const auto immhi19   = (full_insn >> 5)&mask19; // grab immhi19
-						const auto imm21     = immhi19<<2 | immlo2;   // get full immediate in one field.
-						const auto imm21_ext = (((int64_t)imm21)<<43) >> 43; // sign extend to 64-bit
-						const auto shift_dist= 
-							is_adrp_type ? 12 : // bits in page for adrp 
-							is_adr_type  ?  0 : // no shift for adr
-							throw invalid_argument("Unknown adr insn");
-						const auto orig_insn_pageno = orig_insn_addr>>shift_dist;
-						const auto new_insn_pageno  = from_insn_location>>shift_dist;
-						const auto new_imm21_ext = imm21_ext + (int64_t)orig_insn_pageno - 
-								(int64_t)new_insn_pageno + (int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr;
-						// make sure no overflow.
-						if(((new_imm21_ext << 43) >> 43) == new_imm21_ext)
-						{
-							const auto new_immhi19   = new_imm21_ext >> 2;
-							const auto new_immlo2    = new_imm21_ext  & mask2;
-							const auto clean_new_insn= full_insn & ~(mask2<<29) & ~ (mask19 << 5);
-							const auto new_insn      = clean_new_insn | ((new_immlo2&mask2) << 29) | ((new_immhi19&mask19)<<5);
-							// put the new instruction in the output
-							ms.PlopBytes(from_insn_location, (const char*)&new_insn, insn_bytes_len);
-							if (m_verbose)
-							{
-								cout << "Relocating a adr(p) pcrel relocation with orig_pageno=" << hex
-								     << (orig_insn_pageno << 12) << " offset=(page-pc+" << imm21_ext << ")"  << endl;
-								cout << "Based on: " << disasm.getDisassembly() << hex << " originally at "  << orig_insn_addr
-								     << " now located at : 0x" << hex << from_insn_location << " with offset=(page-pc + "
-								     << new_imm21_ext << ")" << endl;
-							}
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							assert(is_adr_type); // don't even know what to do if the PAGE is too far away!
-							// imm21->64 bit address didn't work.  Split it up into two parts.
-							/* the plan :
-							 * FA: b   L0
-							 * FT:
-							 * ..
-							 * L0  adrp dest_reg, <addr-page number>
-							 * L1  add dest_reg, dest_reg, (addr-page offset)
-							 * L2: b ft
-							 */
-							const auto tramp_size=3*4; // 3 insns, 4 bytes each
-							const auto address_to_generate=imm21_ext+orig_insn_addr+(int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr;
-							const auto destreg=full_insn&mask5;
-							const auto tramp_range=ms.GetFreeRange(tramp_size);
-							const auto tramp_start=tramp_range.GetStart();
-							// don't be too fancy, just reserve 12 bytes.
-							ms.SplitFreeRange({tramp_start,tramp_start+12});
-							const auto FA=from_insn_location;
-							const auto FT=from_insn_location+4;
-							const auto L0=tramp_start;
-							const auto L1=tramp_start+4;
-							const auto L2=tramp_start+8;
-							const auto branch_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x14",4);
-							// const auto updated_orig_insn_pageno = orig_insn_addr>>12; // orig_insn_pageno was shifted by 0 for adr
-							const auto relocd_insn_pageno  = L1>>12;
-							const auto address_to_generate_pageno = address_to_generate >> 12;
-							const auto address_to_generate_page_offset = address_to_generate & mask12;
-							const auto relocd_imm21_ext = (int64_t)address_to_generate_pageno - (int64_t)relocd_insn_pageno;
-							const auto relocd_immhi19   = relocd_imm21_ext >> 2;
-							const auto relocd_immlo2    = relocd_imm21_ext  & mask2;
-							// this should be +/- 4gb, so we shouldn't fail now!
-							assert(((relocd_imm21_ext << 43) >> 43) == relocd_imm21_ext);
-							// put an uncond branch at where the adr was.
-							// and make it point at L0
-							ms.PlopBytes(FA,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
-							zo->ApplyPatch(FA,L0);
-							// adrp: 1 imm2lo 1 0000 immhi19 Rd
-							auto adrp_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x90",4);
-							auto adrp_word =*(int*)adrp_bytes.c_str();
-							adrp_word|=destreg<<0;
-							adrp_word |=  ((relocd_immlo2&mask2) << 29) | ((relocd_immhi19&mask19)<<5);
-							ms.PlopBytes(L0,(char*)&adrp_word,4);
-							// add64 imm12 = 1001 0001 00 imm12 Rn Rd
-							auto add_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x91",4);
-							auto add_word =*(int*)add_bytes.c_str();
-							add_word|=destreg<<0;
-							add_word|=destreg<<5;
-							add_word|=address_to_generate_page_offset << 10 ;
-							ms.PlopBytes(L1,(char*)&add_word,4);
-							// put an uncond branch the end of the trampoline
-							// and make it jump at FT
-							ms.PlopBytes(L2,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
-							zo->ApplyPatch(L2,FT);
-							// should be few enough of these to always print
-							cout<< "Had to trampoline " << disasm.getDisassembly() << "@"<<FA<<" to "
-							    << hex << L0 << "-" << L0+tramp_size << endl;
-						}
-					}
-					else if(is_ldr_type)
-					{
-						// ldr w/x reg    : 0 x1 0110 0 0 imm19 Rt5, x1   indicate size (0,1 -> w/x) 
-						// ldr s/d/q reg  : opc2 0111 0 0 imm19 Rt5, opc2 indicate size (00,01,10 -> s/d/q)
-						const auto imm19    = ((int64_t)full_insn >> 5 ) & mask19;
-						const auto imm19_ext= (imm19 << 45) >> 45;
-						const auto referenced_addr=(imm19_ext<<2)+from_insn->GetAddress()->GetVirtualOffset()+4;
-						const auto new_imm19_ext  =((int64_t)referenced_addr-(int64_t)from_insn_location-4+(int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr)>>2;
-						if( ((new_imm19_ext << 45) >> 45) == new_imm19_ext)
-						{
-							const auto clean_new_insn = full_insn & ~(mask19 << 5);
-							const auto new_insn       = clean_new_insn | ((new_imm19_ext & mask19)<<5);
-							// put the new instruction in the output
-							ms.PlopBytes(from_insn_location, (const char*)&new_insn, insn_bytes_len);
-							if (m_verbose)
-							{
-								cout << "Relocating a ldr pcrel relocation with orig_addr=" << hex
-								     << (referenced_addr) << " offset=(pc+" << imm19_ext << ")"  << endl;
-								cout << "Based on: " << disasm.getDisassembly() 
-								     << " now located at : 0x" << hex << from_insn_location << " with offset=(pc + "
-								     << new_imm19_ext << ")" << endl;
-							}
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							const auto address_to_generate=(imm19_ext<<2)+orig_insn_addr+(int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr;
-							const auto destreg=full_insn&mask5;
-							const auto FA=from_insn_location;
-							const auto FT=from_insn_location+4;
-							const auto branch_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x14",4);
-							const auto address_to_generate_pageno = address_to_generate >> 12;
-							const auto address_to_generate_page_offset = address_to_generate & mask12;
-							if(is_ldr_int_type)
-							{
-								// imm19->64 bit address didn't work.  Split it up into two parts.
-								/* the plan :
-								 * FA: b   L0
-								 * FT:
-								 * ..
-								 * L0  adrp dest_reg, <addr-page number>
-								 * L1  ldr dest_reg, [dst_reg, #addr-page offset]
-								 * L2: b ft
-								 */
-								const auto tramp_size=3*4; // 3 insns, 4 bytes each
-								const auto tramp_range=ms.GetFreeRange(tramp_size);
-								const auto tramp_start=tramp_range.GetStart();
-								// don't be too fancy, just reserve 12 bytes.
-								ms.SplitFreeRange({tramp_start,tramp_start+12});
-								// and give the bytes some names
-								const auto L0=tramp_start;
-								const auto L1=tramp_start+4;
-								const auto L2=tramp_start+8;
-								// calculate the immediates for the new adr and ldr instruction.
-								const auto relocd_insn_pageno  = L1>>12;
-								const auto relocd_imm21_ext = (int64_t)address_to_generate_pageno - (int64_t)relocd_insn_pageno;
-								const auto relocd_immhi19   = relocd_imm21_ext >> 2;
-								const auto relocd_immlo2    = relocd_imm21_ext  & mask2;
-								// this should be +/- 4gb, so we shouldn't fail now!
-								assert(((relocd_imm21_ext << 43) >> 43) == relocd_imm21_ext);
-								// put an uncond branch at where the adr was.
-								// and make it point at L0
-								ms.PlopBytes(FA,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
-								zo->ApplyPatch(FA,L0);
-								// adrp: 1 imm2lo 1 0000 immhi19 Rd
-								auto adrp_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x90",4);
-								auto adrp_word =*(int*)adrp_bytes.c_str();
-								adrp_word|=destreg<<0;
-								adrp_word |=  ((relocd_immlo2&mask2) << 29) | ((relocd_immhi19&mask19)<<5);
-								ms.PlopBytes(L0,(char*)&adrp_word,4);
-								// convert: ldr w/x reg : 0 x1 011 0 00 ---imm19---- Rt5    x1 indicates size (0,1 -> w/x) 
-								// to     : ldr x/w reg : 1 x1 111 0 01 01 imm12 Rn5 Rt5    x1 indciates size (0,1 -> w/x)
-								auto new_ldr_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x40\xb9",4);
-								auto new_ldr_word =*(int*)new_ldr_bytes.c_str();
-								const auto orig_ldr_size_bit=(full_insn>>30)&mask1;
-								const auto scale=0x2|orig_ldr_size_bit;
-								const auto scaled_page_offset=(address_to_generate_page_offset>>scale) ;
-								new_ldr_word|=destreg<<0; // Rt
-								new_ldr_word|=destreg<<5; // Rn
-								new_ldr_word|=scaled_page_offset << 10 ; // imm12
-								new_ldr_word|=orig_ldr_size_bit << 30; // x1
-								ms.PlopBytes(L1,(char*)&new_ldr_word,4);
-								// put an uncond branch the end of the trampoline
-								// and make it jump at FT
-								ms.PlopBytes(L2,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
-								zo->ApplyPatch(L2,FT);
-								// should be few enough of these to always print
-								cout<< "Had to trampoline " << disasm.getDisassembly() << "@"<<FA<<" to "
-								    << hex << L0 << "-" << L0+tramp_size-1 << endl;
-							}
-							else if(is_ldr_fp_type)
-							{
-								/* the scheme for int-type operations doesn't work
-								 * for fp-type because  there is no free register.
-								 * use this plan:
-								 * FA: b   L0
-								 * FT:
-								 * ..
-								 * L0  str x0, [sp+128] ; 128 for red zoning
-								 * L1  adrp x0, <addr-page number>
-								 * L2  ldr dest_reg, [x0, #addr-page offset]
-								 * L3  ldr x0, [sp+128] ; 128 for red zoning
-								 * L4  b FT
-								 */
-								// allocate and reserve space for the code.
-								const auto tramp_size=5*4; // 3 insns, 4 bytes each
-								const auto tramp_range=ms.GetFreeRange(tramp_size);
-								const auto tramp_start=tramp_range.GetStart();
-								// don't be too fancy, just reserve 12 bytes.
-								ms.SplitFreeRange({tramp_start,tramp_start+12});
-								// give the bytes some names
-								const auto L0=tramp_start   ;
-								const auto L1=tramp_start+4 ;
-								const auto L2=tramp_start+8 ;
-								const auto L3=tramp_start+12;
-								const auto L4=tramp_start+16;
-								// calculate the immediates for the new adr and ldr instruction.
-								const auto relocd_insn_pageno  = L1>>12;
-								const auto relocd_imm21_ext    = (int64_t)address_to_generate_pageno - (int64_t)relocd_insn_pageno;
-								const auto relocd_immhi19      = relocd_imm21_ext >> 2;
-								const auto relocd_immlo2       = relocd_imm21_ext  & mask2;
-								// this should be +/- 4gb, so we shouldn't fail now!
-								assert(((relocd_imm21_ext << 43) >> 43) == relocd_imm21_ext);
-								// put an uncond branch at where the adr was.
-								// and make it point at L0
-								ms.PlopBytes(FA,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
-								zo->ApplyPatch(FA,L0);
-								// put save of x0 in place.
-								// diassembly: f81803e0        stur    x0, [sp, #-128]
-								const auto strx0_bytes=string("\xe0\x03\x18\xf8",4);
-								ms.PlopBytes(L0,strx0_bytes.c_str(),4);
-								// adrp: 1 imm2lo 1 0000 immhi19 Rd
-								auto adrp_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x90",4);
-								auto adrp_word =*(int*)adrp_bytes.c_str();
-								// adrp_word|=destreg<<0; ; destreg for this insn is x0.
-								adrp_word |=  ((relocd_immlo2&mask2) << 29) | ((relocd_immhi19&mask19)<<5);
-								ms.PlopBytes(L1,(char*)&adrp_word,4);
-								// convert: ldr   s/d/q reg: opc2  01 11 00 imm19 Rt5, opc2 indicate size (00,01,10 -> s/d/q)
-								// to:      ldr b/s/d/q reg: size2 11 11 01 opc2 imm12 Rn Rt
-								auto new_ldr_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x3d",4);
-								auto new_ldr_word =*(int*)new_ldr_bytes.c_str();
-								const auto orig_ldr_opc_bits=(full_insn>>30)&mask2;
-								// decode size out of old ldr
-								const auto ldr_size= 
-									orig_ldr_opc_bits == 0x0 ? 4u  :
-									orig_ldr_opc_bits == 0x1 ? 8u  :
-									orig_ldr_opc_bits == 0x2 ? 16u :
-									throw invalid_argument("cannot decode ldr floating-point access size");
-								// encode size field for new ldr.
-								const auto new_ldr_size_bits=
-									ldr_size == 4  ? 0x2u :
-									ldr_size == 8  ? 0x3u :
-									ldr_size == 16 ? 0x0u :
-									throw invalid_argument("cannot decode ldr floating-point access size");
-								// encode opc2
-								const auto new_ldr_opc2_bits=
-									ldr_size == 4  ? 0x1u :
-									ldr_size == 8  ? 0x1u :
-									ldr_size == 16 ? 0x3u :
-									throw invalid_argument("cannot decode ldr floating-point access size");
-								// add variable fields to new insn and drop it in the mem space.
-								new_ldr_word|=destreg<<0; // Rt -- should be actual dest reg, not x0
-								// new_ldr_word|=destreg<<5; // Rn -- should be x0
-								new_ldr_word|=((address_to_generate_page_offset/ldr_size) << 10); // imm12
-								new_ldr_word|=(new_ldr_size_bits<<30); // size2
-								new_ldr_word|=(new_ldr_opc2_bits<<22); // opc2
-								ms.PlopBytes(L2,(char*)&new_ldr_word,4);
-								// drop in the restore of x0
-								// disassembly:   f85803e0        ldur    x0, [sp, #-128]
-								const auto ldrx0_bytes=string("\xe0\x03\x58\xf8",4);
-								ms.PlopBytes(L3,ldrx0_bytes.c_str(),4);
-								// put an uncond branch the end of the trampoline
-								// and make it jump at FT
-								ms.PlopBytes(L4,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
-								zo->ApplyPatch(L4,FT);
-								// should be few enough of these to always print
-								cout<< "Had to trampoline " << disasm.getDisassembly() << "@"<<FA<<" to "
-								    << hex << L0 << "-" << L0+tramp_size-1 << endl;
-							}
-							else
-								assert(0);
-						}
-					}
-					else if(is_ldrsw_type)
-					{
-						// ldrsw x reg    : 1001 1000 imm19 Rt
-						const auto imm19    = ((int64_t)full_insn >> 5 ) & mask19;
-						const auto imm19_ext= (imm19 << 45) >> 45;
-						const auto referenced_addr=(imm19_ext<<2)+from_insn->GetAddress()->GetVirtualOffset()+4;
-						const auto new_imm19_ext  =((int64_t)referenced_addr-(int64_t)from_insn_location-4+(int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr)>>2;
-						if( ((new_imm19_ext << 45) >> 45) == new_imm19_ext)
-						{
-							const auto clean_new_insn = full_insn & ~(mask19 << 5);
-							const auto new_insn       = clean_new_insn | ((new_imm19_ext & mask19)<<5);
-							// put the new instruction in the output
-							ms.PlopBytes(from_insn_location, (const char*)&new_insn, insn_bytes_len);
-							if (m_verbose)
-							{
-								cout << "Relocating a ldrsw pcrel relocation with orig_addr=" << hex
-								     << (referenced_addr) << " offset=(pc+" << imm19_ext << ")"  << endl;
-								cout << "Based on: " << disasm.getDisassembly() 
-								     << " now located at : 0x" << hex << from_insn_location << " with offset=(pc + "
-								     << new_imm19_ext << ")" << endl;
-							}
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							// imm19->64 bit address didn't work.  Split it up into two parts.
-							/* the plan :
-							 * FA: b   L0
-							 * FT:
-							 * ..
-							 * L0  adrp dest_reg, <addr-page number>
-							 * L1  ldr dest_reg, [dst_reg, #addr-page offset]
-							 * L2: b ft
-							 */
-							const auto tramp_size=3*4; // 3 insns, 4 bytes each
-							const auto address_to_generate=(imm19_ext<<2)+orig_insn_addr+(int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr;
-							const auto destreg=full_insn&mask5;
-							const auto tramp_range=ms.GetFreeRange(tramp_size);
-							const auto tramp_start=tramp_range.GetStart();
-							// don't be too fancy, just reserve 12 bytes.
-							ms.SplitFreeRange({tramp_start,tramp_start+12});
-							const auto FA=from_insn_location;
-							const auto FT=from_insn_location+4;
-							const auto L0=tramp_start;
-							const auto L1=tramp_start+4;
-							const auto L2=tramp_start+8;
-							const auto branch_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x14",4);
-							const auto relocd_insn_pageno  = L1>>12;
-							const auto address_to_generate_pageno = address_to_generate >> 12;
-							const auto address_to_generate_page_offset = address_to_generate & mask12;
-							const auto relocd_imm21_ext = (int64_t)address_to_generate_pageno - (int64_t)relocd_insn_pageno;
-							const auto relocd_immhi19   = relocd_imm21_ext >> 2;
-							const auto relocd_immlo2    = relocd_imm21_ext  & mask2;
-							// this should be +/- 4gb, so we shouldn't fail now!
-							assert(((relocd_imm21_ext << 43) >> 43) == relocd_imm21_ext);
-							// put an uncond branch at where the adr was.
-							// and make it point at L0
-							ms.PlopBytes(FA,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
-							zo->ApplyPatch(FA,L0);
-							// adrp: 1 imm2lo 1 0000 immhi19 Rd
-							auto adrp_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x90",4);
-							auto adrp_word =*(int*)adrp_bytes.c_str();
-							adrp_word|=destreg<<0;
-							adrp_word |=  ((relocd_immlo2&mask2) << 29) | ((relocd_immhi19&mask19)<<5);
-							ms.PlopBytes(L0,(char*)&adrp_word,4);
-							// convert: ldrsw x reg : 1001 1000 ---imm19--- Rt
-							// to     : ldrsw x reg : 1011 1001 10 imm12 Rn Rt
-							auto new_ldr_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x80\xb9",4);
-							auto new_ldr_word =*(int*)new_ldr_bytes.c_str();
-							const auto scale=0x2;
-							const auto scaled_page_offset=(address_to_generate_page_offset>>scale) ;
-							new_ldr_word|=destreg<<0; // Rt
-							new_ldr_word|=destreg<<5; // Rn
-							new_ldr_word|=scaled_page_offset << 10 ; // imm12
-							ms.PlopBytes(L1,(char*)&new_ldr_word,4);
-							// put an uncond branch the end of the trampoline
-							// and make it jump at FT
-							ms.PlopBytes(L2,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
-							zo->ApplyPatch(L2,FT);
-							// should be few enough of these to always print
-							cout<< "Had to trampoline " << disasm.getDisassembly() << "@"<<FA<<" to "
-							    << hex << L0 << "-" << L0+tramp_size-1 << endl;
-						}
-					}
-					else
-						assert(0);
-				}
-			}
 			// instruction has a absolute  memory operand that needs it's displacement updated.
 			else if(reloc->GetType()==string("absoluteptr_to_scoop"))
-			{
-				const auto disasm=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
-				const auto operands=disasm.getOperands();
+				HandleAbsptrReloc(from_insn,reloc);
-				// push/pop from memory might have a memory operand with no string to represent the implicit stack operand.
-				const auto the_arg_it=find_if(ALLOF(operands),[](const DecodedOperand_t& op){ return op.isMemory() && op.getString()!=""; });
-				DataScoop_t* wrt=dynamic_cast<DataScoop_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
-				assert(wrt);
-				assert(the_arg_it!=operands.end());
-				const auto &the_arg=*the_arg_it;
-				virtual_offset_t rel_addr1=the_arg.getMemoryDisplacement(); 
-				int disp_offset=disasm.getMemoryDisplacementOffset(the_arg,from_insn); 
-				int disp_size=the_arg.getMemoryDisplacementEncodingSize(); 
-				assert(disp_size==4);
-				assert(0<disp_offset && disp_offset<=from_insn->GetDataBits().size() - disp_size);
-				assert(reloc->GetWRT());
-                                unsigned int new_disp=the_arg.getMemoryDisplacement() + wrt->GetStart()->GetVirtualOffset();
-                                from_insn->SetDataBits(from_insn->GetDataBits().replace(disp_offset, disp_size, (char*)&new_disp, disp_size));
-				// update the instruction in the memory space.
-				libIRDB::virtual_offset_t from_insn_location=locMap[from_insn];
-				for(unsigned int i=0;i<from_insn->GetDataBits().size();i++)
-				{ 
-					unsigned char newbyte=from_insn->GetDataBits()[i];
-					ms[from_insn_location+i]=newbyte;
-					//cout<<"Updating push["<<i<<"] from "<<hex<<oldbyte<<" to "<<newbyte<<endl;
-				}
-				const auto disasm2=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
-				cout<<"unpin:absptr_to_scoop:Converting "<<hex<<from_insn->GetBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly()
-			 	    <<" to "<<disasm2.getDisassembly() <<" for scoop: "<<wrt->GetName()<<endl;
-			}
 			// instruction has an immediate that needs an update.
 			else if(reloc->GetType()==string("immedptr_to_scoop"))
-			{
-				DataScoop_t* wrt=dynamic_cast<DataScoop_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
-				assert(wrt);
-				const auto disasm=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
-        			virtual_offset_t rel_addr2=disasm.getImmediate(); 
-				virtual_offset_t new_addr = rel_addr2 + wrt->GetStart()->GetVirtualOffset();
-                                from_insn->SetDataBits(from_insn->GetDataBits().replace(from_insn->GetDataBits().size()-4, 4, (char*)&new_addr, 4));
-				libIRDB::virtual_offset_t from_insn_location=locMap[from_insn];
-				for(unsigned int i=0;i<from_insn->GetDataBits().size();i++)
-				{ 
-					unsigned char newbyte=from_insn->GetDataBits()[i];
-					ms[from_insn_location+i]=newbyte;
+				HandleImmedptrReloc(from_insn,reloc);
-					//cout<<"Updating push["<<i<<"] from "<<hex<<oldbyte<<" to "<<newbyte<<endl;
-				}
-				const auto disasm2=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
-				cout<<"unpin:immedptr_to_scoop:Converting "<<hex<<from_insn->GetBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly() 
-			 	    <<" to "<<disasm2.getDisassembly() <<" for scoop: "<<wrt->GetName()<<endl;
-			}
+			// deal with a callback, think this isn't used anymore
 			else if(reloc->GetType()==string("callback_to_scoop"))
-			{
-				DataScoop_t *wrt = dynamic_cast<DataScoop_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
-				int addend = reloc->GetAddend();
-				char bytes[]={(char)0x48,
-				              (char)0x8d,
-				              (char)0x64,
-				              (char)0x24,
-				              (char)(64/0x08)}; // lea rsp, [rsp+8]
-				uintptr_t call_addr = 0x0, at = 0x0;
-				uint32_t target_addr = 0x0;
-				if (m_verbose)
-					cout << "The call insn is " 
-					     << from_insn->GetDataBits().length() << " bytes long." << endl;
-				call_addr = locMap[from_insn];
-				if (m_verbose) {
-					cout << "Unpin::callback_to_scoop: call_addr " 
-					     << std::hex << call_addr << endl;
-				}
-				/*
-				 * Put down the bogus pop.
-				 */
-				at = call_addr + 1;
-				at = call_addr + from_insn->GetDataBits().length();
-				ms.PlopBytes(at, bytes, sizeof(bytes));
-				/*
-				 * Turn off the following flags so that this
-				 * is left alone when it is being plopped.
-				 */
-				from_insn->SetTarget(NULL);
-				from_insn->SetCallback("");
-			}
+				HandleCallbackReloc(from_insn,reloc);
@@ -973,10 +339,15 @@ void Unpin_t::DoUpdateForScoops()
 extern "C" 
 Zipr_SDK::ZiprPluginInterface_t* GetPluginInterface(
 	Zipr_SDK::Zipr_t* zipr_object)
-	return new Unpin_t(zipr_object);
+	const auto mt=zipr_object->GetFileIR()->GetArchitecture()->getMachineType();
+	return 
+		mt==admtX86_64  ? (Unpin_t*)new UnpinX86_t    (zipr_object) :
+		mt==admtI386    ? (Unpin_t*)new UnpinX86_t    (zipr_object) :
+		mt==admtAarch64 ? (Unpin_t*)new UnpinAarch64_t(zipr_object) :
+		throw invalid_argument("Cannot determine machine type");
diff --git a/unpin.h b/unpin.h
index 6de8cc2..224b3ff 100644
--- a/unpin.h
+++ b/unpin.h
@@ -44,9 +44,16 @@ class Unpin_t : public Zipr_SDK::ZiprPluginInterface_t
 				m_should_cfi_pin("should_cfi_pin", false) ,
-				unpins(0)
-		{ 
-		};
+				unpins(0),
+		                missed_unpins(0),
+                		ms(*zo->GetMemorySpace()),
+                		locMap(*(zo->GetLocationMap())),
+                		firp(*(zo->GetFileIR()))
+		{ }
+		virtual ~Unpin_t() 
+		{ } 
 		virtual void PinningBegin()
@@ -65,7 +72,14 @@ class Unpin_t : public Zipr_SDK::ZiprPluginInterface_t
 			const Zipr_SDK::RangeAddress_t &callback_address,
 			const Zipr_SDK::DollopEntry_t *callback_entry,
 			Zipr_SDK::RangeAddress_t &target_address);
-	private:
+	protected:
+		// designed for arch-specific override.
+		virtual void HandleRetAddrReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc)=0;
+		virtual void HandlePcrelReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc)=0;
+		virtual void HandleAbsptrReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc)=0;
+		virtual void HandleImmedptrReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc)=0;
+		virtual void HandleCallbackReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc)=0;
 		bool should_cfi_pin(Instruction_t* insn);
 		// workhorses 
@@ -85,6 +99,49 @@ class Unpin_t : public Zipr_SDK::ZiprPluginInterface_t
 		Zipr_SDK::ZiprIntegerOption_t m_max_unpins; 
 		int unpins;
+		int missed_unpins=0;
+		Zipr_SDK::MemorySpace_t& ms;
+		Zipr_SDK::InstructionLocationMap_t& locMap;
+		libIRDB::FileIR_t& firp;
+class UnpinX86_t : public Unpin_t
+	public:
+		UnpinX86_t( Zipr_SDK::Zipr_t* zipr_object) 
+			: Unpin_t(zipr_object)
+		{ 
+		}
+	protected:
+		// designed for arch-specific override.
+		void HandleRetAddrReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc) override;
+		void HandlePcrelReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc) override;
+		void HandleAbsptrReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc) override;
+		void HandleImmedptrReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc) override;
+		void HandleCallbackReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc) override;
+class UnpinAarch64_t : public Unpin_t
+	public:
+		UnpinAarch64_t( Zipr_SDK::Zipr_t* zipr_object) 
+			: Unpin_t(zipr_object)
+		{ 
+		}
+	protected:
+		// designed for arch-specific override.
+		void HandleRetAddrReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc) override;
+		void HandlePcrelReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc) override;
+		void HandleAbsptrReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc) override;
+		void HandleImmedptrReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc) override;
+		void HandleCallbackReloc(libIRDB::Instruction_t* from_insn,libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc) override;
diff --git a/unpin_aarch64.cpp b/unpin_aarch64.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edf6f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unpin_aarch64.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ * Copyright (c)  2014  Zephyr Software LLC. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software is furnished under a license and/or other restrictive
+ * terms and may be used and copied only in accordance with such terms
+ * and the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or
+ * any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made
+ * available to any other person without the express written consent
+ * of an authorized representative of Zephyr Software LCC. Title to,
+ * ownership of, and all rights in the software is retained by
+ * Zephyr Software LCC.
+ *
+ * Zephyr Software LLC. Proprietary Information
+ *
+ * Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this
+ * directory, following this legend, and/or referenced herein is
+ * Zephyr Software LLC. (Zephyr) Proprietary Information.
+ *
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+ * For technical assistance, contact Zephyr Software LCC. at:
+ *
+ *
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+ * 2040 Tremont Rd
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+ **************************************************************************/
+#include <zipr_sdk.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "utils.hpp"
+#include "Rewrite_Utility.hpp"
+#include "unpin.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+using namespace libIRDB;
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Zipr_SDK;
+using namespace ELFIO;
+#define ALLOF(a) begin(a),end(a)
+// per machine stuff
+void UnpinAarch64_t::HandleRetAddrReloc(Instruction_t* from_insn, Relocation_t* reloc)
+{ assert(0); }
+void UnpinAarch64_t::HandlePcrelReloc(Instruction_t* from_insn, Relocation_t* reloc)
+	// decode the instruction and find the pcrel operand
+	const auto disasm=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
+	const auto operands=disasm.getOperands();
+	const auto the_arg_it=find_if(ALLOF(operands),[](const DecodedOperand_t& op){ return op.isPcrel(); });
+	const auto bo_wrt=reloc->GetWRT();
+	const auto scoop_wrt=dynamic_cast<DataScoop_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
+	const auto insn_wrt=dynamic_cast<Instruction_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
+	assert(the_arg_it!=operands.end());
+	const auto the_arg=*the_arg_it;
+	const auto mt=firp.GetArchitecture()->getMachineType();
+	// get the new insn addr 	
+	const auto from_insn_location=(virtual_offset_t)locMap[from_insn];
+	// get WRT info
+	libIRDB::virtual_offset_t to_addr=0xdeadbeef; // noteable value that shouldn't be used.
+	string convert_string;
+	if(scoop_wrt)
+	{
+		to_addr=scoop_wrt->GetStart()->GetVirtualOffset();
+		convert_string=string("scoop ")+scoop_wrt->GetName();
+	}
+	else if(insn_wrt)
+	{
+		to_addr=locMap[insn_wrt];
+		convert_string=string("insn ")+to_string(insn_wrt->GetBaseID())+
+			       ":"+insn_wrt->getDisassembly();
+	}
+	else 
+	{
+		assert(bo_wrt==nullptr);
+		to_addr=0; /* no WRT obj */
+		convert_string=string("no-object");
+	}
+	assert(bo_wrt==nullptr); // not yet imp'd WRT offsetting.
+	assert(to_addr==0); // not yet imp'd WRT offsetting.
+	const auto mnemonic        = disasm.getMnemonic();
+	const auto is_adr_type     = mnemonic=="adr";
+	const auto is_adrp_type    = mnemonic=="adrp";
+	const auto is_ldr_type     = mnemonic=="ldr";
+	const auto is_ldr_int_type = is_ldr_type && disasm.getOperand(0).isGeneralPurposeRegister();
+	const auto is_ldr_fp_type  = is_ldr_type && disasm.getOperand(0).isFpuRegister();
+	const auto is_ldrsw_type   = mnemonic=="ldrsw";
+	const auto mask1 =(1<< 1)-1;
+	const auto mask2 =(1<< 2)-1;
+	const auto mask5 =(1<< 5)-1;
+	const auto mask12=(1<<12)-1;
+	const auto mask19=(1<<19)-1;
+	const auto orig_insn_addr=from_insn->GetAddress()->GetVirtualOffset(); // original location
+	const auto insn_bytes_len=4;	// arm is always 4.
+	uint8_t insn_bytes[insn_bytes_len]; // compiler disallows init on some platforms.
+	// but memcpy should init it sufficiently.
+	memcpy(insn_bytes, from_insn->GetDataBits().c_str(), insn_bytes_len);
+	const auto full_insn=*(uint32_t*)insn_bytes;
+	const auto op_byte=insn_bytes[3];
+	if(is_adrp_type || is_adr_type)
+	{
+		// adr : 0 immlo2 10000 immhi19 Rd5
+		// adrp: 1 immlo2 10000 immhi19 Rd5
+		assert((op_byte&mask5) == 0x10); // sanity check adr(p) opcode bytes.
+		const auto immlo2    = (op_byte >> 5)&mask2; // grab immlo2
+		const auto immhi19   = (full_insn >> 5)&mask19; // grab immhi19
+		const auto imm21     = immhi19<<2 | immlo2;   // get full immediate in one field.
+		const auto imm21_ext = (((int64_t)imm21)<<43) >> 43; // sign extend to 64-bit
+		const auto shift_dist= 
+			is_adrp_type ? 12 : // bits in page for adrp 
+			is_adr_type  ?  0 : // no shift for adr
+			throw invalid_argument("Unknown adr insn");
+		const auto orig_insn_pageno = orig_insn_addr>>shift_dist;
+		const auto new_insn_pageno  = from_insn_location>>shift_dist;
+		const auto new_imm21_ext = imm21_ext + (int64_t)orig_insn_pageno - 
+				(int64_t)new_insn_pageno + (int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr;
+		// make sure no overflow.
+		if(((new_imm21_ext << 43) >> 43) == new_imm21_ext)
+		{
+			const auto new_immhi19   = new_imm21_ext >> 2;
+			const auto new_immlo2    = new_imm21_ext  & mask2;
+			const auto clean_new_insn= full_insn & ~(mask2<<29) & ~ (mask19 << 5);
+			const auto new_insn      = clean_new_insn | ((new_immlo2&mask2) << 29) | ((new_immhi19&mask19)<<5);
+			// put the new instruction in the output
+			ms.PlopBytes(from_insn_location, (const char*)&new_insn, insn_bytes_len);
+			if (m_verbose)
+			{
+				cout << "Relocating a adr(p) pcrel relocation with orig_pageno=" << hex
+				     << (orig_insn_pageno << 12) << " offset=(page-pc+" << imm21_ext << ")"  << endl;
+				cout << "Based on: " << disasm.getDisassembly() << hex << " originally at "  << orig_insn_addr
+				     << " now located at : 0x" << hex << from_insn_location << " with offset=(page-pc + "
+				     << new_imm21_ext << ")" << endl;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			assert(is_adr_type); // don't even know what to do if the PAGE is too far away!
+			// imm21->64 bit address didn't work.  Split it up into two parts.
+			/* the plan :
+			 * FA: b   L0
+			 * FT:
+			 * ..
+			 * L0  adrp dest_reg, <addr-page number>
+			 * L1  add dest_reg, dest_reg, (addr-page offset)
+			 * L2: b ft
+			 */
+			const auto tramp_size=3*4; // 3 insns, 4 bytes each
+			const auto address_to_generate=imm21_ext+orig_insn_addr+(int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr;
+			const auto destreg=full_insn&mask5;
+			const auto tramp_range=ms.GetFreeRange(tramp_size);
+			const auto tramp_start=tramp_range.GetStart();
+			// don't be too fancy, just reserve 12 bytes.
+			ms.SplitFreeRange({tramp_start,tramp_start+12});
+			const auto FA=from_insn_location;
+			const auto FT=from_insn_location+4;
+			const auto L0=tramp_start;
+			const auto L1=tramp_start+4;
+			const auto L2=tramp_start+8;
+			const auto branch_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x14",4);
+			// const auto updated_orig_insn_pageno = orig_insn_addr>>12; // orig_insn_pageno was shifted by 0 for adr
+			const auto relocd_insn_pageno  = L1>>12;
+			const auto address_to_generate_pageno = address_to_generate >> 12;
+			const auto address_to_generate_page_offset = address_to_generate & mask12;
+			const auto relocd_imm21_ext = (int64_t)address_to_generate_pageno - (int64_t)relocd_insn_pageno;
+			const auto relocd_immhi19   = relocd_imm21_ext >> 2;
+			const auto relocd_immlo2    = relocd_imm21_ext  & mask2;
+			// this should be +/- 4gb, so we shouldn't fail now!
+			assert(((relocd_imm21_ext << 43) >> 43) == relocd_imm21_ext);
+			// put an uncond branch at where the adr was.
+			// and make it point at L0
+			ms.PlopBytes(FA,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
+			zo->ApplyPatch(FA,L0);
+			// adrp: 1 imm2lo 1 0000 immhi19 Rd
+			auto adrp_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x90",4);
+			auto adrp_word =*(int*)adrp_bytes.c_str();
+			adrp_word|=destreg<<0;
+			adrp_word |=  ((relocd_immlo2&mask2) << 29) | ((relocd_immhi19&mask19)<<5);
+			ms.PlopBytes(L0,(char*)&adrp_word,4);
+			// add64 imm12 = 1001 0001 00 imm12 Rn Rd
+			auto add_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x91",4);
+			auto add_word =*(int*)add_bytes.c_str();
+			add_word|=destreg<<0;
+			add_word|=destreg<<5;
+			add_word|=address_to_generate_page_offset << 10 ;
+			ms.PlopBytes(L1,(char*)&add_word,4);
+			// put an uncond branch the end of the trampoline
+			// and make it jump at FT
+			ms.PlopBytes(L2,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
+			zo->ApplyPatch(L2,FT);
+			// should be few enough of these to always print
+			cout<< "Had to trampoline " << disasm.getDisassembly() << "@"<<FA<<" to "
+			    << hex << L0 << "-" << L0+tramp_size << endl;
+		}
+	}
+	else if(is_ldr_type)
+	{
+		// ldr w/x reg    : 0 x1 0110 0 0 imm19 Rt5, x1   indicate size (0,1 -> w/x) 
+		// ldr s/d/q reg  : opc2 0111 0 0 imm19 Rt5, opc2 indicate size (00,01,10 -> s/d/q)
+		const auto imm19    = ((int64_t)full_insn >> 5 ) & mask19;
+		const auto imm19_ext= (imm19 << 45) >> 45;
+		const auto referenced_addr=(imm19_ext<<2)+from_insn->GetAddress()->GetVirtualOffset()+4;
+		const auto new_imm19_ext  =((int64_t)referenced_addr-(int64_t)from_insn_location-4+(int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr)>>2;
+		if( ((new_imm19_ext << 45) >> 45) == new_imm19_ext)
+		{
+			const auto clean_new_insn = full_insn & ~(mask19 << 5);
+			const auto new_insn       = clean_new_insn | ((new_imm19_ext & mask19)<<5);
+			// put the new instruction in the output
+			ms.PlopBytes(from_insn_location, (const char*)&new_insn, insn_bytes_len);
+			if (m_verbose)
+			{
+				cout << "Relocating a ldr pcrel relocation with orig_addr=" << hex
+				     << (referenced_addr) << " offset=(pc+" << imm19_ext << ")"  << endl;
+				cout << "Based on: " << disasm.getDisassembly() 
+				     << " now located at : 0x" << hex << from_insn_location << " with offset=(pc + "
+				     << new_imm19_ext << ")" << endl;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			const auto address_to_generate=(imm19_ext<<2)+orig_insn_addr+(int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr;
+			const auto destreg=full_insn&mask5;
+			const auto FA=from_insn_location;
+			const auto FT=from_insn_location+4;
+			const auto branch_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x14",4);
+			const auto address_to_generate_pageno = address_to_generate >> 12;
+			const auto address_to_generate_page_offset = address_to_generate & mask12;
+			if(is_ldr_int_type)
+			{
+				// imm19->64 bit address didn't work.  Split it up into two parts.
+				/* the plan :
+				 * FA: b   L0
+				 * FT:
+				 * ..
+				 * L0  adrp dest_reg, <addr-page number>
+				 * L1  ldr dest_reg, [dst_reg, #addr-page offset]
+				 * L2: b ft
+				 */
+				const auto tramp_size=3*4; // 3 insns, 4 bytes each
+				const auto tramp_range=ms.GetFreeRange(tramp_size);
+				const auto tramp_start=tramp_range.GetStart();
+				// don't be too fancy, just reserve 12 bytes.
+				ms.SplitFreeRange({tramp_start,tramp_start+12});
+				// and give the bytes some names
+				const auto L0=tramp_start;
+				const auto L1=tramp_start+4;
+				const auto L2=tramp_start+8;
+				// calculate the immediates for the new adr and ldr instruction.
+				const auto relocd_insn_pageno  = L1>>12;
+				const auto relocd_imm21_ext = (int64_t)address_to_generate_pageno - (int64_t)relocd_insn_pageno;
+				const auto relocd_immhi19   = relocd_imm21_ext >> 2;
+				const auto relocd_immlo2    = relocd_imm21_ext  & mask2;
+				// this should be +/- 4gb, so we shouldn't fail now!
+				assert(((relocd_imm21_ext << 43) >> 43) == relocd_imm21_ext);
+				// put an uncond branch at where the adr was.
+				// and make it point at L0
+				ms.PlopBytes(FA,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
+				zo->ApplyPatch(FA,L0);
+				// adrp: 1 imm2lo 1 0000 immhi19 Rd
+				auto adrp_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x90",4);
+				auto adrp_word =*(int*)adrp_bytes.c_str();
+				adrp_word|=destreg<<0;
+				adrp_word |=  ((relocd_immlo2&mask2) << 29) | ((relocd_immhi19&mask19)<<5);
+				ms.PlopBytes(L0,(char*)&adrp_word,4);
+				// convert: ldr w/x reg : 0 x1 011 0 00 ---imm19---- Rt5    x1 indicates size (0,1 -> w/x) 
+				// to     : ldr x/w reg : 1 x1 111 0 01 01 imm12 Rn5 Rt5    x1 indciates size (0,1 -> w/x)
+				auto new_ldr_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x40\xb9",4);
+				auto new_ldr_word =*(int*)new_ldr_bytes.c_str();
+				const auto orig_ldr_size_bit=(full_insn>>30)&mask1;
+				const auto scale=0x2|orig_ldr_size_bit;
+				const auto scaled_page_offset=(address_to_generate_page_offset>>scale) ;
+				new_ldr_word|=destreg<<0; // Rt
+				new_ldr_word|=destreg<<5; // Rn
+				new_ldr_word|=scaled_page_offset << 10 ; // imm12
+				new_ldr_word|=orig_ldr_size_bit << 30; // x1
+				ms.PlopBytes(L1,(char*)&new_ldr_word,4);
+				// put an uncond branch the end of the trampoline
+				// and make it jump at FT
+				ms.PlopBytes(L2,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
+				zo->ApplyPatch(L2,FT);
+				// should be few enough of these to always print
+				cout<< "Had to trampoline " << disasm.getDisassembly() << "@"<<FA<<" to "
+				    << hex << L0 << "-" << L0+tramp_size-1 << endl;
+			}
+			else if(is_ldr_fp_type)
+			{
+				/* the scheme for int-type operations doesn't work
+				 * for fp-type because  there is no free register.
+				 * use this plan:
+				 * FA: b   L0
+				 * FT:
+				 * ..
+				 * L0  str x0, [sp+128] ; 128 for red zoning
+				 * L1  adrp x0, <addr-page number>
+				 * L2  ldr dest_reg, [x0, #addr-page offset]
+				 * L3  ldr x0, [sp+128] ; 128 for red zoning
+				 * L4  b FT
+				 */
+				// allocate and reserve space for the code.
+				const auto tramp_size=5*4; // 3 insns, 4 bytes each
+				const auto tramp_range=ms.GetFreeRange(tramp_size);
+				const auto tramp_start=tramp_range.GetStart();
+				// don't be too fancy, just reserve 12 bytes.
+				ms.SplitFreeRange({tramp_start,tramp_start+12});
+				// give the bytes some names
+				const auto L0=tramp_start   ;
+				const auto L1=tramp_start+4 ;
+				const auto L2=tramp_start+8 ;
+				const auto L3=tramp_start+12;
+				const auto L4=tramp_start+16;
+				// calculate the immediates for the new adr and ldr instruction.
+				const auto relocd_insn_pageno  = L1>>12;
+				const auto relocd_imm21_ext    = (int64_t)address_to_generate_pageno - (int64_t)relocd_insn_pageno;
+				const auto relocd_immhi19      = relocd_imm21_ext >> 2;
+				const auto relocd_immlo2       = relocd_imm21_ext  & mask2;
+				// this should be +/- 4gb, so we shouldn't fail now!
+				assert(((relocd_imm21_ext << 43) >> 43) == relocd_imm21_ext);
+				// put an uncond branch at where the adr was.
+				// and make it point at L0
+				ms.PlopBytes(FA,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
+				zo->ApplyPatch(FA,L0);
+				// put save of x0 in place.
+				// diassembly: f81803e0        stur    x0, [sp, #-128]
+				const auto strx0_bytes=string("\xe0\x03\x18\xf8",4);
+				ms.PlopBytes(L0,strx0_bytes.c_str(),4);
+				// adrp: 1 imm2lo 1 0000 immhi19 Rd
+				auto adrp_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x90",4);
+				auto adrp_word =*(int*)adrp_bytes.c_str();
+				// adrp_word|=destreg<<0; ; destreg for this insn is x0.
+				adrp_word |=  ((relocd_immlo2&mask2) << 29) | ((relocd_immhi19&mask19)<<5);
+				ms.PlopBytes(L1,(char*)&adrp_word,4);
+				// convert: ldr   s/d/q reg: opc2  01 11 00 imm19 Rt5, opc2 indicate size (00,01,10 -> s/d/q)
+				// to:      ldr b/s/d/q reg: size2 11 11 01 opc2 imm12 Rn Rt
+				auto new_ldr_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x3d",4);
+				auto new_ldr_word =*(int*)new_ldr_bytes.c_str();
+				const auto orig_ldr_opc_bits=(full_insn>>30)&mask2;
+				// decode size out of old ldr
+				const auto ldr_size= 
+					orig_ldr_opc_bits == 0x0 ? 4u  :
+					orig_ldr_opc_bits == 0x1 ? 8u  :
+					orig_ldr_opc_bits == 0x2 ? 16u :
+					throw invalid_argument("cannot decode ldr floating-point access size");
+				// encode size field for new ldr.
+				const auto new_ldr_size_bits=
+					ldr_size == 4  ? 0x2u :
+					ldr_size == 8  ? 0x3u :
+					ldr_size == 16 ? 0x0u :
+					throw invalid_argument("cannot decode ldr floating-point access size");
+				// encode opc2
+				const auto new_ldr_opc2_bits=
+					ldr_size == 4  ? 0x1u :
+					ldr_size == 8  ? 0x1u :
+					ldr_size == 16 ? 0x3u :
+					throw invalid_argument("cannot decode ldr floating-point access size");
+				// add variable fields to new insn and drop it in the mem space.
+				new_ldr_word|=destreg<<0; // Rt -- should be actual dest reg, not x0
+				// new_ldr_word|=destreg<<5; // Rn -- should be x0
+				new_ldr_word|=((address_to_generate_page_offset/ldr_size) << 10); // imm12
+				new_ldr_word|=(new_ldr_size_bits<<30); // size2
+				new_ldr_word|=(new_ldr_opc2_bits<<22); // opc2
+				ms.PlopBytes(L2,(char*)&new_ldr_word,4);
+				// drop in the restore of x0
+				// disassembly:   f85803e0        ldur    x0, [sp, #-128]
+				const auto ldrx0_bytes=string("\xe0\x03\x58\xf8",4);
+				ms.PlopBytes(L3,ldrx0_bytes.c_str(),4);
+				// put an uncond branch the end of the trampoline
+				// and make it jump at FT
+				ms.PlopBytes(L4,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
+				zo->ApplyPatch(L4,FT);
+				// should be few enough of these to always print
+				cout<< "Had to trampoline " << disasm.getDisassembly() << "@"<<FA<<" to "
+				    << hex << L0 << "-" << L0+tramp_size-1 << endl;
+			}
+			else
+				assert(0);
+		}
+	}
+	else if(is_ldrsw_type)
+	{
+		// ldrsw x reg    : 1001 1000 imm19 Rt
+		const auto imm19    = ((int64_t)full_insn >> 5 ) & mask19;
+		const auto imm19_ext= (imm19 << 45) >> 45;
+		const auto referenced_addr=(imm19_ext<<2)+from_insn->GetAddress()->GetVirtualOffset()+4;
+		const auto new_imm19_ext  =((int64_t)referenced_addr-(int64_t)from_insn_location-4+(int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr)>>2;
+		if( ((new_imm19_ext << 45) >> 45) == new_imm19_ext)
+		{
+			const auto clean_new_insn = full_insn & ~(mask19 << 5);
+			const auto new_insn       = clean_new_insn | ((new_imm19_ext & mask19)<<5);
+			// put the new instruction in the output
+			ms.PlopBytes(from_insn_location, (const char*)&new_insn, insn_bytes_len);
+			if (m_verbose)
+			{
+				cout << "Relocating a ldrsw pcrel relocation with orig_addr=" << hex
+				     << (referenced_addr) << " offset=(pc+" << imm19_ext << ")"  << endl;
+				cout << "Based on: " << disasm.getDisassembly() 
+				     << " now located at : 0x" << hex << from_insn_location << " with offset=(pc + "
+				     << new_imm19_ext << ")" << endl;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// imm19->64 bit address didn't work.  Split it up into two parts.
+			/* the plan :
+			 * FA: b   L0
+			 * FT:
+			 * ..
+			 * L0  adrp dest_reg, <addr-page number>
+			 * L1  ldr dest_reg, [dst_reg, #addr-page offset]
+			 * L2: b ft
+			 */
+			const auto tramp_size=3*4; // 3 insns, 4 bytes each
+			const auto address_to_generate=(imm19_ext<<2)+orig_insn_addr+(int64_t)reloc->GetAddend()+(int64_t)to_addr;
+			const auto destreg=full_insn&mask5;
+			const auto tramp_range=ms.GetFreeRange(tramp_size);
+			const auto tramp_start=tramp_range.GetStart();
+			// don't be too fancy, just reserve 12 bytes.
+			ms.SplitFreeRange({tramp_start,tramp_start+12});
+			const auto FA=from_insn_location;
+			const auto FT=from_insn_location+4;
+			const auto L0=tramp_start;
+			const auto L1=tramp_start+4;
+			const auto L2=tramp_start+8;
+			const auto branch_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x14",4);
+			const auto relocd_insn_pageno  = L1>>12;
+			const auto address_to_generate_pageno = address_to_generate >> 12;
+			const auto address_to_generate_page_offset = address_to_generate & mask12;
+			const auto relocd_imm21_ext = (int64_t)address_to_generate_pageno - (int64_t)relocd_insn_pageno;
+			const auto relocd_immhi19   = relocd_imm21_ext >> 2;
+			const auto relocd_immlo2    = relocd_imm21_ext  & mask2;
+			// this should be +/- 4gb, so we shouldn't fail now!
+			assert(((relocd_imm21_ext << 43) >> 43) == relocd_imm21_ext);
+			// put an uncond branch at where the adr was.
+			// and make it point at L0
+			ms.PlopBytes(FA,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
+			zo->ApplyPatch(FA,L0);
+			// adrp: 1 imm2lo 1 0000 immhi19 Rd
+			auto adrp_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x00\x90",4);
+			auto adrp_word =*(int*)adrp_bytes.c_str();
+			adrp_word|=destreg<<0;
+			adrp_word |=  ((relocd_immlo2&mask2) << 29) | ((relocd_immhi19&mask19)<<5);
+			ms.PlopBytes(L0,(char*)&adrp_word,4);
+			// convert: ldrsw x reg : 1001 1000 ---imm19--- Rt
+			// to     : ldrsw x reg : 1011 1001 10 imm12 Rn Rt
+			auto new_ldr_bytes=string("\x00\x00\x80\xb9",4);
+			auto new_ldr_word =*(int*)new_ldr_bytes.c_str();
+			const auto scale=0x2;
+			const auto scaled_page_offset=(address_to_generate_page_offset>>scale) ;
+			new_ldr_word|=destreg<<0; // Rt
+			new_ldr_word|=destreg<<5; // Rn
+			new_ldr_word|=scaled_page_offset << 10 ; // imm12
+			ms.PlopBytes(L1,(char*)&new_ldr_word,4);
+			// put an uncond branch the end of the trampoline
+			// and make it jump at FT
+			ms.PlopBytes(L2,branch_bytes.c_str(),4);
+			zo->ApplyPatch(L2,FT);
+			// should be few enough of these to always print
+			cout<< "Had to trampoline " << disasm.getDisassembly() << "@"<<FA<<" to "
+			    << hex << L0 << "-" << L0+tramp_size-1 << endl;
+		}
+	}
+void UnpinAarch64_t::HandleAbsptrReloc(Instruction_t* from_insn, Relocation_t* reloc)
+{ assert(0); } 
+void UnpinAarch64_t::HandleImmedptrReloc(Instruction_t* from_insn, Relocation_t* reloc)
+{ assert(0); }
+void UnpinAarch64_t::HandleCallbackReloc(Instruction_t* from_insn, Relocation_t* reloc)
+{ assert(0); }
diff --git a/unpin_x86.cpp b/unpin_x86.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61577ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unpin_x86.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ * Copyright (c)  2014  Zephyr Software LLC. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software is furnished under a license and/or other restrictive
+ * terms and may be used and copied only in accordance with such terms
+ * and the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or
+ * any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made
+ * available to any other person without the express written consent
+ * of an authorized representative of Zephyr Software LCC. Title to,
+ * ownership of, and all rights in the software is retained by
+ * Zephyr Software LCC.
+ *
+ * Zephyr Software LLC. Proprietary Information
+ *
+ * Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this
+ * directory, following this legend, and/or referenced herein is
+ * Zephyr Software LLC. (Zephyr) Proprietary Information.
+ *
+ *
+ * For technical assistance, contact Zephyr Software LCC. at:
+ *
+ *
+ * Zephyr Software, LLC
+ * 2040 Tremont Rd
+ * Charlottesville, VA 22911
+ *
+ * E-mail:
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include <zipr_sdk.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "utils.hpp"
+#include "Rewrite_Utility.hpp"
+#include "unpin.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+using namespace libIRDB;
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Zipr_SDK;
+using namespace ELFIO;
+#define ALLOF(a) begin(a),end(a)
+void UnpinX86_t::HandleRetAddrReloc(Instruction_t* from_insn, Relocation_t* reloc)
+	// skip if there's no WRT, that means it's unpinned for something besides a fixed call.
+	if(reloc->GetWRT()==NULL)
+		return;
+	// getWRT returns an BaseObj, but this reloc type expects an instruction
+	// safe cast and check.
+	auto wrt_insn=dynamic_cast<Instruction_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
+	assert(wrt_insn);
+	if(should_cfi_pin(wrt_insn)) 
+		return;
+	auto wrt_insn_location =locMap[wrt_insn];
+	auto from_insn_location=locMap[from_insn];
+	// 32-bit code and main executables just push a full 32-bit addr.
+	if(zo->GetELFIO()->get_type()==ET_EXEC)
+	{
+// not handled in push64_relocs which is disabled for shared objects.
+		// expecting a 32-bit push, length=5
+		assert(from_insn->GetDataBits()[0]==0x68);
+		assert(from_insn->GetDataBits().size()==5);
+		// down and upcast to ensure we fit in 31-bits.
+		assert(wrt_insn_location == (libIRDB::virtual_offset_t)(int)wrt_insn_location);
+		assert(sizeof(int)==4); // paranoid.
+		unsigned char newpush[5];
+		newpush[0]=0x68;
+		*(int*)&newpush[1]=(int)wrt_insn_location;
+		cout<<"Unpin::Updating push32/push64-exe insn:"
+		    <<dec<<from_insn->GetBaseID()<<":"<<from_insn->getDisassembly()<<"@"<<hex<<from_insn_location<<" to point at "
+		    <<dec<<wrt_insn ->GetBaseID()<<":"<<wrt_insn ->getDisassembly()<<"@"<<hex<<wrt_insn_location <<endl;
+		for(auto i=0U;i<from_insn->GetDataBits().size();i++)
+		{ 
+			unsigned char newbyte=newpush[i];
+			ms[from_insn_location+i]=newbyte;
+		}
+	}
+	// shared object
+	// gets a call/sub [$rsp], const pair, handled in push64_relocs
+	// else { }
+void UnpinX86_t::HandlePcrelReloc(Instruction_t* from_insn, Relocation_t* reloc)
+	// decode the instruction and find the pcrel operand
+	const auto disasm=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
+	const auto operands=disasm.getOperands();
+	const auto the_arg_it=find_if(ALLOF(operands),[](const DecodedOperand_t& op){ return op.isPcrel(); });
+	const auto bo_wrt=reloc->GetWRT();
+	const auto scoop_wrt=dynamic_cast<DataScoop_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
+	const auto insn_wrt=dynamic_cast<Instruction_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
+	assert(the_arg_it!=operands.end());
+	const auto the_arg=*the_arg_it;
+	const auto mt=firp.GetArchitecture()->getMachineType();
+	// get the new insn addr 	
+	const auto from_insn_location=(virtual_offset_t)locMap[from_insn];
+	// get WRT info
+	libIRDB::virtual_offset_t to_addr=0xdeadbeef; // noteable value that shouldn't be used.
+	string convert_string;
+	if(scoop_wrt)
+	{
+		to_addr=scoop_wrt->GetStart()->GetVirtualOffset();
+		convert_string=string("scoop ")+scoop_wrt->GetName();
+	}
+	else if(insn_wrt)
+	{
+		to_addr=locMap[insn_wrt];
+		convert_string=string("insn ")+to_string(insn_wrt->GetBaseID())+
+			       ":"+insn_wrt->getDisassembly();
+	}
+	else 
+	{
+		assert(bo_wrt==nullptr);
+		to_addr=0; /* no WRT obj */
+		convert_string=string("no-object");
+	}
+	const auto rel_addr1=the_arg.getMemoryDisplacement()+from_insn->GetDataBits().size();
+	const auto disp_offset=(int)disasm.getMemoryDisplacementOffset(the_arg,from_insn); 
+	const auto disp_size=(int)the_arg.getMemoryDisplacementEncodingSize(); 
+	assert(disp_size==4);
+	assert(0<disp_offset && disp_offset<=from_insn->GetDataBits().size() - disp_size);
+	const auto new_disp=(int)(rel_addr1 + to_addr - from_insn->GetDataBits().size()-from_insn_location);
+	const auto newbits=from_insn->GetDataBits().replace(disp_offset, disp_size, (char*)&new_disp, disp_size); 
+	from_insn->SetDataBits(newbits);
+	ms.PlopBytes(from_insn_location, newbits.c_str(), newbits.size());
+	const auto disasm2=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
+	cout<<"unpin:pcrel:new_disp="<<hex<<new_disp<<endl;
+	cout<<"unpin:pcrel:new_insn_addr="<<hex<<from_insn_location<<endl;
+	cout<<"unpin:pcrel:Converting "<<hex<<from_insn->GetBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly() 
+	    <<" to "<<disasm2.getDisassembly() <<" wrt "<< convert_string <<endl;
+void UnpinX86_t::HandleAbsptrReloc(Instruction_t* from_insn, Relocation_t* reloc)
+	const auto disasm=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
+	const auto operands=disasm.getOperands();
+	// push/pop from memory might have a memory operand with no string to represent the implicit stack operand.
+	const auto the_arg_it=find_if(ALLOF(operands),[](const DecodedOperand_t& op){ return op.isMemory() && op.getString()!=""; });
+	DataScoop_t* wrt=dynamic_cast<DataScoop_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
+	assert(wrt);
+	assert(the_arg_it!=operands.end());
+	const auto &the_arg=*the_arg_it;
+	virtual_offset_t rel_addr1=the_arg.getMemoryDisplacement(); 
+	int disp_offset=disasm.getMemoryDisplacementOffset(the_arg,from_insn); 
+	int disp_size=the_arg.getMemoryDisplacementEncodingSize(); 
+	assert(disp_size==4);
+	assert(0<disp_offset && disp_offset<=from_insn->GetDataBits().size() - disp_size);
+	assert(reloc->GetWRT());
+	unsigned int new_disp=the_arg.getMemoryDisplacement() + wrt->GetStart()->GetVirtualOffset();
+	from_insn->SetDataBits(from_insn->GetDataBits().replace(disp_offset, disp_size, (char*)&new_disp, disp_size));
+	// update the instruction in the memory space.
+	libIRDB::virtual_offset_t from_insn_location=locMap[from_insn];
+	for(unsigned int i=0;i<from_insn->GetDataBits().size();i++)
+	{ 
+		unsigned char newbyte=from_insn->GetDataBits()[i];
+		ms[from_insn_location+i]=newbyte;
+		//cout<<"Updating push["<<i<<"] from "<<hex<<oldbyte<<" to "<<newbyte<<endl;
+	}
+	const auto disasm2=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
+	cout<<"unpin:absptr_to_scoop:Converting "<<hex<<from_insn->GetBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly()
+	    <<" to "<<disasm2.getDisassembly() <<" for scoop: "<<wrt->GetName()<<endl;
+void UnpinX86_t::HandleImmedptrReloc(Instruction_t* from_insn, Relocation_t* reloc)
+	DataScoop_t* wrt=dynamic_cast<DataScoop_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
+	assert(wrt);
+	const auto disasm=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
+	virtual_offset_t rel_addr2=disasm.getImmediate(); 
+	virtual_offset_t new_addr = rel_addr2 + wrt->GetStart()->GetVirtualOffset();
+	from_insn->SetDataBits(from_insn->GetDataBits().replace(from_insn->GetDataBits().size()-4, 4, (char*)&new_addr, 4));
+	libIRDB::virtual_offset_t from_insn_location=locMap[from_insn];
+	for(unsigned int i=0;i<from_insn->GetDataBits().size();i++)
+	{ 
+		unsigned char newbyte=from_insn->GetDataBits()[i];
+		ms[from_insn_location+i]=newbyte;
+		//cout<<"Updating push["<<i<<"] from "<<hex<<oldbyte<<" to "<<newbyte<<endl;
+	}
+	const auto disasm2=DecodedInstruction_t(from_insn);
+	cout<<"unpin:immedptr_to_scoop:Converting "<<hex<<from_insn->GetBaseID()<<":"<<disasm.getDisassembly() 
+	    <<" to "<<disasm2.getDisassembly() <<" for scoop: "<<wrt->GetName()<<endl;
+void UnpinX86_t::HandleCallbackReloc(Instruction_t* from_insn, Relocation_t* reloc)
+	DataScoop_t *wrt = dynamic_cast<DataScoop_t*>(reloc->GetWRT());
+	int addend = reloc->GetAddend();
+	char bytes[]={(char)0x48,
+		      (char)0x8d,
+		      (char)0x64,
+		      (char)0x24,
+		      (char)(64/0x08)}; // lea rsp, [rsp+8]
+	uintptr_t call_addr = 0x0, at = 0x0;
+	uint32_t target_addr = 0x0;
+	if (m_verbose)
+		cout << "The call insn is " 
+		     << from_insn->GetDataBits().length() << " bytes long." << endl;
+	call_addr = locMap[from_insn];
+	if (m_verbose) {
+		cout << "Unpin::callback_to_scoop: call_addr " 
+		     << std::hex << call_addr << endl;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Put down the bogus pop.
+	 */
+	at = call_addr + 1;
+	at = call_addr + from_insn->GetDataBits().length();
+	ms.PlopBytes(at, bytes, sizeof(bytes));
+	/*
+	 * Turn off the following flags so that this
+	 * is left alone when it is being plopped.
+	 */
+	from_insn->SetTarget(NULL);
+	from_insn->SetCallback("");