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// SMPStaticAnalyzer.cpp
// This plugin performs the static analyses needed for the SMP project
//   (Software Memory Protection).

#include <ida.hpp>
#include <idp.hpp>
#include <allins.hpp>
#include <auto.hpp>
#include <bytes.hpp>
#include <funcs.hpp>
#include <intel.hpp>
#include <loader.hpp>
#include <lines.hpp>
#include <name.hpp>
#include <ua.hpp>

#include "SMPStaticAnalyzer.h"
#include "SMPDataFlowAnalysis.h"

// Set to 1 for debugging output
#define SMP_DEBUG 1
#define SMP_DEBUG2 1   // verbose
#define SMP_DEBUG3 0   // verbose
#define SMP_DEBUG_MEM 0 // print memory operands
#define SMP_DEBUG_TYPE0 0 // Output instr info for OptType = 0
#define SMP_DEBUG_ORPHANS 1  // find code outside of functions

// Set to 1 when doing a binary search using SMP_DEBUG_COUNT to find
//  which function is causing a problem.
#define SMP_DEBUG_COUNT 356  // How many funcs to process in problem search
int FuncsProcessed = 0;

// Define optimization categories for instructions.
int OptCategory[NN_last+1];
// Initialize the OptCategory[] array.
void InitOptCategory(void);

// Keep statistics on how many instructions we saw in each optimization
//  category, and how many optimizing annotations were emitted for
//  each category.
int OptCount[LAST_OPT_CATEGORY + 1];
int AnnotationCount[LAST_OPT_CATEGORY + 1];

static char *RegNames[R_of + 1] =
	{ "EAX", "ECX", "EDX", "EBX", "ESP", "EBP", "ESI", "EDI",
	  "R8", "R9", "R10", "R11", "R12", "R13", "R14", "R15",
	  "AL", "CL", "DL", "BL", "AH", "CH", "DH", "BH",
	  "SPL", "BPL", "SIL", "DIL", "EIP", "ES", "CS", "SS",
	  "DS", "FS", "GS", "CF", "ZF", "SF", "OF" 

// The types of data objects based on their first operand flags.
static char *DataTypes[] = { "VOID", "NUMHEX", "NUMDEC", "CHAR",

void IDAP_run(int);
void FindOrphanedCode(segment_t *, FILE *);
void AuditCodeTargets(void);
ea_t FindNewFuncLimit(ea_t);
void SpecialDebugOutput(void);

static int idaapi idp_callback(void *, int event_id, va_list va) {
	if (event_id == ph.auto_empty_finally) {   // IDA analysis is done
	return 0;

int IDAP_init(void) {
#if 0 // We are now calling from the SMP.idc script.
	// Skip this plugin if it was not specified by the user on the
	//  command line.
	if (get_plugin_options("SMPStaticAnalyzer") == NULL) {
		msg("IDAP_init point 2.\n");
		return PLUGIN_SKIP;
	// Ensure correct working environment.
	if ((inf.filetype != f_ELF) && (inf.filetype != f_PE)) {
		error("Executable format must be PE or ELF.");
		return PLUGIN_SKIP;
	if ( != PLFM_386) {
		error("Processor must be x86.");
 		return PLUGIN_SKIP;
	hook_to_notification_point(HT_IDP, idp_callback, NULL);
	return PLUGIN_KEEP;
} // end of IDAP_init

void IDAP_term(void) {
	unhook_from_notification_point(HT_IDP, idp_callback, NULL);

void IDAP_run(int arg) {

	segment_t *seg;
	char buf[MAXSTR];
	ea_t ea;
	flags_t ObjFlags;
	bool ReadOnlyFlag;
	FILE *SymsFile;
	char FuncName[MAXSTR];			
	SMPFunction *CurrFunc = NULL;
	bool FuncsDumped = false;

	msg("Beginning IDAP_run.\n");
	// Open the output file.
	SymsFile = qfopen("SMP.annot", "w");
	if (NULL == SymsFile) {
		error("FATAL: Cannot open output file SMP.annot\n");

	(void) memset(OptCount, 0, sizeof(OptCount));
	(void) memset(AnnotationCount, 0, sizeof(AnnotationCount));

	// Pre-audit the IDA database by seeing if all branches and calls
	//  have proper code targets and code cross references.

	// First, examine the data segments and print info about static
	//   data, such as name/address/size. Do the same for functions in
	//   code segments.
	// Loop through all segments.
	for (int SegIndex = 0; SegIndex < get_segm_qty(); ++SegIndex) {
		char SegName[MAXSTR];
		ssize_t SegNameSize = get_segm_name(seg, SegName, sizeof(SegName) - 1);

		// We are only interested in the data segments of type
		if ((seg->type == SEG_DATA) || (seg->type == SEG_BSS)
		    || (seg->type == SEG_COMM)) {
			// Loop through each of the segments we are interested in,
			//  examining all data objects (effective addresses).
			ReadOnlyFlag = ((seg->perm & SEGPERM_READ) && (!(seg->perm & SEGPERM_WRITE)));
			msg("Starting data segment of type %d", seg->type);
			if (SegNameSize > 0)
				msg(" SegName: %s\n", SegName);
			if (ReadOnlyFlag) {
				msg("Read-only data segment.\n");
			ea = seg->startEA;
			while (ea < seg->endEA) {
				ObjFlags = get_flags_novalue(ea);
				// Only process head bytes of data objects, i.e. isData().
				if (isData(ObjFlags)) {
				    // Compute the size of the data object.
					ea_t NextEA = ea;
				    do {
				       NextEA = nextaddr(NextEA);
					} while ((NextEA < seg->endEA) && (!isHead(get_flags_novalue(NextEA))));
				    size_t ObjSize = (size_t) (NextEA - ea);
					// Get the data object name using its address.
				    char *TrueName = get_true_name(BADADDR, ea, buf, sizeof(buf));
					if (NULL == TrueName) {
						qstrncpy(buf, "SMP_dummy0", 12);
				    // Output the name, address, size, and type info.
					if (ReadOnlyFlag) {
							"%x %d OBJECT GLOBAL %s  %s RO\n", ea, ObjSize,
				  			buf, DataTypes[get_optype_flags0(ObjFlags) >> 20]);
					else {
							"%x %d OBJECT GLOBAL %s  %s RW\n", ea, ObjSize,
				  			buf, DataTypes[get_optype_flags0(ObjFlags) >> 20]);
					// Move on to next data object
					ea = NextEA;
				else {
					ea = nextaddr(ea);
			} // end while (ea < seg->endEA)
		} // end if (seg->type == SEG_DATA ...)
		else if (seg->type == SEG_CODE) {
			msg("Starting code segment");
			if (SegNameSize > 0)
				msg(" SegName: %s\n", SegName);
			if (!FuncsDumped) {
				for (size_t FuncIndex = 0; FuncIndex < get_func_qty(); ++FuncIndex) {
					func_t *FuncInfo = getn_func(FuncIndex);
					get_func_name(FuncInfo->startEA, FuncName, MAXSTR-1);
					msg("FuncName dump: %s\n", FuncName);
				for (size_t ChunkIndex = 0; ChunkIndex < get_fchunk_qty(); ++ChunkIndex) {
					func_t *ChunkInfo = getn_fchunk((int) ChunkIndex);
					get_func_name(ChunkInfo->startEA, FuncName, MAXSTR-1);
					if (0 == strcmp(FuncName, "fflush")) {
						msg("fflush chunk: address %x", ChunkInfo->startEA);
						if (is_func_tail(ChunkInfo))
							msg(" TAIL\n");
							msg(" ENTRY\n");
					else if ((0x81498f0 < ChunkInfo->startEA)
							&& (0x8149cb6 > ChunkInfo->startEA)) {
						msg("Missing fflush chunk: %s %x",
							FuncName, ChunkInfo->startEA);
						if (is_func_tail(ChunkInfo))
							msg(" TAIL\n");
							msg(" ENTRY\n");
				} // end for (size_t ChunkIndex = ...)
				func_t *FuncInfo = get_func(0x8149be0);
				if (NULL == FuncInfo)
					msg("No func at 0x8149be0\n");
				else {
					get_func_name(FuncInfo->startEA, FuncName, MAXSTR-1);
					msg("Func at 0x8149be0: %s\n", FuncName);
				FuncsDumped = true;
			for (size_t FuncIndex = 0; FuncIndex < get_func_qty(); ++FuncIndex) {
				func_t *FuncInfo = getn_func(FuncIndex);

				// If more than one SEG_CODE segment, only process 
				//  functions within the current segment. Don't know
				//  if multiple code segments are possible, but
				//  get_func_qty() is for the whole program, not just
				//  the current segment.
				if (FuncInfo->startEA < seg->startEA) {
					// Already processed this func in earlier segment.
				else if (FuncInfo->startEA >= seg->endEA) {
						get_func_name(FuncInfo->startEA, FuncName, MAXSTR-1);
						msg("Skipping function until we reach its segment: %s\n",

				// Create a function object.
				if (NULL != CurrFunc){
					delete CurrFunc;
					CurrFunc = NULL;
				CurrFunc = new SMPFunction(FuncInfo);

				if (FuncsProcessed++ > SMP_DEBUG_COUNT) {
					get_func_name(FuncInfo->startEA, FuncName, MAXSTR-1);
					msg("Debug termination. FuncName = %s \n", FuncName);
					msg("Function startEA: %x endEA: %x \n",
				if (FuncsProcessed > SMP_DEBUG_COUNT) {
					get_func_name(FuncInfo->startEA, FuncName, MAXSTR-1);
					msg("Final FuncName:  %s \n", FuncName);
					SMPBinaryDebug = true;
				delete CurrFunc;
				CurrFunc = NULL;
			} // end for (size_t FuncIndex = 0; ...) 
			FindOrphanedCode(seg, SymsFile);
		} // end else if (seg->type === SEG_CODE)
		else {
			msg("Not processing segment of type %d SegName: %s\n",
				seg->type, SegName);
	} // end for (int SegIndex = 0; ... )

	for (int OptType = 0; OptType <= LAST_OPT_CATEGORY; ++OptType) {
		msg("Optimization Category Count %d:  %d Annotations: %d\n",
			OptType, OptCount[OptType], AnnotationCount[OptType]);

} // end IDAP_run()

char IDAP_comment[] = "UVa SMP/NICECAP Project";
char IDAP_help[] = "Good luck";
char IDAP_name[] = "SMPStaticAnalyzer";
char IDAP_hotkey[] = "Alt-J";

plugin_t PLUGIN = {

// Audit the IDA code database by looking at all instructions in the
//  code segment and printing all those that are not contained in a
//  function. Emit the context-free annotations that we are able to
//  emit ona per-instruction basis.
void FindOrphanedCode(segment_t *CurrSeg, FILE *AnnotFile) {
	char disasm[MAXSTR];
	for (ea_t addr = CurrSeg->startEA; addr < CurrSeg->endEA;
		addr = get_item_end(addr)) {
		flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
		if (isHead(InstrFlags) && isCode(InstrFlags)) {
			func_t *CurrFunc = get_func(addr);
			if (NULL == CurrFunc) {
				SMPInstr CurrInst(addr);
				msg("Orphan code at %x : %s\n", addr, CurrInst.GetDisasm());
				// TODO: If there are code xrefs to the orphan code,
				//  see what kind. If a CALL, and orphan code looks
				//  like a prologue, make a function. If a JUMP of
				//  some kind, then make a function chunk and make
				//  it a tail of all functions that jump to it. **!!**

				// If instruction is still not included in a code chunk,
				//  emit annotations for it in isolation.
				CurrInst.EmitAnnotations(true, false, AnnotFile);
		else if (isUnknown(InstrFlags)) {
			msg("Unanalyzed byte at %x\n", addr);
			// Can IDA analyze this to be code?
			int InstrLen = ua_code(addr);
			if (InstrLen > 0) {
				(void) generate_disasm_line(addr, disasm, sizeof(disasm) - 1);
				// Remove interactive color-coding tags.
				tag_remove(disasm, disasm, 0);
				msg("Successfully analyzed!  %s\n", disasm);
				// TODO: Get new code into a chunk.  **!!**
	} // end for (ea_t addr = CurrSeg->startEA; ...)
} // end of FindOrphanedCode()

// Audit the IDA database with respect to branches and calls. They should
//  each have valid code targets (not data or unknown bytes) and the code
//  cross references should reflect the linkage.
void AuditCodeTargets(void) {
	// Cover all the code that IDA has grouped into functions by iterating
	//  through all function chunks in the program.
	for (size_t ChunkIndex = 0; ChunkIndex < get_fchunk_qty(); ++ChunkIndex) {
		func_t *ChunkInfo = getn_fchunk((int) ChunkIndex);
		char FuncName[MAXSTR];
		get_func_name(ChunkInfo->startEA, FuncName, sizeof(FuncName) - 1);

		// First, see if any calls to this function (if this chunk is
		//  an entry point) are not coming from within functions.
		if (is_func_entry(ChunkInfo)) {
			xrefblk_t xb;
			ea_t addr = ChunkInfo->startEA;
			for (bool ok = xb.first_to(addr, XREF_ALL);	ok; ok = xb.next_to()) {
				uchar XrefType = xb.type & XREF_MASK;
				if (xb.iscode) {
					if ((XrefType == fl_U) || (XrefType == fl_USobsolete)) {
						msg("Bad xref type: %x %s\n", addr, FuncName);
					else if ((XrefType == fl_JF) || (XrefType == fl_JN)) {
						msg("Jump to func: %x %s from: %x\n",
							addr, FuncName, xb.from);
					else if (XrefType == fl_F) {
						msg("Fall through to func: %x %s from: %x\n",
							addr, FuncName, xb.from);
					else if ((XrefType == fl_CF) || (XrefType == fl_CN)) {
						// Far call or Near call
						func_t *CallingFunc = get_func(xb.from);
						if (NULL == CallingFunc) {
							msg("Call to %x Func %s from %x not in function.\n",
								addr, FuncName, xb.from);
				} // end if (xb.iscode)
				else { // DATA xref
					if (XrefType == dr_O) {
						msg("Data xref to %x Func %s from %x\n",
							addr, FuncName, xb.from);
					else {
						msg("Strange data xref %d to %x Func %s from %x\n",
							XrefType, addr, FuncName, xb.from);
			} // end for (bool ok = xb.first_to(); ...)
		} // end if (is_func_entry(ChunkInfo))

		// Next, see if any call or branch in this chunk references
		//  a target address that is not in a function. If so, and the
		//  callee address code looks like a function prologue, then
		//  create a function for the contiguous code starting at that
		//  address and ask IDA to analyze it and store it in the
		//  IDA database. If it is a branch target, not a call target,
		//  create a new TAIL chunk for the current parent functions.
		for (ea_t addr = ChunkInfo->startEA; addr < ChunkInfo->endEA;
			addr = get_item_end(addr)) {
			flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
			if (isCode(InstrFlags) && isHead(InstrFlags)) {
				SMPInstr CurrInst(addr);
				if ((CALL|JUMP|COND_BRANCH) & CurrInst.GetDataFlowType()) {
					xrefblk_t xb;
					for (bool ok = xb.first_from(addr, XREF_FAR); ok; ok = xb.next_from()) {
						if (xb.iscode) {
							func_t *FuncInfo = get_func(;
							if (NULL == FuncInfo) {
								// Found call to addr that is not in a func.
								ea_t FirstAddr =;
								// Find limits of contiguous code starting at FirstAddr.
								ea_t LastAddr = FindNewFuncLimit(;
								if (CALL == CurrInst.GetDataFlowType())
									msg("Found new func from %x to %x\n",
										FirstAddr, LastAddr);
									msg("Found new chunk from %x to %x\n",
										FirstAddr, LastAddr);
	} // end for (size_t ChunkIndex = 0; ... )

} // end of AuditCodeTargets()

// Find the span of contiguous code that is not contained within any
//  function, starting at StartAddr, which should already be an example
//  of an instruction address that is outside of a function.
ea_t FindNewFuncLimit(ea_t StartAddr) {
	ea_t LimitAddr = StartAddr;
	segment_t *seg = getseg(StartAddr);
	if (NULL == seg)
		return LimitAddr;
	ea_t SegLimit = seg->endEA;

	for (ea_t addr = get_item_end(StartAddr); addr < SegLimit; addr = get_item_end(addr)) {
		flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
		if (isCode(InstrFlags) && isHead(InstrFlags)) {
			LimitAddr = addr;
			func_t *FuncInfo = get_func(addr);
			if (NULL != FuncInfo)
				break; // ran into an existing function
		else // Not a code head; time to stop.
	return LimitAddr;
} // end of FindNewFuncLimit()

void SpecialDebugOutput(void) {
	char disasm[MAXSTR];
	vector<ea_t> ProblemAddrs;

	for (size_t index = 0; index < ProblemAddrs.size(); ++index) {
		ea_t addr = ProblemAddrs[index];
		flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
		if (isCode(InstrFlags) && isHead(InstrFlags)) {
			generate_disasm_line(addr, disasm, sizeof(disasm) - 1);
			tag_remove(disasm, disasm, 0);
			msg("Problem addr %x : %s\n", addr, disasm);
} // end of SpecialDebugOutput()

520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000

// Initialize the OptCategory[] array to define how we emit
//   optimizing annotations.
void InitOptCategory(void) {
	// Default category is 0, no optimization without knowing context.
	(void) memset(OptCategory, 0, sizeof(OptCategory));
	// Category 1 instructions never need updating of their memory
	//  metadata by the Memory Monitor SDT. Currently, this is because
	//  these instructions only have effects on registers we do not maintain
	//  metadata for, such as the EIP and the FLAGS, e.g. jumps, compares.
	// Category 2 instructions always have a result type of 'n' (number).
	// Category 3 instructions have a result type of 'n' (number)
	//  whenever the second source operand is an immediate operand of type 'n'.
	//  NOTE: MOV is only current example, and this will take some thought if 
   //   other examples arise.
	// Category 4 instructions have a result type identical to the 1st source operand type.
	//  NOTE: This is currently set for single-operand instructions such as
	//   INC, DEC. As a result, these are treated pretty much as if
	//   they were category 1 instructions, as there is no metadata update,
	//   unless the operand is a memory operand (i.e. mem or [reg]).
	//   If new instructions are added to this category that are not single
	//   operand and do require some updating, the category should be split.
	// Category 5 instructions have a result type identical to the 1st source operand
	//  type whenever the 2nd source operand is an operand of type 'n'.
	//  If the destination is memory, metadata still needs to be checked; if
	//  not, no metadata check is needed, so it becomes category 1.
	// Category 6 instructions always have a result type of 'p' (pointer).
	// Category 7 instructions are category 2 instructions with two destinations,
	//  such as multiply and divide instructions that affect EDX:EAX. There are
	//  forms of these instructions that only have one destination, so they have
	//  to be distinguished via the operand info.
   // Category 8 instructions implicitly write a numeric value to EDX:EAX, but
   //  EDX and EAX are not listed as operands. RDTSC, RDPMC, RDMSR, and other
   //  instructions that copy machine registers into EDX:EAX are category 8.
   // Category 9 instructions are floating point instructions that either
   //  have a memory destination (treat as category 0) or a FP reg destination
   //  (treat as category 1).

	// NOTE: The Memory Monitor SDT needs just three categories, corresponding
	//  to categories 0, 1, and all others. For all categories > 1, the
	//  annotation should tell the SDT exactly how to update its metadata.
	//  For example, a division instruction will write type 'n' (NUM) as
	//  the metadata for result registers EDX:EAX. So, the annotation should
	//  list 'n', EDX, EAX, and a terminator of '/'. CWD (convert word to
	//  doubleword) should have a list of 'n', EAX, '/'.

OptCategory[NN_null] = 0;            // Unknown Operation
OptCategory[NN_aaa] = 2;                 // ASCII Adjust after Addition
OptCategory[NN_aad] = 2;                 // ASCII Adjust AX before Division
OptCategory[NN_aam] = 2;                 // ASCII Adjust AX after Multiply
OptCategory[NN_aas] = 2;                 // ASCII Adjust AL after Subtraction
OptCategory[NN_adc] = 5;                 // Add with Carry
OptCategory[NN_add] = 5;                 // Add
OptCategory[NN_and] = 0;                 // Logical AND
OptCategory[NN_arpl] = 1;                // Adjust RPL Field of Selector
OptCategory[NN_bound] = 1;               // Check Array Index Against Bounds
OptCategory[NN_bsf] = 2;                 // Bit Scan Forward
OptCategory[NN_bsr] = 2;                 // Bit Scan Reverse
OptCategory[NN_bt] = 2;                  // Bit Test
OptCategory[NN_btc] = 2;                 // Bit Test and Complement
OptCategory[NN_btr] = 2;                 // Bit Test and Reset
OptCategory[NN_bts] = 2;                 // Bit Test and Set
OptCategory[NN_call] = 1;                // Call Procedure
OptCategory[NN_callfi] = 1;              // Indirect Call Far Procedure
OptCategory[NN_callni] = 1;              // Indirect Call Near Procedure
OptCategory[NN_cbw] = 2;                 // AL -> AX (with sign)            ** No ops?
OptCategory[NN_cwde] = 2;                // AX -> EAX (with sign)           **
OptCategory[NN_cdqe] = 2;                // EAX -> RAX (with sign)          **
OptCategory[NN_clc] = 1;                 // Clear Carry Flag
OptCategory[NN_cld] = 1;                 // Clear Direction Flag
OptCategory[NN_cli] = 1;                 // Clear Interrupt Flag
OptCategory[NN_clts] = 1;                // Clear Task-Switched Flag in CR0
OptCategory[NN_cmc] = 1;                 // Complement Carry Flag
OptCategory[NN_cmp] = 1;                 // Compare Two Operands
OptCategory[NN_cmps] = 1;                // Compare Strings
OptCategory[NN_cwd] = 2;                 // AX -> DX:AX (with sign)
OptCategory[NN_cdq] = 2;                 // EAX -> EDX:EAX (with sign)
OptCategory[NN_cqo] = 2;                 // RAX -> RDX:RAX (with sign)
OptCategory[NN_daa] = 2;                 // Decimal Adjust AL after Addition
OptCategory[NN_das] = 2;                 // Decimal Adjust AL after Subtraction
OptCategory[NN_dec] = 4;                 // Decrement by 1
OptCategory[NN_div] = 7;                 // Unsigned Divide
OptCategory[NN_enterw] = 0;              // Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters  **
OptCategory[NN_enter] = 0;               // Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters  **
OptCategory[NN_enterd] = 0;              // Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters  **
OptCategory[NN_enterq] = 0;              // Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters  **
OptCategory[NN_hlt] = 0;                 // Halt
OptCategory[NN_idiv] = 7;                // Signed Divide
OptCategory[NN_imul] = 7;                // Signed Multiply
OptCategory[NN_in] = 0;                  // Input from Port                         **
OptCategory[NN_inc] = 4;                 // Increment by 1
OptCategory[NN_ins] = 2;                 // Input Byte(s) from Port to String       **
OptCategory[NN_int] = 1;                 // Call to Interrupt Procedure
OptCategory[NN_into] = 1;                // Call to Interrupt Procedure if Overflow Flag = 1
OptCategory[NN_int3] = 1;                // Trap to Debugger
OptCategory[NN_iretw] = 1;               // Interrupt Return
OptCategory[NN_iret] = 1;                // Interrupt Return
OptCategory[NN_iretd] = 1;               // Interrupt Return (use32)
OptCategory[NN_iretq] = 1;               // Interrupt Return (use64)
OptCategory[NN_ja] = 1;                  // Jump if Above (CF=0 & ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jae] = 1;                 // Jump if Above or Equal (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jb] = 1;                  // Jump if Below (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jbe] = 1;                 // Jump if Below or Equal (CF=1 | ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jc] = 1;                  // Jump if Carry (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jcxz] = 1;                // Jump if CX is 0
OptCategory[NN_jecxz] = 1;               // Jump if ECX is 0
OptCategory[NN_jrcxz] = 1;               // Jump if RCX is 0
OptCategory[NN_je] = 1;                  // Jump if Equal (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jg] = 1;                  // Jump if Greater (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jge] = 1;                 // Jump if Greater or Equal (SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jl] = 1;                  // Jump if Less (SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jle] = 1;                 // Jump if Less or Equal (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jna] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Above (CF=1 | ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jnae] = 1;                // Jump if Not Above or Equal (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jnb] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Below (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jnbe] = 1;                // Jump if Not Below or Equal (CF=0 & ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jnc] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Carry (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jne] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Equal (ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jng] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Greater (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jnge] = 1;                // Jump if Not Greater or Equal (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jnl] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Less (SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jnle] = 1;                // Jump if Not Less or Equal (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jno] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Overflow (OF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jnp] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Parity (PF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jns] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Sign (SF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jnz] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Zero (ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jo] = 1;                  // Jump if Overflow (OF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jp] = 1;                  // Jump if Parity (PF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jpe] = 1;                 // Jump if Parity Even (PF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jpo] = 1;                 // Jump if Parity Odd  (PF=0)
OptCategory[NN_js] = 1;                  // Jump if Sign (SF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jz] = 1;                  // Jump if Zero (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jmp] = 1;                 // Jump
OptCategory[NN_jmpfi] = 1;               // Indirect Far Jump
OptCategory[NN_jmpni] = 1;               // Indirect Near Jump
OptCategory[NN_jmpshort] = 1;            // Jump Short (not used)
OptCategory[NN_lahf] = 2;                // Load Flags into AH Register
OptCategory[NN_lar] = 2;                 // Load Access Rights Byte
OptCategory[NN_lea] = 0;                 // Load Effective Address           **
OptCategory[NN_leavew] = 0;              // High Level Procedure Exit        **
OptCategory[NN_leave] = 0;               // High Level Procedure Exit        **
OptCategory[NN_leaved] = 0;              // High Level Procedure Exit        **
OptCategory[NN_leaveq] = 0;              // High Level Procedure Exit        **
OptCategory[NN_lgdt] = 0;                // Load Global Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_lidt] = 0;                // Load Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_lgs] = 6;                 // Load Full Pointer to GS:xx
OptCategory[NN_lss] = 6;                 // Load Full Pointer to SS:xx
OptCategory[NN_lds] = 6;                 // Load Full Pointer to DS:xx
OptCategory[NN_les] = 6;                 // Load Full Pointer to ES:xx
OptCategory[NN_lfs] = 6;                 // Load Full Pointer to FS:xx
OptCategory[NN_lldt] = 0;                // Load Local Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_lmsw] = 1;                // Load Machine Status Word
OptCategory[NN_lock] = 1;                // Assert LOCK# Signal Prefix
OptCategory[NN_lods] = 0;                // Load String
OptCategory[NN_loopw] = 1;               // Loop while ECX != 0
OptCategory[NN_loop] = 1;                // Loop while CX != 0
OptCategory[NN_loopd] = 1;               // Loop while ECX != 0
OptCategory[NN_loopq] = 1;               // Loop while RCX != 0
OptCategory[NN_loopwe] = 1;              // Loop while CX != 0 and ZF=1
OptCategory[NN_loope] = 1;               // Loop while rCX != 0 and ZF=1
OptCategory[NN_loopde] = 1;              // Loop while ECX != 0 and ZF=1
OptCategory[NN_loopqe] = 1;              // Loop while RCX != 0 and ZF=1
OptCategory[NN_loopwne] = 1;             // Loop while CX != 0 and ZF=0
OptCategory[NN_loopne] = 1;              // Loop while rCX != 0 and ZF=0
OptCategory[NN_loopdne] = 1;             // Loop while ECX != 0 and ZF=0
OptCategory[NN_loopqne] = 1;             // Loop while RCX != 0 and ZF=0
OptCategory[NN_lsl] = 6;                 // Load Segment Limit
OptCategory[NN_ltr] = 1;                 // Load Task Register
OptCategory[NN_mov] = 3;                 // Move Data
OptCategory[NN_movsp] = 3;               // Move to/from Special Registers
OptCategory[NN_movs] = 0;                // Move Byte(s) from String to String
OptCategory[NN_movsx] = 3;               // Move with Sign-Extend
OptCategory[NN_movzx] = 3;               // Move with Zero-Extend
OptCategory[NN_mul] = 7;                 // Unsigned Multiplication of AL or AX
OptCategory[NN_neg] = 2;                 // Two's Complement Negation
OptCategory[NN_nop] = 1;                 // No Operation
OptCategory[NN_not] = 2;                 // One's Complement Negation
OptCategory[NN_or] = 0;                  // Logical Inclusive OR
OptCategory[NN_out] = 0;                 // Output to Port
OptCategory[NN_outs] = 0;                // Output Byte(s) to Port
OptCategory[NN_pop] = 0;                 // Pop a word from the Stack
OptCategory[NN_popaw] = 0;               // Pop all General Registers
OptCategory[NN_popa] = 0;                // Pop all General Registers
OptCategory[NN_popad] = 0;               // Pop all General Registers (use32)
OptCategory[NN_popaq] = 0;               // Pop all General Registers (use64)
OptCategory[NN_popfw] = 1;               // Pop Stack into Flags Register         **
OptCategory[NN_popf] = 1;                // Pop Stack into Flags Register         **
OptCategory[NN_popfd] = 1;               // Pop Stack into Eflags Register        **
OptCategory[NN_popfq] = 1;               // Pop Stack into Rflags Register        **
OptCategory[NN_push] = 0;                // Push Operand onto the Stack
OptCategory[NN_pushaw] = 0;              // Push all General Registers
OptCategory[NN_pusha] = 0;               // Push all General Registers
OptCategory[NN_pushad] = 0;              // Push all General Registers (use32)
OptCategory[NN_pushaq] = 0;              // Push all General Registers (use64)
OptCategory[NN_pushfw] = 0;              // Push Flags Register onto the Stack
OptCategory[NN_pushf] = 0;               // Push Flags Register onto the Stack
OptCategory[NN_pushfd] = 0;              // Push Flags Register onto the Stack (use32)
OptCategory[NN_pushfq] = 0;              // Push Flags Register onto the Stack (use64)
OptCategory[NN_rcl] = 2;                 // Rotate Through Carry Left
OptCategory[NN_rcr] = 2;                 // Rotate Through Carry Right
OptCategory[NN_rol] = 2;                 // Rotate Left
OptCategory[NN_ror] = 2;                 // Rotate Right
OptCategory[NN_rep] = 0;                 // Repeat String Operation
OptCategory[NN_repe] = 0;                // Repeat String Operation while ZF=1
OptCategory[NN_repne] = 0;               // Repeat String Operation while ZF=0
OptCategory[NN_retn] = 0;                // Return Near from Procedure
OptCategory[NN_retf] = 0;                // Return Far from Procedure
OptCategory[NN_sahf] = 1;                // Store AH into Flags Register
OptCategory[NN_sal] = 2;                 // Shift Arithmetic Left
OptCategory[NN_sar] = 2;                 // Shift Arithmetic Right
OptCategory[NN_shl] = 2;                 // Shift Logical Left
OptCategory[NN_shr] = 2;                 // Shift Logical Right
OptCategory[NN_sbb] = 5;                 // Integer Subtraction with Borrow
OptCategory[NN_scas] = 1;                // Compare String
OptCategory[NN_seta] = 2;                // Set Byte if Above (CF=0 & ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setae] = 2;               // Set Byte if Above or Equal (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setb] = 2;                // Set Byte if Below (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setbe] = 2;               // Set Byte if Below or Equal (CF=1 | ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setc] = 2;                // Set Byte if Carry (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_sete] = 2;                // Set Byte if Equal (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setg] = 2;                // Set Byte if Greater (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setge] = 2;               // Set Byte if Greater or Equal (SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setl] = 2;                // Set Byte if Less (SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setle] = 2;               // Set Byte if Less or Equal (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setna] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Above (CF=1 | ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setnae] = 2;              // Set Byte if Not Above or Equal (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setnb] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Below (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setnbe] = 2;              // Set Byte if Not Below or Equal (CF=0 & ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setnc] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Carry (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setne] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Equal (ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setng] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Greater (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setnge] = 2;              // Set Byte if Not Greater or Equal (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setnl] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Less (SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setnle] = 2;              // Set Byte if Not Less or Equal (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setno] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Overflow (OF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setnp] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Parity (PF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setns] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Sign (SF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setnz] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Zero (ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_seto] = 2;                // Set Byte if Overflow (OF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setp] = 2;                // Set Byte if Parity (PF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setpe] = 2;               // Set Byte if Parity Even (PF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setpo] = 2;               // Set Byte if Parity Odd  (PF=0)
OptCategory[NN_sets] = 2;                // Set Byte if Sign (SF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setz] = 2;                // Set Byte if Zero (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_sgdt] = 0;                // Store Global Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_sidt] = 0;                // Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_shld] = 2;                // Double Precision Shift Left
OptCategory[NN_shrd] = 2;                // Double Precision Shift Right
OptCategory[NN_sldt] = 6;                // Store Local Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_smsw] = 2;                // Store Machine Status Word
OptCategory[NN_stc] = 1;                 // Set Carry Flag
OptCategory[NN_std] = 1;                 // Set Direction Flag
OptCategory[NN_sti] = 1;                 // Set Interrupt Flag
OptCategory[NN_stos] = 0;                // Store String
OptCategory[NN_str] = 6;                 // Store Task Register
OptCategory[NN_sub] = 5;                 // Integer Subtraction
OptCategory[NN_test] = 1;                // Logical Compare
OptCategory[NN_verr] = 1;                // Verify a Segment for Reading
OptCategory[NN_verw] = 1;                // Verify a Segment for Writing
OptCategory[NN_wait] = 1;                // Wait until BUSY# Pin is Inactive (HIGH)
OptCategory[NN_xchg] = 0;                // Exchange Register/Memory with Register
OptCategory[NN_xlat] = 0;                // Table Lookup Translation
OptCategory[NN_xor] = 2;                 // Logical Exclusive OR

//      486 instructions

OptCategory[NN_cmpxchg] = 0;             // Compare and Exchange
OptCategory[NN_bswap] = 1;               // Swap bytes in register
OptCategory[NN_xadd] = 0;                // t<-dest; dest<-src+dest; src<-t
OptCategory[NN_invd] = 1;                // Invalidate Data Cache
OptCategory[NN_wbinvd] = 1;              // Invalidate Data Cache (write changes)
OptCategory[NN_invlpg] = 1;              // Invalidate TLB entry

//      Pentium instructions

OptCategory[NN_rdmsr] = 8;               // Read Machine Status Register
OptCategory[NN_wrmsr] = 1;               // Write Machine Status Register
OptCategory[NN_cpuid] = 8;               // Get CPU ID
OptCategory[NN_cmpxchg8b] = 0;           // Compare and Exchange Eight Bytes
OptCategory[NN_rdtsc] = 8;               // Read Time Stamp Counter
OptCategory[NN_rsm] = 1;                 // Resume from System Management Mode

//      Pentium Pro instructions

OptCategory[NN_cmova] = 0;               // Move if Above (CF=0 & ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovb] = 0;               // Move if Below (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_cmovbe] = 0;              // Move if Below or Equal (CF=1 | ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_cmovg] = 0;               // Move if Greater (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_cmovge] = 0;              // Move if Greater or Equal (SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_cmovl] = 0;               // Move if Less (SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_cmovle] = 0;              // Move if Less or Equal (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_cmovnb] = 0;              // Move if Not Below (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovno] = 0;              // Move if Not Overflow (OF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovnp] = 0;              // Move if Not Parity (PF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovns] = 0;              // Move if Not Sign (SF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovnz] = 0;              // Move if Not Zero (ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovo] = 0;               // Move if Overflow (OF=1)
OptCategory[NN_cmovp] = 0;               // Move if Parity (PF=1)
OptCategory[NN_cmovs] = 0;               // Move if Sign (SF=1)
OptCategory[NN_cmovz] = 0;               // Move if Zero (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_fcmovb] = 1;              // Floating Move if Below          
OptCategory[NN_fcmove] = 1;              // Floating Move if Equal          
OptCategory[NN_fcmovbe] = 1;             // Floating Move if Below or Equal 
OptCategory[NN_fcmovu] = 1;              // Floating Move if Unordered      
OptCategory[NN_fcmovnb] = 1;             // Floating Move if Not Below      
OptCategory[NN_fcmovne] = 1;             // Floating Move if Not Equal      
OptCategory[NN_fcmovnbe] = 1;            // Floating Move if Not Below or Equal
OptCategory[NN_fcmovnu] = 1;             // Floating Move if Not Unordered     
OptCategory[NN_fcomi] = 1;               // FP Compare, result in EFLAGS
OptCategory[NN_fucomi] = 1;              // FP Unordered Compare, result in EFLAGS
OptCategory[NN_fcomip] = 1;              // FP Compare, result in EFLAGS, pop stack
OptCategory[NN_fucomip] = 1;             // FP Unordered Compare, result in EFLAGS, pop stack
OptCategory[NN_rdpmc] = 8;               // Read Performance Monitor Counter

//      FPP instructuions

OptCategory[NN_fld] = 1;                 // Load Real             ** Infer src is 'n'
OptCategory[NN_fst] = 9;                 // Store Real            
OptCategory[NN_fstp] = 9;                // Store Real and Pop   
OptCategory[NN_fxch] = 1;                // Exchange Registers
OptCategory[NN_fild] = 1;                // Load Integer          ** Infer src is 'n'
OptCategory[NN_fist] = 0;                // Store Integer
OptCategory[NN_fistp] = 0;               // Store Integer and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fbld] = 1;                // Load BCD
OptCategory[NN_fbstp] = 1;               // Store BCD and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fadd] = 1;                // Add Real
OptCategory[NN_faddp] = 1;               // Add Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fiadd] = 1;               // Add Integer
OptCategory[NN_fsub] = 1;                // Subtract Real
OptCategory[NN_fsubp] = 1;               // Subtract Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fisub] = 1;               // Subtract Integer
OptCategory[NN_fsubr] = 1;               // Subtract Real Reversed
OptCategory[NN_fsubrp] = 1;              // Subtract Real Reversed and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fisubr] = 1;              // Subtract Integer Reversed
OptCategory[NN_fmul] = 1;                // Multiply Real
OptCategory[NN_fmulp] = 1;               // Multiply Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fimul] = 1;               // Multiply Integer
OptCategory[NN_fdiv] = 1;                // Divide Real
OptCategory[NN_fdivp] = 1;               // Divide Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fidiv] = 1;               // Divide Integer
OptCategory[NN_fdivr] = 1;               // Divide Real Reversed
OptCategory[NN_fdivrp] = 1;              // Divide Real Reversed and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fidivr] = 1;              // Divide Integer Reversed
OptCategory[NN_fsqrt] = 1;               // Square Root
OptCategory[NN_fscale] = 1;              // Scale:  st(0) <- st(0) * 2^st(1)
OptCategory[NN_fprem] = 1;               // Partial Remainder
OptCategory[NN_frndint] = 1;             // Round to Integer
OptCategory[NN_fxtract] = 1;             // Extract exponent and significand
OptCategory[NN_fabs] = 1;                // Absolute value
OptCategory[NN_fchs] = 1;                // Change Sign
OptCategory[NN_fcom] = 1;                // Compare Real
OptCategory[NN_fcomp] = 1;               // Compare Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fcompp] = 1;              // Compare Real and Pop Twice
OptCategory[NN_ficom] = 1;               // Compare Integer
OptCategory[NN_ficomp] = 1;              // Compare Integer and Pop
OptCategory[NN_ftst] = 1;                // Test
OptCategory[NN_fxam] = 1;                // Examine
OptCategory[NN_fptan] = 1;               // Partial tangent
OptCategory[NN_fpatan] = 1;              // Partial arctangent
OptCategory[NN_f2xm1] = 1;               // 2^x - 1
OptCategory[NN_fyl2x] = 1;               // Y * lg2(X)
OptCategory[NN_fyl2xp1] = 1;             // Y * lg2(X+1)
OptCategory[NN_fldz] = 1;                // Load +0.0
OptCategory[NN_fld1] = 1;                // Load +1.0
OptCategory[NN_fldpi] = 1;               // Load PI=3.14...
OptCategory[NN_fldl2t] = 1;              // Load lg2(10)
OptCategory[NN_fldl2e] = 1;              // Load lg2(e)
OptCategory[NN_fldlg2] = 1;              // Load lg10(2)
OptCategory[NN_fldln2] = 1;              // Load ln(2)
OptCategory[NN_finit] = 1;               // Initialize Processor
OptCategory[NN_fninit] = 1;              // Initialize Processor (no wait)
OptCategory[NN_fsetpm] = 1;              // Set Protected Mode
OptCategory[NN_fldcw] = 1;               // Load Control Word
OptCategory[NN_fstcw] = 0;               // Store Control Word
OptCategory[NN_fnstcw] = 0;              // Store Control Word (no wait)
OptCategory[NN_fstsw] = 2;               // Store Status Word to memory or AX
OptCategory[NN_fnstsw] = 2;              // Store Status Word (no wait) to memory or AX
OptCategory[NN_fclex] = 1;               // Clear Exceptions
OptCategory[NN_fnclex] = 1;              // Clear Exceptions (no wait)
OptCategory[NN_fstenv] = 0;              // Store Environment
OptCategory[NN_fnstenv] = 0;             // Store Environment (no wait)
OptCategory[NN_fldenv] = 1;              // Load Environment
OptCategory[NN_fsave] = 0;               // Save State
OptCategory[NN_fnsave] = 0;              // Save State (no wait)
OptCategory[NN_frstor] = 1;              // Restore State    **  infer src is 'n'
OptCategory[NN_fincstp] = 1;             // Increment Stack Pointer
OptCategory[NN_fdecstp] = 1;             // Decrement Stack Pointer
OptCategory[NN_ffree] = 1;               // Free Register
OptCategory[NN_fnop] = 1;                // No Operation
OptCategory[NN_feni] = 1;                // (8087 only)
OptCategory[NN_fneni] = 1;               // (no wait) (8087 only)
OptCategory[NN_fdisi] = 1;               // (8087 only)
OptCategory[NN_fndisi] = 1;              // (no wait) (8087 only)

//      80387 instructions

OptCategory[NN_fprem1] = 1;              // Partial Remainder ( < half )
OptCategory[NN_fsincos] = 1;             // t<-cos(st); st<-sin(st); push t
OptCategory[NN_fsin] = 1;                // Sine
OptCategory[NN_fcos] = 1;                // Cosine
OptCategory[NN_fucom] = 1;               // Compare Unordered Real
OptCategory[NN_fucomp] = 1;              // Compare Unordered Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fucompp] = 1;             // Compare Unordered Real and Pop Twice

//      Instructions added 28.02.96

OptCategory[NN_setalc] = 2;              // Set AL to Carry Flag     **
OptCategory[NN_svdc] = 0;                // Save Register and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_rsdc] = 0;                // Restore Register and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_svldt] = 0;               // Save LDTR and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_rsldt] = 0;               // Restore LDTR and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_svts] = 1;                // Save TR and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_rsts] = 1;                // Restore TR and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_icebp] = 1;               // ICE Break Point
OptCategory[NN_loadall] = 0;             // Load the entire CPU state from ES:EDI

//      MMX instructions

OptCategory[NN_emms] = 1;                // Empty MMX state
OptCategory[NN_movd] = 9;                // Move 32 bits
OptCategory[NN_movq] = 9;                // Move 64 bits
OptCategory[NN_packsswb] = 1;            // Pack with Signed Saturation (Word->Byte)
OptCategory[NN_packssdw] = 1;            // Pack with Signed Saturation (Dword->Word)
OptCategory[NN_packuswb] = 1;            // Pack with Unsigned Saturation (Word->Byte)
OptCategory[NN_paddb] = 1;               // Packed Add Byte
OptCategory[NN_paddw] = 1;               // Packed Add Word
OptCategory[NN_paddd] = 1;               // Packed Add Dword
OptCategory[NN_paddsb] = 1;              // Packed Add with Saturation (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_paddsw] = 1;              // Packed Add with Saturation (Word)
OptCategory[NN_paddusb] = 1;             // Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_paddusw] = 1;             // Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation (Word)
OptCategory[NN_pand] = 1;                // Bitwise Logical And
OptCategory[NN_pandn] = 1;               // Bitwise Logical And Not
OptCategory[NN_pcmpeqb] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_pcmpeqw] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Word)
OptCategory[NN_pcmpeqd] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Dword)
OptCategory[NN_pcmpgtb] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_pcmpgtw] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Word)
OptCategory[NN_pcmpgtd] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Dword)
OptCategory[NN_pmaddwd] = 1;             // Packed Multiply and Add
OptCategory[NN_pmulhw] = 1;              // Packed Multiply High
OptCategory[NN_pmullw] = 1;              // Packed Multiply Low
OptCategory[NN_por] = 1;                 // Bitwise Logical Or
OptCategory[NN_psllw] = 1;               // Packed Shift Left Logical (Word)
OptCategory[NN_pslld] = 1;               // Packed Shift Left Logical (Dword)
OptCategory[NN_psllq] = 1;               // Packed Shift Left Logical (Qword)
OptCategory[NN_psraw] = 1;               // Packed Shift Right Arithmetic (Word)
OptCategory[NN_psrad] = 1;               // Packed Shift Right Arithmetic (Dword)
OptCategory[NN_psrlw] = 1;               // Packed Shift Right Logical (Word)
OptCategory[NN_psrld] = 1;               // Packed Shift Right Logical (Dword)
OptCategory[NN_psrlq] = 1;               // Packed Shift Right Logical (Qword)
OptCategory[NN_psubb] = 1;               // Packed Subtract Byte
OptCategory[NN_psubw] = 1;               // Packed Subtract Word
OptCategory[NN_psubd] = 1;               // Packed Subtract Dword
OptCategory[NN_psubsb] = 1;              // Packed Subtract with Saturation (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_psubsw] = 1;              // Packed Subtract with Saturation (Word)
OptCategory[NN_psubusb] = 1;             // Packed Subtract Unsigned with Saturation (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_psubusw] = 1;             // Packed Subtract Unsigned with Saturation (Word)
OptCategory[NN_punpckhbw] = 1;           // Unpack High Packed Data (Byte->Word)
OptCategory[NN_punpckhwd] = 1;           // Unpack High Packed Data (Word->Dword)
OptCategory[NN_punpckhdq] = 1;           // Unpack High Packed Data (Dword->Qword)
OptCategory[NN_punpcklbw] = 1;           // Unpack Low Packed Data (Byte->Word)
OptCategory[NN_punpcklwd] = 1;           // Unpack Low Packed Data (Word->Dword)
OptCategory[NN_punpckldq] = 1;           // Unpack Low Packed Data (Dword->Qword)
OptCategory[NN_pxor] = 1;                // Bitwise Logical Exclusive Or
