# build software
git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --recursive --init
# force reinstall tools so we are always up-to-date
yes | sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
sudo bash -c 'echo core >/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern'
# docker run starts a container. since we started with --restart, it should come back up
# docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 55155:55155
local bid=$(turbo-cli boost list|grep libehp|cut -d" " -f1)
# add seeds, ignore errors if they already exist.
turbo-cli seed add $bid cicd_testing/ehp-seed.yaml || true
turbo-cli seed add $bid cicd_testing/ehp-seed2.yaml || true
turbo-cli seed add $bid cicd_testing/ehp-seed3.yaml || true
turbo-cli seed add $bid cicd_testing/ehp-seed4.yaml || true
local vid=$(turbo-cli version add -q $bid lib/
turbo-cli fuzz --fuzz-config cicd_testing/afl.yaml --app-config cicd_testing/ehp-config.yaml --ver-id $vid
local report="$(turbo-cli log get report $vid)"
local proj_id=$CI_PROJECT_ID
local proj_urld=$CI_PROJECT_URL
mkdir -p artifacts
echo "$report" | tee artifacts/fuzz_report.yaml
local declare crash_count=$(echo "$report"|shyaml get-value failing-input-count)
if [[ $crash_count == 0 ]]; then
echo "No crashes found"
echo "See [job details]($proj_url/-/jobs/$CI_JOB_ID), look at the artifacts for the full report."
#local upload_report=$(curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: PXLgVFpgjmmugAiHTJzx " --form "file=@artifacts/fuzz_report.yaml"$proj_id/uploads)
local date=$(date)
local mach=$(uname -a)
local host=$(hostname)
local md=$(echo $upload_report | shyaml get-value markdown)
local desc=""
read -r -d '' desc || true << EOM
Turbo automatically found $crash_count crashes!
Host: $host
Date: $date
Machine details: $mach
See [job details]($proj_url/-/jobs/$CI_JOB_ID), look at the artifacts for the full report.
and [pipeline details]($proj_url/pipelines/$CI_PIPELINE_ID).
local title="Turbo found $crash_count bugs in libEHP on $date"
local assignee_id="$GITLAB_USER_ID"
# finally post an issue
# curl --request POST --data-urlencode "description=$desc" --data-urlencode "title=$title" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: PXLgVFpgjmmugAiHTJzx " "$proj_id/issues?&labels=bug,turbo&assignee_ids[]=$assignee_id"
echo "$crash_count count crashes found!"
exit 1
main "$@"