From ad61b42ea24ec581b44a43021f903e919f17e515 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jdh8d <>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2016 21:00:27 +0000
Subject: [PATCH]

 .gitattributes    |   2 -
 push64_relocs.cpp | 368 ----------------------------------------------
 push64_relocs.h   | 127 ----------------
 unpin.cpp         |  13 +-
 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 500 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 push64_relocs.cpp
 delete mode 100644 push64_relocs.h

diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index 51c3a42..8172135 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -3,7 +3,5 @@
 /SConstruct -text
 / -text
 /install-sh -text
-/push64_relocs.cpp -text
-/push64_relocs.h -text
 /unpin.cpp -text
 /unpin.h -text
diff --git a/push64_relocs.cpp b/push64_relocs.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 07fb243..0000000
--- a/push64_relocs.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c)  2014  Zephyr Software LLC. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software is furnished under a license and/or other restrictive
- * terms and may be used and copied only in accordance with such terms
- * and the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or
- * any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made
- * available to any other person without the express written consent
- * of an authorized representative of Zephyr Software LCC. Title to,
- * ownership of, and all rights in the software is retained by
- * Zephyr Software LCC.
- *
- * Zephyr Software LLC. Proprietary Information
- *
- * Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this
- * directory, following this legend, and/or referenced herein is
- * Zephyr Software LLC. (Zephyr) Proprietary Information.
- *
- *
- * For technical assistance, contact Zephyr Software LCC. at:
- *
- *
- * Zephyr Software, LLC
- * 2040 Tremont Rd
- * Charlottesville, VA 22911
- *
- * E-mail:
- **************************************************************************/
-#include <zipr_sdk.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "utils.hpp"
-#include "Rewrite_Utility.hpp"
-#include "push64_relocs.h"
-using namespace libIRDB;
-using namespace std;
-using namespace Zipr_SDK;
-using namespace ELFIO;
-bool arg_has_relative(const ARGTYPE &arg)
-	/* if it's relative memory, watch out! */
-	if(arg.ArgType&MEMORY_TYPE)
-		if(arg.ArgType&RELATIVE_)
-			return true;
-	return false;
-Push64Relocs_t::Push64Relocs_t(MemorySpace_t *p_ms,
-	elfio *p_elfio,
-	FileIR_t *p_firp,
-	InstructionLocationMap_t *p_fil) :
-		m_memory_space(*p_ms), 
-		m_elfio(*p_elfio),
-		m_firp(*p_firp),
-		final_insn_locations(*p_fil),
-		m_verbose("verbose")
-ZiprOptionsNamespace_t *Push64Relocs_t::RegisterOptions(ZiprOptionsNamespace_t *global) {
-	global->AddOption(&m_verbose);
-	return NULL;
-bool Push64Relocs_t::IsRelocationWithType(Relocation_t *reloc,std::string type)
-	return (reloc->GetType().find(type) != std::string::npos);
-// would be nice to have a FindRelocation function that takes a parameterized type.
-Relocation_t* Push64Relocs_t::FindRelocationWithType(Instruction_t* insn, std::string type)
-	Instruction_t* first_slow_path_insn=NULL;
-	RelocationSet_t::iterator rit = insn->GetRelocations().begin();
-	for(rit; rit!=insn->GetRelocations().end(); rit++)
-	{
-		Relocation_t *reloc=*rit;
-		if (IsRelocationWithType(reloc, type))
-			return reloc;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-void Push64Relocs_t::HandlePush64Relocation(Instruction_t *insn, Relocation_t *reloc)
-	Instruction_t *add_insn = new Instruction_t;
-	AddressID_t *add_addr = new AddressID_t;
-	Instruction_t *push_insn = NULL, *jmp_insn = NULL;
-	Relocation_t *add_reloc = new Relocation_t;
-	virtual_offset_t push_addr = 0;
-	string databits = "";
-	uint8_t push_data_bits[PUSH_DATA_BITS_MAX_LEN] = {0,};
-	int push_data_bits_len = 0;
-	plopped_relocs.insert(insn);	
-	push_insn = insn;
-	jmp_insn = insn->GetFallthrough();
-	assert(jmp_insn);
-	push_data_bits_len = push_insn->GetDataBits().length();
-	assert(push_data_bits_len<PUSH_DATA_BITS_MAX_LEN);
-	memcpy(push_data_bits,
-	       (uint8_t*)push_insn->GetDataBits().c_str(),
-				 push_data_bits_len);
-	/*
-	 * Because we know that this is a push instruction,
-	 * we know that the opcode is one byte.
-	 * The pushed value will start at the 1th offset.
-	 */
-	push_addr = *((virtual_offset_t*)(&push_data_bits[1]));
-	if (m_verbose)
-		cout << "push_addr: 0x" << std::hex << push_addr << endl;
-	assert(push_addr != 0);
-	/* 
-	 * Step 0: Add the add instruction and its address.
-	 */
-	add_addr->SetFileID(push_insn->GetAddress()->GetFileID());
-	add_insn->SetAddress(add_addr);
-	add_insn->SetFunction(push_insn->GetFunction());
-	m_firp.GetAddresses().insert(add_addr);
-	m_firp.GetInstructions().insert(add_insn);
-	/* 
-	 * Step 1: Change the push to a call 0.
-	 */
-// this is OK, but could we consider the insn->Assemble() method for readability? 
-	databits.resize(5);
-	databits[0] = 0xe8;
-	databits[1] = 0x00;
-	databits[2] = 0x00;
-	databits[3] = 0x00;
-	databits[4] = 0x00;
-	insn->SetDataBits(databits);
-	insn->SetTarget(add_insn); // Comment
-	insn->SetFallthrough(NULL);
-	insn->SetComment(push_insn->GetComment()+" Thunk part");
-	/* 
-	 * Step 2: Create the add instruction.
-	 */
-// this is OK, but could we consider the insn->Assemble() method for readability? 
-	databits = "";
-	databits.resize(8);
-	databits[0]=0x48;
-	databits[1]=0x81;
-	databits[2]=0x2c;	
-	databits[3]=0x24;
-	databits[4]=0xff;
-	databits[5]=0xff;
-	databits[6]=0xff;
-	databits[7]=0xff;
-	add_insn->SetDataBits(databits);
-	/*
-	 * Step 3: Put the relocation on the add instruction.
-	 */
-	add_reloc->SetOffset(push_addr);
-	add_reloc->SetType("add64");
-	add_insn->GetRelocations().insert(add_reloc);
-	m_firp.GetRelocations().insert(add_reloc);
-	if (m_verbose)
-		cout << "Adding an add/sub with reloc offset 0x" 
-		     << std::hex << add_reloc->GetOffset() 
-				 << endl;
-	/*
-	 * Step 4: Tell the add insn to fallthrough to the call.
-	 */
-	add_insn->SetFallthrough(jmp_insn);
-void Push64Relocs_t::HandlePush64Relocs()
-	int push64_relocations_count=0;
-	int pcrel_relocations_count=0;
-	// for each instruction 
-	InstructionSet_t::iterator iit = m_firp.GetInstructions().begin();
-	for(iit; iit!=m_firp.GetInstructions().end(); iit++)
-	{
-		Instruction_t *insn=*iit;
-		Relocation_t *reloc=NULL;
-		if (reloc = FindPushRelocation(insn))
-		{
-			if (m_verbose)
-				cout << "Found a Push relocation:" << insn->getDisassembly()<<endl;
-			HandlePush64Relocation(insn,reloc);
-			push64_relocations_count++;
-		}
-		else if (reloc = FindPcrelRelocation(insn))
-		{
-			if (m_verbose)
-				cout << "Found a pcrel relocation." << endl;
-			plopped_relocs.insert(insn);
-			pcrel_relocations_count++;
-		}
-	}
-	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE push_relocations_count="
-	    <<std::dec<<push64_relocations_count
-			<<endl;
-	cout<<"#ATTRIBUTE pcrel_relocations_count="
-	    <<std::dec<<pcrel_relocations_count
-			<<endl;
-void Push64Relocs_t::UpdatePush64Adds()
-	if (m_verbose)
-		cout << "UpdatePush64Adds()" << endl;
-	InstructionSet_t::iterator insn_it = plopped_relocs.begin();
-	for (insn_it; insn_it != plopped_relocs.end(); insn_it++)
-	{
-		Relocation_t *reloc = NULL;
-		Instruction_t *insn = *insn_it;
-		if (reloc = FindPushRelocation(insn))
-		{
-// would consider updating this if statement to be a function call for simplicity/readability.
-			bool change_to_add = false;
-			RangeAddress_t call_addr = 0;
-			RangeAddress_t add_addr = 0;
-			int add_offset = 0;
-			uint32_t relocated_value = 0;
-			Instruction_t *call = NULL, *add = NULL;
-			Relocation_t *add_reloc = NULL;
-			call = *insn_it;
-			add = call->GetTarget();
-			assert(call && add);
-			call_addr = final_insn_locations[call];
-			add_addr = final_insn_locations[add];
-			if (call_addr == 0 || add_addr == 0)
-			{
-				if (m_verbose)
-					cout << "Call/Add pair not plopped?" << endl;
-				continue;
-			}
-			add_reloc = FindAdd64Relocation(add);
-			assert(add_reloc && "Add in Call/Add pair must have relocation.");
-			add_offset = add_reloc->GetOffset();
-			/*
-			 * Stupid call will push the NEXT instruction address.
-			 */
-			call_addr+=call->GetDataBits().length();
-// would this be simpler if we always used an add (or sub)
-// and just signed the sign of the value we are adding (or subbing)?
-			if (add_offset>call_addr)
-			{
-				change_to_add = true;
-				relocated_value = add_offset-call_addr;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				relocated_value = call_addr-add_offset;
-			}
-			cout << "Relocating a(n) "<< ((change_to_add) ? "add":"sub") << " from " 
-			     << std::hex << call_addr 
-					 << " at "
-					 << std::hex << add_addr
-					 << endl
-			     << "Using 0x" << std::hex << relocated_value 
-			     << " as the updated offset." << endl
-					 << "Using 0x" << std::hex << add_offset 
-					 << " as the base offset." << endl;
-			if (change_to_add)
-			{
-				char add = (char)0x04;
-				m_memory_space.PlopBytes(add_addr+2, (const char*)&add, 1);
-			}
-			m_memory_space.PlopBytes(add_addr+4, (const char*)&relocated_value, 4);
-		}
-		else if (reloc = FindPcrelRelocation(insn))
-		{
-// would consider updating this if statement to be a function call for simplicity/readability.
-			uint8_t memory_offset = 0;
-			int32_t existing_offset = 0;
-			int32_t new_offset = 0;
-			uint32_t insn_addr = 0;
-			int existing_offset_size = 0;
-			uint8_t *insn_bytes = NULL;
-			int insn_bytes_len = 0;
-			DISASM d;
-			ARGTYPE *arg=NULL;
-#if 1	
-			insn_addr = final_insn_locations[insn];
-			if (insn_addr == 0)
-			{
-				if (m_verbose)
-					cout << "Skipping unplopped Pcrel relocation." << endl;
-				continue;
-			}
-			assert(insn_addr != 0);
-			insn_bytes_len = sizeof(uint8_t)*insn->GetDataBits().length();
-			insn_bytes=(uint8_t*)malloc(insn_bytes_len);
-			memcpy(insn_bytes, insn->GetDataBits().c_str(), insn_bytes_len);
-			insn->Disassemble(d);
-			if(arg_has_relative(d.Argument1))
-				arg=&d.Argument1;
-			if(arg_has_relative(d.Argument2))
-				arg=&d.Argument2;
-			if(arg_has_relative(d.Argument3))
-				arg=&d.Argument3;
-			assert(arg);
-			memory_offset = arg->Memory.DisplacementAddr-d.EIP;
-			existing_offset_size = arg->Memory.DisplacementSize;
-			assert(memory_offset>=0 && memory_offset <=15 &&
-			      (existing_offset_size==1 || 
-			       existing_offset_size==2 || 
-						 existing_offset_size==4 || 
-						 existing_offset_size==8));
-			memcpy((uint8_t*)&existing_offset, 
-			       (uint8_t*)&insn_bytes[memory_offset], 
-						 existing_offset_size);
-			new_offset = existing_offset-insn_addr; 
-			if (m_verbose)
-				cout << "Relocating a pcrel relocation with 0x" 
-				     << std::hex << existing_offset
-						 << " existing offset at 0x" 
-						 << insn_addr << "." << endl
-						 << "Based on: " << d.CompleteInstr << endl
-						 << "New address: 0x" << std::hex << new_offset << endl;
-			m_memory_space.PlopBytes(insn_addr+memory_offset,
-			                         (const char*)&new_offset,
-															 existing_offset_size);
-		}
-	}
-extern "C" 
-Zipr_SDK::ZiprPluginInterface_t* GetPluginInterface(
-	Zipr_SDK::Zipr_t* zipr_object)
-	Zipr_SDK::MemorySpace_t *p_ms=zipr_object->GetMemorySpace(); 
-	ELFIO::elfio *p_elfio=zipr_object->GetELFIO(); 
-	libIRDB::FileIR_t *p_firp=zipr_object->GetFileIR();
-	Zipr_SDK::InstructionLocationMap_t *p_fil=zipr_object->GetLocationMap(); 
-	return new Push64Relocs_t(p_ms,p_elfio,p_firp,p_fil);
diff --git a/push64_relocs.h b/push64_relocs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d00143..0000000
--- a/push64_relocs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c)  2014  Zephyr Software LLC. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software is furnished under a license and/or other restrictive
- * terms and may be used and copied only in accordance with such terms
- * and the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or
- * any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made
- * available to any other person without the express written consent
- * of an authorized representative of Zephyr Software LCC. Title to,
- * ownership of, and all rights in the software is retained by
- * Zephyr Software LCC.
- *
- * Zephyr Software LLC. Proprietary Information
- *
- * Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this
- * directory, following this legend, and/or referenced herein is
- * Zephyr Software LLC. (Zephyr) Proprietary Information.
- *
- *
- * For technical assistance, contact Zephyr Software LCC. at:
- *
- *
- * Zephyr Software, LLC
- * 2040 Tremont Rd
- * Charlottesville, VA 22911
- *
- * E-mail:
- **************************************************************************/
-#ifndef push_relocs_h
-#define push_relocs_h
-#include <libIRDB-core.hpp>
-class Push64Relocs_t : public Zipr_SDK::ZiprPluginInterface_t
-	public:
-		Push64Relocs_t(Zipr_SDK::MemorySpace_t *p_ms,
-			ELFIO::elfio *p_elfio,
-			libIRDB::FileIR_t *p_firp,
-			Zipr_SDK::InstructionLocationMap_t *p_fil);
-		virtual void PinningBegin()
-		{
-		}
-		virtual void PinningEnd()
-		{ 
-			cout<<"Push64Plugin: Ending  pinning, applying push64 relocs."<<endl;
-			HandlePush64Relocs(); 
-		}
-		virtual void DollopBegin()
-		{
-		}
-		virtual void DollopEnd()
-		{
-		}
-		virtual void CallbackLinkingBegin()
-		{
-		}
-		virtual void CallbackLinkingEnd()
-		{
-			cout<<"Push64Plugin: CBLinkEnd, updating adds."  <<endl;
-			UpdatePush64Adds(); 
-		}
-		virtual Zipr_SDK::ZiprOptionsNamespace_t *RegisterOptions(Zipr_SDK::ZiprOptionsNamespace_t *);
-	private:
-		// main workhorses
-		void HandlePush64Relocs();
-		void UpdatePush64Adds();
-		// subsidiary workhorses 
-		void HandlePush64Relocation(libIRDB::Instruction_t* insn, libIRDB::Relocation_t *reloc);
-		// helpers
-		bool IsPcrelRelocation(libIRDB::Relocation_t *reloc)
-		{ return IsRelocationWithType(reloc,"pcrel"); }
-		bool IsAdd64Relocation(libIRDB::Relocation_t *reloc)
-		{ return IsRelocationWithType(reloc,"add64"); }
-		bool IsPush64Relocation(libIRDB::Relocation_t *reloc)
-		{ return IsRelocationWithType(reloc,"push64"); }
-		bool Is32BitRelocation(libIRDB::Relocation_t *reloc)
-		{ return IsRelocationWithType(reloc,"push64"); }
-		libIRDB::Relocation_t* FindPcrelRelocation(libIRDB::Instruction_t* insn)
-		{ return FindRelocationWithType(insn,"pcrel"); }
-		libIRDB::Relocation_t* FindAdd64Relocation(libIRDB::Instruction_t* insn)
-		{ return FindRelocationWithType(insn,"add64"); }
-		libIRDB::Relocation_t* FindPush64Relocation(libIRDB::Instruction_t* insn)
-		{ return FindRelocationWithType(insn,"push64"); }
-		libIRDB::Relocation_t* Find32BitRelocation(libIRDB::Instruction_t* insn)
-		{ return FindRelocationWithType(insn,"32-bit"); }
-		libIRDB::Relocation_t* FindPushRelocation(libIRDB::Instruction_t* insn)
-		{ 
-			libIRDB::Relocation_t* reloc=NULL;
-			if(reloc=FindPush64Relocation(insn))
-			{
-				return reloc; 
-			}
-			if(reloc=Find32BitRelocation(insn))
-			{
-				return reloc; 
-			}
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		bool IsRelocationWithType(libIRDB::Relocation_t *reloc, std::string type);
-		libIRDB::Relocation_t* FindRelocationWithType(libIRDB::Instruction_t* insn, std::string type);
-		// references to input
-		Zipr_SDK::MemorySpace_t &m_memory_space;	
-		ELFIO::elfio&  m_elfio;
-		libIRDB::FileIR_t& m_firp;
-		Zipr_SDK::InstructionLocationMap_t &final_insn_locations;
-		// local data.
-		libIRDB::InstructionSet_t plopped_relocs;
-		Zipr_SDK::ZiprBooleanOption_t m_verbose;
diff --git a/unpin.cpp b/unpin.cpp
index cbb1483..8a18c2e 100644
--- a/unpin.cpp
+++ b/unpin.cpp
@@ -66,10 +66,17 @@ void Unpin_t::DoUnpin()
 				// getWRT returns an BaseObj, but this reloc type expects an instruction
 				// safe cast and check.
-				assert(insn->GetIndirectBranchTargetAddress());
-				cout<<"Unpin::Found data_to_insn_ptr relocation for pinned insn at "<<hex<<
-					insn->GetIndirectBranchTargetAddress()->GetVirtualOffset()<<endl;
+				if(insn->GetIndirectBranchTargetAddress())
+				{
+					cout<<"Unpin::Found data_to_insn_ptr relocation for pinned insn at "<<hex<<
+						insn->GetIndirectBranchTargetAddress()->GetVirtualOffset()<<endl;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					cout<<"Unpin::Warn: unpin found non-IBTA to unpin.  probably it's unpinned twice.  continuing anyhow."<<endl;
+				}
 				int found=false;