// SMPFunction.cpp
// This module performs the fundamental data flow analyses needed for the
// SMP project (Software Memory Protection) at the function level.
#include <utility>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <pro.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ida.hpp>
#include <idp.hpp>
#include <auto.hpp>
#include <bytes.hpp>
#include <funcs.hpp>
#include <allins.hpp>
#include <intel.hpp>
#include <name.hpp>
#include "SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h"
#include "SMPStaticAnalyzer.h"
#include "SMPFunction.h"
#include "SMPBasicBlock.h"
#include "SMPInstr.h"
// Set to 1 for debugging output
#define SMP_DEBUG 1
#define SMP_DEBUG2 0 // verbose
#define SMP_DEBUG3 0 // verbose
#define SMP_DEBUG_CONTROLFLOW 0 // tells what processing stage is entered
#define SMP_DEBUG_XOR 0
#define SMP_DEBUG_CHUNKS 1 // tracking down tail chunks for functions
#define SMP_DEBUG_BUILD_RTL 1 // should be left on; serious errors!
// Compute LVA/SSA or not? Turn it off for NICECAP demo on 31-JAN-2008
// Compute fine-grained stack boundaries?
// Basic block number 0 is the top of the CFG lattice.
#define SMP_TOP_BLOCK 0
// Set SharedTailChunks to TRUE for entire printf family
// After we restructure the parent/tail structure of the database, this
// will go away.
// Used for binary search by function number in SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
// to trigger debugging output and find which instruction in which
// function is causing a crash.
bool SMPBinaryDebug = false;
// *****************************************************************
// Class SMPFunction
// *****************************************************************
// Constructor
SMPFunction::SMPFunction(func_t *Info) {
this->FuncInfo = *Info;
this->IndirectCalls = false;
this->SharedChunks = false;
this->BlockCount = 0;
// Reset the Processed flags in all blocks to false.
void SMPFunction::ResetProcessedBlocks(void) {
list<SMPBasicBlock>::iterator CurrBlock;
for (CurrBlock = this->Blocks.begin(); CurrBlock != this->Blocks.end(); ++CurrBlock) {
} // end of SMPFunction::ResetProcessedBlocks()
// Figure out the different regions of the stack frame, and find the
// instructions that allocate and deallocate the local variables space
// on the stack frame.
// The stack frame info will be used to emit stack
// annotations when Analyze() reaches the stack allocation
// instruction that sets aside space for local vars.
// Set the address of the instruction at which these
// annotations should be emitted. This should normally
// be an instruction such as: sub esp,48
// However, for a function with no local variables at all,
// we will need to determine which instruction should be
// considered to be the final instruction of the function
// prologue and return its address.
// Likewise, we find the stack deallocating instruction in
// the function epilogue.
void SMPFunction::SetStackFrameInfo(void) {
bool FoundAllocInstr = false;
bool FoundDeallocInstr = false;
bool DebugFlag = (0 == strcmp(".init_proc", this->GetFuncName()));
// The sizes of the three regions of the stack frame other than the
// return address are stored in the function structure.
this->LocalVarsSize = this->FuncInfo.frsize;
this->CalleeSavedRegsSize = this->FuncInfo.frregs;
this->IncomingArgsSize = this->FuncInfo.argsize;
// The return address size can be obtained in a machine independent
// way by calling get_frame_retsize().
this->RetAddrSize = get_frame_retsize(&(this->FuncInfo));
// IDA Pro has trouble with functions that do not have any local
// variables. Unfortunately, the C library has plenty of these
// functions. IDA usually claims that frregs is zero and frsize
// is N, when the values should have been reversed. We can attempt
// to detect this and fix it.
bool FrameInfoFixed = this->MDFixFrameInfo();
msg("Returned from MDFixFrameInfo()\n");
if (FrameInfoFixed) {
msg("Fixed stack frame size info: %s\n", this->FuncName);
SMPBasicBlock CurrBlock = this->Blocks.front();
msg("First basic block:\n");
for (list<list<SMPInstr>::iterator>::iterator CurrInstr = CurrBlock.GetFirstInstr();
CurrInstr != CurrBlock.GetLastInstr();
++CurrInstr) {
msg("%s\n", (*CurrInstr)->GetDisasm());
// Now, if LocalVarsSize is not zero, we need to find the instruction
// in the function prologue that allocates space on the stack for
// local vars. This code could be made more robust in the future
// by matching LocalVarsSize to the immediate value in the allocation
// instruction. However, IDA Pro is sometimes a little off on this
// number. **!!**
if (0 < this->LocalVarsSize) {
if (DebugFlag) msg("Searching for alloc and dealloc\n");
for (list<SMPInstr>::iterator CurrInstr = this->Instrs.begin();
CurrInstr != this->Instrs.end();
++CurrInstr) {
ea_t addr = CurrInstr->GetAddr();
// Keep the most recent instruction in the DeallocInstr
// in case we reach the return without seeing a dealloc.
if (!FoundDeallocInstr) {
this->LocalVarsDeallocInstr = addr;
if (!FoundAllocInstr
&& CurrInstr->MDIsFrameAllocInstr()) {
msg("Returned from MDIsFrameAllocInstr()\n");
this->LocalVarsAllocInstr = addr;
FoundAllocInstr = true;
if (DebugFlag) msg("Found alloc: %s\n", CurrInstr->GetDisasm());
// As soon as we have found the local vars allocation,
// we can try to fix incorrect sets of UseFP by IDA.
// NOTE: We might want to extend this in the future to
// handle functions that have no locals. **!!**
bool FixedUseFP = MDFixUseFP();
msg("Returned from MDFixUseFP()\n");
if (FixedUseFP) {
msg("Fixed UseFP in %s\n", this->FuncName);
else if (FoundAllocInstr) {
// We can now start searching for the DeallocInstr.
if (CurrInstr->MDIsFrameDeallocInstr(UseFP, this->LocalVarsSize)) {
// Keep saving the most recent addr that looks
// like the DeallocInstr until we reach the
// end of the function. Last one to look like
// it is used as the DeallocInstr.
msg("Returned from MDIsFrameDeallocInstr()\n");
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