@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ Welcome to **ZAFL**: a project to extend compiler-quality instrumentation speed
* Fast, space-efficient, and inlined binary fuzzing instrumentation via the Zipr binary rewriting infrastructure.
* A platform to extend and combine compiler-style code transformations (e.g., CMP unfolding) to binary-only fuzzing.
* Full compatibility with the AFL and AFLPlusPlus fuzzer ecosystem.
***For more information, video demos, troubleshooting, and licensing, please see [our Wiki page](https://git.zephyr-software.com/opensrc/libzafl/-/wikis/Home).**
***For more information, video demos, troubleshooting, and licensing, please see [our wiki page](https://git.zephyr-software.com/opensrc/libzafl/-/wikis/Home).**
<table><tr><tdalign=centercolspan="2"><div><b>Presented in our paper</b><ahref="https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity21/presentation/nagy"><i>Breaking-through Binaries: Compiler-quality Instrumentation for Better Binary-only Fuzzing</i></a><br>(2021 USENIX Security Symposium).</td</tr>
<tr><td><b>Citing this repository:</b></td>
<td><code class="rich-diff-level-one">@inproceedings{nagy:breakingthrough, title = {Breaking Through Binaries: Compiler-quality Instrumentation for Better Binary-only Fuzzing}, author = {Stefan Nagy and Anh Nguyen-Tuong and Jason D. Hiser and Jack W. Davidson and Matthew Hicks}, booktitle = {{USENIX} Security Symposium (USENIX)}, year = {2021},}</code></td></tr>