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  • aware-sw-delivery
  • cfar_phase1_final_release
  • cfar_phase2_3rdquarter_release
  • cfar_phase2_final_release
  • cfar_phase2_midterm_release
  • cfar_phase3_midterm_release
  • master default
  • mc2zk_automate_assurance
  • refactor
  • cfar-phase3-final
  • CfarJuly2018Eval
12 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.04Aug6May15Aug16May8Apr16Feb14138131Jan2526Dec2520Sep22May1719Mar17222Feb21618Jan19Dec1512Jun10Feb11Nov22Aug10Jun19May18423Jan2122Oct161Sep28Jul22211615Remove ZIPR_INSTALL variable in favor of ZIPR_PLUGIN_PATHmastermasterAdd LICENSEreworking scons file for pedi insanityaware-sw-deliveryaware-sw-deliverychanged int8_t to char for string::value_type for when int8_t!=charfixed -werror type issuesfixed type-punned pointer alias issue with memcpychanges to support scons from peasoup-umbrella dirrefactored to deal with options betterremoved commented out codesdk factoryingformalizing libtransformrefactoring libirdb-util and libirdb-syscallfirst draftrefactorrefactoradded vim tmp filescfar-phase3-finalcfar-phase3-finalremoved any support for pcrel relocationsfixed compiler issue on centosremoved useless pcrel rewriting, checking to see how useful/necessary it is.updating for pcrel on armfixed issues on x32 that had crept inadded pedi supportrewrite utilities from libtransformCFAR_AEI CfarJu…CFAR_AEI CfarJuly2018EvaladdedMerging assurance branch to trunkCommitting sync to trunkmc2zk_automate_…mc2zk_automate_assuranceWerror on plugins, removed unnecessary bits from umbrella. moved out appfw.Bringing up to date with trunkChanged to fully use capstone! should be working, but still comparing against Bea for a whileMoved DecodedInstruction_t into core.more bea->libIRDB-decode changeschanged to remove BEA engine from APIAdjusting ATTRIBUTE labels to be more human readableCreating C009 System Software Deliverable branchcfar_phase3_mid…cfar_phase3_midterm_releaseAdding automated assurance case evidence collection formatCreating a branch for automating assurance case evidence gathering.Phase2 final release branchcfar_phase2_fin…cfar_phase2_final_releasephase 2 3q releasecfar_phase2_3rd…cfar_phase2_3rdquarter_releasephase 2 midterm releasecfar_phase2_mid…cfar_phase2_midterm_releaseupdates (all over the place) for CFI with multimodule support.Creating branches.cfar_phase1_fin…cfar_phase1_final_releasefixed to only handle pcrel insns w/o a WRT obj.