@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ Turbo is a fast, effective fuzzer that is designed from the ground up for easy i
* Turbo automatically generates inputs that cause your program to fail. There are no "false positives" that security scanners may give you. Each report is a concrete, actionable bug.
* Turbo operates directly on executable binary programs and requires no integration with your source. C, C++, Go, Rust, Ada, Fortran, Assembly? No problem, Turbo does not care. (Note: Currently interpreted languages like Java, JavaScript, and Python are not supported. Stay tuned, exciting stuff is happening to support these types of programs!)
# Demo
We hope to have a video demo of how to install and use Turbo. For now, it is unavailable.
# Requirements
* Turbo currently works on X86-64 Linux programs. We currently support RHEL, CentOS 7.*, Ubuntu, though it likely can work on other Linux platforms as well.
@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@ sudo yum install afl
* The testing box needs to be network-enabled to talk to the Turbo service.