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SMPInstr.cpp 293 KiB
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				// UNINIT SMP_ASSIGN operator, but either LeftType or RightType is not UNINIT.
				if (UNINIT != RightType) {
					// We have to special case conditional moves. Only if both operands
					//  (the source and the prior value of the potential destination,
					//  which was added to the USE set by BuildMoveRTL()) agree in type
					//  can we propagate their common type to the operator and ultimately
					//  to the DEF.
					if ((!this->MDIsConditionalMoveInstr()) || this->Uses.TypesAgreeNoFlags()) {
						CurrRT->SetOperatorType(RightType, this);
					CurrRT->SetOperatorType(LeftType, this);
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			else if (UNINIT == LeftType) {
				// SMP_ASSIGN operator has type, so propagate it.
				LeftType = OperType;
				CurrDef = this->SetDefType(DefOp, OperType);
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				updated = true;
				// Propagate the new DEF type unless it is an indirect memory access.
				//  Future: Propagate until re-DEF of addressing register terminates
				//  the propagation. **!!**
				if (!MDIsIndirectMemoryOpnd(DefOp, this->BasicBlock->GetFunc()->UsesFramePointer())) {
					bool IsMemOp = (o_reg != DefOp.type);
					bool MemPropagate = MDIsStackAccessOpnd(DefOp, UseFP);
					// Be conservative and only propagate register DEFs and SAFE stack locs.
					//  We can improve this in the future. **!!**
					MemPropagate = MemPropagate && SafeFunc;
					if ((o_reg == DefOp.type) || MemPropagate) {
						if (this->BasicBlock->IsLocalName(DefOp)) {
							(void) this->BasicBlock->PropagateLocalDefType(DefOp, LeftType,
								this->GetAddr(), SSANum, IsMemOp);
						else { // global name
							this->BasicBlock->GetFunc()->ResetProcessedBlocks(); // set Processed to false
							(void) this->BasicBlock->PropagateGlobalDefType(DefOp, LeftType,
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			else if (UNINIT == RightType) {
				// SMP_ASSIGN operator has type, so propagate it.
				if (CurrRT->HasRightSubTree()) {
					CurrRT->GetRightTree()->SetOperatorType(OperType, this);
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					updated |= this->InferOperatorType(CurrRT->GetRightTree());
				else {
					// For conditional moves, propagate to the pseudo-USE of the
					//  destination register as well as the source operand.
					if (this->MDIsConditionalMoveInstr()) {
						CurrUse = this->FindUse(DefOp);
						assert(CurrUse != this->GetLastUse());
						if (UNINIT == CurrUse->GetType())
							CurrUse = this->SetUseType(DefOp, OperType);
						else if (OperType != CurrUse->GetType()) {
							msg("WARNING: Avoiding lattice oscillation from type %d to %d at %x for: ",
								CurrUse->GetType(), OperType, this->address);
					CurrUse = this->SetUseType(UseOp, OperType);
					updated = true;
			msg("ERROR: Unknown operator in %s\n", this->GetDisasm());
	} // end switch on operator

	return updated;
} // end of SMPInstr::InferOperatorType()

// Transfer function: Does operator propagate signedness of its operands to its result?
bool SMPInstr::DoesOperatorTransferSign(SMPoperator CurrOp) {
	bool transfer = false;

	switch (CurrOp) {
		case SMP_CALL:  // CALL instruction
		case SMP_INPUT:  // input from port
		case SMP_OUTPUT: // output to port
		case SMP_SYSTEM_OPERATION:   // for instructions such as CPUID, RDTSC, etc.; NUMERIC
			// No concept of signedness for some operators

		case SMP_ADDRESS_OF: // take effective address
		case SMP_U_LEFT_SHIFT: // unsigned left shift
		case SMP_U_RIGHT_SHIFT: // unsigned right shift
		case SMP_ROTATE_LEFT_CARRY: // rotate left through carry
		case SMP_ROTATE_RIGHT_CARRY: // rotate right through carry
		case SMP_U_DIVIDE:
		case SMP_BITWISE_NOT: // unary operator
		case SMP_U_COMPARE: // unsigned compare (AND-based)
		case SMP_S_LEFT_SHIFT: // signed left shift
		case SMP_S_RIGHT_SHIFT: // signed right shift
		case SMP_S_DIVIDE:
		case SMP_NEGATE:    // unary negation
		case SMP_S_COMPARE: // signed compare (subtraction-based)
		case SMP_LESS_THAN: // boolean test operators
			// Inherently unsigned and signed operators force the signedness
			//  of their results, rather than propagating the signedness of
			//  their operands.

		case SMP_ADD:
		case SMP_ADD_CARRY:   // add with carry
		case SMP_SUBTRACT_BORROW:  // subtract with borrow
		case SMP_ASSIGN:
		case SMP_EQUAL:
		case SMP_UNARY_NUMERIC_OPERATION:  // miscellaneous; produces NUMERIC result
		case SMP_BINARY_NUMERIC_OPERATION:  // miscellaneous; produces NUMERIC result
			transfer = true;

		case SMP_UNARY_FLOATING_ARITHMETIC:  // all the same to our type system; all NUMERIC
		case SMP_BINARY_FLOATING_ARITHMETIC:  // all the same to our type system; all NUMERIC
		case SMP_REVERSE_SHIFT_U: // Shift right operand by bit count in left operand
		case SMP_SHUFFLE: // Shuffle bytes, words, etc. within destination operation per source mask
		case SMP_COMPARE_EQ_AND_SET: // Compare for equality and set fields to all 1's or all 0's
		case SMP_COMPARE_GT_AND_SET: // Compare for greater-than and set fields to all 1's or all 0's
		case SMP_INTERLEAVE: // extended-precision interleaving of bytes or words or dwords etc.; NUMERIC
		case SMP_CONCATENATE:     // extended-precision concatenation; NUMERIC
			transfer = true;

			msg("ERROR: Unknown operator in %s\n", this->GetDisasm());
	} // end switch on operator

	return transfer;
} // end of SMPInstr::DoesOperatorTransferSign()

// Initial inferences (if any) about FG info of operand based solely on the RTL operator type above it in RTL.
bool SMPInstr::InitFGInfoFromOperator(SMPoperator CurrOp, struct FineGrainedInfo &InitFG) {
	bool changed = false;

	switch (CurrOp) {

		case SMP_CALL:  // CALL instruction
			InitFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_UNSIGNED; // target address is unsigned 32-bit

		case SMP_INPUT:  // input from port
		case SMP_OUTPUT: // output to port
		case SMP_ADDRESS_OF: // take effective address
		case SMP_U_COMPARE: // unsigned compare (AND-based)
		case SMP_S_COMPARE: // signed compare (subtraction-based)
			// NOTE: The AND-based and subtraction-based comparisons are used
			//  on lots of operands of all types, and the conditional jump that
			//  follows determines signedness, not the operator.

		case SMP_U_LEFT_SHIFT: // unsigned left shift
		case SMP_U_RIGHT_SHIFT: // unsigned right shift
		case SMP_ROTATE_LEFT_CARRY: // rotate left through carry
		case SMP_ROTATE_RIGHT_CARRY: // rotate right through carry
		case SMP_U_DIVIDE:
		case SMP_BITWISE_NOT: // unary operator
			InitFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_UNSIGNED;

		case SMP_S_LEFT_SHIFT: // signed left shift
		case SMP_S_RIGHT_SHIFT: // signed right shift
		case SMP_S_DIVIDE:
		case SMP_NEGATE:    // unary negation
		case SMP_LESS_THAN: // boolean test operators
			InitFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_SIGNED;

		case SMP_ADD:
		case SMP_ADD_CARRY:   // add with carry
		case SMP_SUBTRACT_BORROW:  // subtract with borrow
		case SMP_ASSIGN:
		case SMP_EQUAL:
		case SMP_UNARY_NUMERIC_OPERATION:  // miscellaneous; produces NUMERIC result
		case SMP_BINARY_NUMERIC_OPERATION:  // miscellaneous; produces NUMERIC result
		case SMP_SYSTEM_OPERATION:   // for instructions such as CPUID, RDTSC, etc.; NUMERIC

		case SMP_UNARY_FLOATING_ARITHMETIC:  // all the same to our type system; all NUMERIC
		case SMP_BINARY_FLOATING_ARITHMETIC:  // all the same to our type system; all NUMERIC
			InitFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_SIGNED;
			InitFG.SizeInfo |= FG_MASK_FLOAT_MMX;

		case SMP_REVERSE_SHIFT_U: // Shift right operand by bit count in left operand
		case SMP_SHUFFLE: // Shuffle bytes, words, etc. within destination operation per source mask
		case SMP_COMPARE_EQ_AND_SET: // Compare for equality and set fields to all 1's or all 0's
		case SMP_COMPARE_GT_AND_SET: // Compare for greater-than and set fields to all 1's or all 0's
		case SMP_INTERLEAVE: // extended-precision interleaving of bytes or words or dwords etc.; NUMERIC
		case SMP_CONCATENATE:     // extended-precision concatenation; NUMERIC
			InitFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_SIGNED;

			msg("ERROR: Unknown operator in %s\n", this->GetDisasm());
	} // end switch on operator

} // end of SMPInstr::InitFGInfoFromOperator()

// helper for InferOperatorFGInfo() to update DEF maps, return true if changed maps
bool SMPInstr::UpdateDefOpFGInfo(op_t DefOp, struct FineGrainedInfo NewFG) {
	bool MapsChanged = false; // Changes to maps of name/SSA to FG info?
	set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator DefIter;
	int SSANum;
	int DefHashValue;
	op_t SearchOp;
	bool LocalName;
	struct FineGrainedInfo OldFG, UnionFG;

	// If operator is inherently signed, then we will have 
	//  a sign bit set in NewFG from InitFGInfoFromOperator().
	DefIter = this->FindDef(DefOp);
	assert(DefIter != this->GetLastDef());
	SSANum = DefIter->GetSSANum();
	SearchOp = DefOp;
	SearchOp.reg = MDCanonicalizeSubReg(DefOp.reg);
	DefHashValue = HashGlobalNameAndSSA(SearchOp, SSANum);
	LocalName = this->BasicBlock->IsLocalName(DefOp);
	if (LocalName) {
		// Get old FG info from block level.
		OldFG = this->BasicBlock->GetDefFGInfo(DefHashValue);
	else { // global name
		// Get old FG info from function level.
		OldFG = this->BasicBlock->GetFunc()->GetDefFGInfo(DefHashValue);
	UnionFG.SignMiscInfo = OldFG.SignMiscInfo | NewFG.SignMiscInfo;
	UnionFG.SizeInfo = OldFG.SizeInfo | NewFG.SizeInfo;
	if ((OldFG.SignMiscInfo != UnionFG.SignMiscInfo) || (OldFG.SizeInfo != UnionFG.SizeInfo)) {
		// The signs they are a-changin'.
		MapsChanged = true;
		if (LocalName)
			this->BasicBlock->UpdateDefFGInfo(DefHashValue, UnionFG);
			this->BasicBlock->GetFunc()->UpdateDefFGInfo(DefHashValue, UnionFG);
	return MapsChanged;
} // end of SMPInstr::UpdateDefOpFGInfo()

// helper for InferOperatorFGInfo() to update USE maps, return true if changed maps
bool SMPInstr::UpdateUseOpFGInfo(op_t UseOp, struct FineGrainedInfo NewFG) {
	bool MapsChanged = false; // Changes to maps of name/SSA to FG info?
	set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator UseIter;
	int SSANum;
	int UseHashValue;
	op_t SearchOp;
	bool LocalName;
	struct FineGrainedInfo OldFG, UnionFG;

	// If operator is inherently signed, then we will have 
	//  a sign bit set in NewFG from InitFGInfoFromOperator().
	UseIter = this->FindUse(UseOp);
	assert(UseIter != this->GetLastUse());
	SSANum = UseIter->GetSSANum();
	SearchOp = UseOp;
	SearchOp.reg = MDCanonicalizeSubReg(UseOp.reg);
	UseHashValue = HashGlobalNameAndSSA(SearchOp, SSANum);
	LocalName = this->BasicBlock->IsLocalName(UseOp);
	if (LocalName) {
		// Get old FG info from block level.
		OldFG = this->BasicBlock->GetUseFGInfo(UseHashValue);
	else { // global name
		// Get old FG info from function level.
		OldFG = this->BasicBlock->GetFunc()->GetUseFGInfo(UseHashValue);
	UnionFG.SignMiscInfo = OldFG.SignMiscInfo | NewFG.SignMiscInfo;
	UnionFG.SizeInfo = OldFG.SizeInfo | NewFG.SizeInfo;
	if ((OldFG.SignMiscInfo != UnionFG.SignMiscInfo) || (OldFG.SizeInfo != UnionFG.SizeInfo)) {
		// The signs they are a-changin'.
		MapsChanged = true;
		if (LocalName)
			this->BasicBlock->UpdateUseFGInfo(UseHashValue, UnionFG);
			this->BasicBlock->GetFunc()->UpdateUseFGInfo(UseHashValue, UnionFG);
	return MapsChanged;
} // end of SMPInstr::UpdateUseOpFGInfo()

// Helper to fetch DEF signedness info for UseOp that has none.
unsigned short SMPInstr::GetDefSignInfoFromUseOp(op_t UseOp) {
	set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator UseIter;
	int SSANum, UseHashValue;
	op_t SearchOp;
	bool LocalName;

	UseIter = this->FindUse(UseOp);
	assert(UseIter != this->GetLastUse());
	SSANum = UseIter->GetSSANum();
	SearchOp = UseOp;
	SearchOp.reg = MDCanonicalizeSubReg(UseOp.reg);
	UseHashValue = HashGlobalNameAndSSA(SearchOp, SSANum);
	LocalName = this->BasicBlock->IsLocalName(SearchOp);
	if (LocalName) {
		// Get old sign info from block level.
		return this->BasicBlock->GetDefSignMiscInfo(UseHashValue);
	else { // global name
		// Get old sign info from function level.
		return this->BasicBlock->GetFunc()->GetDefSignMiscInfo(UseHashValue);
} // end of SMPInstr::GetDefSignInfoFromUseOp()
// infer FG info, + width on FirstIter; pass out FG info for op subtree, return true if change made to any FG info map.
bool SMPInstr::InferOperatorFGInfo(SMPRegTransfer *CurrRT, bool FirstIter, struct FineGrainedInfo &OpFG) {
	// INCOMPLETE: Just doing the (FirstIter == true) work.
	bool MapsChanged = false; // Changes to maps of name/SSA to FG info?
	bool NewChange = false;  // Bit changes from InitFGInfoFromOperator() ?
	SMPoperator CurrOp = CurrRT->GetOperator();
	struct FineGrainedInfo LeftFG, OldLeftFG;
	struct FineGrainedInfo RightFG, OldRightFG;
	op_t LeftOp, RightOp;
	unsigned short WidthMask, SignMask;
	bool CurrOpTransfersSign = this->DoesOperatorTransferSign(CurrOp);

	// Recurse to the right first, so we can do a depth-first accumulation of FG info.
	RightFG.SignMiscInfo = 0;
	RightFG.SizeInfo = 0;
	if (CurrRT->HasRightSubTree()) {
		if (FirstIter) { // Get width as well as signedness
			NewChange = this->InitFGInfoFromOperator(CurrOp, RightFG);
		} // end if (FirstIter)
		MapsChanged |= this->InferOperatorFGInfo(CurrRT->GetRightTree(), FirstIter, RightFG);
	else {
		RightOp = CurrRT->GetRightOperand();
		if ((RightOp.type == o_reg) && !RightOp.is_reg(MD_INSTRUCTION_POINTER_REG)) {
			if (FirstIter) { // Get width as well as signedness
				NewChange = this->InitFGInfoFromOperator(CurrOp, RightFG);
				WidthMask = ComputeOperandBitWidthMask(RightOp, 0);
				RightFG.SizeInfo |= WidthMask;
			} // end if (FirstIter)
			// Propagate signedness on all iterations.
			// If operator is inherently signed, then we will have 
			//  a sign bit set in RightFG from InitFGInfoFromOperator().
			if ((RightFG.SignMiscInfo == 0) && CurrOpTransfersSign) {
				// We have a USE with no sign info. See if we
				//  can get sign info from the DEF of this USE so we can
				//  transfer it up the RTL tree. 
				RightFG.SignMiscInfo = 
					(FG_MASK_SIGNEDNESS_BITS & (this->GetDefSignInfoFromUseOp(RightOp)));
			if ((RightFG.SignMiscInfo != 0) || (RightFG.SizeInfo != 0))
				MapsChanged |= this->UpdateUseOpFGInfo(RightOp, RightFG);
		} // end if (RightOP is o_reg)
	} // end if (right subtree) else right operand

	LeftFG.SignMiscInfo = 0;
	LeftFG.SizeInfo = 0;
	LeftOp = CurrRT->GetLeftOperand();
	// Skip control-flow assignments to the instruction pointer register.
	if ((LeftOp.type == o_reg) && !LeftOp.is_reg(MD_INSTRUCTION_POINTER_REG)) {
		bool OpIsDEF = (SMP_ASSIGN == CurrOp);
		if (FirstIter) { // Get width as well as signedness
			NewChange = this->InitFGInfoFromOperator(CurrOp, LeftFG);
			// Special case: For sign-extended and zero-extended loads,
			//  we don't know whether the DEF will always be USEd as
			//  the smaller or larger size. For example, we could
			//  zero-extend a 16-bit stack location into a 32-bit register
			//  just because the compiler always loads unsigned shorts
			//  that way, but we might never use it as a 32-bit value.
			//  So there is no truncation if we store only 16 bits later.
			//  By setting the target of an extended load to zero width,
			//  we signal that we want the maximum USE width to determine
			//  whether the store is truncated (see EmitIntegerErrorAnnotations).
			WidthMask = ComputeOperandBitWidthMask(LeftOp, 0);
			if (OpIsDEF) {
				if (this->MDIsSignedLoad(SignMask)) {
					WidthMask = 0;
				// DEF inherits sign from right hand side.
				LeftFG.SignMiscInfo |= RightFG.SignMiscInfo; 
			else if ((LeftFG.SignMiscInfo == 0) && CurrOpTransfersSign) {
				// We have a USE, not a DEF, with no sign info. See if we
				//  can get sign info from the DEF of this USE so we can
				//  transfer it up the RTL tree. 
				LeftFG.SignMiscInfo = 
					(FG_MASK_SIGNEDNESS_BITS & (this->GetDefSignInfoFromUseOp(LeftOp)));
			LeftFG.SizeInfo |= WidthMask;
			if ((LeftFG.SignMiscInfo != 0) || (LeftFG.SizeInfo != 0)) {
				// Either NewChanged or CurrOpTransfersSign is true or we set WidthMask above.
				//  See if we would change the FG map entry.
				if (OpIsDEF) { // Need DEF map info
					MapsChanged |= this->UpdateDefOpFGInfo(LeftOp, LeftFG);
				else { // need USE map info
					MapsChanged |= this->UpdateUseOpFGInfo(LeftOp, LeftFG);
			} // end if non-zero LeftFG info
		} // end if (FirstIter)

	// Prepare to return FG info for operator. First, OR the left and right FG infos.
	if (NewChange || MapsChanged || CurrOpTransfersSign) {
		OpFG.SignMiscInfo |= LeftFG.SignMiscInfo;
		OpFG.SizeInfo |= LeftFG.SizeInfo;
		OpFG.SignMiscInfo |= RightFG.SignMiscInfo;
		OpFG.SizeInfo |= RightFG.SizeInfo;
	// An operator could override the width or signedness info of its operands.
	if (CurrOp == SMP_ADDRESS_OF) {
		// Result is 32-bit data pointer.
		OpFG.SizeInfo &= (~FG_MASK_BITWIDTH_FIELDS); // clear all width bits
		OpFG.SignMiscInfo &= (~FG_MASK_SIGNED);
		OpFG.SignMiscInfo |= FG_MASK_UNSIGNED;

} // end of SMPInstr::InferOperatorFGInfo()

// infer width on first pass, signedness on all passes
bool SMPInstr::InferFGInfo(unsigned short IterCount) {
	bool MapsChanged = false; // Changes to maps of name/SSA to FG info?
	struct FineGrainedInfo OpFG;
	SMPitype DFType = this->GetDataFlowType();

	assert(0 < IterCount); // start IterCount at 1, not 0.

	if (DFType != DEFAULT) {
		// We have a control flow instruction, e.g. call, return, branch, jump
		//  No data operands unless these instructions are indirect through a register,
		//  and the indirect operand is a memory operand in that case, e.g. [eax].
		return MapsChanged;

	OpFG.SignMiscInfo = 0;
	OpFG.SizeInfo = 0;

	for (size_t index = 0; index < this->RTL.GetCount(); ++index) {
		SMPRegTransfer *CurrRT = this->RTL.GetRT(index);
		if (SMP_NULL_OPERATOR == CurrRT->GetOperator()) // nothing to infer
		MapsChanged |= this->InferOperatorFGInfo(CurrRT, (1 == IterCount), OpFG);
		if (SMP_CALL == CurrRT->GetOperator()) // no LeftOp DEF
	} // end for all RTs in the RTL

} // end of SMPInstr::InferFGInfo()

// Get the meet of the metadata types of all non-flags DEFs.
SMPMetadataType SMPInstr::GetDefMetadataType(void) {
	set<DefOrUse, LessDefUse>::iterator CurrDef;

	for (CurrDef = this->GetFirstDef(); CurrDef != this->GetLastDef(); ++CurrDef) {
		SMPMetadataType CurrType;
		op_t DefOp = CurrDef->GetOp();
		if (DefOp.is_reg(X86_FLAGS_REG))
			continue; // flags are always unused metadata; irrelevant
		CurrType = CurrDef->GetMetadataStatus();
		if (MeetType == CurrType)
			continue; // no meet operation to perform
		// Any time we find USED metadata, that overrides all other types.
		if (CurrType == DEF_METADATA_USED)
			return CurrType;
			MeetType = CurrType;
		else if (MeetType < DEF_METADATA_REDUNDANT) {
			// Conflict between types of different DEFs. It could be that
			//  a multiply or divide instruction DEFs EAX and EDX, and one
			//  of them is used in a store and the other is unused. In that
			//  case, the final MeetType is USED and we can return. Or, if
			//  one type is UNUSED and the other is REDUNDANT, we can set
			//  the final type to the REDUNDANT type and return. The USED case
			//  is handled above, so we must have the UNUSED vs. REDUNDANT case.
			assert(CurrType >= DEF_METADATA_REDUNDANT);
			MeetType = CurrType;
		else { // MeetType REDUNDANT, not equal to CurrType.
			if (CurrType >= DEF_METADATA_REDUNDANT) {
				// One type is profile derived, both are REDUNDANT.
			else {
				assert(DEF_METADATA_UNUSED == CurrType);
				// leave MeetType as REDUNDANT
	} // end for all DEFs

	return MeetType;
} // end of SMPInstr::GetDefMetadataType()

// Handle x86 opcode SIB byte annotations.
void SMPInstr::MDAnnotateSIBStackConstants(FILE *AnnotFile, op_t Opnd, ea_t offset, bool UseFP) {
	int BaseReg;
	int IndexReg;
	ea_t displacement;
	ushort ScaleFactor;

	MDExtractAddressFields(Opnd, BaseReg, IndexReg, ScaleFactor, displacement);

	if (BaseReg == R_sp) { // ESP cannot be IndexReg
		// ESP-relative constant offset
				"%10x %6d PTRIMMEDESP STACK %d displ %s\n",
				this->SMPcmd.ea, this->SMPcmd.size, offset, this->disasm);
	else if (UseFP && ((IndexReg == R_bp) || (BaseReg == R_bp))) {
		// EBP-relative constant offset
				"%10x %6d PTRIMMEDEBP STACK %d displ %s\n",
				this->SMPcmd.ea, this->SMPcmd.size, offset, this->disasm);

} // end of MDAnnotateSIBStackConstants

// Emit annotations for constants used as ptr offsets from EBP or
//  ESP into the stack frame. Only pay attention to EBP-relative
//  offsets if EBP is being used as a frame pointer (UseFP == true).
void SMPInstr::AnnotateStackConstants(bool UseFP, FILE *AnnotFile) {
	op_t Opnd;
	ea_t offset;
	int BaseReg;
	int IndexReg;
	ushort ScaleFactor;

#if 0
	if (this->address == 0x80925f4) {
	for (int i = 0; i < UA_MAXOP; ++i) {
		Opnd = this->SMPcmd.Operands[i];
		if ((Opnd.type == o_displ) || (Opnd.type == o_phrase))
			MDExtractAddressFields(Opnd, BaseReg, IndexReg, ScaleFactor, offset);

		if (Opnd.type == o_displ) {
			if (Opnd.hasSIB) {
				MDAnnotateSIBStackConstants(AnnotFile, Opnd, offset, UseFP);
			else { // no SIB
				if (BaseReg == R_sp) {
					// ESP-relative constant offset
							"%10x %6d PTRIMMEDESP STACK %d displ %s\n",
							this->SMPcmd.ea, this->SMPcmd.size, offset, disasm);
				else if (UseFP && (BaseReg == R_bp)) {
					// EBP-relative constant offset
							"%10x %6d PTRIMMEDEBP STACK %d displ %s\n",
							this->SMPcmd.ea, this->SMPcmd.size, offset, disasm);
			} // end if (Opnd.hasSIB) ... else ...
		} // end if (Opnd.type == o_displ) 
		else if (Opnd.type == o_phrase) {
			offset = 0; // mmStrata thinks [esp] is [esp+0]
			if (Opnd.hasSIB) {
				MDAnnotateSIBStackConstants(AnnotFile, Opnd, offset, UseFP);
			else { // Something like [ecx]; is it [esp] or [ebp] ?
				if (BaseReg == R_sp) {
					// ESP-relative constant offset
							"%10x %6d PTRIMMEDESP STACK %d displ %s\n",
							this->SMPcmd.ea, this->SMPcmd.size, offset, disasm);
				else if (UseFP && (BaseReg == R_bp)) {
					// EBP-relative constant offset
							"%10x %6d PTRIMMEDEBP STACK %d displ %s\n",
							this->SMPcmd.ea, this->SMPcmd.size, offset, disasm);
			} // end if (Opnd.hasSIB) ... else ...
		} // end else if (Opnd.type == o_phrase)
	} // end for all operands

	// If we move a stack pointer or frame pointer into another register, we
	//  need to annotate the implicit zero offset, e.g. mov edi,esp == mov edi,esp+0
	//  and edi is becoming a stack pointer that mmStrata needs to track.
	if (this->MDIsStackPointerCopy(UseFP)) {
		// Two possibilities: a move of the stack pointer, or an "lea"
		//  opcode, e.g. lea eax,[eap+8] ==> eax:=esp+8. In the move
		//  instruction (e.g. mov eax,esp), we have the implicit zero
		//  offset from the stack pointer register, but in the lea case,
		//  we might have zero or some other offset (lea eax,[esp] has
		//  the implicit zero).
		int ESPoffset = 0;
		if (NN_lea == this->SMPcmd.itype) {
			ESPoffset = this->MDGetImmedUse();
		// NOTE: Looks like this next line should be "else" because an lea instruction
		//  looks like it has a memory operand, hence it has already been handled above.
		//  We are getting duplicate annotations for lea instructions.
			if (UseFP && this->GetFirstUse()->GetOp().is_reg(R_bp)) {
				qfprintf(AnnotFile,	"%10x %6d PTRIMMEDEBP STACK %d displ %s\n",
						this->SMPcmd.ea, this->SMPcmd.size, ESPoffset, disasm);
			else {
				qfprintf(AnnotFile,	"%10x %6d PTRIMMEDESP STACK %d displ %s\n",
						this->SMPcmd.ea, this->SMPcmd.size, ESPoffset, disasm);

} // end of SMPInstr::AnnotateStackConstants()

// Emit all annotations for the instruction in the absence of RTL type inference.
void SMPInstr::EmitAnnotations(bool UseFP, bool AllocSeen, bool NeedsFrame, FILE *AnnotFile) {
	ea_t addr = this->address;
	flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
	bool MemDest = this->HasDestMemoryOperand();
	bool MemSrc = this->HasSourceMemoryOperand();
	bool SecondSrcOperandImmNum = this->IsSecondSrcOperandNumeric(InstrFlags); 	// assumes 2nd source is Imm or not-numeric?!
	bool NoWarnFlag = false; // NOWARN annotation emitted?
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	bool OrphanCode = (NULL == this->BasicBlock);
	ProfilerInformation *ProfInfo = NULL;
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	if (!OrphanCode)
		ProfInfo = this->BasicBlock->GetFunc()->GetProg()->GetProfInfo();

	++OptCount[OptType]; // keep count for debugging info

	if (MemDest || MemSrc) {
		msg("OptType: %d %s", OptType, disasm);

	// Emit appropriate optimization annotations.
	bool SDTInstrumentation = false;
	switch (OptType) {
		case 0:  // SDT will have to handle these
			msg("OptType 0: %x  %s\n", addr, disasm);
			// mmStrata wants to suppress warnings on the PUSH
			//  instructions that precede the LocalVarsAllocInstr
			//  (i.e. the PUSHes of callee-saved regs).
			if ((!AllocSeen || !NeedsFrame) && this->MDIsPushInstr()) {
				qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL NoWarn %s \n",
			else {
				SDTInstrumentation = true;

		case 1:  // nothing for SDT to do
		{	qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL %s %s \n",
					addr, -1, OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);

		case 4:  // INC, DEC, etc.: no SDT work unless MemDest
		{	if (MemDest || MemSrc) {
				SDTInstrumentation = true;
				break;  // treat as category 0
			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL Always1stSrc %s \n",
					addr, -1, disasm);

		case 5: // ADD, etc.: If numeric 2nd src operand, no SDT work.
		{	if (MemDest || MemSrc) {
				SDTInstrumentation = true;
				break;  // treat as category 0
			if (SecondSrcOperandImmNum 
				&& !this->MDIsFrameAllocInstr()
				&& (this->SMPcmd.itype != NN_adc)
				&& (this->SMPcmd.itype != NN_sbb)
				) { // treat as category 1
				qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL %s %s \n",
						addr, -1, OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);

		case 6: // Only OS code should include these; problem for SDT
		{	if (MemDest) {
				SDTInstrumentation = true;
				break;  // treat as category 0
			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL AlwaysPTR %s \n",
					addr, -OptType, disasm);

		case 8: // Implicitly writes to EDX:EAX, always numeric.
		{	qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL n EDX EAX ZZ %s %s \n",
					addr, -2, OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);
			SDTInstrumentation = true;

		case 9:  // Either writes to FP reg (cat. 1) or memory (cat. 0)
		{	if (MemDest) {
				// MemDest seems to happen too much.
				msg("Floating point MemDest: %s \n", disasm);
				SDTInstrumentation = true;
				break; // treat as category 0
			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL %s %s \n",
					addr, -1, OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);

		case 10: // Implicitly writes to EDX:EAX and ECX, always numeric.
		{	qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL n EDX EAX ECX ZZ %s %s \n",
					addr, -2, OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);
			SDTInstrumentation = true;

		default: // 2,3,7: Optimization possibilities depend on operands
			if (OptType ==  3) {  // MOV instr class
				if (MemDest) {
					msg("MemDest on MOV: %s\n", disasm);
				else if (!SecondSrcOperandNum) {
					msg("MOV: not 2nd op numeric: %s\n", disasm);
			SDTInstrumentation = true;
			if (MemDest) {
				if (OptType == 2)
					msg("MemDest on OptType 2: %s\n", disasm);
				break;  // treat as category 0
			if ((OptType == 2) || (OptType == 7) || SecondSrcOperandImmNum) {
				qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL n %s %s %s \n",
						addr, -2, this->DestString(OptType), 
						OptExplanation[OptType], disasm);
	} // end switch (OptType)
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	// always emit stack constant annotations, in case strata is 
	// instrumenting all instructions, or trying to verify speculative annotations. 
	this->AnnotateStackConstants(UseFP, AnnotFile);
	// If mmStrata is going to have to deal with the
	//  instruction, then we can annotate EBP and ESP
	//  relative constant offsets. If we have emitted
	//  an annotation of type -1, there is no point
	//  in telling mmStrata about these constants.
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	// Likewise, we can tell mmStrata if a MemDest is an
	//  non-directly-accessed child object.
		if (strlen(this->DeadRegsString) > 0) {
			// Optimize by informing mmStrata of dead registers. It can avoid saving
			//  and restoring dead state. This is particularly important for EFLAGS,
			//  as restoring the flags is a pipeline serializing instruction.
			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR DEADREGS %s ZZ %s \n",
				addr, this->SMPcmd.size, this->DeadRegsString, disasm);
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		int ChildOffset, ChildSize;
		if (MemDest && !OrphanCode
			&& ProfInfo->GetMemoryAccessInfo()->ComputeNonDirectAccessRegion(addr,
			ChildOffset, ChildSize)) {
			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR CHILDACCESS %d %d ZZ %s \n",
				addr, this->SMPcmd.size, ChildOffset, ChildSize, disasm);
} // end of SMPInstr::EmitAnnotations()
 * Emits Safe Returns
 * Mark the type of  the annotation as "-4". Currently  the SDT is ignoring this
 * annotation. 
void SMPInstr::EmitSafeReturn(FILE *AnnotFile)
	qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL SafeReturn %s\n",
		this->address, -4, disasm);
// Emit all annotations for the instruction using RTL type inference.
void SMPInstr::EmitTypeAnnotations(bool UseFP, bool AllocSeen, bool NeedsFrame, FILE *AnnotFile) {
	ea_t addr = this->address;
	flags_t InstrFlags = getFlags(addr);
	int TypeGroup = SMPTypeCategory[this->SMPcmd.itype];
	bool NumericDEFs = this->AllDefsNumeric();  // all DEFs are NUMERIC or CODEPTR
	bool ProfiledDEFs = this->AnyDefsProfiled();  // Some DEFs come from the profiler
	bool UnusedMetadata = this->AllDefMetadataUnused();
	bool MemDest = this->HasDestMemoryOperand();
	bool MemSrc = this->HasSourceMemoryOperand();
	bool SecondSrcOperandImmNum = this->IsSecondSrcOperandNumeric(InstrFlags); // assumes 2nd source is imm or not-numeric??
	bool NoWarnFlag = false; // NOWARN annotation emitted?
	bool CarryBorrow = ((this->SMPcmd.itype == NN_adc) 
		|| (this->SMPcmd.itype == NN_sbb));
	// Do we have the special case in which a non-NUMERIC comes into
	//  an add with carry or subtract with borrow and the result
	//  has been inferred to be NUMERIC?
	bool TypeChange = CarryBorrow && (!IsNumeric(this->AddSubUseType))
				&& NumericDEFs;
	SMPMetadataType DefMetadataType = this->GetDefMetadataType();
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	ProfilerInformation *ProfInfo;
	ProfInfo = this->BasicBlock->GetFunc()->GetProg()->GetProfInfo();

	++OptCount[this->OptType]; // keep count for debugging info

	if (this->IsNop())
		TypeGroup = 1; // no-op idioms need their category reset

	// Emit appropriate optimization annotations.
	bool SDTInstrumentation = false;

	// If the DEF metadata is all unused, mmStrata can skip the instruction.
	//  We omit this for groups 1 and 14, so that the metadata analysis
	//  does not get statistical credit for instructions that were already
	//  getting -1 annotations without analysis.
	// We also cannot skip NN_adc and NN_sbb instructions that change the
	//  type of the incoming register.
	if ((1 != TypeGroup) && (14 != TypeGroup) && (!this->MDIsInterruptCall())
		&& !TypeChange) {
		if (UnusedMetadata) {
			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL MetadataUnused %s \n",
						addr, -1, disasm);
		else if (DEF_METADATA_REDUNDANT == DefMetadataType) {
			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant %s \n",
						addr, -1, disasm);
		else if (DEF_METADATA_PROF_REDUNDANT == DefMetadataType) {
			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL MetadataRedundant %s \n",
						addr, -257, disasm);
			// Profiler annotations could be backed off due to false
			//  positives, in which case we will need stack constant
			//  annotations.
			this->AnnotateStackConstants(UseFP, AnnotFile);
		case 0:  // SDT will have to handle these
		case 11: // PUSH/POP  **!!** What if we push/pop NUMERIC type? Optimize?
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			// --jdh
			// pop numeric's can be optimized with a numericdef annotation.
			// numeric push's can't immediately be optimized, but if the stack location
			// can be proven as dead metadata, then perhaps optimize.
			// --jdh

			// mmStrata wants to suppress warnings on the PUSH
			//  instructions that precede the LocalVarsAllocInstr
			//  (i.e. the PUSHes of callee-saved regs).
			if ((!AllocSeen || !NeedsFrame) && this->MDIsPushInstr()) {
				qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL NoWarn %s \n",
						addr, -3, disasm);
			else if (this->MDIsPopInstr() && NumericDEFs) {
				qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL n %s NumericDEFs %s \n",
						addr, ProfiledDEFs ? -256-2 : -2, this->DestString(this->OptType),
			else {
				SDTInstrumentation = true;

		case 1:  // nothing for SDT to do
		case 14:
			if (MemDest) {
				msg("ERROR: MemDest in Type Category 1 or 14: %x %s\n", addr, disasm);
				SDTInstrumentation = true;
			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL %s %s \n",
					addr, -1, OptExplanation[this->OptType], disasm);

		case 4:  // INC, DEC, etc.: no SDT work unless MemDest
			if (MemDest || MemSrc) { // pretty conservative here?
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						// could be more aggressive if we know there's no overflow. -- jdh
				SDTInstrumentation = true;
				break;  // treat as category 0
			qfprintf(AnnotFile, "%10x %6d INSTR LOCAL Always1stSrc %s \n",
					addr, -1, disasm);
		case 5: // ADD, etc.: If numeric 2nd src operand, no SDT work.
				SDTInstrumentation = true;