From 5d6ef48370f1c531a0dc0d7fdb02e8935328decb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rukaimi <rukaimi@985867f9-ca9c-e1f6-822d-e8a4186388af>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2012 17:44:39 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Removed unused files.

 pe_lib/pe_32_64.cpp | 1611 -------------------------------------------
 pe_lib/pe_32_64.h   |  305 --------
 2 files changed, 1916 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 pe_lib/pe_32_64.cpp
 delete mode 100644 pe_lib/pe_32_64.h

diff --git a/pe_lib/pe_32_64.cpp b/pe_lib/pe_32_64.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b895f18..0000000
--- a/pe_lib/pe_32_64.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1611 +0,0 @@
-#include <ctime>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "pe_32_64.h"
-namespace pe_bliss
-using namespace pe_win;
-//Constructor of empty PE file
-template<typename PEClassType>
-pe<PEClassType>::pe(uint32_t section_alignment, bool dll, uint16_t subsystem)
-	has_overlay_ = false;
-	memset(&nt_headers_, 0, sizeof(nt_headers_));
-	memset(&dos_header_, 0, sizeof(dos_header_));
-	dos_header_.e_magic = 0x5A4D; //"MZ"
-	//Magic numbers from MSVC++ build
-	dos_header_.e_maxalloc = 0xFFFF;
-	dos_header_.e_cblp = 0x90;
-	dos_header_.e_cp = 3;
-	dos_header_.e_cparhdr = 4;
-	dos_header_.e_sp = 0xB8;
-	dos_header_.e_lfarlc = 64;
-	nt_headers_.Signature = 0x4550; //"PE"
-	nt_headers_.FileHeader.Machine = 0x14C; //i386
-	nt_headers_.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader = sizeof(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader);
-	set_characteristics(image_file_executable_image | image_file_relocs_stripped);
-	if(get_pe_type() == pe_type_32)
-		set_characteristics_flags(image_file_32bit_machine);
-	if(dll)
-		set_characteristics_flags(image_file_dll);
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.Magic = PEClassType::Id;
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = 0x400000;
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment = section_alignment;
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment = 0x200;
-	set_subsystem_version(5, 1); //WinXP
-	set_os_version(5, 1); //WinXP
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders = 1024;
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.Subsystem = subsystem;
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapReserve = 0x100000;
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapCommit = 0x1000;
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackReserve = 0x100000;
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackCommit = 0x1000;
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes = 0x10;
-//Constructor from istream
-template<typename PEClassType>
-pe<PEClassType>::pe(std::istream& file, bool read_bound_import_raw_data, bool read_debug_raw_data)
-	//Save istream state
-	std::ios_base::iostate state = file.exceptions();
-	std::streamoff old_offset = file.tellg();
-	try
-	{
-		file.exceptions(std::ios::goodbit);
-		//Read DOS header, PE headers and section data
-		read_dos_header(file);
-		read_pe(file, read_bound_import_raw_data, read_debug_raw_data);
-	}
-	catch(const std::exception&)
-	{
-		//If something went wrong, restore istream state
-		file.seekg(old_offset);
-		file.exceptions(state);
-		file.clear();
-		//Rethrow
-		throw;
-	}
-	//Restore istream state
-	file.seekg(old_offset);
-	file.exceptions(state);
-	file.clear();
-template<typename PEClassType>
-//Returns true if directory exists
-template<typename PEClassType>
-bool pe<PEClassType>::directory_exists(uint32_t id) const
-	return (nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes - 1) >= id &&
-		nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[id].VirtualAddress;
-//Removes directory
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::remove_directory(uint32_t id)
-	if(directory_exists(id))
-	{
-		nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[id].VirtualAddress = 0;
-		nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[id].Size = 0;
-		if(id == image_directory_entry_basereloc)
-		{
-			set_characteristics_flags(image_file_relocs_stripped);
-			set_dll_characteristics(get_dll_characteristics() & ~image_dllcharacteristics_dynamic_base);
-		}
-		else if(id == image_directory_entry_export)
-		{
-			clear_characteristics_flags(image_file_dll);
-		}
-	}
-//Returns directory RVA
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_directory_rva(uint32_t id) const
-	//Check if directory exists
-	if(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= id)
-		throw pe_exception("Specified directory does not exist", pe_exception::directory_does_not_exist);
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[id].VirtualAddress;
-//Returns directory size
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_directory_rva(uint32_t id, uint32_t va)
-	//Check if directory exists
-	if(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= id)
-		throw pe_exception("Specified directory does not exist", pe_exception::directory_does_not_exist);
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[id].VirtualAddress = va;
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_directory_size(uint32_t id, uint32_t size)
-	//Check if directory exists
-	if(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= id)
-		throw pe_exception("Specified directory does not exist", pe_exception::directory_does_not_exist);
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[id].Size = size;
-//Returns directory size
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_directory_size(uint32_t id) const
-	//Check if directory exists
-	if(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= id)
-		throw pe_exception("Specified directory does not exist", pe_exception::directory_does_not_exist);
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[id].Size;
-//Strips only zero DATA_DIRECTORY entries to count = min_count
-//Returns resulting number of data directories
-//strip_iat_directory - if true, even not empty IAT directory will be stripped
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::strip_data_directories(uint32_t min_count, bool strip_iat_directory)
-	int i = nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes - 1;
-	//Enumerate all data directories from the end
-	for(; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		//If directory exists, break
-		if(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[i].VirtualAddress && (static_cast<uint32_t>(i) != image_directory_entry_iat || !strip_iat_directory))
-			break;
-		if(i <= static_cast<int>(min_count) - 2)
-			break;
-	}
-	if(i == image_numberof_directory_entries - 1)
-		return image_numberof_directory_entries;
-	//Return new number of data directories
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes = i + 1;
-//Returns image base for PE32
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_image_base_32() const
-	return static_cast<uint32_t>(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase);
-//Returns image base for PE32/PE64
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint64_t pe<PEClassType>::get_image_base_64() const
-	return static_cast<uint64_t>(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase);
-//Sets new image base
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_image_base(uint32_t base)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = base;
-//Sets new image base
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_image_base_64(uint64_t base)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(base);
-//Returns image entry point
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_ep() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;
-//Sets image entry point
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_ep(uint32_t new_ep)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint = new_ep;
-//Returns file alignment
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_file_alignment() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment;
-//Returns section alignment
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_section_alignment() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment;
-//Sets heap size commit for PE32
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_heap_size_commit(uint32_t size)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapCommit = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(size);
-//Sets heap size commit for PE32/PE64
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_heap_size_commit(uint64_t size)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapCommit = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(size);
-//Sets heap size reserve for PE32
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_heap_size_reserve(uint32_t size)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapReserve = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(size);
-//Sets heap size reserve for PE32/PE64
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_heap_size_reserve(uint64_t size)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapReserve = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(size);
-//Sets stack size commit for PE32
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_stack_size_commit(uint32_t size)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackCommit = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(size);
-//Sets stack size commit for PE32/PE64
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_stack_size_commit(uint64_t size)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackCommit = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(size);
-//Sets stack size reserve for PE32
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_stack_size_reserve(uint32_t size)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackReserve = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(size);
-//Sets stack size reserve for PE32/PE64
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_stack_size_reserve(uint64_t size)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackReserve = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(size);
-//Returns heap size commit for PE32
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_heap_size_commit_32() const
-	return static_cast<uint32_t>(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapCommit);
-//Returns heap size commit for PE32/PE64
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint64_t pe<PEClassType>::get_heap_size_commit_64() const
-	return static_cast<uint64_t>(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapCommit);
-//Returns heap size reserve for PE32
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_heap_size_reserve_32() const
-	return static_cast<uint32_t>(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapReserve);
-//Returns heap size reserve for PE32/PE64
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint64_t pe<PEClassType>::get_heap_size_reserve_64() const
-	return static_cast<uint64_t>(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapReserve);
-//Returns stack size commit for PE32
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_stack_size_commit_32() const
-	return static_cast<uint32_t>(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackCommit);
-//Returns stack size commit for PE32/PE64
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint64_t pe<PEClassType>::get_stack_size_commit_64() const
-	return static_cast<uint64_t>(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackCommit);
-//Returns stack size reserve for PE32
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_stack_size_reserve_32() const
-	return static_cast<uint32_t>(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackReserve);
-//Returns stack size reserve for PE32/PE64
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint64_t pe<PEClassType>::get_stack_size_reserve_64() const
-	return static_cast<uint64_t>(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackReserve);
-//Returns virtual size of image
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_size_of_image() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
-//Returns number of RVA and sizes (number of DATA_DIRECTORY entries)
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_number_of_rvas_and_sizes() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
-//Sets number of RVA and sizes (number of DATA_DIRECTORY entries)
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_number_of_rvas_and_sizes(uint32_t number)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes = number;
-//Returns PE characteristics
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint16_t pe<PEClassType>::get_characteristics() const
-	return nt_headers_.FileHeader.Characteristics;
-//Returns checksum of PE file from header
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_checksum() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.CheckSum;
-//Sets checksum of PE file
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_checksum(uint32_t checksum)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.CheckSum = checksum;
-//Returns DLL Characteristics
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint16_t pe<PEClassType>::get_dll_characteristics() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.DllCharacteristics;
-//Returns timestamp of PE file from header
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_time_date_stamp() const
-	return nt_headers_.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp;
-//Sets timestamp of PE file
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_time_date_stamp(uint32_t timestamp)
-	nt_headers_.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp = timestamp;
-//Sets DLL Characteristics
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_dll_characteristics(uint16_t characteristics)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.DllCharacteristics = characteristics;
-//Returns Machine field value of PE file from header
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint16_t pe<PEClassType>::get_machine() const
-	return nt_headers_.FileHeader.Machine;
-//Sets Machine field value of PE file
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_machine(uint16_t machine)
-	nt_headers_.FileHeader.Machine = machine;
-//Sets PE characteristics
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_characteristics(uint16_t ch)
-	nt_headers_.FileHeader.Characteristics = ch;
-//Returns size of headers
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_size_of_headers() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
-//Returns subsystem
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint16_t pe<PEClassType>::get_subsystem() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.Subsystem;
-//Sets subsystem
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_subsystem(uint16_t subsystem)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.Subsystem = subsystem;
-//Returns size of optional header
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint16_t pe<PEClassType>::get_size_of_optional_header() const
-	return nt_headers_.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader;
-//Returns PE signature
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_pe_signature() const
-	return nt_headers_.Signature;
-//Returns PE magic value
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_magic() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.Magic;
-//Sets required operation system version
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_os_version(uint16_t major, uint16_t minor)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.MinorOperatingSystemVersion = minor;
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.MajorOperatingSystemVersion = major;
-//Returns required operation system version (minor word)
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint16_t pe<PEClassType>::get_minor_os_version() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
-//Returns required operation system version (major word)
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint16_t pe<PEClassType>::get_major_os_version() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
-//Sets required subsystem version
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_subsystem_version(uint16_t major, uint16_t minor)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.MinorSubsystemVersion = minor;
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.MajorSubsystemVersion = major;
-//Returns required subsystem version (minor word)
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint16_t pe<PEClassType>::get_minor_subsystem_version() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.MinorSubsystemVersion;
-//Returns required subsystem version (major word)
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint16_t pe<PEClassType>::get_major_subsystem_version() const
-	return nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.MajorSubsystemVersion;
-//Virtual Address (VA) to Relative Virtual Address (RVA) convertions for PE32
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::va_to_rva(uint32_t va, bool bound_check) const
-	if(bound_check && static_cast<uint64_t>(va) - nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase > max_dword)
-		throw pe_exception("Incorrect address conversion", pe_exception::incorrect_address_conversion);
-	return static_cast<uint32_t>(va - nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase);
-//Virtual Address (VA) to Relative Virtual Address (RVA) convertions for PE32/PE64
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::va_to_rva(uint64_t va, bool bound_check) const
-	if(bound_check && va - nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase > max_dword)
-		throw pe_exception("Incorrect address conversion", pe_exception::incorrect_address_conversion);
-	return static_cast<uint32_t>(va - nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase);
-//Relative Virtual Address (RVA) to Virtual Address (VA) convertions for PE32
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::rva_to_va_32(uint32_t rva) const
-	if(!is_sum_safe(rva, static_cast<uint32_t>(nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase)))
-		throw pe_exception("Incorrect address conversion", pe_exception::incorrect_address_conversion);
-	return static_cast<uint32_t>(rva + nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase);
-//Relative Virtual Address (RVA) to Virtual Address (VA) convertions for PE32/PE64
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint64_t pe<PEClassType>::rva_to_va_64(uint32_t rva) const
-	return static_cast<uint64_t>(rva) + nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
-//Returns number of sections
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint16_t pe<PEClassType>::get_number_of_sections() const
-	return nt_headers_.FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
-//Sets number of sections
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_number_of_sections(uint16_t number)
-	nt_headers_.FileHeader.NumberOfSections = number;
-//Sets virtual size of image
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_size_of_image(uint32_t size)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage = size;
-//Sets size of headers
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_size_of_headers(uint32_t size)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders = size;
-//Sets size of optional headers
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_size_of_optional_header(uint16_t size)
-	nt_headers_.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader = size;
-//Returns nt headers data pointer
-template<typename PEClassType>
-char* pe<PEClassType>::get_nt_headers_ptr()
-	return reinterpret_cast<char*>(&nt_headers_);
-//Returns size of NT header
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_sizeof_nt_header() const
-	return sizeof(typename PEClassType::NtHeaders);
-//Returns size of optional headers
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_sizeof_opt_headers() const
-	return sizeof(typename PEClassType::OptHeaders);
-//Sets file alignment (no checks)
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_file_alignment_unchecked(uint32_t alignment) 
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment = alignment;
-//Sets base of code
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::set_base_of_code(uint32_t base)
-	nt_headers_.OptionalHeader.BaseOfCode = base;
-//Returns needed PE magic for PE or PE+ (from template parameters)
-template<typename PEClassType>
-uint32_t pe<PEClassType>::get_needed_magic() const
-	return PEClassType::Id;
-//Returns imported functions list with related libraries info
-template<typename PEClassType>
-const pe_base::imported_functions_list pe<PEClassType>::get_imported_functions() const
-	imported_functions_list ret;
-	//If image has no imports, return empty array
-	if(!has_imports())
-		return ret;
-	unsigned long current_descriptor_pos = get_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_import);
-	image_import_descriptor import_descriptor = section_data_from_rva<image_import_descriptor>(current_descriptor_pos, section_data_virtual, true);
-	//Iterate them until we reach zero-element
-	//We don't need to check correctness of this, because exception will be thrown
-	//inside of loop if we go outsize of section
-	while(import_descriptor.Name)
-	{
-		//Get imported library information
-		import_library lib;
-		unsigned long max_name_length;
-		//Get byte count that we have for library name
-		if((max_name_length = section_data_length_from_rva(import_descriptor.Name, import_descriptor.Name, section_data_virtual, true)) < 2)
-			throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
-		//Get DLL name pointer
-		const char* dll_name = section_data_from_rva(import_descriptor.Name, section_data_virtual, true);
-		//Check for null-termination
-		if(!is_null_terminated(dll_name, max_name_length))
-			throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
-		//Set library name
-		lib.set_name(dll_name);
-		//Set library timestamp
-		lib.set_timestamp(import_descriptor.TimeDateStamp);
-		//Set library RVA to IAT and original IAT
-		lib.set_rva_to_iat(import_descriptor.FirstThunk);
-		lib.set_rva_to_original_iat(import_descriptor.OriginalFirstThunk);
-		//Get RVA to IAT (it must be filled by loader when loading PE)
-		uint32_t current_thunk_rva = import_descriptor.FirstThunk;
-		typename PEClassType::BaseSize import_address_table = section_data_from_rva<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(current_thunk_rva, section_data_virtual, true);
-		//Get RVA to original IAT (lookup table), which must handle imported functions names
-		//Some linkers leave this pointer zero-filled
-		//Such image is valid, but it is not possible to restore imported functions names
-		//afted image was loaded, because IAT becomes the only one table
-		//containing both function names and function RVAs after loading
-		uint32_t current_original_thunk_rva = import_descriptor.OriginalFirstThunk;
-		typename PEClassType::BaseSize import_lookup_table = current_original_thunk_rva == 0 ? import_address_table : section_data_from_rva<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(current_original_thunk_rva, section_data_virtual, true);
-		if(current_original_thunk_rva == 0)
-			current_original_thunk_rva = current_thunk_rva;
-		//List all imported functions for current DLL
-		if(import_lookup_table != 0 && import_address_table != 0)
-		{
-			while(true)
-			{
-				//Imported function description
-				imported_function func;
-				//Get VA from IAT
-				typename PEClassType::BaseSize address = section_data_from_rva<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(current_thunk_rva, section_data_virtual, true);
-				//Move pointer
-				current_thunk_rva += sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize);
-				//Jump to next DLL if we finished with this one
-				if(!address)
-					break;
-				func.set_iat_va(address);
-				//Get VA from original IAT
-				typename PEClassType::BaseSize lookup = section_data_from_rva<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(current_original_thunk_rva, section_data_virtual, true);
-				//Move pointer
-				current_original_thunk_rva += sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize);
-				//Check if function is imported by ordinal
-				if((lookup & PEClassType::ImportSnapFlag) != 0)
-				{
-					//Set function ordinal
-					func.set_ordinal(static_cast<uint16_t>(lookup & 0xffff));
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					//Get byte count that we have for function name
-					if(lookup > static_cast<uint32_t>(-1) - sizeof(uint16_t))
-						throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
-					//Get maximum available length of function name
-					if((max_name_length = section_data_length_from_rva(static_cast<uint32_t>(lookup + sizeof(uint16_t)), static_cast<uint32_t>(lookup + sizeof(uint16_t)), section_data_virtual, true)) < 2)
-						throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
-					//Get imported function name
-					const char* func_name = section_data_from_rva(static_cast<uint32_t>(lookup + sizeof(uint16_t)), section_data_virtual, true);
-					//Check for null-termination
-					if(!is_null_terminated(func_name, max_name_length))
-						throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
-					//HINT in import table is ORDINAL in export table
-					uint16_t hint = section_data_from_rva<uint16_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(lookup), section_data_virtual, true);
-					//Save hint and name
-					func.set_name(func_name);
-					func.set_hint(hint);
-				}
-				//Add function to list
-				lib.add_import(func);
-			}
-		}
-		//Check possible overflow
-		if(!is_sum_safe(current_descriptor_pos, sizeof(image_import_descriptor)))
-			throw pe_exception("Incorrect import directory", pe_exception::incorrect_import_directory);
-		//Go to next library
-		current_descriptor_pos += sizeof(image_import_descriptor);
-		import_descriptor = section_data_from_rva<image_import_descriptor>(current_descriptor_pos, section_data_virtual, true);
-		//Save import information
-		ret.push_back(lib);
-	}
-	//Return resulting list
-	return ret;
-//Simple import directory rebuilder
-//You can get all image imports with get_imported_functions() function
-//You can use returned value to, for example, add new imported library with some functions
-//to the end of list of imported libraries
-//To keep PE file working, rebuild its imports with save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas = true (default)
-//Don't add new imported functions to existing imported library entries, because this can cause
-//rewriting of some used memory (or other IAT/orig.IAT fields) by system loader
-//The safest way is just adding import libraries with functions to the end of imported_functions_list array
-template<typename PEClassType>
-const pe_base::image_directory pe<PEClassType>::rebuild_imports(const imported_functions_list& imports, section& import_section, const import_rebuilder_settings& import_settings)
-	//Check that import_section is attached to this PE image
-	if(!section_attached(import_section))
-		throw pe_exception("Import section must be attached to PE file", pe_exception::section_is_not_attached);
-	uint32_t needed_size = 0; //Calculate needed size for import structures and strings
-	uint32_t needed_size_for_strings = 0; //Calculate needed size for import strings (library and function names and hints)
-	uint32_t size_of_iat = 0; //Size of IAT structures
-	needed_size += static_cast<uint32_t>((1 /* ending null descriptor */ + imports.size()) * sizeof(image_import_descriptor));
-	//Enumerate imported functions
-	for(imported_functions_list::const_iterator it = imports.begin(); it != imports.end(); ++it)
-	{
-		needed_size_for_strings += static_cast<uint32_t>((*it).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */);
-		const import_library::imported_list& funcs = (*it).get_imported_functions();
-		size_of_iat += static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize) * (1 /*ending null */ + funcs.size()));
-		//Enumerate all imported functions in library
-		for(import_library::imported_list::const_iterator f = funcs.begin(); f != funcs.end(); ++f)
-		{
-			if((*f).has_name())
-				needed_size_for_strings += static_cast<uint32_t>((*f).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */ + sizeof(uint16_t) /* hint */);
-		}
-	}
-	if(import_settings.build_original_iat())
-		needed_size += size_of_iat * 2; //We'll have two similar-sized IATs if we're building original IAT
-	else
-		needed_size += size_of_iat;
-	needed_size += sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize); //Maximum align for IAT and original IAT
-	//Total needed size for import structures and strings
-	needed_size += needed_size_for_strings;
-	//Check if import_section is last one. If it's not, check if there's enough place for import data
-	if(&import_section != &*(sections_.end() - 1) && 
-		(import_section.empty() || align_up(import_section.get_size_of_raw_data(), get_file_alignment()) < needed_size + import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start()))
-		throw pe_exception("Insufficient space for import directory", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-	std::string& raw_data = import_section.get_raw_data();
-	//This will be done only is image_section is the last section of image or for section with unaligned raw length of data
-	if(raw_data.length() < needed_size + import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start())
-		raw_data.resize(needed_size + import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start()); //Expand section raw data
-	uint32_t current_string_pointer = import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start();/* we will paste structures after strings */
-	//Position for IAT
-	uint32_t current_pos_for_iat = align_up(static_cast<uint32_t>(needed_size_for_strings + import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start() + (1 + imports.size()) * sizeof(image_import_descriptor)), sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize));
-	//Position for original IAT
-	uint32_t current_pos_for_original_iat = current_pos_for_iat + size_of_iat;
-	//Position for import descriptors
-	uint32_t current_pos_for_descriptors = needed_size_for_strings + import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start();
-	//Build imports
-	for(imported_functions_list::const_iterator it = imports.begin(); it != imports.end(); ++it)
-	{
-		//Create import descriptor
-		image_import_descriptor descr;
-		memset(&descr, 0, sizeof(descr));
-		descr.TimeDateStamp = (*it).get_timestamp(); //Restore timestamp
-		descr.Name = rva_from_section_offset(import_section, current_string_pointer); //Library name RVA
-		//If we should save IAT for current import descriptor
-		bool save_iats_for_this_descriptor = import_settings.save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas() && (*it).get_rva_to_iat() != 0;
-		//If we should write original IAT
-		bool write_original_iat = (!save_iats_for_this_descriptor && import_settings.build_original_iat()) || import_settings.fill_missing_original_iats();
-		//If we should rewrite saved original IAT for current import descriptor (without changing its position)
-		bool rewrite_saved_original_iat = save_iats_for_this_descriptor && import_settings.rewrite_iat_and_original_iat_contents() && import_settings.build_original_iat();
-		//If we should rewrite saved IAT for current import descriptor (without changing its position)
-		bool rewrite_saved_iat = save_iats_for_this_descriptor && import_settings.rewrite_iat_and_original_iat_contents() && (*it).get_rva_to_iat() != 0;
-		//Helper values if we're rewriting existing IAT or orig.IAT
-		uint32_t original_first_thunk = 0;
-		uint32_t first_thunk = 0;
-		if(save_iats_for_this_descriptor)
-		{
-			//If there's no original IAT and we're asked to rebuild missing original IATs
-			if(!(*it).get_rva_to_original_iat() && import_settings.fill_missing_original_iats())
-				descr.OriginalFirstThunk = import_settings.build_original_iat() ? rva_from_section_offset(import_section, current_pos_for_original_iat) : 0;
-			else
-				descr.OriginalFirstThunk = import_settings.build_original_iat() ? (*it).get_rva_to_original_iat() : 0;
-			descr.FirstThunk = (*it).get_rva_to_iat();
-			original_first_thunk = descr.OriginalFirstThunk;
-			first_thunk = descr.FirstThunk;
-			if(rewrite_saved_original_iat)
-			{
-				if((*it).get_rva_to_original_iat())
-					write_original_iat = true;
-				else
-					rewrite_saved_original_iat = false;
-			}
-			if(rewrite_saved_iat)
-				save_iats_for_this_descriptor = false;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			//We are creating new IAT and original IAT (if needed)
-			descr.OriginalFirstThunk = import_settings.build_original_iat() ? rva_from_section_offset(import_section, current_pos_for_original_iat) : 0;
-			descr.FirstThunk = rva_from_section_offset(import_section, current_pos_for_iat);
-		}
-		//Save import descriptor
-		memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_descriptors], &descr, sizeof(descr));
-		current_pos_for_descriptors += sizeof(descr);
-		//Save library name
-		memcpy(&raw_data[current_string_pointer], (*it).get_name().c_str(), (*it).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */);
-		current_string_pointer += static_cast<uint32_t>((*it).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */);
-		//List all imported functions
-		const import_library::imported_list& funcs = (*it).get_imported_functions();
-		for(import_library::imported_list::const_iterator f = funcs.begin(); f != funcs.end(); ++f)
-		{
-			if((*f).has_name()) //If function is imported by name
-			{
-				typename PEClassType::BaseSize rva_of_named_import = rva_from_section_offset(import_section, current_string_pointer);
-				if(!save_iats_for_this_descriptor)
-				{
-					if(write_original_iat)
-					{
-						//We're creating original IATs - so we can write to IAT saved VA (because IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME will be read
-						//by PE loader from original IAT)
-						typename PEClassType::BaseSize iat_value = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>((*f).get_iat_va());
-						if(rewrite_saved_iat)
-						{
-							if(section_data_length_from_rva(first_thunk, first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(iat_value))
-								throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-							memcpy(section_data_from_rva(first_thunk, true), &iat_value, sizeof(iat_value));
-							first_thunk += sizeof(iat_value);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_iat], &iat_value, sizeof(iat_value));
-							current_pos_for_iat += sizeof(rva_of_named_import);
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						//Else - write to IAT RVA of IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME
-						if(rewrite_saved_iat)
-						{
-							if(section_data_length_from_rva(first_thunk, first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(rva_of_named_import))
-								throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-							memcpy(section_data_from_rva(first_thunk, true), &rva_of_named_import, sizeof(rva_of_named_import));
-							first_thunk += sizeof(rva_of_named_import);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_iat], &rva_of_named_import, sizeof(rva_of_named_import));
-							current_pos_for_iat += sizeof(rva_of_named_import);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				if(write_original_iat)
-				{
-					if(rewrite_saved_original_iat)
-					{
-						if(section_data_length_from_rva(original_first_thunk, original_first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(rva_of_named_import))
-							throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial original IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-						memcpy(section_data_from_rva(original_first_thunk, true), &rva_of_named_import, sizeof(rva_of_named_import));
-						original_first_thunk += sizeof(rva_of_named_import);
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						//We're creating original IATs
-						memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_original_iat], &rva_of_named_import, sizeof(rva_of_named_import));
-						current_pos_for_original_iat += sizeof(rva_of_named_import);
-					}
-				}
-				//Write IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME (WORD hint + string function name)
-				uint16_t hint = (*f).get_hint();
-				memcpy(&raw_data[current_string_pointer], &hint, sizeof(hint));
-				memcpy(&raw_data[current_string_pointer + sizeof(uint16_t)], (*f).get_name().c_str(), (*f).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */);
-				current_string_pointer += static_cast<uint32_t>((*f).get_name().length() + 1 /* nullbyte */ + sizeof(uint16_t) /* hint */);
-			}
-			else //Function is imported by ordinal
-			{
-				uint16_t ordinal = (*f).get_ordinal();
-				typename PEClassType::BaseSize thunk_value = ordinal;
-				thunk_value |= PEClassType::ImportSnapFlag; //Imported by ordinal
-				if(!save_iats_for_this_descriptor)
-				{
-					if(write_original_iat)
-					{
-						//We're creating original IATs - so we can wtire to IAT saved VA (because ordinal will be read
-						//by PE loader from original IAT)
-						typename PEClassType::BaseSize iat_value = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>((*f).get_iat_va());
-						if(rewrite_saved_iat)
-						{
-							if(section_data_length_from_rva(first_thunk, first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(iat_value))
-								throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-							memcpy(section_data_from_rva(first_thunk, true), &iat_value, sizeof(iat_value));
-							first_thunk += sizeof(iat_value);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_iat], &iat_value, sizeof(iat_value));
-							current_pos_for_iat += sizeof(thunk_value);
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						//Else - write ordinal to IAT
-						if(rewrite_saved_iat)
-						{
-							if(section_data_length_from_rva(first_thunk, first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(thunk_value))
-								throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-							memcpy(section_data_from_rva(first_thunk, true), &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
-							first_thunk += sizeof(thunk_value);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_iat], &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				//We're writing ordinal to original IAT slot
-				if(write_original_iat)
-				{
-					if(rewrite_saved_original_iat)
-					{
-						if(section_data_length_from_rva(original_first_thunk, original_first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(thunk_value))
-							throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial original IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-						memcpy(section_data_from_rva(original_first_thunk, true), &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
-						original_first_thunk += sizeof(thunk_value);
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_original_iat], &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
-						current_pos_for_original_iat += sizeof(thunk_value);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if(!save_iats_for_this_descriptor)
-		{
-			//Ending null thunks
-			typename PEClassType::BaseSize thunk_value = 0;
-			if(rewrite_saved_iat)
-			{
-				if(section_data_length_from_rva(first_thunk, first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(thunk_value))
-					throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-				memcpy(section_data_from_rva(first_thunk, true), &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
-				first_thunk += sizeof(thunk_value);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_iat], &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
-				current_pos_for_iat += sizeof(thunk_value);
-			}
-		}
-		if(write_original_iat)
-		{
-			//Ending null thunks
-			typename PEClassType::BaseSize thunk_value = 0;
-			if(rewrite_saved_original_iat)
-			{
-				if(section_data_length_from_rva(original_first_thunk, original_first_thunk, section_data_raw, true) <= sizeof(thunk_value))
-					throw pe_exception("Insufficient space inside initial original IAT", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-				memcpy(section_data_from_rva(original_first_thunk, true), &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
-				original_first_thunk += sizeof(thunk_value);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_original_iat], &thunk_value, sizeof(thunk_value));
-				current_pos_for_original_iat += sizeof(thunk_value);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	{
-		//Null ending descriptor
-		image_import_descriptor descr;
-		memset(&descr, 0, sizeof(descr));
-		memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_for_descriptors], &descr, sizeof(descr));
-	}
-	//Strip data a little, if we saved some place
-	//We're allocating more space than needed, if present original IAT and IAT are saved
-	raw_data.resize(current_pos_for_original_iat);
-	//Adjust section raw and virtual sizes
-	recalculate_section_sizes(import_section, import_settings.auto_strip_last_section_enabled());
-	//Return information about rebuilt import directory
-	image_directory ret(rva_from_section_offset(import_section, import_settings.get_offset_from_section_start() + needed_size_for_strings), needed_size - needed_size_for_strings);
-	//If auto-rewrite of PE headers is required
-	if(import_settings.auto_set_to_pe_headers())
-	{
-		set_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_import, ret.get_rva());
-		set_directory_size(image_directory_entry_import, ret.get_size());
-		//If we are requested to zero IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT also
-		if(import_settings.zero_directory_entry_iat())
-		{
-			set_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_iat, 0);
-			set_directory_size(image_directory_entry_iat, 0);
-		}
-	}
-	return ret;
-//Get TLS info
-//If image does not have TLS, throws an exception
-template<typename PEClassType>
-const pe_base::tls_info pe<PEClassType>::get_tls_info() const
-	tls_info ret;
-	//If there's no TLS directory, throw an exception
-	if(!has_tls())
-		throw pe_exception("Image does not have TLS directory", pe_exception::directory_does_not_exist);
-	//Get TLS directory data
-	typename PEClassType::TLSStruct tls_directory_data = section_data_from_rva<typename PEClassType::TLSStruct>(get_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_tls), section_data_virtual, true);
-	//Check data addresses
-	if(tls_directory_data.EndAddressOfRawData == tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData)
-	{
-		try
-		{
-			va_to_rva(static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(tls_directory_data.EndAddressOfRawData));
-		}
-		catch(const pe_exception&)
-		{
-			//Fix addressess on incorrect conversion
-			tls_directory_data.EndAddressOfRawData = tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	if(tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData &&
-		section_data_length_from_va(static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData), static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData), section_data_virtual, true)
-		< (tls_directory_data.EndAddressOfRawData - tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData))
-		throw pe_exception("Incorrect TLS directory", pe_exception::incorrect_tls_directory);
-	//Fill TLS info
-	//VAs are not checked
-	ret.set_raw_data_start_rva(tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData ? va_to_rva(static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData)) : 0);
-	ret.set_raw_data_end_rva(tls_directory_data.EndAddressOfRawData ? va_to_rva(static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(tls_directory_data.EndAddressOfRawData)) : 0);
-	ret.set_index_rva(tls_directory_data.AddressOfIndex ? va_to_rva(static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(tls_directory_data.AddressOfIndex)) : 0);
-	ret.set_callbacks_rva(tls_directory_data.AddressOfCallBacks ? va_to_rva(static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(tls_directory_data.AddressOfCallBacks)) : 0);
-	ret.set_size_of_zero_fill(tls_directory_data.SizeOfZeroFill);
-	ret.set_characteristics(tls_directory_data.Characteristics);
-	if(tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData && tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData != tls_directory_data.EndAddressOfRawData)
-	{
-		//Read and save TLS RAW data
-		ret.set_raw_data(std::string(
-			section_data_from_va(static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData), section_data_virtual, true),
-			static_cast<uint32_t>(tls_directory_data.EndAddressOfRawData - tls_directory_data.StartAddressOfRawData)));
-	}
-	//If file has TLS callbacks
-	if(ret.get_callbacks_rva())
-	{
-		//Read callbacks VAs
-		uint32_t current_tls_callback = 0;
-		while(true)
-		{
-			//Read TLS callback VA
-			typename PEClassType::BaseSize va = section_data_from_va<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(tls_directory_data.AddressOfCallBacks + current_tls_callback), section_data_virtual, true);
-			if(va == 0)
-				break;
-			//Save it
-			ret.add_tls_callback(va_to_rva(va, false));
-			//Move to next callback VA
-			current_tls_callback += sizeof(va);
-		}
-	}
-	return ret;
-//Rebuilder of TLS structures
-//If write_tls_callbacks = true, TLS callbacks VAs will be written to their place
-//If write_tls_data = true, TLS data will be written to its place
-//If you have chosen to rewrite raw data, only (EndAddressOfRawData - StartAddressOfRawData) bytes will be written, not the full length of string
-//representing raw data content
-//auto_strip_last_section - if true and TLS are placed in the last section, it will be automatically stripped
-//Note/TODO: TLS Callbacks array is not DWORD-aligned (seems to work on WinXP - Win7)
-template<typename PEClassType>
-const pe_base::image_directory pe<PEClassType>::rebuild_tls(const tls_info& info, section& tls_section, uint32_t offset_from_section_start, bool write_tls_callbacks, bool write_tls_data, tls_data_expand_type expand, bool save_to_pe_header, bool auto_strip_last_section)
-	//Check that tls_section is attached to this PE image
-	if(!section_attached(tls_section))
-		throw pe_exception("TLS section must be attached to PE file", pe_exception::section_is_not_attached);
-	uint32_t tls_data_pos = align_up(offset_from_section_start, sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize));
-	uint32_t needed_size = sizeof(typename PEClassType::TLSStruct) + (tls_data_pos - offset_from_section_start); //Calculate needed size for TLS table
-	//Check if tls_section is last one. If it's not, check if there's enough place for TLS data
-	if(&tls_section != &*(sections_.end() - 1) && 
-		(tls_section.empty() || align_up(tls_section.get_size_of_raw_data(), get_file_alignment()) < needed_size + offset_from_section_start))
-		throw pe_exception("Insufficient space for TLS directory", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-	//Check raw data positions
-	if(info.get_raw_data_end_rva() < info.get_raw_data_start_rva() || info.get_index_rva() == 0)
-		throw pe_exception("Incorrect TLS directory", pe_exception::incorrect_tls_directory);
-	std::string& raw_data = tls_section.get_raw_data();
-	//This will be done only is tls_section is the last section of image or for section with unaligned raw length of data
-	if(raw_data.length() < needed_size + offset_from_section_start)
-		raw_data.resize(needed_size + offset_from_section_start); //Expand section raw data
-	//Create and fill TLS structure
-	typename PEClassType::TLSStruct tls_struct = {0};
-	typename PEClassType::BaseSize va;
-	if(info.get_raw_data_start_rva())
-	{
-		rva_to_va(info.get_raw_data_start_rva(), va);
-		tls_struct.StartAddressOfRawData = va;
-		tls_struct.SizeOfZeroFill = info.get_size_of_zero_fill();
-	}
-	if(info.get_raw_data_end_rva())
-	{
-		rva_to_va(info.get_raw_data_end_rva(), va);
-		tls_struct.EndAddressOfRawData = va;
-	}
-	rva_to_va(info.get_index_rva(), va);
-	tls_struct.AddressOfIndex = va;
-	if(info.get_callbacks_rva())
-	{
-		rva_to_va(info.get_callbacks_rva(), va);
-		tls_struct.AddressOfCallBacks = va;
-	}
-	tls_struct.Characteristics = info.get_characteristics();
-	//Save TLS structure
-	memcpy(&raw_data[tls_data_pos], &tls_struct, sizeof(tls_struct));
-	//If we are asked to rewrite TLS raw data
-	if(write_tls_data && info.get_raw_data_start_rva() && info.get_raw_data_start_rva() != info.get_raw_data_end_rva())
-	{
-		try
-		{
-			//Check if we're going to write TLS raw data to an existing section (not to PE headers)
-			section& raw_data_section = section_from_rva(info.get_raw_data_start_rva());
-			expand_section(raw_data_section, info.get_raw_data_start_rva(), info.get_raw_data_end_rva() - info.get_raw_data_start_rva(), expand == tls_data_expand_raw ? expand_section_raw : expand_section_virtual);
-		}
-		catch(const pe_exception&)
-		{
-			//If no section is presented by StartAddressOfRawData, just go to next step
-		}
-		unsigned long write_raw_data_size = info.get_raw_data_end_rva() - info.get_raw_data_start_rva();
-		unsigned long available_raw_length = 0;
-		//Check if there's enough RAW space to write raw TLS data...
-		if((available_raw_length = section_data_length_from_rva(info.get_raw_data_start_rva(), info.get_raw_data_start_rva(), section_data_raw, true))
-			< info.get_raw_data_end_rva() - info.get_raw_data_start_rva())
-		{
-			//Check if there's enough virtual space for it...
-			if(section_data_length_from_rva(info.get_raw_data_start_rva(), info.get_raw_data_start_rva(), section_data_virtual, true)
-				< info.get_raw_data_end_rva() - info.get_raw_data_start_rva())
-				throw pe_exception("Insufficient space for TLS raw data", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-			else
-				write_raw_data_size = available_raw_length; //We'll write just a part of full raw data
-		}
-		//Write raw TLS data, if any
-		if(write_raw_data_size != 0)
-			memcpy(section_data_from_rva(info.get_raw_data_start_rva(), true), info.get_raw_data().data(), write_raw_data_size);
-	}
-	//If we are asked to rewrite TLS callbacks addresses
-	if(write_tls_callbacks && info.get_callbacks_rva())
-	{
-		unsigned long needed_callback_size = static_cast<unsigned long>((info.get_tls_callbacks().size() + 1 /* last null element */) * sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize));
-		try
-		{
-			//Check if we're going to write TLS callbacks VAs to an existing section (not to PE headers)
-			section& raw_data_section = section_from_rva(info.get_callbacks_rva());
-			expand_section(raw_data_section, info.get_callbacks_rva(), needed_callback_size, expand_section_raw);
-		}
-		catch(const pe_exception&)
-		{
-			//If no section is presented by RVA of callbacks, just go to next step
-		}
-		//Check if there's enough space to write callbacks TLS data...
-		if(section_data_length_from_rva(info.get_callbacks_rva(), info.get_callbacks_rva(), section_data_raw, true)
-			< needed_callback_size - sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize) /* last zero element can be virtual only */)
-			throw pe_exception("Insufficient space for TLS callbacks data", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-		if(section_data_length_from_rva(info.get_callbacks_rva(), info.get_callbacks_rva(), section_data_virtual, true)
-			< needed_callback_size /* check here full virtual data length available */)
-			throw pe_exception("Insufficient space for TLS callbacks data", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-		std::vector<typename PEClassType::BaseSize> callbacks_virtual_addresses;
-		callbacks_virtual_addresses.reserve(info.get_tls_callbacks().size() + 1 /* last null element */);
-		//Convert TLS RVAs to VAs
-		for(tls_info::tls_callback_list::const_iterator it = info.get_tls_callbacks().begin(); it != info.get_tls_callbacks().end(); ++it)
-		{
-			typename PEClassType::BaseSize cb_va = 0;
-			rva_to_va(*it, cb_va);
-			callbacks_virtual_addresses.push_back(cb_va);
-		}
-		//Ending null element
-		callbacks_virtual_addresses.push_back(0);
-		//Write callbacks TLS data
-		memcpy(section_data_from_rva(info.get_callbacks_rva(), true), &callbacks_virtual_addresses[0], needed_callback_size);
-	}
-	//Adjust section raw and virtual sizes
-	recalculate_section_sizes(tls_section, auto_strip_last_section);
-	image_directory ret(rva_from_section_offset(tls_section, tls_data_pos), needed_size);
-	//If auto-rewrite of PE headers is required
-	if(save_to_pe_header)
-	{
-		set_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_tls, ret.get_rva());
-		set_directory_size(image_directory_entry_tls, ret.get_size());
-	}
-	return ret;
-//Returns image config info
-//If image does not have config info, throws an exception
-template<typename PEClassType>
-const pe_base::image_config_info pe<PEClassType>::get_image_config() const
-	//Check if image has config directory
-	if(!has_config())
-		throw pe_exception("Image does not have load config directory", pe_exception::directory_does_not_exist);
-	//Get load config structure
-	typename PEClassType::ConfigStruct config_info = section_data_from_rva<typename PEClassType::ConfigStruct>(get_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_load_config), section_data_virtual);
-	//Check size of config directory
-	if(config_info.Size != sizeof(config_info))
-		throw pe_exception("Incorrect (or old) load config directory", pe_exception::incorrect_config_directory);
-	//Fill return structure
-	image_config_info ret(config_info);
-	//Check possible overflow
-	if(config_info.SEHandlerCount >= max_dword / sizeof(uint32_t)
-		|| config_info.SEHandlerTable >= static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(-1) - config_info.SEHandlerCount * sizeof(uint32_t))
-		throw pe_exception("Incorrect load config directory", pe_exception::incorrect_config_directory);
-	//Read sorted SE handler RVA list (if any)
-	for(typename PEClassType::BaseSize i = 0; i != config_info.SEHandlerCount; ++i)
-		ret.add_se_handler_rva(section_data_from_va<uint32_t>(static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(config_info.SEHandlerTable + i * sizeof(uint32_t))));
-	if(config_info.LockPrefixTable)
-	{
-		//Read Lock Prefix VA list (if any)
-		unsigned long current = 0;
-		while(true)
-		{
-			typename PEClassType::BaseSize lock_prefix_va = section_data_from_va<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(config_info.LockPrefixTable + current * sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize)));
-			if(!lock_prefix_va)
-				break;
-			ret.add_lock_prefix_rva(va_to_rva(lock_prefix_va));
-			++current;
-		}
-	}
-	return ret;
-//Image config directory rebuilder
-//auto_strip_last_section - if true and TLS are placed in the last section, it will be automatically stripped
-//If write_se_handlers = true, SE Handlers list will be written just after image config directory structure
-//If write_lock_prefixes = true, Lock Prefixes address list will be written just after image config directory structure
-template<typename PEClassType>
-const pe_base::image_directory pe<PEClassType>::rebuild_image_config(const image_config_info& info, section& image_config_section, uint32_t offset_from_section_start, bool write_se_handlers, bool write_lock_prefixes, bool save_to_pe_header, bool auto_strip_last_section)
-	//Check that image_config_section is attached to this PE image
-	if(!section_attached(image_config_section))
-		throw pe_exception("Image Config section must be attached to PE file", pe_exception::section_is_not_attached);
-	uint32_t alignment = align_up(offset_from_section_start, sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize)) - offset_from_section_start;
-	uint32_t needed_size = sizeof(typename PEClassType::ConfigStruct) + alignment; //Calculate needed size for Image Config table
-	uint32_t current_pos_of_se_handlers = 0;
-	uint32_t current_pos_of_lock_prefixes = 0;
-	if(write_se_handlers)
-	{
-		current_pos_of_se_handlers = needed_size + offset_from_section_start;
-		needed_size += static_cast<uint32_t>(info.get_se_handler_rvas().size()) * sizeof(uint32_t); //RVAs of SE Handlers
-	}
-	if(write_lock_prefixes)
-	{
-		current_pos_of_lock_prefixes = needed_size + offset_from_section_start;
-		needed_size += static_cast<uint32_t>((info.get_lock_prefix_rvas().size() + 1) * sizeof(typename PEClassType::BaseSize)); //VAs of Lock Prefixes (and ending null element)
-	}
-	//Check if image_config_section is last one. If it's not, check if there's enough place for Image Config data
-	if(&image_config_section != &*(sections_.end() - 1) && 
-		(image_config_section.empty() || align_up(image_config_section.get_size_of_raw_data(), get_file_alignment()) < needed_size + offset_from_section_start))
-		throw pe_exception("Insufficient space for TLS directory", pe_exception::insufficient_space);
-	std::string& raw_data = image_config_section.get_raw_data();
-	//This will be done only is tls_section is the last section of image or for section with unaligned raw length of data
-	if(raw_data.length() < needed_size + offset_from_section_start)
-		raw_data.resize(needed_size + offset_from_section_start); //Expand section raw data
-	uint32_t image_config_data_pos = offset_from_section_start + alignment;
-	//Create and fill Image Config structure
-	typename PEClassType::ConfigStruct image_config_section_struct = {0};
-	image_config_section_struct.Size = sizeof(image_config_section_struct);
-	image_config_section_struct.TimeDateStamp = info.get_time_stamp();
-	image_config_section_struct.MajorVersion = info.get_major_version();
-	image_config_section_struct.MinorVersion = info.get_minor_version();
-	image_config_section_struct.GlobalFlagsClear = info.get_global_flags_clear();
-	image_config_section_struct.GlobalFlagsSet = info.get_global_flags_set();
-	image_config_section_struct.CriticalSectionDefaultTimeout = info.get_critical_section_default_timeout();
-	image_config_section_struct.DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(info.get_decommit_free_block_threshold());
-	image_config_section_struct.DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(info.get_decommit_total_free_threshold());
-	image_config_section_struct.MaximumAllocationSize = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(info.get_max_allocation_size());
-	image_config_section_struct.VirtualMemoryThreshold = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(info.get_virtual_memory_threshold());
-	image_config_section_struct.ProcessHeapFlags = info.get_process_heap_flags();
-	image_config_section_struct.ProcessAffinityMask = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(info.get_process_affinity_mask());
-	image_config_section_struct.CSDVersion = info.get_service_pack_version();
-	image_config_section_struct.EditList = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(info.get_edit_list_va());
-	image_config_section_struct.SecurityCookie = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(info.get_security_cookie_va());
-	image_config_section_struct.SEHandlerCount = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(info.get_se_handler_rvas().size());
-	if(write_se_handlers)
-	{
-		if(info.get_se_handler_rvas().empty())
-		{
-			write_se_handlers = false;
-			image_config_section_struct.SEHandlerTable = 0;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			typename PEClassType::BaseSize va;
-			rva_to_va(rva_from_section_offset(image_config_section, current_pos_of_se_handlers), va);
-			image_config_section_struct.SEHandlerTable = va;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		image_config_section_struct.SEHandlerTable = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(info.get_se_handler_table_va());
-	}
-	if(write_lock_prefixes)
-	{
-		if(info.get_lock_prefix_rvas().empty())
-		{
-			write_lock_prefixes = false;
-			image_config_section_struct.LockPrefixTable = 0;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			typename PEClassType::BaseSize va;
-			rva_to_va(rva_from_section_offset(image_config_section, current_pos_of_lock_prefixes), va);
-			image_config_section_struct.LockPrefixTable = va;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		image_config_section_struct.LockPrefixTable = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(info.get_lock_prefix_table_va());
-	}
-	//Write image config section
-	memcpy(&raw_data[image_config_data_pos], &image_config_section_struct, sizeof(image_config_section_struct));
-	if(write_se_handlers)
-	{
-		//Sort SE Handlers list
-		image_config_info::se_handler_list sorted_list = info.get_se_handler_rvas();
-		std::sort(sorted_list.begin(), sorted_list.end());
-		//Write SE Handlers table
-		for(image_config_info::se_handler_list::const_iterator it = sorted_list.begin(); it != sorted_list.end(); ++it)
-		{
-			uint32_t se_handler_rva = *it;
-			memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_of_se_handlers], &se_handler_rva, sizeof(se_handler_rva));
-			current_pos_of_se_handlers += sizeof(se_handler_rva);
-		}
-	}
-	if(write_lock_prefixes)
-	{
-		//Write Lock Prefixes VA list
-		for(image_config_info::lock_prefix_rva_list::const_iterator it = info.get_lock_prefix_rvas().begin(); it != info.get_lock_prefix_rvas().end(); ++it)
-		{
-			typename PEClassType::BaseSize lock_prefix_va;
-			rva_to_va(*it, lock_prefix_va);
-			memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_of_lock_prefixes], &lock_prefix_va, sizeof(lock_prefix_va));
-			current_pos_of_lock_prefixes += sizeof(lock_prefix_va);
-		}
-		{
-			//Ending null VA
-			typename PEClassType::BaseSize lock_prefix_va = 0;
-			memcpy(&raw_data[current_pos_of_lock_prefixes], &lock_prefix_va, sizeof(lock_prefix_va));
-		}
-	}
-	//Adjust section raw and virtual sizes
-	recalculate_section_sizes(image_config_section, auto_strip_last_section);
-	image_directory ret(rva_from_section_offset(image_config_section, image_config_data_pos), sizeof(typename PEClassType::ConfigStruct));
-	//If auto-rewrite of PE headers is required
-	if(save_to_pe_header)
-	{
-		set_directory_rva(image_directory_entry_load_config, ret.get_rva());
-		set_directory_size(image_directory_entry_load_config, ret.get_size());
-	}
-	return ret;
-//Recalculates image base with the help of relocation tables
-//Recalculates VAs of DWORDS/QWORDS in image according to relocations
-//Notice: if you move some critical structures like TLS, image relocations will not fix new
-//positions of TLS VAs. Instead, some bytes that now doesn't belong to TLS will be fixed.
-//It is recommended to rebase image in the very beginning and move all structures afterwards.
-template<typename PEClassType>
-void pe<PEClassType>::rebase_image(const relocation_table_list& tables, uint64_t new_base)
-	//Get current image base value
-	typename PEClassType::BaseSize image_base;
-	get_image_base(image_base);
-	//ImageBase difference
-	typename PEClassType::BaseSize base_rel = static_cast<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(static_cast<int32_t>(new_base) - image_base);
-	//We need to fix addresses from relocation tables
-	//Enumerate relocation tables
-	for(relocation_table_list::const_iterator it = tables.begin(); it != tables.end(); ++it)
-	{
-		const relocation_table::relocation_list& relocs = (*it).get_relocations();
-		uint32_t base_rva = (*it).get_rva();
-		//Enumerate relocations
-		for(relocation_table::relocation_list::const_iterator rel = relocs.begin(); rel != relocs.end(); ++rel)
-		{
-			//Recalculate value by RVA and rewrite it
-			uint32_t current_rva = base_rva + (*rel).get_rva();
-			typename PEClassType::BaseSize value = section_data_from_rva<typename PEClassType::BaseSize>(current_rva, section_data_raw, true);
-			value += base_rel;
-			memcpy(section_data_from_rva(current_rva, true), &value, sizeof(value));
-		}
-	}
-	//Finally, save new image base
-	set_image_base_64(new_base);
-//Returns PE type of this image
-template<typename PEClassType>
-pe_base::pe_type pe<PEClassType>::get_pe_type() const
-	return PEClassType::Id == image_nt_optional_hdr32_magic ? pe_type_32 : pe_type_64;
-//Two used instantiations for PE32 (PE) and PE64 (PE+)
-template class pe<pe_class_type<image_nt_headers32, image_optional_header32, image_nt_optional_hdr32_magic, uint32_t, image_ordinal_flag32, image_tls_directory32, image_load_config_directory32> >;
-template class pe<pe_class_type<image_nt_headers64, image_optional_header64, image_nt_optional_hdr64_magic, uint64_t, image_ordinal_flag64, image_tls_directory64, image_load_config_directory64> >;
diff --git a/pe_lib/pe_32_64.h b/pe_lib/pe_32_64.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b9081..0000000
--- a/pe_lib/pe_32_64.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <istream>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "pe_exception.h"
-#include "pe_base.h"
-namespace pe_bliss
-//Helper class to reduce code size and ease its editing
-	typename NtHeadersType,
-	typename OptHeadersType,
-	uint16_t IdVal,
-	typename BaseSizeType,
-	BaseSizeType ImportSnapFlagVal,
-	typename TLSStructType,
-	typename ConfigStructType>
-class pe_class_type
-	typedef NtHeadersType NtHeaders; //NT HEADERS type
-	typedef OptHeadersType OptHeaders; //NT OPTIONAL HEADER type
-	typedef BaseSizeType BaseSize; //Base size of different values: DWORD or ULONGLONG
-	typedef TLSStructType TLSStruct; //TLS structure type
-	typedef ConfigStructType ConfigStruct; //Configuration structure type
-	static const uint16_t Id = IdVal; //Magic of PE or PE+
-	static const BaseSize ImportSnapFlag = ImportSnapFlagVal; //Import snap flag value
-//Portable Executable derived class for PE and PE+
-//Describes PE/PE+ dependent things
-template<typename PEClassType>
-class pe : public pe_base
-	//Constructor from istream with PE raw data
-	//If read_bound_import_raw_data, raw bound import data will be read (used to get bound import info)
-	//If read_debug_raw_data, raw debug data will be read (used to get image debug info)
-	explicit pe(std::istream& file, bool read_bound_import_raw_data = true, bool read_debug_raw_data = true);
-	//Constructor of empty PE file
-	explicit pe(uint32_t section_alignment = 0x1000, bool dll = false, uint16_t subsystem = pe_win::image_subsystem_windows_gui);
-	//Destructor
-	virtual ~pe();
-public: //DIRECTORIES
-	//Returns true if directory exists
-	virtual bool directory_exists(uint32_t id) const;
-	//Removes directory
-	virtual void remove_directory(uint32_t id);
-	//Returns directory RVA
-	virtual uint32_t get_directory_rva(uint32_t id) const;
-	//Returns directory size
-	virtual uint32_t get_directory_size(uint32_t id) const;
-	//Sets directory RVA (just a value of PE header, no moving occurs)
-	virtual void set_directory_rva(uint32_t id, uint32_t rva);
-	//Sets directory size (just a value of PE header, no moving occurs)
-	virtual void set_directory_size(uint32_t id, uint32_t size);
-	//Strips only zero DATA_DIRECTORY entries to count = min_count
-	//Returns resulting number of data directories
-	//strip_iat_directory - if true, even not empty IAT directory will be stripped
-	virtual uint32_t strip_data_directories(uint32_t min_count = 1, bool strip_iat_directory = true);
-public: //IMAGE
-	//Returns PE type of this image
-	virtual pe_type get_pe_type() const;
-public: //PE HEADER
-	//Returns image base for PE32 and PE64 respectively
-	virtual uint32_t get_image_base_32() const;
-	virtual uint64_t get_image_base_64() const;
-	//Sets new image base for PE32
-	virtual void set_image_base(uint32_t base);
-	//Sets new image base for PE32/PE+
-	virtual void set_image_base_64(uint64_t base);
-	//Returns image entry point
-	virtual uint32_t get_ep() const;
-	//Sets image entry point
-	virtual void set_ep(uint32_t new_ep);
-	//Returns file alignment
-	virtual uint32_t get_file_alignment() const;
-	//Returns section alignment
-	virtual uint32_t get_section_alignment() const;
-	//Sets heap size commit for PE32 and PE64 respectively
-	virtual void set_heap_size_commit(uint32_t size);
-	virtual void set_heap_size_commit(uint64_t size);
-	//Sets heap size reserve for PE32 and PE64 respectively
-	virtual void set_heap_size_reserve(uint32_t size);
-	virtual void set_heap_size_reserve(uint64_t size);
-	//Sets stack size commit for PE32 and PE64 respectively
-	virtual void set_stack_size_commit(uint32_t size);
-	virtual void set_stack_size_commit(uint64_t size);
-	//Sets stack size reserve for PE32 and PE64 respectively
-	virtual void set_stack_size_reserve(uint32_t size);
-	virtual void set_stack_size_reserve(uint64_t size);
-	//Returns heap size commit for PE32 and PE64 respectively
-	virtual uint32_t get_heap_size_commit_32() const;
-	virtual uint64_t get_heap_size_commit_64() const;
-	//Returns heap size reserve for PE32 and PE64 respectively
-	virtual uint32_t get_heap_size_reserve_32() const;
-	virtual uint64_t get_heap_size_reserve_64() const;
-	//Returns stack size commit for PE32 and PE64 respectively
-	virtual uint32_t get_stack_size_commit_32() const;
-	virtual uint64_t get_stack_size_commit_64() const;
-	//Returns stack size reserve for PE32 and PE64 respectively
-	virtual uint32_t get_stack_size_reserve_32() const;
-	virtual uint64_t get_stack_size_reserve_64() const;
-	//Returns virtual size of image
-	virtual uint32_t get_size_of_image() const;
-	//Returns number of RVA and sizes (number of DATA_DIRECTORY entries)
-	virtual uint32_t get_number_of_rvas_and_sizes() const;
-	//Sets number of RVA and sizes (number of DATA_DIRECTORY entries)
-	virtual void set_number_of_rvas_and_sizes(uint32_t number);
-	//Returns PE characteristics
-	virtual uint16_t get_characteristics() const;
-	//Sets PE characteristics
-	virtual void set_characteristics(uint16_t ch);
-	//Returns size of headers
-	virtual uint32_t get_size_of_headers() const;
-	//Returns subsystem
-	virtual uint16_t get_subsystem() const;
-	//Sets subsystem
-	virtual void set_subsystem(uint16_t subsystem);
-	//Returns size of optional header
-	virtual uint16_t get_size_of_optional_header() const;
-	//Returns PE signature
-	virtual uint32_t get_pe_signature() const;
-	//Returns PE magic value
-	virtual uint32_t get_magic() const;
-	//Returns checksum of PE file from header
-	virtual uint32_t get_checksum() const;
-	//Sets checksum of PE file
-	virtual void set_checksum(uint32_t checksum);
-	//Returns timestamp of PE file from header
-	virtual uint32_t get_time_date_stamp() const;
-	//Sets timestamp of PE file
-	virtual void set_time_date_stamp(uint32_t timestamp);
-	//Returns Machine field value of PE file from header
-	virtual uint16_t get_machine() const;
-	//Sets Machine field value of PE file
-	virtual void set_machine(uint16_t machine);
-	//Returns DLL Characteristics
-	virtual uint16_t get_dll_characteristics() const;
-	//Sets DLL Characteristics
-	virtual void set_dll_characteristics(uint16_t characteristics);
-	//Sets required operation system version
-	virtual void set_os_version(uint16_t major, uint16_t minor);
-	//Returns required operation system version (minor word)
-	virtual uint16_t get_minor_os_version() const;
-	//Returns required operation system version (major word)
-	virtual uint16_t get_major_os_version() const;
-	//Sets required subsystem version
-	virtual void set_subsystem_version(uint16_t major, uint16_t minor);
-	//Returns required subsystem version (minor word)
-	virtual uint16_t get_minor_subsystem_version() const;
-	//Returns required subsystem version (major word)
-	virtual uint16_t get_major_subsystem_version() const;
-	//Virtual Address (VA) to Relative Virtual Address (RVA) convertions
-	//for PE32 and PE64 respectively
-	//bound_check checks integer overflow
-	virtual uint32_t va_to_rva(uint32_t va, bool bound_check = true) const;
-	virtual uint32_t va_to_rva(uint64_t va, bool bound_check = true) const;
-	//Relative Virtual Address (RVA) to Virtual Address (VA) convertions
-	//for PE32 and PE64 respectively
-	virtual uint32_t rva_to_va_32(uint32_t rva) const;
-	virtual uint64_t rva_to_va_64(uint32_t rva) const;
-public: //SECTIONS
-	//Returns number of sections
-	virtual uint16_t get_number_of_sections() const;
-public: //IMPORTS
-	//Returns imported functions list with related libraries info
-	virtual const imported_functions_list get_imported_functions() const;
-	//Simple import directory rebuilder
-	//You can get all image imports with get_imported_functions() function
-	//You can use returned value to, for example, add new imported library with some functions
-	//to the end of list of imported libraries
-	//To keep PE file working, rebuild its imports with save_iat_and_original_iat_rvas = true (default)
-	//Don't add new imported functions to existing imported library entries, because this can cause
-	//rewriting of some used memory (or other IAT/orig.IAT fields) by system loader
-	//The safest way is just adding import libraries with functions to the end of imported_functions_list array
-	virtual const image_directory rebuild_imports(const imported_functions_list& imports, section& import_section, const import_rebuilder_settings& import_settings = import_rebuilder_settings());
-public: //TLS
-	//Get TLS info
-	//If image does not have TLS, throws an exception
-	virtual const tls_info get_tls_info() const;
-	//Rebuilder of TLS structures
-	//If write_tls_callbacks = true, TLS callbacks VAs will be written to their place
-	//If write_tls_data = true, TLS data will be written to its place
-	//If you have chosen to rewrite raw data, only (EndAddressOfRawData - StartAddressOfRawData) bytes will be written, not the full length of string
-	//representing raw data content
-	//auto_strip_last_section - if true and TLS are placed in the last section, it will be automatically stripped
-	virtual const image_directory rebuild_tls(const tls_info& info, section& tls_section, uint32_t offset_from_section_start = 0, bool write_tls_callbacks = true, bool write_tls_data = true, tls_data_expand_type expand = tls_data_expand_raw, bool save_to_pe_header = true, bool auto_strip_last_section = true);
-public: //IMAGE CONFIG
-	//Returns image config info
-	//If image does not have config info, throws an exception
-	virtual const image_config_info get_image_config() const;
-	//Image config directory rebuilder
-	//auto_strip_last_section - if true and TLS are placed in the last section, it will be automatically stripped
-	//If write_se_handlers = true, SE Handlers list will be written just after image config directory structure
-	//If write_lock_prefixes = true, Lock Prefixes address list will be written just after image config directory structure
-	virtual const image_directory rebuild_image_config(const image_config_info& info, section& image_config_section, uint32_t offset_from_section_start = 0, bool write_se_handlers = true, bool write_lock_prefixes = true, bool save_to_pe_header = true, bool auto_strip_last_section = true);
-public: //RELOCATIONS
-	//Recalculates image base with the help of relocation tables
-	//Recalculates VAs of DWORDS/QWORDS in image according to relocations
-	//Notice: if you move some critical structures like TLS, image relocations will not fix new
-	//positions of TLS VAs. Instead, some bytes that now doesn't belong to TLS will be fixed.
-	//It is recommended to rebase image in the very beginning and move all structures afterwards.
-	virtual void rebase_image(const relocation_table_list& tables, uint64_t new_base);
-	typename PEClassType::NtHeaders nt_headers_; //NT headers (PE32 or PE64)
-	//Sets number of sections
-	virtual void set_number_of_sections(uint16_t number);
-	//Sets virtual size of image
-	virtual void set_size_of_image(uint32_t size);
-	//Sets size of headers
-	virtual void set_size_of_headers(uint32_t size);
-	//Sets size of optional headers
-	virtual void set_size_of_optional_header(uint16_t size);
-	//Returns nt headers data pointer
-	virtual char* get_nt_headers_ptr();
-	//Returns size of NT header
-	virtual uint32_t get_sizeof_nt_header() const;
-	//Returns size of optional headers
-	virtual uint32_t get_sizeof_opt_headers() const;
-	//Sets file alignment (no checks)
-	virtual void set_file_alignment_unchecked(uint32_t alignment);
-	//Sets base of code
-	virtual void set_base_of_code(uint32_t base);
-	//Returns needed PE magic for PE or PE+ (from template parameters)
-	virtual uint32_t get_needed_magic() const;
-//Two used typedefs for PE32 (PE) and PE64 (PE+)
-typedef pe<pe_class_type<pe_win::image_nt_headers32,
-	pe_win::image_optional_header32,
-	pe_win::image_nt_optional_hdr32_magic,
-	uint32_t,
-	pe_win::image_ordinal_flag32,
-	pe_win::image_tls_directory32,
-	pe_win::image_load_config_directory32> > pe32;
-typedef pe<pe_class_type<pe_win::image_nt_headers64,
-	pe_win::image_optional_header64,
-	pe_win::image_nt_optional_hdr64_magic,
-	uint64_t,
-	pe_win::image_ordinal_flag64,
-	pe_win::image_tls_directory64,
-	pe_win::image_load_config_directory64> > pe64;