Turbo Inputs are [YAML](https://yaml.org) files with certain keys specified.
The full list of keys used by Turbo and a description of each is provided below.
# Turbo Seeds
A Turbo seed is an input file created by hand and uploaded to Turbo. All keys for an input are valid. No additional keys are valid.
# Turbo Input Keys
## name
The name of the input, used for informational/reporting purposes only.
## cmdline
A sequence representing the argument vector of a program. 3 types of entries are possible:
***string** -- the value of the string is taken and used as a literal.
***dictionary** in one of two types:
***`use-version: true`** -- indicates the fill in the name of the prepared version file for this entry.
***`filename: "name", as: "as-name"`** -- indicates to use the contents, permsissions, etc. of the file named "name" from the files section of the input file as the input file. If the `as` key is present, call the file `as-name` when filling in the argument vector.
# env
This key is reserved for future expansion
# files
An array of files, each containing a dictionary with keys from the following set
* name -- requried field naming the file. If the name is "stdin", the file is piped to the program's standard input.
* contents -- the binary contents of the file. See turbo-cli input import-raw-file for help including this field.
* perms -- a string containing whether the file's disk permissions, including setting read-, write-, execute-, or combinations of these flags.