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				ConvertRegion.endEA = AreaEnd;
				FixupRegion CurrRegion(ConvertRegion);
				do {
					flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(CurrDisasmAddr);
					if (!isUnknown(InstrFlags)) {
						msg("Sync problem in FixCodeID: %x\n", CurrDisasmAddr);
					else {
						InstrLen = ua_code(CurrDisasmAddr);
						if (InstrLen > 0) { // Successfully converted to code
							SMPInstr NewInstr(CurrDisasmAddr);
							if (!NewInstr.MDIsNop())
								AllNops = false;
							msg("FixCodeID success at %x: len: %d %s\n", CurrDisasmAddr,
									InstrLen, NewInstr.GetDisasm());
						else {
							if (MDPatchUnconvertedBytes(CurrDisasmAddr)) {
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								msg(" Patched bytes at %x\n", CurrDisasmAddr);
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								msg("FixCodeID failure at %x\n", CurrDisasmAddr);
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					} // end if (isCode(InstrFlags) ... else ...
					if (DisasmIndex < DisasmLocs.size()) {
						CurrDisasmAddr = DisasmLocs[DisasmIndex++];
					else {
						// cause loops to exit
						CurrDisasmAddr = CurrAddr;
						++DisasmIndex; // skip cleanup loop
				} while (CurrDisasmAddr < CurrAddr);
				if (AllConverted && AllNops) {
					// We want to convert the region back to unexplored bytes
					//  and take it off the work list. Regions that are all nops
					//  create data flow analysis problems sometimes. The region
					//  is often unreachable code and produces a basic block with
					//  no predecessors within a function. This often happens when
					//  an optimizing compiler uses nops as padding to align jump
					//  targets on cache line bounaries. With no fall through into
					//  the nops, they are unreachable and should be left as unknown.
					msg("FixCodeID nops region from %x to %x\n", CurrRegion.GetStart(),
						CurrRegion.GetEnd() - CurrRegion.GetStart(), DOUNK_SIMPLE);
			} // end if (SkipArea) ... else ...
		} // end if (addr < CurrDisasmAddr) .. else if ... else ...
	} // end while (DisasmIndex <= DisasmLocs.size()

#if 0  // Make this code use FindDataToConvert()  **!!**
	// Cleanup loop:
	// If there are still Disasm addrs to process, try to turn them
	//  into code in the IDB.
	while (DisasmIndex <= DisasmLocs.size()) {
		flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(CurrDisasmAddr);
		if (isCode(InstrFlags)) {
			msg("Sync problem in FixCodeID: %x\n", CurrDisasmAddr);
		else {
			// Clear bytes to unexplored.
			segment_t *seg = getseg(CurrDisasmAddr);
			if (SEG_CODE == seg->type) {
				do_unknown_range(CurrDisasmAddr, seg->endEA - CurrDisasmAddr, DOUNK_SIMPLE);
			else {
				// Might be safest to just discontinue processing
				//  if we wander into a non-code segment.
				//  DisasmLocs should not have an entire code segment
				//  that IDA Pro missed.
			int InstrLen = ua_code(CurrDisasmAddr);
			if (InstrLen > 0) { // Successfully converted to code
				SMPInstr NewInstr(CurrDisasmAddr);
				msg("FixCodeID success at %x: %s\n", CurrDisasmAddr,
			else {
				msg("FixCodeID failure at %x\n", CurrDisasmAddr);
		} // end if (isCode(InstrFlags) ... else ...
		if (DisasmIndex < DisasmLocs.size()) {
			CurrDisasmAddr = DisasmLocs[DisasmIndex++];
		else {
			++DisasmIndex; // cause loop to exit
	} // end while (DisasmIndex <= DisasmLocs.size()

} // end of FixCodeIdentification()
// Analyze instructions that could not be analyzed earlier and were placed on the CodeReanalyzeList.
//  Earlier failures are usually because the instruction branches to an address that has not
//  yet been converted from data to code, so ua_code() failed. Now that all data to code
//  conversions have completed, ua_code() should succeed.
// Return the number of instructions successfully analyzed.
int FixupNewCodeChunks(void) {
	list<FixupRegion>::iterator CurrRegion;
	int changes = 0;
	for (CurrRegion = CodeReanalyzeList.begin(); CurrRegion != CodeReanalyzeList.end(); ++CurrRegion) {
		bool AllConverted = true;
		bool AllNops = true;
		bool NoFixups = (0 == CurrRegion->FixupInstrs.size());
		if (NoFixups) {
			CurrRegion->SetStart(BADADDR);  // mark for removal
			continue;  // skip to next region
		list<ea_t>::iterator CurrInstr;
		for (CurrInstr = CurrRegion->FixupInstrs.begin(); CurrInstr != CurrRegion->FixupInstrs.end(); ++CurrInstr)  {
			int InstrLen = ua_code(*CurrInstr);
			if (InstrLen > 0) { // Successfully converted to code
				SMPInstr NewInstr(*CurrInstr);
				msg("FixupNewCodeChunks success at %x: len: %d\n", *CurrInstr, InstrLen);
				if (!NewInstr.MDIsNop()) {
					AllNops = false;
					*CurrInstr = BADADDR; // mark for removal
			else {
				AllConverted = false;
				msg("FixupNewCodeChunks failure at %x\n", *CurrInstr);
		} // end for all instrs in CurrRegion
		if (AllConverted && !AllNops) {
			msg("FixupNewCodeChunks success for region from %x to %x\n",
				CurrRegion->GetStart(), CurrRegion->GetEnd());
			CurrRegion->SetStart(BADADDR); // mark for removal
		else if (AllConverted && AllNops) {
			msg("FixupNewCodeChunks re-converting nops region from %x to %x\n",
				CurrRegion->GetStart(), CurrRegion->GetEnd());
				CurrRegion->GetEnd() - CurrRegion->GetStart(), DOUNK_SIMPLE);
			CurrRegion->SetStart(BADADDR); // mark for removal
		else {
			// Remove only the instructions that were fixed up.
			CurrInstr = CurrRegion->FixupInstrs.begin(); 
			while (CurrInstr != CurrRegion->FixupInstrs.end()) {
				if (BADADDR == *CurrInstr) {
					CurrInstr = CurrRegion->FixupInstrs.erase(CurrInstr);
				else {
	} // end for all regions in the CodeReanalyzeList

	// Remove completed regions from the CodeReanalyzeList
	CurrRegion = CodeReanalyzeList.begin();
	while (CurrRegion != CodeReanalyzeList.end()) {
		if (BADADDR == CurrRegion->GetStart())
			CurrRegion = CodeReanalyzeList.erase(CurrRegion);

#if 0
	if (AllConverted) {
					if (IsFunctionPrologue(AreaStart, AreaEnd)) {
						// Create a new function entry chunk here.
						//  **!!** TODO
					else {
						// Extend the previous chunk to include the
						//  converted code.
						ea_t PrevIDAAddr = IDAProLocs[IDAProIndex - 2];
						func_t *PrevChunk = get_fchunk(PrevIDAAddr);
						msg(" addr in chunk to extend: %x\n", PrevIDAAddr);
						msg(" func_t pointer for chunk: %x\n", PrevChunk);
#if 0  // temporary for debugging
						if (is_func_entry(PrevChunk)) {
							// Extend the func entry to contain the new code.
							if (func_setend(PrevIDAAddr, AreaEnd)) {
								msg("Func extended to include code from %x to %x\n",
									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
							else {
								msg("Failed to extend func from %x to %x\n",
									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
						else { // tail
							// See if this works for function tails, also.
							// Extend the func entry to contain the new code.
							if (func_setend(PrevIDAAddr, AreaEnd)) {
								msg("Tail extended to include code from %x to %x\n",
									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
								func_t *TailOwner = get_func(PrevChunk->owner);
							else {
								msg("Failed to extend tail from %x to %x\n",
									AreaStart, AreaEnd);
						} // end if (is_func_entry()) ... else ...
					} // end if (IsFunctionPrologue()) ... else ...
				} // end if (AllConverted)
				else {
					msg("not AllConverted; cannot include new code in previous chunk.\n");

	return changes;
} // end of FixupNewCodeChunnks()

// Audit the IDA code database by looking at all instructions in the
//  code segment and printing all those that are not contained in a
//  function. Emit the context-free annotations that we are able to
//  emit ona per-instruction basis.
void FindOrphanedCode(segment_t *CurrSeg, FILE *AnnotFile) {
	char disasm[MAXSTR];
	for (ea_t addr = CurrSeg->startEA; addr < CurrSeg->endEA;
		addr = get_item_end(addr)) {
		flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
		if (isHead(InstrFlags) && isCode(InstrFlags)) {
			func_t *CurrFunc = get_func(addr);
			if (NULL == CurrFunc) {
				SMPInstr CurrInst(addr);
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				msg("Orphan code at %x : %s\n", addr, CurrInst.GetDisasm());
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				// TODO: If there are code xrefs to the orphan code,
				//  see what kind. If a CALL, and orphan code looks
				//  like a prologue, make a function. If a JUMP of
				//  some kind, then make a function chunk and make
				//  it a tail of all functions that jump to it. **!!**

				// If instruction is still not included in a code chunk,
				//  emit annotations for it in isolation.
				CurrInst.EmitAnnotations(true, false, true, AnnotFile);
		else if (isUnknown(InstrFlags)) {
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			msg("Unanalyzed byte at %x\n", addr);
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			// Can IDA analyze this to be code?
			int InstrLen = ua_code(addr);
			if (InstrLen > 0) {
				(void) generate_disasm_line(addr, disasm, sizeof(disasm) - 1);
				// Remove interactive color-coding tags.
				tag_remove(disasm, disasm, 0);
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				msg("Successfully analyzed!  %s\n", disasm);
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				SMPInstr UnknownInstr(addr);
				// TODO: Get new code into a chunk.  **!!**

				// If instruction is still not included in a code chunk,
				//  emit annotations for it in isolation.
				UnknownInstr.EmitAnnotations(true, false, true, AnnotFile);
	} // end for (ea_t addr = CurrSeg->startEA; ...)
} // end of FindOrphanedCode()

// Audit the IDA database with respect to branches and calls. They should
//  each have valid code targets (not data or unknown bytes) and the code
//  cross references should reflect the linkage.
void AuditCodeTargets(void) {
	// Cover all the code that IDA has grouped into functions by iterating
	//  through all function chunks in the program.
	for (size_t ChunkIndex = 0; ChunkIndex < get_fchunk_qty(); ++ChunkIndex) {
		func_t *ChunkInfo = getn_fchunk((int) ChunkIndex);
		char FuncName[MAXSTR];
		get_func_name(ChunkInfo->startEA, FuncName, sizeof(FuncName) - 1);

		// First, see if any calls to this function (if this chunk is
		//  an entry point) are not coming from within functions.
		if (is_func_entry(ChunkInfo)) {
			xrefblk_t xb;
			ea_t addr = ChunkInfo->startEA;
			for (bool ok = xb.first_to(addr, XREF_ALL);	ok; ok = xb.next_to()) {
				uchar XrefType = xb.type & XREF_MASK;
				if (xb.iscode) {
					if ((XrefType == fl_U) || (XrefType == fl_USobsolete)) {
						msg("Bad xref type: %x %s\n", addr, FuncName);
					else if ((XrefType == fl_JF) || (XrefType == fl_JN)) {
						msg("Jump to func: %x %s from: %x\n",
							addr, FuncName, xb.from);
					else if (XrefType == fl_F) {
						msg("Fall through to func: %x %s from: %x\n",
							addr, FuncName, xb.from);
					else if ((XrefType == fl_CF) || (XrefType == fl_CN)) {
						// Far call or Near call
						func_t *CallingFunc = get_func(xb.from);
						if (NULL == CallingFunc) {
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							msg("Call to %x Func %s from %x not in function.\n",
								addr, FuncName, xb.from);
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				} // end if (xb.iscode)
				else { // DATA xref
					if (XrefType == dr_O) {
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						msg("Data xref to %x Func %s from %x\n",
							addr, FuncName, xb.from);
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					else {
						msg("Strange data xref %d to %x Func %s from %x\n",
							XrefType, addr, FuncName, xb.from);
			} // end for (bool ok = xb.first_to(); ...)
		} // end if (is_func_entry(ChunkInfo))

		// Next, see if any call or branch in this chunk references
		//  a target address that is not in a function. If so, and the
		//  callee address code looks like a function prologue, then
		//  create a function for the contiguous code starting at that
		//  address and ask IDA to analyze it and store it in the
		//  IDA database. If it is a branch target, not a call target,
		//  create a new TAIL chunk for the current parent functions.
		for (ea_t addr = ChunkInfo->startEA; addr < ChunkInfo->endEA;
			addr = get_item_end(addr)) {
			flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
			if (isCode(InstrFlags) && isHead(InstrFlags)) {
				SMPInstr CurrInst(addr);
				if ((CALL|JUMP|COND_BRANCH) & CurrInst.GetDataFlowType()) {
					xrefblk_t xb;
					for (bool ok = xb.first_from(addr, XREF_FAR); ok; ok = xb.next_from()) {
						if (xb.iscode) {
							func_t *FuncInfo = get_func(;
							if (NULL == FuncInfo) {
								// Found call to addr that is not in a func.
								ea_t FirstAddr =;
								// Find limits of contiguous code starting at FirstAddr.
								ea_t LastAddr = FindNewFuncLimit(;
								if (CALL == CurrInst.GetDataFlowType())
									msg("Found new func from %x to %x\n",
										FirstAddr, LastAddr);
									msg("Found new chunk from %x to %x\n",
										FirstAddr, LastAddr);
	} // end for (size_t ChunkIndex = 0; ... )

} // end of AuditCodeTargets()

// Find the span of contiguous code that is not contained within any
//  function, starting at StartAddr, which should already be an example
//  of an instruction address that is outside of a function.
ea_t FindNewFuncLimit(ea_t StartAddr) {
	ea_t LimitAddr = StartAddr;
	segment_t *seg = getseg(StartAddr);
	if (NULL == seg)
		return LimitAddr;
	ea_t SegLimit = seg->endEA;

	for (ea_t addr = get_item_end(StartAddr); addr < SegLimit; addr = get_item_end(addr)) {
		flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
		if (isCode(InstrFlags) && isHead(InstrFlags)) {
			LimitAddr = addr;
			func_t *FuncInfo = get_func(addr);
			if (NULL != FuncInfo)
				break; // ran into an existing function
		else // Not a code head; time to stop.
	return LimitAddr;
} // end of FindNewFuncLimit()

void SpecialDebugOutput(void) {
	char disasm[MAXSTR];
	vector<ea_t> ProblemAddrs;

	for (size_t index = 0; index < ProblemAddrs.size(); ++index) {
		ea_t addr = ProblemAddrs[index];
		flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
		if (isCode(InstrFlags) && isHead(InstrFlags)) {
			generate_disasm_line(addr, disasm, sizeof(disasm) - 1);
			tag_remove(disasm, disasm, 0);
			msg("Problem addr %x : %s\n", addr, disasm);
} // end of SpecialDebugOutput()

// Initialize the OptCategory[] array to define how we emit
//   optimizing annotations.
void InitOptCategory(void) {
	// Default category is 0, no optimization without knowing context.
	(void) memset(OptCategory, 0, sizeof(OptCategory));
	// Category 1 instructions never need updating of their memory
	//  metadata by the Memory Monitor SDT. Currently, this is because
	//  these instructions only have effects on registers we do not maintain
	//  metadata for, such as the EIP and the FLAGS, e.g. jumps, compares.
	// Category 2 instructions always have a result type of 'n' (number).
	// Category 3 instructions have a result type of 'n' (number)
	//  whenever the second source operand is an operand of type 'n'.
	//  NOTE: MOV is only current example, and this will take some thought if 
	// Category 4 instructions have a result type identical to the 1st source operand type.
	//  NOTE: This is currently set for single-operand instructions such as
	//   INC, DEC. As a result, these are treated pretty much as if
	//   they were category 1 instructions, as there is no metadata update,
	//   unless the operand is a memory operand (i.e. mem or [reg]).
	//   If new instructions are added to this category that are not single
	//   operand and do require some updating, the category should be split.
	// Category 5 instructions have a result type identical to the 1st source operand
	//  type whenever the 2nd source operand is an operand of type 'n'.
	//  If the destination is memory, metadata still needs to be checked; if
	//  not, no metadata check is needed, so it becomes category 1.
	// Category 6 instructions always have a result type of 'p' (pointer).
	// Category 7 instructions are category 2 instructions with two destinations,
	//  such as multiply and divide instructions that affect EDX:EAX. There are
	//  forms of these instructions that only have one destination, so they have
	//  to be distinguished via the operand info.
   // Category 8 instructions implicitly write a numeric value to EDX:EAX, but
   //  EDX and EAX are not listed as operands. RDTSC, RDPMC, RDMSR, and other
   //  instructions that copy machine registers into EDX:EAX are category 8.
   // Category 9 instructions are floating point instructions that either
   //  have a memory destination (treat as category 0) or a FP reg destination
   //  (treat as category 1).

	// NOTE: The Memory Monitor SDT needs just three categories, corresponding
	//  to categories 0, 1, and all others. For all categories > 1, the
	//  annotation should tell the SDT exactly how to update its metadata.
	//  For example, a division instruction will write type 'n' (NUM) as
	//  the metadata for result registers EDX:EAX. So, the annotation should
	//  list 'n', EDX, EAX, and a terminator of '/'. CWD (convert word to
	//  doubleword) should have a list of 'n', EAX, '/'.

OptCategory[NN_null] = 0;            // Unknown Operation
OptCategory[NN_aaa] = 2;                 // ASCII Adjust after Addition
OptCategory[NN_aad] = 2;                 // ASCII Adjust AX before Division
OptCategory[NN_aam] = 2;                 // ASCII Adjust AX after Multiply
OptCategory[NN_aas] = 2;                 // ASCII Adjust AL after Subtraction
OptCategory[NN_adc] = 5;                 // Add with Carry
OptCategory[NN_add] = 5;                 // Add
OptCategory[NN_and] = 0;                 // Logical AND
OptCategory[NN_arpl] = 1;                // Adjust RPL Field of Selector
OptCategory[NN_bound] = 1;               // Check Array Index Against Bounds
OptCategory[NN_bsf] = 2;                 // Bit Scan Forward
OptCategory[NN_bsr] = 2;                 // Bit Scan Reverse
OptCategory[NN_bt] = 2;                  // Bit Test
OptCategory[NN_btc] = 2;                 // Bit Test and Complement
OptCategory[NN_btr] = 2;                 // Bit Test and Reset
OptCategory[NN_bts] = 2;                 // Bit Test and Set
OptCategory[NN_call] = 1;                // Call Procedure
OptCategory[NN_callfi] = 1;              // Indirect Call Far Procedure
OptCategory[NN_callni] = 1;              // Indirect Call Near Procedure
OptCategory[NN_cbw] = 2;                 // AL -> AX (with sign)            ** No ops?
OptCategory[NN_cwde] = 2;                // AX -> EAX (with sign)           **
OptCategory[NN_cdqe] = 2;                // EAX -> RAX (with sign)          **
OptCategory[NN_clc] = 1;                 // Clear Carry Flag
OptCategory[NN_cld] = 1;                 // Clear Direction Flag
OptCategory[NN_cli] = 1;                 // Clear Interrupt Flag
OptCategory[NN_clts] = 1;                // Clear Task-Switched Flag in CR0
OptCategory[NN_cmc] = 1;                 // Complement Carry Flag
OptCategory[NN_cmp] = 1;                 // Compare Two Operands
OptCategory[NN_cmps] = 1;                // Compare Strings
OptCategory[NN_cwd] = 2;                 // AX -> DX:AX (with sign)
OptCategory[NN_cdq] = 2;                 // EAX -> EDX:EAX (with sign)
OptCategory[NN_cqo] = 2;                 // RAX -> RDX:RAX (with sign)
OptCategory[NN_daa] = 2;                 // Decimal Adjust AL after Addition
OptCategory[NN_das] = 2;                 // Decimal Adjust AL after Subtraction
OptCategory[NN_dec] = 4;                 // Decrement by 1
OptCategory[NN_div] = 7;                 // Unsigned Divide
OptCategory[NN_enterw] = 0;              // Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters  **
OptCategory[NN_enter] = 0;               // Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters  **
OptCategory[NN_enterd] = 0;              // Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters  **
OptCategory[NN_enterq] = 0;              // Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters  **
OptCategory[NN_hlt] = 0;                 // Halt
OptCategory[NN_idiv] = 7;                // Signed Divide
OptCategory[NN_imul] = 7;                // Signed Multiply
OptCategory[NN_in] = 0;                  // Input from Port                         **
OptCategory[NN_inc] = 4;                 // Increment by 1
OptCategory[NN_ins] = 2;                 // Input Byte(s) from Port to String       **
OptCategory[NN_int] = 0;                 // Call to Interrupt Procedure
OptCategory[NN_into] = 0;                // Call to Interrupt Procedure if Overflow Flag = 1
OptCategory[NN_int3] = 0;                // Trap to Debugger
OptCategory[NN_iretw] = 0;               // Interrupt Return
OptCategory[NN_iret] = 0;                // Interrupt Return
OptCategory[NN_iretd] = 0;               // Interrupt Return (use32)
OptCategory[NN_iretq] = 0;               // Interrupt Return (use64)
OptCategory[NN_ja] = 1;                  // Jump if Above (CF=0 & ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jae] = 1;                 // Jump if Above or Equal (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jb] = 1;                  // Jump if Below (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jbe] = 1;                 // Jump if Below or Equal (CF=1 | ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jc] = 1;                  // Jump if Carry (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jcxz] = 1;                // Jump if CX is 0
OptCategory[NN_jecxz] = 1;               // Jump if ECX is 0
OptCategory[NN_jrcxz] = 1;               // Jump if RCX is 0
OptCategory[NN_je] = 1;                  // Jump if Equal (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jg] = 1;                  // Jump if Greater (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jge] = 1;                 // Jump if Greater or Equal (SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jl] = 1;                  // Jump if Less (SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jle] = 1;                 // Jump if Less or Equal (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jna] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Above (CF=1 | ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jnae] = 1;                // Jump if Not Above or Equal (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jnb] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Below (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jnbe] = 1;                // Jump if Not Below or Equal (CF=0 & ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jnc] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Carry (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jne] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Equal (ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jng] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Greater (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jnge] = 1;                // Jump if Not Greater or Equal (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jnl] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Less (SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jnle] = 1;                // Jump if Not Less or Equal (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_jno] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Overflow (OF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jnp] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Parity (PF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jns] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Sign (SF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jnz] = 1;                 // Jump if Not Zero (ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_jo] = 1;                  // Jump if Overflow (OF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jp] = 1;                  // Jump if Parity (PF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jpe] = 1;                 // Jump if Parity Even (PF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jpo] = 1;                 // Jump if Parity Odd  (PF=0)
OptCategory[NN_js] = 1;                  // Jump if Sign (SF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jz] = 1;                  // Jump if Zero (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_jmp] = 1;                 // Jump
OptCategory[NN_jmpfi] = 1;               // Indirect Far Jump
OptCategory[NN_jmpni] = 1;               // Indirect Near Jump
OptCategory[NN_jmpshort] = 1;            // Jump Short (not used)
OptCategory[NN_lahf] = 2;                // Load Flags into AH Register
OptCategory[NN_lar] = 2;                 // Load Access Rights Byte
OptCategory[NN_lea] = 0;                 // Load Effective Address           **
OptCategory[NN_leavew] = 0;              // High Level Procedure Exit        **
OptCategory[NN_leave] = 0;               // High Level Procedure Exit        **
OptCategory[NN_leaved] = 0;              // High Level Procedure Exit        **
OptCategory[NN_leaveq] = 0;              // High Level Procedure Exit        **
OptCategory[NN_lgdt] = 0;                // Load Global Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_lidt] = 0;                // Load Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_lgs] = 6;                 // Load Full Pointer to GS:xx
OptCategory[NN_lss] = 6;                 // Load Full Pointer to SS:xx
OptCategory[NN_lds] = 6;                 // Load Full Pointer to DS:xx
OptCategory[NN_les] = 6;                 // Load Full Pointer to ES:xx
OptCategory[NN_lfs] = 6;                 // Load Full Pointer to FS:xx
OptCategory[NN_lldt] = 0;                // Load Local Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_lmsw] = 1;                // Load Machine Status Word
OptCategory[NN_lock] = 1;                // Assert LOCK# Signal Prefix
OptCategory[NN_lods] = 0;                // Load String
OptCategory[NN_loopw] = 1;               // Loop while ECX != 0
OptCategory[NN_loop] = 1;                // Loop while CX != 0
OptCategory[NN_loopd] = 1;               // Loop while ECX != 0
OptCategory[NN_loopq] = 1;               // Loop while RCX != 0
OptCategory[NN_loopwe] = 1;              // Loop while CX != 0 and ZF=1
OptCategory[NN_loope] = 1;               // Loop while rCX != 0 and ZF=1
OptCategory[NN_loopde] = 1;              // Loop while ECX != 0 and ZF=1
OptCategory[NN_loopqe] = 1;              // Loop while RCX != 0 and ZF=1
OptCategory[NN_loopwne] = 1;             // Loop while CX != 0 and ZF=0
OptCategory[NN_loopne] = 1;              // Loop while rCX != 0 and ZF=0
OptCategory[NN_loopdne] = 1;             // Loop while ECX != 0 and ZF=0
OptCategory[NN_loopqne] = 1;             // Loop while RCX != 0 and ZF=0
OptCategory[NN_lsl] = 6;                 // Load Segment Limit
OptCategory[NN_ltr] = 1;                 // Load Task Register
OptCategory[NN_mov] = 3;                 // Move Data
OptCategory[NN_movsp] = 3;               // Move to/from Special Registers
OptCategory[NN_movs] = 0;                // Move Byte(s) from String to String
OptCategory[NN_movsx] = 3;               // Move with Sign-Extend
OptCategory[NN_movzx] = 3;               // Move with Zero-Extend
OptCategory[NN_mul] = 7;                 // Unsigned Multiplication of AL or AX
OptCategory[NN_neg] = 2;                 // Two's Complement Negation
OptCategory[NN_nop] = 1;                 // No Operation
OptCategory[NN_not] = 2;                 // One's Complement Negation
OptCategory[NN_or] = 0;                  // Logical Inclusive OR
OptCategory[NN_out] = 0;                 // Output to Port
OptCategory[NN_outs] = 0;                // Output Byte(s) to Port
OptCategory[NN_pop] = 0;                 // Pop a word from the Stack
OptCategory[NN_popaw] = 0;               // Pop all General Registers
OptCategory[NN_popa] = 0;                // Pop all General Registers
OptCategory[NN_popad] = 0;               // Pop all General Registers (use32)
OptCategory[NN_popaq] = 0;               // Pop all General Registers (use64)
OptCategory[NN_popfw] = 1;               // Pop Stack into Flags Register         **
OptCategory[NN_popf] = 1;                // Pop Stack into Flags Register         **
OptCategory[NN_popfd] = 1;               // Pop Stack into Eflags Register        **
OptCategory[NN_popfq] = 1;               // Pop Stack into Rflags Register        **
OptCategory[NN_push] = 0;                // Push Operand onto the Stack
OptCategory[NN_pushaw] = 0;              // Push all General Registers
OptCategory[NN_pusha] = 0;               // Push all General Registers
OptCategory[NN_pushad] = 0;              // Push all General Registers (use32)
OptCategory[NN_pushaq] = 0;              // Push all General Registers (use64)
OptCategory[NN_pushfw] = 0;              // Push Flags Register onto the Stack
OptCategory[NN_pushf] = 0;               // Push Flags Register onto the Stack
OptCategory[NN_pushfd] = 0;              // Push Flags Register onto the Stack (use32)
OptCategory[NN_pushfq] = 0;              // Push Flags Register onto the Stack (use64)
OptCategory[NN_rcl] = 2;                 // Rotate Through Carry Left
OptCategory[NN_rcr] = 2;                 // Rotate Through Carry Right
OptCategory[NN_rol] = 2;                 // Rotate Left
OptCategory[NN_ror] = 2;                 // Rotate Right
OptCategory[NN_rep] = 0;                 // Repeat String Operation
OptCategory[NN_repe] = 0;                // Repeat String Operation while ZF=1
OptCategory[NN_repne] = 0;               // Repeat String Operation while ZF=0
OptCategory[NN_retn] = 0;                // Return Near from Procedure
OptCategory[NN_retf] = 0;                // Return Far from Procedure
OptCategory[NN_sahf] = 1;                // Store AH into Flags Register
OptCategory[NN_sal] = 2;                 // Shift Arithmetic Left
OptCategory[NN_sar] = 2;                 // Shift Arithmetic Right
OptCategory[NN_shl] = 2;                 // Shift Logical Left
OptCategory[NN_shr] = 2;                 // Shift Logical Right
OptCategory[NN_sbb] = 5;                 // Integer Subtraction with Borrow
OptCategory[NN_scas] = 1;                // Compare String
OptCategory[NN_seta] = 2;                // Set Byte if Above (CF=0 & ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setae] = 2;               // Set Byte if Above or Equal (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setb] = 2;                // Set Byte if Below (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setbe] = 2;               // Set Byte if Below or Equal (CF=1 | ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setc] = 2;                // Set Byte if Carry (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_sete] = 2;                // Set Byte if Equal (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setg] = 2;                // Set Byte if Greater (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setge] = 2;               // Set Byte if Greater or Equal (SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setl] = 2;                // Set Byte if Less (SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setle] = 2;               // Set Byte if Less or Equal (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setna] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Above (CF=1 | ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setnae] = 2;              // Set Byte if Not Above or Equal (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setnb] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Below (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setnbe] = 2;              // Set Byte if Not Below or Equal (CF=0 & ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setnc] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Carry (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setne] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Equal (ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setng] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Greater (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setnge] = 2;              // Set Byte if Not Greater or Equal (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setnl] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Less (SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setnle] = 2;              // Set Byte if Not Less or Equal (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_setno] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Overflow (OF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setnp] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Parity (PF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setns] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Sign (SF=0)
OptCategory[NN_setnz] = 2;               // Set Byte if Not Zero (ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_seto] = 2;                // Set Byte if Overflow (OF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setp] = 2;                // Set Byte if Parity (PF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setpe] = 2;               // Set Byte if Parity Even (PF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setpo] = 2;               // Set Byte if Parity Odd  (PF=0)
OptCategory[NN_sets] = 2;                // Set Byte if Sign (SF=1)
OptCategory[NN_setz] = 2;                // Set Byte if Zero (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_sgdt] = 0;                // Store Global Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_sidt] = 0;                // Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_shld] = 2;                // Double Precision Shift Left
OptCategory[NN_shrd] = 2;                // Double Precision Shift Right
OptCategory[NN_sldt] = 6;                // Store Local Descriptor Table Register
OptCategory[NN_smsw] = 2;                // Store Machine Status Word
OptCategory[NN_stc] = 1;                 // Set Carry Flag
OptCategory[NN_std] = 1;                 // Set Direction Flag
OptCategory[NN_sti] = 1;                 // Set Interrupt Flag
OptCategory[NN_stos] = 0;                // Store String
OptCategory[NN_str] = 6;                 // Store Task Register
OptCategory[NN_sub] = 5;                 // Integer Subtraction
OptCategory[NN_test] = 1;                // Logical Compare
OptCategory[NN_verr] = 1;                // Verify a Segment for Reading
OptCategory[NN_verw] = 1;                // Verify a Segment for Writing
OptCategory[NN_wait] = 1;                // Wait until BUSY# Pin is Inactive (HIGH)
OptCategory[NN_xchg] = 0;                // Exchange Register/Memory with Register
OptCategory[NN_xlat] = 0;                // Table Lookup Translation
OptCategory[NN_xor] = 2;                 // Logical Exclusive OR

//      486 instructions

OptCategory[NN_cmpxchg] = 0;             // Compare and Exchange
OptCategory[NN_bswap] = 2;               // Swap bytes in register
OptCategory[NN_xadd] = 0;                // t<-dest; dest<-src+dest; src<-t
OptCategory[NN_invd] = 1;                // Invalidate Data Cache
OptCategory[NN_wbinvd] = 1;              // Invalidate Data Cache (write changes)
OptCategory[NN_invlpg] = 1;              // Invalidate TLB entry

//      Pentium instructions

OptCategory[NN_rdmsr] = 8;               // Read Machine Status Register
OptCategory[NN_wrmsr] = 1;               // Write Machine Status Register
OptCategory[NN_cpuid] = 8;               // Get CPU ID
OptCategory[NN_cmpxchg8b] = 0;           // Compare and Exchange Eight Bytes
OptCategory[NN_rdtsc] = 8;               // Read Time Stamp Counter
OptCategory[NN_rsm] = 1;                 // Resume from System Management Mode

//      Pentium Pro instructions

OptCategory[NN_cmova] = 0;               // Move if Above (CF=0 & ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovb] = 0;               // Move if Below (CF=1)
OptCategory[NN_cmovbe] = 0;              // Move if Below or Equal (CF=1 | ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_cmovg] = 0;               // Move if Greater (ZF=0 & SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_cmovge] = 0;              // Move if Greater or Equal (SF=OF)
OptCategory[NN_cmovl] = 0;               // Move if Less (SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_cmovle] = 0;              // Move if Less or Equal (ZF=1 | SF!=OF)
OptCategory[NN_cmovnb] = 0;              // Move if Not Below (CF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovno] = 0;              // Move if Not Overflow (OF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovnp] = 0;              // Move if Not Parity (PF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovns] = 0;              // Move if Not Sign (SF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovnz] = 0;              // Move if Not Zero (ZF=0)
OptCategory[NN_cmovo] = 0;               // Move if Overflow (OF=1)
OptCategory[NN_cmovp] = 0;               // Move if Parity (PF=1)
OptCategory[NN_cmovs] = 0;               // Move if Sign (SF=1)
OptCategory[NN_cmovz] = 0;               // Move if Zero (ZF=1)
OptCategory[NN_fcmovb] = 1;              // Floating Move if Below          
OptCategory[NN_fcmove] = 1;              // Floating Move if Equal          
OptCategory[NN_fcmovbe] = 1;             // Floating Move if Below or Equal 
OptCategory[NN_fcmovu] = 1;              // Floating Move if Unordered      
OptCategory[NN_fcmovnb] = 1;             // Floating Move if Not Below      
OptCategory[NN_fcmovne] = 1;             // Floating Move if Not Equal      
OptCategory[NN_fcmovnbe] = 1;            // Floating Move if Not Below or Equal
OptCategory[NN_fcmovnu] = 1;             // Floating Move if Not Unordered     
OptCategory[NN_fcomi] = 1;               // FP Compare, result in EFLAGS
OptCategory[NN_fucomi] = 1;              // FP Unordered Compare, result in EFLAGS
OptCategory[NN_fcomip] = 1;              // FP Compare, result in EFLAGS, pop stack
OptCategory[NN_fucomip] = 1;             // FP Unordered Compare, result in EFLAGS, pop stack
OptCategory[NN_rdpmc] = 8;               // Read Performance Monitor Counter

//      FPP instructuions

OptCategory[NN_fld] = 1;                 // Load Real             ** Infer src is 'n'
OptCategory[NN_fst] = 9;                 // Store Real            
OptCategory[NN_fstp] = 9;                // Store Real and Pop   
OptCategory[NN_fxch] = 1;                // Exchange Registers
OptCategory[NN_fild] = 1;                // Load Integer          ** Infer src is 'n'
OptCategory[NN_fist] = 0;                // Store Integer
OptCategory[NN_fistp] = 0;               // Store Integer and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fbld] = 1;                // Load BCD
OptCategory[NN_fbstp] = 0;               // Store BCD and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fadd] = 1;                // Add Real
OptCategory[NN_faddp] = 1;               // Add Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fiadd] = 1;               // Add Integer
OptCategory[NN_fsub] = 1;                // Subtract Real
OptCategory[NN_fsubp] = 1;               // Subtract Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fisub] = 1;               // Subtract Integer
OptCategory[NN_fsubr] = 1;               // Subtract Real Reversed
OptCategory[NN_fsubrp] = 1;              // Subtract Real Reversed and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fisubr] = 1;              // Subtract Integer Reversed
OptCategory[NN_fmul] = 1;                // Multiply Real
OptCategory[NN_fmulp] = 1;               // Multiply Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fimul] = 1;               // Multiply Integer
OptCategory[NN_fdiv] = 1;                // Divide Real
OptCategory[NN_fdivp] = 1;               // Divide Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fidiv] = 1;               // Divide Integer
OptCategory[NN_fdivr] = 1;               // Divide Real Reversed
OptCategory[NN_fdivrp] = 1;              // Divide Real Reversed and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fidivr] = 1;              // Divide Integer Reversed
OptCategory[NN_fsqrt] = 1;               // Square Root
OptCategory[NN_fscale] = 1;              // Scale:  st(0) <- st(0) * 2^st(1)
OptCategory[NN_fprem] = 1;               // Partial Remainder
OptCategory[NN_frndint] = 1;             // Round to Integer
OptCategory[NN_fxtract] = 1;             // Extract exponent and significand
OptCategory[NN_fabs] = 1;                // Absolute value
OptCategory[NN_fchs] = 1;                // Change Sign
OptCategory[NN_fcom] = 1;                // Compare Real
OptCategory[NN_fcomp] = 1;               // Compare Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fcompp] = 1;              // Compare Real and Pop Twice
OptCategory[NN_ficom] = 1;               // Compare Integer
OptCategory[NN_ficomp] = 1;              // Compare Integer and Pop
OptCategory[NN_ftst] = 1;                // Test
OptCategory[NN_fxam] = 1;                // Examine
OptCategory[NN_fptan] = 1;               // Partial tangent
OptCategory[NN_fpatan] = 1;              // Partial arctangent
OptCategory[NN_f2xm1] = 1;               // 2^x - 1
OptCategory[NN_fyl2x] = 1;               // Y * lg2(X)
OptCategory[NN_fyl2xp1] = 1;             // Y * lg2(X+1)
OptCategory[NN_fldz] = 1;                // Load +0.0
OptCategory[NN_fld1] = 1;                // Load +1.0
OptCategory[NN_fldpi] = 1;               // Load PI=3.14...
OptCategory[NN_fldl2t] = 1;              // Load lg2(10)
OptCategory[NN_fldl2e] = 1;              // Load lg2(e)
OptCategory[NN_fldlg2] = 1;              // Load lg10(2)
OptCategory[NN_fldln2] = 1;              // Load ln(2)
OptCategory[NN_finit] = 1;               // Initialize Processor
OptCategory[NN_fninit] = 1;              // Initialize Processor (no wait)
OptCategory[NN_fsetpm] = 1;              // Set Protected Mode
OptCategory[NN_fldcw] = 1;               // Load Control Word
OptCategory[NN_fstcw] = 0;               // Store Control Word
OptCategory[NN_fnstcw] = 0;              // Store Control Word (no wait)
OptCategory[NN_fstsw] = 2;               // Store Status Word to memory or AX
OptCategory[NN_fnstsw] = 2;              // Store Status Word (no wait) to memory or AX
OptCategory[NN_fclex] = 1;               // Clear Exceptions
OptCategory[NN_fnclex] = 1;              // Clear Exceptions (no wait)
OptCategory[NN_fstenv] = 0;              // Store Environment
OptCategory[NN_fnstenv] = 0;             // Store Environment (no wait)
OptCategory[NN_fldenv] = 1;              // Load Environment
OptCategory[NN_fsave] = 0;               // Save State
OptCategory[NN_fnsave] = 0;              // Save State (no wait)
OptCategory[NN_frstor] = 1;              // Restore State    **  infer src is 'n'
OptCategory[NN_fincstp] = 1;             // Increment Stack Pointer
OptCategory[NN_fdecstp] = 1;             // Decrement Stack Pointer
OptCategory[NN_ffree] = 1;               // Free Register
OptCategory[NN_fnop] = 1;                // No Operation
OptCategory[NN_feni] = 1;                // (8087 only)
OptCategory[NN_fneni] = 1;               // (no wait) (8087 only)
OptCategory[NN_fdisi] = 1;               // (8087 only)
OptCategory[NN_fndisi] = 1;              // (no wait) (8087 only)

//      80387 instructions

OptCategory[NN_fprem1] = 1;              // Partial Remainder ( < half )
OptCategory[NN_fsincos] = 1;             // t<-cos(st); st<-sin(st); push t
OptCategory[NN_fsin] = 1;                // Sine
OptCategory[NN_fcos] = 1;                // Cosine
OptCategory[NN_fucom] = 1;               // Compare Unordered Real
OptCategory[NN_fucomp] = 1;              // Compare Unordered Real and Pop
OptCategory[NN_fucompp] = 1;             // Compare Unordered Real and Pop Twice

//      Instructions added 28.02.96

OptCategory[NN_setalc] = 2;              // Set AL to Carry Flag     **
OptCategory[NN_svdc] = 0;                // Save Register and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_rsdc] = 0;                // Restore Register and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_svldt] = 0;               // Save LDTR and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_rsldt] = 0;               // Restore LDTR and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_svts] = 1;                // Save TR and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_rsts] = 1;                // Restore TR and Descriptor
OptCategory[NN_icebp] = 1;               // ICE Break Point
OptCategory[NN_loadall] = 0;             // Load the entire CPU state from ES:EDI

//      MMX instructions

OptCategory[NN_emms] = 1;                // Empty MMX state
OptCategory[NN_movd] = 9;                // Move 32 bits
OptCategory[NN_movq] = 9;                // Move 64 bits
OptCategory[NN_packsswb] = 1;            // Pack with Signed Saturation (Word->Byte)
OptCategory[NN_packssdw] = 1;            // Pack with Signed Saturation (Dword->Word)
OptCategory[NN_packuswb] = 1;            // Pack with Unsigned Saturation (Word->Byte)
OptCategory[NN_paddb] = 1;               // Packed Add Byte
OptCategory[NN_paddw] = 1;               // Packed Add Word
OptCategory[NN_paddd] = 1;               // Packed Add Dword
OptCategory[NN_paddsb] = 1;              // Packed Add with Saturation (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_paddsw] = 1;              // Packed Add with Saturation (Word)
OptCategory[NN_paddusb] = 1;             // Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_paddusw] = 1;             // Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation (Word)
OptCategory[NN_pand] = 1;                // Bitwise Logical And
OptCategory[NN_pandn] = 1;               // Bitwise Logical And Not
OptCategory[NN_pcmpeqb] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_pcmpeqw] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Word)
OptCategory[NN_pcmpeqd] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Equal (Dword)
OptCategory[NN_pcmpgtb] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_pcmpgtw] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Word)
OptCategory[NN_pcmpgtd] = 1;             // Packed Compare for Greater Than (Dword)
OptCategory[NN_pmaddwd] = 1;             // Packed Multiply and Add
OptCategory[NN_pmulhw] = 1;              // Packed Multiply High
OptCategory[NN_pmullw] = 1;              // Packed Multiply Low
OptCategory[NN_por] = 1;                 // Bitwise Logical Or
OptCategory[NN_psllw] = 1;               // Packed Shift Left Logical (Word)
OptCategory[NN_pslld] = 1;               // Packed Shift Left Logical (Dword)
OptCategory[NN_psllq] = 1;               // Packed Shift Left Logical (Qword)
OptCategory[NN_psraw] = 1;               // Packed Shift Right Arithmetic (Word)
OptCategory[NN_psrad] = 1;               // Packed Shift Right Arithmetic (Dword)
OptCategory[NN_psrlw] = 1;               // Packed Shift Right Logical (Word)
OptCategory[NN_psrld] = 1;               // Packed Shift Right Logical (Dword)
OptCategory[NN_psrlq] = 1;               // Packed Shift Right Logical (Qword)
OptCategory[NN_psubb] = 1;               // Packed Subtract Byte
OptCategory[NN_psubw] = 1;               // Packed Subtract Word
OptCategory[NN_psubd] = 1;               // Packed Subtract Dword
OptCategory[NN_psubsb] = 1;              // Packed Subtract with Saturation (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_psubsw] = 1;              // Packed Subtract with Saturation (Word)
OptCategory[NN_psubusb] = 1;             // Packed Subtract Unsigned with Saturation (Byte)
OptCategory[NN_psubusw] = 1;             // Packed Subtract Unsigned with Saturation (Word)
OptCategory[NN_punpckhbw] = 1;           // Unpack High Packed Data (Byte->Word)
OptCategory[NN_punpckhwd] = 1;           // Unpack High Packed Data (Word->Dword)
OptCategory[NN_punpckhdq] = 1;           // Unpack High Packed Data (Dword->Qword)
OptCategory[NN_punpcklbw] = 1;           // Unpack Low Packed Data (Byte->Word)
OptCategory[NN_punpcklwd] = 1;           // Unpack Low Packed Data (Word->Dword)
OptCategory[NN_punpckldq] = 1;           // Unpack Low Packed Data (Dword->Qword)
OptCategory[NN_pxor] = 1;                // Bitwise Logical Exclusive Or

//      Undocumented Deschutes processor instructions

OptCategory[NN_fxsave] = 1;              // Fast save FP context            ** to where?
OptCategory[NN_fxrstor] = 1;             // Fast restore FP context         ** from where?

//      Pentium II instructions

OptCategory[NN_sysenter] = 1;            // Fast Transition to System Call Entry Point
OptCategory[NN_sysexit] = 1;             // Fast Transition from System Call Entry Point

//      3DNow! instructions

OptCategory[NN_pavgusb] = 1;             // Packed 8-bit Unsigned Integer Averaging
OptCategory[NN_pfadd] = 1;               // Packed Floating-Point Addition
OptCategory[NN_pfsub] = 1;               // Packed Floating-Point Subtraction
OptCategory[NN_pfsubr] = 1;              // Packed Floating-Point Reverse Subtraction
OptCategory[NN_pfacc] = 1;               // Packed Floating-Point Accumulate
OptCategory[NN_pfcmpge] = 1;             // Packed Floating-Point Comparison, Greater or Equal
OptCategory[NN_pfcmpgt] = 1;             // Packed Floating-Point Comparison, Greater
OptCategory[NN_pfcmpeq] = 1;             // Packed Floating-Point Comparison, Equal
OptCategory[NN_pfmin] = 1;               // Packed Floating-Point Minimum
OptCategory[NN_pfmax] = 1;               // Packed Floating-Point Maximum
OptCategory[NN_pi2fd] = 1;               // Packed 32-bit Integer to Floating-Point
OptCategory[NN_pf2id] = 1;               // Packed Floating-Point to 32-bit Integer
OptCategory[NN_pfrcp] = 1;               // Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal Approximation
OptCategory[NN_pfrsqrt] = 1;             // Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal Square Root Approximation
OptCategory[NN_pfmul] = 1;               // Packed Floating-Point Multiplication
OptCategory[NN_pfrcpit1] = 1;            // Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal First Iteration Step
OptCategory[NN_pfrsqit1] = 1;            // Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal Square Root First Iteration Step
OptCategory[NN_pfrcpit2] = 1;            // Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal Second Iteration Step
OptCategory[NN_pmulhrw] = 1;             // Packed Floating-Point 16-bit Integer Multiply with rounding
OptCategory[NN_femms] = 1;               // Faster entry/exit of the MMX or floating-point state
OptCategory[NN_prefetch] = 1;            // Prefetch at least a 32-byte line into L1 data cache
OptCategory[NN_prefetchw] = 1;           // Prefetch processor cache line into L1 data cache (mark as modified)

//      Pentium III instructions

OptCategory[NN_addps] = 1;               // Packed Single-FP Add
OptCategory[NN_addss] = 1;               // Scalar Single-FP Add
OptCategory[NN_andnps] = 1;              // Bitwise Logical And Not for Single-FP
OptCategory[NN_andps] = 1;               // Bitwise Logical And for Single-FP
OptCategory[NN_cmpps] = 1;               // Packed Single-FP Compare
OptCategory[NN_cmpss] = 1;               // Scalar Single-FP Compare
OptCategory[NN_comiss] = 1;              // Scalar Ordered Single-FP Compare and Set EFLAGS
OptCategory[NN_cvtpi2ps] = 1;            // Packed signed INT32 to Packed Single-FP conversion
OptCategory[NN_cvtps2pi] = 1;            // Packed Single-FP to Packed INT32 conversion
OptCategory[NN_cvtsi2ss] = 1;            // Scalar signed INT32 to Single-FP conversion
OptCategory[NN_cvtss2si] = 2;            // Scalar Single-FP to signed INT32 conversion
OptCategory[NN_cvttps2pi] = 1;           // Packed Single-FP to Packed INT32 conversion (truncate)
OptCategory[NN_cvttss2si] = 2;           // Scalar Single-FP to signed INT32 conversion (truncate)
OptCategory[NN_divps] = 1;               // Packed Single-FP Divide
OptCategory[NN_divss] = 1;               // Scalar Single-FP Divide
OptCategory[NN_ldmxcsr] = 1;             // Load Streaming SIMD Extensions Technology Control/Status Register
OptCategory[NN_maxps] = 1;               // Packed Single-FP Maximum
OptCategory[NN_maxss] = 1;               // Scalar Single-FP Maximum
OptCategory[NN_minps] = 1;               // Packed Single-FP Minimum
OptCategory[NN_minss] = 1;               // Scalar Single-FP Minimum
OptCategory[NN_movaps] = 9;              // Move Aligned Four Packed Single-FP  ** infer memsrc 'n'?
OptCategory[NN_movhlps] = 1;             // Move High to Low Packed Single-FP
OptCategory[NN_movhps] = 1;              // Move High Packed Single-FP
OptCategory[NN_movlhps] = 1;             // Move Low to High Packed Single-FP
OptCategory[NN_movlps] = 1;              // Move Low Packed Single-FP
OptCategory[NN_movmskps] = 1;            // Move Mask to Register
OptCategory[NN_movss] = 9;               // Move Scalar Single-FP
OptCategory[NN_movups] = 9;              // Move Unaligned Four Packed Single-FP
OptCategory[NN_mulps] = 1;               // Packed Single-FP Multiply
OptCategory[NN_mulss] = 1;               // Scalar Single-FP Multiply
OptCategory[NN_orps] = 1;                // Bitwise Logical OR for Single-FP Data
OptCategory[NN_rcpps] = 1;               // Packed Single-FP Reciprocal
OptCategory[NN_rcpss] = 1;               // Scalar Single-FP Reciprocal
OptCategory[NN_rsqrtps] = 1;             // Packed Single-FP Square Root Reciprocal
OptCategory[NN_rsqrtss] = 1;             // Scalar Single-FP Square Root Reciprocal
OptCategory[NN_shufps] = 1;              // Shuffle Single-FP
OptCategory[NN_sqrtps] = 1;              // Packed Single-FP Square Root
OptCategory[NN_sqrtss] = 1;              // Scalar Single-FP Square Root