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#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include "push64_relocs.h"
Push64Relocs_t::Push64Relocs_t(Zipr_SDK::Zipr_t* zipr_object)
m_memory_space (*zipr_object->getMemorySpace()),
m_firp (*zipr_object->getFileIR()),
auto global= zipr_object->getOptionsManager()->getNamespace("global");
m_verbose = global->getBooleanOption("verbose");
bool Push64Relocs_t::IsRelocationWithType(Relocation_t *reloc,string type)
return (reloc->getType().find(type) != string::npos);
// would be nice to have a FindRelocation function that takes a parameterized type.
Relocation_t* Push64Relocs_t::FindRelocationWithType(Instruction_t* insn, string type)
for(auto reloc : insn->getRelocations())
void Push64Relocs_t::HandlePush64Relocation(Instruction_t *insn, Relocation_t *reloc)
const auto PUSH_DATA_BITS_MAX_LEN = 16;
auto push_data_bits = vector<uint8_t>(PUSH_DATA_BITS_MAX_LEN);
auto push_insn = insn;
auto jmp_insn = insn->getFallthrough();
auto push_data_bits_len = push_insn->getDataBits().length();
assert(push_data_bits_len < PUSH_DATA_BITS_MAX_LEN);
memcpy(, (uint8_t*)push_insn->getDataBits().c_str(), push_data_bits_len);
* Because we know that this is a push instruction,
* we know that the opcode is one byte.
* The pushed value will start at the 1th offset.
memcpy(&push_addr,&push_data_bits[1], 4);
cout << "push_addr: 0x" << hex << push_addr << endl;
* Step 0: Add the add instruction and its address.
auto add_addr=m_firp.addNewAddress(push_insn->getAddress()->getFileID(), 0);
auto add_insn=m_firp.addNewInstruction( add_addr, push_insn->getFunction());
* Step 1: Change the push to a call 0.
auto call_databits = string({char(0xe8), 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 });
* Step 2: Create the add instruction.
add_databits+=string({0x48}); // rex prefix to convert esp->rsp
add_databits+=string({(char)0x81, 0x2c, 0x24, (char)0xff, (char)0xff, (char)0xff, (char)0xff} );
* Step 3: Put the relocation on the add instruction.
auto add_reloc=m_firp.addNewRelocation(add_insn, push_addr, "add64");
cout << "Adding an add/sub with reloc offset 0x"
* Step 4: Tell the add insn to fallthrough to the call.
auto push64_relocations_count = 0;
auto pcrel_relocations_count = 0;
for(auto insn : m_firp.getInstructions())
const auto push_reloc = FindPushRelocation(insn);
if (push_reloc != nullptr)
cout << "Found a Push relocation:" << insn->getDisassembly() << endl;
const auto pcrel_reloc = FindPcrelRelocation(insn);
if (pcrel_reloc != nullptr)
cout << "Found a pcrel relocation." << endl;
cout << "# ATTRIBUTE Push_Relocations::push_relocations_count="
<< dec << push64_relocations_count << endl;
cout << "# ATTRIBUTE Push_Relocations::pcrel_relocations_count="
<< dec << pcrel_relocations_count << endl;
cout << "push64:UpdatePush64Adds()" << endl;
for(auto insn : plopped_relocs)
auto reloc = FindPushRelocation(insn);
if (reloc)
auto call = insn; assert(call != nullptr);
auto add = call->getTarget(); assert(add != nullptr);
auto call_addr = final_insn_locations[call];
auto add_addr = final_insn_locations[add];
auto wrt_insn = dynamic_cast<Instruction_t*>(reloc->getWRT());
auto wrt_addr = wrt_insn ? final_insn_locations[wrt_insn] : RangeAddress_t(0);
if (call_addr == 0 || add_addr == 0)
cout << "push64:Call/Add pair not plopped?" << endl;
auto add_reloc = FindAdd64Relocation(add);
assert(add_reloc != nullptr);
* Stupid call will push the NEXT instruction address.
auto ret_addr = call_addr + call->getDataBits().length();
auto change_to_add = false;
#if 1
const auto reloc_adjustnent_value = wrt_insn ? wrt_addr : (m_firp.getArchitecture()->getFileBase() + add_offset);
const auto relocated_value = ret_addr - reloc_adjustnent_value;
auto relocated_value = uint32_t(0);
if ((size_t)add_offset > (size_t)ret_addr)
relocated_value = ret_addr - (firp->getArchtecture()->getFileBase() + add_offset);
cout << "Push64:Relocating a(n) " << ((change_to_add) ? "add":"sub") << " from "
<< hex << ret_addr << " at " << hex << add_addr << endl;
cout << "push64:Using 0x" << hex << relocated_value
<< " as the updated offset." << endl;
cout << "Using 0x" << hex << add_offset
<< " as the base offset." << endl;
const auto rex_skip=m_firp.getArchitectureBitWidth()==64 ? 1 : 0;
if (change_to_add)
char add = (char)0x04;
m_memory_space.plopBytes(add_addr+rex_skip+1, (const char*)&add, 1);
m_memory_space.plopBytes(add_addr+rex_skip+3, (const char*)&relocated_value, 4);
extern "C"
Zipr_SDK::ZiprPluginInterface_t* GetPluginInterface(
Zipr_SDK::Zipr_t* zipr_object)
return new Push64Relocs_t(zipr_object);