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#ifndef unpin_h
#define unpin_h

#include <libIRDB-core.hpp>
#include <zipr_sdk.h>

class Unpin_t : public Zipr_SDK::ZiprPluginInterface_t
		Unpin_t( Zipr_SDK::Zipr_t* zipr_object) : zo(zipr_object), m_verbose("verbose"), m_should_cfi_pin("should_cfi_pin", false) { };
		virtual void PinningBegin()
		virtual void CallbackLinkingEnd()

		virtual Zipr_SDK::ZiprOptionsNamespace_t *RegisterOptions(Zipr_SDK::ZiprOptionsNamespace_t *);

		Zipr_SDK::ZiprPreference RetargetCallback(
			const Zipr_SDK::RangeAddress_t &callback_address,
			const Zipr_SDK::DollopEntry_t *callback_entry,
			Zipr_SDK::RangeAddress_t &target_address);
		bool should_cfi_pin(Instruction_t* insn);

		// workhorses 
		void DoUnpin();
		void DoUnpinForScoops();
		void DoUnpinForFixedCalls();

		void DoUpdate();
		void DoUpdateForScoops();
		void DoUpdateForInstructions();

		Zipr_SDK::Zipr_t* zo;

		Zipr_SDK::ZiprBooleanOption_t m_verbose;
		Zipr_SDK::ZiprBooleanOption_t m_should_cfi_pin;
