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SMPDataFlowAnalysis.cpp 276 KiB
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SMPTypeCategory[NN_setnc] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Carry (CF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setne] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Equal (ZF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setng] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Greater (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setnge] = 2;              // Set Byte if Not Greater or Equal (ZF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setnl] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Less (SF=OF)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setnle] = 2;              // Set Byte if Not Less or Equal (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setno] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Overflow (OF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setnp] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Parity (PF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setns] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Sign (SF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setnz] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Zero (ZF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_seto] = 2;                // Set Byte if Overflow (OF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setp] = 2;                // Set Byte if Parity (PF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setpe] = 2;               // Set Byte if Parity Even (PF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setpo] = 2;               // Set Byte if Parity Odd  (PF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sets] = 2;                // Set Byte if Sign (SF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_setz] = 2;                // Set Byte if Zero (ZF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sgdt] = 0;                // Store Global Descriptor Table Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sidt] = 0;                // Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_shld] = 2;                // Double Precision Shift Left
SMPTypeCategory[NN_shrd] = 2;                // Double Precision Shift Right
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sldt] = 6;                // Store Local Descriptor Table Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_smsw] = 2;                // Store Machine Status Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_stc] = 1;                 // Set Carry Flag
SMPTypeCategory[NN_std] = 1;                 // Set Direction Flag
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sti] = 1;                 // Set Interrupt Flag
SMPTypeCategory[NN_stos] = 0;                // Store String
SMPTypeCategory[NN_str] = 6;                 // Store Task Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sub] = 5;                 // Integer Subtraction
SMPTypeCategory[NN_test] = 1;                // Logical Compare
SMPTypeCategory[NN_verr] = 1;                // Verify a Segment for Reading
SMPTypeCategory[NN_verw] = 1;                // Verify a Segment for Writing
SMPTypeCategory[NN_wait] = 1;                // Wait until BUSY# Pin is Inactive (HIGH)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_xchg] = 12;               // Exchange Register/Memory with Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_xlat] = 0;                // Table Lookup Translation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_xor] = 2;                 // Logical Exclusive OR

//      486 instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpxchg] = 12;             // Compare and Exchange
SMPTypeCategory[NN_bswap] = 1;               // Swap bytes in register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_xadd] = 12;                // t<-dest; dest<-src+dest; src<-t
SMPTypeCategory[NN_invd] = 1;                // Invalidate Data Cache
SMPTypeCategory[NN_wbinvd] = 1;              // Invalidate Data Cache (write changes)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_invlpg] = 1;              // Invalidate TLB entry

//      Pentium instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_rdmsr] = 8;               // Read Machine Status Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_wrmsr] = 1;               // Write Machine Status Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cpuid] = 8;               // Get CPU ID
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpxchg8b] = 12;           // Compare and Exchange Eight Bytes
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rdtsc] = 8;               // Read Time Stamp Counter
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rsm] = 1;                 // Resume from System Management Mode

//      Pentium Pro instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmova] = 0;               // Move if Above (CF=0 & ZF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovb] = 0;               // Move if Below (CF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovbe] = 0;              // Move if Below or Equal (CF=1 | ZF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovg] = 0;               // Move if Greater (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovge] = 0;              // Move if Greater or Equal (SF=OF)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovl] = 0;               // Move if Less (SF!=OF)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovle] = 0;              // Move if Less or Equal (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovnb] = 0;              // Move if Not Below (CF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovno] = 0;              // Move if Not Overflow (OF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovnp] = 0;              // Move if Not Parity (PF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovns] = 0;              // Move if Not Sign (SF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovnz] = 0;              // Move if Not Zero (ZF=0)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovo] = 0;               // Move if Overflow (OF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovp] = 0;               // Move if Parity (PF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovs] = 0;               // Move if Sign (SF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmovz] = 0;               // Move if Zero (ZF=1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcmovb] = 1;              // Floating Move if Below          
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcmove] = 1;              // Floating Move if Equal          
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcmovbe] = 1;             // Floating Move if Below or Equal 
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcmovu] = 1;              // Floating Move if Unordered      
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcmovnb] = 1;             // Floating Move if Not Below      
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcmovne] = 1;             // Floating Move if Not Equal      
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcmovnbe] = 1;            // Floating Move if Not Below or Equal
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcmovnu] = 1;             // Floating Move if Not Unordered     
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcomi] = 1;               // FP Compare, result in EFLAGS
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fucomi] = 1;              // FP Unordered Compare, result in EFLAGS
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcomip] = 1;              // FP Compare, result in EFLAGS, pop stack
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fucomip] = 1;             // FP Unordered Compare, result in EFLAGS, pop stack
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rdpmc] = 8;               // Read Performance Monitor Counter

//      FPP instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_fld] = 14;                 // Load Real             ** Infer src is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fst] = 9;                 // Store Real            
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fstp] = 9;                // Store Real and Pop   
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fxch] = 1;                // Exchange Registers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fild] = 14;                // Load Integer          ** Infer src is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fist] = 13;                // Store Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fistp] = 13;               // Store Integer and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fbld] = 1;                // Load BCD
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fbstp] = 13;               // Store BCD and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fadd] = 14;                // Add Real
SMPTypeCategory[NN_faddp] = 14;               // Add Real and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fiadd] = 14;               // Add Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fsub] = 14;                // Subtract Real
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fsubp] = 14;               // Subtract Real and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fisub] = 14;               // Subtract Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fsubr] = 14;               // Subtract Real Reversed
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fsubrp] = 14;              // Subtract Real Reversed and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fisubr] = 14;              // Subtract Integer Reversed
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fmul] = 14;                // Multiply Real
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fmulp] = 14;               // Multiply Real and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fimul] = 14;               // Multiply Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fdiv] = 14;                // Divide Real
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fdivp] = 14;               // Divide Real and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fidiv] = 14;               // Divide Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fdivr] = 14;               // Divide Real Reversed
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fdivrp] = 14;              // Divide Real Reversed and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fidivr] = 14;              // Divide Integer Reversed
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fsqrt] = 1;               // Square Root
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fscale] = 1;              // Scale:  st(0) <- st(0) * 2^st(1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fprem] = 1;               // Partial Remainder
SMPTypeCategory[NN_frndint] = 1;             // Round to Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fxtract] = 1;             // Extract exponent and significand
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fabs] = 1;                // Absolute value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fchs] = 1;                // Change Sign
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcom] = 1;                // Compare Real
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcomp] = 1;               // Compare Real and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcompp] = 1;              // Compare Real and Pop Twice
SMPTypeCategory[NN_ficom] = 1;               // Compare Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_ficomp] = 1;              // Compare Integer and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_ftst] = 1;                // Test
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fxam] = 1;                // Examine
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fptan] = 1;               // Partial tangent
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fpatan] = 1;              // Partial arctangent
SMPTypeCategory[NN_f2xm1] = 1;               // 2^x - 1
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fyl2x] = 1;               // Y * lg2(X)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fyl2xp1] = 1;             // Y * lg2(X+1)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fldz] = 1;                // Load +0.0
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fld1] = 1;                // Load +1.0
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fldpi] = 1;               // Load PI=3.14...
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fldl2t] = 1;              // Load lg2(10)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fldl2e] = 1;              // Load lg2(e)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fldlg2] = 1;              // Load lg10(2)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fldln2] = 1;              // Load ln(2)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_finit] = 1;               // Initialize Processor
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fninit] = 1;              // Initialize Processor (no wait)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fsetpm] = 1;              // Set Protected Mode
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fldcw] = 14;               // Load Control Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fstcw] = 13;               // Store Control Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fnstcw] = 13;              // Store Control Word (no wait)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fstsw] = 2;               // Store Status Word to memory or AX
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fnstsw] = 2;              // Store Status Word (no wait) to memory or AX
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fclex] = 1;               // Clear Exceptions
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fnclex] = 1;              // Clear Exceptions (no wait)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fstenv] = 13;              // Store Environment
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fnstenv] = 13;             // Store Environment (no wait)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fldenv] = 14;              // Load Environment
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fsave] = 13;               // Save State
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fnsave] = 13;              // Save State (no wait)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_frstor] = 14;              // Restore State    **  infer src is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fincstp] = 1;             // Increment Stack Pointer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fdecstp] = 1;             // Decrement Stack Pointer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_ffree] = 1;               // Free Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fnop] = 1;                // No Operation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_feni] = 1;                // (8087 only)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fneni] = 1;               // (no wait) (8087 only)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fdisi] = 1;               // (8087 only)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fndisi] = 1;              // (no wait) (8087 only)

//      80387 instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_fprem1] = 1;              // Partial Remainder ( < half )
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fsincos] = 1;             // t<-cos(st); st<-sin(st); push t
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fsin] = 1;                // Sine
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcos] = 1;                // Cosine
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fucom] = 1;               // Compare Unordered Real
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fucomp] = 1;              // Compare Unordered Real and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fucompp] = 1;             // Compare Unordered Real and Pop Twice

//      Instructions added 28.02.96

SMPTypeCategory[NN_setalc] = 2;              // Set AL to Carry Flag     **
SMPTypeCategory[NN_svdc] = 0;                // Save Register and Descriptor
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rsdc] = 0;                // Restore Register and Descriptor
SMPTypeCategory[NN_svldt] = 0;               // Save LDTR and Descriptor
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rsldt] = 0;               // Restore LDTR and Descriptor
SMPTypeCategory[NN_svts] = 1;                // Save TR and Descriptor
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rsts] = 1;                // Restore TR and Descriptor
SMPTypeCategory[NN_icebp] = 1;               // ICE Break Point
SMPTypeCategory[NN_loadall] = 0;             // Load the entire CPU state from ES:EDI ???

//      MMX instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_emms] = 1;                // Empty MMX state
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movd] = 15;                // Move 32 bits
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movq] = 15;                // Move 64 bits
SMPTypeCategory[NN_packsswb] = 14;            // Pack with Signed Saturation (Word->Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_packssdw] = 14;            // Pack with Signed Saturation (Dword->Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_packuswb] = 14;            // Pack with Unsigned Saturation (Word->Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_paddb] = 14;               // Packed Add Byte
SMPTypeCategory[NN_paddw] = 14;               // Packed Add Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_paddd] = 14;               // Packed Add Dword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_paddsb] = 14;              // Packed Add with Saturation (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_paddsw] = 14;              // Packed Add with Saturation (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_paddusb] = 14;             // Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_paddusw] = 14;             // Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pand] = 14;                // Bitwise Logical And
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pandn] = 14;               // Bitwise Logical And Not
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpeqb] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpeqw] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpeqd] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Dword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpgtb] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpgtw] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpgtd] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Dword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmaddwd] = 14;             // Packed Multiply and Add
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmulhw] = 14;              // Packed Multiply High
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmullw] = 14;              // Packed Multiply Low
SMPTypeCategory[NN_por] = 14;                 // Bitwise Logical Or
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psllw] = 14;               // Packed Shift Left Logical (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pslld] = 14;               // Packed Shift Left Logical (Dword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psllq] = 14;               // Packed Shift Left Logical (Qword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psraw] = 14;               // Packed Shift Right Arithmetic (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psrad] = 14;               // Packed Shift Right Arithmetic (Dword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psrlw] = 14;               // Packed Shift Right Logical (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psrld] = 14;               // Packed Shift Right Logical (Dword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psrlq] = 14;               // Packed Shift Right Logical (Qword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psubb] = 14;               // Packed Subtract Byte
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psubw] = 14;               // Packed Subtract Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psubd] = 14;               // Packed Subtract Dword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psubsb] = 14;              // Packed Subtract with Saturation (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psubsw] = 14;              // Packed Subtract with Saturation (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psubusb] = 14;             // Packed Subtract Unsigned with Saturation (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psubusw] = 14;             // Packed Subtract Unsigned with Saturation (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_punpckhbw] = 14;           // Unpack High Packed Data (Byte->Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_punpckhwd] = 14;           // Unpack High Packed Data (Word->Dword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_punpckhdq] = 14;           // Unpack High Packed Data (Dword->Qword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_punpcklbw] = 14;           // Unpack Low Packed Data (Byte->Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_punpcklwd] = 14;           // Unpack Low Packed Data (Word->Dword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_punpckldq] = 14;           // Unpack Low Packed Data (Dword->Qword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pxor] = 14;                // Bitwise Logical Exclusive Or

//      Undocumented Deschutes processor instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_fxsave] = 1;              // Fast save FP context            ** to where?
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fxrstor] = 1;             // Fast restore FP context         ** from where?

//      Pentium II instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_sysenter] = 1;            // Fast Transition to System Call Entry Point
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sysexit] = 1;             // Fast Transition from System Call Entry Point

//      3DNow! instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_pavgusb] = 14;             // Packed 8-bit Unsigned Integer Averaging
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfadd] = 14;               // Packed Floating-Point Addition
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfsub] = 14;               // Packed Floating-Point Subtraction
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfsubr] = 14;              // Packed Floating-Point Reverse Subtraction
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfacc] = 14;               // Packed Floating-Point Accumulate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfcmpge] = 14;             // Packed Floating-Point Comparison, Greater or Equal
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfcmpgt] = 14;             // Packed Floating-Point Comparison, Greater
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfcmpeq] = 14;             // Packed Floating-Point Comparison, Equal
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfmin] = 14;               // Packed Floating-Point Minimum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfmax] = 14;               // Packed Floating-Point Maximum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pi2fd] = 14;               // Packed 32-bit Integer to Floating-Point
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pf2id] = 14;               // Packed Floating-Point to 32-bit Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfrcp] = 14;               // Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal Approximation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfrsqrt] = 14;             // Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal Square Root Approximation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfmul] = 14;               // Packed Floating-Point Multiplication
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfrcpit1] = 14;            // Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal First Iteration Step
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfrsqit1] = 14;            // Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal Square Root First Iteration Step
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfrcpit2] = 14;            // Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal Second Iteration Step
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmulhrw] = 14;             // Packed Floating-Point 16-bit Integer Multiply with rounding
SMPTypeCategory[NN_femms] = 1;               // Faster entry/exit of the MMX or floating-point state
SMPTypeCategory[NN_prefetch] = 1;            // Prefetch at least a 32-byte line into L1 data cache
SMPTypeCategory[NN_prefetchw] = 1;           // Prefetch processor cache line into L1 data cache (mark as modified)

//      Pentium III instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_addps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Add
SMPTypeCategory[NN_addss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Add
SMPTypeCategory[NN_andnps] = 14;              // Bitwise Logical And Not for Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_andps] = 14;               // Bitwise Logical And for Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Compare
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Compare
SMPTypeCategory[NN_comiss] = 14;              // Scalar Ordered Single-FP Compare and Set EFLAGS
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtpi2ps] = 14;            // Packed signed INT32 to Packed Single-FP conversion
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtps2pi] = 14;            // Packed Single-FP to Packed INT32 conversion
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtsi2ss] = 14;            // Scalar signed INT32 to Single-FP conversion
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtss2si] = 14;            // Scalar Single-FP to signed INT32 conversion
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvttps2pi] = 14;           // Packed Single-FP to Packed INT32 conversion (truncate)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvttss2si] = 14;           // Scalar Single-FP to signed INT32 conversion (truncate)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_divps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Divide
SMPTypeCategory[NN_divss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Divide
SMPTypeCategory[NN_ldmxcsr] = 14;             // Load Streaming SIMD Extensions Technology Control/Status Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_maxps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Maximum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_maxss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Maximum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_minps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Minimum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_minss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Minimum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movaps] = 15;              // Move Aligned Four Packed Single-FP  ** infer memsrc 'n'?
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movhlps] = 15;             // Move High to Low Packed Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movhps] = 15;              // Move High Packed Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movlhps] = 15;             // Move Low to High Packed Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movlps] = 15;              // Move Low Packed Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movmskps] = 15;            // Move Mask to Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movss] = 15;               // Move Scalar Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movups] = 15;              // Move Unaligned Four Packed Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_mulps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Multiply
SMPTypeCategory[NN_mulss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Multiply
SMPTypeCategory[NN_orps] = 14;                // Bitwise Logical OR for Single-FP Data
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rcpps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Reciprocal
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rcpss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Reciprocal
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rsqrtps] = 14;             // Packed Single-FP Square Root Reciprocal
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rsqrtss] = 14;             // Scalar Single-FP Square Root Reciprocal
SMPTypeCategory[NN_shufps] = 14;              // Shuffle Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sqrtps] = 14;              // Packed Single-FP Square Root
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sqrtss] = 14;              // Scalar Single-FP Square Root
SMPTypeCategory[NN_stmxcsr] = 15;             // Store Streaming SIMD Extensions Technology Control/Status Register    ** Infer dest is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_subps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Subtract
SMPTypeCategory[NN_subss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Subtract
SMPTypeCategory[NN_ucomiss] = 14;             // Scalar Unordered Single-FP Compare and Set EFLAGS
SMPTypeCategory[NN_unpckhps] = 14;            // Unpack High Packed Single-FP Data
SMPTypeCategory[NN_unpcklps] = 14;            // Unpack Low Packed Single-FP Data
SMPTypeCategory[NN_xorps] = 14;               // Bitwise Logical XOR for Single-FP Data
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pavgb] = 14;               // Packed Average (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pavgw] = 14;               // Packed Average (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pextrw] = 15;               // Extract Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pinsrw] = 14;              // Insert Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmaxsw] = 14;              // Packed Signed Integer Word Maximum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmaxub] = 14;              // Packed Unsigned Integer Byte Maximum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pminsw] = 14;              // Packed Signed Integer Word Minimum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pminub] = 14;              // Packed Unsigned Integer Byte Minimum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovmskb] = 2;             // Move Byte Mask to Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmulhuw] = 14;             // Packed Multiply High Unsigned
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psadbw] = 14;              // Packed Sum of Absolute Differences
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pshufw] = 14;              // Packed Shuffle Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_maskmovq] = 15;            // Byte Mask write   ** Infer dest is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movntps] = 13;             // Move Aligned Four Packed Single-FP Non Temporal  * infer dest is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movntq] = 13;              // Move 64 Bits Non Temporal    ** Infer dest is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_prefetcht0] = 1;          // Prefetch to all cache levels
SMPTypeCategory[NN_prefetcht1] = 1;          // Prefetch to all cache levels
SMPTypeCategory[NN_prefetcht2] = 1;          // Prefetch to L2 cache
SMPTypeCategory[NN_prefetchnta] = 1;         // Prefetch to L1 cache
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sfence] = 1;              // Store Fence

// Pentium III Pseudo instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpeqps] = 14;             // Packed Single-FP Compare EQ
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpltps] = 14;             // Packed Single-FP Compare LT
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpleps] = 14;             // Packed Single-FP Compare LE
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpunordps] = 14;          // Packed Single-FP Compare UNORD
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpneqps] = 14;            // Packed Single-FP Compare NOT EQ
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpnltps] = 14;            // Packed Single-FP Compare NOT LT
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpnleps] = 14;            // Packed Single-FP Compare NOT LE
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpordps] = 14;            // Packed Single-FP Compare ORDERED
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpeqss] = 14;             // Scalar Single-FP Compare EQ
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpltss] = 14;             // Scalar Single-FP Compare LT
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpless] = 14;             // Scalar Single-FP Compare LE
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpunordss] = 14;          // Scalar Single-FP Compare UNORD
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpneqss] = 14;            // Scalar Single-FP Compare NOT EQ
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpnltss] = 14;            // Scalar Single-FP Compare NOT LT
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpnless] = 14;            // Scalar Single-FP Compare NOT LE
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpordss] = 14;            // Scalar Single-FP Compare ORDERED

// AMD K7 instructions

// Revisit AMD if we port to it.
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pf2iw] = 15;               // Packed Floating-Point to Integer with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfnacc] = 15;              // Packed Floating-Point Negative Accumulate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfpnacc] = 15;             // Packed Floating-Point Mixed Positive-Negative Accumulate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pi2fw] = 15;               // Packed 16-bit Integer to Floating-Point
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pswapd] = 15;              // Packed Swap Double Word

// Undocumented FP instructions (thanks to

SMPTypeCategory[NN_fstp1] = 9;               // Alias of Store Real and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcom2] = 1;               // Alias of Compare Real
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcomp3] = 1;              // Alias of Compare Real and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fxch4] = 1;               // Alias of Exchange Registers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fcomp5] = 1;              // Alias of Compare Real and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_ffreep] = 1;              // Free Register and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fxch7] = 1;               // Alias of Exchange Registers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fstp8] = 9;               // Alias of Store Real and Pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fstp9] = 9;               // Alias of Store Real and Pop

// Pentium 4 instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_addpd] = 14;               // Add Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_addsd] = 14;               // Add Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_andnpd] = 14;              // Bitwise Logical AND NOT of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_andpd] = 14;               // Bitwise Logical AND of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_clflush] = 1;             // Flush Cache Line
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmppd] = 14;               // Compare Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpsd] = 14;               // Compare Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_comisd] = 14;              // Compare Scalar Ordered Double-Precision Floating-Point Values and Set EFLAGS
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtdq2pd] = 14;            // Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtdq2ps] = 14;            // Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtpd2dq] = 14;            // Convert Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtpd2pi] = 14;            // Convert Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtpd2ps] = 14;            // Convert Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtpi2pd] = 14;            // Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtps2dq] = 14;            // Convert Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtps2pd] = 14;            // Convert Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtsd2si] = 14;            // Convert Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value to Doubleword Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtsd2ss] = 14;            // Convert Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value to Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtsi2sd] = 14;            // Convert Doubleword Integer to Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvtss2sd] = 14;            // Convert Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value to Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvttpd2dq] = 14;           // Convert With Truncation Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvttpd2pi] = 14;           // Convert with Truncation Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvttps2dq] = 14;           // Convert With Truncation Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cvttsd2si] = 14;           // Convert with Truncation Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value to Doubleword Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_divpd] = 14;               // Divide Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_divsd] = 14;               // Divide Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_lfence] = 1;              // Load Fence
SMPTypeCategory[NN_maskmovdqu] = 13;          // Store Selected Bytes of Double Quadword  ** Infer dest is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_maxpd] = 14;               // Return Maximum Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_maxsd] = 14;               // Return Maximum Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_mfence] = 1;              // Memory Fence
SMPTypeCategory[NN_minpd] = 14;               // Return Minimum Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_minsd] = 14;               // Return Minimum Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movapd] = 15;              // Move Aligned Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values  ** Infer dest is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movdq2q] = 15;             // Move Quadword from XMM to MMX Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movdqa] = 15;              // Move Aligned Double Quadword  ** Infer dest is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movdqu] = 15;              // Move Unaligned Double Quadword  ** Infer dest is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movhpd] = 15;              // Move High Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values  ** Infer dest is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movlpd] = 15;              // Move Low Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values  ** Infer dest is 'n'
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movmskpd] = 15;            // Extract Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Sign Mask
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movntdq] = 13;             // Store Double Quadword Using Non-Temporal Hint
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movnti] = 13;              // Store Doubleword Using Non-Temporal Hint
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movntpd] = 13;             // Store Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values Using Non-Temporal Hint
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movq2dq] = 1;             // Move Quadword from MMX to XMM Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movsd] = 15;               // Move Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movupd] = 15;              // Move Unaligned Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_mulpd] = 14;               // Multiply Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_mulsd] = 14;               // Multiply Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_orpd] = 14;                // Bitwise Logical OR of Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_paddq] = 14;               // Add Packed Quadword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pause] = 1;               // Spin Loop Hint
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmuludq] = 14;             // Multiply Packed Unsigned Doubleword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pshufd] = 14;              // Shuffle Packed Doublewords
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pshufhw] = 14;             // Shuffle Packed High Words
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pshuflw] = 14;             // Shuffle Packed Low Words
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pslldq] = 14;              // Shift Double Quadword Left Logical
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psrldq] = 14;              // Shift Double Quadword Right Logical
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psubq] = 14;               // Subtract Packed Quadword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_punpckhqdq] = 14;          // Unpack High Data
SMPTypeCategory[NN_punpcklqdq] = 14;          // Unpack Low Data
SMPTypeCategory[NN_shufpd] = 14;              // Shuffle Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sqrtpd] = 1;              // Compute Square Roots of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sqrtsd] = 14;              // Compute Square Rootof Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_subpd] = 14;               // Subtract Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_subsd] = 14;               // Subtract Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_ucomisd] = 14;             // Unordered Compare Scalar Ordered Double-Precision Floating-Point Values and Set EFLAGS
SMPTypeCategory[NN_unpckhpd] = 14;            // Unpack and Interleave High Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_unpcklpd] = 14;            // Unpack and Interleave Low Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_xorpd] = 14;               // Bitwise Logical OR of Double-Precision Floating-Point Values

// AMD syscall/sysret instructions  NOTE: not AMD, found in Intel manual

SMPTypeCategory[NN_syscall] = 1;             // Low latency system call
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sysret] = 1;              // Return from system call

// AMD64 instructions    NOTE: not AMD, found in Intel manual

SMPTypeCategory[NN_swapgs] = 1;              // Exchange GS base with KernelGSBase MSR

// New Pentium instructions (SSE3)

SMPTypeCategory[NN_movddup] = 14;             // Move One Double-FP and Duplicate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movshdup] = 14;            // Move Packed Single-FP High and Duplicate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movsldup] = 14;            // Move Packed Single-FP Low and Duplicate

// Missing AMD64 instructions  NOTE: also found in Intel manual

SMPTypeCategory[NN_movsxd] = 2;              // Move with Sign-Extend Doubleword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpxchg16b] = 0;          // Compare and Exchange 16 Bytes

// SSE3 instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_addsubpd] = 14;            // Add /Sub packed DP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_addsubps] = 14;            // Add /Sub packed SP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_haddpd] = 14;              // Add horizontally packed DP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_haddps] = 14;              // Add horizontally packed SP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_hsubpd] = 14;              // Sub horizontally packed DP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_hsubps] = 14;              // Sub horizontally packed SP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_monitor] = 1;             // Set up a linear address range to be monitored by hardware
SMPTypeCategory[NN_mwait] = 1;               // Wait until write-back store performed within the range specified by the MONITOR instruction
SMPTypeCategory[NN_fisttp] = 13;              // Store ST in intXX (chop) and pop
SMPTypeCategory[NN_lddqu] = 14;               // Load unaligned integer 128-bit

// SSSE3 instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_psignb] = 14;              // Packed SIGN Byte
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psignw] = 14;              // Packed SIGN Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_psignd] = 14;              // Packed SIGN Doubleword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pshufb] = 14;              // Packed Shuffle Bytes
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmulhrsw] = 14;            // Packed Multiply High with Round and Scale
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmaddubsw] = 14;           // Multiply and Add Packed Signed and Unsigned Bytes
SMPTypeCategory[NN_phsubsw] = 14;             // Packed Horizontal Subtract and Saturate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_phaddsw] = 14;             // Packed Horizontal Add and Saturate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_phaddw] = 14;              // Packed Horizontal Add Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_phaddd] = 14;              // Packed Horizontal Add Doubleword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_phsubw] = 14;              // Packed Horizontal Subtract Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_phsubd] = 14;              // Packed Horizontal Subtract Doubleword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_palignr] = 15;             // Packed Align Right
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pabsb] = 14;               // Packed Absolute Value Byte
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pabsw] = 14;               // Packed Absolute Value Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pabsd] = 14;               // Packed Absolute Value Doubleword

// VMX instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmcall] = 1;              // Call to VM Monitor
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmclear] = 0;             // Clear Virtual Machine Control Structure
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmlaunch] = 1;            // Launch Virtual Machine
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmresume] = 1;            // Resume Virtual Machine
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmptrld] = 6;             // Load Pointer to Virtual Machine Control Structure
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmptrst] = 0;             // Store Pointer to Virtual Machine Control Structure
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmread] = 0;              // Read Field from Virtual Machine Control Structure
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmwrite] = 0;             // Write Field from Virtual Machine Control Structure
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmxoff] = 1;              // Leave VMX Operation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmxon] = 1;               // Enter VMX Operation


SMPTypeCategory[NN_ud2] = 1;                 // Undefined Instruction

// Added with x86-64

SMPTypeCategory[NN_rdtscp] = 8;              // Read Time-Stamp Counter and Processor ID

// Geode LX 3DNow! extensions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfrcpv] = 1;              // Reciprocal Approximation for a Pair of 32-bit Floats
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pfrsqrtv] = 1;            // Reciprocal Square Root Approximation for a Pair of 32-bit Floats

// SSE2 pseudoinstructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpeqpd] = 1;             // Packed Double-FP Compare EQ
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpltpd] = 1;             // Packed Double-FP Compare LT
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmplepd] = 1;             // Packed Double-FP Compare LE
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpunordpd] = 1;          // Packed Double-FP Compare UNORD
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpneqpd] = 1;            // Packed Double-FP Compare NOT EQ
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpnltpd] = 1;            // Packed Double-FP Compare NOT LT
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpnlepd] = 1;            // Packed Double-FP Compare NOT LE
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpordpd] = 1;            // Packed Double-FP Compare ORDERED
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpeqsd] = 1;             // Scalar Double-FP Compare EQ
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpltsd] = 1;             // Scalar Double-FP Compare LT
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmplesd] = 1;             // Scalar Double-FP Compare LE
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpunordsd] = 1;          // Scalar Double-FP Compare UNORD
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpneqsd] = 1;            // Scalar Double-FP Compare NOT EQ
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpnltsd] = 1;            // Scalar Double-FP Compare NOT LT
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpnlesd] = 1;            // Scalar Double-FP Compare NOT LE
SMPTypeCategory[NN_cmpordsd] = 1;            // Scalar Double-FP Compare ORDERED

// SSSE4.1 instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_blendpd] = 14;             // Blend Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_blendps] = 14;             // Blend Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_blendvpd] = 14;            // Variable Blend Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_blendvps] = 14;            // Variable Blend Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_dppd] = 14;                // Dot Product of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_dpps] = 14;                // Dot Product of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_extractps] = 15;            // Extract Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_insertps] = 14;            // Insert Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movntdqa] = 0;             // Load Double Quadword Non-Temporal Aligned Hint
SMPTypeCategory[NN_mpsadbw] = 1;              // Compute Multiple Packed Sums of Absolute Difference
SMPTypeCategory[NN_packusdw] = 14;            // Pack with Unsigned Saturation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pblendvb] = 14;            // Variable Blend Packed Bytes
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pblendw] = 14;             // Blend Packed Words
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpeqq] = 14;             // Compare Packed Qword Data for Equal
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pextrb] = 15;              // Extract Byte
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pextrd] = 15;              // Extract Dword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pextrq] = 15;              // Extract Qword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_phminposuw] = 14;          // Packed Horizontal Word Minimum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pinsrb] = 14;              // Insert Byte  !!! Could this be used as a generic move???
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pinsrd] = 14;              // Insert Dword  !!! Could this be used as a generic move???
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pinsrq] = 14;              // Insert Qword  !!! Could this be used as a generic move???
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmaxsb] = 14;              // Maximum of Packed Signed Byte Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmaxsd] = 14;              // Maximum of Packed Signed Dword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmaxud] = 14;              // Maximum of Packed Unsigned Dword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmaxuw] = 14;              // Maximum of Packed Word Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pminsb] = 14;              // Minimum of Packed Signed Byte Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pminsd] = 14;              // Minimum of Packed Signed Dword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pminud] = 14;              // Minimum of Packed Unsigned Dword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pminuw] = 14;              // Minimum of Packed Word Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovsxbw] = 14;            // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovsxbd] = 14;            // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovsxbq] = 14;            // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovsxwd] = 14;            // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovsxwq] = 14;            // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovsxdq] = 14;            // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovzxbw] = 14;            // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovzxbd] = 14;            // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovzxbq] = 14;            // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovzxwd] = 14;            // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovzxwq] = 14;            // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmovzxdq] = 14;            // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmuldq] = 14;              // Multiply Packed Signed Dword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pmulld] = 14;              // Multiply Packed Signed Dword Integers and Store Low Result
SMPTypeCategory[NN_ptest] = 1;                // Logical Compare
SMPTypeCategory[NN_roundpd] = 14;             // Round Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_roundps] = 14;             // Round Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_roundsd] = 14;             // Round Scalar Double Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_roundss] = 14;             // Round Scalar Single Precision Floating-Point Values

// SSSE4.2 instructions
SMPTypeCategory[NN_crc32] = 14;               // Accumulate CRC32 Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpestri] = 2;            // Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings, Return Index
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpestrm] = 2;            // Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings, Return Mask
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpistri] = 2;            // Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings, Return Index
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpistrm] = 2;            // Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings, Return Mask
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pcmpgtq] = 14;             // Compare Packed Data for Greater Than
SMPTypeCategory[NN_popcnt] = 2;               // Return the Count of Number of Bits Set to 1

// AMD SSE4a instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_extrq] = 1;               // Extract Field From Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_insertq] = 1;             // Insert Field
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movntsd] = 13;             // Move Non-Temporal Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point !!! Could this be used as a generic move???
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movntss] = 13;             // Move Non-Temporal Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point !!! Could this be used as a generic move???
SMPTypeCategory[NN_lzcnt] = 2;                // Leading Zero Count

// xsave/xrstor instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_xgetbv] = 8;               // Get Value of Extended Control Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_xrstor] = 0;               // Restore Processor Extended States
SMPTypeCategory[NN_xsave] = 1;                // Save Processor Extended States
SMPTypeCategory[NN_xsetbv] = 1;               // Set Value of Extended Control Register

// Intel Safer Mode Extensions (SMX)

SMPTypeCategory[NN_getsec] = 1;               // Safer Mode Extensions (SMX) Instruction

// AMD-V Virtualization ISA Extension

SMPTypeCategory[NN_clgi] = 0;                 // Clear Global Interrupt Flag
SMPTypeCategory[NN_invlpga] = 1;              // Invalidate TLB Entry in a Specified ASID
SMPTypeCategory[NN_skinit] = 1;               // Secure Init and Jump with Attestation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_stgi] = 0;                 // Set Global Interrupt Flag
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmexit] = 1;               // Stop Executing Guest, Begin Executing Host
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmload] = 0;               // Load State from VMCB
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmmcall] = 1;              // Call VMM
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmrun] = 1;                // Run Virtual Machine
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmsave] = 0;               // Save State to VMCB

// VMX+ instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_invept] = 1;               // Invalidate Translations Derived from EPT
SMPTypeCategory[NN_invvpid] = 1;              // Invalidate Translations Based on VPID

// Intel Atom instructions

// !!!! continue work here
SMPTypeCategory[NN_movbe] = 3;                // Move Data After Swapping Bytes

// Intel AES instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_aesenc] = 14;              // Perform One Round of an AES Encryption Flow
SMPTypeCategory[NN_aesenclast] = 14;          // Perform the Last Round of an AES Encryption Flow
SMPTypeCategory[NN_aesdec] = 14;              // Perform One Round of an AES Decryption Flow
SMPTypeCategory[NN_aesdeclast] = 14;          // Perform the Last Round of an AES Decryption Flow
SMPTypeCategory[NN_aesimc] = 14;              // Perform the AES InvMixColumn Transformation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_aeskeygenassist] = 14;     // AES Round Key Generation Assist

// Carryless multiplication

SMPTypeCategory[NN_pclmulqdq] = 14;           // Carry-Less Multiplication Quadword

4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 4786 4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983 4984 4985 4986 4987 4988 4989 4990 4991 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000
// Returns modified by operand size prefixes

SMPTypeCategory[NN_retnw] = 0;               // Return Near from Procedure (use16)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_retnd] = 0;               // Return Near from Procedure (use32)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_retnq] = 0;               // Return Near from Procedure (use64)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_retfw] = 0;               // Return Far from Procedure (use16)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_retfd] = 0;               // Return Far from Procedure (use32)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_retfq] = 0;               // Return Far from Procedure (use64)

// RDRAND support

SMPTypeCategory[NN_rdrand] = 2;              // Read Random Number

// new GPR instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_adcx] = 5;                 // Unsigned Integer Addition of Two Operands with Carry Flag
SMPTypeCategory[NN_adox] = 5;                 // Unsigned Integer Addition of Two Operands with Overflow Flag
SMPTypeCategory[NN_andn] = 10;                // Logical AND NOT
SMPTypeCategory[NN_bextr] = 14;               // Bit Field Extract
SMPTypeCategory[NN_blsi] = 14;                // Extract Lowest Set Isolated Bit
SMPTypeCategory[NN_blsmsk] = 2;               // Get Mask Up to Lowest Set Bit
SMPTypeCategory[NN_blsr] = 2;                 // Reset Lowest Set Bit
SMPTypeCategory[NN_bzhi] = 2;                 // Zero High Bits Starting with Specified Bit Position
SMPTypeCategory[NN_clac] = 1;                 // Clear AC Flag in EFLAGS Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_mulx] = 2;                 // Unsigned Multiply Without Affecting Flags
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pdep] = 2;                 // Parallel Bits Deposit
SMPTypeCategory[NN_pext] = 2;                 // Parallel Bits Extract
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rorx] = 2;                 // Rotate Right Logical Without Affecting Flags
SMPTypeCategory[NN_sarx] = 2;                 // Shift Arithmetically Right Without Affecting Flags
SMPTypeCategory[NN_shlx] = 2;                 // Shift Logically Left Without Affecting Flags
SMPTypeCategory[NN_shrx] = 2;                 // Shift Logically Right Without Affecting Flags
SMPTypeCategory[NN_stac] = 1;                  // Set AC Flag in EFLAGS Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_tzcnt] = 2;                // Count the Number of Trailing Zero Bits
SMPTypeCategory[NN_xsaveopt] = 1;             // Save Processor Extended States Optimized
SMPTypeCategory[NN_invpcid] = 1;              // Invalidate Processor Context ID
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rdseed] = 2;               // Read Random Seed
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rdfsbase] = 6;             // Read FS Segment Base
SMPTypeCategory[NN_rdgsbase] = 6;             // Read GS Segment Base
SMPTypeCategory[NN_wrfsbase] = 6;             // Write FS Segment Base
SMPTypeCategory[NN_wrgsbase] = 6;             // Write GS Segment Base

// new AVX instructions

SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaddpd] = 14;               // Add Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaddps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Add
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaddsd] = 14;               // Add Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaddss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Add
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaddsubpd] = 14;            // Add /Sub packed DP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaddsubps] = 14;            // Add /Sub packed SP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaesdec] = 14;              // Perform One Round of an AES Decryption Flow
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaesdeclast] = 14;          // Perform the Last Round of an AES Decryption Flow
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaesenc] = 14;              // Perform One Round of an AES Encryption Flow
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaesenclast] = 14;          // Perform the Last Round of an AES Encryption Flow
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaesimc] = 14;              // Perform the AES InvMixColumn Transformation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vaeskeygenassist] = 14;     // AES Round Key Generation Assist
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vandnpd] = 14;              // Bitwise Logical AND NOT of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vandnps] = 14;              // Bitwise Logical And Not for Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vandpd] = 14;               // Bitwise Logical AND of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vandps] = 14;               // Bitwise Logical And for Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vblendpd] = 14;             // Blend Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vblendps] = 14;             // Blend Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vblendvpd] = 14;            // Variable Blend Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vblendvps] = 14;            // Variable Blend Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vbroadcastf128] = 14;       // Broadcast 128 Bits of Floating-Point Data
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vbroadcasti128] = 14;       // Broadcast 128 Bits of Integer Data
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vbroadcastsd] = 14;         // Broadcast Double-Precision Floating-Point Element
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vbroadcastss] = 14;         // Broadcast Single-Precision Floating-Point Element
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcmppd] = 14;               // Compare Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcmpps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Compare
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcmpsd] = 14;               // Compare Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcmpss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Compare
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcomisd] = 14;              // Compare Scalar Ordered Double-Precision Floating-Point Values and Set EFLAGS
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcomiss] = 14;              // Scalar Ordered Single-FP Compare and Set EFLAGS
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtdq2pd] = 14;            // Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtdq2ps] = 14;            // Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtpd2dq] = 14;            // Convert Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtpd2ps] = 14;            // Convert Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtph2ps] = 14;            // Convert 16-bit FP Values to Single-Precision FP Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtps2dq] = 14;            // Convert Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtps2pd] = 14;            // Convert Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtps2ph] = 14;            // Convert Single-Precision FP value to 16-bit FP value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtsd2si] = 14;            // Convert Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value to Doubleword Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtsd2ss] = 14;            // Convert Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value to Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtsi2sd] = 14;            // Convert Doubleword Integer to Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtsi2ss] = 14;            // Scalar signed INT32 to Single-FP conversion
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtss2sd] = 14;            // Convert Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value to Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvtss2si] = 14;            // Scalar Single-FP to signed INT32 conversion
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvttpd2dq] = 14;           // Convert With Truncation Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvttps2dq] = 14;           // Convert With Truncation Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values to Packed Doubleword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvttsd2si] = 14;           // Convert with Truncation Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value to Doubleword Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vcvttss2si] = 14;           // Scalar Single-FP to signed INT32 conversion (truncate)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vdivpd] = 14;               // Divide Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vdivps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Divide
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vdivsd] = 14;               // Divide Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vdivss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Divide
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vdppd] = 14;                // Dot Product of Packed Double Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vdpps] = 14;                // Dot Product of Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vextractf128] = 14;         // Extract Packed Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vextracti128] = 14;         // Extract Packed Integer Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vextractps] = 14;           // Extract Packed Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd132pd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd132ps] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd132sd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd132ss] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd213pd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd213ps] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd213sd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd213ss] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd231pd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd231ps] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd231sd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmadd231ss] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Add of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmaddsub132pd] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Add/Subtract of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmaddsub132ps] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Add/Subtract of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmaddsub213pd] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Add/Subtract of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmaddsub213ps] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Add/Subtract of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmaddsub231pd] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Add/Subtract of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmaddsub231ps] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Add/Subtract of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub132pd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub132ps] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub132sd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub132ss] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub213pd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub213ps] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub213sd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub213ss] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub231pd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub231ps] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub231sd] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsub231ss] = 14;          // Fused Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsubadd132pd] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Subtract/Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsubadd132ps] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Subtract/Add of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsubadd213pd] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Subtract/Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsubadd213ps] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Subtract/Add of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsubadd231pd] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Subtract/Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfmsubadd231ps] = 14;       // Fused Multiply-Alternating Subtract/Add of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd132pd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd132ps] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd132sd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd132ss] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd213pd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd213ps] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd213sd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd213ss] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd231pd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd231ps] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd231sd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmadd231ss] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Add of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub132pd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub132ps] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub132sd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub132ss] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub213pd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub213ps] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub213sd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub213ss] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub231pd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub231ps] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub231sd] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vfnmsub231ss] = 14;         // Fused Negative Multiply-Subtract of Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vgatherdps] = 14;           // Gather Packed SP FP Values Using Signed Dword Indices
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vgatherdpd] = 14;           // Gather Packed DP FP Values Using Signed Dword Indices
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vgatherqps] = 14;           // Gather Packed SP FP Values Using Signed Qword Indices
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vgatherqpd] = 14;           // Gather Packed DP FP Values Using Signed Qword Indices
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vhaddpd] = 14;              // Add horizontally packed DP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vhaddps] = 14;              // Add horizontally packed SP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vhsubpd] = 14;              // Sub horizontally packed DP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vhsubps] = 14;              // Sub horizontally packed SP FP numbers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vinsertf128] = 14;          // Insert Packed Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vinserti128] = 14;          // Insert Packed Integer Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vinsertps] = 14;            // Insert Packed Single Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vlddqu] = 14;               // Load Unaligned Packed Integer Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vldmxcsr] = 14;             // Load Streaming SIMD Extensions Technology Control/Status Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmaskmovdqu] = 15;          // Store Selected Bytes of Double Quadword with NT Hint
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmaskmovpd] = 15;           // Conditionally Load Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmaskmovps] = 15;           // Conditionally Load Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmaxpd] = 14;               // Return Maximum Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmaxps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Maximum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmaxsd] = 14;               // Return Maximum Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmaxss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Maximum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vminpd] = 14;               // Return Minimum Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vminps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Minimum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vminsd] = 14;               // Return Minimum Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vminss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Minimum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovapd] = 15;              // Move Aligned Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovaps] = 15;              // Move Aligned Four Packed Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovd] = 15;                // Move 32 bits
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovddup] = 15;             // Move One Double-FP and Duplicate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovdqa] = 15;              // Move Aligned Double Quadword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovdqu] = 15;              // Move Unaligned Double Quadword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovhlps] = 15;             // Move High to Low Packed Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovhpd] = 15;              // Move High Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovhps] = 15;              // Move High Packed Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovlhps] = 15;             // Move Low to High Packed Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovlpd] = 15;              // Move Low Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovlps] = 15;              // Move Low Packed Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovmskpd] = 15;            // Extract Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Sign Mask
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovmskps] = 15;            // Move Mask to Register
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovntdq] = 15;             // Store Double Quadword Using Non-Temporal Hint
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovntdqa] = 15;            // Load Double Quadword Non-Temporal Aligned Hint
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovntpd] = 15;             // Store Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values Using Non-Temporal Hint
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovntps] = 15;             // Move Aligned Four Packed Single-FP Non Temporal
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovntsd] = 15;             // Move Non-Temporal Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovntss] = 15;             // Move Non-Temporal Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovq] = 15;                // Move 64 bits
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovsd] = 15;               // Move Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovshdup] = 15;            // Move Packed Single-FP High and Duplicate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovsldup] = 15;            // Move Packed Single-FP Low and Duplicate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovss] = 15;               // Move Scalar Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovupd] = 15;              // Move Unaligned Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmovups] = 15;              // Move Unaligned Four Packed Single-FP
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmpsadbw] = 14;             // Compute Multiple Packed Sums of Absolute Difference
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmulpd] = 14;               // Multiply Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmulps] = 14;               // Packed Single-FP Multiply
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmulsd] = 14;               // Multiply Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vmulss] = 14;               // Scalar Single-FP Multiply
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vorpd] = 14;                // Bitwise Logical OR of Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vorps] = 14;                // Bitwise Logical OR for Single-FP Data
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpabsb] = 14;               // Packed Absolute Value Byte
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpabsd] = 14;               // Packed Absolute Value Doubleword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpabsw] = 14;               // Packed Absolute Value Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpackssdw] = 14;            // Pack with Signed Saturation (Dword->Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpacksswb] = 14;            // Pack with Signed Saturation (Word->Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpackusdw] = 14;            // Pack with Unsigned Saturation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpackuswb] = 14;            // Pack with Unsigned Saturation (Word->Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpaddb] = 14;               // Packed Add Byte
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpaddd] = 14;               // Packed Add Dword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpaddq] = 14;               // Add Packed Quadword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpaddsb] = 14;              // Packed Add with Saturation (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpaddsw] = 14;              // Packed Add with Saturation (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpaddusb] = 14;             // Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpaddusw] = 14;             // Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpaddw] = 14;               // Packed Add Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpalignr] = 14;             // Packed Align Right
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpand] = 14;                // Bitwise Logical And
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpandn] = 14;               // Bitwise Logical And Not
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpavgb] = 14;               // Packed Average (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpavgw] = 14;               // Packed Average (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpblendd] = 14;             // Blend Packed Dwords
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpblendvb] = 14;            // Variable Blend Packed Bytes
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpblendw] = 14;             // Blend Packed Words
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpbroadcastb] = 14;         // Broadcast a Byte Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpbroadcastd] = 14;         // Broadcast a Dword Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpbroadcastq] = 14;         // Broadcast a Qword Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpbroadcastw] = 14;         // Broadcast a Word Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpclmulqdq] = 14;           // Carry-Less Multiplication Quadword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpeqb] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpeqd] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Dword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpeqq] = 14;             // Compare Packed Qword Data for Equal
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpeqw] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpestri] = 14;           // Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings, Return Index
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpestrm] = 14;           // Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings, Return Mask
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpgtb] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Byte)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpgtd] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Dword)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpgtq] = 14;             // Compare Packed Data for Greater Than
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpgtw] = 14;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Word)
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpistri] = 14;           // Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings, Return Index
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpcmpistrm] = 14;           // Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings, Return Mask
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vperm2f128] = 14;           // Permute Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vperm2i128] = 14;           // Permute Integer Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpermd] = 14;               // Full Doublewords Element Permutation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpermilpd] = 14;            // Permute Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpermilps] = 14;            // Permute Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpermpd] = 14;              // Permute Double-Precision Floating-Point Elements
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpermps] = 14;              // Permute Single-Precision Floating-Point Elements
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpermq] = 14;               // Qwords Element Permutation
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpextrb] = 14;              // Extract Byte
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpextrd] = 14;              // Extract Dword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpextrq] = 14;              // Extract Qword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpextrw] = 14;              // Extract Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpgatherdd] = 14;           // Gather Packed Dword Values Using Signed Dword Indices
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpgatherdq] = 14;           // Gather Packed Qword Values Using Signed Dword Indices
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpgatherqd] = 14;           // Gather Packed Dword Values Using Signed Qword Indices
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpgatherqq] = 14;           // Gather Packed Qword Values Using Signed Qword Indices
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vphaddd] = 14;              // Packed Horizontal Add Doubleword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vphaddsw] = 14;          // Packed Horizontal Add and Saturate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vphaddw] = 14;           // Packed Horizontal Add Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vphminposuw] = 14;       // Packed Horizontal Word Minimum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vphsubd] = 14;           // Packed Horizontal Subtract Doubleword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vphsubsw] = 14;          // Packed Horizontal Subtract and Saturate
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vphsubw] = 14;           // Packed Horizontal Subtract Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpinsrb] = 14;           // Insert Byte
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpinsrd] = 14;           // Insert Dword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpinsrq] = 14;           // Insert Qword
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpinsrw] = 14;           // Insert Word
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmaddubsw] = 14;        // Multiply and Add Packed Signed and Unsigned Bytes
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmaddwd] = 14;          // Packed Multiply and Add
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmaskmovd] = 15;        // Conditionally Store Dword Values Using Mask
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmaskmovq] = 15;        // Conditionally Store Qword Values Using Mask
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmaxsb] = 14;           // Maximum of Packed Signed Byte Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmaxsd] = 14;           // Maximum of Packed Signed Dword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmaxsw] = 14;           // Packed Signed Integer Word Maximum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmaxub] = 14;           // Packed Unsigned Integer Byte Maximum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmaxud] = 14;           // Maximum of Packed Unsigned Dword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmaxuw] = 14;           // Maximum of Packed Word Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpminsb] = 14;           // Minimum of Packed Signed Byte Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpminsd] = 14;           // Minimum of Packed Signed Dword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpminsw] = 14;           // Packed Signed Integer Word Minimum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpminub] = 14;           // Packed Unsigned Integer Byte Minimum
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpminud] = 14;           // Minimum of Packed Unsigned Dword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpminuw] = 14;           // Minimum of Packed Word Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovmskb] = 15;         // Move Byte Mask to Integer
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovsxbd] = 15;         // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovsxbq] = 15;         // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovsxbw] = 15;         // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovsxdq] = 15;         // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovsxwd] = 15;         // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovsxwq] = 15;         // Packed Move with Sign Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovzxbd] = 15;         // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovzxbq] = 15;         // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovzxbw] = 15;         // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovzxdq] = 15;         // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovzxwd] = 15;         // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmovzxwq] = 15;         // Packed Move with Zero Extend
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmuldq] = 14;           // Multiply Packed Signed Dword Integers
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmulhrsw] = 14;         // Packed Multiply High with Round and Scale
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmulhuw] = 14;          // Packed Multiply High Unsigned
SMPTypeCategory[NN_vpmulhw] = 14;           // Packed Multiply High