# Notes for setting up, building and installing peasoup_umbrella (non-CFAR)
0. IMPORTANT: You will need your own valid IDA Pro license key and IDA Pro installation. Update the IDA* lines in the file set_env_vars to point to your installation.
1. Get the required packages by running the get-peasoup-packages.sh script.
. ./set_env_vars; bash ./get-peasoup-packages.sh all
2. Set up the postgres databases (enter password of your choice)
bash ./postgres_setup.sh
3. Build and save the build results to build.out
bash ./build.sh | tee -ai build.out
If the build succeeds, a directory named $PEASOUP_UMBRELLA_DIR/installed will be created (see file set_env_vars for environment variable settings). This directory will contain the built versions of the modules that comprise the toolchain.
To test your installation, try a simple analysis using zipr static rewriter.
. ./set_env_vars; $PSZ `which ls` ls.zipr
If the toolchain build has completed successfully, then ls.zipr will be a working, statically rewritten version of ls.